HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-11-11, Page 2621 For Rent RENTALS FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS BELT SANDERS. N" and iv DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE Your Westinghouse Dealer Exeter 235.1033 1St CONSTRUCTION scaffolding, ex- tension ladder; skill saw; adding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jack; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. It O'1STRUCTION equipment — plywood forms, wedges, power trowel, wheelbarrows, small mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 Monday to Friday after 4 p.m, Weekends anytime. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 16t 23 Wanted To Rent TWO OR THREE bedroom house within 15 miles of Hensall. Phone 529- 7706. 46c 25 Notices INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47/4t 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lyle Agnes Dayman Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Lyle Agnes Dayman, late of the Village of Grand Bend, County of Lambton, Widow, who died on or about the 1 1 th day of July 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of November 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton 'SolicitOrsfor the 6xecuirix' '2 2 Exeter, Ontario 45:46:47c Reafily tvo4 CLA 13\0 SS 5 IFIED Tenders for SNOW REMOVAL Plainly makred sealed tenders will be received up to 12 noon. Friday, November 19, 1976 for snow removal at Stephen Central Public School. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the Administration Centre, Huron County. Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinjon, On- tario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education. H. Turkheim D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director DON'T CUT OFF CHILDREN'S LIVES 41144"Pet*************** PUREBRED 16,* HEREFORD DISPERSAL I For Mr. Stanley Jackson, Kippen, Ontario. Sale will be held at Denfield Livestock Sales Ltd., Denfield, Ont. Thurs., Nov. 18th at 1 p.m. 20 cows with bull and heifers calves of different ages, rebred to Jaybee Silver Britisher, due from sale time to spring. Some are daughters of Real Silver Prince 3M; 4 heifers bred to Standard Diamond 76C; 4 heifers bred to calve November to May; 8 open heifers sired by Jaybee Silver Britisher 19X; HERD SIRE Jaybe&'Stiver Britisher with a 4116`.'ci'day gain. Mr. Jackson is dispersing his herd due to ill health. No reserve. For further information phone (519) 527-1927 ******************** ATHWELL'S AUCTION SE I E AUCTION SALE To be field for the Estate of Herb Keller, 1 1/4 miles east of Zurich and 3 miles soutn on Sat., Nov. 13 at 1:30 p.m. 'CONSISTING OF 430 Case Diesel tractor in excellent condi- tion; 8N Ford complete with 3 pt. hitch loader; 3 furrow 12" bottom plow; 9'/ ft. Kongskild cultivator; 13 run Int. seed drill; Int. 2 row corn planter; 7 ft. New Idea mower; side delivery rake; wagon and flat rack; Case 10" hammermill; steel and wood posts; misc, items. FEED — 1000 bales hay; 700 bales oat straw; approx. 800 bus. mixed grain. TERMS CASH NO RESERVE Not Responsible For Accidents Day of Sale RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers Appraising Liquidators Clinton 482-3120 SOUTHCOTT PINES $66,900. is listed price of this 1,600 sq. ft. Cape Cod Four Seasons, Four bedroom, 3 baths, broadloomed throughout. Master bed ensuite 14'x21'. Family room, garage, patio, TV tower, insul glass F.A. oil heat, insulated, Close to beach, shopping and school. Wonderful family home, Must be sold. Owner transferred, Make your offer. Financing can be arranged. Try Us Make Your Offer For Your Appointment Call John Aselstyne Montreal Trust Co, Realtor 238-2795 Beach 0' Pines' -;. * 666-0833 Ilderton Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS' Tom Robson 666-1967 Wonted To Buy Site For Out-Of-Doors Education The Board of Education for the City of London invites offers to sell a parcel of land having an area of not more than 200 acres and located within 25 miles of the boundaries of the Municipality of London, Ontario. The land is required for the establishment of an Out-of Doors School. Proposals to sell a suitable site should include in , formation as to size; shape; topography; wooded areas; water sources; soil; accessibility; restrictions; and special features such as water areas; wild life; etc, The name of the vendor and the selling price should be given. Written proposals addressed to J.H. Morris, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer, The Board of Education for the City of London, 165 Elmwood Avenue, P.O. Box 5873, London, Oritorio, N6A 4T5, will be received until 4:30 p.m. E.S.T. on Friday, 19 November 1976. Telephone Douglas A. Craig, Assistant Superintendent - Plant, 686-5353 for further information, AUCTION SALE Featuring Furniture, Appliances, Some Antiques, & Many Other Items Vanastra Warehouse, Vanastra, Highway No. 4, 2 miles south of Clinton Sat., Nov. 13, 12 O'clock Sharp 200 Air Force small desks, large assortment of fluorscent light fixtures complete in 4 foot and 8 foot lengths, used electric wiring, large assortment of chairs, 5 refrigerators, electric stoves, hot plates, mpny wooden beds, chests of drawers and dressers, coffee, end and pantry tables, 3 electric guitars, amplifier, 2 Skil saws, ceiling tile,' large quantity of plywood (8 ft. x 30"), iron railing, electric broom, 4 snow tires, sewing machine, 2 coin clothes dryers, assortment snowmobile suits, bath tubs, 2 oak barrels, antique balance scales (working), wash boards, 2 large trunks (excellent). This is just a partial listing, many more items too numerous to mention. NO RESERVES TERMS OF SALE CASH Bill Thompson, Sale Director 482-3085 Auctioneer Not Responsible for Accidents Day of Sale. Percy Wright, Auctioneer KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 ASK ABOUT OUR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE EXETER EXETER — Tri-level home, in the best part of town. This house is just on the market and should please the most fussy purchaser. Featuring an open stone fireplace in the family room, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room and beautifully treed lot. Asking $69,900. Call Fred Eyre. $47,900 — nearly new 3 bedroom bungalow with car port, separate dining room, fully carpeted, finished rec room, com- pletely fenced pool with all equipment. Call Fred Eyre. PRICE REDUCED. Owner anxious to sell quickly. Two year old brick bungalow featuring natural fireplace, patio doors off dining area, full carpeting and double garage. A very good family home on large lot, now reduced to $46,500.00. To inspect call Dirk M. Coolman. 5 ACRES Good land with excellent aluminum frame 3 bedroom house,completely modernized. Good barn plus gar- age only 4 miles east of town near paved road. Asking $47,- 900.00, Call Fred Eyre. $38,900.00— 3 bedroom solid brick. Large rooms, Modern kitchen and bathroom, heated sunroom plus ground floor laundry room and single detached garage. Close to down- town. Call Fred Eyre. IDEAL FAMILY HOME — nicely decorated 4 bedroom b'Hck featuring large new kitchen, accented with one wall of fieldstone, 2 bathrooms and nicely decorated throughout. Nice area, asking 42,000.00, Call Fran Ritchie or Dirk Coolman. OWNER WILL LOOK AT ALL OFFERS on this newly decorated three bedroom home, features new aluminum siding, 2 bathrooms, laundry facility, family size kitchen, separate dining room and full carpeting, located one street from downtown on large lot, asking 35,900.00 and owner will assist with financing. Must be seen. Call Dirk M. Coolman. $25,900.00 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 storey home with new aluminum siding. Features large kitchen and carpeted living room. Excellent location close to schools and downtown, Very good starter home. Phone Dirk M. Coolman. NEW. NEW. NEW. If you are interested in owning a new home call us im- mediately. We have a lot in a very good location with a competent builder. ACT NOW and have your home built to your own specifications. For further details call Fran Ritchie. $26,000. 3 bedroom frame, 1 storey, plus garage on large lot on outskirts of town. Call Fred Eyre. I-OR RENT 3 BEDROOM Modern bungalow in Exeter, Call Fred Eyre. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 3000 SQ. FT. PLUS industrial building on large double lot, Has good office space and showroom, Ample work and storage for light manufacturing, etc. Only $59,900. Call Fred Eyre. THREE INDUSTRIAL LOTS — Older three bedroom frame house on third lot. Good location on main highway. Call Fran Ritchie for rifore information. BUSINESSES FOR SALE POOL HALL with 5 tables, snack bar, plus apartment. Could be excellent opportunity, Call Fred Eyre. SNACK BAR AND VARIETY STORE near Forest, 1/2 acre lot. Gas pumps. Doing excellent trade. For further details Call Norm Stanlake, CLINTON DUPLEX — Both units well decorated and rented. Both ground floor entrances. Asking only $29,900.00. Call Dirk Coolman LONDON EXCEPTIONALLY GOODkVstorey home. 3 bedrooms with 4th in basement. St.J.r.0 floor family room with fireplace. Plus rec room in oasement. Asking $48,900.00. Call Fred Eyre. f HENSALL LARGE HOUSE on Main St, Solid brick presently partially duplexed but could easily be made back into nice home. Pric- ed in mid 40's. Call Fred Eyre. $24,500. Three bedroom, 1 1/2 storey frame home, large din- ing room, living room, kitchen, needs modernizing, sunporch, close to downtown. Call Norm Stanlake, HENSALL EXTRA SPECIAL frame 3 bedroom Johns Manville sided home. 1 1/2 storey separate living and dining rooms. Modern kitchen. Nice lot. Call Fred Eyre. VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT will put you into this low pric- ed frame home in town. 3/4 bedroom, large living and dining rooms. Needs some repairs but priced to allow for this, Call Fred Eyre. EXTRA LARGE HOUSE on main street, presently used as commercial offices but would be easily made back to a beautiful 5 bedroom home. Because of the minor changes which have to be made the price has been adjusted and is only asking $47,900.00. Should you be in the market for of- fice space this could be a steal. For further particulars call Fred Eyre. • CUTE & COSY — describes this well kept 2 bedroom bungalow. Carpeted living room, L shaped kitchen, ideal for young couple starting or retired couple. Has lovely lot and single car garage and only asking $23,900,00. Call Dirk M. Coolman. $31,900.00 ONLY for this extra large, 4 bedroom brick house. An extra lot to the back of the property is also available. To view Call Fred Eyre. CREDITON 3 BEDROOM — 1 1/2 storey with ground floor family room. Secluded area. Asking $23,900.00. Call Fred Eyre, BRICK DUPLEX with both units rented and nicely decorated, asking $16,900.00, Try an offer. Call Dirk M. Coolman. GRAND BEND — BAYFIELD OLDE ENGLISH TUDOR style home, Features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, natural fireplace, lovely large kitchen, separate dining room and attached garage. Near the lake on beautifully landscaped one acre lot. Must be seen, Call Dirk M. Coolman, CENTRALIA ONLY $23,500.00 for this older home in excellent condition. Large lot plus garage. 3/4 bedrooms, large kitchen. All rooms have lots of space. SEE THIS NOW!!! Call Fred Eyre for appointment. ' VARNA 13 ACRES plus newly renovated aluminum frame house, 4 bedrooms. Extra large modern kitchen. About 1 1/2 miles from Varna. Asking $47,500.00. Call Fred Eyre. WE HAVE OTHER BUSINESSES FOR SALE. CALL OFFICE FOR DETAILS. SI Member of the Huron Real Estate Board HEAD OFFICE 235-1232 & 3 445 Main St. South EXETER HENSALL OFFICE 262-2432 FRED. EYRE Eves. 229-8936 SALES STAFF DIRK M. COOLMAN 235-1950 NORMSTANLAKE 235-0524 FRAN RITCHIE 235-0588 Frank VVhilsmith to speak on helping needy children 19 Property For Sale TFB, INDUSTRIAL or Commercial property for sale or lease, 9,000 sq. ft., excellent cement block building with large overhead doors and equalized dock, over 2 acres total. Contact Tuckey Beverages, phone 235-1505. 45:46:47c SOUTHCOTT PINES Distinctive rustic homes in one of On- tario's most unique woodlands, on Luke Huron near Grand Bend. Also 2 outstanding river lots. Ask for Don Southcott 1-235-2515 Open daily 9-5 Weekends 2-5 45:46:47c IN CREDITON — a three bedroom one floor brick home. For further in- formation call Bob Reid, 234-6276. 100 ACRE clay loam farm in Stephen township, Dashwood, Shipka area, 8 room brick house, modern con- veniences, good bank barn, implement shed, Phone 237-3237. 46:47:48' 20 Property For Rent COTTAGE, winterized, furnished, south of St. Josephs, year round. Call 235-0256. 46c FURNISHED APARTMENT, cen- trally located, heated. Apply Beavers Hardware, 235-1033. 46c ONE BEDROOM apartment in Hen- sall, heat, hot water and drapes supplied, stove and fridge if necessary. Call 262-2119 or 262-2409. 46c TWO BEDROOM apartment, Main St;eet, Grand Bend, reasonable for one year lease, partially furnished, $80,00 plus utilities. Phone 416-389- 0295 evenings, or write A. Phinn, RR I, Ancaster. TWO OR THREE bedroom • bungalow, oil furnace, on sewer. Available Dec. I. Phone 686-7506. 46c THREE BEDROOM farm home with all modern conveniences, in the Hensall-Kippen area. Available Dec. 15; Phone 262-5988. 46c 20 Property For Rent THREE BEDROOM HOUSE across from High School, in Exeter; two bedroom mobile home. Phone 235- 0537. 46c Spacious New Apartment Building 3 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 1 bedroom and bachelor apartments, available Dec. 1. For more informaticln Call 482-3085 Vanastra Park 45:46:47:48e FOUR BEDROOM duplex, 221 Algonquin Drive, Huron Park. Apply Joseph Wragg, 228-6719, available Dec. I. 45:46:47:48c ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for Senior Citizens only. For more in- formation call Maplewoods Apts., Zurich 236-4373. 31t TWO BEDROOM apartment in Crediton. Call London collect 433- 8092 after 6 p.m. 39t FURNISHED, heated apartment above Canadian Tire available Nov. 1. Phone 235-1497 or 235-0451. 42t VICTORIA PARK Apartments one bedroom, kitchen, large livingroom, four piece bath, laundry room facilities. Phone 235-0526. 42t APARTMENT, two bedrooms, com- pletely renovated, new broadloom, located in Exeter. Phone 234-6786 or 234-6309. 45:46c 21 For Rent Rent a Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK For Your Moving Needs 12' Delivery Van Available For Rent LARRY SNIDER MOTORS • LTD. Exeter 235-1640 3 I t 27 Tenders Wanted TENDERS for complete installation and hook-up of sewers for the Hensall United Church and manse. Tenders to be received before November 17, 1976. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Howard Searle, Hensall, Ont, Chairman of the Property Committee. 45:46c Wear a poppy for Remembrance Communion at Trivitt On Sunday evening, the new combined Service of Con- firmation and Holy Communion was held in Trivitt Memorial Church. Bishop Robinson led the Service, assisted by the Rector, the Rev. George Anderson. Mr. Anderson presented the following candidates for Con- firmation with the laying on of hands: Kenneth and Mrs. Mary Ellen' Lee, Brian Horrell, Elizabeth Skillender, Linda Roberts, Steven Wells. The congregations of the Exeter Church and St. Paul's Church, Hensall, combined for the occasion; the Bishop's Chaplain was Clark Forrest of Hensall, while the server was Paul Campbell, Exeter. Gerald McAuley presided at the orga and during the Communion the choir sang "Spirit of the Living God". The Bishop's message was based on the text in the Book of Isaiah Chapter 49 "I will never forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hand", Later, an informal reception for the Bishop and Mrs. Robin- son, the members of the Con- firmation class and their friends was held in the Parish Hall. NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN CHILDREN'S FUND of Canada, Frank Whilsmith, will speak and show movies at Exeter United Church, Saturday evening. Start sale of UNICEF cards The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) will be having its annual greeting card sales campaign for the next two weeks. The campaign has been a success in other parts of the province and local organizers hope it will be that in Huron as well. Each 'year at this time, UNICEF supporters volunteer part of their time to sell Christmas and greeting cards and calendars to raise funds for needy children. The money received by UNICEF is used to provide basic necessities and services such as food, education, medical aid, ets. These provide the skills necessary to enable people to support their own survival and development, To have a successful sales drive in the Exeter area this year, UNICEF is in need of a few volunteers who are willing to give a little of their time in the next few weeks. If you feel that you can help, please call 228-6952 after 6:00. p.m. Frank .1, Whilsmith, national director of Christian Children's Fund of Canada will be in town Saturday night at the Exeter United Church. Hall to speak about and show movies of the work of this organization which has been helping needy children around the world since 1938, Mr. Whilsmith, who headed Whilsmith Advertising Company which he established in 1948, withdrew from that position recently to devote full time to Christian Children's Fund, As national director he travels widely to insure that the funds from the organization are being utilized to their fullest potential., He has just recently returned from viewing work in Asia, South America,Caribbean,Portugaland Spain. His life is dedicated to helping unfortunate children and he has received many honors for his efforts. Last Spring, the South Korean government presented him with a citation for his work with children in that country. Mr. Whilsmith is associated with many 'organizations both in Canada and abroad. These in- clude The Advertising and Sales Club, Royal Canadian Institute, Ewha Woman's University (Korea) Foundation, Dr. Graham's Homes (India) Canadian Council, The Scott PS students collect $317 Grade three, four and five students at Exeter Public School collected $317.55 to aid UNICEF during their Hallowe'en night trick and treat visits throughout the town. The EPS student council wishes to extend their ap- preciation to all residents for the excellent co-operation received by the many young spooks on Hallowe'en night. Mission, Inc., and Latin America Mission (Canada) Inc. of which he is the past president, Christian Children's Fund of Canada is part of the world-wide organization supporting nearly 170,000 needy) and orphaned children in approximately 40 countries, Besides showing movies of the work being done in several areas of the world, there will be a report on the recent 15-person volunteer group that went to Costa Rica in August to repair and remodel building on an or- phanage compound, Art Whilsmith, local builder was one of those who went, Anyone who is interested in taking part in a similar work project are especially invited to attend this meeting which will commence at 7:30, Page 26 Times-Advocate, November 11, 1976 SAVE 10-20% DURING OUR FIRST I ANNIVERSARY SALE NOV 1 TO NOV 30 ALL ITEMS IN STORE 10 - 20 % OFF Do your Christmas Shopping early HOMESTEADER'S ANTIQUES 433 Main St. rear Exeter Phone 235-1114