HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-08-12, Page 28value. Public residences will be subject to payments in lieu of taxes equivalent •to full taxes at 50% of market value, Public utilities will be subject to busi- ness assessment at 50% of market value. This applies to all public property except unpatent- ed land's, cemeteries and high- ways. It would include such properties as university residenc- es, chronic hospitals and homes for the aged. 7. As in the present case, churches, cemeteries and proper- ty held in trust for- a band or body of Indians will be tax exempt. All other presently exempt property will be taxed at 100% of market value, except residences, which will be taxed at 50% of market value. This means levying full taxes on such organi- zations as the Red Cross, the Navy League, the YMCA, the Canadian Legion, Girl Guides and Boy Scouts. 8. A uniform method of phasing-pi the new tax system over a period of up to five years will be available to prevent abrupt tax changes. 9. Assessment rolls will be returned and enumeration will be performed every two years to coincide with local government elections. 10. Assessment on provincial government property will be pooled and assigned between the public and separate elementary schools in the same proportion as the taxable assessment assigned by the owners and occupants of residences. I I. Costs shared among muni- cipalities will he shared on the basis of the assessment on which taxes and payments in lieu of taxes are based. 12, Where assessment is to be used to determine the grant to be paid to a municipality, the assessment used will be the assessment on which taxes and tpmasyLndients in lieu of taxes are 13. The provisions of the Assessment Act will apply to the assessment of all real property in Ontario, including areas with- out municipal organization. 14. Public bodies which re- ceive provincial grants, such as school boards, xv ill he allowed to include their property tax pay- moms as allowable expenses for grant purposes. *AT DASHWOOD TALENT SHOW — One of the many area entrants in the recent Dashwood Friedsburg Days talent show was Mary Ann Desiardine of Dashwood with her guitar. T-A photo. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dance GERALD & BETTY MacGREGOR Fri., Aug. 13 9 - 1 a.m. PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by ROGER QUICK AND THE RAINBOWS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome PARTY for Jerry Morgan Fri., Aug. 20 8 to 1 PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Door Prizes Lunch Provided Bonnie, Patty and Linda would like you to help celebrate A "Surprise" 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of their parents Marg and 'Glen Neeb Sat., August 14 Pineridge Chalet, Hen'sall 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by Mozart's Melody Makers No Gifts Please Best Wishes Only Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Reception and Dance for GLORIA ADKINS and HARVEY BEIERLING (Bridal Couple) Sat., Aug. 14 ZURICH ARENA Music by THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided. Everyone Welcome I extummuntionummumninimintinnumintitimitimmummuntimmitiminummmit NOW 20 GAMES • 17 Regular • Jackpot • 2 Share-the- Wealth PLUS 3 DOOR PRIZES 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats ' Admission $1.00 for 18 Rounds Ei Extra cards 2.50 each or 5/$1.00 . Share-the-Wealth - 2 cards for 250 Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted Al l . . 1 1 . 1 1 31 1 0 5 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BINGO Thurs., Aug. 12 —8:00p.m. JACKPOT '450 in 57 calls EXETER'LEGION HALL FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Monday and Wednesday Starting July 3 to end of August — Service also provided for Saturday night bingo. NEW TIMES BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter 6:25 p.m. Huron Park 6:35 p.m. Centralia 6:40 p.m. Lucan 6:50 p.m. Phone 235-0450 HEY KIDS — Gets Involved Arena Fund Raising BIKE-A-THON To Port Blake and Back Wednesday, August 18 Starting at 9:30 a.m. from the Arena MUST BE 9 YRS; OR OLDER Sponsor Sheets Can Be Obtained From Fair Ground Shack Beside Arena 5 HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Grand Bend August 11 - 14 & 25 - 28 & September 1 - 4 Wed, - 2:00 p.m. 238-8451 Sat. -4:00 p.m. MIDDLESEX BEEF PRODUCERS BARBECUE Poplar Hill Park Thursday, August 19 SPEAKER: Harold Dodds Editor, the Cattlemen- Tickets $3.50 In Advance $4.50 at the Gate Pre-School Free Public School Children $1.50 Supper Served From 5:00 to 7:30 Contact one of the following Middlesex Beef Improvement Association directors for tickets Clarence Hardy, RR 1, Lucan Tom Hall, RR 4, Thedford Charles O'Shea, RR -3, Lucan Alan Hill, RR 2, Lucan Austin Hodgins, RR 1, Lucan Roy Cunningham, RR 2, Lucan Cliff Cook, RR 3, Granton Barry Heamen, RR 3, Parkhill Ralph Lynn, RR 2, Lucan BR W NIE DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON WED., THURS., FRI. and SAT. AUGUST 11, 12, 13 and 14 HURON COUNTY'S "Senior Citizen's Night" THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 2 SENIOR CITIZENS ADMISSION Si. PER PERSON WITH YOUR CARD. ALISTAIR MacLEAWS FERRIS THE HiV Pdrantru,1 REtwei 1,,ew1s marnr lad? Nally woduct.cr BARRY NEWMAN SUZY KENDALL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT' SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY AUGUST 15, 16 and 17 JAMES CAAN They called it God's Countr --until all hell broke loose! KRIS KRISTOFFERSON JAN.MICHAEL VINCENT ca 0 In z w a. 0 LL LL w X 0 WALTER VIATTHAU TATUM O'NEAL "THE BAD NEWS RS T S H O W A T DU S K BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN TUESDAY HITE SPECIAL Tuesday, August 1 7 ALLYOU' CAN GET UNDER ONE ROOF... STARTING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 113 JACK NICHOLSON IN "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" PLUS — CLINT EASTWOOD.IN "thunderbolt and Lightfoot" Wrestling Reunion For All Former S.H.D.H.S. Wrestlers, Managers & Coaches Sat., August 14 12 Noon SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL ( New Gym) FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT Doug Ellison 235-1772 after August 1st Wrestling, SwirnMin,g, Barbeque, & Dance Reception and Dance for NANCY STRETTON and ROBERT CAMPBELL (Bridal Couple) Sat., Aug. 21 9 - 1 HENSALL COMMUNITY CENTRE • Music by MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome IC AVAILABLE AT OUNTRY CARMEL — 237-3456 OPEN TILL 10 p,m, T. CORNS RI Waittlialhia KIRKTON WOODHAM FARMERS' CLUB are celebrating their 60th year of operation and are inviting all previous and present members to a chicken supper. If you have not been approached about a ticket contact: Rea Stephen • 229-6359 When the sun sets in the West Come to where the food's at its best Sunset Drive-In Dashwood 237-3591 Try Our Country Burgers Mon. - Thurs. 1 1:30 a.m. - 1 1 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 a.m. Sun. 1 1:30 a.m. - 1 1 p.m. Coming Event TOWNSHIP PICNIC AND OFFICIAL OPENING of Stanley Park Sunday, August 15, 1976 Opening ceremony at 4 p.m. Supper at 5, p.m. Bring a picnic basket. Hot and cold drinks will be provided. Location— Stanley Sideroad 10 on Highway 21. ii OPEN NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk A'? Children Under 12 in Car: Free GRAND BEND 4 DAYS TUESDAY FRIDAY AUGUST 10 - 13 qt SMIN CCMKERY is the agent who takes on THE TERRORISTS a b 7 DAYS SATURDAY THRU FRIDAY' AUGUST 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 IT TAKES A RARE AND SPECIAL MOVIE to each week attract larger audiences than in each preceding week "Mountain" is such a movie... here, and everywhere it is playing. When you see two think you'll agree with every wonderful word you've heard about it. 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' TR( U11110 sor or 101 MOL20TAIN S,,,,, MARILYN HASSE? T ,.blI 0......, API8 SEAL BAI(SA 4 .+Uul Tol • Mt INCA I MONTGOMERY - NAN MARTIN DABNEY COI I MAN • elll VINT • WILLIAM e0. YANT A EILMWAYS. I ARRY 011111PROOLK TION• S,rnnrl.y by DAVID SELT Rote. tho horA ALONG WAY I. I` b,1 C, MIENS Mom 1,CTIARLES FOX Darmd by I ARTY TIERCE Prod,. rd EDWARD S /REDMAN TECHNICOLOR' A INNS RSA' PICTIIRF (*OW 51110mo AMI/II 'WOO .10:Mia) 1,4t, 10.4 4. Adult Entertainment The Second Greatest Flyer in tlaeWorld WORD Entertainment co SUSAN SARANDON.r. MARGOT MODER 1(111110, Or Yr WILLIAM CRXDMAK SIsor tr 6t6R6E ROY HILL OW,G,mi Mwi r HENRY/401(1Ni Prihrtio,o pinup tr WAGE ROY HILL • ''Y'•'•'"'"'" "'"""`°' 45 " IN A GORGE. ROY HILL FILM Adult WALDO -moss BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8 P.M.I FIRST St-tOW AT DUSK If the property tax changes pro- posed by the provincial govern- ment are implemented. they will have strong effect on every pro- perty owner in Ontario. A 10 person commission is presently holding public hearings throughout Ontario to get public input on the 15 proposals put for- ward by the government. Such a hearing %vas held in Goderich on Wednesday . In order to understand just ow much the individual person will be affected by the changes if incorporated, it is necessary to take a look at the proposals. 1. Residences in Ontario, collectively will bear a reduced share of property taxes. This does not mean every individual residence tax xv ill be reduced as in the past some have been un- dertaxed and may undergo increases. It does mean at the present time residences collect- ively carry about 5011, of the total burden or property taxation and this will be reduced. To do this, residences will be taxed at 50% of market value while other bEcORA GRANTON UNITED CHURCH CEMETERY Sun., August 15 Donations would be ap- preciated to assist in the ex- tension of the fence around the new part of the Cemetery. John Bryan Secretary-Treasurer properties are taxed at 100%. 2. Residential property will be redefined to include only resid- ences and a reasonable amount of land. At the present such classes of property as vacant commercial and industrial property. vacant land, golf courses, lodges, cubs and conservation authorities are being taxed at residential rates. Under the new proposal these would he taxed at 100% of their market value. 3. The present practice of levying different mill rates on residential and commercial pro- perties will be discontinued. Instead. there will be a uniform mill rate but it will be levied on different percentages of market-value assessments, 4. Farmland, farm buildings, managed forests and farm resid- ences will be assessed at market value. Farmland, farm buildings and managed forests will be taxed at 100% of market value and the taxes will be paid by the Province. 'karm residences will he taxed as tat other residences at 50% of market value, and the taxes will be paid by the owner. If the land used is changed, the taxes paid on such property will be recover- ed by the Province for a period of up to ten years before the change in land use took place. Interest on these taxes will also be charged. 5. All real property used for the purpose of a business, in- cluding government administra- tive facilities Lxill be subject to an additional assessment of 50% of market value for business tax- es. This will eliminate , the various percentages that now apply, from 2511 1, for carparks on through to I40°i, for distilleries. a. All public property except residences will be subject to payments in lieu of taxes equal to full taxes at 100% of market FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND 63 RIVER ROAD FISH & CHIPS CHICKEN & CHIPS SHRIMP & CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES Eat In or Take Out Grand Bend 63 River Road 238-2025 Darcy McKeough, Treasurer of Ontario, has admitted there is a danger some people will .react negatively and quite emotionally to what they assure will happen if these proposals are adopted, For example. the proposal to make taxpayers out of many institutions which are now ex- empt. Sonic people arc sure to See this as a threat to the well being of these agencies. Accord- ing to Mr. McKeough, it is no such thing. rather it is a move to "provide visibility and a rational- ity to a system of subsidies which are acknowledged on all sides to be worthwhile and desirable." How the people of Ontario will react remains to be seen. FALSE INSPECTORS Ontario Hydro is advising householders to check creden- tials of persons who claim to be electrical inspectors and seek admittance to their homes. The move follows a recent rash of thefts and burglaries. "Our men do not wear Hydro uniforms," says J. A. Dicker, manager of electrical inspection, "but each inspector does carry an identification card with his name, signature, employee, number and photo. Ontario Hydro is responsible for the. inspection of all new electric wiring, and electrical appliance installations throughout the province, in- cluding municipalities served by local Hydro systems. "When our employees visit a . home they are there either to inspect a specific installation of equipment or at the request of the' Fire Marshal's office, local fire deparment or municipal of- ficials and," Mr. Dicker adds, "they always carry proper identification," Reception and Dance for LINDA WURM and CHUCK BREMNER (Bridal Couple) Sat., Aug. 21 Exeter Legion Music by THE HARBOURLITES Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome 25th , WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dance ARNOLD & THERESA McCANN Sat., Aug. 21 9 - 1 a.m. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by POPPA !JOE Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome (Best Wishes Only Please) Page 28 TimesAdvocate, August 12, 1976 Tax changes will affect everyone