HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-11-26, Page 431ZOSSMIIIISe- Ts. night succeeds the day;= -the day In tarn succeeds the sight. Th. sun succeeds the stars, and theg Succeed ill turn his ligtt. • All things suoceed -except, My, tive-aet tragedy, that cot 11903! follows day; week follows week, The habit peradventure is rimmed by months, and years, and eke ' By cycles and by ceiaturies. All things will follow -that is trio, Except my arguments. They never do! This world is full of change :-each ho ur From light to shade we range; Nov grief -now joy exacta its power. „ Esseh moment brings its change: - You'll thinpchange--except,egad, That ten pound note I took, beestme ! it's bad. • ODDS AMP MODS. -- A Notorious Eavesdropper—Rain. A table of intareet--The dinner table. An End always to be kept in view - Dividend. Th ls dressing -grown Is the moat it ing of all garments- it is selekrm worn out. To keep warm on a cold day, the wo- men double the Cape, and the men dou- ble the Horn. . What kind of • drum is that which is always the best when it cannot be beat- e n? A conundrem. An indostrions wife is making • straw hat for her husband out of the strews used:by him in his sherry -cobblers last S Urririthr. Ttui Rev. Mrs. Fanny U. R ,berts has announced that when celled upon to solemnize marriages she will reverse the the custom and kias the bridegroom. Low water on the beach - Senrrijons by to corpulent individual: "Hooray, ;old:porpoise' why don't you,plunge in and ;make the tide neer Us, AND ABOZZ.—ola Gant: "You don't mean to tell as, waiter, that you can't gire me a toothpiokr -Waiter: "Wel, Ur, we used to keep 'ern, but the gents almost invariably took 'en away ,whenahey'd done with 'ma." I !tires amusingto see John, the other tight, singing eestentedly to himself, and crumblingbread into abowl of starch which his wife had placed in the pantry, and saying there was nothing like bread and milk, after all. Mots rimesters'. PHILOSOPHY.— `• Who goes a borrowin', goesa sorrowin'. More often it is -the other way up." Who goes a lendin' too often goes a sor- rowiti, while he who goes a borrowin'not pnfrequently goes on his way rejoicing let his dexterity. ' A. man at Princeton College believes tit baying "s place for everything and rierything in its place." He. nails his ppers on the wall, four feet up, and hen all he has to do Id an evening is to wheel/1p his easy chair in front of them. "Did you ever go to a military ball?" Asked a lisping maid of an *Id veteran. ?No, my dear," growled the old soldier; "in those days I once had a military ball come to me. And what do you think it did! It took my leg off." A lager beer -house in Hudson county, N. J., was formerly a church. The shrewd Teuton who now keeps it was about to erase an inscription painted over the door'but on second thoughts he laift the last line untouched, It is: ,"Let him who is athirst come." A Domenic MAN ON IWK RAILW •T,— raseible Party: "Guard, Why didn't you wake me, an I asked yoef Here Ism '-miles beyond my atation!"-Guard: "I try, sir but all I could get you tosay was 'AU right, Maria., get the children their breakfast, and I'll be down in a fuenute:' Aman who waa bitten by a dog the Sealer nistht,'declared, as soon as he re- / covered from his fight, that he would kill the animeL But thedog Mn't mad,' said the owner. 'Mad!' shouted the ,victon exasperated. 'What has he to be Imed about' - A King's fool who was condemned to /death was allowed to choose the form of death, and choose old age. An Iowa girl being asked what for of deeth she preferred, remarked that if she raust die he preferred to be smothered.- with ssea. WItAT'S IN • Ni?—(Sosine—A Spirit Shop in Edinburgh.)—First EMI:mire; "So, yer gudemon s turned gude tip- Jean."—Second Fishwife: "Gude templar, y• mean, hinny?" -First Flab - wife: "Takye ma word for't, Jean, irt erases for the spellin', there's na a dell a difference atween the twa." A literary man writes as follows:- there iz but phew things on the fees or this earth more werthless than a poodle, end yet I amiglad there ix -poodles, for lt there wasn't there is some people who pouldn't brave enny object in liringoind hays aothinirto Inv.' •1 A curious bore, learning that a young lady was going by railway to a distant town, asked, 'Whet motive is taking you thitherr 1 believe they call it a lo- comotive,' was the innocent reply. The inquisitive stranger was extinguiahoc1.- Magistrate-"You mayhare been in- toxicated; but the officer testifies that you were not so tipsy ea nit to know what you were isut.," Pmeoner-"0, g I had known that was an objection, I kuldeasily have taken another drink or two." "A ,horse: a horse 'only kingdom fors homer cried • eelebrsted tragedian- _ "Would not a jukes* do se well?" in- quired an affected eoung man, in his seat. "Yes," triumphantly exclaimed the actor, "just step up this way." The young men sat down. Tee REASON Wirv.-Old Geirt(tolani- ly)-"W ell, Jarvis, and how doss my old lutt look on your Jaryis--"Well, sir, only middlio.' Your head is thicker than mine, and mine is longer than yours." Old Gent—"Oh!" (Shuts t11:0) - "Are you very fend of novels, Mr. Jonas!" "Why," responded that rooted gentleman, who wished to be thought by the lady iteestioner food at literature. "Have you," continued the lady, "ever read 'Ten Thousand a No, madam, I slayer read that umber in all my " Vouricai &mimic T.—Madge : "What are yes looking so sorry about, Artherr Arthur: "MilltipZiostion." Madge: "0, I know all &hoe twoultiplioat rthur ; "Do you? What'sheice tea then?" Madge: "0, tionittoome of onurse!"Arthur: "fflo, it's not! It's only twenty:" Madge: "Ah, but everything's rt., you know!' A talkative man annoyed a lady at a dinner -party by oonstantly arguing in favor of strong drink, and at lace said WI her, "You know, madam, drinking drives away care sed makes as forget what is disagreeable. Would yen allow a man to dnak tor that reason?' "Well, perhaps so," said the lady, "it he sat next to you:" Thei ruling plosion 11.40141 in death was e-heracteristimilly illueteatad OD the me Orion of a clerayman's prayer for a dy- rig tollman. The poor naaa had not many hours to live, and the clergyman was in the middle of his psayer. "Whist • wee," said the Willman, "I think a hear a rout." The Rev. Mr. Johnson was one ot those rough but quaint presages of She former generation who were bad el 'ening and good living. While eeeted at the table of • lady ane parish, she asked him if he itliM tigillk in his tea. "Yea, ma'am, when I can't get cream," was the ready reply. Sperm:info. rsow JUDY'S Pm— What wine dose Jaek love beesl—Why, Post-ei swore ABoseding Istabliehnsent—A wpm. ter's shop. A Word to Prosy Lprere.—Il ia not e oa'y those stomas whe wsar suris. wha• ears are bored. 4iheti the spider it the ark, did he or take a dyt en Jedy'e milkman Ward of the they're making absetihii adults*- . a milk, le asK "Woke foal" A Past -A Louise logasiess issik.as asIpises as a etas* isaskeilliest Pis Special Notices. leunaevare.—Bers'e" CormA.—Osaegrat •Yrn Dostroligisto.—"Ily a thoiough Ithowle4e of the lateral laws which govern the operations of Mirth. Uoa the antritloe, and by a saran' application of tbs ins properties of well selected memo, Ilr. Epps has provided' oar breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save ea many heavy doctors' arrthe. Gareth. Made "imply wills Boning Wagerer %Wk. Each packet Islabelled —"Jamas tires k Co.,, Hoiessopiehie Chemists, Loadoe.' lliamovaerrras or Coce...—"We will sow gme as seeount of the proews adopted by Masers Jadies Epps Co., manufacturer" of dietetic articles, at their seas ta the Easton Reed,Loado—Casseirs seastas Greek. 1841. BOGUS MEDICINES, Holloway's Pills and Ointment. I MAVZ for a considerable time past considered it to be my duty to adver- tise the public of the British North American Provinoss against buying from unprincipled dealers medicines emanating from New York, and .olds my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, ia which much ingenuity haa been dis- played in passing them off as of my make, It is very difficult indeed to at- tempt to enumerate the many devices to which the parties have had recourse. They say, amongst other things, that a DOW label has been adopted by them, and with barefaced effrontery caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. A poor nian by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-called Cksmical Company in New York, who lends his name for &small weekly sum. The med- icines sold by this Company are palmed off upon she public as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment,". so that were they to injure half the community no discrett it would fall upon the fabricators of these c. npoonds, but would considera- bly damage the reputation of my make. As itis not at all necessary for this Carer to incur any expense in the sale of their productions, or to a very limit- ed extent (trading as they do my name), the; are in a position to offer them at a very low price in Canada, where they are purchased by a few Wholesale Houses that / can name, and will name hereafter, if they contiaue to vend the IMMO. The following are the names and &d- amsel of some of the Houses who get nay medicines from here direct :— Messrs, Avery, Brown & Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N. B. Mr. T. Dea Briaay, Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Messrs. Langley &: Co., Victoria, 13. C. Messrs. Moore k Co., Victoria, B. C. My Pills and Ointment are gold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quanti- ties of not leas than £20 worth—viz., 88, &I., 22s., 34s. Per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re- mittances innst be sent in advance. These medicines are not sold in the United States. Each Pot and Box of my preparations bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London." (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 533, Oxford Street, W. C., London, July 1, 1873. 1381 IF YOU -HAVE A COUGH WITH •• RISING! of PHLEGM in the mor- ning, night sweat,, and irregularity of the bowels, loss of appetite, and general debility, take DR. WHEELER'S COM- POUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPIATES AND CALISA.YA. heat of those who have used it thoroughout the Do- minion will attest its great efficacy in arresting the decline of the Consuinp- five. It begins at the root 'of the evil, the Stomach, and perfects Di- gestion, Assimilation of Food, and the formation of restoring energy to all the vital Organs. It is agreeable to take and permanent in its effect with no liability of relapse. Sold by all druggists at $1.00. DR. J. BELL SIMPSON'S Specter nod Tonic Pills. /ITEM °RSA? DNGLIIM POR NEAT. on. elperinatorrhas Noctureal Ends - sloe of the Generative Organs, Palpitation of she Heart. Trembling', Slimplesenesa, the effect ef over-indalgenoe in alcoholic sthauleats and tobac- co, de. Dr. J. BELL SISIPSON'S Pills are the only gram foe the above disea"rii, end are never knows to fall. They have already cured hundreds tri dub country. Robert Arthur, machie- ild. Easaliton..testifies to his swerery by their tele. Safe, sertain sad rapid In action, a'short trial will prove their efficacy. No .offerer need despair of being relieved from the frightral effects of Sett - Maws. The Spectec Pills are sold by Drugaistsat el 00 alio:, and the Tonic Pills at the. • box, or they will be that by rnail. postage pre -paid, aid securely wrarped front observation, on receipt of 41.90 for the Specie.% and bdc._ for the Tonle Pills by J. BELL SIMPSON CO., Dreier 91P. 0. Hamilton. Sold by ell Wholeaale and Retell Druggists. Pamphlets sent post-free en application. COMPOUND STRUF OF HYPOPHOSPHITES The pow.' of arreeting disease displayed by this preparation is honorably acknowledged by the medical faculty in every eection where It has been ntroduced ; and the rapidly inereastng sate is the best guarantee of the estimation in which it is held - by the public. The limp will mare Pulmonary tonsumprion in larillarlasastroond stages ; will cies great relic lb in the third. It will enre Asthma • gitis. Coughs and Colds. It Artll originating from want of &lugedes mess aid Ifirrivens Force. sue. as Enlargement of tbe Spleen, Dyspepsia, Rickets, Peebleand Impart/ action .1 10. Hthrt, Local and General Paralysis, Aphonia or Lass of Voice. It will cure Leneorrhoea. Chlerosis. Astemut, and restores the blood to purity and health Sold By Anothecarles. P1004 150 ; Six for 87.50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, CHEMIST ST. scar, N. B. THE GREIT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Plus rant I SITALUABLII MEDICINE is UNFAILING A. us the sure of ,afl thaw wale and dengemus diseases to which the female constitution is 88,001. It moderates all e geese and removes all oberructieas and a speedy care lo relied on, TO Louis It is peculiarly suited It win, in a short time, brie( Me the =sour Pened with regularib. Thies Pals Motet .1411t he fassesbOPeseles (biretta the PIRST mess MONTHS of Prognaney,as tam NW, $1, Miner* M iosorrisgs, kJ or soy *thirtieth they aye seri, ia all Cases of Sentra. and Spinal Affection ',Pain in 1Ihe Backend Limbs, "%Mae or slightexertion,Palpi- tastes et the heart Elyhes, and Veto*, those Pills windless a ewe wino all other means have failed, and although a peening! rweedy, donot contain iron, salaam!, tramway, or anything hurtful to them:ratt- raps. Folidirections the pamphlet around each paekage whieli shoe Id he earefally preserved. JOB COM, ran TOM, !iota rillOrillITOn. Maud ltkcents for postage, enclosed no Northrop k Newcastle, , general ages ts for the Dothinion, minimum a bottle containing eve r 60r ills IV Fetters Me II. NORTHRUP A LYMAN Newcastle, . W., g agents tor Canon'. Er Sold La Goderieh by P•rk•r Cattleaad r. Jora..; Gauthier a Co., &Lye aid ;Jae. Bentham, iterson ie; .1 Piebard,E miter .11. Combs, hewn, && cord, LuctutorkE. Hick; ••• irratcoth. 9.4 • K. bledutie. healers. CANADIAN PAIN DESTROY- Lat. A s A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS cs. well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, 'Speaks, Bruises, Cronies in tAe Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dymsitery, Bowel Cole laissts, Borns, Scalda, Prost Bites, cte. The Cseastas Pain Deetriryir has mow been os - Aire the palette for • leSif Math, and wherever .o.d a wed* lthed, mum is • Mask laskace 10 gtvegarelsest rehet tismity and. arid we cusestises ••••Eszniceisse„ es eh. have esvectspe • amen inhere the isamoswigaggialaihaeribest• dell star•wend. al irk, • Wemalkasui. maims* la Oa sisfaarr bistro( Waal la 001,10110 • sade=trisa Neils=e4nardestresmi ware asatiratits wail The ma'am- far.rt:::=611‘. smatee and 'es useeseew serene rtlarrarar- wag fa ealmadjgra Me teak la Ostia et Illiaratlea, dim ar• ematsg tress Natiehre ammo rasa pairb anis ormairr kr farther ara- pasaaa4 smelt erneWnee as le the amnesia Amami IS gime. The Gisalian Pala Destroyer nem tails to give trammiliat• rebel: All Mediehes Dodos. 'keep tt as Physiehme order and ass ; and as:sadly will be without it slier trying N. Peke, milvTwisittave Cats ere bads. as-Sokl, 10 Gee:Mich, by gee. Cattle, 7. 'Jordan; Gardiner Co. Bayfleld; /ea Death= Rogerville; J. Pickard, hamper issisr; M. Oissios, (Ilia' tea; 8; Beefed, ?its=4; Lasisees;11. Waimea, fileadoeth"; sad Isis bowl madirialedeelers: . Weisassa Isess .alls Jan. I. NO g Lands for -Bali+ BY E. WOODCOCK, COVE Y AJMER And Land Agent. OPPICE—Dother of West Street, Goderich. A Valuable Farm kaITUATED in the second oencession 1'7 of the Western Division of the Township of Colborne, sheet four miles from Goderich, con- taining 200 acres of good land, nearly half of which ia cleared and free from stumps, with Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Workshops, ite. Theft is a good bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit on the estate. Well watered. Title indisputable. Terms easy. E. WOODCOCK. Coneeyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. • #aluable Bush Lot. B1filNo oomposed of Lot No_5, con seemion 10, in the . Township of Turnberry, containing 100 acres. The soil ia mixedt from black loam to sandy loam, with • never failing creek running through the lot. Timber oni-holt Beech and Maple, the remainder Cedar, Pine mil Hem- lock. Soil heavy. This lot is very valuable, being situate within one mile of the Railroad, three miles from the village of Belinera, six miles from Wroxeter, and seven miles from Wing - ham. Title good. 'Loins to suit the purchaaer. Fur further particulars, ap- ply to E. WOODCOCK, - Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. A Good Farm, IT Li ATE ebout six miles froin'flode. " rich, on the 5th coo., E. D., of the Township of Colborne, containing 100 acres, 80 cleared and mostly under cultivation. The soil is good, varying from sandy loam to heavy black loam. There is a splendid creek running through the lot—also a small buying orchard. To be sold cheap. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Farm, SITUATE on the 10th con. of the Township Of Grey, within 11 miles of the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a large quantity of good Ceder. About 5 acree cleared with a Log Hoose, &c,.. Soil ex- cellent. Title indispnteble, the pre- sent holder being the Crown, patentee. Terms easy. For particulare apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Desirable Farm, SITUATE on the 8th con., Western Division of the Township of Colborne, , on the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 miles from Goderich, cootaining 50 acres of excellent land in a high atate Of cultivation. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Desirable Farm, ITUATt on tho Huron Road in the Township of Goderich, about 2} Miles from Town, within five walk of an English Church, containing 93 acres, about 70 of which are cleared and free from stumps, with good Brick House and Frame Barns, Jtc. Large bearing orchard, and well watered. Title good. This farm will be sold very cheap, considering its commanding po- sition. and on reasonable term,. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK. ConOpyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. , A Valuable Farm. sITIJATE on the Huron Wad in the Township ef G.oderich, about four miles from Town, contain- ing 100 acres of 'first-rate land, -with good Frame House, Buns, Stablest kc Good orchard of choice fruit trees and never failing creek `-running through front of lot. Tarps" easy,. Forparticu- lars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Good Farm. SITUATE in the Fourth Concession of the Eaatern Division of the Township of Ashfield. eontaining 100 acres of land, ono niile from Dungannon, 60 acres of which are' cleared and limier caltivation. There is on the premises a good log Hoose and a log Barn, Soil, clay loam. front of lot light. Well watered with Nino mile creek running through tho lot. There is also a good Orchard of choice fruit on the lot. E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Lent Agent, Goderich. Two Excellent Farms. SITCATE on the Gravel Road be- tween Walton and Brussels in the TOMSnehlp of Grey, °containing each 100 acres. A geod Log House, Barn and Orchard on each lot, 65 acres cleared. These farms will be sold eeparately or together u may be desired. Soil excellent. Terms eaay. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Tear valuable building site, suitable fora first-class Villa Residence, be- ing composed of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, tind 31, in the Wilson Survey of the To sn of Goderich,containing in one block, two scree of land. The above eligible property has a frontage ofnbout 330 feet on the Huron Road, and is stocked with choice fruits. To he sold on reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, Office, corner of West street, Goderich. Valuable Town Lots, Lot No. 992, situate on the North side of West Street in the Town of God- ench. A splendid situation either for lausineas or private residence. Lot No. 265, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God - *rich, one quarter of an acre. Lot No. 1318 on the quron Road, in the Town ef Goderizh, ono fifth of an acre. Lot Letter "C" in the Village of Maitheadville,(or Bridgeud place) with • good house thereon erected and garden well stocked with bearing fruit trees. E. WOODCOCK, Land Agent and Conveyancer. Orrice—Corner of West St., Goderich, 1377 WHY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co' SpcotaleAs LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER — Ncerum..—Any person sending the answer to shove to the Agent, F. Jordan, Goderich, within the next thirty days. will receive aa order 'rein L. M. A Co. for a pair et their superior new WWI Eye Glasses. Godericb, Feb. 6, '72 aw983w3 .Notloe to Debtor,/ g Ps...Ttaa tnesirrin TO TEM BOB Au. swan *III pram pay aa atoramr. AitliAnail MITE. alwarakajito am. iin, 1)r. .' Walker's- CaIIIIwnia Vinegar Bitters srspurey Veg- etable preparatibir; made chiefly trim the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sicilia' Nevada -moun- tains of ,California, the medicinal • properties of which are extracted therefroravrithout theme of Alcohri. The question la almost daily asked, "What is the e,auso of the unpar- alleled sneeoss of Yr:emelt IITC- IIIRS 1" Dur mower is, that,, they remove tho cause of disease, and the patient' recovere his health. They nre the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Reno-, vator and Invigorator of the modern. Never before in the history of the world him a medicine been componnded ra- se:4,4111g the remarkable qualified of N 10- .40.11 Itirrtes in keeling the sick of every disease man is heir to. They aro is gentle Purgative at well as a Tunic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Vincent! Organs, in Bilious Diaerisee. The properties of Dn. WALE - lea's V INK11.1.fillirricets aro A 'orient, Dia- phoretic, Carminative,' Nutritioue, Laxa- tive, Diuretic,Sedative,Couuter-lrritant. 'Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti -Dillow. st. H. IttelMliNALO di CO., prngleta 841.1 Agfa, Ran lerencisco. Cantor & gor.of Wathington nml lbw:Boa Sth,31•T. Meld by all Druggists mad likeathers: • L. S. WILLSON, Sewing Machine, PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, sNti ORICIII,TURIL IMPLEMENT Showrooms, Acheson's new block, West Street, Ooderich. ONLY AGENT FOR TIIE -- 'id flDIJPEs.I1 Sewing Machine In Goderich and its: l&Celebrated Mathushek Piano from t.!80 hp. 1368 Til E 67. E 13S T E R" SEWING MACHINE, The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. A Cotton! i•ste berewlioes, awl 1Inprite- s1 Success A 0.tete.ting it Ere ry.chere. IT S STl1,,00 AND DURABI.e, EA -NY AND 1.11311T WuRK, 1 LIAM NO COOS oe C tvs, And trill do If C1411 Kiwi of Weil, Light Or Ifrari • The most complete tat of Attachmenta given with every Machine. , $..TUE WEBSTER before buying any other. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sewing Machine'Co'y, HAMILTON, ONT. i• .tline 13. 1873. 1::71-3m VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP &IV HYrOPI-Ir)c..PHITES TI ohly'Synip prepared Rein Or. t7teirrLtlii. Formula, and certilieil to he Cheilrtally pore. • For the preimition and cure .1 PULMONARY CONSUMPTION rir the ere -f Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss ef Appetite, General Debility, csarirrevrs A0 TO Frani Ian lainrany. Laboratory, University College, 4 'Toronto, pee. 1, 1872. To the VIeteria Chemical Co., • Gentlest su,-1 have examined the articles em- ployed in the Victoria Cbsinieel IV corks, In the pre raratMa el the Victoria :Syrup of ilypophevioia.. The several Slypophosphiteiensed "are , rtrmirelly gem, sad Om Syrup is alsoyerfnie/rdm tiny purity. Tour dyrno of Hy phosphitth will an• doubtedly prove • wry Pal Medicine. HENRY H. CRAFT, Professor of Chemistry. 0.0. Pries per Bottle. Sold py en Druggists. _ — VICTORIA COMPOUND FLUILPPKTRACT BUCHII2 UVA URSI A Sporifis Resod, fir all [Menace of the Pladder and ffidases; Drepaest Savniega;Conspiesinte tarn. dental to Fesetske; and Dindiars of tee L'riaery orgisas us taker See. Try itonee for any of the shove theonlers, and you will be fully coaviticed of Its pie -eminent virtues. Price SI per Bottle. dolt1 by all Druggists. ✓ ICTORIA Ell risic LINIMENT. "The Kiln _of all Linirnents." Ya r flout, Net,ralg,n, 1 It mAnee, Scathes, Wandering Pains. Stifinest sot the 1.inthe sr Ariel', Sprain., BonarS, Numbeess, Sicertisigs, Hosoliorke,.Zansho, Ibesoleas, gr. Buy it ! Try it! Prove it ! Price SO Oats per Bottle. Sell by -all Druggists ✓ ICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE. " 1714 WEIGHT IN GOLD." A Spnlie )tte Cott. Denude, Brviees, Beres, RNA& tuns. Pike, Pletelnies, de.osnel Chronic Dias - ea of Ur Min efeeero iiewripteess. Price 23 Cte. per meoe. Bole by all Druggillth. VICTORIA CARDOLLITCD GLYCERINE JELLY. ‘‘EMINENTLY THZ LAI il ILI' FAVORITE." Fier Beautifying Ute Complesion,land far renewing Thu. Sunburn( Freekies, ?topics, Ae., ale ft."' Chap- ped fiends, C$aW�i,u, herr and Nom Lim Price ZS Casts pet DO.Us, Sold by all Druggists. ✓ ICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. "CELEBRATZD POE THOLE UNIFORM PURI- TY AND EXCELLENCE Or QUALITY." VICTORIA CARBOLIC 'sat?. VICTORIA SULPIIUR SOAP. VICTORIA GLYCBRINR, ROBBY, ROSE 4 D WIND Rent Sold by all Den/whits. LW OneBox of Clark's B41 Pills Ts warrantee to cure all discharges frees Or stitntimeal, tirevelead Peres in the . bold is J. Urinary Organs, in either wet, or ewe - Botha. 4.60 seek by all Chemists and Patent liaLti- Mae Vendors. Sole Proprietor, 7. CLARKIc A POTH ECA RI SO' H LL,L1N LN 1.. LAN D BXPORT AO/MTS. Burgoyne, Burbidges and Co., Coleman Sfrett Londo. Newbery and Pees. ST N Inmate Street, Toed.... Ithreilay at! Sone, 56 Parr:Radon Street, London. Sense/ saddens, Oxford Strut, L01141011. Lad all the Loudon Wholesale Retters. A.GENTS IN CANADA.. .11l0.tr0.1.—Mv55s, Kamer and GI., inielarmie Druggloh• " Lyman', Clareand Terente.—Illiett tda0o.. Wholessla Donnas. , " ettagier .ad Owls. llseirlkap-Winer_tuall Om • imegigsm—gmay. arptelbuledOe. tais Pr.espeetas for 1874—Seventh Tear. IYHE ALD1NE, An illustrated Monthly Infirm!, universally admitted 10 be tb‘i Handsomest Penedfcal in the World. A Repregentative and Champion of American Taste. Not for Sale in Book or Neien Sevres. TIIE .4 f NE, while boiled with all the regularity, has none of the tem por- -airy or Giady interest characteristic of ordinary perodiods. 11 is an elegant misoellany of pure, light and graceful literature ; and a collection fof pictures', the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each suc- ceeding number affords fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of Tits Aimee will be most appreciated atter it has been bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may olaim superior cheapness, as com- pared with rivals of a similar class, TH At,enen is a unique and original con- (option—alone and unapproached-ab- solutely without competitien in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume cahnot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost; owl three there are ties chromost, beide.! ART DEP tET3116111T. 1071. The illustratioris of Tie Asoise have won a world-wide reputation, and in the art.centres of Europe it is an admitted t.act that its weed cuts are examples of the highest perfection ever 'attained. 'fbe ounimou prejudice in favor'ef "stoid plates," is rapidly yielding to a more educated and diecriniinating taste which recognises the ailvantpges of superior artistic quality with greater facility of production. The wood-cutst of. Tux' ALD1N6 ingress wilting delicacy land elaborate finish of the inost'oostly steel plate, while 'they &Inked a trotter render- ing el the artist's original. - To fully realioo the wonderful work which Tun ALDIND is doing for the cense et art culture in America, it is Orgy • necessary to cerisider the cost to the people of any other docent represen- tations of the productions of great painters. itt addition to ilesioens by the mem bers of the National Academy, and other noted , A mericaa artists, Tn. Aimee will reperoloce.examples of the belt foreign masters, "elected with is view to the highest artistic elleeffell and greatest general . interest, Thua the subacriber to Tan ALleINE Will, at II trifling cost, enkiy in his own'home the pleasures and ri.lining influences of true art. The quarterly tinted pietas for 1874 will be by Thos. Moran and J.D.Wood- ward. The Christmaa issim for 1874 will con- tain special designs lappropriate to the season, by our best altists, and will stir - passe in attractions any of its predecei- sore. Premium for 1874. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE for 1874 will receive a pair of 'chromon The original piaiires wore painted in oil for the publishers of Tug ALDINE by Thomas Moran, whose great ColoAtilo picture was purchased by Congress for ten thousand dollars. The subjects were clmUn to represent "The East" and "The West." One is a 'flew in The White Mountains, New Hampshire; the other gives The Cliffs of Green River, Wyoming Territory. Tho difference in the nature of the scenes theitmelves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a good display of the artist's scope and coloring chromos aro each worked from thirty distinct plates, and are' in size (12 x 16) and iu apperance exact fac- similes of the originals. The presenta- tion of a worthy ekample of America's greatest landscape painter to the sub - Scribers of THE Aimee was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and its successful realisation is :Welded 1?), the following testimonial, over the signature of Mr. Moran himself. NN J t:wasie, Sept. 20th, 1473, Mows. J F.1 StIrroV & CO, Citriffeeirn,-1 am delighted with the prix,fe in color of your chrornos. 'They are wonderfully successful representa- tions by Mechanical precoss of the or- iginal paintings, Very reepectf ally, . (Siened,) TIltkl. 5101:AN. These avow's are in ovary sena* American. They are by an original Americnn process, with materinl of American manufacture, from designs of Americutecenery by an Anherican pain- ter, 9,1111 presentml to subscribers to the first succeesful American Art'Journal. If no Setter berranne of all this, they 4'111 certainly possess an interest no foreign DR/dueller' eau inspire, and neither are they any the worms if by* reason of pe- culiar facilities of production they coat the imbdishein euly a trill., while equal in every redpott to other ammo' that are sold singly: for double the aubscrip. tion Twice of Tile Al.liINK. Persons id' taste will prize these pictures for them- selves • nut for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate the enter- prise that renders their distribution pus - 811.10. If any subscriber should indicate a preference for a figure subject, the pub-. lish ens' w ill send "Thoughts of Horne," a new and beantifill chrome, 114 x 20 inches, repreeentiug a little Italian exile whose speaking eyes betray the lougings of his heart. T 85 pen annum, in advance, with 011 Chromes free. For 50 cents extra,the chromos will b• sent, mounted, varniahed, and prepaid by mail. Tna ALDINE will, hereafter, be ob.., tainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate i• cash for subscriptions meet be sent to the pub- lishers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, without responsibility to the publishers, except in caries where the certificate is given, bearing the fac- simile signature of JAMES Serroo & Co, CANVASSERS WANTED: Any person wishing to act permanently asa local canvasser will receive full and prompt information by applying to James Sutton, & Co.., Publishers, 58 Maiden Lane, New York. ••.-4 .• 74....e • IRE 1UJJ WATCH merle in all'sizeitsultai.le for Ladies and oeneo, both in gold anti diiver. lint the aCColliistnying mit repre- sents in proper proportions 1111 $25 RUSSELL HUNTINC lEKR WATCH, In eterling hiker ease and geld peintt, full jewelled, earranted for five years -- together with &geld plated Albert ebain-which will be sent to any part of f'an- ada on receipt of So'5, or C. 0. Do per exorew, W. E CORNELL, Wat..11 83 King Street East, DDILONTO, 0Nr. * eye•I , rt "!) iU 1\1 OTIO30 1 —:o.— A LLPARTIES INDEBTED TO THE L-11- Sigeal Office for work done prerieus to the 21st Dec. Last, are required tops, HD AT ONCZ to the unde2zied. ABR AM SMITP Goderioh, Feb..5, '72. sw983w3tf SUBSCRIBE FOlt THE GODERICH FOUNDRY. Huron Signal, T 11 E OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTY �F HURON. Only $1,50 Per Annum in Advance. ADVERTISE TIIE Htht0N-SIGNA L LI YOU W1/111 YOUlt ANNOUNCEDRNTII: TO REACH THIR LARGEST NUMBER' --0 F- IlEA,DEltS• Advertising Bites Liberal, , GO TO THE FOR 1.01.711 Job Printing. All kieds of Work from the Largest Poster tothe Smallest Card EXECUTED %MB Neatness and Despatch. "-Particularattention paid to Town- ship Printing. Orders by mai I punetually attended to. J. J. BELL, ZDITOR ASO PlOPRIST011 in4tie6T(AMIEP4GINE- OIR 8 Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Ce•9 beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for Steam Engines and Boilers; FLOUR, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, LEFFEL WATER WHEELS, 4-c. �n Hand • TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES ; IRONAND WOODENPLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CUTTERS, 4-e., SUGAR AND. PO ASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, . WAGGON BeVrES. COOKINO, PARLOR tr, BOK STOVES of various kinds. SALT P DE TO ORDER. — IA 3S1 C) - Iron and Bra, Castings. and Blacksmith Work. BOILERS AND 8,1ur,1' PANS REPAIRED on ehort notice, ar All Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention. ARCHIBALD HODGE, HORACE HORTON, Secretary nd Treasurer. RO Goderich, Ont., 9th ERT ItUNCLMAN, General Manager. pt., 11173. President.' Dan JOB Neatly, cheaply and IHIL U. IL CARDS, BILL 11FJ4DS, NOTES, REC Ace., \ Printed in th PRINTING expeditiously execu ed at the office of the 4D)N el Gl- A:1_4 „ PT'S, °GRAMMES, POSTERS, NOTICE'S OF APPOINTMENT, OATHS OF QUALIFICATION, PATHMASTERS LISTS, = VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, JURY LISTS, HEADINGS DEEDS, Ate., best style and at the lowest Rates. pigW 4001(8, wan 1-"axp or, *Co *C. WHOLESACE/RETAIL AT BUTLER'S ' CAUTION. UT ONLY Genuine Fairbanks' Scala. les,-rchvIi EY ' 1 E. & T. Fairbanks & Co. Standard Scales. STOult SCALLe, COAT. &ALEN, Ray SCALIA,DalitY SCALES, COUNTZR SCALES, &c.,keel, Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale, also, Troemner's Coffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all glees Letter Presses, &c., &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER, TILL'S AL iMal TILL CO.'S, EVERY MERCHANT SHOT.' L D Urn Them. AVERY °SAKS?' Warranted. FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSES Fairbanks & Co., 90 Main Pt., 131ffalo, N T. .11 Broadway, New Vol k. 338 Broadway. A than'. N. Y. FAIRBANKS, BROWN &Co., '•2 Milk St., Boston. For sale 1.,!: Leadingilardware Dealers. 1387-2m Tie ealy Win(* Gift Manlius is tke emu!' L. I). Sine's Twentieth Grand Annual Distribution To be drawn rh ursday,./nnuary la, 1874. $200,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS ORAND CAPITAL 7EI51, One 120prisi,000.3 I,000N G. REENBACKS 110,000 IN GREENBACKS ! OND GRAND CASH MOE, Ten prime:0s comina kiss or six id,firizes,000:R(GIEERNBANBCKSAclisl 2500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watch(in all,) worth from $20 Orin le-Spiler leTV tedSrstChains,ilv13®er-wareeaaJ114: wliedandiry,n- aDoc. Number of Gifts 25,160. Tickets limit, LiberalAgen"Prelililidunasta100,000. Agents beTicpaiketa'd.th wh°111 TweSeirreveoleiarsTierkieeooktietsnwoulTng; wSianixtyTifinicurkeewtabit8loof; 1:dPrisesra:wtiob;teirgari,adwdcan"cri. r:resseddifPothti°thst,entoroint feth.rtnsratinalinneitir re -of formic* to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters L. D. SINcuannaE, Box 86, A BeautifulAssortment OP JEWELLERY oFp. KINDS JUST itECEVEli, sad to bs sold CHEAP A*1' 13 U *FLEWS Fishing Tackles, DIP ALL KINDS. aONSISTING 07 REELS, lithe 576, BAITS HOOKS .ed LINEb enerlot 11 A 01' SELLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S. •whirich. 191.1 Aug.. 1570. 01.104 GoderichMarble workE Scott, Vanstone & Co., DEG To INTIMATE THAT THEY RAY% .1.) opened • branch of their Kincardine 11.831.31- CUTTING WORK& Is the old istand of Mr. A.M. Johnston vmtorla Gederioh, asd wUl be ab'e to supply Tombstones, Mantlepieces, Window Sills, &c., &c., Ac., is the hest at, le of workmanship and en reasonably for tile or Zo Let LANDS for SALE AT BAYFIELD. L°Trilownr4sVp.o7fIted"orIBAY.-eontriatirialwiLD 'ull1117.8111i°°""e147 Use bee quality of teed, within *beet miles of the arket ellearanc""• of 4e3facrestille TweLuof eheoBaurdv"IdreadilyTh'be rePrePri. anedeTifeow,r:eurovii.tpth.:Th.enb.a.reniaigh obofin.b.dreit oamf. themlendar Itams ebelogel, cf sides of the property. which in situated 10 SU 144 splendid growth. am excellent reed pewees eo two A.I.ef40.-140t 14, Range A Toorusbip Stanley , containing Mt acres of well reserved timber land, rtIbbent.:a,fhedicerotuTili.hdliethiPMeirlostrritherur.eekletil&r:fthatev.:Erlialcusvoent HatT1pty8:7.2ransioferldrew.wrtbv.:150 Per terms apply to, JAMES D. stoonel. f 0 ewe 3ipot or W. W CONT4R, Esq. Hayfield. Guelph, Aug.lth, 1870 FOR SALE. prig undersigned offer for sale the un. a dermentioned lands, belonging to the Estate of the late Ileamax R. R°8TisTriR'vE Al..,th• Nio rt -h -east quarter of Lot byBoslet4tz,. to St. Oatharines Poet Office, No. 12, in the Fifteenth Conoesseciuotirso.f the Township of Sombre, in the County of Laisibton, 50 acres, more or leas. ply to the undersigned, perennally, or For terms and particulars of sale. ap. . . Gran , 30th May, 111711., 1373 traAtiNROOLTN8 COOrucAt E. , t Kg 0 lionse and La for Sale. IITHAT House at present ec- .• cupted by Mr. Win. Lee, on West St., with t of en acre ,4 Land, well improved. Apply to ERlCMetmeKAski, cab in ,. Goderich, Sept_30th, 1873. 39 '.Farm For Sale. TY the Township of Colborn e. In the Count, „ 1 Huron. North part of Bloch E. Conitdi.:r 100 aeres 64 cleared end under good fence, mid 50 acres good Hard Wood limber. Two Croths, Soit first quality, good Log Hons. and ?rune Ba: -n and small bearing Orehanl, withio mile of Westin Saw AM Orbit Mill, end within 4i miles of the County Townaloderick. Twine mode- rate. Apply to JOBE EDWARDS On the premises. 0 m. • Godeticit Nov. 20. 171. A T the SIGNAL Office, a partial scholar - 42. ship fora course of instruction in the Dominion Telegraph Institute, Toronto. Will be sold at a redaction to any one desirous of spending a portion of the winter in learning telegraphing, and fitting themselves for a useful and re. sponsible positiien. Goderich, 23rd Nee. 1172. FOR SALE. AHouse and Lot adjoining the resi- dence of Wm. Seymour. Esq., com- manding one of the best views of the Lake and Harbour. Apply to , DANIEL GORDON. Goderich, June 30th, 1873. 1376 FOR SALE. —0-- 1 .0T 5, Con. 4. E. D., Aslifield, con - Peal taining 200 acres exce1;ent lands covered with Maple and ;Beech. 10 miles from Goderieh, with a never failing treat stream rennin through the centre of the land, there ie about 13 sores of c'eared land on the front ot tbe lot, A prly to THOS. WEATHERALD, Engineer and Sarveyer. Goderich, Jan,2nd, 1872. Valuable Property For sale. OTS NUMBER 8158Abl3 801 IN IRE TOWN OF Goderich. On Lot 881 ts situated &small Brick Cottage and &large frame dwelling Hotwelsiostertes bath, and on Lot lag thereto "targets.* store, frame ware -house whichcouldbe converted futon Cm ^lass Hertel at little cost and also. frarne Barn. The Leta will be mold tither together or perarate le suit purchasers. Tonna made knows on applIcatioa to Wm. ARTHUR, on the yremtsee, or to Messrs DAVISON 8 JOHNSTON • Goderich 16 July, 1071 sweilt Farm for Sale or to Let. — - - MHE seharrlher offers for gale or to let ,ble farm. beteg Lots 4*,d 5. 71hroneethion, W. D.. •th- field, containing 200 acres. half a nit'. of the gra, el road, about 100 acrecleared and ender eel- tivation end well feneed. There are a good hone., barn. granary, ge., on the lot. It is situated con isaient to grist and ma., nulls, school fe.u.e. te. The whole will be (Imposed ot together or in two parcels of 100 acres each. Apply to HENRY BROWN, or to J ERKMI All nt: Ltd V A N, Kingsbrhig. P.O. 1st September, 1873. 1.78 House and'Lot for sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale the House and Lot at present occupied by him on Newgate Street in the Town of Goderich. The lot contains one- fourth of an acre and is well stocked with fruit and ornamental trees. The llouse'contains nine rooms, five closets, a good pantry and cellar, and herd and *oft water, with suitable outhouses at- tached. Apply to CHAS. MeIN"TOSH. Goderich, 3rd Oct., 1873. 1390 Splendid Timber Lot J'C)I S A._ Lak: About 10 macs from Goderich and 1 mile _fit= -Pori Albert. FleflE Subsdriber offers for sele the NI -a- of la 1, con. 3, East Division ofahe TOWNSHIP OF ASEfFIELD, containing 100 stores very heavily tirh- bered with Hemlock, Beech and Maple, besides. a considerable uruitity of Rock Elm and Cedar. The Nine Mile Riyer flows through the middle of this land, which will be very valuable forfarming purposes when the timber has been taken off. WM. J. FE4TON, 1392.3m P. 0, Box 319. Hamilton '‘1,1011 THE Maxon IS TEE LIFE."- het IT 110, titer , .1.1' 0 , verse 2:0. teries. GAVIN STUTHERS, CLA.ItKE'S A vent. oderickJah World Famed Blood Mixture. ll se 93-4 Trade Mark, -"Blood Mixture." — THE ti REAP BLi .013 PURI FIER & RESTORER. For ricaimiux '1114 'le ,n 11 blood hes" agli, nil:pumice (linnet te too hnbly reccontuessded,' For Scrofula, tleurvy, skirt Diapason, smirkers of all beds it is a aciiir-fatilng and perlithemINE , met. • It Corea fild Sores. Curet Ellmersted Sores on the Neck. Ceres Liteerated time Legs. ' Cures Bleekbeade,or ?triples tootle nee. Cares iletirvy Sore, Cures Cancereue firer". Core, Blood *01 )41.8 Diseases. Cures Glandular Swelling" Clears the Blood from all Impart Natter, • ?MO oliatever pane angina. As thin mixture is pleasant to the Wm, and warranted free from anything injuriese to the most delieate oonstrintion of either sm, the Pit/ - photos solicits sufferers te give 110 trial to 5151 . lie veins. ti 4 Tbeesitads of Tostimoniala from all perm Poll in Bottles le Sd theh, And IA t-71""• ••• tainleg six Linea the quentity. lls earh—endlciest to effeet a permanent care tn the great Majority of long-standing eases, BY ALL CHEMISTS aod PATEbIT blEDICINE VENDORS throughout tbe werld. 8018 Pmericter, 7 .1. CLARKE, Chemtat„ APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINOoLN,ENGLaND. EXPORT AGENTS. Baryons. Ba raids,'" and Co., Calarnall Street, louden ewbery and Sons, 87 Newgate Pried, London. Barclay and Inc., 95 Parriugdon Street. London. haver mid Seas, Oxford Street, London. Avid all Use London Wholesale Honors ACIDN'rf3 IN CANADA_ Moi10ea1.—Eva0e, Mercer avd Co., Wholesalk Druggists. Lyman., Clare and Co. Tommie. —51154.15400.. Wholesale DrOarrals. Honiara,' —IVIIrano Cu. and Owes. Ragas —Avery, Brownand Co. Stoves Stoves! Ey' Taotions AND Covers:ruse Pies CmsTgaI Puente, LIAO Pim, Ie. re Lean IN &ND FAN ZIT WA 3ElL 333, COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. (Cr Coal Oil Lamps, le. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings and Sheep Slums taken In exehasge. J. & J. STORY, ga" Sign asks Large Coal Oil Barre fiebeeiski Sao 16, 1871 uwl issely CANADA'S CONIC CARTOON PAPER Every Saturday. 6 mita 13 Per an - EMU. 1385 -it