HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-29, Page 2--. . , . , • • - UMW Oparatkos is Oaderlak. i taatiot to misrepresentation than con- - sistelicy. In one column he protests A PROSPEROITS 'YLAR'S BUSI- vigorously against the attempt' that . NLSS. _ were made tie excite the people m regsrd to the Pecific Railway charter -"a ques- Comedy Troupe -Agnes Wallace. 1 i Building operations have been par- tion with which the electors had no lint Received -Moore & Gordon. i ticulatly brisk in our town during the more to 'do with at the time thab they had with the question of whether a King lAtes.kfast Comm -Jame" Epps 4 CO. . ' past season and most of the buildings 1 i should rulein France -while in another _ I erected are of a superior elask We pro- he says, "this was the first appeal to i pose to give a short resume of the most thee people since the hue and ay was La -sr lams:,4aste lisincasens _ i important. o raitled about the so-called Pacific BMW' 1. Slattewriltere who Ao Piot sin explain notice tii. t }Int in 'ietaportance coraes the hand- , 'dal. It was the first time they were aaked four an expression of confidence ot t:cs reatitz. ate eodlneered" wiAtRit m ec's"1" I scene brick block etected by Geo. Acheseu Laos se ptIona. nonemnfidencet in Sir John A. Macdon- a, it seelsontersonter tin dnodirt I nuance ot their . on peel corner of the Square. and West aloe, Per &Nor weerepopert, the publisher .tt. pooltsh- I By the way he, in common with k# ar• cesatasae to said thent unto an ansars an . Ststeet to take the place of the buildings the other ootruptionist organ, has a all WM lea - burnt last winter. His block contains great deal to say about the falling off in Pt sr; seisonsars ars /nal reeponende kr 1*. /den Mews Warpleet er refuse Ph take thepert tho Reform vote, but nothing to say etutte orgworwpapere Prow the idles to whited they two large stores facing tho Square, or.e are threetriM. they are Wet reepoottble till thee have ef which is occupied by John Acheson about the falling off in the Conservative oettleA thno bills. Pen& na numbers bock, or leite- w ,... VOW. . ins thient be the dike, it not au.s notiee'ot drain- ,sfi co., the other is not yet filled up. Sreei to Nonce. - G. McBroom, ...p..., tomanda tie law armoire.. 4. II 'here onto.* to other please wohant Fronting on West Street are three neat seedsman, London. Ont. hes received istetwa • tee Pu'tlitIter, end their periodtcals oe and commodious stores occupied by Jae. by steamer from Rotterdam, Holbatd, s•emeems are t.nt to the former directions, they a:a h41,1 smosonal We. Vivian, cenfeetioner &re L a win lib package' of &Mee bulbs for fall emon----.----- son, Sewing, Machine and Musical In- planting, comprising Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocuses, Lilies, itc, These bulbs will _Mir Glo. P. &mate st Co., 40 Park strument Rooms end Douglas McKen- he forwarded te any addrees at the Rew. ilind S. M. Permit:me & Co., 37 tie, Watchmaker, also a smaller one peioes neraed in the catalogue and free Pa* Row, are our only authorized Ade occupied by W. Knight, Hair Dresser., of express or mail charges. Send for vertisilig Agents in New York. -On this elde-Of the block is a seat office' catalogue. Please reserve your order 'occupied by _the Montreal Telegraph for ;seeds till you receive nip Descrip- . , tive Catalogue and Amateurs' Guide fur The • dote after eachoqubseriber's none :Coo To complete the block a new store tele. 1390 4w : ek the 0 1,1ress rarlietstes the times to which tato be erected en the square inunedia. his'etlithoription ispahl. Thies, "Pyre* seLly, adjoining that recently occupied sperm; 1 itairch 727 tweaks that Mr. ,4eitea Soltvreptioa is pie, up to 1st bY Wal• KPIT• Ire.„,./oue ova A, oire, front that date., - Paseingooniol the Soinaro we come to oieosolmos JOU see it too be twthtir iOcrest Ahe handsome store erected ty F. Jordan IA rtette ProoPtlY, 0 "r 1.'9 a" 'for Crofts 6 Johnston and which. they .: .7.0 erateno to oovecte.s, oth,ririse 62 i - :Alined neon tO Cullellpy. Ws may re - tea% he chorea ' , -- mark in passing that this building has -been etected without obstruct;ng the _ street with Wilding material or rubhish, ter leaving the place in a dengerous posi- tion. for pamirs by.. - ". Oh the north side of the &pane A. P. McLean and P. O'Dea have erected two handsome stores. The former• lollf 1St his to Kerr A McKenzie, Hardware Slercherte, the other occu'pies his as a general store., 'Next these ribuotei, Howell has a largo brick store, the Water. ioso ot• which,* not yet fitted u* iitt @tore, tha foundotien of which hastbeen — -m...1., laid by Mr, Doyle, . eill-homplete this" block. , C. Crabb has workmen engaged iu fin- iithing the stores in his new block erec- ad last season, and they will soon be ready for occupancy. i . ten North Street a substantial brick uildieg has been erected by the Roman stholics, opposite their church. It is to be used we understand . as a ladies' Silver Ware -T. J. Mooekomits. • Look for i Moment-Ifiss Xiller.1 , i i _ ______. -.wet- , ! Wistehell be glad at 4Htintea to recei is' onset local news, reports of meetin oleos, or any incident of interest thei in the locality where it oceuesbr, teethe county at large. Soch metier may le - seut at tbe nide of cies cent per elza if! marked Printer's Copy and not To ensure publication in any tittetar iesue it should resell the olliceinot later than Monday evening. i _.:', i 1 - ;Sotiscribers wilt confer a favour by ,,,,„,fying us of any irregularity in the delivery of their papers ar.:A Tx -JAI =a:11M. OODSHICII STATION 11'41' 'us leave as follows, -‘,..7.00 a. in. ;Rep Ita .4,10.00 " X d . ......... 12 30 p.,*, .. , . " ' iTolitts are due as follows,- . • t " ." Exp;se. Mix ..... ......... 5.1.n. ". ti tree ti tt 200p. m. Mailr 'trot' Sulu!. sehocti. Achern atid John Mckenzie have each erected two stems on Handl- tote Street, which is fast becomiireone of the beat busineM Streets ineown. • Victorie Street noir the end of Hamilton, D. K. Street= has erected on the vacetit lot oppostrii the old bury- ing ground a cencreto building to be oc- cupied by Mr. Adams es a erocery, also a neat frame olwelling,house tor his own use, and he intends to build a Week- - OODERICII, C.;F:. 29 1373* smith shop. In the same neig or - hood J. la. -Armettong has. a f me dwelling houee in cetirse of eractionl On •West Street Archibald Diatom, k'. M. has erected.a handsome and cent- • • nsThe absence of the el tor must be our ap deg)! for the lack of original . metter and other defects of the !resent note of the Sloe to . Domiletan" rrfirIUMItent. . , °O---° - 4. tie Ihnntnien Perliament met at Ote *wit last Thursday and after the de- tireiy of the address from the throne,' thiell we give elsewhere, adjourned tilt Netaday. At number of documente s.nd ata* Papers have been: leid before the bottle. The rtport oi Moe. Royal Co;thrnis- orlon, which we publish -in full is rery • non -committal. It .sirnply .gives the ! *erimis steps taken by the C;inamissioni - lo carry ont their. instructions, but does not express the opinion t3 its members . 't On the evidence taken. Of wore, the ' evidenotscoompanies it. . l The cerrespondence which took place betWeen the Governor (tenant' and the Imperial Government with refeeence to the foe oe.otetion, the dieallowance ol.the thetFee Sill, 'and other matters affecting the J'acitic Railway Sealidel, has else town submitted and publisher'. We re- -greet., observe OW Lord Dufferin has sor.Vitt., ea hinmelf a special pleadernn ' ii... hollf of the Government, and fop., I been Intik in which is to be placed a inetenoial wintlew to the kite Charles ' juditles bisection' in tereine parliateekoit Wicidei. Next season the' chnnth will t, to oof doors -On 141t.` rtth of Aegust, "We [ be painted outside, which Will take . d expect thet at -Governor General who 1 *hewn a desire to act comstitutional- awel- the petched appearanee Which it oat neesente presents on 'account of the 1 ly moild have taken setae steps -to rid different coloured brick Which has been himself of adviserst whoo have prostituted used in thh alter:Ohms. When the inodious holies which Will be quite an orals:Sent to that part of -the towo. Erie Mclimy has erected a'neet cottage on the sanieetreet te correspouil with one he already. owns atongside.. _ Wm. Key, Esq, has neat atic corn- modiees dwelling hense with ontleuild- in,e3.1).urso of completion op,00site the en of Kingston Street anti com- manding a view of the Sonar°. It will fill up a gap in that part ofthe town'. George Swanson has built a comforta- ble Swelling house on the South aide of the town. Dixie Watson -has a dwelling house for his own use fast .approvhing completien the same neighbourhood. 11 arvey • Howell has made some Nether improvements on . his new dwelling houee ee that it is now one of the most commanding buildings.in the North east corner of the town. G. N. Davis has rebel' t his brick.store on Colborne Steeet io the hetela of one story. It will be used in the meantime as a -stove warehouse. • • , St George's Church hot tmodergene a thorough oierhauling and a clunael has their position ha slick an outrogeons improvements are conateteted the eleurch immaer, but Lord Dulferin appears as the spot 'gist for'the (tovernrneet in re- I will be much mare reek an4 comferte- t hie than ever before. situ; to Parliament the right to ex- . rime into the serious charees brought ' egainst rainistees, It i3 hinted that he * doing so under instructions from the -..1toille authorities, who desire to let Sir .1olsn A, Macdonald put 'of the position *Melt he has placed himself as eaaily es possible, in censtleratibn of his ba'v- ing,done their will in the matter of the Washington Treata We shall exceed- - inegy regret if the home Government interfere to ecreen a man who haa been pithy nf such an act as the sale:of the, ) Picific Railway Charter, and we triist Our summary would be incoMplete without reference to the extensive works tbe International Salt Company pit' the Wilson F win at the Seuth boundery. This company intend to haul their works ready to commence the manufac- ture of salt on a lar-iee scales early next sea.son.A well is hetng sunk and four large salt blocks erected: There will also be_ large sheds for storage purposes with a - tramway to the water and a dock for shipping salt. Everything about the works will be arranged so se to cause as little handline of the MU as possible. parliament will assert its authority aud • muse a full, free aad fair investigition into this outrageous scandal; There eon be no doubt of the geilt of the Goternonent. Sir John has unwillingly 4ontesseil enntegh to establish this point, 164 it will be a shame and it disgrace. *filch will rinder the name of Canada if. for the high price of labour and meter- ebootions in the eyeeof the world, ikl. We trust te soe both more plenti- those who are guilty are allowed to re• ful and cheap next season, when we Main where they can do any further hope to be able to record as brisk a sea_ Wm. We wait with &Inlet, to- see *slat perliament will do. ' son for builders and contractors as we have had this year. aurummilmantwngtimmilmor LOCAL . There is a large boarding house iu con- nection for the aconnodetion of the men employed. A number of other buildings of minor importance - have beeu erected and we have no doubt much Moro would have been done in the.way of building but Illrierer Rita, hos not vet taken his seat in ruliament and it ie said a Plan has bean tea:totted to deley the return of the Reit. flit appearance on the floor of the lesite holey world place Sir John .A. Mecolonalol in a rery disagreesble fix, and it is hinted that the latter has in- duced him to stey away at present. Ile le reported to be atneng his Lower Canal:an friends, while some assert Viet he it in Ottawa. Det,ectives are on Several important.itrtielea have been unavoidably laid ever entil our next issue. T111.31KiC.IVINO D -- Our readers will remember that Thursdey the 7th November has been proclaimed by the Lieut. Governor as a general ThAnks. giving day for the abundant harvest. Voeroonte HALL, - Tlva far famed Ortes Wallace or otherwise termeci the t' little gem will make her debut here the look out for Ent and there are those the 6th A 7th of November, suppert- la the country who would not hesitate to eanddbyGarceonms dpaienry oraf 200,1.111.3mi cleasspreasrstisunts. It is said that au Imperial amnesty will animously pronounced if fte largest and most talented troupe travelling. Where - shoot him if the opportuoity offered, "1"11Y be granted to him and the others ever they have performed crowded who took pert in the rebellion. houses have been the consequence. _ - Roc ewei..E. & lIceoar Re, -These gen- tlemen gave their promiaed free exhi- bition of their knowledge of and power over the equine race on Friday. snd Saturday laat'ato large and Onterested crowds of spedlors. The performances of the trained horse "Mazeppa" were certainly something wonderful -scarcely to be believed if not ectually witnessed, and fsr surpassing those of the best trained circus horses. Tag WIAT111R, -Ill the libeellee Of roliboll matters in France are in rather an uneettled state. The Assem- bly was to meet this week, when it was kit:atie secnris the restotation et rally understood an attempt would Nottatvhy in the omen of Henry Vo better knowe as the Count de Chain - MO t We neglected in oar tut Mane to malts eny reference to the recentexamination for entrance to the High School. It was -the first held under the new regulations aod all pupils who. had been admitted since August, 1872, were required to -pass it the same as new paella, -a most arbitrary and uncalled for piece of legis. lation. The papers six in number, viz: Grammer, .Geograely Spelling, Dicta- tion Composition and'Arithmetic, were sent'ap front Toronto having been pre- pared hy the Central 'Board of Examin- ers, and were, with the exception of the -two latter, gory fair. Twenty-three pitpils in all were examined, and of these eighteen received more than 50 per sent of the total number of marks, the highest belt's Emma Yates, from the highest diviaton of the Central School, anti the nett Ellen Kernighan, from S. S. Ne. 4, Colborne. The answers have ih accordance with "regulations" been sent to the Central Boerd, together with the finding sheet of the local examiners, foe- inspection and revision. However, as it is not probable thet anyjchango wiil be made, we give below the Denies of those who pasted the local examiners: - Cisme Yates, Xneor liernighan, Bon- nie Williams, Minnie Dickson, James Orr, William Wright, Maggie Wright, Sophia Gordon, Cameron Gorden, Wal- ter McDonald, Robert Govenlock, Simon' Fraser, Mated Evans, Frances Seiveright, Sarah Gorden, Annie Rum - ball, Jennie Slacara, and Isa,bella Viillis. Sesforth• Paiza 1tIoNEr.-4-Mr. Cressivell, Tres= surer of the South Ilurten 'Agricultural Society, Will be in attendance at Mur - ray's Hetet, Seaferth, on Saturday next, sand the two hollowing Saturdays, from 12 o'clock until 6, each slay, for the poirpose-ef .payine prize moneys iwerded at the late show, Parties who ere en- titled to receiye these prize mutters should titake„it a point to meet Mo. Cresswell on the above days. as Joy so doing they will sere hint and themselves a great deal rof THE NEW SALT Biome. -The patts'in Messrs. Coleman Couinlook's new mit Meek are completed, and the freine of the building is beim. enclosed. The work is being pushed forward vigorous- !? and there is every pooped of the block being in full working order in a few weeks.- Ezpositor.,. N Esre We learn that Mr. James Hatt has rested his steno known asehe "Manch tater House," to a gentle- man who iutends starting sr clock manu- factory. The machine4, ire believe, is now on the way, and is expected her.)) Expositor. • Sfirgraama • (From the Witighans Times.) Iftanwar accroaxv.- On Monday lait, a train of gravel ears running into Lucknew and when within A abort dis- tance of the station, ran over a cow throwing three cars off the track-, and in- juring atone eight or ten men, two veiy seriously. Aecioeter.-A °one man while at work on the station, building here, fell from the roof, anO received a severe cut over the left eye; his side was aleo hurt, but fertnnately no bones broken. Dr. McEtonald was soon on hand and dres- sed the wound, and the patient is doing wed. Deoweeo.-As Wm. Wheelane, who lives ab tut a mile north of Winghatn, was driving home from the village , through the 'ato one and darkness on Mon- OlsyEvening, his horses got off the road into the mill darn near the bridge on LT. Smear SOLD. -Nr. Hngh Love, Sr., cf Hill's Green, has sold one of the Cots- wold Rams, whi6 be imported this sea- son from Scotland, to Mr. Switzer, of Blanshard, County of Perth, for the sum of $135. He IAA also sold a Leicester ram lamb, of his own raising, to stock breeder near Whitby, for the sum of $60. the lst day of Deoetaber-Carried. Mond by Mr. (Albion, seconded by .Mr. Weir, that $110 be granted the Doeick ploughing match- Carried. Counci I adjourned to meet on the 1.4.1 Wednes- day in November uext, in Parker's hotel iu GEO. DANE, rp _ 713,5 Gnat 301-altnotor7. Orey. From the Exposif,,r. - ••• CoIISOIL AlYT1N0.-Council met at Tuck's Hotel, Crsnbrook, on Oct. 16th. Members all present; the Reeve in the chair. Minetes of last meettng road and cenfinned. The following commu- nications were read and: from J. Rid - del, Stock Broker, Hamilton, offering debentures for sale; from Brussels coun- cil, requesting payment of amount awarded by Arbitratoes; frotn SecretacY of W. G. and B. R., regarding side road four between Lots 20 and 21. Donald gliranalitilchn at of madthe eGrey"PpitwtiiIng mfoartchs. George Brown made application for a grant in aid ofthe Moleswerth ploughing match. Moved by The& Williamson, seconded by L.. McDonald, that this Council grant the et -of.$12 in aid ot they Grey pleserhing match, and, and' aid of the Molesworth ploughing. inatch, provided the township of Wal- lace grsnt an equal sum -Carried. The following accounts were presented, and ordered tO be paid, 'viz: /It di T. Smith,. lumber for bridges, $25,59; Jacob Zun* mer, repairing bridge and scraper, $14.89;0. Walls, digging ditch and grub. bing sturaps, con. 12, $13,14; 11..Mo George, ditching boundary of Grey and Wallace, $18.43; Wiet Whalley, tartipik. aide road 5, con. I, $45.50; T. Gatoobt, crosseraying side !Paid 4, con.. . $W; J. Dimeem, &silting side road 2, con. 17, $2: R. Sperling, cutting hill and cover ing croseway,. con. 16, ral9; J. McNeili covering crussiray, side road 5, ti*0* J. Strachan, lumber foe culrert, con. 3, $3.80. Moved by L. Dobson, seconded by L. McDonald, thet this council no* adjourn to meet again at Dame's Hotta, Cranbrook, on November 20 -Carried. A. HUNTER, T'p Clerk. Clinton. OCR 0101'0114111711' INSTITUTE. it is net suffiziently known in the village and less in the surrounding country, how great the advantages are which they are designed to confer. Aa the name implies these institutions are intended more eapecially to benefit the tuechanic and those who have not time to spend at schuel and whose parents have not•the means to give good edit - cation. So wholly are business mein immereed in their business ; so little thotight and yearning is there for Woo& nut to say extensive knowle Igo that it is a herculean ta.sk tO build up even le a town one of these excellent schools, 1. say schools for they, are in effect, thott on a large and libersf basis, it is Meters the work of a few 1to. build and keep them upo and requires their most per- sistent efforts -to get the ne..essary• num- ber of subecribers and draw to the lee - tures and reunions &sufficient number to meet the neceseary expenolitore awl keep, to rather be In politem to draw the goyernment grant. This is the histery of the Clinton Mechattics' sutute and I hare no doubt the history .4 seventy live per cent of all like iii• atitutions iu the Deminiou. The Library of the Clinton Institute cent:tins &beet 900 volumes of well selected works, en Mutest every subject literary and Scieti- tine. A night seleml is *yen t 4.1 illeat.,4 the week in whichall diet:hagfish branches are taught ineluding drewing. Torero is also a remit:lig room in commotion open every afternoon of the week except Sat u May, teethe smell sum o 4 thirty...tens pet quarter; se.veral daily papers anti alt the hest magazines kre uu the tattle. This te a boon to thou eager fur knosi- ledge, as well to those who have Mite time and means to spare as to those whio have theusands of both. These priei- loges are not enjoyed by the eitizenoof all the larger valves in Ontario. the meat prosperoous of the Provinces of the Dominion nor by some of the towns Mid it is only by the secritice of tines and Went that they are obtained at all. There is not much in the way of neWs worth roportine. On Friday cot/niter, the 17th inst., a Social was held in c on. nection with the Mechanics' Institute, the attendenie being the first of the season was not very large: but quite successful in the way of enjoyment. The eatables were provided byt Mr. Pat tereon and served to, the satisfaction of atl. The CLinton Balla did viell for the evening's entertainment, Mr. IticTavish, Miss McTavish.. and Mr. T. Joslin dis- couirsed sweet Music and were noon* one of Weber's Pianos was provided by Messrs, Doherty & hlenzies for the be- ,casion fiee of charge. A tooling WAS given by Dr. Worthineton fronn Thomas. Hotta (Fait:114ns Sally Brown). The lien Mr. McCuaig wive an excellent addresa Lakin* up the histery 44 nstit te and set :in.( ferth tts :advanutges. Mies flitteorty, the second teacher in the the gravel, aud beftoie aseistance could I Cli000n Ilieh Schoeol gave Edinborough lee rendered was drowned. We under- I after the Battle of FlomIden which was stand that Mr. eir heelans. himself ran a I welt reedered. Every one wetite smite - .pretty narriew escape and would probab• ingly well satisfied away, and doubtless emite willing for something of a whetter kind seon again. It is intended on the part of the directors to have during the coming winter as nieny Lotter -ea of a superior character as can be obtaitied besides Socials and Reunions to make It the institution of the winter. Zoirick. ly met the same fete, had it nut been br the timely assistance of hie wife, who with a lantern had set gut to meet her husband, and it would seem opportune- ly reached him in time to save his life. Wa_hope his wife may be elways pn haled to save hirn from the drink, particularly when it goes aboye the neck. BrnssoLs. ( Foot& the Brumes l'ust.) Cif t tIN TING -.-1310 season is now (Uri.- open. Mr. John Leckie has al- ready commenced to buy grain largely, arid his new storehouse is now in fuli blast. Elevatorslave been put in, and everything has been done to save labor. The building has a capacity of 25,0410 bushels, and an instalreent of 1,000 bushela of grain has been taken during thee past, week, Seaforth prices hsving Item pMd for both fall and spring wheat. Mr. Leckie -informs its that fall wheat ie of excellent quality, and weighs about 64 lbe. to the measured bushel.. Spring wheak is not (mite up tit the mark, the quality not being aligned LB in some past years. o. RAILWAY ACVIDENT.-011 Monday Jut a train on the W, G. & B. Railway collided with a steer, and was knocked Off the track. Two- men wore severely injured, and two oi three others con- aiderably bruised. The aecident oc- enema in precisely,the same spot as that which took place oq Saturday, Another accident occurred on Saturday after- noon, a gravel tmin was going up the line, and when a short distance above het apart for th , village of Fordwich, Lucknow it ran into a cow. The animal leaving 34 Iota 'for Section No. 8, and the Clerk be authorized to notify ;he was instantly killed, and three cars, all Trustees in the Sections' interested ' to loaded, were thrown off the track and damaged. It wits a fortunate thing attend. the next Council meeting at Ford wick' -Carried. A letter read front thatno persona were on board the cars, which is not generally the caee on Satur- G. Brown, Moleaworth, to Mr. Gibson, oniered to be filed. Applications to day. collect the taxes given in. Joseph An- derson toffent to collect the whole at $135, or west division for $75; J. Hazel - weed the whole for $150, or east divi- sion for $75; k. Fergusen the whole at f125, or the west at $70; J. Montgomery the whole at *125, or the east at $50; Philip Gardiner the whole at $120, or east at U5; and afterwards came down to $50 for the east division. nloved by Mr. Gibson, peconded by Mr. Wier, that R. Ferguson be appointed collector for the west division at $70, and J. Mont- gomery the east at $50. In amendment, Mr. Wiggins moved, Mr. Gregg second- ed, that J. Ferguson be appointed ool- lector for the west division for $70, and P. Gardiner the east at $50. The origi- nal motion carried. Accounts ordered to be paid: James Lunn, $30, work on boundary of Minto and Howick, con. 9, and — on side line 30 and 31, con. 16; G• Browning, 104, work on cous. 16 and 17, lot 30; J. Spotkm, $17, culvert on aide line 15 and 16, con. 9, and $20 ouy- grins crossway on same side line, con. 10; V/. Hubbard, $10, planking bridge same side line at north branch; Thomas Wakeford, $5, culvert con. 6; S. Hicks, $36, covering croaaway con. 6, side line 10 and 11; J. Donelly, $45, gravelliug si•le litte 5 and 6, cons. 4 arta 5. Moved Couneze Mazrive. - The Howick council met at Gerrie, on Oct. 15, purse. ant to adjournment front last meeting, in McLeod's Imo Members all present, the Reeve in the chair, when the minutes of 'soot meeting were read and approve& A copy of a letter sent by the Reeve to Hon. Mr. Mowat read, and the Clerk di- rected to write an answer to the eame. Moved by Mr. Gibson, and seconded by Mr, Wiggins, that tho Clerk be re- quested to furnish the council at Its next meeting with a. statement of the assessea value of each School Section, with the rate levied for school purpmes -Carrted. Moved by Mr. Gihson, seconded by Mr. Wier, that the Clerk be authorized to write to the township Councils of Turnberry and Wan nt, auent forming union School Se-ct ns with Howick; sito near Thomp i's Corner for Turnberry, and nen e'i corner for Wallace; and also to the Cottn- cil of Grey anent the discontinuance of unien School Section No. 10, Howick- Carried. Moved by Mr. Gregg, secopd- ed by Mr. Wiggins, that School Section No. 8 be divided as follows, Aso lens 19, 29, 21, 23, on coot 5, 6 and 7, • end Lots 19, 20, 21 41 22, on con 9 to be LucItztor. Alit) FATAL RAILWAY AccI- DENT. -An accident occurred en the W. G. and B. Railway, southern extension, about a half -mile north of Lucknow station, on Monday, 20th inak Four gravel ca.rs were thrown off the track by running against an oz. There were about 100 men on the train, two of whom had their legs broken; that of Alexander McDonald was so severely smashed as to necesaitate amputation. He died on Wednesday night. The other, James Mahar, is doing well. There were in all fifteen or. sixteen men more ortiess injured. Ploughing Match.-There were 22 ploughs competing the work done was yery good and there was a great interest takeu in the Match by the farmers in thie neighborhood. The following is the PRIZE LIST. Slues oLtliS. A. Forsyth 1st prize. Peter Currie ed o, James McDonald od t• SIT, T. Thompson 4th " Jamcs Stewart 5th " y o•NO WIN'S CLASS. . No sooner were the returns of the South Huron election, (which gave Mr. Case a majority; made known litst week, thau every Conservative journal fron Cornwall to Wintbeer hurrahed witti joy, and chimed the election as au exponstoo of public confidence in the man with the "clean hands." But lo, when the cor- rect returns were made known, their joy was stunted into mourning. Still, these sanguine journals had left to them a ray of comfort. They saw in the Referm candidate's small majority a "moral" victory, if not a real one, and they were not alow in heralding forth their die- oovery. For -their sakes, we are sorry that a sense of duty and a love of truth compel us to take from them even the small modicum of comfurt which a "moral rictory" seemed to afford them. We seated last week that the decreased majority 4:4 the Reform candidate was not due to a change of police' amnion Int in the Riding. We are now prepared tc Drove that statement by. the figure.. from the poll books. By the subjoined eomparatite statement it be seen that Mr. CAlle polled 56 votea less than the Conservative candidate at the teat election. This, however, we do not lire - tend to attribute to a change of senti- ment in favor of thelteferin party. It is due entirely to the personal populari- ty of the reepective emendates in the different menicipalities. Ad, tor in - stance, Mr. Case polled nine more vootes in the township of Tuckeramith then Mr. Whiteheal, while Mr. Greseiwa. polled twentymineomore votes in G Ale - rich township than Mr. eine. Becatite of this chimge no sous man who has allY regard for veracity would say that converts to Conservative principles bevy been made in the' township ef Tucker - smith with the past year, or that in the - township of Goderich twenty-nine electors have_ deserted the Tory ounp and caat in their lot with the Clear Grits. Tbe thing is ridiculous, and ire are sure that when there writers have ex twitted the floured below, they will be ant imed of their trumpery utter -owes !Omit "moral victory.' In comparing the vote recei vanity Mr., Case with that received toy -Mr. Carlin:, in .1871, ee find that Mr. CAW did pelt fifty-six more votes than Mr. Carlisle. It will be noticed, however, that Cas43.0 gains are motility in l'uckersonith, Stan- ley anol floderich townships, e keno lie eras well known and where he lied lousi- edit omnections for the past t moot, years, and lop losses are in Steploeio end Colborne, w Oen. Sir. Certifier' lies Iteen intimately known aid beendeine bushiest* for many venrs.• . Mr. Catitin great gain Over Mr. Carling hi 0.4 Luria town may be accountea fur . the fact thed Mr. Carling's opp :tient, • tstr.• bous, was a Gordo' het xi' coo met hie teal atiol personal popitlerity somereilea teree ;mintier of taservistive votes iti teet weft. In this case, 'therefore .the erease,-like Ole decree:4o in the loir e. hes no-pooh:tient siguiticence, but li I ly liei3t41.11 twitter bete eon Cie e tates. Wu, otintitelel the Ana tiguree to the cerefoil :pertlell et ioec alio aro nit:lined to Gout. diet a e oer- vative "'morel victory" hes :mem) geiite 1 in Seidl% Huron. Tee folio...lee s'o•A riot oloer of votes pollea by' Mr. l'Aie At ill :41.• electime c000lioercOl ith tit) t• t.t' for Mr. l'erlitie. la I ore- • • Golerleh Too•oh tio•lorich to0•• b. • Pay . . 11.. Attrition . • . " H el' El ot. r . Inborn. . . 4 11., of /Aut.' raviccronith . .7 1 '1 :nanny ... , Scaler:1e 1, • , •,i 11 . Total 13..1 lite S The folloei statement shows the . Conserratit e in the several consti- tuencies fermi the Legislative Assent blv South lti ne,, -at the. election of 1872 for the D 'Mien Perham -et, emu - pared with the- misery:Aire vote at the late election: I $ 11 ' lioderl•h•Tian.hi a adept h Oar . t";11 1.7shorn• • 274 190 21 49 Tnehreoolib 1.5 114 9 'Stanley 212 219 _ 2 neat p-th 33 31 — . - iota! 1 in; ilia t ETV ttEeco=s a rata: 3;tialor.. C 1 114th ,e4•1-. Ex r ;e, tot. .. 324 23; . 23 .. IS 21, 77 . . t'i ta . ._ -1. The miter ,one beeint to linwt;o7 public /meal:ling ' the Letter. Foo el. thotalth the gift, itt .peitit (of fact, duvet -- ups late in life, it is only in the C'010 iif t14004 3411.3113y 3 IS 'tome, thomell it may be, dormant talent for i.t. - No man hes learned aly 81*1 111ttil he can prec- tiee it spontaneously, without conscious volition. If this proves moil. elution drawing, in the dance, or graceful posturing,• it is even more aoparent in oratory. Parents awl teachers should encountee children to narratcOto cello verse-ofor story -Polling end fluent coh- versatioes are essentially .00f the same nature as oratory. ' 2. The habit of thittking olt utter feet 4 invaluable. Greta:orations may be prepared with elaboration aM1 stmle. not alone in their subatence,but tit form. Such we know, to have been the prepa- ration of oration's whioll continoe to he i•eatl from. age•to age. But for the pur- poses of American life, ono mast he mialitied to smeak witheut laborious preparation of language, and Clial can only be dene when ono call commatal his thoughts in the: face of au a:toilette-It. The facultyof &Meg this is greatly help- ed by an early:and persisteat practice. Aspirante for twat-m.1:rd htnietp, with' out neglecting the IteirtrJ preouration a the study to or tooecial 4 1.3.1414•413,. nhotild lose no ,,pp. ;nein ty ef spe eking t tlf-hand. One alionld not ht slowiwate at -Millirem. Theyore often ter betterfor the ei names thin sitectates. ile elm. goos to scheol to hismistaken, %v.!! Liter:aye hav a .mosol tor schoolmaster, ana wiil net be li -.try to become either itle or venceited; - 3. Public speaking means besinest, or onto to. AlthOugh there ie A great deal • of foamy 'talking, afterolinner speeches. oomplitueittary speochan,- eel religion,' exportationo all bf which Are meant to fill up tune, yet publin speak- ihg, in it* noble/0.4volt, is an Attention' to gain !tome 4e1iiiito :told importeitt eta' by 4 be 11.10 of reuens end peranutoms. %Viten a man seeks hie netolgror for business vetivers:lion he kurove just what he wants, told he kettles With IiiitO self Ity what -inothmIst he' will g.it it. This is the very geniiii (If a good pre- panithin for a epoechoo-to kiiew defin- itely what yo5 wish to gaia of an audi- ence, and -the meant by which you pro -- pose to secure it. A ol :true oratory is practical psychology. 4. A inan may speak deliberatelje er even slowly, but no matocan succeed who speeks heailetinglyo-who goes back on a sentence and bogies agein. Soleil a speech is like a shying home or a baulk) mule. At all hazards, the young speaker must learn to push on, -to keep • current tnoving front bevinning to_end of his address. If you (hop a orient don't stop to pick it up. If yeti stumble on a word, let it go. Don't go back to CANADA,. DOMINION' rza,:z.oszar:• T. P. French, the Renfrew frauds SIPs.:61.1 i'4.111.18\11•NY- SP.t•oNO SENsloN. I man, has betel apponsted litspectoor of Poet Offices. SPEECH TIIE Itt /SE And Ottawa telegram utentious tilat moon. nee:. 1'1 !IL tioN11.1",- ' the lion. Judgd Drummond had arriv- ed in that. city, and was shortly to retire from the bench on a pensiom. , Mr. W. 11. Simpson, hitherto cellect•or . i in-% e ,, 4...e. .1.4,1. of customs at Kingston., haa bee, .p. ! New 2toverty.iclacnts. ook Here for a Moment. ISS MILL .T..11R. to the 554110 3t, tit , • ' His Excellency Cm (hoover -General 1.41,,,troei, in poem of Mr. Delisle. . port 4,1 st :; o'clock p. tit. this :my proceole 1 in • The Quebec and Goatee' Rail Amy it liege to iiilette the leodtee' G•leriell ;tool vt••411it-V 'hot state to. the Chanoho•r oof the Somete. and adyertised to be sold by the shenir mitle• 4•11•3 Te:\ !An uomember, together eiell 44 11;4:Heti `i.1.‘" ".1 (R, 1,,, tinuee, His Excellency c eitonewlca floc attend - ante, ef toe ileum of otemmoits. .na cars, Ace and over 10,tele mace of laibi -•!, that !louse knee ineeent Eteellency belonging to the Company. ;Ff.' Cy ,#•:.= • • lois leen e .11 in A ft'W ..13.7.!, ti.tti with an at. lah at neve:ties e mos., e, ef the Soxnel Parliament the Dentin- ell,iyartbhoor ri:forltio:ovitrolv,eLtr ke 3 40, 7s; 77%, 1 77F.; It 11 A r• 4e._••• purelia.sed tom the Dominiem , from the throne : . and Hamilton k Lake Erie railways, fer ; niTenht was pleased to opon the Soeitud Session „f Ca„ad„ith the flAI„IV 15:1e1.1 (fon. Gealletti,ii 8 anO• awl G.' ete- 111,:14 ihe Bore', Of C. en reties - in acconitome with the tutimetion give• toy meat the close' of last session. I have cureel Partiement to be mum- inonel at the eerliest moment, after the receipt of thc revert of the Commission- ers appointed by me to en•piire into certaie twitters . cennected with the Cairo's Railway. The evidence obtaisoletader theoCotinerission has had iny careful c•eisi•leret len. The report will lia laid toter° Perliement ate! it oil I be for yen thento. deteriume *Mother it col ba uf any amietance to /Jot. . A Bill for elle conselidition and ameinlment cif the laws in force in the several Prooinces relating to tho 'repro- emitatioe of the peeple Parliantept, aeoin au'etnizted yea. By the post 1).111.eilleig 14 tltit immature featu last sortioe. you will beet, the advaeltaee of inclotoluie in its pot* 'shoos the Pxovince oof Prince talent, 'nee impiety unite.' to Cenaola. ' , • 'Fite CA/eta:tan ,Railway Com- pany, te whom Royal C:iarter woos ...ranted, have, I Neon 01 been un- eble to make the arrangements tiecessnry.•for the constrintiou of that groat undertakine ; they hare, there- , tore, 'fomented a• serimuder thetr charter, which lets been iteeepted• by me. You will, I trust, feel yourselveir 'cillod hpou to take steps Oo eecure.the early . . etemmeneement ig.troue prosecii- thou of the constrnetien of diet rade:tie, and thee to carry put ie good faith the arrangement mete with the Pnivieie British Cehitulne. A lee:wire for this purp, we will be. setenitted for yolcoa- siderat in. t - The ex telethon Also lo mad try 114 the Dominate hes ceiased a cokespanding nicrease in the ;owl: adinnuetretioti and no01114 to cal( for boohritioital assist: nee in Poirliateent as WWI 'os in the Etoollito Gevetillitent. A hill ontlifis stibjeet *di be 1.4 tef ore 3 he. 'tour atteattieutein isometric' te the chnaideratiou tit WI tor the .eetalffisio els Itoen1 •Agrecul- meta tif la4U11, titre. • 'The siihject h I ...e .Ate relating to in- soIveiscy ti ohneattly celeste yo:tr at:Anal:alb 'I lie eitorts 14 the, seVeral Croy- inces, as well we by the Dominion, to coo blimps inimigrattoin Imre met; *jilt atteeoas,.attiln Urge smuttier of velimble mit:ere hey bunt :welled I o . our ireputee time t. slo d eta thet you win Wai- l/me-y..4m libee• aid to tine importatit sleet:tot. ,e oteee eeteetee, -/ hem thet, lite aceolintsillt1 the yeer &hell be be. fore vox. The pkespertnis 'cen*Ittion of e ',ter Meanies pout men, noel the rece..11113 Iles_ bean seflici it to itieet all elis.rgee even it . t: . the Eitentittes for -1.11.4 miming year will be laid eet. ee_ne. They have Wen preptitted with -a- dee- reeerd epotently es Wel Ile to iho efficiency of til• eThneuulainilloaloinautnireaclise'ej.k241.111..n. Georem ' ' , Brown from his stock sale at llow nerd, : on Thursday, was $14,49O. One lot oof thirty-six evws and heifere feteliel deo ahpaKtuAdilcas:tinkiolt°tinsitti!rolthAuefitL1142i0::11.6t-e91..oraltit';ollolot•ie''reo;:fr . Ceaerieli, theolocr 2c...he 1S744. o for thehiancorporation of tide place -as a . All Styles and prices from 81 upwards. it unit THE TORONTO HOUSE, Nea t 'door t the Red S. 4c. 1:et3 town, ring been published ler three required by the New atted.i- pal. ct, protetedines will be eiti li te- e _ . morrow evening by_the Council at its if) , T II LI FiLl 1.) . ... It E • C E -I I/ I. . 1) , meeting in the Towit Ilan, too preeoire the issue of His ,Excellsucy's prof:tele- • . . f tion creating Kincardine ;i town.- :- 1; port, r. . . . . There is no pmasing some peoople. awl ' „minim if Reformers ieduleetl iu finlike- ' the mau that runs the Me,/ in pert icel.r. Previous to the opening of Parletitientery patient vf defeat of the elinistry they cies wore sore herbingera o4 olefeet ..1 el hopes in the coming struggle , they te .. uow when scareely it word is :mil by ill o were always teld by the eoeurer ei,, "gentleman's party" that het:11 Pl.„_ Il.• . atolaJureby,stighne 3.(f,af organs. of • the -Opposition al to ..:,..i: i/dt,,Itioaattt.lieistilchic,efoirs..it:.,...: T. 4 ... ,.,,,.. , .,., n Crj A:4 " ta ?ell s B. C.4 LATIG-47 ASSORTMENT or auticipste,victory,they are wrong; ,f a...demote diso,n,toiolate,iy.thtstreiya5tu,a0oorpehaal;:t.r wsimerioactsgtiii::t ito ,:f t corruptionist organs, AA they -rats, eym int wonder st their elders 1,1,1ti..;'.t- It.in. Not so fault, geed friends. 'pee ;. $41,030 was only the 4•44e ti!l'11Crip- tion - the price of the P. dency and contract• ;ea.* ; :le '1'. 4., Abau's eat only an or sr; coo: r, tion a,party election fund, ilor••• to • ' too -o• then the auto to work teit---of I subscriber hving tat( of -the:trio g44;• dlMid5:1111.1m1Ttoore;snOlblistritimInritairtin).0all:'‘4riwo Irt 7 2.2 a. L.( tan. • • 1, K.1111Way, LIAM of agreement ter sole, -T, - t • It is rumored that et an interview e, litierd of Dinot , if thee; re tt West -4- M ra'ot lee C.:darn:no ea .r.; r ; TT...1- (NI ".!, • Baird of Directer; of the Grated 'free: N." - • . . :, pleating the Greta 'theist ens 1t11+1 Trunk Railways was erratic:y.1 bete, , them, arid be IAA 'before :their / of both hues were present et he . view- C. 4. • aDnitireemiuseur aul. I Joseph Pt•ice, cto.•:•,•I •••• 1. • Mee rail War system ot rill it 1 arringuineut sueee tort • • tee Great Wester:I 1: !•• :.• , ": • , -Jo/ 7 A'Yr7.1' OUD r raj, , • ri • GE1.41TS' ; EIIFFALO ItvizT • :I, -..- 'liar . eon • r. so- Ai, lee •. o I (.1iV-I't '"i k •,1 .1. i•,.. , ••!1/1(1;t! -I r •.!1... 1, ge a greatolianee. , . ' . eeroo, Foo •Oeiresoujit .1. oo • . : An exciting -10,11••• t.e,t, place in 11: • ' hi'd'''• • Ttiv, 11:11"wilo--I ! . • ' quiet tilde village el lebtitiere. sleet. .. 1 . 'el'''.1 f'''' o'''''11 c ii!"" \ ou the north ettevel o•ol. . lela loth,: a woe. ileil.o : .. -o• , t, front Soutleionieon, o . • ' • • Otte h.; t I, '•o : ;mom . 't... i.' .•.' ! .. . .kniabel, county of I ::-,i . 1 1 1,•1 Lly. '."0.1',II ' .:ie.„1. et,e 1 . 1 ',..' the Stli instent: • Mr. el . eu elcItei le. ce'ettlen. seaf,:te ii;.1••:1.1 I. e while driving throuelt tee; i el:tee tei tl... 7.1tNInee: Wei I 'tree-, , ,., . • : ,1. I • 1 the putthe Beryl , feud t trust that,the front street rode up te the peatooffice, f i' t '" Ittlol': ..p. 'tu a. ot tt • c . to : . - i • • • i Sopplies which ':-:Art- necessary Mill I.te I the purpose of melting a letter, and t te I reW",`Iiiq • • • 4 -1.11'..1.1. 01 e i. i . i i gralltp1 WItholt, -ijw ott..tnlettro 1,1 the his horses to -a post in (soot of theeeli e . ri '11 'I' ,,,Vtusltil ;,.D iv 1 i..!..iii,11,1 ite,,i,10. • ..• -, • ' . While he tv:ut in the 'I Mice, te0 neve , O . k crzael i • !I. :-: tt . 1.' „OrOem. tf : 7 ,•: ,t.,r.', ,,,„J 0:,.„. being very timid, took_ fright at see 1: a, 4 of fh fit , , , I it.,,,,.,, ;„..; 'little children who aver* id teine et • , •-•-- by broke their halter and started tot Velar ttest etteetioni taill, I deutot . not, ' , home. On percei vine th e.., titer ' ,be devoted to qv) Leman -tot interests being very expert, mote:tee& te :jet cenurnitthel th pow ottarge, 'ail 1 I .inn the waggon, but., alas, too late confident - thet .ostti- delareettiolia' Fill re -bound U. the id shittaee and presperity . .., of the etniutry. I .. . ' The 'menibera; lieeini returned .fr on the Senate Chalother, _Wit the ' doors having been opetiol„ ths tiret bushoese wee the!iutrodeolioa o,,f the 1121P mem- bers. .' • ' ; ' Hon. 31e. l'ir.l. P. I:. I., wen intre- dtitted by Hon *iir .1.4111 A ettLecionala :glut Mr. &boor; /Cm Sin -Pape, P. E.' ' le by Lion. • Meows Pepe and Crawford;- ele ..t,), P.)::. 1, by Hon. Hugh 'dec. &maid nn.1 Ilan. .1. 11. RoOtineutt ; Mr. NOICIAir,' by *11 nt. Oiessrs. Imogevin and t ;ebbs ; M re Moe hoell.1, P. E.- I., by Heil Messrs Mitell.•41' wed 'PeCosnOo i lIon. Mr. Davis, 'O. ;:.,1:, by Hon. Mr. 'Fewer aria CerNot : • Mr. .A.pp/ehy, COrootoon. N. 114, to lion. A. 4,I. Smith and air. fiateeeet of slithery. . Sir Jelin ..t.‘. Mae lottada Oki) omelet- nieeted the follotvile; mess:otos from Hit Excel:Loney :: - -1 pen. .relatiti tot ehe 'It API 3O Vic. cat , eroviaing fro the •ex - alienation of •wetnessess (melee oath iu cerviin canoe t lpepere relative to tlte prenteetion of Periienieet on the 13th of Atiguat taste p to ors relative to the issuance of the -Retie CdIlliniS10141. ' ' Sir John A. Meedonald presented a 1..t., despatch lima 'eel Kimberly to the (1overnor-Gene liii reply to despatches of the 15th and 18th of Ougust. I doting.° the Premier said that the above despatches were, very inipertant. They coutainea twitters of the greatest iuter- est, end in the epigien of the °torero - meet it week! lots itopeolible toohlsciiss seine 44 tlie topies torichol upon in the addressonitilliop. members li ti 1154 an opportunity of riaatig thein. Ale there Throne be take! in: ii cutf.jilv#?tion 0,11 fore ruitail Ott Cm! 4-ploech from the Mende), oext. ; • • . Mr. Mackenzie a ii I he cOutd reilf.re- ereillett lion. loom minion h4ttl thought it Intees•ary to postpono tiro diaturviion on the Address moil Mentlay. ff these imperil were to-canate tloa n itilti tow uto- emote, its the huti. gentlemen had prom: ised, there *se Iolobe .00 neceSsity. tor 1 this. It ems a .ery s.'rious miner' foie them to, be call , Loco three times la .lito yeer, mid that they' should thus be eninwitt01 to waSte valitsIde time, Sir John A. lacd.L.L.1 would Merely put it to the ht i. itentleman thatHiese i rapers were ver bei,e, met of very great importanee. ff delibted Whettler'inami I1Oril ,CO111.1 reAi theat through in thie time, *tett for 'this reetent lie .Oskto 1 the pottponenieut until Maisolay.. ; The motion was carried. . Sir :John ,A. Inacolionatol ttiem mewed the usual .forniat 31.113,01P mad therciftei moved that when this, House sidjeerna it Maude adjeurfied witil Monday ntrzt. Mr. Mackenzie dad m..t aloe t he. report iof the 'loyal "Coelintliettiett among -the papers presented t4t the Heitse, wide:rid that it was necessaey that it slieuld be Lad before the Hoek°. . Sir John A Slaedonald explained the reasoned delay ht presenting the report, . , which was privity,' atid. wont,' shortly be distributed, and thereafter presented theilaverner-Generare. 3Iesssago, trans- mitting the repert. The 'Louie then adjourned until Mon - (ley. , ___ --, . ' .4 Sev TOLL STORM. -Tho hardellt stonn criminally Mae tO a gale, shich blew with ginning on Senday night, the wind of the eeason visited us this week. Ole - steady increasing violence all dee' Mon- day ; reaching its greatest violence on Monday night, when it was absolutely terrific At night -fall on Monde it. Keep right on, no matter w le haprens, to the ewl. Momentum is of Mere yelue than verbal accurace. Of 112-' °°mbined with the high wind and conaceieed. Towards morning the wind "spell of weather" as could be 'easily -a 17" savy rain set in, which lasted all night, teuse darknelle made np as rough tl best speech is nett which is f.i'll ind a ..now_fen let in, which cane down heavily for a time, the anon how- ever, thawing very nearly as rapidly aa nttaapx ;• run oyer the ruistak . K n right on.. It will be time enougn tu word, or the want of one. eump: erte:e. t endeavor to pootit by the expert storm, and downward bound which it fell. During the storm the river was full of refuels, both upward bound craft which lay to await the cessation of the full of good substance, expressed by the best language, and fluently uttered. But ehile one is le:oiling, he should never let himself be tripped up by a 11 ,o itt the act of turnine the .oirrier q. stteet, thu waegou upset, tortowirie hie. .11elleth un hia head egaiirst the sido walk, cutting his hoot severely, mid ditto:atlas his loft ar.u. had cettis;- ance was ..iintuediet.dy 1,r *muted. Tice doclor his hopes of Isis reterery. hoesee seere steeeel aboitt heof a utile free. the aillago by a faencr etoatilie. te the "Wig°. Tile waeteea bad:y. broken up., D:0313 0: oar 1..".7.trr.ta'.14.:;. Daring the dente and odd seat.to, ole- ticient dress of the fed: and legt i3 'fruitful source of diseete.- The Wool, o' n — • ;_s`' _ A ( ; ; T 00• - " Tr8Mr)31' ; , , ' .•11111:2; - ' .1 1 CIO . • • pr I Ater. to ! aholiola ot heti. /le Clinks o he/el-gear a:to. (ether att 41141 WAIOS /uu;tle tO 1103.1111.4113 the us of it. The It ir, says, fistaienci nil the proretiont needed at ordinary timmi,, muji,..r for ilio oars in very tedd weitthert while a toubreno iu verv hot 'mid a s e.,,,r1.1.•, ton At seasible teen a %.',3 ret mit feel aura is m the net er tie twat& end c enfort, wouhl utile try,ory cenvenient to hese* t ' leek After at concert or lczN, tue altrifitztion nue would -0 Om: the 1411.111tAllee that Oven in the h est %led his_ detwihy is - safe, inight-4 preeoug ; ' " 4- I •-4.or ' i -:.,I TILE: ilL1-;$ 6L.:-.:,Pr.g. • • . ....,„,,. w:,.1:..,c', ...,I.Vvit; li.oreetti, Searn. ii. Villa a,s flotinde. a part in el Olt he leo uo I :vet er T coiniiience With. a I.(—4 .7. `I A ' P. throat, and liver are perO.ps.Coe ia to. frequent sufferers. roalegs mei feet :too far from the centre' put of the 1- 1 ly. They.are eot 1.. great' mass, likc • the trunk, but extentheLand developed by the atmosphere. ttcsittes. eheyare it.' y the damp, cold earth. - 17.* thee) Ail. ' otheromsons, they La:quire extra c oor- Me. If we woeld s7care tl• , Meteor ph'esiological conditions, we ouist e v ... our extr4utities more &ha; than the body. We wear Upon our Icon in.tir °eldest stetson bet Owu thicknesee, • of 1$91,11. The body has at least six. 1‘. moan but on them four thickneeses enter CIO 'shawl, which,With the various dou:Oinee furnishes several more, thee over ail, thick -padded furs; while their lees have nue thickneu of cotton, under a balloan. They constaetly come to me almut their headache, palpitation of the heart, Ana centurion of the liver. Itecanily, •)11t2 .itabuittni:luillye, h"e41.1 rl It ,tugy:Ittbauuditilariin)...tilloyi .,liiiLioa.. 1. tool chest. My 'hal ..LIOeS htioupety-. 1 asked, "How areaulic foott"-"Choulks oyof viiiotivo,", Its reyupulriellegllais.addi4tot-tilisear., ;ill," is.1 elowl ea i't gut dowo into 'them, where can it re Ittan't go eut visitine,it emit stay in the -system somewhere. (.1 ohne.: tee chest and heaLl mud nove an ceees- eive quantiter, - So they ge ibtimpety- Immp,' and AO they must go, until YOU .1ress your le:mend C.,ot i,t sl..it A %my that they shalt get their -share of blood. ' In tlte oddest seeson of the ye to I leave 11 Moil for re bit.of a toe! before the lyceums -going as for it3 Philatlelphie, atalani rd(„eoiri.eettrile,:::::stte.uttiiicielhti rii nigt siutvilot len idlyirei g.clii,"!, 4 stot. eilit..4.1r: io,etol ri,4t 1 ,t,tife :lailientle.setkailttlie,ri,ra,nyteessu ewnietyli st.egertr,atiti out -legs, ot course. Give me warm legy tool feet, and I'll hetelly t hank yeti tor addition to their useal drawers, a pair, 41:::IrihriellitiatfahogCers"Willitellr:etlo ro l'alam iantl'11 .7rhii 411'111' "My dear madam, ham you a head- smatien! NV -ear one, teem oOthree vele pitetimi 44 et:. sore throe!. pet heart, congestimi of the liver, or judo of worm, woolen chewers. too Pairs "f warm, woolen stockimes, and thick, warm tablis"all'inonwnitthofilld°re"es"aliroilt it'34-tliinictr Lktlitlyin, and you will obtain the seine r.•Iief per- tboirotietobortninnot,fs;ionntlohdnietewf fo.irelr gellatbe dbtderoyrt elixir*: ieloyda te titiwit:, 0, :1,11;711i:iv' it,0111.1;ivite . teniawnisenitiy7t.oliapt yayo. u would tempererily front a warm foot-hatli." Enjoying Vb. -- It is singular to whet an ex' clit loco. pie believe happiness depends on net ming obliged to work. Coins ar.• con- sidered well married if the loath:Inds are r"it.13Y, and boys considered provided ter a enough can be left them for sup - Kit, and enough surplus to play "busi- hem" with. Bosh Honest, hearty, contented labor is the only source el. happiness es well as the only guarantee 01 lite. The gloom of misanthropy is Hot only a great destroyer of happiness as Might have, but tends to destroy life itaelf. Idleness -and luxury induce Premature decay much faster than nuy trad st ezlisus Ivo vessels it fayeeehle clience to run for the regarded ea the mo bord. The prosi,eete ors sot very ee_ local Laws one naturally falls at. oLi.w directly down the lake thus • • I, thtze with Ole poet who. after extrde. • • ad iyes and 8 'tansies let prize. r P feelin very cautioiucs :cubed seeelewohretiv„e.i jit tshz.• eh:it:make nature, without that latent com ness which tends to ',reject one mind I • _ eng.e 1°ff Onilleugistaksealo.tv of thonght, " • -' ' °cM11114:AltiOntIthiliht°11,rtItellnili:Igly tit:jeep:I:Or:890f .91es API. like dull m. e.nur Iterbo. r. for safety. The wind , a d fatal to longevity. Labor in getter- ' •ntineen- the weather farjaenrinigtemth,earn:leeirintthnhae pres-npa g, bathe - net all nnlikel to i th t e we are inclined to gym- . y OCICIIT. n a n . ant case, colon Pa 3- br 31v. 11. ler, and seeiondoso - ,t u on :mot 4., great eiraence and Long continnance of teeny of weal h, who have nothing tO , Ka it c. rtain that the list do, pla ,{ I but n twithstandina thigiLivoing oafl, life, actually ircreases it. It IA the lack emesele Zo awl another civil war as a y t e part mete! Conver.tion of the Sebbarn-th Gordon An. Omer, modal to be shot for half -yearly, • I! I ke ! of casuelrics must hoe large.• lbt 111 oe da v AM put together, To tell Ivhat the people JWa:es. NICMebbutitiell 1101r4 MAAR. r of- succeed aa a public speaLer. so that is wits .8. CONVENT 1074. -Tho tenth P mgoot, that 'eat) be granted , • toe I sensitive, .shery Hall, Toronto, on Tues- It takes all these adjectfbeii• •esceecanie ! ntiSi (Alt etaP d ty itsewhfuillunetisitu ba'1.7/ ehaft - Scho-i Ameciation of Carlotta was 114.:d scribing the weather, concluded I John frIc% eas me CI Ilionick vol101teer company t • 'sweet, It is not likely 24dth as the nompany pleases-Carrled. o • ey tloet he gill `111 --en o Mt make a, s o elitt jwhich had been ashore, some distance night, wo-anderstand,thetee c in with the creves cf a tow 4of four barges hc•n5r. • "were• ** pyt. 6,1,11: 7; ‘11aer,rde more titan 300 defe- at:none the simakers J.ree Lunt Hrit.-Oito local contera• I o n All think of tint wenther. Y. 'Itt1.8.-laT and Morale! of last have been a very successful and persuade his -readers that all i Roderick Centeron $10,000,000, gold this umetli. h leases _TN from the unit,imi &me., porary in his Isborieus efforts to extract I Jos. Grai t 21 tt esamt Englana. The °envenom comfort from the result of the eleetion Jernes We.aertesad right anyhow,' pays as usual wore st.) 4,4iswaiwati eyed b • 0, have all moneys anomie(' anaetthe oiued -1 the lake, awd a nuniber nf min nets tuady returned o t.1 n, ., reported. ; montna k • sm.13:1-eid; itrssit' 6th " f BO great SS LO COO be htia od y torn, aw h as had it coziplet. mend for gold since tire p. fhag slog prisoner u etittel eatiktooll to nails a ;else et, 4th " February next. and Al to") Cult' da! of se the mint t ) abandon ; Partidulars, however,on as yet hart11 unc., ,aen • sat Inc 0 c Were 3 Mr Woken, and sec°, ded let "ad ' his mint has c tor • fewest t revs rcw s prize. Mr. Si eir, that th. eellecters be orci ed le The ote• coeualties-such as the loss of mu • 0 , errata anadian. ay t e y Y in rein i of silver. od. ttolo to Woo tao wag aa coractad atter t °Cc' asge 1 • . I 7 13 41 1 1), • .( ;,,A, • it 04 t Ft etr 6 '" 51 , 41 ; $ de 0 , •4 ••• qd (0 13 • . •• .0 ":„: ... ..... •• 14 at 4 22, t1.4e. ..... . 4 41 5 o.,•• irote t $ 01 Vro I . ... 3 1-3 ta T•n s_ito 1,1 Q to,' :)• • V; ••••••• 0 1 5 sroecial si•4101. 1,73. Wtietat,, 0'1111 rwr. 51 12 d' I Wb•-at,(••••••-izt..-.1 pot' 1 i7 1 1, 1 Slone, (poci Lei) .. . .. 01 6 0.1 poP bash d el .0 ris Pease,' per Luslf it 50 OP '0 -7,9 • Barley, lor bz.stt eeeet-to Potstsea, per bush 0 79 0 4) Neter ..... . a 21 u I, • doe.(tv,p4ci., 0.. m e /114 ..... • ... ... 1,4 ttO r.,!` 0, 3'• • • , ..... 1 of :, ; ;; .... .... . 6 3,9 oztt...1•! '27, 1-7... .... 19 " I 11 1 '; . .: 1 0.1 .1 1 • „ II tt l• 10, . C.,: 'tic 0 $. , In a eich „tat.. t..7 Deers oreenlet 7.15.i e • te-kt Adinisaion 21WAs. •Ot #n„te Titanksgi, ysing 4.12ato;.,..;.;:n1;..sittsibt;:iii.ee at ne,pey EN \ 1', "FIAND ` 1 't Ceil.7171, 1%. O. ..14ent, ••••• • Jj` E --4PW=:711.3414.. Invites au ittipectimi: of hisIerge and viried ort moat ti ,SILVE • Weinfle • . comprising fhe -NEW P iOn TI9N 1 • • ii which for Artistic DsOien, Ileatity *4 I Finish and 0eneiel l'illi.y hove Ilerer I. liefOre beAni 1.,1,ix1;1' i ..:1 A rmattut 10.11 - meet the- Ixt.rsilitilLZIM.Itas.'11t7,44 1.1 ,,the IIVI_St '''. . - . . I'VIIVI:i LOW - TI.:(11118 CAS11. . ONE i'llICE 11N.L1". JEWELLER\ riaarge itabiilittatt its t tid nO4 I • I .. , " eta! eliVri ter Li,ties' te:t Le. And .. .o " t'earl and Ivory 140%4; fer ‘` e"r. .. • : •• 0 Se 4'1 , Neattst l'ottertot. , v co. req. J•,. fulq. e it 5 05 0 ',Li 3 T: S. 11,1, 0 53, " 4 UT 1, ;t ............. .14 et 1. cit ytwiNto M Alth NTS: ' : :nth. Spri rig do 'lel . I:, to I .11. Berle; 41. 13 te.e1.1e. cots -11,i to, 17... Pete! t,1-.7. 11:4!. Pro 1;110. •r to Veyt;3 P0444420141111, ' .21 le it, '2e. -.-- Air CA11)140:-.;• .••• A line assonageot. of Novelties Mt :I'. • t Steel 1":” fra‘ Lee'. I'L"Ceoltoi4i• Litheempl. . • a' brighten itoe I. o . MorillIKAL MAIOSPes. . ' eke 2. -oh. - Wheat 5-1 Ot t. - Pow. sk. to A3c.11arley $1 'so t'z I . 10 . oats :',7 lc. noiter 19o, to V.1e, 1 11;2•,,••••• „t r.... • to lie. ril ',s 21c. Ite ' 2.k. Ashes-el/ell aver imininal. , ' . TANNIN' MAIMET. t?„ Oct. 2541f.-VAII .I:riest gl..11 to OUR, Spring do q.12 0.st.ii 11., ley $1.00 te A1,1). Peas :*,1 to n6o Corn -o : 4150 to 63e. Oats rtic tie 31c. Batt.er 23o - . 9 to 25t. Eees 23o. to 2.:ia, P thstleritli, 4141 e - 4 !..rz Ica AIL: ONE, Itinuots• • On thh'21et inst., at the Colborne Hotel, by the 'Rev. M. A. Wright, 4Ie. John Pasemorr, of Seaforth, to Miss Anne AtirTeorguronimion, oofnGt°dheerile6hth inst. by the Rev. Mr. Salmon, Gowan t:fellerth, Esq., of Leslievil:e, formerly of: Len- Is .1 . s(q 411 FA fp, don, England, to Reheeca. secend daughter of N1 in. Higgins, Clintoe. 31.1 •(,) 1/410 ‘"; C 07M E 1 Tel TOE DZATE.4. At Hamilton, on the 27th inst., der Dryedsde, ars& 72 years The fuueral will nolo, place to -day frem the residence of his D Frazer, Depety Reg., Newgate St., Goeerime, AtnaitGli3akilot,,,cfoln:t,kihmePa2.n.114.111:mirrearts.ceIetalbve"ladavoenrsly A titosthaoyrtsiv4ilcm1,e:,:11o,ytnhes,t:Ittne rooffC:.a.inr.. cer in the breast, Eauna, wife of Mr E. H. Maroon, Goderich. *god 38 years. She leaves a husband sad eight childien to mourn her lois. AN 13Irv . Dress Gonds,_ Shawls lg Clouds.' Cloaking!. Flume's, Twie Unior rairt•St DraWers, rats & ' Shoo*. P. tt--A --eat vetter ef. Wettings eu kat. I at • •• 1