HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-09-30, Page 8It you require financing to Start, modernize or expand your business and fire unable to obtain it elsewheretrr reasonable terms and conditions or if you are.interestedln_the FBDE1 management services of bountellin,g and training or*isivintormaticin on government Programs available tor:Yonr business, talk to our rep! entativn. FEDERAL • BUSINESS DEyELOPMEK' Opening new doors b---i to small business Financial assistance Management counselling Management training , Information on government programs for business HUGH SHELDON one of our representatives will be at Les Pines Hotel, Exeter on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month Oct. 5th and Oct. 19th For prior information call 271-5650 or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford Final Clearance! Our LOWEST PRICE This Year 49 PER SQUARE CASH & CARRY Shop and COMPARE This Price ... Anywhere! -Sealing T SHINGLES IN A CHOICE OF GREY/BLACK or RED/BLACK CHARD HOME CENTRES NO E ION IMO 1111111118 M A OIVISION OP e stitel;f • LUMBER CO LTD aiscotair D Any Amount While Stocks Last Quite Frankly, We Bought Too Many Of Them And We Must Clear Them Out Before Winter Sets In. Buy Now. * EXETER Hwy. 83 West 235-1422 GRAND BEND Hwy. No.21 238-2374 FAIR PETS — A large number of area youngsters entered their pets in the Exeter Fair. Above, Wendy Smith poses with her pet dog. 1-A photo G.R. Godbolt C.L.U. Geo. A. Godbolt Of M.B,A. fice: (By appointment only; Devon Bldg. Exeter Ph. Collect 235-2740 "Many have found our services helpful" The Mutual Life of Canada ‘111111111111111111111MMIIII NOINIV111111111111111111111111111=1111111 FORD'S BETTER IDFAS HERE N W. .04.'"...AMMSMIIMerNMSVAMAMmvnt-aom.2,„, •"*. A new kind of thunder at a new lower price. The 1977 .1.s hunderbird has anew look, anew size and a new lower price—but it's still unmistakably Thunderbird, Leaner, cleaner, trimmer in size. Thunderbird has been strikingly re-designed with elegant styling both inside and out. It's a car equipped to make driving a pleasure. Power steering, power front disc brakes, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, steel-belted radials—are all standard. Thunderbird's new suspension system and wide stance provide both nimble handling and a comfortable ride. Perhaps the most unexpected thing about today's new Thunderbird is the lower manufacturer's suggested retail price. You'll find it almost unbelievable that a Thunderbird can be so easy to own. Full-size or trim size? Ford gives you the choice for'77. A full-size car that kept its full size. Ford LTD. The same interior spaciousness, deep-well trunk, road-hugging performance, long wheelbase and 31 /2 ton rated towing capacity twith optional trailer towing package), the Ford LTD is every inch the car it was last year. (Compare this to our competitors' 1977 smaller "full-size" cars!) The trimmer, sportier car at a trimmer price than LTD. New LTD II. Ford introduces a new line of cars--sporty 2-doors, 4-doors, and wagons—all called LTD II, When it comes to valu e,you'l l find LTD 11 compares not only with other mid-size cars, but even with GM's new smaller "full-size" cars. So shop where you get a choice: your Ford dealer, lie's got the full-size Ford LTD... and the trim-size new LTD II. A 1977 Ford 1.31) 11 'S' 4-door Pillared Hardtop 1977 Ford LTD Landau 4-door Pillared Hardtop FORD More ideas for '77. This year Ford's added a new low-priced Granada Special Edition. So you get a new choice in models . . . in the car that started a whole new driving trend! The Pinto has new front end styling — and offers sporty new options. There's also the dependable Maverick, the dashing Mustang II, and a great line of trucks at your Ford Dealer. Reduced maintenance. Compared with 1976-model Ford cars, 1977 standard equipped Ford cars are designed to reduce by 43% the average estimated cost for scheduled maintenance during 50;000 miles of normal driving. Announcing: THE FORD DURAGUARD SYSTEM It's Quality, Reliability, and Durability, and more. It's comprehensive anti-corrosion measures, thorough testing and a - new 36-month corrosion perforation warranty. WARRANTY': 36-month warranty against corrosion perforation on 1977 cars. This warranty reflects our confidence in the quality, durability and anti-corrosion measures built into every 1977 Ford of Canada car. Ask your Ford Dealer for details. FQRD Certain•items illustrated are optional at extra cost. When North America needs a better idea, Ford puts it on wheels. See the Barbra Streisand "Funny Lady" television special, with Omar Sharif and James Caan on CBC, October 2, at 8:00 P.M.(8:30 P.M. in Newfoundland). Page41 Times-Advocate, September 30, 1976 Fair school section draws enthusiastic support from youngsters Exhibits at the Exeter Fall Fair this year prepared by area elementary school students were again a highlight of the fair. School fair president Mrs. Donna. Webster said entries were increased again and they were of a very high quality showing great craftsmanship and skill of the students. The following legend is used to designate the home school of students with prize winning entries: E-Exeter Public School; PB - Precious blood Separate School; S Stephen Central; - Usborne Central; H Hensall Public School; J - McCurdy Public School at Huron Park; MC - Mt. Carmel School; SH - South Huron District High School, Pets Pair kittens, Allan PymU; two fish, Jeff Greb J, David Russell H, Dale Hennessey E; turtle, Jeff Turner H; rabbit male heavy, Paul Hewitt U. Suzanne Fink- beiner S, Coleen Whiteford ; Rabbit female heavy, Brenda Waldeck H, Suzanne Finkbeiner, S; Rabbit male light, Jean Buswell C, Jeff Galloway S, Denise Denomme E, Rosemary GielexiMC; Rabbit female light, Rosemary Gielen MC, Denise Denomme E, Wendy Smith E; Small pet, Cheryl ('ann U; Best trained pet, Carleen Desjardine J: Trick dog, Wendy Smith E; Poultry Solid color standard cockerel, Suzanne Finkbeiner S; Nancy Cooper U; Parti color standard cockerel, Doug Cooper U, Mark Gibson S.; Solid color standard pullet, Doug Cooper U, Suzanne Finkbeiner S; Parti color stan- dard pullet, Joan Cooper U, Mark Gibson S; Ducks pair, Joan Cooper U, Suzanne Finkbeiner S; Geese pair, Suzanne Finkbeiner S; Solid color bantams pair, Keith Scott 8, Joan Cooper U; Parti color standard Bantams pair, Doug Cooper U, Nancy Cooper U; Pigeons flying Homer pair, Heather Love S; Pigeons Fan tail pair, Kim Galloway S; Pigeons Rollers pair, Joan Cooper U, Danny 'Galloway S; Pigeons any other variety pair, Danny Galloway S; Jeff Galloway S; Sheep Market Lamb, Dianne Dearing S; Peter Dearing S; Shown- manship, Dianne Dearing S, Peter Dearing S; Swine Bacon hog, Debbie Down U, Cindy Down U, Barb Down U, Murray Rundle U; Horses Foal any type; Murray Preszcator S, Donna Preszcator ,S, Joy Knetchtel U; Saddle horse, Anita Van Rompaey E, Ber- nadette Henshaw E, Cheryl Cann U, Gail Johns U; Cattle Beef calf, Bevan Shapton S, Katherine Johns U, Margaret Pym U, Allen Pym U;Dairy calf, Paul Hern U, Jeff Johnson U; Beef calf, Tom Coates U, Margaret Pym U, Bevan Shapton S, Katherine Johns U; Dairy calf, Paul Hern U, Jeff Johnson U. Photography Grade 6 and under Your Family, Audrey Van Wieren U, Sharen Skinner E; Your Favorite Animal or Pet, Paul Chapman E, MikeTiedemanE,Brent Atthill E, Trevor Blue E; ; Most Humorous enlargement, Mike Tiedeman E; Grade 7 & 8, Your family, Jamie Chaffe U; Nature Scenes, Kelly Tiedeman E, Sharen Skinner E, Ronnalee Bogart E; Action Picture, Kelly Tiedeman E; Models Grades 6 and under - Aeroplane or glider, Mark Perry E, Mike Tiedeman E, David Bidtnes E, Geoff Rether E; Boats, motor- cycles, Dennis Meikle E, Donnie Kells E, Bradley Skinner E, Geoff Rether E; Cars, Brent Atthill E, Joe Blommaert E, Brent Dawson U, Dan Morley E; Trucks, Bill McDonald E, Doug Cooper U, Brent Dawson U, Joel Aunger E; Models Trucks, cars, Larry Bertens PB, Terry 1Vleikle E, David Marquardt E, Kevin Varley E; Grades 7 & 8 — toroplane, glider, Daryll Keller E, Richard Helm E, Jeff Turner E; Boats, motorcycles, Bevan Shapton S, ; Cars, Terry Fisher U, Doug Robbins E; Trucks, Bob McDonald E, Bevan Shapton S; Model Trucks, cars, John Burdon E, Doug Robbins E, Bevan Shapton 5, Mike Veri E; Flowers Aster large, Steven Kints PB, Patricia Bertens PB, Dianne Zachar E; Aster Powder Puff, Dennis Hints, PB; Cosmos, Cheryl Cann U, David Ferguson E, Debbie Mathers E; Celosia, Gail Reid H, Barb Down U, Cindy Down U; Dahlia pompom Suzanne Finkbeiner S, Sarah Patterson E; Dahlia Medium, Sandy Pratt 4, Allen Pym U, Margaret Pym U, George Pratt E; Dahlia large I bloom, George Pratt E. Arlene Walper S, Sandy Pratt E, Sarah Patterson. E; Gladiolus, Alan Hodgert U, David Ferguson E, Diane Eisenchink E, Marsha Clarke S; Marigold large, African yellow, Susan McClure S, Alan Hodgert U, Lisa 'Herm U, Dennis Kints PB; Marigold African gold, Terry Zachar E, Catherine Raymond E, Alan Hodgert U, Katherine Jolly E; Marigold small French yellow, Susan Gregus PB, Dennis Hints PB, Alan Hodgert U, Betty McDonald E; Marigold small French gold, Matthew Tuckey E, Kelly Jones E, Alan Hodgert David Stephen U; Petunia single not ruffled, Betty McDonald E, Alan Hodgert U, Donna Prout U; ' Petunia ruffled, Dennis Kints PB; Tea Rose 3 bloom 1 colour, Lisa Becker, Arlene Walper S; Tea Rose, Lynn Geiser S, Donna Voerman E, Jayne Hendrick U, Karla Josephson E; Snapdragon, Susan Crawford E, Dale Kints PB, Bevan Shapton S, Cindy Down U; Zinnias pompom small, Michael Wright PB, Debbie Down U, Dennis Kints PB, Steven Kints PB; Zinnias large, Angela Wraight PB, Dennis Kints PB, Katherine Jolly E; Twin Tins, Sharon Skinner E, Theresa Van Wieren H, Cheryl Cann U, Marsha Clarke S; Corsage, David Stephen U, Donna Prout U, Cheryl Cann U, Brenda McDonald. E. Best Display of Vegetables Bevan Shapton S, Barb Down U; Grains Mixed Grain - Paul Love S, Lisa Hern U, Steven Prout U, Patricia Bertens PB; Oats, John Van Esbroeck PB, Jeanette Van Esbroeck PB; Barley, Steven Prout U, Grant Hayter S, Cheryl Cann U, Brent Dawson U; Wheat, Dale Kints PB, Heather Prout U, Barb Skinner U, Brent Dawson U; Grain Corn, Heather Prout U, Laurie Prout U, Steven Prout U, Marg Pym U; Ensilage Corn, Margaret Pym. U, Cindy Down U, Cheryl Cann U, Lisa Hem U; Field Beans, Paul Stewart U, Jeanette Van Esbroeck PB, John Van Esbroeck P13, Bevan Shapton S. Roots & Vegetables Table Turnips, Franky Ver- beke PB, John Van Esbroeck P B, Jeanette Van Esbroeck PB, Dale Kints PB; Table Beets, Allen Pym U, Billy McDonald E, Paul Stewart U, Dale Hints PB; Pickling Beets, Billy McDonald E, Dennis Kints PB, Sandy Pratt E, Allan Hodgert U; Red Cabbage, Katherine Jolly E, Billy MeDorm1r1 P. Brent McDonald E, — Please turn to Page 9 THUNDERBIRD