HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-10-21, Page 23A SWINGING TIME—Left Kim Van Dongan, Sandra Relouw and Cassie Van Dongan all of Grand Bend take the opportunity to swing on the railings at the Zurich arena while their, mothers signed them up for figure skating latst Saturday. Photo by McKinley Lambton may build museum Ts' Mon. to Sat, Everyday Low Price Toastmaster or Weston's 24 oz. 3/9 Can. No. 1 BUTTER lb. 1.12 c"^ Silverwoods, 2% or Skim BAG MILK3c,t. bag $1.48 Chapmans ICE CREAM; 2 litres 98' TISSUES 200's Kleenex, 2 ply SUPER SPECIALS Thurs., Friday and Sat. only Westons, Sliced White BREAD 24 oz. 28' Chapmans ICE CREAM 2 litres 88' sqlc.,(4i 'WAWA WHITE rr:7- BREAD RINDLESS BACON lb $ I 058 Schneiders Thuringer SUMMER SAUSAGE Whole lb. 1.38 Store Sliced COOKED HAM Ready To Eat PICNIC ' HAMS 88e Fresh Pork Rib or Tenderloin End LOIN ROAST lb $1 .28 STEAKS lb $1'.48 Spectacular Feature Fresh Select, Whole PORK LOIN lb. 98' No charge for processing IntrodUring Our Own Regular or Kosher Style CORNED BEEF lb. 1.28 plus with each purchase of Corned Beef FREE one large cabbage head. Aliens Apple Juice 48 oz. E,D, Smith Garden Cocktail., 28.z. 58' Beehive t. Corn Syrup 2 lbs. 68' York Smooth Peanut Butter 3 lbs. $2.08 Village Soft Margarine 400 gr. 3P1 Treesweet Unsweetened, 1 Juice Orange, Grapefruit or Blended 48 oz, Javex Liquid Bleach Kraft Dinners reserve the right to limit quantities '441184/ Schneiders w*"/, POLISH SAUSAGE ..98c Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS lb.$1018 ides of Beef lb. 891 2 or more 2 or more, lb. 67c sides, lb. 87c 4 lb. 69' 2 Average weight 150 to 175 Hinds of Beef ib.$1.1 0 2 or more hinds, lb. $ 1 .08 Price Includes Processing Adieedi PRODUCE' SPECIALS Golden Yellow Bananas lb. 15' Ont, No. 1 Cauliflower 48, Florida No. I Tangelos 78, lb.$1 .88 Schneiders Regular or Red Hot Frozen Boneless Delmonico or Loin Strip Limited Quantity - No Rain Checks 3' 64 oz, 55' 7 1/4 oz. 27' Al Aged Charolais, Angus or Hereford Steer Beef Average 300 to 350 lbs. Average weight 150 to 175 lbs. ronts Beef F f Open 6 Days A Week Prices Effective Oct. 20 to Closing Oct. 26 WIENERS lb. *AV SUNWORTHY YES-YOU-CAN 1NALLCOVERINGS SAVE 20% TO 40% OI NNs ItC WALLPAPER Daily 8:30 to 6:00 . . 238,8603 mom 38 main St. BEND ;CORATING Times-Advocate, October 21, 1976 Page 23 plan debate • eluding vill age not only Grand Bend municipalities that focus on but also neighbouring Grand Bead," II) 11)1414AS Central Location Beside P.O. Full Prescription Service 9-5:30 CLOSED WED. & SUN, OFF SEASON 238-8540 RAND BEND of Grand Bend, donated the in museum to the county in his will, and now Fred Walden has donated his private colection to the county as well. To accommodate the collec- tions, council is looking into the feasibility of building a museum in the area of 18,000 sqUare feet in size located on land approximately three miles south of Grand Bend, 'The committee appointed by Lambton County council is planning to tour four museums in the area to get a look at their good and "bad points in order to discover just what type of building would be most • efficient. If the plans do go through for the new museum, there ' would likely be a fund-raising drive throughout the area to raise public funds for the pro- ject. This would enable the county to make use of Wintarjo grants as it is the policy of Win- tario to only supply grants matching what has been col- lected from public funds for the project, In this manner, hope- , fully the cost of ,the build- ing would not have to be added , to the taxes of the people in the area. Money' raised by the sale of the Eisenbach property would be considered public funds. Reeve of Grand Bend, Bob Sharon is on the committee looking into the possibility of the new museum. He says the committee could make their recommendations to council as early as two to three months from now. However, it would be - a year to a year and a half be- fore there could possibly be a functioning museum on the ,proposed new site. • Spectacular Savings . . . at our 5th Anniversary Orlon SALE $10.95 '11 iii( PULLOVERS Reg. $6,00 PULLOVERS S.S. SALE $1450 1 \ • ) Orlon-rest Reg. .1 1 .00 Banlort SALE $3095 PLUS - 100's Of Sweaters $1.88 to $7.88 ALL SALES FINAL SWEATER SHOP FACTORY OUTLET GRAND BEND '16 Main St, Phone 238-8007 Tues.-Wed.-Sun. 12.5:30 Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. 10-5:30 ' Men's . PULLOVERS Reg. $18.00 Wool Turtleneck ,SALE $9.95 CARDIGAN Reg. $27.00 OrlorvV,Neck SALE $12.95 N.S. PULLOVERS Reg. $15.00 Orlon V-Neck SALE $7.95 Women's WRAP CARDIGANS Reg. '$21,00 SALE A new museum may be in the late Peter Eisenbach, owner offing for Lambton County, The the Eisenbach museum COMPLETE coyERAGE FOR Home * Farm * Life * Comrriercial .Automobile Registered Retirement Plans CONTACT Bev MOrgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 23$ Main St.' Phone 235-2544 Exeter Across from Saveway Lumber • Question reeve's right to participate in his rather unfortunate position as over by the reeve Bob Sharen or predate and applaud the ex- an officer or sharehplder of an before a body which is securing investment or holding company professional ad' ice from Mrs, which we understand is actively Jean Monteith, your planning engaged in the purchase of consultant, property governed by this Southcott continued, "We wish bylaw." to stress that we make no in- With regret and on advice of ference or suggestion that he has our solicitor we feel we should not intentionally influenced any participate in any discussion of decision in a way that could be our objections to the zoning construed as improper." bylaw in a forum that is presided "Further we recognize, ap- tensive amount of time that he has given in the past and con- tinues to give now in what we believe to be a conscientious and honest service to the com- munity." The prepared statement read by Southcott continued, "However, it appears to be ob- vious that in his position as reeve and inherent with that post, his influence of council, he may find himself in an awkward position while acting at the same time as an officer or shareholder of an investment company buying property in the community controlled by this bylaw." "Therefore we have taken the advice of our solicitor who feels it is inappropriate and inadviSable for us to review our objections before a body that is presided over by Mr. Sharen or one of' which he may be a participating member," . "Furthermore we are advised by our solicitors that Wir, Sharen's awkward position might lead to a breach of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1972." Officials of Southcott Pines Parklands Limited told Grand Bend council Monday night that they were questioning the right of Reeve Bob Sharen to participate in discussions of objections to the zoning bylaw. Spokesman Don Southcott said, "Our concern about discussing the zoning of our properties with a body presided over by the reeve relates to what we believe to be Later in the meeting when the matter was discussed briefly by council, Sharen commented, "This objection by Southcott's will certainly bring on a public hearing before our zoning bylaw can become law," Sharen who is a director of Ausable Holdings which has purchased two properties in the village during the past year said he feels he would be restricted from discussion only on properties which his firm has a direct interest. The Southcott Pines release in reference to Mrs. Monteith who is the planning consultant for Community Planners said, "As for Mrs. Monteith we strongly resent and repudiate the suggestions she has made in a recent telephone conversation that we are an unscrupulous or underhanded developer. These insinuations were made by her when we attempted to arrange a discussion with Mrs. Monteith over the philosophy and approach she used in the development of this zoning bylaw and the com- plementary statement of plan- ning policies." 4°' "Because we are gentOely disturbed at what we believe to be a plan or concept lackingt in both quality and imagination for the development of a resort communitywhich in our view has considerable potential to attract tourism facilities and services of a high quality, we wanted the opportunity to consider her views before registering our criticism of the bylaw." "We specifically stated on at least two occasions that we did not wish to discuss with her any concerns we had about the zoning of our company-owned properties but rather the overall concept. Despite these clarifications, she appeared to insist that we were attempting solely to influence her for our own personal gain and that our motives were dishonourable." ("We totally reject her in- sinuations. We believe we have tried to take a responsible and conscientious approach to any development activities we have undertaken, Further, we have attempted to consider the needs of the general community in. Cite possible conflict of interest