HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-09-16, Page 7AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE—Shelly McLeod, left and Lisa Hamather, are the only two students in
the Hensall Public school to receive fitness awards of excellence. Every year the students are tested
in six fitness categories; 300 yard dash, timed sit-ups, flexed arm hang, 50 yard dash, shuffle run
and the standing long jump. How well a student does in his overall tests decides whether he or she
receives a bronze, silver or gold badge. The award of excellence is the highest a student can re-
ceive. Both girls are in grade 8. Photo by MCKinley
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Times-Advocate, September 16, 1976
Hensall church women meet
hour followed and refreshments
were served by the hostess.
Mr. & Mrs. John Baker, Mr, &
Mrs. Bill Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse
Grenier, Joanne Grenier and Joe
Bengough attended the wedding
of their niece Shirley Baker of
Shirley is the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Bridget Baker
and the late Sgt. Bruce Baker, -
Miss Pauline Bell, P.F.F. is
attending a three-day Figure
Skating Synodical being held at
Burlington, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Olson,
Elizabeth and David, visited
with the latter's father, Mr.
Wilbur Dilling, last Thursday
and also with her mother,
Mrs. Anna Dilling in the
Queensway Nursing Home.
Miss Joan Alexander is
attending Huron College, Lond-
on this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rowe have
returned from a delightful trip
to the Gatineau Hills for four
days last week.
Visitors with Mrs. Elizabeth
Carmel women
discuss courage
Mrs. Harvey Hyde presided for
the meeting of the WMS of
Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Monday evening and opened the
meeting with a poem on
.`Courage". Mrs. Malcolm
Dougall and Mrs. Bert Thompson
were in charge of the devotional
and study which was "The
Korean Christian Church in
The Fall Rally will be held in
Goderich, October 13. The next
meeting will be held October 4,
The ladies aid meeting followed
with Mrs. Clarence Volland
presiding. It was decided to hold
the annual fall bazaar on
November 6.
Church women
think of friends
Unit 4 of Hensall U.C,W. began
the fall term with a delicious pot
luck dinner on September 9. Mrs.
James McAllister chaired the
meeting which followed. Mrs.
George Armstrong gave an in-
spiring devotional on, "Thinking
about our friends and what they
mean to us". She read from Luke
10 and mentioned the great love
Jesus had for His friends Mary,
Martha and Lazarus.
Mrs. Tom Sherritt and Mrs.
Laird Mickle provided . the
program which was a sing-song
accompanied by Mrs. Mickle.
Aihumorous reading was given by
Mrs. Bert Riley on, "Aunt Lily
trails the Absentees". Mrs.
Mickle contributed a fine piano
solo. Plans were made to quilt
and provide flowers for the
Church for September,
Volland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey
at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Schwalm last week
were Miss Flora Macdonald of
Goderich and her sister Miss
Hazel Macdonald who is a re
tired missionary who has work-
ed in many areas, among
them Formosa, India, Kenya
and Ethiopia; Mrs Brownley of
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Robb of Lucan; Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Finlayson, Karen, Randy,
Ronald, Cathy and Kim of
Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Taylor of Varna; Mrs. Marg-
aret Hoggarth and Janet of
Kippen; and Mrs Vera Johnston
of Brucefield. Local visitors
were Mrs. Donna Allen, Mrs.
Blanche Miller, Mrs. Winnie
Skea and Mrs. Bona Clark.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kyle of
Tillsonburg were recent visitors
with the former's parents Mr. &
Mrs. David Kyle.
Miss Joanne Bell, Russeldale
spent the weekend with her
grandmother Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown Sr.
and grandaughter Julie Carter
Seaforth, Mr. & Mrs. William
Brown, Jr. and daughter Andrea
Guelph visited recently with Mrs
F.G. Bonthron,
Mrs. F.G. Bonthron and Mrs
Bertha MacGregor ware recent
visitors with Rev. W.A. Young
and Mrs, Young in Elora.
Rev. W.D. Jarvis conducted
service,in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday delivering an
inspiring message on "The
double commitment." Mrs
Malcolm Dougall presided at the
organ. Rally Day will be held on
Sunday, September 19, Sunday
School teachers will meet
Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Doris Bonthron and Miss
Janice Bonthron, London visited
relatives here recently.
Mrs, Ross Corbett was hostess
at her home on Wednesday
evening when she entertained in
honour of Miss Cindy Parker
bride-elect of this week. Mrs.
Jack Corbett gave a reading and
Mrs. Don Mousseau read an
address and the bride-elect was
presented with many
miscellaneous gifts. A social hour
followed when refreshments
were served.
Mrs. William Inch was hostess
at her home at Huron Park when
she entertained relatives in honor
of Miss Cindy Parker, bride-elect
of this week. Contests were en-
joyed by all and Cindy was
presented with a shower of
miscellaneous gifts. A social
you 9
Main St., Exeter
Unit 1 of U.C.W. met for
their regular meeting on Thurs-
day, September 9, with Mrs.
Audrey Christie presiding and
Mrs Bill Fuse at the p,ano.. Mrs.
Christie opened with a poem,
"A Summer Creed" and follow-
ed with a devotional on compas-
sion and humility, prayer, and
articles of truth on love, happi-
ness and friendship. The hymns
"I am Thine, 0 Lord" and
"What a Friend We Have In
Jesus" were sung, Two visitors
were present. Very interesting
letters from rnissionaires were
read, telling of very dedicated
men and women helping to
promote Christianity,
Mrs. Don Joynt gave a report
about our adopted girl, the fin-
ancial situation, and members
read four letters received. It
was decided to send her Christ-
mas gift this month. The study
was taken by Mrs. Mabel
Shirrary who outlined the life
of the people of China and how
conditions have changed in the
last thirty years since the Com-
munists have taken over.
Mrs. Ken McLean conducted
the business. The general meet-
ing will be held on Monday,
October 4 at 7 p.m. beginning
with "Luncheon is served",
Unit 1 responsible for the pro-
gramme. The South Huron
Regional U.C.W. Presbytery
meeting is to be held at Hen-
sail on October 6.
A record of religious songs
was played by Mrs. Bill Fuss
and the meeting closed with the
Mizpah Benediction. Mrs Jack
Consitt and Mrs. Don Joynt
served a delicious lunch.
* "t4
Felt, fancy braid, sequins,
chicken wire and other materials
plus a large amount of
imagination can be made into
fascinating Christmas
decorations as illustrated by Mrs.
Kay Williams of Kitchener at the
regular meeting of Unit 2 of
Hensall U.C.W. Much time was
spent at the end of the meeting
admiring the artistic samples
The meeting was chaired by
Mrs, Roger Venner who took as
her theme, "Friendship",
Mrs. Dave Brock followed with
a devotional on love and friend-
ship and gave the story of "The
Praying Hands." Two artist
friends Alberdt Durer and Franz
Knigstein roomed together but
when finances got bad Franz
went to work as a laborer while
Alberdt studied Art. Some time
later the roles were reversed but
Franz found that his work-
gnarled hands would no longer
paint the fine lines needed for his
Art, so he returned to his work
and Alberdt to his Art, Coming
across his friend unexpectedly
one day, Alberdt saw him
praying with hands clasped in
Supplication and painted them to
illustrate the' virtues of love,
sacrifice, labor and gratitude.
Karen McAllister gave two
piano selections and Mrs. Venner
followed with an original reading,
"Saga of a Summer Shopping
Spree". Roll call was answered
by naming a favorite book of the
Bible and Mrs. Walter Spencer
read a letter from a previous
foster child from Hong Kong, new
married and living in Canada.
At the business session, con-
ducted by Mrs, Carl Payne, it
was announced that the next
meeting of Unit 2 would be held at
the Country Spire, members to
meet at the church at 7:15-7:30
p.m. and that Unit 2 is respon-
sible for flowers in the sanctuary
during October, including
The next General meeting of
the UCW will be held on October 4
preceeded by "Luncheon is
Served" at 7 p.m. and the South
Huron Presbytery meetings will
be held at Hensall on October 6.
Arrangements were discussed
for preparing for the luncheon
and for catering at a forthcoming
After the closing hymn, the
meeting ended by all repeating
the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
and a lunch was served by Mrs.
' 4
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