HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-22, Page 14 e P_ Vuron fignal, (Earrimotanio 1848,) tam sf tho Urged hien pablished Caratae e printed aad peldishod at Goderich, Ontario, aryl WIC OPIFIESTI.A.E" MORNING, the Olco, Moatreal Street, ad,144201 011 lark" adliars. LM J . J. BILL, 1111810.11 AlID Tssins-gLieser snow, is stewed. V 2:0217 ""11. g• 148108.818totinned all arreers are ...asset at the 0,410a of the publisher. , RATES OF ADVERTISING : Right cents per lbw for the Mot Insertion, end ern seats per Rae for each enbsequent lasertioa. Bestasee owes met exceeding • lima. 04 Per anaam, hose II to 10 lines ES. A -The number of lineal* be reekoned ty the specs t"e*P'ed glimmered by • seals of solid Nonpareil. t Advertisements witbont speellic directions, will be maenad tient forbid, sad clouted accordingly. YEARLY : The followtag rates will be charged ta merchants j mad ethers who advertise by the year, - Owe Coitus& I year 011 13 •• t• raoaths meatlial.f...0•• 00 .• 64. months 23 16 Qttarter " year months months It 30 " " month! - 31 Eighth " you 66 66 MODULI, ...... 11 7%11 agremsen ie to be manned tolltierdlnery busisess a commercial houses, mid teem* It w911 not be held to Melted' Amnion Saba. Smitovel individual members of firms, Howes* los 01707 Co -Partnership Notices, Prima /411110704, atte," Sate, es. IEFThe above rates will In all eased to strictly ed hared to. Advertiowneuts Inteeded for insertion in any particular Mane should reach the office by noett os Tne.oby. Ralf " •• .• se. The large circulation of the !SIGNAL makes It an nneurpasemed advertising medium. JOS WOOK. 011 ALL OROS -. fermented with neatnew end itionatch. 1341 Printed while you, welt. Orders by root punctually attend - rid to. • a Solutes Wirecton. 50111k :kr NI 110L.P10.94., RIIRGEON DENTIST. Offioe and residence, West Street. Three doors belcow Bank ef Montreal, Goderich. toter John Champbsti.111.1.11.. C.M., (Graduate alt.:0111 Univaroty, Montreal% SEAFORTH. nipplcz and rovidesse-One door smith of Row' kJ hood, Mon street, and oppoote at Tallow • hotei. seaforth, 11773. 1147 C8 . C . fletsainnon M. D. • . A N.SURGEON,ite ,ar 13:10-4 • DR Mc 1..eliZA.T.91• gaillYSICIA N. SURORt1N. CORONER. &e. 01Ree • •ad Newasience teat door east of Ceintral 3-21wol _ 1.7ir• IDeaMeemell V. Me41111 Cullen* 1731 CI A a, SURGEON, .1ko.. r e, Hamilton L Street, lioderieh. (Atari°. aw102 ire Zoeriort • 111101ARRISITER AND ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, •55. 0as-sloe-ea. eisseeis, COMM, Crown Snorts!. Godeneli, Oak 011ise in Coen HoMM. Ciscooron 410 itAsirposs. BARRIST1118,30LICITORSINCIIANCERY,lte. Office, Market :trieare, flolarieh. IM C. Caliesow w33 3. eetemeaew. Io. DOVIJEC, gARRISTER AND ATTORNEY. SOLICITOR ia-Charicery, &c., God/rich, Oat. 1331 L.11C1.1..IOTT WATWIONT A MromasTs • so - souctecies. lb Chaacery. Coeivelaacars, fe. Crabes Block, Godermie. MONEY TO LIND. 1373 Stnetair ite Seeger ID A R RISTS119. Atm. Goderlzh. LP J. S. SINCL A IR CHAS SICAGER, Jr Godertek. Dee. tetoso. - W. IE. ISIQUISkt. ▪ RRISTER, ATTORNSY AT I, VW, SOUK!. 1.3 tot in Ctiandary. sc. tioderich, Ont. 011os. over J. C. Detler & Co's Emporium, Market Square, Godericla 3333 • .-1-16,25+ • - a'a w - m ema-"r"4 • • a-. rf VOL. XXVI. NO. 40. "Tho GreateetPossible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. OCT. 22, 1873. marina WHOLE NO, 1392. e TTORNEY-AT-LeW •ND SOLICITOR -IN Cheacery.Coaveyanoer, Notary Pultic, rec. C011es, over Mr, C. E. Archibald's atom God - with, Oat. 1371 -Int Altetingo. GODER1OR LODGE 110. 33 G. IL C.? 4..r. A. A. di. num REGULAR COMMUNICATION 1. is holden thetas' Wetbeseday of each month at 7.30 p: at. Visiting brethroa havittol. )45c W. DICKSON, aec. Sedlatetli.ittle May, MM. sw73-11 illonct) to ftrtb. son,ocko rem Loan oa Farm or Town property •6 7 per 1 emit, Andrei CiMPAIGNE, Solicitor, &c., tiodertsla. Oet.11011. MONEY TO LEND. /IN IMPROVED FARM PRO. 1-r potty, at 8 per cent simple interest per ennum. Apply to SAMUEL SIA0AN, Colborne lintel. Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 1338 MONEY TO LOAN - AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. &IEEE FIOLD Permanent Buildineand n' Sayings Society of Toronto. For particulars apply to A. M. ROSS. Aged! at Goderich. Secretary and Treasurer, CHAS. 11413ERTON, Toronto. 1343. Cie C A.211 eatit. 1 fa N T All CHANCERY AND CONVEYANCING. JJ 011ee at Dixie Wason'is name' Assignee, • ser7-11 Goderich, Oat. motcom•on Messing, 4.1 A ARMIES, ATToRNEYs, HOLICIT023,&c. 1.3 he Oat. wee MOSSY TO LEND. leg Z..) HA.A111.1TON ctON V ETANc It Et AND GENERAL LAND Agent, i-rown Lanai Odic*, Godertelt, Oat.. blowsy to LAM& 136 J A. M IC MI- @OIL AI I.. 4 RCHITECT,&c.,&o„ COURT HOITSESQUARE ft, theterich. Plane opt Specticationa drawn erwreettlY• Carpenters', .lasteirers' and Masons' work measured and rained. 1307-1Y. hachanan. Lanwson 8c Robinson egietvs on hand all hinds of Sashes, Doors, BMWs- • Morddiaga. aed Messed Leather, at the God- •rtch Planing 1309. A. 31. CAMPBELL veterinary Surgeon. VORMEELY of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. RISIDENCE, VARNA. Well vett BaySield every Satunlay. 1313 gm,* J. T. DITINAN, V. S. Gassman' or thereat. VISTIK•ln•VIT CoLLIKIL OFFICE AND STABLES, Newitate Street, Fifth Bosse East rt Colborne Hotel. N. B. -Horses examined as to unlad- e ess. 1313 MOM TO LEND. INTEREST LOW --TERMS OF REPAYMENT EASY. -- THE CITY 01 TORONTO PREMAN ENT BUILDING ANOSAYINGS804pETY Advarcesmoneyat reducedratesfor from 2 to 20 years. Loans repayable in in stalmopta to suit thi borrower. Full information given on application. • R. It KIRKPATRICK, - Agent at Goderich. ✓ MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reduced Rates of Interest 7ME endemism -4 has any amottut of meney to 1 loss from two to fifteen yeam, at a low rate er istorest and favourable terms of repayment, payable by yearly instalments; rate et' exprDsei will :defy competitor . HORACE HORTON appraiser Ior tile Canada Per • =Innen t Building A: staving.' Society. of 'Toronto. PATENTS F 0 R INVENTIONS EXPEDITIOUSLY &PROPERLY lisommi is Caesda, the Halted States and Europe, Ell&TIENT gearaitteed or so charge. Swid for print- ed Ismtractions. Agesey ie operation ten years. nwner GRIST, "'taws. Caaada Mechanical Engineer, Soilatter of Paiute and Ovisightioses. Feb. 11th Hitt . w • lt- 1NT Orr I C 1SS BARNES in returning thanks • taa to her friends in Goderich for past plitrow, begs to say that the is now prepa, to give Lessons on the Piano- forte and Cabinet Organ and in Singing. Residence opposite Mr. Savage'', I Clothorne St. 1363 NEW RESTAURANT. 111111 - JANIIES VIVIAN INSURANCE CARD, The Subscriber is agent for the tollowingfirst, lass Insurance Companies PHoENIX of London, Eraisitid. HARTFORD of Hartford. PROVINCIAL of Toronto. liftlyISH A m Y.HICA, of Toronto. 1.1`tro ae Marin* tounneso dose at the lowest possible rates - HORACE HORTON Office Market Square, Goderich• O et. leth 1370. la [ evina IA -VIED TDB &TORE ON TIM ., wow of West and Wateriee Streets and fitted se se • Reetsureat awl Pratt Store, is prepared ' Ile apply eve ryinisa 14 Ids lime. 1 PEW i, VEUETAIILEL OYSTERS, Ae., tie. ta thOr season. MO? ANDOOLD URAL!' AT ALL ROO R3 thsisr6She 12.0713 Ian* 13416 STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL i Nes bola ist gourd use fee the past two years asel &Wag the best useceetios, u may be seea by tee - 'boos els. Wear sia el taii listing houses is Ofttario. 1 It will mat in the widest weetiftr, tt ii awake, re tat the ihrbtoot manhunts; as well os EN lisavhat Imelda'. In nee. - TESTIldON 1 AL ileistilei""seeareellailmeallachaleassesp. 1,:sprorys.idasi" l'sala. -•7 Sea awe cat st At mods. Imre 1.` O. H. Foe saki only ley ARSON'S CO., Elardweee Walla* Glmierichito.3.1 Anottavis, - WRIGHT'S HOTEL oNT. QITUATED ON THE HIGH BLUFF overlooking the Harbor, Lake and River. This house after being thoroughly renovated and •fureished in now open for the summer season for the reception - of guests. • Parties going to Lake Superior by thieManitoba ail/find this house very eenvenient. Largefamiliei requiring rooms should engage previously either by mail or tele- graph. .• - J. J. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Gode• rich, 20th May, 1878. 1370 IIIUTISII EXCHANGE HOTEL, NAOULZT SQUARE GIODERICU. CAPT. W. COX, - PROPRIETOR. • • LATE OF THE HURON 110TEL. • continuance of the favor and support of the Comiumrcial aud Travelling ptali.ictliatn""a"'"r174 Went the ars, respectfully ipilicitcd. . 133.1 AN CHOI{ LINE. nteanacrsSatiEveryWeditesdny And 8..1aiterday. • . , retool) mime :sew mem asp (11,AS, gow, tailing at Londonderry .to laud Mails awl Pastrengert. . Irle Poseulk ne booked and forwarded to and trim all Railway .otattona in Aired Ifritain.•Irelmettl., Germiny - Norway, bweden tit. Denmark , Anil: Amenea„as safely', spee.10-, condortainy se Chattily, as by aurother Ramie or Line. • THE SAW DEI•AtertlIFS. ' • Prom trlasiotwr • 1,110.1 Nos York. Sat., Sept, X3.1.... AOSTA._ .. ..; „ .illim„, art. irdir, Sat., Sept. 30th...thill.ElniS4A „Sat.; IN.t. 21.0 •Eat., I /A 6. 71.0 ....4NtiLTA. .!...... Ntt.. 1A-1. .:•.41. Sat., Ord. lith. ..19OLUMBIA ,..bat.. Noy. • 411, And every 1114sieday and it:spode* Gists:after from Prey 2d, North River, at hoon. . . RATE" UV l'iv••AGC WAsAIILW IN 0 „ni, k:••• V. : -To Livaremdt.fliamoriw im Derri 1 " Flans `Cents, geSi awl 113", aorordina to trfitadion Cable Etenrsion • Tit heir toml. for. 3.: it °lithe) weurieg host moro: o.latioo, .4..;41. • . Irlterinliate.lavI, ,1.•.l.,..:•'..?".Z`,., ' Certificate* et lei leo' ItaTiS r.a 1st bought I her, 11.• those pistils to mond for,' le tre url • Deoteramiol.pay deori pr....L. t..tom. Aril) at Ilos cgoitijaulA'a 4.11,1.,...1 lo" , MIN W.% I: Nl NA: ' Insurance. - _ THE L111/ERPOOL&LONDON AND GLOBE INSURsiCE COMPANY., Available Assets, 027,000,000. Losses paid in the course of Thirty-five years ex- ceed FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ! Cleans by C IF KRIM esti- mated at nearly A:Z:00420:10C, are being liquidated as fast as militated WITISOCT DY.DUCTION. Security, Prompt Payment, and Liberality in ad- instnient of Rs losses are the prominent features ot this wealthy coninany. FIRE and LIFE POLICIES issued with very liberal conditions. Head Office, Canada Branch. MON. TRF.A.L c 9M11E1,1testdentSecretary, MolTita•L A. M. KOSb. .1eont for Coderinh TorontoLife Assurance and Tontine Company. HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, •ONT. C•FITAL •t711101111ZSD IITtIllASTSS 3100,000 With libertY to increase to halichjIlion .4111014M calkd in, 25 per cent.-ali paid lep. estIrlt.tonlr rr, On Goderieh Oct. 23 117I. pottrg. 31112-110tnr4. * Her photograph. Lie; on my dak. Upon those features dear I see the smile; 1 'meta once more to hear Het blithesome laugh. Sun -pictures ! yes- • it bears we back to blissful days of yore, When life for me one sunny aapect wore Of happiness. The golden thorn, When fuzith we wandered mid the 'sun- beame mild, • And watched in woods how, like a dar- ' ling child, .• The day was born. The perple eve, When hand in band we sat and sew tho Sun Out in the west, his path of glory done, le hor:s.on leave. The long bright day, W hen, et ill tooe ther i n the noontide sheen, We idly watched across the chequered scene The aunbeanis play. 4 The sunlit sea WI -floated caerow e antlered hy its *puree, And saweartlepietered ott it bi.soin large, Eteruity. Toe,happy time, Ta. full 14 liniment unteeigle.1 ! For the.l.kl% level cf this sltailowed wird' All too sublime ! Stitt-aictures fettle, Ai. facie the soubcams frouathe weet. Ae holes the truth from tett thi; tiok•le breaet (if feittilese The shadows chill oar path. Yet as I sedly gaze, A el think upon the happy byleiat days, • .1 .. I bee, her still. GOnt:RICIL AND o N OR TH SHORE LINE. In connection with the (trawl Truuk Railviay. Shertest, Cheapest, and taut direct route. A earthly burdens, eve teen' shall be made . orleVer 1101.. INviaTwENTS LLWITWD WV ClIAFIL TO 11.11Urft•GO DEBINTV BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Prs.rukat: The Hue Jodie HltarAan o. p , Q. C.. 00. V. Toronto. no Presides*: LAAVIS MOFFAT. Ernti. ORO DUMAN, Tack Judie of the County of York. W. H. Barium keg , M. D., 11. 1' , Prescott. ARCM. CA WILIDAI• Eery, Cashier Merehante Bank, Toronto, Wit. 1. MACDONELL, Lag., Manager Toronto Sayings Bank, Toronto. Arose Monamoir. Req., M. P. beeremry oad Two:seer : ARTHUR IlAnvaY, Earl. Applications for Insurance in this first class Companeereeeived by J. J. BELL 1342 Agent at Goildrich. WESTERN ASSUR1NCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK . $400,000 SURPLUS FUNDS kb' TEIE NEW STEAMER feive her -and kniiw, seeming dead there still shell be retiortli, Aadlivetigatti for us on dome ;;Iail neon The Long -ago. • . I There, where no sun - Rlies stem; and where asirle are laid W M. SEYMOUR, EDWARD MARLTON, 31ASTE11. will ply in co,nnection with; the 6. T. Railway as follows : •Leate Goderich on arrival of Expres.s Train bent the East, westher permittin,g, for Southampton at 3 p. no, every Monday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday, Thursday and Saturdey. Returning : Leave 'South= ainpton at 4 a. m., Port- Eleib st 430 a. ino Inverlitiron at t a. in., and Kin- cardine at 8 a. rn., every atendav, Tuesday, Wednesday, 'Thiarsiley and Friday. Arriying in Gotierich each clay as above, to connect with the train go. ing East. 208,369.60 RECEIP'TS FOR T EY E A It END lNG JUNE 30th 1871. 357,858.26 HON. J. 1/1cMURRICH President. 111 11ALDAN Managing Director. FIRE & MARINE INSURAUE AT Lowest Current Rates. OFICIAL LOW refill!' OFRATIS,CoVERING Inaurancii for one or three year. on detached Dwellings. Cherokee and Schools with contests, In Cities. Towns and Country These rated and terms of policy particularly favorable to tin ram. ▪ g Com smelt y. ?trot CUSS OMR wonted for a trovelling Agency for the township, outlying this Town. Apply in writing with referenew theundersigned for tra Mission to the Head Glace. D. WATSON. Local (World' Ism met. 317' A gent. SHIM & PORT RER011. The above named Steamer leaves &nth- ampton fur Serpin end Port Huron et 4.00 s. m., Port Earan, 4.30 m., verhuron, 6.00 a. ne, Kincardine, 8.00 a. no, Goderich, 2.00 porn., every Fri- day, weather permitting. Connecting with Ricer Beats for Detroit and G. T. Railway Propellors from aarnia to Chicago, Milwattkie, -ie.. Returning : Leases Sarnia every Settmday st 8 o'clock, a. m., weather pirtratting. For further infarmation, apply to Byron tailson, Purser, on the Boat, or to Thos Lee. Soutamnipton: J. Eastwood, Port Elgin; P. McRae, Inverhtwon ; R. Robertsen, Kincardine; W. B. oare, Sarnia; A. N. Moffat, Port Huron. J. Y. DETI.OR & SON, t enema Agents, Gmletich Goderich Harness Shop ••-••• :0 W. A. MARTIN - 11 AS Ideasure in annotattlas to the plitilm of Tows tad County that he ham purchase° the anuses busluess of Mr. Isaac Halliday, ten Haw- k*. St .Vber haviag served losapprenticeship with Messrs 1V. & H. Motin, Goderieb. W. A. H. has worked fer the last three years In the hest liaraess Sh•ps le Citio•uo, and 11. now prepared to make up LIGHT • AND HEAVY HARNESS, HOESI-CLOTIINII axe SsaaTcs CoLLARS, ta east -ease style sad with dsepstch. Orders Prtattit attoadod to. Trunks, 11111ps, Ca r ry .. C oinks, as., to. N. 11. -Fly Sheets constantly on hand through - eat tee arnatioor. lietelteh, Joao 1e, 1871. • GODEFLICH AGENCY of TUE Trust and Loan Company of ,CANADA iyiniriwated by Pula.' Citarkr. GAPITAL-.-ONE MI 1,1,1i it NIP; S'IERLING. F unds fair Investment. I0.6 NS m tdo on the ileeenty of apprior,..14,„ 4 16 Prot...14v for 1,real. Of. VIV•• getheret1 in her Ireath to listen, as )Piorg akr to •oit t to. ronv,•nwher of Wirrowers, arid pi • e it, rarmatile at rApiry or lima or l.y ' I/ s 'even. 01 tt broke failitlf "Olive Varcoe." Itice, I would take my cause into my own hand, and deal out justice to myself.' Here John raved somewhat; mingling praaers with his Madness ; asking why one man in blind selfishness and pride, should take coldly - a blessing which, would nuke another's heaven. , _ 'MY lamb, turone ewe limb!' he cried; 'but to. him only an image to hang hia name and las jewels tin, aoa showto the world as his.' Sir Hilton rental hie chat upon him. -haat}, and looked upon the roving tutu ; but he uttered is.t 0 word. - W heti a. great light pierces tho bran, speech is numbed. Olive, w Melt alio him, wept. . Then .Tolin got main again, imaterino to himself that it was a wrong wawa, and ho h- at, awn V.r. oed in it. '1 thought Eleanor would be just,' he said, 'if I laid these thinp before:her es 1 saw them in my Own mind. ' Se I watcheil an opportunity to find her aleae, but, knowing Olive followed my •steps M late, I. look advantage of a burst of temper on her part to lock her in her roPue I gave the 1:ey to Lade Tree/a- lias, saying carelesely 1 was going to fish it while in ehe creek, • . \ al aid not know that, the bettel• to °Lune inci -I believe she thought 1 meditated/ suicide-et/Eve' bad taken friiin the :beery the Loy of the old door at the fa, A of the disuses.' stairs. Main the creek I. LAW Eleanor 1.1.3 into the wood; at ith a boek in her hand. I did not follow her at once.i f thotight over all ilfat / wolthl bay, the arguments V' would use, tho prayers, the moron* I would urge. to maze her breek (a thOt mottoisge. Above all, 1 would be gentle, 8'31i111;e11...1.4 m 'with 1110--I had sent to eondon for it, under Dr. Iturten's name; fete'if it untie to the Wont, I would die before the wedding. Arid now 1 fearea myself se Iona, that t took tIlis bottle front nay poektat, and broke it against a stone, throWing thir fratments into the ereek .; then 1 went lightly to the wood. I • knew where to tiod Eleanor, for, in tetbaitt4 Go!, slid had mid, "11,14, but at pa t.) -day.! I ant go ii tig t.. the Leoly's Rower; the coolest aril in the wood. "%V bull I found bur. she was weeping and angry ; anal se 1 telked, she grew more anery, 'My prayeas beat against her hard heart in. Vain. At I tut 1 re - preached Iter. 1 Oad her tam hael en• cottramal thy rove mod maple 14 strppitig- storm of my bruised spirit tare 11 Hil- ton. 1 hen she sera l' heal ; o el I WM bidden on her, mid never. helped that nit,e1:1) ; Ina meting *he • wtesla ttet her with a winel. 'She was but a child, spare iterated se miserahle utaaraou a o acting etith a child's i4noraticw., a child.* my loam I trial her for 11,,r Ow 11.' ' peraiatetiota, a child's tuplicay. quick sympathy his sufferings eine hers; and the wonder, revervime gratittule he felt, oppressed her ; • d his bleeding pnde %mulcted her ewise. She (treaded to hew. a word o thenks from him ; she hated what she had done for him ; she could not endure to be so high above him in his thoughts. 'Now she had con/literal his pride, she wanted him t3 be proud again. So to hide from him that she raw his pain, and to avoid his thanks, she looked at Charles •Vigo, and smiled for very tor - law, with a quiver on her lips. She kaew that all she had suffered wits in vein, that John himself had dragged his ceime ibto the light, and irnplored.all men that he alone might bear the mon- atty. .And though this took from her tbe sting of thinking that Charles Vigo had homed him down, it increased the pee guish of pity that swelled in her heart .fer all at Trewavas. : Fir Hilton had given his arm to Mrs. Laugley ; the others followed, Olive knew not how, fee her eyes were blind- ed, and in another moment she feund herself mounting the turret stairs, every step of which was to her a monument of ammy. ' In the chanoior there broke upon her, through her tears, a vision of John's face -a wild, haggarl face, with (twi- nes* on it, unutterable woe and death. Then breaking away from some hand that held her, she rushed forward ana fol& Upon her knees, and would have touched hint, but he shrieked out, . `No, Olive, do nut touch me Say eyoi.ititiefinirtgediv.e, me, only that, anti 1 can the With beolien sobs, Olive spoke words of pence to him, then she felt Oerself lifted trent her knees, :1114 SAW blind Mrs. lonoley's arm around her. Sir Hilton had: taken his old pinata by his brother's side •, Lady Trewavas, Charles N'igo and Mrs. Gunning were here, and Olive understood that the trembling woman who supported her had come also only for her sake. The:tato rallied all her courage, and eta. Pat. men ts In tion 1.0411% her tsar anal heart. wilt burerptee011.,,,,m) ii:TeieteursEemesAt.isNt:res. Or A pr•oo...t Mortgage e perehased. Without the breaks and interruptiens twehilichhisfewreorratust.d mire -aeon made, se will J1"1*I'in e.Godench 'OHM only Olive, knew how I loved ewe 1317- • - _ _ her,' said be. 'She saw how tarttmecl 1 was -how galled and maddened 1 %ne- ttle poor half love Hiltottlitlakvie"h"eireag4 IMPORTANT NOTICE by jealousy, and by blame in not MI mine. I loved mei ter more than twe yea accepted niy affection rode with her, I wh F. IL MANN Hoose Sign & Carriage Painter to whose nrm eh ngsmEs riAcQu.,,:vrTimpuni.hinAT when, in a the Wesleyan Methodiet LluorliwItli yareiall l 01,111 1,7 he ha. ti tto‘t up a alio'. On X.1611, mr..4 n, 3 to tly ,iiiiii et reasosableprices Thankful tor 1 ne 1. I t roa to to fcar attached wherehels preparoltofillatl toilers pr..mp- Wood no ,d the last 7 years soli& it, a sortieuarire .... the game. of The wards the pool,' her first, 'She shrieked aloud, then I pat my re she tacitly hand upon her hp., and seal, soIllYa It was 1 wh, 'De not shriek; there is no ono in the walked with her, 1 wotel but you and I, 'I'ho very beasts e clung when weary, or die silently; why should man alone meet tty cowardice, she chose &nth with cries!" me harmless creature of the q-folditil, her thee triampliantly I who liked me best. She thou6ht she twice, blind 'Mem, or to cheat her mother she tore aown my hand and, lareantea . And this was all deceit, all done could philosophis:. like -a media:in. 'But 'Ohre! Oliver then fell tlown at could do this, and tread upeu nie my feet in a death- swoon.' as upon some or harmless worn ! • ATI 11..111y a jet. The ancient thought her dead, awl knelt beside hall spilled that deadly dranght, and would be "an itnage to hang neckleta looking on it with burning eyes, I asked nn" --not bone of his bone. flesh of his why it had not saved her, flesh. I could have wept for lite: and 1, '1 went in, 1 spoke to Lady Trewavas, the outcast, would nut have demo,' to tho servants, to the gardeners, lhen with her for woad& t..,in al leisurely I mounted to my paintino-room thanight I would go back, mei ask her to - this ono -and here, 1 wrappe*,1 the forgive my hard. words; 3.1 I, as 1 11* • bottle in double paper, and wrote "Cer- hesitated, 1 faun I I, had lea ote So .11 wine" on it. I did not eau!: much cord which I had wont as a grellO. about it. I did uot care wheiier it was "Now I must go back," I sail, "L., found or not. it." •_When 1 came down I talked With 'As I retraced MY giros 3:to o I v, seareq- Mrs. Maristowe, and as she: spoke of ing always for the e.•11, tamaiit 1 fashions and of follies, I ',peed her It. claughterat voice sand,: eta, "Olive / °Hee t" My. sense Was very dim ; could not: tell why she hail called to I IliY0 . And. in this same dim;dull way, I to& for Dr. Burton and sat up teat eight among the watel;ors. • 'Going to my room in the morning, I found the packet gone;abd (melte cover Olive's name. Leavai, toe, were gone front my journal, and sketches were torn away. 'I sta,egered te a mat, stunnid.ani bewildered. I think. it was then my senses came back, and thought of safe- ty. I began to understood why Eleanor haul called to Olive ; she ntust have been in the wood near us -perhaps had seen me -perhaps was trying now, to save Thus simply did Olive tell the stenm ef her suffering. Charles Vigo, hovering near as &be and Florian sat together in the deep bay window at liosvigo, heard Olive'. lips praine him, but he sow it wis Florian whose • foe° londled-Florian, ihose eyes naid 111111 the tribute of her tears. '31101,1 Lan7ley; he Baia,' I should, like f o tolatte that story to you my wavt 1 should not tell it as °tam has done. I klionla e Tamale on ate indignation I f eo . whoa 1 nsw a guiliy soward •laying tent a sharp cry: then, in a moineuie het (Time tiponee weak c'::!d's shoulders, Elearra voile° pigreod my care oar.a.- mid a lett drild acceptioo the burden ing„ 'Wave ! Olive !" lt 1•Ai. A ci•y of ea.,,e..1, Winded lo her true duty by her such fear, that fee e 'moment 1 amel pa-sionalo, IF WO atot ocatituste for people still. in terror, leaniitz i.1 hoot ,ie..s`i4 All••• in HIV eves, had wronaed h sr from ateadat, a tree, my streoath ge a, my the oegiamio .' , eyes blinded.' I To a . mot;atar I. ) 'Wolin I rimovered from this, all to eamensemsmossureememe still ex death; met iu this stilloseiva 1 ma on in desperatehaste towards the Lady's Baylald. SUIT. Bower. As I neared it, something fell . • - into the water with a heave splash. On i Tii,,,, till show of the Stanley Agriettl- hearino this, I did -not foint. or staita tuna Society was hold at flayhela on the still irishorror; I rushed on bliedly. apd tith inst. Thoday wan all that could be reached the pool, to, find silence and desired, and there Mai a large turn out lonelinens. • of the beauty of the village and country. `If there had boon a deally'straggle, It us much to be regretted tlmt political there was pc, mark te toti. o ; en wee. differences are allowed tO interfere with ed innodence ard peace. lint I was not the operetiont of this seciety to sorne deceived. Such a cry as I had heard extent. The outeide sbow was very only springs to •hunetti lips in times of good, especially in horses and sheep direst attony; and leaning over the pool, Some very fine tingles were shown by I peered with shrineing eyes iuto ita eur enterprisine townsmen Messriolinox & Itatheell atid Mr. Whitely. They depths. . • 'Then it was IthoUght, I sew beneath divided the prizes of this department between them. Inside, the dnet was ita the be ,ch tree a shadow, a lilac shodow, like toe folds of ll rolte. At iliat I ut,- tolerable but the exhibition creditableo, tared a crv that rang through the wood; we noticed Bente celInterPan" which irresistably suggested the idea of core - then remembering none wottla hear me, II ran wildly toes.dsT •awa -as foe help. fort in the coming cold nights. The I went hy • no oath, 'Let but *min the butter shovtn by Mr. Tongh was really asele a branch, I haw e ill -M rua ..m.-1 trees,' the _shortest way, boa as I 'set it in, Gooerich. The display was fair tirst class; we would like to see some of furiously, wiLh madness in his face, Rod as ta quality but not ep to the mark as guilt and fear past woolt. Toe moo v. as to quantity. A now invention in the John Trowavas, and at sioht of 1 m the way of churns was shown "by Mr. J. truth pierced me at swatted e as sualmat Wallace, Gotland" Township, it seems touches new-awe:sued eyes. Ao work well. r '1 am not a woman eoven to fa at le. The following is the t - PRIZE LIST : yet 1 fell now like one strock dead; all , any blood had enacted my heart at mem, Hatses - AGRICULTURAL. - Brood mare and foal, 1st John Dunn, 2d Philip atid with an icy stupor on tue, 1 lay, I know not how leng. • McEwen; Two year ola.filly, 1st S. Mc - 'When I awoke, 1 gathered leaves and Dougall, 231 B. Snowdon; Two year old grass, lace one bewildered; and svander- adding, let Jea Armstrong, 2(1J°110Ph Hudson; Oue year old colt, In° Thome- Bon; One year old filly, 1st X. Calloway 1st o„fo; oll the resources cal the Company tea 2,1 Relit Rouen; Buggy hease, carry it toe successful Moue without in- Itathwell, 2.1 do; Saddle horse, 1st Goa ortaveniencing the public for ony length .861:rsareltss; 128dt JjoahsnioReganil; S27aj aonfiewaorAkrimng of time. It wes howevermushed through with marvelous rapidity and by six strong. . o'clock on. Friday evening the whole of Hoeses-GEa ERA T. l'I:itTalS;Et..;-a jtrooniesd the distance between Teronte and Kings- ton was finished, fiee sections beine coinpleted in lesa han four hours each.. The . remainder of the work was got tkrongh by twelvcao'qlocat on Saturday oight. The change haus _ neceisarily in- volved considerable expense, as the rolling stock has hod to be modifieland terms number of new engines and cars purchased; MI less than forty o• tilts were put under weigh oft Selcalay between Montreal and Stratford, re; ,res(. ntiug no fewer ti•en five• hunared care. The chit igen( guage wia..oloaste the great insonv anience of tot ashipment of freight, so prp !motive of delays, and will enable throtigh tratfic te be nsade te Detroit, Bustan and New-Tork. 'I tore up the rest of niy journal and sketch-boek, that no one mieht notice the pages gone, and t mow the pieces carelesely among the waato paper., N. suspicion touched mo through them. `loin know the anguish of the next 'Sow days, and how the cord as found andaust, and suapicton.fell o yen can'tioveri never tell ho bore all this. 1...was• sure. n in the wood, smash° he,1 ate m her g..eat pity fee sha thy love, ana all the sufferiu led Co my crime, she uttered speak her horror of it. 'Sao neyer let me know th was patent to her eyest, tho others, only she would not hand -I saw that. 1 kne Imre -all the suspimen, !theme, nd hatred diet shoeld have been my portion -bore it silently -took it upon herself gladly, to *eve Trewavan. I knee that, in her great love, her deep devotion, she would rattier die than let her velem, her hand, be the one to. draw down lufaimy on our tog on and cn, 1 lest my way, aad stilt emote. - • ' thoitela I was nearing 'la 'waves still laitowitig this, I felt safe, and like titooght 1 WAS gqing for help. Then 1 coward, 1 let her her lake Has great found I could not go -I coda noi de- nounce John Trewaves. Ater die than bring such troub6 to'the roof that had sheltered me; and Ilia ;Moo slued; down upon the &eats, I wept all oty Gant died away in itie, and I hod Ito more etre..., . 'thus weepina, Mr. a'ie) found ,ne, and at sight of a heman face I gotta red courage and hope: r began tot 10 m i•self , her , your duty, never healinemea , that 1 foul not verified Ott fat .• htis- 1 "But I was not brave enottali for such tnine, of a lilac shod° beotema the Italia, Olive; but nobly she w she was ; but ream u, that hal to word to t iny euilt gh Itid to *ouch tny that she '1 yr prated all 1111 11.4 ,11,1. . • 1 lila i II the gertlen, ;opt 1 1 • I , • his real lo •ct was. : - ..I 1, • ...ila tes a n 'key .., ; .1 . , her 41111i ilig I • , , ; •Wi. .?itlil 11144.., Pit I e.•.• prayer., woe1,1 tel Ilene 're sparo Iiilton's pride, saveTre- *eves, that was her pole thOught, and she asked not whethei it liras right or wrong. It MSS for emelt, i 'Pars her ; for me to eay,,"olive;-eliild, against hers. hand's lihirt AS Viiilli: :t.rt 1rr , t. ,i'l IKOW I WrIINIII. Alla saw her -etunnell, and ato and the shadow might mar be the dal:- . henna by Bite° for whose sake- she ness of the long beech boughe that over - el th, I used stroug wee's, but g,•til le-- • suffered ; I sew ening heard on wrong, spread the peol. aly heart bounded at 1 dal indeea• Yot thgy ‘11.1 lea matt haa, I till ope looms' man Mak lea part, and the hope, and utv timely ga ew calmer., as 1 thought. alto grew harder and harder elle fled food onr cruel faces; . "MurilerT' 1 said within myself -- to me; she opposed to all iny vehemence The sobs of Lady trewavas breke the' "oo, it is impossible. I have aeon mad a wall -bred worn. a voidness like an tuy ',ilea° liere,',- aud ' Olive, claapiag her to thiek it. She woodi hsve shrieked wall, against which my passieu anal tuYe misery fell leek: apon myseif, madden- ing me. • , 'ales was white with angert-ahat con- ed. which centrated &neer, self- isuaw woman acenst•buted to the *wo il 111 halo, nevem in irony sharp and co as cut Heel. She dia not seem tu f, tr fur her - been pant - self in teenting me; she hot pered all her life long: no harmful thing. had ever touched her; and her. soul, asleep Mats soft luxury, tiover aitoke to the Hi -audit of danger till*. too late. Never mind her words-- they were cruel; ha,ing mice broken through the well-. hred surface of her .seready, idol was not heal bads Ily Ally 4:1/11sidtlratitni folr 'Slic °wiled scorefully that she Ina 59911 my love, awl despised it t00 1111101 to care whether iihe had wonwhi,1 it or no. She confessed she might. have Marie my heart a Birtql1111'..1tI/III3 tp; ber own wish she dui led .know -tate Ilia not care - she Iota nottliottglat aboot it . "And new, ettrely, had enoti311 of jeatir miseries, and of Olive Nato May too, for one dey!" elm cried, • *aitatel otit of my path,.and let nie,tiass " 'lint I berrol the ,v hording' clown the denten in rue with both arum. At that inoutent I hated Imo. "You shall never be Hilton's wife, ' I said resolutely. "Yen inistake me," ihe answered "All this only determines me the .. .. ro to marry hint. And I will pia such a harrier between, you and 1 , between you and Treweves, that, your presence shall never insult me again. What! am 1 to.bear for evict' this insolent inter- ference between me aud spy ell -Mimed toisa.tielf"- - • "Nat atsolent," 1 • mad, meetly, "Ma well meant., kiudly meant, to save you pain." • • - ' she repeatteu, “:11141 00W- Ves,111r. Trewavas, you are a euwarta and as a coward, _diarists 70`0311"y Meaktiess hol given her courage. te say thie; and, as elle spoke, idle thing her hand toe•arde me in a contemptuous gala nee.' ',Her liana touched me. Site did not know what the tench ef her hem! was to neer 1 lost the power over that strong de sin 14:ri hi 16Ttirw, :in::: have said elute, is auras' which • held snapped lido trtreads.." lieteners with a haggard face falling back, stattddmriog more wildly. 'ller traumata* me; that loin I seised th flung in 6 6 suffered so much for loee and a mistaken 'With this thoneht I smiled, as Uway- duty. el a farewell to Mr. Yigo; but as the 'Have you written it down -all t• great trews hid him front tny Mello my neked John, eagerly, of Mr. tionet. '1 heart fell again. Who hal I hearett thot cry, "Olive! Olive:a-why had John that "pm his face which carolled ttly 'aloud to think oft And this great beil at Trewuvas, why ai its wends cone: aly- ing to greet me Who': veis iniedngt 'A euelised i t every tho u ;tee . I rosolveii to ta old meeting any of h ...I till I heti visited Johnaoramn and so; veil my doubts. I enterel tiie ;entse Oa - seen ; I ceept up to his paiitting-,iehie If he wore here, awl met NW 4111iptly, should knew that shaaow Wag a sick foney, raid Eleatraltad oely crietaAm um in team: • of li;s a 'r What more likely than itepleadiee Ili. cause himself, be should t;et lug her ta. tier Mildness At. 1 tie" ps he had threatenea her t• at, he mat die. I kne.v ho thougla of that at tames. • with a look, implored Lady Trewavas to 'Ito was not his paioting-room, and toke Olive away. f the drawing on th easel hod not been ath, let them go,' bail John, wearily; touched that daya , Then I searched ,for 'they cannot help me. I live in dare- !mama, and in a einall.p. eket label sta nese; and their twits will never come to "Cortnine," 1 feu od Odor:form. Could me again,• in all nay, dreamt, through a he kill himself with this 1 I aided iny- black eternity.' self. Aud fearing that -uot thinkino 'Our fluty is hard,' said Ma Heriot, then how Eleanor had died -1 took it ''but I think, Sir Hilton,, you will per with 1no. You kn tv• how heavily this ceive that we no alternativmbut to ful- weighed *gain t in, Sir sua la it. It in my painful taskito say, that meld. macaw Dr. Burton oan certify Mr. Too 'I Lutes' woo that Eleanor wits milts- wayeas life will be .endangered by the ate, and 1 'fever (mealtime:a myself again jourry, I and my brother magistrate el:ether the shadew in the'pool was a mu" "'unit 9111 I is (Iwn, IMAre4* fancy oa a truth. She was deA, and them only remained to mo the power to 'I wish it,' said...ham, eagerly; isave Sir Hiltoo and laoly Trewavas, by strong enough to go. I want my ail,- me, from the deeper anguish of ciao, Dr. Button; never re Is wig. 1; whose halal • had done the on the road. Mater deed. 1):510 a jail male 'When I entered .1 °he's jr. lilting -room ,Clear old Troway I felt Eleanor was deod. This f :ditto . e conenbles, a ClOar , I I le bea heads, implored John to speak of . het no mere ° Tears steeped 'her, voice, and tears 'blinded many other eyes as they gazed on the small figure ond bravo young face so changed aud *min, that had alond-have eiruggled IR the witter; she could stood not have died quietly like that:, The shadow *oaths purple shade of the red beech, and I haye pierced myself with a grief as vain as sha• does " will not spare myself one detail. Let • une gaol it when it is reedy. Hilton, is ',there anything more: to tell t You can say how 1 lived here,' • cower& letting 0,.0 think Olive guilty, till fear of Mr. Vigo, limi still wilder. fears, &Ore me out. striving to lose :myself • in mot world. But I never enco forgot myself. And bete; 1 never once mamma; the horrible con- lociousness- that I east John Treeaves, the Mnrderer, Ah„ what a life I Led ! Bring me taree's creW to match it.' ' for the first time, there rang out that lideout never tit.- tered Ly smut attd ianoeeet lips, which the listener yam . wanders in the teri•ible olmais of flas earth where. the felon and the mad -lean ,kept front sight. Nearing it, Hilton stated • Up, and, I am curtiti- r tlYiaa better be in jail than larother s house.: as af the felon and the el the stain of murder.. say, and lot me go.' raved again. ,and after a short ation, Dr. Burton refused to give ars eertilicite the Magistrates. requ;red. 'There ia no doubt of his madness,' he , . `but that must of course be proved; , , "It and meanwhile,' lie whispered to Mr. e"" tau", Vigo, '1 consider it safer and better for he went on his family that he shouldhe in custody.' Sir Hilton offered bail ta any amount, watad have chained hut law and raiment would not permit of voila my fear "0" t'"'• its being accepted. bane that had struck nie: I l'hen I shall go,with my brother,' he y arms about fier. said, calibly, as ha bade farewell to the Not e coward!" I cried. "Not anal ; retiring magistrates, , to die -with vou• Let nada) Ma:ether: Sir Hilton kept his word. '1 • o led w th her, &egging her to. Now is the time to Patotyour C Sleighs, and Curia prorders from cetintry Ca to with diepretelt 81Wn Paln•inW,Gilthe °ging , Ciodet tiers nageshope attended ch, AIL 113870 , Gluing. rare. Ir. rt. MANN. awl SOMETHING N EV! T" UNDERSIGNED HAS ES- tablished a branch ot his Toronto sewing haachiue Repairing Wmics, arINT CI-AINTOINTs where all kinds of sewing Machines will be repaired, altered and put in tint class running 07t107. uasing had 16 years experience in some of the largest machine manufae. tortes in the world he can guarantee . Ile shrunk from tio humiliatiop now; ho seemed at seize the cup with aasoot of feear eager to drink to the dregs. 'Ll'at me show Olive that I too can stif- fer,' was all his thought, 'suffer, and own it just.' Se, in the local papers of ehe day, Olive soon reed a clear statement, signed by Sir if ikon's natne,in which hi set f or th Ids contrition and his shame that Ids brother's guilt thould ever have touched her innocence. - Hero too, thus publicly, he thanked ber fur the generoteapity and magnani- mous forbearance oleo hadothowu when in ltei • path • s • did ,not think I my3olciaireatautrewal01,0new her, canto Leatey mmeed. was seyiper, that could turn and sting. finiet "1 • As Oliie talked to me, with her childish g t her li shook, herr And here too,110 asked her forgive - swear I never thought of killing her ;,, back tis nte in outpouring of pasuonate words that 'at that n"""en Ps • nese for ale the entfering heaped u ' • elide quivered, and I saw she lived, • Imil meant nothing, I was devising lit my Y • n tit it) was a Led,. - was a • d A I ner though her devotted silence and the mind the beat way to die. At first 1 that was the mad intptilse of a moment ; but I did think I would die in her presence, reproaching her with my last breath. Once 1 WAS sorely tempted to kill my brother. II then, you remember the day ! We were in the garden, and tom maddened me with your blind/ care- less talk ; but Olive, who suspected me. and had greatly watched me of late, had plunged my pistols alto the water. Thin Slaved him. But it was on that day I nesolyed Eleanor Maratowe should never be his wife. From his own lips I had heard, he chese her for no great love, but because she fulfilled all the requaites his pride required in a Lady Trewavas ; and languidly centeut with her beauty and her sTection. ha strove through these to dr.ve from his heart a deeper passion, whidi he feared might offiNceVo.rclutihinotpo-n.Next door te Neu, Era leaya him to a less prudeat tnarrata.-• heart berned at this. MY tril°1° office, Goderich, receive and tale, orders. mee. L. S. WILLSON, next to S maeleen"Aela stL.hraotta_n_f. nature rebelled at ; t, and in the warfare that rose up in my soul, oraer over - Clinton, il)th Mertie 1873. leek If eiod woe' I not I, THOMAS GODERT the chaos I blindly gropeti for antic°. iAntelwrintitensthiwnigth".inI inken,°:ndnoint oar MO and tl. ,11mazar an y as one enveloped in flames. I crial out that must neve myself -that I must ;hsvo peace, eveu if she died to give it me. 'As I wrung my hand/ over her white face, I remembered a little Vaal in ma pocket anot mason-olt no!-Isut some- ardaelleter I hau taken poison'. 1 drench- thieg I had bought to use -being •eow. ed her scaef with thie fluid, anO held it closely to hor lip'. She will not suffer n ceir in dying, 1 ielid. ',Then the thought struck me that the eshock and chill of the weter might bring back coneciousuess, and at this moatent the grass: I sever I know not tapir it my eyes fell on a crimson cord lyino on came there, ant 1 cmght it tip and tied the rest. 1 ma her4rairsets; yrn know, e: Meat -- faint, I ant sit:k --I can tell ro mere. woria's injustice. Ile wrote generonsly, largely, not saying a word too mony or too few. - Olive wept asehe put down the paper, she sae in this letter the cry of a gener- ous but proud spirit, 11111.1.0U11 14 suffer for itself, and full of a tender yet angry remorse, that he should blindly have permitted her childish figure to come be- tween him and the lite. and thrust her hand in the flame in hie itead. After the great excitement of this let- ter and of John's contestant, came a lull of ntany weeks. Olive aril all the world know that Sir Hilton had amempanied his brother, and had taken a lodgiag close by him, and viand him in prison, and stayea with him every day. micept when closet,. eccupied in a, ling to prepare his. de- fence; brit tins waa the only feet thet pessed • prison- hoese. • What , olive told of 'her r' ere in -that t •-rible day, it will be boiler to relate here than in another plat MOB AA Malletas• ' - . , The Londea ALA Arassisiit say., en the authority of Dr. Benjaar'n Clara% that in the East Indies: siarm milk is weed to a great extent as 1 specific $er diarrhoea. A p• it everyfourboare 411 clock the most vAohine diarrlatea, stomach-ache. incipient cholera and dreentery. The Inilleshonlid never be boiled, but mile heated esifficiently ea Ise agreeably warm. not too hot. to &int Milk which has butt boiled ia unfit for use. This writer oives severs: instances to show Ahe. value 4 61 -, substerow 111 arrest:3g this disease, among whieh is the .feaowizig. • The writer ewe ; "It hoe never failed in cluing in six or twelve hem's, and I have toed it, I should think, fifey lanes. I have also given it ot a dylitg man, who had been sdbject to dysentery eight months, latterly ac- companied by um cent/nail dim*, ceia. and it acted oh him like • charm. In two days his diaerkea was sone, and in three weeks he became • hale, fat man, and now nothing that may hereafter occur will ever shake his faith in hot milk. A writer also anomunicates to the Ifatatt/ Zrnta awl amott. a state- ment of the Value of milk in twenty-six eases of typhoid fever, in every one of which its great value was apparent. It eliecks diarrhom, and nourishes and cools the Wily. People 'suffering from disease respire ood as much as thee* in health, and in ch more so in certain datums where here 41 rapid waste ef the system, Frequently all or - dimity food in certain dimmest is reject- ed by the stentath„ and even loathed by the patient, hut nature, ever beneficent, haa furnished *toed that in all diseases is heneficial-in arena directly eurative. Such stood is milk. The writer in the journal last quotello-Dr. Alexander Yds, after giving, particular observations. upon the peinte &Immo mentioned. ' viz: its ac- tion in checking diarrloem its nourshing properties. andita wane in cooling the body, itami: "We believe that milk nourishes allover, promotes sleep, wards offdeliritant,enothes the i otestiries. and, iir Snail the sine /Ott Wilt ill typhoid fever?' i We have also telt, testa(' -the value of milk in scarlet ever, and learn now that it is recommended by the medical facet- tY in all eases et this often very distres. siog childrena disease. Give wn the milk tlie patient will take, even during the period of ereatest fever; it keeps up the stregth of the patient, &eta well upon thestornach, and is in every way a blessed thiag in this sickness. Chlittre Of Cittap.nn the arazzi Trrat Malaaala. The change of guage on the Grand Trunk Railway between Montreal and Stratford, from five feet six ibches four feet eight and a half inches, was commenced on Friday morniug and 8411 completed on Saturday night, The re - partite arrangements - for carrying out the work were made by Mr. E. P. Hannaford, the engineer, a few weeks ago, the whole distauee, 441 miles, hay- ing been gone over bylain and thoroughly surveyed in less than a fortnight. In order to eapedite matters, the length of line to be operated Upon was divided into sections of about Mitten miles in length, and upon these no lees than fifteen hundred men were employed. As may be imagined, the work was one of vast magni t ude and responsibility. and taxed mare and foal, 1st Rob' Merph; Two year ol coat, 21 E. Callow gelamm lst Jas He lace: Otto year old oolt, Johp Reid; One year old filly, 1st 13. Sreeziate 2.1 Geo Bates: Span of workitio horises, lot Thos Johnston 21 J as Turner; Carriage team, Mathew Stanley. COrrte.-atilch cow,'having calved in 1573. lst A. Elcoat, Taos Wells; Two year old heifer, 1st Geo Sparks, 2d Wm Clone: One year old heifer,Ist A. Elects!, 2d 13. Snowdon; Yoke of working oxen, lit Alex Sparks, 2c1 D. Cameron; Yoke of two year old steers, Geo Spooks; Yoke one year old steers, let Thos Wells; 24 Geo Sparks; Spring calves Robt Elliot; Fatted cow or heifer, lseJas 2d Geo. Sparks. SWEEP. -Ram, two shears or over. 1st Win Penhale, 2,1 Ed. Westlake; Ram lamb, 1st Wm Penhale, 2d do; ?air of ehearling ewes, lot Wut Periltale, -1 C. to see to procuring surveyor to a Touzli; l'air of ewe lambs, Wm Penhele; Pair of fat sheopelst Chas Tougb, 2d rtsvi near B Sueedom • C. Prouty. jeltitly with a these -Boar, large breed, 44,. Geieher; efr°m MrthiiisraY 10 "ten Boar; small breed, 11...Penhala; Sow and Cat. _I* pigs, largo breed, S. Geigher; Sow and . 'oa„,„al 'Lew° t" pies, small breed. Th.! Wolfe.' in eon. • b.414IY Pitopu..e. -Temiet of sett bu ' Retail) M ter. 50 lbs or'orer. Chas Tough; Five l !au 'nal o'. butter, sufficiently _salted for tab "":" use, it , Geo It -sparks. 2d. Wm tier:bison; Faetory Foisose, 44 the or over, lot 'fit Wells, 2d Itobt Bell; Cheese wad tocaary arinciple, Jas cateobell atolls 'oeo, 'T Tread well or midge Join,. Rolm I, 21 bitelieleawhitt w' fttl .1 airing wl ly, bit A.. El- ; Two year ola ream 21 Jas Wal - Stephan COUNCIL AIEETING.-Ths reouncii wet this day (Oct. 4th,1873,) the members present -minutes confirmed. Mr. Fre' os e on f lib:a:17111st altos 'rough; rwo atter wheat. loo Clots A ruts tridItt: Two bushels teat, Ist Alex Searks, 2d 4.3. , Two blishelo two rowed baelee , Tough; Two bushels four rowed loxt.- ley, C. Tough; Two bushels lerie °doe 1st C. Tough, 2.1 sham !nth well; Two boatels small oats, 1st Jae Armstrong, 2,1 II. Hudson; Two bushels latge peaty 1st John Tough, 2c1 Robert Bell; TWtil Michels small pe.as, „,lat John Tough, 2d C. Tough; Twelve ears corn, R. Rumen. Fur IT AND VEGETAELES.- Rag pota- toes, 1st John Rowe, 2d Wm Foley; Bag late potatoes, lat A. Cliallet, .2aG.Ltattai; Apploo,4 varieties, 5 of each variety, let Coo McDonald, 2,1 A. B. Brownson; Pears, 4 varieties, 5 of each variety!, 1st D. H. Ritchie, 21 Wm Mergan; Twelve Iota beets for table use Dr, Woodsi.Six beads ot cabbage, A. liaackel; Half litish. carrots for table use, Dr. %Voiotia; arms pitnapkies, Win Morgan; Two sauseltes, Jos Wilds; Peck potato oniTins, 1st E. Westlake, 2.1 A. Haute; Peck other impelled me to destroy,- Ins penile! and onions, A. Haack.; Twc .ve field termite. sketclies.• llorroratackett as I was. the 1st A. Sparks, 2d C. Tough: Twelve field sole clear ales in trio bewilaered uana, carrots, 1st C: Tough, 2a A. Sparks; Walt tile res .1Oe to save the To: antral Twelve manaala weataele, 1st Jos Arno name froth the staiu of tuttoler. , oilman& 2d %V. Foley; Twelve peaches, done to save Johnatad fosteoed sureiei n 'When circumstances. a la who 1.1...d, lb. C.' Tough, 2,1 John Zimmer; Six on myself, wort. , are too weak to tell 1 head red celery, head white celery, A. B. lirownsonOSix A. 13. Brownsun; Two !hat I felt -it was a 'trete. Ilene -ff - of eater melons, A. Haacke; Two musk joy and pain -an agony when Sir Hato f ntelons, Dr. Wooda; Recommended- loeked at me with such bitter teething- Collection o%' vegetables, Dr. Woods; Citrons, G. Castle; Grapes, J. Zimmer; a.jey when 1 saw his pride unbroken, his brother tinstespectt 1. Tomatoes, A. Ilisseke• peer girl in the pool. het wriets tied Y 'You will remember the Molar; of the Domes, le aLtsoracrinsvo-liest 10 --ith that red cord! If Bolsi, had not flannel, Jas Armstrong; Nit. of woolen anis factory cloth, Rein Bell; 10 yards arratight it to me, :Oat 1 ras in the %told that tom- - i most I must hr •33 confessed blanaets, Ist S. McDougall, 2d R. Bell; heve confessed that I had lo-st it near Jas Campbell; Pair mittens, V. nehmen; Pair socks, V. I:Lannon; Pair steckirossa heara and seen ?iambi have Olen torn the Lady's Bower; and all thet I had' Quilt in patchwork, 1st Geo McDonald, 2.1 Mrs. T. B. Smith; Fancy qaftt, lst from my unw :Mee lips. Si I burnt ta t la AA Bell, 2c1 Wm Plewes;- Skein of , . llama's Ederair Oat WorlATedIrisete tit Weir* myself in Sir Hilton's sold. 1 did this, woolen yarn, James CampbelloSkein of' a'a.aaoga 4* sos kama aanta,.y oi .. f if ,..,. t . rd, and heapief awoher rood agei.., -. stoclin_g yarn, J. Carapbell;Centlentan's i becau 3 I would uot be a e itness a,...,mitott• abira Bobt Bell; eolloetion of bettotur; -Psis eenave. stay Wilt, - IL I. WAC,1. 1 his beet :ter; yet hat he shod.' atom me _ vest lirelieine eil 11.14e. I /he iii,re etstmei.colab.e. guilty, cost me tears taat seemed 1 ae a best strata. Mts. F. 13, Smith; Pair of dm line bot144, 1st Wm Foley, 2d do; .Pair ! rill. irrigalle. FriTtl:r11.1,1ATi Illir ta. Orr liall .1. LI rt•rt UIIII•• . uf coaree boots, Wm Foley; Specimen i Oraeorao C000ne"4 wnrtil h`a ""''' *II "L; rain of tre Ort my cheel ;. • . DA or tau bottle, reres hal I saw it in his tay,-.. wh'en 1 ate:alma lam '' cooeer's work, 1st T. k J. Armstrong, I eel.. of amt. and KIDNICV Totoreirs. Six to eight rrVirBaer of ei"lit -years standing. elliale.IAPIaskAlif r:‘,:rateliZaalaul: '.:')It'l:All.Z!nin4aaelll-ro,D NI 'PLPL"k for tho mod `• You lost it DOM' " 1 :10' 'd • Hone in jar, John Zit:et-Lief; 1 'Cho les Vigo had moos _el the ' ,;th. pool; tlie love. ieipped as you drew 'the cord through your heeds in sneer." he saidots he looked me m the foce. I grew' white to the lips, but eirmered faintly, ''Yes." ' . ' "Yon will not eel, (110 rinestio ., 4''' I cried, as I t.asped his ar.n. ' "Not one," he answered. "I respect your motive, though 1 lament your si- lence. Olive, duty should be stronger than lovo." ' "Let me atoms," I said. '•Lot ine die for them if I will.'' ' 'I could not say more f m tessa; I thought that what I did was a duty. an eipiation. Passionete, v•i' fel as I had been, I could pot feel all imatiess of this sin. I had not poured oil upon the stormy waten around me; tny hasty words had often roused Joho's ilnager- ous moods, not soothed them. But l hail played will', fire, rot knowing it. 'Befere this crime I was a chadottal- iog eve: .- Cmeeht ae-I ea-sinn lik • a l tmlearns onrush -a,. • 1, t I we a v mom t might mlf-cont 331, he Min.:ion, aid re. Pentane^. by a fearful le. • se. I thin; , br.' rot (hid* mere- 1 in• i h-ve dled. „mica tbw,o,sc:ree.e,kr.y., 51111,11a s_.fitti11113,1116skattl-ito. luta: temper ebbed, there cam ;upon In a jf 1tiag laiitifh:710.'100111f:01:11:itlii111311:Corht.Wei:‘11.11.?11111013. • -1_ 3 r°rk 01' Ishi 41 I love her, I was sure o• that: and she was iriPP- Orhen quittol Eleanor,' elle ILI, ‘s as fall of sawn ana sneer; but ia ray were gone. Tee tiii• great sorrow for her. Sir Hilton iid eot t1 0 lia"uS rvey oommissioner d.to repairing collector at a salary see what marapgettiente lie e with tlie tad pauy with a view of Laying up Ste- , . p ten Debentures.: • , COotsEil t.r.) • weed let'Satairday No veieber at 1 P. Id.' s The following orders were granted. Corbe.te lumbar $2,1,tin .1..Itywn, statute lebour lot,29-30 12.00 Mrs. Mc 'Eaclicn, charity 400 Mr. Wiae, culvert repaires1 2 50 hintlier ." • .1.. 1443 C. le erey, i.eat citing forgra 4.00 C. Una, . Clerk. lam 8. focts %ell -esnisl laugh Allan asked the the Pacific Railway tit Covert:uncut asked Sir If for "general election .purp GOvernment gave Sir Hugh (4 lSir Hegh gave the Gov sash. e-(1) Sir o raiment for (2) The or 'rummy (3) The tie 'charter. ment the The bet sante uf -.International railway briage, at Fort"Erie, was laid MI Friday and the structure will be ready for trams to pass (moron the 24th inst. pia you ever think that what is termed a common cold, when systemati- cally neglected, .often leads to that most fa,tal and distressing disease -con- sumption -but when attended to at once is generally easy of cure. If you aro troubled with a cold or cough "Briana Pulmonic Wafers'. willbe found to be most efficacious in removing it. They givo immediate relief, and generally effect At cure when nsed in time. Sold by all Druggists and country deakrs. Price 25 cents per box. "Tinto ICATURE's SWEET RESTOP.FE, BALMY BLEEP." But there are time, when this "Renewer of Strength" is deni- ed us, times when our miuds and bodice have t ran so over-worked and are so worn out that wo "woo the drowsy god in vain." The Peruvian Syrup (an leen Tonic) renews oar strength and makes °or rest,* w eet and rt "rushing. NO Wish. Honey m comb, J. Armstrang; Flowers, large boquet, Dr. Woods; Flowers, small boquet, D. 11, Ritchie; Artificial flowers, A. Bailey; Embroilery in muslin A. J. Bailey; Embroidery :in worsts:1, C. J. Wilson; Fancy knitting, Ju Gardiner; Crochet wort, A. J. Bal. ley; Rep or mats, V. Hohman; Home- inede cerpet, Mrs. F. B. antith; Home- made breed, Robt Bell. Speclid Prizes -Dressed Flax, not known; Embroider- ed shirt, 1.1. Bell lereswiterre-Lunlber wager lived - en axle, T. Levan; Double buggy R. J. Whitely; Siugle buggy, R. 3: %Vhitely; Covered buggy, Knee & Rothwelle Iron plou4h, Monrce & Hogan; `Wooden plough, Monroe & !Jewel; Ironhat row, Chas Cry derinan; hernW, Whoa Tippling. wiimor 1111:761.-047: ssotnijaa, °Sta:11411:1'e: .C.0:111.11):;31:4:14114.1Bel81,1.11,... c;Tgu._Pic..k-Persebioi John Crawfo'ril, Seaforth. ;11.111e 11::08:11;. - 'Florian, my store end 1: el 'y Lat alert untold- because a p; le of s ords high as heovim c eet- t:" it -all Charles Tigo's uoLlenet gent ous pity, his breve defame,. Coot p • ont- o: Ob , a Viraoc.' Mrookliold, Tioga County, Va., Faye: "1 W,D• thirty miles for a bottle of vont- Oil. which faceted Wesognect Cage Of • chooser LIM., by six ao- rtic...60os. ADO‘ba W110 lip had Apnoea for tell -A, have half 4 a 60 oast Mettle • lett. awl 6110 would trot buy it if I coul,i go, no Kome... Rall• R..rierion. of Nunda, writes: "ono sisal' bottle 14 your Fatat ;MC Ott. restored the soiree when the had Tint ',pokes above a tob • Mt lu Iftri sass." Rev. 1. Mallory, of Wy- oming. N. Y.. wri: as; Your E• 1.ffe yeic Of nu, tronehitisla oosee Week .7' Dealers all ever ttealtrZvaaeli:e*rtilic...harup7otemesay‘fisafusietean Ise thi-e.." His eompoied *fax of thei Birk OM* TWAT •RE WiloWn. IS as (0011 1.0 tere as for extersal MA, lad is honeyed to be Matasamarsibly superior to mu- llein ever mado Will ease you much suffering e nd many &Alan of' ermiame. le odd 11 Gee 4.4 Mow demises is every vises. Pries 36 eeata. t Prepared by 13. N. THIIMAII, Pears. N. Y., 8111t1iiRnr LYI14h. howeaort.t, Wm. bole Ago- .ta for the Illoeninian. Rmootrot-Ht Meted aid Faertneed.--3in. ellqr Seta Golieriele, Or Geo Cattle, I -lords!. ,• G•r,Ilm,r . Reamer. pagerriVe • PeeltseW Exeter: 3. if Coss..., Cleisise tssaiies8. Ltelowit, &amine; sad sit medicita dealers r'r 111'4‘.11VCT4.-A* Bania, :need nwetoarkrs'ifinwheiritaw'n'uori•d of ""resIcre . - ytou I- oya, Stan- , 1"-cem'arS•0 health as wellies prosperity: • ar:r. • Adr arta! Rem r >to.. yirlity, n,wir cs. Vataa. _. s " G Fat., • Ast. Ira ..7,- 'X; e.-- . _rent, Stanley; T• J. Marks, G ole. lel Ti..wn- idaip;F. Wood, Bayb 4d. Lite reoiliqamamor. -Mr. George Srka .soefe Jlanlow. 3. and bc - Roba le A u, Stau'ly, m Ina-. it reehtethat the best means of cee....e,sheu'd alwaire be ready. • New fie iodide, (soughs, Aseuntateint, nerrelnia,,twanips, ehotie, • kc., Come if 1 el hing like the -elenalOan Po° ID atroyer." ralo by all Drusoat3 1 euttneey dealers: Pries 257 NI bottle. • • • a, I