Huron Signal, 1873-12-17, Page 4ishenist BY acierana LBS. PART L When Darby saw the eating Ilan natant1 laws which govern the operations of cloges• ton and nntritioo. and by a careful application of He 'wiling bia myths, add kelMe be run, the inn Pr^Pert1.8 cff well 6elbctod coo". 14r• EPP. Sea down drank Se his sport, Mid said, has..., proyhteel one brim. kfast sables with • delicately "my ".°14 is ammi nil° aa bed." La:"... trr-Tc...a ..,,,h rk."..o.." u-V.V.r,;`,11. "vwok is dons!" retarleit.Joan I, rue statute Waterer 411ilk. Each packet islabeflol amy woit ii donor yew, asestaas tow 1 u.-..a4tos.sis: errs & co.,, Hotnomparktc Chemists, • ..zerai-- agallee Aiesto•- ASP Special tioticeit. Ote..ztiorr,-R•Ts'l COCOA.. -4111.41111TM •VD CONTORTilie a thationgh knowledge of the But hapless yams we or oan say, Ile work is dons, till judgment clay. Yoe men len sleep all night, bat we Meat toiL" - "Wkose fault is thatf" geoth he. "I knew year meaning," Joan replied, "But Sir, my tongue shall not be tied; 1 will go on, sad let you know What work poor women have to do. First, in the morning, though we feel At salt eif drunkarets when they reel; Yea, reel inch Teens in back and head As would asap* you ohm to bed, We pty ik. `mash, we wield the broom, We air the beds, aed right the roma; Th. cows must next be milked -and then We get the breakfast for the mei. Ere this is done, with whimperintecries, And brtstly hair, the children rise; "Them must be erees'il, and dosed with Aad fed-ana all because of you. We next--liere Darby stretched his imad, ; And mole off grumbling to hie bed; Amu ord./said, as on she run, • "Zetindawoman's clack is never doers." PART 11. At early dawn, ere Pluebus rose, Oil Joan returned her tale of woes; W ben Darby thus -"I'll end the itrife, Be yoa the man, and I the wife; Take you the scythe and mow, while I Waal' your boasted cares supply." "Contera, snioth Joan, give nii my Meat." This Darby did, and out she went. Old Darby rose and seized the broom, allid whitled the dirt about the room; Waded keviva done, he scarce knee how, He hied to milk tlie banal° CON. The brindle cow whisked round her tail In Darby's eyes, and kicked tbe pail. The clown, perplexea with grief lama pt.in, Swore he'd near try to milk again; When turaina ronrid, in sad ammo, He sew hie cottage in a blaze; For as he clewed to brush the roont In aimless haste, be fired tlie broom. • The fire at last subdued, he swore ' Theban:int and he would meet no more. Premed 'op misfortune. and perplexed, Darby.preeeired for breakfast next; Buil waist to get he scarcely knew - The bread was done, the butter too, His haads be leubel with paste and &int (ma Derby laboured full an hour; But backlem Nightthou coulaet not . 'make . ,‘ The bread take form of loaf -or CAY 3. As 'Tory door wide open stood, Inimbed the sow in qnest of foot; ; Anit , ;tumbling onward with her snout 0'• arned the churn -the cream ran out. As Dartry turned, tits sow to beat, Th s slippery cream betrayed his feet. He canghtthe bread trough in his fall, And aown cacao Darby, trongh and all. Th oluldren, wakened by the clatter; tits 1.0 up and ery, ••011! what's theonet- • tar!" 014 eerie barked. and Ttbby meeel, An *plena Darby bawled aloud, "illative, my Juan, aa heretofore, Mit* the lumsewifea part no more; Siam tleW by sad experience taught, Compared to thine, my work is naught;" Ileeeeforth, as business calls, I'll take, Coseent, the pleugh, the scythe, the rake, And purer more transgress the line Our tastes have castled, while thou art mine; . TVA Jean, return, as heretofore, 111 lex thy holiest soul no more; Let's each oar proper task attend - Forgive the east, and strive to mend.' Ka ericroun OT COe.A.-"Wa W111 SOW give an maeonat of the pr....WI artnpred by llsears Ja.nyet epee a C. mannfaeturers of dietetic articles, at their werkain the Easton liont,Londeu.,'-Cosself.a Umesatont *id& ITAL. BOGUS MEDICINE,S. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. I RAVE for w considerable time past a considered it to be my duty to adver- tise the public of the British North American.- Provinces ageinst buying from unprinciplea dealers medicines. emanating from New York, and scold fis my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," in which much ingenuity has been dis- played in passing them off as of my make, It is very difficult indeed to at- - tempt to enumerate the -many devices to which the parties bey. had recourse. They say, amongst other things, that a new label has been adopted lay them, aid with barefaced effrontery caution the public against being deceived by spurious initauona. A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-called Chemical Company in New York, who lends his name foe small weekly sum. The teed- leines 'sold by this Company aro palmed off upon the publie as my ,`Ilolloway's Piils and Ointment," se that wore they to injure half the commenite no discrel it would fall upon the febricators Of these co oponteds, but wised considera- bly damage the reputation of my make. As it is not at all necessary for this Caaw to incur any expense in the sale of their productions, or to a very limit- ed extent (trailing as they do my nam, they are in a position to offer them at a very low price in Camida where they are purchased by a few Who:lesal e I louses that 1 can nate°, and will memo hereafter, if they continue to vuud the same. The followingare the nsmes mob ed - dresses of some of -the Memos wh'o get my medicines from hero direct:- Lands for Sale ODDS AND ENDS.: "14 dark and yet so lig)t.' as the tnan saiilarhen he looked at his ton of coal. Ai dandy on -shore is disgusting to - many; but it swell ..et sea is apt to sicken 7, to make a lean child fat -Let it ;rem an attic window, and it will errelielown pie ny. • liars mAY two poople be said to be 'witted -When they have an un- derstanding between them. Whit is a hen sitting on a gate like a . relay I-Baca:me it. head's one way, and is tail's another. A man in New York hese watch which hes claims has pined time eneugb to pay foe labia in ail months. While witnessing a game of base -ball on West, a boy was struck on the head, the Mewl coining out of his mouth. el think our ctinrck will last a good m IRO years yet,' satile*sish deacen to lies minister, "I see the'sleepersc are vary pound." A little Chicago girl who went throne:I the tunnel ander the river, exclaimed on 1...turning home, "Oh, ms ! we tent ever the river under it." BY E.. WOODCOCK, CONVEYANCER And La.nd Agent. OTTICE - Borne r of Wein SD t , Ontlerlelt A Valuable Farm tilITCATED in the second coneessiou " of the Westeru Division of the Township of Colborne, &boot four miles from Godericb, con- taining 200 acres of good land, nearly - hall of wkicb is -cleared and free front stumps, with Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Workshops, &ci. There is a good bearing Orefield of the choicest fruit on the estate. Well watered. liele indisputable. Terms easy. E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer wad Land Agent,0 ode rich. Masers. &very, Brown * Co., Halifax, N. S. Menge. Forsyth it Co., Helifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. Seeker & Sons, St. John, N. B. Mr. T. Des 'Braley, Catlett* Town, P. E. I. Messrs. Langley A Co., Victorie, D. C. Messrs. Moore A Co., Victoria, II. C. My Pills ind Ointment are sold al the lowest wholesale net prices, in quanti- ties of not less than -£20 worth -viz.. Ss. 31a. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re- mittances must be went in advance. These medicines are net sold in the United Stat. Each Pot and Box of my preparations bears the British Gevernment Stamp, with the words, "Holloway's Pllis and Ointment, London." (Signea) THOMAS HOLLOwAT, 533, Oxforl Street, W. C., London, Jay 1, 1873. • 1381 Valuable Bush Lot. fl EING composed of Lot Nt) 5, con cession 10, in the Township of TurnberrY, containing 100 acres. The soil is mixed from black loam to gaudy loom, with a never failing creek running through the let. Timber ono -half Beech and Maple, the remainder Cedar, Pine tend Hem- lock. Soil heievy. This lot is very valuable being situate within one mile of the liailroad, three miles from the .iUaeef Behnore, six 'ales froth Wroxeter, and seveneiniles from Wing - him. Title good. Terms to suit the' purchaser. For further particular", ap- ply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Laud Ageztt,Ooderich; Af Good Farm, a' IT t7NTE about six miles from Gods- . •b, on tho 5th con., E. D., of the 4 wnship of Colborne. conoioing 10 acres, SO cleared and mostly uneer cultivation. The soil is veil, varying from eandy toxin to heavy black loam. There is a splendid creek ennning throtigh the lot -also a smell bearing orchard. T.. be sold cheap. le..r particulars apply te E..wooDcoc K, Conveyancer sue Lend Ageet,tioaerich. Valuable Bush Farm, sITUATE on the linli eon. of tho' Township Of Grey, : within 11 miles of the Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a large gnantity (Agresti Cedar. About 5 acres cleared with a Log House, .to. -Soil ex- cellept. Title indisputable, the pre- sent holeer being the Cron patentee. Terms easy. For pesticidal -3 aprly tu E. AVOO1X0Cle, - Couveyancer and L'end Agent, Goderich. IN THE TREATMENT OF IC loYASTING D1SEASEe, attenl. ed with low vitality, feet -le digestien, torpid Leer, clonatipation, and irritation Of thee kidneys and bleader, avbid the use of alcuholic stimulants, prepiret ions containing strychnine, arid ,all anodynes and !layettes, as their immediate effect is to overstimulate the system, proluc- ing a feeling of temporary improve- reent, followed by a relapse and general prostration. • Radical aril portnanent benefit results from the nse of retnedies that excite nntritien, an.1 create pure - bleed. Dr. Wheeler's Compound .E.ixir of Phosphates and Calisaya is a Chemi- cal Food that supplies the waste of brain and Muscle, invigerates mind and body, and imparts an elasticity of spirits that gives new zest te life. - - DR. J. BELL SIMPSON'S 1.4 pet:18t:And Tonle Pille. pee east ier exe Lent REMEDY' POR, SERV. 1. oils Sperinatorrhea Nocturna: End.. Sion of the hieneratlesi Organs, Palpitation .sf !learn Tramildleat. Alirepleasnese, the effeet 0 over -indulged* in aleoholiti stimulants and tor...le- ers. e. Dr.J. BELL nIMPIoN,S pats are the. only etteetwal ones Mr the above Meanies. and an• never known to fat They have affeady cured hundreds ot this country. SobertArtEur Ransi:toa. Matinee to his recovery bv'then tow. SAfe, canals awl rapid in sot.,..n, a snort trial Prole their elleary. No an:Serer 'toed despair Of being relieved from the frightful e'reet-a of Sate - Aust. The Sperinc Pills are sold by Druggist's% $1.u0 a lot .04 0.' Tonle IOUC at 63e. a hot, or they will be seat by postage pre-pai.1, atti securely wrayped froni observation, no receipt if 'LEI for the Sinicitio. and 50e. for the Towle Villa ty • J. BELL 8/MPSON & PCI.. Drawer 91 P.9. Daddlion. Noll hy all Wbolerwla and 1Retal1 Druggist". PalopitIcti mint post-free no application- • COMPOUND A Desirable Farm, ‘; IT U ATE on the 8:1 con.,'Westent Divisiten of the Township of Colborne, on the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 lades him Geolerich, containing 50 acres of tixce/lent land in a high state of cietivation. F.r pestle-blare:apply to • E. WOoDCOCK, Conveyaocer and Lula Agent,Godorich. Desirable Farm, • SITUATE ou the Huron Road in the Township of Godorich, abent 21 miles from Town, within five' walk ef an English (hurch; containing 93 acres, about 71) of whieh are cleared land feetr•freut ;tub1's, with 'see Ilrick • House hill Frame iferne, &c. Largo bearing orCherd, and well watered. Title good,. This firm will be sold very sheet), conidering its cotninanding po- sition, an# on rea.eqielde term+. For particular! apply Oil E. WOODCOCK, Conveyeucer and Lane Ageut,Guderteli. cj V1NICAR BITTERS (Rated Thousands proclaim VINEGAR BITTERS L110 IDOSt wonder- ful Invtgorant that ever sustained theBino l'ergnea* take Ntake these Bit- tera according to directions, and re- main long unwell, provided thetr bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other. means, and vital or- gans waisted beyond repair. Milo" Remittent, and In- termittent Fevers, which aro 80 Prevalent in the valleys of our great 'rivers throughOut the Uoited.States, espocialli thOee of the Mississippi, Ohio, Miseouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red', Colo- rado, Itrazine Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabarea, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- anoke, domes, and many others, with tir vast tributaries, through- out cm . entire ettuutry during •thtt _Summer ane Autumn, and nun:eta- bly au' thu•itiee solusons of unusual corapattiot by extensive derange - heat and &these, are invariably ae- meads of the stomach and liver, and other &Mouthed viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerthl influence upon these vet- ous organs, it easentially necessary. There is no 'Cathartic for the purpose equal to 1)s. J, WALKER'S VINEGAR Berretta, as they w -ill speedily remove the dark -colonel viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at 1,110 dame tithe stirnulaling the secretions f tho liver, and generally reatoriug the healthy func- tion,' of the digestive organs. ..Fortify the body against dis; ' -- by purifyin,g all its fluids with rani:as. No 7ideinie eirs j)ympeixsisi or ilaiigeation, Read- arhe. leen the shoulders, collets, Tightness of tho l'hodt. Dizziness, Sdllt Eruclation &the Stomach. Bud Taato in the mouth, Iiitiour .itowks, Palpita- tion or the Heart, Inflanimatiim of the Lungs in the region of the giilneys, and &hundred other painful symptoms, are tbe offspringe of Dyspepsia. Ome bot- tle will prove a better yolarentee,of it merits than a lengthy advertisenieute Sergfula, or King's Evil, \Vhite Swellelge, Ulcers, Erysipelite, Swelled • (iiiitre., SCIbrdlond Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial effete lions; Ofil Sores, Etuptione tho Skin, Sore Byes, rte. iu these, as in all other constitutional lestmees, Weeeetes V IN- • R trre Rs have shown their great cur- ative powers iu tbe mget olgtinate and intractable more For 1 n fin nt atory and Chyon le- Itheuntat ism, (alt, itittous, Remit- tent ana Intermittent levers, laiwo,sei of the ltetiel, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, . these !titters have no equal. Seeh Do - eases .are caused by Vitiated Blood. ilerhanical Diseases.- l'ersons ' engaged in Paints and minerals suetr as Pelitsbers, Ti pa:lettere, Geld- heaters and , eliuere, Ai they advance In life, are Bub - 1 -"et panoy..14,1 the Bowels. To g.utird cotainst this, bike a dose uf Weeoea's f N Sip.% e oecagionally. "t:tko hohl ot a a.% stem thud ore armee' Prospectus for 1874 -Seventh Year. THE ALDINE, All Mistratse Monthly louptal, Hy advitted te be the Handsomest r Is the Wortd. A Representative Champion f Americas esti Not for Sale ili BkorNiS1OfU. - T11111 A LDINK, whlleiesned vath all the regnlarity, has none of de tempor- ary or timely interest chatenterintie • of ordioary perodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light and araceful literature ; and a collection lot *pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each suc- ceeding number affords fresh pleasure to its friends, tl•.e real value and beauty of Tan Aerows will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. V,hlls other publications may claim superior sheapness, as con - pared with rivals of a similar alas., Tits Atmore is a unique and original bon- ception-alone and anapproathed-ab- solutely without competition in priee or character. The powwow of a oomplete volume cannot dupliestrethe qeantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for tea times its est; ut4 then there arc the Arenas, besides ! .1111T DEpARIPMfill‘T. 1871. 1TRUP OF IITPOPHOSFIIITES ; The ;tome of arresting 4114C.1-4.0 ilisplarect by thi Aweparatioa is honorably aeknowledged by the faenit in every seetion where it; him bern istrr-loced ; and the rapidly hard ng ante 424 ilh,. A conntryman who came int) Bred - best guarantee of the tothaatio)t ia whith it is held ' foal, Maim, lest week, attempted to 1 1.„biie. se{ his wsteh by a stem gauge indicat- The Syru win cure Pulmonary roninimption in 'U • . Ing sixty pounds of steam. An ignorant old lady was asked by a =easter viiiting her if she had religion. A Sae replied: "I have slight touches of it Vie following sentence ot only thirty - fox* letters contains all the letters in tbe alphabet: "John quickly extol:nee- rille# five tow bags." , . Tiptoes Folucteenet.-A- cosetemeo- mei says :-"Half -a-dozen mirderers aee in this city awaione the tedious formality of acquittal." A young lady remarks that the reason the peculiar -equipages seen at watering - pleats are called dog -carts is that pup- pies always ride in them. On his death -bed a distinguished hu - looniest requested that no one might be itarited to his funeral, "Bemuse," sobbed out the dying, man. "it is a. civility I can Deter repay. An 1 rush man iu France drinking with some company who proposed the beast, ••The Lend we live in. "Ah, with all ray soul, inv dear," said he, "here', to poor oald Ireland." )11 would advise yeti to put your heed • into a dye -tab, test rather red," said a joker to a rather sandy haired girl. 'el *mild adviso you to pat yours Into an oven, ita rsther soft," via Naocy. When they told Jim Oxford, of Vir- that he was dying, he replied, Viinitl,don't forget to put them shingles . on the mulepen dere it rains again." 1 . I A.Wesiern editor met a well-tiductated mermtly and informed him that ar a • like to have something from The farmer sent hint a pig ' Mar $9.75 for it. , the Ira an secon.1 stages . let h mid prolong. life in the thir 1. It wilLeare Asthma. :Bronchitis. Laryngitis. 4. oughs and Collis. it will cure all disease" originating from want of %Inseniar action and Nervous Torre. snob as Eniargenten tot the Spleen, Dyspepsia, [ticket*. Feeble and irregular action et the Heirt. Local an.1 General Paralysis, Aphoeig or Loss of Voles. It will mire Leneorrhiea Chlorosis. Assernla. and restores the blood to purity sad iealth °Sow mach are these tearful bulbs by the quert r asked a maiden of a I, street grocer this inarning. He stared atliter a moment, reenvered himself, =said :-"Olt, them tektite : eight • At a party at Creetown, whde a young tatty int& playing with:peculiar brillian- cy et mash, a bysteachng bachelor an- atomised, "I'd give the world foe tarai fingers ! "Perhaps yen might got the whole hand by asking." said the young lady's observant mamma. Among tker psereogets iu a steamer lately was &young man whew's violent- ly atteieleed with esesielasess. Thinking his end had oomms, ke addressed aoite of las eanweelee thus:- -“Gleordie ye mann be sum an' tell my feather that I 'resin sofa' tionbas atom 1 deed." Somebody ono, mot to the faciarnes tobsosnot aroma seompaper setatemasat Mutt %land; mired with the food dames would maks than lay. To which the editor aggesdod as sesamsst that bobs& se doubt of He trifle Masa be bed Aso seen18 sake ski ewes nue In the gift& ptembir lass Dllemie town.: wail. th• ettinend his new ohm& ANNA tAlt boys and girls swain et altar* I say amen • I Imo* ambles whom I shiefish t 1/0/ etAt sr, Atm owlets/ oval MA wive eaa Aids be Vos bum sr Galt Ass is iba wisi1a is a am bow Sold J AMES By. Apothecaries. Ppee. 81.50 ; Six for $7.50. 1. FELLOWS, az. seam, N. B. CIIE311ST TILE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Asses' Periadieal Pills • A Valuable Farm. • SITUATE on the Huron Road in the Township f Godench, about feur etilea frurn Town, cOntain- ing 100 acres. of. first -a -eta land, with good Frame HO1A81, Barns, Stables, lc. Good erehara of choice fruit trees and never 'Yellin!, creek running through front of lot. Terms easy. Furparticn- tar; apply to E. W )DC 00 K, ConvIlancer and Land Agent, Goderich. • A Go3d Farm. ITU ATE in "the Fourth Concession of the Eastern Division of the , Township of Ashliold. . containing 100 acres of land, ORO virile from Dungannon, (it) &clam id wheat are Tt ouly•Ify nip prepared fr. In Dr. Clinrcidlnit tattered and under ciittivation. There eon.ele, and earl tit .1 to be the.iiionlly pure., is on the prerniees a gonJ log Hoes° and Vor iho presention •11.1 eurs of *log Pam. Soil, clay loans, front of PULMONARY CONSUMPTI,ON lot light. Wal wetercd with Nine mile Also f w the etre of ET Skin Disease:, Eruptions,' Tette , S.dt.11heate, Molt es,Sitot.s,Ilin- Mts, %stale:. Iloilo Carbunelee Iting- wersim, Scala leo:. Sore Lyee, Erysipo- leo 'Itch, Selzer.. Iriscolomtions of tile Skin. limn "re J Itiseasee vf tee Skin of whet \ er lettere, et- literally due t p and car. ied oat of the sy -tem inw tittle by the tudt ultimate Itittr sh.irt 1' lurki saud. mine toilet sy- ft. or o! The illuetentions of Tes Anniws nave won a worhliwide reputation, and in the art centres ef Europe it is en admitted tact that its wood cute aro examples of the highest • perfection over attained. The common prejudice in favor ef 'stet plates," ia rapidly yielding, to a ince* educated end discriminating taste which recognizes the advantages of superier artistic roality with greater facility Of production. The' !wood-cuta of Trim ALDINE printenft 'all the dialicacy -and elabeirate finish of the most costly steel plate, while they afford e better render- ing of the wetistei original. , To fully realize .the wonderful work which Tug A ionvire ia •doiiie for the C111130 of art ctiletire- .emericts, it is only necessary to oetoblor the Gest to the people of any other decent reprosen- tediums of the produetima• of great painters. In addition to antigen by the diem bens of the National Aeadleiny, aaa other neteil Anierieaw artiste, Ten A1.1111111 Will reproduce examples of the boat foreign us:esters, &Oceant with ic W th tho Ilitrileht artistic snecess and greatest general iuterest. Tlette the subecriber to TUN ALDIEE will, at rt tritline cost, melte; in his own home th. Measures aud refining influences of true art. The quarterly tinted tildes air 1874 will be by Th, W. Moran and J.D.Wood. waril. , I The Christmas issue for Ma viAll con - Life speeiel (lenity's apprapriato to the seaeor, by our best artists, and will sur- pass in attractions any ot ita pre:Itemi- sers. Premium for A 4. • n, Tape. and other II onus g in the ,ysteut of so many thou - are etre.. uslly destreved and re - 1. Nb ryston of mediane, uo ver - o. be eethebninItiee will Ire° the a.-eut v. erne. Ii : tleee 'Raters. °Male Complaints, in young. marriol or singh., int tlio dawn ot WOM hood, or tbe tum of life.theeeTen- le Bitters display so decided an influence that imprOvemeat is won:perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wherterer yon lind its impurities bursting through the sein 10 Pimples, Emptions, or St. red; chusnrus it when you find it ob- structed and sluggish ip the veins; cleanse it when it ie.feta; yotir feelings will tell you when. Eeep the blood pro, and the I heal* of the system will fulloae m. I1. liteDONALD es co., • SUBSCRIBE Huron Signal, 'r 11 E fl • , for Sate or to fat. DERICH F N RY • t LANDS for SALE AT BAYF1ELD. OLDEST,- LARGEST ANL) BEST NEWSPAPER PI/MIMED IN THE 7 COUNTIY (,)1•' 11U110N. „ DIVIL ' r -to l' Wu. • Only $1,50 Por &own 111 Advance. Ev.ay anbacriber to Tut A p.DI NE for 1871 %ill receive a pair of chrotecei. The origival pictures wore painual in oil for the publishers of Tun Ai.'ni er.,-, by l'homaa Moran; wheels- great Corentdo picture was purchased by Congress f.,r ten thousand . dollars. .The sub' eta li were chosen tti 'represent •"The t?(I and "The West." One is a view in e White eleunteips, New Hampshire; the other' gives 'rhe Cliffs of Green ttivrr: Wyoreine Territory. The differentee ifi the nat tiro of the scenes themselves in a pleesitig contrast, and &Wird* aged display of the maid's scope and a ilering The ;:liroiniu are each worked free thirty distinct plates, antl'are in sike (12 x lei and in apperance exact f simile& of the eriginals. The presenta- tion (a a worthy example of Alum -ice's greatest landscape pailiter to the sub- scribers of Till: Armet was. bold but peculiarly happy ides, and Its seekessfel realization k attesteel by the follimine teatime -teal, t'ver the Jeenature of Me. MoranIsiumelf. ) J Nrwsue, N. ., Kept. 2011t; 1873. _ Moutra.te .s m es S ern .cr & Co. r‘ , . Gegiffriace,--1 pm del.glited isithitha proofs in coler of your cheomos. Tbay are wonderfully enccessful reprettenta- tions by mechanicel proecesef the or- iginal -paintinge. 1 . Very rep/ie.-trolly. (Sisyned,) TI106.110ItAN. These cheemos are lit every sense American. They are by an original Americtui processwith material ef American manufacture, fromelesigns ...f Americen scenery ity an American pain - f -r awl presented to sidocribers to the eor.otWaohnorion and Charlton Sts-bf.Y. flea suecessful American Art Journal. 4 0.4'. Agfa., flan Francisco. a bT nElEtet• atat Dealers. I If no better because ()fall this, they will .i,<1,10•41::,,mlyeAsecrs,restil-novit,(i'.0,,,-.roir.,.- certratily peemtes an interest foreigu ec o estrinesen,end i13.1 Teel . . I betrItOrreigglitra a sod rs. • - ereductiori can'i'ns•,Pree and neither are they any thb worse if by reasen of, pc - cellar faciliti s of preduction they cost _ the publish( * only a trifle, while equal in every re i et to (Aker chvomos that aro sold -singly! fee dmible the aubecrip- tion price tty To a A i.rti wee Pereons ef Ludo will priee tlittee pie tirci We them- selves not {sr IIvprice tbey did or did te not at, ilea w ill ppret,iato the enter- prise that renders l ) %ter dietributien poe- t nalife.any . auleicrilme sliteelt1 itelleate it preference for a titeire eubject, the pub- lishers will sette "Theinglits 1.1 Home," a new mid boantianj :aroma. Tate a) ineheri, reprs•senting melietle I talien exile ar` *hese are7ki,nig,e1,1‘.•iestletlea"):. the longings Of hit Imt. .. " ., VICTolFilA COMPoUND SYRUP 01 HYPOPHOSPHITES creek running. threeigh the lot. There is alio a .good Orcherd.ef cheiee fruittim the lot. • 1 . E. woopc(wrep . Conveyancer and Lent Agent, Goderich. TINVALCAHI.E MEDICINE is UNFAILING 1 in the care of all those painful and don:genii. dismasei i aril tea 0.. fenot2e constitution is sof,cet. It modernieeall eiteeas and removes all otionactioas and • speedy care ma- Or reiied on. Th Lohiso It te peenliarly spited 11 vill. in &mem time. bring on the mooting penod with regulariar. . Its* Palls Maid wit ar taarnaoPeratrawderi sr the FIRST THINE MONTHS of Proloppossou leyore furs te fringes Eloserram.Ser of say °that'll ow asp ore Mr.. • In all Caaes of Neuron, Spinel Affection ii,Pula in iho Busk and 14.05. Puicaa et sliehtesert ion , 'api tatioaof the heart. Ilysanow and Elutes. these Pilw}tls effeet • ours witsn all °Cow means have failed, and although a pennon': rimed", &oust eontain iron, eakiaie I, anuntony, or anything hurtfulto the eoosta. Pal Idirretwow in the pamphlet around each pertain' teen. Warta awed tem eandally preserved. 1100100, sew TOPIC. 401411 ?korai troll. 1.00 and 134 cents for postage, eneloeed in Northrop - A Lyman, Nolocoot,.e, Old , testier"( *Ten is for Nu Donate kin. will insure', bottle oontaining ore, 5.4 Il by retort. mai.. NORTHRUP & LYMAN Newcastle, G. tAr.,general agenta tor C•niao ter Sold in Gnderieh by Goo. Cattle, F. Jerdaa & J. Bond ; Garainer it; Co. Mayfield; J. Benthuru. Rodeerville; J. Pickard, Exeter; G. W. Berry, Luck - sow; k J. M. Roberts, Dungannon. Two Exponent Farms. tialTUATE on the Gravel Road be- tween Walton and Brussels in the Township of Grey, contaibing each.100 acres. A g-od Log House, Bar4 and Orchard on each lot, 65 acres clekeed. These farms will be sold ecparately or together as may be desired. Soil excellent. Terms easy. For pertisulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,poderich. 'iter valuable building site, suitable fore first-class Villa R nResidence, be - in. composed of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29*, 30, and 31, in the Wilaun Surrey id the To en of Godetich,containingan one block, two acres of land. -The above eligible property has a frontge of about! 330 feet on the Huron Road, and is well stocked with choice fruits. To be sold on reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, Office, earner of West street, Goderich. C tNADIAN PAIS DESTROY-. 1.11. AS A FAMILY MEI:JUANE, Ig 11L well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Bail avid Head, Coughs, Colas, Sore _Throat, i'Vrains, Britain, 01;rdaps sa the gtoincieh, Cholera Nereus, Dysentery, Boleti Com Burns, Aries* Bites, eke. las emailea too* rompbre WI sow Wen vo- ters ussmteas bear tsleaier tem; awl wherever need level ems ISOM tag Ogle iinteare to andreberatriel we bin* dlomeilese hewbewillittitel. et on tbe li oselOwy, as te a, Aunt =11;eautiehtgaset, vh=ten magi - Veep* item musses ta tee whetter, mese Meted n ellieremate ; & thostore them who are :=„riway4Nateay dieemillestan ter which n mean Wes allenereigs elliesser Ob. eamithie nes Pe- = Mt Is treseetee Me the ferirlduar l 'ain ttteireee- tmeisees s%ie isest is rearrieg lteivette engitle iltrildgli whe ist et litemollek mare eresete es Mee wattletaa Dedassom peniestles UMW, Pre riaihdd OP. ="4 oalt wwwfitsirse na mmersal pith. Osaselaii Pala Dadr1rm *Ow KdpiPt rebel MisOWN ne ,keelit at resa mom aittimaradts wails , • PV. w 4 * Valuable Town Lots, Lot Na. 992, situate on the North aide of West Street in the Town of God- erich. A eplendid situation either for business or private residence. Lot No. 235, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God- erich, one quarter of an acre. Lot No. 1318 on the guron Road, in the Town of Oroderi:b, ono fifth of an acre. Lot Letter "C" in the Village of Maitiandville,(oe Bridgend pace) with a good house thereon erected and garden well stocked with bearing fruit trees. E. WOUDCOCK„ Land Agent and Con yoyancer. Orviet -Corner of West St., Gorlerich, 1377 WHY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co' Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthms, Lost ofAppetite General Debility, Ire. 4141111)1, ATO At AS rrri. 105. 141.a.ratory, Untver.ity Chliege, Toronto, Der, 4,1375. To thit Victoria Chemical Co., tient len en. -I have examined %lin articles em- ployed io the Vieteria (brink.' Werke, 1. Rho pre t *rot)en oi the Victoria Syrup of Hy pophofPhites. The arrerai Hypoph.,ophileo n.e,l re eakatearity P104. sill the Eyre* le &MO quite free from nap perita. Your Etymet ilypophosphitcs will un- doubtedly prove • pry .whosale Mutlinizin. nitrate 11. via kyr, l'etfestsor of Chemistr). U. P. Prtee 11 per !Solite. Sold by all Druggists. . t 'VICTORIA CultrouNn ri.'Ator.rrit.tcr OF, " MICH EPA URSI A Nor,* Brava/ a. fin' WI Due.. t!T an Bladder and Kidneys; Dropsical Swellings; ConspiaratS .14 1,0342 to Frwohr; road on Diseases el the .Ccinary (rpou in ratline Seat. . Try it mire fire any of the above ilisur4Cra, med. )ou will be fully convinced of its pie -stunting' wive. PHee 81 per Rattle. Sold by all Druggist'. --r VICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT,. "Tho King of au Liniments." v. Blaetonotion, Geri, Neuralgia, Lail/ago. &intim, Woodenly; Flues, &ilium us the , Limes we Jinni*, Sprains, Emirs, Numbrists, Sweelfwfs, Headache, Earocks, Ilualutthe, Ac. poottielem LULli ItatIOHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL - FOR MURDER 1 - mo•-•-• ,fforics.-Any person sending the anDwarto above to the Agent, F. Jordan, Glatiarillee Within the next thirty days MIlleitte Mt dyke. from L. M. & Co. tot $tislest their superior new pattei z * Mom • God•ieb, Feb. 5, '72 aw983w3 Buy it! Try it! Prove it 1 Price IA Cents per Bottle. boll by all Druggists Notioeto Debtors; men. thillbiNSO TO TIM Mg .sa, ernes erill•giswee gni* steam. ; ; VERT ISE 111 TUE • • Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Go., 'Sett to ittiorni the public that they are prepared to contrast for Steam Engines and Boilers; FLOUR, G RI ST AND 8,4W. MILLS, SAWING CHINES, tEPPEL WATER WHEELS, tr- ,C1/1 TUBULAR.IJOILERS ANDSTEAM .ENGINES; MON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with keel boards, GANG PLOUG'HS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CU1TERS, SU:GAR AND. POTASH KETTLAS, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, 'r,, . COOKING,VARLOli 4. BOX STOVER of various kinds. SALT PAN:.); NOE TO; 911DER% HUliON7S1G NAL VICTORIA CARBPLIC SALVE. "WO3tTII ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." A Ap...erne Ad era.. Wewedr. Thorns, .9r04;,, Inds. l'ilea; 11.....y*es, Re., and Chronic Dies. - rt • ut 13, Skin pierce., deleription. Price "2....r Cts. per Dottie, Pole by rill Drupflata. VICTORIA CASSOIATED 'It TOV WOW Tot'n ANNoi-,,crgstierg ItAv•ir THE L A KG ES T NUMBER, 0 it - !TEA! )17,Itea. •• 7 . Iron and Di *.ss eastinti. and IlleksTith Work. BOILST3 AND s.itr,r wiss REPAIRED on short nottim aill fielo t.1 tI tho Company or Senrct.try will -ccive prdhsist e!!oit o09 • APC11.11'..NI.Te 11.11)(1E. Socrelery ate' Treasurer. • Advertising Rates Liberal. tk6 pyr ermine in . lyeefee, with Oil • Chronicle free. • For 59 cents oxtra,thiseiroinos will be sent, mounted, yariii,Ited, and. prepaid by mail. erne Atetea will, liereaft;$r, RV- fainable only by submription. Thore will be no reaticea or club rate; cash fOr. subectiptions inlet be sent to the pub- lishers direct, or handed to the local eanvaaseti, nitlimit responsibility to 04 publathers, „except in MOM, where the crertifitate et given. bearina the fa... - Simile signature (if ;AIIRO St TroN & C. CANtrAPISFIltPi WANTED* Any peeve) wishing to net pernmemitly e local eau vassei will receive full. and prothe't infonnztiett by applying to Jame*. Sutton & Co-, Publishers, 53 Maiden Line, New York, GLYCERINE JELLY. '111/11NENTLY 11113 1.41411r4' FAVORITE." trer flrovaihdap aye Cemplesien,bisa for ,31600105 Ihil,..nunnuen, Free kks, Pimples, aim for art- pon1 Honda, Chabloriss, Freer Bites, end Pors lip.. Trice %Cents pm Ciotti*, Sold by all Dridepda. VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. "Cabana...TED rostrum CNIFOltll 111113 - TT /at exceiametei or quettre." • t VICTORIA CARBOLIC Sao.. VICTORIA SULPHUR SOAP. ritToPIA GLYCERINE, HONEY, ROSE 4 D INDsoA. Bold by ill Druggists. ISMS One Box of tiark's B4,1 Pills TB warranted to awe all dawlsariara Prow lb* 1. 'Cream await ta allbseliaa. ungifted OT 0011. netutionai,_avavel4se Peas lithe pooh -15°14 1. &res. dm Meek. all Masiets sae r &ant *Ath- ena Yeadess. debt ?5.* P. J. Menai, a.rornrcasfav 8eu.,,L1tccul41.11bIt-41.AND EXPORT AGENTS. Eturtddre esti On., Callethe Street 0, ningdoe some -= Stuelay and Sons. 96 Pa Newbery SOUL lasweeks atreet. Ungar wed llama, OXIlapi Street. Losstou. AAA alltb• 1.0wkra Ittiola•A:o NW" saaIrk•••• °ANJOU, " iasegie. fed CW. • neng...-sansst- eat os.. minus Dreads& super awl Owls. =• .....A-liihmer and Ov. rqk Prows reit Oe. eel.m.---n-negiereee kr 1".,I'V't 1."' ' Iv 1:.4:t:I win! .....„,.... I i made rii el; ic•osenttablie for I /Oita and lien% both :ti odd awl Kilter. But the i eceirmanying cut repre- .1.elitti al proper re..pertwee IIIE E725 !Walt HIIIITIIIC L111.4 WAIQH, In ewe:sena il• or. tails and gold r,iiiiii, full jcwillett, e arrauted fer five %fade - together nth A Frila plated Albert dean-- which will be sent trimly pea ef 'Cult -- ads ea rsosibi.ef .X.:.. er C. 4). D.,,,pele ell 4*IL 'CORNILL, ilk> Irma? unpui-t=r. '4411440. i 63 King direct EAR, T oweirro. owr. 1 1111 $1 (;••• • ' - tar' a, -14 :• t e-4 .4) '440 , • "••••••-1: - (10 TO Tilt: r kl V". oAtirrr,ri„. 41. %.,‘• 4,,14 FOR YOUP. HtB.tCP 1101MeN, Prosident.• ItOla•AiT ItUNCIII AN, General M:utaeer. Goileriele Oat., 9tIt reet.i. 1873. . 0AliTION. • I; ' BUY O.N lee TUE 11 .11. -•as pl.. 3,-, Genuin fa4hanks1 ScalEs. &co „ t. TVINEM •0•••••••••••Ir 1:11.5 ••••=mem NEW BOOKS, E. & T. Fairbanks t", Co. 1FAIREIAN KS tr-pf-nivisvsw. _ Standard Scales. Ss .t1.1:24 CivAL SCALE-. 1! AY ALES,DAIET lieALIK.-,criTEI: • t LES; Scales repaired les 'rept lerand reasenably. Fur sale, also, Troetuano'd C•.;free and Drug Will 4, Co:twit-sabot Beta, ell sizes Lettes Preascs, &c,&c. THE MOST PEItl'ECT - ALABM CASII DRAW PI 1111LE•1 .tLtuq TILL .Larsiiitnit.. 71 & r2 /1 AT FIELD Es810/1 ftwo,00p of Goderteh. eoetr.reoing 144, scree ot im ensisi '3141!, • .tbui about 5 miles el tbe *abet paw of the Toni ..r hayfield. There is • clearance.' 001.,1 wheb couId reattiy 13. prepar- ed101 crop. retilaint1. r 01 the 1,4 1e r;oririy euverelvelgfft MN beet ..3 beirestrind maple tenlaerPli growth. Czer1.1.0 rood plUblea 09 %WO ▪ 01 11,1 property. which is ranted 1a aila PIK well R .ttle.i hood 1.41.84,1., A, Towneldp Stanley coutpiging 11111 acres of well r4orved timber land, irbich wonid petelowe • lane. 411.0,414T Oftreir43.4 to !Macro The lot mos to the !hirer 14035 14 .13 • enestieretie water fel; Yalu, h Inn lw made as ail! *Altar or ruoutifaelarialg14 yrarporww.,, ler ▪ UAW *fret to. JANES U. AA Quelpt. 001Cr011, wag Mayfield. Guelph, Afts:1741‘, 181'0 w30 FOR SALL TTIE undortriened °e'er fer sale the un- dermentioned lambs. belotigiag 80 elm Estate of the tate HERMAN R. HoirrtiTEn, riz Mao, the North-east qinirter of Let No:12, in the Fifteenth Cencemien the Townehip of Sombre,. in the Comity of Lotnibtrin. N.) acres, more pr less. For ternri and particulartiof sale, ap- tiy t. the Undersigned," pone -malty; or ' er lottor,te St. t'atharities Poiet - • Box 4014: 1r4.f.a4E1 r„ .11.1iN G rantha • .: hit I.°73. 137:1 * #47,72.! ?7.14,Int for Sale; .1,113T Humus . wooed de - I' e try Mr. Wen'Les. on W•YeAt. with of AU acre of• *ad, well? hp,••••;•i. Apply td • 44114T McK A Y, - *Cabinet Maker. Roderich, .et :1;t1h,.1873; 1389 Tann For SOe. is the Tose .0•••11 ef 2 3.I0 Ore Connty es Heron. % 1 103 .1 111...k R. Co...primes 50I).13030,0* add 00.41 gond. tollolhisivU 50 homy good 11 ad 13%4 1 o .scher. , Tani _ hi, 111. rout, lo( Howe 'Frame Dans 41..1.1aa11 16. .,in cawbard, vitals or ale czn i V,: Nat dt 51110u! tie t' God:an-L. Terriassmeleo. rare. Applr 30:111 rowascor •re-yul•L GoAerielp Noe: 1(71. sa. - 14 - A T the e s Al. (neer, a earlier seholar IL ship fere ...terse ifistreci`emein tLe Domini -0u lestitutie Toronto. Will be eari at nilitetion arer one demi-nue ria ran eaale. spyrti.n ei the -winter in hatpin- telegraphing, and 1. fitting fheinaelvee for a -.useful arid re- . WHOLESALEARETAIL P"'"um• - AT BUTLER.% . - - - Fon, '811.r,Y; ' Goderich.2erd Nkov. 142.1 *. 1 beautifulAs2,-ortment A ',L"nueese (4:11'; 4,4:‘1?0"ti,/,:i1r11.1Est OF mantling 010 41 the hest views efthi JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS Apply , Lake awl Ilarbool. " . r; DA NIEVOORDOltel Godcri.le Jae. 1.1111, ' 1376 • . JUST 1L6CEIV EL; "f *halo be eeld I - C111'P 14UTLELL'S LOT 5.0ov 4. E. T) aAsl..Seld. con- - toduing • 00 araite ereelient lands r ishins Tackles, covert wiih aple wed Hoven. 10 mike from Getleeehi with r. 'Dew felling trout stream rtmr.ona through tlie centre of tbe; -At e K!NDS.,`i "..tuNtasit..s.0 OF REKL6, ,13.4,04CTS, j2-‘11:lauon : land, Hie, re_ik lia;;Iwati.,4tv 41: mem et towed d.(be 01 the Ita• - ,111l•4. WE'A'rffERALD, •-41, • NEtt. , 1 • - 2 • Eiteite.er tuid 'Surveyer. AND tioffetich Jari,2nii, I fgt. • upertat kis , SELLING • alorwl.....loth kus . • e vsKY Stoves! DkAWEI4 Wuraakil AT FAIRBANKS' KALE WAREHOUSES Fairbranks &Co-, - 4:1.1112$1n Si. rural.), K 1.7 •sit ilivohlirily; Ite*Toik. 333 ttr.r.olw iy, Altay.N, T. rAtx14 tsiBROWN&Co., . at, Beene. For sale be Hanle -aro Dealers. taa't tat • I • w 13 • Ajrr COST Stoves! Valuibh Frblierty Fqr poe. • • NUMIKIM ••,•1Al• •-1 rst.T0iirM OF t 081..1 •• ..tual•••, AIMS. kJ Krick Cattier mei .1'. .nis. 3.. n ineeetenewie. tio‘, net ou I.,: s 11 1. frame art nd• • a brat tint* 0,,tel et Mi.!. co.t.and al.o• frame Kira. The te+t.i !st, e,141 ittt or separate Terinieneadis krone reph att.,. to - 111.• • A re4 er 111141ws littlSt IN 111..1011$8T0d Madera* lb J71.11. Ifs% tl. hot Farm for .11eor to Let. 'I ' '. ' - ' r Idol fo'i• sae rir ta -let Ma f.--., ball 1, ntrer+,itin..;-204iteroa. within lAmil• if 01. , • i el ois.1, :anise ti leant eloow 4 VIE_ '-'1.'.:, 1., eto iarad wilt trwewl, ricerta . _art -fraqa 19.0.'i : 1.01•9•91,00•.00). ilk. tit VI* kst. • Illt le metefttAKIr. e•oamt.og-Ittawi rev. ..e.,34. &AA 1.....v.. tr. Th.-ik loite wilt be dirkohad 41 tai,otlar or ... '.3 ranadaof1110/..••reae•-o.".: .• ' :, . r - _ Apply 'kali• 11VICItY 1. k 0'0,4 !i...'1., .141 An 1 0.14 ' N' r: ! • .2 ' 0 J 1 .i sril . .4 I., ' . . 1 • ' 4 P.z1 F ../t • IA -el 1,;,no-.,c:•!-',. ,..,..,,t: !'1,1.-1,1:11:-.1::.A.Ertr.ke.iri r... N, . .; .•,., , 4...e." :-.. . 1 i.... u... '1 stocked ' _,...ott..- ...us ..tine.. ..61/: 1 '1....: kJ) - •,4:`,41":: dr.1 ILTI: .;14' ....t • ., , :11. ,.,..:1:11,n4.4t.,47,11..•.1.trtnze..ii,y.ts.1.1.4in. i, ..,-;iliceeiT*:r1.111:3"1, ;eagle ,rde.osTanaets,he : • 1 i.-- I ' r - •-•"- 'with iciitehla oatbouses at * la 'J I L ' I -f '• iiiter, .wl I t :. al) I tr.'f .% II.: I,' l'ilei A.111tillia'a"..,' * -1.,.:1....k.fi ‘1..i....i NI..,raii. f • • f . 1•3' i a •,.• Cur! Alla Jcb Printing. All kinds of Wori front the Largest Poster tothe Smallest Card A LLPARTIES INDEBTED TO TUE ill. Hirai Mos for work done previous I. to the 11114Des. bat, ere required to pay no ar WOO to the etallasslau 0. • .4111111111Til Goeleriolt. Feb., 72. :irif91112•111 5 EXECUTED .wau Neatness and Despatch. 0.1at 4)11i 1.4 not lee. OM Iron. -Ceche-ice, 'ore • t374._ 393 . TIM tar Wee: C7. PO•ei. V•10.0'. Clapper, limes, W0,11 l'i.r,11; ugiand Sheep . L , sine4 Twentiethlri Skins takeu in eerhivnee. . • • j-&f.s..TonY• .Splendid Timber Lot Grand 14nual 'ilistrIbution 'I." f t "ge ' 4 h L C i.Cil Barre t emelt. hue ifi. leee &ea , V•01 -z. ALL4-10 To be u ra! ay , 'Tatum ry 14, $74. . 8200,000. 00 for -Portico tarot tentiun paid to Town - skip Printing. IN.VALUILB1.13 GIFTS • •.8.41111 CAPITAL PILIZE, 2i) 000 IN GREENBACKS! ONE Ad ND Catill PRIZE, l0,000 IN GREENBACKS ! _nee (man Mit OP t,001:1 IN GREENBACKS 1 ' One Prize Sti3One • Rix Prizes $1.000 tiREENBACKS! Ton Prize. $5015 L. s. WILLSON Ordure by inailpunetually attended tu. 2500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all,) worth from IMO to e300 each. Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Doti - Number of (Nts 25,000. Ticketa limit- ble-platecl Silver -ware, Jewelry. sec. eel to 100.060.- . • Agent s wairited to sell Tickets,toilia"' Om Laorti Premiums will he yield. • Sinalo Tickets $?: Six Ticketstffle; Twelve Tickets 920;'Pwenty-five $40: Circulate' containing a full list of prizes, a description of the manner of drawing, and other information in ie- ferenee to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to L. D. SINE, Box 86, MLLE Cincinnati. 0. 01, riC6, . 101 W. Fifth St. 1396 - .__- • 7 Goderi9aarble workh ' 10,..fltit!'s, from Goieriekand't n.A.k Jr*. Pyrt Aber,. - '111 / E.Siihscriber oirdrt Fee sale the NI . 2- .4 Pie le cett. 3; teat Dieision et the .. TOWNSHIP OF ASIIFIELD; 'taxi:nog 1023 *ow very heavily tit+ bcred 52111. I4enitie'k IIOSOII . besides a ceniaderable tritentIty,of Rock Elmaind Ceske, The Nino Mae Itiyer flows thrimeat the nei.11te of this land, which Will be eery yalitatile for farming purposes when_ thisrinnber bas bec• _ taken off:' - , W. J. FENTON, Sewing Machine;1,IK 3- r. 0. Bur 21,9, Hantiltea. PIANO, ORG 4.1, MELODEON, Ann Scott, Vanstoue & Co., LGRICIII,TURILEIP WENT _ kihow,..., Acheson's new b1o4, Went' Street, Goderich. ONLY AGENT POR THE Bee To iterinare Tater TT HAVE opened • branch of that airiest -dine - 11011as in the obi died of l(r. A.M. JoLlabni • Goderiek. and will be alie to supply Tombstones, • • Mantlepieces, J. J. BELL, &c.. &c,, ' r • GAVIN STT Tiii.ttS, Lilies *No PaorILISTOR. A gent. 1Q % 51391-3 mItee-4 11' ; • t If FLORENCE” "IMIR THE 11.0oo As TILE leer.- scot lhitnnitteld y, chap..0 • verge:14i. CLARKE'S World Famed 131pod Mixture. Trade Mark, -"Blood Dlirtare." 1115 11111EA1.111.001) PC HIFI". li , for . daroono ace eloar..og 1.11rarritig:,""Eteetrirli".!k.'Ir:131 , ......, .. r - . • 'wag Wads wts a ilpiier. li-itaig ic..1 1...e.stianki 41111‘. . Cures 111Tera !notes on tin- Neet. • ..Ii cies fee rt. . ,CUrea UAW* aiove Le,r,a, ' Carts tlatd.bia......ar Pi MI 163 onthe Py e. • Cureavy'ffeen.islb*,14.,.. . Canal ..n.ii flactisPierviien: CoictClahdolar •••Ilitago. most de,ient, etinvi.iiition of Aftkot Aro, 05 Pru- itt eit'lle. priatoi palletla aufferers-tili .itiva II a trial to toe warm.. •ed, ire. to -ti 1.,-xte.ng injurisma to the As thi. ......‘tsr.i, prns.,..ii,t• •Le tame. and Chars thirElswil from all itrpner lLiti... Peon, roLater.r mese 5140 -OK. ; P Thousands nt Tem linonia/s 11051 113 parts loll In Bottles 2.a Id eardi. arid Ta Omee.esa- -tate*? ma tin& tite oenaltity. 111 liwee-0.8kiebt to 'Oda erratmen cure o. she rest ese*osty or ZAT6711` MEDICINE YE:CUOMO tilartrog;lorat the 'oltgemedhag vises, BY 0 -Lt. z:. ni.warro ...d- ealt eropriMor, T. .t. PLUME. Cher grorli. • A.POTHEC AWES" LULL, 1.1NOIJLE,E341SL a !, . Sarno! no, Barakidos sea Cu., Deimos sto t • EXPORT A.GaNT13. Undo'. Wawaery mad Pore, 37340W8*'. Iltroat. Lowd•es. Ilereley sod sena, sit isirrimeoe Well. !MAGA- . Fargo, audSora. Oxford -,treet, Leedom And all 3.1* Leaden Wboteeeli Houma Ivenggista, any e Lemmas, Clan. red Po. AGENTS TBI CANADA. mcoof The ost mplete set Attachments- if,,,,,,, See THE WEBSTER before buying a.___E,..„,4ii . ,„,,.., ...g Co, °wale given with every Machine. • tidier. T EI:iest ami Co., lfauksedetwn211101,1, • •• .- . etsamm anO d tren. MANUFA.CTURED BY THZ Canada Sewing Lciline 'Co'y, At...a.r....__w..... awl Oe. HAMILTON, ONT. Halifax.. -Astry, Uroten.sa4Co. J une 1 ?. :8;3: D A 'S ' Sewing Machine in, Goderich ond vican- ita . ea" -Celebrated Math itshek Piano from luso up. - • 13613 • THE EBS.TEIt". SEWING IdACEdNE, The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. .4. CollOiltiitOl bil,Clatu14, and Unprece- dented Success el ftereling it Everywhere. IT IS 81133)140 tom DCA A bLII, EASY AND H LICT TO WOSIC, HAN SO COOP OK CAIN, And will do Every Kind of Work, Light OT Hear/. 01041 1374-3m COiric c&RT0071 Wait $5 To no bee aro,- 4.4 gents *mated 311 ofeesee or warldeis recur'', ot ratixt ars, mute ,.: e,d, wake tore til tke aree, mem atmertettre ellitTail'usedars 'Every &tura. e. 0 c't"-15' IC 80. money at work Itor yr la laver . s se _ ... rm. Mittroas Ai WINS( It CO.. • ' .160641 s r er%1.14. Maim etna. I I ... ra r+ 1