HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-12-17, Page 3{ i FOUND. IN Galeria, snm� time ago, a MINK TIPPET. The owner Xao have it by applying to MBs. C. Sasester, near the foosdry, and paying expenses. Gederich., 15th Dec. 1873. 1400c ' Tows Ctslw's Orrlcs, !Goderich, Dec. 6th, 1873, j Ts whom it may Coster'. TAKE NOTICE, THAT the Council of the Town of Goderich will un Friday, he 9.h day of January. 1874, meet for the pur- pose of considering a Ey-Law for the opening up a continuation of Maitland Road through the property of Henry itaaetoxd, Esq., to connect with the Mill Road, said road to be in a straight line with and of a uniform width with that part of Maitland Road now con- structed, and all persons interested in the satlseehall be heard. d .r by them- selves or by counsel. JAMES THOMSON, 139011 Town Clerk. NOTICE. ' ?O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THE Mfueicipal. Council of the Town- ship of Grey, will take into con- sideration at a meeting of the said Council to be held at Tuck's Hotel, Crenbrook, on Friday the 26th day of D¢ember, A. D. 1873, a By -taw to pro- vide for the opening of • public Road we= Lots 34 and 36, in the 8th and 94 Concessions of the said Township. in lien of that portion of the original allpwsnee for road between the Teen - ships of Grey and Vine, running along the ate and 9th Concessions of said Townships. Dated this 21st day of Novemher, Ai D. 1873. ALEX. HUNTER, 1397d Township Clerk, Grey. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that eppli- cetion will be made to the Legis- lative Assembly of the Province of On- tario et its next Session, for an Act to vsst certain property in the Trustees of the Congregasion of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland in the Town of Goderich, with power to mortgage, sell and convey the same and for other u e p Godench, Nov. 25th, 1873. 137-Gw NOTICE. U`i and after the first day of January, 1874, the undersigned will, for the several Companies he represents, make a reduction on all Mercantile Risks of 23 per cent. Special Risks and Dwel lingo will remain as formerly. DIXIE WATSON, Insurance Agent. Gnderich, Dep. 2, 1873- 398d WAN'I'EI) 100 CORDS OF WOOD. 'rI::rD1::1;s �VILL be received up to January 1st, 1874, by the Board• of School Trustees, for. one hundred cords of green beech and maple ti ,,t05 wood, to be four feet from point to scarf, and free free Lathe and back legs. To be delivered at the different Schools as ordered, on or before the tint of March next. T. B. STOKES, ' Secretary. Dee. 4th, 1873. 1399 -lin Teacher Wanted V IR Sebool Section No. 7, Township L of Colborne. App by letter txto t the Trnate, Benmiller Apply Office. JOHN WISE, DONALD KcMURCHY, 1VILLfA$11 ALLAN. - Nov. 29th, 1873. 1398(1* ii TEACHER WANTED. VI/ANTED a Teacher holding a • • Second or Third class Certificate, 'lar School Section No. 4, Colborne. By order ALEX, MALLOY, Benmller P. O. November 24tb, 1873 1397c• -- T Wanted. AIt experienced male Teacher for School Section No. 2, Colborne, to .closest• at New Year. 1§74. 4. Apply to NICIt,QLAS MORRIS, WM. ANSTONE, `i Trustees, JAMES STEVENS, ) Benmiller P. O. 7th Ott. 113. 1390d* ESTRAY CAT rLE, CAME into the subscriber's premises, Lot 8, Con.. 10, Colborne, about lat September, four yearling cattle, three HEIFERS and one STEER, all red and white. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take them away. JAS. ROME. " Colborne, 16th Dec. 1873. 1400c* SMAYED. - -I CAME into the subscriber's premises, • Lot 13, Con. 3, E. D. Colborne, abort 1st November, a spotted red and white HEIFER one year old. The owner is requested to preys property, pay charges and take her away. MICHAEL SWITZER. Beetmiller P. O. December 1st, 1873. 1398d* ESTRAt HMFER, ,AME into the subecriber's premien, Wi Lot 16, Con. 6, West Wawa - meth, a grey Heifer with red neck. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take it away. THOMAS CAMPBELL,i November 26th, 1873. 1398c* S rRA' ED CALVES. /*AHE into the premises of the un- dersigned, lot 23, Lake Shore, Ash- field, two Steer Calves, one black, the other rad. The owper is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. NICHOLAS AUSTIN. December 1st, 18; 3. 1398c• STRAYS CATTLE. STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 8, 1st Concession, Goderich Township, about 1st June last, three head of year- ling earling cattle, two red and white heifers and one dark red and white steer. 411 have a piece cut out of right ear. Any inforaaation respecting their whereabouts will be liberally rewarded. Any person unlawfully detaining them after this advertisement will be pro- *sented. H. SEEGMILLER. November 1st, 1873. 1394 ESTRAY CAT: LE. CMAE into the subscriber's premises •bolt 1st Se [ember, one STEER died oat HEIFER, both red and white, • year and • half old, The owner u regesesed to prove property, pay expen- ses and take theta away away. DUNCAN McLAREN, Bleck E, Colborne, Dec. 5, 1873. 1399c• =TRAY HEIFER. CA¥Z into the subscriber's premia, lit 24, 4th cots., Goderich Township, shat the Int week of November, a red Htee HEWER rising four years old, with "The owner is requested Was peeve her away.property, pay expenses and DAVID LINDSAY, Dee. 5, 1873. 1399c• For Sale or To !tent. A bet shwa fies r, containing leo nom, it & high slate of sulci. vat ion, iliill a good hoses, berg, ambles and For larlbg particular, sp. JAMES MaDONAGB, 8asith's Rty, Carlow P, O , a< sick Mit ids. 1$7s. 13;8 TAILORING. He DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, WEST STREET, GODERICH, Baas to direct sttention settle very full sto:.k of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he is prepsred to make up in the most fashionable style and at the lowest rates. :Gentle Furnishin ' of all kinds kept on hand as usnai. Goderich, 9th Dec. 187 3. 1873. . 1S73. Mackay Brothers' STOCK 01' FALL AND ;WINTER Ci - ODDS IIuw complete in every department which they are prepared to dispoph of as cheap a$ any other house in- the trade. r` Next Door to the Post Office, WEST STIZEET CODERICH. 1389 JOHN A. BALL, ,CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, Ac-, [;AS pleasure in announcing to the public of Goderich and surround- ing country that he has .carted Business in L. S. WILLSONi'S old stand next door to the Sweet Office,, where he is prepared fo furnish all articles in his lino Cheap for ' Cash, !and on -the shortebt notice. l'iefure E'ranies kept on hand and made to order. Also an assortment of Pictures. PREMIUMS : Otte 25c picture for 'every purchase of $3. Two 30c " $6. Four 25c " " $10 or 1. Riir Cromos worth $1.00, LUMUI* AND CORDWOOD r taken in exchange. Oct, lith, 1873. 1310 NOTICE TO CONTRJCTJRS• SRA LED ton•ler'.'addressed to the undersigned end redone.' "'linden f•,r boder,, 4, Hart.etr" will he receive' at *tile Alto, until *nun of Wed- nesday, the :tit day of January east41$74) for it., enlargement and deepening of Goderich Harbour. ;,ons[ ruction of Ducking, go. Anes mod specifications dr the works will be seen at the office. and at the Resident Engineer's Ogler, Uoaerich, on and ahem 11nnfay, the thud instant, where printed forms of Tender may be oh. tainr.J Alt tenders moat be made on the printed forms supplied, and to each must be attached the ar...AI signature* of all persons tendering, and also the signatures of two rr.ponuble sod. eolvent p• norms reatdant of the Dominion, wiring to become sure- ties for the due fulfilment er the -Detract. 'renders will only he received from competent persons accustomed to this elms of wore, but the department does not bind itself to accept the low - at or any tender. By ogler, F. DRIBS, Secretary, [OSP*ITassT or Prstic Wogs., .)wawa, 1st December, 1573. 13,9e THE WESTERN ADV6RTISf� LONDON, O:YT• The Great Femiar Newspaper has how attained the largest eireniation In Ontario outside of Toronto. Only Ono Dollar por • year, Balance of prevent rear Fit RE. From sow to let January, t•75, for One Dollar, payable ert1CTLY iN ADVANCE, iT CONTAE'4 S,.rkltng Editorial*, Spicy News Items, Corms. poodenee from the Counties, Choice Fame) Reading, Stories, Wit and Humor, Curious and Scientific. ac., &e, "Short and Sweet" is ear Motto, add we slave to give more News In leu space than any ether Ce. aadianjturnaP Our Principles. In Polities, Reform; In Tone, strictly moral: in Spirit. moderate; In Criticism, teazles* and iude pendent, AGENTS WANTED. -we offer great Induce- ments ,o Canvassers. Seri fora prize.list, or road is to the columna of the ALCMs -nage and then go right to work AT ONCE:, Club. may be formed from any numbs, of pont Mikes, and at any time of the year, nut NOW 1. the moat favoraM, time, as es give the balance of this year gratis to new sub- e'rib•n, Bend us names as fast es you can get item. Prepay and register roar money letters and they will awns at our rbuk. ver Roo agent hits nn yea anti yon *ant the ADvaursaa, doaot wait, bat send iu your names and address with One Dollar and the paper will at ouAddress ll eommm0ications tt JOHN'CAMERON & CO. 1303 s ' Aoveartss c,g,05," Imadoa,, Ont. ST- JOSEPH'S ACAIIEMY. THE Sisters of St. Joseph beg to in- timate to the citizens of Goderich and vicinity that they knee opened an academy for the education of young j..adies' in their new Convent on North Street, Goderich. The course of studies comprises the usual branches in the English and French languages, Music on the Piano Forte and the Gnitar, as also Paintin , Drawing, plain and ornamental Needle work, Wax flowers, &c. For particulars apply to the Lady Superiorbus. Goderich, Nov. 11th, 1873. 1396 THE ALUMINIUM WATCH THn LATEST NOVILTT. Every person should have one. Wears equal to -Gold; and the difference in quality an only- be detected on the closest scrutiny. Warranted to keep correct time for TWO YEARS without cleaning, or the money returned. Thou- sands are now in use thmughoat Great Britain. Price, only TWO DOLLARS. Sent, post-paid, on receipt, to any part of the Dominion. State whether Lady or Gentleman's size required. Mao, ElegantALUMII(IUM CI IA INS Seventy-five Cents, poet -paid. Address -C 1AMBERSiTHORNTON, Toronto, Ont. i}Agenta wanted eveywhere.. .11 _ 1398-1m AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO SELL OUR "NE W MAP OF Tilt Dominion of Canada. Profits froaa12e0 to 8800 pee tz+oatb. Permanent employment - TROY B CO., 1396-6w PEW @tBpSNY teArroyalo. VICTORIA STREET, GODERICH, Opp..site the old Burying Ground • ALEX. ADAM begs leave to inform the public of God- erich and surrounding ocnntry that he has opened that New Store on Victoria St. with a choice stock of OROC1;R ES & PROVISIONS. By keeping first class articles at low prices he hopes to get a ehare of -public patronage. Call and give me a trial and judge for yourselves. COFFEE GROUND DAILY, A great treat for Breakfast• A. Adam will always have on hand a supply or spiced'beef hams. 1 Goderich, 11th riov. 1873. 1395 HARDWARE ! Hardware, Hardwa r 0 THE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of Goderich and sur- rounding Country that he has purchas- ed the Bankrupt Stock OF HARDWARE OF H. GARDINER & 60. which meat be cleared oat at once At : Cost and Under.. Sp eLl Sergslis to tOe Trade. 'L. WELLS. oaks* oct. 17, 187:1. 1392 Bf-Law No. 10, of 1873, A, By -Lula to raise by wa,v of Loan the sum of Fire Thow-and Dollars for the purposes therein mentioned. �J HEREAS- THE MUNICIPAL Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario hale re- solved to grant a Bonus to a Joint Stock Company who will erect a Summer Ho- tel in said Town of Gnderich, to the amouut of $5000 -on the co ditiou hereinafter mentioned. That said Joint Stock Company shall erecta Summer Hotel within th limits of said Town of 1:odurich in t e year 1874, costing not less, elidesa of the grounds attached, thau th sum of 615,090, Th# the said sum of $, 00 shall be paid to the President of sail Joint Stock Company, on tenne hereafter to bo agreed upon -in Town Debentures at par, 'payable in Ton Years with interest, at therateof six per cent per annum. And whereat[ it will require the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars to be raised anuually by special rate for the payment of said debt and interest for the next en- suing ten years as hereinafter mentioned. And whereas the amount of whole rateable property of the said Municipal- ity irrespective of any future increase of the salve, and also irrespective of any income to be derived from the temporary investment of the sinking fund hereiu- alter mentioned, or any part thereof, according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Mnnict ality, being for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, was$990,990. And whereas the amount of the exist- ing debt of the said Municipality is as follows : Principal, the sum of Eighty- seven thousand one hundred and thirty two dollars and twenty-two cents. And wherein for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for paying the said sum of $5000 and interest as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equal, annual, special -rate el nearly seven -eights of a mill in the dollar in addition to all rates to be levied in tech year. Be it there- fore one -ted by the Municipal Council, of the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, that it shall be lawful for the Mayor to cause any nu,nber of Debentures to be issued for such sums of money as may be re- quired, not less than One Hundred Dol- lars each, and not to exceed in the whole the said sum of Fire Thousand Dollars ; and that the saidDebentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the [laid Muni- cipal Council, and be signed by the Mayor. That the Said Dobeatures shall bear interest at end after the rate of six per cent per annum, from the date thereof, which interest shall bei payable on the first day of February in each year, at the office of the Treasurer of said Town of Goderich. And far the purpose of forming a sink- ing fund tor the payment of the said De- bentures, and the interest at the rate aforesaid to become due thereon, an equal special rate of nearly seven -eights of a mill in the Dollar shall in addition to all other tater be levied and collected in each year, upon all the rateable pro- perty in said Town of Goderich, during the continuance of said debentures or auy of them. That this By -Law shall take effect and Dome into operation, OR, from the df ter the first day of February, yearof our Lord, 1874. That the votes of the electors of the said municipality shall be takes on this By -Law on the tint Monday of January, at the same time and plans, and before the same returning officers u may thea be there to receive votes for councillors at the Municipal Elections. TAKE NOTICE. Take notice tha. the above is a true copy of a proposed By -Law, which will be taken into consideration by the Coun- oil of the Town of Goderich, after one monthfrom the lint pdblicatlon thereof ttkthe Huron 8142xAt the date of which publication is the 10th day of December, 1873. 1399d JAMES THOMSON, Tow n Clerk. Teacher Wanted FOR School Section No. 1, Ashfield. Apply persousily to the Trustees at Port 81bert Tgos. HAWK.INS, g�ge�ry and Treasurer. 32 Krog st• Zest, Toresto. I Port Albert, Dee. 1, 1$73. 13980 Christmas Goods A large assortment of hooks in elegant bindings suitable for presents. AN -IMMENSE VARIETY OF CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, CLfI7RCH SERVICES, Ac. kc. IN NEW STYLE BINDINGSI SILVER WARE To suit the tastes of the moat fastidious. A CROICE SELECTION OF GnOD JEWELLERY, FANCY Q -ODDS in endless variety. WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES. All of which will be offered at very low prices 50 MOORHOUSE'S• Goderich Dec. 15th, 1873. EatensiveNeWPremises A . 1) Splendid New Stock. 11.111 4111111 C. Barry &. Bro, . Cabinet Makers, Undertakers a. Wood Turners, g.TON EST. Have removed across the street to the More next door,, W. Acheson'• harriers Shop, where will b. Lound A GOOD ASSORTMENT 1 of kitchen. n.•ln*ns. n,ningronm. and gar or Fa utture, such as TABLES. CHAIRS hair, cane sed wood swated) CUPBOARDS BEDSTEADS, WASH t3TAND.'r' ' HATTRF.BME.S LOUSES. SOFAS. WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASSES GILT FRAMINfv. ,]-G. B i D are prepared to sell everything 1. tkrir hem Cheap for Cash. V. R 4 complete aew,rtetent ofC.dnne and !Menotti atwnvs on hand ural a Beanie to hire . a1 on ramose able terms. A CALL SOLICITED. Orlegtrh, 15 .40g 1070 To TO: New Dominion Clothil:g Store, PHILO NOBLE, MEKI'HANT TAILOR, 11-4MILTtIS STREET, (.OD$Rlf H, Ilaa now received a beautiful stock of - Fall Goods, comprising Tweeds, Ittlatcn, &c., which he is prepared to make up on the shortest notice, and guarantee a good fit or no charge. Also • large stock of Men's and Boys Ready -Made CIothl.g. 1 hay° just received a splendid stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Ju,t to hand a beautiful assortment Of HATS CSC CAPS, Alt of which I am determined to sell CHEAP for CASH. in order to make room for more, which will be to hand in a few days. A call solicited before purchashing elsewhere. Remember the stand, next to Wm. Achesou's Harness Shop, Hamilton street. Sept. t th, 1873, i 1386 CLOTHING. Q. SI IITH"& CO. !lave ;est received the largest Stock of Clothing -{ AND THE '.- BEST STOCK OF CLOTHS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Ever offered in Goderich, and they are determined to sell the (611L,.ARE37 t'LOTIING MADE TO ORDER ONS1IORT NOTiCE. Good Fit guaranteed o: no Sale. REMEMBER THE STAND, Next Door to J. Bond's Drug Store, Market Square, Goderich. 1390 IT'S QUITE TRUE THAT My First it's true turns one to bone, My next I'm sure begins alone, My Third you'll find denotes a pound, My Fourth's in long but not in found. Without my fifth you can't be short, My next is sounded in Report, My, next does always sound in bell, My Eighth is always in the well, My Nino does ell turn into sell. My teeth by horse is often heard, My next's in goose but not in bird, My next is prominent in town, bfy.neztdoes own turn into down. My next you'll see where yeti have tin, My next does end always begin, My next does always mean the prime, Mr lest is always in the shine. Very Oheap 1390 NOTICE. Tun undenigned having opened out tt a new stock of Groceries, Glassware, Crockery, So , &o., In the store lately occupied by James Brackenridge, trusts thss he may be favoured with a share of the public pat- ronage. Ooderioh, Sept. Lt, 111. COOKE. 875. 1886e MANCHESTER HOUSE, CODERICH' GRANDDISPLAY tl• 'NEW GOODS CROFTS & JOHNSTON Have moved - to their new premise's THE MANCHESTER HOUSE, next door to F. Jordan's Drums Store, and have - added to their stock a large lot of New Goods. bought for cash at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time for bar ains in Dress Goods, Jackets, Shawls, Winceys, Shillings,' Tweeds, Clothin ►, „Boots & Shoes, &c. CROFTS & JOHNSTON, Mancbester House. 1873. December 18731 IIIILIIIVIILE ! II4ItDI1T1IiF!i. CHEAP FOR CASH- KERR & McKENZIE, SUCCESSORS TO JOHNSON & 1t 1tR Take this opportunity of informing their friends and patrons that they have re- moved lotto those new and splendid premises on the Market Square ouu door East of R. B. SMITH'S - STORE, , where the are now receiving their fall and winter atodle of SHELF ANO -HEAVY llAR1WARE Bought since the recent decline iu prices which they aro offeting very low for ash. NEW clot )1iS Altita'VI N 13ATI."Y. Call and see for Yourselves. • • Goderich, Oct. 33rd, 1873, 1392 'OYSTERS D. Ferguson's, DIRECT FRItil EALrI-VORI;, SOLD BY THE MEASURE Will be kept.coustantly Du hand DURING THE N'.iNTEIL Restaterfmisand ntipper parties stip- plied at special rates. Ooderileh,, 21st Nor. 1873. 1397 G, H. PARSONS & Co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, YATURCT 8QIIARS. •GODERICII. Have for title [INK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAM'S,Wex)D - 8A WS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP- PING AXES, VARI- OUS MAKERS LND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES AND BROADAXES. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY WROuOHT AND CUT NAILS &c. And & large assortment of all kinds off H.ARDW ARE, At low prises for CASH. Opposite MARKET HOUSE. A.T T E rr T f 0 N. w•wr4wrn,nn. • :11740 azJo IC-/ .Ire MERCHANTS 9 Invite Prompt Attention to their large and COMPLETE STOCK{ Of - rat and Winter Goods purchased from the British, Scotch h Canadian Markets , CONSISTING- OF CLOIY1 ROMAN SCARFS, HABERDASHERY, SHIRTS, WOt ILEN$. BLANKETS, FANCY DIIESSES, ASTRACHAN, SHAWLS, iIOUTB, . WARPS, SQUARES, SASHES, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, BRACES, f`LANNEL., MERINOS, SEAL SKINS, CLOAKINGS, ' SHOES, YARNS, BREAK le SHAWLS, TIES, GLA1 SHIRTINGS, FANCY TIES, SMEET1NGS, WINCEYS, WATER PROOFS, FURS, RUBBERS, BAGS, &e. Ac. &c. IV. & J. K. being FULLY ALIVE to the constant changes' itt dress have girei SANTA CLAUS ESPECIAL CARE to select all the r -:ii wv'i 'I' DEE;Ic-r , • AT M ITLANDVILLE ! Shades and Patterns in the above articles. • W. STANBURY Begs to inform tete inhabitant' of Malt- t Remnants and Old Stock at iandville and the sutroundiug country, that be has received a large supply of -- - -- '--_.-- Fancy Goods and 'TOYSLook Here for of all descriptions, for To I MANE ROOM f„r these goods they intend CLEARING Cllrislivas asci NOV Year's Gifts, which win se sold C'1i17.4A,Y .t`()IR OA .S If. Also a full stock"of', NEW GROCERIES ' consisting cf Tess, net to be equaled -in strength and flavour, at all rices, to suit the timet. ' A1.40iso new Raisins, Currants,Sices,ltice, Sugars, Syrups of tint quality and every .uther'artlele in the tiro.-ury line. Also a large supply of 0( f:oats, Fancy Goods, Glees & Crockery, Tea Sets, dc. . Nails, Flour h Feed. Also a full supply of Wined and Liquors much. ss Sherry, fort, Brandy, Runt, Gin, Whiskey, Ales, Ac. Market price paid for produce. Butter, Eggs, Oats, Peas A Potatoes bought and'old at - STANBURY'S FIORE, 1398 Maitlandville, G. H. PARSONS & Co Goderich. Nor. 28 1871 ARMORS HOME MAGAZINE. BRIGHT, cheerful, earnest and pro-' gressive, the "Home" takes rankI _,.. t L &DIES' FURS with the beat perodieals of the day. It , , is the Cheapest 'First Class Maga2iue to the country and more thoroughly identified with the people in their social and de.meetio life than any other. Every yearly subscriber has a choice rasa of the following large and elegant Steel Engravings, one of whish wets awarded the FIRST PRIZE at the late Provincial Exhibition held in London. "Peace be unto this House," "The Christian Graces," "The Angel of Peace," "Bed Time" and "The Wreath of Isit- mortelles•" - Terms, --$2.50 a year. Sample num- bers 15 cents each. AGENTS WANTED on Salary or Commission. Send at once for Circulars to J. W, JONES, London, Ont. 1396 Sole General Agent, less than Cost. a Moment. MISS MILLER Pegs to inform the Lathes of Gotlerich and vicinity that the - 0 4A" e - will in a few days be stocked with all the latest novelties of the season I.A11IE14 130NNET5 All Styles and prices from $1 upwards: it1-7:1‘11,31.111, I IIF i'LACE THE TORONTO HOUSE, • Next door to the Red Store. Goderich, (tctut er 2811i, 1873. 1393 JUST RGCEIVEll MOORE & CORDON'S A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 'FOR SALE. "T the SieN.tL office, a copy of Dn. SMrru's FAMILY PHYSICIAN, the latest medical work of the kind publish- ed and a most useful book to have in every house, -ALSO- A oepy of Dr. Fowlers' celebrated work on the "Science of Life." \Vi11 be sold cheap. Teas that are teas aro sold by Ball, To test the truth give (fall a Call, He sells all goods in every line, At profits suited to his time. Ball sells for cash. Now yod all know That money makes the Mare to gc, Therefore he can at low rates sell, Just give a tall he'll use you well. Ball sells Dry Goods, Sugars and Teas, And Granite Setts that will you please, Choice fruits and Sweets quite fresh and pure, • That should entice you to his Store. Ask where Ball lives of all you meet. They'll any just ou Victoria Street, 'Tia near the Mill, 'tis near the ground, Where many lasting peace have found. 1300 ) PARTIAL LIST • • 1 LADIES' CLOUDS, . BUFFALO ROBES, &c, GENTS' CAPS: . Ir of goods for sale at Parson's & Ce. s new Hardware Store, opposite the Market ALL N IF: NV AND FRESH, Hduse. NAILS, GLASS UTTY, CARPENTE TOOLS, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND BER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, &liaises, WHITE LEAD, &11 prices; '� BOILED AND RAW OIL,' • BLACK OIL, MACHINEJRY OIL. TURPENTINE, And all kinds of HARDWAL.RE• For Sale Oheap, BY G. H. Parsons & Co. Opposite the Market house, OOODER•Icfi June. 28. 1871. Notice to the Public. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. % S I hare been appointed Sole Agent in the Province of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Machine, none have a right to sell the said machine except those appointed by me. In the Coun- ties of Huron and Bruce the following are the only authorized Agents fur the Florence Machine :-Thomas Connors, U, 7, Whiffen, and Lawrence Murphy, Seaforth; William McGaw, Clinton; L S. Willson, Goderich; Wm. Allan, Lucknow. Any person or persons other than the above representing that they have • right to sell, or can furnish the Florence Machine in the Counties of Huron and Bruce, are imposters, and , the public are hereby warned to beware of them. 1391 Senierth. .4 PERI/TOT General Agent for Ontario, J. Ce DETLOR & CO. - eodorieh, Lt 8epbatber, 1675. STOCK COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoe ', Ready Made Clothing. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. • MOORE- & CORDON, Opposite Grain Market. Goderich, Qcteber 23th, 1873. THE EMPORIUM. 0 J. C. DETLOR &, CO. Aro receiving daily their NEW FALL GOODS, Special Lines 1I)L PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, SKIRTINGS, CORSETS AND RIBBONS. .Full Lanes in Black Lustros, Black Alttacas, Black Baratheas, MackCobourgs, Silk warp Black Paramattas, Black Crapes, - A Faun Lor or Sash Ribbons, Ladies' Belts, Ruffling, Underclothing lt'1I b 1Ozib1e Tails � riu, NEW LeLa TlvvrEi 3DB. O. C. W I LLSO N,FIT L9 LTdBA NTEED. OPENED OUT AGAIN '' DOUGLAS McKENZIE Watchmaker & Jeweller, DESIRES to return his einem* Umiak' to tha public for the patronage extended him la tad Paste audio annonnee that he has removed to the new immolate la Acheson'■ Bleck, West Street, He would all special attention to 0b. RUSSELL WATCH fee Use'aloof which he is Dole agent a oodt,tt'a. A large stock of Waltham, Merlon, Lila sada/WIN Wats, es in Gold and Silver eases. He ha. n haat a large and well selected stocky 3 )WDLLaB>1RY teal kinds whirl, km wt11 sell el,esp. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL A CALL SOLICITED. - D. McKENZIE, Ooderlch November 1101 1173 1343 SEWING MACHINES. 1sHE aubecriber in thanking the publie for their liberal patronage would announce that be has removed to the store lately occupied by Mrs. Warnock, opposite the -Colborne Hotel, when he has on hand a stock of SEW1NGAND'.KNITTINd 1'IAC11 NES Which he will sell as reasonably as any one in the business. 1 hare on hand the Hespeler, Venus and • Applet. n Sewing Machines and the Qatario Fancily Knitting Machine. GIVE -ME A CALL.__ Don't forget Itho stand, oeposite the Colborne lintel. 1389 J. W. WEATHERALD, THE . Very. Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In CODERICH OPPOSITE MARKET HOU3E. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW SUBSCRIBERS BEG TOSAT THAT TuffT 1 E are just cnmltetedopening out an Satire Sew a•:i COMPLETE STOCK of HARDWARE. R E. etallkinds which will be; sold at meteor that defy! competition- Bebr+•purehuingelsewhre. Ple.s give us a mall. 1L-1Lt of Goods told, next week 11.PARSONS'& CO' Opposite The Market House Goderich June Surd 1171. DANIEL GORDON, . OABI1st MAKER, a UPHOLSTERER. trracitorta ] .ez , ca , GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL- LOWING IN Sr:tUM ENCS. Organs and, Melodeons, R S. Wil- liams, Toronto; Peloubet, Pelton & Co. New York. zpx.a.Ercbsis UNION CO.'S, New York. .0 u, i. it it ' 4. 40 44 GAIILER BA RML )RE D1`NHAM WEBER CH iCR ERI NG MiLLER VOSEd Boston. Can furrfish aiums( all Canadian and American Maker's instruments onterms to snit pun -haters for cash or on time at less than Manufacturer's price. Goderich, Feb. 27. 1973. . E RIC McKAY, Cabinet Maker Upholsterer, Efts. 13E08 save to reten, fkagqks #o the t habitahts of hGoileri.and eurr nnling eonaP'y. for r1... liberal Jatmnage during the last two rear* he has been L business. He is now prepared to fursiah all arttoles is his line. snob as F V R N I i V .H E OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PILLOWS •BOLSTERS MAT. RASSES, &o., Oheap for Cash, AND ON THE ORCARTRUT NOTICE. PICTURE PRASE, ke1ice hand and nude t. mdse. Having on ha:o4 aa assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I am pmeat-d make ooMns on Um shortest [#ice, and M oondert funerals os the most reaeoc.• able tering. gr It,-memt,er the old stand, 'WEST STREET, Nits the Bank of Montreal. atd Feb. 11.72. h 1872) (0372 1 AS t a1'AL1 COMPLETE. SUCCESS! Ten First Prizes At Two Exhibitions W. B ELL & CO. GUELPH, ON T. Received Every First Prize POE Crgans & Melodeons .11 the Provincial Exhibit int. Aah iltra, and Centrel Exhibition, ion, Guelph, This greed snows, I. addition to last year's re. mord of a Silver Wedel, E Diplomas, sou 143 Fuel rrtesett Prove 14,01 out instruments, in tJn opla,eu ,t oesef potent judges are incomparably superior a All others. Bole ProptietORend�MaactoreteJ�In TIFlik ofth. j ceaseless. Dentssi's aaha.wtatplbri1MkMie ! yet «5'n nen tee flet withdrew from *ampegWsa, tie. their inability to esatpaM edit teem. Beery (*strummed fuly wnsaasae (tan See years. Seed for emu Immo webdebdesw tssmeet W aa. of tsii,traartw ta. ♦. laden GlIS essliS , O.I. 13. I Rte leek