HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-10-28, Page 15ONTARIO SCHOLARSHIPS — South Huron District High School's seven Ontario scholars we re presented with their awards during Friday night's Commencement exercises by Huron:Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell, From the left are Jim Ferguson, Bill Elliott, Tony Kyle, Vincent Glaab, Paul Shapton, Cynthia Gunn and Lois Doerr. recalled not only the high points in academic achievement but Many of the lesser known aspects Of unofficial extracurricular activities. There was the "the thrill of the bus trips with Stor. min' Norm", Cementing together the two aspects of formal education and informal life at South Huron, he remarked, "in short, our teachers saw our humanity." "Thank you walls, farewell South Huron." His well-timed and punctuated talk received a long and en- thusiastic ovation. The evening concluded with the presentation of various academic and scholarship awards, in- eluding awards from student council subject prizes, various locally sponsored scholarships and the presentation of the Ontario scholarships by Jack Riddell, 1VItP.P, and a former faculty member of South Huron. Scholarships awarded were: Ontario Scholarship; Cynthia Gjinn, Paul Shapton, Vincent Glaab, Tony Kyle, Bill Elliott, Lois Doerr, and Jim Ferguion, Teaching Staff Scholarship: Joe Kester, Shirley Rooseboorn, and Bill Elliott. The Mary Farrow Award: Tony Kyle, Beta Sigma Currently Usborne is being 1. Hurondale — Keith & Sandy Strang canvassed for the South Huron Recreation Centre. The township has been divided into eight areas with the following cap- tains: The captains have up to five canvassers working in their areas. Expect a call soon! The sod has been turned; con- struction is underway. Let's sup- port this South Huron project! Here's our chance to put our dollars towards a new arena and a say in our future recreation policy. Canvass Co- ordinators for • Usborne Pat Down & Marilyn Pym 2. Thames Road — Murray & Bea Dawson 3. Kirkton Marwood & Gertie Willis 4. Woodham — Gerry & Shirley Brintnell S. Zion — Howard Pym 6. Winchelsea — Kay Hodgert 7. Elimville — Louise Pincombe B. Eden (South of Exeter) — Jim & Wendy Kerslake Friday evening marked the 54th commencement exercises for Exeter High School, now officially called the South Huron District High School, of cotirse. Graduation took place in the gym torium of the school, Speakers for this year's commencement included the Rev, W, Jarvis, who gave the opening invocation, Herb Turkheim, chairman of the Huron County Board of Education, Bob Allen, A Huron superintendant of education, and J.L. Wooden, South Huron Awards presented at Lucan Sunday School A special service was held at Lucan United Church Sunday, when presentation of awards was made Sunday to Church School students by Supt. Ed Melanson and Rev. Ewart Madden. Those receiving ' various awards were Tim Carter, Tabatha Froats, Raymond Hall, John and Lisa Kaune, Matthew Lane, Sherry Smith, Debbie and Ted Hall, Wendy Hearn, Jane and Michael Holden, Alex Jones, Rick Hall, Amanda and Brenda King, Carolyn and Paul Lankin, Doug Smith, Loyes Melanson, Mary Madden, Stewart Melanson and in the adult class special awards for two members who have gone into teaching Betty Hall and Doreen King. The foregoing were Robert Haikes Certificates and or seals and bars. Special awards were given for perfect attendance to Sherry Smith, Debbie and Ted Hall, Carolyn and Paul Lankin and Michael Holden, Barbara Bannerman, teacher of the Intermediates gave a delightful "flannelgraf" talk• to the little people, who hung on her every word, depicting "Let the little ones corhe unto me". Supt. Ed Melanson announced that the membership was grown from 49 a year ago to 84 and this renewed interest is most en- couraging. A secretary-treasurer is needed for the Church School and those interested are asked to call Ed at 227-4860 or the Church office 227-4712. Mr. Koopman will commence Junior Choir rehearsals tonight, Thursday at 7 p.m., and all children in Grades 3 to 8 are invited to come along and lift their voices in praise. f9X The le91109,1 C9,1,03;9, qPeFkal M, S. Sunday started early in the Church with a film "The World Hunger" being shown, This is an excellent film and should, do much to make those seeing it more knowledgeable of the need throughout the developing countries. This part of the service was sponsored by the local M. & S. Committee. By MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mackie of Toronto visited on Thursday with Dr. & Mrs. George Morphy. Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. Cedric Wheeler, Brownsburg, -Quebec. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Robinson, Lynn and Dale of Fourth Line, Mr. Lloyd Brine, Baseline and Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine, Cheryl and Daryl were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine. Rev. Barry Robinson of the Elimville-Thames Road Pastoral charge was in charge of the Church service on Sunday morning while Rev. Grant Dawson was preaching at the Elimville Anniversary service. The members of the Messengers are busy practicing for the Hallowe'en concert, Friday evening, We are sorry to learn Mrs. La Verne Rodd is a patient in University Hospital having had surgery, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Stevenson of London visited on Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. Dick Jongkind and Meagan. , "Thank. you -wok farewell South Huron", from Tony Kyle A capacity crowd attended the graduation ceremonies, Many of them celming from the Honours "We're proud of this school," Student Dinner which preceded Mr. Turltheim said of South commencement at 8:00 p,m, Huron. "We like to think of it as "Really, most of us in teaching the best school in Huron County," are here because ultimately we Mr. Allen replaced Director of really do care about the Education, D.J. Cochrane as the students," Joe Wooden observed, official representativeq of the as he concluded the speeches school board administration. from education officials. "One of Speaking to the graduating the things education is all about is students, he said, "This evening variety. At South Huron we have is an honour which you deserve a variety of teachers, who ap- and an achievement for which proach their jobs in their own you should be proud." particular way. We also have a variety of students with different interests in education, Learning to get along with .that variety of students and teachers is part of the challenge." Following Mr, Wooden's speech the diplomas were presented, first to the 153 graduating grade 12's and finally to South Huron's 50 graduating grade 13's. principal. Class valedictorian was Tony Kyle, Several members attended the Mission Festival '76 at Byron United Church from 2 to 5 and at Saunders Secondary School from 7 to 9 when Jack Burghardt chaired a panel of Jane Bigelow, Garth Legge and Robert Gard- ner, also geared to the topic "The World's Hungry". This morning, Thursday, at 9:45 the Women's Prayer and .Share Fellowship will meet at the Manse. All women are welcome. Babysitting is provided. New members or returned former members will be welcomed at choir rehearsal this evening at 7:30, note change of time because of the Couples' Fellowship which meets at 8 p.m. to see a film. All couples of the community will receive a warm welcome. Tony Kyle's valedictory ad- dress departed from the usual sobering mood created during this traditional moment of educational reflection. Com- paring the school to a large house with walls that had, stored away the memories of the past five years, Tony addressed himself to those walls. They had heard and absorbed it all, he said. To the humorous f Award: Patti Rowcliffe, The Exeter Kinettea Award: Barb Ratz. Exeter Commercial Subject Awards: Accounting, Brad Buchanan; Law, Beth Crerar; and Kevin Wareing,: Shorthand, Arlene Maiett; and Typing, Arlene Mellott The Canadian Legion Auxiliary Award: Brenda Sauder and Valerie Sweet. Technical Subject Awards: Teachers' Award, Joe Kester; Dashwood Industries Award, Joe Kester; Howden's Electric Award, Daryl, Keys; Bendix Homes Award, Rana..; •Voogel; McKerlie Automotive priZe, Joe Kester and Jerry MacLean Award, Daryl Keys.. Additional. typing awards went to Arlene .Mallett Judy DeJong, Laurel Hodgert and Carol Rader. An Ontario Previecial Police prize went to Rill Elliott,' ........ " — 0 LIVE Fri., Eureka Open . - ,, ENTERTAINMENT Thurs., Room Till 12 Huron Sat. .....-:-...—• Midnight -. Park tips zZVA*Z..„ 4011l -4 eA t akv..kw.e 4 440 IZIP 4r W; ricielv.01/4* °Lysol( OP- 4 lirdiP. ill. Picture The Best ' Friday, . - -a.009'464 At are for DASHWOOD OTEL HOTEL r, Itt t 4 _., (t ;kit .:.> ' , „.;..,,,,. ._ .....,„ The Eastern ,,. ' . 4 ' of , Sat. ZURICH DOMINION - .i. - Night ..,1 44:- lik ' I 4 it A ) : 0i i= .=s . Dining •, - ..,, f . HOTEL Tradewinds , Tiffany -.A br,- • ger imblif lounge of Entertainment Starts Again Nov. 5 Lounge Mon:thrii Fit ---- — — ' 12- 1.:30 p.m. Open Sat. 5 - 9 all other times we pleased to open , social gatherings. fpxriN . ,..4 --lii.,,,-. ‘,...,,,, s Only 236-4371 •--,-,--....,- Phone Albatross Club Industrial 228-6733 You'll Includes ......"0"...•*~".~Ne"...4.ese". -c4 • Giiko' Try Our L. Delicious Food be glad you did Thurs. Night STEAK NIGHT $5. per Couple 1 r SclusiZIcricl Friday and Saturday Lesperance Trio Oct. 29 & 30 Prizes for Best Costumes Dining Room ..- German OPENSUNDAY , , . -. .1,- TO Food . • Hallowe'en Dance Sun. —, _ • 7?Ii..-ir7:. i • 't (4 . , r DINING _ . ROOM ' OPEN DAILY • 5,.11:1! T 0 Ft ' Sat., Oct. 30 :- , 9111*.eithi0 5TE*4fL 1: .,.• , LODGE 7; - ,.. i. Doris /A1 L•4- HEATED POOL ; 1 Tifr II !., at the ,:'?"4' 4 ..,- ' kl ' ' '' . !;-if organ . ,-,,., ... Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 — GRAND BEND \i',, --n , tir '" )„ - t 4,*-- i ' Full Course Exeter .„, s, , I r1tp Mon., ,,,,,,,, .\ , CANADIAN CHINESE ii`z.1 Wed. Friday PHONE ,.." N;,, Meals and & Sat. Tues. Thurs. 12 235-0464 For 10 10.2 to 8 10 -4 Wal CHINESE GARDEN The Finest and FOOD to midnight a.m. Chargex . Main St. I i "The Home - of . Grand Bend's First Annual Oktoherfest"' All Week 8 P.M. NOON Many awards at Commencement Stress safety for Hallowe'en With Hallowe'en being ob- served in most areas on Saturday; of this week, Exeter Police Chief Ted Day passes along some in- formation regarding the safety of children while out "trick or treating", Suggestions for parents are as follows: "Before your children leave the house, check the costumes. Can they be seen at night? Does the costume have a reflector band or tape? Smaller children should carry a flashlight, Is the costume too long? Will they trip when walking acaross the road?. Will the costume allow your child freedom of movement?" More safety tips include, "Tell your child to use the sidewalk, not the road and teAy_pn one, of the street d't a time and to corners when crossing the roadway," Householders are reminded to keep porch and yard lights on, plan to have competent super- vision for all trick and treaters, invite youngsters into your home and remove all lawn chairs and obstacles from your verandah," All officers of the Exeter police department will be on duty Saturday night and on the lookout for property damage and van- dalism. Good PUC water report The Ontario Ministry of Environment has completed the annual inspection of the Exeter waterworks system and the Public Utilities Commission heard the report at Monday's regular meeting. The report was "basically good" according to manager Hugh Davis. The only recom- mendation was that bacterial and nitrate tests should continue. The inspection done on Sep- tember 25 showed 1,295 domestic water users and commercial accounts• totalled 181, The average domestic daily con- sumption of water was listed at 118 gallons. At the same time a letter from the same provincial body con- curred with progress being made on the Cudmore well in Usborne township which prompted mayor Bruce Shaw to comment, "That's a nice change. Two letters saying we are doing things right." The Commission agreed to finalize the agreement on the Cudmore well and have it registered. Tirnes-Aelvocate, October 281 1976 P090 1 5, Attention Usborne resident •