HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-11-11, Page 27NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Public School Supporters will be received by the undersigned for representation on the Huron County Board of Education. Nominees may be from any of the following municipalities: Township of Hay Village of Hensel! Village of Zurich (One representative to be elected to the Huron County Board of Education.) The nomination period will commence on November 10th, 1976 and will conclude on Novem- ber 15th, 1976 at 5:00 p.m. NOTE: The required nomination form must be used and may be obtained at the Hay Township Office. Wayne C; Horner Clerk-Treasurer Township of Hay DANCE PINERIDQE CHALET Sat„ Nov. 13 9 - 1 OlUotones Admission $5.00 a couple Sponsored by Hensall Minor Sports Association ST. PAULS ANNUAL BAZAAR Sot., Nov. 13 1:30- 4 p.m. ST. PAWS ANGLICAN CHURCH Kirkton featuring home baking, knit- ting, the country store, mincemeat, gift booth, etc. Everyone Welcome r- "Peace of Mind Singers" Of London (50 Voice Choir & Orchestra) presents A Musical Interpretation Of The Beatitudes "Lightshine" Sunday Nov 14th 8:00 P.M. Zion United Church Crediton, Ont. sponsored by the Youth Group free wIli offering Notice Village of Mensal! Nominations Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the village of Hensall in the County of Huron that the period during which nomination papers maybe filed in the office of the Clerk, for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on November 12th, 1976 at the hour of 9 o'clock and close on November 15th, 1976 at the hour of 5 o'clock for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the offices of: Reeve, Councillor Public Utilities Commissioner for the village of Hensall of which all electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 34 of the Municipal Elections Act. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said of- fices are nominated and make the required declarations notice of the time for the holding of the poll, including the advanced poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith. Given under my hand this 25th day of October; 1976 Robert J. Heil, returning officer. TRAVEL TALK ' f-4•••• - rig i-N11-.14 BRIAN MARKSON 12° NORTH St. Vincent, the friendly Tahiti of the Atlantic situated about 100 miles west of Barbados yet relatively unknown es- pecially to Canadians, offers magnificent scenery, hotels and food. It is also the starting point for a leisurely sail through the Grenadines. Bequia (pronounced Beckway) is clearly visible from the southernmost point of St. Vincent. Port Elizabeth is situated in Admiralty Bay, an excellent anchorage from which you can explore the island. 5000 people live on the 7 square miles of Bequia, naturally they are sea-faring people proud of their active municipal council elected every 2 years. Other islands in this group include Mustique, Cannouan, Mayero, Union and Carriacou, To the sailor a veritable paradise. At the southern end of the VVindwards is the island of Grenada "The Spice Island", You arrive by air at Pearls Airport, the capitol St. Georges and main holiday areas are situated across the island twenty miles away. Grenada has had problems in recent years due to stories of political unrest. The surprising thing is that most of the stories came from people on other islands who had never visited Grenada. Once on the island the only apparent problem is the roads and I have no idea why they have been allowed to deteriorate so. I was allowed the freedom of the island including a radio interview on Radio Grenada during which, criticism was accepted gracefully. There are political differences but within our society this is quite acceptable. As for the hotels, I have never seen such a number of truly superb hotels. It would be difficult to describe each property fully. On the famed Grande Anse'Beach reputed to be the loveliest in the world, I was able to visit Cinnamon Hill, beautiful cottages on a hill overlooking St, Georges Harbour, The strilnkingly different Holiday Inn, the largest hotel on the island. Spice Island Inn with it's individual pool 'suites. Nearer St. Georges I visited Ross Point Hotel, this pic- turesque small hotel, 2 miles from St. Georges is famed for it's views and it's food, The Hopkin family are more than your hosts here, they are companions and cooks as well, At L'Ance Aux Epines there is Calabash, a lovely hotel of large housekeeping cottages nestled among palms Overlooking a small bay where yachts swing at anchor, this hotel was my headquarters, conveniently close was The led Crab Restaurant. Nearby was 12° N (Twelve Degrees North) a small villa style hotel with it's own private beach and pool with an honour bar at the water's edge. This hotel is no nam- ed because 12° N latitude runs through the property. Another lovely hotel is The Horse Shoe Bay Hotel. Dinner in the Superb surroundings of the flower bedecked open restaurant was an epicurian experience and the service superb. The ac- commodations, nestled amid the foliage on a hill side, con- sist of double cottages furnished with lovely antiques in- cluding four poster beds, A new addition to this hotel is the swimming pool near the beach, Secret Harbour on Musquetta Bay is the kind of hotel I Would Wish On every honeymooner. I do not believe that any marriage could but succeed if it was started in such surroun- dings. A real gem lying in it's solitude - costly but truly magnificent, Grenada (pronounced Grenayda) is as she always Was, a gem, a precious jewel offering the holidaymaker who wishes something a little better than the average, everything that the heart desires and I found amongst those desires - peace. I am grateful to and L.I.A T who provided the transportation And to the tourist boards of St. Vincent and Grenada for showing me two of the loveliest islands I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. B. Markson, EXETER TRAVEL CENTRE 476 MAIN ST. S. /3S;,0,571 FREE BUS SERVICE Games Every Wednesday NEW TIMES BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter ........ 6:25 p.m. Huron Park 6:35 p.m. Centralia 6:40 p.m. Lucan 6:50 p.m. Phone 235-0450 to the London BINGO VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE R. R. #5, CLINTON BINGO EVERY MONDAY at 8 p.m. JACKPOT $200 mg 15 reg, games of $12.00 3 share-the-wealth Door prizes and many other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dance for HOWARD & MARG DAYMAN Sat., Nov. 20 9 1 a.m. SEAFORTH LEGION Music by MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS Everyone Welcome No Gifts Please Lay Institute of Evangelism Presented by CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST IN THE Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. East, Exeter Nov. 25, 26, 27 Thur. & Fri. 8:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30.4:00 Materials, food, etc. provided Cost $15.00 p.p. For further information call 1354166, 235.1435 BINGO >Tonight Thursday, Nov. 11 Starts at 8:30 p.m. • Stephen Township Community Centre CREDITON, Achthsionsi.00 20 Games Extra Cards 25d or 5 for $1.00 • t r• toy c0115 JACKPOT IF 2 1 share the wealth 2 Cards fdr 250 !Due to license regulations no one under i6 years of age will be admitted. Sponsored By Crediton Hall Board Huron County Board of Education Nominations Notice .is hereby given to the Public School Electors from the school division of the Town of Exeter and the Township of Usborne and Stephen in the County of Huron and that in compliance with the Municipal Elec- tions Act, 1972, Chapter 95, the period for nominations is from 9 a.m. Thursday Nov 11,1974 to p.M. Monday, Nov 15, 1916 At the Office of the Clerk of the Township of Stephen during regular office hours far the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of Members two to be elected Crediton, Ont Oct 26,1976 Wilma:. D. Wein Clerk Poo, 1 both in its restored appearance And viable uses, in August the Ontario Heritage ;Foundation Announced that a grant Of $47J00 would be given to help restore Exeter's Town Hall, This amount must be matched by local Subscription and fund raising. Times-Advocate, November 11, 1976 More ideas for Heritage group To date the Exeter group has raised about $17,00 and an, ap- plication has been InaCte for a Witlltarisit° holtreltihat work at the TpohoPnorwtartinuoryin:Rpenoafoliiirdtwpitaneilg_glevFaz40:40umon,the tPherpCareAdV;kia!gol'atrta A group from the Exeter and District Heritage Foundation visited The Grange at the Art Gallery in Toronto and the Town Hall in Port Perry last week to view recent restoration carried out under grants from the Ontario Heritage FoundatIon, The Town Hall in Port Perry was built in 1073 and is com- parible in size to the Exeter Town Hall, It was interesting to note that the same type of situations had been encountered by the Port Perry group as have been ex- perienced here. While the town hall there has been tastefully restored and operates as a drama and music centre for the community, the Exeter group felt that the Exeter Town Hall has more potential DEDICATE WINCHELSEA BELL — The bell from the former Winchelsea school was dedicated at its new location at Uslporne Central School, Monday morning. From the left are Kirkton Women's Institute president, Mrs. Mervin Shute, Elimville WI curator Mrs. Theron Creery, Hurondale WI curator Mrs, Harry Strang, Usborne student council president Sharon Rundle and Huron. Board of Education superintendent Bob Allen. T-A photo °,) KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Thur., Nov. 18 8:15 p.m. Women's institutes sponsor Winchelsea school bell move KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Everybody Welcome --...../ 1976 as a symbol of all the former school bells in the Township of Usborne." Also assisting in the dedication were Huron County Board of Education superintendent Bob Allen, Usborne ,student council president Sharon Rundle, Huron trustee Clarence McDonald, Usborne Reeve Walter McBride and school principal Bill Linfield, children to their classes, and farmers to their meals. We presume the first teacher to ring this bell was Samuel P. Hall,. and the last teachers were Mrs. Gowan and Miss Marshall. The bell was in excellent condition for its years, which was' well over a century old and weighs approximately 400 pounds, We are proud to place it here in Dedication of an old school bell at a new location was held, Monday at Usborne Central School in conjunction with Remembrance Day observances. The 'bell from the former Winchelsea school has been permanently placed in the front yard at Usborne Central School. The project to move the bell to its new location was jointly sponsored by the Women's Institutes from Elimville, Hurondale add Kirkton. Mrs. Mervin Shute represented the Kirkton Women's Institute of Perth South; Mrs. Harry Strang and Mrs. Harry Dougall represented Hurondale WI and Mrs. Theron Creery, curator and president Mrs. Howard Pym of the Elimville WI also par- ticipa ted. Mrs. Strang, who is curator for the Hurondale WI read the following background in- formation regarding the bell, "This special bell has been chosen as a memory, to be passed on to future generations. In this age of planned ob- solescence and throw away everything, it is nice to have something to pass on to our children, that represents both a part ofAis, and the rural pioneers who figtited in the ,early years of etiOtoW11.411i0, ' .?••' In past years this bell was a land mark at the Winchelsea . school, S.S. No. 6 Usborne township, It was erected in the white brick school, built in 1868, situated 44 rods west of the corner at Winchelsea, which served for fifty-two years. It was then placed in the new school built in 1920, until it closed in 1964, If it could speak its memory, it would tell of calling many HORSE CLUB , AWARD — ' elson, Bilyea present§. bis,;trophy.tp Janet. Eblys,,at:thp recent annual erth**1-),awar,ps/§ii,n9WPAAMtqa-r, Janet was the'top point getter of'the 'f'ktein 441 iorse dub at Achieve- ment Day, 'T-A Photo Help for other arenas? that his suggestion was basically a statement of good faith to other communities. McKinlay said it was okay to preach cost-sharing when the moneywasl'coming our way"and added consideration should be given to cost-sharing when the obligations may be going the other way. Exeter Minor Hockey Associa- tion secretary Bill Batten said he didn't think Exeter had any obligation to help with the operating expenses of the Zurich arena for the use made of it by the Association, The latter facility will oe used by the Junior Hawks and the EMHA operates on a split-gate basis with the Zurich arena. No action was taken this week on a suggestion made to Exeter's RAP committee by Jim McKinlay that they consider pay- ing towards the operation of the Zurich and Hensall arenas in view of the fact those facilities are being used by Exeter residents. He said Exeter officials suggested that other com- munities should help with the operating costs of Exeter recrea- tion facilities used by out-of-town residents and this would be an in- dication that Exeter was prepared to do likewise when the shoe was on the other foot He said it could be a valuable investment for the future of area recreation. He agreed with Fred Simmons NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School Supporters will be received by the undersigned for representation on the Huron County Board of Education. Nominees May be from any of the following municipalities: Townships of Stephen, Usborne, Hay Stanley, Tuckersmith and Goderich Town of Exeter and Villages of Hensall, Bayfield and Zurich (One representative to be elected to the Huron County Board of Education.) The nomination period will commence on November 10th, 1976 and will conclude on Novem- ber 15th, 1976 at 5:00p, m, NOTE: The required nomination form must be used and may be obtained at the Hay Township Office. Wayne C. Horner Clerk-Treasurer Township of Hay ' 411..11.1Me THE $2.50 UNICEF CHRISTMAS. You get 10 greeting cards, thirty-three children get' polio vaccine. The sale of UNICEF cards directly supports all UNICEF programs in child health, education and welfare in 109 developing countries. The proceeds are used to train teachers and nurses; to purchase high protein foods and vaccines. Let us send you our free UNICEF colour catalogue of attractive greeting cards. Then, when you make your selection ybu'll knew we all benefit. You and the children, And that's not bad, Is it? Just write or call: UNICEF Canada, 443 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, M4S 2L8 Telephone (416) 482.4444 or your local UNICEF Committee Reception and Dance for SHARI EVANS and DAVE GROOT (Bridal Couple) Not bad for $250 Ontario UNICEF Committee, 38 Berwick Ave., Room 101, Toronto, Ontario Telephone: (416) 487-4153 Sot., Nov. 20 9- 1:00 a.m. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by DISC JOCKEY Music Provided Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Reception and Dance for SHELLY BAKER and DAN SCHILBE (Bridal Couple) Sat., Nov. 20 9 - 1 a.m. PINERIDGE CHALET Moic by JOE OVERHOLT & THE STANDBYS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome