HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-10-21, Page 18Page 18 Times-Advocate, October 21, 1976 Hensaill and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-5018 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 No official word on arena SUCCESSFUL MOOSE HUNT — Five Zurich and Henson area hunters moose in a recent trip to the Elk Lake area of Northern Ontario. From the Dave Phillips and Richard Walker. Also on the trip was Mike Walker. were successful in bagging three left are Joe Vanstone, Ken Smote, T-A photo The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER Youngsters sure do brighten Up home. Who ever saw one of them turn off a light? • * * Lawyer to prisoner: "I'll-carry this case to the highest court in the land -- but in the meantime, you'd better try to escape." Vacatiom a period during which people find out where to stay away from next year. * * * The husband who brags that he never made a mistake has a wife who did. * * * Neighbor: a Iperson who is always doing something you can't afford. * * You can afford Homelite's Special October prices on the XL-1 and Super Mint chainsaws. See your neighbors at JACK'S Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St., Hensall 262-2103 *1 Exeter Office 235-2420 Grand Bend Office 238-8484 1/2 GAL. Shaw's ICE CREAM $1.89 DAIRY , STORE Henson SHAW'S Best interest We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investmcnt Certificates. .111M1•1011. Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. * Subject to change MEL'S SPECIALS Complete Line of Magazines Pocket novels, and Comics Ill It lii I ill 1111 tilt Iii IllIllIlill 11111111 111111 lIlt 11111111 In 111111111 III lIlt 1111 III 11111 11111 Iii 1111111 III PEPSI, COKE CANOES 3/99( Buy Now At CANS = BEST $4.24 CASE OFFER WORK CLOTHING CLEARANCE 1/3 OFF NOTICE Village of Hensall All persons are hereby notified that the school support list for the Village of Hensall was posted in the Clerk's office Mon- day, October 18, 1976. The latest date for filing applications for alteration of school support is November 5, 1976. Revi- sion of the list and processing applications will take place at 11 a.m., November 6, 1976 at the Clerk's office, 108 King St., Hensall, Ont. Robert J. Heil, Clerk-Treasurer TOWNSHIP OF HAY School Support List The School Support List of all electors prepared as required was publicly posted in the Office of the Municipal Clerk on the 21st day of October, 1976. Complaints in the nature of requests for alter- ation of school support may be made by an elector completing and filing a form obtainable at the office of the clerk. The last day for filing forms requesting altera- tion of School Support is the 5th day of Novembet, 19M. Wayne C. Horner Clerk-Treasurer Township of Hay TANGELOS Ont. No. 1 CAULIFLOWER Salado PriorPack Tea Bags Rosedale Choice Cream Corn 19 fl. oz. Campbell's Cream of 10 fl. oz, MVP/ MOP riiiikoimAKES McLaren's Sweet 32 fl. oz. ixed Pickles Sani Flush 34 oz. Toilet Bowl Crystals 69' Squirrel Peanut Butter 3 lb. $2.09 Soft N Pretty, Single Ply Toilet Tissue 4 roll pack 894 Devon Side Bacon $1 .29 Medium (formerly Ground Chuck) Ground Beef Prociuct U.S.A., Size 120's TURKEY WINGS LOIN OF BEEF 1414D,OF BEEF SIDE OF BEEF FRONT OF BEEF BEEF PATTIES , 1063. box 3.90 lb. 1.19 Fully Processed lh. 5 1.09 Fully processecI lb. 854 Fully processed lb, 694 (No Filler) 10 tbs. '57'90 WEEKEND SPECIALS OCTOBER 20, 21, 22, 23 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items. • Written confirmation of the verbal permission from the ministry of labor to keep the Hensall arena open for the coming winter months has not yet been received by the village clerk. However, clerk Bob Heil expects it to arrive shortly. Under the conditions of the verbal agreement, the village would be required to undertake minor repairs to the roof above the ice surface and to monitqr the snow and wind load throu- ghout the winter months. Gregus Construction will begin work this week on the HENSALL MINOR SPORTS MEETING Tues., Oct. 26 8 p.m. HENSALL ARENA All interested persons please attend. Persons still needed to coach and manage teams for the up- coming hockey season. minor repairs so the opening of the arena will not be delayed, Engineer B.M. Ross and Associates are to continue with their plans for the complete Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keyes, Grand Bend spent the weekend holidaying in the Bruce Pen- ninsula area. Mr. & Mrs. Art Alexander, Brucefield visited with Mr. & Mrs. Don Volland and family Sunday and attended the Bap- tismal Service in Carmel Presbyterian when their grand daughter Angelo Michelle Volland was baptized. Constable Gerry Chapman, Mrs. Chapman and daughters of Burlington and Mr. Rod Chap- man who has been transferred to the Bank of Montreal, Barrie spent the weekend with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mrs. Betty Scott, Seaforth; Mrs. Doris Bonthron, Janice and Shelley , London were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Bevan Bonthron and daughters on Sunday and at- tended the Baptismal service in Carmel Presbyterian Church when Erin Rebecca Bonthron was baptized. Mr. & Mrs. Bill O'Brien, Todd and Stacey of Bridgen were recent visitors with Mrs. renovation of the arena, The complete renovation project could cost around $200,000 according to an estimate local officials made earlier this year. O'Brien's parents Mr. & Mrs. Joe Flynn. Miss Amy Lammie had the misfortune to fall last week and in so doing fractured her wrist. Miss Mary Goodwin spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Young and John at Lake- side. Mrs. Elizabeth Faber, Mrs. Harvey Hyde, -Mrs. Eleanor Thompson and Mrs. Rachael Schwalm attended the Huron Presbyterial at Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderich, on Wednesday, October 13 and gave the devotional there. Mr. Gordon -Schwalm, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Al Amerlinck of Sarnia is visiting his daughter and family, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert French and Roy of Rosseau. Miss, Amy Lammie had the misfortune to fall on the steps and fracture her wrist 'while leaving the beauty parlour recently. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Daisy [vey and Mrs. Elizabeth Vol- land last week included Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Johnston of Bruce- field, Mr. and Mrs. Al Amer- linck of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Taylor of Varna, Mrs. Margaret Coombs of Clinton, Miss May Somerville of Winni- peg and Mrs. Vera Hood of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mac- Gregor of Carmen, Manitoba and Mr. and Mrs. George Van Stone of Miami, Manitoba, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal and Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyk of Holland visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Konynendyk of Woodstock on Tuesday. On Wednesday, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Dyke in Bradford and went from there onto Atwood where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Van Dyke. On Sunday, they all had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy of Centralia. Mrs. Rosa Harris, Mrs. Pearl Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth Alex- ander, Mrs. Hilda Payne and Mrs. Dorothy Mickle attended the Fall Rally of the Senior Citizens of Huron County, Zone 8, at Saltford Valley Hall near Goderich lag Thursday, Octo- ber 14, hosted by the Senior Citizens Club of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard of Zurich visited with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch on Saturday. The third meeting of the Hen- sall 1 4-H Club, the Barley Buddies, was held at the home of Lisa Hamather when the members made nuts and bolts and cherry-bran squares and discussed the merits of the different grains in a regular diet. The next meeting will be held at the home of Becky Baker. The second meeting of the Ladies study China health At the Thanksgiving meeting of Unit 1 of Hensall U.C.'W, the devotional was 1,aken by Mrs. Ken McLean, She opened with a Thanksgiving poem after which the hymn, "When all Thy mercies, 0 my God" was sung accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Bill Fuss. Luke 17, vv, 11-19 was read by Mrs. McLean and she then gave us many good thoughts to remem- ber, In spite of many difficulties people might have, they should be thankful, not only at Thanks- giving time, or for some special thing, but give thanks every day of the year. At the business session, after the minutes, roll call and financial reports, plans for the baking for the booth at the Church Action Sale were finalized. Mrs. Don Beck gave an interesting study on the improv- ed health situation in China. Health courses are organized in cities with all being involved, then students are sent to rural clinics. As China shows, con- tributors at all levels of social and political life are needed to effect change, and the efforts of each individual are valuable inputs into the total struggle. Whatever a person can do best, in his or her own way, is signi- ficant. "Everybody is a some- body." Mrs. Mabel Shirray gave some highlights of her Nor- way trip showing some pictures, one of which was very inter- esting. It was a very large church with spectacular archi- tecture. Study on Cuba at Chiselhurst The Thanksgiving meeting of the Chiselhurst UCW was held on Tuesday and was well attended. The president Mrs, Harold Parker read a poem "Little Boy Lost" followed by a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Harold Parsons presented the Worship taken from the 103rd Pslam on Thanksgiving. Final arrangements were made for the Bazaar on Oct. 28 at 3 p.m. at Chiselhurst, Each member will bake a pie for the lunch booth when a sale of ar- ticles from your attic will be auctioned off at Bonthron's warehbuse on October 30. Proceeds going towards renovations to the manse. The Offering was received and dedicated, Mrs. Vera Brintnell read a short poem and conducted a contest from Genesis. Mrs. Dick Taylor gave the topic from the study book on Cuba. The meeting closed with prayer. Mrs. Freida Boa and Mrs. Edward Stoneman were hostesses for the lunch. United Church The service at the Hensall United Church on Sunday was conducted by Rev. Don Beck with Mr. John Blackwell at the organ and Miss Karen Mc- Allister at the Piano. Two organ and piano duets were played during the service, "Supplica- tion" by Franz Schurbert and "Allegretto" by Joseph Hay- den, The sermon was on the topic, "One with Christ" and pointed out that as Christ paid the ransom for us with His life and blood, so we should be willing to pay a ransom for Him and our friends and neighbours. The flowers in the church were from the funeral of Mrs. Clara McDonald. Hensall 3 4-H Club, met on Tuesday, October 12 when members answered the roll call, "State the cereals you have used in your diet today". The pledge was repeated, and a discussion took place on using whole-grain cereals and cooked cereals. The girls then pre- pared onion rice and dogwoods, and all enjoyed the results afterwards as well as a drink of lemonade. Baptism service Rev. W.D. Jarvis c'onducted Baptismal Service in Carmel Presbyterian on Sunday when Erin Rebecca Bonthron, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bevan Bonthron and Angelo Michelle Volland, daughter of Mr, & Mrs. Don Volland were baptized. The choir under the direction of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall sang "County Your l3lessings." The floyers in the church were placed in loving memory of the late Mrs. Roy A. MacDonald. The ladies of the church are holding a Fall Bazaar on November 6 at 3:00 p.m. There will be a sale of baking, sewing & produce. Tea win be served, The couple's club will hold a bowling party, Sunday 'October 24 from 2 to 4 p.m. They will return to Carmel Church People and events Barley Buddies continue project