HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-12-17, Page 1 -a- U., W ob I �__ I 01 3mool "N' ek Mr. O'Connor, W. P for Zeser, and 10iPoort-Kaditer Oeneral, has entered inklo alaw partnefthio ta Ottawa, in which city he will her4tar reside. Coal is substituted for wood in 4L Kinosird=. Nessirs.Gray&Sooft have =2oriod 5W tons of mall focus*in TO salt worka.' xtensi 1P. -a owl---_..�__ _:�_ Poll The ship carpenters of Chatboami,%ka, in to are compelled to Work on sh3rt A many of the workingmen of Canada at t uron to al proven 5 time,in oonsequis Use of the dull Limell. A hand of musiciam of a Jery superior P. L.Jant Paid.. paiialaw 1. C.Ards, character has been formed in the Indian Qlap adjoining Southampton. It is boomponad of thirteen mosobbers--iiii.1 In- r%it and rebbitabod at Oodebrieh,0vvtA,;,,.s­Y . -Im III r).4 ic s x)-.y m n tt�lq I N-c# ;411 Mr. Adam Craig,one of the old pie- boo 4,11111ce,Montreal ftrW 'djoidatieg the alArilort The Gre4tealt Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Numbor. neers of the Cuunty of Lamurk, and a much respected citizen, dropped .1 . J. BELL , sildbilonly in his own house at troon of WITO I E NO. 1400. "w'"Y'sart,aged 745 years. EDITOR, AXD PROMirros.. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 179 1873. -bankrupt filrm of VOL. XXVI. NO. 48.41� GODERICH9 ONTARIO Tile'adisets of the AL Tuttle.Nate A Co. Stu manufacturers, &&,-of lit.Catherines, have been found Naas-$1 sprier gahqea, i their speed. Ike lincon shone out shawl and hood,and siole out undidion. zat"of 14fte. to be sufficient to declare a diviJend of I I 4!scept at the option of the publisher. wmith, i See )wy I only nine cents on the dollar tot tits brightly. Every tree seemed out-lined Along she sped like a all&& A�Cuiitnaitf;ble has been formed in the direllitors. JLATES OF ADVIMTTSING I against the sky with painful distinct- and wait on the river as soon as the men RGLITIC&L.-The p 6ntlem%tt who icts nesso ; here ii guarded old oak that had with their rifles. abot M. P.,for North'Huron has boon cz. village of Arkonal to prom upon the Do� Alies Street Pnuaitivo KAhJ&-St 0.0fl'ootinike't"'n. "ad coadingly reamed grace his return frv)m I ouballe Par time nor�wa--%t-lent rok-eltion- GE 90. 33 WTISS 'EXCRIMS HOTEL, ThS Th'9110, been riven with aome fierce holt ; them Hark I what was that I A sickening, tuirdan Oavernment the depirallibility of., Cberch,Toronton. arm Almost on: wwm- H,janselm, cwas set oitevollui 6 lines. 04 per -GOMM Lot S, clump of-gle&millg evergreens tW deallairing cry wail of morW agony. (IttAwS.the scene okhis airful di making Port Franks a h%rbor of nitio.o. 11111AAKET SQUAPP G(,pDFRICH. k:b1,.ItI0q .I rv. M IdestrQyed by tire oil Monday of �tat i Arid now Ruse recognized it for 1114 voice-for they fituro. The grab(Or offioe before&b,m- A deputation was I t I appointed to w*wL The firoorigiriLted in the hea­ ban-dia.h .as t.14 lin" ja.IL C. A F, A. A. 14. mocked hini in their smirity. u 11= 9 bit"I'l-1 Wait Upon IJ(I . A. b _64zio for Ithis ing Apparatus. boss (k13,fMl, instirci rr,k,­l 1.7 t1boo-lilee U Ilia at TI IN J.fir the river widened. Hardly it week be. were close Upon hini now. Ignation of the Ministry Aid not result CIA rT-W-co x, - Pr.oroR I XTOR to flum r ill f r It t hl�L c� I I th.it.4 wobd forwho And R--sii Ardloy had enjoyed a yes,the cry caute from Charles Vanm. in a fat ottice f(tr tile heavy lit tit of this lourp,,kabo, anti that L a au- or iod o Il0000 r " .. Ill W1,11 1-1 - i., LA-rxOFT1IF HUI.olll UO`rS4 I b It he gave Riding. Wit cant son why i's 'tt,,an dulit a survey And reports "d b6- It IS report.1 that the Pired--lrs of tho. ly. ,".�! 14T frolic of Skating on this very Spot. With that Otte dealkairing burst A4vwtisowwwtA slit1sillit -M tile dir"st" will pL be l'i,trtbed Until Wild,%anti rb*r%*A w,I %%,#I%alit) still voted with hit"I Oh,if ill)hope,and turned upon his purou*nL Tom"Should have a CollectAwsh d 111vt strine tilue Since,and that on his Jundou, littron&a Bruce Railway;. 1A fili ma�In'.0 4 the snt,prt -f the T" .......1, vth. V, in tile meoulight hid eyes gI"back to the only Tor reprodsootativo rvittorn to Utitswa took would for*ard to 4 v I,V i" idike could but know I trying to make arming-evuente with Mr. TIR"Altv 1-V vh I ,�,I I rq. thodal fierco balls,and there wes,a death- ]or&to follow y irJoha in-throobvshadbbs� -tile"nuouittole Isuch rrports tand other Hendrie to go(,it with tile (Y,-VAtruction befon.11".tire, It In iniaginatit-ot- their redli tongues 1334 hiltly t-III,W r occuied to tonch Ili,,,. one it( them lYpalude. Ills Suddenness Amazed the of Walpole whorehas your Wanda falleo. irif,rinsti-m-sis c6uld'ites faunill. Ile &'so of the froad without the 4-rest calm.." I T seemed tit hurt himself in Soule way,for unreasoning I-rutes, but the itwomiat Tothinkthat the diblop l"bliti It N lit tiluatell t hat he would be.&W to re.sprin 'Wit benfit the Iceivil soch the 61trunitte, -rik I a- guarantee or issymont. I thero came it sharp hqi*l of pain.' The crotdc"I to iwas tau I Ily divided, An unfortiniateSli4chmin in Mani- pursuit was stopped for an trial& Nizzing by,so closely Hit wit,, c.twa a,,r)ri,its to Lik probable cn&and ....... lit aud A hall went raft a is or Tby then they cattle oil the faster. Charles; that Mr. Vance felt the hot air Upon his was in favor Of a ..... .......... prrl tiou,'io d'4lb,'" tit tilde of tiler works r,I ird for, -toba.,nauted,McIllbona-ld, had te in ts-1, I lide in of Pb a L, jAiouk th-, Stlan at llsrt Fmtiks. The tuns recent4 to lose throe of his dauuh- lThen a yell ensued ending tr4atu. it who ol . -f I " in. the nue 4&v by matrimony. ly .............. Vance's Idnilks wore weak, his pulses chock.. hrullb- from exhaustion. Ilia ery a howl of tuaddeninglisinI Inother ro- McDonald intrigne* '"I w his Pat Prl Teell to do all they could ..... 1-0 'or Widders and m geLble galbolt air@ ra "I IL ld to 1-ort,* another'; footstoplit, voices- gaid'to Tilt in grftt demand in the Prairie t John Cmd in tha I'll) 1,7 per to I by to whoul wear*inI Iyet in I'arliaturint, rea-1 t ih .� .11. Tile fiery eyes&come ............... �TO AN111:1PINIM MAY Iti"K T; it -ir Amid- glare, and he did tiot'afir. a Attribistry. upideld )�...... mcore) lhims hthi abt�d f.,�" I f rcod y U,I.o.4 oto own) h I Chariot Ch nt it. 114-W .1 hear the rapiii, olipoetant abribee r' arid AS feancil compti b 04 p ill 19� stonsclem at his is mook thin T.,thotn. Alas'tha� Mr.i le t5will be rein,mber to tile elorain VT role-A I breallk. '-A) near safety, and yot­A lielt instant Itow lay to to N oar such a falle should amait UAd Charuptaku ed acoluiplibuied tile Mitrunimite dapa -t--- f 11 I.Ioli t ,of b-Mmlso,*#A Por nilk it ill airing cry brolie from his lips tion r u fho:r'Vistt last su.simer, so Avail, feet. . A % t hi.4.111 1, blow salisev, r fit nj culd not thinil., could Plot who4cf f Lit.know." M:.- .1 I -4r ri, .' lk .1! 1. hall- At first lie cte the "Iluro o - MlIt:3. I LEND. l% ­ V,. 1,. ew .;v ;,DJ N I,I RAsd! I'Lowc! FAft%%t. -I her, t time ago wiutmeu� of Cis speak, for the utter sturprise,and'lienloat The inily consubiltion lie now rentiltloost is received -the'apt t fSrTs. It IV ilitit pilless,to all. "PJOAA*bor of Heb 1 ,,4 fty Ile lit readin.,ill frietall ,It Itiele Ardll,,y, Oa Ile . .11 Immigratioll FARM I,Rf)- T, the centro of doliversitice ovorwholluied him. A is."Isa Upon a ri, andtheNoriloh-welit. Mr. H. arrived ymp.q, - 11 for charity. n,�bt wtff a all an"It 1,"tly per rent%ilftlle i9toeyeAt if cousins and friends, was thiA knelt down on the ire, trembling in I try limb.anti tile rest came thronging "yen I must give)'on toy mite,"said lately:to devte bimbielt to his now du- I.0toomilad am leswo.0 to Say Ir 411411unA. ApI.1v OV L I it. sclf-Kaino evening doing her utmost to the rich mail. ttox. A.% U VIA. 01L, I111 bil Ir 66 siltnwitrove. Sbo was falwittating at Around. -The discomfited suemy wore ,alkar I-mboo rn4b the M":,y 0404-a , �% , 1. 111b; . I , two of A)You mean thi. widow's inittill, A cliariviri party got Inly sold tn it I Wftfa,m6) illesialia scalli-ros,but when*lie used It :ill 4i retiring with of ries, caving the Poxt asked the Solicitor. After 1338 :1.little e4r irt,could naako herself doubly thifir numbe ua=hind them. cnrecently Of the 1410*4 1. Ir d Vance it unearthly noise and evaidact- coler Lit ,What is is All t' began Mr. ScnooL HorsE No. 3,too;%.il�, Morris, la it"ips. so. She h doutryell by fi to(oil Tliursday even- "I &hall be Satisfied with half as Minch ing themselves getgrally like JuLablics, .r.,Llvwr I Ail for,,iven Charics Vance a Oortainly' wall the answer. inaking,a t,4'so K. -0.1 li"a, t'� lui)rn, "I-I can ot imagino-" dimen tiniest since that last all, YL J01I vlrallla�OF ALL'911141" ]KIeWepium, TlCk,,tI. r '1' 1;ill t:,,) lit 'i I f&Wn.-T, Inti tioulol. bo sure to come earl "Do not try,,, interrupted George I Itig last. Tile origin of the fire is I as slibe gave,"Said Ili$ friend. "How for hair an hibur,-oppotite the rest lionce 1: It' -Y Ili w C.,: * I Y, unknown. Suuadi�lusps, boucheit, and I much Are you worth r, of a newly in& 'SA vrid�,owoer,ti,I-% Ito wk- and be Ardley. "it is tits Strangest tbing that rn Ihe cot . Insurod for 8430. ing it, 49 ilip 94mr.?t OTI;rvby All Parkatu­ly Aneft'i MONEY TO LOAN T UATAIV ,w I-Nlophi, aplacently told herself, d. Call O'l the stove were save ','TWdmty,thousand pountia.7 ad-lat tile door. _,P�eceiv I rep!v, Cortifleatabola Low .4 illy penitent. After All Chitries Vance ever happeorie ,sba. -frisLad . 'iye me then your chol for say tau they outereii and 4 searched Cke bal -F I via 0 was ar brave,noble follow I. She thought i'lAseotoltoarb." AniThe picked herup THEY TrRIWIKRD Out at Mr. ThOULVA -% 4. Ir ,, t CAise btho rine t to.it Reels"Place on T %NhilO the thousand; that -will-I)slialf astritichas bolt firund it empty! ' '' I -'and -kt t o-Int a-ILvit 4 oslie wuuld not dirt one bit tbat night as though she had been a babv. bursday., -t _.. 4F t VRVF 110LD Builditig The),went home slowly ;' Mr. machitto was running, ^ cow belonging t the widow gave,fur sho,yotit know,PTO Th Switchman at Mitebell 164 beel with.any loorldy also. The guests sU ar- -ell likTings Witoriety of Turonto. strength was all but exhausted. Angry to Mr. Roe got her tail caught ill the her all." -Gaderk.b. aIt.1I ived. All but Mr. Vance. 1"o won- followed them front afar but tumbling shatt and wakedrawn towards Arrested on a cliarg-i of jwLtitut liv� v oil Fr particont-irs al,p v to :L 11r bu (ALU66, the I 68in'the lat" diared. Had he been really vex strog-A# 1 lJA ed,and mutterings, "tolr- RObs. &A no real danger now. Rose Itho guacit Th a W."111�#f F.An was he atavin,g away to punish her I tile- 11 �ho er I Me Wlt.-. h#A furing the coavlagns, gL that StaLilITI, h. to cosociousne t year I.) IA t t or so, striggle glod hard incrw-bod rapidly An circula- bitr during thu In her cousin's protection. froin th6 tioll Ana is 11111ch M.-opectod as-a cor.sri� fr..own 4 iie 41 rawer I I a GODERICH AGENCY Wall,: let hill, witay. Hho would not reviving with bout all inct,of I -lorn lows f 'Uro be. SUIRGE413 DEIT19T. CH 'R.fIV)I.F1k'T0N. or wear the 1willow. Love t tile walk-; I am quite well now, a stuukp where a tail 'liked Olic" editions and vigarrivok newspalwn it is 1, k1stokka. WAk 14M - abitird. arwil Wf-st Street. or THE girls wore alw is Cows and U-)W d2cy was the gayeat ef'Ile she said,with a touch of 6r o14 imperi- throshilli 111-11111w the obsorind paper in the Dominion in. f, Jis Twi-so, an,3 li.� So Upse A r belo w 1. Trustiarid Loan Compaily of uiness. And she got to Mr. Vance's k#IA spart. fivin0of circutatiim,and the Iii"t in i,oiu( A its 15t-ratlord Goliderich. of the side. As;�Ao'IDZNT 41001=94 on S-tturbd.ty of br�kdidsprlkms. Tile has for Chtia;tolm I, 'Ame i0f the y T CLAI1.tV0T%X- aqlladriva will MONEY Ta,LIF.*D.. N A, 1) A ri,.y Oh Charles, I have bLon at) Selfish last, iowhich. might' have diudobt fistally. nianyycan' ollrbtk�-I'Apu which irt; T GtIvards. Dr.Cult- 6. , r w6stio-election (older onion itat down ,rid cruel'! Will ybu ever forgive.me?'*!lira. Waltw graith Turnberry streo- do not know to ba byany o�lier I-rd grog Charles' answer Was to take her I in the in tile regiflar tat ran,a deeply�scidfutiflc man anIl pie- llv�'Arel h-,t I, h4 ill the atih- 'mtor it ere (if f triestuerist, and three a others, Z the It-it ;Fh i�xteJy over t6y iseitoria licul of I.% A- - -Arm I was chOpping some�idl "). b zi P1 I Charter r four or rurAYMENT viiihin his and pre"it to kis Side. title i vard behind the hi use. e%xii es!ghl M4 try u:)rule tite q (:harlon Vane* 1hearil isout into a-4iscussiou on that woudierful ty,,f tho Irre-out ORTIUL -ance. The doctor,had broke down with i sob. it iolOthos hno, torid dastion-14 all her beeketicialivir. 0 Stated that-ho -L-ON E M I I.LION f-OU-whroore--r-deb�-th or a-, NDS th,'ir the ad,inflicting 3%evcre w ltl%o cAPiTA alnq if .11 year eUL elected'aid tiLi�dpendent" M,Cbl!-Mkl -In- v ayotur 11. t Lwr ourtain retuarkable insL iny darling ! God has intar, he _ire 'T -)Sbd:to- a me� But still I-d. for :t ail c In'! bar,and tits' he uIll support the lia revue y tn ce&,when it 1367 ict lik c I,r,-IxAwl that,,& test 1 its history when theso fit!tiraak h-hve indi. Tne, CITY- OF -Who wc III be. undeistind bow or-w4y Yet$ iihou Voreraulert. woon sailolod th uh should be gi I thorn haws retro;;rbession. Tile is Ftinds for Investmdritis e 1310 E.=a- , A plan6ins Mill, at,a,i,till p&rtia&6 nreti, coine a subjec I ib.c. 411-tisnon 14-13. Arad inclint d at firit. but 4-Ohi Ch%rles,-it is a Strang cinling out this wiuterin a now drolli, �by A&Sircesmonoy at reducedraiesfor fro- t4rth in a fltkKl Of Ivery Nil one;.I- wlo Tit r L',%F- Ki,14-itirdine. wwn totally- d-edifroyed' thoseri'lo.Oat. T briansilsibble nes T, .1 th.-It" Mbsealtmn I&Uy ticol;uicookeed,and took YOU "ilk hardly IS -you anti the Weekly is to Itis too wrw-ezAent -, La:kwiv. 2 to IN) rell3yal-i4i inin qVy y T,ma -IV for P-Tibille, -It 10-%� liklit. lip�itic olas tile (tens I plus have laughed To f onlarged, mali:W!i,t a ro&arkahly good feTim firke, T�e�xr vp ablit ti, her moat ill a L air in a!small V-114 they Tam t­� oil. dollar's worth. The Voilyalishers anuckunco 4111,10 behavistiv in the ior I'll to to tit I "Don't spoil the story. said thin village,receivikod a W166 siailkiezlia tJ u:t the borrower. . e dector h&4 altoceirol- . - -.1.3 owill4lillig in And-Ak AS it adjourned lo. Th y frod:1 behind. the alert&nil arrost of a sti;;: so rapidly that last, Couat:661, Fill'11IfrliIXtit.l1:!ij ell 4-n*applicatloh. sollilILZ tA11 George Arbil that their su riter,ju th;, ad in young couple hailing fron near L,)ild last month 5S itzi centl wo t6a 4uring b�savc.l. The loss Witt te ilur attention-Was il;nledi. have it SlIt out when we get home. to &L, 'A"allicft**10 is fover- 13 it ('esful sclet-I tKIIXTRICK, -ill tolrered lorke(I in. no month Whatercir othur,tl I I Was Dr. Caltmu aurri-ised when he borough rs,wore about I if of,,vii-a houllv-,siould ca4 ately rmatc1l I lly 'We n6derstabUld that Agent at Gudbrich. "aird who.it slope' ri,!ws may lic Ilk;-%ktm ;f t;w cannom ot thl or- .-- _- 1.1 and slio Watched tthe e ll,tedn of wJaJ,,ck the sar Co. -.1 1,E III,%N mi of the strang escape,and saw the become u J)r. Clib"'aftalow. ed -Lit I d i it,a time, rescued man I Ile made no signs. Miss contrary to the wishese(the fair dam- Wittiegs iii its trttatnitw of public snakii� will lobinicei co iI-Wotildinkv I�llo like to-Plot any it seems that for throe or with'thooroction.lif an-A Van . to was ll�irsbolf sol's p%roats. d n. ters. it it, cortainly- t Witold rive "a sbc..t4,., uskininan R4 A Wit lines?" a.-ked I.Jir. Caltir. !In#10C there witil Caitrazi, the clairvoyal U had re-t ) or an inte ism, dull head- four dapt preltiod3 to this, 3 Youni4 lu family nowspaper, a:%,l � sach,we can begm to an* ley brt'L "They hall gained on me so fast that Acquaintance uf the Young 1&(IF Romo GArirk. u-t4w­ led a FAllardollArd- their, "we ft. 6 Ito 4t.loeteel artice$ The on',,ruw;A'ac' 2!liNbc%q n of li &ch&. named Juhustir,(who had formed Ill bifk:ly ConmitLud it. M-ONEY*TO LF f..ta,vr It 0 At Greatly red iiii UtVl of IntillTeft DRUG STORE bint here f lrfundi Fire very this Conti iqu� hiLlicl..') carried n by 111 qnestinili -it"] Past rupeth-12j, islow.tys ready for KC"fu.-XII-AT-LAW, AND ll6 will Ins if I could not have hold out a years in the eastern part of the rro- I d'lftl. F.Ulf't- C.).,*Of Iles- Job TIM ;,ill .%rroP*% Miss ltos;acquialsorlod it su"u" Mr. Vanoo to tile wince)had boon prowling sisout lxpndt-- well choicn.. or is about:to h,irali"rerre-1 to 11­lv- obrok-Al�VWUOY, IMPTIF ohal)k,-Il In ight aith gl,pwi lr�w rate of Q R Tit R, minuto loncr,"said pol If tile from two t- hich.all tail IK(" Ardl v felt at ,liesides the short distance on borough i it orfir to Catch a glimV"' och, Canada misen largely t payable it, or what I orbid- te will daq their, tirelim. Ft-)r;-ker-make wAs --I don't know what to" therlytir, there wax darkness,tip to thill!his adored one,he havini,been ft Thecrewof theship Loclk&rn,which grade of wool used in Lite manufacture 0 pen by vooirl, ,III ul,ist like to stslib Said with if ring the house '6f goods ; And it is unfortu- ebompetit-11.1 lianudertaken This rilout we lio�se,and Iny courage was utterly giv- den the privilege( OuLe ran into and sunk tho otearriship Ville of thili'clablibi WitI �ITOMfXCHANCE-Ily.&c 7 fad SW 4irketSqUare. jou'ru &FAY lallull. where she residod-he at Isibilt atiecilleded Ili Harre. havit Arrived at Plymouth. natvt that,tile firrat estaWilbilabbout of t ilia r.a s?KR,4.�lOLiC H Olt AL ar H 0 RT ON .I Ask what keeps 1119 way. IJLiD*t,*r44kI0-040114dCh- F" f.ter! This furnoed owed sk nlbokut Charley. Rose burst into tears. "Char"an in rueeting her,&Z�they made arritugs- They were landed at tht loort-by the kind*horo shoulot not l You roo" a was J. G%rtaow- leer iM away. CAlliteAdis him Well I lime I will never be capricious ments-for p ding to Cli ton on commander of the BiIitish 0211olim, which st'Occ"ful. As V pir. hill,I linkice glorlituting eyes t t P41st . I f he Lipleas it,this country the reis-in ed th Veil untiliihere to be is hen you kDoW that-71, "no not even Friday mortuu4, for tho pU SOO vusselrusetied them whou t1te 1,;)ch Kwit tibia of 1 I.. Society. of Toronto. h ry to he a coming one,but tile I'VaLcIJ was ill a itinking cortaitim,(,it the 210.11s. for this ell 1.to is li- the Arloroll'"T. 26T"i$1 llbkbrnctlo�e, luii(I IN, t $ashed -But-is there really any truth in it, &gain she whispered ; r 3%lUtt*rER A yes whom I am your wife ; I will t I.Fpoareut fer'. as g It ib-CWMSM.&C o-eadeorlork Uat. out kojiibg karlet ton"Pnes-that irst- Dr. (,,sdtrAnf" and Itoba's deep de instead of sitrouble." rated out their_intauti.risand telegraph- ult. The captain and in 'n(if the lorich theomaket,but the ditfitulty of cotupet- th Some,feeling akin to tilow rig to Y,)u alreadystated-i r�jvn m. atement reflect hig WOW t ot bl"oil autl :1 inty were luminous W i lo Dickinson as ke at with-itnitorted goods. A mi%att-r. it'half-hid- curiosity The 1,,vers in their turn became aw&yo INSURANCE CAFLD. Arid he kissed tile sweet lips for their ed'Goustab 4 which Th too I uT-EI)17 i Ill 1,17RE true that tile niedilOot can in aterrained deeply aggalinst the IRAII34'ement of the Work ou the n6w piemat Runlil E-u of the trap set for them,And d aden M of ico to trill tile nwar� It is Soitallendedwell. Buttbewunder Fronok steamship, the d.sciplino wilich wam c-ouplotoild And all LiAl illon )KII1114 EL4i,,n4 7� li,cmt-ut lost, alit tould in�u cases sqeut to enter a.person fill escape of Lbaborleds Vance front the to evade it, and an Sooner did they was maintailic,i, In i)-ard (f hLr, and an-1 hors"have I)Wn sent to the `lVill a 811bw -Art f.? the toll�­,Iglrjn�laiq LT-TAW.'OOLICI I21RTFt,R:)ob�H-irttbord. markable their MONITTOLEND. IS'.3 Of the"ravenous &BI- min(To anti &newer in a 'Peril tIf the:wolves in talkild of in CARadit :rrivo in Clinton thin they turned WRITISItAWRICA.,bot ff,VA EUrO N wo4ler bisplillate qti vered, fashion'" was the reply, ;V.ny fail- to this Ualities of the I PROVINCIAL If Tok,,,ato. 46 even against tho couri, oi and mor-al Lol Works Uy Nir Brown Irlte t.l.a Sesforthwards in haste, hoping, -:at recei0no; all.) served in pipe Jk Marine bmaimeas, at thor, Amencarl'a-c-ikets coluQy-t 0 fo . anq R.:,d Kin is now­ue­f thd *;Iuowv&sessiaboar kebot possible r..t,. bir that Ile I =k f rota' so her ibla a -ures sr. recorded and mid alies, mAde, 110 doubt,to cousummate their design her. They allege tk?tt tho nujurity -if eniut h#T6,urs of,tlit;loake.- Th *ew ing articIcst I I think they are due to out imper- torn hand (If parental authority the Frensh crew exhil)itel pie i RAWSIRS,A C.,0044011,111tI .0 fate. hut ere tile a e vailt,up feet nio., r,Iw I JNL ISISCLA I R ANIAS.StAoll;&it L .U" . Follawar Compound I gorts I no 7"of tAl youliait�- '110RACE 11�111'71 ON th.Ln 4-beal lic.-ha p-ard" fmt knowl*d6o Of she science. suppose should step between thorn and happiness, And that nlauyof the'FrOblicit wr r1ov.,31,itith fifty down tile river,f,.It l4esure. but Mr.Di in IAL.IS lbi, )call allapeet cloinson was determined- lot I)fbzers reachod the Lo-wit Varn witli iter cull and f.' neen fetA 'hl �. Syrup HvpOphoks, no()tic Che Moto than you try. Miss R Offickli'Morket Sqnarc-, phitels, Tile Vallvy.1 the Yosemite is unPA -;w-. lives. ail having received -ifr- t1wit clothing. in a perfectly dry stAlteo Thcal,-two,solid wal JE Lit. Oel. 26A I "ce herit L.A been a gay r^ girls you of colrusion." Ity and to be outdone,a Is.rair l -ushes -ILadwa zMadicines -led in tile ,number, beal: o Seaforth in Y in t irprcl;i; skatin-, b,om(ullloe lout Quite A circle ilegan to gather routiLl. rallt 1.11.4TER. ATI`0 RN AT711,411'.SOLIC11- rs­ --- ---- -- .I __ - I - too ail ear y Fles I 4 Ayer's do lie oil I Tilias('31 ran appeared to Ile in'a' tran- orati,lotir of its fall1l. 'rho Bridal structions to proceed t allowing no Signs Of has-ilia beCill ill tile fct,int,the IAtI An,aWet" 1 4 of six huiid,,,l search Of them, water,arid ti. -uly r us mako a fine inlet thirw -'it A Search to rbutund in tho Immix tit endeavor to call in aluw-t tAy,At Litirge Stock of AVorm h1ilicines,for url, W,*11 *L,.Ilt It,.' w F iler' I"er r lips were j oat parted, fruni a he dis- qtwi%Co's i;Wparl"no. 0,,rkeli Tooth Brushe . ch"los lirii:lart, Ile 11 Iling in th We tilay.-ell, bite ever& teeth, which fcst,ilA,­A,rocky ImAill,still thence, in a thither, and aftera also Chil.11 I dilat- her; Save persons who were Ktru,_ the still'.watior 11 tit casebles, three hundred feet covered the pair comfortably housaidin the perfnrui.`uv%l I Hair Vowel Complai d co;, at-ro very ono(If tile 110 compelled thorn water, leaving thol -hundred t;Ittu3%jrI fest, lolike bottAkin of tile valley, where Irlic our PytIA reint-dics,tile beat bh� ot -.1 to"ing im 1111- to return to Cliut,)o, a here they wo re (j1hristisia 4tity I stinothossand6brils"-4 AbIDON H, Merced. This fall, It Lged,father of the girl, clu'llently IVEVPOOL&LO. 14�1tt j.vius like I THEI in the sorld,try t,111il nin unt exhaidist d "I'litcotiyour bandits hers." dil I et by the un it !%e W AID 4;)i.i:­roRi*ir ry, 'did I "Now t1link i'llolatly on 1110 1wfud"it reaelles tho en of its deacwktZ w Englishuitilbu. This terrible indictruen used in-the:owristi*oLso -if tit A AOiII4 Kill if' 1110 t 0 thom al.ill. ho ezristulatOd wAh the pair On flicir serve* to dark-enithe"10,111a thich our k ilut a Isot utoiilver$Spray WhiCh rds- pr.,coedol - 4. AnKillere,trion - t., bit she isnajl -1 In" is tranformed i r,,1111,14 the prcviou&G�kno it facts v r..t twe'e.ill an Lodi Ilia Subject in to L a'.I "In, if.Tit hich)-I Its ish her ll�ovfe� d like indiscretion,and af rwall w I adtittAlrA and ;ill tits now volition, terv%ud, nd ilion-ask your tit" ad tl�alsmi,y Ills" R A N n E Ceti PAN Y. ld rd(. -16V wife. ,lit !,Lit extorted that roplise to obtairta warrant for the arrost (If po�aq lMs- i ite I,t r-sava that mi delicate lince. i I fr, til.,I'glits tilled rd- Taking z4antaio of tile with,Water. r tin itir. itoii.-h I 1111611de a powder*(I nitiov. taltri: Lit Ini Ile . Anti v olloy ley alit, but that 44f The Y.-m-taito Jall has dvS"ellt 0! slisenve(if her tormentor, tile igirl abricre Lkiioroov,Dec.- desi-dotch frout. ftp!.Iied 0 the fv-*e Ilight &till tw,rning, I iilull I in It cy-eight hill red fret, divioledi 11natc,apol I*114 or 11 it-Oust v hail f;li ito' t1harls VancU was tho m.wit promisculi. two tail horself.and on the return of loor 7 %xr*ry- dke o Birmingharn ours 4%soralos colliskm oc- wrill wu removo a ,tralcos of sils,the fivilt treating ilk a basin, twat. -i- t erntsta ledge who ciuld nut show Stliffi- curre4 on tllt�rldilway netir thit city hby grolects is -It v iRit. Wbst shinlid site say t for delicacy at- tb,two 1,. sea Pka for It. his", IU trif Ug b fath:�r, xil it 1,: of v�ock,yot iont to obtain,.%warrgrit, Virus r, where Thirt v *u. r,apofted i Patolknit 61 WAd Illiffor hun* ea t,, 1,041 her batch.on Illis subject. apparently i meni ine . It may cotitalu a tittle 0;dly lIfteell scvvs In extoL. During c 4fniy of bite, Black oillis day TallillkC. U o sild Ilot Ito Way O'baptis,"Cried Eleanor- Hootortilloodfor a w �illvbibdaud iujtlr foglprv-I JOWL tt,�. and autumn both the Bridal Ir t"' be found. tn e Moldsomoo.ellis 49C iiii-I fft'� Vel depr ability it W hat is t1arley Vance diking I-T I As t I disaster. and it nwAt-i At *9411,41)()4)K a's to ine lo',.il tile Yose4nito falls ar but did not mucesed ififindiubt Ili' at tile tinij f 1111111 '4 turmeri , and lit o+6 ])we StuN of 401 1no! fr".h An't 41 asr is Iw 1,0 said. it tit And forgotten co 0 daughter Johnston met-bim aud ctLulo traller engio whC, wZS wri'MATT a wast Lono visiting _elfleL thru-bidS(if istreakuh, remarkable only fAr C.Uqw-obs,4 It workii ail!w adieu biit vetI,!TL' -jigy To LZI4111. p., ,J 141,*all III It illudd rig o ork-iA Iiiere? or halli he Or great height. But during in for a large n ha�rry Like T't aa dense Joto the potIolausent Ametaft a of tit of abuse, Tonio Bitters, nevej get!lioway on iiii-his Where tOrn) said he wan determine ,to l' ity is again dilvelop ul�tfl ly. ht.rae bag I tile I lame, to lored. wet Session they avoll into F;,L W, bond' 11 think I will it.t ask But ft An then Weer III aughter.The yoapg mangenerouslypAild- fog is UIOrll* SIR% VA LiFt: PoLIC, 8 . I f;,J toill, f, I, netruly magnifiodstrilL liected with the aSlitir, rolp; y-mcr.uJitit AND 11"Ptlilk, I.A46111. 111--i I t-in the -ail net ride hill, offer to-. ted her. latter is the granest mountain water- All ex ponses,oou I Thomb were numerous Yes- SITUP 4 Hyloo�,h.wiiilk,t­ -ould chorms teray, bQ4h in the st�wlt ROd �U til.lL r1lools, L swid icW_m,opundc Brnnch, MON. li,f eager voices interrup leaving the father to make the most of t, L ' No imckinR fail in the known world. "la 0 lie --phly fair now, W140. lathe ev'suingo, thili''Moter ThAmes. The hospitalt',ure tiilvd with TRICAL _11.g TIP I ajolibirl to t two miles up the valley the tile matter. t4q care of dt--ftAm for . Abou eluding the vigilance of or oilierwist, aver 4 happy couple, 'Ilkk lbastatic," mplud out."- tra th people`iirho'were run over 14 It i.- Ali wo eretary, r vellerrewheaVernal F&B, in which indis oil watch,hired it coljvayim�abd persons t *0111lialIAL inylquantity of Certifieutei c.an i�O_ Arill y id,Ittr t.,tle east a tri#o.4haiii t4A%j vttu 'fraid asked this, the Merced takes a leap of three hundred wounded on the river. Three fact til%t we Xree,ibstve- Ift i laid lallgbty, lt Iran her thusin Kato wit drove off ill triumph on t1teir-itray 0 -Were killed by COJJi4i0U9 bortween valriollas duced it r6iiii I!Of i,,5 remi.trkshia irative `�Kenl for eadstruill 4. and fifty feet, pnd than rushes madly I i'the da be, and,with'eiouipa--ly- and the sarcas Itiv A tic tune would have arous u0clo Sarni* domain, where by this craft. 'to amid huge belaWisrs in frightful rapid& ing L 4=;..= tat clikko a dfirgues.' bd lJoes,to an effrt. In ill Strange tlut time they are no doubt enjoying the 1. tit' f down to the valley. The scenery in at they u,,,,i,, t,,,e c Urel 0 It L U an .1 b,viiry! well ; if Tbu es, bliss of wedded life. We learn th The coutractom-if the H ooksac Tunnel, holot eerk ad tlrtising f 31 AGPO"ITLTURAL d cattle JU lies.I IV so little Zr (�f nerve and brain shoo,boil Lltraii, grand and pi t tn the extreme. in Exeter the sattle even ing in we a I'l co;xe,I'liere's no mot-* to * said." 'Don't be excited,"sai Dr. Ci 10 escape._.V02t;f,)r.' blookars. Shattly, haye IIWLI in the fire a 4 tumbld %aiy vith alh air Of arnilila2 cheeringiv- -e be w great gloeat their 4 cow I A Ascending slow y and I%boriously, Arrived -7 agole"a-kiallsolf-Aoho%Doars.Blinds: �Utw JAssamnoo Assmiatton - - I in at first sometimes by the means of ladders, u years they hat ell at work ituer-otir nottoe I Itose's mc,,)d wast too uncerta r - I Iowa bar,.at liked(led precipitous sie of the rock, and a- pounds of nitra-gi ill,use of this_I . *1�,je,it its not that. I cau:came up tn swav bliss Caltran, (at least so the tile a4alkif giant bettolill,40-1 WiLlk Iwo. -0-IF E TW!T� I i easily, Arid tereards winding through a deep and WArlu Dimter- olnumon pov,der,4R,5W pub, t'd); shil moved F�d*y,ani stay Until Nanday�.' doct,r sai mile.the au43,500 poundsof,dualin, yigtospeak. Heapproach- narrow cafion for about half a 'a rosellitoL, III rho curs 'If ut I hVirsollay night Ili Cleaner's vainly essa: 1 :asoka.UAIPORTANT NMICF,I do at the foot of the Neva. L LIV W111 41&11 nearly(;W,(K1bL1 ibouti't. bir� -uilJ,t. -I thought(it 0e�pleasurc ed to trunquilize hpr. t w OF it PROP RLLRR-ARV MR A 9 Soule time traveller StILL WRECK -And Firty-three 1­rsons -ye M iciub vallorinary durgam. uld be ob- da Fall tile most 'unique, beautiful LART. explosives.amung her guests.' before any coherent answers co lkavu you boon kilhK1 ill mid. i F,r al!lob d 'of the Yosemite'falls. The UnivetNIM llbuftd Rose IKA14N Dt rilt put ytourself#ut,howeiial. tZined and then Rolibs WAS-wrought tip an i ni L,i r deaths by Tlw otned;- 0-aftokLe 4 Oot*W CHA' S. T. DOYLE;o!Clinton now rep ChArldleVa,nee was notsin I aw I ikelv too to*ls mt�znge pitch. Some suddenpre- gerced dashes for a distance of SCYOU ro%T kni Lun--A Bar- vorholli twollity it is revents thin popular Constittrity exclilpive- �reba feet down the procipioe's Bid roott, of he bAr%3 14 St Lr,with his no Ili expl-wLion 1 LAD I i(- .& Carriage Pfloteribe lover filled her hand k 1nimatVire explo3io ano iA 330 3m,*L ly,foot the Town of God rich and Town- r. (hint,ilbitd for et er metiltileas Or dientment concerning her ul 'fleece-like c crew often trimi, arrived hem t1lisi U ninsb�a�ill, ll,,y Se.4 a very A,,tar,3111Y. anti�hc was-purlodowlY ArYi19 mind withz apprehension. As if trans- a broad, beautif ascable. f, llitri�-glyet!lills I r,;tLuu*are-tits T4MAC(IVAIT THE PUBLICTIf AT patietice the bottom,it strikeii ari inclined ill a yL%vI boat with their foef fa';!ittg down Life co,kir haft. eight 1131, sure to follsow iu ui,,�. To) *p Of i.,akld:ti(,U to hill late rig the young girl*& innotion, Mi- Ne- b Str6o't Rest tot hil)L' Ho felt Vexed Isti rock, and sproload$ t of badlyfrozen. They left the barge about, rookfalling froaltil'o ")of 410, olinjilar at,Sol in.,from J. T.3)UNCANV W. Agency hutits; viiz� McKillunk G rey I he li.,�fltt�d I p.1 41111110 08 NSA sun tile we�lev in Chv�!With trarni'll Molls tits tone IT r. ttachM.1 for belsktn�a " Cold Your friend is in great danger. With 24.0()o bushels of wheat'from Turnillem"ald illiall Ordlir, I'll come if I tau," conclodod 31 Caltmn bililgan Sloes I water ft hundred and thirty feet wide- nine Miles out from here disabled lad- aftidets,and one by drowai I,',-r,QvT&Al0 he,,,-Agency visited I tl,,.Mt at l�ri,.V.,rbAnkful Y_ OFFICE AD STA13LV laco. All parts of 13 waste o is ttviug as if for his life, first this way Richardson says of these different fills gssd� -4�im t"yeir,"ItitsAaGntinuancookoftho Snd his ,�es vA andoinkol ovey thilf tortuous -#The4r names are peculiarly fitting. Milw,,keot,Sarniol. Theywereintom co�iitrnasthe, -Lot tK rknlb cf qgbome riodieibliy. Parties deiii-ing insurance a& and tb th t a #rat programme'$Now. I (A the propeller City of Detroit, which tobi art-eira,of in intc-+%Id -A ill be uallod. on by hal- Bridal il indead ooks like a Toil of sizAnsisloa as to+nbind- dresain- Paint yoUiCtiterp "Very iihe gaily said. -I aball otiono4ith hr Iis on the wais ltion with 8,000 bitshols of vwbt�mbt- part- N. D.-Hones NOW is the time to 'rid' Good by." And in the.ice--&nd something fol- Iwo. In summer, when Bridal 'Veil ficatit.n, and, refit, 4A a trIAL MCI" expect you niii river--an k I-do ye husr a anti Yuaemito dwarf, Vernal still prours The balance of her c.trgo ossid; rolling 'a"' � a 1313 scrublitking the door ; Brown 4 :the'allo-ve ZISIU04 I soled t lim tile tips of hollir dait-ty Iowa him e CUAS. T. DOYLE. S elgtIS2 and Carriages. Abu ki fast.-[far its&u,pie torrent. And Nevada is&I- freight.: The g:Lio struck tb,?tn at kneabs of a fithouldeOng qopy 0.1 the 11;0 - --------- 1i T 8__� 1398-2m Box 39, Clinton. an harp cry 11" bv Carri9e,shopsatteaded 901L -drift. -The Yove, when thev cut tile lie ttr,.�ao down tile path, Unhitched a Bse turnod deathly orbito in Spite of ways white an a snow past three a. iii., 1313LIke 4JOIJ,riking thO C3116tku- Arc wrltc�t r 'f It in not Via ad var- R)"tile mite is height; the Vernal is volume; arge loose, and al�bont 7 a.T�.the City tion Anil E. 13.Wood put ting st red,li-A 'I Clr arx one C FOR - INVENTIONS TorontoLif�l AssuraTice Md t etforte6 I .t fr-wo;..�v lia aspect to be Vaidt E;li�Pain is bone with a jerk. and voicilt, n(il"19 herstrongve omiug hero 1-1 She asked, tile Bridal Veil in softness; bat the of Detroit sunk in Saginaw BA . Capt. pKAor intA) A tub Of lboneaty," froin ol'ing,ac..&C. over the iiiad, nover,rIC6 glaucill.4 W.CL. 1A he c 611 TQntiae Company. - � I twhoit we kTK)W rie I F. ft. MAN g;rlir.t she Said, B,ratt saw throe of the crew 7the pro hic4 a hettithy onvol-O poosed t'l bLt'a,.%t--+3m-nt fAA ExPEDMOUSLY&PROPERLY Pei;erbak Itobe Ardley was privately Scarcely knowidt evada is het hot, foinme and sitiftness -i bienred is,Canada.the Visaed stat"an.1 Europe, in% on combinod. tn spring, each fail has polierinayatelboat,sudone man was Liealsudo" IIE.%D oFFICE : TORONTO, UNT. Udwitclo,.AV., 15.1870 petpin.,, ritterhim ratherenjoying than ,o Heavens ! they ara gall, led that art#,), irbilo a caldrou'Of I ,e Ci" orL inator 41 this &n4loservorAt- 4 - Hot goes like ille wind, but twenty timeol As much water an in sunt- seen in another boat. Ii is fear stands read at hand. The Sketches of 51r.Fellows w%.I leetriialsolas.Agency in-1ll,stion wis yews. not the lobeini-quarrti. hini fast mor.-Froorn-To-Dalt. the reat of the crew went down with the , t(I. im blit'&few me t,,$cl rac Molly nRIST, "I'll mot go ; she shall 'lot got they,two ft-1`100t." is Spoken of Itire u Wool. rid-Aicine,skudL its mitirin- fittAa.Contain, With lihert7 to iltereiii"to Qua I.&III-Ion im- ,Now they prodler. They had about twenty mun yetrf sioneole ItWtaba- on rd. fal" Patients-and 'GodeAh Hone 'hop e are up with'11* -now ! e h14 smocesdeA in establiall- th re that evening," his auswerod b re,-h adif in hill annoance. Dut ere Thurs- oh, gave him . asTo him Hark to their Of ll tile cities df the join ot'ttauh,ye'I nalness it, curineCtion A atiolu at call.d in,25 per rArbill.-7,all paid -:a:-. day eviiiiing came his resolve WAS broken, cries!" BuitNint;or THR PARLIAMLIT is now used VLry Isirgelf fleb.Illibit JIM. V*-Iv- Wasterri plains the history if rithol UP. After tht manner of lovers,And he meant ,Oh,by IleaVorn, what fools we It" His Partblict. , isthe stTailizes.. it. its W. A. MART114 A George Ardley, IL C't (an oilereation) in ev e,,y pAit of tile Dmainion, anti Pleasure 4sk sfts*uu4i*ff tv t�` r1lbile Of tot suddenly eXUAlmol Van�90.W)-hotel'in its first month, savies are raptdiy increa&44 throll;hout y "Tile liglat broakin I Sea it AIL ake "ad cauutyWlha must skate up he said- on him.-" When the newsarrivel that Mr.111. the UnitAta has the a third, bete.Dates a-d' rillew A.'a asibiltiorcaff" Hoollidar. n Hard. r,And FOPT GARRY, Man., Dec. 6_IAAt in its Second, .daily paper, in it Vance hall had accepted a seat in the new Ministry, a theatre. and in it& fourth, arrother Skilled tip vu. the rise sdisi BARNKS in returning thanks St.Aftelthav iny!:rved huapprtntteI'SMI, With nigh told alliker and frosty." rd toy a pack of wolves !Otte evening.abbovit nine o'clock, the I'arlis- without a portfol4o., a St. Catherines hotel,another theatre, And an Academy BOARD OF DMECTORS v it, Gsd,,II,h.W.A. H.bag "Oupothere will be no wolviia abroad, been f.-Ilo situated on the eentr . Ilk— rid in the II"t Id&raw said the lu-awny Lilg- as killed ad 74 hn- President: rboo Ifug JOHN*HILLWAS06 CA31191i'lle, nimilk"ad'ab;9"f"It three yes' Maker Vance W'day or two ago,&nil several went Buildings, Tory wait nonpuaiiid, He read tile State- of Music. In six kionths it b to hot friesuis, in G-lorich for put "it 1,zow prootimtred to milk*Aid postroni ill.F. 4. Abbe.te-Tonnick, .114 1, -Run of X"street,of this city, were dis- ago. begs to may that shot is now 111CIF Plait Tos in cliold-4." Hu;b, ... Of his workinuis have been seen provorling round ment in the papers, and pondered over tels And saloods, in full blist, and a AV": U1111`1411 111101TAT.Zooll. LIGOT AND "HICA'Vy HARNESS, and'warm adruiers. 0 3ourlives. friens- rIctsomothing coveredto be on fire, and ink Short Nowlthe wood- to# give Lemma"on tha Pianob- GAO D JQ40 oftlibe Cjmsty of T,,:k. 41Stains;y shot one f r tiane were burnt to the ground.A Strong It very serionaly. Still he could not we pulation of 15,0oo. forte 1� if "d Dabinat organ and in Sin". W.H X P Prescott. C 1111a A149 SCQT"COLLA JA, over lay the bridge the other!inurning. &,,I coulds to his Anit1tance-" by Mr. Blake should accept a soat in tit'ne holds possession. All the abow Etleetris C oppoolite, Mr. Sawage's, C;A;; ijo;a�Lb, fi�bijk, ipT I For a mo- wlud was blowinq at the time, &all had hn. At Residence Ancia. CAMIL"1111, L' I tsoeb,stood spell-bimud. thii Cabinet without a pi�rif IC 14* , in Or* 4 and with 4"PA-t-cl- 0-00 Yuu'41 better take a pistoL" I it not been fDr the exertions Of the mili- a mentioned institutions are"Shut UP," C,�Iborne St. 1363 WAL.I.N.'Doolin"re., o luck audisay good ment the rcom awato round: *tara All- tary-tho consequence might have been last he sibid, "Well I(loclars,What CA191d. d but nine families live there. Wort), T, Tram kates,"answered Mr.Vanodiv;laughing- fill every space. the man'be thinking aboutl A seat with- an 'r."s if.5 wrJU to VW4 k,'3isr,,a46. Kill,wb fps,curr�;,�dilmbs, "111 trVat t and noosidisastrous. Asit was the ][it 1EC0r.VArU It x%,N; P. , hi fire am- What pie are n,,%-care Wd Q=arsn;'A HA%,.Y,&I. ly,` rather ridiculing the nation' Of thrust onk and coat, 0 out a portfolio!Why it's absurd. is 11011 ly tolowti oziLautly 6. ride over his 6&�..Idrir. TWO t.,,d,,d no further than the Parliana nt in thunder is he going to put his papers of pen is --r fire is on- themselves to drift oAoilliestions for lasurnrice in this I nt the Pu"tmo". Suit, and tile room Building. The origin of the tnif he hasn't gotsk portfolio! Whyrl lonely allowing 1�6 carei 111110" first claw Company received by Godebri-ek,Jullell'b-ISM He started The night lis he had ob- or three followed known at present. All the books were w through the preliminary sy'mtoms of Wrth has saired am 0- served, was clear and fr,4;,very bright we"in a whirl of earl fusion- ouldn't think of traelling to the Falls I CNITM totairrh t shriek- -y od. oonsumption, ua*r tile fatal delusion CeQsL 11 ively ou'l,li 0 J. J.BkI,L 6TAXIM901 I CM1111. V, ',.,t. �ilrtlk be. 30 and culd. Half his journey hall been 4,Lot as go too,"Itiese ta]moo without one,if it was. only to caM a that they are trou'bled with nothing but, A.011al, an El"Manloties q'Iftntitir 1342 Agent at G-Aerich. accompliulied when he heard a shrill, ad. _Un.,Mr shirtoollar." After ving yen to his How necessary is it, un'l 04ck,tn use Ilia 3D0C>-%a:3r1NT:E c)o w stratiord It "slight coliLl, L,,ne R%ck 441dillit I",Woo low lesten aJAMES VIVIAN sharp cry ecl:ring from the w.,lods. Then -,MY chibi there [nay be some 11116- opinion in this style,ice said th cold should be bired 'for G11tractil 4ods a$in 4 AS RM)191) 816 ITAURANT TO S,.(saidDl. caitram, toothing;y, ILI- zleft= 0 )then,that a ',Anar,a ,bosskaks-a Now 810A. WENVEILN 18SUI&INCE WORKS. another, as if in answer, and one at a tak people had an idea of the fit Irom its incipiency, and 4very exertion be adiblEadilat to satisfy The A, CARRIAGE -sistar's Id not be a r H armed at the consequences of his thingaI, aboad he would not be a ised Ill dded to get rid of it "Bryan's Pul- sowt.%uau inmaortl his, distarlock. F,.r a moment his blood our 81RATFORD, Doc. l.-Ths Toting on p eiii,ban 00jAPANY. died isi " veins. What were the" vision. "Do,pray, be calm." mistake,,,She amwer- the by-lAw' of the County of P extito hem thilt;Mr.Blake had birth 11 monits Wafers" will st,)p the hacking -A-A owe itail 411tent Mean Ildits;ti'll hat but the wolves a bartual of $90,600 to the foho, -i i a seat. %rid bAl from YO will. Slacnim of cri%la?'Ali, what- n u too, P1 o0valitrful.- V MI&I-A AT ALL UOURP. Nearer came the cry,and nearer,As h"tl 11Y. nigh in a few mi -1 asey uron ws and Sir influence on bronchial and ill it aHEAD OFFICE TORONTO. ed:'N6 like"in no 11 told him to skate -zorAXDCO�u np-his home wool lamo-I dared him too I-=�Ord and H rau $40,- _4d WAS61w at 6-Oles 41tt,41 the dreadful animals wented"their Tic Port Dover mail Le Huran POOIL HORSES. ausy organs an fears of dangerous re- mi&like 0 '"Ir'a IL 436111, 4 we% stoopwasks liloor 00 nPinob4ly 150W- it,IE'8]EXTRA CAPITAL STOCK........I Oh. merciful Heavens, forgive 000 to ti hel Ults will Soon be fror'ni 6 4140a Tiaess' SURPT4US FUNDS...... ",369.40 tlti�m. Hoo glidedoticir the ice like Ii lit railway,came off to-d&y in the face of Theorok are thousands of dissipated-brit th ,c I coute On fill -Sued,by the ,I WSW RZCXIPT8F0RTHFYEA� nit I b' stn*d icl rap rules IT 0.4;h-tkft ff I., TW 7 by Z agony of despair. the most determined opposition. In the dragging out a miserable existence, It . must be taken it, tillic. Sold IOrl, first She was in a perfect he by-las hall bow-car- faring from a varisty,'obf dis�, run- iintry dealers IENDtK0JV1N93tfthI87l-357,858-213 lielfeard front him lityrsiters. isin George's South Riding t ggists and co as rapidly fill I- I US ut 25 cents Per box. MACHINE OIL dible in a surialght lifte. The horrible Tiaivu her co, it majority. Ill Strobt- d i them "oat wedbion, that sFJON.J. MeMURRICH A by an immiltnel ,�11 be. rastared to . blinithy .,fd I';, is no won sat r- .1_ for net to be lost. Every words conjred up Tuadill A MOrO vivid rid I only late vote was recorded against saw -witho"Lal Has been a Denied SWISS 09 Past two yews and President. r' brain. Her face that had f on J. ribettrolika. Wood. ato ofts hy tims- nerve staid limb was strained to its ut- one in he III every vote cast wall sound condition,and-a valubs, Storm to -The world in 01111!kaW owe Model 1 "WA Aw low 0dskiiielly deril,or could ft-.t 6.4okeson.isFIRE & MARINE IIISURANUE- AT &a.-yes"K N ay 117 7,Maljority f or ad, wauM they boo use the a als wi th re st I NK THE PUBLIC b�afcre, was it and iia ILUldis A WOELD ifor TaoullLS. kritia 3.HALDAN Managing Director. pEaLg TO THA I Bf the liberal patronage accorded most tension. A mile,perhaps ; And if been so brilliant a shortlin The total vote cast them of which their owners never drasim. in trouble, natious an cOnvIll"d; behad to double-A. fiarrible Ruh of now the picture of skagui6h. She given socaloollk it. tiarodies an trembling;6overtint U4-tl in in the past and to Announce that rabralysiS& him- That I not help t!.­king that; if Any evil or Ile StW Call carrill-30 and Sw doarpok almost '1129. in their reacts. From one to throle Lowest carmt Rat(5, ke.4, I -law people am ex=tud, and _a h I,, t tru c.carly her a.ilt. by k T 18 T I It 0 X I A L akitigin Stl its brabot4+.esi a'the 2d wIffirdirtsi-. 11;1bA t�umisrbtebd hiss packages of "Darley's Condition Pi�w� wilolesocialoritanizattmof Ct%i'.i,, r"to tit 1.3iol Hall nolduses Warks" &Avg. tjr" tin a Coll;koras Mo bovidless 48 to d-li-etitala,SAP RUSS!I 4ow many wholi n Th4 of cnstructis z a tuntual den and Arabian Heave, Rauiody� will enced by. ttlre lot& -1:04104 r .1 1`11,1100 1 with Critical.,in ilmod. It WQL* almost beyond c"fularSwu 0 in&U a"of P"U"I a-pli-an to be s,u-ItiT0lY iL)IU How, c4torislia" ,An,. W p9gons, -from a Port now Dersitir4N. d Z 14, Und or I,Satisfactory result: st"notbing pre a);atoory ofagroat chAn.4ri -SAL", N,Y. I astialoolier stinakli in 46"pt I so,11.00 pad,gnaw Tbeabs=I - mini. in tb%.Os canillian capricious, laughii d st his tonderm a rith am a%*JuTi& lind kept 01, during hit 'soj -or;BoIWj to the eltremit;of the has* to oat, *A* h:, "are earf, peninsula hundreds rUA*d to ttios fad naw for netTOusne" thera is nothluiliti a LT ban Alm 'cirtler of the beat wilda. A bL-O the I'Aia Destroyet"'I Itemember the nalms, and me tha the j tor asoldre t wor�;Iasvulikq Faster I faster 1 Turns Upt fe&tfal-I--ukll;jMt,,Lhof9uA it had hotionbittL "A in Scot:and,liss below revivalist&rid ill gal M 1. Nortbotip& Llama. X*ww- tic illkouretax,crair Pis find pains in CL it, Stitiva"of Hilrd A ()0-, 16 Oil ddadlh %hicb ablocures:h,limatisin, neur%lgt&' 4-00 Art halts Yet,"only by IY IPV4gthOUtd 1111111 j.6rV47,brill Fit him;ly --@*I to likst--to the ORO ait -`SsA4 with"us P.-obsPect ot 2 W" PM to if OOMA,m T6 laingth of the proposed vwk PASSQN9 Co Hardware usissono"Pt for U404 TsqP1W. to,- lis --mum wb,rz, she wuk!91118 btr li tile Oatissicke proprieuris for CouladL �cr bottlis. l* orialadlits Us Snd 01111"; do ftdnmod Ir th -T Lltculllb. I we Crowd La 25 cocu-were by woulds thrown bid Wil vie4uired. in the obortfasint about total Gold by OR gWaWAUO dontiordso Mi 2ba Vub: IMS kuk,"d Von Some Orris,in rowyeriog pssao�d'quietly UP stsirsy got her cost 423,000,9# duld by All utoodicille dole LOW Agent. G"Urii;4. Io