HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-12-31, Page 2' -f:
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Solalsodbors wboia use slot moan mottos to
She 04/16002, owailissodas w111124 to tooltoos
asasoattsaoarie or tbedr
Ws pselloborff peons, -
Wen sata all anew are
_45:Ineasalssiee raw et ism tnepeti-
sea 1•14 awip#40014
ammo ee soirammon Own tho rno to wtdet 0.1
are 00003.16137 woes* raepanialee taw WO
near 111616._ Boadlogwootors took or low -
ea aim Wee Okla, Is sagas\ arias of dalawa.
noisome oellmaaw mdse.. -
• Itseesselbees morn io sew plows swilbart
tallasalen tie Pslinsamor, tapir perasinwit or
sooss000rs sosesat to alas Arriaor abssaleso.
allb bold 1610.061666.
w ow
110 IMII• Goo. P. Rotor. A Co., 40 Park
' Rey, and S. M. Pirrrisetto. do Co., 37
Park RN., are ottr only authorised Ad-
vertiang Agents in New York.
nete dial be glade! all times toreeeive
; itemeot load news, rwportset meetings,
netilienies or any meek* dterest
e bbe la the lomMty where it hews or
be the county at large. flotis mate*
* am be seat at 0:erste et eme mei pm
ea if marked Printer's 411erty and not
so To mum» publiestion in say
P itr 'Ulnae it shoehi vesek the
olio* sot later then Monism temming.
Subscribers will confer a favour by
notifying tis of any irregularity in the
delivery of their papers.
What et tirlid
: "Ss McDonald fetes* to MI
0 *Oar ponitlea elsewhers,tim truism
isisheisiefeedit to grant Mai IMO edit-
ihsesI, for latish he would have remain-
ed," and -after takin pains to iutorm
ourselves further In the matter, we me
enly repeat that the entegient ie anti' el7
tree. In support ot It we gITII the fol.
Mein additionalreilmalers which our
soatemporary, isah se he is, will bsedlY
venters to deny. Mr. McDonald did
maga a ream= for resigning, Lnat
he woad not tomb next year for the
salary Axed by the Board (and small
blame to him, pay we.) The Board then
ad vertheed at $400 and made an appoint-
ment, hut the person appointed had
shanged his mind and decried to come.
Mr. McDonald was thee waited on in-
formtlly by a member of the Board and
asked witat salary would icduce him to
remain. lie asked WO. Two of the
trustees were willing to give him that
amount Dot dee istajerity would not, but
would give him $450. Ile declinedao
stay Lar that amount and thereforeto
to quote our former- wortleatgain, "he
leaves, Um trustees having refused to
grant hire $50 &stational for which he
weuld hare remained. We have gone
thee fully into the mattelnot merely to
sbow the correctness of our former state-
ment, but.alee justice te Mr. Mc-
Donald, in roped to whom we have
only to add that we believe the Board
would have acted wisely and with a
true regard to the interests of the school
if they had consented to give him the
WO. It is absurd to suppose that a
teacher such 3.4 ia regretted for the peal.
tion CA' be had, or if had, retained for
the salary offered, and nothing more
needed to proye it tbAn the frequent
and injurious changes.
thet the*" byelaw for
a hopes of 36,000 to the co
pearwhopropose erecting a large suer
betel here I to be voted On,
day. Whatever lisrba
ion as to the witlfio*gtenting
boons, we think as moieties',"
men Massa the is granted the
company will ape ecionwith the work,
and if priyate enterpeiss hes use under-
taken it before, it not likely it will
now. The want of suitable secomoda-
tion for mouser walkers hes been very
much felt for some 'thus peat, and as
thoee wke come among vs spend large
sums which go to benefit our' edemas
generally, the very small snm which
any one will have to contribute to the
bonus mill be amply repaise. Should
the bonus be granted ths corriCsay
spend a large sum hi building, wh
will give employment to mechanies and
labourers. if the present opportenity
is allowed to alip, Mr. Kirkpearick will
convert the property on which it is pro-
rxxied to build to his own use, and the
opportunity to secure what is perhaps'
the best site for such a purpostoorill be
for ever ;lost. Ode thing is certain, if
the bonus is not granted the hotel will
not be built. The sum water entail,
the advaetages offered are great.. By
all means t het efore, vote for the by•lew.
7 'a
• •
Zitoa 'reel' *
. Meat:
Tis dote eller soot Ssbeeribar's- nom.
se it'd:eats' the time to whoh
ion is :mid. Voss, "rirrag
r22, 1 7* 1601100 that Mr.
• Is Subsertetion is paid up to lat
el. that he owes from Ass dais(
goal see it to is to &sir inters,
promedy, 60 our terms sts
1.1 Ili ALVA:NCI, otheretem $2
ittolt Apia.
GODERICH, Den.' 31, 1873.
WISIre7 NOW Tsar. ,
With to -day the; year 1373 corms to a
close. IL bag not been without its events
of impertance bringing joy and gladness
to some and sorrow and misfortune to
salsas. In the first issue of the New
Year we will give a summary of the
events of 1873. In the mestotime we
wish-ali our friends a HIPPY NEW
NON for the PoOele Of Soroz
There is an old saying eomething to
the effect Mat one has to go from htime
tri hoer news alma himself, and certain -
tis• seateate001 the followine extract
wider he clip frogs the lea issue of the
Pariekifl Gazette will, we think, be news
to the people of this County :
"In tbe next plasma, it recognised as
n ecessary, and a step that will be tray
sem telemo to remove your present
Comity mat from Goderith to Clinton. -
The Conley huddle" Goderich have
been N ones IWO 110640-
aary,eriliZtthe are erected
he built at Clinton.
ocisti of Middlesex
* $175,000, we
111161166 do with, any lees
The oast of these
tomh township in tis•
=1140.....A.41sP,e0Orirl:Ilrte ajdt
your Marra, the new' buildings nee*
sary lp be emoted in ass new County."
Just now, in view of the approaching
session of the Ontario Parliament, there
m is a great deal ot talk about petitioning
Parliament to form several new Coun-
ties. A great many aspiring towns and
villages have suddenly discovered that
their manifest destiny is to be Cunnty
towns, and our contemporaries in those
plums are, as in duty bound, setting
teak Om merits and claims of their re-
=localities. ia the most lettering
pointing oat the clearest indica-
tive* of mama selectiou,and wooing the
mersesuaing towuahips in the most se-
am:tie* meaner. One of teem ambiti-
ous 'alerts is Parkhill, which is striving
lath might and main to secure the for-
mation of a ass County, with itself for
County tows. One of tee proposed
townships forthe now County is Stephen,
and to tbe people of that to•uship. ac-
sordingty, a lone appeal is made front
*kick we haye clipped_ the above ex -
treat. Sashes is reminded of its isolat-
ed position, that it hike receired very
little benefit foam the creation of the
Oesety debt, mid minuet that in cam of
its withdrawal frost the County, arbt-
tration 'meld withopt doubt reduce int
share of iadabtecluess to small sum
Then foams the mama *yen above.
alai alma fhw mere algusesets the ad -
diem Andes* witis a enetklent etpecta-
ties thadeber a Rttle eeneideration the
people el Staphen sin in for th? now
County tutanimoultly. •
Noir we have ne fault to find wtth
Parklaill foe; being ambitious, or eith
oar oeatemporary for tryiag to win ever
the people of Stephan to kis trims, sit
Labe toe be dowse by the aid dist? and
fair arguments ; Out when he pared
the 'hove eatsset wet taildag *mat
soneenee, semi kre either bowie ar ought
to loss banisu it.
ger fissility beillielp eV *et plies:
they wal
Now the
new Count
belie, 0.
. .
Robert Henderson
mord, es. ,
1114 use Bearewrr of. th,.
reeders wises, s*mRe‘ikesintd
bele directed to the We
the follow* Gimlet' *kith. was •
by tite Department ot InIsecr
last May
"The attention of tradas and otbste
is directed to the follovnag provisions al
the Act respecting Weights; mid Mea-
sures, tweeted to.on the 2:ird &M. :-
1st. It is enacted that, 'A weight of
one hundred atsndard pounds avoirdu-
ps 'hall also be and nosy be called and
described aii a center.'
, 2nd. On and after the first day of
,Itrauary, 1874, the provisiops of tits
ketionst law is to the weights of a bushel
'cli the undermentioned article*, namely:
Wheat, Indian Cern, Rye, Pesa, Barley,
Oata, Beans, Clover Seed, Timothy
Seed, Buckwheat, Flax Seed, Hemp -
seed, Blue Grass Seed, Center Boma,
Paean, Turnip'', Cerruti, Pareeips,
Beets, Other*, Salt, Dried Apples,
Dried Peaches and Mat, will cease to
have effect; and thereafter till the gbove
mentioned artielet, when bought or dold
weigtit, shall be specified by the eon-
tal owl parts of a ceutaL'•
3rd. It will follow therefore that pa-
tios who make centre. with referent*
to the brtsliel of ;any tlos &horsiest" -
Honed articles will only be legally iNand
by the bushel a earaeity, tibia until
otherwiese proclaimed under the provi-
&ions of the Act, will belie IVineies:er
The election contest in South Sancoe
ta being conducted With unmoral asperi-
ty by the friende of the Conservative
candidate, if we aro to aidge by a report
of a meeting held at Cookatown last
week. Among those who took the plat
form in support of Mr. D'Arc.y Moulton
was the Rev. Wm. McKee,. and were
we not assured of the correctness ef the
report of his remarks we could scarcely
believe it ramble that a • clergyman
woeld so far forget his awed calling as
to enter into a political co*ntroyeray with
such venom and make use of rummage
▪ offensiye as be appears to have (lane
on the occasion referred to. Speaking
of the Hon. Mr. McMaster, lam is a
supporter of the itsfortn candidete, Mr.
Saunders, the Rev. Mr. McKee made,
the most insolting allusiona to his hum-
ble origin, called him "six feet of hypo-
crisy" and considered it was "gross im-
pertinence" ou his part to interfere in
the election at all. Ile urged the
Oraleremen in the most inflammatory
language to reject the candidate of the
Ontario Government, and appealed to
the memories of 1688 and King a illiam
to arouse them to a detertnivation to re-
sent the manner in whisk the incorpora-
tion Bills had been dealt with, In re-
ference to Mr. Saunders, the' Reform
capriole* he said that 'oho election
should begone into on personal geeinds,
" and every past act of the individual
" should be dragged to light and ex-
" posed. That he would put Mr, Satin-
" dors on the dissecting -table and apply
" the ditisectine-kuife and cut into his
" very bone and marrow." These. with
various other incendiary and un-Caristi-
anlike reaseaks, 'had the effect of moue-
! ing the worit passions of the eseemblage
1 and occasioning a wene of dieerder sel-
dom seen even at an election meeting.
Such language would be disgraceful
coming from the lips of a Lauder or a
Rykert, but from a minister of the Go•-•
• pel, they are absolutely shocking. We
would fain believe that Canada does not
contain in all its length and breadth an-
other Rey. Wm. McKee. -London A,i-
Ittr. Arch sal ilagirratiozt.
• t‘. •
• 44 ;
Me and David - Gen. graham. by I was takee by Mr. Artni 'who after
Oapt Dancy and IL Cleo trees, l•teshouliott4eadn dtreashe opirlolceeded%gen esuishWro
l'al.ifraolalaoanettitWoterti-Iss. . Beals. nan, musio. irldremes were delivered by
nominated by M. Nicholsotelseeended the Rev. Mr. Rue ePltayfield,Rey. Mr.
b Jno. Craig, Geo. Johnston, IT le C. ; Wilson of Mitchell, and the Rev. Mr.
and M. Nicholson, Re McKay, Lavelle (the gifted pastor of the churoh,)
e b D.
lton sad Fo.. mAc. KiRoberteey sna NAV.. a tweet: wohrai yh lateauddir. wcearmegpibeveint boyf Rourr.
Aohasonoby_Jaa. Wil- village. The choir did good service
e Bell, IL W. rifeKtee , during the eyelet); and everybody
Doosey. semeemed well pleeeed night's entertain.
neanrt.e104Wewasueticceartilit:cidid that somewhere
.:_e. I boil it.—On the evening of the 26th
r S ,cial came off in the W. M. Clhurch,
illosese,onaoeo Tees. Siminen, ' tee.) rind Mr. Gray gave readings aud
elteNtoemd which was a very suecessful affair though
I the attendance was not nearly ito
i ou the Incomes night. Mr. Armi-
reol th.Mr. Horton 0046, sayine t
twaspdetst1164abotuhtl"thelifuriureff. ofee").4tke toTwi.e17
ror owa part he saw no moon why
Galeria' sisMtkl not become *city. lie
referred to tIte rapi'd growth of Aka.
ford since the establishment of the 0.
T. It, workshops there, a few years ago,
'ad spoke of the hope of oar having the
workshops of *neer railway if it were
built to Godsttlee We had our salt
wells, our harbotteo-the best on the lake,
and our advantagm as a place of sum-
mer resort, and these three things were
month of themselves, if carefuny fos-
tered, to build up our town to a eity.
One reason why Goderich waslanginah-
ing was that our present railway was
of very little practical use to us. Our
interest& were made subservient to those
of Sarnia ; but with the new railway
aud with increased harbour accommoda-
tion them was no reastm why we should
not bond ap a large trade with Loth
east and west.
Eleven o'clock leaving arrived while
Mr. G. was speaking, Mr. Thompson
rose to declare Mr. Horton elected, no
other nominetion having been madteatul
to announce that tke reline for Reeve
and Deputy Reeve would take piece next..
Monday, and that the ratepayers would
asked to vote at the Name time for or
against a bonus of 0000 for a Smellier
11311411.1.. Hatton' then thankotl, the rate-
payers for the honour dune in elect-
ing him &gam &strayer, and went orl to
explain thee hie • former remarks wer
a* intended to -discourage enterprise,
. 'asply to pet matters fairly before
ere, that Mey might clearly
that giving bonuses meant
rate of taxation. For helmet(
in favor of the new railway, but
t the town ought to be veto/ care-
ful a giving buuuses to maaufactur•
jag or other similar enterprises.
Mr. Davidson began bi referring
good-humouredly to Mr. Garrow's des-
.cription of his easygoiug chmsoter.
The &whom* 'oust not expeet much
from a man who had no °nervy. Ile
thought however that there was such a
thing as too much energy, too mucli en.
terprise, and gave as au instance sea in-
vesting /60,000 in grevel roads which
C we could only get $20,000 for now. As
sto the railway question, that would be
for the people to decide ma not for the
ceiuncil, and therefore it would not met -
Since Mr. Arch .re-erned to England
and gave a publiceecoent of his visit to
our D ,ruinion the:question of emigestion
to Camas iareceiving incremed atten-
tion, and has become a general subject
ef discussion in the English papers. It
seems4hat Mr. Arch has fallen out with
his travelling comeanion, Mr. Clayden,
mad has publicly disclaimed all responsi-
bility fllany statements lathe letters of
the latter to the London Daily News.
Mr. Arch speaks even more favorably olt
Ontazio since he has got home than he
did when here, and even expresses his
regret that domestic circintotances will
not permit him to etnigrate to Onterio.
Whet makes the matter worre that
the Rev. Gentleman is also, if we mis-
take wet, Inspector of Schools for the
South Riding of Sencem. A nice exam -
pat ha sets, to be sure, to the tette:lore
and pupils under hie superviaion.
Hadn't the Chief Superintendent better
Mail him a copy of hie "Christian
Morals" with some paseeees specially
marked for perusal.
The Austin:I= Basq-z:t.
5ohoo1 Tetabors' lattatiaatio.a.
There were fire a—ppliceldns
Cleats oertifisates ?nil si tf -two fel TIM
eLsximutn marks for Second Cthee,20
Thomas Mills r 13Ie B
George Stewart 133X • "
Joseph Snell 1139 "
Maximum for Third Class 1150 -
Ann F. Barry 650 3rd
Ann J. Duncan 652
Sarah Eden 758
Janet Elliott 699
Greco Emery
Emma Emery 6e4
jam° E. Foxton .653
Susennah Flulay 710
Ann Gilmour 682
brume A, Johnson 578
Eliza J. McDonald 581
Margaret Mustard 736
Sarah Malloy 591
Priscilla C. Nolan 594
Whatever socceas may attend Mr. Arch's Mary A. °Connor 631
own labours, there can bo no douht that
the discussiou which hie visit has given
rem to will be of groat nervier, in tho way
of makine Cioehda better known in leas-
' Who Virrliens Ces).
Notwithstendmg all the bluster and
threats id the Cuban authorities they
have quietly obe, el orders from Madrid
to sarreeder the steamer Virginitia and
the eurviving prisoners to the United
States Governtnent. It is rather hu-
miliating to the latter, however, after
the great:ado that has been made Aout
tho insult to the national flag to have
their own Attorney General decide, se
he has just done, that the Vereinitts at
the time of her capturo had no right
to coley the United. States flag; that her
clestrance papers had been obtained by
perjury, an1 that she was in reality a
Privateers, and as such not entitled to
The Quebso Adatinistnton.
emah J. Odi it le 612
-Maeete Smith 611
Ellen Soott
Johrtunah Steddart 596
Susannah Weir 630
'Is/Melte 647
Einem Iratee 730
Geo. Blackford T99
John Cowan tso
Thos.:E. Care Tell
Jas., W. Hogarth TO6
Edward Holmes eftel
James G. Jones GO8
-Wm. McLeigh 627
Angus McKay • 635
George Moir 761
Jas W. Morgan 671.
Robt R. Maitland 76i
William Watts 616
John M. Has 825
Felwerd Snell 715
Pet...r Strang 823
Richard. E. 'fibb 805
Archibald Weir 900
William Watts 752
J. C. lt. Wiglatuau 721
Thos. Walker 674
ely les Youug 727
'neon ao
lie, by J. Wf
The whole of the
C. W. Pickfore; Deputy Reeve, Gee
Cade, isse Bali.; Councillors, at
Woods. Thos. Keys, Geo. Anderson,
Peter Grant, Dr. Munro.
West Wairsaosh.
NostsrmoNs.-111x. Giant and Chas.
Geoid were elected be aculamation, the
Councillors are as follows Dsvid Me-
Ilwaine,Charles Durnin, Willituu Kerrie
han, Peter Donohue.
-leo alio wt.& Iteeve for that. Ile thou
-ezplaineil that he had not come out- to
Nora° Mr. Garrow. He tied been asked
to rim for Mayor a year age bet had re-
fused. Then this year when Mr. Gib-
bons resigned he WAS urged to run sr
Itesave, and though he was not anxious
for the office. he conseetel. Ile had re-
ceived • roptisition and Mil acamted
week befere he knew Mr. Garrow was to
he a ceedidate, and therefore, se fa
from oppoeieg Mr. G., the letter wee op-
posing hen. Probably, howeetee the
truth w tha each thought he was first
in the field. lle did not ley claim te
much municipal experienee or oppose
Mr. Garrow on that ground._ He had
been a resident of Outlerich, eiehthen
years and thought hit had learned some -
it thing in that time, and one thin; was
that caution was as much required a.
°nem. As to the temperance questiot
he was not an extremist. Ile beloneed
to that class who could take a glees wleet
they wanted it or let it aloe°. Ile
ea on the Saloon question am settled and
would oppose the re-(qiening of it. Ile
was not running on soy particular plat-
form. lie had been urged to be a can-
didate, and hal censented, sue if dodo'
would do his best for the interests of the
Mr. Smith being next called tin begant
by asking the indulgence of the all li-
ones. They must beer in mind that h•
labured ituder grzat disadvantage a•
compared with the previous apt. skeet
whose educational advantages luta
greater than his, and whose prof in
gave them practice in speaking. et
not had much Maws te get an uce-
tion. He had had to work his Avay
through his. liestood there is an in-
deeezdent candidate without -any; plst-
term He had, been four years m ths
Council, and had tried to do his best for
the interests of the town ; and as he had
done in the past so be would try to do
in the future. Ile had no experience in
County Council matters, but _supposed
he could learn as others had done. As
to the temperance euestien, he 'claimed
to be SI good a temperance man now as
he hart been this time last year, awl as
he had been in feet all his life. lie had
not tasted liqtror for twenty-five ye.irs.
and didn't think he ever would. A% 1,
the Saloon gelation bo Ited dune hi.
duty in past antl woohl do it seals. Ile
would like to see it taken tip by anyone
meet and not left for menicipalities
settle. Mitred led en say how he wouel
vote if the eel ion were brought up
again in the Co ; but of this ho was
Mr. Herein who was the- first to take eure that there was as noichleitior amok
the platioret, devotee himself mainly to new as when the saloons acre open. As
an explanation of the financial emettion to the bosuns for a Summer Hotel he
of the town. Ile refereed to the reduc- ws.st opposed to it. and hoped it would
tion of the municipal indebtednese from be defeeted. If beano*. men wanted It
about $15e,000 to ehl,1,000, but showed ,
iet them pey for it, -not the ratepayers
that this, rafter all, made no reduction ,,neen
isoY'yle. who was the last condi
the'etuount toebe raised by the tows 6` -`;"1, -
every yettr. • Meier the new arrange.
date on the list, beean, lite most of the
°tholes, by saying :hut he had not coret-
ed the honor. but had yielded to the so-
licit/04.-as of Isis friends. Ile had hesi-
tated for some time, but when a deputa-
tion (4 temperance men 44 both
cal outlet' heel waited on him and urged
him to Maud ho had oonsented. He
wished itto be enderstood that he did not
seek „for suppert ma political grounds
hietjaimea thet Mr. Smith had brcken
ft -word to the temperance men in be-
coming a candidate. (err. 8. It'snot true.)
Mr. Smith had shown by coming sett in
opteisition to him after tbe tempbratice
A.," and saying at the dere of the race to able to raise niuch more than nit6,‘" of men, had nominoted bart, that his per
e inciples Endo ondence
The nomination for Mayer, Re've
and Deputy Reeve, on Monday last,
brought toeether a largo come which
pecked the Connell Chamber so cliaely
that the chairman was eevend eitnee
urged to adjeurn the meeting te the
Hall above. With the exceptuin of au
incipient dog fight which did not
amount to muc'a, owing to the
'whet.° of action atfurdet1 the canines,
tad some interruption daring Mr.
Doylea speech, the proceedings were
very orderly. The meeting was called
to order by Mr. Jas. Thomson, Town
Clerk, who called for nominations.
For Mayor Capt. McGregor nominated
NOW, George McKenzie seconded Mr.
Hera.* Borten.
For Reeve Mr. Garrey was nomina-
ted by Mr. Campbell end seconded by
Sherif/ Gibbons.
Ms. John . Davidson was nominated
.by Capt• MCGIVIg02 and seconded by
ilr. John Acheson.
For Deputy Reeve, Mr., Abraham
Smith was nominated by Mr, F. A.
Robertson and seconded by Mr. Clifford.
Mr. 13, L Doyle am uotninated hy
Mr. Geobb and tivoueled by Mr. It.
There being appervittly: uo further
nominations to 14 made' tee camdidetits
were called on for speeeliee4L
The in liettions contains to increase t.
that the preaent Ministry of Quebee
will not outlive the present 'session, and
that before many weeks Mr. July, the I
present ate° leader of the • Oppoeition,
will be coifed on to fill theft.. placee with
more honest and more capable men. .
labor szamt ef Utoba.
A deputation from our Prairie Pro-
vince is at presont in Ottawa to urge
npon the government the important of
enlarging the bounds of Manitoba, which
was made t small in the first place.
An act for that purpese will probably be
teased next session
-Several American Caies, and in
particular .New Yoek and Chicago, are
threatened with serioos diebarbanoss
during the winter, owing to the thou -
sends of people who, are unable to ob-
tain employment of any kind ana con-
segeently hare Relive. ion staring them
tn the face. In Chit lee the other day
tlie authorities deeruet1 it prallent to
have a battery'• of artillery and 400
policemen on duty ducting a occasion
of more than 6000 tofe *mat.
The banquet in hotionr of Mr. 111111- Leen.
tiugdon at Montrealo9.the evenie 4.4 the
Ex-Meyor Hall of New le. has been
23ed. is admitted on all hands to have
tried for complicity in the tr*i.d frauds,
been a grand atiecees. tindreds of
but thoneh there cri Le b tlegioubt
of his guilt the evident". not derma of gee,000 should be
meet tt was intended that this amount
persons who were aniions to attend
400 leading men were assembled to do isecure his conviction.
to this to39,000 there were other debts
suchasthe cemetery debt and G1420,000".
Peement of $4.3plai9.d bydoladintaioni-13
were unable to obtain tickets, the num-
enough from a lege! pont of -iow to Intel
ber being limited. As it was, more than
honour to Mr. licaingdon, and among -There is a complete lull et matter' for the Harbour which wituld bring the
them nearly all the members of the politial, and the papers are rather dull total indebtedness a the tows up te
Dominion Government, and membeis of andeuninteresting in cousequenee. The about $87,1100, and to reset which a
Pali:meet twin all parts of the Ontario Legislature meets next week httle more te n $6,000 would he retr-
Dominion. The Hon. John Young when • little more life will be infused.
occupied tbe chair; and after the usual
Nowisrermes. - Humphrey Snell
.Frencis Stiver, John Itrittain.
el"eted by :acclamation; for Catincillore
lteeve, Alex. Monteith Deputy Reeve,
Riphael Stephenson, 3ohn 'Ware ick.
Neer, „
• .. . -reeve • (4.0. Artn-
Yolitt(n.e,NleilrleteLye°1N:lyklac°17Nenle:r:11:eNtiieli:. - AWhidx. I 4''.1..•',":1.::•::`:11,11,:',;::,'.''':Y,1;,:.:It.,:lvi'.i.e...:1111.1::::(i, 1A141111((kit.reiiivilesl'il
-- .
. .
t '
the pastor of the church gave an
address and eierything passed off plea-
ahn:tiliiy:N ir4
c'ontiattted ettergetieene for the
Iteeership. 'Mr. Benson oul: present
A YFAIVS, -The 60114.11i
Rom opn.,..ed by Mr. Wilson, but it
is supposed that Mr. Bensen will be
elveted. Of the new catelidates for the
Cement, Mr. Wm. Campbell, merchant
t tilor, will run well as he is very popular
me Win. Gray of Gray 41: Sperling's
sett Works will also make a good ruin.
if the old Councilmen NIr. Jas. Beattie
undouleJdly the strangest man and
teeleeir is (erten' Broalfuot has
lilitiley, Deputy heel, ie e • •
For Councilors -Petrick Garen,
Itielliannu, Joseph Iletheritneon, Ja:.1e.4
1 „
F.sher, 11. J. Nutt, Scott.
IsTosiN treie for Muiticipel officers
took place tet Idenday at the usuel hoer.
It. Callender ai1I R. A. Mitt At wyr.3•
humiliated fer „there, blessrs.
Coats, 0. 8. Dein, Henry Stephens, 8.
Andrews, J. Phair, W. W; Ferran, W.
C. Searle, A. Matheseu,Juhu McDonald,
E. Grigg and two or three others( were
nominated as councillors; There wit*
no speaking at the Itinte of nominations,
but a meeting was called for even-
ing by the Iteeve to gives but ter.oppor-
tonity to those .whe wishutl et stelae
ata to hearers Mee There is likely to
be ti &hap contest fur the Rees eship.
••• .•1!, !I% not C itilleil
ii.iy Li tii1riji#11111111iviiti
11,. ; lie Will tthiii
ef Let nee...! iv, re rt•a•l and approved.
• A lett• r ,t,t; r .01 freill
E.., , t crown lobs
Pete Veer:, beiteht him tor taxes.
M • . 1.•.s. 1::1re, becontledi hy A.
Dreany ,!iat the fut:owing t WY be re-
ceipt, a Ad# their re•
seeetive names being overeharttO
taxes ou the Collector's. Roll for this
yvor. *lonely : TholuoeFitilay, (121.68 ;
Thounes E. Finlay,. 811.6.3;
Itiekley, $11.68 ; James 14'hitty, $11.42;
Peter n'Intty, Carried. tioves1
by A. (J. Ilawkira, 'ny M. Dal-
ton, that Joint Mc -Milieu he ge en an or-
die- for the rest of live itellats for work
a.m.° en Neigh Street, Port Albert, ill
.1 ttly 13,73. Cart led.
Mei el by A. C. thalami, seconded
Denote that the widows MeGlade,
-Alartin and S"ricIda be exemptiel from
Joseph 'Hinee363111114n, iiclaPdlop, l'ut.et tvith 1- L,1
last. 11r.
(43,-';','1,1,;.1 'I.,. .t . 1 tr.e.,tly, aecended by M.
THAVIIVIII0 AlacelesAoriersr.--afr..
ot :::.',I4.T.111;:irl;l':::: .1ollars cAttl, as charity
year 10;3, and that Mrs.
au I Jereelielt • Lacy bu
serious accident, sie Welty
l' eteeit, s.a.e. areito Vi eze lie refundee
chine on; the famed Mr. it,tthwcerri gle,rt:til,(1)1.1.1
Dineen was weinaieg 'a throthine me-
e:,1- te ei tr., l;11:t14,1 for sesta", latest
and -for some poem' or
Old 1013 of the separator and ettempte.1
to step over the -cylinder.- While, 14.1
'1';', 0 "C'.:11. 4 E. f D. iii lie poi forint:1 the
doing, he struck ' fereheed on a sc.if- -
folding overhead, _, tarew hitit back-
wardir, and he etc with one font lair
into the revoleiite sender. So firmly
wee his foot wedged in eat tho machihe
was stopped almo.st instatly. The feet
was baldly satellite,' seethe leg fracture
ed a little above the sale. The foot
was amputated: by Drs. ling and Cole-
man, and hopes are etotained that
the patient will rL, weithoot any
ferther amputatien e neeessetry. -
Expositor. J,
tee f the 111.141... 'met
Mevel by 'A.' C. Hewkitiosimecoudel
by al. Dalton, 0.0 37 E tat Hums
Street aoeta.,1 to George Hawkins be
chat:: d to lot :Si un ot:tui • el.lo tied
ate - hes :e.t. end :13, W. Welling -
Ohl St: as4esse#1 to G. 10. Graham :he
cliatorl t lote 4 2 143 on the same side
and %treet, all ire the tall v4e uf l'urt Al-
bert, eel that a correrpendine elhange
be male 4J:I the Cellectoret Rell. '
rie 1. S.
by M. D '
Dreeue, tht •
nutlet. a •
-The, Public 0 .e
ender; the
en Fri 1-
E5agnie#1.t10114 the 1
Peirt,Alhert riot too
lece(lhiber 19th, in pre
teeeetiel leer° Hun
peyote. The school
tweed erected easy
betiding, *err an
well supplied ter'
it at present
41n11, and is
rid '
loyal toasta prepaaed the health of the Grip's last cartoen is entitled 'Ube
West Toronto Run," and is a capitakhit.
guest of the evening in very felicitous
Bickford, the defeated candidate, is
terms, paying him e well deserved tri-
bute for his patriotic and self-denyieg
efforts iu bringing to au eud the reign
of corruption at Otta*a.- Mr. Hun-
tingdon's speech in reply to the toast
was Illinnusually aLleeend eloquent one
He referred to the circeinstences under' ,x_e_
which) he _first brought forward
charge aosiost the lets Muustry, and to,
the momentoes issues, that were inrolve
ed in tbo seaoess or -failure of les at.
tee* reyiewed the `subsequent omrse
of eaten* dwelling on the strongeit
vein.* in the evidence; poiated out how
peoespay and sternly similar mules of
eorraption in high elaces iu England
had been dealt with, and closed with an
expression of his confilience in the abili-
ty and iategrity of the members of *the
present Government.
Excalitnt Mooches were also delivered
by the Preitailio 'Afroltlake, and most of
the moranegi ..of .the Grater:meet who
were pressetossei alio by Mr. Holton
ind others'. • •-
tad annually.
$4,000 were
poses, anti n
lueuldition to this, a nt
required' for sehool put-
rly 84 000 for' other pnr-
pose*, sech eshuies, Co rate rehof,
matte; all eery ;nearly $14,000 of
absolutely necessary expenditure every
repreeented am jockey of the nag elan year; atei as the town had never been
snnll feelin w aronger ian
tamaster wh st t ne mlis;•rr
' Pre tuestui no prilPiciple, or
a uear by with the revenge in au y.ear, there were only
iesult of the Lennox election In his
One; teety, govhtor, Look here, tlus
horse ain't worth shucks rut his own
merits." •
- LOCAL )77111/8 ,
Coma:mos.-In the list of High
School pupils ig our iast •Intara
Gooding should Ter Sara Gordon..
We see by the l'ost that our towns•
man Mr. S. Yates has beet' lecturing on
temperance in Bressels.
Even Brussels has its Penny Re.adings'
entertaiuments. Why can't we have
something of the kind in Gloderichehis
winter I Surely we have plenty' of
available talent. •
Nsw YEA11.4 ADDRZ1144,-Our 'sorrier
boys will to -morrow morning wait epon
our subscribers in town with their usual
New Year's edam', when we trust they
will asset lath a suitable reception.
The editor of the Port is decidedly a
belligireett individual. Not satisfied
with nespng war on a leading member
of the medial fraternity, he this week
uhtlertakes to castigate oue of the clergy.
oet L12,000 I t to be devote(' to orde
miry or extraordinary purposes, such as
making streees or sewers. Mr. Horten
explained that he had gone into these
details became) the Council were often
urged to give benuses to this or that en-
terprise, or to go in for some extensive
improvement, and he wished the rate-
payers to understand tbat if they wore
sincere in thus urging the Council, they
must be prepared to submit to increseati
taxation. 1 he rate was now le cents m
the dollar and if they aished ineressed
expenditure they must be prepared for
a rate of oe 2 cents.
Mr. Horton concluded his speech by
explaining that he had not intended to
he a candidate again, but that haying
been presented a requisition signed
by more than 200 ratepayers he had not
felt at liberty to decline to staud.
Mr. Garmw being then called for bo-
om by confesaing at once that this was
his first eddriss of the kind, that he had
no record as a publics otticer, and had no
experience of municipal duties. He ad-
mitted ail these things at the outset, be-
cause he wished to &pricer iu a proper
light : he did not Went to claire tweet
dist he did not deserve. It did seem
preenmption, he confesseth for a
Mr. l'oerler is stkRepettirittingto carry The .assfer Times loot week issued
yonn•7; man like him to aspire to sue &a,
wirippeteeseysieny fa* **aro likely te
befogs him at kb woribeie along dm, ray Serement and devotorneeriy
lowg ea ha Itsd Ifilkeetslii°t1 Tee Toronto pre a day or two whole.° one side of it to ridiculing honoreble antlilresponsible ?Ninon !i°
ogle that.
kimearre reocr
P°4 PeelikS
• Isiajedrandi
able disesesit.
• She *set
lei is' big
tag • Opeeisims
mite kb mat
Jests• te the
Aube that
then liege a.
ago pubbalted a tillogrepliie report. of a with SL Marys as the Co t
un y Reap°. Ile It however, thiato say in
seladefence. a had tot soiwskt the
tea* proposed scheme to create a new
°ince, but lied been sought for to fill it
lie had beet urged repeatedly Lobe/tome
a eandidate +; his friends had cenvaised
for hire and he had at length plated him-
self in their hands. As to his youth Ise
waa-well he wepld not tell his age bikt
he was over thirty at any rate and woe
getting older esety day, and after elj „if
youth was not memegessied b7 fooil"-
nen he did nol know that it wtee ear
objection to a man As to his inexpert-
enee in municipal matters he contemned
11, but did not think theft his opponent
had much advantage over him in 111111
001704. Hs had no paroled °bimodal
to his opponent, Mr. Dwane
ber4644.1 the fiQd before Mr. Do elle
th the latter was nosed to
soon reams kw opposing
0:110* aid were still the but&
he beeped they would
tite etwittate It had -
t was nee aa
meeting at Newmarket, stattng that Mr.
7. N. Bloke of lento, who appeared
la Wulf of the LA* Samos Junotton
is R. had turned the tabLes on Mr.
101„Apt by producing a telegreen from
gagleAllea to the area that Sr.
ki!'lltlit • *el ikbilikP
e• or
• --.
SALT AT TRIOWATI111.—The salt bed
which unlashes this sectien has been
dimovered M a new point. A test well
at Unease in the ad-
d Bruce, end on the
bed was streak at a
: 00
ear tAsuesetwo. - On Wedatiedey
Sloss thoughtless little
so II& of their edu-
eiresen'while throwing
es he says, struck one
'wisdom' and bade an
ti the handsome plat*
t John the
- of Gederion
h. V. L.
rather my print:epic yell please so long
os hedoeld enteh a vote. Ae to eg/t'onsi
he (MO. D.) looked neon them sia a nuis-
ance. 'Ile hal lived in titelench' long
enough, -and seen enough of theta to
know the harm they del Ile then aate
deeded to criticise 601113 of Mr. Smith's
votes in the Council, claiming thet Mr.
Smith teed been williog to sacrifice Ihe
interests of the town in the Gravel It0.10
gurstien, that he bad ()teal to take (AI
the eels from preperty within two miles
of the town because he owned property
within that distanoe,-that he had voted
for a license to the Royer Canadian. (Mr.
8 , yon voted for one to the luternatien-
al.) Ile ailinitted it, but the Interns-
tianal WM a respectable hefts. properly
kept, while the Royal Cetasilian never
had been, and was not at the time the
license wasgiven. (A vote 3, You voted for
tbe Ilmadruitted that also.
indeed, lie had proVelely done more than
any one else to brieg it here, but he
claimed that he had benefited the tewu
by' doiug so. Ho would support a pro-
hibitory law, but in the mean tittle, mo
the distillery would hare been built at
eny rate, this town might as well have
the benefit of it as Sarnm. In five years
when the exemption frbm texas would
cease, the property would yield between
$400 anti reveane W the town per
Mre Doyle was going on to
spe• ak of the summer_ hotel sinestion, but
m the hour for nominations fur Council.
lees had arrived, and as several others
wished to speak, it waa decided to ad-
journ, to meet again on Wednesday
evening, in the hail ;hove which Mr.
°ma lewdly consented to grant the use
for Councillor*
were made st noes in tie different
Warts. In two, lit- Patrick's and
St. Andrew's, therm will be no =stink,
sereedintly bees tiatisitei
fassue'lewttg au: Istresateile
ST PATILICS: Jobe WeAl1Dr:0,,i, by R. 3.
estedmbyyjrailt: Wlutelptdipy 8. putt and
Wil4eit..11.1. lel' PVI"est-A. :Worm,
ildwiinsbari. Warm*. 0.4.:**Wiere.. rp7:117 4,0".1„,
• o -O., ;+1/4# st"o;l4r"'.'
e lei "e*
• ewe, ee et -
J. G. Cooper of Walkerton has best
appointed County Treasdrer of Brum,
in Plates of Lk Col. Sproat, resigned.
The flt. jossrmonee Bank has eatablish-
mi an ageney in Wiegham. Mr. A. IL
Irriesid agent. •
w ich has
tidy. is a fine
,:nraps. The hoej
bly aseati4)aud
ghe ela.J. F. ick -
a v high?state of pro-
m& hti .ptipths • were ex -
y the r in them', ' assist.
A. McDonald, of Godaich, and
tut* themselves in i mariner satis-
-factory to all present. Prime according
to merit -were given ke the pupils w)i..
obtained the bitchiest number of 'narks
on Writle:i exemituaien. At the dose
uf .the exittnin•tion the ryas 'hewed
tleeirrespect for theirtescher by preaent•
mg him with a beautiful Alburu acme -
pentad with • very suitable address to
which he made au appropriate reply.
Brussels. ,
DEATH FROM ExposURE.-A young
girl named Madeline McDonald died
suddenly Stirton's Hotel in Brussels
Ohristates: • An inquest was hold by
J. W. Kerr Coroner. A post mortem
waae ceeductael by Dr.
jitry returned A verdict
kir doe b Wet hastened
OUR aad epposure.
RAI I.RAT (*EN Si.'.-.Mr..John Leckie
visited Hamtiten est week for the pur-
ees° of leareieg f • 11 e was ally pro#,
!net of harlot th
`'Pen 14013, 4.4 t 1101101111nd oW.11,V. A
From what elfeeLec te Was able to learn, th, 0,0..10„..edt shoe
there is little 1 kel.h.o.1 of •jus being4 .1,7:tert,
LaPine was quietly bailed out one day
last week and there is great ex citemeut
in Winnipeg ta consequence.
The Galt Reformer has changed hands
nag, Mr. Hutchinson having solde out
to the Messrs Anderson.
The Kingston Whig advocates the
election of Lieut. -Governor' by popular
It is rumored that Mr. Penny of the
hiontreal /Jerald will be appointed a
tionator in room of Mr. Leslie, deceased.
The Hamilton Thou is inquisitive
enough to ask what has become of the
South Ontario banquet to Gibbs and Sir
J ohn.
It is stated that the form of smalapox
known as confluent, the most yirelent
type, appears to be increasing in the
city of Montreal.
' The Motietare Timm has information,
leading it to suppose that the new Fin-
ance brinister is about to recall the Do-
minion bank notes.
The quantity of timber received and
measereil at Quebec this year was 23.-
000:000 cubic feet, being an increase of
nearly four millions over last year.
The Rent County Council have passe
ed a by-law to abolish all tolls on the
county bridies sea after let April
'flier's were 450,900 barrels of salt,
worth 011 till! avera0 $1,4e i•erobairel,
shipped frutu the Saginaw Valley this
The Great Western Railway Co. in-
tend charteting a throneh hue of A. I
freiglit steamers to rim between Mon-
treal and Hamilton next season.
The manse:ere af the Glo5 e, Mail, and
Leader were each hue tine dollar mid a
half at the Torouto police court for ne-
glecting to demi the snow from off their
sid:17.1.11;itn.ckinghatn, formerly of the
ettratford Beacon, has bean selected ley
Hon. Me Mackenzie as his private sec-
retary -et position, he will fill with. rare
A disease somewhat similar to the
opizioetc, hes broken • out atuong
horses in Toronto. Tho Great Western
Railway Compatty is dui priucipal suf-
ferers yet.
The alitchen Council heve pessed a
by-law prohibiting the keeping. of coal
oil, in larger .prarters than five gallons,
within forty feet of any,building On Main
str'711143. ruined' ere: r Neabita watt hanged at,
Litulaty on the 22rul inst. • He asserted
his innocence up to the very last and
?necked at all the efforts Of clergymee
and others to prepare -him for his fate.
A coarier from Iludam has ate
rived, with news thet the Hellion Bay
Company's ship, Lady Heed, is frozen
up in Jetnee Bay with 461,000 word.
of furs on board.
. The knittin4
, see:m.10d by
o Ceuticil adjoin'
on the last Welpeeday
we 'text at Jeheph Alive's' Hot
ucknow. Curried.' •
' T p Clei L.
Ta'..0 91..ereette.
r31F. ''. 4, XlIJ.I.NE, tieeteseL ',seine,
11f /-: V1114,61. 1110,!4 1L!,. lir Ti i run
, :! A7k# Litt,' t?' 1.1.1,:,
. . -.:..' ..
Wi416160T06, Dec. e'2. -The Andel
Nevem of Attorney -Gement' Williams,
as to tke states of the steamer Virginius,
dated the It'th ire, his jest been furn-
ished. fur 'Publication. Ile recites the
fermi of the preemol, and teen refers te
the proclaims of the ActTof 1792,, which
details the !eget qualifications necessary
to give the .protection of the United
States to vessels. The foment section' of
that Act provides that tilV I.wner of a
;Nose!, before obtainin it regMtry there-
lore, must take t he oath teat ne fereigner
ut interestedelireettpo *udirectly in her
Gr her proilt... Tee A tt emey-General,
•therafore, holds thet if the registry be
obtains:el by a 1 des rote she ceitnet be
entitled to the benefits of Unite 1 Stetes
vessels. He thetil recites the fact than
ill., oenstry of the vessel obtained at '
New York by Paterson, in 1870, for coo
tein Ciatus iif, New Yorkeenei Ceptain-
Slietat-el, who left New !fork as her
•301,..nalitler at that time, tettifies to hav-
no be.in euip!oyed bY Q.1031.1a and oth-
•r Cubens. Testimisuy is given, show-
ne iessiclueively Met the Virginias wee
,Nr 14111 il 1III .wy raige,I i•y the Cairene
etill 11.e uuderitandire; that Paterson
,rw;iri2:.:liedooettof le:: totOinlaueS 1#1,1tir.r..1,,av,11.hic'ice:.htZ:::teellict,eg,i1:tere:
the la.e, sue tile 4,:oini...tny owe him
irp the reed. The Cempauy are not in
13111111a4irtteli116";4 t;r1;411.16.11eientt0161:::11F71711Ffilfthi,j1:1et:Itli'll'iTi. .1,11`iir,l,f;:trecie71`,:ehee
lieh Board of the Creole.. Weaterri. . A '
hbo hal ne rreat to carry the A inericen
Sag, 'but ihe was exempt from interfer-
ence on high Semi iby /Mother pir/Wer.
8paiu has /I right to capt tete any eessel
varryine 'the Anomie:et le; in Speuisli
watery, tf enduarioning to sexist the
• .
Cubiei inset -teethe], but iteright to asp -
t are such a vessel on the high seas upon
the appreheneion thet she aits_ am het
way to astest the_ rei ice este apaite taso
defend her territory f rout hostile attacks,
from what tnay specie to be American
eessels, but hal no jurisdiction overahe
whetlier tech vestals on high
Yeas heyte vielated ehe Unitel States
!nes. bpain comet rizlitaillyneite drat
finest:0o • ,A.t. 3 •Vir4inius. leltI the
S..ates may, and', eays the ekt-
tome veeenerale "es, I understand/ the
prOtocol they hays eroecd to do it. I de -
vide that the Virginals at the time 44 her
(-levee trts withotterieht end improper-
4.esolae is •, end tre tting t Imo
• if the vt•-el bee it ;titles, hito. lo ad-
Oltion to shoo facts, no bond was ever
elver' by Petite on or C eosin Silephigliid,
UP it 1 (616,44 l'Olf 1101 tn.
t net! evcn. The At von ey -Gmeral
_Coranuttee of these Derectora is expect-
ed out About: the of! Jsimary.
when it it jhoped that ,sotne arrenge-
menet will Soloonie.to, 60 that they may
be Ale to gee the road from the Cure
tractor. Mr.
the grain an
buying this
bushels of heat and tea touskif pork,
to Listowel. On 'ruesdey 1,11,1,2/Flop, a
train of 14 cars arrived, and en the af-
ternoon) took a full lace Zit grain to
PItZSENT-ITIocT.--0 Tljejoj.q., Deo.,
23, Willioin Pay no, 'Eof. „of Twilit -
e sale Treasurer id! the Element/1W
torigreetationafter all apprepr te speedo
and after payieg arrears et erne, pre -
presented, the liaate of the ly eiriyittg the Asienics6 flee% ,
ladies of the- congreogation, to M ta.
e mend kis
Leckie was able to ,niale,
Fah Mr. Illeutlrie to drove
pork thet Le has been
inter. in all ebeet 12,000
Graham'', a purse 11r. Eittett.en Of Feee1t02•
Graham replied briellye ii behalf of ' • . '
C011NCIL MLENNti.-The Council m
had PKTER64,1, Dec. 24 -The ,sonviet
elneiOraham After the 'company
refreshed t ewe:lees with the good- Fox, /eau Brenton, cotivietedtit Abe
thaws pfeps by the ladies and jsiteetitel lest Assiles here, of the merdeeof Mrs.
home having spout a pleasant evening.
in devotional, exercises, the perty Wen Paine, aid tlie penile lad Doughty', le
meet. The Reeve and all. the members Dunmore Pilfered the extreme penalty
on the 19th December, at EgnIondvill
at 2 o'clock la M., puresautitoladjourn:
preseut. • The minute* 'ef tast meeteng
ever° read and approved. erriyed by Arr.
Cousins, secoaded(by Mr. Walker, •that
the followiug aceouute be paid; Gelorge
Mett, gravel for statute labor and drain.
ing, ei,,Ao-Carrie..1. Moved la (Me
Sproat, seconded by Mr. Chesney, has
Mr . Shannuchan's tares bixemitte fee
the present year --Carried. MOT .4.
Mr. Sproat,, 'seconded by Mr. Co pg.
that the Reeve and Tremmrer be di eel
and authorized to deliver over t' de-
bentures et tho London, Huron. ant specially ; applicable to thuneelf. The
I ' h-
1 It (hen &awe, awl he was annc
of the lee at .teght °dock, this a. m.
When the exectitiener mine into the
cell to pinem him, he seed tie and stile
lii:Aself Wftint order-
ed to move ee stepaed off ,beisaly, and, -
with a firm steel, eimuitteteehe teatTold.
lie flaked the eeerer itheenteht dieem.
his knees, an!. on the Sheriff answering:
eves, ha knelt on the drop. - The Rotel
hir.. Carroll, and other rain:aters, here
hpen eith him front an early home nlo
Masked by Coo Rev. Mr. Carroll, after
asp hael been placed (ei hint! too*
forgivettess, ahd heprayed earnest-
ly for souse time, closing with a quoue
tent from Scripture, which he made
et., was tientreyed biele °rfireklao
day. It originated in the picking -room.
tou is estimated at $15,000; insured.
for about $5,030,
Captatg Matisse, of Coenwalle.ie name
ed as therApeobable euccessor to thb Bri;
stade-Mejorship , the 4th Brigad-
Division, ascant;by the death of Colonel
Sleum. Itridadeetalot Jacksen will be
tpromoted to the DeettitycAdjutent Gen-
eralehip of the ;setae division.
The Managieg Direeter of the Se Law-
rence and Ottawa • Railway has offered
to transfer the workshops of that nem-
pany to Otthea, provided the cay greets
lea boons the same asehst given te the
COtesit Landing reed. •
(eat Central School contains ten divi
oiorie -besides the orimaryoachnol, in
whiehlaalaries range as follsees;- Princi-
pal, $1,000 per annum; 2nd division,
$600: 3rd, *360; 4th, $280; 5th. $270;
Gtb. $260; 7th, 0250, 8th, $2.1,01 9th.
$2e0, Mee2Oth, $220. The teacher of
the primary school receives $250.
Pigeort River is the boundaryul 1FI:tenweeear-n
Ontario and MinnesAa, A to
courtpleted, thirty feet wide, from
Pigeoe River to Fort Written. The snow
is two feet deep, but with a mill winter
so far. The mail goes on snow -shoes.
from Pigeon River to Fort William and
Silver Islet. The mail from Duluth t o
Pireenitiver and thence to Isle Royale,
is carried in a row-boet. lake SuPeriee
ie clear of ice,butethe blysi Med rivers are
frozeti over.
" .1 -4—
Godench 'Ugh School.
'WILL noopen -on Wednesday th•
7th January. All pupils deseeng
to sitter any time daring the next half
year must present themselves without
fail at the entrance examination which
begius on Wednesday mernuig at 9
o clock.
fr. I. STRANG, la A.
Mead Master.
efloderich, Dec. 30th, 1873. 1402
Goderich Petroleum
9 • E Annual Genera Meeting of the
▪ Godench Petroleum Compeny for
the Election of Directors for the ionauing
year end for other genera business will
be held in the Town Hall, en gooldev
the 12th January 1874 at [ past 7
Goderich, De(s. 30th,7873. 1402 -td
_ '
Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
County ef Huron, s It end" a a
To Wit. t " Writ of Fieri
Twine fesued out of Her afejesty's
County Court of thieCounty of Hume,
and to Inc directed against the Lands
sad Tcaements of William Sadler„ at
the suit of William Bewers. I havis
seized mid taken ja Execution, all the
Defendeutel right, title end interest in
and to loth, one, t wo, three, four, five,
six and might, Exit Nide a Josephine
"street, all in the viliaeo of Wiughani
laid dein oa the 'nap or plan of' lot
Number One for A) in the first Comer -
sic. .the To inship of Turnbervy, in
the Comity llurou. made for Jaltt
Gornyulliy A. req. Esq., P. L. 8. which
Leadaltaid Teneutente I shall effer fer
Sae, army oteee in the Court House, in'
the Town ef Goieriels, on Saturday the
twenty eight (ley of March next, at the
hour of 12 of Ole 110011.
:.'"• -b2e6ritleffDa 4ece)dirurles. (rt:IdStiel6h.afria'rilf °f,4,. Hum:1_4.4W
5 () it_ C _Ft JO IS
township- of Morris,
1 '
IN pursuance of a Power of Sale con-
tained in -a Morten° bearing data
the 15t day sif Deoeuther, 1871, made
by Thrs las Ricliardsen an.t wife (wi.i.•11
Indent re of Meiegage will be produced
st thee lane oi Sale), Will be sold by ,
Puelic• uctisin at the Itoyal HMAL in
the NI ge of Wingham, in the, County
Bruce It.mlway Company, m moor
with the By-laws peased by this Co i ad into eternity. lle lute left a *rotten
respecting tee garage aid confinue by confess -siert, , has not denied the crime,
the vetes of a InajorillY of the freeholds unit ,fer sotne finro beck hae acted the
of this township, antl that said debe part of 'on insane ao well, since rie was
Esq., as . soon as convenidit after iti/o ant of
tures be handed over to James Dicks° '' placed in jail, that a few people,. miter-
journed . taut insanity really is, believed
nounimegon of Reeve and Councilor% for him go be what he pretended.
1864-Uarried. The Couucil then . . '-------.......----
n ,
Darr Down. -The works of the M r
leafarth • '
. ad -
steamer Gipsy Queen, belonging to the
Loritiox, Dec. 26, (5 a. m.) -The
. AsItethe: Marius BISSAU:.
- -
chased, but, on &coolant of the isolg eri minutes.
River Tyne Impruvemeat Commission-
' mpany were dosed le- . ers, struck the wreck of a sunken lighter
chants Sale -Lo
Saturday last for want of Wood. The in the river Tyne at five o'clock this
Company have abuudanoe of ' wood oe morning, and went to the bottom in fits
slating, are unable to get it brought There were between 50 and GO work -
ht* 1° w°rkA of "rev, Young e; 8 -1. men on board the boat at the time ef the
Mg a.re also elosee, for repairs. Wb it3:111 thsliagr'
tbat both establishments may are be • Twegty of them wers rescued ; the
.n lo
°Perm" ariinf as even a tern reendader, thirlY or forty 111`)n' were
sespension td these vsluable works is a
Goomnew. Dee. wi
Wheat. (Fall) tu3h 6116 1 16
WiaeatLeilirtitgli.y bail..., 1 #111 IP. 1 416.
}lour .(per bit) 5 IN dif 40
OA.. V buil.
loos. • bash
Barley V buih
Hay 'ler ton
Ctieti et per pair.1
.660 1130
C 48 0 • 60
1 •
J 0 06. 0 1 00
0 45 • 60
141 00 411 10 00
066 • 30
Bult.ir., 010 IP 22
410 (tiapackel)'16 is II 0 00-
111..4 ...... 5 ea 0
6 0 et t2
5 ae 0 5*
00 0 3 r.0
O 111'.06
Tau Dirk '
• Ciwrisl Toltairsak dm eteatio(.0 " 0°
eeteiew, De, 2;1173,
7kiesgblelles!,wstw:rm,.,.,:,4136004,44y1 minia.a:eukodistontinhetrhoia,:beryhrgstri.7.-.41,:jugsm.,speet40,._.40.i.heali, Iticikrei.iirnilwimpowprIota.44.11d
sw"a'nlit' .6"1"633g a; .1' .4indpla boanodnetrn"Iitadjanwditat auty
Tea wan ierr.d 41 an prloorry coonunittc4 of gentamen on
Torouto, mei
time wietteer la which he lied discharged the
asse: thwaitthisgs saaa pi:ton/mod bradolett Gove:nor. Mrs,.
°meats' ; Ilos17,1 a as at the same timeitur boomer :Sad.
Odelitollhas set ditunotehef
Wbeet. par 'Lush ..-. 16
111..st, (Spituid rtz buil... 1 10
Flour, ONO Uri) '6 00 OP
Oali#1110110164, 0 36 si
Naos, reepeet. • e 42 411
• Barley. seA else . 1 06 •
. fotatoci., pet 0 45 0
Buttet 0 20 0
Eggs, per doz.(ellia!ktx1)15 0 0
........ 4 60 " 5 00
Pork 6 6ft ilt
Hays, " • 01 111
slie..s •kins • se- le. 1 in
............ gee 5 00
11sartlerw,15.0. 1117b:
1 1
1 I
6 50
si °
0 56
1 13
0 60
n '22
0111 1 It
Wheat, (Pall>
Wheat, CISprinig) per in,Ifti .... 1 10 . I:
0 " 0 7,0
1 os 11
cu)eirute.ypeerrtiutrus.b 3.A
liege,- per built • 00 5430 00 ft:06
Potato.... per testi
Beallutte. .. .. . 04 4020
.0W.Per tot- (011P1e60.1)'' 0 18 '
free " 26
111.74t1 .t
- 6 00 " 6 50
141•00 " 14 00
Nay '
2 00 t' 3 00
-ooze:ere me s K6irsta.rotleyossit..2722..,
Bic. Rye 70e. Better 20c to 'rec.
Stow:Tee. 52 9d. oor hatitl-s.130F4act oNNL14111c. t. cas 62c .10
teauttrrs. •
Dec, 2.3111.- Wheat, 81.27 .to 61:28.
Peas 85e 'to $1.00. Oats 65' to 160c.
Butter 25 to 28e. Cheese 1 lo to 12c.
Eggs 20e• to 25e. lisheto-oPots 35.30 to
$5.821. Pearls $7.25.
LON DON VA v.rs. •
:Deo MIL -Fail W,hest $1:10 to
$1.20. Spring do $1.10 to$1.5.1. Bar-
Sfal."tol.35c°8 t.')Bettit• tett: 2P0ecsato552dr. 1C57ggr..sqac204.
to 24e. .
- - —
In Londesboro , on the 23rd inst., by
4ie Rev. Isaac Crane, Mr. Richard
Adams of Blyth, to Miss Mary Leith-
waite of Londesboro
In Clinton, on Dec. 11. by ROY. tr.
Kellogg, Mr. Robert Adams, son a
Mr. Thomas Adams, McKillop, to
Mies Catharine Bullard, of Seaforth.
In Varna, at the residence nf the bride,
on Deo 22, by Rev. M. Denby, Mr.
Geoge Anderson,of Stanley, to Mrs.
Agnes Wilson, of Varna.
In Hallett, on Dec. 21, Mrs. Riddell,
wife of Mr. Walter RiddelL
New Sbcertistment.
t oneofeitHhueer:,::ii'itIkieLa'te
• oflanalty,IS74,
In one Le by Me L. J. BRACE, Alio-
t r the fe;ken lentl and premise*,
Ch tc) soi-The North hall of Lot
N rule r eette..n Sirsi • Cenees- _
si of the TufriliLip Ilurril 11101
• if ewe:airline tjty *ere* .
m re or less. leer :liar portlier tokiai by
4 •
tileXhgae ilFir.atCYMC"iiilli.41:neYt; Wroor of
treesil toi the properto- a ,
HI wed Log llea.eeteut. a Leg .Earie
T grekter pert 1,f tee pe•iperty is uo-
culrieatiee. The. Weelketou, Geee a •
an Brute Railway reit Hirough. the -
le . The property will be • offered sub-
jertt to a reserved Lid. $650 of the per-
tinency can retilein on biertgage at .-
8 cent. payable half. yesirly ou the '
e terms as tee -Mortgage under' .
de sale ia had. _ ' ; ef`i
onditione of sale' *ill beaitade known
at he tuue of sale.
or further parti,eular.h apely to eth
aB :see 1:nett:neer. and the Vent/4'er
ecitore and_ to, Adam Slat, _Ewe,
22t1 December. .1873.
1402td 'King St%reti.orit.t.4.TilorsotitiitLeitors..,e
s •
▪ long or short terms at 8 pa- cent.
fledge* Dee. 3011k, 1873. 1442-2M
Ali') Buy
AT 11:1,
14 D T 1 L‘
" - '
4 4:s7: t --
• • le
teiDIEDX2211 (icon 3:
sea!, & Deg F.k.in7,
ic. &c. -
Furs in Setts, Cheap.
• ,
;'• ilEit'S wlAa
AND Fieet . C en;
leoai DER el I I lira
FLEelf .a
" o
Boots & Shoes
1N.HEEAT vitarr
OW A irS ON 11ANb
p, e. -A Large Stock of Canadian
Tweed'', Bought Cheap and will be sold
Cheap At
- 1
ehristm a s TIruit
0. mean
e tie