HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-15, Page 1 At a=&*tin of the directors of the r.. H. 101STo y af ter- noon,called to a the oontirwts for building said railway,4 good deal of d if- is of opinion existed alk the board, Is in 60 resignation of Major Walker, X.W. Harris Z VV. Iffyusals,slid IL Raid.The remuning directors we,the Mon. John Carfing furon 419rild and Wevers. JOYM Bilt"ll, Alex. J;ir SOD,a P.01mi", and Iss" C"Ung, who conzatuto a quol of the board to c&M on the businiiiRis of the oorpWatiou, 04J of tL Lvmst Pa'"ri publi3hod Is Canada, U I ilhavispower to fill, aile, i- d, an4 :&prlated"a p,,Rji&oa4AtGodorkIk,0atario,*very caused by the Nei" tom. A meeting of dirlicW1111 was hold to-da Ths,owtirack was net dually -inlair the M.trket awMd,but a good deal of rogran van !lhe Greatest Possible Good t o the Greatest Possibl a Number. made.end we understand tQ the an- -struction of Like,road will be in no way *19 L L,, delayodby the resignations that have giii'los, ASO raorvirrion. taken place.-Lendon 11tralel, 2nd. VOL. XXV1. N0. 29. The retin' D'r t ra have since pub- GODERICH, ONTARIO, 'WEDNESDAY. OCT. 15t 18713. WHOIX NO. 11391 1'.1Dc liald the MO wing: the Direc. Our retimment from IS if,redit tion of t10 London, Huron A Bruce &"Iftivinvid tib oil ft am Ire or of love. And for me he Suffered her, H ition. I cannot speak till Olive be the principal witness spinet rny fesaiiQ it was just that he should"r, IWway has attracbed wrifficient lit pubhober. brother,should he lile to be tried.' and that Charles Vigo should be honor- t"on to require a Statemen for pub- III oxfolot It Lb" r'6-100fthe even tny contitmely, for a Trawaros. 0010111vill-I rATVS of DVERTISLNG And to Spam this house, she endured all 'And When she cotues, if fibs win 'You am mistaken,Sir Ifilton.' re- ad ;so he held his peace,and quenched lication front us to the citizens of Loodon hino,even nor desertion and our hot*. come,'Said Sir Hilton, 'what magistasto turned youfig Vigo. 'I have been most- his jealousy. . andiaw-munkipalitiosiliterested iatbe ght.efrot.per:-k#fbr tho Rr'llrinaortinn. Sent 41 WRIGHT' S HOTELt A MCA-1towl. Mother,it is[who am tried, not John.' shall I swild for 1, careful to Spam Mine Varcoe that Ifaill. Olive had looked at him bnt once,Yet red way.- , -.f orth"Usal le"fril"o- - I - His voice Swelled in pension, rolling 'Ask'Mr. fleri,ot and Mr. Vigo to The evidence of the luau Skean, tile in that single glance, she road that he .During ther winter of iri I and 1872 it lines,$4 per G-H. A-F. A. A. M. 111JI IC113C 11.00Njr. will paint you a sign,rum-seller, like waters that goither str 'iVilat I creature volt bribed,will be quite suflici- knew now all the had done ind entered, waill'oundthat a narrdur Rung* r-d an they 00 ,how COMMUN I ime to me,' roplied lubm -,Umber WN-4t,lm TWA.".[ hjr-rl JA to -ck fteara&Wolnew"y%row,* SITUATED OXTHIt HIGH BLrFF And hang it abiovu your door 141sh t,i their fall ; then he stopped his havo to-say will not ba now to them. ent, and I have received a nwat anre &rid slid SAW that Ilia Soul was stooped to could not be oonotVict0d: W,600- the at 7,M p4 as. Visiting uftUa overlooking too Harbor, TAILS,-4 hurried%valiamelwout oil brokenly. in They guessed the truth long ago. Ifil- promise that MiS3 Varcue shall not be ilia lips in bitterness, TIReu a kind of -small sum or deposit reuired to orVA- coldwy.la%itvd.4 ., " River. A truor end better sign-bo%rlil a inore g,,qtIo tone. toll. you say I &in rint suspected;you called. shatue W-Aher. ift the company by the Act, ocluld not -Ritod anti fkarbildo M4 elker.F T W.DIC980(w. roughly Then over yon had before. vs stral,Me-I me-, every band 'flare I thia bitter witlition to in tockbolders. Negotis- ay.Isn. Thin house after being tho hasid. I control err:every e y (Ju be coid"nued') be obtained from a r, . rite when I cattio here,,and, stillarin ried Sir Ililton, turijinL then opened with the Great TZARLT JiURIMVi v" renovated and furnished is slow 'Oren I will point with the skill tit a masti to it)that inan just yet. My wind Is was against* .1 - tiow were but fur Olive, I o bould have been po tit- ghaatl - Ilo 6 11 view of equipping and iefor the nnimer season for the reception And many Shall pairso,to Ali@ Shaken, bowildervil, filled with horror. 011110-10 YOU Iltid -Western with a by&be Year. of guests, Forgive lite, mother; it is of yo"I 6al at URI tile ve-y day Charles 'igo others botiole thatt r inid Skews ti. Dwiz=oz M Show. workin the road upon terms Similar to . ..... to to feRb - This wondeirful piece of painting, 10 n, than,granted tile Wellington, Grey and 011colne's 1714141... §.% Parties Itoing to IAkO Supor should think. I-am-lorry for f und Iter tip y--nder ia tho wood. Oh, Spare Job and not to be Went respect. The Anlilletl and Wawannsh Branch a ak"llih.. ......... by 15-like tbw rlity: lou-ia .................. the will lind this housa'vsry yonr old iniAl a thanks as this to fail want to see(Ilitu's face,*rid thank her iii,,r Olivia Bruce. I To,. ............. lapin ymi ? Arid Olive-whAt were wai beforo I die. Futch her hiltun;fetch The night of hill suffering touched A Ticulturl Kill Show was hold at Dun- To organize and carry out these views, I val.non ,it Tuesday the 30th day of blieribed for I will paint yousself, rum-sellor. .......... rill,, rounisllould I saying of Olive I She tried to save you her now,at once! The sa6de me running Charles Vigo, and he held out his I kan M or. Walker an ..........*.... ... Se,,,tember, and tlio'ugh ,excellent in Ai 000A300000 I, I I so fastand 1 float away into in fmtik sorrow. woo Stock, yme It4hi A*you wait for the fair young Lo , It at dowu&J er mail br tele- -to save us all. For ,mrly yo wn 4J ter" t1ro-A,...... ij FAm 01,T011,11 rfelierty 44 7por.......... nga6zQ1L ,. many red to vras not si'very Success- 11 raud 0 ....... graph. in the moni of mailhood, eternity weakly,as I have lived. Ohlife, 'I am grieved.Sir Hilton,that I nce fill .............Is JPSt he bore our shame,wir pain, the b a4 The entries did not reach the John CprlirR 44 ...........t.12 t..CAMPAIGNIC, J. WAGHTi A mother's pride and joy. our cfhu,3;And She Ila% boon hunted life! thou glorious gift,wl at hatio I done thought so,'bareplied; Ibnt I discover- anticilated and the show am- a Juh.5 Birrou 10,000 Proprietor. withyc lrl A mistake,Hilton---& hand, ad long ago that 1.was mistaken, and l Ed*" Harris s,600 froin conntry to conntry, driven from It 6" .......... We hall no thought of stopping, bitter,terrible taistake-that is what I only named it now to hear you take ollshort of realizIng reasonable 3 every 0%elter, thrust out from every E. W. Hymen Goderich, 1,31kv, 1873. , 1370 But you great him with a smilie, frienship;and oat have made of my life; and throutlit all' yotir own part. That villian Skewir bets expoict4tionI. The show 61 fruits, ve.-e- _more titan half the entire c4itad Of the It.th .'riRilni- a word,one whisper of tables And grain was-full and up to the 11-t6neb1twoll MOXEY TO- -CEND. And you wern to blithe and friendly truth, would have sa%ad her from all tor- stemity I cannot roatily it. , Never oonfesojetl to ins that, seeing where your Inark(if-fortuer years; the display of Company- reat Western -That he pauses to chat s.while, didry rod d lad a'wcrk was oon- The alliance vaith the G row;yet she woul not s,)o.,tk it! Orest- through a thousand Area ma these hands agonised suspicious were fixed,he wall or r ly 11ce:r to oroduced fs,vomhlo results. Additional ei14 11r.s, 11"W"s TISH EXCHAINGE HOTEL, heaveiri!&rid I have despised her!I tL&,re be cleansed careful not to shake them ; he thougt sidorsg belo theaTecagoin quantity II..f, to 64 to 0N IMPROVED FARNI pltQ, lie wi ung them together tightly,and by that means to got money from Mr. bonuses were obtained; from C"ton pairty, at 8 per cent simple inte I will paint you again,ruin-sellar- good encillgh to be the th,jugb the quality could not be essily b."rates will In 4" eam" t a a C :rSQUARE GODRUICH. I a Trewavas!Oh,w INAT$ per sulanum A I t I will paint you as you stand wife of' hy did she not It-miked down.upti,2 theui in a wild Trawarag as well AS yourself.' excelled. The people of this Section e4peciapy we received that assistance blast-me with tile truth, as Ist g 111ti . n oris, 'Can it be,' munnured Sir Hilton, ,ant 0 spur oil their enthusiasm in t,4 fw to SAY PROPRIETOR With a f0awing glass of liquor and tossing resti".47from, Aid*to side. 'that,in any honest man' mind, even - I 11 SA011,08LOAN, (;APT Una in relmliin herent. Is hich made the construction of the road -h the uAlice by 00 Colborne mill luy blind,hard pride beforo herl Wl y a certainty. LATS,oy Tflu HURON 1110711111L. mnnth of June. 18,3, one Holding in either hand. did she not say, "John in the Watt;your His unhappy bruthor fetched the at- for a moment, I have a the During the Godericb,8tIr Oct.,1872. 1338 pp­ tslj The 4 urgros ware as follow%in the dif- h'.%IGNAL vaskes It it*wavers,but you urge him brother,'Juht Trowava4!and I will pro- LeSdAnt front the rooiu below and left cowarely villian who Of tile Board(if Directors, well infornied ir-WAII-m-It t Intiance of tive fav, r aP4 .f ilia " 3 fer*n I.departments: aao, lmv lfibg "Drink'!pledge In*j,Ldt this one claim Ilia ert ,an'l bring your narus him- young girl's hand a crinie which I k view U011109S, IMPLKMZNTS AD FowlA.- as t -)the position&t)d resources Of the jag yta*R Off ALL IL111111011 bavamtlw RM vop, tfutly ooht4 d. sndyourp =eduwntotho veridual." %%he in gnilty P lie itiurmumd to him. to be committeil by my brother t Nuw Robert HuTison, John hillor. John couipary, made purchases of the stock at MONEY TO LOAN 13.111 And he lifts the glass&rid dmine it, Ob,it she had Only turned upon" self,&A lie descended the narrow turret indeed my clip is full par, --partlys,&an investment and liartly It walt wastwve A0.1 INJIA I-rilit"t Audjlte hellish work is done. once, with one bitter or tallating word, stairs;'he or'l f And poor Eleanor her- 'Ifou'rijust pardon my thought,'ro. CATTLA,SH'sar -Williarn speculation." I viamilL or4ftbruipusetoollira%tonvill- AT LOW R I ATES OF INTEREST. our victim,is she quite guiltloss of slimed Charles Vigo; 'you'must rernem- Amon.others differences,a difference t t I could bearthis swrow bettor;but now self Young. Edwin Gaunt. at the Board AS to REEHOLD Permanent Building*and AIN CH011 LIN E. And I next will paint a druallard, turmip in full,andiarink the gall IQ the her own blo ml I F r two years she beryou have ever home tile ch-troder Gft rvr, Vra.KTABLIRI, of opinion than&rose F - 'Only a year bas flotri, dregs, Mother,site hall litaped fire upon played with lids ppor waxils,heart, re- ofnatian iwArain-ttely proud of his family M .-4rirA(-rrRzx. - Jos*ph MAIlough Lite value of stocir;and an offer of our ayingm Societycif Toronto. t bteamberasaii jLveryW-edue%"y But into this losthsomecroature my head-this weak girl thAt,we deepis- 91krdless of its sufferings. And at last nn4A)osition. To eave,these, I fancied Jq * Dell,Robert Taylor. - stock to the same Organization which For par iculars apply to ad. I can never look her in the fees rA lit he that Olive-' rS' WORX AND D&Ilkl fixed the value at pat-having been made A. M. ROSS. the passion she had ised and deap I is,ed you ini& r Pisonres, ^ad Sattirday. The fair you sit boy lima growax. I . %%, tioicir eXclaimed Sir Hilton. the agnio, Do you-know that in oxile and. turned uVoll her, .4 -Mr I Pollock Mrs. E. Galint, JIM And accep",onr 041110Ction with Agetit at Goderich. ly:Eleanor Maria- 'I confess that in my blind Ito d To &f4D FROM NEW YORK AND Gl.%S. The work was uuick and rapid loneliness she has borno tbo sharpest Sir-H ilton al),.k a tru r, I Witt. company oesse ilclzol aox, Secretary anti Treasurer, w eAlling L,,vjI uderry'W)ajjd alls and IWill Pilif him as he lids 'pangs of txivorty,Awl st,tforc4l sickness! towe was not free fro4i blame rog,,trding nesi came into my botil tuat )N*e were Directors of tile <5omPAnY Tit is the IC9._4 n-posaawki re b­ke.i anl f.irwir4#4 to and Inatoirpid,druakeridumber, Oil,alto in'w,changed allil wasted, that I JohviTrewavias. Tac;tly.shol.had given could lie a felon-that a Trowavas cool d front the date ofits organirAtion until S rl Toronto. 1343. gt*nlo all pw1wiv.sloto,n.in oo at it,itxin,irvia, PRIZE LIST. wintry skies. Y hand,ence. Germ morwit", w, ur Denmark and Under the could hold her in the ". P of m It -tit,, partly for her be as weat-, as wicket], na,miser%ble its tile 2nd October, 1873. During that ffics and West'Street. Y, 11171"Wo sake to hide w I Iffor.sti. Arren"c'n, 14"fi mor"IT. sli,awdv. ALJ and )ter face bas a whita-and weary here 6r real love ot her men. Bnt if my eyes had been period the whole work has been accomp ih dua-rs boll)T Biluk of Montreal, cliviatily,ad h- ute.,r une. ilia V.the heart. Iran, +rid partly because sho divined, and I had known my nrother t,, to liv I will paint the Lral of the mother look upon it that cuts James AlcDonnugh. lishad so far a Directors can be of ser Dtr,1,KT1:RVS. Everything is in reaclitless for the MONEY TO LEND, V In f-I TH r"an New Tnrk. To savo my pride she, has borne thip. that Wflile alto ou'farei John's attenticals be as vile and as wretclie(l, as the most 24 year n1d filly, Ist vice. in ; As She kneels at har darling'&side- To koep the Trowavas nae front in- with A Pleased air her m(It ign, -int, tinvi hardened conrict-flesh Win. .11, 2,1 Ale.. Pentland. i you wiceptanoe of tenders for the constroo- r%.......34"n.'Oet. lAth, -her wuuld r. N Slot Her beautiful boy,that was delaW famy,to guard,jur fooli;h false hollor invi4tion to Treway4o and blood like us-whodies lit hichaina old gailding, lot 3as Falconer,2dJ&M" Lion of the r, ad,and the stock at Par. ept ...0 LUX),1. t., 4141. never refuse Ali C.M-. *A`::, -i - . L T I.4­,w.,Tzu-#s or Rzpp,,v' , S.L Tth.... ......sat.,ort.,28th -from the dust She we and Nwas only at Ttiwavaa a.Iie ojttlZ ....piticil, till I wonl,l not h;tvc IctWive Ro-e.1 I year oid filly, tst4leo. Smith. Our retire trient,--th ere for*, can in no D"Rutzi MAINT Than lid! the world beside. tit forth an nnt- radivate of W" rzviv mily,3I)a!re3l). Now 4th cast,bowed down by our Shame. Per- 8-m hr lbiton. slifrer on6 hour's false suslAcion. ' Air. Foal, let Jan. McDonough,,2d Richard :way embarrass the Company or delay the SEA EA V. Awl evrry W"aftday an4 Saltirday thereafter I.w*ill paint the shape of the soffin' .11 cz ant Too- in- fto.m Pier 20.,N.rtl,River.at non. baps she will dW Who cati may she wi W thin gifll a0fich.ess, &,venal Vig,6, 1 am happy in knowing her inno- Tre)elran. Span general purpOSObOrStda oongtruCtion of the road;a quorum of itI P , I whom RAT" WPA­%CTFkTAVLrl*crenw.%ev, live,having suffeml- an' much for rite -uu IstPotr toberun. Cxffiw hors", T.)LlVltrr,%1L.GLA400W OR 11FROT: Labeled with one worA I falt oeu ;but you are happier,b"usi five Directors remains, stnon4rRt I let Gabriel Sprutig, 2d Richarl TmIev- there is perfect harmony. The Munici- Ulf CiTy ac onllsc to:neall-n n is knew it from the first.' :t@L, or Torto'STO PBRMANTNT vTar 1 -1 will paint&.11thiarruia-sellar,. ob, Olive,Oliv ! ' -would dare toosy that any a I iFJ fbrLh.Ar11U1.1,73. BVILDING A,,%D.SAvmosSmiz-ry Cabin Exert" n 1,,J4 jjthp) And paint it free of cost. 0 0 tra4a bAck:theavviiias Charles Vigo raised his hat is though an Buggy horse, Single, Ist Charles elTrust Fund in under lite control of ar,itrlw:1"t 10- Advar cesmoneyat reduced rates for from Intern.,-imt,-.M whince have aridiin, and do &rise, tits in hotiour of Olive's naine and 01ird's Gurrin, 2d do. Xrustses,wad at no time has there been C*.U. -4:1-Innon The sin,and tile bhuic,and the aumw dealliest litths, the;direst,events,,the inDooenM butho made 310 roply. Then INIT'LEMENTS, any possibility of a misappropriation of to'20 years. Loatill rquya'ble in in JI,v th.~wi,thina t-i x4-ml f..r th,%r fritn.1 Thure waix a%light iwisa it, tile still crnelevlt donlet,-donq in this, woeful Sir Hilto,1, in a calmer t told O'fl I is Wo(4 axle waggon, let Job Brown-. -tillse funds. 1.14OL-IT stallwentis to Suit tile borrower. A I-ply at ilia C,A!tp=y'*Olut ex or to Thecriwe,Sad want,and woo, chamber,mind John.turned Ili: Ilaitgard W,it,,I eirralid.to Doevigo,and giL th-vt o Wooden plough, let Bell & Son, 2d As differews of opinion existed be- That is born th4re tit your rutki-4hep, fitze front the wall,anti saw Ill tall f.rm Full inforni.ttion given on application. Xr.A WARNOOK 'La I Trew:Lvxs was.wiiiing in the and his father would b ,fli c0t4o to Tre- Tbompson& Williams. Grain drill, Ist tween the Directors it,ciise@ and those No hand can paint, you knv* othis bruther stalpling ill the doorway. I 'y ii("ry;anda-& Sir Ifiltun closed &rill waves tri hear John's confession. Bell ik Son,hi.-Illyrecommended. TWO retiring, wo,feel that the best interests Ake. R. 11. KtItKPXTItICK, ItThere was a spoientari fittah of ttirror 'Would it not be wiso to c,)nstilt with horse cultivator,let B 11 W - of the citT Municipalities, the railway Dut III paint yull a eign, rilln-seller, Toeked thu old arehe d d(mr,whkii shut a Son osid 1, irk his mittl ere& that% ft-st.faided. anti out front tile boustAluld tile ]Ain of wyer before Mr.Trewavas takes on h4mwa. lot Job 11fown. Iron h&r- &'rid ourse vas, were served by the course 1378 Agent at Godt-rich. And many whall panse to view he clasped his hAna above his head with John's I-resenco, eitia came, forward rows I at Adauk Thumps in. Straw cut- *a ve taken;and we "a no reason f 1) E I II I t Thompson& Williams. 2d Bell why the construction and completion of -- This munderful switlxing sign-board a*sczn imile. M1.1r1xt1:p r asked Charles. he and lai,l laur hantl Sri his.; a,Jelin thinks hinns lf d Thin he did toLahow'Nir Hilton that -etl t4question hipi;she f be nishes to speak,' roplioA Syin-" and Turnip drill,'Ist Bell & Son. the road should ,e delayed beyond fif-go terribly,feadally trite. ho expected-n(bbrother's greetingno She)uid jjo lit ir Itilton. 10,-Pwlot ONEY TO LEND Saw his ujuw hii fare. 'Yon woul say that his Ioing so will Sett one let Adam Thompson, teen months. firier­ny cla4p of hatiol in ]laud ; li-1, the 'Mother, ,ho saitLL firntly ' 'tlicr is cut'liiin off froin all hope;but I believe, 23 Rk)bert Pentland' WALKI&S, At Greatly mlucel Rates of Interest n:ltv dicat.asIceillini only^ -all-Ater but 4ille thing tldd he in NOR B S flORF, LINE. -it n-licent must since our only defence cali'lie inAmuli tin"I.S. Late Vice President L.,H.A B.X R. Ira 1:.4iVvVA 9 - - 11 in%hidl tAJ die. r4ick Syiaziiah, Ist Jae.McKnight,2d ELIAS W.RYU&N, ri -xV I),) longer stiffer for liho guilty. Igo at that his dol)Dsition Will rnako little dif.-I -T r r. i any aniolint (,F in(ne) t, "Olive Varcoc-l' each ,nce to Mr. Vigo. apd lay this history ference o4 the trial. It is not our in- Late Tress.A .10 c _,I tin ion with t Win. cBride. Came,let John B&ilis. Director L,EL A;B.ILR. Oiowu luboloy, on he 0rand Trunk eitherspolig fora moment ; lTeb.oat, Ofteiac 111'., int,natawt f%w;rai it repayment,Tmtyal-le Itaidway. Sbortest,Cheapest,and most wAi ga;firtg on the wreck of the ofher, I.y ye-AT lavitalrvj ts;Mi* of expeafta will 4cfy , oLfn)1. befor?hill%. tention to dolly Ilia guilt.' Bantams, let Win McBride, 2d Wm RjazzaT Rum', direct route. and the hearts of bill;wer 'barlso R. R 414111,1101row. co-retiien. % In Joint's confused inind and dinimet.1 11 Knew you would vlo this,' sho an- Charles Vigo bowed his head gravely. Qmllam. 0eese, Ist R, Girrin. lAte-Director L., H.&B. HORACE HORTON xweiiki. Her voico team warmly sudi- 'Then,it),on wish it,'ho said, "I will Pue4a, Ist John Belie. Turkoya, lot EDWARD HARRISt, brain L there werned to floitt shapes &!i blo,send her lipa wro colourless;but ride back and make known your request Wm4 Gmham. Pea fowls,let Jax. me- Late Director L.,'H. A B.R. R. CA praleker tor Illso Cationdn Per 'Tako him away quickly,' whis *red voices Which 110 would TICTur-licar again. swl v WA J.T.GAiL%ow. It to 1)Sm #bi-mado no remonotatico. to my !A,ndon,October 3 18'3 is nooritt ltsiildlusi; ,vk Floris urel; 'and be mercirl, .1 father,and meanwhild you can go to Are you married 1"'lie ctid to his lit is tit* only c.ttirse I and the duty li to Mi. f1criot'a. Perhaps it would f CATILr. of Worento. him. Utter not a word of.tb is on the r-,tl;er; '&till h'av you brought- or 11. V 71 11C. ';iJE-XL1V TLAMEli a's has its worst Sting i:xtrocted, beewoo I be painful to you to visit Boarigo. Are Cattle thoroughbred,I year old heifer, journey. He will bear itIA&t**onLAdy wifaherotoseqwhat sheawl Yo* go by John's own urketit desire. If he y u aware that Misn Varcoe i#there I' lot Oahu WashingtAm, 2d do. Chrades, Good ft 0 E! lhad iin I r 41 in,,to sparo hill*,my task 'No' said Sir Hilton; and his lip milcla cow, let Chu. 'Girvill, 2 Y"r There in in Illinois,a dairy-farm which I will 06CY You,' said ViviAjav taking ISir' Hilton's spirit q iat?wd, and he wold L 'InIM iudtRcd,' concluded bit shook: griii his faco rrew paler as he ld Jhei orl, Ist Chas,-Giryin, 2d David lic -t,,( I.NSURANC CArw UR) - 10a,Horian I whou sliall we Iharched door- Hilton. I sends into sawket, butter of a peculiar 1, r We 10119111210"t-elAsm he c wain. i y 'D tr hand. rested Ilia hall'i a 1!10 ear old licifer, lot John EDWM. 11APLTONIMASTER. spoke. freshness and delicacy. it contains no 'WAY to ilteady his mlihling frame. But:John 18*'mad,'said Lady.Tretray- 'She lieft Paris with the I.-gley# a ington,24 Win. Ilitallough. Heifer buttermilk, and but little "It. The ery,cos­ya,' or. ClAht"o Block. ill ply in connection with the C,. T. sh6 roplie,l, hastily. 'We aft li, few boom after your departure,'resum- cal let Jas. Row, 2a da Bull calf perfiwt butter is that it is ti 'P. Iry 11ARTIri,111111)of H.rtt,,r,l. W ollu" sai'l.lie in a hollow voic4l rill,,eagerly. secret of this P Railway 'As folo'ns : -'Rave Goderih going to Boarigo with Oii%'e.'- ' rid Mt1wilin. Fat steer, is; TO LZ% MNCIAL dare not say that wit gill"itleon, but Perhays So,'he *iiswared; 'but that ed Charles, 'and they are now fiLther's lot Do chwied dsily frotu fresh milk. There ,I A14KNICA,of T000nto. oil arriv Ll (bi Exismas Tmiit front, lie reiterattd, in surprise. soletalil, ever th; t I was ignornt. I is i,ot a.inustitnt for us-to decide I will guests.' Ale . Pentland, 24-Thos. Anderson jr; r4arine bi.oteav, does at '- is' no 1'settuig" of tho milk, no skim- minclair&liteaRser lowest P0441ble ratt-s the East, we-Ather icralitting, for 'Then you will see Charles Vigo, Ono* --never tli.,u4lkt to i ee you thli-s.' defend hint oil this gr I am glad of it,, saia Sir Hilton, FaCticifer, let C.Girrin, 2,1 D. XcIl- r Southaftipton at 3 P. M., every Slonday ound tothe utmoot. ing of creani; no vexatious cam to ee. MAIRNTER4 kc.Gotcroh my friairid--the I.obleat ft-lluw oil tarth. J(.1in rniied hol vielf-it It's 1-4 1 call do n') Illord,ilia it* less, Take itte"vin., his voice, 'for now Pho isao wailII. Yoke working oxen, lei Chas. st 410RACK TIORTOX Tilesdity, Stared fixedly in lb ir Hilton's(&M- no"itn,'Oliyo will surely not refuse to Giriin,31 Wiu. Kilpatrick.. ViAll.SICAG9111,a i I. Tliursda: all, h, Miss Langlviiy, get Idut to forgive carecool cellars, fresh air, and equal A tell. kIt.Lin. Offico Market Sil"Ar ch Saturday-. ReturninR: 166ve South conrage, mother,&till li pa for the boat.' I ,ttilipemttire. The fresh milk, Simply G(Acri me. if you call. I might have known In thAt look of recognition nientory were hi& I*rtiug words boflijrd I sea to the unhappy ilia", who raves for in., I:ort Elgih at 4: allowe to coot after the milk' g, in 0,t. !Pth 1 79. anipton at 4 a. h such %beart.'as his could not Mi' and rotorned, awl a groan escaped Ilia like. lie D,JC way t" her incessantly, and yearns to ask liar I Age1 rain.' Ist Alex. Cameron, 2d I'l a.Mi..Inveranrou at a.it., anti Knir he glazoed at 0!ive. 'You know he ITO see ina, thns' lie niurmure(I; 'A-1 alcolvit cDonald. Shearling ratit,'Ist chumed hy mechanical power, and by 4rr(ph J I It woul,t havL-becO less bitter,to hi o, fortriveness., the Santa inearis the butwrinilk in thor- SKY ,tr 164111'..-w4hicil, cardine sit, i a. tit., every 3lond*T.'I I&rea her.' huntol best,fearinK forhis.u ikemllle ride Oil this erralA to r. Heriut* tw .'ion allude to Mr.fTraavaiv,'obiery W4. Lain.2d do. Rain lanib, Ist'AIST. oghly worked ut. In our ariablo 41 know it,' she-replied. 'Go rm lifo* No, you net er thought-it oven fi)t.fto eneiny of his house, Sir eaCharles Vigo. 11 Will tvil her what Canierti,2d 31aleolm 51 nald. Pair climate it is almost impossible that bait- 04jee.-iver J.C j D.-Oor&C!i Lnq*riurn. 3larkei 311!5ull-MU IFriday. rriviu! in 4.40eri(Llk k. vh tl:, go;()live is too Weak for this were happy anti e"rehma; You tMaIjI04 t )111 6,10are.dbjsrich I;Ls y Aniholky bill, in th&.1srusert you Pay;but-of 'course she must herself aged ewes, let George urrvil, 2d do- aft above,to cllnect with the Iva' 9- 1 1 not she call undergo '0 1 rling eives, lAt Will. Anderson. n Site wall so pale, to gitateA on Olive,And on,;ruie. Elotainor,- ter from the same dairy shoula be uni- you phase of )Jis IninAli flit!t1cepust 1111111ilia- decide wheiier'or x- jr.,WAiLKvu. itig Ft1t. t4at Vivian'lltulterel battened to.obey is tlea 1., .1 'at. - - -so pinfid a trial.' Xiaints, I st Win.Anderson,2d Alec. oraily the"rue. A remedy for this I tion hett'llk(l ilia fitte Ir E difficulty is said to be found in the THE LIVERPOOLS,LONDON i hen He made his adieu quickly to&.1, iniver f'O.6 lip'. he Sir 11iltoll lonkeA to send her a nies- Caileroll. TroR-.RT-Ar-L,%W AND boijeltr;1 method practised by this Illinois factory Gh .,,,ry.Coftv ,­­.Nlmry o.. ANIII Gx.onc bowil to ())ire Anto a queell; then he " expre"ifyin.'I terr":'lo crintio I-, lite lilan clear filled with &itch passioliate, plead- -churning the fresh milk instead of Idt,ve.over Mr,C. V. ad Gal. Jilun & FOR t tr Always Selo,Olirv*s' Innocenti , ing wtirdi, that, like strong cor&,thpy Finw,'Istlti2lard Wilson. a tock ir Ililtmi'4.arin, anti led )lima anknith itito lite hairg 4 eY". arner IVaVV5 South- sa anti had hadetollrage shnuld draw.lier to Trew"i,AS; but he GRAIN. Stale cream,, f9SURANCE C 0 1 The i-l"ire intined tc' Y- for., Sir Hilton,looking back, Saw I tin he shricLeti. 'it ii a lacreY 6)be It 34 &frn4]ter. refraitwd. gall whaO,let John bailie, 24 John t4a,C1 A Ni.It 1 C*:4 AC &mptop for Sarna and Port Huvit t,f t on every face Allot Istrange shada 0 w 3 it ii alleti I.y reLq,)n retnnl4 llthoughti iffered -much for Peotland,34 Charles Durnin. $prin The Canada Snthern lUilway tow- w, en,iNckizy 0INYETANCLO"46. AVIBURRible Alistells,09*,o4jo,4000. 4.0.1a.-in., Port 4.20 a. m., lit- Eit Sir Hilton rodu with I -,tire!y she hQ at Wb At, fat Chss. Dumiu,- 2 ' In panv have, owia.g to the financial crisis llaw JAW im TldrtY-fiv- Y-01- verlitiron, 4;.(*)a. in., Kili ardine,8,00 the memory of which. followed wad. know 1 ul It(), el.- his notset i n..g,.this very ,Iiiiii and his,and he had v.6 right to IAy & Gzbrtcf ad .G 1, . " *Ze York, been &!i- to cancel all I,lob.USL loderich, 2.W 1).in.,every Fri. . , litin. upon her a fealheFs burden. or claim a Sprung,3,1 John BAiliti. Barle#, let D. inIt thron6h the tilrong­1 att-I's Of -Int I 11CO 'A"; but there are I - have or- Parii,'and haunted ilia broke,,Sloop, or tk,rea hell it all ctinics back t')In*-' -zy single tear. Mdll#A-ain, 2d -C contracts for the present. and FORTl IULLIOS OV POLL I ARS! day, weather pertnitting. Cointecting Theyt lel llli4 wa -it' the hiqh bre, harles Girviin. IAMS came suddenly Itipon his fevered &IL' i 11 n the Catheri Ahe bowed lot D. McIlwain. hmall pass, let dered tee discharge ot all workingmen with R ver Boats f-ir Detroit and G.T. lie ollisperea. heal iieh loikek 1 owl% it tko o rig up the reiii peas, 0. who are not employed ow"the two reru. clsons bi C111CAt IrlittIC C-tl- Rai)WAY Propellors frotu Sarnils to thoughts. As be burrip.1 ou day and -D, c nifortvd, Wno JiVosviko Slid tl ic or ly to Charles Vigo, arA lifte4l his V. 31cilwairt, 2d Chas. (;Irvin, 3d AlliPfrURS, T r0a N SYS, ere I.-iing chic i-0111 ill bliudiless to that %wakesillill The onlroy of(W is intitkite. rk of 1're rare lar trains running over ilia lio*;- The wss ago, Alilwalikie, 4C. l4etunling: ra fat;the vioung man retiarlitst the silute, Sprong. Ltrge Oster let D. McHwiin, INlIiXt 4aiqf, liras 8Atntday sit 8 horror whicli aiwaited Iiim beneath the Bill with tits Witch of his hanvl-wi6 ?v uspension may prove to be of vaerely a Leaves Sarnia urq in home, istemporary character. The "a" of this MOSEY TO LZID. maeurity.pmel,pt J aysatmk.&ad Liberaktly Ili aid. , X L-11.4rieli Vi-)reine I and anti tlie' parted, both going on their 2a'C. Girvin, John B&Bie, Small JQAV%At of It, fkalkUrViOt grey roof of Trawavast, tbu Od fraternal embTaco of WvlkotKi- r. Oft o'clock,a in., weather For hi&fiai gravely. different ways. st Richard Trelevau, 2d Thomas Ato telist was it speaking tolfir Llif- thoughts had gone back to days 'Kir Killion Trewavas, I illeva. -u Harris. 3d Alex. Pentland. 'Timothy f Is report"G to be owing A the failure of FIRF. an-11 LIFIR isauol -.1tu vary ftirther information, apply i to Ilyion 0 a k 11 ton's heart oil rite journey in a&ad, low )lun uried and half fortotten. I-Daniel I)rew, a large stockholder in the Gi,.XrJJAL 41MIND liberal Midoil-LbIl.I Punkr, (in rite Lost,or.to 7 too 0 4 b is returned home last night I' 'John mat tip i I by Seed, lot Charles 1.>urinn,2d Malcul Cr Apffit.CrOWO"ads U& e, OkL RVad 00m. Canada Br"ch. X01T- 4-, Southern ton J. Eastwood,Port v ice I What is it opeaktog now loud 1 -imilit row to-Jay, Hilton ;the sea It did.' responfed Sir Hilton, in n his bad, proppe ,jillows;near him were Air. Heriot,-wi F 1. tn "hose 'rough. I hard anew cricket ball. Ceuta mournful accents,i - b1onolr to Lae" JKiu; 1'. XMAS, Inverhuron ; ... bitter cry of anguish, in t th VEGETABLES. I Ing Arms. in this pale, wasted face I 'Abd try it.' een face, sharply attentive, and r. The extensive foundry of Butterfield Robertson. Kincarilhic; W. 11. Clark, C up -,Sir Hilton" he continn64, 'it is nly - IAutatoea,Ist Andrw Sproul,2d hot. Co..a, Bradford,was doustrined by 3 it I 'I very look alinn painful duty to rill u!ihat a war- Vigo,earnest and paiuful. 'A.W. Port inf.) yo, Aderaon. CaViage,let And. 8 u J fire#in Friday morning.' The low to the C If FrEcr.&-,ac.. Ili At tin baruiii; It a rith,the whispering i %hick tie mid this ith th * Huron. he thrust away with a strong hand,buk his fa,&*it had worn in boyh;od,Arid lie By his liedaide, close by Ilia pillow, J. V.DETLOR a 80,X, rant is in the handsof the county police B+qs,I st 3as. cKnight.2d Jae. e ly. u.,aame, 'A. X.rUltl. Ag-,nt it will be heartl at last,'for as his blood )its &rill around tSir 1111toll with a i ant Sir Hilton, arppressing %ith irou i proprietors will not fal I lar short of M, Genural.Agents;i7Godcrich I I I fpr the approlion'sion of Air. Trewavas. form the miscry that was eating iito Ilia %VurL:cl, Ist. 1). Mellvr i ltXX);tho insurance nly Amoopras to ctirdleit beneath the sound, it cries to Cio allife. a .rheinsliector of thi* district has been sun], while he supported by word and Thus. Harris. Turnips, lat Tht ll2,QW.Thirtvmenaro thrown,out of him in a Voice 4 thnniler, though the Touched mo-by the childish wor a 'iorg aware that he is at Trowavas;but rix,2d Thoi. Anderson: Omit Ainclizansip,Lo%Wa ;= So VILobanavo Torontotife ASSWance and list ate prayer for 4) look-his guilty and wretched-brother. olliployment by the fire. # i aged woman, wbose trembling arms ere than by the illost 1) ion recanti6na having been taken to ren- vots. fat Jas. McKni0it. 2d A. Inin.la- t In tile window waited at the table, U"d- Tontine Company. GODERICH AGENCY claspedabout his neck, titters it in the paFon,Sir Hilton strove vainly 10 to* der his escapb imliossible,my Uther and w White Belgian carrote, lot* A. Rpmul, evil,. knA.k In- - lowest whisper that calk touch his oar. t ith writing inattrials before Ili , wXX Mr. Rackingharn, of the Stratford or T11F press his emotion. othorTtrnagJi%4 r ep in consideration of hit so 24.Thou. Harris. Unions, let Jualkeb, has returned from his Eur*pean LIM. HEAD.,OFFICE : TORONTO, ONT. f I 'Hilton,' said Lady Trowavas, 'Olive -But where is Olivel,contillne'l John ew va^a I;rent de'ferrod tho ins'quiet ill"Pector-of poliep, ftight,#23 A Sproul. Tomatoes,let trip, I bi Mg Ago WK 'raham. Carn,lei health has but little improved. Trust anJ Loan Coinpany 0 isinnocent. John was the man-yQuir wall A childish eagerness 11 a oyZ ecution of the witrmut until vour re- )lad observed to )lr..-*slickl 2.1 Wait. We are s,)rry t-w learn that his ft'v('"Awritz...... ..sio),ow br-ther! Arid he is hidden here-not We cannot ?lay without Olive! retell rn, livitiscmit wiithing to taJko t jealousy was a 8 A. ."CAMPBELL bertl to increase to tvalf a wtIll-in tiny Slayer of Eleanor at VeWrUwy Burgeon. it --mad, miser- .)n-fetch Olive.' I le;, tj.nr is ' i Pump- 114 It IJIlstridMellwain 2AIG.Sprwng. il to m elf r lite act, Sir Ild- I 'priang, 2AR. ?role- W 1111 A DA . it,Ilia ri ht mind at times her, Hilt crad kit&, is. abric, 8 able dying Sir Hilton trolubl0i and there mati. ton, I may 4 ti t this-oneassion was far to sevk.' S In"ll, let John Craig,2d obs, A EgAUTIFUL BoRltz.-There is neth- University, A meant calUccl in,25 per ce?it. all 16 b wall in, the library, whither she lip in his hissirt a voiceless e[j, that ine by those high its aitth,,r- are really to hear you, IN4. Trp, 11 loog, let Will. Me- inIg that,can cntribute no much to AM 014,11= 4 #Poal Chartt . f 11 - granted t. avas,'said Mr. Heriot.1 113iho. Water Mi 4391011INCK. VAUNA. "P. hsAl draA n hint, when she told him this. ecli,vd,Olive! Olive I ity in return for lie great elTorta I !love w johil "ride, 2d Ric"rd Trelevan.' Real oela- 'rilindertheli-im-beautiful slid elegant, W::l Y,vit Baydold every 4vilunlay, 1,11334m. land a3 alto Spoke she l,ointt4i to the old I *-)ilia fetch her, John.' Its SXI made 4,1 discover,the tnith.' '7 Illut where in Olive I' &Fkd to ituproveis condition and make him UMITED by t a q WTEA 70 211147GAi)ES CAPITA L-ONE I'LLIO POUND q wiled door hiding the spiral stairs. I softir,heaven knq-we how willingly if 1: piteously. 'I will say nothil,g fill shis rr,let It-bt. Hi#c9cks­ all that is desirable, An "Darley's Con- axivasa; Sir Hilton 6prithishumbly, though FkUTT. SIFRLING. ever to 1 ;V*' the working%of,hj%face allowed the ter- J. T. DUNCAN, V.S. ;Scaggering as though he Mid been could-L would fetch her,11 comes. rung, 24 T. dition Powders and Arabian liejL%e CoLt.... ,and Wiqer apple-ji I at 4-1 Sp FWARD OF DIRECTORS-- &rid cowering beneath tit*blow us inore.' ri h10 struggle wi t1ii it. Oil hearing this,old Mr.Vigo rose Irvin, Itemody;"it hall been used by manv 'Fun vestment. ton sank into a chair,&%d tu;;4;4 But with the sotind of hill voice John's addresseti,Sir Hilton. Ilar isl F-11&poled I t Chas loemkins who own valuallile eLrriage and OFFICE AND STABLIN, fhe live Joins IIIILL Aftl> CANNA031, ds for In 'Mr.Via%,he,said, simply, 'for ti ears, I at T.Anderson, V.11, Q.C.,&a.4r. T-Tj&W isi Varcoo With - Langley&rid b-proul. P other horses with decided succe", and 4-4,1%to Atmet, Fifth 111,ni.0 Rut cl (:others@ lav%b UW19`111OFFAT.Z&]. a tier a face of 11hauttly woo, with woo-hin ma%­II-rctUrA0d- efillsidoratiouvo Mrs. oz. M r fnnn his y it,jn, in at t a little inn at Tre,savas d X.IL Jnd .e'if the UJUI ty'of York. Are, =b lips that quivered but found no itelunviii-Sir ArAl I so,well pleased I am they wit it that Will.4 Gmhara. I'llimil, lot A1 %V city or T,I n P -it davassliould be church town,' he said; 'will you allow smoronk2d Win. Anderson. G-pes, B.-Ilgroes extntinovi tosoun pre.40,91i. r naute. I would *ot have left bar ono (yrab they&I ways k cap i t on )land I It alse of ly f--r ton I 1,prought at Chas.Durnin,Lld John Crary Zr I cl Apple$,lot J.'a d. L neck,asha;ed that k - Ltdy TreW&;",L I thank you in her' 1313 lAaco. Vvjawws, n4sk, Tear-1-ijit tile s "Will 7011 to to him,'said Lady Tre- Shown to Such a Wrot h as li*,Jiis heed, dayaloncinthisInitry,had sheniade me to fetch them,Sir Iiii it may be Siren at all times lairm­ at i,xinry f-titue or by an- efflergency; wX.JAdAVD0W9t.L,Xaq 111tati3gerTopotatogartings tuonts. wavall. 'He expects you.' sank back llpoll the pillow,slid lie sai4, lite aware of my pultappy brother's re-I them thither, anticipating this trevitiest a Craig,2d T. Auderson. aith perfect safety. Remember the CIO to him!-go to%how t His broth- fetbly but with perfect caiplKlaur . on the part of Mr.Trewarsim 1% RIANUAV-t Itrit. istne,and See that the signature of 11 A T E r*i,.M.'ft t-ureh%,ie,t. y.t', c,,ma hunts, Hilton, to a A turn., Sir Hilton bowed his head in assent, Home made cloth, ell wool, let Jas. , . I tory naid 7Was'W": Vier"UILL TIARV.r,9&q. -M.TP.UEMA--;, orli-a'intirderer! Sad a Trawavast! only. Charles Vigo bowod-in tokbn of Ilia Hurd A Co. is on each package. Nor&,; FOR INVENTIONS No it could not be. sight,Slid le torriWe duty ; I have knowledge of the fact. and Sir Ililtort and Mr.Vigo left the room quickly. McKnight',.2d Chas.C,irrin. Fl"QAl, rop&LyInan, Newcastle, Ont.; pro- for Insurance in this A irra, For half an hour there wall alluost a union, let Jaz McKnight, 24 Tho- -,old by all Imedi- ISIT r<,lt &I,ia, derieb ile was dreamillill,As lie had dreamed waited for your return to cowfesse my collti u-41 mor L Uf 1 y . pristorts for Canada. F class Company received by 0.0 U L 0 pai it I . -Anderson. Uni'44 cloth EXPEDITIOUSLY&PROPERLY firstpPlications on the weary jovirney,when Olive, With guilt; yon just send for a magistra, 'Mr.Viqo,' wkid he,11 am not iipio- a deathlike silence in that still chamber, I at JAR. ROSS. cine dealers. J.J.BELL ------------------ owheels reached tbom, And=o , 2d Illearod in C400A,tbv V-1te Wau o an-I Eun,pe, white lips, stid what his mother had I sn.1 let him take my despositifts.' rilut thaV iliv c)Torts y.)n have made t than the sound of Pair blankets, let Thos. let Agent at Goderich uttertid now, ohnin tile mail A sob rose in Sir Ifilton's throAto discover the facts.of this dire crima wercc) eching Unrough tlj long elluc Of the Charles Durnin. fiet,farm hot ISO RJUAL. LAIPORTANT NOTICFE I ton ywo. lie so4nied to,rend tits heart; it ilam park, -awl Sir Hilton. rising:hastily, Joe. Mallough,2d W. A. Martin. Pair HENRY 44RIfff. He tried to speak ; bill his yoice, wh It ij d e AS torn mado ft r Miss Varcoe's sake.' tted tile rivoin by the old oak,door On tA, Ist Alex.Mellhomon. Pair fine h -,pdv,;e out wankiior x it, waiitt WESTEWN ASSUR iNcic hnsky, low, unnatural, scajr o obeyed tile last cry of Ilia ri 0, rG It W Evitirely for Miss Varc(s*a aske,'rs- in 0114. DO Von know syshlat;9f tA I if so, cansao. from him:fur ever.' tiu.i spiral stairs. Mts, Ist John McGrattan. Itoah"" 4aigh-T. his will. pej.,tcd Charles, Vigo, 'and ce ta I dut. P- E. MANN TO this wen become ' ng In the library he found IAdy Trowa- comralm I 'Mother, O.live in innocent, you say. 'low,th'it be ithout any feelings of mneor I DAIRY Fob.11th I%tI. 1hd site gitess the truth 11-did she know luust solid for his neighbors and friends vanand kindly mG uuning,both Silent . Table butter, lot Mrs. Thee. Ham's, Pain cannot stay w1a6re it IS 1W. It im h* & ra yourself or your family, Sir'llilton.' HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. House sign later brother ctifess hiru- 'I believe it,returned Sir Hilton,with nder. f vhell `n medicine ever made. Otktilmecn low. t,,let then,hear h larld liale. -,I Mrs. C. Dumin, 3,1 Afro. T. A 0 1 nion Soar.TRAOAT. One Ilottle Lee cared Ban— T14ACQUAINTTREPUBUCTUAT lie offered Ilia apit t Lady Trowavas, ' [liter, let Mrs. I ur- I CAPITAL KTOCK........$W,000 efitt t rp a h"J,n Words failed, but his eyes turned to self a murderer. a deanier anti 0eelier sailuen breaking son, Packedbu Fifty cents wortil lias cared an tILD a North street neit t said,in alrok. who laid her trembling hand: on it, and SURPLUS -FUDS........208,-369.60 W"I*Y&s Beth'%Iiio Ch"rill4eilth TarulAh r= that ghastly door which hid tLeir woo. -1 will ao it, ohlie throilu*h his tons. 'Xisa Varcos, doubt- nin,2d Mrs. Richd Trelevan, 3d ]%ft*. cocoa, 0%o -r two houlas cures 1p" '4198 BARNESittretumitig thanks RBOSIPTSFORTHYYICAR thlo.cliftt wberehe 1. twill All 11 think she know, said Ifdy Travis- on oice; 'birt do yon know themonse- leu, gave ywa,every Assurance of lier stocKi on the throshold of the great doon Role. Cheese, lot Mrs. Than. A -'"S g ft'lLM.UkdV.IDXxvTitorILLtA. Kixtoeiglit tl) .and Mi for thel,atroll nder etlee ARV CARt n1'F.X­MlArrn NovLew so -rLA2190 HKKAWT. One bottle Ivan cared tAms to hot friends in Goderich for put! ENDiNOJ LINE 30th W7,858.26 van. (11'eutle of&itch Ph act I It will be the innoeebce;while to opera me what ohe of Tr4w&vaa. 3rd- Mrs. Dame. A 9.311tilitlaince lit the wh-.) hears your Here Olive saw them, as with falter- Bon. 2d Mm.Vm.Andumon. There was a stified sub in her throat, duty of 1146 IllsilistratO deemed would be a deeper pain, she re- Alex.Youn,% Maple 15115ax, let Rich,l standing. Davit1 111ank. of IpAroo a. bige tc, may that she is now I HON.J. MCMURRTC11 r'l,ft.11. a Con Y, ra., -lye: 0 ,iprspam to give Lesson&on the Piarlo and liar wrinkled hands clasplid pension.; confession to'columik Yon to the court ing foot and eyes tear-blinded she came Trelevan, 2d Jas. McKight- Ljaf, Lie of your 011,whieb eftectod PIrbsident.- ' - 1 fused all ex1j.'snation of the circutu. tnil;o for a bot tit .4orto and Cabinet Organ and in Sing- Now is the time to Paintyour Cutters aWly, and she unit down in despair. jail.' up the steps,leauiDg on Charles Vigo's broad, let ra.IL IliAcocks. Wo -DearrL Cralt atit ClionsteD Lima by mix&W Plicaticins. Anotiber who has had As-rmu& ior Residence opposite Mr. So, B. HALDA Managing Director. allil Carriages. 'And knowing, she yet suffered this -1 know it answered the guilty nian, 'Pardrin rue,' interrupteRd Charles Arm' LADIESk WOF YeAn.azy "I ha- half Of It 60 cent I.We Ion. lRorne St. =1 0 y I must make Where now were all liar droam,vf re- X I 3b FIRE & MARINE INSURANUE Al Vigo, as hii face flushed, 'SlisaVarorlie Tatting, let bliss Annie W Croch And $IUD wnoI4 not boy it if I maid"i no morit." grant contumely, this fright(til wrong, with a gh ti Worde"lirnni,-, niry earri,,.;e sL,,p,,attend.4 this Ii'deous shame and pain I' said. Sir some expiation before I die. I have venge for &lights fwicied &rid real RUN.li'mAn"m of Nahalt. N. Y, raem: Lowest Current Ratli s. to with &VOL !a rue it,-) ex lanationi, no fissurance at wOA, let Miss A. West, 2d Wils anoill of)our &%ECTIVIC (hL Teetered the rig' sign raintitii:.ti Grnininj;,Glazing.rape Hilton, cared for the old 131", Hilton--1 h of inn -once, a id I sbotild have worried Gone,sunk for Vver in this sea of wr- Mary fliscucks. -Patched(Ittilt in COt- wolitre erbare the_pararm lod nielem, above a PECIAL l.4)W,rAAlFP0F1LATNA.WVIK9 6yes;knowing the truth, she suffered inood-olse I wouldhave told tile truth Tself had I exited her a single tlaoistion.' "I'w;and profoundly humiliated by the Wh 1p`o'nLFj.r Yeavits." of lay. rz 107, Music ana Drawilacr. fimurane*r ,r oqe or tit Iviacbed ton ]at Mrs. Thos. Anderson, 2d Mrs. e not have suffer might of the aged, care-wo i, quivuring I opi N. T..wrives;-, 1,ored Dw.11ing,,Chure tents.is all that for our asksot, Riltun.) lit 011010 Would d ALI 'A buruing flush owert,41 Sir Hilton's Clendenning, Pathed quilt in Weak.,, cht"'Townit and 0&!2*7 silse". These Imerabst 011, worcy--Ahts hoorr ' face to-tho Crow. The noble faith. the figure that"icid upon thu threshold to Miss LOWES w lahea to inform her tierniq ofilmilicy fovorable to ta Fitrai. Under.ich, Aux, 16,1L8-,0 owl The sob-could not be checked now ; this horror. do her honor, Olive full down at her wo ist Mm. ft.Clondourting,2d Mi.. tmo"'untry say*"We have avvIi sold a inediciso fnends and the pblic that the is as C00towslity- "o. with a buret of angnish, Lady Trv- lie reitemted, shiiddering, and biding ,ttr, tnist of Charles Vigo's love Hair flowom let Win that I-em lglvqm sac" &'S. Anderson. llig MRPQ*od GttlilOf UWRVATOI TRAT AMP prepared to give I*moos oin the Pianq FiralClasornanwaleWfor a triveVing Agisary S waves struck her"am with her clench- bi*face from the light. worch-ml him *Ali shame. feet,and clasping her h&ijdm, looked up oc 11&1,wr flowers,bit Kim .1 powe' IN AM good 90 tons 1A FOr 0Xt4r1W nee,804 far like towasisiTo betlyini 11daT.". Apply in lips quivered As he looked 'And I have asked ,di34'Vwcoe no into her furrowed face with streatiling LiZZY 11iw` " fort*,&c. Havinj boon taught by first 03LETHING 19E I ad hands, as though the would beat Sir Iii.1ton's i m. Hise,4ka, 24 Mrs- Thomast Walsh. Is iwiteved to be sapov r to anr writing with ro*rew"%to thttladerni6nied for trotter book the pain into her heart,or die. down upon bi-- eyes. ling eIer ouldo. Will "we y,,u muff claw wastars, an f,,r several yexrs a InissWu I.ilia Head Oare. %Ingle qviestiot t4% this day, continued Fancy knitting,let Aliss A. West, 2d d roany dAllara of expense. 1.cold hl, 0 au, ultow.her, he reets cnifiden 'For otir sakes!' repea-Ad Sir -Nevpr mind our Trallic, John,' lie Charles Vim-) a little humediy. .1 Lady Trevatras raised her, and tboy )tire. Thus. Harrin. braiding, lot Mm call tahe D. WAT70N. 'Then flearen help me! for 1 am a said ; Lhiink of urself, It is right I knew her fte'lligs too well. I knowisho ;7" move Prepued bir 8.9.T114 PU All, 'a give SA'isfActin. ocl I ; Uana without a word. Thus, by lier win. (;rahaa. 2d Ali- A. West I inr.. N Y.,A M sax ilia Local Ageut. HE UNI)ERSTIGNAD NORTHROP III,1XVIAN, NzwcAsTLz,Out. sole -colors, ac. -yon itt, except Dr. Burton, would stiffer all things riliflier tban,do- touching grief, did Olive re Aimnta for Use Dominion; Drawing, Water T HAS 18 broken man, beaten down with weapons should tel Woolen scks, let A'-. Won. Anderson' on Wad Goderict, liti,litpt. I-., a branch at his Toronto of my own pride, Upon this fra%ile girt And two of the servants, no,011`4 'to aware nounce a Treviavas.' from the Stricken woman's heart the Ross. woolen stockings, I at 111 n a.-Soaam-4kiected mad Electrized.-Ila. need rid Saturday afte; .Ins­ For, overflowing sense of gratitude that bur- 2d Mi- K:111 SeW to G4arialt,by Ga. cattle,r jor"s, 7 Saving Machine Repairing Works, And of your being here. And I here 11-0 to&- In the yount mail a face there was a i qbr ..... hag fadlen thopen&lty of our inns. L Anderson, 2d III in Row. r Y Bi the residence ,I Mr. - "I got,to believe these suspect the truth dened it;and in that ILI"each felt that rsNvu, A,CW,1141764W.J405.Boats- G. room", Hamilton 8 yX 4G _,][Nrr4019V, I I love her as always did. Oh !Olive, slight ring of bitterness ; Ila did not"a d Woolen mitts, let Mrs. Win Anersati, aekavd-Mason,;J.H.Camsk*,01 Goderich. tressit, Goderich Hfarness hop Olive, you have stnitton me to the lisp,,,the:ofore, y)uit way yet escape the thorns of all tile and agony on Sir all mutual wrongs, all mistake@ 2d lira.C.Dumin. Woolen gloves, lot Tivakeove, somior",and all sleftlLe MAY ifth,18-, 1 where all kin4s j earth Hilton's brow;h: faults.were forgiven. 1379 Saw him crowned with Mrs.J. McKnight,12d Mrs.W.Anderson. Slowly down,down to his very knees fy u wish me to die in silenool' As Olive turned her hed she met Sir W. fw'A.d a.y %he glory and honor of Olive's love Counterpane,hnle made, let Idiss, It- A. MARTIN drcwpod his bowed head, while him&COST asked John, with his eyes fixed on his Did 'no dr)p rnw)latiLn fail on Hilton's gaze, and he bowed to Ittr- Shirt TnK I-%brAumzyr or Srn itss.-Wo to t" P.11,11C of Sewing Machines lilo ' bows to a q alien. Miss S. Anderson, 2d must work if we would make. Few I called f,,r tears that could not, %ould brother's face. Sir I ton*s h"rt in IThis bitter tone f'a" Girvin 2d 9m.John Pentland. Pik=011- o h a '.It ta I&bou R A,%.. County that he has pitrebasei the will be repaire3, earth wait on- litltn i;owm, jet 11 zJW RESTAUANT. flareene baentess of Xr-laosto HallidAy,on Hose- &It'-rOd-d Put iti-first not come. 'No,'roluruedl6irililtA,n,6rmly. 'IfIbiI Mrs. Tboo. Welsh, Garden lowers, let'people live bytheir wi and r is class rtining order. I It"11L.Aner1ktitool served his app , ntioeabi p with No,the torture on him was like it fire, on call bear tbi anguish of a prison,I Apparently not,for them was it deep- shriiiol in her, the little weak ps Mrs.R. Hisoocks 2d Mrs. -Thos An- the natural inberitstace of our row, M%#*,*vy.a IR. Matta.u*vIerevis.W.A. H.bove Having had 16 Years expriencv in I burning heart and brain; and Start' lob", I CAU. I ahs"I p with you, and ate creature,whom he bad once d ,utp, I at Mrs.J., c- necoazary to health an well a&prosperity.- verk -I to*the lost the"vaa,o in the best llareeio* i or fatter in his voice nserul, E derson. H-ple, M shop,in clki­40 and i.110.prowed&,Wake tv Some of the largest machine tualluf&c.i up, to bear Ilia anguish erect, ho I '%N'h&t Olive hall suffered for my family tco Milan W love. Gmttan. but an none can expect pwitoct immunity LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNAS:9, tortes 'in the arorld be can gu,r&RRtoa 1%he room restlessly. his brother's hand, and Is not u-jkn.)wu to me,Mr. 'igo; but.1 And now he dared not hold out his from Sickness, it is right that the best 'If I had believe4i her,' said he, 'if I hand to greet her; he dared not uttoral ------ A 17,t JANKS VIVIAN HONSP-CLOT81jrG ND SCOTCH COLLAILS, cann"speak!of it.' . \,,,Iunle A vultl not c4)utaill the means(if cure ilhould always be T-Al. la-%113119 &11AA310 Tits STOILF oll TRI la Ilest-o=1e Iad with dospasolk, Orden Workshop-Nelt door to vew Fr t had ouly pokon one kind word,if I had -No pru )tr will keep mq long,Hilt on,' He bmke Ai nd the tr6mbling(A hitt tword to welcome btr to the house ft* 'nags I t ati mony -Allidil has weumu- Now for cold*, coughs, rhouniatisla, of West all t Votaries str."..."Itttea oillice,Clinton. yon be;that kiss of poem for whieb he watmilred; 'the prison walking for toltich he had cast her cut., I I neuralffial,cramps, cholic, Jw-, the"is preftotly to lip sh6wed h* w1as *16aring the ror of^, Botisam of 14*96%6 poper" 1*01,kg,Wbtoo'Clunryeveoulubs, MIL IA. S.WILLSON next to SIGNAL raz prayed sr humbly, if I had ewes me is tho grare; and whether that is Yet X pang,like fin,shot through b , let din fa offle@,Goderich tmtb in Saying he Jenild nat Speak of saw Charles VLgo apip take' If"11(Aerri,,as a safL,tilicidut, And re- 1 nothing like the "Canadian I'Lift - A LICS. ()yiT91tR, aVill receive m&cbineq only touched her hand Ili moray,I might J nnndlrss freedom, or a R' Strait And his, liall,Ial ]remedy In curiug antghs, coldl, Deitroyar." For sale by all Druggists I rty I Itat I heart&A he 'down ere. Price 25 Ceuta per Is tient*ft&*.. his place by her aide. and look fie- Many of the JIMAUX AT ALL R -411 fte0ke constaingy as band 11mismall- 431141 Uke orders. now bear to think of her. But so ; dark diingeon, who shal , p'llmonery klis" &rid evnintry deal sattlin i bFnd, stubborn, cruel ter the last, I cannot face it-I ca id tin toar," ho M and -im Ono III in as after a pimndly on the small white face,uplif W bottle. onomaw. TFIOMASGOBERT d 'that Kimp Vwaoo most ristiWy oB,,t Sir Hilton a,,- cum wt truly"aderful. 90dolsall JIM 30.307). Clinwa, Mh Marc 1873. 1360 nover gave hot one sign of ompassicift I I bare do" Wive justice. 46