Huron Signal, 1873-11-19, Page 2.
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Nev AdV11111$1111111114$11
Minim -Peter kasaneen. ei
tun, Fure-Mits. D. May.
Stray Steer-Robt. Wilson.
Agents Wanted -Troy is Ca.
Gift Rnterprise-L. D. Sine.
• ILstray Sheep -John Andrews.
' eschersSzamioation- Peter Adamson.
Arthur's Henze Magazine --J. W. Jima.
1 Law limmectiiiir Prevepagers
; 1. eabisertbere who AO sot give express sake to
tie matrarr. are osaaillered se ',Flatting to caseate
• their saarmapasee.
1 Et It sabeartboreemler the tbsomatiosaaee ot their
Portediteale or airamimples. the palliator or eaolials-
ere may eiredmis to mod them mall all arrears aril
Pall sp; sod saboombers art lielerespoastale Dm
all amebas met
i. If sebserthers meted so refuse to take Oa part -
odes* or asospapars trees Me Wise to wide' they
artthreeted, they are had romosailie AB they have
settled Mar hills. esatales sesame hock es leer -
tag thew la the ease. la UK Mak ',Sties or dream -
Unsexes ea the law reesees.
4. If sabeortben remove to other asses without
' laferastaa the Palliator, awl their periodicals er
, aestepsoars me seat to Mee farm& directions, they
sa tad reareostabla.
WM tendered Sir John Macdonald, by a
few of his followers inOttawa,ou Thurs.
day last, which, according to the most
sothentie accounts, was a poor affair.
We thiok the less ado the Tories make
over Sir John et present. the better for
their own reputation after the diagraos
into which he has fallen.
The Tories are organizing all over the
reentry and have openly declared their
intention to introduce politico into
municipal *Dakota where they have any
chance of success. They will appoint
mualcipel officers of their own stripe,
and then will follow mnnipuiation of
aeseesment rolls and other devices to
pin strength to their party. Reformers
must sestet' them closely and must also
organize, for the enemy is unscrupulons
and may in some plena steal • march
unless we also have a proper and effici.
ent orgunzation to counteract their
movements. The narrow escape we had
from defeat at the late election in this
Riding shows the neoesaity of proper
organization, and we trust the lesson
then learned will nut pass enheeded.
,sallte Geo. P. Rtnireta & Co., 40 Part
oir, and S. M. PlITTNGILL al Ca., 37
Perk Row, are our only authorised Ad-
wertising Agents in New York.
' We shall be glad at all times to receive
i items of beat news, reports of meetings,
l accidents, or any incident of interest
- i either in the loadity where it occurs or
s e. " to the county at large. Such matter
' may be sent at the este of one cent per
1 oz. if merked Printer's Copy and not
sealed. To ensure publication in any
particular iesue it should reach the
, office not later than Monday evening.
• ISubscribers will confer a favour by
i notifying us of. any irregularity in the
" delivery of their papers.
The date after each Sittecriter's name
I es the address indicates the time to which
kis Suleicriptamt ispaid. Thiss, "PETER
, SMITH, I March 72," 11181/0041 that Mr.
Smith's Seaseription is p lid to lat
March and that he owes front that date.
Sisberiters will set it to be to their interest
to renew promptly, as eur terms are
$1.50 STRICTLI ter ADVANCI, otherwise $2
? be charged.
Grua Trank Railway.
Trains leave as follows, -
Mail - . z..7.00 a. m.
Express . . 9.45 " "
Mixed..., .. 12 30 p. m.
3 30 . 4 t
Trains are due as follows, -
10.00 ft It
Ex press 2.00 p. m.
Mixed 5.20 " "
Mail 10.00 " "
M,Iiton Signal.
GODE§ICH, Nov. 19, 1873.
Political Affairs •
There is complete lull in polities]
affairs. The new government not hav-
ing yet annoenced its policy there is
nothing to criticise, but in the absence
of sneh,the scandal organs have resorted
to personal abuse of Mr. Mackenzie and
his followers, in order to keep their
hands in. Their anathemas are specially
directed against those who formerly
supported SirJohn A. Macdonald, but
declined to be dragged threegh the mire
any longer and declared their intention
to vote against him on the Pacific Rail-
way matter. That such men as Donald
A. Smith of Manitoba were actuated by
purely conscientious motive& no one who
knows them will attempt to deny. It
bias been made public that after Mr.
Smith announced his intention in the
House, Sir John attacked him in the
lobby, shook his fist in his face and used
language so foul that his colleague Dr.
Tupper was obliged to interfere. An
apology was afterwarde tendered but so
late that its effect was lost. We hare
heard of John A. acting the part of •
rowdy before. when in his cups, but this
lest act of his, towards a most respecta-
ble and upright gentleman, who Cita.%
senior in years aa he is far before him in
g,entlemanly conduct and feeling, appears
to have c&pped the climax. David Glom
too comes in for a large share of abuse.
Whatever our opinion of him as a poli-
tician rnay be, we wish there were more
David Glasses in the country so far as
inderndence is concerned.
tor the seats vacated by the new Minis-
ters have been issued and the elect ions will
be held the end of this month and the
begming of next. The Conservativea
are buckling ea their armour and intend
to give Mr. Cartwright a vigormis oppo-
sition in Lennox. Mr. Hooper, treas-
urer of the county, has been brought out
as their candidate. 11r. Caztwright
was elected in 1872 by one of the largest
majorities in Ontario aud we do not
suppose it will be any less in 11173.
bpposition is also threatened to some of
the lower province members, but we
have no reason to fear that any of the
governmett will be defeated.
uf Messrs. Crawford and Tilley as Lieu-
tenant Governors of Ontario and New
Brunswick have been rosette:I and the
former has entered upon the dischaege
of his duties. Hon. Hugh McDonald
has also been gazetted Chief Justice of
Nova Sootia. These are the only ap-
pointments made by the late goyernment
On ;Se eve of its retirement Welch have
pearance and business was brisk. Rain
which began to fall on Sunday and
continued through Monday caused the
snow to (Reappear very rapidly so that
now the*, is neither good sleighing nor
Soarre.-The Agent of the above soci-
ety, Rey. Mr. Rescreen, visited oar
town this week and efter preaching on
Sabbath. held a meeting in St Andrew's
Church on Monday night in further-
ance of his object. The audience was
small, but enjoyed the clear and able
addree" of the Agent. Several of the
resident ministers having spoken,a reso-
lution was passed commending Mr.
Reitman to the confidence and liberality
of the Christien community.
Wz do not set ourselves up as being
b4ter than our neighbors, but we deem
it bet right -to state that in our contem-
porary's report of the Assizes in its last
issue, no Tees than eight ewes were
wrongly reported, the error being of
such a character as to mislead. We
would not natice the matter were it not
that the said journal is in the habit of
carping at us, and we wonld just reoom-
mend it to remove the beam from its
own eye before it attenipts to extract
the mote frorn ours. We give to -day a
full and correct report of the cases which
came before the Assizes.
aepeat d Dengnicat Penitentiariu
for :873.
This report Ism come to hand and on
glancing er its contents we notice the
pleading fact that the number of con-
victs in tbe Ontario Peniteutituy at
Kingston is steadily decreasing. The
following are the numbers confined there
on the 3ast December in the following
1868 .833
1869 713
1870 686
1871 .
1872 - 549
This dimingtion is attributed to the
abundance of emelt and also to the bene-
ficial influence of reformatories. The be
haviourof the convicts is also improving,
corporal punishment having rarely to be
resorted to. Rewards for good conduct
and for steady industry in the form of
remission of sentence or payment for
extra time is found to have a good ef-
tect. The prisoners are oleo allowed to
have a light outride their Cells tO read
by during the long evenings, a privilege
which is greatly prized. The value of
the work done by convicts at Knighton
during the year was $74,717.49. In
consequence of the increase in • wages
throughout the country, 50 cents • day
is new obtained for convict labouria-
stead of 35 centa and 40 cents as for-
A penitentiary has been established
for the Province of Quebec so that
henceforth only Ontario lonyicts will he
sent to Kingston. There is a similar
institution for flew Brrinawick at Ste
John and fur Nova Scotia at Halifax.
The number of convicts confined in
all the penitentiaries of the Dominion
on the 31st December J872 was 670,
not a very large portion of our popula-
tion. The maintenance of these costa
the country a large sum every year, but
we cannot see why they should nut be
made self supporting as the State
prisons are across the lines. The ex-
hibit made by the report is on the whole
very favourable, showing that there is
eomparetively little crime among us.
Net a Coalition;
The scandal organs persist in the
suet -Eon that Mr. Mackenzie's Govern-
ment is a Coalition. The statement is
not correct. Tkere are only two morn -
bees of the cabinet, Messrs. Cartwright
and Scott, who ware ever anything but
professed Liberals. The former re-
nounced all allegiance to Sir John A.
Macdonald four years ago and was since
elected in opposition to his Governinent,
the -latter gave in his adhesion to Mr.
Blake in 1871 and was immediately go
wards elected ,bracclamation. If they
are Tories no man can change his poli-
tical name or creed; if they are not To-
ries there is no Coalition.
ON TAB BIL L. -A thorough investiga-
tion of the Pacinc Railway charges is
said to be determined en as pan of the
new Government programme. -SO unn,
...V. B., Telegraph.
[No doubt uf it, notwithstanding the
statement of oer local cotem 'that all the
• •Grits- want is office. -ED. Soniatel
-The last official Gazette contains the
names uf • number of Customs 'officials
appointed by the late government on
the eve of their retirement, among
others that of Tom Ferguson to be a
Ramovsa.-W. R. Squier has re-
moved his law office to Acheson's new
block. Entrance on West Street.
SALT SIIIPPED,-About 130,000 bar-
rels of salt were shipped from this port
to the United States diering the conse•
lar year ending 30th September last.
Ova Nsw Pzsmuta.-The laat num-
ber of the Canadian Illustrated News
contains a very good portrait of the' new
Premier, Hon. A. Mackenzie.
GRIP keeps up its reputation. Its
political cartoons are capital and its
jokes aro improving. It is the best
comic paper ever published in Canada.
Dann. - Messrs Thomas Wetherald
and Jonathan Eritzley of this town went
out deer shooting four days last week
and returned with eight deer, weighing
in the aggregate 1000 lbs. Tbeir hunt-
ing ground was ia the north of Ashfield.
ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH t -This church
which leas been closed all summer for
repairs will be re -opened ou Sunday
next. Rev. James Carmichael, M. A.
of Montreal will preach, morning and
appeared as yet in the offieial Garotte. e,
1 amPitaANcE Liscruez..-Rev. F. N .
It appears that just before resignina I Nugent will deliver • lecture on Tern -
they appointed about one hundred of
their friends to office, some cif them to
offices which do not come into exiatencs
till the 1st of January, and others to
situations in lighthouses not yet built !
They also passed an order in Council in-
creaaing the mistrials id some of their
friends in the Customs deparunent to
such aa amount as will entail an sddi-
tional yearly 'charge on the reeenue of
$(50,000. Could anything be more scan-
dalous. With reference to the appoint-
ment Mr.Tilley he is reported to have
stated that he would not accept the
Lieutenant Governorship unless his
appuintatent was confirmed by the new
government This shows what he thought
of the modern of his oolleagues in mak-
iag appointments atter they had lost the
confidence ni tha cioantry. A number
of these appointees sat in the House
illegally after their oontsniesione were
leaned (for the scandal organs claim tha
Crawford sad Tilley's ennuniasions are
dated in October), and were oo doubt
prepared to vote ooaldence in John A.
if necessary.
perance, in tke Temperance Hall, R est
Street, on Friday evening, at half past
seven o'clock. This ill the first of a
series of monthly lectures on that sub-
ject by the clergymen of the town.
Tits alseirrons pained here on Tues-
day morning of loot west on her last
trip to Lake Superior far the season.
The Sault canal was to close yesterday,
so that if she was detained she will be
obliged to winter on take Superior.
She has made sixteen trips that season.
Bserres Loss SUPERIOR LLWIL -The
new boat Ontario for thie line was to be
launched at Chatham last Saturday.
The Quebec, the other new boat is well
under way. Her planking is completed
and it is expected she will be ready for
the route early next season.
TOABT TO OCR Bassi BAND.-Ilay the
brae never get into the faces of the play-
ers; may the horns they take never in-
toxicate them; may they always find
current notss to meet their expenses;
may there be no liars to their preepori-
ty; may they get no unpractical crotchets
into their heads; may they aiways C
sharp and never B flat.
CHLYGI OP THAL-Our time table
was changed last week but we neglected
to call the atteuitien of our readers edi-
torially to the change of tune recently
wave TORONTO ,..133444143 In the running of 'woof the trains
-ron the Grand Trunk. The furenoon
blieuese eeseaeith4 Cusses:7"e es express now leaves at o.45 instead of le
held a mucus laat Wedeiledet/ anunts°11- A. M., and the night mail la not doe
sated Sir John A. Macdonald as their till 10 P. M. instead of 9 46 as former-
ly. Note tie changes:and don't lose
tendidate. This wigs no doubt done
par* as a pises of bravado and pertly
te mane the skims of riyal load tandk
deals. ie sot at all Ithely Sir John
tetrad*, ea AUK batabould ha Ea as
lie lleassak el the ettly_ are
your peasegra
Tith Baewrigne ;Einew.-Last week
aboet a foot el times* fell in this faction.
onlaion. to neabia good Vg and
the tamity *dr the belts
bo bawl ea IIVIR y , On
Illeterder, wild* lies a bealltifsl day,
tam Imalended qadto sp-
- i : :
Bradford ve. AfeGrory Action for
damages for unlawful distress. Re-
ferred to arbitration. Sincisir &Seeger
for Plff. Doyle for Deft.
Huffman vs, Whiteford--Seduction.
Verdict for Plff. by consent for $300.
Malcolmson & Keating for Plff. Sin-
clair & Seeger for Deft.
Treleaven es. May -Action Oil note.
Sealed by parties. Doyle for 'Plfi.
Sinclair & Seeger for Deft.
Mooney vs. Yeo-3Ltde a !limos!.
Sinclair & Seeger for Tiff. Cameron &
Garrow for Deft.
Reynolds es. McDonall---Made a Re -
menet, Doyle for Pit Cameron &
Gerrow for Deft. it
Queen vs. Hugit Lamont. -The prison-
er was indicted for .perjury, in having
made a false affidavit before Mr. Kerr
of Brossels With ieferenoe to a' Ceown
lot. Verdict, Not Guilty. Davis for
Crown. Steiger and Robinson, Q• C,
for defence -
Queen es. Wm. John Elliott.-4-The
prisoner, a boy 13 years of age, wee in-
dicted for arson, he having set fire to a
barn belonging to John Underwood, in
the Township of Grey, on 3rd Novem-
ber, inst. The boy's father is dead and
his mother is in the States and he has
been living with some relations. lie
told the magistrate that he 'heti heen
incited to burn thp bare by his aunt but
there was no evidence to sustain the
stabement. being arraigned the pr
goner pleaded msilte and. was sentiincea
totem. years imprisoenseut in the
forniatory prison; the Judge giving him
some good advice for nie futile! via.
;ince. Robinson, Q. O. for the Cfewn
gactli es. Dorothy Ridley. -51.0.1er
The (fraud Jury Nand throe trite bilk
in this case. The prisoner. eh • is ef en -
:loran rand, drowned three of her chi-l
dren last May, in the MaitIand River,
in • the Township of Grey, Full
particulars of the cues appeared in
the Slositi. at the time. She wae con-
fined in gaol here for some time and
tnen seat to the Lunatic Asylum at
London where she now is. Sh• WWI
not brought up ler trial not Wine in a
tit state to come before a Cutlet. The
ease had, however, to go before the
Grand Jury.
Qiieen D•OSiti
No bilL
(anew& es. J1.1111CS Ganible.-Lasceny.
No bill.
David Aldine who 'Was convicted of
perjury at last assizes, appeared fur
sentence and was bound over in his
own recegnizance to appear for that
purpose when called Upon. The CASe
was looked upon AS beieg one of groat
hardship, the evidence going to show
that there was no felonious iutont on
the part of defendant.
-Robert Small was bound over in the
stun of $200 on his own recognizance to
keep the peace for ono year agniest
Margaret Small and' all others, and ',as
dischanged from gaol.
Our readers are aware that no provi-
sion is mede for the payment of Crown
witnesses unlees they aro prepared to
make affidavit that they are in indigent
circumstances. In the Ridley murder
case proper representation' h'aving been
made by the witnesses, and others on
their behalf, payment of their 'literates
wai allowed, and they desiro to thank
the County Ateeiney mud the Grand
Jury for the interest they, took iej tbeir
behalf. ' -
The business hefore the• Court
on Saturday morning..
I -
Coos Buscres.-Cool and his troupe
performed here to good houses on Satur-
day and Moaday evening. lie is him-
self a favourite and on this occision her
was ably assisted by some recent addi-.
tions to his staff. Charles inur Marian
Young are unsurpassed in thlir deline-
ations of Scottish character, and the
fernier is hy odd., the best ventrilo-
quist we haye ever seen, We do not
think there could be la better. Master
Cawthorn kits off Defsch character very
well: Any one who enjoy& a geed laugh
should attend this entertainment.
A FALSE CHARGE.-Our local cotetu.
charges us with plogiariset in that we
took an extract front the Sarnia °beer-
rer and passeld it off as o•ir own. As the
paper in question is not one of our ex-
changes the charge is without founda-
tion hut we heye obtained a copy anci
find: that instead of our words being
"nearly the same" as the Obserrio's they
are entirely different, though the idea
was to be sure the same. Though our
cotena. may have no originality about
him lie does not surely measure other
people's cane in his own bushel in that
respect. Evan were the charge true he
should be the last to bring it. Whir. he
frequently oopies our report of Town
Council meetings and other 'local news,
simply altering a word here and there,
We do not find fault with him for this,
if he plagiarised a little more his paper
would no doubt be more acceptable te
bit readers. jedging by -the stuff that
appears in its hut issue. Perhaps some
of his friende might place dietIoniary in
the editorial sanctum with advantage.
rall Aids*. t
The follottring is a full report of the
cases which eame before this Court :-
Johnaon rs. Away -Action on Com-
mon Counts. Verdict for Plif. by con-
sent for176.n.80. Upper for P111. -•
Macera es. Graham -Action on pro
miasory note. Uadefended. Verdict
for Plff. h•r,$141.38. Plff. in preen.
Mustard es. Caero/1-Action on note
and covenant. Undefended. Aferiliet
froorwPfollfr.if.imlsw$3720.10, __Cameron & Gar-
, .
Parsons . Gooding- Action :on pro-
missory note. 'Undefended. Verdict
for PDF. by consent for *372. Cameron
& Garrow for Plff. , t
Gorden U. Knowles -Action on pan
missory nute. Undefended.: Verdict
Jur Pltf. for, $342.87. Cameron, et Gar -
row for PHI
Cooley rs. Moss- Action on promissory
note. Verdict for Plff.lor V327. Came:
ron & Garrow for Plff.
$factionallt et ol vs. triple', et al-Ac-
tioti fan daikages' for breach of contract
and on Common Counts. Referred by
coreent to itudge Kingemill of Bruce.
Loecombe for Plffs: • Cameron & Gar -
row for Delis. •
Wordon et al as. Macdonald et a/ -Ac-
tion on CO1104011 Counts for a quantity
of bark. Disposed of in tho same mari-
ner as last case. Cameron it Garrow
for Pitts. Loscombe for Delta.
Smith rs.' Hickinbotham -Seduction.
Verdict by consent for Plff. fer $400
subject to en agreement entered into
between putties. Loscornbe for Plff.
Ilarrey a al es. 3forion-Action on
protnimory note. No defence. Verdict
for Plff. fo ' $41a.76. McDanald .and
Sinclair & er for I'l ifs.
hibler . Clifford -Action on ac-
count. No. defence. Verdict for Plff.
fer fana0.55. Sinclair & Seoger for Plff.
Gordon vs. Waterons et al -Action on
account to recover value of a quantity of
files furnisned defendants. Payment
was resintet on the ground that the tiles
were bad and not up to an elleged war-
rantry. A llarge number ot witnesses
were examined froin all parts of the
country, ljury was dispensed with by
cootent. Nen-diet for Pltf.. for $:ifel.20
with -leave'* move to set veidict aside.
Goolon ana Robinson Q. C. for Plff.
Hardy for frts.
Stetcart - Trout -Action on promis-
sory note. j erdict far Pltf. for $608.63.
2ameron & Garrow for Plff. Sinclair &
Seeger for Deft. 1 _ .'
Murran es. ThonipsOn-Action on a
bond given by difeintaut as surety for
carrying ont an- aithard made against
Coned& Seetheen RailWay in favour of
pleintiff. Plaintiff was nonsuited at
close of his ease. Bell of Hamilton fur
Plff. Robieson Q. C., for Deft. .
/Rodents te. .Mann -Action on account
to recover Tillie of a quantity of oil fur-
nished deft., Verdict for Deft. Robin-
son, Q. C. jor Plff. Sinclair St Seeger
for Deft. ,
Wat/ine tie. Hilton- Seduction. Ver-
dict for Plff, by consent for $245. Mal-
isolmsonl and Sinclair for Plff. Robin-
son Q. C. for Deft.
deyniow et a/ vs. Piggott -Action to
recover freight for conveying a cergo of
lumber from Georgistn Bay to Chatham
on Plff's. schooner Ontario. The action
was for $940 and Deft. paid $687.30
into Court the ration being for balance.
The case wait tried without:a jury anti
keenly contested. Verdiet for Deft.
Cemeron & Garrow for Plffs. Robinson,
Q. C. for Deft. . .
Mabee et a/ re. Boss -Action on ac-
count. Verdict for PHI% for $200 sub-
ject to awahl of Junior Judge Toms.
Henson. & Meyer for Plff. Doyle for
Boss es. Mabee et al-- Action on ac-
count. -Verdict for Plff for /800 sub-
ject to award of Junier Judge Toms.
Doyle for Plff. Benson & Meyer for
Reed es. Bates et a/ -Action on a Bond
to l'Iff. as Bailiff of Division Court.
Verdict for Piff. for $105.04. Cameron
& Garrow for Plff. Squier for netts -
Staff vs . McCarron et al -Action on
Adminietration Bond. The Plff. was
non- suited, with leave to enter verdict
for first breach. 1300 and for second
breach, 20 cents; the whole penalty of
the Bond being $600, After the cue
was opened the jury wu dimpeneed with
as the question was one purely of 'law.
Cameron & Garrow attornies for Plff.
Robinson, Q. C. .counsel. Benson &
Meyer, attornies for sureties in Bond,
Sinclair connsel-Doyle attorney and
cot rise( for Princi pal.
MeLacklin et al vs. Grewer - Eject-
ment, to recover possession of a lot in
Brussels. Verdict for Plff. Benson &
Meyer and Robinson, Q. C. for PlfIs.
Woods &Fisher and Sinclair for Deft.
Makes vs. AfcCoy et al --Action to re-
oo rer dower on certain land' in the Town-
ship of Atshfield. Verdict for Plff for
$53. Doyle for Plff. Robinson, Q. C.
for Deft.
Knorr es. Brieker-Action of Treepase
and Troyer. Verdict for Plff. by cm].
sent for $200,subject to award of Alesars.
Erb, Geigher and Rock. Sinclair for
PHIS Rojkson, Q. C. for Deft,
Ward es. Foster-Actton a Trespase
and Troyer, to recover damages sustain-
ed by Plff. through Deft. tunnag out
Certain property from a stable which
PM rented from Deft. through another
peaty. Verdict for Plff. for $50. Ben,
sou & Meyer and Robinson, Q. C. for
PIM Boluitoobead and Doyle for Deft.
caresstain too Wifson--Action to re-
cover prioal of a horse. Referred to
orbitetatiopel Cad -wren is Garotte for
er foeDeft.
nue for P111",
Plff. &
lee. T
Elliott k
etson for
May Trekatien- for dainapt
for frame a doeumeet PIM's lot.
Setthd by parties: aritasiclair k Seeger
for PUT. Dbyle for Deft.
ttord fiar gravel this year, as we have not
paid more than 25 bents per cord to,
other parties, we cannot agree to giye
him more than others -Carried. Moved
by Mr. Rennie, seconded by Mr. P. S.
Geiger, that the Reeve be authorized toi
recept the bonds of El. V. Direstien, the
f alector for the current year, P.141 to
see that the said bonds aro enoa and
snffictit and lay them before next
meet: g of Council, to be approved and
of; an.1 that the said ceilector
coin en« his labors as soon after the
20th nst. as podeible- Carried. Moved
by M , J. B. Geiger, seconded by Mr.
P. Geiger, that Alex. McLaren ho re-
turning officer for east division at the
neixt Municipal elution, polling to take
place in the schoolhouse of action No.
2; thet 11. LOTS, Sr., retnra-
ing officer for the oefitredivision, polling
to take plaoefin the Tawn'llall, &trick;
and Michael Zeller returning olficer at
stud election for the west division, pol-
ling lo take place in the schoolhouse of
School Section No. 12 -Carried. Coun-
cil adjourned, to meet in the Town Hall,
Zurich, on Wednesday, Doc. 31, at 10
FATAL ACCiDENT. - - A young' man
mused John Jeckling came to his death
very suddenly last Friday morning, at
his -home in Morris. He was eogaged
driving hogs, when his fOot alemea and
hie forehead came in contact with the
sheep edge of a bursa, causing aeath
almost instantaneensly. Ile leaves a
vinfe and • small family.
I'arsons Editor
have oonipleted and have ,
order, their new steam ssw mill. six
miles omit of Creilliton. It is one Of the
best and largest mills in the cetinty;
manufactures 'unbar, shingles, lath,
Stares, &c. tinderseind it is the in-
tention of some stranger to erect in the
same vicinity a mill, to manufacture ex;
tract of hemlock bark on a !area mule.-
• -
ger. -Mr. oT. Caldwell, .4 this
place, shipped to Clintotiom Fritlky last,
a clearing out lot of 3:12 boxes of Aeesee
Mr. C., althreigh 'he was in operation.,
bat. three anda half menthe of the ma-
son, turned Out ever one thonnanilboxes
of cheese fromlosTactory. b, sine«
has increased so rapidly since he began.
thet he 6 nds it necessary tio neelie lane
dition. to his. factory, and has itt emus:
of ereetiou it building 30 z Nee; tw.
«oriel hiels *high he expects t h48:
comploied t:t;it fall The petrittis 144 the•
factitry ate 1,b meet at Manchester le
Wedveisday 9th . hot.; for the 'Memel.
of receiving a statement of the season's
work :Ind paying oat money la tle lost
sale I.: cheese.-Ifimitor.
OCTIlaGs.-On Tuesday the 3r4 inst,
and every day and. nieht aince I thee,
intense excitetneut has prevailed in
Wroxeter. This feeliog hal been Ovum]
by a violition of this person of a little
girl aged about eight year' ell, datighter
of a respectable Howick far•ner teamed
Birch, residing near Wroxeter. gire
the facts just as we • heard theta On
Monday ekentne, 3rd inst., the parents
of the little ene wore ahsent from home.
There were only two left in the house
the victim and another little gtri. Duro
nig the evening a wretch named .1aines
Thompsen visited the ammo, arid asked
where her parents were. The child; gave
him the necessary infiermition, anill then
Thompson tol,l her that he believed.
the ,eattle were not safely tied up. The
girl proceeded to the stable to sae for
herself, and while there the se-
cured her and committed a shecking
violation of her person..., The poor crea-
ture was horribly onfteged, all has
since been in a deplorable .con ition.
Thompson is a- tall, powerfully, built
Sootchman of apparently fifty-filve or
sixty years of age. Ho has been eb«ining
work in this section as a generel la-
bourer, It is reported that.he had to
leave the old countary for it similar
crime. the vietim in that case being but
thirteen years of age. Meanwhile, the
greatest excitement prevails in Wroxeter
and vicinity, as the fellow is still at
large. Parties are off looking for him,
ame our opinion is that should the rae-
cal be caught a short shrift and a long
rope will be giveo him by the incensed
vitt/keen of Wrozeter, and the farmers
of the surrounding county.-Poat
Coveicit aleeneo.--The Connell met,
pursuant to adjournment, in the Town
Hall, on Tuesday, 4th November, 1873.
All the members of Council present; the
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of pnevions
meeting read and approved of. Moslnd
by alr. Cunck, seconded by Mr1 (lie -
ger. that by-laws Nos. 60. 61 and. 62, as
now read the third titne, be passed; and
that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same,
and affix the seal of the Corpbration
thereto -Carried. Moved by Mr. • J. B.
Geiger, seconded by Mr. Itannie that a
mistake having been make ill regierd
village Lot 30P; Franciatown, at present
•advertased• for sale, for non-payment of
taxes, that the Clerk be instructed to
committed° with the County Treasurer
Where the same taken from his list, and
charged to the township -Carried.
Moved by Mr. J. B, Geiger, seconded
by Mr. Carrick, that the .Treastirer be
instructed to purchase a dozen of the
"Consolidated Tavern and Shop Lioense
Act".for the use of the municipality-
Carripd. Moved by Mr. J. B. Geiger.
seconded by Mr. Carrick, that the Reeve
and Mr. Rennie are hereby authorized
to investigate at some early day • a por-
tion of land supposed to be • gravel pit,
on the farm of Mr. Jacob Woltz-Cer-
ried. Moved by Mr. J. 11. Geiger, ere-
onded hy Mr. Rennie, that the fellow-
ing ne•connts be paid, vire : A legend.,
AleLaren, repairing bridoe 0•1 Gai.
*2 31; Lenin Walper, 93 huh, of graret,
$4,65; John B. Geiger, relenting reeite.
road, $4.74; W. Carrick, ter ko .
‘713; John and Henry Kallithelell fat
ceder and plank for culverts, &IL lila--
Carried. Moved by Mr. J. B Geier,
seconded by Mr. Rennie, thy with n f.
. once to a hater from Wm Boil, -,11 rock
«smith. just read by the CNA. itt *toe.
Mr. Hellman et the rote of 30 oasts pet
(Front our owe Coyrespon.lent.)
To WEATHER during the past week
has been of varied character. On Tues-
day eveningn rather severe snow storm
set f in Which lasted tho greeter part of
the ight, and sleighs rasht be iseen
plou lung through the mud ana 'mow
emu ng the winter to come. On Weel-
newt y night fully six inches of now
tia aleighieg on Thursday and Fri -
'ley ne gravelled reels was ezieelleet.
Sin raley night it &mein tn thaw and
has entinned lance so that we- have -
little under' foot but mud anl half
mid ti 1111018.
Fewestt, Egg., of •Titcker-
sinit, has sold his farm and is' investing
the roceeds in a stave factory ana saw
Min at Wjngham. It is to be tegretted
that ;our good citizens should be inclined
to helve. Mr. Fowler is a clear headed.
'moven° business man and with his
partner the late foreman and clatter in
Mr. iltansford's stave factery will tm-
mieStionably do a large business. We
cougratulete Wingham on getting so
good a citizen and staunch .. Reformer.
More of thet lest mentioned element
wont,' do Winghain no injury. .
GOu TEMPLALS a vocal %lid in -
etre nontal concert to -night (Monday)
in the Town Hall.
, imemetuuto
&limning •
2 ()peeing chorus. Band.
3 Recitation -"Virginia," Mr. Grahem.
4 D iet -"Saul hour of part ine," _Misses
Ze Si ng -"Lonelv Annie Darling,"•3Iiss
laianylinasnad. /le/fief.
6 diag--"Tarn 0' Sit:tutor," Major
urray. -Berne. ,
7 nio-"The -Brightest 'Eyes," Miss
lay. -Cod Brarn.
I ttertnisslott-- inetruniental Solo.
1 Sidection-IIPanAltT 1 4.
2 C orus -"Temperance, our Cause is
free," (aeartetto.
3 Reading--Setection from Aytoun.
4 et e-"Murinuring Sea," Mimes Bay
5 Si
sea 4
of th
mg a
but :ere is an abundance of it befure
Intetztatiosal Outrage;
-•-••••-•• --•-•noomoor 41
0 t
Waggons are now shipped front Galt
to New Zealand.
The Bank of Hamilton has opened an
agency in Port Elgin.
PROBABILTTY OF WAR BETWEEN SPAIN Tim Quebec Legislature will meet for
- I business on December 4th.
Some time ago the Senile% aethori- A cash -box containing abont $S03 oes
stolen from the Mo ; office, Toronto, on
nes in Cella came,' a Cutlet Soetes ves-
sel, the Virginica, which li td onlenard a
number of Cuban insuegents. Itie cap-
tured insurg'ents were sumartattile shot,
and Intelligente) has been received that,
after a delay of a few days, the captain
and crew of the Virginiue,numberiee 53
persons, were aleo executed, •
Relative to the outrage, the New York
Evening Post says editorially : "The'
feeling of bur citizens was raised to fever
heat by the execution id the feur Cuban
leaders, It will now'rise to the boiling
pitch. Cuba end her friend', will here-
after need neither money nee men. Have
these butchers no fear the indignatioi
of the civilized world 1. The report
mak-es the bload , cold." Thu
says : ,"The execution of Captain Fry
will come home to twiny here, as he was
once ia the United States navy, which
probably haw hastened his execution."
The Commercial says : "Why should
we wait e hen American citizen:4 are be-
ing slaughtorted and the Americon flag
dishonored ?" •
The last Cuban atrocity. hes been the
all-alworbing tOpic conservetion in all
circles le Now : York, accompanied :thy a
general ontburet of horror und indigna-
tion. Public- ?pinion ite New, York will
endoree the 'Mist decidea ',action on the
part of the Chytornigknit, and, it it bo-
ligved, that alinall army of elli•AU re-
.cruite amid, if neeeneary, be raised la
that city in a viay short tune.
Orders have been received at the
Brooklyn navy ,yard *got the stoops of
war lisarsarizei and Juniata. ready for
MI -at once. On .Wedumany, Mad r
equally preseing orders, • the tornado
boat Admiral porter was launched, %rid
will be made reedy for active operetims
in a few idays. It is understoodethat
these wag impels are beingegot ready
for the purpera of placing a fleet in
Oukan waters.%
Later advice" state that every soul on.
board the captured vessel has been ex.,
scene', being 111 m all. The most ine
tense excitement pre,vails and the tone
id the press and people of the United
States is decidedly werlike.
No reply has yet 'rbeen received from
Madria in answer to the, demand for
reparation rustle on the Spauielt °ovum -
infante Active preperatione aro being
ineile for weir in the United .1Si:otos
Navy yards and v. nueiber of gunboats
here been dietiatched to Cuban waters.
The tone of the prose of •Britain and
Cetiade is favorable tartan" Unitea States
ittol-the memo Of humanity. . 1. -
S1 ..... 11 Spit& bectime, involved in war
she will havelmouoh tn.& betweim -the
Carlist insu
The result wi
penitence uf t
time. and a foreign war.
1 probably be the nide-
Frightful WhOcitleitt•
A frightful accident oceurred
tin weeks age in ceenectien w'
t °ut
h the
g-" Waitiree," Alfas McTavish roil th#north shore of Lake Huaon, by"
nulls ef Massie. Murray ana Ns. ininaS
d Rippey.--Glorer.
Millar.t. , whichisteen men were insiantly inlet'.
ing-Mr. Monroe. _Hone meg The rtieuhus pay be learned from
°rano the f lowing letter -kohl; 3Ir. Murray to
g -"I canrat sing the Old Songs,' -.hi" • ttior in this, town :-
is; Bay.- f-lariber. - • 'Bleat) ttives Miele NOW. ilth,•
eetis-„once mar° a a,mg, cjaaa SIR. .14.1SEPII * ILLIAMS.-,-We hive hal
ight," Quartette. a terrioNe teccaleat hero. Ou Saturday
save the',Queen-liand. 1st, at nine its the morning, ' seven men
nuttier ir serious congratulation left here with •a scow loaded with pork,
' e • corn meal and oats. , Titey nut up to
*nonevent to further the -_purpo- the portage &tithe Fast end of Lake de
t-644)6r4n" °r-dani•atiu° ball Borgne. abou mints front the mid
On the 1st of January, 1874, Bramp-
ton *ill be a Town, with a Mayor and•
Exeter people hieve subscribed 8350
towards colobnaing the turning of the
first sod of the L. II. & B. Railway
• Typhoid fever prevails ttp the river
bttaws. Eight mod have returned
from the ahanties labouring tinder aevere
attacks. •
Miss Hicks, emPloyed in the tailoring
department of Barber Bros. at §treeta-
;nib), was nearly buraed to death on
Saturday by the explosion ef a coal oil
Newfoundland is not yet ripe for
annexation to Ceuatin. The GoVern-
meet it« been sustained at the general
election by four or five netjerity.
Mr. Thomas Liemen, a councilor 4
the township of Minns this yeer raised.
a turnip, Which, after it WM ei-.4•1041
' •
ereiglied 20 pou lets. •
Mr. Blackenzie hut woo the
tiou of the Civil Service "employees for
his protupt and active iminameteet of
Ald. Fiietlierstiiiie is -mei:tie:id a
liki•ly TeOltIVO the support of tee
forte meaty the C0111111.4 CI .111dt lei
th..t:wvolLry ,„,,,..,. 044' 11eferel &take was
held at Oehawa OM Wedllelithly 1 Aqiing
last. ' Tate course. of Mr: 1'. N. ieeein
1111:241111:41: °111:11111:nr ist. ill: gt c", oar f:Itehrianegntle. i.dett",11.f81:milep,,oie.f, finSguel :iris
ptnhane nw, :a aitr-it,Irtz,eetlesr,,sil,scaoutil4i ills i:tie ita rt. i• •ggiri i el ,2, ui
each. .
o'anndBarnth°To(roeglran.17 Ozoibil:i.1°Intritiihnsire:b tilisi•eis ',lei a31:4)--;tri.ii.iit
aininaritilyiic:o,ouensgrteitek.toi jotsh:ohgen:recTtis,tiriwiiinidi,"1-,,t,ti:hef1707ii,a::Ipil:lriaitil.:..litirreiti.:11 tyt
to a ru wear that Hon. Peter 111itchell
ranks. Mr. Mitchell Ureic Ito part in
theAdrereaatddfueblilaactia.ideut happenell about
9 macs from Perth Imo- Firidayeby which
a mate named Robert White 'mania .arin
tort: off in a threshing machine,. - lie is
ilicTthvecreil;ectl.tion of :the nes' minieters wit'
come Off without delay. 'r_ ha, Nova Sco-
tia nominations are fixed fer the orb
Dec., the others will be earlier. The re-
turn of all the ministers iii uudaubtea.
Information.was reetivedren Monday
at the Department di J mit i frpou Lieut.
Gonirour Morvisahat true for mur-
der have been heind by th rantl Jury
'agailisA mat jutlivallirtininid ojeurPiiiinucCriae:ni in 'King-
ston te the effect -that the United States
steamer Ada, which loft Best city on
Sunday, with 40 olicers and. mem his
betrelost on the Lake, wit4 all 'muds
Tlto Cenedian tarty in 3fanitoba hare
gained their point in sectiritie the incor-
poration of Winitipee and a readjust -
meet of the Leen c isoii tweeted. The
new allotmout wilt eeeere the return of
eighteen English to six Freuch repro-
-. i
se usttifci ractsh.
alines is cowitte on. After a
recent fashionable wed:ling the heal
papers published the "mete of the leer -
(lent from whom the tirile's dress sot
purchased, and the name of the dres-.•
maker who made it. ' . .
The Brock vale aal Oitawa Railway
Artillery Compitey lizei been disbandetl,
and the • clothing, anus and acisoutre-
monis returne4 to the gavefnment, This
was one' of the finest companies of . the
kind in Cateada. i.. .
A large and deetructive fire occuarel
at Stayuer on Tuesday Ilth November..
A large hunter yerd, the railway stone,
snd freight shed, .anil several buildings,
including a hotel, wore deetroyed. i
Win. A. Thdrapend has given mince
thee at the next erasion of Partiametit
he will apply fee a charter to const hire e
railway tridge &croak the Niaigara River
near Mack River, and alse one betweeu
glared10011 Heights awl the Falls. ,
It is repotted th it Sir 1106 A p.m
hos entered actiens agaiust each ot ;the
Ifirectors of the tete Cenada Pacifie llaeil
way Cempany, to recover • front theme
their ipirita of the. expenses in. ilTol tu
obtaining the cherter
marten LaireArinteiriii::,itilaioufltenp:litaii: ainntdeituhlel.4graarnaarity141)• ''a"lndsp4illielia crahrreirn°dat1111 temp
in reqpires a great deal of edit- at once not, one row aide and tery
- on this sobjacct- Habit haa a" high, 'rho did notuoload the barrels.
hold and note., iuterests even a
eine, that even the independence illeitertreite•sint, ttiliP4Itantteide Atflite7rt :tee 131
pulpit seems afraid to moot the -
time and money, causes 1n"s" the oats fell demi) ana cruised them ali
evil in tlie lend- which waste* 146:sliads.laaleddd•Giewoilelitaittlile .tdbuitririnhgeadthile t°nitglihet
and ileetreys mere souls than en to death. The accident must heve hap.'
t of Ssten's *omits put together. pentilimiSaturday night fur Louis de
y teem rash to make anch a sweep- Cues was in the, greitaky on Sunday -4
atement without addecine moot, night awl lef 0 on,Monday mortine% and
us" ry day.
AN by the name of Robert Howard
the s
say n
in th
'as h
will t
fall u the Sentinel] AlcDonalit Govern-
ment, the countri will have renent to be
fully satisfied, with the chengo
Tuptx is little doubt hut sereral con-
stituencies are represented in the Do-
minion parliament by Sir Hugh Allan's
money msteed of the hoeteet vote of the
electors. Should the investigation of
the Huntington charges prove this, the
minis ry went,' be morally called neon
getting on the roof of Mr. Pot
tore to rebnila. the chimney, step
n a loose slat af the nage which
way, and sliding the length of the
e acquired such momentum as if,
itate Inin into the ditch beyond
deralk, a dietetic° ef about ten
rom the buildiret, anil strange to
bonen were broken althotigh th-a
Ilicalar . didtance tit the caves
e full twenty foot. The Oben&
tiered some incaes with anew and
awl he hail him pre:none° of mini'
t Ito arrange(' 10x limbs for the
ng' nod r'ruck en l.h milt 'side,
ad being within a fee inches of •
*Oder. H.' wee enite conscious
cerriod in tie? more and in ae
time was de to he taken home:
may expect comparative Mutton -
dines until tho meeting of penis -
zein. The re-election of minis-
ili create Jenne excitement in the
1 ',matinee where the elections
Ice plaeo. There sums id be no
but all will be returned ann if the
ry .inatiire their policy and de-
btairtese as rapidly as the 131ake
muted did in Ontario after the
to as
and a
then Government to pass a good election
Ns:Se lies just nrrived that a terrible
accident happened in the Michigan bom-
ber wombs a troo, probably during the
night,i npon !snit crushing • shaft -
ty with all, or most of the inmates. It
it rep•rted that Keen of the.bodies hate,
arrived at our (Clinton) station this
(Monday) evenitte, all young men whe
went there in the fell in the vigor of
life, aith the view of making a little
MuTIOY. We earnestly hope that the
ratnor may nnt prove true.
for a dusointento of the House.
'though so seen after the general
n may beceras noose:try, but
be a orient hertieltit. mentbers
larm expense to the ennntry-
teed moat of the refuge' of the
••••••••••••••••.11- - -
W., O. B. Italliva7
ossreeetons ALONG 1115 Lona.
Kincardipc, Noy. 12.
Thal first passenger train Qu.the south -
tan extension of the WoHington, Grey &
Bruce Railway arrived to -day at IS inotr-
line at 5 p.m. There wise great rejoicing
at the different stations as the trim pro-
ceeded. Among tho paerengers and
officials wore Adam Brown, ono of the
pioneers of this system of railways; G.
DI . Ferguson, Vice -President; J. M.
Frame, JaMes Watson and J. I. Mac-
kenzie, Direstors; W. Ilendrie, Contract-
or, and W. IlleCiillan; Secretary, G.
& B.• ,W K. bleb% General Superinten-
dent, and JohaKennedy, Chief Engi-
neer,v2. W. It.,,At Kincardine the train
inhabitants headed by It. Baird, Reeve.,
who esteemed Ale party to the vil-
Wall I by a nomber of the leading
Disastoross Tire_ is Mitchell.
Mitchell, Noy. 12..
A I broke ont in the office of the
Gran Trunk Station at 2.30 this mom-
Ipiurning the whole building in a
short time, It being frame and very old,
the kiss to the company will hot be
large. Mr. Pole, the agent, Inn $120
whtch he lad heft in a dritwer, end ale°
gene of his hnineht 1 fornitere. Our
gif-it,r a it)::tipestillis.
to put, .rit. firm, bet a by live hes been
The, Brans _ Tunnel is se nearly
thruceth th•t the warktnen on eazh side
Lein heir the drills on the otter iota of
their took barter.
brought down wmel thet they ad' been
there anii.unkettleil 11m lasts, hut said
he could. not seo: the nem anywhere.
l'hey did reit iiiii oil Manday, Tuimiloy
wiliestormy,• my count nut have „canoe;
lent Wellies,' y wait 11110 441141,Al hen thea
hael not arri -ea at 4 it'clocl, 1 knew'
there meet- semetlinne Wrong, oe 1
.11•411.0a up ;At au in neetioaanil gottothe
gratiery at is. , o'clock. Mel retold theut
nitrite' raider Oho tate, ell thet could Le
seen lif titten
anteing tlic lis
seine hoes an
od up iii tie
-itir. 1 aril sio
ineh to brine
eil are Anilie
Aniirow Yot
Winton). Bo'
Corbier. . P ult seniy wan etuarnedohe
tenites a wifetind *even :1..1' eight little
ehiliireu. fare:wet; el' Connor,
Yount/ aud alcKey,, were from Port'
Albert", Tho others , were . resident* of
• Ilenens. The young hunt Young who
mas killed, 'U it atm el Mr. Micheal
'liming, shooptakees. Port Albert, and
formerly lave&ie Gedericb, aleo • broth-
er to 3Ir. Ch'ing's* Youtig, Printer, ar,hu
itS one tuns' worked iii the • SIGNAL
eaa owl • hetet Sticking up
is of tens, I then • lifted
f•enttetii.ther men c• icor-
, just as he had
Iota iievee been able to
ties. en this moroing with
hem ilOwne Inca kill-
'ronl x, 'flerinae Connor:,
a, 'McKay,
r,.Peter et 'and Goo.:
.Progrus d the To ra 01'4171=1m.
The town of Wiiiiiipeg 1188 improred
rapidly during the past- year; and has
egnolly gteia prospeent for the future.'
Incerporation of the t"74 II is asked for;
drainage, gas, worke, and street lighting,
are projected; a new seuitilmat line,
three new inlils, three tug boats .for the
lower river, foundry. testing cut veins
recently discovered on the Souris river,
etectiou of gitoernment buildings, es-
tat•lishment of a land 'office, new cus-
tomhouse, new post -office; and building
a bridge across the river, hre all c
deafly expected. The falai increase of
the population is a feature rif interest,
indiatting rapid settlemeta. 'In laces
it, this popalation only reach el
souls; in Oethbor ita had .attai ed
1,500; while in Oetobor '73, it more t an
doubled the preceding year, and reached
3,600. The buildings which were erect-
ed last summer *me of a•better class
tluin formerly, ninny ef them being of
bnck, a good quality of whiclt is now
erected. The business houses also large -
manufactured. Some 309 in all were
iy increased, and nen comprise eixteen
general stores, three furniture stores, a
bookstore, three' bakeries:1;v,, f ,ir- stores,
two aaddler's shems, two 'shoemaker
shops, three ,drag etores, two watch-
maker shops, a volatilities shop, three
blacksmith 3 shops, OHO carriage factory,
and four saw-mille. Our informant says
all aro doing a good business. The trade
by, flat -boats amour Id, du ri ng the 'eaten
just clnapd, tit about nfty thousand /Jol-
ters. The site of Winnipeg is apparently
designed by nature to be the.centre of a
large district. It is placed at the junct-
ion of two important rivers. What the
people of that place chiefly desire now
is better and cheaper commanication
with Ontario,
Groat ?Ira tit. John, IT. R.
ST. Jolts, N. B. Nor. laoi-A fire
broke out in. Messrs. Allan Btu's. iron
foundry, Carleton, at 6.30 Jut evening.
The wind was blowing strongly from
the north -salt, and owing to a defective
supply of water, the flames special with
great timidity; The foundry was entire-
ly destroyed. The loss ia estimated at
thirty or forty thousaad dollars, but the
warehouse autl building, in which pat -
wilativethr Qweiilora•slfhori prea,„,„,,, me,neero of the
streets. Tho housci destroyed were of G_ crertnnent Holum, Cunene, to
oaf l'ral'relinetliltent end promiuent MIL-
T 60111 conauls in the
street, •and burned fifteen dwelling g ether of Senators, Mete -
house, on Guilford, Union anil SVintilow munstranon tho A Docal Ad -
nearly 0,000. The fire creased the
tens. The ;nth wia administered by
At their old. ?Aoki.
The Opposition press have lost no
and slander, similar to that pursued on On the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. A )(red
time in inaugurating a policy of lying
the defeat of' the Patent Combination OnGtiahnev8illeth insSi.rillmt.',.the'edfofesofi°nMe. Thos.
tthwaot yvr,sure hagoha.dObeen Seta duisrdamisysedthefymemtattedhe . : Coggins, Usbillentb a i °°°•
or; that the reason Mr. Huntington watt 1:1:,_t_t•te 12th hist., tlest wife of Mr. Gee.
Intercolonial Railway Board, and Hort.
cause Lord Dufferin refused to receive erTseael.a:00oiedf,aniga,steothon..e4iirgth. philinsti_r., whiruiw4Rev.
him; that the Governor and the new
Malcolm Cameron appointed his success/ -
not taken into the Government vas ben
Cabinet had some ,disagreement -ani so ofto CltIliinfloltawy. Theism skinner, both
on. It ii needless to add that all these
stories are untrue. Mr. Cameron does •
done nothing to forfeit the respect Cf
not want any office. Mr. Huntington has I° Seaf°14•11. r'll 14°"u1-..illdir 8' ii -v ReY.
timer. DO''nt tshteeecoPend. Ivin. t° MI" Elannak - -- ' b-(411
Thomas Goldsmith, Mare.ii.nJeennd Cann -
of Clinton.- e
trary, he is entitled to the thanks of On the 4th inst., by the Rev, J. Pena.
every honest man in the Dominion for ard, Mr. Thomas Patterson, of Me-
ths courage and perseverance be dim. Killop, to Miss Jane Thompson, of
try. The last of the aboveonentioned residence of and by the Reverend
slanders is :as foundatinnless as the Million' ,Anderson, 111.. A , Mr. Thos. if
others: Lord Dnfferin has so often and
which threatened the rain of the coun- At Kincardine, on the 11t1; inst., at du
set it forth. ao hip duty to fole meron.
breaking up the oonspiracy Wingham. •
'Hardy, to Mies Eliza Cranialt, both of '
low the ailtice of his cieinstitutional ad- On the 6th Nov.; b the Her. 1. Tor- t
einem, thatatll statement* as tu a 0011..
traotieenurse of conduct on his pert may.
be Bet 4101111. RA C,1 en's at OfIrAf. 51ore-
ovidiolis present advisers will dot loom
IlioExeolletiey to do any grastionable
41/44 Tito Constitution erot be
.‘attabeed" by them, os it was hv their
rape; at the rest nce of IN D. Hep,
trim, Esq., Guelph, Me. J n Gray,
of. the Township of Tuckenonith,
- County of Huron, to Miss Manua Tel-
ford, of Whitby.
LOZ60.2.. rl'ssen .B.rttse iirKilitito on the 8th nitodene Seitz- •
• et% belos-ed wife of W annon, Reeve -
„ of McKillop, aeel 35 years and 5
' t Ilr 4:.tr1;11,4'44 :6'2114..611"0 at Oita- 4- mouths.
Ale 'epithing hes been dem, ie the wity In Exiitei?, on the 4th inta , ate,' won.
peshitre ferear I Cele etiterprise: Daylee:-..Sectetshe . of se ;Alen anil
1-.;111)*30ti,tiliedtcill:1":12.,pne71:11atX(ilivic ente.ca75trurt/eli ArgirincNniotva.r1112.64k!lheit-rtY. Ed ward,
wiiste vat mit de time; is a cr vie e elerine. agf"72:h1)8(:11.,prsebf ,M2rtnonitlirisaanet raTelladnoyaelln
11110.48 ttl 0;4 .8.1.11(.111i14 11/61SCIlt
Mtn 'Arline contrived it; kill off tho lilt1
*rulepott.lerrt. -project. Ile has stnce
ri.I the Mese of ;tr. meta in" -
mit elements. I h:o; everything
Os own way.• The people, f.- ini
on to Kitacerdinentow ask, Why
The New •York so ii.y.."41 , Cie
"grab eetrite pleyel ny .tho Pacific Scan-
dal Cabinet. that "the whole peoceed-
ing •Pfle Worthy of the 'very loweet grede
of American politic' le whkh is ...„.,..
ing w great deal."' -- ' t
Mr. Jne. Coyne, . 1'. P., who rep-
reseuted l'oel in thee/inane Leeeilature“
flied at his residence- ht Bratiipten on
Sunday. Ile hod teoen iil fur a consider-
able length of time, and contumptive
finelly clines.' 111111 off at the 'early age hf
35 -years. .
A vieorous effort is to lie trade by the
Conseryatives of the County •of Lennox
to deftest Mr. Centel -Oa, thee newly -
appointed Finance Miniater. At a teem-
ing hold at Napanee on Thursday, Mr:
'Hooper, Treasurer 9f the Comae, was
cheaen to oppose Mr. Cartwright,
' . Tho Belleville ()Agri° leant* that np
to the present time thirty-one quarterly
meetings of the alethedist New Connex-
ion Ceurch have given 'verdicts upon
the subject of Union with the Wesleyan
Methodist, twerityaive in faveur ot the
proposed intim! mid six &pima it. .
The population of the village of Pal-
tnerston, the junction Of the main line
lind the Southern extenition of the n el-
linaton, Grey ana Bruce, according to a
recent censun, now numbers 603. Three
years ago, where the village now et suds
was corenvd with wooda. An effort is
being made to get it incorporated.
- The Mall has recently had, nnder the
heading, aShrinkage of Values," seine
excellent articles on the commerci il af-
fairs of tho l'ilited States. Could not
our contemporary also give its ite opin-
ion on the "Shrinkeee of values" in the
eetimates ota,lee itf Macdonald -Allan
taajerities in the Ciontuonsl-Time.s.
A death under peculiar circumstances
teek place at Sand Point the ether day.
The Arnprior,lieriete lures that' an el-
derly woman named atm. Rill, died
fn ra fright. Being sick and confined
to her bode in the evening her daughter
lit a candle in the room, t e reflection of
which, on the wall, vie etta ied Mrs. Rill
that she died front the e ts, thinking
the house was on fire. .1 ' '
The Dorniniou Geverratout are under-
stood to hese information of eerions dis-
turbancen antengst the Inilien tribes in
the Ntottowest. A collision between
the Blackfeet rad Croce lets rosnited in
a loss of lifo. Same uneasiness in con-
sequence is felt in the settlement, the
more se because of a suspicion that the
half-breeds are more .or loss cennected
in fomenting the dieturbauces.
Before prorogation, Mr. DeCoemos,
Premier of British Colarnbia, gave notice
ilea he would move an address to the
Governor General, preying that he may
°Pen negotiations with the Imperial
Government for the purpose of ascer-
taining on what condition the Domin-
Pon mey be admitted to a full share in
$11 the national rights, privileges and
resposibilities id the United Kiug-
dorn, and that the result of the negotia-
tions be submittea tu Parliatnent as soon
as prnsible.
On Wednesday afternoon last the
ceremony of swearing into office Lieut.
Governor Crawford took place ;if the
the tenement class, occupied by itearly
I sixty families in all. The hisses ai
known, are as follows : Qtteen, $4,300;.
' Liverpool, London and allobe, attemo
; His Metter entertained ..he party a
• ,Nottliern $1,S110. Other ukoes pro.
-In • Et1 409
Chief Justice Draecr. Thew were
about thiety pereens preseta by innta-
*ion. The ceremony liai ing tenicluded
'Ursa.; Itatal313 in. oraonlana '
L whin, TiOv. IL -Intelligence ban
'been received hero that a greet begin, ,
prevails in Creralend, cieuset1 by the.
failure of the fisheries. • Iti ono miller,
alone 151 prawns hap) .staryad to
' death.
Stanley, of Aietein explor.n t 1401,.
nett'. saileil recently, as correspondent
°fiat Lawton for the west costat
of Atfloo, teetee with ill111 A large steam
ot.. •
.1.5 all
dee not Mr. Carling. humid .his line!
IV era is the Whenkee the delay?
sea he neol att eidiotistiati rageting of
eituens-te sotiglile ageing roel?-A
verfeser. • . •
. _tee,/
THE CASE ' RIEL.-St11110 rot'
Orange lodge* linnighout . Canada have
met and passed restitutions protesting Itiel 'being allowed to take- his
seat in.the Moue ot Caramels, land de -
titling his arrest send trial foe uiuriler.-
N 1110 of them,. however, nem to have
mein of detiouneing the lino orern-
lit, whine vacillating ottof timorous
pnlicy towards the Red River rebels is
..pery to' blame for this awkward que,s-
don. They received Biers' ilelegides and
negetiatsed with thens.'and by so' &Ong,.
it is claintedereeeennied bit govennatent
as a de fiwto - one.' _poiseatied of belliger-
ent powers. Mordover, Iliel's ' friends
claim Wit they can eubmit -ptoof thIn an
anineaty was solemnly promised hitn and
his secomplices hie the Matdonald,Itinia-
try and representatives /of the . iiiperiai
Gbvernment. _This eel seriously Cent -
plicates the matter,and is ono of the evil
leeecies left by the late Gueernment te.);
th'eir successors. It looks vex, impolitic
Fronch-Canadiaus -11 espouse Bier.
eatise as they- hare doneeinstead of show-
ing a willingnesn snionit hie case to-
nic aiibitratien ef justiee, when -all that'
could be alleged in his fe.ver would rie.
ceive dee eousideration. They are wield-
ing a two-edged weapon in ree dents -
t I
STR tifett„-Threo young men, rePro-
seating three different firm, in this newts
teolt charge of three little bills which
theo were instructel to collect, from the
eeptain of tite "Mere- Peobinsonf' ette' day
last week. The captain received his vial -
tom with marked conneliy, etiquired
te their Pbreical condition. invited`them
into his cabin, and pressed them to -join
hint in a scaial glass. Fort voliee sec/eels
afeerwards the "Mary Robinson" was
oteasning «ninety nit 'of Collingwood
harb,,r, and the fr
nice young men
for news trona • limago. -eelliegicood
Bullet:le lath inet.
ids of those threw -
now looking eagerly
The' Late Moe leorge Clark, the thread
maaufacturer. left a legato ot B20,000
.:*CLU 2bUCCIISCIrents.
rt,AME into the snbscriber's premises,
lo 6, Baylead Read, about the
i.adi of September. two sheep and a
b. nether will pkaae prove proper-
, p expenses and take them - away.
'Noveinber lath. 1873. 1396es
VAMP:, to the asbbscribnr's leretnises,
Lot 7, Cum* 10, E. • D. Colborne;
about 15th Octobta hest. a whitepteer.
comingtwo yeaire old. The (miter will
please prove prope. aty, pay expenses and It
tette it 'away.
. • ,
Colborne, 13th .,Neve187a. 1396ca
Dominion of Oanad a.
Profits front $200 to $300 per month.
Permanent employment.
I39341* . 32 King.St. East, Toronth.
&F.,e7: •
fat AI trill
sa, 'HE Council of the6rporationed the
• Connty of Lthren, will meet in tbe
To;rn Mall in Seaforzh, upon Tuesday,
the 2rid day -of Decembee
County Clerk.
enmity Clerk's 011iee,
Goelerich; Nev. 17tis1/373.: } 13 96b
TE 'undersigned ieready, sa
fee the ereetien eta/new town hall in ALL, lijS1)S 0.F FURS .
Paisleye 'Picot I.sti 1. Tbe trill steos have on the shartast notice. Faran,f every
purchased a site' for the builaing. The deecription" Made to erdir.. Highest
he'd, which li t'1.1, c wit RI leateti is bi tn. prire :given fer Raw Film.
elude a lareo puldic !readine reom, to ne
open froui li s. ni, till midnight, liar' the 'Grebe and. •Featiffirs fiGleanel •
esenf woraina nts'a. a'h'Saro tl'ie be tier- . N..% B. --Removed te the caklence for-,
Mined to read tile newspepers, riatite 'tingly ocetipied be tile Rev. Father
andato he Itt liberty_ 44 suoiloi w.ifibeit 'Fender, liineeten Citreet,IGiderich.
." ' - ----..------- 2 ' t ' - Nov •• ifie t e I e7 ' . l'eC *
.. The fella% ing in the latest gientnibu- '
. . , ___a_..-..
eoei te the Pantie Seanilal litecatiria. et . .. .
1Pirencis linicks durine a severe fit. f y -
is. ena to hare beon prodacei 1S‘,
sp;-;.i,f.c....,.,,,,H-f,t 1111 it'S l'aill1111L'Ai011' NA1 4-14.,14 TkottCliEttoi.
before the conmituee. 1 he grits say ,
hte evidenceettrneti acid on las etotn Itch,: .rhea: Exa
What ii the dererence bet Woen a..patent a: •
camile.comp#nv mid the grizel i ate 111511-
114,1411111 tlioderigh, on
- •
nation of .Candidates foe
lase Certificates will be
lifacterve specific candles and the (eller
PA4:Ailuele E8C:IK.1.1aill'a!: the famous rib t`liief
ali,Xfor 15 yaers wegad him -onto .war
api4t, the French in Algeriasaud whose
tiboeartlihellalL71711.,i Inei:'•ertite(eet tifr'erlirtititl'tairti-eslelli.Ls-
ed from cepiftity by tke Emperor,'
and in ackmmledgeenent . noted., n, ver
to take ttp arms against Fratiee; again, a
vow whieh he' observed religiously. A
few months 'since he forwarded six Arab
tunnels of the pure« breett, as a present
l'huident McMahon.
Capteau Lott, of thee:revel steantship
Scotise, luis been across the A tlaittic
times. Lott is as thorough a salt as the
wife of his great ancestor.
There is. a ghee oystere et Patti,
mere, and the Arvrieen' says' that some
..)1 the oysterman threaten to throw their
caret'« overbear,' iinte.deep .water. •
"1-111E MARZE1'n
• Wheat, (VAMP? tuah...r..: at g 1
Vbeet.(Sprurg) libush.t. 1 00 0 1 C2
rtour.(per ba) '' Or sa
1 anon otos e 41 0 41
7 Nu. ev c 54 a e 20
Harley NO hush 3 01 SO 0 SS
Potatoes. bush 0 45 EP 0 IA
Hay per ton tr. oh f; ve ete .
ieketut-yer pair 0-25 d 30
Itotte.r,* lb o 21 0
E,Q.:t. V dos (unpack:110 18 4N. el
Beef 4 6t, Op
5 01 571- 5 01.).
it'oo,1 3 00 • 3 le
Tan B trk 4 00 0 01
tie special Telegraph to the
CIA otos. Nov. 14, IC73.
Wheat. (Fall) per bush.. Et 10 1 15
Wheat, (Spring) per hash1 03 CA I 06
Flour, (per] br1) 6 00 00
Oats. per bush.......t. 0 38 a 0 40
Pea.te, per bush 0 22 0 ».$ •
tunny, per 1 00 a 1 (.1
Potstoes; per boob, 0 43 0 45
Rutter 0 17 2/ 0 26
Rags, per dos. (unpacked)0 12 IA 0 : 3
Hay, 18 00 Et 21 00
911-ep sktas
1 00 I 50
6 1'0 44 6 25
PiareRTH,NOV. IS, 1373.
en 1 See P. M.
And itteT 4`).PAY, leith DECEMBER,
at 9 A. M. for Tleird (Naas.
Exemination of dandidates for
First ,Ciaas Certificate, Will be held at
the same place commencing on
1"223) AY. 26111 DECEMBER,
Canditotes w.itatto lift(e)nPd. rome up foe
examinatton are romired to notify the
underagne,1 ot that effect not later than
Frelaattlee Nevettiner.
Secy. ihard Examitiers.
Aloilei lei:, Nov. lith, 1873. 139810
- ,_-
'BRIGHT, clie••rful, enema and pro -
*rennet!, the "Home" takes mak
!vita] the beat perodicals the day. It
sChearst rst C as. Magazine
vi is the!
in the country -and more thoroughly
identified with the people in their social
and demesne life then any other.
Evers- yearly subscriber has a choice
tame of bile followira large and elegant
aSetlra'erideltigratli:li'nige7.r-u1P1,:7.°F-f Irlalate
Previncial Exhiltitihn held in London.
02"Poreacetenee.b,e, unto this House," "rh e
.1,,Bh.porslietratrin5Tiileef:cri(i2let:41211:1:ac.:stol E'ree. A1Z:reela‘;hrPveacef
SImple item-
ise Salar;AoGr ECoYniThen..4sWiAoniC. rk:*
:en36 d at once for Circelars
J. W, JONES. 'London, Ont.
- Self:. General Agent.
Wheat, (Fall) ....... . „el ofk 1 11
Wheat. (Spring) per WA ... 1 05 1 07
Flour, (per 114) 6 00 0 00
Barley, per bush 0 Al " 1 00
Data, per bush 0 " 0 87
Pease, per hash 0 50 " 0 55
Potatoes, per bush 0 40 " 0 45
Butter, No. I 0 20 " 0 22
No,'2 0 00 " 0 16
" No. 3 0 00 " 0 10
No. 4 0 00 0 08
Eggs , per dos. (unpacked).- 0 15 " 00
1141118 4 00 5 00
Hey 15 00 tt
Wood 3 20 " 73
TO17.4)510 MARKETS.
Nov. 15th. -Fal1Wheot $1.12 to $1.1.8.
Spring do $1.09 to 1.1'). Barbey $1-10
to 41.14. Oats 42c. to 4:3c. Peas B70 to
60c. Ryo 60o to 65e. Butter 23crato 30c.
Eggs 200 to 22c.
Nev.150e. - Whearammilial. peeepee
to 83e. Barlaty $1.tr2 to 81 (Ki Owie 371c.
to $7•30-,
20c to ro. A *hos- leo an, pewee
Butter 90 to 23*.Ch'emoi 110 to i Se. le ese, 1
ooentie titeere. • en
Nov. Lialleoe-Fall Wheat a' haud at
$1.1.S• Sprits.: do $1.12 to $1, et nee.
famout Arab chit II- ley 90c to 61.13. Pees 55 to Site. 04411
taijkl1b,t' th° 3ac so353. Ilo lace 2043 to 27o. Egg* S'On
ComE A L L
Lion B-T-tAg
Dress " V
Ta wn nano, dr" I if 0.
'21.16P°t011.11; Ctt Pg
t • 'of fiiiirtiegi on
3,),f Moe,
. • e