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4 GODERICH, Nov. 12, 1873.
lie3iffilatini of the Ministry.
Kr:Mackenzie sent for.i-
1 It is with great satisfaction that we
' announce the downfall ot the John A.
3Iaolonald Government at Ottawa.
was finally prevailed upon to become a
member without offioe or emolument.
Mr. Mackenzie is to be congratulated
upon his SUCCORS, He has got together
a strong Government, which will we
think be aoceptod as satisfectory by the
toy. Th will tt
back for rreleiction et once, after which
they will mature tbeir policy and be
ready to most parliament about the-
usual time.
The Opposition have selected Sir John
A., onald as their leader and they
ems to hope that they will soon oc-
copy the 'Treasury benches again. De-
feated not on s queetion of policy but for
milteasence of °nice, and disgraced, we
doubt if such will be the case, and if the
new Government develop a liberal
policy; ea wa have no doubt they will,
they cannot fail to lave the support ef
the country and ware for themselves A
long lease of power. -
We heartily congratulate the country
on haeing got rid of the corrupt crew
which haat too long rated its destinies,
and we trust that under the new Reform
Government it will enter on a new era
of proseerity.
Thankiefivint Day.
Thursday, the 6th inst:, having, been
set apart by the Ontario Government as
a day of thanksgiviae for the many
bl "rige we have eipjoyed during the
t year. religions. eervices were no
us at, held on the otsmfion Thet he'd
. „
in Knox church wos a r,uniou meeting,
composed of Episeepakeand New Con -
flexion Methodists anch, .Presbyterians.
A fairly nionerous aulifice assembled.
Rey. Meseta. cm and Wirldht conductad
the' yroliminary services, after which
Rev; 'Mr. Nugent, pastor of the
Church, delivered an able and aptiropri-
ate adreas. Taking his text, Psalm
xxx, lain verse ; he remarked . that
thanksgiving was a netional, eocial
and an individual -duty. As regards
nations, they are to be thankful for
peace, presperity and golenty. In this
duty of thanksgiving t
take pat t with the men,
man giying Deborah
*omen inn
o Rev. gent!
follow, praising her sang as the fine
poem in the Englieh lantniage. Social!
we have lunch to be thankful for,swhil
as individuals, altholigh mdy ha
troubles, yet we ought to be - thankft
that things are no worse than they la
The peroration was eloquent, bull
address, which was marked1by csu•
preparation, original thought, an
good delivery, and Of whichllie _relieve
but an imperfect sketch, can not be pro-
perly appreciated by any except thus
who had the pleasu.re of listening to i
Them:isle wee led by the choir" be
longing to the churl in excellent style,.
Thr, collectiyn which would ,have been
-much tereer had it leen previously
announced., amounted , to ahoet.
and was handed to the Ledies Benevol.
_ent Society for the,benefit of the poo.r.
'•In St. Andrew's Church divine eervice
was held in tto evening, 'Rev. J. Sieve-
rtght,:the Pieter, preaching on eloquent,
end ale ourse from the Words.
h the' Lord helped us."
Mr. Nu ent too's part hi the see-
Rev. S. R. Kellugg-ed Clinton preach
ed .before the oungottieni: of St.
Clierge's,Church, in the "ourt House,
aw appropriate gement for the occasior
'lite 1day wae generally observed as a
holiday all the, princirenplaceo of buei_
nese hieing closeel.
Asaothar Railway.
e -
A recOesitime it courao of signa-
ture. &slang theelltyor to call a public
meeting of the Rotepayera Gotlericl.
at as eerier a date as possible, to consider
the propriety of holding, oht Induce -
merit* to the eeromoters of a pr4osed
railway from Nit Perry or neighbour-
hood., westward to Lake Huron, Witiake
Goderich the termitop of said road.
There is no doubt ouo town is nateeally
the most favourable point for such ter:
minus, but other pl#ces will•hold out
inducements to be Selected*: and unless
wade something we rimy Iota it. The
said proposed road it ill connect with the
"Steeped to the lips in corruption" as 0
one of his late colleagues said of Sir t
' John, he filled the measure of his ini- n
quite, by the sale of the Pacific Reilwar t
' Charter for American gold ewherewith b.
1 to bribe the electors and gain for him- a
self a new lease of power, hitt we ere
gla.1 to know that in a'perliament, many- th
members of which were reterned -by• th
I such corrupt means, a sufficient number pa
' have been found with independence p
e13.0114h to come eitt manfully against A
[ .stoelt practices, and ensure the over- C
throw of those who were ready tn resort b
to any means, no matter how disgrace- in
fel, fur the sake of fetaining office. al
Cn Wednesday lest wnen the House 011
roet,Sir John rose in his place and an- m
' noanced that as it was evident from the a
discussion the night before that the Gov- to
enernent had lest control of the House, of
he and his colleagues had placed their It
o resignations in the hands of the Geyer- ass
Inor General,- and that he had accepted po
them. In dente so Sir John showed his of
usual tact. Ho saw that if it came to a be
vote he would be defeated, so he fere- trai
stalled that event by resigning, thna pro
saving, if not himself, mauy of his fol. ert
• lowers from the disgrace which would tio
4 •
I attach to them if they voted to snetain p
him in his Mit-laity. Mr. Mackeniie, we
the leader of the Opposition, was sent doi
for and -entrusted with the task of term- al
ing a Government, which he accomplish- an
I al by Friday, when the 9overnor came fo
1 down and. pro -roved tate House with be
A I the following speech :•-•
"Hon. Members of the Senate:
'Ilene and Q.e.tbea line from Ottawa
o Tepronto, and in Oonnectien with the
'orthern Celonizatien road, will feral
he shotteet line to tha Atlautic Leo-
tard. With a stood liarbeitr here (and'.
t no point on ihe eastern ehores of
Lake Huron can there be auth another),
en:tic no reason why a large portion on
e trede of the Great West ehould not
ss through this town alid over the
roposed road. Now that Sir Hugh
Ilan has given up the charter of the
anactian Pacific, :the Ontario and ()tw-
ee and Northern Colonization reado
whieh he is largely interested, will in
probability be pushed- through at
ce.- Mt...Fowler, an energetic railway
an, has given notice of application fur
charter for the rood from Port Perry
Gederich, and we have the mull:ice
his Solicitors that he mediae business.
only rem tins for our • .citizens to
ist him by all the rueana in their
wer. If they db so the advantages
increased railway' aceomodation may
secured at an early date and in its
n will follow additional businost and
sperity for our town. Tho 'Mayor
11 of. ,course comply with the requisa
n, anal at the tueeting facts will be
laced hefore the ratepeyers which will
truet ghow them tha neeetsity of
ni esimethiug in this matter. If they
low the present opportunity to pats
improved it may be a long time he-
re such another occasien es offered for
nefitting the town tie the same extent.
"Gasetenten of House of Commons:
In censoeuenco of the resignation of
say late 5lieuttere during the debate son
address, I have called a fresh Ad-
. vaiioist lto my Council. A large
t number ta in the House of CUM-
!' mons havi us become vacant, 1 hove
0 decided with dee ard to the circum -
t it will be moat
of the pubtie
iun of
, stances of the, coat,
4 convenient in tho inte
t business to prorogue this
I The following is the compo
, the new Redeem Government: -
Mr. Mackenzie -Premier and Minis
1 ter of Public Works,
Mr. Derion --Minister of Justice.",
1 Mr. Blake -Member of the PrivT
Council without ,a Department-
. Mr. A, J, Smith -Minister of Marine
' d
, .,, an Fisheries.
I Mr. Letellier De St. Just -Minister of
1 A gricult ure.
Mr. Cartwright - Minister Of Finance.
Mr. Laird -Minister of the Interior.
Mr. Christie -Secretary of State.
Mr Berpee-Minister of Customs.
Mr. D. A. McDonald- Postmaster
( leneral. .
Mr. COffia -Receiver General.
4 Mr. Fietruier-- Minister of In'and
: t. •ventie
ei..• /tees- Slimmer of Militia and Dr
The Last 41.ct-432. Ont..wo.
The morniug that Sir Jobe A. Mix-
doleald's Government fesigned it mole
the following appointudInts,-
. Hon. S. L. Tilley,' 51. P., Lieutenant
Governor of New Brunswiek.
John Crawford, M. P., Lieutenant
Governor of Ontario.
Hon. Hugh Macdonald, M. P., Judge
of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
T. R. Forgason, M. Pe P.. Collector
of Customs at Olellingwood.
A member of other aopointnachts ere
We _believe the; ie the' first time in
on.ktistorer that a moribund adminie-
trationekas been guilty of such an of-
fense. 1Neas always oeen the practice
when a 'Beane! of want of confidence
was pending, toeprefrain from making ale_
pointments, end\ any other course is
'subversive of ,the paikciplee of responsi-
ble government. For\an administra-
tion, a few hours before ,kts being turn-
ed. out, to appoint two of \tts membera
to respon.sible offices, and tp5, shelve ita
supporters, is a gross outrage, and we
think Mr. Mackenzie woeld he quite
joatifi.ed in cancelling the commessions.
-It is worthy of remark that during
Mr Blake's speech in reply to Sir Joho
A. Macdonald the latter wee absent
In addition to the attempt made to
bribe Mr. Cunnihgham, as stated in our
last issue, to Tote for the Government
it appears powerful inducements were'
brought to bear in other CAW. 15Ir.
Hagar, the Member for Preseote, wea
elected as an independent member but'
he las always voted with the goyern-
ment. He anneunced hie intention to
tote againet them on .the Pacific Rail-
way mat t csr. It appeals he has recently
failed, his liabilities being estimeted
, $23,000. Ile was approached on be-
. half of the governrrent who Offered to
Pay off that r mount if lie neneld Tete
_with them, but he refused. It ia ,not
I ever) mau wfio would hare turned his -
back on such'a tempting, offer and Mr.
Hagar is entitled to credit for having
hated the tempter.
In another case the si lie of the ex -
premier used sul her blandishments over
a certain young Member to induce him
to vete with the governmet but in
vain.. Dosperate lakket have been the
state of the ministry when they had to
resort to such means to keep themselves
from diagaacee
_ ,
: B. Co.-1:454eacc.
Ou the ;oh of. Neve label. 1 6..):• Guy
Fawkes Made an attempt to ;dew hp a
Perliament -hut feiled : on the 5th of
Neve/niece isae afe. Heraingten :i.'..
tempted Ur blew np, if n. a raParlienkenti .
a Geverioherit emidrtmeccitaled. ' It "ram •
next day auld have been thanksgiving,
!other a• trango co-ineidenee that the
but it werinot• ineppakpriate, aud many
felt that they had an adelit1 •rell cense
for giviug.thahla that day, la that Cie
!Gantry wag' P.m ri I et that beefy '; 01
corruptionists who hal se ener 144104.
!Ilea it, '.•
[--- - - '''' -
'- It is Ore'ntitle 1 . F. Fekie.r, 51.1°!1'.
for Soit(ta Greni-kkhy, will !ince:kid
Hon. R. i'5:5'.. Scott as Con9isiieneei of
Crown Linda for Ontario. e k
t . ,
1420,3L IT23%7
ilte-reavife.--:Thje persin wh etztti
off ,• copyeof flee C.:notion J".is!pet
.."Vore fntrufeur office en 51,411,14y, ie ,
clueeLed tasfreturto it ferii.lei.c„.
CONTR ecir kart kabt D..-- We leant ti
Joakbph NVhiteheed„; Esq.,' of C"... et.
h beet) awarded the coutract fer t
ateuction i ol the tail way from P
Jeer iv 5roodet,pek.
CoNt ENt SA 11044.,- 1 ..t. ,inilerata
tiro ries ltiooan Oath; lio Conte
Schleol wee opened on teleutley oi h
:need attendaneek of pupili. It i, nee
tl o charge pf lady teat:hen tee:a Le
u. ,
!Puce:envie-Isn't. it alo.ut ;Mut tl
times alto stunt:ally examen° the ber
of' trecia and the homes of the, buyer
the woodchuck etre hear,: treat in
. erel te r it;Sta-rt of u......:1A. we ere
loce for thi winter.
SHOOTINO Accumatx,-_,Pne of those
accidents which so frequenBy occur from
the careless use of fire arms took place
at the harbour on Thaukagiving day, by
which Edward Lewis, son of tira Lewis,
Elm. County Attorney, was seriously in
jared. He, with a companion, had imen
over the the river shooting arid on re-
turning ware enemeed in drawing their
boat out of the eater. when ame of the
guile went off, the whole charge grazing
Lewis' brouit and lodeing in ehe fieshy
part of his left arm ahoy» eltow.
Melekul and Mcaleekine. were eal t : in
and dressed the wound. 7 hey eetre . _1
eighteen grains .4 shot from' the •k,
besides a quantity of fragments of itis
clothing. Seventl grains were -also found
leciged under the skin pf the breast and
his escape from bane killed was very
narrow indeed. Ile is, vie are happy r 0
learn, rapidly recevering without any
serious permanent injuring being done
to His arm.
The Fell Assizes were Opened 111":4 41
We.bies.ley last aefore Rouen
Judge iltiehes of St Thomas. In tidal
tion to the local bar we observe th
followine lee* gentlemen in *newt
-C, 11 Tonna.' ;
Arthur Hardy, Brentford ; J. K. Ger.
don, Toronto ; J. Aikman, Cayuea
Toronto ; Poacher, Lon-
isloornnia.and F. Devi', Crown. Ceinisel,
The follow iaAwyeir,i).1 te:ovrn. iu as the
'D. It.
The's. A telereon Samuel Jelknatoa
tees man ,,, elm.' Kelly
Chas. Dernyn delin Meth:lea
.1.•11n Ke-ys
H. J. Nett
1 t.7'ph Brown
Para Carroll
jltazobti.:.,a,r'erregsitnien '1 .1,e.. Stabletry
.% lex. Sailpsote
Jas. H y81.41) Wm. Thompson
Jas. Ilezleweed ".Yen. Yowl!
...Idrcssed Cie Centel
24..Fekeeeri• end a'• er• ...11V1C
intent to retina them will be ouly •
trespass and is not indictable -i. e. if
the origival intention to return the
goods be clear; though if they were ever
taken with the Latent to steal, no resti-
tution will alter the lege! alpect of the
offence and in all such caves the origi-
nal intention is a (pleik.i•et fer th•• jure.
Thus when t we tiers.riq hell, 1 s,, 16'),SOS
front a stable, rode ;liken to a Caw at a
distance and there l•e-- enee, 1.04.1CeA•
ill,' 011 rot, an i tli 4 j•try I .und that
they to di the her ea tak.rel tete forward
theke en t hear jeuraey an.:., net to make
an v further 11%.3 a thorn, ails eels hoiden
3 L'IV4p.;S:, only reel pot a lerealy.
Ther•• are ,.. !main crime*, elach cart
only be proceeded with by a grind
jory after preeeedines have been 0.010
menceil elsewhere-- (here reed Dam.
!wteast,pausfs1:6d 11PactL2" lec. 2 1
indictments an.1 to guerd parties ai•tinst
). This law
to prevent vexatious
accusations being serene upon thou by
surprise in it form which WM very corn-
• weekly reeerted te by wicked and design-
ing or viedictire people.
having been committed at all, fer y ei
It is your. duty to inquire who he
there be sufficient evidence of a (-rim.
to go further; next having establish 1 111
your own minds that a crime h et lre •1)
aonventted, is there reasen to be:ieye
that the persen accused, either :IR !prin-
cipal Or acceasory before er atter the
fact, had part or act i:i the dee 1 edf so,
then, .31i1, to es. credit amt. determine
isovrtiradtintghlayt. ad or part was, and to act cc-
, Your duty is con,iner to heetiue °vi-
de:ice 00 the part ef. the pri•ecetition,
aud 44111y thet of witmeses e liege nantec
aeknear en thu beck of the ik`diettnent.
the ilefenCe, fee it le 110 ',sit of your
Yoe cannot call tip other e:t leases Le
fore yell ur heer 111.) cese ea 10 !tart of
dely to try the el/1.ex% thet w •.kld be te
Assilitl0 the functions of ts- Court akel
petit jury which Call mily he leektlly per.
termed or jestly diectiarged in Cie : ...u-
senet, of the acensed and the 3.;0110.1r and
in the meet pidilic mintier. • IV yhti
thin!: thert• is sulfa:bed evideece t•• rkti.e.
ki presumption of guilt veer (let y ends.
and 3-.)n should find a 1:111. It is never-
theless yemr ditty to peeled the *coned
aeainst the rilvezesi ioti of crime whitth is
linsupp erttel 'he reseenahlo testimony
keel ierork; a BO'. ^ ,
At was t.Prinerly required Viet every
wouese bedore he went her. re the greed
pity to give hit c•vich4eo should 1444
mere ie 4.een Court This is eot now
e.,,eeteary, th) airman er tuy member
ef the :enact jury v. Ito may lie for title
;tittle thong :tactile* rie fOretnen in the ex-
:1101:label' of wititesset in eupport of a
il till 4 I udieteininia limy a•bitikkister the
leitli, and -the name of every vritnesa te
be exatnined is endeteed 4411 tho Millet-
sueate an.I the • foremen i 4 .10 -wrilo lin
1, iiimilt.ir.iilleaar„elaitticstiotihlienetr at.)1dif 4,..,:octl:,,,w,iittillie„orsL
than Belo' een I.) et:immured ;without. a
writ.t..11 order (rein the .1 inft-Tei • .
Vol %ill httla tho ni,siltatt.to of, eosin -
lel wit., reWesonli 1n.. Al 1.;1•11,7 (Leteral
k%) eiltiat. 4 eu in i!, • 4:i kehares •kl yi;itr
+little.; in any twitter the! 111 Iy.4 T..•;111',11
1'14 assietante, and I am- kire T011 ,1T/11
00i Atli yotir 'dello* *cry berdensonte
nieter hie Aldo- advice. :. It- will net. lp •
proper for. voiv ..1 ieeiere ewe :Lott Witl.•
'out find cednultitrephiin, lahnete homes :
'think it oli ioithlo t • pr7.1eiro an indict-
!, i . t ne4.tr.tasasommx.,ite •ovtrettry freak". e. wr hi ai 44) ho e rn 4 aja nb : vi
•'t ,%-vre to"i:•ttore t* isill.belari Ali
, , i ligtei.14 I chiselled- yam ;could ant.
il'aumpanarl fi.l. a°.111;cithlwr el"Atorew°ftuilil
to.. ., r 111,0 Cirts11 tr. C.,. !6'11.:kitnI1
1.11 ' 1 V• !..':. •.• I ill; C ; - :it ,6 . • el otoed.
It is riecessary 11 it. ti, 'v.'. of you
46,01 agres in the' finttine 44 a hilt, Mid
not -num majority of amt numer
thakfasy he istemblo.1.• • I troit yin sill
not setiaraiii witleort•etiteringeppen yonr
1,117,,,. Al is 211-3 li Obit ciTtl.ent • grand
l6e.i; Imi yeti 'trial pl.. 1-04 ein.1:-rstanil
' a e et wile Ai: !it 31.1 V 'iM's :10.'1 I re-
, .• • 1 .11 10 100. . t; 4 rne.?,, tui
The holtlieg of Cie present A rizes wee
eesigeed the llon. tl 41c
pattissoule:otle,i,illiejetalivee 1,111.7 t
t„,,ird..1i4111)(elgrteeilitlilitsiitz,setLe_,•;:i !eiestled to pees
This beitig the 1 est theititty on the
Weetern (lireuit thie fell; it hareem*, es
generally those that a ;441 do:81 of
civil bushier lets to he disposal of, an,1
.nni seery.to itifkilnit yee 1 4 -It the (ft ien •
anal Calianlar it not Lela alt etigh the
tl if I
, c:uies feotenderitte let sumo c t tem
a ettisol over for tritil front 11 c telt As -
'.I size%) aro fctv ia.nutalter: it c ineiete of
' ..1.1ie case of ;perjury iii %lac!. a itlill ef
I uilietisteiit has tilrea,ly - loom i.vntel,
at ,atel will net therefore eneee• e our ,it -
e, ; - toitku, f fir; cases -of larceny Ind three
ie etanto of child Murder.. , ,
rt ' A$1 a iwee.e.ory constittictit of this
Ocuit the Greed Jury hove -ne•eerbiet
toe and gravo nineteen to, pee Coco e-atel,
,t as /tn.:gist r.11,v• the otalt. jklet. :1141110s.
a denikl, "Yeu have diii, untly be enqpiire
r aird true. ereassituieut niz.keof all such
„,. neetlers al shall be ;,iveli you i i cleare,.
Yin ere to- preeetit. itc• Ono tarn lea.. a 1646
t 0410 UHF, ..i..01. • 1 r,;• fatty
No an 414i10. 64.,0 14.1.,:p -Van
ehe l'.:T0t0 . ,i ; -. • .4'. 4/. 4 1).'
OH. weeet ‘`. eme'' • • .
Illis isn't die )4' ,.. litlet.,
•ter or airy 1.1-41: •
'tut then there •
taste. ! •
Diee r onto. --'-' We
...emu oureilvce. nu. , o
:le thet it has raioe 1 p.: se 14, Li 0 4..'
elendite ' fee the tot t. a e otseeoie
:eeees. 'Noe Italia -4v1o, ;6,h t .4 1, .
the latese • ;II ttyno aro vezn. 1110...11 ,..
„mated. 1
A ' S.CA124 C, ' 1 ,•_. ,,,,, OA 1/4 . s•
a 1 kITT0111,,i •T:1$.; 1.4St V. 11`.1sed in .1.
leettire to kelo',....:ce •J•ilin A's defee
and su'lleieret coald not•ho lied to buil
* 'fire worthy 4,1 the cztoupion. Wit
ehe aid ef co dwood r. good L JUC.r..1 waa
made.. ,
' Row roekei-oile nieht last week
ntimberofw ihdoesin 3. Bend's, Pe I'Deti
rael others stItres wore Idemen oy rowthe
cilie threw sittines threaten them. Rue
conditct ia di eraceful. The Town Ovum
will have to t on a'hight watchma
kruttr • V
malice, kk . k 1 ail thiutte Lute ne
,41 f11117 Celine i..; .). ,.. 01 1..1 .- : pip ,' •
,... .11ite special referee -4 3 •
eekcibee it h te n. ' -
. :pritle wf our pry', ,
Inez!' motive 'and : p : ; 4, . . ,
neet. ilips acimideoratiou of 1 tsti
. .
,'' k ',mkt, Ikea been Ispri.414. tee oil •
', 1 ; k ,, • ear, sui t tee f44orlee ad 4-
i -I
14;61t. 164 t11 4.6tit. lewe kept tia ruelked
• e the i." ,re, eat ef ki Rs ,Nt Ott c wripted
v ke a . e k e -.. ‘‘'..• Iriv not. to
' i , o . • oa ;co i try nitsi
'• eh 4 utel 4r
i in'
lt' 41 • to nonce°, 1
1' s I/ Wt. l' '
I utqcr, • k • ,
• IH t.try as i • e 4. p
1. • .01 awl jetelot and pritote.s.
I ere, ee that it Joey be 1. a;
41 6...14)0:11 140; mid as it alwifs i ih tie
; cottelry,, is let 4447 as "thumbs ghter,'
; zee," tfie niutioal after a short iu pris re •
mentos tartlet' loose .to nnow
1,;tive way t. magi
.t• s, 11. has •tier
snong oar e7pir.;•nw that .t
! of a Ike 40 nail At e lentil •
• •414. •
• 11 1
. •i idi, ;oil, .
, in it, and ..
eauso for TOL...," C.. :,!tii.t. either tif •
the gael itself, th :, ' er their tresit•
meet at die heel... .te - ;on .i,•rg of the
prison; and eller C ts "ellen Niro bee!,
do vs, an+ keitr roe at reeeirell, 1 st01
avail nivs.elf of to earliest livinie . to
nal: t• 1 i ram firthcr a"etailan.v. . .. ,
A ., . . ' r of e lava 1.1...P.: rernein• t 4 'Of .."'
frit. 1. 1 , • e-iesien business lost al
been el, , of.' lila only r,ni, int
hoing 11.1. 4 r I. 1 1.7 fr i:11 Ere,. 44.: 4
ItA.itt.d Win J. Ell' pit .who plot led guilty
to t110 0113.Ti(d. of 11.A.S ite.f be reed a barn
be:Aging to Joha l'iviLirwood ou the
night Of 'ttrd Nolein'..r. He web set. -
Fenced to foor y sari •tuprisoyinio ut ils t .
filo Itoformatory prison. Oeriag t . the 1
teethe , ' 4 ' ' . .
• Riteritcre -1-We • regret to !elm fro
the laat • her e of the Six:le:feed' B. kt, 0
Cernit of ill h Oath retired fretn. the, per
lhell;%M., Bn leitigharne Eire, heti cm ae
ce4terahip mid edit.irship. 1 1 ndeell
fl.tickin,Janes fostering etre the 1::',; .,
hes attained a plan, aCcend to non
aniengithee w e k Ty n ewspapere of C Mae
genies entire letnl.
da. Mr. -A. lathefonv, his parteer, mei.
. Ce. pr. Ru go zoo:of:tee '01-1 Veered i.rq
Ct.-pm/den had new with ' i a . en--PanY
of Europeen'
as Icing al
C.: trice and arieu V•oene arc eepeciall
to. le note lie' as lezino .ceee olinele
leet.r, as ia :Cs:: ef. M irtvit ta •
pi mist, Ude; s now jell this Comte-P.41y
net. perfor nere opii Saiiirdey au
ltleriday next; 1;th and 17th iuet. i• - ,
• A. Ceti:. etSEN i'•- The Welkerto.
Te'escepo slim -" 'nee Charkee'ler ..
t)ntario.at till reccfit (lianccry littir ;
byre, called 41e. Itichardson the care4,
taker and cettipliwonted him highly e)ii
the state, Of the Court Ilietee fang
grounde, sa0Fig they weie tho beat hetet
in the wh f Province." ' It will bo WL
leng time* fear bef 4re 11 similar!' •deaii
pliment carifthe paid lere. • '
Fr El.'N" neinev.. -The Tories ef this,
town feel Se badly. Tee sell in the
South Hui -on election anti now the do -
feat of theii• pet leadefr and aovernmentl
canses them t feel very cheap,' find yen
might buy an of theninet abpint $00.05.1
We trust wel aro e'ne• generous to glom
over a fallen oe, hut we hope they wit
take thetlesnon they hate learned
heart and remember that honesty, in
pelitica as well AS in other matters, *
always the best policY. 1 :'
,• t
CHA 14.14E oe,• L teeexv.- -Some 4if the
I•oetelers in the Albion Hotel 'teeing
mimed articles of. jeweley and other
hinge; and a number of the missini
articles ha.vini been found in the trun
if (aloof the fervent*, she was brought.
bef;ire C. Cr‘bh, J. I'. last week on. a
barge of larceny. The evidence failedi
o criminate the girl, wlia bromght exe
celleriL testimonials with her • fromi
Stratford. The magistrate was led top
he conclusion thot another party wee!
he,, thief, leti that to divert euspied et
nuote, wl reitoe4ken
tiro clios: perferno rs
rom themsec-es they hall place.1 the
rticles in this :errs trunk. She wee
krrefore bent. :rah:3- aceuitted.
FATAL ACCII:':4.4.s.ii.-- -A fetid accident
occulted on the Graul Trunk Railway
on Stuiday merong h Owl 1 citst:.:1...: east
. of Brantford. The eight express Knitg
east came tin* collieleo with a tnixotl:
train corning west. Two enetinas and
four or five cars were;•badly smashed.
The baggage and baegage car were burnt.
The peasant:6m were all• uninjuroll, but
the • fireman of she expresis train was
killed. One Of the brakesmen tulid tlie
batmagernan are teriouely hert. The
deceased firemen's mune was Welter
Ittitherford. ,He formerly lived ih God-
erich and Oaken:tains wore brought here
for intenneut. His funeral took' place
yesterday he being berried accie ing to
Ile torn* of.the. Odd Fcllows o which
society he was a member.
Aigusinsinin.-Our citizens hare no
p thine o 1 lack;:f amuse -
reason to corn 1 f
went. Within t e last two ort ree weeks
the town has been visited I;jr Rothwell
and HnrIbure with their trained horse*,
the Holman 'opera troupe, Martin the
wizard, the Agnes Wallace Comedy
troop., Mattie bpaylord a lady lecturer,
and James Taylor the London cemipme.
Next Saterday and Monday Cool Bur-
gess will be here with his troupe, when
fun may Jae expected. With reference
to Miss .Gaylord's lecture on "Our
Girls," which was delivered last Satur-
day evenuig, we may state that it waa
yery high toned in character. She gave
some good advice to yonng ladies' and
to parents how they ahnuld IFs brought
up. SI e are sorry to have state that :
some young men and boys the audi-
om p Ce. aro in a v ry proper
Readiugs. It was decided to hold the
first of the series in about a fortnight.
All our local talent will -be engaepoi. The
object of these entertainments ts a truly
good one, And should commend itself
toeeveryone. The proceeds aro to be
used in the purchase of books, papers,
etc., fcr a library and: reading room.
There ie t • exeia. i.oerest
just nee 111 e .1 news. Th inks•
givine pested ve. q•kietly, services
bone held !nail eekirelies an I well
attoa.101. The 00cision Wil3 truly one
fur Thankseivine in 3 11011ble 101;50. al
thouglinot thekone it nited upouby the vari
tete clergy of Ontario in their mernotiai
to the Lieutenant Governor. There was
lei ex.:km(30 hero over the doe nfell of
the Ministry, but a feeline of iateuse
thankfulnese that the oud had c eue,
and that, a great' burden had been taken
from tie who feel an interest in the
welfare of Venetia. Thera is also a
strong feeline that Om labors of the
It 4yal Coleinission should not terminate
the investiaation which seems only to
hive troubled the surface of the deep
50.1 4.1 iniquity below. The Janet search -
ink; see:kitty's', •ald ba made and every
name mado eublic who hes been a
treaeurer of elos-,Allen fund for the pur-
pose of britowe. in any way in connection
with the elegtiono The evidence so far
has heen furn1.1 antobiegraphic in refer-
ence to Soler:en, atel no one will doubt
that Szr John's autobiography in the
Pack de Scandal matter i, just as scant as
c end make it and it remains ,for the
kteited wireldin of :he Dominion te com-
plete the biography, and unless done and
tieeepeghly done au indelible stain will
6t. leTt on thie eecutcheon of the Do -
is• evidently. the first and
between ditty of the present Govern-
ment to unotit di the whole matter and if
there is anriaw for impeachment, the
guilty (men it any should be impeached
azi.1 expelled from the Ionise as aware
iiing to political jebbers in future, such
a onus.) eolith.' be more effectual than
any•other in preventing a repetition of
acts -of Corruption on so huge a
scale. Only $162,000 out of the $356,
OW have yet Omen accounted for and
there can be little dennt that, when the
Liven:lotion; &Pee take place names, in
connection eith the seand:.:1 will come
to the eurface in Ontario- and even in
our Lein:Ai-no neiehburhood that we
little •drearned of. Should there be any
litoitatiug on the nut' of the Mieistry
to presectite toithe'encl, the. investiga-
het beektu by the Royal etou minim&
hry onelit Mill to, and probably tomtit
not excuse at yore politic censure. The
oppesition n pl1expeciallY incriminated
ministere wil make every effort to pre-
vent any fur s4 investigates!' and will
destroy mid ehtletoutiareileble all the
evident* the .cari. There will melees -
'tenably ha a tdong exciting tiinu in the
llonee but I o tune has come for the
atui 'sphere' of Canada to be
porged and tiurtitied and no opposition,
ne pretext siihttl.1 be allowed -to prevent
e imam Caere gli and entire exposure of
the. faets the matter. The new
eleetion lee neeessary should be
imentleil at tete so; thet in cue', dus-
*dation:- of t op house should beeline
:advise:14o bribetry emit& be. effoctutilly
elced and btosa politioi.1 morality
held at, a diecounit.-. We heti° no doubt
noweverfroreithe persoonel of the new
Mon try Cali all the needed chan. vs
teal lie made to ensure as far as hun-en
eielpfin oan, political purity. This is
10614-111.; aegreee deal for. lei/41,1es, -but
;le:roil ) reasop politioaneshonld not
Iwo 11.m.31. '1110 machinciry of govern-
ment cue awl, shed.' be carried 1 ou
tionoitly joeS well as that of any
hirge btenteedi line, and tea, earnestly
h••,-,, that th pilesent gevernment will
pl .ce the atr of the, Dominion on -
*tech a 113014 nd.enleafoar in spite of
eve rytlitne• te t•ecorrnption about
the tie it mc taelede will, to gevern
hoies•ly .whi tn, ; :1. alvd if the time
;mem silent t et . met lie deue, they
' • i 1.1, 411.1 ,a
3.1 14.430.11T rortpat ,11.,1/1ilik iitirskting
• • 44-1,0111.;
• , anything like he pz olosi porsihkd by the
4:1 it,
1 . .4 1
$ * r
4, The: have ono' I
C'tlit- i.,:::4:7,,,,
e ad, et -
-vended Ludt. en lie the. eazeili they
1 falt thekekt •It.ell 1111.1i4's.1 11.` 1/111.k0 1 ' Ialejr
to ie:i h. ..1.1.1 e/kretipt . the .1.4u eies ef
,jkistice, -Attie thMa•by 11% , o aa .16.42111
!froze tho gallows.
-, Lut it+, .thend'ipre, ale ovs etemelt
thenicicharee 4,1 oat. r..4:4 -0:1.1V1 <bit i:.4
• W 1..11 that soleiviiiit awl 'deters) ilia' 1,4)
; t ; .lo right „..wIliell itio.r ielperoe ee on'
is:sop:es 41auelool, and •le.1 Vt. the cezo.se
epieacesr ICI' ;411e a.s the ii iterat re Piles cri
' these sips w tia4.have eaeseil us; te • en•
quire lit.1 t pia
tee 1. nA 41 ae!.,. loi:.,67,r; tte• er Coe
tr tta of twirler ii dean . to be
Queen r trace, -- oitie' 1/161::C' /V 1.- J1 .'
OT 11.14/Trth1411411I, 10t.:...r 4.xitro•Sell or
, implied by iaW, Of Oti• pleeerip 4pn the
. neon* piej,04 is& the chief 14611 meter -
Pe ic-1.11e, orend critezei,./114 .7117 SI 11,3.0L-
Ilitirder et to Le distieluidit•d trice' ally
ether seeskit a of lenah, ;dee oel it nil be
neeearary for pat, "nteretor,s, t # engtiiis
into tho ceases in A he411 see% 4414liee
.nee' have ellen:1; ••AV bee tho lel ntlikto
too ol tho „noir "Inaliee aferethihetit '
ae descriptive of . the crime .of Murder.
pei aro not titinderehand it to bet tiler-
ly in the, sense of '11 prt1C611)Ceptil of
inaleyoleuce tit teerticular 'perari se. but
a.s Meaning that the fact haa Nom at -
nettled with aueli eircumstences, as are
the.Ordinary symptiene of n eickpl, di._
riTgAarrile'll'e•:*;"lurif sniceltiiii..41 adlit;Itty 1:reilricIt'eli lratestirt•-
ly bent en tuimehief, and in gene. 1 atiy
formed ecoten of &Ping otiechief inay be
celled teethe's; 111111 therefroe not add! kit-
hiiiintgraeuln it;rmrePyr:•44;18egine)icilleit'irrnliocAteeltareotwin
killed, But in matly other -Cests Mee
sueh killiug as is aeceitspanle41 with 'tzio
cumstanees thet 441144iw, at 1,•,,,itwilitgefaarti1tt,c,..) '11)4,c.: „,
reecrtlieeerseeltrYereweiteeko7a:til con••• inentlt milr-
der; and that malice may Les either ex-
pressed •-Olt .inapliced. The pereon •e•iiit
wilt:Aug the crieie mina be a free iteent,
and not acting utelcr the coertion.of
others, cer subj ot to netn ..1 foree!r.t the
time th.: act la (1.4tie Tette:. if; A by
force take the an, of 11314 vrhieh lea wea-
pon and therewith kill C, A. is tneilty of
murder, bot iiet ft. I•liti if it heently,a
moral force pet tireln Ill, int by threatee-
ing .hint with (11113.SA or - iruPiiiouviveat,
or even by an ossault to dee ',era' of hie
life, in order to ceniiiel him to. k.lt C, it
is ie. legal excoge. 1 • '
I knee nothing of the feels of iliecases
whirh are ter he br•inglit beifore'llon for
eeezdre, I ey ,1 4.1 1.1....,i41/e...,,..',..i..11 014 (h.,
;teetotal may be a pence) or intsound
mind, mid as that is a matter which
i :n only pronc•fly cent.) o t tl• k t
Cuitrt and a ivtftit jury, it will be your
vility to present the case for trial, as a
true bill, if are facts proven before
you offer sufficient to put the person
teem trial, because it is no.part of your
dirty tu hear evidence •frtr the deffenceP
turd the law provides• specially for, all
:etch cases by enacting that in ties
wIlere ft is given in evideree open! the
lied of ,lin° Penton' chargeti with in of-
fenne that'such person woe inserte a, •he
time of the comrniesinn of the eft, e
and such person is acquitted, tbeep, or
shall be roquire41 to find speciakty
whether the person was insane end to
.leclare whether he is azenitied Son
tluet aneoint, and if they aci find then
the perm). may thereafter be confined
in a LunatioAsylum, and without that
finding there would be nestle+ authority.
The crime of larceny is defined to be
the wrongfnl taking' and carrying avray
from the actual or censtrnctive posses-
sion of another and against his will
personal and moveable goods, befog tho
property of another, without any claim
or pretence Or right, and with intent
; wholly to deprive the owner of them
! end to appropriate them to the use of
, the tater. At,common 1atr to ct- natitute
1, tido crime sixireumstances must oectla:
1 1 i st, A takingi 2c1, A cerrying nway.. 3d,
The goods must be personal chattelw4ths
The Ouode wlien taken must be actually
ar conaiructiVely in the possassiou •;f
h 5
f this defence be be cooked of the
elleteet fr bea lace in the Ileum°. The con- en did t beh
tor, R. W. soost-ifentosr of the
vineing areurnents and scathing ex- manlier. It is high time theetuehorities
made an example or two as such rowdy -
:ie. is of fregueut oteemoetee. The
Aeoes comedy troupe perferin-
eel two erenings lied week and gave ,
great satisfaction. Should they again
tested. full homes.
vieit oar towpshei will be greeted with!
wi‘huii portfolio. of the former were too convinc-
" tInt-krtj h" rePresusutly" is ths ing for the ex-Prevnter to listen to com,i,
Qoeoec ihrevv, Nova Scotia • fortably.
f -ved Naw Brunswick two itach, and
1 'Prince Eder,rtt island one. lifr. Binh. Mom Mr. Gibb's election for South
1 ,•zatersed at first to enter the aibinet be* Offsbnco is Wing con t
,-- .4 . et. • i
. 400111410"..61k* iit1111104r.$0414,' • 4
tnot er. th, They mind be the propel-
ey of another. Gth. There must be fele-
ous intent in the taker.
The moat importsut ingredien° d t:i6
p..11 well as d ether crimes id the felon-
ious intent, for to take a thing as a mote
rite' treaties,. althengle n ' wful, is
one thing, but to ate il it ' other, a
bare :went to use the
tertian the takin' g or unlawful)ChwrIbeTaeur
-40' • .4- •
att•loverriteamt t t -oink oilize.
The Perkliii SalMolie ia a weak
st tte. end it nyverioosly proposed tit ins -
pond it for the ores . ,
The bnys at ruling the Galt Collogi•
ate histituto I re commenced the pet).
aieatioa of a st. Neer .the
• ,
On tho main lineOf act:treat Western
11..ilwev there re treW 43 reenter trains
eoLot teeny eplenehr. Thee trallie is
ve:o leoge.
• , l'eof este)!
11111, 1 At c
tea., '101 110101
ew Ito le;
lengel.of the Judgeaeliargo Otir. acc -sent
tif the oiaies hes to steed • ;et. till next
iseztee when a fiat r 4,4 'et. :.1 alepeer.
Oa 7 cot lty •eatiritiak. : • Grand
Jae,r coaiptcf. I their 1,t1i , . 1 tv."te
di eelareee 1. The f, )1 • . ::. 4
1.11iltiltV,v '
To• Ilto•oura:a• f 0 1W II,' '
MveLesta-:Whe alietel Jiir,,, , at Ner
Wittig) !a 1'411 Aasizea for the tautitity
of ,iturea- •sitte. I fully selintit the t•;4 -
lowing presentment : --
They heve'tieited °Jet:eel aed-fettnd
it in .a comf kraille e 'ad& en. The
prieenera hail ste'e mild:Wet. ft teal be
remszbeil Viet there etkre wily three of
them olio a boy of twelve Year" impli-
catedin it cave of arson, and the others
eyrie men ot merino ite4 deprived of their
tiVert jemsequent on Cie debadne Ike
of cler ketinese. ; ' ;
Tis' books of the Gaol library :ere con -
"eider -Air worn. No new ones have, it
is. believed: even motive.' ' for 11115111y
:yeannionit. and th" (frond Jurore are of
opiniou that a supply of aloclein works,
snit tide ter einnilati ill in prii'll11,1010111•1
b(r4,btaili.xl. .
It may be mentioned thet there is au
dpartntent in the Geo! theionatod "The
Chapehr but iawceiht *Neese that Cler-
gymen do.not now attend, as formo44:
for the put -Pout of impertiag %demi in
strtictiem to the riven -re teteh the view
to their reformati 4n, mid lef their be-
coming ii perm! tatepthets of oeciety.
In eoPpeineien. the (travel Jeners have
to 'Observe thot ceneitleii•ig , the wide
tro of conotry embraced_ its Itne (1.4tiii•
tye f Ilus en, it M. a lie:serer oilleasitur
reeleetion t.., find sci few !wit:Igoe in the
tood and erikainel CRUM req-titing hives-
tigetim. k •
, ,,
„ '1 lot Gruel Jtkoro 10.17 $1114.1 TtX33131
L.1`4:1H4 11.1.1k.11011 11311144.111011t a 010 tlITt04111 1
,atterition recnvived fretu the l'u lie Pro-
secutor, sod the Crown 7Attorztaiy of the
County. i ,.. •
. P.
I have tho honour to' beotolichslf of
toy hoe her•JltrOtm, • 'r • • •
• . DIY liorel, • .
' Ypoir Lordship"' most oted'et sery't,
, D. B. HODO F., Foreman.
Grated Jar; Rolm,
Cutlet !tones, G•tderich,11th N44v ,1873.
.-.-e--4...m................_ _ _
(leen TEMPLARS. Al the annual
meeting of tho Orand Lodge of the
Crik i tericrin Order of Good Tein-
Ian, 1 tedy held at London, it was .de -
onto' that the, next annneh meeting
she nhi be hell at Luchuow. Jarries
Somerville. Fate., of th:s place), last
you filed the tam of Worthy Chief.
eso e. -The news of the downhill
of Sir Jelin A. Moe Itiosld's Govern,
meet was niece...el I ere with great re-
lizine. A !tree 11.4.11-4:re el. got el) itc
orator of the (event.
Naw Braam eieupeuy has
been fortned,-conueting of Ree Bred -
ley, JArdine and Brown, to build'a ream
saw mill. The machinery ha* i _ova
bought from Chadburn, Kincar' ne,
and is to tut at the retire( 6000 fact iu
10 hours. The company began Wring
out timbcr for tho new mill on Fridav,
and it is probable that it will born work-
ing order betore the close of tho year.
The site of it will be about 60 yards
woos of fins Riyor school house, where
g„„d inprily of water OM bo had nib the pittent immediately take a large
little trouble. -C pr L 'pot icr. milkw of water, and he will neither 1
Ilasso!s. feel the pill 01 butte it. In f t h
4 la. e. Smith WAS enter-
eleetliteriedirmer at the
nioseezo on eeripley latit in
tut.e.ei ttr rejlt44 ..;0 a
. .
aa•• len 1 •.; -ie.: jef Cif 840 I 'HMI
. i
. ' , ...1 1,; '1 tli '• .11 p„•,,a, Grey and
Pe • • iteinvey 4; -,, _I at n p. on. at
!. -
I- ' ' rl ' , . i
E ....duke on _•k .13.., _tear:tee 13 lam
I', • !pout, auel .0 toned rig nearly
'1110.ininse ef lt.1 : F.U.lier O'Brien of
Bricokvillo, will hi submitted to th'e
elturch authori: a :.; ponne, for the posi-
tion.of Bishop St 11 Lennon, vaiCated by
the death of Bishop Farrell.. „,
Hillyaol Ca ern) in his speech Wendt,
Wont Ile rt
ed Mr. Macken de's followers .witliittheir
iimmiity to got iron," the summit of
4:ih sn their advance orit the
Treosnry leenelteie Itillyard's prewent
address is the Valley of•Despair. ,
Experiments Imre Imeamette as to the
pros '1103 of seltiiniKeeninsville village.
Steps are being "igen to term a cemeeny
few the purpose ofl n-ing. Water nes-
ter...7e gbantitic .
ing out of the ;toed -*Attains salt in
• ••••
The 'node 'C. linty • Commit. on Wed-
nesday, pes.settn teeolunleu agreeing to
eislunit By -14w ',owning a honns
;3 la, MO t, I the :Britt. ird and l'.ort D.4vel•
and fe0.0-1) to the. Stratford
ana Lake Hunnoltadway.
Mr, Win. Scott. roe tnerchen+, cif I :Alt,
'a thy or two ago %hipped for New 5-orks
rio (1. rand,Trunh dtaillvey, the enortnim -
temente of 941 barrels of eggeoreerreent,
ince. along with ;what he has sold in Galt,
7,601 dozen The ears have undergone a
Peettliar proceas!of "piekltng," and, it 111
Said, will keep any length of time.
Dr, O'Donnell, the Manitoba J.
Who issIlea 10111111.1114/.$ for the arrest ;,f
Riot and Lepkei la ts hint his name struck
off the Peace C1.011Kil!denof the Province
by direction of the Level Geverument.
No reason is sunleited, but it supposed
that the issuing these sammouses is
&crime sufficient iirt the eye& of thistle v-
er ument, for his dismissal.
James Barton, Who had been erne!. ,--
ed al sawyer in ifilne's at Et el
for the last four or five years, went to
Listowill fair on the 8th inatent. On
Thursday evening, the 9th, he parted
from Lis slaters at Newry station for
Ethel, and was hist sent about 7.30 pin.,
mooing Mr. Alex: Henry's place. antl was
spoken to by a son of Mr. Henry within
half a mile of Ethel. He has not even
lockedhis trunk or packed up his every -day
clothes, and Wag not supposed to have
any money of recount in his possession,
as he has left the greater part of tWo
veers' wages in the Lands of Mr. Milne.
was a quiet; rteady, sober young
man, end there Le iorong suspicion of
foul play.
The Beaten and Lowell Railway be-
gan, laat Thursday, weighing 'at Fram-
inghani the cars tom 4he West. loaded
with wain and lumber destined fur Eo.
well and Taunton, andfound Preps*
of 1 5,-000 pounds in one car Oyer thi
wei ht billed, of 20,000 pounds a f I
ear oad, which makes a differenee
$77 in'freiglat.
The above was a FAIRBANKS 50 ton
3 4-11. Track Scale, sold to Boston and
Albany .11. R. Co. -Boston paper
Hoir FWA t..1.0W A 111, L.- -1110
Chicago Medic I Timti is reapon obit! f or
the following: "Put thet,,epitIlh tianndder tlhe
tongue mid behind the et
, 6
• `00111711t toll where it e d
hare seen them look a rod the floor to
IA* gob an 1
Donewitee Trettreerw 'ColeretrY.• -
emnpany has btsex laying its.wires
aloes the lino of the Southern Exten-
sion. The wires hare nosy resehad Brus-
vela.- Post.
leiNv Raannaint.-.L ineeticg was I
held on Friday: rvenivw by parties de.'
siNus of hoilmj a maw of Penny
•ee if Coe had not dropped it."
faIrytn. rneass Ltilme41 Irwiejsicabolutire88141
apem• an) the corns after paring closely
each night before genie to bed. It sof-
tens the oorns, which beconus as the
other flesh. It will cure everv time. I
,A.32 011'4110 OpIltbm.
Speaking of the fall of the
goieniment tho New Yerk ante.
Nrw Aburrti9cmcnt9.
"This conclusion wid be greeted by sTRAY CA1TL.E.
says: -
all friends ef good government a+ a vic-
tory for right prnieiplete It was never
denied that the Caaadiati Cebi net receiv-
ed enormous sums .41 nemey fano the
Canadian Pacific Itailroad ceettrseetora;
that this money WM spent in the idection
canyons is tolerated. 'lite defence
put forth is that etuhodial ia the ahle
and ingenious iipeeeli of Sir Jelin A.
aeftedonald and In 1 1..• propese.I • 'vote
of confidence" in the\ o is the. -
the geuerel managenten-. ef public affeirs
by the Ministry has bee0 pr•sp. roes to.
the country, and that the lavisa tisk) of
money in elle elections 11.111 te t been eekt-
fined 1.) the Canadian' Teat..., and is
sanctioned by British preeedetit. On
grouted the Macdonald Ministry.
; on this thew have 'wen defeated.
Public opinion in Cettede, like tied in
the United Statee, sets the seal of disap
probation on public men who banish
zeoirallt soft rsthe enalgees:
son is worth much to the wori,:.•'
We here meny bee -rife! leeti-er,
autumn nights. iere occiii,rz, I ;st WO. is a
tender swain -eel. lus 'oweetny•5,:'
'Some of thesefalling stars kacue te leave
behind them a Ipright !ode 113 if riioy
were celestial meesemers ,t 01).4 earth -
want, the dust of Ike 1•00 fa•lake. nom
their feet,Aind ekaaiee, .1 tee:, ef 11 _ant
behind.' To ehekit the ei r•
'They &Here te.;i.. 11,.. C.1,;,!; 1!;e
eircustuan diet swallo,•-• !lie.
TILE 1.47A le !".
Wbeat, (Pee el;
1t,r) 1, 1.. 4.
P44,11'.40.... .
0.1ts V 1.-.01
Pets, IP 1. 1.1i_,
Battey ro 1,0•11 0
t.t.10.0e1116 110 64 9 10
flay p..r tin
. (I A ME into pasture of the subscriber.
st.../ Lot 13, Con. 7, Weat Wawanosh,
in the be linnitee of September, one yoke
. of year! oe Stetrs, spotted red and
white. The owner is requested to prove
iir•vi .1.y, pay charges and take them
alvvre‘ausrova,she..ly at L t 19, Con. 6, West
N•fetniee-r.b h I SF 1 3eae
c.1.7.117 iuf“ tlke p nises of the sub -
Nei #erthrr, Let a. ton. 41, Colborne,
; Cirri; •;;ring ealves. The owner. is re-
quested a. prove property, pay expenses
and take them away.
(7,4v.N.roo, gt1; Nov., 1373. 1335c
(1.1.7HE to the aubscriber's premises,
"-' Helens, about A month lance, a
tbree year old Ferrel taelt. The7 owner
is rolueeted to pay eXpenses anAl ta it
away op:litre tee it will sold.
I'ETEll TTH Ft3 D.
St. 7th 1873. lelltsci •
I 11 CV' 11:1 V4114 Of `fhf Estate of the
1,21.° Donnart
k • .rk i 14301 4., ciente; atteinst.the
ef Cie 1 estate of the Late Mathew Donnelly
r I: 0 1.17%16,h:111 tf Goderich in the
-"*"311 •
ef 11 eren, e ill head the same
J11'04. CI kr° . 1-, a 0 1.)
%jai:wt.:1 , .•
• rs
By •I't-1(•,;1,;;01 .• •
Clnetet,• per 616111•
• e
3 •- .r 3 ,101
.• 11 01
W116.41., (F.I''•) 14,1 .... 41 a 1 0.
wp6,,t,C1pttto;:) per ble.h.. I I
.1 t:
Tex,e, per 1 ttsii 40 15
11..1. y.1.. 11 411 I
6ia,v . .. 0 I
L.11;•, p -r •1 .
..... .2.2)
$161.6(p 411411 • .... . '
• , 1116•,,,t4e.,
irelt . 1
•Vour, (per 101) )3 00 "
trlry, per 1,04.4 ..... _63 " 1 641
Oats, per 1.i.h .
Peale, per teish
Potatoes, per 101,1a
5, "
13 "
latter, No. I . . .... 0 Is " 0 21_,
2 0 101 " • Id
taZdt per .1 in. .;. . 0 16 " ...,
Hi s " ••••
nay. . " 1, s •
Wood 7,0 7.44
t11E.1.NTO 1E1C ETA.
Noy. 8th., -Fill Wheat it1.12
Spring do $1.10 to 1.12.. Berl
to $1.1 7. Ottieetle to Cc. Pea
62e: Bye 05e. flutter ante to a
20c to , •
Nov. Btli. Wesett. nominal Peas
8Chelo 83c. I etriey el to 81.10. Owis 37? c.
Butter 19 to 25e.Cheele 12e, to 13.e.Eies
20citie 27e. Ashes-4'ots 84115 te e.4.2C
Peorli 37.30 to neree
teepees MA P.XET,1.
Nov. 8th. -Fall Wieat
!1.20. tipring do $1.10 to 8.1.13: Bar.
ley $1.00 to 81.13. Peed to Sec, (Pets
37c th 38o Buttes 22c to 25c. Dees 2.2c
y 1.5
roc to
• l'fgs
In goaforth, Onthe 4th inst., the wife of
Mr. Henry Tayier, of twins, •son and
In Morris, on theist inst , the sife Mr.
Francis Clegg•of a son --still born
In Brussels., on the let inet., the wife of
Mr. Danfel Stewart, of a danelit
In "Walton; on the 29th ult.. the e • (1
tr.. Donald McDougall, .4 a dakegh.
Ou the 2ith November, nt the ref.:donee
of the bride'a hither.. by Rey, G
A. Mitchell, 11. A %tr. Ay, G. coli;;,.
(.4: the firet of 11 ct; W. (7. CO -Masa to
Mary C., seeprel daechter of Mr.
Ed.w.ard Templeton, .all of Kinceee
dine. .
At Bayfiold. nn th eel; h ley est
Rev -H. Gilesen, Mr. John
: merchant, IL. ekteiburg, to Miee
henna McCenn.
At Goderich, on the it% ;
R. Ure,hIr.Georito Mc Kende: Merch-
ant. to Miss . Ifelland, both of God-
erich. • .
At Goderich; on tile 5th inst.. hy
Rev. R. Erre, Mr. -Niel Campbell Pi
Miss Eliesbeth Stewart both of God-
. erich. • 't
In the village of • K oillett. on
' !arid.
anite„ti4-1;41setnt.tn., ntilteecalc,eiloutiedas
, If enry,voungest son of W./,4.
•front Selkirkithire, Seet-e
the 27, the ult., in the filst year of her
onithst.lie Rth Artier
3Nctu lbutrtisrmtnt5.
A boy to work at the Printing I.tisi-
' nese, who has had two nr three
rears experience. Apply. at this ctlice.
nodericb, Itt.h, 1873.
P4 rron14-1.
Opposite the olJ Barring Ground.
begs leave to inform the public 0 Gld-
crich acd surroundiug ocuntry
that he has opened that
New Store on Victoria
St. with a 4:Melee
stock of
kee'ping first -deal Artieles at low
prices he hopes to get a share of petlic
patronage. Call find give me a trial and
judge lot yeereelves.
of,•.s7-r..- sir
a I ht:!. k
A great treat for Breakfaa.
A. Adam will always have ou hand
etipply M spiced beef hams.
. Goderich, llth Nev. 1E73. 1395
".‘,"1S0'.17!..; JOHNSTON,
leireisters, Godericn.
PP re 1 No. ember, 187.3. 1395h
a 11.1 E Sister. of St, .Toseph beg to id-
rinigto to this. citizens of Goderich•
vi..inity that they hare opened an
41.0101 11411y fer the education of yearns(
lat.1.1..s. in their new COnovnt.00 North
sotoet, Goplerielt. . .
The cearse ef studies comprises the
ponat br•anclies in the Epieliali'°and
French lettere-tee!, Music the'Piatto
lewte and the nui.ur, iis alio Painting.
[wakes, plaits eenainental Needle
were, Wax lteiturs, dee
For particitlars apple- -to the 1;scly
taeleriele Noy. I 1 3:15
..... - _ -# -
!tar .1.111590L'recit4atis1117.iL:;:;;,...1:ii:i1ii;s:'411sic".. 1:-. 't tt 1-1::.:.
(, [TALI,.
. :art.
The Inaseerlye; timed plates. her leaf, .
will bo try Thee: Menlo mot dettike, I- ''
wat'Tdhe' Clz rietenairstee for 17364 *lel coo-
_ . _ ..
yc j 14101116 IL „..4 tide special dceigns apereperAte to the',
171" kl; r-,
!maser, by onr beet artists, .irici will abt•-•
e • Paas iu attaketikme auy of it& pnilaere- -
e ,
- son.
Ntw :Nknrti9cmcnts.
Prospectus for 1874 -Seventh Year.
As Illustoltod Mcstsly teeetai, usaeraelie see tee 11
h. the Han6somAl Peciodical in Pe Wortd.
A Reprusentit. 40 end Champing
of Amelcao Taste.
Not for twit in Book er Neve Stokee
TITS ALDINE, while issued s ith alt
the regularity, has none of Ile tem per-
ary or timely interestecharaeteristic 1
ordinary perodiads. • It is ali eleeane,
miscellany of pure, light and grecehil
litereture ; and a collection of picteres.
the rarest specimens of ertietic ek ill, in
black and white. Annette' each ale-
ceeditur number affords fielpsh pleasure to
ita friends, the real value Ina beauty of
Tun ALDINS will be most appreciat. -
after it boa been bound up at the el. ks
of the year. While other publicuitme
penult-Lel:it rialivPaelsri4r achieill,Pantseu'r chus51,0T''Hie-
ALPiNE is a unkine and original cee -
ception-alone and unapproached-a.,-
solutely without competition in Trice er
character. The noseessor &complete
volume cannot duplicate the quantity -I
fine paper and engravings in any .,ther
shape or number of volutues for tr tit", 4
ita coat; and Ova there are ti,e
6"A"Ile Ti DEPART:WE. .NT• 1‘71.
The illustratietis of Tate A reest: le•ve
won world-wide reputatiwa, and in !
era centres of Ekteope it is an lelinikke
*act that its wood euts are exsenpies ef •
the highest perfection ever at to.eoi.
The coinmon prejudice in favor of "s. el
piat,es," is rapidly -yielkliae to a mere •
educated•and discrimivating taste v. heel
recognizes the adieentages • of super: pr
artistic quality with greater fee:like- of
production. The weod-cuta of Ter
A LDLNE 1.1•804.4 all the. delicacy an
elaborate filnisla of. tile iciest c.witly
plate, while they tiara • a better refl.:, e.
iikete.of the artisee oriental.
To fully realize the 4vondernil week
which Tux Aeotei: is deitig for die -.,
cause af art 'culture in -America, it ts
only settees:Ley opiesider theeccot
edit, people of any ether d.seept represett-
tatihes .Of 1110 preibieti ma cif grea.
la ieljitiort 10. deeteetki 1401 . Meet
bers a the •r_k at ional Ac-elea . en.' *-
either noted at mere:tin anted .
Aeptaa rept-educe! example 4.1 ke
hoe, 1.)reign tneeters, int'ectir :Air-% .6.
tiestr 40.211e.l.teleet et -creek sue(Ase :oak
greatest genet -Al itirsrtat: ...,-
skiteteriber 1.. '1'40: , e 1:fm. vn.! "ac •
Saturday A: Monday,
Nov.15th & 17th.
- -
(*()0 13U IIGES§
7,`:-.."3 • PUBLIC
:11i; BE6T OF ALL.
S30 Ottr rirztratod raper.
" 2_ I 1
IN Titre MATTER 't 1F- /LOT F-1
OF HURON.. . '
VOTICZ here:1.y given that- Andrew
1‘ Green the yoneger of the Tema of
Goderich, in' the romity , Huron
Province of Oaten° an41 Dismhsion of'
Camas, has mole • application t;.) the
Court of Cheneery fer Ontserio for a
c.ertificate title to the above !motion-
ed land , under "The Act 'for 44(iieting
Titles to Real Estate in Outano," and
holt louden:el evidence wheteby he the
sael Atitilete Green .the younger appears -
to he the owner thereof in fee e subject
to two Slorteitees for fear burelred dol-
lars' cull hold -by isate .Middletcan,- of
lite Township of Gederich, in the
0,44114.-y aierosaid and to a certain-othea
tl•.r. • te.•-•for two Witte:and dollars held
to eke. le.lreaCreenalluelderaafidettlajetit
ale., to the ci mer Is thella Green wife
.110 sa."1 ndrew Green the elder in
the North ltelf al the eaid
11.14 • netiee is sereed upon Ithahel
Elizabeth Ileougli beCause 4 appeare by
die eviplenee ad.ineed that William
Or, ee the elder bi • I. etione of Perth
in Fifeehire, &eidetic', ied entitled te
•,tfie said ta.utla leaving hi •surviving his
eons Cie neid'Andeew Graen the elder
end l'e;et Greek and his• dauglaf,ers
Janet nvOugb fornterly Greco and
Rachel at:email fermerly 4reen and
Itacltel lieugh formerly Greeu. Thnt
the seid Andrew Green the elder the
heir at kw' tlie said William Green
the elarr Ines conveyed the eaid lends to
the 4.641. Andrew Green the pounger,
that the Raid Peter Green disclaim% all
inteKst in the •seete, Watt the seid Janet
Brolaeh or Green died intestate without
hatheerneeleiany clialveittion of lite sake
lands and the said John }trough, .Mare
earet Millie formerly /trough and I.:liza--
bet h are paid to bet lia heirs at
to bo entitled to the said lands al against
the odd Rachel Hough, John Brume],
yaretret Milne and Elinabeth Brune;
es rt purelteler'.•1 the eante frims the stid
of the saiAWilliatu Green the elder.
And this "notice is nerved upon the
eeipl Johu Brough, Margaret Millie and
Elie:abed' "trough, because it also *p-
ears ley the evidence adduced tbat the
said Williatn Green the older made a
will wheteby he devieed the same to his
daughter Jauet who from the evidence
Appears tu liere died inteetete, without
havine made any disposition of the said
end the John ltreitgli, ,Marearet
Millie and Elizabeth Itrough are alleged
to be her heirsat lawand because the said
Andrew Green the younger also claims
that he is entitled to the said lands as
against Gm said Jehn Brough, :Mar-
garet Millie and Elizabeth brough by
virtue of twenty years undisturbed-Ike-
eessicm .•1 the *aid lands by himself and
ihoeo thretigh whom he clair-ts, and to
held the _said lands free from all claim,
right, title or interest, whateoever, of
the toid-John Brough, Margaret Millie
and "Elizabeth Brough therein and
thWPrehereb). fore the sakl Rachel Hen gh,J ohn
• ,
Brongh, Mergaret Millie and Elizabeth
Brough or rtny of `them, and any other
Person having or pretending to have any
title to, or in trust in Om _said land or
any part theroof, are required within
ten weeks frorn the service of copy here-
of on them., to file a etatement of his,
her or their claim in my office. in the
Court House, in the Town of Goderich,
in the County of Huron, and to serve a
my on the saliveliimAncdt rieziwchaGrdrees(inuiterhe,
0orif Goder"cli aforeaaid hia
d in default every rush
chitin will be barred and the title of the
said Andrew Green the yoanger become
absolute and indefessidlo at law and in
equity subject only te the reservattons
mentioned in the seventeenth section uf
the said Aot and therein nuinbered one,
two and three.
Datod this fourth dey of Nbrember
1 • •
H. MACDEnmaOtTTood, eric-h.
Referee of Titles,
To''Peachel Haugh of Kingekett , Fele- es
shire, Scollind, John Bolt New. r• 8.-A great varkety 0-.
l'rtAnium Or 1574. • ,
Every atibecriber to TUE A moot no
1874 will receive e ;Pair ef chr Hes.
The original pictures were toantod .41
oil for the publishers of 'IatE ALDINE, 16y -
Thomas Moran, wbose . .et rolerrae '
,picture was purebased by •Congree. ier
;ten thousand ;dollars,. he sabjecee
'were chosen tb present -The East"
and "The West.," One la a view in The
White Meunteuns. 'eft Hampshire; the
other gives _The -' 4 of Green Inver,
Woornine Territory. The differenoa in
the nature of the acenes thetemlves ten
pleasing contree, and strode a good .
(Replayed the sc.1.1-,Cliseo;.• and c dering,
Ile (Armee are each wok k• Wren .
thirty distinct pietas. II/1$1 are ine size
(12 x 16) and ,in omentrice exactl fac-
similes Of thooriginafe. Tee erosesiza-
tion of a worthy exaopie ef Ai:emcee
greatese landscape painter,...) tee sub-
scribers of THE A! MA E %V.•11 4. 1.4 .164 but
peculiarly atapeyedea, and o, eeeeessoo
realization is *attend Ly th • feleselizig
testimonial, over the sign:ogee of Mr,
Moran him -self. .
NEWALS., N. J., Sept. 211th, Is.1.73. :
. ,. .
Messrs. JAN ZS Scraps: A: Co. ;
6 eietittnett,-1 am defilited eith tha.
proofs in color of your Chromes. ,Teey
are wonderfully oicoeseful reposeioa-
tigipinsomibpay innitechIngs.aniceo process .4 the or-
(Sionedt:i Very reePeTi16(f;6111..YMORAN.
• , These chro s are in every oee e
Atherican.. TI •y°8 acetcbir. &innate. cr•iraft ‘4,1
-Ameriektu. pros;
Ameriean newel-resit:ie. from designs of
!American wienery by an A tnericera retie.
'ter, and iires.tocel to sulecriliers te the
firit successful American Itt J•luenal.
If no better because of ad this, they will
certainly passcass ifiteresi fore'.,..te
-production can insptre.:- rind %either 'ere
they any t1.1.• wane ite'iv, rekaior ef els
culiar facilities rif predactien, they eeer,
the publiehere only a tri..94, whi.: • ereeti
in every reepeet td eha thr
:are sold singly. for cleuhle the stibeerip-
tam price of Tile A t.k.:NI:6- ,PC11$4
puke will Prize thew pietm.e4
'a6iar t 'el t.11-
.spirbilsee. thdttendere r
. .
If atty. subscriber shoild
prefereace ter h nee r • cot Nett, ,the lode
Letters will send "Tholeakos Deem '
a new and beautiful eitromo,'1.14 x
uinfclhintis,hrteaprrest. entitle a little It:elites 0. -•
whose speaking eyes betray .tho len ;ea; ,
1--; I ;NISI' 0;
tp per annum, in- advance, s.14 11 (hi
eent, mounted, yernielted, awl prepaid
byFinora5a0.•oetitse..4.Craw7tha(r..:.h.. o 1)04 Will p
taitiable only by • ehsteaktam. Ta.
ibtaemAotreLetlii•ce:i:ilr, viitictzaraf va17 ,a.
Wiest lse sent to. the l• •
tither* direet, or handed .-tc. the a.t.k.
canvasser, without r..eienieitaai*y t.!1
publishers. exeept te eases where Ile.
oertificatA is given, .1pearine the dee-
simile signatun of .1 tuekc St rreealli eat.
CANIViWNE'wl W.1111"!1):
Anyperooti wishinz to act penueneitily
_as a local cenvaaser w Al receive fuh ats1
protaptinformation hy applying to
James Sutton & Co., Publislmrs-
t8 Maiden Lane, New York.
• -
A witrr of Attachment has divesi;d iv,
this cense.
- - Sheriff
Sherire OffuSs• •
Goderich, 12th Nova DIM -
- -
'10 THE
iditM 37010.3
A./%11) 13U V
Dress Geode.
Shawls k Clouds.
Under Shirts.
Hata & Caro,
B3ots bhoerg
burgh, Fifeshire, Scot , ee• t haad et
MAIM of the same place, •
Brough of Edinburgh, Scotia •
It '