HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-09-30, Page 8It you require financing to Start, modernize or
expand your business and fire unable to
obtain it elsewheretrr reasonable terms and
conditions or if you are.interestedln_the
FBDE1 management services of bountellin,g
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business, talk to our rep! entativn.
new doors
b---i to small
Financial assistance
Management counselling
Management training ,
Information on government
programs for business
one of our representatives
will be at
Les Pines Hotel, Exeter
on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month
Oct. 5th and Oct. 19th
For prior information call 271-5650 or
write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford
Final Clearance!
Shop and COMPARE
This Price ... Anywhere!
NO E ION IMO 1111111118 M
Any Amount
While Stocks
Quite Frankly, We Bought Too Many
Of Them And We Must Clear Them
Out Before Winter Sets In. Buy Now.
Hwy. 83 West
Hwy. No.21
FAIR PETS — A large number of area youngsters entered their pets in
the Exeter Fair. Above, Wendy Smith poses with her pet dog. 1-A photo
G.R. Godbolt
Geo. A. Godbolt Of M.B,A. fice:
(By appointment only;
Devon Bldg.
Ph. Collect 235-2740
"Many have found
our services helpful"
The Mutual Life of Canada
‘111111111111111111111MMIIII NOINIV111111111111111111111111111=1111111
.04.'"...AMMSMIIMerNMSVAMAMmvnt-aom.2,„, •"*.
A new kind of thunder at a new lower price.
The 1977 .1.s hunderbird has anew look, anew
size and a new lower price—but it's still
unmistakably Thunderbird,
Leaner, cleaner, trimmer in size.
Thunderbird has been strikingly re-designed
with elegant styling both inside and out.
It's a car equipped to make driving a
pleasure. Power steering, power front disc
brakes, V-8 engine, automatic transmission,
steel-belted radials—are all standard.
Thunderbird's new suspension system and
wide stance provide both nimble handling
and a comfortable ride.
Perhaps the most unexpected thing about
today's new Thunderbird is the lower
manufacturer's suggested retail price. You'll
find it almost unbelievable that a
Thunderbird can be so easy to own.
Full-size or trim size?
Ford gives you the choice for'77.
A full-size car that kept its full size.
Ford LTD.
The same interior spaciousness,
deep-well trunk, road-hugging
performance, long wheelbase
and 31 /2 ton rated towing
capacity twith optional trailer
towing package), the Ford
LTD is every inch the car it was last year.
(Compare this to our competitors' 1977
smaller "full-size" cars!)
The trimmer, sportier car at
a trimmer price than LTD.
Ford introduces a new line of
cars--sporty 2-doors, 4-doors,
and wagons—all called LTD II,
When it comes to valu e,you'l l
find LTD 11 compares not only with
other mid-size cars, but even with
GM's new smaller "full-size" cars. So
shop where you get a choice: your Ford
dealer, lie's got the full-size Ford LTD...
and the trim-size new LTD II.
1977 Ford 1.31) 11 'S'
4-door Pillared Hardtop
1977 Ford LTD Landau 4-door
Pillared Hardtop
More ideas for '77.
This year Ford's added a new
low-priced Granada Special
Edition. So you get a new choice in
models . . . in the car that started a
whole new driving trend! The Pinto
has new front end styling — and
offers sporty new options. There's
also the dependable Maverick, the
dashing Mustang II, and a great line
of trucks at your Ford Dealer.
Reduced maintenance.
Compared with 1976-model Ford
cars, 1977 standard equipped Ford
cars are designed to reduce by 43%
the average estimated cost for
scheduled maintenance during
50;000 miles of normal driving.
It's Quality, Reliability, and
Durability, and more.
It's comprehensive anti-corrosion
measures, thorough testing and a -
new 36-month corrosion perforation
WARRANTY': 36-month warranty
against corrosion perforation on 1977
cars. This warranty reflects our
confidence in the quality, durability and
anti-corrosion measures built into every
1977 Ford of Canada car.
Ask your Ford Dealer for details.
Certain•items illustrated are optional at extra cost.
When North America needs a better idea, Ford puts it on wheels.
See the Barbra Streisand "Funny Lady" television special, with Omar Sharif and James Caan on CBC,
October 2, at 8:00 P.M.(8:30 P.M. in Newfoundland).
Page41 Times-Advocate, September 30, 1976
Fair school section draws enthusiastic support from youngsters
Exhibits at the Exeter Fall
Fair this year prepared by area
elementary school students were
again a highlight of the fair.
School fair president Mrs.
Donna. Webster said entries were
increased again and they were of
a very high quality showing great
craftsmanship and skill of the
The following legend is used to
designate the home school of
students with prize winning
entries: E-Exeter Public School;
PB - Precious blood Separate
School; S Stephen Central; -
Usborne Central; H Hensall
Public School; J -
McCurdy Public School at Huron
Park; MC - Mt. Carmel School;
SH - South Huron District High
Pair kittens, Allan PymU; two
fish, Jeff Greb J, David Russell
H, Dale Hennessey E; turtle, Jeff
Turner H; rabbit male heavy,
Paul Hewitt U. Suzanne Fink-
beiner S, Coleen Whiteford ;
Rabbit female heavy, Brenda
Waldeck H, Suzanne Finkbeiner,
S; Rabbit male light, Jean
Buswell C, Jeff Galloway S,
Denise Denomme E, Rosemary
GielexiMC; Rabbit female light,
Rosemary Gielen MC, Denise
Denomme E, Wendy Smith E;
Small pet, Cheryl ('ann U; Best
trained pet, Carleen Desjardine
J: Trick dog, Wendy Smith E;
Solid color standard cockerel,
Suzanne Finkbeiner S; Nancy
Cooper U; Parti color standard
cockerel, Doug Cooper U, Mark
Gibson S.; Solid color standard
pullet, Doug Cooper U, Suzanne
Finkbeiner S; Parti color stan-
dard pullet, Joan Cooper U, Mark
Gibson S; Ducks pair, Joan
Cooper U, Suzanne Finkbeiner S;
Geese pair, Suzanne Finkbeiner
S; Solid color bantams pair,
Keith Scott 8, Joan Cooper U;
Parti color standard Bantams
pair, Doug Cooper U, Nancy
Cooper U; Pigeons flying
Homer pair, Heather Love S;
Pigeons Fan tail pair, Kim
Galloway S; Pigeons Rollers
pair, Joan Cooper U, Danny
'Galloway S; Pigeons any other
variety pair, Danny Galloway S;
Jeff Galloway S;
Market Lamb, Dianne Dearing
S; Peter Dearing S; Shown-
manship, Dianne Dearing S,
Peter Dearing S;
Bacon hog, Debbie Down U,
Cindy Down U, Barb Down U,
Murray Rundle U;
Foal any type; Murray
Preszcator S, Donna Preszcator
,S, Joy Knetchtel U; Saddle horse,
Anita Van Rompaey E, Ber-
nadette Henshaw E, Cheryl Cann
U, Gail Johns U;
Beef calf, Bevan Shapton S,
Katherine Johns U, Margaret
Pym U, Allen Pym U;Dairy calf,
Paul Hern U, Jeff Johnson U;
Beef calf, Tom Coates U,
Margaret Pym U, Bevan Shapton
S, Katherine Johns U; Dairy calf,
Paul Hern U, Jeff Johnson U.
Grade 6 and under Your Family,
Audrey Van Wieren U, Sharen
Skinner E; Your Favorite
Animal or Pet, Paul Chapman E,
MikeTiedemanE,Brent Atthill E,
Trevor Blue E; ; Most Humorous
enlargement, Mike Tiedeman E;
Grade 7 & 8, Your family, Jamie
Chaffe U; Nature Scenes, Kelly
Tiedeman E, Sharen Skinner E,
Ronnalee Bogart E; Action
Picture, Kelly Tiedeman E;
Grades 6 and under - Aeroplane
or glider, Mark Perry E, Mike
Tiedeman E, David Bidtnes E,
Geoff Rether E; Boats, motor-
cycles, Dennis Meikle E, Donnie
Kells E, Bradley Skinner E,
Geoff Rether E; Cars, Brent
Atthill E, Joe Blommaert E,
Brent Dawson U, Dan Morley E;
Trucks, Bill McDonald E, Doug
Cooper U, Brent Dawson U, Joel
Aunger E; Models Trucks, cars,
Larry Bertens PB, Terry 1Vleikle
E, David Marquardt E, Kevin
Varley E; Grades 7 & 8 —
toroplane, glider, Daryll Keller
E, Richard Helm E, Jeff Turner
E; Boats, motorcycles, Bevan
Shapton S, ; Cars, Terry Fisher
U, Doug Robbins E; Trucks, Bob
McDonald E, Bevan Shapton S;
Model Trucks, cars, John Burdon
E, Doug Robbins E, Bevan
Shapton 5, Mike Veri E;
Aster large, Steven Kints PB,
Patricia Bertens PB, Dianne
Zachar E; Aster Powder Puff,
Dennis Hints, PB; Cosmos,
Cheryl Cann U, David Ferguson
E, Debbie Mathers E; Celosia,
Gail Reid H, Barb Down U, Cindy
Down U; Dahlia pompom
Suzanne Finkbeiner S, Sarah
Patterson E; Dahlia Medium,
Sandy Pratt 4, Allen Pym U,
Margaret Pym U, George Pratt
E; Dahlia large I bloom, George
Pratt E. Arlene Walper S, Sandy
Pratt E, Sarah Patterson. E;
Gladiolus, Alan Hodgert U, David
Ferguson E, Diane Eisenchink E,
Marsha Clarke S; Marigold
large, African yellow, Susan
McClure S, Alan Hodgert U, Lisa
'Herm U, Dennis Kints PB;
Marigold African gold, Terry
Zachar E, Catherine Raymond E,
Alan Hodgert U, Katherine Jolly
E; Marigold small French
yellow, Susan Gregus PB, Dennis
Hints PB, Alan Hodgert U, Betty
McDonald E; Marigold small
French gold, Matthew Tuckey E,
Kelly Jones E, Alan Hodgert
David Stephen U; Petunia single
not ruffled, Betty McDonald E,
Alan Hodgert U, Donna Prout U; '
Petunia ruffled, Dennis Kints
PB; Tea Rose 3 bloom 1 colour,
Lisa Becker, Arlene Walper S;
Tea Rose, Lynn Geiser S, Donna
Voerman E, Jayne Hendrick U,
Karla Josephson E; Snapdragon,
Susan Crawford E, Dale Kints
PB, Bevan Shapton S, Cindy
Down U; Zinnias pompom
small, Michael Wright PB,
Debbie Down U, Dennis Kints
PB, Steven Kints PB; Zinnias
large, Angela Wraight PB,
Dennis Kints PB, Katherine Jolly
E; Twin Tins, Sharon Skinner E,
Theresa Van Wieren H, Cheryl
Cann U, Marsha Clarke S;
Corsage, David Stephen U,
Donna Prout U, Cheryl Cann U,
Brenda McDonald. E.
Best Display of
Bevan Shapton S, Barb Down
Mixed Grain - Paul Love S,
Lisa Hern U, Steven Prout U,
Patricia Bertens PB; Oats, John
Van Esbroeck PB, Jeanette Van
Esbroeck PB; Barley, Steven
Prout U, Grant Hayter S, Cheryl
Cann U, Brent Dawson U; Wheat,
Dale Kints PB, Heather Prout U,
Barb Skinner U, Brent Dawson
U; Grain Corn, Heather Prout U,
Laurie Prout U, Steven Prout U,
Marg Pym U; Ensilage Corn,
Margaret Pym. U, Cindy Down U,
Cheryl Cann U, Lisa Hem U;
Field Beans, Paul Stewart U,
Jeanette Van Esbroeck PB, John
Van Esbroeck P13, Bevan
Shapton S.
Roots & Vegetables
Table Turnips, Franky Ver-
beke PB, John Van
Esbroeck P B, Jeanette
Van Esbroeck PB, Dale Kints
PB; Table Beets, Allen Pym U,
Billy McDonald E, Paul Stewart
U, Dale Hints PB; Pickling
Beets, Billy McDonald E, Dennis
Kints PB, Sandy Pratt E, Allan
Hodgert U; Red Cabbage,
Katherine Jolly E, Billy
MeDorm1r1 P. Brent McDonald E,
— Please turn to Page 9