HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-11-26, Page 2s
v. • eat. -
411- •
• • M%.111.,4-11
3g111 4,173:4.1333102t1
Ctyptira-D. Ferguson.
yteiais-..Alea. Hunter.
Noiase-Desital Lizars.
ftelehuirant--Jaa. Vivian.
Taltray Cow--Altx. Campbell.
Balmy Cattle- Jae. Dougherty.
Teiteher Wanted-eilex. Malloy. -
First Clams Boar -Robert Taylor.
Strayed Cettle-John Buchanan:
Evehing..--Beee D'Erina.
leolice-Tristees Chards of Scotland.
ana•StIltir 1/31100.2.8
I. OuNarrihern wheal° sok give express notice to
,..- thee/astray, arecouselered en wIaler.4 to continue
' , tht subeeriptions.
. ' It 41144,TilletalillikiRT the discontinuance ol their
....1 ge heels or newspaper., the publisher ur pu r.I ish-
1 golirtay pestles* to sena thane until s'l arrears are
Vail rie; anal othecntlers are 11.14 reaspa,nsable for
el nem hers seat
„ g, triutaseriteasnegleet ear refuse to latk., the pert -
tItra. or rieviptper4 from ?Le esee. e, wee,' they
.r,Irreeted. they are head rexp.-m.tr..3 en they have
f.,itae.1 their hills. Maul tug nernber4 neck, or leer-
gareur in the °See, Is not suala uoties of daseou-
anuan -003 the horr requires,
; • 4. ;If steserribres tretnore to miser mares weteet
- freer...se the Puhriaher, an.1 their poal..1n.als or
. 01'W *pAlimr, ea rent to the Tomer directions, they
• sre traLl reetenalltakt.
• -
. wiee Geo: P. Itowits & Cp., 40 Park
• Iliew, and S. M. Pwrristotee &Co., 37
' I?irk Row, are Stormily authorised Ai-
r !hieing Agents in New York.
1 1 4ealrell be last all times to receive
kilt i of local ages'', rePorts of ma:tines,
bets, or any. -*client .of interest
lier in the lomty where it oceursor
Om county a large. Such matter
e e ler sent 141 erste of one cent per
-to : if merked inter's Copy' and m4
ealed. • To enittre publication in any
vtiinlar lean° it shon1.1 reach the
Sot later than Mendel'evenio$1.
. - : .
Ilistbscribers will confer a teener by
t ittfeine ns el any irregularity in the
gayety of their papers.
. -
rh. Jets: after;ectiA S,,5seriher's name
. ,ailress iat,14cates the tiose.to trhich
titm-riptiols is Thus, "PETRI,
✓ 11/15,....11 Meech 72,4' means that Mr.
s4k$ S,i',Ieriptiore is p up to 1st
ifititr!s Cp.! he 0104 from ,that te.
ehertiPers Ir;11 see it II lu to their t rest
• 4,,e,e promptly, al 014, tern a tissre
• sTic1.-r1.1 IN ADVANCE, otherteisi $2
• Too', 'are. 1. •
:tr Trrd:::::: 23021:77.3.7
G 0 DERICII ereeleiN
rnies leave es foil:era,- •
4'4 7.00 m.
.. 9.45 " "
.1230 p.
-3.3D 44 41
are due W.0, follows,-
. moo 411 44
. 2.00p.
.„ 5.20 66 44
1 ).00 "
• '',Aak
liefPII*4:111:;viiiiitliiii:444411:1114-t4iCh-raialeles:luTlasilbsicr:e.bvt:of:tiiNnt:orkft;niitlITY:v:-:1:rIr'211-a:hu'llfab3ebeer. tr,u1:1t1.3-uit8ivuuh;:cettra3erittr.:-.
a_.ffar mail setbsenbens have be.en noti.
1 titti!oiln. btchenoaander1eete4.:istyb.fzo
jec'Iste: 'thc(14
* - eltillIPmlersItier rieelPttiti.:14ro (11:feelfaraPuid.ree list.ltisilo-nitilec'toAti,t4fiesit:u4eesm'icintil
toint:wluch is our tine, 0160 keep us
glfer it re. umethi Taut years. _If
ihe are behiud du& thentselves
'extra. exp.:et-so they will have
• *es to b! tete. A word to the
9 igede sufficient. ' 4-
. :
• -Mee' SUCCOnti*d.
:.er Johr. A. 3lecionald has been in
gowie iu Cenal t for nearly t-wecity_ years,
lid It is werth while eo inroire how Ile
iwin, hold on t ) the reins: of office so
eel. relit p,:riti,c-t1 leaders in Englanil
.eiseetecedei in h etling their placer,
r spelt a lenges ef eine, an .1, in this
Seery "4 here Caere . is not so mue.h sta- ,
'Mg as in aa fele: die, teere must be
eatreasen f .r laseinereeedeuted S/40.
I 440.1 17o:1i ro.aSon i.i to if. fonnA in the !
: thef he st,ee eee nteassires of his!
t la
t or p rats and brietee their !weak-kneed 1
*KS All the mere impertant measuree
of twit lass- iir years here originated
' Ili* hts Refierin party and been made
plepnlar by dem, mei shed Sir John
sea that the); would beeoine law in spite
of lete he, adopted theni as pirt vf Lie
pelie#, tektite credit to himself for bo-
il; t tbeereinalor. Antong these iteea-
shteettre Repriesentation by Population,
himfiderttiolt; the trialjof Controveited
. 4ections by thidge.a aad niany others we
retied metteieri.
4 , -
., Besides adopting his opponents' mea-
sures he never hesitated tobribe a mem-,
. ber if possible. A keen and shrewd
utserrev a Men, he took advan:-.age of
- -cireinnetanCes, and if he found a a per -
sun whose vote weld." connt, in embar-
rassed circumstances, he held out ma-
teriel inducements for hint to come oyer.
I if the tempted man fel Sir John gloried
iis hif seccese. and his peth is maeked
lite tee pelitical gravestones ef those he
has seduced feen their paiti allegiance.-
Lct us hepe that under the new Govern -
:ere we will see no more ef that politi-
c:4 dishoneity and corniptiou which
- lta,ve characterized the feign of Sir
John, and. fthat the administration _of
tastes at Ottawa will be catried on with
an honesty and oprightnees which.bave
Ititaarto been comparatively unksown
et head quarters.
B. Xightocras &MEMO.
. _
. I
"'Does" Trowel, the leotorious New
* lerk -municipal s•sindler, has met with
Itie jest deserts. Let us hope this is
the heeinnine of a uow era in public
holiday among taw neighbors across the
hnes, The fullepartieulars 01 his con-
vietion are contained iu the following
%teepee:1i :-
• Tweed has been eclat:need to twelve
eoeu-s ia thee 'entity ',neon, aud pay A
6110 of 1112,730. I.efter Mr. Tremain
Led sheysel that the prisoeer be 3011-
' On each separate moat in the in-
t. there was a deatA Like silence
' aod 'I' weed looked greatly
1 He was told to staid up by
Ir. ks, elect, and asked if he had
WWII -ft to say why judgment should
pot Ile piwied ewe Min 1 Tweed said
, lie hat{ already pleetiel his Innocence.
Juige Theis then sentenced the prisoner
en every four couets, In enure 21,4
teems in the tndictment, ORO year was
indicted for each four of the first 69,
• . .
or 12 years itepresonmeat in the Comity.
eel is Ludlow et. He was sentenced to
plias 4111110 ea *eery h.ur counts ow
Ma enliee umber, 904, on which he
was erenidne.
Tbe maim See ' nta in the aggr.e-
Waselettisre 790.
• led ecallesd id Milweiet1111.11ir • 79 sears
at thestesration at reigeneeliteeee.
. .
Tile etesumar A Ls, for the safety t.i
iltkiL-6 "Mat were triltertained, h01 IIATIV-
ed safety at Detroit. -
the_promer stands
Tweed reetsayed
' not
Itittailt yams
The Iiitarnational To.acult7.
The difflooltv between Spain and the
'United Statee,.arising from the capture
of the Virginia, and the execution -of-
her crew, is likely to be amicably:Set-
tled. Nfieecietions sev -being carried on
between Madrid mid Waihington for
that purpolle. Oa Saturday things liad
rather a warlike app.:Ammo, as iewas
reported that several attempte had been
made to assassinate General Sickles the
etauted Stales, Minister at the Spanish
capital and that he was wounded, that
he had demanded his patap-nta, and
other rumours of a like alarming char-
acter. On:Monday id turned ogt that
these reporis were watrue or grobely.A-
amteraeed,-and ealtnaess was restore&
It is saggestal that the wetter in dis-
pute be referred to arbitration, raid the
Emperor of Gerinetty Le proposed as a
suitable pereon to deal with the (pies -
tion. Ueder seri circumstances the
Spanieh Government can hardly be
held respotasible. 'The character of the
Vireinitie wae ;known, her crow
were w.arned that in entering on the ex-
•peditich they were doing an nalaeful
act and1were taking their liyes in their
hands. 11 they Iseve sufferee the ;ex -
trema penalty for:their Untapftil acts,
ein their OW11 heals mast rest the respon-
sibility, sintl thengh it May ee matter
for:regret that sateh,harbarity was exer-
ciratt, the kende,' vertlict-of tee n orhl
will be "Ftrved teem right."
Zirr :.12,-.:::;47re2.94!011a Cotal:-.:1:
The Winnipeg ...Tor' !Vette', a paper
which derifes•its _insptratittn from Dr.
Schultz o or the Manitithatel. les., in
its issue Ise 5th Nereetther contents a
telegram trim Ottawa -'dated Ist No-
vember, Which revesla a little plot as to
hew the , Bei Government intended to
gaiR anepee.l. They decided to increaas
the Cabinet by : three members, A -SO-
Leiter Geneml and two Aisistant Secre-
taries, which' ofliaea werelo be filled by
ruembere from P: E Island, Manitent
and Blitishi -Columba,. eo order te 'gain
support film those .etueindes. The
offer of ocee•Was ingignantly :spurned
and aim& of the radiators went seainst
lLegeyerwitent. The iufermatio is Ito
doubt authentic, coming from one f the
gevernment eupporten. The nevi:Mem-
bers.. weilfd of :Meese !hive received
regular -salaries, wheeh weinla hie° en-
tailed an falitional oetley or$22,500
per aneunr4 Notwithstanding this, the
Prog- Oreahs mace a grent fuss about
Mr. Blake igoine into the Cabinet with-
out salary.4-- .
C3=1Ikt23 for :rill'
,, _ ,
Our rt;aders are awnre Are the Me./
newspaper emeetakea special delight in
ernblizeing statements etlectine the
ebarecter of- IIerrocAs Cocks and C.
.1. Whellatits,Ontario Emigrathia Agents
in Eneeutil. .1 Tee letter has entered a
derailed settee eor libel ageiust T. fe,
Patterson the iettager Of tha .110.
e was it on.f.ae Pieter° Cm Toeouto
^litre alegietrate on Uatur,tlay and com-
mitted fOr trial at the next Asses co, bail
in tho 'sum' of eleelli being accepted.
larks Belferd, one rf the editors, was
ttletsbronelitop ,witheinformlation,bitt .4.1
15Ir. Pattesen'a et:dement that he had
nothing to 0....) eith the arecle complame
ed .4 he was die:liaised!. ' . -
7-74.1.T.4.; Ce:•11.3. 1 .
The, f,llortin.:: seete in, the Lacel -
isk‘ture are at preseut oe.are shoes\ 0
hecome vaceitt,-Oleawa, by the olevi-
tion of lion. It. W. Seott to_ lkie Privy
Council, SOutleSirmese by Mt appoint-
ment of dIt. Ferguson to a Collectorship,.
-Peel by theedeatit of Mr Ceenee, Smith
Leeds by the appo'intinent ph!. Mac-
donald to a -Junior J utigeshijr,-and Sett th
Grenville by the prebabfe appointment
of 3frseFraser to a seat in the ()wash,
Cati4t. All, with the exception of
South Isceds ieeich the coltsernitiveir
candidate will allowed lea walk the
cuitrse in terms of a comproneee, ere
likely to returdelteforrners.
LO=3.1* ZIC2:131.
noininat ion for rieittrox • t ook
pleon at Na ea nen on Sat prday.1 A puns -
leer of candi•Talbs were aerep;acti. Sir
Jelin A. 3Ieciormid was eresent 'and
made a characteristic' speech: Tlerre
pletre to be lie dente tliat liens 11. J.
C.:I-twee:est the neiretiriancts Mieister,„
oili be returnea by a rtee majorite ever
his optpenent, Mr. 11;rrel. -
. 4 30117
. •
The Toronto Liader epeeks of Mr.
Merrick as the leader of the Cpposition
ie the Ontatio Leeisfatare. •When was
Matthew Crooks Cameron deposed ?
Mr. Merrick, mieerable tool ss be is, is
(-vita fit to lead the rag tag and bobtail
which t,:enposei the Opposition in the
local house-
P:Lt.:0 7:47=1 island..
List Satardey's eetnada Ci.nett.!. coft--
tains the appointment of Sir Robert
llodeson. at petsent administering the
Government uf Prince Edwar1 Island,
to be Lieutenant Goyeenior . of sail
Province, ties Famiscirs feetbin-
,-.Hon. MCAtitenaiips throtigh
London on Satureay on hur way to his
constitneney, ani.w. entertained At
luneh at the Teenmseh House by the
Reformers of London. At other pulnts
along the line be ties greeted with ap-
plause and melee arrival at Sarnia was
entensiastically 'received. Hie nomin•
ation W3.3 tO take place yesterday and
be was to be entertaineti at a bautptet in
the evettine. , •
-A despatch thsen Sackville, New
Brunswick, staterYeat the cable steam-
ship Itotert WA3 '106t dff tlio coast
of NoveSciotia, in the storm of the 17th
and 18th Wet. The captain and part of
the crew wore clrowned. .The vessel
had just completed the 'seine of a tele-
graph cable between Lamencho and
STEATER 0.11, STOILEN:-Tho Indian
Summer of 'ISM
NEW Lem:erase - The Wingham
Times speaks of the burning of a char-
coal pit as .a "new iuduatry for Wing -
ham .
RETIRED -Mr, J. M. Leet has retired ,
from the editorial chair of the Wing- '
ham Times and is succeeded by Mr. A.
C. Osborne.
contemporaiy talks in its last Issue about
entitle the "brae." Rather a difficult
thing to get hold uf, let alone to eat.
Itowevism.-Wo trust the authorities
will put oue or twe constables on duty
at the ITell on Monday evening next on
the occ.aaion of Mlle Rosa D'Erina)i
ooyonucengrt.meTnhe conducteof some or our
(if they were boys there
might be some excuse for them) at pub -
he eutertainments has become perfectly
titsgraceful, and unless a few exeutples
are made our tnwn will soon Iteve•a.
very- itin.nriable character.. Ai it is,
many are .kept away fr tin ditcrtain
merits as they do 11.-e earo to be insulted
or to witness the 4.121111 ef rev/ay-ism
whieli there take phtee. Tho eiserace-
fal cote -feet which hies heel). beseu mani-
fested melt be staniped out.•
aittigeE,1:18th inst., fde the eurpose of or-
ganizing for the stetson. 'fhe treasurer
t• ei aer:ili.do:ped,tyleililitgatf,:irftteiriemeieentigniftfailii.
14:time,. on heed. er.;:tilPtietil!lilale.4a/lailtncearsi
wero eleeted for bile eusitatt year: a
latesimeer--C. E. Dumber,
j:i'i'ai•i•re:eastrote•r -IL Ceeeet •
SE, ItZTSET! rite- P. Adam-
Commirrre --T. Ben A. Dickson,
Se me -Messrs. Fililey, Cetke, 111
'lonelier, stud Dewy !Leone
4....,The fee fur incialicreliep WAS fixed' at
Ceel, r above
eaptiim WO are ceerged by our bsial
Coe t ,rary itit ay g inserted
abseit a Col1i11111 Of 1..cel news that ale
jeetre 1 in ite issue ef the 'i•revi,•;15 irted,
The ssid local tsetse Cet,s;stel ot a report
,,f hotel, of the c.:3,'A 11410:MI` be•
fere the .14,14u relsirt
hate already alt. eve,/ to b.. fell of er.
rots. ehar.;., ,a--1,,,•10 in ;411,1, stay
a.a 1..rt‘t tho- int -r (114 We
t1") "e -"s from ita w,
0,1 to; atom tlitt e .Aatin our intern's-,
nuts from mote atitlieritic Itoilircen. We
have it te the public tositidAu its to tht
cogrectlices, fatless and freshnees
our. news. lett what atom the reineit.
tkw of the cases which were tried at
th; Court t tor would be enterpeisiee
fri tel has given no report of them,
though thu slain ei of the Court closed
neerle a fortnight ago. Ile shealol not
tale about 0/./ mare • I If
Tenn -moire elterese.-The tfillet of
te monthly teatimes c .nticctien. brit h
th Sens id remper...t.... was theivered
11101 Tolilper.teco 1 tali - Fria Lid sive-
nit ski". There v. as a terel lib nee,
the peal absence of •Itat thee ,.rly
ArrOINTMANT.---11. W. C. Meyer, ef
the firm of Bensen & Meyei, Seaforth.
has been appointed a Netary Public for
Ontario. '
STORNI -SIGNAL. - The 'Storm signal
ahaft has been erected on the bank quite
close to the fl,tg pol 1. u 'think ;
would have been better to pat it son -m.
where else as. it takes 31ray frOla the
appearance•of the pole. •
Perzete Mestett. Mexeney .fer De-
cember iseto hand. It vett:tins a num-
ber of pieces of very Mee music. Now
is the time tu subseribe for neat yell.,
. pee, antunn. J. L. l'eters te Co,
publishers, 599 Broadway, New York.
Oyirretts.-D. Fetlrunsen has teceived
e supply ftf„,ine, oysters. which be,
rs sa..ilare; by tho tittArt ,,r p211100 cheap.
1Zrstanrants and supper part io., •a
rot,,, This is a bAtet way
tefbuy oysti•rs :Lae by the e.• you
2.Ct te-ice the eltentity f ,t• the r.1111,'
f-zitt se.v. %pr. I ene
the best assoirtments eile• rwaro
have seen fot a Jew:, time. Ile Awes
keeps a tes,d st,,elt.of this clase e,iods,
which are now very temptinglysdisplay-
ed for the Christen/a trade. llu has
alio 0114 of the. best steeks of heeks
a Toronto.
LYN Stroreeeeetties Brook., teen -
Seer, of this town, shot .a very lar;e4n:
in the Township of Colliorne, Tees:
day of last week. Ile war .outkuutiatt
when his 'doge perstioa, tee • critter"
which took reftige. in a 1:-.11soi log.
Brooks came bp ani desyx:-LLetl t
auimal with his gen. •
8ALT'Ar (14.11.10 r.r.O0K telee
t tie ly papers oirSetitrlay last an-.
flounces t tat el ref/1st-Oh le Ott army-
breoe reached :aerie of full &teepee'. rain
depth of 1250 feet. at his salt well it cre,
on Friday. alit!, to the pnexitn' y of
a• Saw Mill "lid]. will simply ant
saw duet fer fiteleMr. elide .will no doubt.-
be'able, to manufacture salt very* cheap-
ly. - • . r
Lev •The stonier (Satire., foet
Beatty's .Lske Stsperen• 1.1113 Of StOttlli•
o rs, was' seccessfulla Lienchel Dein
Chishohn'• lb Semi -ton a ship vent et
4:11atliene last Sateetasy mornine. • She
is 192 feet leen, 34 feet biana, we" 13
feet thld;, has et • splentlideemer cabin,
44 Atate moms, a pair of cOalitusineen-
ginea of.theinoet approvel construction, '
and 480 horse potter.
DANCERO-ra PRAO71043„-WO obaereed
• numeer of Toys 'eon. Satnrday' last,
settemed rei Halation street, • enatgee
in throwing ewes -bails at eyery. horse
that palmed. This iv a daepirons 'prair-
tise'and erten leade te sereitie accidents.
We he -tenor boys will ebstsinfreni it in
fienre, etherwise th .y may Mid them- ^
selves handed over to Mr. Campaigne's
tender mercies, in the big ....stone house,
for a few' deys. .
A MUSiCAL TREA As will be seen.4
ht. enr advertising colonels, M'Ile rosa
it which is so often iteen on pitblie
tee ions 516-olo .highly 'for the -
Rev.• Me, Graham wee eyelet' to: the
Ree. Mr. Nugent 'delivered an
mud eiterestine address. Ile hoIde
a prohibitory liquor, law amtlil be
p attire. as the lame at -pr nt
iieteisese4 in regard to the tradk a not
refereed. • This portent of his 1 ten:
was ebjecteal to by seine of the cpegre
gation, and ebly criticise.] by tlie fellow-
ing %maker, Rev. "Mr. liera tn, all/ was
st.ruterly infevor of a 'mesentery few.
Mr. Grahem skilfully endeavourfa e...
rectincile the 11ev. geralumen, see ing
that (hetet vies little precticel Jaffe ce
between theta.: ,A ymo of thanks Was
eerier.' to the Itriturer, the benetli tie',
b:tsj ieron.itneott ittid the tucet imi el tl.
I i •
, ,ii ..,__-_,....-,_- -7.
re2-I,;:e."..4 of rat 07223**3 -Ch .'.
E sr. flViel,g,:t beer 111: 1' It
fieeeee's reeiste-ipei. t'' urelt ie this
4, -.114 luta' I. eet., teed ni uter
lteratieni stet re,i • :rt. wai is- et-
It'Erina, the great-1.yr i.• SKr, it er Lit ine serviee et1 :4.11.16011 3.1
M„t1t1Ay' rl„a Tttewl„y erts„irtgl /text. I * "le2triml
en.1 has ayeete „lewd:eel. f awe derey teed cal ets
'tWo perfo'rmanees 117 ert , A 11.111 114' MX3,11:11. ,1 ..11 X 17irier am!
is knewn as Erie'a.-Prhina theme to, 'time% Interest in the s'evt..i.s. Tite
tan les re- entti,..1.1-oer (,) sIeti Rev.. Cation E;wei.1, It. et r iif
;VI her. Tine. v., 1
treat reel. les ie seLlein ee. ea them in
• it • ;
I.-. TURF.. -We here. to c II tee nt- wee
tent.. n of the mane to IR 1ro titre 1.. be Lee
I ered by the Rer. atie. 'Carmichael Rey
I ef.tletereal. on Irish *isle, on next by I
Three lay ervilioz, at 8 o'cleek, in ell. Spored, lessees for
Crebles Hatl, eil of the fetel'for the 1 the hreasieft; lieo.ble Om;
impreveenent of St, 'George's, Cherch. meneiter ae the :UPI* verste awl! the
'rho -1,.'19Tv will detii," lto limo% the 4th chalet ef J. in',
Irish -Meledysean.1 will .he AI literate 1 !Gore ',.. 171. ;WAS t ken our
vocally hy Mrs. El eteal all Mr. an 1.; th.. P2.2 .t.1 es.tini,"! Was Wlieu he
Alm. Dixie 'Wetiete . ' slid 1111.., W0 '0:11 goat -tat the h u.
Scusenint...-N or is -the time to sub. titer Li:r,f; ;to.: Itoftie. the ;re i
„scribe tho Stow.te• for next yew.. Aar 4.tien ttas 'at-
, mkt? •tel 1:teat-Nil appropriete re
We will seed Vle se" tr• to all new a"... nem takine fee his text Peelle IV,
serieers till t ene ef 1,471 for tlt.:.0 vet.,
edvertee, 'All who want 3 LI, n.a,a 4'31 it or , ;u3.1. l'..alit:ellagl.r..";u4r11, illehttel:elitti4-
peper shone'. tk/nol alene their . , ;
We hype te.havg la -rem increase i our 1,114'.
subscription list fir next year, thu eri- I e preecher tv i:d Cia" the eselin trom
abling nit to make the paper bettitr ah ‘,:xiki titt:14,71,'"offilio„royi
• .t tte el for the workief ,rh.
ester. Send is 'Your names-apd
Goepect Wepere...-7-Otte of . these epnest,Iniist eette God'd glory sta 1.1444111.11100ir
' • I 1 f
events., which are of Mich rtre occur- dete
eence me to be worth special mention, tee
was celebeated in this teen n 14th k ee
.e.:11, Rev. S. LI. lie.11.•: -. 11
leade mile Rev. Jae Claim:
ta eletereil, Chap: ett t.
(gent te. The tn.-mite it;
rea I Itv. Mw ei.g.
11.11..1 OM (74 otto11111111(on 'servis
'Canon Elvris..I, and , the Et
emellichael tele; ithm &rep.
Inst.: the patites who.. hell
the fiftieth year of weideel
rr. (Mere.), Anarews antl Isis
ego nem her of reletivar at:11 .frieries tee
aesem.,,,1„..,j to do honour to th etecasien,
el of . netted wishieg •the shy:,
venerableerouple. rimy hapoy retents Th,„
of their wedding anniversary.
i'01.).oure Aweteese- fritne Reg-
gestiethat the wooden awninee which
newly every shop on the Square ie pro-
vided with are unsightly and sheuld nr.t
alloweLlt, We 'agree that thejr are
an eyeiose, and they are'proltibited byt
iss Wog
ire: A
.10 -
pa; Awl in Ow nil thty eeean \Yet
graml description of Lis , rate is
lesek, and 'het. fer a siamal ite-
'f he .crewnitt .,, act ef 4'... I's A-
.1 1114'1,11101 141i . :V...I.14 f•./.111 i i the
lug t,', hi; Wit aiil Itl.....r t ittii.
. .
testure is fithi:U et he, ateeny na
ave lies at the 0.1.4 th st .leet ny.
will fie e, feet theeer of tee weig
ef t` fern .a last letet ..I the' wave ou
the er shore awl a If it %lime:ter of the
sat, ••for0.1151 Egli' 10 for. ever eulan•
eai•ditel, but in In dois ti 1 (Vali: to exist
at death. IDeat'a is het a teisestims of
life but a chairs° ( 1 fertn. Ou the
labot r ef Watt life deeends• the ne nre
Lea in many towns. If prbtection horn tit his retire, and be; eternal lapse ear
'the see is, required canras awnings c311 enly be secured throtigh th re•
wetild answer the perpese welch better demption purchased by the blot ef
and are easily rollad ep when, not re- ("brute l'he faith which -will Teske 'in-
qnired. The Square would Link Mitch. tmerlia man etCrnally brill' is at
better without the unsightly shede which which title his daily hie. 'ch.. Well klo•
new disfieure it. We threw out ae
Lint an/1 hope it may be; acted on.
lloy Ilerree.-.1 son nf Captain M
Int osh, who le employed as a messenge
rlin the Montreal Telegraph °nice, ha
his leg severelrbitten by doe belong-
inst to Mr. James Miller, last Thursday,
Hefted et men of Mr. Miller's were play -
int tottether when McIntosh took hold
(4 Miller in sport, but the dog thinking
ileac!, in earnest, and diet lie meant
t) harm him, ifew at the former and
in kted a very ngly lash. Dr. MeLean
wee called in and dressed the wound,
buf it will be genie time before the boy
will be able to go round again.
Wood. Vag.
, -
Our tteel of cordwood is gettieg low.
Those of our subscribers who desire to
pay for their paper with wood will
please bring it idoeg.
George Tyron, who, with his father,
was convicted a murder at the Barrie
Aebizes met sentence.' toile haneed on
the ltith Dees:tuber mom has had hie
sentence commuted to imprisonment for
life in the I'rovincial Penitentiary. The
sentence of death es to be carried eut in
the father's case.
Mr. Savage, of Godetich, ghee at pre-
sent under construction. et KIntaihboth
a flour and a ssw mill, whieh are expect-
ed soon to be in operation. Messrs.
Grant A Boyd, of Kincardine; hare com-
menced clearing out e site for a new
steain saw mei at the northmord creek
of Clackitt street, about a mile south of
Sir John Macdonald has stated that
ebe osieulated from the first on tilltne the
1 !donate vrith his own people in order to
cense a dead lock betweeu both lionise
in ease he rent out of power. It is, Ito w.
erverwed keown the* this anhaannerse
defeat. Lintakentmentintiees taotteacethe
pert ot the Iwo Prank, *re. no our.
1 rtae. and Indy shown tbd desperate pos-
j state fa whir* beta pissed.
zrNt.-In °lir last issue we omitted to
direct the attention of one reeders to
the advertisement of J. W. Jones,
Londona in another column. T. S.
Arthur is an author of well•known
• and is the most popular temper-
ance writer in America. Hist magazine
is replete with cheice literature. In the
Jannery ninnber will bo commenced a
new and interesting serial -"Window
Ourtains"-by T. S. Arthiir. Subscribe
now and get a re,11 premium engraeing
IToras6RoLD MAISAZINE is to hand and is
replete with good reading --entertaining
sketches, stories, poems, be. be. In
addition to a number of good articles
are several pretty poem', a charming
little Cettage Design, and editorial de-
partments enibracing Our Housekeeper,
Correspondence, • Literary Notices,
Laughing Stock, dm.. &c. Tbe entry-
ing for this month is entitled 'Old
Folks." All the abbye for only one
dollar per year -or with chrome Yes's-
M ITN oue dollar And It half. Address.
WooPet Hotesseote, Ifteuezine, New-
burgh, N. Y.
876AM Fine Es.: NE. -The Mayor
last week negotiated the pnrchnew of a
FulabyIllotary Steam t ire Engine with
1 the agent ef the manufacturers from
1 Setae* Falle, N. Y., and the purchase
was coneu-med at the Council meeting
Mg the ill (loiter of eur auty er
eterrial eche...* • ellielt will be"
throngtemt our. future. The .hea
shell bele await hot 111A11 10-.100
hevimathe spark of tled within aim. •
Of all the !abler to which matt goeth
fotth none is nobler. than procleimitm 13
Saviour's love. It ii a higher employ-
ment the that of kin:. and senetors
or those w o occupy high 'worldly
hong The fact that there tune be a
uttworthy-.penions le the ministry d
not -take away from this truth. Spme
who deny the itnmortality of the Out
may say that there Us nothing to be gsiti-
ed by such -work, as man perishes like
the limns and there ie an del of hen ;
bite if the. tendency of the work ip
raise man abeve the hrtites, to make eint
naorel and intelligent even for teis world,
the work ia good. Thank (lod the flay
is pait whet' it cite be said that men
preach that they may eat dm eltereles
bread. l'o the ohame of the churl* be
it said her ministers as a inle ere ro
poerly mild that they may exist.
Thu figure of tila psalriest• is intensi-
fied by the ,fact that the labour of the
faithful minister is continueus. ffhe
hard worker in another calling May
have seasons of rest; bue the 'week a the
faithful minister he went.
to week on till the last.
God's merey.ih 'this .respect has
great to title coneregistion. For eta
on 25 years the same matey form has
proclaimed to them the Goaliel. While
the theolmacal world his witnerned
giant phanges he has net changed. Hu
preaerting now is an echo of t-hat'10I
qaarter of a ceutury ago. They ceuld
have no doubt 11A to what God's butssage
was, oe what the life of His am,bassador
should be. Hu (the speaker) owed lain
much, fer it was his precepts and ex-
ample made hen what he wale To.day
the sheaves were being gathered home.
Some of th fruit of his labours a pears
an old friend he urge them
n in their work, not to rest
work on this house 01(3'4
shed. The Hunse of God
made too beautiful. As
on Friday evening. The cost of the the senior 1 -church of the' western
engine $4500, but 500 feet of rubber ceentry it amnia set an exftple, and
hose, manufactured specially for the use ehheuhrflped it• might yet be the Cathedral
of the engines and warranted to stand a and centre of a new diocese.
pressure of 400 Iles to the square h This event teas not only possible but pro -
has been ordered. The *hole Icosne-t bable. Let t3its mother church set an ex -
$5250 delivered here, the manufacturers aearneep
le to 411 the rest. Ile understeod
paying all fretght, duty, lc. Of cou lye,. WAS yet due for the improsements
thia is a considerable sum, but onr tu- I
r", made. He trusted it would be paid sff
pureness rates will be lowered and the I lie once so that they could thank God
whole mat will be saved tia thet way ins that their eiturch was free of debt. .
sheet ti -e, The Sesby engine has re- The above is an imperfect synopsis of
Moetre... and other planes. The town evg,,,,t•
*het wasitu eloement and able sermon,
cently teetta pet through severe testa m •
to -day. A
not tt. 8130
td1 all the
was mecten
could not
one w c centamet muc tioe 0
[of 13er in has just punmased one ahd •
, cos. larguktusgt• temsibeviegr aresenelin eseid eatiall usivaecrtith_s.
t , very efficiently rendered; the Te Deam
Ile musicel part of ate serve:0 eas
Gip and tba nn and Jterilole being very beautiful.
lahlida 1141.4)11114ivelY ado trim twain preaished to an overflowitee con
ben. Tbr war eitcateibis be daises% swat i„.
chasewithim. a "I" nvill 11" a". 4 TO', The cherch entice has been very
much ire red by the overluitiling it
3 °ur In the ertening the Rev. .1. Carmichael
has received. A chancel ana vestry
have been added in rear, a new ceiling
put in, the whole interior of tee church
re -palette' and decorated and a minden
of additional pews widen The chencel
has been appropriately furnished by the
ladies, &tie tmentai d window to the
late (lurid' Weldor platted in it by Mee.
Widder awl Maw Dyed. 'A hot air
.furnance now heats the buil ling, and
when some 'improvements aro nettle on
the exterior. it will be in ell revects a
.;vonfort„1,10; an] amerietaions church.
We understate' ahout $4100. have been
expended in improvemente during the
last three years, most of which is men'
Th0 Wilt) Pow*: EVI.C.23,110 at
Lr.rTZtt Taos( • GODIRICH Bo.oy•
R. Gibbot.s, Esq., our worthy Sheriff,
has hendea us the following letter f rom his
son, *lei is cenducto: on a railway run-
ning into Shreveport. It gives an in-
teresting accnunt of the yellow fever
epidemic which has scourged that part
uf country.:-
DALL.V., Nor. 2d, 1873.
Doan 0-, Teem frmn Toronto
recei tie last week, was glad to hear you
were :ill well at home. 1 think we have
passel tbrotteh all deeeer as far as the
yellow fetter is concernea; it RePIIIS
have otheitstee itself both in Marshall
andel lirtreeperterltere arc only a few cases
now in either place and only tires -or
three deaths per day. Otir trains atil
commences rittinitte thetoigh lo Shreve
eert be -morrow,. the mottled factillty
being hf. the opinion het we ren safe ly
ee fleyilielit but they do not dee, it
eritilent te, lay over there alt night.
ou in the north have no itlea..eh
terrible eintleinic this has been. Shrebee,
pert Itiel teipuletion of 7000, of al
:31/00 left the city on the first appeer-
mace .4 the fever, of • the,400(1 who re.
inaine4 800 have nen and about. tete.
have recovered. just fancy one-half ot
,tho population sick and all at the same
time. , Suppow, not less than 25 bave
terrible tet think of erenns dying.14
Wzh,tocitii: names were unknown. 14 is
melee sa
would tie
notary w 000 only obituary
eblished in three. iords, fee
fete/erre. Bat if yen under.
lettere of the disease yoit
be so unecer attrprised te
think Ilia 2e died so in Shrevepert
Half Melteur after yea are takiii sick.
with ) ellew fever pet are perfectly help.
lese end lei), ofoin delirious. I I. C0111
1114•111..ei It chill and terrible. heed-
aelte noel pains iit yeile limbs., The
amitotic -tilt- of decters and nurses .is mere
:idle:Frt.:a but as a general thing teey all
ears get
ematecti • e with a Mustard bath, if thee
ellaitignilit; on, black teimit. comsnenees,
after Wench they seen die. It is a very
rare thene for A patient to neeiver after
-having, ',leek vomit, Yon will n to
wolidee very tench why I st ty.. 1 Nere
during Smell A terrible plagtie, heel hese
never felt alannee. Lest Nitrite.% when
I was at1 Ileerne ere had nearly a mouth.-
steadyerain end all 01.1-eitisevis prelate-
sied wet *mull hive yeletw ewer beth
on acernt of the wet antleperiedical
return Of the foyer. Tiiey seem to iet
seine ifrattes as an 0.11111011110 01100 ern)
six yeera; a was here iu Dee and Dia7.
eo eettijetie they were jettt,• rieet... I
began 1 lento prepare for Fit Ity takiim
liter rstealeter tool as 1 hul beim 4111.
ittoially well all smuttier did not feier a
ittes k, this Iseingiho 1.`,11U111011CO•
1110 fever. As noon as the fever
ounetel epidemic trains stopped
to Seresepert, Ro; tI4 a .certaile
e %ore. iselated, • lett we out.
rua to Marshall leng a r it
;11.',PL'Art tlitaraSr IL Mite o
the 44110 of the Mehl with all eh,-
•ers 4,f the nue -got .seertel st hen
there; ts ,:nnintlipmeler of deetta
-Mir tall. Thee.. t Ile 1134 1)0011 it1,11.1.44
dy des f.tr nienth. Woli
thin Of 4.0-1 teit. mere than 400
1. s ) there 01.33 loot It111911 mete,
fever to werk oe, We have
oito _brakeman, onis- engineer,
1, one bae..."-tee in„ one- ex-
Sit:neer, Intl' tele:Teti.% operatttr,
wo egent, One cenductor
.express fuesseitger who had it
iermietratien to siert they con-
e., p then* out of darteer with
tirsing. If they do not get the
ion to start and chills keep
, meta e
arts pit
A pit11.1'.
riel fee
only lo
.410 Ag
preen ti
*114 ot
and On
reeeversel. Person.* rann. tr. e on the marl
die Mit, miteen to lut, NU liable lis 'tthose
living (remit ttitly in One. platce.....,iWe have
had ;two er three heery white fewer" sma
the derteer is (-unelected aboot over. I .
thine Mealier less] north wiud, oe as .
WO 0111;00111' here "Norther," will • fix I
it. Tell Charley if he still intends cent-
ime telexes is will be -safe to start right
seer. 1;1 cannot asy much about the
road iss,toverything is at sixes and sevens
here bet ,de not think there will le
much tlittnber !hieing a job, but.it is .a
here rioutary te railreal in, an.1 wt.
h sve a Jetiehtly hard read. With the
hioney eine met f -Ter epelemist, best-
enese It ' been lime:keit endways. The
Cetistr Seam a trupany; our mainstay,
Nave seapt-telea work altettether end we
cannot 'teie when they %ill reseine. It
will. rime canon* et you to think we
wear jtat as heavy cletltieg hen, as ere
,woula in Canalm 1 am •wearine 'le
el elms L were in Throttle last e beer
elute der thermometer was 28 below-)
zeroa-t itr 1.4...4 is so thin we have got
VP proteet muse:eon with wousn clothing.
I emu it think .11 anything mufti to.;
eight, oo tele eniceele with landloye
to all. Me, II. GIBBONS. '
ro! Coetic;1 met on Frilay evening
last, tee hteyor in the °heir. Present,
Tiko Dietiety -Reeve and t_louncillore
sbain11,01,Dailtylsei,niOtizr(d.aitres,,r.blIva.:.,kialy,,vi, sAmV.JiOre..
dlimitei,of lett .nteetItig remit and ap-
Pre'pe'ic 'el • 'follew leg .doctit4ent.s were sub -
miatteeed,*;ne of . Town .Clertel Sulacting
Jtironi, 015. Ordered be paid. •
Acceust of IL Thrtm;s1n113 follews;-
"Cerp. ration of- the et n of Goderteh,
,Te hint kt Thompeon Dr -
Noe, 5, 1.473. Tol Wregoii !tally hu reit
• reliatsnigel (so als te be unselebly)
• by :4 Riotous lissomely, cougregeted
oentiary te a liv-letw of red Onr-
peretten 'Ad the T.Iwn Goderich
eta which mid lteetts aretembly the
neikher del they a ompt to dispel:se
said corpomtioetk no peins,
Reel uulayred anti' 'otus assembly.
althoiner - the sell cerporste bed/
• walool, fully aware and eoeniatee er
sr • unlawful an .1 rietoue as oe inbly.
- Amt. 8,35.00."
Camsiderable merriment WAS ceased by
the.readin,g of the abeve ellen which was
vrIteer°41partt.°ofbeleifitYtteluici:e. doe.uttittoo recent-
tuuntlung peynteat of tee following ac-
counts,-Ster °Mee, arlvertising, 85.25 ;
Geo. Getham, work; Steele; T. J. Moor-
hoese, Stetionety, :18 13.
Me64 by Mr. Samill acconded by
Mr. Wetteon that 84 'be taken off G.
Grahare's acct. Lose
The report was then adopted.
, Agreement with Silsby Memifecturing
00. fur &Steam Fire Engine. Thu agree-
nieltInotIrWealebaynaktari:Illetolbertson seconded by
Mr. Sortie- thet Meters. Ituacintan,
Salkeld and Htunber be reqnested to
act in conjunction with the council to
test the engine when it arrives. Cer-
rieMdOved by Mr. pallor seconded by
Mr. 51ackay that the Fire Committee
with the addition of the Mayor and Mr.
Swain., authorizel to • provide a pro-
per place to keep the new engine. Car-
Dy -law No. 10 of 1873, to grant a
bonen of :5000 to a Summer Hotel, was
read a tirst tune and the vote te the
ratepayers orde'reel to be taken on the
the day of the Meuicipal elve-
r ii:‘e 0"
YL -law No. 11 of 1873, aPpointing
returning officers and polling places, for
the ensuing municipal detrains, was
passed through its various stages sad be-
cstne law. All the ole returning officers
weBrIer.rell-aiPLIPleirritedwas. hoard with-refereeee
to the opening of the Maitland Bead
through the Ransford property.
Moved by Mr. Smaill seconded by Mr.
Mackay it at the uectssary steps be %ken
to open np said road four rods wide, to
stall°stlinu.reCcalArrledied.the attent7en of
tkhheell:IS:C.1.OPluncil to the destitute ci• cum -
f Mrs. efeDoneld anti N .enan
stemmata. Their eases were reter:ed
tol.Mirr.RoPabesectrusooren scriltdiedthethMeayaotter.nti,,:. of
Use Council to a plea got up by Ur.
smaill regarding a change is, tee plan °AY "1 an i n kin '1:11r713.,,,i,..,,iit.41:1.',.1.;f,.,,‘1,1-'',r',,.:11!„.1.11:1i,111,r,4:,(,‘',111::ti'le,t,I..c>,‘Ti'fi',t1,.1,111:11
structed to write to Mr. Page regarding whestiianrtemtihweitlrlereeir,,ip:e.,it:•::,it ov,.,,iv:.rofillih,a
of the harbour. The Mare' wee in -. and thelrettirmitg ..f 111-.1 to Pere tment
eliree torteigh;! •. i • f,,,v yi,iln4 ,ito,-
.Pitlekrertan:ediVei:::::e WI. rtliej11111141:1:1 t1.1(1..1:::.'1 • o ! 1 , /.. : / o t o ; : . „
$6,88 for funeral, e x pe Nees for S. jemcs : fisirndiv'nneill'',Itil:ir'ic•;TY.'lis-rit:61111,:i'l:;:‘,:..r'iltift'..I'.i::-'‘,1‘eaell.ri..3.,101!"1.,:11.:;..::11:.,°:1,,:i.:'Sfil''aft'll'.1':ri.!.1:.11.'Illitlti11::::t.''''''..!',"..:':,::.1.'''''.1'1.....'::.-''''',-'''''.:1:, it.'1,'''':.....'il ''.,t'..1'''''''.:'‘I'''''''.11.
a': .•
golii.! 1,11,','. '.. "II,'S 1,. ,',' 1 • , . . ,. i
.1 :
.1 he .414.1!;.1:114 it I.- i ',.' 11. :' 1•1 '. a HI r
Whiteley, eti.15 for gravel; J. Willie:is,
SeiteearoithealL13841f.otdrefixellita, &lint's.", t °Big ti.; icTeti 'tine!
t,be,n etitHirfeeir;ioniindaTnrAta:lii.4rieiiri,v.,:63trift,:irwisoittlii,reei:e_s_ E"IP51-11."1.4.4C A IT „s. n'.46."'"0,-;misrayeasp
Carrie]. Moved by Mr, 'M aiiteith, _ _
secentled by Mr.' Slept:crave, that Ow 1.2:_,,,,,,,,, 1, ,1'.. i . 1 ‘. ,,1 ,
al tnelunti•ar T. 11"L'ptiiint; Ref"ersotiwantn1.7joinanteliTle'r'sr ili•,:„,:`.;'t,e'''.1'....;-,''1, 1.1'T".',:i';,, I , ,, ,‘
he held at Lundesb .wough ie Itrundon's "b ."-l.i., ," . ,ti • •.. r P.,
wagon shop, cm the day Ilse 1 by law,and 1 ' , . '. ,
iR CaSe of more then the neeeseary mita- estlaTitili511411:,Ide 1 zilltlif.114. !it;',,..,,,,a,:r,. ,.1 ,,,,, t , 1.(
ber of candidates hake; prepoaed,that the
electien for the west electoral division tem. E. Iffeee is t„ ,;, es ,.
be 'heel at the name [Jae(' as nomittatiOli. dine en the etlt .,' I I . - • ,
and for the enst electeral '' division at i I ,i, .1. 4 ,o,. cu ,, ,
IiitilotrIt iii Will.j.11114' wagon filliop, oto . s,,i,..,14.,, 1-,,r (1, , .
the clay fixed Ily law, end that .1, Sleuth , , , ,
waite le. retitriting etlicer fer, eted el .• „ ., .
the east division; and tliat a hy-law I, Mr1:1,11:1:11.1i;1 ..'i'• ''
toral division, and It.. Thotnpion f . .
te'S.parc:1 and 1111%.N.3,1 t14 co•IIIII'M tile a c..- =V/ a
-Carried. Moved by Mr. Stepheus..1., el,.. et ..,,e, . .
(hit Feellfityler'i accoaut,tik31,1,T inedi...1 :-.1. : : : . e . _
attendance en Tolliver, an indigent 1, -r- , L'..0 :.c.....;,_. :„.11,i o:
4...1'4::;0041)14; Ndlerc. u a ct;Id.4,;it,b.citii,1".idoc7neo3:71`c1`,1).. 1,„T„r„,„":,li'a",.:;;,...i ,, , .. .... ,
or. Wrrivick, tho,C1Yot. 211cli,oraio, an p..,r ,,, lid,- 1,lii 1:, m1 ,,, ..„• . ,...
old matt tit indieent circumstances, be , A „„: 0,,..,„,.. r,, .1 ,,..1. 1„
granted $20, to be placed in the hands .. next 8....,..,i11:;.. o..1,1).1„;:trottd,,14 ,
of S. Millie -Canted. 'Flee Council then 1 eurre,'.... e t. e
edjournid, to meet again at Lineleiet . ... ' . „
borough, on 3lottiley, the llith Ihicein- . Iftr';""luantit'• '''' '' '''r ''
-Jes. lleetenweirs, C:erli• 21! illth,aCti ttle“0 ISistilu'itt-"I!.:.. : . .
ber next, at •10 o'eleck.' , ,
10703,4, roman.03-4; ' , The Prince E ' -
%%ell Emeti for tee': •
. 1-4- .
Cwt. Nen. NIKETI ',6. -3110 Co1111Cil lea t"."" a"a S'''"'"'"'
111th Nove purse nt to aajournment. It is ell lersete 1 .e. •
litere will nut ft / .• , •
All the members', event. Thr Reeve in
• • Jan/miry, vele:nth- -
the (leer. .
Minutes of last tieetiug read and a- in i.ikva. by all aello 1;
John lf iwcws N :4 18,.coo. 5, appliuJ Iti'tretwe%ft4'errteileelrismeiit's' . : ;e:ieC'il„°;„2et;e1.:11,,t'a:',1
iloptetl. •
to council tit be ronnovel from 4huol ageitiet that tie..;:la for eetepaetannt el
'Secelti.(:Vile..111 .'42-1/.ndliarleethral atotteNolsodet11. bY 'val(arteic7,,f the iiiieears ef Nara:tea ou
-C. Dentin. atet dilre 11-eter'44 re'elesi be . Sundev leet, repw.eed members of his
granted, the prop r'netkei hating 'e'en .,,,,,zr,14,itiost for chewane tebeee,, e,
pt..610,1 Ilp 01111 1 ' Objudio113 lodged; ' eh„,,,t.„, au,' ,,,:,4,ti,..,:. ,11 ,,,..,1 0, 11., ,,..
44a tretiunt of te • • stciey of i; te •r''.o
luE'.tirtri"..::11:tClit.dit 4.1.711.111)Ca. 1:r itleilw4.in :8'1 i)12le. )1 t'ine. see'eln.ethe m ee ile-e'l s "f..1%..ereei
as wf.i11 as thrtvi ,,1 011'1)'' 401111'1' 11.44.i.j.,
- That the '1 reit the eiltieing e.„,, ....„ e. , „ , „ .
cheeines :-/hotese i Fenem • fur lay i n .; 1".'';':;1::::i'lltil'ir::-;:c.'e' : '1' .:::: .'it '....1.,,;'::: lae.r,•:•,
7Soncenels ttsd icienr:wciat), OR aii,daei,iiinilebdiatiao-itt,eins itfp7Inna17.batiici: e..u_uto,a a .4 :... ,,r 0 tt
21 tOtd.. 22 On. 7, 7.0+1,. the • I:talent:3 of .
finished to listed on of Cmiticie• T. ,,, lieelen.1, atta rs. ilowLxua.,; At vt .1
Fent on elf tiiv.; hil side 11110 bet lessee eto an eiteelea emir thrteeei the l'int.,,,i
24 and 2eeent. 7, 7.1M;Jesiie:Gruenete -.)Ht er • ! ' e - - ' .
reparine 'temper. -15; nahnetoue Orr,. • . J. Ellot-w t'.,i,..rre. it. r „ill.
(part payment) till tog mme hole on 21.4 id. ..er • of M 'ter • . . is otit'in the l'r. e -1,
end 3rd mu. line, 1.50; Thome. Tudel, papers • iii ei . e tee. to • os „,.,,,, ,. : „,
plank andeeravel, 90; Marten le'Laughe whieh he eelle - ' . el i .-ty e... 1 ili+4 1, i,::
lin, ctilsert. Pit 1 tit , cow, le..50; • We -practice e
said pro change- people
The uncil then adjourned.
COUNCIL 1.1t E r.r -- hick:Out of the
manicipal Connee of the township qf
Hullett, was hold at Leteleiletrott-the en
the lith inst. All the members :we sent..
Moved by NI r. War wick , secon,1,..1 by NI r.
Monteith, iliatt the fol'...ning ate.: ,a1,1..4
be paid, viz.: J. Walker, ;:,e. for plane
for culvert; efertm, el.2.1 for gi. tve!;
A. Dal, $14.50 for surveyine. making
plans, ste , for bridge -en 7; e'llrs
D:strno two Tin ist,,Ottima.
. Or! Nov. 21. -- Ike breke out
h.• '
on Sussex stre,t that reernirty, slid is
• horning, th-;11.411 it is now under
contrel of the latiyat le. Seven ef
the finest brick awl Atoll., sterei, with .
(1Wel;i:140, are oli.ph.:•.! 11 .441r. 'yea.
The less eann.1t 1.•.3.4 daeq
The parties burnt ,o1r, are .114. Ifa•ner,
.1. Catmron. Merin, .1 11 oirJel.
I'. .1 1!.-el,..sett a. . 11ri. Keno- ly,
v.. i1. -r ie.1:1,111;111! 1 t;1., • ,eldom
cw labuertisements.g
EPT for Service. One dollar each
" sew. L it 13, Owe 1, West wawa_
I N..veeitter 24111, 1873. 1397c•
T.77.A CHE:t WANTEm.
I., • • • '‘ .1 • • t; i
1r, .0 ••. , . r 1 11
In1'11. : tiieqtrl! ,.( In trance is tory
4 .triv t'tv• ry •;t,tin-Le,oltpally
i' .11 1, a-,a,aar',..s e 1,1 he Jar•
ft, 't 0. .01 111.e gide of
the sti,.• t, to.,5 I e•as c stilt-
• gei•die.1 e:tleeit !e.:• a.. The
p..•1:•••..,.f. 1, • 31..0! re .1 T,legriph C•on-
I ;by; v are .,:iree.1 &PA n. steam tire
1 1,1,;,•‘ t• 41'1." 0:1 Ow af1.1
• 'et• fr4.11 t:1111,4 the
1)optrtmebt'll Fortob-
tt, : . •or, 1,....•11 1111/ . The .witrin
of 1.1),, II. 1.1'.1.0 .,11t. 111
1 it:hl.og r, ar of, _11]. Ilonee's
f.,r:0,•:. wai :t Ally early riser
1:;re 1 au Itisinnatt, who, After coma..
e'lele'e the decesteemelt. plrtOOk Of a
:eye ••• atel i anted 'lately retired.
l'e•• melee, I.• fere day li
.1 op. I '111.!:11..z, 1;1-cal.:NAL
r. :v, It,- !, • ir, and theSt
; a r•oa: 1 .yi'r 411, •A
•1',1 pet al A , twe
• -11c 71 1Y lif.• YOU.
• '10 fr.: •'.11 -0 t
1%, • ,1,. ;• seseemetel, fr
"f 31`1"I'S Ile Lee tit pri.iteisly the
sej....i,,st citizen of Leuis. Ile
.101.. rtv th.• est i ee
Ctee. Ft: !VII itit.1.---11.1.1 it (tsar a
1012.:40 a 2. Itrisitly, ./11;110113.
34 too scerch. and you surprieed
at • aro 11.7:11 2r1t_ it tet1,1 make.
limiter, for entti g hill' at river and it el 1,r, t, ,1
era.ling de I mid • am. line, feet' rib- rea141.... 1; , a 1
sCriptien list _12.1.00, from 'rp. e„. , ,
51.41, a WILI110.43 1/1 KA41 ,ba job, in.' a,0 taie 11,4 I e ,
loir ivct'a ; 4114"1' itii".3."' PA° f"r eetp,!ee. •.:'
1.n:tees \is-a•fer tnoshit,; sten• tad , fillo,..ri,,y t
solvvrtising., in tole 1(... a d that
this 'f ownship wit' teller; Will Appiy to 111: " 1' ‘.1- • 1 • '. w I.: • •,-
he imineeed Stet h Indlite for rte.*. g" r"Iia fs'," '
tretien puremees :1,b0; plea. Wilson, 11 W • ''''''l '' ' . . , ..,
I :, • ,
culreft ott 4 cies. ii tit8:411:1,111.1iter,tn; .&2.11:7418u1; ii mitt. .,,,,1, tee, . -
"rine Daisies tied ye , and Brit • ' :
I teitee half die on 7.: Our , • \
tity of Brno.. 1 , e t r - ',.• .;
:ills, c ,vcritt.• 1.:,
f.); t'l .1., 1, ....
Phillips, cutting h
heirs Getent, rot
N. Bouvier, le.
Allloallt of jet), Co
ether half ;Jolui G
W. Buundry, le.
''. 'I). 1' . i
inners. 3.40; Cler, . path 11,1-i, ts , •'., .. , I .
larstmns, 2.e0;d1re, 3.1.e:titre km es. i; ,.,
2.04); Ammo:, se. dine •jurttre, 1.."1 t i . e . •
Jahn eVelar, city ill hiil 1;2 cm. (pert:. e .,.,,,,, , c t„:: , .
410.0:,11, Cherie. G.r •471..attentling 09-.1 1. „. , . . ,
nt vita letting a.. , 'MAO; • E. 0 tune _ - : ' el. ' ' '
do; 11.00: ea I). :t: twain 4.D•31:t11), t'. , '. r", 1.1,1:'......
atrhin .1.. 29.0.1 rt:in. Kinsh in d . n ' : . . , :tr.",
29.00; Johit Cautertet etre of Hall ,and • -c'''' ' -
firewood, 141-4.40te.1.em Wileen, e ,ver.....: . l'ulee- .
crosiway between 21 arid 11; c re, I./. ' 1)r. 4 ;':"A 1'4 •
42.37. - CSTOtt, ‘1.1.% 1 , 7 .. ..: e • • ,
Mes-ea by C. It erjihr see Mike Ira 'Wm. Incel lee.1....1 .. I' '..• ", •
leir.altan, that this' femme 11.01' teljeurit f1-11'lle,41 wiIii"11. -
40 MIICIII aecerlihe e Sintete or at cell roltProrros-^ re, " i re . :11 1 • I 1. '
of Reeve :f neeeia . 0 trri el. the ta . petite d • ,e1,..,_
r •
1. • i •
' • •'• •
•• • • • r.
• r
- 11100•1
,/ 1' r.t • f
tr ,
• el ‘i:t
IZT el C11.11 A Y. Thep... el.) ei ceeinete -1 • e -
- : T.a. -,,1 le,. •np a leeis...11 e -sole .1 1'. 11144'0' ',
. 0119 T1.1 rer..1.4 F.'. ''',.'n t 114 TO ti4 11o.':,•••
C:41to;1• tor of tenstorni. They -emit . a K.1,15
-1- .whtt they heve item. tett th y se .14 1 he
. (e..... ,.:....-, e -r, ...ea .1 ) , so punished. - , • •
Itemetre, are :el • it that the 1.. 11. & , kl:1"11,tr,r1 'It 4PMell ':'17 $.1-t " .
B IL R ha, coin, 0 a 51.1,,,i.itilt ..11 a6, ate e.ren,a,t114 .11114:rii. i,.a lisIs I2 r ,•,.4'
the ray f...11.j:tir, n'•1111.t.trr eid for el. • ...: -
.cetint of the see. ie ie.....eilet -..1 tee e
iefrrehactuWinesteLraind11,01 ,i, t.:,s.111.:tr)e,liaqin•IdurtlitifFsret,e. I'lleg ''f 1.'1'1, i• ';' "''' '''...'• at 1'1 -it. a."-
proechi'.11,' tree it el seit•.".a forte.. mir.
Imu.cAftaanece., If „si.h.airtrerht.1.1.L•rys. ft.:vs:at:mat leer, aiiii:i v, over .;.7-73..11 were . e.t.a into Cie trea-ee-y.
der of Ile runs S.•ott... 111 41.1161 4.7'..!1;.!..'
:will not, thweever, trot) the budditeg of Were het le ,-.. r -.eve' in L•te.i-ei
•the L., II. & B. it_ et.; re, seal •te a Ore Mies Mariili (,) 1 trete (laughter .1
Scheme entirely het:pendent,: itne,ertsGe.r Mr. 3 smeA I;b1.it-7, Mn:,.iillirray, Awl a'
I 1.1 1 tat sy e c. ' m rhaellY1hteldni eiltitislthartenhigah ouneecor tiltit,'
W.ellailwey Co., 41? of any other tee.. Oltt•tiOi • t, teher itt 63 eeperete aele.til
there,felf a vicain to the yellow fryer
agreement, there Iseult". be' Very littletel The ratePayere of tile iOlo :411°944 -
the G. W. Go. Lilo te perform' their aPissizolteler1:4,:iti:::11;1.1''‘' *11113- 11113 w" lit.
finest portions of tentareta tendine the siek in thee stricken c:ty IN
trouble in provinne capital stefieient to petitioned their Comte' il tett:m.1.s liv law
put on the necesetre amount of .relline erehibititig caws front running at tares
stock. The idea t at, because the .0. in winter. The ("mince refesed to grant
W. Co. tuight !reit ee.• te pot on -the the prayer of ties 1 -linen.) let -close, a'•
rolling stock, the r. will not he Ituilt, the Dom, r ssye0 O. ,j e-jerfof the tniin
is enttrely incerrece , ;with about:Wee- beta have met which et y et met to stale
04/0 el bonuses met 1 O. yea) stibecriesei a living de rine tee e i•.. et by twseillg
allt0Caiktabililes, apoon litiwointil,
t tf- not WM. 113,33
9 be nia4e at onee op.fartnene she et e F.. ‘• • t . I
_pose, the enterpri ti ef the busenem
1 jr Tee' Kineston flee., is lye tli st
weld.' be lost f..ret r fiw the saute per- -win on the seat el 4:-.VentUTellt ,'1''.
emu in the city of Leiden will Meat ite. til°' i'lfim°th1117; LI° th'' nii'°' Ivit:4'3
roughly nature.) ena on a perfectly to that ,bud, sea at t );taws he boasts of
wife in eech port. fii Fingston he 1‘. -
sunnily me and seriously consider bee Wailed hie inability te nese., it the cae•
fore they allow a tsLtheinu Which is Din-
a $250,0o0 to preivide the necessary city the, capital of tee 'amine ti. ; '
tal. thetigh ha met e.leteeven and earth
sound basis to fali flirouelt for the want
city ef London rental coule. take stock i.;,,eit dew mere/twat mese
tn.tlatia ;that
sufficient for the Introit.) 'and 'peke it
an independent reed and provide for
G. ,,tt 5, Co. %amid. like uotumg which arc
hfathvin:;Tbeueognaatylie metes of.
slitiuld refuse to ran the road. The
rolling stook in case: the G. W. te ce.
inteechange of trallie, and there cam he
trotter than to see this seheine fall
threugh tied which' they thought they
no question but it weeds" pay. fbe et
,_ 7:,_,..,. esity:oaltk.Z:n. tah,:i•renelitstente'relle:::14:11:r.
bleamrs of Port Veen g•trii Ater
remembrance of liis kiminese Alia eoart.
P t Elzi .
woe a presentei.in .tf a eohl watch, in
evening 1ast -the gran
had killed at one thee. Ilamiltou would or business , reietions
just aa soon see e11 the traffic of the Mlle Sweende, a rtirt Stanley, has
north rolline in 1,o herself as sue Len- lest recovertele:.04,1,,navi f`'` 'T''fa
_ .1.10).v itoitt4 Revere,' (min..; to
don getting any ce 41, and dials can• be mation of charecter, from the clerk of
uo doubt but the business men cf the steamboat City 01 Sandusky, Pleine
Tashwereelliass ntohedobuubsituussu
London aro able to sue that point just between Port letailley Ana • Chtlestaloi-
uttnthene L"fenidkonin,iitlili:.- the openine of ere Mink of Ilemilteu in
rota and Bruce Railway will be built, the eletkavLonlere.,d all it reason there -
and 11/0 are m a portent to state the for. that alio waft of improver character.
quiet reeding the re- .1 a verdict 8°4I "3';'°*
She was employed es stewardess off the
- •
liberties a fact. •
turn of Ministers land the announce- boat. and was discharged inlay het .by
but this idea if no originatieg in, ea
the Reformers. T ere is lit:le doubt
been fostered by. t e result of the lat:
lje used b
. she brought suit forSIO.0.0, sure reedy -
the ateritounis aew aottnexesn ....,on.er-
more than tt eet reel*
meet of their pelicy on the meeting of 1117 1„_te,;tv-,`„..-- -.-41114'.' ;I 4"01. lir 6
Politics are very
Parliament. but choke seems on the part et et. 't s • te t ; f
are'secure from atteick or defeat, for thYe elle'. died at hie reeidence, Toronto. on
el union between the we'ileYii° • n
forty -mu -34 I i... s, _., well awl Widely
knewn as! de.. et Christian, art else
of the Conservativee a quiet determine-
the- 12th inst,', Rfter an illne,as ef rather
atm to organize an4 steal a march on
our opponent& to Femmes& the -end ie led labored tu the last fur its pronto
patrenago. No one can *ace Sir John
v diets amities Methodist Nee' Connexio ..
Lie waa at. ardent friend cf tee plriteptthwo.-
at tho nee of
. otkott
election in South Huron. Reformer
need not rest- with the idea that thel
, but it
most untiring diligence will eitentpre cher...e.,1 an efficient •
view, return to otace and v t official tion'
- .2The
seems to me that there is a The Xren-lon -44 r,rt IA!. eaYe • -
again that the appointments made after John A. followinz seems to be nteltine -
of not being true to his par
he knew he heti 'last ooutrol of the
on this question, and We may presume O'Reilly, Q, e.. ef Kingston. A well-
Peiet beyond away like that of tetieliield blaedoneld
:d ever tere. ' One of the sietisteries of the re-
eet quisttion to Mr. Blake to enter the now
which there la neither honesty poetical after hie defeat in the Ontario Legible -
in riew 1 We presume nu person doubts
Sir John makes melte without n obj
morality nor etatespaanship.
and that object to assist him toaeteta Government en average majoritt of ferty
day for Canada to see Sir John at the '1 iniesot de "rer
Reform Govermnent at Ottawa was „Mr.
pewee would thou be represen
dissolution and a mineral electio re -
Government woula be an i
be left unturned to get the %ludo truth
Canada'. interests to buy up wholesale
in connection with the
her people. The tnie policy of
„ling of man serving
ted tn th
e of 'the Mae over the ' t .
known western M. P. has signified his
a eatery for so du ng. _,00.1.8..,:., „we
willingneui to act in a similar spirit.
their herrer and 411e:test,
The charteree. er9 c. at . , 1 ' 1
t110 1' Ca " a
House were not made without an object Late reliable information gives the new
to power again. It would be a. gloom,. votes.
helm of state 11',.;111:1, and no stone h}10111d
'louse and not Sw Huge Ail ' „„„,,,Ine scireely realize as yet the misc.
ena position . . .
re setlenit trett nig
111-''''''ste Mr. Blake's preeedent•ef holding Min-
k' a '.... ist ', i • ' s without nasty is doing.
8 tind will continue to o.ut
try," '
If not promptly repudiate' by the men -
his ruillListen t ) the wail
• d ttme to collie,
= hief that
witl, schiCh t6 corrupt constittter.cles is
ro Bell %public trust fer money
praiseseerteye but to hold otlice without
salary is ruin to the country in Rio eyes
of the U. Frogs. To Mke a s:.lary with -
(Mt doing svork would nut be so bad,but
to work without salary they hold to ke
1 Ministers would then know by what
iths eidy4wetreo tarunstakintedhatosrirveloehdndwoai. hay!
, no influence iu the House sitino is fad
' Th
y ery few in the
IHouse whom he has once favoured Hist
he will not find the weak point in, and
no man understands political human
nature better than ho, henna the zee*.
'P=T1f13 :
..... . . 4, ,
t,, th • 2 t:It itest., the wife. of .1%,itti
Ste.vate, iner,:lie'etetf a .1 eghter.
I tilif:rte.-i, ri;utit617:1911.1.1toii(7ot;,, 111saa *tilt! of
ht Dritaseli. on the Pith in ... tho wifo
,of larells•1111110 'trader...Al, of a lion. . -
-if n3f.rre);':, ifil,.41.4.c0opft 1,i3rit,:t-iis,a131tIt., !Toe. al f e .., a 1
. , _
,lit 1.;-;„-:,.. o.rs Ott'. /7th hist.; ,the alfe- a
. dlr. 'aet: ter c?..,a.intock of a ewe
la %writ,. oar 111-V13t.'t tint •Cet Wife 4
Mr. Detteria Lite gstene.:f .4.1:ingettere
Mr, Pettert 1"orte -cif a sou. ••, ,
In 1 ',teener, ontier elt inet., thstes•ife of
On the lefe M.O.., the wife • of UK Jeli
. ';'.C.Irre.milteNzeter* of a wog. ; 1
. Mit.:1:71.14113. ', ' ' .
lt F en in./title,. on Nor, 17.,lett Rev-
. 1\ ideen G'plia.n. Mr.. letlearst A lel
iere, te eltes Eiten liallitrls. trettli 'of)
. t' e Itateushies eiNticeer'steitie ; - ,
'Oa lee 5th heel, at the ettselence (4. tit
. 1..-ele's. father, by the Rev. 'cliomas,
".,.( ;lice, aisailed. ley the--lteve 51f
il,,yletrst, nestles -J. Pee:more,
teatoett eted Itrueeiet, Corrie, to
el feet Ann Puffer-. clesedlaa. .
1:1 -'1' 1 !... 1. ? 3... .0i 111._, roaadel...e Itf
V, • 1.,•"-le's fitlier„ Ka- Leilieo by the
1: e . C14011 Iliti,..ke 1 idimbeitt. of St.
.1 . ell e. I •Ieeretel. W. 1Z2ML:ii-ktndria.
• • ' e I. e . . .
.. 1,..re In 11,... tO ‘1£1..11.i.'';' 04•Coild
'1, 'il 'I' ..f'S' I. 4 .1.-W. T-.. att.
...... . ......r.-- ' t . "
- •••••- -
.. . . J•z
e• ere, 5 t 1 10 • earl ealawe, int Not,.
_ 71 "V.( s-eini
• i A, al, • taw plac • ore
:els • ei".11 t -•'11.41.1t.itirete 5.yeare
:t• '.e a ;.1 11 Lettelein
. .1 es 'le ' 1. •: ni, 13 Me -
1, 1.• . •
t• ; • et et; Ieet
A • • : 1.1q. dole' Attie:a, S'..,•ed
21 %. 12 Jays. . t
. 7 ' • \t1; 74.1,44., on
• ;•• e 1., : tde tr, eldest
ef V. M. • ; , thelerieh,
1'24 peers.
A reeinettet 1e Rest NA7tOvitetosh on 4
eeirdey Pet,rick Oils-
- 1110 7.1th ,year his st.ze •
, .
.tnetiter of the old lane P. sres rummy -
at seem tow melee ecelindeee fie ie elta
.1.100 tenets, id th i cotietom fate to 1 - '4' ..,..1. sele 'J.' a „ ,„„ . .
I J- -rt.%
.,,,- et we are AII 11041114.. 'n, subject : i f ' '''t1
.„,,. i ZA., :: , La n-
- 4:71\
s . IkN.'
. AT
ip. Ferguson's,
fur ti,huul Secti,ni N... 4, Cell. wee.
IVA NT1:n 14 Teacher led line 'Re
-Tr 8,-c,ind ear Third e taxi t'ertifieate,,
fly order
Benmiller P. 0.
gratia, to the Officials and Jested» ef
11•Set7t:e''..c.:;.; tilliA1:4170otEmadXt'ni‘31tif..t"rLdLi4911
etetntesNOofTasICnisEd.a, 34 e•
Peace, II uron.
Neve;:iber ...Rh, 1873. 1397c•
atthkeNPoesceyeCinletrie().ri,Ii144.73.. 1397b
o_Ctlietreikelie .,)2f
, into the preiniees „of 'the 001 -
pert wr, Lot 6, 'Concession 1, Ash-
fidd, a0Ot"It 1St 0C1711.0`r, a steer end
; yearling lieifer,e both mil and white,
The heifer has a piece me off both ears. -
The owner will please prove property,
p71y eepenses and take them Away,
ettierwise they a -ill be :told.
'AslifielJ, 25 Note ll'473. 2 1:197c,
2,STZAY C4747.
lAME <Mei the premises a( the \‘‘
ecriber,•Lot 2, Hayfield Road, feed-
erieli 'Township. on or &beet tete last
,or October a spetted black and white -
Cow with one of her hums off. The •
owner is requested • to prove ifeoperty,
pay charges and take tier away.
November 23th,e1873: • mew
ell.AMLF.: into the trubscribee's premise%
we/ eel 6, jiayfilld about the
middle of Septetneete two sheep and a
teeth: Owner will please peeve proper-
ty, pay expenses fuel take them away.
• Yrs -mutter Ride Dee:. teeeeti
WorteE hereby given that appe-
al§ -esteem will be made te the fogies •
;Mire Asvenalaly 1.1 Prerince of ten-
tacle at its meet f w an Act to
i.esteeatain patperty .n she Truetees
teoneregakion 01 Presbyterian -
Church uf Canaas. eitetectiott with
-tee Genrch tsf Sentleml ie the Town ef
laelerech, with power to mertgage; sell
and convey, the same and for other
N 25tli, 1:i.73. 1337 -Go-
- -
• _... _ .
taiTI: AI. if,f,t, f rem 11,e. itreseteee or .tee
siarecriber I....• ittliAten.- Refs W, 1.i.
reelleene .Tert bleep' eeete lie ..11.1;y last,
'Five head ,41 ye3rlies .74.1.. tem,
'ettrt, sad rui.:11 efn some ,:f Cno steers
red an+ white trite ;eels herns,the other
two w4,•ris to:ostly altied, the heifers
red :tier ukiec. - ANA' ititerteation re-
etteCkiV8 , to/their secerery will be suit:-
Abl, rewerden \.
-e ; 7 JOHN'.13tClIANA5.
.ii -
Noy. tith, 1,373 . J:Licco' •
-. --41,---47-4----- - ,
' ''. no 'et.
Totwilon 11, ,...r..,y 0)NeEirs. -
'1111E eluttieipel Cetincil of the Town -
g ship ef Grey, will tali.e into con- ,
eidCratiett at a, meeting of the said
Canoed to be held eta. Tueles Hotel,
Cranbriete, ,on Frolee the eleth day of
December: A, 11.1 Tee, a By-law to pro-
.viee f er the tipenine of . a pnblic Road
lhet tvw-,:s Tpots :.:4 aul e.5, in the. 8th- and .
Oth elestoessiens of he 'saidlibwnship, _
in lieu - of that -per a uf the • original -
allows:wee:for ros.4 tween the Trierm
sheet of Grey *nit. Ina running along.
the Me awl 9th Concessiono cf 'mite
T..wriebitts. - ; • • ,
Deted the.; 21st 44y 4 NOienther,
A. D. 1873, e - X
• . ,. . • ALEX- HUNTER,
_ ..13174 . Tewnihip Clerk,' Giey.
of ot :lip sketch was h wet in the Imenty of -
M.o..; lee:widen 17911, and emierated-to
tease...eery in let; sell setded in King
eeiere he nailed for foer years, pro.
• thence to I la•eiiten;frept wbich
o' Le toanove4 ‘1".taItaliare'..Yin13:st,
• et emitinuettee reside until • dre
time ...fhis nesse. 1.1e eas semetuber of
te, le, am, cethelie Citurch, midi.
resztei !ky aa who knew him.. ;Ink',
Brace, nefo out respected townentan,I
vis a third it:mellow. ilis.funerad beds
elace Mt Tuesday 16th ink., attended
his relatives hill - frieede, ineludieg
t tv,t s "rt, frteit Sew:tilt. et, Penn. and larwe
.iteettrise Of pilopte. !lilt remains were
1-• ;sashed in the Romeo Catheite leery -
:a ground ef Esst Wawatealt.-7iejeta
TelD -1521.7.:'-efete3
• 1. . N iv. 21,1873.
Worrat, (Fal,p7/4 Lu (1 45 a 1 121
a''.t.,,nt,(iprirly;) 14- .. 0J 4' I 42
1-1,mr..(rer ha.) 7, PI .0 as
biaa't 0 40 40
1', *4, bui% ( se ss 0 50
Harley. 114041 J , 41 00
roLat aes. P 0 4n a 0 50
. Pay par ton 15 00 ft 17 40
o' ..•to. too r pAir 0*.2:4 14 0 30
0 23 it. 0 25
' 44;4. 0 at (onpa. 1).. 10 41 0 15 .
4 54 oir
11, 5 04 ..0 5 01
1 09 4 3 50
T .:a , 1.4/ •0 00
.R3 :CI 1 I '11" .
CLS NOT. 31. V,73.
• (Pall) per La..1 10 a 1
WhustICii.rt.,-;) per bush.. 0.3 el 1 03'
(Ptr 14) 6 ao.1 kr 09
oats:per Ira la 0 3•N 4.1 0 45
re4,e; per ixii .4, 0 55
Flarl,y, pea: a:Ala 1 60 03
11,1C+4., loci. bash .30 Gi '0 44
11,tater .t .1 ti 24 9
1:12;4, pa der, (unpacked)" '0 IP a 0
I 00 * 20-00
lloy •
tt 4.1.4
lop:ECT Pfidell L;
11111 ima kept'congtantly nn fherei
_ -
Re_stourfrorls Cnfi Siipperiparlies sup-
- I 11 ie.!! a I fre,cird rides:\
„ Goderich. 21.-4 Nor. lit7-3: 1397
• ..
:4( )1>U7.1i1C11.
Monday and Tmsday, .
ist ind 2nd.
Ailto R o Initina,
4. IN UM
ell A Rib Nt: ..111.'SWAL 1-14111fa•;.
- .
tsva night3 onLY-
• I- e_avonrit,Nyai. 25, InS. FROM Tif MUSIC of
........ .41 14
Whmt, (01.ring) Kr borh... • ks 9. NI A. IN I. A. N
Fiotar. Oyer 00 "- 0 00
Harley, *kr teeali a • 1 00 ADItISS10, - -
ay.,. per Lu,la'
0 " 0 a
0 •• -41 54, .
Miter% ed Seats 60 CCIntr.
rotates, rot euee ..... tete •• ss • Reateresel Seate see wed at efoerhoines.
Rutter, N., 1 . .. ,„ • 22 j .tioors 0. 7:30. canimeace 815.
Wro, 2 9 00 `, 046
•o. 3 . •.. . 0'00 4. le
•• fie. 4 .
• 00 011.o. Attli
• yer doz. (imps. Sell9 16 00. 1/4;
ass .„ ..... e oleo
wood " 5? " 100
Nev:22nd.-FadWheat 44:1014 *1.23.
Spring ao itt.it to 1.12. Bsrley 8 L12
to et.14. Oats 42c tri 4.3e. Peas- 57c to
e9e. Rio 70c. Butter 231e to 30c.
Eggs 20c tct 22c.
1 ii,,,.. Ez..0 20c to 27c. Ashes -Pots •C 0 M E___..... , ...............A L L
Nor. 210r-nEvit,thesteta,a0W;rt,.27s. to e. 1728: . -..., .-..........
pool; 3781t.tI7urte.r Ra2OrtioeY23cel.C°21heeseteNc.°6to.
- eosirees MARRR73.
tO 1.5 i 0 aTOT111:r' Dal
$5:00 tvo..221186.411arrIssie.17.30C: .3151..00 ,
$1.18. ?spring do $1.10 to $1.14. Bar-
ley 90c to 41 05. Peas 56 to 60e. Oats
35c to 36c. Butter 23e to 2t3e. 20e,
Dress' Go ods,
New 10))ertistmer4
(1, AME to the subscriber's premises,
`.--e Lot 7, Cen. 10, E. D. Colborne,
'about 15th October last, a whiegatioer.
17enpremaisengptrowoveypearorspeeitily., ITI,ayieexorreedioi
take it away.
are thofre Preell.-
infamous. They are • very
!Ionians Tenet. Colborne, 13th Nor. 1873. 1396e
queer lot
Shawls &Clouds.
Plea kings,
. Tweeds,
. Under Shirts,
Hats & CaPS,
Boot, Shoes;
r;,.. Si -A great variety of Shirting.