HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-22, Page 41 A CLERGYMAN once, when reading the - burial service, came to the pla,ce where bee:must say, "our deceased brother (or : ster)." Ile did not know which; so, turning to a mourner; he asked whether it was a "brother or a sister," The mourner innocently said, "No relation i'at all, sir -only an acquaintance." it Among different nations there are • different kinds of loafers. The Italien heifer spends his time in eleeping, the :1 Turkish loafer in dreaming, Um Spanish • , in praying, the French in laughing, the f English in swearing, the Russian in !gambling, the El ongarian is smoking, 4044460„.aisd.Via Assam- ' EREAPi Till Peoria Reas.).s.-A 1 - minister in the country was preaching hue farewell sermon, and took for hi.. test, Acta, xx. 22. "I go bound in the . welt to Jerusalem, WA knowiog the things that shall befall roe." "Ali!' said ojte of .the elders, who was not much eta calmed at the ministerial change, loudly i omelet), -Wee' kens he that the stipend ' is fifty pun' better whaur he's pun than . it is here." • Wrie, Beni trive's MANNItse -Will . lathe. wer. which was p:cliertiiallrTstf.irongeeasn. TtohreewLotnimn! i Hamilton, the "daft man o' Ayr," was 'once hanging anent the vicinity of a loch, they would venture upon the ice, when Otto of them suggested that Will should - be asked to walk on it first. The pro - was made to him. "Thoudh I'm daft, I'm no ilebred," quickly responded Will; "after you, leddies." within a quarter of a mile of land,' was DEEP JOIIR-'Ffers we are now, the ioyful anaouncement made by the captain of an ocesii steamer to his grum- bling peasengern Where, Which way is it? were the eager interrogations which followed. `Anywhere down below there,' mid the captain, pointing to the bettom of the sea; nrie lead gives us just two hundred and twenty fathoms of . water, and the land comes slap up against the brine.' "Mother wants to know if you'llplesse lend ber your preiserying kettle, eaal. you know as how we want to preserve." "We should with pleasure, boy. but the tenth is, the last time we touted it to your mother she preserved it so effec- tually that we have not seen it since." teWell, you needn't be sassy about your e old kettle. It was full of holes when we berrowel it, and mother woaldn't trouhle you again but she seen yoe bringing home a uew one." Via ettIi. [The to/lowing is an immiestisgekg pour reed by tke Rev. W. F. Clarta of Gnelph, at the recent asestme of the Press Association in London.) Before all pens of stealer *weld Giro sae a good pee* quill, Readily made, may k. hold, And pliant to your will. Over the pages it swiftly goes, From side to side in a trioe, Fleet as a sleigh o'er the beaten now, Or • skater on the ice. It never yens aphis% s snag, Likepees of metal made, Andthrows them ell, whate'er their brag, Completely in the shade. Ogee pens of steel to bustnam clerks And um:Marin trim, Who write, adjuring twistaand quirks, In letters stiff and peen. Give pens of gold to lose -born swains, And sentimental misses, Dapperly things to note their paten, And mister their bliases. Bat give to me howe'er uncouth, A good old fashioned quill, My trusty friend in early youth, And loved companion still. , =DS Asb A rod tutored spinster used to boast that she always had two beaux; they were elboete. W/lat is the difference between an angler and a dunce? -One bees hia hook; tee other h.stes hie book. IA •Fazece writer has described a young lady as a creature that ceases to kiss gentlemen at tea and begins again at seventeen. How To CET RID OF CORNS.- Rub teem over 'nth toasted eheese, and let your feet hen* out of bed for a night or Iwo. If the mice do their duty, the cure will be salEcient. When yor pocket -book gets empty,and *very body knows it, you can put all your friends in it, and it will not "bulge out worth a cent." Josh Billinpaiys:-"It is a statisticel feet that the wieked work harder to reach hall than the righteous do to reach heaven. Feet young men decIsre that: the great beauty of an ocean voyage "is that you can get as tight as you please and people think you are only sea sick." A poor man, who was 111. being asked toy a gentleman whether he had taken any remedy, replied No, I ain't taken any remedy, but I've taktus Iota of A negro was put upon the !tend as a mialnes, and the judge inquired it he Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re - knew tee nature of an oath. "For tier. mittances must be sent in advance. ting, boss,' ask), the citizen: "II I swear These medicines are not sold in the to h 140 1 MIlilvosick to Nene, United States. ‘What's your am? asked a judge Each Pot and Box of my preparations of a prisoner at won, j „oburs the British Governmeat Stamp, you might call me a aiith.A "-e;n with the words, "Holloway's Pills and did you lest work atyo' or .14," Ointment, London." night; when 1 heard a cell • rhea I (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOIVAY, made a bolt for the front d 533, Oxfore Street, W. C., A Gellert -L. SCOT. --A man W London, July 1, 1873. 11 discovered asleep among a lot of stones in a stonecutter's yard, said being awakened, that he had come in to buy a monument for himself, aud hav- ing picked out one, made up his mind he would try it one night before purchaa- ing, •:What's the matter - there, Alice? :Don't your shoes tit!" "No, papa, they ,don't fit me at all," replied the little one. And then she enumerated all the Us of the shoes in set terms, sad hindearl be rester Pe, air:TIM of D1117. ed the climax thus-" Why, they Waist -La's COMPOUND t. OF rHos• .amst even squeak when I pa out fur a FHIATES AND CiaLISATA, • p physite walk." logical remedy -perfectly M to Ar a recent tea party in the High- adult or infant—that builds n the organs and tissues of the body in :lands s young man who had been relat- ing his more than wonderful exploits in cal and permanent manner. yarieus of the globe was not a - - cheap, considering its commanding po- little set V by the remark of an old ' *on, and on reasonable term.. For D R. J. BE.LL SIMPSON'S 'Scalars apply to hamed to talk so when there are older traeeller. "Young man, ain't you as - Specter stud 'rotate Pills. E. WOODCOCK. Mut ORK 4.T ENGILP4H REMEDY POR NERV. Conyo IMO at the tablet" ou. Spermaiorrhea Nocturnal taxis- 'Nlzer and Lane Agent, Goderich. -Hon of the tienorative °mane Palpitation of the Heart. Trembling', Sleeplessness, the effect of A V over -indulgence in alcoholic stimulants and tobac- co, ge. Dr. J. SELL siiirsozets Pills are the only etfectaal ones for the there diseases, and are never known to tail. They ham already cured hundreds in this country. Robert A.rthur, machin- ist. HaMilton. testifies to his recovery by thed use. Safe, certain aad rapid in action, a short trial will aztheir efficacy, No sufferer need dirsestir of relieved from the frightful effect& of Sete - most. The Spocillo Pill. are sold by Drugglate at .i.r9 a box, and the Tonic gilts at 30e, a box, or they will be sent by math postage pre -paid, gad securely wrapped from obterration. on receipt of Ude for the SPeeinc. and fitio. for the Tonle Pills by J. BELL SIMPSON & CO., Drawer 91?. 0. Hamilton. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists. P_sm_phlet, mutt poet -tree on aPPlichtion• - • VFMT-Jer.J.CiDWISP _ COMPOUND Special Notices- OnothiGt-Onavivers, •tor ,-wley a thotoodk Iteowledge of the gams whirls govern the operations of diges• 1181. sal 'attrition, and by a careful application ef i.e.. properties ef well selected coma, Mr. Eppe las provided oar breakfast tabled with a delicately Savored beverage which limy save us many heavy doctors' bille.---Crwel strews Gell•af. Made Mutely RolltsitEmatoror MI*. Each pocket islabolled -"Janne be One, Hommopa•htc Chemista, Lotedos.0 44.41C,4471,11111 eV COWea.--.'We will sow VOT oss op0000t of the roams adopted by Messrs James PPP* & Cho, manufacturers of dietotte artselea, at their worts in the Easton Road, London."--CruesTs Ifirimehoid 1.141. 1300/U8 MEDICINES, Ifalloirkis Tat sad Ointaiont. HAVI-for considerable tints past mosidered it to be my duty to ad 'tee- the the public of the British North American Provinces against buying from unprincipled dealers medicines emanating from New York, and sold as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," ia which much ingenuity has been dis- played in peening thorn off u of my make, It is very difficult indeed to at- tempt to enumerate the many devices to which the parties have had recourse. l'hey say, amongst other thinp, that a new label has been adopted by there; and with barefaced effrontery caution Ib. public against being deceived by spurious imitation*. A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-called Chemical Company in New York, who lends bis name for &small weekly sum. The mad- icines sold by this Company are palmed off upon she public as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," lo that were they *injure half the community no discreet - it would fall upon the fabricators of these co.npounds, but would considera- bly damage the reputation of tny make. As it is not at all necessary for thie Cagy to incur any expense in the sele of their productions, or to a very limit- ed extent (trading** they do my namee they are in a position to offer them at a very low price ia Canada, where they are purchased by a few Wholesale Elonses that I can name, and will name hereafter, if they continue to vend the The following are the worms and ad- dresses of some of the Houses who get my medicines from here direct: - Messrs, Avery, Brown de Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N. B. Mr. T. DOS Briaay, Charlotte Town, Fe E. I. Messrs. Langley & Co., Victoria, 13. C. Messrs. Moore di Co., Victoria, B. C. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quanti- ties of nnt less than £29 worth -viz., 8s. Gd., 22c, 34s. per dozen boxes of ONSTITUTION BROKEN DOWN with fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys, from the use of a ; exhaustion of the vital forces, from t of Tobacco; irritability and restlessn the nervous system, frons the effects 13. strychnine ; impaired nutrition anct 'hos of energy, from thel au of opium; sae . r and physics prostration, from P/Siti,uus Lands for Sale BY E, WOODCOCK, CONVEY' ANCEK And Land Agent. OFPIl.:E -Burner of Wert.Street, GorlerIch. A Valuable Farm liaITUAITED in the second concession of this Western Division of the Township of Colborne, about four mIlmi from Goderich, con- taining 200 sores of good lend, nearly half of which in cleared and free from stamps, with Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Workshop', &e. There is a good bearing Orchard of the ehoinest fruit on the estate. Well wateree. Tithi indiaputable. Tonne easy. E. WOODCOCK. Conveyanoer and Lind Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush. Lot. DEING composed of Lot No 5, con " cession 10, in the Township of Turztberry, containing 100 acres. The soil ia mixed from black loam to sandy laam, with a never failing creek running through the lot. Timber one-half Beech and Maples the remainder Cedar, Pine and ROM, lock. Soil heavy. This lot is very valuable, being situate within one mile of the Railroad, three miles from the village of Behnors, six miles from Wroxeter, and seven miles irons Wing. ham. Title good. Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars, ap- ply to • E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. A Good Farm, Qin-ATE about six miles from Gode- ` 3 rich, on: the 5th con., E. D., of the Township of Colborne, containing IGO acres, 80 cleared and mostly under cultivation. The soil is good, varying frons sandy loam to heavy black loam. There is a splendid creek running through the lot -also • small bearing orchard. To be sold cheap. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Farm, SITUATE on the 10th con. of the Township Of Grey, within miles of the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a large qiiantity of good Cedar. About 5 acres cleared with a Log House, &c. Soil ex- cellent. Title indisputable, the pre- sent holder being the Crown patentee. Terme easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Desirable Farm, SITL'ATE on the feth con., Western Division of the Township of Colborno, on the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 miles from Goderich, containing 50 acres of excellent land in a high state of cultiveeion. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Desirable 'arm, SITUATE on tho efuroaResad iu the Township of Godorich, about 21 miles from Town, within live walk of an English Church, containing 93 acres, about 70 of which are cleared and free from stumps, with stood Brick House and Frame Barns, &c. Large bearing orchard, and well watered. Title good. This farm will be sold very As UNWILLING &Dia. -Mr. Shirrs, of Kirkcaldy, on one occasion went to a member of his char,h who had been elected an elder, but who declined the honor, as he had done on several occa- sions previously. Mr. Shirrs said he woule serve his edict, and call him in the church for ordination. The edict was duly served on the day appointed, sad the recusant called by name. The • elder rose and said with earnestness and e solemnity, that tie was not suited for saelug, "Come awa doun; do ye an officer. Mr. Shiers stopped his Lis that the Master bad ance need o' h air It is fuany that about the only things ever mid good or bad abont George III. see Menprisede in the following. It is hkely that no Itinvererhved to be so old aad reign so Iong,of whom so little,good, bed or indifferent, has seer been said. Ile had a singular habit of repeating his Moeda. On seeing a piebakt horse for tlie first time, he excleineed, "Hallo! whaa's that bum painted fore' When toed thee it was its nattiest oolor, 11 was a piebald, he said, "0, *bee piellek pedal:" "'The apple dumplinsesait mad, 'Tory ace, but how the did emerge% the &Wee inside/ No assne leo sena, ao seam.' Votie tout. enemmeir Besarrtree Hosea -There is noth- ing that ma contribute teo ranch to render Use IhOTIM beeatiful and elegant, 11 improve his condition and make him all that is dutiable, se "Darley's Con- dition Powiters and Azahiee Heave Beeudy;" it has been need by many pereons who own valuable citriage and other horses with decided success, and so well pleated ars they trula it that they elwals keel) it on head in case of elsergeney; it mar be given tiro( f anth perfect safety. Rea/ember this name, and DIN that tile Olga/stunt Of Hurd Co. is on each pulieee. Norte_ eop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.; me- atus dealers. pristine for Chas& Sokd by all medi- f STRUP or HIT OPIIOSPHITES The powet of arresting disease displayed by this preparattrin is honorably acknowledged by the • medical faculty In every section whem It hes been ntroduced and the rapidly iurreasing sam is the best guarantee of the estimation in it is held by the public, The Syntp will core Palmonary consumption in he first and serried sturse • will give great relief aB4 prolong life in the third. It will cure Asthma, amiantus. Laryngitis, Coughs and Colds. It will cure all diseases originating from want of Alusctitar ACtii011 and :Verrone Force. mael. as Enlargement of the Spleen, Tryspepeia, Rickets, Peebleand Irregular actions( the Heart, Local and General Paralysis, Aphonia or Loss of Voice. It wit/ cure Leneorrhoea. Chleirosis. Asmonut, and restores the blood to parity aad health Sold By Apothecaries. Mice. 11.50 ; Six for 17.50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, ;CHEMIST NT. JOHN, N. 13. Goderlei Soot. •th 1871. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Pills TMIIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IsUNTAlLING E. la the sere of an those painful and dongeroos doweases to whielt the female constitution is sok;ireL It raederehris all excess and removal all obetructions sad • speedy cars ma- bv rotted on. 11114.1111LIZZ LoOlgT 11 OP powatiorle suited. It wilt, in a short tuns, bring os Ms Moodily penod with reememe. 71... P114 canard aco be mem ea, Priaalaa during tie FIRST THRES MONTHS of Pmyamicy,ae Mayor., Hers to Hinges Misosertisgs. Ow; st any e•rtisism Meg are ash. on all Coosa of Nano's. end Smoot Affeetion ',Pain in 1.Haskand Limbs Fug we or digiviexertion, Palpi- west at the heart. HystErles. ead Wit 10.1. these Pills will afford • care ware all oilier MIAMI have failed, and although a pewees: rissody, d ..,deontain iron, ealumel, antimony, or anything hurtfully Oreecomb- tien. PcIidireeitorie in the painpalet O round each package which shoo id be corefolly preserved. 10 110/11111, NOP YOFOR,41441.1 P1401.14inTnA. 1.00 and 154 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, , general Keats for the thwainies, timers a Dottie containingover &drills Py retire ewe NORTSRUP LY/dAN Newcomer, G vV.,gen•ra agents Inc Calmar Er Sold La teed/once by Parker s, cattleand F . jenlan ; flaidiner ou Co., Bayeald ;Jas. Bentham, Nome, 1.; J Pickard,t meter .1. Combas °Photon, N.S.00rd,LuckativrtE. Nick; son Seaftwelt. soli al: Modieme C iNADIAN PAIN DESTROY.. A 8 A FAMILY MEDICINE, 11' IS cli• well and favorsbly known, relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, erunins in the Stomach, Cholera Morine.s, Dysentery; Bowel thriaplaistts, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, etc. 11.. Canadian Pals Destroyer has now toen 10 - WWI I/ well wow ameghlh atm& Instance tepee semeteihni Umate Mimed, II1B4 we fore lier=r a leuelltoi Ems, and wherever tam sever irseve a ries* Den. where the dIroeliste less . but on the gunnery. an Mils Me.trpsintions, and emu in Um idelese ettle-me nut woe eel east. Vsrk teem emeneese * the matem having MOM It .• mie sesesawe teem wee are fas Wide& it =snaseesayeausiliessU lug &Sovereign Tie stimiskille/04 artSe Canna= Pula De- =Im Ise whisk tt io ream - meg egaboemeata =basing Os teelawine Sheaseselna• aid relledu AWAY Mehl. mak lateens* et bk Doe lieigmbiab pste essur. tee WSW nen sag& IIII V& powwow OW Pata nesneper mover Ms to give inalielida Mart. all II•dialso Avalon keen it as Moseetensereer mod tt ; tatd Ibmily will be WIllieste MOW trytng Pries. eseeTwestrave ceata bseUe. jirdsid in Godes-lob, by this. exist., s• fordam; Gardiner JI Co. hayfield; J . hanthma, Rogsrsille: J. Pickard, Exeter; H. Coarlse, Clinton; S. &mord, Entsknowth. Hicolcson, Seaforth ; and all modieiaadealers. Godscish,Dos. 29, 1871. w g tt?t, ble Farm. siTuATE Huron Road in the ToWnship(.1.1„ench, about four miles from ing 100 acres of first -rally contain good Frame House, Barns, d, wit Good orchard of choice fruit lc never failing week running t and front of lot. Terms easy. For pa Ian apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderi A mut Farm. NEW BOOKS, Wall Paper, &C., &C. WHOLESALE&RETAIL AT IlUTLEIne . _ • BeautifulAssortment OP JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold CHEAP AT I3UT.LEWS Fishing Tackles. DP ALL KINDS. :::oNsrstiNG OT REELS._ RASA ITS, BAITS 1100k8 ..ad LINES Jr . itherito kb n SELLINC • AT COST AT BUTLER'S. u Amick. INN usenet. sw104 L. S. WILLSON, Sewing Machipe, PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, Aso AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT T - Showroom*, Acheson's new block, West Street, Goderich. °NIX AGENT -1 FOB TILE - 11 FLORENCE)) &wing Machine in Goderich and vide - it v . re -Celebrated hlathashek Piano from 4250 up. •1363 THE "ffEBSTER" SEWING MACHINE, The general Favi itc Throughout the Dominion. A Coisadias Inteatim., glad Creepier. deeded Steccess 41,tee4itty it lierryichere. IT 13 ST.R0NO AND DPRADLE, • E tee AND LIORT TO WORIts • INS NO Ctolt• OR CAMS, • Aild will do Ea.ry Kind of Work, Light, or Hearty. The most completer set of Attachments given with every Mathine. See THE WEBSTER before , buying, any other. MANUFACTURED BY TIE E\ Canada Sewing Machine • Co'7, HAMILTON, ONT. Jun. 13, 1873. 1374-3m Worth & Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE ANL) TUE clown° DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKE'R, UPEOLSTERX11. lerractertaoakx.e.s•„ 0130. GENERAL AGENT FOR TRE FOL- LOWING INSTRUMENTS. Organs and Melodeons, R. Ss Wil- liams, Toronto; Pelonbet, Pejton & Co. New York. FRIALATC:81S UNION CO.'S, New York. GABLER ot BARMORE 14 DlJNHAM WEBER CHICHERING MILLER VOSE13 • QUI furnish almost all Cenedian and American Maker's Instruments on terms to suit purchasers for cash or on tune at leas than Manufacturer's price. Goderich, Feb. rt. 1873. 44 Boston, 44 44 44 ERIC McKAY, Cabinet Maker Upholsterer, &c, J3!415 ears to returo thanks to the inhabitants of Godertch and surrounding country, for their inmuslBstrovageduring tho last two Years he has bees la business. Bois now prepared to furnish all articlein Institut. such as IsT I ir OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PILLOWS BOLSTERS MATTRASSES, ko •, ()heap for 4Qa.sla, AND Off THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE t Relitall kept on hand and made to order. Haring on hand an assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I am prepar 4 Ln make coffins on the shorteet notice, .01 ,0 rundurt funerals on the most reason- , able terms. r3- Remember the old stied, liarESI? STREET, oppoetr the Bank of Montreal. Ouderich. Feb. 12.'72. ir - • • ExtensiveNewpremises AND Splendid New Stock. Oft C. Barry & Bro. Cabinet Makers, Undertakers& WoOd Turners, 33141...ammicirt2.1V f;tie.*44.1 srross the street to- the store next &warp, W. Acheson's Haines* Shop, wham will be found A 0000 ASSORTMENT of Mitchel". Beiroom, filn`ingroom. l'ar sr Fu allure, such as TABI.Etf. • el/A IfOl hair, num and wood seated; BEDSTEADA, WASH STANDO 1.91 NAJYA. WHATNOTSLOOKINC GLASSES MGT FRAMING. K'O B B are prepared 1. eell everything is • their line Cheap -for Cash. N. It A compleisi amortirient on'offl n. Jud Shrouds always onhand and • Hearse to lore , al on reason. able terms, . A CALL SOLICITED. Owlerich. 114.1 1870 1s72) (ii/A7-12 144 1 e I AL! COMPLETE SUCCESS Ten First Prizes At Two Exhibition.! I T E w. BELL & CO • ch ITUATE in the Fourth Concessi of the Eastern Division of the Township of /kohl:lel& unteining 100 acres of land, ono ni from Dunpnnon, GO acres of which a cleared and under cultiration. The is on the promisee a good leg Rouse • • log Barn. Soil, cley loam, front lot light. Well watered with Nine tni creek running through the lot. The is also a good Orchard of choice fruit o the lot. • ti•-• I; CELPH, ONT. `k•WO control of the inagnificeut 111 Cheowo, atirn:11t,t,ii,:".lis4ne „ozimiearynits:u;tii.rearLtr/.8.lite:itesd.rrtuorIC4roefr gam:urn; Received Eirepriz First Prize in oil,. is lin-t lzll,f a piece of Natiire's grander* on di...„iiroaebeliee:z.: isneo::.4.44t,,, tme,,knife.geat pi iii,,u tt tuedm gut/ lys,„7- An °mane..., ile freafauet'ilhilbyChitr,ouPoir",...iYebe a‘IK",r1..- thi° conpoieos Trio/ this re tee storm, and t Lose will t..1.....e• to the re- ad Actual Retail Prtoat`teu 7 , TO 1.11 i!e Hooter...I In connection with il1.7.99• . of both will be furnished for -wine le 81.50, As a Preminin the picture in ty he obtained ..k . Toms il admire, at $1,00 per annum, •ddress c rgans & Melodeons vending as Two Subscription. for the Magozine at II 111- 00 sach.or by su tweribing for the Magasine two WOOD'S HO12EUltiLD M AGAZ1NE, Newburgh. N. Y, a 5. anirres. publisher. •11..6 E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Lent Agent, Goderic.h, Two Excellent Farms. SITUATE on the Gravel Road be. tween Walton and Brim/Isla in the Tovrtullolp of Grey, containing each 100 acres. A geed Log House, Barn and Orchard on each lot, 65 acres cleared. These farms will be sold separately or together se may be desired. Soil excellent. Terms easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. THAT valuable building site, suitable fora first -clans Villa lessidence, be- ing composed of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, and -31, in the Wilson Survey of the To in of Goderich,containing in one block, two *area of land. The above eligible property him a frontage of about 330 feet en the Huron Road, and is well stocked with choice fruits. To be sold on reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, Office, corner of West street, Goderich. Valuable Town Lots, Lot No. 992, situate on the North side of West Street in the Town of God- enth. A splendid situation either for lousiness or private residence. Lot No. 255, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God- erich, one quarter of an acre. Lot No. 1318 on the eluron Read, in the Town of Gcxlerieh, one fifth of an ACTS. Lot Letter "C" in the Village of Maitlandville,(0r Bridgend place) with a good house thereon erected and garden well stocked with bearing fruit trees. E. WOODCOCK, - Land Agent and Conveyancer. Grater -Corner of West St., Goderich. _.•,1377 WHY ARK Lazarus Morris & Co' Speetaselem LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER -1 — :0 NOTICE, -Any person sending the *newer to alsore to the Agent, F. Jordac, Goderich, within the next thirty days :will receive WA order from L. M. & Co. for a pair :,f their superior new pattert Eye Glasses. Goderich, Feb. 5. '72 sw083w3 Notice, to Debtors, A 1.1 PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE SU ,L1, swam will plasm ray IP nt once• ABRAHAM SMITH. eatartsanta tsn, es VICTORIA CUMPOUN I) StOUP HYrOPHE1SPHITES TI• oalftlyrup prepared from Dr. Churchill.' Formula, and certified to be Chemically pure. Eor the prevention and ears of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION Also for the rare f Dyspepsia, Bronchitis. Asthma, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, &c. C11114111eStit 4141 TO PeRITY 40 trYleAre. Libiiellteiry, University College, Toronto, Dec. 4,1672. To the Victoria Chemical Co., Gentlerren.-1 hare examined the articles ern- pleyed in the Vicierla Chemical Works, in the ere paratlen el the Victoria Byrne .1 Hypophoophitea. The several Hypophosphites used are chemitifie pore, and the Syrup is slim oritelreefrom arty OM. parity. Your Syron of Hypophoaphitts p11 pa• doubtedly proves rery ncluable Medicine. GENET Ff. CROPT, • Professor of Chttnistm, U. S, Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Deograt.. _ - VICTORIA COMPOUND FLUI EITRACT: OF BUCHU 8,11VA URSI A Spra-iile Remedy far eft Diteasee of Me filaddsr md Kidneys; Drop.ind Sw. 11 hqs Compluos is, • ikAtia to Frowedre; and Mt Dimness 'ay a. noose" (elms o. ether Sex. Try it once for any of the ,towe temeders, and you will be fully ewes laced of its pie ern/age' virtues. Price Ill per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. • VICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIME NT " The Xing of all Liniments." ftheemetime, Gma, Arrennigia, ℧ Wondering Pm" Stipecoi ea M. Leonia riv /Mats, Spread, Breton, Numlnems, Sweetie" Headache, gormete,ThntAacM, le. Buy it! Try it! Prove it I Prim Mesita per Bottle, Sold by all Druggtets C A IVLTI CRSALVE 4, WORTH ITS WEISIBT ne GOLD." A spa,* fig Cats. 19 ousida, 'Bruises, Brims,. Salads, Nails. Pars, Pimples, gr., med (-Vow Duos. of the Skee °Peery deorriptiori, rn,,,23 eta. per Dottie. Sold by all Druggieta. VICTORIA CARDOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY 'EMINENTLY TEE x•olas' rsvoarrs." Foe guaacifyt7 the Ceetepierten, lead forTta Seabeira, read" Pimples. Weefte Chap. ped Ramie, Olielhimiss, Freer Mars, sad Son Lig,. Price SS Cents pet Bottle, Sold by an Druggleta. ✓ ICTOR`A TOILET SO‘PS. "CRLRBRATID FOR TREE CNIy,titm ;may. T'T AND EXCELLENCE OF tgi:•LITY." VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP. VICTORIA SUI,PJIIIR SOAP. VICTORIA turcsiuzis, BONET, BOSE A D WINDSOR. Sold by all Druggists. 1154 Ittutles Provincial Exhibition, flarriltori, and slethibitlon, Guelph, Thle cord of a `'`wirisess, In addition to last Year's re• !silver 11/1/11011 Trove that mullastru ALFA PSI PP/E4Pie, petent Judgest 111111 in ttseekinion of com- othEloelres a ireprissels—H. end We nufaeta, tepenor to all ' ORGAIIETTI;1 Containing Senbner's Patent Qualify, acknowledged by all to be the greatest imprihtlisa. yet in trod %it ed. [heir en pertori ty 1.rencedevot other makers trent the fart that st Guelph tin withdrew from rtompetitioa, thus so3n,,wis,,ipai thzeivr,irnyaintislittryinntoernoinifurcilyte.itairibmiim ntit,d.fo, 5,, ye.0 . liert.ninds tfri'mr melon:orogen coritainirg fifty drgsrout Guelph. Oct, 13,1872. W. BELL& CO. 1940, r==yre r1 • , ANSI 1 r-4 .c. Is 44-4,4 s ' TIejtte IIE IATEil ou all time aiiitahle tee Indies and (4nta, linth and stlecijelut the aceompanying ut repre- beta, pripor ntg,rtitfte THE $75 RUSS L AUSTIN LEVER WATCH, 111 sterlinf; ?diver Ma* and g fol points, full jewelled, wiwoted for tive years - ether with a geld plated lert Well will sent to any part of Can- artit on receipt of tiVi, or el 0. D., per exprces W. 2 LORNELL, Irak* Importer, a giu Street tast, TODOWTO, 0.112T. es, F 4 f1 Fifty Agents Wanted f110 Canvas for the linnet popular Books by favorite authors -every where. Onr agents are selling from 25 to 50 books per week. Our hat coinpri- ses the following excellent works, - "Library of Famous Fiction;" "Living- stone Lost and Found," "Library of Poetry and Song," "Life of Jesus the Chriat," (a great book by a great man); "Housekeeper's Manual;""The World's Hope," and "Country Moines." Now is the time to begin a vigorous canvassing esmpaign and Farmer's sons are just the boys to do it. J. W. JONES, 1385 London. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Huron Signal, T H E OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Only $1,50 Per Annum in Adyailee. —•••••=." ADVERTISE IN THE HURON SIGNAL .27 Too wten entta eteribeet*irszers 70 REArB YRS LARGEST NUMBER HEADERS. Advertising Rotes Liberal. GO TO THE* GOPERICH FOUNDRY. ... . get.g. 1 I it 'WI illb GINE-wee/KS Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Co., Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to coniict for Steam Engines and Boilers; FLOUR, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, LEFFEL WATER WHEELS, 4-c. On Hand TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES; IRON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CV7TERS, , SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, wAGOON BOXES, 4.1.„ COOKING, PARLOR 4r BOX srovas of various kinds. SALT PANS . E re ORDER% - 14 2i1 CO - Iron and Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Work. BOILERS AND simr PANS REPAIRED on short notice, All Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. HORACE HORTON, • President.: ROBERT RUNC1MA.N, General Manager. Goderich, Ont., 9th Sept., 1873. 1325 JOB Neatly, cheaply and expeditiously executed at the office ol the ii1U1-LON CARDS, y • Bab READS, • NOTES, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS,. NOTICES OF APPOINTMENT, 01 TILS OF QUALIFICATION, PATHMASTERS LISTS, VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULIOS, JUR y LISTS, 11EADIN GS DEEDS, Ate., eke., best style and at the lowest Rates. Printed in the CAUTION. Iron in the Blood BUY ONLY THE Genuine Fairbanks' Scales, M.NUFAcTUkt 1BY E. & T. Fairbanks & Co. Standard Scales STOCK SCALES, COAL &ALIN, Hal' ScALER,DAIRT SclALES,CoUNTERSeal.Eri, &c., dc. Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale, also, Troemner's Coffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, &c., &c. THE MOST PERFECT Job FOR YOUR Printing. Al! kinds of Weak frunthe LargestPostertothe Smallest Card EXECUTED WITH Neatness and Dospatch. „ufe-Part mule r at ten tion paid to Town- ship Printing. Orders by mail pnnetnelly attended to. ALARM CASH DRUM, MILES Al. 'gag TILL CO.'S. EVERY MERCHANT /SHOULD Use Them. svsar DRAWER. Warranted. Ftp .t FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSES Fairbanks & Co-, 93 Main Fit., Buffalo, N. Y. 3(1 Broads'''. Ne. r°"'• 938 Broadway, Albany. N. Y. FAIRBANICSIBROWN &Co., Fort2 Milk St., Belton. itale by Leading Hardware Dealers. "" 1387-2m Daireeti•a is the matIrt. $75,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS TO BE DISTREBUTED 171 1). kg I N.E9r4 64Tfl REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be dation /Monday, Noefatber24th 1873 055 GRAND Cann PRIZE OF 0-01...11! One Grand Cash Prise of 5'°°0 IN SILVER I Two Prime gimp VAC III h • red nbacks ! Six • Prue* 000 leech in Greenbacks! Ten lee- -- - •44.4% 4100 each in Greenbacks ! 1 . Tombstones, ' 1 I II anlepleces, I Window Sills, &c., &c., &c., 1 it the beet lit, le of workmanship and on reasonable ; terms. . for eatt or go fat. LANDS for SALE AT BAYFIELD. odeamaymtb"T -4110bser,043TW ia4.4er._r erol""Prolfp". Zefte"."40Wwi.1111'remithrwpargied4111.a417.SteeldwhbesescleisatiklesaamasataaaaP"ted sraimb7:11 reiithees:aadbiericiaullagt...,W. C;11:Lillerpi":::::7:::1.aatafe.•4;puse:717,:dtalailati Otsa smistilarable water 'al' *twit tot be made sea: "or Tew:;'"IW 1WgetCOTOat 114116611:21. °441111old„. Q11:3011' Guelph, Aug.19th, 1870 FOR SALp. fireHE undersigned offer for sale the un - a dermentiola•d lanin belonging too the &tea of the late thanes R. Hoarsrrea, via :- Also, the North -mist quarter of Lot No. 12, is oie Fifteenth Cucession of the Township of ex.mbrs, ift• the County of Lanibtens 50 acres, more or leu. lyFor terms and earticularstfoasitcyor. ap- to the undersigned, pe , 4 jotter, to St. Catharines Poet Office, Box 448. ANGUS COOKE, ? AARON REAL, i Executors. Granthsto, 30th MAY, 1873. 1373 House and Lot for hie. 1/1 THA;Zir" at regent oc- Y Ir. Wm. Leo, on West St., with k of an sere of Land, well improved. Apo, to ERIC McKAY, Cabinet Maker. Goderide Sept: 30411,1873. 1389 Farli For Sale.. TN the Townablp f Colbert t. la the Count/ 0 Hugon. North port ef Bieck E. Comprising 300.,. fr• cleared tad cider gore, good Hurd Wood Two emu, Croaelta, Boil &rot good Lig House and Fr.,. Ewa sad atnpll beansr Orritard, within If wil .1 81... Saw dal Gritt Kill, and within 44 antes of the owner 'Town Dederick. Te, WS mode. eats. apply to Da the premises. JOBN EDWARDS Goderich Nov. 20. 117L 6 tn. • FOR SALE. AT the SIGNAL OffiCe, partial scholar- ship fora course (Instruction in the Dominion Telegraph Institute, Toronto. Will be sold at a rediocuen te any one desirous ef spending a portioa of the winter in learning telegraphing, and fitting thetneelves for a useful and Pe- a/tensible position. Goderich, 23rd Not. 1872, — FOR SALE: use and Lot adjoining the reel - A trice of Wm. Seymour, Esq., nom • ?sanding one of the best news of the Late and Hareour. 'Apply to DA NIELGORDON, Goderieh, June 3410, 1e73. 1376 . FOR SALE. „OT 5[7on. 4. E, D. Ashfield, con- " thioing 200 acres excellent made covered with Maple mid oBcecti, lo miles from Goderieh, with a never failing trout trireme ranging through the centre of the land, there is, about le sues of clewed land on the front ot the lot, peer to THOS. WEATRIERALD. Engineer and Tenrveyer. Goderich, Jan,2nd, 1872. HOUSE AND LOTFOR SALE. —.-- BEING Lot No 5, Maitland Street, eolith side of the Railway, containing a quartet of an ure ef land on Which are a frame house and stsble. JOHN WHITLOCK. Goderich, 4th August, 1873. 1381-3m :MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect- ed Solution of the Protoride of Iron,is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and a.seimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalising Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures a thousand ills," simply by Toning up,Invigorating and Fitalizing the System. The en- riched and vitalized blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out tnorbid secre- lions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won-. derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Coin - plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar- rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors., Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases -of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating its a bad state of the bio, or ae.. eompanied by debility or a lout state of the system. Being free from Akoha, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol- lowed by corresponding rem,. tion, but are permanent, info. sing strength, rigor, and new Sife into all parts of the systems,' and building up an Iron Come stitution. Thousands have been changeill by the use of this remedy, froft weak, sicklysuff.crim crea- tures, to strong, neauhy, and happy men and women; arid Invalids cannot reasonably hes- itate to give U a trial. See that each bottle has pERu. VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Peurnphlete 1-`rec. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, Pie. es Dey et.. New Tarn. Mold by 1.13-wgvorte Irdtweyeare GoderichMarble workfi geed, Vanstone DEG sti INTIMATE THAT THEY HAVE ,,Pebed ',ranch of their Elocardise WISES - Cri7.179 %Mat l• I he old ..t.ned of Mr A.M. J ohn et on victori•st„, 604se1c1, and will le ab'e to:supply ••• 1000 Otdcl and Silver Lever Hunting Boderich 171.1 Jul). Watches (its all,) worth from 420 to 8300 each. Coin Silver 'Vest Chains, Solid and Dou- ble -plated Silver-wnee: JaweirY' Number of Gifta 10,0o0. Tickets limit - 76 000. GAVIN' STITT HERS, Agent. ed to tetj b. ts I iLI. J. BELL, i , iiii . , ,. .171:::::::eringikstoi a ,..!mact.„rwkhnianr....ditht.::::::::„.1/7,1:a.seilbTillo;ujitbs?rtnitc..9,PilikistiTweufinsantaidiiii:oikutleeP01;wientserh.Slono3rati to any °us dordering them. All letters 'tat he ed 191 W. rifthL.:::: SINet,cinBonatixi38986:0. 11, EDITOR AND PROPEIET01 ID Valuabio Property For sale. T 018 NUMBER 846' A N D tgl IN ThE TOWN o F thiaod 00 t $ uLottid:r.1 It.a.lasimtc,tat.ed.a:ortr.iavi (Sian: Cottage sad a late. frame dwelling Roceetweetonsi Ilwaore-tolh°atulartt Torras made known or) arelicatien to The Leta will be sold tither together or separate vri.hieuscheoltalddabei,cooat‘iremrieti,, giaton,a lust -late to salt parcloutere. Wm. ARM, PR 05 the eakeish jwitree. 1r7.711e; ilsoe a 301771L9T13s71t ; renowt.orto Farm for Sale or to Let. rpti E selwerlhee offers frr sale or to let his farm, 1. being Late 4 and 5, 7th toseetteten. lf, 4.3 504, containing 200 lore.. siti halt. ole utile gravel road. about IVO acrro cleared arid undo...ti- tivation mid well -fenced. There are a good boil'', barn. granary. gc., re the hd. Isis mooted 1,00 V0:0111110 gnat and saw mill". school home. &c. The +bole will to dtepored ot together Cr in two Pare.'" 0(1001/T*0 each. A Tidy te HENRY DROWN. or to JEittAIAH ).1.1.1.IVAN, irilrir DTI hingsbridge P.O. 1.1 Septe House and Let for Sale. T"E Subwriber offen for sale Gte Houssand Lot at p_reeent occtqued by him on Newpae eueet in the Town of Goderich. The 11 contains one- fourth of an acre and is well stocked with fruit and 9rnamental tress. The House containi nine rooms, fire closets, a good pantry and cellar, and hard and eoft water, with suitable outbousee at - wheel. Apply to CHAS. McINTOSH. Goderich, 3rd Oct.. 173. 1390 "post THE: B1 AO41 n Pti TRII 1- Denteronotiq, tte) venal IS. CLARKE'S "World Farce Blood Mixture. Trade Mark, --"Blood ixtare." THE 6ft‘I':•fii. BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER. ea‘n*ing std iraring the blend tem eh, q mPurtbee. cannot he Imo higlity re...mew/A.4. For Scrofula, fictirvy, Skin toonsee: "41"T" °I' au 'Owls Itt. • sever-fsiling sett permanent rum . . It eVii.en 03,3 gores curds Uloeratcd StIo • on thr Neck. Clans Uwerated sett Legs. thins' Illackheads,or Pito pleiron the Pare. carve Scurry.Snre, __evil* Can term. I ' b•er..7. 3gliters mean awl Skin leleelece. (liar -yin .1, e 0one • Clears the E)t...; from a, mew, Maitre, Proso wbatever esti, arising. As this &date, is plu..sen, 4,n Use tram. end warranted free frJrn anything isjerieus to the • Mont delicate constitution of either eel, the Pro- i'net°1 solicit.' serflerete to gyve it • trial to test its taln•. Thassands of Teetsmoniale from el/ parte. Sold.ia Mottle& fle ea, 1, and 0 th,er.ron- tate ny 141 timesan the quta), II r each- -soffir-4'st to effeet a permanent core le the meat majority a 10I4"4"I'N rases. IEV AOL CHEMISTS sad rsissr MEDICINE l'ENIJORS ttwougbout 110 wor11. Rote Proerieter, r. .r. ceeeet. Meant. APOTHk.CA lucre 11101,,, rsicuo,k71uL*11 1' EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Berlddges and Co., °Meaux Street, Loodun. Newbery and Sons, 37 Newest* lamed, tondos. flandey and Sons, 05 Parnogdon Kowa, 10146••• 11"g't 41'4 %se Oxford mrect, leanlya. Abd a/I the Leedom Wholesale Rona.. • I . AGENTS IN CANADA. "Nlboill.-Ihrana, Mercer and Co. Whoks414 7100110e.-1DI4Yl.l Clare and C rg4 Co. whoweille tiroggists. o. Shapser Sid ern. 1.-11:-.44Tety, Brown • -Winer and Co. and Co. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIN EN that a pliattion will be inside to ths 1A114"! :titheitaaron,neTxotcairtoSessins:oiso'Eoff:AthrlinAaRialicheierf):fifillvIvigi,70firteeGtbC:tiegoolboan:nrrt:elde. I , l and Weal Wswanoeh in the County of 1 CctuttY for Registration r_t_TP000- WILLIAM YOUNG, Rem. Colborne, Sept. 8th, 1873. 1387-8ar - searibly of th pro f Ontario at One Box of Clars.fe B 41 Pills TS warranted to cute all discharges from the 1 ertegr, organs, in either isex, acquired la con- stitutional, thaw.? and Pains In the Back. bold la Hoeft, 4. 64 mak, by all Chemists and Patent. Medi- cine Vendors. Sole Proprietor, T. J. CLARKE, APOTOCC• 416SLL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Eurbidges sod Co., Coleman Street Leadru. Neothery .1.4 8.0. 37 Nemesia Street, London. Barclay and Sous, 96 Parringdon Street, London. Sanger ano Sons, °Word Street. London. And all the Loudon Wholesale Reams OTIC'rE 1 AL LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO TBZ 016oe for work ions prsviess 27:10.*"."1 ,ATGI:LIBioLt T5tiand...11Cocia"Ler"I..t, 1:1-hon°daniena"::tee4DA:A4Wbsta.°I. ED BE ONCIEt DeCIPI till!:IgItIndareelireqUIredad* " PaY .411m*,,-.-1A7Wetiwry, Blpro4w•C°a;id Mariner anti Owen. IMO / g°401401. Feb.,6413,1".62. fiAltw992a3t1SMITEI. 1. 1.