HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-11-19, Page 1 or
Per, if i
IOU/ Mr.Christie is widely-known an
a alfticultuilist,and has been Plesident
the A griculturej Association of Up
Canada, and of the new Agricul
7:_. and Arts Association of On
Ilk, I
4L A &at for the-county of Wit
1 6 the Canada Assembly from 1861 a
W54,and fI,r East Brant friket im tai
9 1958,when lie resigned,but whs elecial
11 fur Erie Division, L.C., which he m,
-resented until the Union.
ji r
In 1867 he
was called to the�Sonafte by Royal Pro-
(UTABL1,311191),IM80 clailiation.
this Provin
Hoy. D. A. MA4`00X*VD was boom in
Largad raw PAAAW In CrAd% 77 ce.and in:yoo nizer brother
of the late lion. Job S. Maeldonald.
*prism&said pillitiodoolatGoderkilk.011"Alift,*TV? Mr.Macdonald sat for his present con-
-WILrilmiclAbAy b1ollot.141, of Glosugarry f rom like pneral
1"ific ills 11118rifid :,IwUcn in 1857 till LU Um*om He walk
Square. "Tho GrfVAIt0' 2tPoss;b, IP Good to the GrelLtest Possible I'limbor. slected to the Couilmom ills 1!6�br ac-
J, J. 1119LI" clanistion, and wait assisigifloacyted -
W2. He
7 wou a contnuiligir am- R.,
""OIL ?SOPS111" VOL. XXV1. NO. 44. o
built the aqueduct fpr the saistar-win
of Montreal.' He W alpo filled the pe
ruixM,_4I.lU1por Innes,,te wivesiet,92 trerel sition of Warden of Stormont,Dandall,
iserriou. 2111,111(31 and is aft I
present 1,Aout-
M)- husbi,%nd is iii-ituLe Afferairl p,.,,d,., of the Mon-
0 111 fr-,1. 1 *' T'ho nophew o.-t.-vol v �-lulll ;-boat CIVIS Of It'll,lolkllll. "."I: VC7 ftV0=82t. treat and Ottawa City Junction Rll
:;:,ent barrasiting pousitwil just li,.w,alld him for a w in,mients, an
road;.and a Diredbr of the Ontario
d Cloll up
X141ok cents I fint,II the 0410oertirm.&ad Is that ]III cannot spare ilia mi.ney. *proaching ilia, now mado wif... he t,,!Il A— A x if; wasborn Bank.
por Alsip ft" Iff4in uIll III.,"'i'd that Ott, ii!t iv:.�a,7 m.,I OL%nd.,Mr. HoS.T.Folt-milit vma bom'it
60DERIGH LODGE hO. 331WRI6RV9, ','11OTEL9 ';N,11-1, and I can tint bear tit su.-:lerd
r.;.for ciel,-110-1114111 initertion. 7 %4. the darling girl has list liar heart on her ill,:
R los cards set irl'o.eding a lines,44 Per I Ito
i- silt- vould 1�nwiito wuw-y,)f ],'or fatlier j�a!+l .'te h
anniLm.twa 6 to to fill 4U.Ito 4q.1 A.F.A. A, th, (". . � I !ha 1 ritcd tho Cuacty St� Pierre don Boequista, L C.,in 1624,
4"Or ''ifited. Thvry is a grawl chance A-f'n,defray 111vir e w,
I I I), I n rot,-:r,Ili, Sit;, vim &,Ill like lion, A. A. Diation, W- dodik-
wit"*"'IT thpopoes' E -rcv;t'I_%R COMMUNICATION A heavo fq j,by I t-,,, ,II, * -
01 , Tot.lus�d on thti Artil,wildussilloy llf sell SITUAtED ON t alliAticia of ilia Fout,-ii and F&U-craid
ell led measured n seIVIIIIIIII(Vel No"I"el ITHY11H.11 BLUFF 'Ali,: tit a twit- vi
134-8,1 ,A I I. :,,r the dual avitolin ' mtood at Nicolort Collar. He was csit'"d
I""th at 7 30 p. ill. Visiting brothrae orerl+)kin and A sense (If Ili ind.with Btecfi a-brilliatit'lorins 'jen.-ti oath,If,_-bhde.-rooL` of
U , - - I I.v -:I );I. r`!#- 1.11CA4;,o`,7i6lat1I, I
witionat 1poet"Is directions,will g th Wilbor, L p ircl.t:, I I tLat p.11�1, fr to the Lower Canada Bar in IW and
i be I notirted until forbid.an-I ch%ripol, afto�tingly, Itt-4. ar c :4 C,
River. Ourcountri'.i i t f(-r tile futiare of ilioy do. 'old, -;wh halt limit playing the�kuo giL.ae,— i:�.. ' ; I..,
it 4)11 (lie lisity1flellf, that eftell lqd beLp ki-el'im, If,, A;")ear: it. qlta'il 1',-;:, Joi _ C-,
W. mvgsox.see. III call safely id-I K-n received the distluottion of q
TRARLY Af.Rt'giwvlm: qsite�ch,4,tb,MaII.I1971. svI This ho thoroughly Averte�l aballic 411d g,I tht)"k-41CY 1141111'CIIII11,4111ild kitterst. IV If it I wa; it'n, Mr.o.Fourniollr was one of ihis
red U,me�chltats renoofate4 and furtiished i4 IV(, anet�s. Z tL'!! "I
Thef.,11.ovingrosee ill,,,00,hal t v�C,-it neil and adit,irs of the newspaper Le NOG*udds
7 Anol for the a im,.T so.,W_1 f,.r t,.,!eog "Pon ShIelit out will't i,r; Tiieir hi.4al trip was postp,)ik,-d inde .-to'-.�t,-�,
-lie I- FitzgerAld'al *tit k I-V It
ad-there hoadverti,,iby thdollitimri— :eption fia t� piabliblied in Quebec, and contested an
. .. lift 4 least. lark ls�ru I al Ov) leakt.
One Column I year And- i,' enoilur. illite:y, ILI14 they at olleo lkef,:VJ ill t 11
ss of a seat, in the tilection for that city without SUOODM In
I&rtietq Rnin,,,. to Sir+rior by FrORNParf 11031, little brown! v- 7t tile giii, ikf "U'd r.,I 0.o 4
1-i t irt 1 e�, 6 Vi'j:and li';too acen 1837.
gsontM . ...........:-,25 . He was first rieturnod to Pari's
I ItIfte(I...I.-A 11 i4AI)l")i tit u-ii. 71' 1 tittmoacy of
....... .15 the M(,jitillulk, !Vi�ivItie very 111-1-014ey Ili in u, i- ment f,,r his present .*on&
-A "Zif
yea, actIor-I cil!1-1 fell-Its:t th-amind Li"es to If r f
"-a 25
15 Bellocli�vw by acclamation in ks7o, Van.,
31�10.ousa.:_- ;I: ,
0,14ftev" I year ........... .20 a C11, milies requ trill., r"(Insslinuld The land ;Wd in i,4brC0J:, cili,;--h .1, N'our-atr,-Itwi.AJ.-ni---- t- -,...nfi� inil"a"Lut was re-ollectod at the hak* g"neral elec-
a on."th.. .... . ........ A&V p vintisly,either�y iii-til or tele- The Verdict A f Illiql3i"I his u:...10*4 1 4 ."..0 t',-.'r 'tx czc.oicoo to Lion. lie also -prosot&toa 161Ion-swaY
,n FAY.4 or per K.NFoN. Fitzgetwl,l porig -,m thAt I litl. -Iito L I;
Loa . - - Ill
T uATil.I)A
Apply 10 J JL WHI I loriolfq ill 0"I.P."Ll s-n-i I)Variitig, good, tiud ti�clo"jo�hbkyd Vie",— (11 1 1 it I-1-,';hly.1,1`46,t�Lht f,)r-- isi tht,Loicall Legislature of Q"bsc.
4 BOA ... .. ..... tIto thiptighLALat h6 would n'ceivoki hit t to W. Koury is soon of Dr Suots.
GHT. flit;head&lilt lemiet.1 back in' hij c!iair. -roistive's sonio flay. par.9 Itath-4.... .. ...... OLlootlL. tidide'u. i,i,I,-,.;G(lie Ad III rroscott, a bere he was litorin.
fir evertio.ro c:atis - H
r bull ling quillpl3celltly
tially recrciled him to Ilia fa.d. B It **The Citlov�spf tile As re- was educated at Ulopfar Ctnada Cidlelitil;-
Golericlik, ,-othuay, 'it Ito%% liti,prie well,,I'll &and it this,till,;,-I If,- was Ali Dointed' Five-ytmrs art:r I 0sv,!g,),.the first in Ir 1,tr,is I'ticly!o-
t.the..dinstry a ii,ndiii;I;the Ad.
Iwh It wit I true a, t the oonloen,-i o� V. the I.Ar in IM8 and create,'
Fitz wait onimelled to catt-d a
pernoros. 'i ir,';t lit pnilierty
li%ve will,
.,I i o C,.oll to,I tt"a'Ion Q.C.in 1?567. Ile sat for 4-.t.wa,in lit
IV,larfu4t, TO ND. h a vtorilict right to tile nf ion-g oht is, Init I never ciij)ect to mooya Milt tho m oll stiff the wat,-rs,If L t',o Canadian Asseintily from 1857 to 1@63,
'If i I reck,,u its not%Vill Si,ow. w
fr let or(Vir lFroug awallo bittereat pill. 'Q,1 Peter
Iofirmi, ' 1-1 bet t`0 hatu. Slic has a good futitoutur. Uta &line forial"I the V�hgyn he was defeated. but-cle-4
Isiol-I. to. I I�.x 1l F. t 110�13RITISi EliCUINULP HOTEL,' "I'linDois to vien),yal so, 41-11, 'kind ndgiloW as Walf hailk &-if at 11,
ev'rho av%we rleg will in all to Strictly porty, at 8 per cent at III inte*rest, Silt.kedeik's mono.y. That sa !to Nlatilaa Iwit'�what of Clm J About six;sAtur lxpwcr, both of VaI ro aloun 1� the 4.40q1traol Act;un uni-
adhemoll to. alw tylk did have the knck ot,wheedling inonklis after ilia 111141lerim:ls of Aligulifla I x!itly impipired:the first by, -rm .1867, to the III,union of Alpolebably A pply tq !ieri,iod4u"— ,f Alow out of his toolley. Will tsAo, and havinm Itietswre-alected iu
ill,�ftilm I" $BY anni.1m.-IiAMUE.I., WAX, It a they Few".* yonvig Howard led her to the L I,pk-r take&-tid constowivit flit. it "
pVrtieiil%r issue should rtachtw Oilles by.so",�s: CAPT.W.CO�K, 'I"RoPRIETOR thii k f their'darling itucle.' I ro�lly sitrr, whore; thitir marriage wasimolam. latter ijy a primportsus millnfIg Interest. thu 2.01 V,-Inntitfor Infan- 1871,was chrosan Speak ,T Colborne 11,Itel. LATE fir Tit Weepool liabhod-ill vain, do lielieve if I was tit die witimut a will, ilized &Ila Unclu, Will wait hear to 0swe;I:o fit evi.-t-y way ptoallenlimmid t,;ie ti v, Prvbbient of 1112,IVIVILLiVA it look- Fire that place to beewne Cifterikii
The I,rgoo of the SIGNAL makes it Goden�ch,8th Out.,l9f 2. 13.38 164.C k.^1141 ClAiranork of the CAuadi&n Croevil Lands,art office which h,,Itsojust
11 'lit cl .if tile an Inouirpssed advertising .,i.ti,,n hilm the groillild lit b,,Id to fit
invor xxd support - 7 , .
.1 the If I shk;&,,nO Hit .,(:oil 6toss liltl� lart, is a true merivirn, shore'of-Lako I
tie for"the b at rort's with iride aud than]1ulness: I
still.=tjrii t and ill ne;!er fill L.w diagiist. 0nilit wish* I at A.A,. Mmo-f, Q.0., is a soii(of
J,38 V"It K 0#ALL 111,61108 IV C it,'. we fail little -Cl. %IV i 14mr. Ilat I Allies 4.r a Lialtijohn
t1te lato '.%Ir 1'.A. Dori-on. wil reprip- C;Lr*.*ozs Broult of 11ramV.,aw o01 do it, an iture as p 7'iatitplAin is the L.C. Axxu%J)Jv
1334 liallic ;fig life f-keeping up tf'pear., were here toil.)her jusl
-t,*,. itol.print aw lit,ilti lIA'-MOYEY TO LOAN hol: -terare. %lid t--ru out is %IV ill Snowden,for I've not cl,ickmr
till St. MONTREAL,
AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. vie t*4+to tbtir doom Ir kf�tile world,aull tuy nly 1838; was bitrue, t IlLit11IT5111 APFATAOX8 tie
t '10.181S,and isdit"tod
ad to. 11d I'It do as I Plitt ke with and second in point if-pulati, l"lUd.]A I fA
I'lottivilltly situated at the ute i
OfiNEHOLD Pernallinent Building'an [ilia no, he Collinil +r,-utity t;f 1, lie :Ct wan"ll� Drc-EmeEP ASO JAIII VARY AT
AIN U1-10R 'L1N]':- it
d lil'sluixeil t "Viool-liatil ClioU.N0 1. I.N,;. Thc A W tob W tt...3
f V aye,presile -to1j,111ritI at wt, ilia- r iii.1942,aup
Vowiety of Toron'to. 111`1111.04 late,and, Awigulinis is flirt- filet potrallant-tc I Irreath '13w;llcss -01v lot" allEir,67Weatiopsoilay 'Jonday, 1 0 C.-Illicii ;If jr,6:; aillif; A rich case of Of Prison
For prtieulars apply to If: , g.kra. I;AtrAlo Crack forms its lft:Lfl�I1ti ri llm' !A,*�,V!aive e
. f 1.16-11, fit marrisf, was tried at the Mugatraid SOP-
A. 31. ROSS. and aiguriany. .i-I Uld siotipering at Saratoga,*hill:him the If.2roL ll tile tite-tolle"present. row wbik-h th�city, risei.trad.' - I
lli.d clirtlilk% 0.j ly�rders will lif); IOr is peudiul, the hot suiumer The BF1111tols; of Viir. is IT ft." X :-i(-r Court, on Mconday. The pWatiff,
A gent at 0 6derich. To AND FROM NZW *011K %NP i1s. �ho it:r- "N' ghogyouthuf58 summers, Pueds,
isgat I It slails hu.t , - ,I Laa,y olewith I'st'le id thank If thtf� lAoit moctim,read in I r 'tie lit e Secretary Old Treasurer, or wn be it obarml dainsel of 4,, fr
-r -P
10181IRGE91 DEITIST. r ir:I (lioricto. 4 Notior Ilaintnihire, &lid A tw6itiIiii!front Ititpyt-rsle found thitiffi'that rnment. ywing oil
It,IBERT014, VO ,' .I ishich h f' --oft
n ro hirtIVII un rovir, a and father toihs*et".sel"aly firaylilgthe rou a cri, I Ivti�ma
Ir. ri,)n w.v* of tho Yrer,611 $400f)as dainages,alleging that b
on -into. 1343. 1 wav Iitats-in Greaftiriiiiia,Irelai-.1,West Street. Tor. beil to) ilusulao wded a hai,
retunis if way a6f.. LgIA 4. uresoitud a, .. I
Office o (barf"A Y# flill "d,vi or, venitiark ana 1 ill I Lirmigh tile day, -a I *U 4,.rA: p*4-(v- k4allole,A after becoming engaged to liar, pur-
Three di AroVeril 4. An outfirly. VWfortabil Awl 4 4ttrnl) iiit a.1 liov. r-h lie iing'heild since lie first clialked a property in Varennes, with a
'Be. -1 `A;
11 tit if L Litt,at,ai-ht lo) his 0-jal-lsto and drVary hyWtet IIEianiciit.-no dec�ineoi a east vic w of making it their home, and that
E I.)EPAICIV KY.S. onstal resideir!id, t itAt it, nut fa:I to in( e- a
113'I'll 04140, old r96 ntin in ti t
N,s Y,r If 1: car*# all bill &)Pit* �tautod to the fir witi-tity tii;-.t has row-ied
it. it,)party- -men nor it I.Ail no itot-inbet tif his family I. the in 'he Ciblilet ia 187:Was a 'metriber of now he hall no it:alsothathe had
at..Art. 2:41....JOW.4........ -the C.-uncil in]Kie for the furnishd various sums of money to the
tell crimes alialf o'er covid+t III. 'It7ailvil and logniized t ff-,rts
replan Vansylob"ll.V_ $q 1 0. C., I ";Iwrci1i,-.tm4 with all f6bun W
of T Gallerich. T hesi(b,f ling that thol4lits,Sim jr,011 LMD. conittroo's rihts bliall be mail
(oraIl'tate of L itainted '4)be day, lteltA the time that ngellisia by I$, la , serossigno and sealed in aucftb ttruk of the existetiqe of the Govern- defendant,that he had bought clothing
Fell ,it awl,ling A, er c',ir-tiorcial im
NTjpT Low. .4,Air 1119PAYMilli t 14 ov 411. rz r "lew, A a Pro%:i. 'i I *cretary fialin for her, and had deposited money with
SEAFORTH. 1. 1 Aadtl pou tin, fuirtance, hilutafed I. lU1.ana Attor. her, and that he purchased a suit of
.0 - mfit ,,cte, S - 'to -all
f 1110-1' Moved by l.cel. Ke�3 sec-m.detl by Ilia bike Weill, of thilcanalaula4 to
vyll ro"Wea, bur RATT4 0 ilden was sittill. head t0 'Lot. ill I'Aols.oli PIVAIRMI IN Y., St protidly, thenii fair Can. till (Ike (41 fA%hi(,'nt;d syet n I it r Canada from clothes for himself to be worn at their
f7afitio, that tit! -.Ir f trays. may be beat told by stating, that
I,1,11 v efelidatit haying come to
Cuo lioutfrontshoretushora prt I of hi-j himise, leiaiin-1 (,a. 1,unk, 'am,itint IV-;be L,aid. I Phe has ihirty-oue kilevtill'In is ith $6 1864. when the waddiug,the Al loth for it,
Is':,. 17,AT Tua City of, Tovolifyi, NituANR-'#T y r.'Ill
FNAr'CANIvV 116,5 little Goverle:1111 t retii NI trtim office. lie flat Moetro&I and boughtthe c
Is Tieliotoi (r.i f,,r it, I w r rights, non; ad Ity I md apparently.' deeply in- otapaefty for gilikratiuf torr.,ittol.in !I It ties alki -tie Nfoveil IVyqa4.Antlarun'secingkolcillor i builkets of grain. and that hertotal re- 'a the.Citi4lian Asisonii,ly, '#A member
for frc per,which, by and ifilially that he had presented her
r frand, d �tokeu of their ell-
'rhos. Kigf; thatthis' coltitail 'agoveto Co. 1`o,(KJJ.000,,'uf bush- fur Moutr�-Al.from IKA WI III and with a ring in
leekin ilia "An II-VI'lido olloolou.
Advar ciestakolkeYak md, I t ii is last yolar wefo,�f
Y41.1 114,41"14439"N'Air,3k aoirty.- tl;t%' tilt;I-Art III -V alltholrized t .graut via. .Historically she,hasthe hfi,66volf I U;2 until the gagemWL Altozether plaintiff's claims
Ur, 71. H-%vist '"isid t-.t It* present a to over fj'50. The promise
in im Awan:..I"iIllat 1111in,11, 111 or front,
%!a and he
Witt a I kill"I" bUtill;1IM" le"L_ ()I& hist of 110% thult thu first btuituibool6t tha�'
stal ments,to.suit the burrower.' Apply at t*C,.t' otproved and as to
I . florkv� It face. 0-ti. 4. Stibivy, assuLed L) ever this Chalia ot tile owew for antervi. _-'jeot. last lf�lalariw was 113
Full inform.ttion slivell(in ipplicatiol IL I I , L
arm 11blit, his a. e r's tinder renolljolf.'nif of Connoil 4xisis ti-iIII,I$tiperior-aad likilial the of generst 0 -in. the mone�depoosited with her,the cloth-
hefus PC ILA\_. Ef._A R,
Asurliter. I!ri-,ht, winsom creal4irti. oil. ,havin-constructed the first ,Iovat,)r fitir irig and the gold ring, the defondant
Goerfeb Ott.Irl.Ir.1 9,
The PaTt!, .6 1. IP
itvu is the eldest will It';t"0life,Hou. D. 1,;oaded tLat she was ready to return
T IadC, Ing Upper thein whencalled on to do so, but that
fly L'ARKIE 11o "41 by Dr. m _Tnug ier Call-ida, lit ho h,I a seat
ene )IV it%, o I rge tuarioulAcIpri 'Plake,a distitkgiiibid *Irist of
t 'I Ilion. IKCY4, rnwruuch� as:t, i into itsanototheriielintsof excellence. Ithe Canadian t6had neverbeen &skedfur themby
Asti�rutfx f-,-041 IAI7 4,1 9 ad1-was 1br a 4"intiff. Acti(trit dismissed with
It's no libo I"wil tit the snilitifactfiii vi;his CIVII, ich 1. 1c,
f as',orttik, I
'AND r,�;; -rl: ftt,d,sub-- -jDr9L9.
%10 N EY TO LEND Ile us-vacallvd her 1[r. .41olt-wanc-V is 1, beg I'lav to r Is Ott to ;-r lliada.
etitis �LrAjd-
ydjuterest N ORTB SHORE 1NE. Ipart 'of L,-Vt iIII, in thq 4-0:CAi:t;. 1$: t 1;,jtrl(t-T '_vlt T 1 1))-.-:
a ra L. &t Greatly red!ieed Rate PhA%D1 "I If 'I er(if Hurnta.
%-;r) ArRIPFINET-AT-L-AW, r resolved that this'llfAuticil lissitirkt-A f4 ItIli1 111.
......... we AnoVorool I "Its Ito;'usef bilk AletterfromSt. Jobus, ewfound-
lvvithIthe Truitk Ili tin
i71keulwst. *it lutvo to VC141"Wrl AIL.3vtUm i Island,says that.,tuorchant, fisheraken
s"i Plitt of sAd bit,140;of 4
ri 6-nt.i,lovilr val INAY.rot* of ol,1 defy I'-It,rtefo,.(, �11&most t.r nv'll T, U! Penn$
AV th 4;1 and ii:adeo are iliVII jubilant over the
lFsto,iser - 11 I threet route. heavuLs.Julreit Ili, I I!! IWU P 0(litail'i Pit 1 1! if �,r Vand xi 1.10 ik lit
gpl,.Ilui success of tile fisheries this at&-
I blo bowlitiol A on the E t &I'M Ith- by
C(Il J�of kill?,i V C.
1:y the 1.
ilkeI�II.L,,Ili loillo Tu a m(.st Productive"&I fishery
V,!! rV
s,.,I-ad as in tile olpringhalk lkoocn added the beat
r HORACE HORTON that i.i., It tit n A�11 J.Ulll in Jill
kitio" �' . I oo15 1,�cl,l,Iw,-tnd,00n
V1 I"Clu" Mr. J.11'.CIA"Per. fttitAtrol AS a VA !'."rry
hpilratifer for I fir Ciftnadlif Per. �emdinour dtar' -441 t Ifar�,&. L I thgl.h�F`111041�j 15 in thA�:th ef"W for
-, I , cod,salaN
But it weal I be to filts Aikr�-_.t bu 5, � 'a"" oim, isad herreug fishery which
it!iioukt) a 14 It lat'a b%istalnewit Hitilding A.Ailavonglis buwullr. The tit cesa Iaj Cc, I U1ld7 II . r,,I!l.:tl-d t the the country -seen or twenty years.
1111"Joelyto T1IEN1C%V STEANIv k it.IV44,-tilt!Wil i hira'i2^,L-tory
rs.X.&I,]DO'".1C. it liftit[WrItIll,AND ATIOIL49T.,WA." K thitI6.in tI., I_ I i * ;,,.led to Tho catch of c on L Lbrallor fiaa been
t The blue ayea sparklW; the wite,ft I Meant". Reid,P.Ureartit 4UI t%4 tr�-11 41161a6ir
13ST ill I'm in to di.1 It
t- r,fie,,
h _iX ye!tr'I..'rk re- above sA average,and herring have beilm
a cluLntiLies. The share
,al ey is jt�ll tit s.."rW-.front vi-lil titiet4 inarnells
onionz, I.) P'lli tile s?NSURANCE OAR W are C(.MI04 If- ry 4 ic Clara flan.-tol racefully till and,loot 11 ur.,AA all m t-4ocast eti(t 1,-of$ I Itkiii: III! lajg,� fishery has been extiellifint. The sum-
Wk W, 80 LICITORS. IN IN,MASTE ft. Irple Iold 'Zr.3 was retu Loml
.-el- ' EDWA D1 If their atitWreo- royi-led W!.i io,4&apis the :A.,
rrORVIIIIIA th Subacribilir lo ouzoil for the foltowin:01foft ARLTO t h 4',, e had Letter okfr, ? L Me(( for th,, very favorable for the
Actiallevelf,coolvilystatierit, 41fe, crabil Blood.- Insurance i6"wipsoiniesto k4oxftvrall 'you're lik uther,git-14. like amucil Ustutfie Is-road all,poistiI COnilot" i f 'E"I'l Of tintarily(coin thi!VUldine, mor wait tine and
h- a fill it C, t and VeRA
ill ft a fititi.-f, '41"Plis !tol, 15, C4,11.4- ii 1-,I--Aly-biring"Ick its cliukal and the fall, so far, has
will ply, iA connection with the G.T. ri lea,je; 611100 ofthe fibh,
HARTFUlat)Of IlAetbol Railway, ifil follows : Icay@ GfIdeich until %a cau r�-stltj .1: It,: ;ou 4. thoot A,rc-n.1ply boon delightful. The price of fish is still
I I L ru Moved toy Dr.. %,rAN 'it, -1 *04 be`a� rm%dy four dollars per
hill. %%I'W 11. (:1 1"V !I(', 4hu,; It V, 1414 1, i!
PWVI%(IIAL br-mit stial'(froitt like BRITISH ANVRICA,of 0
n. uriival of Epruss Train -fr.,ii,
Vivo Jk; doarinoo.bliounI," done at tit* tbe lif-iiiiiI,tilig, fur'! I half a iwi,I I- Ioi et- tluia.hl fcr tit� bolit quality of ried
plo ujwi t)lurova
i,. n) ry 51 nd ay, t understand I I fk- _w and 1wrring a!bo obtain
'I hursday and geId
loar"Ll"'I'Me r*
a "Goddri I'
Southaiill t011it 33(If lVecring sk %%'flat 09doirials.Doc lit.Ian. IN% I. t�,
�FOR,&CE 110 th,occholol lazir I
Leave South. as for,
W.n.t4quilEll. Officti3lark at Square, Codcrich at a. !I;., Port Elgin at 4:30 We]flight disilliss the&,,-%. via' J0i)J;4prin7 TgSAY ON MAN.
Ila�.4 surtfly roviiiiieteut, t 11 her Ulf$hv Ipublish 16 ith got atenud-in t he It u mail breast,
AlklikMTKIII, ATTORSEV ,r L%ill, iIi.,Iliviratroo at lit., slid Il- illood v7-we hand ills.
vardine at Cill'"Int-11, titi.-in Itare. but altrays to be dress'd
flor in A. m., every on%dv, try to, A iv�,I C r
Oillso,over J.C.DstIor&4Cc'sZmWVm. . Varkist uI'Llirsdav unit Or we
134 _of OL ' III..!di3flAti.fird willik tuy);if I ll'ti goll till...a;fro'll When fully rigged to mail's unknowing
'8quarit,Golerich. Arriving ill 6,"Itrich ea(liday I a 184: 1:41 TUY 111419eift.i,y WeViIiiiis
night it.ofert auv ev,
Friday. a I, tiloii44 fire you ItAil ti�
be conspect with the train of the scritat,tof, t uo.h LAI take -.fill remain a, bo#a
lat this O)C;. .14)vr Vierty ime ribbons
".It ve' iio F 1. via end.if,I "dil.ouly a Moroi. it.I i &lid tiols.
hej op-y a rsuihle tim-mg tlw ult,1111 -t t III 31r.AIn ofily irrli,.11', l,4 1% io' Cie poor Indian
I lit :t6.v;hll Ia t4,11 t"Ja litat %J
rrORN111T-AT-LA* AND of i� if 1wr baud whose inituttior'd
.i THE LIVERPOOU&LOINIDON Mrs. Etoli testAil) hioi f no 411
fJIT.1 it* IN)"let KU991 all4ht of'ra by millitieri
ri Al I , f ho1ARX11 "MIT HURON er face I X!
-o only wealth.
NY, The lt�a;nlea-s South-' ing tip livr F.. is wel -4d. Z,,; 4 fr f
INSUR A N C' E C 0 M P ,k I - -I.' HOW 1: sh ashiork it
4-jr unit Pur
ampwn f, mly brave,but u.,t If—
It HI-irvik at ner,she i-If I W CHANCERY Allinolik&VVETAXICING. 4AVI ni.� Fort Elgin. UWa.In., In. I,,o Irtive let vo`uk�� fV-r A ILI,1-Offlosat Duo Walsall, AI ,- .%I I,WTI,
LA Avallallate.Atkoels,$97,000,000. - 6.00 so. in., Kitiew-Ulte,8 00 that ftft ill V.Loosets paid In the eow-t of Thirty,fiva years ex- v TrIlturon, to V"At
ow IL ni. erich, 2.01lp. m. 1,11v but If i
erery Fii. we li've 1:� for
diy,-west er itting. CI A*ciet- IitleItil1r. overe portal locui., tilt
FORTY VILLIo.NS oir DOUARS 1 -1 wHiffle Jillite to.al, %ol tays. 1
with Rive DQats for Detroit slid G,T. son in. t falil onable tit-%
BARRISTERS,ATTORICTS,SOLICItlyna,jIl littlif felluik, IAt1d-- I Fri.:
&g..11ankoft,ont. W34 Rail way,, from Farnia to f itevit"ive if fWtat petiti-in totalk-rec, the., %Join
OSEY TO LE mated at fleart'r are being Chicago,' ilwaarkie,_'Ac. Returi in di oon the hild;is D. It,Milk rt 11(41.. for tAvtrn Iiiv.-s ...to.A4 foodtadjUst041 W[THIA"T ]DEIVOCT104. Vill nIto to,pill tilt. lienfle over. afA that has wit:t r-L,,,i y. rtmipt Paintent,slid Liberality Is ad-
yes ia everi
Lea Saturday t on (or rvl 1,lo
"-A--lm- a bill V.
list clock,a weather per' ittiug. For ptliouxiv A luetitiwi roin trwiteos to!ru of of .I S,IrIv,t It rottatof its wiI are the proultivent featut ii lid tipft 1-1�ONVYY�NCER AND GEUOAL 1,,4sXD fleit
ij k I L . ..A �A-of i,olustre a
this orealthy o'ninany'. further i' orinatiou, alipt, 91,i luavo to hwrovr moauy.
La I it$ILV Agent, rown nds Office. 0*, Filk� an-1. I1FE POLICIES, Issued with very Th,-s ratbt- V,Ivi, since the 'ch lit' be- it hort it- Ca'l Illil1l' thilit pay a Like 4, A. Aitt A 4 to,,: it, the
ral conditt,Ian. r ar Cicy 61 thi "i
C ilo, Wilsoin, Planter,on the Beat.I r i-i It Ila roL-%ti,,IIAhiI, What0la, 4y 1. DAW111,litLef-Atil"I by P
Alginkilly to xelind. Lee, Soutfiftnkpton; J. Eaitwood,1.1 t 11 I's twenty-ei,lit, if ('fare,that Coll bVi rftinde, thist walktv for '-dia too', -1 136 Head 01nee. Canada Branch. MON. beti Pen thefil-whe ran hi gh ("11.1t*, %yeatnt-Irelan-I N it
11 V AIM a kurci I V 1,1111a
Elgin; P.i McRae, Ipyerhurol *I.o,--bein-, Illisl4ke ill hill ti eets"loop I to 14,m ILX� 'old fa,111 If I State,i.iscaulif mly Iticated oil t Its! I I-:,-r _,k. and rPr%-iv4 his ediaeati! at the --Put
M wn ft.. TRZAL t 040 nool of the w:ft� -I Wit- The et"It in ir.
B.4 Clafk it so Ill Ii bet- ry Carried.
oSsruis; Moffat, Port Haron. .' I f �th a ilders. Ik flust fly lit. i's coll6l tv the 11 or,in 1911.7, ah4
Robertann Kintardine, W. ',I - its- QochroI of the katuski conutT.a C It ITECT.640.,olie"(.0t;Id Housp 3QU ADZ fAm" Igi gaily rA a lark an 16110 helped Moved toy Clare sect), Ilsam11tu . Vid"III.Dr
lilo,larliob. PIO04 otil f4pectie.ationstirsera I a ifk sh') ill. He It
INS but it re walls less Iter crinattA a Quem'os
eirrocul. and Xasoqa- . V.DETLOR lool it the dinner. I)AtAm, that the not"natiopi of cathli-I i 1 11 0 fainted Uncle Will, Ifices. of Re TI I'l All Vote elutnekits iliat oottititute I ]'lit;4 took al"Surrol tied ortiglued. A. It.sW5. gent for Coderich General,Agents, odit6th f imi ears, at:;I site i� so usitiv- Lites f,,r flit) tive, Delintyll 114, wa-3 tneunber of the t.xecutive - tL:IL
-1 10
I at a little stjtibea�u she is. .1 will N71 tie -rosperity ; 11rovitirzall
- iNeve and C. fit tlt�vle ir ) (1* 1": 4� nislkI her with?tie,On that little-0111 1 hsit), be' hoil ii Vol ye V.BlI ,S'.t!a,iy fr�,In pai-I th chairown of
liselbs-an, Iaivrecon III obtinsignif llL innik
:,,r _U st,I'Llit" mail, a qh--rt �wrl-ftl-in
f ih 'A I will Pit.), shalt �,) o4 -u 16olvertil,. th A c
&v It on hand an kintlo,o le .1 lko�.,, oAll I the lool- llhaitet lug.C6 and ide Do..,Biled., TorontoLife Assur, ill If lu,HN.rildingoo.and Prostio-d Lamber,4%ill.U.4- ar h-6ntt1igt7 y0flisn't silt,July liv 11 CS4!" ling Places i 1, il�u Ilivini,I);1A b1I---s If Iluors allar,41arge'ly in tile hit#:i�- 11,1 1 for tile bent-fit of the floor?"Replied the
planin., Tontine' Company. I tilt-r i:i, IIia i x!ip-3ho shoes, ilittil LIAM att4cllo;to flou",J dk, wheu Ile rett
0 *0 naluely, Divis nth-Ko,1, at aclif" ti,,usa I treasurer.'I'Didu't W- liitt the UVAkfau
law. OF TI;11: alld JWwu lored 0 ownito a
a one up M crimpi an. w-t,.r wll�e t d ixitinoe so that the poor could
Do tell I allcunliell"The committee vanishe,4.
-ro, ONT. W,�d fig pills,I ily me lliti,i1at,litit:ti fair, 16, oy]fig twim,
TORON a J Loan ,Compa t'. ),Di% k No. at Ll.;!I,
]READ OFFICE 1 O.6. Dilriail n No-. -it achook, 0 Of tho ItAipublit;, slid"ti-OLel IlL,
ant parlor tin threw y�!,, .-
A. M. AMPBELL Trust of I tl,e, reo I;III, I �� _. I'lito little lad3f 111 l4!iit,'J liullllill�' No). men TV If-# hat,of, in the %.It.riffillf IAV*A�t�, E.1 ILIIA i 191A I
vetwim7aurgem. CAPITAL A TIIORIZXn SY CIIIIAST9111._.... ..I I i;f:L(31dth�s�attitl N%). 7:Divisi, o. 4; t ScLofif. Ilia tile toils andforrvico, of
0 A N A DA -1, fit: ct- iu "P' on 4ho al of that 01-1 and thart
o� .; DiviA;;; No. "', fit he 1. so d I 11,pst of'tbe shado-A a that cross our
With libIrly W increase to hakfa willl6n 011thoulall. Sit the luos� ,their country. qn.vi, W 1-111131
ly.Ithus, N's, con atry 'As pith thrjught lifv art caused by Atautling
Ant Gl%.tW"a Of Ofturi.) yet it,the boti" Don't yott rating. OWLU
F I snatori 1 .77 If-ir III— )1.It V,isl momi Ig, my bItAiltittl laily 1a.V h'M "ry, in our
1111114 DIIIINICK, VAIIIIN-A. S.--.0 p,.id JjWr Boyd elf movel,by V, It. ii�,
7 - :or btr i jother. isc-C&II-ol ,41 he a?b; -lid. lie
called ill 2 em ppated III*B0yal C I tr. r. kill]w.heir,Fitx I" 1"tre-wattr,hr -odullorititui-elf- ta,h a Will visit Iloya"every Saturday. '1113133m.o painin ii y side, Fit Oy If'.(Ure, t1[t-tt the fl,llowing ra-tloa 'tlilli Now 11til-oswick
al us liiIj *4.a seaman J411psof or motives by(-fir ac-
be rot tirum- ill-ori for tho year 1871,
C A P1 4A�-ONIC Pr-it -she rtlIhod- "I was 4alking Ottly n l3d tie v. God judges ir actions by dbr
DUNCAN, V.S. isall," apeakitle, ao;-III2u1L- 1, j. C (or tier a mutio and faint., whi+ isNuLly forom I&AI nn;il the Union.
"N"47"ItICTS LOUTFIt-rT VIRTICA, TO MOATCA.0$0 siERLINIG. to r.Calfacrvit ikist eyeuing,at "oliallel he dotv itut llfloug-t-i hAv-0 VI r,3rtlrn
GRAILItoArg (10 silia hoittaot thirty oJ. To' d tA) athe tat-Inves.-DIricam (if R,t a)L
Ato and Iiii advis,�d Lao tip spend Ot,r 6L.. Silo is only A No. It 1"ort Toation-to feel twire than:atis-led:* *I,.Ct;oll-if 16,174.sold by scolaimatiolin at
OFFICE A,'jD STABLES, Welloster; No.4, MAniieti-tALlt in; No;I 5, the eneral Afle I atiop, for the c
BOARD 0 th stImmer ut ths-S,rLosorarkiiing the liar at Feit.ao'd in Brool,lvn� Failliak.-tit;rising cibici,of lAkeliane- "only
Nevirgate, footrest. Fifth Ron" son a Colbom F DIRFcrORS Fundo for Investment. awl I needed 4xere. ,,Vv flit I litigh Chambilirs,slid that ill(., Cl.,rk hill, ri Tar IN,I,TRt;VdZ%-r
P"A"t: r1w Ilion Jouts HitiTAND CANSA011, tf�. Ile fistia TAJ t li,sa your or a of Wastworelanok
Hotel. 11 1 Slit is oluite totally. 'A)don instructed to fraina to thilt fill Huron, tile former r:-.h iii raa`iti: Few
M.P ke.fie.Toroutit. th.7:Z7unt?`P4 s"_ved to to my cheeks.I heart, old fttlh.w. tat there, I ulust lorto3perify LnoillF from Ole invittaiv-4- HOV.ISAAC III-Itrota ill"elected to res",mut work'if we wouhl
City or Awn r,,i, I plae red cheeks,t 0 Alm, I am en6p, i-fly ofiowi,cip r &lid,a-,I-,.r Vile City of St. John, New
N. B.-H,)rsts exalitained as tastutinr- r-Presi'ln": Lhwis XoFFAT.1`24k. P �,,ty foL perilo pisa dit hey l(xjk so I i Iriet.- -Oarriotl.
,nec f Nourr-wers,Aud tft I Movoyl IiIj VI%re,siconded by It.C.Gao t)r,,.A. �l judge of the U,oa Ike May,do you the atural inheritance of -our race,
ty of York. ,,ad rqV tile hoar to people liv by their and tabour is
W. a %tter �6verflwiti- with n
ill D.,M.P.,p1to.-Cott. years or W 4Ift t Ii maid, by V the F1isa of Commons,at
ARCH. VA11119101.P'" Bnk. either rqmil.hle at rxr,ry t Me 0,* hy Fuke You can find eniough eivr- L.11,w, I,in V,,_I lj ft. Mr. Burpolite
X T K T - t -ment-in iodart it poor I necessary osperity:
rahio,r meechatit r i,I oil to Joe Isar has wealth,I coin W fAll the 'sat VUSMI "G`Ct'is
Sut:lustaTm "' pay --I Wilson f,)r a imertr fictivie in'the vil- saliue�and f a Direbtor:but as none can expect
omntq, a III, -if you try. you sea h.0 hel-I the public con perfect immunity
MACDOWEI.t.,Ktok, NsaaM Toronto savings will bem-CePti cis, Uichigaft, and have pleutire io ofli 0
a,. -lite, bal d, 'the sillit"' c-f�Port Allit rt be n-1, a caihng it in right that the best
Ft illtsth;kx! llomitains forso*ath'! tell Vierk fit-tify t�,o Intopector to iaswet the y 'brk Life Aspociation,
FOR INVENTIONS W ' sirApp--led martgagvtopurt yull this cvtlt.!dc tiall,Y�nly _Io in Our att -t0n t,) llilwaukLe. of theConfoideratt i from sickness,
&pROPE.RLY FmV..X-P. G_At.TRUE11VIAN, y 11 be all right in a day or�two, if hig pret tv low,an ,%, Sititated for tile must.p4rt o a fine knol Vice President#I.! the Erant-clical. means of cure shoul
got giolicy-ba Idalway ,be refidy.
EXPEDITIOUSIZ usted Tm,,Irvol AiaHviL 113AILYST,0441. Ill *11 let it-it, ab,pity &lid iuy will not allultir ilia the han-lawne hm* that 9 coughs, rheu-natism,f
I fknow, Alored IIV .Droany,sPc-,)n4_-J I),, . �Ilianccl. Ili* ancestoirs -Won ad to NOW for colds,
o"u"4 in Cautodsto the United fit".* Applicati is 131T fig Iteep tlit bouts in order.".rather I But here . a colony of Puritatin who I is,cminin, choliff, ollic., there is
one for Insurance in th the old lifisaj. nieull tnif' eye at every turo,speak vol- remorld neum 9
spildfroprimf first el eml,liany rof a little Daltott,that 4. C. Italsillin be re'und- "Canadian
IICeivod Pain
ass by ----w sojuely retorted her father an be sftt I%:illtroduco to it u4ills In itstavor. It ii a city cif which from Millotsotelinsetts to Sheilield, . D., nothing like. the
it) rIell the of
J.J. BELL thil d,-or vii,leritly him. div I.i:v,tllv: I Lull'st fIG foi lilt :N,). :10, tha avid groirizi Si jill't V%,iq riestroyer." For mile by all Druggists
1 -ecusitt in 1763.
44tairs,C b, Agent at Godarich. 'Oh, iny nerves are ll m4l�111191"I WILLIAM Ro-It,II,meintyar for Vic- &lid country dealers. Price 25 oents por
,,Om If i , 4 -tie in I �1�as sl lilt improud. Its inr.!awtures '"t
frolu And I ,Doar tile F its Tsn,# that VI&M b� hipi at a t*x IL d &fill it3 cutumoroe are most prospIfrous, w Wiled tit the
1111whabrical tockmoolL IT eD(JNIJOP W�at vulgar ideas pa,has"' I toria, Nov it, as re bottle.
"Yes,he in continually inortil'Aw me, with Mr.Howart I*I,IwVtd1 to t o.Crusan liable to elections it,1di; &ndI87l by wlama-.
Feb.I tth 1471 WICSTE]ILN ISSURINCID Wi bur (4L-3t1Iik%I-CA . !; . and iu the rticle of AhvAt its receipts I NO Risk.
by Olin I-)% bred ideas. Rut,ymirfather, dee:fire, I I vur heird of Pitt-it lintlAcitlo Oxce-C, thoie of its sister city Chicago. tion. He 3,150�It ill the Nova Scotia As-
oved by I&in sorry to oay, as brought tip tobc- '7 too wet!knoira tof,'neoed description,and J)o yes knew anything of v I Jf ask
Kerdhanot allor Its locauttful c:mttia-colou rod.brick we
00A1;LPANy_ If,. ,ttle boll semblyforhisLprossiout Peat froni. 1859 tie weVeot
a that every one shoidd work,andlie exclaittied by A. D67sknT, that t!:u Cwry tintit thisUnion. He is Lieut-�,ol.of the Ila G,V4
not forgotten his itupritiper tralut" C to the ,
HE" OMCE W-DONTO. An� iktructed to irritate,Mr.Itibert Mye,.-a of hav
she 3rd Regiment V-aftria.IlPlitia,and a son
'\V It tratford in rotatin to rightofflifty froln autIvtod W giye to Millsaaked JJIG
I'N K In rvtitriuii�, thallks� C"ITAL hill oo000 lit very straii-ghtened skill.ivotiYoof theiCr..,oLuk City. I1l0fXr.JVbnR,)sikwb-) munigrawd to pain 'Ana"t Lay where It is used. It is fhs,
I �nicd I. - Kint-il to ill-- 6--k-j,and1in know vrb'I
to he I"I air 4 d Pon J letis lileft li'o�l 41, One does cures coa.
2W:W will hat a ti AIrega the pleasure o A -1 1 apything Ins-.hee ought t 0 be IIA1.1 011-I'Sova.Se V,i3 front.Scutla_d in Ill]"I. MM,S,,aJ T�114.IAT.
c friends in(.--derich for past 8URPLUS ........ , 9.60 skolces,just flow, slid I rA Ito. %fr.My-rill, 'vVill too rropared to i , OU41 hItOd Lots tUred BARON-
poll Ill to -Y that shoF is a,, RWClpn C' �Ije-C.liqual tolbod of agiol the.occaiian. I I-eg you fit;I its -;'Tea- Tl 41 COFF1 N was a mewborof Vor.,Ah Ias.cured an Oup
,r,*QA" FORTHXYEAR 11 Wit.1, Felit"li.all.- I - . 1 51 to 1 111T11 FIny 'eutlt
red in Zi vok Lisksons on the piano_ to like mountatilta,(or a stimuler a, hloro- liks,Ii. I 1.4'idg, Paid - -! t- -.lie - Iff-r-d--le- thbNOTA SO ' ssembly from Coma. ties tir two bottilles cams luod
aat Z-4LnNGJ LIN 1E 30th,18-,1. 11AS Goods t io.tritir,1, N;L ! PeUto-ift, w -,u..3 ntpre!ion,
Moved by 'A Drean Ly pt m, , a, r Jut sa I iberal stnti- 18&9 or*
R44idence If p,,W,d aff aual oall 'I'l'shall do no such thin-. Al f our %Vill iill� &M the Monts tit v ency of 84e:bartild, wid!tgin from -ured Uses
av lf�h yoopfr expansive vie V 4, challenge "LA.T. Oil*IJQ'.Lit bals(
1363� ArmI In tbo awilt f set um A.C. liatakitt,that the Co,ined(III n!)w low.- Daldel Plank, of
C,,It)orne SL t th low Ivivo lidumieed, thfq of the Natioaalb* until the He vois return
A -for as am i going -Ij.urn tot mftt again on the thi-A lork. Vf `A�i4a
B. ITAIMAIN Managing'Pirector. g a Ion w-a y0ang 1�tuwralkl that I woud da. lity diiii 'day n ot%' nr-next, at Trade. ho preient se�i by a"tuo-Ation tot.-ills iti,k 1 t14, -CORIlt?, Ill Wil "I west
thirty. (or a boWe of Tur oil. hich*,26ew
NEW RESTA He said tht be had thought 4'f a itible' to 11,131le fLn', a ;it the last Wosol,�art L. (rat ofoo CkocIaaj) Ualb toy six ap�
NTIV FIRE & MARINE INSURANuf AT 0111 gi 14110 1 tj Chi-ago,%I,,GaMen City ! Wit can Ltllzkeral elofti-ou in 166
alliflong the Adirondacol, bill if' were is"IV helitisII. JOH COIOKE,Top Clerk I I ad to the deserved election la 147L Nfr. Oodida ancestor- Apolluor Vol hati had AKMA for
"Irs say.-III k6wo, half of it is seat bottle left-
14welt Current RatEs. iltfid, Reing to SarstoRa,lie would be 00 ltilger be colik, cAme fr4al Enc-14nd 2ta rettiotelate.and M,ilad MosM,ass boy it if I"Od got tio milm.'
FCI IVL Wilt TARIVF4tVK.ILTVS,,1-OVPk1NG off all deferil-tioas Y i hand. hijy to join our puty and I), ble 4 heir! 15he wilL 11 her n-triva.Lol growth, tier aiiil ftevelution
I my peo e1i tip instruct the out,%idea blow UV Rd,,itbiesesof Stands, N. T..WrIs":-080
f,�r oue,or tim-o Yea- or, ! is&?told gentleman living in strength, by the gentleman who Isdmits-I aflorCie Americif, of),Our ZMAII-MIC OIL resolved the
hell and k5choo)o with omtents.in ulier. Ilia toucle is very we Ith)- 111.,ae her,tiliecep"bluut� !. r 4 'lies to N`vs` —'l'-'tie
to a A cAlllo unerall O on county IndianjI, nitiety yearilt of I that a"-f upturned f" at y,,c I the extIt Voi,,V Who"00 iron
VIChuntryplatme. Theserator-and Allid it eiritild bi-R e.6" at Ins. ly, liclainied Uncle Will- all a- Hall oil the Rciotia. Mr. o:offin was born at or had ft"epoil above a
JAMES VIVIAN o 11nil been a minister of the niagnifteen:1,Board of Trad CA . It". J.maliM7.of wy-
terms ofiobliev pameworly tavarable to the Farm. Ta.lura wanted ilame. a for a too- T.,ar EIUK Talc 011 L cured
1,1111k,alint TRL igynitr (N y" fig Coroul Two g-cal eAf"Cfawford&,,if foalily,t0o� -.Very- %;a&overalkitil ton,when)he was ooducated, and is now I I Y writao
from is youth. an I,ss had I occast(in ef our late visit, and esneei&l!y I Dkmauo..,
Corner W40%"it W"el"I"Streets&.it sum Ikillil$1,4111!kpretetid.to *e art,bor Y, 111341 to it kind 'ploseling a headailholik, SLO lild , builder and me
a 71"It Clus mAQ W&AW for a trave.ling Ajenry diatelY- 4,all suns&ad all minis. I after the fitting rmlitairio a of latr ofiliqlaeut in extmi ive mer.:Law,ithip mill a andkme
infor ais, t&,,,bip.0,ttying it 9. �d voting Fily.,eraid to cond eif.
I ey are havinif a,, net her it"swou an
thiT.Verit- Apply in 13th April. 1873. ters. Be half childreu,grand chilar,, rusient this all I:�r. of VIS Past evitilig with rellrrfit,es W theitiodersiped for iron*; Goodefrioth. prepareiii, and I az� gel fro [I th� room. It is*0"04 of am
F At L;I yu,Ili"s�r 01 i y;r r 10 the Helkii sina groat gmildchildrea Unove Allow we to actuteut myself by all KqN.R.J'.-(;AIRTWLIOIrT is S of the gaineril. h so 1 69,a betr sorossion i @hall baw one that will lone4i bvqty Lree raoinths %till so "I� and four. Aqd, strange to say, there �g the$she may long omtinue. " shil ;kste R.D, 0artwriubt -Cila-Nin 0 is uatieved -w
HUT AND COLDZAL�A AT,%LL 80ras D. WAT?ON. I'llyne.of the' 1, the Xillihoslas n -rer
MR. ro"iiit,4 d Joe�i1pon Aii4v I ny 4,41ar;
40 i has been bull two 4 he in all Ads I Wiley,thotineet relormentaitirsof the 1 t6 Fan"bA inglition, fs�yesc,dtkod- = li4414" ba in letiV in eveiry W Ono".
Local Agen TANT I'loR child, Milo In if Iron i filled with-'11ridil family--thotto wives the ,IJ gentle- geuw*mW tht power f the Amostitaks ant of the H 1tichard Cart��ght, a-,
Goderich itth sel 487- �,J by f).N. P) A
-Jritkur 1110 8, T
aftul!em cedes asku $.tis l4i an Itterell Ill il I V IL LoYa!ist -ho sat at tin eaMy day in
i Till re is a hush, a sitiTr"e"d Men. L.IL Loa' In per Canada, ]kr. Rer &LY Norsocall OnL &At
1 toast. -an, he Yoar L;hi;tt* cuLeri. in ntoi 11or be too.
A-Ivor., oforreg"4laut thus describas i Sul Alliding- Ilooked&Bid
2 mala I tkg Part'
1, AIr.Fenton wait ha,l' ;an Vy, clinging 0 tile arm of A Silks Cartir t Bat non,
MA14N A BLAt-TWU L Not: E.--There'ie noth. Clittis , imd was r sold to Goderiell.11or Goo Oattle,P Jordan
rA nd I&n, %I r -itfml-i so much to tillths Vill
erich Harness Shop I i and o0ulil solarealy tole te - to 'Lit"'I Th cremolly is prum,uncedo Alaska sovoter Tako one IA4 wouti.111sw tba.lian Day- Bentoom motirs-1110
MA' CHINE OIL140d y! ton from I
Iml"(if such a life. Biaukr.0 fa. kin i"n in triull, &xin, covered,with frees from the be".
12 f rot riled for hispresent seat tItePr*"Bt
gly art, still render the horlic' ejcgpjl�tit I
Kno""m as Sanwa T"fee the post to""letin"A How 8:g ruin hung thof*,r dark c',,i like gu-sta dep nearly t,I tbo:autnmit, with an fisdill I nox at tile general IAr,oro-:F.IkVe600Vu b�olfiwlk;and mosturu a
Iltwo,"in 'ft by ter. ! fter a uillu iL'ditiUll firiff maLu him;I
not tit*be" &T be @4 "ACQr4lKTTITItP1'fILICTRAT overbim, I%at te poor mail tlt(.1 growth irrimah.brialls and nwas,aluk"t agiil thir text
(HrUtoolead boollooi.0, We A. MARTIN to isiprove I its co �bfy county, of Iosn
0.4inu 4 Ili ificlicit"(1, in a trAvIllit-4 III iffilk awl
is 00. eat sty"Llits'" harder than ever- tile wrrk.4118 crisis oSor ('et VUL TL"
as the lit" loadt.ouiliker it 1. JJ 11 loss A'td ask"on Imus elloctionm1@71,
al no& fooko' FAIPlaamors in annowaing to the III If ;k,Qrrb.W:tb van tier f It-multiply As one by un all that is duarable als "0airloy's,Can- tn"forg,sutbbbk flit "test�.well Tows an.1 County th,t be ll t1ke weawatif Hall is road a dition Powders L�d ArAULn- Jisave r,M you ever MAnk Wk what is
buoingiffs of Mr.is.Haindy. a )Ibary be Is might be&varied. hays,Aliskilka. Thelik. hww4 we fia-hat Mr.Cartiorright""a
obooll" -t tc r. Ralskedy;"it bilis been used by "y f the sito Cltaemip te" ee,gi Comalloon cold,when glystemati-
4 tf"LM..Wtxv I for pit Its pliep!cLot), is a tftri L�.*4nunew 'lleff. si"Isir eit ron
oorli mik its It"attlealwo at 'conug rit.,4ftrald to.)YW& often Usda to that
fort�lilt As Lboalb. 0 04r1r1IftV Wild
TXSTTMON1AL Gvidtst.olk.W.A.I.has As*01 this lot T "Well,allow my wortl nryersaw, r-1 w of at Irtmolit a 1.9rector of fs�tsl and dii,trostaing disfulse--orin-
II VI'I st three yeartoom th.litst iforaoss,I&AW4. hl best IAt-s :.1031
tit Joespa a&"Ita'alse wo-ts, $how". shop.I.CUWkt-. flow prepared to make up P�IA your C bee. What m At sbe t� JI24:8 ills aiTL-41-0 son" (it J1191114; I have bat 0_0 athe Olitals Life Ailifift-cill 0�0., a-14 is'
It tilion IVV no A: likogroll PLWXWA are ItImyWithilik t I Milltiaquaa*I iffiptiots-bu t when"tended w at oroe
LIGHT A111) BEAVY Erl"ESS,. INYX 1,411 f sher saws-ol's keep ttoik h"A i4ow"I %bA$116or of a-wk It lie is glivet.,ttly easy of cure. If you are
te. ,Una I�Idt,$a_ -i , It
%..,I b-A- IT, :,p -it was returned by
51111 SWTCR COUAJIB, sead timmo iivilitibled with a cold or cough "Ilryan's
F.ill.G1.10i,rrft,dt.I 110UE-CL0*lV A� I ton' Mr.Coirt wrig'
Ify DARIANG 04CL 1 11114,11, Y04 (Z' low lie. 00WO-3ri bet irn as&I
tivity-at to TO awl"Ifirad .)Or vrhk i oiI
at-e:409 61)to .oil W Lb Asalm Orders rot" &m.sile Jh;1u,atiouded IN- 4-y'. RON IIIIIIIIIIIII16ft thb Wafers
For We *BIT try promptly aor lelcusky the b rivoltiber;(0. 9 , -
it PGtLb r*%oy f this-I %ar and gIllus,and,ase Ualt tbA q4laiAglIof, of,sWorative,bilt acted With I)- ffi,acl in removing it They kifur.
'lot fetl irgr! lowitint Yom I G, U. PARiO-NS A CO., Hardware Trunks, WbilistiqCurry-Volubst Ihe.-Nif? It your �*A*t olme Just 111411orig"L Bross F0114.xi pusition dtirizkIII the whnlu uf itA eail-4 relief, suld gouamuw faiii illiVO tD Up la,pikiltiag Hurd A Co.is ois am&ptkskqjl�. iKorth_'.
Mikrolkhants, Oloolerich. own stolp-siatiol's thad fdr rolquesLikii; is Tolitarg. rely&Lyinew, Mont t
SOLI It-Fly ksiow AD Ae. b S. MAI;, the ",I t A mrs i rl�(if mn oi rowelf. Rw to all VW to 14 as d.opeoratis sydm Nipai", Unt.1, prn- Cure to hen nsod in i-ngk., fikollf Uy Say .-at =4b"m a0di.I How.DAYMOOMMMOMN*ttcmoAa. I)ruggists 4ulliAlfuntry doalsew Price 24
out 1644 equal stir its Ir 11". -411,bom in
11:1,1870 awl about two thou"an'l, to defray I"i d %iw PnOtt" Scit(f by Lit n
1 0 abo" I I
Uodgrich, IMI:i('U& irous boicilasid