HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-08-12, Page 23Lucan and district news. Accept construction tender , a. MAIN ST. EXETER ON ALL OUR AIR Conditioners You'll enjoy the cool comfort of air conditioning even more when' ou buy it at these low prices. SAVE NOW WHITING'S Warehouse Fbrniture and Appliances Unlimited Phone: Bus. 229-6540 Res. 461-0799 Mild Steel Fabrication Dave Shepley WELDING AND REPAIR Woodham. Bean Knives Drawn & Sharpened Repairs to Cast Iron Opening new doors to small II business If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FI3DB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available (or your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Financial assistance Management counselling Management training Information on government programs for business HUGH SHELDON one Of our representatives will be at Les Pines Hotel, Exeter on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month ( Aug. 17th and Sept, 7th) For prior information call 271.5650 or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford Lucano Financial Statement Auditor's Report To: The Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan, , We have examined the 1975 financial statements of the Cor- poration of the Village,of Lucan. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures•and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we con- sidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan as at December 31, 1975, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in • accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied, except as detailed in note 6, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. City - London, Ontario Kime & Company Date - May 13, 1976 Chartered Accountants Licence Number - 371 Statement of Capital Fund Operations for the year ended December 31, 1975 1975 1974 $ Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year (1L810) 11.117 Capital expenditure General government 1,452 Transportation services 10,000. Environmental services 4,160 946 Recreation and cultural services 17,753 777 Total expenditure 33,365 1,723 CAPITAL FINANCING a Contributions from the revenue fund 12,237 Long term liabilities incurred 17,000 Ontario grants 4,192 Other 12.776 7,650 Total capital financing 29,205 24,650 Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year (7,650) (11,810) Notes to Financial Statements 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES (a) Balance Sheet The Balance Sheet reflects the combined assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, capital fund, reserve funds and the Lucan Recreation Committee. Certain assets and liabilities are not reflected as described in (b) and (d) of this note. (b) Fixed assets No value is attached to fixed assets for municipal repor- ting purposes. Expenditures on fixed assets are charged against current revenues unless the expenditures are financed out of long term debt. Debt retirement costs are charged against current revenues in the periods in which they are paid. (c) Provincial road subsidy revenue and expenditure on roads Provincial subsidy programmes are on a "receipt and disbursement" basis which does not recognize accruals. The municipality has expended amounts for which the road subsidy will not be eligible for claim until the succeeding year. (d) Charges for net long term liabilities Charges for net long term liabilities include principal and interest. Interest charges are not accrued for the period from the date of the latest interest payment to the end of the fiscal year. 2. Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were as follows; Principal payments $ 6,400 Interest 7,139 $13,539 The total charges shown above were recovered from the municipal enterprise for which the related net long term liabilities were incurred. 3. Provision for Reserve and Allowances Provisions for reserves and allowances amounting to $13,000 are included in the "Statement of Revenue and Expen- diture". 4. Net Long Term liabilities Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to $80,400 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges hasei3Ob2ee0n) assumed by others for a principal amount of , Net long term liabilities at the end of the year. ...... $73,200 5. Capital Outlay to be Recovered in Future Years Some capital outlay does riot represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: Municipal enterprises $73,200 G. Changes in Accounting Principles The accumulated net revenue at the beginning of the year on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure has been restated to give effect to the inclusion of the over or under levies for county and school board purposes and the ac- cumulated net revenue of local boards which are now con- solidated, In addition, the 1974 figures have been restated to treat a subdivision parkland fund as a reserve fund, The effect on the accumulated net revenue at the beginning of the year has been an aggregate increase of $12,056 over that reported in the 1974 Financial Report. This increase is analysed as follows: School boards $ 6,873 (1,066) 44 Reserve fund Region or county Local boards s 245 $12,056. In addition, the revised 1975 financial statements reclassify a number of expenditure items. Accordingly, 1974 com- parative figures have been restated to effect a meaningful basis of comparison. Balance Sheet as at December 31,1975 CURRENT ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable Capital outlay to be recovered in future years CURRENT LIABILITIES Temporary loans 5,000 5,000 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 19,099 6,153 24,099 11,153 Net long term liabilities 73,200 74,663 Reserves and reserve funds 54,242 40,873 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 27,140 42,327 178,681 169,016 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1975 1975 1974 $ $ the beginning of the year 30,518 23,593 EXPENDITURE General municipal purposes General government 44,322 32,728 Protection to persons and property ., 8,780 11,471 Transportation services 102,127 87,957 Environmental services 44,205 35,381 Social and family services 1,556 4,222 Recreation and cultural services 51,210 56,862 Planning and development 2,224 3,615 254,424 232,236 Region or county purposes 29,557 18,523 School board purposes 80,939 58,945 Total expenditure 364,920 309,704 REVENUE General municipal purposes Taxation 103,790 98,742 Payments in lieu of taxes 716 547 Ontario grants 74,361 82,877 Other grants 4,172 3,137 Other 57,495 57,978 240 534 243,281 Region or county purposes Taxation 28,290 8,833 Ontario grants 2,243 5,493 30,533 14.376 School board purposes Taxation 82 325 58,972 ..32825 58,972 Total revenue 353,892 316,629 Accumulated net revenue (deficit)at the end of the year 19 490 .30,518 Analysed as follows: General revenue 16,592 25,335 Region or county (90) (1,066) School boards 1,929 44 Local boards .1.„059 6,205 19 490 i0,5_18 Accumulated net rave; ue taeficit) at 1975 1974 37,579 34,738 37,381 40,545 30,521 19,070 105,481 94,353 73 ,200 74 ,663 178,681 169,016 Ainannamnimmr 41.1111•MNINIMMIIMINk Times-Advocate,Aygyst 12 1976 P000 23 S Construction of Water street in Lucan will get underway shortly. Tenders were opened at the August meeting of council and the contract was awarded to F. Van I3ussell and Sons, The Van Bussell bid was for $48,896 and was the lowest of five tenders received. Engineer Paul McIntyre was in attendance at the tender opening. Later in the meeting a letter was read from engineer Paul rproorrirsiolarill1414110101•1011~10“801100,0481., McIntyre informing council that estimated costs of construction on Oak street would be about $500 and the estimate for Chestnut street would be $4,000. On the subject of Water street construction, councillors decided to contact the Ministry of the Environment regarding a sewer blockage at Dykeman's. They felt this should be carried further down and a connection should be put into the empty lot across the street before paving commences, Council learned that the Lucan and district Co-Operative Nur- sery School would be operating this fall at the Pentecostal Church. A letter from the Ministry of Several bridal showers were given in honor of Jane Hodgson, daughter of Mr, & Mrs, M.P. Hodgson of Lucan, who became the bride of Brian Belore of Salford on Saturday evening, at the Lucan United Church. A college classmate, Barbara Taylor of Georgetown, invited school friends to her home; the neighbours gathered at the home of Mrs. Bernard McCormick, Butler St., and this shower was co-hosted by Mrs. C. Glenn, Mrs. L. Maslen and Mrs. J. Burt. Mrs. Peter Mclean hosted a family shower at her home, RR 1, Denfield with guests present from St. Marys, Salford, Clandeboye, Lucan and RR 4 Denfield; and the relatives and friends of the groom joined in a shower at the home of Mrs. Arnold Belore, Mt. Elgin, with Mrs. Max Clayton and Mrs. Robert Harris as co-hostesses. Prior to her marriage to Gregory Smith of London, at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Saturday afternoon, Maureen Smith, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Smith, Beech Street, was honored at several bridal showers. Mrs. Fraser Wheatley at her London home, for Mr. Smith's family; Mrs. Donald Hopper, at her home in London for the Petrie family, Eileen, Sue and Brenda Haskett, Liz Scott, Katherine Housing reported that W.H. Loyens Ltd. has been granted an extension to December 31 for their subdivision development. In a letter Lion Ron King requested the village to clear away a small pile of earth in front of the gates to the Lions club park, The deposit fees to be charged for rezoning will be increased by $100 to $350 in order to cover increasing planning costs. The zoning bylaw was amended to allow the property at 193 Main Street to be rezoned from residential to business. This will allow the owner to establish a used furniture and antique business. Egan and Muriel Culbert, co- hosting a community shower in the lower hall at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, and Mrs. Bryan Smith, Matron of Honor, at her home, Beech Street, for London friends, Mr. & Mrs. SheridanRevington were among the local group who took the delightful tour recently through England, Scotland, and Ireland, Mrs. John Parks had the misfortune to fall and break her ankle, in three places, which will keep her confined to her home, (more or less) for some time to come, Rev. & Mrs. E.O. Lancaster and Miss Lina Abbott were among the large number of guests who attended the Smith- Smith wedding in 1Holy Trinity Church Lucan, August 7. Mrs. Heber Sutton of the McCormick Home, has returned home, from a visit with her daughter, who was once the wife of the late Spencer Blair son the late Mr. & Mrs. John Blair of Lucan. Mrs. Roulston, wife of a former • Branch 116, Royal Canadian Legion, Strathroy are to be congratulated for the fine turn out they had on church parade Sunday in conjunction with the towns home coming week. The weather didn't co-operate very well but this certainly didn't dampen the spirits of those on parade. Branch 540's colors were very much in evidence being carried by our Branch President Comrade Jim Simpson and yours truly. The Comrades of Branch 540 are reminded we will be on parade this Sunday, August 14, 1976 to the Lucan Fair, You are requested to muster at the Legion Hall, Lucan by 12:30 p.m. Let's have a good turn out of members and show the folk we really do have an active Branch. Branch 540 will also have a booth at the fair and are seeking. volunteers to man it, Any member of the Branch or member of the Auxiliary in- terested in rendering assistance please place your name on the list provided in the lounge. If you can't get down to the lounge then please telephone 227-4751 and Gabian Stone Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bags Sand & Stone Gravel Stone for Weeping Beds EARL LIPPERT TRUCKING LTD. CreditOn 284.6382 The population of the village of Lucan should be increased considerably this coming weekend as the Lucan Lions proudly present Lucan Fair '76. A large percentage of Lucan The township of Biddulph has been advised by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food that an additional $27,300 is being made available for municipal tile IN TALENT SHOW - One of the contestants in Saturday's talent show at the Lucan Fair will be Lori NoyeS, Lori was the top vocalist at the Kirkton Garden Party and Dashwood's Friedsburg Days. Lucan United Church minister, who took sick while at the family cottage, is now recuperating in the McC ‘rmick Home. Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. Earl Atkinson were recent visitors with Mrs. Flossie Dickins , formerly of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Gilber Bauer (the former Elaine Abbott), of Haskett, Michigan on their way to see Shakespearean Plays at Stratford, called on their cousin, Miss Lina Abbott, Thursday to wish her many happy return On leaving they* took home an Eskimo doll. Mrs. Bob Bilyea, the former Jean Dignan of Lucan, called on McCormick friends recently. Mr. & Mrs. B.B. Hodgins of Peterborough were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Hodgins, and also visited with other relatives in the community. have one of the stewards place your name on the list for you. As you are aware we are most active in community programs and this year the Lions club have arranged space for a Legion booth. We have obtained a Moffat vari-heat micro wave oven, valued at $729, for which we will be selling tickets from our booth at the fair, Let's all get behind this project and send it over the top. Saturday, August 28 Branch 540 will be holding their annual corn roast, the ever popular Peoples Choice will be there to entertain you. REMEMBER everyone is welcome - so come on over to Branch 540 - Lucan's Action Centre. And that's 30 for this week - remember - most of us don't put our best foot forward until we get the other one in hot water, Investigate three break and enters Officers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated three break- ins in their area this week. Thursday, the Langford Lumber office in Lucan was broken into and $75 in cash was taken, The office was also damaged to the extent of $100, Constable G.J. Barker in- vestigated. A large amount of cash and valuable coins were taken during a Friday break-in at the residence of Lorne Armitage at the southwest corner of Ilighbury 0 Avenue and Concession 8 in London township. Included in the loss were a number of silver dollars and antique coins owned by David Armitage. The loss was valued at $1,199. The same day the residence of Charles Albert TownSend at Lot 6, Concession 12 in London township was entered but nothing Was reported missing. residents will be assisting the Lions in production of the fair, Volunteers are still needed and anyone wishing to help for a few hours should contact chairman Gary McFalls or Lion Jim drain loans for this fiscal year, A delegation from Biddulph has been invited to travel to Toronto this week to attend the opening of tenders for the Granton water- works system. Council agreed with a proposal from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Com- munication to eliminate the 45 mile per hour speed limit on the approaches to Lucan. The road superintendent was authorized to call for tenders for the purchase of a new truck for sanding and snowplowing. Resolutions from the town of Exeter regarding the closing of arenas and the dissatisfaction of punishment handed down by the courts for acts of vandalism were supported, Building permits were ap- proved for Joseph Nagle, Lot 11, SLR; Alan Scott, Lot 30, Con. 3 and Herman Lansink, Lot 23, N.B,, garages; Chris Wilde Construction, Lot 10, SLR, two houses; Tony Theunissen, Lot 11, NLR, utility building; Joe Whelihan, Lot 11, NB, shed ad- dition. Shipley. The gates to the fairgrounds in the vicinity of the Lucan Com- munity Centre will open at 6 p.m. on Friday, August 13. Canada's sensational rock group Wedensday will be ap- pearing at 9 and 11 p.m. Friday with a 10 p,m, show featuring Flash and the Daredevils. The• last dance in the ',wan arena will start Friday at 9 p.m. with Joe Overholt and The Standbys supplying the music. Saturday the gates will swing Birthday celebrated Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Lucan, were hostesses for Miss Lina Abbott's 89th birthday on August 5. This was the third year they had a turkey dinner, with all the trimmings, in her honor. Other guests included, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Corbett, Mrs, Will Haskett, and Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. Haskett insisted on Miss Abbott taking home with her, over half the huge birthday cake to treat her McCormick friends. Miss Abbott was also presented with a large pot of mums, which will help to decorate the church services, for several weeks to come in the McCormick Home. Miss Abbott is most grateful to have such wonderful friends as Mr, & Mrs. Clarence Haskett. open at 10 a.m. At 1 p.m. a Western and English horse show will get underway, The fair will be officially opened Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. by Middlesex warden, Don Nesbitt, MLA Jack Riddell, MP Bob McKinley, Lucan Reeve Ivan Hearn and Wilson Hodgins, Biddulph reeve. The ever popular talent show will start at 2 p.m, Saturday with Kitchener television 'personality Big Al as master of ceremonies. A total of 41 youngsters will be appearing in four different categories. A favorite in the intermediate vocal section will be Lucan's own Lori Noyes who has won first prizes in recent contests at the Kirkton Garden Party and Friedsburg Days in Dashwood. Others competing in the in- termediate division will be Tami and Terri McRobertsi Kim Heather, another winner at Dashwood; Anita Collard; Jaqueline Vandenboomen and Lisa V anderloo; Stephen Atcheson ; Diane Verlinde; Laura and Lisa McKenzie; Sheila Jones, Jamie Hodgins and Colin Junior participants will be Leslie Dykeman, Lee Ann McIntyre, Karen Dykeman, Dwayne McIntyre, Leanne Sovereign and Lauralee McDonald, Angela and Glen Hardy, Heather Mitchell' and Mary Jane and Joanne McLin- chey. In the junior group class will be Shannon Feke, Robin Quinton, Peggy McFalls, Lisa Kraft and Jennie Anderson; Steven Thomas, Mike Arts, Jeff Turnbull and Stephen Neil; April Emery, Stephanie Ilayter, Brenda King and Amy Na ugh. The senior class will include Penny Ifodgins, Lonnie Sockett and Leanne Hudson. Country stars Jan Howard and David Houston and the Per- suaders will perform at 4, 8 and 10 p.m. Saturday and again at 2 and 4 p.m. on Sunday. Sunday's activities begin with a mammoth parade scheduled to leave the south end of the village. at 1 p.m. Four bands will head the march. The bands are the Kitchener- Waterloo Kiwanis 'Cavaliers, the Listowel Legion pipers, London's Young Conquerers and the Ontario Provincial Police pipe and drummers. Majorette groups from Dorchester and Goderich will also be performing. In addition, a large number of floats, bikes, trikes and other vehicles are expected to par- ticipate. Throughout the weekend the popular Molly McGuires will be playing in the Lions Den and a Disco Cave will be in operation. Yamaha AVAILABLE AT COUNTRY CORNER MT. CARMEL - 2374456 OPEN TILL 10 P.M. Talent show Saturday giant parade, Sunday Lions Fair gets underway, Friday Honour two area girls with bridal showers Couple returns from tour of British Isles DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Service project By SID DALEY Biddulph to get more tile drain monies