HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-10-21, Page 11tay Ml$s ELLA MORLOCK CREDITON Wednesday .Rev. & Mrs, Bruce Pierce and their family attended the barbecue held at Mitchell in Kippen ladies hold meeting By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN The regular meeting of the U,C.W. was held October 12 in the Sunday School rooms with 22 members answering the roll call With a Thanksgiving verse. Mrs. P. Dewys conducted the worship period whichi,was based on Thanksgiving. Mr4-Emerson Kyle gave the topic for the meeting Sand chose to give the biography of a lady who is 94 years young and who is presently in a nursing borne. The presentation was en- joyed by everyone. A delightful skit was presented by Mrs. J.A. Cooper and Mrs. Wilfrid Mellis. Mrs, David Cooper, the president, presided for the business meeting. Reports were given, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper acted as secretary for Mrs. Tom Reid and read the minutes. Plans were finalized for the ham and/turkey smorgasbord supper to, be held November 10 from 5 to 8 p.m. in Brucefield Church. Advance tickets will be sold to adults $3.75; children 12 and under $1.75 and pre-school children free. Mrs. Bill Charters conducted a contest on things yotr would have for Thanksgiving dinner. Cour- tesy remarks were given by Mrs. Bill Consitt. Personals Mr. Ed McBride is a patient in St.Joseph's Hospital, London. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Alex McBeath on their 40th An- niversary. Poll clerks and deputy officers' for the December municipal elections will receive $35 -tor their day's work in Exeter. Council agreed Tuesday night to up the stipend from its previous $25 fee. People who rent facilities for polling stations will also receive $35. Council members noted that this year they'd have to pay for the use of the town hall as a poll- ing booth. + + Exeter council concurred with two resolutions, one calling_ for the equipment granted to minor sports by the Ontario Athletics Commissioner be purchased in the community where the grants apply. The Town of Markham cir- culated the resolution, noting it was unfair that a distributor in Toronto now received all the business from the Athletics Com- missioner's office. "That's a pretty fair request," Deputy-Reeve Tom MacMillan said of the resolution. , Also endorsed was a‘ resolution - that the Ontario cabinet be asked 11 Times-Aclvoc e, October 71,1970 Pt LIONS ELIMINATION DRAW Tonight, Thurs, Oct, 21 HURON PARK REC. HALL Doors Open at 7 p.m, Some tickets still available at the door between 7 & 8 p.m. See the baseball game on T,V,'s (?) (Compliments of Exeter Electric) DASH WOOD HOTEL OPEN DAILY This Week's Entertainment! Sat., Oct. 23 Bkick Velvet Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 — GRAND BEND Club Albatross Huron Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 Wally's CHINESE GARDEN For The Finest DAILY SPECIALS LUNCH 12 to 4 p.m. DINNER 5 to ? Specializing in . . HOMECOOKED GERMAN FOODS ,0 CABBAGE ROLLS 'IP VIENNA SCHNITZEL .• SAUg BRATTEN • APPLE STRUDEL • PIES AND TORTES, • STEAKS AND CHOPS Specially prepared by our chef Kathe CrOiton minister visits moderator honour of Dr. Wilbur Howard, Moderator of the United Church. Over 600 were present. During the afternoon the Moderator was taken on a tour of the area in- eluded in the Huron-Perth Presbytery in order that he might appreciate the agricultural strength of the district. The MacMillan family of Goderich provided music in the evening. Personals Lt. Col & Mrs. Robert Palmer and son Mark, have moved from Edmonton to Ottawa. Daughters Shirley and Beth remained in Edmonton where they are em- ployed. Thanksgiving weekend Mrs. Palmer and Calvin Fahrner of Mississauga visited their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Emmery Fahrner. Word has been received of the death of Kenneth Sippell in Port Elgin, Mr. & Mr s. Will Oestricher spent the weekend in Windsor with Mrs. Eva French and the Misses Matilda and Clara Oestricher. Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Pierce are in Detroit this week attending the Pastors' Conference sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Fahner celebrated their 34th wedding annisiersary Sunday, october 17, with a family dinner at the Mill Restaurant, Benmiller. Those present were Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer and Todd of Huron Park, Mrs. Nancy Dowson and Cheryl and Constable Ron Fice of Exeter, Donald and Ronald Fahner. After the meal they returned to the Fahner home for a social evening. Mr, & Mrs. Charles Flegman of Dearborn, Michigan, spent Mon- day with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence .Fahner, Be slow to give, but quick to accept, good advice. Hotel Hensall Friday & Saturday, Oct. 22 & 23 Entertainer GARY BOYLE GUEST SPEAKERS AT RALLY — The feature attraction at Wednesday's Presbyterian WMS rally held at Coven Church was a worship workshop presented by Fern and Rev. Alex Simpson of Ailsa Craig, Above, the Ailsa Craig couple is being greeted by Coven WMS president Margaret Strang. T-A photo WHITE CARNATION Holmesville • Treat Your Staff to an Enjoyable Christmas Party Schedules May Be Obtained At Ron's Health Centre, Henscill Drysdale's Hardware, Hensall For Reservations 482-7535 or 482-9228 We cater to Christmas Parties, Banquets, Weddings, Private .Parties, etc. " vie4w:iiird412:3403x0.;:?04,44;,04,44, 11811111111•111111111=111881811.8111 CB /3 MASQUERADE Vanastra Shillelagh Vanastra Park, Clinton, Ont, Sat., Oct. 30, 1976 The Country Caravan Dancing 9 - 1 Admission $10. per couple includes full course mid-night smorgasbord Sponsored by Exeter & District CB Radio Club Proceeds to Exeter Arena Fund efinommozormair , Body rub parlours next? Set stipends for election to intercede on behalf of the residents of the province to keep the planned 30 percent hydro in- crease more in line with the guidelines of the Anti Inflation Board that the province has en- dorsed. + + + present bylaw calling tor a $50 fee had to be changed and wondered if council wanted the same fee to hold. Several members thought the $50 fee may be too high. Deputy-Reeve Tom MacMillan urged Mrs. Bell to check out the fee for body-rub parlours while she's investigating pinball machines. "They'll be the next thing," be mused. Mrs. Bell said such es- tablishments were already covered by provincial law. "They're uncovered, aren't they?" Reeve Boyle quipped. + + + The Exeter Police Association have forwarded their contract demands to council. Reeve Boyle said he would not comment on the requests, but did say they are "a little Honor bride at Whalen By MRS. HAMIRTON HODGINS Paul Squire and a friend from the University of 'Waterloo spent the weekend on a hiking trip at Beaver Valley, Mrs. Larry Bern and Mrs. Gerald Bern were co-hostesses for a bridal shower Sunday after- noon honouring Jeanette Dargavei prior to her marriage to Ian McLellan in early Novem- ber. Several friends and neighbors attended the wedding of Bruce Mills and Linda Coughtrey on Saturday in Centralia and the dance at the Pineridge Chalet, Wednesday visitors with Mr. & Mrs, Ernest Ferguson were Rev. & Mrs. Elwood Thornton from Argentina. They were home for Rev. Thornton's father's funeral. Mr. & Mrs, MacLeod Mills en- tertained the bridal party Friday evening following rehearsal. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins and Berton were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. 'dr Mrs. Lawrence Grose, Tillsonburg. Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs, MacLeod Mills were Mrs. Wm, Davies, Spalding, Saskat- chewan; Mr. & Mrs, Ben Mills, Oakville; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Trull, Burlington; Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mills, Oakville; Mr. Percy Black, Spalding, Saskatchewan; Mr. & Mrs. Donald Davies and family, Port Lambton; Mr. & Mrs. Ken Davies, Windsor; Mr. & Mrs. Orville Davies and boys, Guelph; Mr. Mrs. Ray Mills and Brent, Centralia. The town's solicitors advised that council have no responsibili- ty to repair or maintain private right-of-ways in the community. They also noted that should the town undertake any work on the alleys they could be held respon- sible for any damages. Council had asked for a legal opinion after two William St. residents complained that the grader had damaged their yards in repairing right-of-ways. The two have been advised if they have claims they should present them to council. frightening". + + He said his police committee Councillor Barb Bell was ask- would meet to discuss the con- ed to make a recommendation to tract terms, but Deputy-Reeve council on the amount of licence Tom MacMillan later presented fee that should be charged for a motion that council decide at pinball machines and similar( their ,next meeting if all contract equipment. negotiations'would be handled by " She said Tuesday-night that timtp--, single committee this -yeat4as been suggested in the spring. Music by $100. IN COSTUME PRIZES at the Picture 'Lounge LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thurs., Fri., Sat. Eureka Dining Room Open Till 12 Midnight Sat. Night Only The Eastern Tradewinds DOMINION HOTEL ZURICH 236-4371 The Best of Entertainment Starts Again Friday, Oct. 29 Tiffany Lounge Open Daily Mon. thru Fri. 12 - 1:30 p.m. Open Sat. 5 - At all other times we are pleased to open for social gatherings. sar2deRs SWUM CANADIAN and CHINESE FOOD en GA gworr Try Our Delicious Food You'll be glad you did Thurs. Night STEAK NIGHT $5. per Couple Includes Sciupi Salad and Steak Dinner "The Home of Grand Bend's First Annual Oktoberfest" Dining Room German Food All Week 'DPW SUNDAY NOON TO 8 P.M. Mon., Wed. and Thurs. 10 to midnight Friday & Sat. 10- 2 a.m. Sun. 12 to 8 Tues. 10 - 4 Full Course Meals Chargex .Exeter PHONE ,235-0464 Main St. Friday and Saturday The In BetWeen Sunday Country Spectacular Coming Oct. 29 & 30 Hallowe'en Dunce Prizes for Best Costumes AND RESTAURANT On the Beach Grand Bend BAYFIELD, ONT. iSauttrian RESTAURANT TAVERN Entertainment Friday and Saturday Evenings Clesoci Mortddys Reservations 238-2251 ENJOY! Our Outdoor Patios -/ FIRM'S CAVE We.Cater to Banquets, Weddings, pr - Private Parties - tictnted under LLBO I