HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-08, Page 3'es••••15eson - • 4 COMM{ PONDIIIIT011. •••• • '.....*,•••••••,•..w###Wo T o Ws 0116of 0 ale Bum 86•111- Elrw,-Hav* a few errors °caseated reit& dos osto Horticulteral Show, bald M Goesofse, eept. 186b, to speak upon, I kime kettle the liberty to do so, throng* your widely circulated paper. At the &hoer in quietism, mr daughter exhibited with other article., • Panay Kaitted Conaterpeos, and also an Em- broidered Polite Handkerchief. About 7.30 P. M. prowling lady thief ap. pompriated the tatter article to her own Ilse; but I must tell tam bundle of frith and ferbetows to he more careful in the fitters as she is known. Our Peaches Wlerecitts 'token. A few years ago our PeNectarines and Apples were taken. One of aur neighbours lout not only his reaches. bet the plates and the naokuas with them. There onght to be more Watchful teen employed, or the "sae* will be taken away iminedietely after-Jodgrie hare viewed them. NOW to thOmentorpose; upon this article th. judge, pinned a Blue ticket with the werda "First Prize- printed upoir it, tem Won, 1 eieerired of one earthy Secretary he said, Sr*. Dr. Idahoan, fife., ;MM. Worley eats "What • was Mri. iMiLeaa's article." Speaking to the Vresiebret apon the subject, he en- quired "What article was it 1" I roe- tarnly looked for the second Prize, Pink ticket, hut did not gee it, at which 1 I cannoewooder. for immediately upon that beim being placed thereon, it wouh/ 141. its blushing head, as being unw so crimpete with an article w hog, 1872, won the first prize for Fancy Knitting, at the Provincial Show at Hinidten, Id competitors, and else the ant 3 prize at the Cartow Show, 5 conspetittors, For oirrectness of work, beanty kappearance and durability .in 0 neloty, 1 will 'Figur this counterpane esSainst • the article to which you gave the lest prize for tire hundred dollars, at am time you are prepared to do so. Or oty deushter shallohow from twelve to tweaty- articles of canoe; Faney Works (her own ',fork) astainst the same ruireberlof articles, their own work, be- - loneeig to any one of the Judges,for an- other five hundred dollars. lours most sincerely, JOHN MOSELY, Belleyne, Goderich, Oct, 4th 1873. CANADA. Tito Quebec local legislature is sum- utsd 10 meet nthe 7th November, Vtinooll in the Hamilton market ranges in price from $7 to $9 ;or °o.4. The eornmereial travelers in Montreal hare teemed themselves into a Total A b- stinerice Society. Thindas claire* to be the lowest taxed torso to the Dounnion-one cent on the delbar. I.O.nark was the scene of an enthusies- tic fAeterzu densenstratios on the 19th Milt?r. John McKeown has been appoint - r. ' land Macdonald,resigimd. Attorney of lincoln, in place of The Porninion Telegraph Company hasii opened irces at the following platten: -Bare ie, Birth, Kinc erdine,Lack- noel and Wingham. the meeting of the Stratford Pres- bytery, held in Mitchell, ea Tuesday hues the basis of union WM aclopteei with- ouany alteration. Kalter N. Hose, late Deputy Sheikh! Of Peel, has been appointed Bur- s/area the Blind Asylum at Brantford, YehugdiliMissed. It is said that the Rev. Mr. Inglis, New Yriork, is likely shortly to return Hertddr having Nicoll's. tired of eta among the Americans. e McGillivray bonus .by-law, in fat r of the L•ndon, Huron and Bruce way. was defeseed on Tuesday lest by d for to 410 against. lhe Rev. Mr. Ancient, in conaidera- tioa of his gallantry at the wreck of the atkatic, hes received a gold watch end haV from the Dominion Government. company has becn formed, with capital of *500,000 (5,000 shares of $101) each) to run a hue of steamers bettreen Montreal and the lower porta. It is said that the work on -the King - otos and Pembroke Railway is at stand- aff. and there OM rumor* that the pro, jewill have to be abandoned as im- prectilble. very summate' Reform demonst wee held in the County of Welland ou uesday last. Addresses were &lir ea' ridesers. Mackenzie, Slake, a callers. Reform demonstration will be held in4antbeoa about the 17th inst., at orhich Motisia Ilsolt earn, and Blake will de- liver addresses. Time and place not yet detelitaly fixed. 1•13 3/4inurr5 esemisca 00. 7. WM. Whoa; trim 9 Irear. IN • I le llasat(SW•00 • MA-- 1 • • 1 • lteer.teer bell *60 • 060 Oman Oadr 11 15 • 060 Vase. la* •• • a* gads", el beta •17 • 017 Poloaras, lama •e. • le. Pork 9 Nob 410 • 410 Rip per tee ..1.N • te Oblobiao pow pis., .60 • 060 Ballar,111111 011 • 060 11841 •••••.. . 4 RP Ir • SO Maas 0 OD • OP Wool *60 • 5 MI Taa Bark 460 • • SO ir dos (mapackel)613 • 212 DT IlPootoi ralelrilPh to the Signal. Cusron,OcL 7, IS7S. moss (Pall) per bash 411 11 0 1 11 WINK (Swing) par blink- 1 06 IP I 07 ;• 100 110W * . 6 lar 0 SA Olds. pm beak. o • 0 01 0 • ai Pa.,p60 91 • 053 Barley. 0 05 • 0 In Potatoes, per Ina . .....S 54 • 0 • Sorter . 17 • •IS Eggs, pm dos. (10.050041)• 11 0 1 13 kiay, .111 Mb •1710 Poop saw 100 • is. ZAN 00 *11 • too froalesOet. 7, 1673. weak (Fall) ..............Il ts 1 14 Wheat. (Spring) per bosh I Os 1 on Ploar, (per hely 6 00 000 Barley, per bask e SO 9 1.5 Oat", per bush . 0 SO " 0 06 F11444,, per bash 1111 Potatoes, par bad, 060 " 40 Pork se 't ele flatter. No. 1 - ' '• 111 No, '.060 No. II 9 99 •• 0 No. 4000060 imp. Per 0•55. (101Pardral)-- • 11 " 9 911 Rigor. ..... 0 10 " •00 Hay. . IS SS • 1300 • Wood es. IIS 111 Tea Sark 1 •• 0 ToSOlrro 11K3115. Oct. 41h.-7all Wheat $1.25 to$1.31. Spring do 11.18 to 1.19. Barley 1114 10 11.15. Oata 4k. Feu 51e to 60a. Rye 65c. to 66o Butter 15c. to 26c. Eggs 17c *020c. IIIOSTSZAL Maki IITS. Oct.4th.- Wheak$1.3010 11.32. Corn ISOc. Peas 83e to 86. Oats 344 to 36e. Barley 11. Butter 17 t022. Cheese 1 le. Elea 18e. to 19c. Ashes -Pots $6 Pearls $7. TILE RED STORE, GODERICH. .,ovvr7f- • r-" " 010 LONDON MARKETS. Oet. 4th. -Fall Wheat $1.12 to $1.17. Spring do $1.11 to $1.15 Bar- ley 70c to 95. Peas 50 to 57e. Corn 60c to 63c. Oats 33c to 34c. Butter 18c to 25c. Eggs 14c. to ltic. ILADDLL21113. On the 1st inst., by the Rev. G. Clarks, Mr. Cludetol Giese' of the Township of Huroa, to Miss Margaret McAroy of Kincardine Township. DIATEN. On the 26th ult., at the reeidence of his uncle, John Campbell, Lambton Street, Kincardine, Roberkinfant son of James Wiggins, of Goderieh,aged 9 months and 3 days. In Grey,on the 26 the ult.,Catherine,be. loved wife of Mr. James Calder (late of Lanarkshire, Scotlaud) aged 67 years. TO THE .f Free and Independent to kis lE 1.. J C '1' CI R. S OF THE SOUTH RIDING OF HURuN. tlorrismeir : In onnouncing my accep- tance of the position generously tender.. al me by the Reform Convention, held • at Seaforth on Tuesday last, T need not enlightea you in regard to theprinciples of the Reform party, of which I have the honor to be a member, or as to those measures which have commended the Re- form Gnyernment of Ontario to public favor. Called to power at a time when the best ioteresta of Ontario went jeopar- dised by the dangerous policy of the Co- alition, they did not hesitate to /MUMS every legialstire burden which was cast upon them, and to manifest upon the record of the Statute -book their inde- pendence °boll nenoe merely partizan and selfish. In this spirit they have dealt, among other things, with the rarious railway enterprieis of the country, the consolidation of our municipal organiza- tions and especially with the Municipal Loan Fund indebtedness,which becloud- ed the 'prospects of our most flourishing municipalities. At the last general elee- tion, the country, with no uncertain voice, demanded that these matters should be forever settled by comprehen- sive and impartial legislation, and it M to -day the proudreflectionof 'eery lover of pod sod honest government that these demands have been fully satisfied by the men in whose hands the renew of power are now placei. Other and perhaps greater reforms are still needed, to reset the requirement& of the advancing intel- ligeace of the times: and I am mistaken in my estimate of their integrity and ability if the prerrent Government of On- tario, while acting upon the honored principles of which they are the trusty exponents, do not,by a careful regard to the interests of the country, and by a vise end prident comae rif give the ecientry atilt greater reason to congratulate itself upon Jia triumph of these principles, to which, in =ay hard contests, you have aignified your adhe- sion. Though nominated as the candidate of the Reform party, and looking to it for much of my support in the coming elec- tion,' trust I shall not, if elected as your representative, allow myselkin the ter- n:mil of party oonflict, to forget the in- terests of any section or of any party. lf 1 era elected, I shall endeavor to repre- sent the enlightened sentiment of the whole people, and by as earnest support of all good meseures, independently of their party origin, to deserve the with - deuce of the electors of this Riding. I shall endeavor to hold meetings before the election,in the various mumcipelities of the Riding, at which I shall have the opportunity of enlarging to an extent which is not now poesible upon the views I entertain respecting matters of local impor tame. 1 remain, gentleman, Your obedient servant, ra• er- ns' It. F,„ kland papers noon that the whpat (seep throughout the Proviace is brider than it has been ho some years. • 0 are a fair crop j and potatoes and ut r f l trpntsectorsr°dof Castile's thmughont the Drn inion have received instructions that of .11kinds, in all states, ivhether d , melted nr canned, are to be admit - t free Of dirty under the Washington Treaty. % Mr. Meat, of Centralia, a rising vil - Ia&e is the township of Stephen, offers rioht of way through his property to London. Huron and Bruce Railway C ?tiny, if they will locate. the station c yeeirtat to Centralia. It shrrit time ago Mr. Richard Blatish- feed threshed for Mr Andrew Moir, in I tho terraohip of Ushorne, 500 bushels of oids, in the short time of two hours and toe mintage. The machine used eaa meouneetured by Mr. flaggert, Bramp- ton, trod has beta running eleyen yiars. rile •illage long known as Wellington Ilquare has been isoorporeted by the Cisnnty Council under the name of *phaeton. The old name was found iinconvenieut to the inhabitants, on ft- TInt of a large percentage of their let - t being =is -sent to Wellington. t le said Mr. Crawford, M. P., of qto, has the promise of the Lieut. rethmehip of Ontario in his pocket, NO that conditions on which it wu promised, when in due time revealed, All form a fitting accompaniment to •Ottawa and Montreal scandals. w(le eat of the Misdeal' vsriety and Mr. William Hooper, of the township Stephen. has threshed i field of fall ltitarksteci the 'erns. He states that the n sold from it reelized $44 per acre,itu ichi WS" more than enough to pay for e lsind it grew upon, he haring par- ttst1the same last year for $41 per 4 A sad and fatal accident no Mouthy 11st, keg cast a gloom over the village ta Wierton. A resident of the place, Mr. kmirelArbuckle, while ehoppingin the bush tut day, sas struck by a fauiaa lido) ik. left temple and killed instantly, limb opening the Anil and icatter- log the brains around. The funeral took ,A,,,as on Wednesday, under the directOon Of the Orange Association, of which; he 999 a member. The decriaaerl lesteos • .Wife and four children to mourn his lose. ‘ We leers with regret, that Mamas. /dinar & Meson, of Ftiversdale, iusd R. Pinkerton, of Greenock, both had their ,re mills burned to the ground on Fri• y night of isat week. The work of estructioa is supposed to have been ae by an incendiary; sod a the two took pleas within an hour of irech thins it is supposed that the same evil did bath deed& We have not ia either esee,but users Our readers that the losers Outwit ib• nlesPithY of ill who know i Otan- i/Ir. Justice Mooch in Isis recent charge to tbe tiolitreal Grand Jury drew their attention to tho terrible effects er joso,i_ s easing drink, and invited their non in recovassioding a s„oady. He stated that crimes of rioleses e,,,,,,do us era shady attributable to dranken- mon duo awe** becoming more num- erous and ravaied, °long to the • of onus and lee gropeopo thIsliw000seeessi, efurettes and phyacians i de„nose in, rain the cues of stroeg drink as is beverage! and, to surn up, his Hence declared. ta effect, the all but abselute imposeibilit, of using it without E Pro- ag it. With wadi *Wt, and such a tearful scrag of fasts before them, the Grand Jury wog:tamest tiotmve the necessity laid • pat them tit fillaotin" end crappie with ts simisigeds• *irkimh has at length an - ..t01 theabois lad °wiled forth the ePsOsra itlirs of a distinguished ,,i'leteltdter of the Beach. • # • A. BISHOP. DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, WEST STREET, GODERICH, [1AS rani yed his Spring Stock of Goode and is prepared u dual to make ell kinds of Garments in the most f aahion- abi. styka and 11 5). lowest rates. G-ents Furnishing's of all descriptions ecrostaatly on hand. CALL 11.61IPSC71:71.1,,T SOLICITRD. lere Two good Tailors wanted imme- diately. Goderich, 15th April, 1873. NOTICE. A PPLICATION will be made to next `a• Semen of the Legialoture of On- tario heron Act to eenstract & Railway from Post Perry to Goderich by way of U.:bridge, Newmarket and Orangeville; and also for further powers to the Bow- Lindaity and Boboaygeon Rail- road Csespeny; and for power ta con- struct a branch Irma Eine point in the Oisenty of Diurilmes to the Northern Railway in tite Osanty of York, and to *ante its nano mid for amendments ro, its Act of Imarporation. JOHN ro WLER. fliptemier 1bt5). 1873. 13111).8w J. 1873. 1873. Mackay Brothers' STOC1E 11F FALL AND WINTER 'crci"OaDs Is nyw ecespinte ia every department which *ware prepared te dispore'of aa cheap as any other house in the nide. Next Door to tho Post Office, WEST STnEET GODERICH. 1389 STATIONER Y A FfULL STOCK of every description WRITING PAPER AND 111140Pras, JUST TO HAND, AT NOOREHOUSE'S. Office Requisites. • TREBEL ASSORTMENT OF FoolecoPs• copying Letter Rorke, Inkstands, Invoice and Letter Filets Mucilage, Seals, Pens, Pencils, • AND ALL remelt Stationer's Sundries Qo_uireo in the Office and Counting r., offered at lowest rates for cash, At MOORROUSE'S, Godwijk, An:. 26t5) 1873, Grateful Thousands lifoc1,11111 VINEGAR Berrsas the meet wonder- ful Insigorant that 'ever sustained . the sinking System. No Person can take these Bit- ters according to directions, and re- main long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vim' or- gans wasted' beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and In- termittent Feversovbich are so Prevalent in the valleys.of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, , Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo- rado Brazos, Itio Granite, l'earl, Alab>ama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- anoke, Jarnes, and 'many others, with their vast tributaries, through- out our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarka- bly so during seasons of unusual beat and drytto.es, aro invariably ae- eompanied by extensive derange- ments of tho stonaach and liver'and other abdominal' viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these sari- - taus orgaas, is essentially necessary. There is tro cathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR NUTTERS, its they will speedily remove the dark -colored viscid matter with which the bowels are lbadrxt at the seam timo stimulating the secnoione of the liver, and generally restoring tb• healthy func- tions of the digostire organs. 'Fortify the body against dis- ease by purifting all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic Can t,ake hold of a system thus fore -armed. Dyttpepsitior Indigestion, Head- ache, Palo in the Shoulders. tough., Tightness -of the Chest, Di:einem, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Youth, Bilious rietacks, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Om) bot- tle will prove a better guaranteo.of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, elk hAng's Evil, Whit() Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous fullamination,, Indolent Inflammations, liercurial affec- tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these. as in all other constitutional Diseases, WALERICS VIN- EOARItirre as have shown their great cur - etre powers m the most obstinate and intractabie cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Hilious, Remit- tent and Intermittent Feer,, DiscaSes of the Blood, Liver; Kidneys and Bladder, thaw Bitters have no equal. Such Dim eases are sensed by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. -Persons engaged irt Paints and Minerals, such as Plum bens -Type-setters, 6 old- beaters and Miners, a* they adrence in life, aro sate ject to paralysis of the Dowel,. To guard sFainst this, take a doso of WALKER'S IEEGOR Berretta oeclOonally. For Skin Diseaseg, Eruptinns, Tetter, Seslt-Rbeete, Blotches, Spots, Pi,. pies, 'Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring- worms, Scald -head, Sore Eyes, Eryiepe- , las, Itch, Seurfe, Diseolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or natnre, are literally dug up and carried out or the system in a etion time by the Sims of these Iiitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thou- sands, are effectually destroyed anti re - moral. No system of medicine, io vcr- mifages. uo authelininitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. .1Fort'emale Complaints, in Swing or old, married or sitigle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the tani of life, these Ton - ie Bitters displays() decided an intluesice that improrerneut is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impuritieobursung through the akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse It when you lind 41 ob- structed and sluggish in the yriins; (Seamier it when it is foul; yonr feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the srstein will follow. R. 11. ElleDOMALD di CO., Druggist' A Grp Apo, Sir Francisco, Calif,,. eor. of W "Abington and Charlton Sts., N. Y. mold Sy all Drusillolo aad Dealers. 11. 11. 10111001114L11 di CO.. Druggists & Gen. Ara.. San Fennel/re., Califor. ald, 'or. of Washington sari rhkrien StA.,5 1. Sold ,by all Drioggiolo mod OLier4. t.1,A 1 •Dress doodci, ! Jackets, Prints, Shirtings, Tweeds, Clothing, & SHOES &c. STIL: The great Cle-al .ionf.,rer and still gr Remnants and Od The above goo N. B, -Piles o Ciro ceries,Boots • , NEW DRUG STORE!, ED JI0R7'.4k VeZ5- - East Side Market Ntisa re. 1 • • t .7 . 13 C) i II ot .26 Tears' Pr:mitre, • 1NOTED PURE DRUGS. „a • r esk- d5 . es .1 IS just receiriros• feint Eurepean ned a Americaris markets weekly the follow- ing articles: - • • Drugs, re snel:I Cohetienes,als, Sy rti ir I ly 'topless- pI irin4'ollitlur1111•1 t::: Mit Crushes, !tad eery 'ir Ifedleines • Flesh Axer's (to s Large stock .f,1Worm Modicints for •Teoth Itrushees Children, " :Hair Restoratives; Bowel Ciimplaiiit iltrairmrnD)e-er;,,remedies, the best in the world, try Atkilson' •Lubins t hem, Magnolia Balm, • Pain Killerrstrsi LH- Laird's Bloom of lectors b. mortise, Youth,Sarseperilla, Lily White Tooth Cod Liver Oil, Paste mid Powder, Hair Oily: SeaSalt for Baths, Castor 'Orl, • Patent bledicines, Black Oils, Yellow Oils, Dye Stuffs of all kinds fresh mil sosil. • • FAIRBANKS' SCALES AT MANI'. factitive' Priees-Large- Platform Scales, including Hay Scaleo pmmotly ordered and a di,innt for Cash allowed, M JOHNSU & KERR'S. , CARTITAllE SPRINGS. CARRIAGE AXLES and PATENT WAGGON ARMS, for sale cheap - At JOHNSON & KERR'S. BR AND HOOP IRON. SLEW If SHOE anti CAST STEEL, a full assortment, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. , p ATENfTIORSE SHOES k HORSE •-• strog NAILS; by the keg or box, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. , VOAL OIL BY THE BAttlREL'OR `-1 Gallon, and COAL OIL LAMPS, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. t - - - o- PIIE I3EST ASSORTMENT ef • TA • BLS:, DESSERT, PEN ANTI. SPOONS and FORKS in Godericb, o belied POCKET KNIVES, PLATT At JOHNSON & KERR'S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OFLOCK. WOOD'S Celebrated MILL SAW FILES, and Sorby's F1AND and RIP SAWS, the heat in the Market. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. FINT'S CHAMPION CROSS -CUT SAWS and. SAW HANDLES et List Pries, • At JOHNSON & KERR'S. ("HOPPING AXES FROM THE " best Maker*, sinele and doable steel At JOHNSON 4 KERR'S. ACOMPLETE ASSORT1LENT OF LOCKS, HINGES, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS and OILS, at Lowest Crab Prices, alerts • on bend, At JCHNSON & KERR'S. .1 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF A G RIC ULTUR.A L I M PLE- E NTS, from the best makers, at Low - cat Cash Price, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. PARlICULAR ATTENTION PAID to the wants of tho Farming Corn- ninnity, and orders from the conatry promptly attended to, , At JOHNSON k K1RR'S. MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS 1.". at Maker's Price List, careful!) or- dered and discount for earth allowed, At JOHNSON KERR'S. rIllt WHOLE OF THE ABOVE 11- GOODS are ottomd CHEAP, Cum., for Cash, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. MILES' PATENT ALARM CASH '"••• Drawer*, the best in the world - Price only $4 50. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. REMEMBER THE PLACE,- IdeLEAN'S NEW STORE, RKET SQUARE, NEXT DOOR TO R. B. SMITH'S. JOHNSON & KERR, Golerich. March Ilth, 1173. • Bond's Tonic Bitters, uof.ldf,c • rirS1.J.1,1 ; Auy einuitity t I 1.••, tilltXt1 it required I .1 its • :•,.• j . !forst% and lati:e" Nedicints. • I ,• • • -.7.110'1`1C . ----- - -- . • , I X the !Matt .r of the Estate and i,1,..,..; • of thelate. AartAkIrt Its% itoduceao .I. Notice is heychy giveirthat all erre' i ti•re anti other persons having say dutut ow. clahautern or effecting the Estate of Margaret Davis, late trf tha y,,w,, (4 noderich, whi died en er alood the 1s1' day 4 3:11111ary, A. D. IS;:l. and alu,-se will has been duly i•rs•ved, IT Us as EN • emitors 0361'04 are •Jrcrytq'ilmirtirtA to send in the particulars of their claims to ria, the salt! Esectitorsot the Town r,f Goderich, th the Connts- of *Huron, on or before the,Fifteenth flay of Decoor- ber next, at eh° expiration of sr hich time we will pdocersd to dietribute. the. *mete of the said Margaret Davie; the testator, among the persons entitldil thereto, haring reeard to the debts Arid claims only of which we shall then have had notice, awl we as such .Exectitors will not he tiehle for the meets so dhi- Gob:nil,. Singe tributed to any peraon of elms. debt era , , ' ' claim we shaltnot have had tudice at l ' the time of such distritertion. Dated at Gnderich, this 3M day ot September, At D, 1873. JOHN BLAKE, - ROBERT GlIHIONS, , . 13$5-6w Executors, 4o, Ooderiet, f Tarz-B, al:I.-vie-4 ug Salo f.1 ater.rodu ti s and End3. 3 will bt) mar new fall 1 g o ) Shoes,bot by 8. •,•• • •-• ' • a '11 f7/1"A • ttiStiz rafts Johnston's will be continue:I ten days nnvill be made in orJer to eleir olt a lot of dt half the original priec,.. - s opened up, Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, t for Cash and marked in plain figures very low: CROFTS & JOHNSTON. smisoassr....wwwwwwwwww‘mus _ Rt. I) 0 a U E TA. & A ee r'eridiees doily. their . • 4'-"ii:%44•114Yei GO Cs) DS. HUHU A II Poi:. ITLANDVILLE WILLIAM STA NBURY • rIMIANEFUL -for past favours, desires to inform the inhabitants of Maitland vine arid surrounding country that be is -to be tonna at the old stand. -• sio• I si s'• of his cuatomers. Hie has on hand . ready and willing tO attend- to the wants IV: 3 GO!,'SHIRTINGS, it!-11-2...:;.;;CIRIB1349NS.. • g A. FULL STOCK OF GEOCERIEa Collbist loof i 1. _ CHARADE. My era you will Ind is the Sad- isf te• My next You'll discords in Sancta" . third upon Rill" it a Eaton!. My nut is the end of ths Maeisis or Lona, .14 fifth is a 03, 50 busy and fnw. My next you will 53,isjnst before Ilt My 'wreath is always the 41p4 of a Hell; 0 my next you will Sad jfist two in a tWl. My nest you will Sod it's here ail Moan An article is or pay Ire a noun. My tcath t Ate Blind rear pleas ire would go. My nest is my sixth *store as 1 live, My twelfth It is Fifty Us funrry no doubt. My last is the same ir0 Same 141 me out, For Choice Groceries AT FAIR PRICES- -# 44'•e• 1 • .414Y 1* -t, N (PRISE Ii•otty 14141;111 litnistist is fit *15,030 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS - RE DflIST1*115UTED 15 L. 1). 1,47.11 REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be drawn MJndaiy, Novernber24tA1.873. . .01(5 ORAND CAEH PRIM OF tilgodSt000 1/NT 4:34/ra): ; One Grand Cash Prize of 85,000 IN SILVER! Two Prizes $1,000 each in Greenbacks! Six Prize* $500 teach in Greenbacks! Ten Prizes $100 each iv- Greenbacks ! 1000 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting . Watches (in all,) worth frorn 120 to Skim) each. Pin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Dou- ble -plated Silver -ware, Jewelry; &c. Number of Gifts 10,0o0. Tickets limit- . ed to 75,000. Agentswanted to sell Tickets to whom -Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1; Six Tickets Si; Teelye Tickets $10; Twenty-five $20. Circelare containing a full hit .of prize*, a ttescription of the manner of drawing, and tithed information in re- ference to the Distributiou. will be sent to any one ordering them. • • All hitters must be addressed to • ' • •• ; -.omoiNo, spicksix, ac 101 W. FhiftEt. , 1389 1 , TEA, . SUGAR, L. D. SiNE, Box86, . • I Tol:ACC.), `i'URRAN'ao olrE1,11, CitiCitinztr, 41. n :s.O - (70bOISISIOSS, _. Dry fluor's, . , * Siii,:. warp Blac:;. Part:'::ttiqz, ' Crockery, • • - 14;14i:s' tnamwsre, SEWING . - ' • Llac:. Craper, - FLU UR -4- FEED. ' ; 11_#ACHINES. - 1 i , 1.. • ....•. '.... ,' ,It. , 1„:;‘,.: 1:e1t., .1:Ile4i5g, 1ti..1‘..1.d.,•;.:.151:4. . ,_ Haring been granted aShop License for ot•o: .. ... toe -_7417 S'A. (Si rr.,1-:-..,Ols-7_51_*:...".1. s'ss. . the sale of Liqtrors, he will keep • , • . .. , . on hand a (WI s -1VIIISKE V, st77`k - • '1:4 L) ' ,': . .( • -1?ETLOIZIk:-(10. • BR -1-w)", ' itt.'11 • l; IN, . -. 'VINES, . . . • , I ' Le. de. ' 4e. 4 'AT ALSO • - . 7 1 • • t.• OPENED OUT AGAIN. DOUGLAS McKENZILP Watchmaker & jeweller, TIESIRES to return his •ineete thanks to the pulnic for parr...sp. •si•ii,imi him In the past, and to •nlionnce that he has removed to the "preniires on Etarstort etre•t, formerly occupied as • &loon hy Harry tired, and directly # ,141,0,4ti V. Cnihh's store, abidi he La* fdted es 110,6 1... style. Ho would all borerst attention to the yS8ELL forthe r.b,,68.is sterick. o ram. stock of Waltham. Metirma. Wei awl $4riss Watches in Gold and Silver castes. • • cie ..et.11:5r. "IS •ZPO;.T.I. TON OF LA 'S S .#1.4100 f. - r •" . t - " .1 - X 1. I "." V- • .f • • - t., • i - Aock 'o(1 )lions; Laces, &e. • • -111,1 ,II; Ly-lo.4f9- & 1)111 hs Stoves - r.et%A f c•DP ALEX .17,41,1 NTT tki.F,;" riGE WORKS. ii EVE •Teclt:tv,; ."4„(- 1„:„1„ „ „; ,, p • Clore, .N 1.1',...k1r, I.iiAP PI:e6, 1.,:. I ':- ' • 1 Alit,. Ar. 1_ 10.A.1‘.(2‘.- ' fil X I 4- Nivir It 2c, - C 0 0 T T. WrIOLESAL D IlLI.t11.. 12. IT_ urn z TEL Buis TO THANK THE MIMIC for the liberal patronage accorded him in 1/I0 past auil to announce that he etill carries 051 CARRIAGE & tEGi MAKING in, all its branches, at the old :Mend opposite • E. MARTIN'S COLBORNE- HOTEL. Oa naps, Buggies, Wuggoos • vorythine else in his line kept thi hatril or mad; to °Mei r•f tho best mat4d3/ anti in the most workmardile manner. it 0 P k I LANG PR01fl•TLY '5*X5et.YTTI). ,(.1t#1.14., 2511, Feb. 1873. 1334 C;;;•- 03111 Vil i-.4 Aix. Old Copper, Brass. Wee' Is ck regime] Shccp Skins 141101, io exii'litito i j .i .STO Al l'. . le4r ,iiL•u of th L&vje Veal 0 il Barre • Gltet,h,_42...: 5, 1, 70 i ewl 11, 5.. o 9494 a large and wen meleet,litpeR a/ r 3.32EINATZI XJ MEIELlr N E T.Ir S' Y - TO THE NEW DOMINION STOR". REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL. IS 1-1HREllY GivE (JIMA 1.4itwition PIIILO N of al loud" which he will sell clear. 1 • IN JIPTTLE 02:744N DiZA T. t:), -Tho jrigheat market price paid fcr Gutter, Eggs and other produce. . ', Roniember thestaird, nearly - oppesite .the Scheel House, ltlaitlendville. j. March 4th, 1873. - G. Er. PARSONS & Co., ! HARDWARE :kir RCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GO DE IC.11. nave fol' Sale s?'-iN rox, and other- traps, CROSS Ct. T SAW'S, 511LLSAIVSS WOOD SAWS, !AND BEST MAKW OF HANDSAWS, C01'" - PING AXES, VARI- OUS MAKERS ' IND PRICES. lows AXF.S, HAND AXESAND BROADAXES'. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOG GI NG CflAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PL"PTy, AX p CUT NAILS de..' And a large asseetment of all kinds of • ElAlE1.130V7 At low prices for CASH. Opporite MARKET HOUSE. *. II. PA(RSONS & Co Roderick. Nor. 28 1871 o. Int E subscriber in thanking the public . • for their liberal patronage would announce that he has vesnoved to the inert: lately occupied by Mrs. Warnock, 1 opposite the Colborne Hotel, where he has ou•hand a stock id jSE,W1/10 AND INITT IN G N1A.C1-11INIE: Whicli he will selloisoesennably as any lone in the business. I hare on hand ; the Hespeler, VellliS and Appleton Sewing Machines and the Ontario Family Knitting Machine. GIVE NIE A CALL. Don't forget the standt opposite the Colborne lintel. )389 • J. W. WEATHERALD. AF OL' Fzi-- • - ' • * Brown Stout Teacher Wanted • FOR Schimil Section No, '3, Wrist Wa- ll: wanork one holding a Second or Third Claes Certificate. ' Apply to s JOSEPH WILSON, j JOS. RATCLIFF„ /Trustees . JOHN, MeLEAN, ' ) ; St, Helens I'. 0. 27th Sept. 1873., 133fleo bi - IF YOU,WANT FINE ALE g '"i• • t ?o," • -4 •• !ART1AL LIST- , THOMAS spENcER of goodrofor sale at Pitraor's & Co's hew Hardware Store., opposite the Market. liormis; . 4 '„ OF NAlloS,,GLASS, PUTTY, ' CARPENTERS TOOLS. 13 IC ...r Pc) IR. z), isrADE:44 SIWVELS, • . - ' • scrams; FORKS, • • . ' 1 - CO TO • - BAKES, r n • n GRAIN CRADLES, • - i_ t D. FEPOUSON'S MA N !mix ito$E, Haw STREE7', • I1ENIP AND 1:111111E11 PACEItiG, , , GC/11E111C F LI.‘;‘.7111,111•E:11LIEtEAL1)T14alkilitlp,riattlts.stra,• . noi LED* _CND BAW OIL, 1-• • -- ilLACK OIL. • _ THE " A CliTitN1E1 PREY/ifTTNAE, . L Very Thing . Wallted And ell kinds of 1•1A3Estf)AVA. For Sale Cheap, ) . • ' LT G. H. Parsons & Co. Opposite the hfarket Hauge, a-ObERIC1-1 June. 2F. 1871. OBLF nettle* Ortte Legisfatire As- MERCHANT TAILOR, CAI.I. SOLICITED.f).. metiRNzIE. 1..erldfriyUl4 the vi of ontatio; 41 Ira mkt Sesame or Act to murex I fi11111.1.TON STREET, GODEJ: I 'II, Caw h March 51t It. I rta CANA 1) A s iljng of the said Geld, Colborne Has now received a beautiful stock of COMIC CARTOON PAPER! 0,11,0n.„. sept. copyri..irizt weeds, Beal ers, %Lich Rh IN, Reece. fit or no charge. UNG, Reeve. shortest notice, and gearantee a good 01,:eve. he us prepared to make up on the -8w Also a large atock Men•ei Rt.(' s' the Townships and West WawaKesh the County 01 Huron, tii the th Fall Goods, County for Regis rah EORG A WILLIM4 Y - CLIARL G GI Every Saturday. 5 cents. $2 pee an- num. 1388 • utiv. Ready-Nade -f I othiug. ('A ME into thf vinous' a 1 Lave just received a splendid stock of Ashfield, in Jun THE undersigned h Lying opened out Just to hand a beatttiful assortment of '' scriber, Let, Isismoti. la,ligLhatkeUV 5450. brimulihored e ti e I D4I NIEL 1ZZARD. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Cow. The ownrequpr ested to ove property, pay peaks and take her eC a new stock of i All et abieb I tim determined to sell Grocores, away. Glassware, CHEAP for CASH. in order to teak° Port Albert, 114 Spt. 1873. room for mere, which will bo to hand in $W 138130* Crookoiy, e:c.. in the store lately occripied by James few days. • Sept. Frth, 1873. plr,Thsshing favoured with a share riflith.ecpotiobliiicEpa. t - renege. eiseAvotheirle.eclicited before 1 •-• Erackenridge, treste that he may be Coderich, Sept. let, 1873. 138'sic street. AeRembesoenen,abeariatrhne:staisidhopn,exllt suite :Tn. 13611 Ls. A GOOD P. to MRS. 8 Goderich, 246 16140. Apply MACDONALD 13880 - • 1\7 ()TICE I 11 LI, PA RUES I liDEBTED TO THE o the 21st Dec. It, are meuired tit pay t & pogo,/ °Lee for work done previews t ' nu AT ONCE to tho undersigned. ABRAHAM SMITP. G•iderici, Feb. 5, '72. I1w983w3ti srocrs =roe MACJIINT OIL Iles teen :a general use for the past two „riving the hest satisfaction, u may be rows by tea, t,rarooa:, from many of the leading bonus inOntario. It will ant consul in the coklest weather, ft is therefore suitable for the :tih test and fastest, a well as yhe heaviest machines in use. , • TESTIMONIAL 1,7001 tat Josetea liarluas Worts, skims. g I cothan ol.re oil at 60 tette. Years re* ry lianler Stock's oil chestier at suit= iakm. • • • , • - FOT sale only ),), a, 11. PARSONS k CO., Hardware Xernhants, Gode..ich. St,LE AGENTS, %IL .---swo-se...-.A0116111006,011111111 NEW. HARDWAE.E STORE In .1 OPPOSITE MARKT HOBE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW THE lar BscruaKiliesna TOSAT THAT setro hate jut .soupletldspening out 40 LOtire hew sad COMPLETE STOCK OF --HARDWARE. ofallkinds whieh will be aohl at prices that defy competition. Before ptireltaatas elsrubere. Please give as a call. B.-Liet of Goods sold. next week G. II.PARSONS &CO Opposite Tho Market House %attend+ Jun. tIrd 1471, - Hose and Lot for Sale. THAT House at preeent ce- " cupied by Mo WliL Leo on West st„, with 4 of an acre of Land, well inipeowist. Apply to Ewe McKAt Cabinet MAI°. Godmiela, Sept, 30th, 1873. 180 ,