HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-08, Page 47-.1r • .1 -APO HAS: 'Beets fella* who has overtaxed his digestive facglties, discourses of follows on apple yieli: I loath, abhor, detest, despise. Abominate, dried apple piei! like good bread, I like good meat, s.)t- anything times fit es eat; But of aU poor irub beneath the skies, The poorest is drt.d apple pies. t ve mi:rrtes toothache or sore eyes, 1n pref nce to dried apple pies. The fallow takes his gnarliest fruit,. Wormy, hitter and hard, to boot:- Th.7_140,e the hulls to make us weigh, And don.% take half the peeling off; Then on a dirty string 'tie strung, And from a chamber window hung, To form &roost for ants and flies, Until it's ready to masks pies. Tread ori my corns, or tell me lies, *But pass me rot your apple pies' AND ZEDS. What ons of the body are the iesttravtillentTbe two wrists The old maim, that "atan proposes" is fiatly oonthscheted by Massaehusetta spinsters, who will only wish he did. mitres Q. *ten le a Man tied te Timel A. Whoosh. Marries *Second. grewrios r CoessatorterrY.-If a hi man marry a let-daneer, may it not be said thee the children she may present hira with will have a Step -moth - or? . Timis is a.good reason why a little man should never marry a bouncing widow. He !eight be called the widow's mite. , Special Notices. irneenv•sre-Eres's Corne. -Guru:rot AND Courosortwo.-"Bya thotough lutowledge of the eatttrat laws which govera t. 'mentions of diges- tion and nutrttion, and by • sandal applicatim of the Inc properties raf well *sleeted mom, Mr. Epps nes provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which say save us many heavy doctors' bills." -Creel wears Camas. Made elmole with BoUing %Water°, Milk. Each Pacfietilawbeilwl -••Ims es get.* & Co.„ Hoinesteps•hie Chemists, Londou., ••• raexcits Or Coccui,-.We will now gleans remount of the process adored by Messrs Ja.nes Epps k Co., maeufacturers of dietetic articien, at their weeks Is the Euston RoatLondon..”--Cossell's Nonseasid 1541. BOGUS MEDICINES. Holloway's Pins and Ointment. 9"HavE for a considerable time past considered it to be my duty to adver- tise the public of the British North American Provinces against buying from unprincipled dealers medicines emanating from New York, and sold as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," io which much ingenuity bee been dis- played in passing them off as of my make. It is very difficult indeed to at- tempt to enumerate the many devices to which the parties have had recourse. They save_amongst other things, that a new lahelhas been &desisted by them, and with barefaced effrontery caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. A poor man by tho name of Holloway is employed by the so-called Chemicel Company in New York, who lends his name for a small weekly sum. The med- icines sold by this Company are palmed effl upon the public as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," so. that were they toinjurehelfthe cotnenunity no discred- it would 141 upon the fabricators of these co nponnds, but would considera- bly damage the reputation of my make. As it is not at all uecessary fee this CREW to ipcur any expense in the sale of their productions, Or to a very limit- ed extent (tradine as they do my nantel, they are ini position to offer theist at a very low ,price in Canada, where they &repurchased by a f err WholesalselIouses that 1 aut name, and will nanis hereafter„ if they centieue to vend the same. The following are the names and ad- dresses of some of the Houses who get my medicines from here direct: - A envuettiestopped at the stoop of a eountry•apothecary and inquired for a pharmacopreis, -Sir," said the -apothe- cary, "I keep of no each Lamer living in thou parte:, • A itelaelore paper at the West does not seeTwbv is man should not pray for guidenes in shoosing a wife, than which "nothieg inv31ves more risks, is attend- ed with more perplexity or leads to vast- er results." A stedeutewhehas been afflicted with awns= one hour and a half long, grumblingly -says tint these professors seedy so mach about eternity thet they hive no eoneeption of ten.), Lands for Sale By E, WOODCOCK, CONVEYANCER And Land Agent. OFF1i3E-Borner of West Street, Goilerielt NEW BOOKS, VzLll l'atper, \ DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKE'it, ITPHOLSTERER. tfrx.d..exceteels_ev, &C., &C• WHOLESALE&RETAIL A Valuable Farm tT BUTLER% taITUA in tete second concession " of the eaters Township about four miles Division of the f Colborne, from - Godonch, con- taining 200 acres of _good land, nearly half of which is cleared and ire* from eternise, with Brick House, Barns, Sts - bias, Workshops, 4.. There is a good bearing Orcherd of the choicest fruit on the estate. Well watered. Title indisputable. Terms easy. E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Land Agent,Coderieh. - Assaasss Aw -"Fat'i this I hear ye're pen to dee, Jeaqier aai 1 an Aberdeen tau to another young woman. "Well, Xenia lass, lin ust gin to marry that farm ower by there, and live wi' the bit menthe on't." A man in Yates county, New York, who bubo.° an inveterate: smoker for tifty years, has seddenly and permanent- ly given a up. He knocked the ashes off his pipe into a keg of blasting, powder. A DILEMMA .-Artzilliary Recruit OA himself); Murder! Murder! Wh it'll I do now! P11..sriint tould me always to & Met and e trai both Srr essay lands lately in w est . situ& me officer wid the far off hand, re's two of em! Fate, 111 make it, t for mysell anyhow:" [Thews up. ds.] ATICLW OF BI 3 N'tvis.-A juvenile t, iaa schoolin the West Uih- preuented the- Inspector one day •th a description of Ben Nevis, be stated that it was the high- intain ie Oreat.Britain, and was MI behind the Ben Nevis Distil - Valuable Bush Lot. BEING composed of Lot No 5,0011 cession 10, in the Township of Turnberry, containing 100 acres. 'fhe soil is mixed front black loam never failing cree Lot Timber one the remainder C lock. Soil heav valuable, being si of the Railroad, village of Bohn Wroxeter, and ham. Title goo purchaser. For ply to Conveyancer and Messrs, Avery, Brown & Co., Halifax, 8: - Messrs. Forsyth & Co., HalifaxN. S. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, Si. John, N. B. Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P. E. I. s ' • "life, de you not knew I have got the peeureonial" "New mania; indeed! Such lxtravagancel You are the spend- thrift4st man that ever 1 did see, •to do and I eat money on such truh, when a new bonnet so much. _ - I nee Te wn leave ing- the tainet never a dm ea DRAWN SoME- 11 '.-, y lady- "And why did you ladik litnatimi?" Sensitive be - Wen, my -lady, l'adn't been in e 'ardly a month when I ha.scer- as the Ladies of„ the family 'ad Yen been presented at Court!" Th first thing that a-yoting MITI floes when e s1 ees a friend with a new hat on is to ka it off and serenely try it on kis on haul. When a pollee lady sees ' ono of heracquaintances with a new bon- net, ifie just Walter nose, and serene- ly subtler* "where the, thing got. that frieh !" ' !nitte A LITTLE TART tit- -"SO Di care about donkey -riding, . And why!"-" 0, I've got a - Messrs. Langley & Co., Vial:iris, li C. Messrs. Moore & Co., Victor* B. C. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, ,i quanti- ties. of not less than £20 wo h -viz.. nis. tel 22e., Th. tier dozen , :es of pitt3 or riots ef Ointment, for irhichee- ntittances mint be sent in advance. These medicine" age not Bela in the r nited States. . Each Pot andlBox Of my preparations bears the Britilh Goyernrneat Stamp, with the words, "Holloway's Pills and . Ointment, London." (Sietied) THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 333, Oxford Street, W. C., London, July 1, 1873. 1381 , ereit nese ism e and ono doesn't cere about don ye attest that, you know !"-"Ilas a po y got more lega. than a donkey; the -limy (w1iii dosen't like to be - chatted): "Yes; exactly te fai many as eessefelonkees that I know (IF.' -. "James 'Jenkins," said a natienal school -muter to his pupil, "what is an, &voltage!"! "A thine, sir,".answered thei itch r, proptly, "that bens lay eggs sti m ego " "Why do you say that, you silly boy ' queried, the pedagogue, 'Because, air,'' said the youth "I heard a gentle- mailsay, the other day, that a hen woald lay, on a average, a hundred:and twen- hY eggs siTe4e' A Dutchman in Albsny some time back went out to his milkman in the street with a dish in each hand, instea.1 a opsas usual. The diepenser of at- 4,milk asked hen if he wished fill both veasels- The Datehman . soitingsthe action t• • the word, is flir de melee en dis b.: de initter„ an' er int mix stern to Auto mynself." . Wide Foot.. -"Jock, how auld will ye I'' *.id a sage wife to daft Jock • AA*, ose day. when talking of their spa. "Q' I dine& ken," said Jock, "it wodld tak a weer head than mine to tell yo thee." -It's an iinco queer thing o sandy learn, with a running through the ialf Beech and Maple, lar, Pine and Hem- . This lot isvery nate within:, one mile hree miles from the re, six utiles from von miles from Wing - Terms to ,suit the urther particulars, ap- WOODCOCK, Land Agent,Goderkch. A Good Farm, eeITUATE allot ' rich, on tho BeautifinAssortment OP JEWELLERY OFALL t six miles from Code- th con., E. De of the Townshi of Colborne, containing 100 ecres, 80 cleared an tuostly meter cultivation. The soil is good, yealing from sandy loam to heavy black Iowa There is a splendid creek running through the lot -also a small bearing orchard. r To be seld cheap. For particulais appItta y WOOpcocK, Conveyancer an Land Agent,Goderich. KINDS JusT RECEIVE I:, and to belsold ()IIEAP BUTL.Ext'S Fishing Tackles, 'LW Aids KINDS. ;:titiSISTING of nesees. HASS CO, BAITS BOORS flOn1STITITTION BROKEN DOW3 SJ with bitty degeneration of 04 heart, liver and kidneys, from the use of alcohol; exhaustion of the vital forces, fronethe use af•Tuttscco: irritability and restlessness of tbe nertrous system, from the effects of strychnine ; impaired nutrition and loss of energy, front thel use of opium; and ner• 'MB and physica prostretion, hem intemperance of any kind -can be restored bv the use fo Da. Wiessteure Comeoveu Eeizik or PHOS- PHATES ;AND CALI:SAVA, a purely physio- logical remedy -perfectly harmless to adult or infant -that builds- up all the organs 'And tissues of the body in a radi- cal and permanent manner. OR. J HELL SIMPSON'S Mpectar and Tonle rills. Valuable BUish Farm, SITUATE onl the fOth con. oi the Township Of Grey, within lf miles of the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Deceit, Maple, and a large quantity of good Cedar. About 5 acres cleared with a Log House, &c. Soil ex- celleat. Title indisputable, the pre- sent holder beidg the Crown, patentee. Terms easy. Fir particularstapply to . WOODCOCK. Conveyencer atiLand Agent, Goderich. A Desirable Farm, sat:ATE on the 81 con., Western Division of the Township ot Colborne, On the Northero Gravel Road, about 5 piles from Goderich, containing 50 acres of excellent land in a high state of cu'fiyation. Floe particulars apply to • E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. ,frFtE ORE a? ENGLISH REMEDY' FOR SERV - yo ho steeea ken how mild 11 he. iltielless vets P111.011.151$1.= Ancient Piligriaa "Ale fair eir, all is changed eim my time ! No peas in your shoes ! now -no toil -no robbery- ne danger - everything made easy; ill fact, quite a • plasma% -excursion. " Modern Pilgrim: robberyl-no danger? Dees it °mar foto, my venerable- friend, that our •pilgrinsages' are mule by rail!" Ancient Pilgrinie'shuts PZACTICAL CHIMISTRY.--When Dr. Chalmers was settled at Kihnony, he delivered a series of lectures on chemis- try. Am er; oth3r experiments, the powers of bleachiug liquid were exhi- bited. At the close the following col- loquy between two old wires was over- heerdeee"Oar Minister," said the one, "is naetbing short o' a warlock, he was Wilzig the folk hoo to clean claes, bat ✓ without soap." "Ay, woman," was ;he reply, "I yeah hewed teU me hoo to mek parritch without useal," dine* ken hoo sell you are," re- ed the woman. " I ken weel oneuch aultil I am," an ered Jock; "but 1 on. elpermatorrhea Nocturnal Luis- ., fn of the tiettorative Ilrg•cis, Palpitation of the Heart. Tremblingi, Sieeplessneao, the elfoct of over-Indtilgence in aleobulte ettanntants and tobac- co; ge. Dr. J. BELL :SIMPSON'S 'Pill. are the emly eiferibtil ones for tlse above disease*, and are never known to fall. They' have already enrOd Mind:eds in this country. Itabert Arthur. martnn- ist. Ilantltofl. testifies to his r-Mmyery by then nisi. Safe. certisin and rapid liaitettona snort trial will prove,their &Sisley. No onfferer need deenair oil being 'fell:oriel (non the frighthil effectsesof Thd Specific Pill. are eold by LIPtaggistiot fit iw Imx,,and the Took : Pills at 60s, aLbox, or they will beseent by ntall. Postai° prolleid, aid securely wra:ped front ohlervation, on reoeipt of 51.50 for the Specitio. and 'Mr. for the Tunic by J. BKLL SIMPSON & CO., Drawer 91 0. Hamilton. Sol -1 - P. by all Whole.ale snit Retail Drug4ist4. Pamphlet, sent post-free on application. "L7' I..ai..si.DA71i7-193' • Coif P017110 SYRUP OF RYPOPHOSPIIITE3 s • • ••••••••• -•_: Aimee. display's! by th.is hoo.,,t1,1r acknowteilsed by the ...el faculty in every seetiiin where It 'has bsdn 10, ; 1111 CIO rapidly tocreseing sale 0,the 1-••••0: ..rAntee of the estimation in which It. Ls held by Cie public. Vie syrup will cure Phltrionar7 etraftIMption In the ars-land sersmil stages : will give great reliet 91,.1 pril-ing Pre In the that. It will core Asthma. arotichais. Laryngitic Coughs &nil Coldn. It still i-tre all diseases originating from want of MusCular Action and Nervous Foriesuch as Eioargement of ths Splima. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feehleand Irregular action of the ticirt„ Local and General Paralysis, Aphonia or Loss of Voiee. It will eure Leneorrhora. Chlorosis. Au le:nta. and reatores 1.110 1)100i.1 to pnrity and hoslth - Sold By Apothecaries. Tnee. 5150,; Six for $7.50. I. FELOWS, ,CIIEMIST ST. JOHN; N. B. Go•lerici Sept. •th 1971. end LINKS . •Itrerhrl 111 SELLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S. wiwica. 19th NM.; 1879. 6,1" Desirable Farm, SITUATE on the Huron lb •ad ill the p of Goderich, - Iron Town, within five glish Church, contatning 70 of which aro cleared temps, with geed Brick rame Barns, sec. Large , and well watered. is feral Will be sold very iog its comet:wiling po- reasoneble. terms._ For y to • WOODCOCK. Conveyisncer toulAgent, Godcrich. TOWIleh about 2; miles walk of an Eii 93 acres, about and free from House and k bearing inch Title good. cheap, conside salon. and on partissulare ap JAME9 THE. GREAT FEMALE RPIED1 Job Moses' Periodical Pills L. S. WILLS ON, Sewing Machine PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, D GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL- LOWING INSTRUMENTS. Cstrgans and. Melodeons, R. 8.. W11- linini, Termite; l'eloubet, Felton & Co. New York. 12'121.14CfCHSI LGRICULTURkL IMPLEMENT _AG showroom.'. next door to the "Signal" Otlice, Ooderich. Air MR. MEG AW and myself are the ONLY AGENTS FOR THE ;•• - "FLORENCE)) UNION CO.'S, New York. GABLE'lt 44 di BARbIORE 44 DUNHAM it 44 W gBER CHICKER1NG 'MILLER Can furnish almost all Canadian and American Maker's Instruments on terms to suit purchasers for cash or on time at leu than Manufacturer's price. Goderich, Feb. 27, 1873. _ _ di 114110044. 44 41 it Sewing Machine in Gotlerich and vicin- ty. 1368. THE "WEB'STEll" SEWING MACHINE, The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. A Valuable Farm. ITUATE ori the Huron Rotel in the Township cf Godencb. about four luiles from Torre, contain- ing 100 acne' of first-rate hied', with good Frame House, liana, Stables, lie. Good orchardi of choice fruit trees and never failing creek runninii through front of lot. Weems easy. I orparticu- tars applyto E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderieb. TIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE is UNFAILING lid the care of ail those painful and dengeniu• disesses le whirls the female constitstios is solret. It invieratee all eicess and removes all obstructions and • speedy ears ma• be relied on: VO MARIUS) LADIES ft ol pecoltarir muted. 11 will, 05 short tune, bnag on the monthly period with regularity. hes/ /VIA !Rosa 504114 tawi ay essoLos daring the FIRST rHR 3f0:VTHS of Proymeiessom they are sere Snmy MiednirrAED. Nla at awy ottbertime tksy dm rife. Cases .if Servo:is and Spinal Affections, rs n tn itile Bark mid Loot'sri44 0 o ellehtexertio0.Palpi- 4ition ot tire heart. LlystZrmis sod WhItes. these Pills will effect a cure erten alf °fain means have failed, Mthottah a powerful remedy, diinot contain iron, estiornel, antamony, or implant hurtful to the eonsti. Ful l,tireetlot'5M the pamphlet around each package nen. which should be earefell y pr '4. re tut cools person, under the eircum- stences, as waa ever heard of was a yrarblensan, who, in a frightful r accident, missed his valet. Oas of the gliardians came up to him and .4,1, "My lord we have found your ser- vant, but he is cut in two," "Aw, is her said the young man, with a. Dim - dreary drawl, but still with anxiety de- picted on his countenance. "Will you gwood enough to:see in which half he has gwet the key of my carpet hag," • A Coveitowthete Steen& -"John," sd a very incipient-looktng tailor in *whin, who had evidently been "on the spree," one day toa fellow -workman, . "Can ye len' ate a pistol tor twa or three deyar "A pistol. Godsake, Willie!" said dlohu, "What (lye want wi' a pistol! • le're surely no gaan to shoot yourself Te look awfu' like it." "Na, na, no just • *at, John," answered Willie; "I wadna care aboot shootin' myser a' thegither; • but I've been Ric a dracken rip this while back, that I wad like to gie rapier * deeyil o' a fricht!" A Good Farm. A CtOtittliatt /Sera Mot, 419,1 limpreee- &flied &MSS A,truding it Everrchirt. • SUBSCRIBE ERIC McICAY Cabinet finaker Upholsterer, d&c. 13E',;:M.leariha vetos hristanu, rn.at,kae.nlit,angto tollue.i.nahiabLtarnithseont liberal pin...mop:during the Ike two veers he Ilse been la business. 113. now prepared to furnish all &tildes itt his hue. such as E. T7 It INT I T T_T - OF ALL OF.SCRIPT(ONS. PILLOWS BOLSTERS • MATTRASSES, Iris STRONG AND DURABLE, EASY aol Lnarr ro-Wosa, HAS NO COOS OR CAME, Awl w;11 .1.. ErJry 1(ir4 of Work, bigid i;r Henry. _ The meat complete set of Attachments given with every Machine. See E W E INT Eft befero buy i eg any other. • , MANUFACTURED I3Y TIIE Canada: Sewing Machine • Co'i, twit It.ToN, 4)NT. June 13, 1873. • • 1371-31n 'SITUATE in the Fourth Concession of the Eastern Division of the Township of ashfield. containing 100 acres of land, one mile Prom Dungannon, GO acres of whtch are cleared and under cultivation. There is on the premises a good log Hoese and a log Barn. Soil, clay loam. front of lot light. Well watered with Nino mile creek running through the lest. There is also a good Orchard of choice fruit on the lot. E. WOODCOCK, - Conyeyancer and Lent Agent, Goderich. 1,00 salt 1 cents for postage, enclosed to Nonhrop WSW YORK, ii0L1 PROPRIETOR. Jr Lyneami. ewcastle, Ons genen.I agent. for the Donn n ion, will inure. • leattle containing ever 50y ills by return mail. NORTHRUP & LYMAN Newcastle, G • Vor,genera &rents forCanane rip- Sold in Goderich by Parker *v• Cdttleand V. Jordan naadiner ac Co., Baybeld Bentham, Bowel v't le; J Ptek•rd,E. later J. B. Combs. Glutton', 9.3. eoei,Leeknoir E. Hick: Tits MOTII AND TIE Boix.-"John," laid a clergyman to one of hie fiock, fe`yon should beconio a. teetotaller -you jive been drinking again io.day.•, "De be never tent, a wee arop yourself, sirr 1.*quired "Ah, but, John, you igast.look•at your circurestanees and pgirag," "Veers true," quoth John: t.bat.air. can yon tell me how the streets of Joresallir ere kespit sae clean!" .5"elo, John, cannot tell you that." 4Weel, sir, it wasjust because every ene limps' the dirt free elite own doer! re. glied John, with an atheof triumph. Wenn was not questioned again on Vie MIMIC matter by th% minister. TM" WAY "to miuister ..o a mind dia- "is to Lake Peruvian Syrup, a totted solution of the prottride of which giseiestrengtt and vigor to ,whole system,,;-- reeti:zes the ve ewes tot "abet bealth, there-. tha mind to na esti:teal son aisafoila. •asil qt: 'waters. Two Excellent. Farms. - C tNADIAN PAIN DENTICOY• A S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS LI' well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Sids Beck arid Head, ('ought, Cohld, Sore Throat, Sprains, Cronies in the Stomach, Cholera Moolos, Dysentery, Bowel Coretticiire::, Burns, Prod Bites ITUATE on the Gravel Road be. tween Waltsn and Brusaals in the Township of Grey, containing each 100 acres. A gcod Log House, Barn and Orchard on each lot, tee acres cleared. These farms will be sold reparately or togother as may be desired. Soil excellent. Terms easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. • 9 Cheap for Ca.t4h, FOR THE Huron Signal, THE \GODERICH FOUNDRY. OLDEST-, LARGEST AND BEST AND 012 THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE FRAMES kept oc hand and made to order, on hill I as urea -talent of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, 1 am prepsir to make cettina on the shortest notii•e, and to contInet funerals on the most reaeun- able terms. 11.3. Renhonber the old stand, VT BST S 'CRYAN opposite the Rink of Montreal. Doderich. Feb. 12.12. ly ExtensiveliewPrembies Worth & Beauty. WOOD'S NOUSENOLD MA GAIIN E tali Tilt: cligit•t.i Q 11 1 r11 I Y _111 1 1 • 1,'_/ • HAVIM: coition) of the magnificent Til Clir ..... it, A N 0 Splendid New Stock. 11111111 1111.1 C. Barry & Bro. Cabinet Makers, Undertakers St Wood Turners, 32L.a.atiamercav arr. 114140 removed &ernes the street te the store nest 1)01 40 W. Acheson'. Ilerness Shop, where .01 be tound A 000b ASSORTMENT et kitchen. floaroorn. fhn-rgr.Im. sod FOZ or Pu nature, AA - Vo fartutte, Weary alas Ur offer a eon, Mintier' of literary and artiatie work of genuine worth, and at pules ifupre. ed.- tiled. IlvTIO. line copy tit a piece of Natorit's grandest swish, act presented tn the usual iimiteri .1 )1. Judi 'tensions. 14 x 20, inakiiii; • picture of very desirable size, in itself An Ornament to the Room gtaecd by tt• presenee. But few copies ttf this beautiful Chrolosi .114.- allowed to to to the re. tad stores, aad u RI he on.t1 at their Actual Retail Price,' $0.00. NEWSPAPER pusiisumi IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Only $1,50 Per Annum in Advance. TABLES. CHAIR% hair, carte and wood seated) CU I'lloARDE . IPEDSTEADS, WASII ST %VIVO • MATTI:10th," hi • • I • PI \ len 1•••••1• WH▪ ATNOTS. LOOKINC GLASSES Eru 511-54.pn pu est to eell everytkitig 1. Cheap far Cash. 14 A 'mold'''e mosirtniritoft'idllses mei ithrowille el. yrs...Saud mid a Ile* hum ; sd on mastine able term*, A CALI4 SOLICITED. le. Ifs leg MIO 1 P•47 (1!"47 • AN It!l7.11.: COMPLETE SUCCESS THAT valuable building site, suitable fora Snit -class Villa Reside -nee, be- ing composed of Loth 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, and 31, in the Wilson Survey of the To in of Goderich,containing in one block, two' acres of land. The above eligible property has a frontage of about 330 feet on the Huron Road, and is well atocked with choice fruits. To be sold on reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, Office, corner of West street, Goderich. ed. The canetise Pea Destroyer has now Leen be- fore tIte pnblic for a length of time, and wherever Med Is wen liked, newer falling ht a single Instance to give peraasesk 91,04 51101 timely urea, and we hove uovuz Immo uKtglsaissatiefaction, where the directions knee heiew pearly followed. but on the centntry, all d•lighte with Its oners, Dons, and &Mak in Um highest tertua et Its virtues and magi - We speak from experience in thm e stter, having oe abet. tooted it thoroughly ; sod therefore those who are soartaa *Olt EDF of Ukecomplaint. for which it * nd .1100 11 being 'Sovereign awasiv. forlhosses whlethimettgbitetont- effects in Ow , see la rellkiettig WI* Wel* rut in tune{ u1 10•1601141‘t from ItedIalse pares of 16. werinStw fier further sup. =AA ask tostifying as to the nalversal sals- a &M. The Canadian Man Destroy,' *hewer fails to give inowerilate raisaf. All NI•Dels'• Meierl keep 41 15 Pliracits. order sod ose It ; ayes. Lustily will be IA heat It aner • ig Price. Indy Tee- PAT* Cane per bott F. Jendaik; Gardiner a Co. Bayfield; JaalNisklann, Roservillo;.- J. Pickard, Exelar; H. COTIOPO, Clinton; 8. Elaaard, laratisevr;E. Hickson, &Worth ; and all isealaiee elselos. Gsdcricts, Deo. 98, WT. w 50 g Tko othoey of the Canadian Pain De- JINI-Soid Gldench, by GeO. Cattle, Valuable Town Lots, while if ordered is 1.41111”.. tiOn with .1tIr 11.•gazitia both will be furnosh...1 As a Prentitini11 pirttler• tirly4e ol,talsei by as Two Subscriptions for the Magazine at 51.00 seat, or hysuhscriloms for the Magarsim two rears in admiseei at *1,00per atintim, Address WOOD'S MOUSEHOILD AZIN Newburgh. N, Y, d. 5, BRUTES. Puhlishtlr. 130 Lot No. 992, situate on the North side of West Street in the Town of God- encl. A splendid situation either for business or private residence. Lot No. 255, corner of Elgin and Wellingtou Streets in the Town of Gott - 'rich, one quarter of an acre. ' Lot No. 1318 on the quron Road, in the Town of Goderi:le outs fifth of an acre. Lot Letter "C" in the Village of Maitlandville,(or Bridgend place) with a good house thereon erected and gardeo well stocked_ with bearing fruit trees. E. WOODCOCK, Laud Ageut and Conveyancer. Ore toe -Corner of West Si, Goderich, 1377 - - - WHY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co' VICTORIA l•CNII`01.:ND •••11'.• I' HY1OPHOSPHITES 'P1. only•Sy•rop prepared hem ChureLill's Formula, and certified to b• Chemically pure. For the prevention sail mire of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION Also for the eine of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma. Loss of Appetite, General Debility, &c. Ten First Pnzes CERTIFIC•rm AS To PURITY AND erru•scr. Laboratory, Uuiversity College, Toronto, Dec. 4, 1972. To the Vi -tri t Chemical ('o., treatleireo.-I U1411 Ad:Whined the articles em- ployed in the Vivien* Chemical Works, pre paration of the VietOria Syrup of 11)pophimphitee. The several ilypoplomplotes used are *Minify inin, and t he Syrup is ahl0 emir free from ens 15, purity. lour Syrup of Ilypophosphilis will un- doubtedly wove a IV", Medit!Ina. HENRY H. CROFT, Professor of Clomtiotry. 13.5. Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. , VICTORIA CoMPOUND 1141IMEXTRACT OF lit Two Exhibitions 1 W BELL & 0Q. GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize BUCHI; 2 I1VA URSI .A S,.rifr Pessaty fie all Diseases of the hirellire dim! k,leros; Propmail tMerli...ye; Complaints iarii p,....Ors; omit MI Dimes" of As Urinary (wrens ta tether Ser. Try it once for any of the abuse I4,Aouler4, end you will I* fully convinced of its pir-eunnent virtues. Fr -e flper Bottle. &Mt by all Druggists. VICTORIA' 4-1 11.1. LINIMENT. rou ADVERTISE IN THE HURON Goderick Foundu and Manufacturing Co Reg to inform tho public that they are prepar4.1 to (N1101110...2 for Steam Engines and Boilers; for Sale or Co IC& LANDS for BALE AT SAYFIELD• T (MI NO'S. 71413 BATTIELD .ouNCSDAION J. Township of Goderich, esuntandeig 146 acres of the herr totality of law!, within about epees of the Market piece ef tie Tsars of Brzilab41,, _inwro t• • clearance 0425 serve %Odell son maolaiT 0. Pf994tr- •"1 for crop. The remainder of the land is clowely revered with the best of hereh and maple timbee Of splendid growth, an est...dent reed pasts* es two aisles 04 111. properly. eith•li is sawdust la an old anid well milled nmghbourhood. AT,95CA.- Lot 14, 'Range A Towurdtils S'tan ley, eintamour soiree of WOO rea•TTeel 441ohtt Ised, at hiels woo lit prodnia's large quantity .anr..trood 443 • s the act e The It rums to tbs. River Hayfield it h • emehleraLie water fall whleh eon he made asml aisle for milling oi turingld purposes. Fror ter115 apply to, jt05I10 D. ALIEN . • Guelph. •T W. W CONNOR, Ksq. Hayfield. Guelph, Aug.15th, 1870 w30 _ - GEIST AND SAW ..11.11: LS, SA 1" IN t; MACHINES, FLOUR, LEFFEL 1VATER WHEE 4.s, Con littsid TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM 1R0N AND WOODEN PLOU GANG PLOUGHS, CULT STRAW CU7TERS, SUGAR AND POTABH KETTLES, G RA WAGGON BOXES, kr„ COOKING. PARLOR di 1101 ST SALT PANS IRA,DE Iron and Brass Castings, and 13 %VG ANES ; • HS, with steel boards; VA TORS, - E BARS, VES of various kinds. oftaEat eksmith Work. BOILERS AND sk.0 PANS T.LEPAH„LED on short notice. 14r All Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention. ARCHIBALD HODGE, HORACE HORTON, deeretary and Treasurer. President.1 ROBERT RUNCTMAN. C en cr Maneger. Goderich, Ont., 9th S.pi, 1878. 1125 GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. 1'?2. rpne SUBSCRIBERS, BOILS RETURNING TIIA", ern Lea 1 STATE that during the isiet winter, tic y Yoe Added largely totheir Manufacturing Machines. And all having Vern entirely refitted, Are now Prepared t.,) Execute Orders InTweeda Pull Cloth. battnetts, Tiann •••4, Walevys. Mink •••, Ibt-icror. trs, St,rchinz Yarn*, &C.. Ac WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater in Pattern Than Formerly. They wonli aim call artieulm attention to FOR SALE. rr HE unileraigned offer for Ude the un- ;• dernientioned lands. bideligier to the Estate of .the late BEEMAN It. 11.eirreozie viz Al.., the North-east quarter of Lee 14. 11, in the Fifteenth Coecesaion eg 4.• Township of Sombre, in the County of Lanibten, 50 acres, more or leas, For terms and particulars of Bale, ap. ply"to the undereigned, persoually, or by letter, te St. cathartics Post Office, Box 408. ANGUS COOKE, ? az tore. AARON READ, 1 G re:Ithaca:- 30th Ilay, 1873. Me SIGNAL CUSTOM SPINNING, ROLL CHIDING, CLOTH DRESSING STA IF YOU WISH Ira viripexcemairre TO ILEA77. LARGEST Nl.IMBER Crgitns & Nolodeons Eaullton, Int In addition •to het year's re- PlIver ▪ Mcdni, 3 iiiptotunai nun 1Illrat Prizes, Prove that oar Instrument., ifs the opinion of eon, 1 petent judge* are ineornpatibly superior to all others. 1 Sole Po•prietors end blenufsetnreri of the Containing slaying Tubes, seta.% h.oged by all 4. 4* the greatest improvvitient yet introduced. Their elipridoTity 4 rePhectied Other maker. Ds in the 1.1 that at tinelpit they withdrew trunk moupettlicin. time selnouleiltoug 0thf eitur.itnraubmileInt ywtt. cunt pete with them. Wend for catalogue g idly different styles Every instruuictil fully watranted Sir five years. W. BELL A CO. .5340, "The ling of all Liniments." For Minimalism, fiel.1, Nescalqin, La whore. Sinatra, Wrouleriew Paso, Mixes., es ths Limbo sr Jena', Sprains, &Mos, Nwasbessr, Streeliage, khoderke,Eitra 7b45et. Sr, kr. Buy it! Ty it! Prove it Prior 50 Cents per Bottle. Poll by all Druggists CARBOLIC/A RSIALVE SpetellAttlCS LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER 1 ---:o:- NOTICE. -Any person sending the answer to above to the Agent, F. Jorslae, Goderich, within the next thirty. days, will receive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their super sr new pettort Eye Glasses. Goderich, Feb. 5, '72 swn8nw3 1 I1•4 WEIGHT 10 beLD." A Spirt* for Cuts. Rewhis, -Prriers, Baru, enggi, Jesus, Pik; Minster, s'e., sad Chrintie Maws. 20 ef the Skeis of every geserionew. Nriese !Sets. per Bottle. Sole by all Druggi,ts. _ - Notieeto Debtors, LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO T/EI au 1t suit» will please p5759 It most. ABRAHAM SMITH. 004. 1075. VICTORIA CARBOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY. "IMLWENTLY THE EADtes'. rAvorava.” For genstifriaq tAs Cowiplerkm,,surffer maws* Ha! Suter,., Frerklem Pimples, ge„ da,f, Chap. jug Mewls, ighiTheitins, Frost Bites, esti Sore Lye. Price 25 Cents pet Bottle, Sold by ad Drtialstr. VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. Onelkh, Oct. 15.1872. "CELEBRATED FOR T -3111E UNIFORM PURI- TY A.ND EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY." CTORIA CANBOLIC SOAP. VICTORIA SULPIIUR SOAP. vrcroku CLTOVRTNE, RONEY, 04.051 4 D WINDSOR,. Sold by all Driggirts. 1354 11.4 r TEE ttIii WITC11 1.1114.15 nI miscl suitable fer Ladies nett:elite both in gold and silver. But the accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportions TH: $25-11USSf1l Hums LEViR WATCH, In sterling silver case and gohl points, full jewelled, warranted fer five years - together with a wild plated Albert chain- which will be sent to any enrt ,.1 (*mt. MU on receipt of or C. 0. D., per exeress W. E. CORNELL, M'atch Importer, 83 King street Esse 1310310. ONT. 1,5 -GF--. FA1)14S• Advertising Rates Liberal. - • 414 For whiith their ms.•'.Inery 1. irK•efally ad al, wool to ipt cabled, 17 leaving tlie *arms with Mr. It. Ve4.gets0c,Merchalititioder1ALes1 TT 1 cettilm f hole roll,. home with them the same day 'Those wishing 1.0 exchange their wool tor go., ! s tit.: it ti visa ibtsrest. to kiss the utieciihers • call. Low. F teteclase work guarantee!. X:r N. B. -1'ricee JOHN MGM & SOW J.0 B INT1N Neatly, cheaply told tiIpeiliiiou •e!i at ..1 • oTete of CARDS, BILL MEADS, flOTES, RECEIP7'S, --PROG RA 11411 POS7'ERS,' t NOTICES 01: Ail' r'OIN TA ENT, OATHS OF Q pLIFICA TION, 1'f 'IY1MAiffTERS LISTS, VOTERS LISTS, ncuLARS, .II TRY LI4STS, HEADINGS , DEEDS, Are., ALp., best style and at the lowest Rates. Iron in the Blood GO TO TO THE 4 FOR YOUR JO) Printing. All kinds of W rk fusel the e., Printed in the CA.UTION. 'BUY ONLY TIIE Steam Saw Mill for Sale. -- , ONE 1 of Waterons a Go's. Clipper Mills with Lumber Edger and aisn a good Shingle machine attached., The mill is situated on lot 24, 7 con. ef W. wanoeh, in a splendid locality for doing ca flargpinee caundatohmembiliocsinkescos. nyTehneierentistoplikseiet.)p. it rAuipsonianglot foirnatchveeralloew- No. 1153 on Gibbons Street which cou- enarer(:1R(A3°c1IGeri, .ell' tains one fifth of au acrewaeindtfieindferuced. 0. in with a good fence. For terms and further particulars, JOHN 1382-2m• _ RESIDENCE POW SALE., IN THE 2 rrowirk oi Goderich. Genuine Fairbanks' ScAes. MANI. FACTV1 ED DV E. T. Fairbanks 8,, C. . Standard Scales. STOCK SCALES, CAL SCALES! • HAY SCALF.S,DAIRY 8 'ALE4,C411' STERNeA I."' &C., &O. Scales repalred promptly aird ma...01104y. For sale, also, Trooniner's Caret, and Drug Milli, Composition Hells, all aizes Letter Presses, &c., &e. THE BIOST PERFECT ALARM CASH ERWR. MILES AL 11111 TILL Z v EAT LargestPoster tothe Smallest Card MERCHANT I, PH, It LP Fifty Agents Waaited 110 Canvas fur the most popular ••• Books by favorite authors- ei-ery- where.' Onr agents are selling' from 25 to 50 books per week. Our list compri- ses the following excellent works, - "Library of Famous Fiction," 'Li % ing- stone Lost and Foond;" "Librale of Poetry and Song:" "Lif'-'• 0f Jesus 66 Christ," (a, great boon hy a peat man); 'Housekeeper's Manual; ' ' 'The World's Pepe," and 'Country 11011101." .ow is the tints to bogie a vireos ennvaesirg cempaign and Farmer s sons are jest the boys t I do it. J 'W. JONIt'is 1535 • Louden. EXECUTED win' Neatness and Despatch. erstr-Partieu la r attentivn paid to Town- ship Printing. Orders by mail punctually attended to. J. J. BELL, EDITOR ANS PaorILIMOS Use este, EVE61: 3781tifEll Vaunted. FAIRBANKS, SCALE WAREHOU.IES Fairbanks & IS Kahl 01,, Mara LY. Ell Brassie/a), New P94 338 Broadwin, Alt.'., . N. Y. FAIRBANKS, BROWN CIECo., 2 Milk ht., Biation. 1 'Itgitt For sale by Leadiitz Ara int ro• 111. MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Synup, a Protect- ed Soltaion of the Protoxide of A FRAME HOUSE cen- L4- taining seven bed -rooms, parlour, dining -room. kitchen. pantry. hard and soft water, &c.The grounds, 1 acres,is partly stock- ed with choice fruit. A superior view of the Town and Lake can bp had from this place. Apply to FRED. ARMSTONG, 13e4tf Land Agent, Goderich. Farm For Sale. Tianteo•rno. Nrth milet Colobernf woe; kin 34 100 aeres AO chimed and under good e, au 50 *ens good .1Flard Wood Timber. 'Iwo sprat Creeks', neot quality, good Log House sad FRIOe ilarn and bearing _Orchard, sstlito mmiilles".rifbrl'irmCornwty"Town Ood4 Griat Werith. Terms mode- rate. Apply to JOHN o:10,1feAiRnintb.... Oodeiich Nov. 211. 6 in.• tr the ...SIGNAL Odle*, a. partial 'choler - •I ship fora course eif instruct: in t he Dominion Telegraph Institute, Tordittee Will lee sold at a redaction to anv roe desirous of spending a portion of the jrirtter in learning telegraphing, and letting themselves for a useful and re- dpotisible position. Gederiel, 23rd Nov. 1872. FOR .SAIX.- A -House and Lot edjoinine the real- • deece urWin. kieymour,'Etse., com- manding oneof but views of the Lake and llarbeur. Apply to DANI EL Gederiele June 30111, 1873.' 1 ' . FOR SALE. • I OT 5, Con. 4. 'E. D., Abldwld, eon' ° A twining 200 acres excellent lands covered with Maple and 'Beale 141 miles from Coderiele with a never failing truut stream running through the centre ef Cue land, there is about 15 acres ot &eared land on the front ot the lot. Apply to , THOS. WE ATB ER A LT), - Engineer arid Surveyer. Goderich,.Jan,2ad, 1872. • HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. RBING Lot Ka. 5, Maitland s--". Street, South side of the Railway, container.i euarter of au acne a 1....ta which are a frame kouse and stable. JOH ei-WHITLOk " Gsxlerich,-4th !See 1381 -em Vainabil Property For solo. • 8. T nes N UMBER 'SSP AND 961 IN VIE TOWN DP .4 Ile bola will lie soil iither_together loPlInlie Wm. AR) ir , livatr.itiiltv..ilftosto°1indr* 1..11.4O'bt.:-Ilaln'tudri(t:'leit:"Iec.tesh"t'.5aa:1111:16es'I"r‘''s to suit purchasers. Terme unite known appltiatiou to god ri h J j(1115!•114St iron. 48 90 combined as to vs the clutracter of an aliment, as - 7 easily digested and assimilated 1 food. It increases the 3unatity Far m far Sale or to Let. 'Nth the blood as the simplest lcature's Own I italizing gent, Iron in the blood, and rplIE sobseritier offers-for'ns.-le or to let hie . 1,elnr Lots 4 &Rd S. 7thuribeetutieu W. lb Ael.- DeA enitaining WA acres Mit sill kali& nioe'o• the CiliTTP:n"jangth,oigu:ranturrigi oratills," nsf,gmplimi • TIM will beglimateed of together or ii,a7at.'s 0 1.A4PP8.-:10::,borr,iolli7(3..114EEENt.141; AIIHRZLNI:IVAff. Eingsbriaker.O. mitring t system. The en- end well teamed. There are •11 g....4th"'" • riehed and vitalized blood per tieLliirtrg7...ttzr' b. sitia.te..ad rot, meates every part of the VP repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is MC secret of the won,- derful success 01 (1418 remedy its curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dinar- rinra,Boils,Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, LObS of Constitutional Algor, Diffearees of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating its a bad state of the blood, or ac- companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, fn any form, its energizing effects are not lot - lowed by corresponding reac- tion, but are permanent, infu- sing strength. rigor, mut new life into all parts oldie systeess, and budding -up an .tron Con- stitution. Thousands hare been changed by the use of this remedy, irons weak, sickly, suffering crea- tures, to strong. healthy. and ha men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hos.. - - - itate to give it a grits/. See tlwt each bottle has PERU.' GodenchMarble work E viAN SYRUP 11401014n liee :1141,63. Scott, v anstone tt B"14 INTIllATS TRAY TIlEf RAVE 0I11e4 a branch of their timearn" Mina - WeEtKis in the old stand of Mr. •. W. John.t'l vietwia it.. Goderich, and *111 1, aleit to sapPIV Tombstones, antlepc., ieces. 4 atb. bed .t)i.or tsrsu a AurA::°;-14t es itt4lljnA:1N STT;TaFeRao wee..1 l'amphlota Vreo. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 120. OA Ley St, Now Tests 10-'1,1 1-4,-,L.17.411S4 CIAENOrEd17.• OneBot of Clark's B 41 Pills FOR SALE. L OT 790 Cambria Read, Guderich. Apply to J. COOKE, Kincardine, Or J. WILLIAMS, Goderich. Aiietist 5tte 1873. 138l•tf 44F0 11 THE BLOOD is ICE LITE." -Pe• llsoteronowy, chap. ati,, 'tense ,:••••• CLARICE'S . World. Famed Blood Mixture. Trade 05w.4 .s Mixture." .t.Tc,HIT:E:ilitRiii.ltA(c,....".....7.13:..1..8.1te,4:14.,:iti.:.Drs....:71":,Cs,::Risiii:,1:.11:1,.:,...1,,i,,fitri....,141!•41a:4:11t. .1•:_,.• 047 kOcierd9"ftiliiit. ipeau rer.ys,:r.luiiiilinlicireases...,4 ren.a..and illowil Vt.. eitiu.:11:tia...4.r.4 rt..i•lea,r77-. ,,,,...the .blomt lion al, C•Ivil filibokheade.of l'iMplen UR tbe Fe, i :t...'vtu'r"reregs'ar.37"dlitn'errioal7.6.1 r"Usi"irs.e."11m14..ii-15'• . crromfbars.thaheu,C.1:,s,otar,ruzansiall in.wipnri Melt. r, • i.' ..,A, nn• .rtedri pr.,Ixture, 1:g...A Iileaasa.,thiiiitto...it..tieta ne..,:te.o. sthand to, ,..t ii. • A°•ipi•cie.r,eu...itoxsaawiesA.:orhft ,sitfiumt.eAot1ni4.ian..l..soi1 jeiitto 7Ar reecv0r.410tr n414 eee.reNoeDl. rse sidirite atererto grl*tnal to ..it t' ',alt.. from sipens riutdnii,t;e55 24 ca. -h, ad 14:":i;I:::l;t7:Ai11:1;4C1i:::11i1 Iggif:0-. momisx..b.ntioti ...4.es:::1:::ig..t...1.3r,71:.,11..:4,iii:str.etstia:::::1;....:::.., V argot, jusec,,,,Duri.kiseu s..4 -Co„ COlersin she. 1, •Bmillar i.nd Sons, Oxfool Street, Dodos. And all the feeder. Oberessie Hoare.; I fa srarrante.1 to core all ilisohasves from the - 1 Primary °risme, io 'Aker or row- etitirtional. riewvelwo.1 Priem in tire ileek. S.44 is Mose*. 4s 4,4 each, It) till Chemists and P..tent Medi- eno VOIldilia A Porn ECA it I 191. HALL, LINCOLN , ENGLAND EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Durbidges and Co' Coleman ?Amer tem& n. St le Proptleior, r. J. CLARK& 4.eirbory midgets... 17 Newitede literiert, Lesion. liarelay st.d Son., `..e• Farringdonlittreet Sanger and Sons,Orfer4 Street. Losdirii. And all the Loadon Wherionida AGENTS IN CANADA.. -Evans, Mercer and Os., IfIttsiesitle Druggists. 1.yrna. a, 4" a- 47.). r.o..1--FlIvott Apd Co.. Wholesale Dry ..g..4s Rhimstat and Owen. liebtarea. Wina.r and Co, Raffifiel- levy, Smiley and Cn. 1S5 TO 1120 ISO 7 per day. Agresti wollod All classes et working people, of ettber err, young ar old, make too*. mew at work ter us in leek =It eielsenla. or an the Use. Utalt a saran. reardedia fres. Addrese 0 silvan( a CO., Slin• ly prrtli..14, Vane • • /IMPORT AGNN713. AGENTS IN CANADA. Evan., litco,r and Co., lifkrderide Dresmisi.• 44 4.33,16 and CO. Tornals.-E4:41jad Co.. wit'""•"i. " fahapter exel Owes,. HemmIliemi -Winer anl Crv Beieed. -Avery, i.rse C WANTFD u woess piss* '7.11 Pay Business that truss tit tolls pm. d., ,.., be wavirest 1 in 7'0070" Imiglibm'Y00.1. it ki a rare anises tor tstse wet et mittorkeat as LiA: ,4 1a40..!1•410,1_kl'..tot-i-;4.. tees assume, 6. as wall as men 1:471:2M, EL Alignos j• " t• itweloa, K • • 11.44sr Iril_Wst,..:04 -; •