HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-11-26, Page 1W • $uron (1t8TABLISH ED 1844) CHM erne Largest Papers pebbled la Cued% • petaled aad published at 0011113$01L (War*. ern IEDNICHT). atortierretk. t the °See, Montreal 4111et, adjo.ntag Market Square, ty J. J. BELL, Bono& axe POOPRIIITolt. Triamt-El.601Per annoy.. is adeamee. t2 ' '''''lit P.O. M• paper dieneuUnned tit, al r tea, Ars p :apt at the option of the publuner. IRATES OF ADVE1R,TISING : 1 Eight emits per line for the first lewrtion. and wo sents per line for each subsequent ,nsertron. Batinuees cants net exceeding 6 Ilea, 11 Per smallea,nola • to 10 lines $5. *eel:tuber of nage te he ?welcomed hy the apace neseenred by a scale*/ solid Nonpareil. Adironisaseeta wi num t speeille directions, will be lastarte4 anti' forbid, sod charged aceordiudif• YEARLY AnEEZMIINTS : 'Hitt. frdlownig rates 1011 be etrarirad to merettents rod here. who advertise by tie year,- " " I menthe $06 3+ • oidems 1 pas 1 tr• nsoatbs ss , I veer r• e 'eolith* v • '95 SS 1 " 3 otrodhe 1$ everter " 1 year 10 11 It . • " a mouths •• " months 5 Ttde armament to to he manes* to the ncl teary bootees. of commercial boomer. awl tw such it wit! . not he held Include Auction Salsa, Removals Co-Phireherehlp Notices. Prtest• Advertisements neembere of firms, houses to let or for Salef de. • syn. above rates will te all eases te" striette adhered to: A ,tvertheemente Intonded for inwertion in any earth•nlar issue should reach the office by ricen,n Tneeds7. " 41 reoeths •• s nioathe 111411MA " 1 yeas Tim large eirenlislon of the NUINAL makes it aa vanirpeseed advertising medium. JOS WORK OF ALL SUNOS Itueset.4 wob neatnees and despatch. RON Mated wiles you snot Orders by mail punctually &geed ed to. w et FREEHOLD Permanent Bailding*and impel i!! 48' 1 • __alit " Tho Greatest Possible Good to the Groatost Possible Numbor." VOL. XXVI. NO. 45. _ GODERICIt, ONTARIO; WEDNESDAY. NOV, 26, 1S73. WHOLE N0,1397. ectin GOMM LODGE NO. 33 141...9. C., A. IF. A. A. M. • r. ..,-,.. „...,..„,.. I. bed ,orthe Med, Wedneed.sy of each 10cmonth at 7 ..;., p , .4. 1 444.1.144 brethren cordial!! Uri it...I. ouriteort. see: Oadsrieh.4th May, 1311. es13-1y . Innen to tet0. e a CA --. ciotet9. pottrv,, WRIGHT'S HOTEL • GIOIDICT414311.(INV. • Q171JATED ON THE II tall uttiFF 1••-7 overlooking the llarbier,, Lake and River. ' Thh home after being ' thoroughly repos 'and famished is mew open ri for th "Wainer season for tho reception of go II. Parties going to Lake Superior by the Manitoba will find thistiouse very convenient. Large families requiring rooms sheuld enga e previously eitlier by mail or tele - do and Learn. Trade. The following is H. Hay's IICW 2014, which young lashes abould learn for • the benefit of such gallants who proven marriage will viailole meatus of sup- port, mil expatiate ou the delights of "leve and rose . Ill sing e little song toinight, Awl evay word is true; You'll fuel that eyery line is meant, Young gentlemen, for you • • I've no iutention' to offend ' lu what is sung or said__ rLoan oli F•,<II or town ploterty •t 7 per grap 1. cent, APPir .0 Thc 1311M end aubstanee of it is, ti. CAM PAIGNE. Italleitor, die., • . , ., To go exel Irani a trade. tiodwrielt Proprietor. cret.30tk, .911, dIt3 Th* "owning man" is he who liv e Godench, 20th Mat.1873. 1370 i trouts. .. . To see his fortune made, ' . - • BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, , WM Mer'ry body will respect I — • . t4NportyIE,, PaR8OpVeEr DeentFairnARpra hitt:I:et ! a aagET 8auene Go DERIefl. : Because lie learned a trades I par annum. pp,a • I CAPT. W. COX, - - PROPRIETOR . I, SAMUEL SLO.AN, . i • • LATE OP THE HURON HOTEL. • Your education may be good, I. ' Colborne Hotel. i ' ' But: tiMe is flitting. by, . Goderich, 8tlx. Oct., 1872. - 1338 Instead cif working dan't be fooled; before the fire. respectfully solicited. The slid man inay not die! . , . A confine:Ince of the (Aviv and support et the _ _ Commercial and Tres elling pub ic t hat Wii• aceutied t -..,i . , - And if he should, the chemise arse, 1336 i . ' MO N E, Y TO LOAN. His will nifty be mislaid, , . ---1 Or you cht off without a cent; , PoT LOW.RA,TES OF INTEREST. • - e AIN UHOR.LINlit . si>,:ozind "learn a trade."- . • —_--_ . • - se Sayings Society of Toronto. . Stea mere Su 31 Earery Wed needs), The oeinto y's full td "nice young mete, For particulars apply to • . j stud fiatterday. Who from their duty shirk; . . A: M. ROSS. Who thitek 'tabula crush • their featly • Agent ateloderich. rt IND FROM NEw yoak ANTI: of,„An. 'IV Cantu:: at Lowlouelurry to iand . ails and pride,: .i Secretary and Treasurer, - _ --- CHAS. ROUPtfON, Pa ger+. , If thin.' sh..ithl go bt work; r fathcy did), • ' Er Passe% re hooked aud forwarded to' and• .„„ . ':Toranto. 1343. front all Railway State -n:4 in 4; rent Ili•itain, Ireland, Tiiii0 or your C, kat (you Ger 'Ilan} , Soria', tiare.leta or tb n 'nark and W Cheaply, as by auy other Itonti. or Li Le. TIIII NIAV DE PA R'l UltES., • • . Who'll h lp yeti make. your fortunewhen . And li;i1 some !tiniest maid, . America, as aafely, epredity. co,,,fortabiy and , • Prom Maggoty. • Fnan Nr4 York. YoU'Vel lamed an honest trade. Mat- Sept. tid....103, A Mon, Oct.. 1604 - . 1 . 'eat., Sept. Mk_ .C.41,1103oNIA..Satc thd. ILd . , . Sat 1 hi. Tth t Nal LI 1 SAL, (Pt. 21011 Me temperate iii all you (het ' sae, net. '14th....COLUti MIA -Sat., Nor 4th 1, ,'f -if t d i . .•aae -• awl every Wetinteelay and Matto -de) thercaftet, ' I. i. al bit ' 0 3 oUr i; , . from Pier 20, North Kilter, at upon. , ? V oll.11 BIE.1 the more yuu do IfOT him • . RATPA Or PA•RUIV 1,,,•1:LICtN CI' itst•lry. r To LITIRP.401..(ii v..sow 4.1 MORN : ' , Will layer prove a loss; tease e nes. toes end VS, ars'ording to location' t • •ii • • , Cable EtenraiwE Ticketa (gmel firr 12 n oaths; r ., . 1,..„.t fifty gears frau now, . if ...mitring best arr.:n..106,', gino, . ... n'tielt Slide and forttIllu'a made, Interims iate. $113. SteerageOITS• • . ,,,• „ • , ; . Certificates at LOWEST it en S east he bought Titte .1.ieitit tare la those eieeisat, Kent, for elo•ir friend - , Pratteloseed ORyal,Ir MI pr,...er Willa. - .. Was w en yen luarued a trade. . Apply at the Conipau.*. ollicer, or to , ' , . t.. j , MRS WARNOCK, I . "--1- ' • A net SLOWirrieb„ Oa i \ • MONEY TO LEND. Business IDirtctorn. "af - NIC1101.1114:1141, '911P0 SURGEON DENTIST, Office end residence. NYest Street Three doors bele* Bank of Montreal Goderich. 1311-Iy John Canaplsell. Mel), C:111I., COrestuade of MAIM Univwsity, Montreal), SEAFORTHI riPIPICE an.I residence -4 Me door south .rf haw. Mmt, ntesa., and opposite Betel. Seaforth, 1473. 13,37 CA. C . Shannon MAD: SICLAN,SURGEON,31e ;ie., Gederic h. Ont, 1 13:404 y . . iron. 1..1CA.141: '30 FEYSICIA Naltlibl E. 04; COMIONS11. 111. (Ate • aelleitence turd dper lest of Cestind School , lie. Cwwwwsilv. Ite(1111 00filexe tin sL' Itti Et t's; . 0•44, Hitstilhen L Street, Goderialt. °stark.. roirlO2 4 Ira Letellet s, 9. A RIOTER AND ATTORNP1Y.AT-L.sW, •14 7.; :J.10•-ilb-1,=, Gouty t 'rows' Aturroey, Oode 1,011. is Coen Howie. *-- f; ainaterom, •Illg faliarreveut• A RS, am/meats IN CHANCERY, Am Market Square. Gederich. CaMilos w53 J. T: Oameow: 13. nota-tric.133, Ba RIVER AND ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR hewers. *a, Ooderich. Ont. 135T 1EL 1..ila-r-r vr.A.Te90.N A TTORN K - UAW, SOLICITORS. I 3. • Chaneery, Ceaveyeneers, le. Crablik Block, Goderiee. MONEY TO LEND. 1373 sauselsur • Swages:. .BAIRAMTB11.8. Ite.„ U. S. SI NCLA IR Ca IE. MEAGER, Jr Godarteli. Dee.. 1.4.1471. W. 11. SC/LUX H. RINl'ER, ATTORNEY ATIL k.W, SOLICI- ne Chancery, Se_ Owlerieh, 4 kat. Oille over .1. C. Detlor Co's Emporium, Market Sq h. IS63 WA.1.14.11:14, t TTORNRY- AT -LAW A N D SOLICITOR -IN Liheuerry, Convonsnoer, Notary Pubtic, de. Onto*, ore? Mr, Archtbar,i's More. Cod- er•c-,, tint, 1374-6m B' , stireeatin1Pas.1Cieraie elk y A CHANCERY AND CONVEY t NC1NCL IA 0 teas Mate Watson's. naked *soignee, ewT-tf Goalerich, Ont. Blalcouseein lb Moaning. Hiking RS, rroRNE TS, SOLICITORS,itc. LP . Clinton, Ont. w3.5 1 MONEY TO LEND. HAAS.' IIIN011,7 pOSTET/NCER AND GENERAL (AND V Agent, Crow Lands Odm, Gothtricel, Ont. Mona, to Lsend. 174 ; A.MICS s IttITICtee.,/se„ COURT HOUSE .44411 tRE • odsneh. Plans aad SpeciLkattona drawn torts. tly. 4arpentere, .,..lasterers' and Maisons' ware eiee.nred tied valued. 1307 -Iv. • nohasian. Lawson 41Ic Rolm noon Uall oft taint ell kinds of Sashes. Doors, Blinds' •7"'h lag KRA 11.1, lyllettaga. avid Mused Lumber, at the Gul- 1 ...A. SI. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon. pasulteaLr of Coo nett Calvin -soy. !theta, New E yore .e,t ..6 OnLarit) Veterinarl Colle1W RESIDENCE. VARNA. Will visit RaySold every Saturday. 13113111,s .1. t DUNCAN, V. S. Omar:beteg or CO•araitro V11141111Alt% Coaturs. OFFICE AND STABLES, seedate street, Fifth Rouse I(..tet Gotham motet N. B. -Horses examined as to 'round- ness. 1313 - PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS EXPEDITIOUSLY &PROPERLY Secured la danada, the United States and Europe, • r Bar gaaraateed or an charge. Send for print - L .ettnattiona. Ageaey- operation ten years. , HENRY GRIST, ()twee,. Carted*. Meehanical Engineer, Molidat of Patents and r aughteniaa Feb, Ilth WW1. , e-ly- • 1- 14C)PICE. 1SS RARNES in returning thanks "-a to her friends in Goderick for past Pmessatte. begs to say that she is now profited to give Lemons on the Piano. to•te and Cabinet Organ and in Singing. Residence opposite Mr. Savage e, Calborne St. 1363 ES'1' Atilt AN1r. ilk VI JAMES VIVIAN LT All REM )1E D e RESTAURANT TO La Acheson 's New Eno. e, West Street, where I wtll tva Riad te ewe ell hia customers and the pa elle sweenittr 1/111Ut Val STA IL111. OYSTER& Re.. *a. l• their *woe. ROT AND coLD Neste AT ALL 0 1.7 STOCK'S EXTRA ItACHINE OIL ROO bees ta gevieral nee for the past two years arid ilit:512101117.17.1z adds leading houses in Ontario. Is WS Est in the widest weather, h is satisfaction, as reer be seen by tee - %mow. maim. teems tightest andfaseest, es well/ II ass hessviast naellites fa ILK ItESTIWON1AL Irma ta Jaime Muni/maw Wows, wet. 1 wasteer Ittoslea ail duager at 111.0!= jai loa • %a alive oil at 101 wet& Years re. F. W. GLIF3:-P7Z1biat For sate oar br G. R. PARSONS a 00., Hardware Mar:haat* esderieh. Boaz Assam, .14,* MONEY 10 LEND.. Larxassa Li -ay. -Teems or I:traveler:4T EASY. THE CITY OF TOLIOBTO PERMANENT Pe neosoreeluSeviecaSts•ittev- Ad var ces money:a red ucedratesfor front 24o 20 years. Losuis repayatld in in stalments to auit the borrower. , • Full information giyen on application. R. it. KIRKPITRICE., 13.78 Agent at GodeTich. MONEy TO LEND - At Greatly reduaii__Itates of interest THE undo-slam:4 has 'any amount 14-ineney to , loan frori trp. to fifteen years, at a I4,w Into of latereet Ana favourable tonna of rcimviiient, payable by yesrly 11,d-it:fut.; rtte 411! ense. will defy conipetit., " HORACE HORTON' ip'praieer for the Cann4a Per • =anent Bwilding & Savings. ' Society . of Toroitko. INSURANCE CARD, The Sularenber in agent fur the fellow:rt.:SPA...dais I nonarance Cempesniers PHOENIX of London. Emsand HARTFORD of ittrttoni. PROVI \CIA of Toronto. ORITISH et To4to. F'ire itc Marine btri4es dose et tha lowest pose.file rates JIORACE TIOR1 ON Office Market Square, Goderich. Bet. Nth '11,7 530-1r. 3nsuronct. THE LIVERPOOLd,LONDoN cr.oni: INSURANCE COMPANY, Available Assets, 017,000,000. Loeser paid in the course of Thirty -Ave years .1 coal FORTY MILLIONS' OF DOLLARS 0 Clam. bY CYSITICACd'Or -FIRM esti; mated at nearly 11118.4211111COCK,C1, ere being liquidated ac fast all adjusted WITHert DatreCTIow. Security, Prompt PaYment, and Liberality in ad- Jietment orite low... are the prominent features of thie wealthy company. FIRE and LIFE POLICIES issued with very liberal et:1,41th... Head Office, Canada Branch. MON. TREAL u. t..c . N111 i I , •tcti tSveretergs Mutt AAAAA A. M. ROSS. .‘4.'n1 tor Cotleritql TorontoLife Assurance and Tontine Conipany. HAAG OFFICE : TORONTO, ONT, c•IrirraL Arle1011211) Br e Inman With liberty to tecrease to half a aghast Awtowat called iu, 25 per ,tieget.--aff maid , ; orruirkineign Wort ktp Or (MARTO* TO iseetweass ASO DnigaTVISISI, BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Presides,: : lona BILL YARD Caesium, M. P., 4,1. C., 4c. . rg,ronto, Plea President : Lewis Move tit. Esq. Oao Drottari, Esq. deitere of the iunty of Tort. H, Deouse, Req., M. D., tf. P. Prescott. dace. CatimauS,-74.1... Cashier derchave Bank, Torento, We. J. IrACDOSIILL,51t., Manager Toronto Saving* Dank, Toronto. Atiorelloltitiwor, Fog,. 31. P. So -et -Wry and Tecosunr : A alit I.' it HAN, sr, Esq. Applications for Insurance in this t class Company received by J. J. BELL 1342 Agent at Goderick. WESTERN ASSURAICE 0014P.A.Nlir. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO.. caPrrAL grocK soo,o•ro SURPLUS IT - 208,360.60 RECEIP'TSFORTHE YEAR END1140JUNE3Oth1871. 357,8'68.26 HON. J. MeMURRICH President. B. IIALDAN Managing Director. FIRE 416 MARINE INSURANUE AT Lowest Current &US. QrsciAL LOW TA RIF Olf RATES,COW E It I NO 1.3 Insurance for one trr throe yew* on deteelted Dwellings Chntrebea an.I Sehoels 'nth roarants, Chits, Towne and Country planes. rtes. rates and terms of police partlealarlptavarable to the fana. ng Corumnuity. ll'irst Class ruan wanted for • travellind Saone) for the townships outlylna thie Town- APPIY wrttivig with referrer... to Meander -dried for trenst• Misslen to the Head Dace. D. WATa0N. Local Agent. Goaerie* ins Ideas. 167' see Goderich Harness shop W. A. MARTIN pi AS pleasure In any. nricing to tbe public Of 14 Tema aad Oestety Mat he has uwahasee Eamon, *salaam of lar Isaac Nalliday.** RHO Rea St . After haat*/ served his appreatieeidtip with Ileum k Martin, Gealerielt. W. A. 11. las staked for the last three years in Lb. heat Wanes! Steps ia Chie.go, Lad Ix now prepared to slake ep LIGIIT AND HEAVY HARNESS, la first -saes style &ad with despatch. Ord H01112-CLOTEINS AND SCOTL'11 COLLA114,6 promptly attended te. Trunks, Whips, Curry-Colish4 he., ie. 11 -Fly Mewls constantly on hang throagii- wit the sawres0. GeltallaAa• 1S11. • • tep dust you evur took Goderich Oct. OS'1871. GODERICH ' AND 'NORTH SHORE .L1NE. In coanection with' the Gram! Trunk Railway. Shortest, Cheapest, and miat uirect ratite. •••• ••• THE NE W STEAMER • 7 EDWARD MARLTON, MASTER. will ply in connection with the D. T. Railway as follows Leave Goderich or) arrival of Express Train from the East, w vat her permitting,- fur Southampton at 3 le m., every 51onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: Returning • Leave South wept-. e at 4 a. tn., Port Elgin M 4 11) a. 111.. luverhuron at a. in., and Kin- cardine at 8 a. ni., every_ Mendes', Tuesday, Weilniailay, Thuraday and Fridges'. Arriving in (:4Klerich each day as above, te connect with the train p- it!, • East. . ' & PORT HURON. The others narned ate/sneer leaves Soith- ampton „for Sarnia and 'Port Hurisu at 4.00 a. at, Port Elgin, 4.30a. m., 111- verhuron, 6.00 a. In., Kincardine, 8.00 a. m., Ooclerich, 2.00 p. te., every Fri- day,, weathiir perinittine. Connecting with River Beats for Detroit and G. T. Railway Props Mrs from Sarnia to Chicago, Mita& 'e, fro, Returning : Leaves. Sarnia very Saturdaa at 8 (o'clock, a. ether permitting. Fer further intern non, apply to Byron Wilson, Purser, on the Boat, or to Thos Lee, Seuthempton; J. Eastwood, Port Elgin; P. McRae, Inverhuron ; R. Robertson, Kincirdine'; W. B. Clark, Sarnia; A..N. Moffat. Port Huron. J, V. DETLOR & SON, General Agents, Goderich i GODERICH AGENCY OP _THE rit Trust and Loan Comps of CANA DA. • , Ineorp)aled by Royal Charter. CAPITAL -ONE MILLION POUNDS S1 ERLIN G. Funds for Investment. y DANS made on the Security of approved FIrni LI City or Town Property foe periode.'of ire year, or to snit the convenience of Borrowers. and either eepayable at exptry of time or by an- nual intRahnente. Payments in redaction of Loans wfil be aesepted at any time on fa. oralde terms. PS Apr mired Mortgages purobasert. G. M. TRUEMAN, •gea 1311 rImi ef;Goderich .49.11 Honest rridOgree=. 1 t WES, A dettip no isty evening in No. Tauber, hen. the leeht wets fast niers, *yin g ainatiL, rIllairthadjy4;a7;m4;hattlii.l. tirritslk;lortra Of tbe city tennis' hie henie. siateted Almost atl the extreme' end t f the read: ' Johnaletazy was the eon of Ft decals cid merehiset. echo. (tied ineelvent. ' -141.1 *iother eeine wlielly • slepeeilesit upe film fer Uppoit, a former Mended his father, is len in a silent:011e Lunionr,li ken Iiii • alto his (meekly, Where, fo is - ve y at the eatery ad three hund oilers, t o.yenne tuna: lute toiled tine (template igly trent six In the morning i ntil tie: t or Mee oaloick in the even - Moe in order t.1 provide hia mother the bare neete etre s of life. Mrm. Gentry, those beilth oleo poor womb! fain have tried hs r ,eceolle to lig,liten the burden; upon her eon, hut he poaitively forbade; her dailige.i. kneeing that her strengtlx lould mit admit a any aneli under- taking. Th•• pier eviineut kept up. a show ed light•heartisIneari and centent- . - sne,111 a hen her sem was present: prayers, mid tears eerie: moire frequently known to her %lieu n110 Wig, atieue in her cote . tage: ' -- ' • . . Ger (leek tar hetectrol the footstrP of her see mo he apiersewhed theltouse, and sho oipiiekly mon' hem her chair and beeen to lousy ktrself about the tablii ehielt-was ready spread for slip- per. jehn planal his hand ilp011 the latch and entered.. . "WelLibuother;"' ' hso 'aid, rreferring to break the news at once, rather than keep her in even a nionteniary suspense. el have flailed. 31r. Sims declined to advabee iny pay, and we . must still try mid make three hundred do the wo:k of -five hindred dollars." • . - . 'I he al ow would fain have stifled the Cell that eteaped, but it passed her lips a ere she wits as are of it. _ "I am eorree," she lreplied, 'thut we must not complam. fiat knows what Li best for UP, my sum and let us devoutly, thank hita tea that which He bestows.' "W hat Imes you get fo or supper 1" stak- ed her son, glad to leseish the subject of their poverty. "1 have made some nice toast," she replied, "and a good cup of strong tea • Johu fumbled in. his pocket -boot, nhich contained only a shilling. "I think I d like a little cheese," he Mid. "Ill be back in a mutnetit, moth- trr," and he left the cottage. ' .. ., Procuring the cheese, tte was ieturn. Mg when his foot struck tirthing that bounded heforchimlikea I. Beiimased. and peered into the darknees, but rould see nothini. Then recyllactihg that he had some snatches , in Dia pocket; he placed several together, aud lighting them, comnienceR te grope i along the ground. In a tnement he discovered the object of Ids search, and ha fairly fainted as he grasped it. A heavy roll of beak bills . tied with a piece of rod tape. He glanced quickly about him, and holding the trealtire tightly in his bends, he Hew wildly into his niothera pre-' settee. th:Hwianadho!w". he cried, looking toward "Chose the shuttets; be quick, Moth- er.'' The widow turned pale as she obeyed. • "What has happened, John ?" she li DUNLOP, itOrehalit Tailor, WiEST GODERIC I 1, 1 Aig received his Spring Stock of Goode LA and is prepared as asual to make all kinds of Garments in the most fashion- able styles and at the loreat rates. Gents of all descriptions constantly on hand. A CALL HMV ECPITLLY SOLICITED. Os- Two good Talton wanted imni diately. Goderich, 15th April. 1873. IMPORTANT NOTICE! F. R.. DIANN, House Sign & Carriage Painteri DESIRES TOIACQUIAINT THE PUBLIC THAT he haa fitted arra shop ea North street malt hi tie Wesleyan Metbodur Churek.wIth varnish ream attached where he is prepandtellil all order's promp- tly iied at reaeonable priced Thankful for the ;tetras age ot the last 7 years solicits a toutineallee st *Si NoW is the time to Paintyoor Cotters Sleighs, and Carriages. Sr./niers from country Carriage shops •ttenderl • efthdlepatch Olen refuting, °Utiles. °miming, Glaaiag, Pepe. agiag , a, F. R. MANN, , tiodench. dm, 15,1870 swl asked, with a faltering accent. "Nothing but whae is good, mother," replied her son in; a low voice, and he deposited the roll of notes on the table "Where did vou obtain that money r cried Mrs. elentry, gimping for breath. "Net so loitd, mother," replied John, "I found it in the street as I returned from the store " "It is not onrs,"anawered the widow "to -morrow's paper' still contain an ista vertisernent fer its reeeeerY-" "Doubtless," replied her son, "but titers will be a reward mother, and I'm entitled to it, and wHil accept it, too. But let 1111. SOO what the amount is r Mil his fingers, accustomed to counting money, nimbly glided ever the notes.• " Five. thousand dollars, mother. ihat's a sang sum if it only belonged to tO. Just think of it." , "I would sooner not think of it, my attn. 801110 person may have lost that roll of bine who will be plunged in de- spair and ruin if it is not recovered. John Gentry's emintenance grew solemn; he had not tbon,ght of that. Let us have sueper," he said. They sat down at the table, but not- withstanding his moat persistent efforts he could neither eat nor drink. "It's 110 use, mother," he said, push- ing aside his cup and plate. "It's no nee, my appetite is all gone." Neither the widow uor her son slept much that night Then was a madness ori the mind of the former that she conld DO dispel, while the latter lay wide awake cenjecturing the amount of Ye - went that would be offered, and wished for the morning to dawn that he might procure a newspaper. Long ere it was light John Gentry had left his bee and was speedieg towards a !lewd stand. The pepers had:not ar- rived; he had to wait. For a half hour he walked te and fro to keep himself warm. At last they came, and he pur- chased a copy of every one issued and ^ — se. Mr. Dyche made * f"n"al call an . • __. . anthomparyesetrva tcall.dhebifilYirsiggthrlisPiitinditeuelviiilk4:ilffiriiihiuhreianigal'IdlichilifetehriltibwIttikhihm:Illisnl:Perakfeddl(118hutawanin:::d11:- himself to bta so Aernoastrative• to a stranger. 1141 Getdry and the Dyehe ifiailteilircoirtivtrse‘r". ".lenhtet-erinutrVili arsequareinofthiittiusl8isebo,vis.ni;dri• alaiiinise)ylefhoeall• iitalgt si,dsliiiinuteildnleinmietottloightisilml:ympatri,pot 3.firaprgliedotten,n.. hAiriln,diuslhao Before Marmaduke Dyche pre his Sret::•;:e1UViVanhereft.o9iruillea7rkwir4itdej(1111:yvh,elnlyrti'rYa"'' trY• "Why tinfortunatelY-4 GOB. try. "Well; Pll tell yoo. I had collected some. money. alooue twenty thousend defiers, and had been to a freli)eacinrtdtyys.ewHhioot gillivvecd na4.ilitatlefawracywuolui tdi(lidn was night when we tete , and had more wiue on board than usually car- ried, sa I went direqt to the ateamer, that was tu the folloalug day• for England. Tho coma -vendor was my friend, and thet was itbe resew' lie re- ceived mu ton before the time it was • custemary et:1 teke paasengene When I awakened thi) next day- 1- was at an, and to my (latent I foutel I hail lost live tleinsand claims :computed in yam! money. A; soon aa I arrived lire England 1 talik the *verlana runte. for 101•1ine and sf _caws*, utterly loetenly "leo yon remember engthing &ban" the manner in whist'. wouey. *at secured r" diget'iYneertivywn.reco4.1,1eit' re4pkiltkiagalri.iltroys.:81,10ae.ra'f,'-el voila, and try ine k th red tape Itut why do ask f'' . Gentry laughed. Ill° drei cheek book unt of- hie pocket wet tilled, it up for is tLousand pounds. Thou he *aid, ••I have funds deposited 10 Lon-. doe; and 1 OWO a debt that I solo;rutily. onyi redo tmh lova,* iotoldr. e ale ' ne• ither has g eone to hot rest, and if I did not ful -them-Polito 1 needs her, floartlibfte Yat .u1Knhrapppychienalli.woulmdihnencycoeu- . assist sue tol perform this ditt.y, .VOu • yootdcannat reran me; .and•he caught him hy the hand and looked earnestly tinning. eytt inn wealthy, I shall never feeP th toss Or. the ino- tuiy.r toedelotleiTstii.alc'etgidaegilr8at4belitt.' ehis •let inlet:se you 'came. to ask me foeiny cteuel. wandersitf mid speak. t atiriniTti • tsji your (-mantes., ilurin Which i knit SU, lilt, asapey. Then vott . pie•to make ysiti debts. ' 'this is a very slianto wpriern to aunt y t pe yoitr rented preeeeding. Prey exiolaiffee ',John -Gentry tome; [up his narrative,' and frankly told 51arandnle -Dyche of he's poverty when soitrig; of the teen, ble he wait the: inelit lie found the, run of money; of his mother's precaptee thbawt inieminuttley eade rheiris Icalksipt.tiati,anhed awniukii- ineaced life and acdumulated a large fort one. Itlannadulse Dyelio hoard clse state- ment with amazement. "Yes,' he replied. "I will receive it for the sake and far 'the mtentory of youideaa mother.; bUt, as yeti remark- ed, yoir 11 never know. its loan, for you, will reeeive a I timesthat alien you merry elarian Dram." ", Some monde; later there was, sound of wedding iseffs at Ityche elenotl itt'' Leicesterthire, and Julia Gentry weniaird the bride he fished from' the bottom, of a river in,leritteny. • • • hurried keine. llis mother *sue up and stirring, And by the light of a candle they cotormathnser. pored over (the advertising . The widow WEIS mistaken, there was no advertisement for the money. John was disappointed and nervous. "Perhaps it is too 50011 1 t4S-1310froW we shall snit," she said. "Suppose it isn't advertieed at all 1" stiggested her sTni. '•Very,tinproblibleo," replied his milk- er; "but eny dear son:, (beet allow pour mind to ;heel! nivel Buell a matteF. It is hardl likely 'that a person toeing anc.h a rill of money would itot make an effort at • seliscovery; and what is more natural a a .necessary than to advertise it -t To- narrow or' the • next day at farthest he owner; will proclaim Ids Inas." John nfry went to his bueiness that day wit his mind completely unfitted for the d ties he had to perform. Ile was kno to be careful an figures, but he made several errors. Mr. Sens nis- ed his 'tentacles and gazed at his clerk in s.urprise whpn he detected the mis- take. 'Twat; the first time such aghing had occutred, and ;John felt mortified. Mr. Sionarecommended more care, and withdrew ' from the counting -room with an austere air. - .,- • . When eohn Gentry sought hie moth- er that nieht, the tuniult in his heart wee still *ging.; Hie thoughts were fix- ed ott . let coming day. ele rested loony, w king at Intervale mail a wee time to r e. Ile einneed hastily front his bed, 'taus on the prov ems morning, bought pies of all the papers. Alio ' there w nothing of the eese ef the mettey. ' . "He eery strange," sail Mrs. t :entry, "but let,i;ii %Mt patiently until to -mor- row. It . tirely will be advertised by that time," . John Gentry was pale and haggard when he eainc home that night. but lie never know how les mother had been inying fen lam that day. The leek of pain and uneasiness on her face, thawed .I.itomew 3 syhoe4Buttered,, but her son dul nut A. wee had passed, end there wali no advertise ent in any of the uexapapers in relish° to the lost money. „ "What is to be done r said John. "I canal live` much longer with nty 40111d III IMICh It state. Mother, speak, -what ilo a on advieet" • The widow took`out hei slender purse, "We mu a vertise it ourselves,' she mid. " lie will it cost 1" Her ewe iii slied back her hand, and •walkine t a tele° where he kept writ - We water 1101seenal a pen and hurriedly v*:".,t.'.' */ ' '. ! ,ree Mi..' ,,c 1E4,1117 itt A on. n; , eetee bc since Jwiiii (1ClitYy 1 .1 , •et 1t. ,3 his Ititti1MT. ,o , ' lot .1.31..c.i 111'4 11147 i !!:: yelp:3' call io,,,,flt 11; 1 1'. A.141i vas • .1 .t'll ir,' 1, re- • , put hi ad - oreiseelie.t 111 the itewspaper," sawanotid.d.Lth.hei have dim ../.'otr.s banIc , pread- Ile oil t received DO reply., : - k that money is mine," he Bitting one night with hii '1'ni henest, IttOther, and all in my power to ilISCOVe-T the owneri Many would not have duns - All touch. "1 aut sitistied zur cm," the replied. "I 'have only one request ' to make. ‘Vhatexereou decide-te do with it, try and keep t so that if the Imer should at auy fut ire time- ajipear, yon may be able to ret trn it speed ly." "I will endeavour to do na you re-; oiliest," he *spondee.. John Gantry left Mr. Sims' employ- ment mei coimmenced business himself in e newt,' t.eway. lie was careful and very prild lit, and hail an excellent kith:mesa. Soo it Walt not stirprioing the first ye.tr so wax in business he realized a handset al prufit -from his ittiltistry. Five yea more and John Gentry Mel, by a sing leap, realize.' as much as merchants usually do in their business career. • 8 toed and 'en 1 in his torte diet' , had established a *pea - lion that ised his advice tO, bi mught for eagerl .At thirty-tive years Of age he was p lent of one of the largeet banking i standouts • in the city. At ferty he Went out of business worth a litevy fonilon*. . Mrs. Geiitry lived to see her son pros- perous and respected, and was supplied li ith eyere comfort she required eie she Weise to ber final rest. - i After thle death of his mother, John Gentry coeiluded too do some travelling. Ile !tad nein been out sof his native city. elo lie Made a thorough tour of his awn c unttae and occupied a year 1 in doing s . Then he went to Europe, not becau it woo fashionable., but he was weary lend required.something to in- tereet hem He had never married, and rr rely frog tented ladies' society: i Tliree ol lightful -yeais lio had passed &broad, an it was early iu the fourth of his lick -turn that the summer foetid him sairtiteriug} through Brittany. l'hoon wtio have timited the city of Nantes will' probably *collect that glb•Dilly.11/11.killg' 111a edifice led the Hotel do Frence. John Ge try had beenatopping at the flute' de }ranee for several weeke, when there one day arrived a gouty irritable o ad Dritneliaith his wife and daughter. The latter Sas a pluuip, fair specimen of an English girl, win hve-eud. twenty yeare (if age. She was nht pretty, but A laughinte merry countenance, and a tirm, well set figure, and quick, elastic step, would have caused len toe single her out of 0 group of a hundred hand- some women and exclaim, "I prefer her." I The old eentleman inscribed his name (in the register with a nervoio and trembling hand, but there was a bold- ness about th. chirography that bespoke Marmaduke Dyche as • true non of the "tight little isle." °Sohn' Gentry raised his hat to the old genticinan and his family as they passed hini into thecorridor; but Mr. Dyche pro- ceeded :mtehis way without returitine the colt y until his daughter Ilitit1 something to him, when he filmed around abruptly, end ,calling -after Oen- try said, "Beg pardon," and then shut - flee along to his apartments. , Marameleke Dyche was not a deco -- erectile° men, however: far from 11. Rut hie eccentricities were �.I intense that until .410 Altera him very well, it was impossible ! 01 ibrOpetf, eatifliate 1,35 character lie had s uit st. good per - the, of lots life iu helm; 'and it wait mot until the ereateautiny broke out that he decided to leave it for ever. A few days after his arrivel in Nantes, he was walk- ing aline; thu banks of the Loire in come with his wife au& daughter, and rut Gentry was strolling a little 111 ad- vance of them. On the farther side of the river wee an old Ilretuu caetle and a ruined church, while close by the grater's edge was a congregation of low huts, used by the fishermen, who that morn- ing were out in full forte on the river. The scene was very charming, and John Gentry was feeling the inspiration witen a shrill scream made him start front his reverie. Turning his head quickly, he was just in time to see Mimi Mariae Dyche pita headlong into the stream. With the bound of a deer he sprang along the bank teed plunged into the water, but the lady del not lige, iked Cientry, who was an expect swimmer, dived to the bottom, and a/airily ap peered with the girl, (aid breuget kyr te lima. Edo wee pronounced extinct, bot by persevering with the usual re- 1 mediae sheo gave signs of returning ani- mation, and was taken to the hotel, where &holey for days in a very preca- rious condition. (Front (he 61.,bc.) Ashantee has come recer.tly int( 1 con- siderable prominence. Thu war goirg on between it aud Britain has nisei,- it te be thought of 111141 'pekoe about by• Tory litany not unintelligent peep!): fur the lint time. A larecanumberod newepiper readers walla be puzzle(' to say where it te: wet aro equally ignorant of the Lit'llten which havebrought round the present' difficulty with the Englieh, which will yery issne in the death of a large number of people and the expenditure (4 a largo amount of tree/tura The King- dom of Ashautealigkon the north of the Gulf of Guinea. on the west coast of Africa, not far from the British 'settle- ment of Cape Coast Castle. Iteet the noteit power! ul country of Lipp Maine; and ie represented as mountai ouk, well tvatereol and healthy except the lower ,alleeial districts, The !mules xtreinely fertile, and produces all trot cal %finite in the greatest abundance. Taal eltief ex- - porta, however, are now only gold ads uet and palm oil, while in the prnspeeou days of the slave trede, slaves formed a very large part of the external traffic. The inhabitants of Ashantee are very active,' etiergetic..,,and fo nide of war, and by no meaue conteitiptible` , experts in certaiu kinds of manufactures such se -button reels, eart hen ware and I sword blade's, It is reckoned that the peptiLetion is Nona' .of a million, but Ole can be only a matter of guess; while lit is foirther &Pirated that the King can fern out, on Occaeion requiring, at many as nne hundred thousand lighting Men. So far as cten be ascertained, the present fitiredenn of Ashman Wita founded be- etw3neyintielrejr10, Biel 1740, by a berbarien who, liku persona of that teals generally thought MOTO civilised, establiahed a kind of feudal euperierity over the aelenung Statue. For a long time wars - inglorious bie cause, se suppoae, MISR ug -were VET- ried on by the original comieeror and his suocesiers. It wee nut, however, till in the course of,econopeest aud quarrel the Ashantees iu 1806 aim(' into' cutlision eith the Wail!' that the outer world became aware tri their existanee. To un - demand' fully the cense of that quarrel would lead to into much too great detail of Ashantee -polities. eauftwient sav, that t wo of Ashanteell tributary Sever- -el:we learrellea over some theft COW - witted by one of their eubjeets: thet an appeal was mmle to their Somerset, the King of Aehantee, to settle the difficul- ty; ana that he who was declared te be la the wretie not Unttat urally !bought he aim an injoinel tnan„ ana refused to &bile by the decision of lois Lenl Stiper- rier. The re.,:t't WAS tea loetoteau• the tweearties elate) erogenal quarrel, and the fleccat, milk' so happened, oof the of- fen.ling Ana desobtelient (one. Atexitt the King -of Aekeiteee interferes!, and ordered istace. Itithagroisl, but tames), the old &amen, wee again treacheroun, and attacked les neiglibonr when unpre- pared. The feudal bed again interfered in the intereses peace,• but (alien net obey. On the contrarae he arab! attacked his brother vassal, and et last brought down, earnest, tits heavy hand of the Lora of Ashanteo. In thia! extremity the offenders fled into the nantry of ,the Fantail', at pre- sent knoivit as the allies of Britain. r he King of Aehantee sent word that he wished nothine beit peace, but that he tawd have his fugitive and offending vas- sals. The foolielt Fantecs refund to de- liver them up. This brought on sear, and the dufeet of the Fanteem. Afters time - partly apent . fighting, partly in negotiate et -the King:of Ashantee paste: ed int, o the Fautee coointry in purnuit of glt faur fitairvike:. By May 180e, he had Abrali, only fifteen or t wei ay utiles from% 'the sea. The English Gever- bole apziOns about the safety of the ed to' send an embassy. but an intervon- ing tribe Wou1d net anew it, Clerking it was itself quiteablit to retest the invader lustead of being se the tribe was entire ly defeeted, and the Ashantees at last stood en the !hong to their great delighe and airautage. Then Governor White scut to Mk what May wanted, aud pro- posed to art as mediator. This offer aas haughtily rofillsed. The Fautees were then leisured by the British that they Omuta be assintod. The result was wer, with a very great slaughter of our allies and A very narrow .escapos erom .capture of the smell Euglish garrison in a ortr. In due time there were over- turn made for a trace with the Britieh, and peace sena arranged, but th3 war with the Fantees was pressed with grest energi . By -and -bye the original stirrer np (.1 the whole trouble fled to •Cape Coest Castle, where he was 'seized by the British awl tient prisioner to Ashantee. ten the whole the first Anhantee war did not redound to the credit of Britain or her eines. It was entered upon with- tlumght, carried on without energy, and ended without boneur. The Aileen - tea invaded the }Anton again in 1811, and a -third time in. 1816, sod were on both occasiont boughs off by the Rug- lish-Afrie,an t'ilinpany,. whose trade' waa greatly injured by conunotions. 'Ile second British war with the Ashautees was much longer and far More dieartroue then the first. It was, begun rashly on our part,with foolish contempt of the enemy, and no adequate prePara- tion fer the work to he done. In (Jan- uary, 1824, Sir Charles 31cCarthy, hav- ing declared war against the Ashantees, determined to make a forsy into the enemy's country,and strike terror by the suddenness and severity of the blow. Inatesul of that he was defeated and slain, and his whole detachment was either killed or taken prisoners. At one time the forces of the enemy were with- in a mile of Cape Coast Castle, and, humanly spealciug, might have driven the English into the sea, had they not waited se Ling that reinforcement' came on, which turned the scale againat the i -tutor, so that eventnelly they were driven back, and forced too:refine them- selves within then own inland territory, This, however, haa never satisfied them; and now again by their retie wed struzgels- with their old enetuies and ou r old al hes, the leanteei have brought about another Ashautao war, whieh it is to be hoped will be fiutre successful end satisfactory than eaher of the former ales. It is no insiguificant undertaking thet Sir Garnet .Woolseley ham in hand. The enema is nut te be despised, while the nature! obstacles, front the statemf the country, and the malaria of the lower reepons, increase the risk indefinitely. The final result cannot be doubtfal. Britain must eveetuidly oonquer, though not so rapidly se some may anticipate. Couniassie, the Ashanthe capital, ia shout 120 utiles from the coast, and the march over theae miles will bet found by Sir Garnet mach more formidable than the one he made a few years ago from Thunder Bay to Fort Gerry. The ant African tribes hen alweys been very jealous of any ot the interior nations having the edvant e of direct traffic with Europeans, an very possibly this may have had a geed deal to do with the conunued squabbles between our pre- sent allies and opponents. If the result of the present conflict be to open np direct trade with all the dif- ferent natioualitini of interior Africa, it will have secured a great ood, though many may be inclined to t ink that all that good is not worth the valuable British lives which, in all likelihood, will be lost before the pretent difference is settled. Evidently. the Ashanteee are a bold, energetic people, and it will be well if, after having couenered them tn ille fiele, we -can persuade them to become permanent customers and friends. Already a very great deal has • . • • 7711y Mon Veil 1;717os; 11'llat data * man need* wife for It is not merely to swears the house, and make the boils, and d rtt the socks, and islet, the »lea's. Oiled , that a 'man wants a wife. ; If this ts all, Wh'en young Mae calls tneee a hely, gene hint into the pen. try to matte the bread.. and cake 'thetas made; send him te iiitipect the needle- svork anorbeolanaling; or pet a hr.'s= into his hands. and seMi hitu to witness its use. • Such things ere importset, aud the wisii young man will quietly look after them. But what a true maa wants of a wife is her cotnpanionship, sympathy, 'and lure, 'The way of life has many dreary placels in it, and tuen needs a coinpanion to' go with lain. A Malt 14 sometimes overtaken with met - fortunes, he meets with failures anti do- , feat; triads and templatiens beset him; and he needsono to seated by anol sym- pathize. He has some dere battles to fight with poverty, With enemies, and with sin, and he :needs p woman, that, while he put his artfl anund her and resole that he has something to ligh't tor, wilt help him ;that will put her 1114 to itioi ear and ethispete words of counsel, and her hand th his heart and omiart new maim -afire. All through' life threught storm :and throueh tem - shine, cenflict and vietory, throe/II aet- verse and favorine wiads-man needs a sontatelt love; the heart 'awns for it, A eister's or a mother.* love will hardly: supely the need. Vet man7 eeek fate nothing further than success tu h000tse- wore. Justly enough, balf of these get nothing mote. The Other half surpris- ed abeve memsure, have gotten more than t hey t. Their w ives aurprise thorn by bringieg a nobler idea of marriage di6..losintr a treasury of courage, nipathy and love. I tritiali settleinents altong the ceast,4ish- A dud Lt. A friend, says is contemporary, criti• else& the habit of ladies" stopping in churcheisles to gossip after service, and en the subject relates. a perronal grime envie thrtiounday his wife etotmed te- eter,. with a friend in the broad aielo of the _church, and,. both being attired ia modern, Datelines, obstructed the pas- sage of lall *110 CAIRO after them. But the lalies were immersed in the subject (of their discusteom, and were therefore utterly uneousciims of the blockade. He finally left in direust., drove hia carriege to the donned loomed some fifteen- or twenty Waiting, fretting,end -soferth, before his wife appeared. The ride Ileum was' enjoyed in the most do- ple:n:ANk bowiletrhailiiih:blictrtHer'sutoibilii(d:rtsiatit:intigilisoulertithuicehlonogf aud an,' exclaimed the irate ()Id geetleinato, two women *topping tot church to ind,olge their everlesfing talk, stoppng the way for those vs ho wish to get vet, and making them- selves the subjects of criticism.' 'But yeu forgot, my dear replied his wife, meekly, et waa the angel that stopped the way, and the ass spuks efterward.' Then there was mere silence. LIME AS • PRESERVATIVE OF WOOD. - A writer in ehamber's J ouruel says that certain facts have beeu rued.' known whieh show that lime is a good preserv- the transport of hme laat longer than er of timber. Ships end barges used for I others. A small coasting -schooner, ; laden with lime, wee cast mhore and I sunk. She was raised ana set Afloat once more, and *tunnel sound fur_ I thirty years. Aw..1:1, 6 platform of nine lanke was used to nux water on dur- ng three generations; then, being DO longer required, was. 'neglected, sad at is length hidden by grass that grew ogee • anythiniciould thaw the frigiditY , ti• sty years afterwarda, on elearuat of John Gentry tut:,1 gurely have done 1 wee preencana, of Mermaids • Dr(ho.e. nature, the eat , the ground, it Waif dessovered sound aad e - been done for Western Africa by the introduction of legitimate and mutually profitable trade instead of theOld traffic in slaves; and if that trade were pushed into the interior, and the coast tribes be. no longer allowed to 'beg the exclusive commission inerebsots, as it were, the gain te fall would be still greater, end 'the volume of tradeiwould,in a compel.= atively few years, assume dimensions very properly to hi delerieted as gigan- tic. • Itiautteorge Brava's Pensr. A correspondent of the Woodstock i'entirtel, who has .been visiting Mr. Brown's celebrated "Bow Park," near Brantford, writes the following interest- ing description of the property. "What- ever Imay be said of the stock, the farm itmelf is well worth a visit Irma any airt of Ontario. • It is situated within a bend of the Grand Itiver about three tniles from Brantford rFollowing. down the valley between the river and canal, the faring on either side aro not desirable, but the numerous shade trees of sereb, oakahereon, mei the hills on either side, he beautiful residences, cultivated arms. and, frequent reservee of secone growth wood with its Varied colored autumnal snit, render tha.seene one of tOe most charming I hav'e. everwituessel, and such as our artists ahopld deli:tilt to picture, and Col. Denison would take pride in circulating in Europe. Those arriving at the Brantford station were conveyed by teains along the read I have mentioned, and, left on the bank of the river, at a place' where- a Yon was stretched across the stkeam. A man was in waiting with au old boat, half full of water, into KOLA six of us got and hauled oureelves across. Four of III landed so suddenly that it nearly up- set the boat, and the remaining two had strugele for tetra firma with an energy rather ridiculous to witness. As I be- fore stated the fat m is nearly 1000 acres, and elmost encompassed by the river. A wire fence surrounds it, anle road, thst I was told, cost 11r. Brown $5000, winds its way along the banks. The land is unduLtting and capable of pro- per drainage It is in perfect vorder,and fanIndlnelothove.raPuli)°uiltraibele°Iibe)fratihlye mfaalIntwirhodeet; in fact at. instance was then to be seen, where a field had -received an extr.thr- dinary supply of illantlre. In every field there are suditient oaks staudure to give the abode scale the appearenee of an English park; and with the exception ef the mailer house, eurpassing le beauty the luxe (ray of those rural scones:which aro the ride and boast of lenedishaseit. The stock yards and buildings are un- equalled in exteut and completeness oin site' ono farin Catiedm but I had little time to examine them then. At some favourable opportunity shall avail myself ot the joriv* eoge and fulfil the promise given ao it a longer visit." 13101131011$ Maxims: Caution is the hither ef serenity. Ile silent when a fool talks. Never speak beastingly of your busi- ness. • Never take back a dischareed servant. He who pays before -hand is served behind -hand. If you know the valac of a dollar try tp borrow one. -An h'our of triumph comes at last to those who watch and wan. •. Speak eell of your friends -of your enemies say nothing. DO notwasts time in useless regreta ..yee!t:ses. Sy statist, your business and'keeet • . - an eyaon little eeperses. leak* sink irreetalhipa. Neve* fail to take a receipt fer money pied, 01 keep copies of your letters. your business promptly, and bore W 'nausea mau with long visits. w is a trade in which the buffers mit the oysters and leave the clienta'the A MelbauAlepapar gives the following as the lateet busheanging -.gossip:-Re- cently a certain person was travelling along the road, when he heard • great nein Snit an' glittery. Thinking bush- rdngen were -at work,he tired off a pistol to intimidate them; and presently the Leese ceased and a scampering was heard. On coming to the (mete the traveller discovered a man tied to a tree. "Oh sir," cried the victine "I am SO glad you are come. I•ve been attacked by ruffians anol they were robbing me when they heard your piatot." "Ar.d couldn't you get hone, my friend 1" asked the travel- ler. "No• they tied me ao very tightly." "And did' they rob yeu of everything r "No, only of my watch. They had nee time to search for my money, which I placed in iny left bout." "How for- t n nate, " observed the traveller; , "Was the sten considerable 3" "Over a thou- sand, thank Heaven," said the poor man. "Are yiet sure they are goner asked the other. "011! certairt." The new -coiner lookel round and-round,and, seeing the coast clear, ssid only, "Well, as they're gone, .1 think I'll finish the job myself." And he provneded to rob teye unfortunate vietim. Another Atlantic cable is in course of construction, and will,- it is expected, be laidin May next. 113060 nautical miles long, and will have a oore of -480 lbs. of copper and 400 lbs of gutta-percha to the nautical mile, which it is said will mike it the heaviest existing cable. The contract price for the menufacture of -the cable, its laying and landing, and its maintenance for thirty clays after laying is V,211,000. The company estimate their gross receipts per annum at £437,- 000, which is certaiuly a yery handsome return forthecapitalinvested,and proves that there is • very extensive margin for reduction in the rates charged for cable niessages. The basis on whicb this income is calculated is three En- glish shillings per word. It ought surely to be within the roach of the cotnmercial enterpriee of Gnat Britain and the United titatee to lay a sufficient number of cables to toting down the rates by competition t3 at least one English shilling per word. Grip's last certhon is entitled "The Political Mother Hubbard and John A's Dying Iniquity." Mackenzie is cleverly depicted as Mother Hubbard looking into the cupboard to find a bone for • large dog with George Brown's head,and horror stricken to Etna that all that is left is a memorenduiu signed "You'll re- member me. Juhu A." Crawford aa a little cur is trotting off with the big bone of the Lieutenant -Governorship of Outarto, while John A. is leering round the corner holding up a "Canada Gazette -100 sppointments made." •0010. The marriage of Prince Alfred to the Grand Duchess Maria is to bit eolemnized aceordeng to the Church of England as well as the Russo -Greek rites, and the Very Rev. Dean Stanley, of Westmin- ster, has been instructed by Her Majes- ty to proceed to St, Petersburg to per form the Protestant marriage eeremony on this important oecasion. lt is stated that neither the Prince nor tha ,Cirand Duchess will change theft- religion, but their children, should thenbe any, will be brought up in the faitWof the Church of England. A recent English writer says that drunkennese is an affair of climate; the people of all damp and cold countries sae apt to drink tuore than id good for them, and a geographer might divide a map of the world iuto "temperate" and "intemperate" zones. • The Ashastie SPLENDID SUCCESS OF THE BRITISH. THR *NEM DILFEATED WITH GREAT SLAINIITER. New Yofk. Nov. 18. -The Be -fold's alviees from Caim Coast Castle, Africa, Oct. 29th, says the British troops mov- ing against the Ashantees are now over 20 miles from Edmore, the stone of the recent war. The Ashantees, hare hoon defeated, losing heavily in killed aad wounded, and villages razed to the ground. They are now wovitig hack toward Canasta') disuuty, and will pttobably rally at the beaks of the Prah. The troops have been exposed to frightful mortality. Sir Garnet Wolse- ley started last night, the 211th with souly 100 marines for the purpose of hareseing the rear of the 40,400 Athantees retreatiag on the Ptah. Tbe traders beliere thisenovetasat a alise to draw the British troops from Cape Coast Castle, while the Ashantees attack the Castle and assail the tag - land forces under Capte Glover 011 th• rt814 flank. - . 4 Sir Garnet is making great effort. to ao:omplish the great work he has under- taken of a military advance from the valley of the Volta to Commie. Capt. Butler Marts tor Wassaw and is eollecting troeps there and at dungue. Thus the natives are to be utilited, and I -may add that the expedition thee far promises a success. Violent GC& MAIUNEDISASTERSAT HALIFAX. SEVERAL V,ESSELS DRIVES ASHORE, Miler -ex,. Nov. le -A violent gale with rain from the south,- began at 5 a. in., increasing to a perfect hurricane by 8 o'clock.' There is a lea ey sea in the harbour. Vessels are held at anchor with difficulty, several drifted up -the harbour, and the brig gement Cawra- hert, of Arichat, and the schooner Ida, of Prince Edward Island, went ashore on Coutinersioners l'oint, near the (look, yard. They will get off without darn - sr. The gale was the heaviest ex- perienced here for many year'. The barometer fell from 29 Su yesterday, to 28 90 to-day,the loiest tor a number of vears. The velocity (of the wind wag 558 miles an hour. The damage un land consisted of shutters, elating frem roofs, and feuces blow down, It has been ing &ye Serious 'damage to shi ing otf the coast is feared, as fully sail from GIFT porta and Prince Edward Island are known to be on their *ay te Halifax. •••••111wr. A:thrum:New Morn. -A new motor has recently been patented in America, the operation of which is as follows: - Oil is sprayed into the cylinder bebind the piston, and, being mixed with air, ie ignited at the proper time by an electric attachment. The consequent expansion drives the piston forward, the momeeee tom of the fly -wheel returning it to its former i'osition. An ejector supplies the eil frem the tank to the sprayer. the mjector being cennected to A piston belew driven by &crank attached to the main shaft. Street patented :much the saineehiuginthis country many years Iwo moing tnapentidelustead of oil. — 1,434ele I 'pi r.:t.m. . The most CNteilitive leanly wedding on record coomenel the other day in Cia• coinuati. widewed mother, three sons and'two daughtets • were all married at once. Thong of the rites wee put at .wholesale ran:telt is observed sagely by a local newspaper that pet -leaps this is the cothinencement of a system of domestic not aaaaa *hick will save many a six- pence fur a rainy day. A Western newspaper,wishin- g- to dothe handsome thing by the -local doctor, re- eei tly made theforiowingennouncement "Dr. Crawford wis called,but ander his prompt and rkilful treatment the Feu rig man died Wednesday afternoon." ; We don't know what the doctor said to fins, but if -the editor of that newspaper is takeu sick we advise him not to led' in 'Crawford. In Paria,•the old sardine boxes are gathered by rsgpickers and sold to builders, who fill them with mortar and use them in the construction of cheap derelling houses. ••••••MallWrI/WW4a/MM/NO ASTHMA. Cortaireelai SeHoor., HARBOR Gmea, N. F. MR. JAMES I. FELLOWS -DEAR STR:-I am very happy to acknowledge the bene- fit I have received from the use of your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites. For upwards of twelve months I suffer- ed mast sautely from a severe Cough amd. - a most violent Asthma, fur the relief at which I tried everything I emild hosed. filmed, Syrup, and after taking one bottle MIS At last -1 commenced the iise of your able to attend to my avocation. I con - accenting to directions till I had - toed nine bottles, which effected a per, feet -cure. With much gratitude. Truly yours, M. SCULLY, Teacher. TUE I %..:.TELYMEs.T or SIFOCESS.-We must work if we would make: Few people live by their wits, and labour is the natural inheritance of our race, necessary to beelth as well as prospertty: but as none can expect perfect immunity from /ticket -ea, it is righe that the ben means of cure "should always be ready. Now for colds,. coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, *amps, -cholie, ihere is , nothing like • the "Comedian Pain troyer."'- For sale by all Druggists and country dealer, Price 25 cents per btiertter-le. 'bid you ever think that what ie termed a common cold, when systemati- cally neglected,- often leads to that must fatal and distressing disease--con- natption-ebat when attended to at once in getierally way of cure. If yoe are troubled with'a cold er cough "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" ei illbe found to be most efficacious in removing it. They give immediate relief, and generally effect a cere when used in Uwe. Sold by all Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Nti RCM therm's tet,trie rata Tex Law (to Itetet at Gard. he yes Snore engrain o/ 5,„6 time atm la. eannot etay whore lt Is used. It is the cheapest Medicine ever inade. One tiont cures mak- mon goat TIllt-IIT. 006 lottle has cured Rao"- ruzvie. Fifty i•ents worth loss cured an OLD STAND111.i OM, .o• two bOttlee cares bad os,..,4 or I.44,/.4 and Bimini Tanrette. bit ,_to eight apple:soon* cure Air CASIO Of 10:X4.021AT/D11117LPS or INVI.41801, BRICOIT. 011e bottle bee totred Learn 0,,,13 etre% years Mending. Daniel Plank, ef Brookfield, -'1'it,g,a county. ra, .57111 wait thirty Liles for a lakttle of pair 011, which enacted W•NDollin•L CCILE OS'S (*sok 114 LINA by es Plicate'''. Another who loss iteroll• tar reirl„ mays: "1 bytvr half ota 60 cent bottle left, WO jig) wou1.111..i. ley ir 1 could gm m„,.. Rut.. Rotauson. of Ronda, Y., writes n II t ottle fit' your iteiestetite Oa restored :no • c eno,e thy rms. bael aut &Lk,. 4•11•1,1' Five r.All.. !ARV . J. illialtory. 41 try. amine, N. Y.. %Tribe; " Ione Tel,' 04 I. 4.0r1.4 Tor of 11,••1•Ialii• "lln• Week." Dealer.. •i: •i•er the country nay: " hare neva mold • mo. I.• that 1114; •.1,11 ,U.vipiete eatIsfactien t ,,." 1 i te euesposal of it0 of tie Raer thiet 11•, • • gm,,wi, gesel rake es for sitars& t,,,lieved to be intnteetrureald, superior to an) • Chios ever made. Will rave you lunch suffering and many dollars of espenne. aold by one of more dealers in every paws, Prieeta rents. Prestred by N. THOMAS, Pears. S. V.„sea Shianinor t LYE F.N. Plzweerraa, Ont. Bole Agent. for the Domieion. Nors.-Sescorir lected tad Eleetrised„-agaa ,stinid Goiench Goo Cattle, Jordan n.-gi,,,, c.. , . Heaths= Rorerrille; J. Pteklid. Eieler 1. If. C.inbe, Clinton; te. issevel toeeknor;‘, wekaon, Seefocili; awl nedielt• Orates ' GROAT CONDITION MIDICENZ.--1111 a 00nd:t1Oft medicine fir Horses "Darley Condition I'owders and Arabian Heave Remedy" has no equal, its effecta in this reepect are astonishing; many horses that were sepposed to be broken down and almost worthless, have by the use of a few packages been restored to healthy and sound condition, all traces of the disease having been completely remov- ed, end have been sold for frum ISO to r5 more than they would previorully have brought ; when you want a hone medicine get 'Dsrley's Condition Pow. ders and Arabian Heave Remedy,' we know you will be perfectly satisfied with - the -result. Remember the name and see that the signature of Hurd & Co , on each package. Northrop k Ly -ian, Newcastle, Ont.,proprietorg for Canada. I Sold by all nagedicuse degas. • • e.