HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-10-08, Page 2 dt;_#,Po**
Aastha amont"p.go MLzir IL Ronwsox—We romt t6 ootly been spolken of as more mythig, Qgborno AgriciLltual, Zxhibltim Sonth 11,aron Ag—Jculta:^_1 Scclo,7. f-iot:Heifer Calf, let Jas Dickson 2d
Notice—G.McBroorn. loam that the steam barge, Vary R. by'InWern philosopherig, who seem to t r t-t a c m t n up
as I)een seized upon by the anothat. Accident. She in reported hAvinR been affected by the emigration Colborne Breach Agnelli
character It 0 The Fill Sh w of the Township if RXINMITION %T 81CATORT9. N14,can,2d do;(Ine r old Steer I at,
_ !_w A Paltry difficulty of a purely business Robertiloin 6f this port has met with hiis oreirlooked the prOmbility of th ir 0-;Two year old Steer, lot Mrs W. New a 6
]DUOW Ivalited—G. McKenzie. o
For Sale.—Signal Office. Tory party As the subject of mother, ashore rotor Little Current i turn Society u Charters. 2d Z Dickson; Vat,
4, ar th a hole agents,which began to Mrail justabout ar"hold#A Surith's m;il on Wednesday -A GREAT SUCCESF. -,toororCx, ]at'.%fro WmAte-L-saill, 2d
Notice—Davison&Johnston. oritrage"by the Ontario GeyernmeoL Steve ih her boWL The Algoma with that time, and thAA the numerous tests- last, 1FA October. The day wait fine and' TI,os Govenlock;Fat 1111ifer of Cow,1A THE HISSES STEWART
N has gone to her assit- ill 'to which they had been attached the turn out of people therefore JAMS.
Millinery&C.—This Misses Stewart. It SPP-re a misunderstanding&row be.' "maing PUMPS as LAwr ATTz.v1)AFV8 DIP ViaFT098. Goo Strost, 241 Them 01.3verilf-cli, Fat
Clothing—A.-Smith A Co. &ties. for unaccountable generations,had for- This Agricultural Society, though onlvl litlifer,over two-)coaris.0. Sproat;t Yeiiiii
tween the Government and F.IV. Stoggis GooD Poucts.—M the Provincial Ex. "ken their "old huntinit grounds-" in""'to"ob for three Yearig, is herip and The 800%1111ron Agricultural Socie- of Oxen let Tb,--Govenlock, 21 J oLn M 1111ners andbressnklkers9
It's quiteTrue—H. W.Bail. of Guelph, respecting the purchase 4 hiliitian Mr. Wharton Hodgson of Whether the foraw or the latter theory fidurighiAg, And its shows am always ty held its Anutt'! 440.ltuni at SclitfOrth, "Orry; hrime yftr old Heifer, giving
Tsmar-Ek W. Bell. the farm of the latter for an Agricultu. Xxotersold his stallion"Bootch,kiracie,I of the matter sasy seem most plausible, good. The people of the towns I I
hip am on Thurejetiv all I FrWay Imt. The I milk. Mrs Will Me'
Now.Cabimet Shop—John,A.Ball. rat College. A bargain was in to an American stock raiser from,Penn- I leave your readers to judge by the entitled to great credit for the A". EASTSTREET, GODERIC9..
ads manner show grosagrezit s.-ret-a-4. like number of I I L USS Crn- 'rJ:P-L9IVr8TK".
11011111114,&Lot for Salso.—Ciam. McIntosh. winter, but Mr.19tone has since i last sylvanial for$2,500. He arms offered "ifool. The writer of them notes has in which they support it. The show of eudrLm beini'lar-e tiod the litality of (MISS McCONNELIS OLD.MND)
1 —14-Worrish, W. Van. oil his demands, ncreas- and refused$2,600 for his other stallio 6 good reason for belidirall . th 41- mitt'lihis on WOdOesdaY was excellent in the artictes exhititA d muperi.,r. There Ag ' Man. lot John Potty, 2d W-,
-Te"her Wanted still though several "Bank ofErigland," Mesers Penhale, 3d J,boamplo); Shouting R.- Would direct attention to their large &ad OotiillPllste st—ck of
Love And isteneas of the good old %irlanwaseersee, almost every department, but thitt (if were sit-" very line Won*
stone,Joe.Stevens. 00-promises bays been effected he has Brown'of Hay were offered $2,400 for he himself being the only living repro- frnit, especially apples i "N Cattle, 16t It. Manning,2d B.Love, Sr.,
Te"her,Wanted-T.D.Stokes. 1h;ctea very unreasonably, He, one of their recently imported stallion sets a I a XWclally Sheep thel Pigs in the ground.L S,)Utll. Slec,innell;14Ln Lamb, let Jan South- 3Ca A =15o' 4CA-4Z>4C:)oX:IJ0
still P .a i4tiveofs f md in BrilrAn wlLilch worthy of commendation. or the Huron is becoming prurorbW for ,-id of-ousbe, 1 %%'in Penhallo.3d It. At un'ng; HOOP MRTS, EATHERS,
Mr McKellar at length grow impatient which they refused, fortime immemorabIlir:joyedthokindly names of the successful exhibitori we stock,and with suchbreqdQrs a, 'imloort Pair at; arLag Laso, )at Win I'Anhale, HATS, FLOWERS,
and by his directions the Toronto police THz V01,1711TIPER CAvr.-Org Friday sorvice0fthe friend)?014 Goblinj and rotor our readers to the subjoilied ors, sp Mesairs. Fisher, %arli. Love. 2d H. Love,Sr.,3d Wat Stoneman;Pir'
Magistrate sent up two men to take last the camp of the 33rd Battal' Seeing thoof Lately-only a few nights age, FRIA LIST Browu,,Dickson and others %o might -owe jet John Coating, 2d Will BON AM. .Q, LACE,
'on wait he wait visited by one,at perhaps a score rrEs,
forcible' inspected by Lt. Col.Servioet, l3rigialle o all un- N01811110-111AV7 DRAID611r. mention, our county in rapidly improv- PenhAle,3d 3ohn Cowan. RIBBONS'.
.possession of the farm if neem,44 of these benevolent spirits, wh
virishitig tQ C011tiolut Major, who expreased-himself pleased lljied, Ing in th f k. We also observ- CLAN 7T1I--co"wolAls.
SiLry, under al preliminary agreement unexpeWod,- or unrowarde,41 Proo M&Mand Foal, let J. Mo. e wsypo.,U'41 0;r. ,1. 1 Inplewcau I t Auto I at T. B. Marti no-2d.),w
-ritihnionclool their with the camp acid the appearance,of the h, J F oil some fine
ta ,F,ihhaher cov vnolish Saturday which they a pared to dispos-0 Of On
r", imber. ' 2 year old
L It slobor?,v itiorder the j,, made Last pril. They entered upon battalion on parade. on either by cream-bowl or any other "K thOrt)WAS 4 good ShU'JV. O C. Willllllk 11. Love,fir;!shk-arlingl, reLpre
34'eale'rnewspapert. Mornifig he encoompmelit broke up in earthly hire,"me,and in a few dimly- Golding,let Jet. ". d do, 31 do.-
y contaue to ioand the-urittl AJI&"*&more the farm and took possession of the t Miss. f Scaforth had on exhibitiom a nuinlwr 1 t if. 2 J,trAS0NA0_1F, TFIRMS.
p; Are Ildw rospossiblefor the millat ofm, &term ofrain and the In"'oulighted hours, cut down, bound GBNNXAL PVftp"g no row,thu 31a3sey Workii in Newcastle Latub felt jag Sh.vitheollibe. 2,ijn,:
house during Mr.Stone's%boonsimis hear- men left fo h still Pitt into shocks the entire standiax Brood Ilan and Foal, lit it. Mo. for which'hu is reat. Williamson coilinn,m-I'flair A110d XWOS,having raix.
crop, of wheat, &mounting to nemorly Cullocigh,' 2nd 11stiornbero regWt or refme to like the Pori, - r t eur respective homes the
.1iCsI.or new4m".1`_ oa to iehich th,y Ing of wWch he returned at once and Sillefrtit. Clinton sell B Goo. 8mitsk, 3rd,. T. of Selaforth filiavad Billac Of Ilia title itoll V,I lawbis,ill 187:.,list John Alart.liti., 241
4kse".th"am h.ki r"P.BA , russets C"s- go- Neither does he know Hamilton. 2 year old Gelding,. laot of Pa-terson llsir.%IIWLT Woven home.mado
'we"11 they have had them arrested. They were brought ing by rail anti the Gorrie, Dungannon Ewes 19oncz
tw hack.ocr 1.8y- I quilt,*!;W901, not
"tiod their sending a- how to account for this nocturnal benefit Gordon Young,- 2nd John Won, 3rd J. iron aii-I wood pigughs, (:, McLe,Al-if 2d JAS Sou , li vil . Teti yar4i domeatte cl(th, all
tk*,a in I ke Otero,k*no such uOU011 of do'c"s- before tho-Police Magintritteof Guelph and 0 oderich Townsw D Cc&by,wep on. unless by Ist.jophil Cumming, 01--ombel.41111111,08in -that the uLagn&ni- Washington. 2 Year old Filly, jmt Go . Itned;,erville his I" hai vo-ater,-M. Bic, I Lil. :we 1,3011M,-6%S
retIn monothercolaurn willbe -id the )at David Mack. 2d Mrs. Robert MW WILLIAKKNItRikering pieced
rorte vi other plar"without
4.31'selownho"' but a tele-gram being produced from Mr, Mona ikow io of his snossitors has fol- Young.'Jud Jan. Rse yes;010 Fiji TaUart of Chilton tuitl 1,011;Tell Yards flannel, All wool. lot J. his account-& in our hands for ctil.
etoud th 1100rels of the Ritle Match heldJZauring lowed hing ljnvvl .I It rk
McKellar, th y veto released. Mr. the cftlu . The Gorrie Co. won it
to ore welt to Lho former h 2nd Godi. Of Ktchelll FAIIIIiiig TII%,-f 1" 1;1; Ament, -,.I Mrs. I)., Meek ; 'Pair of
i to this continent. or Gelding. lstiw 6atice, lvdion,all Parties indoleted are reriaget,
Is rowpoomablio. Tign HARVZA'r. ' Smith, Stal Joe. Ilrafit. Span Gouet*l The I-Atcr also showutT a ittitikloer 4 r I. blankets,1017W,K)I, lot Stewart Mctp3u- ad tii pay up at noso Any persons
Stone, with his Attoiney and Mentor. battalion cup with to eapikal wore. -Harvest operst__ -:2-1 In holding claims against Mr. Kay will
Sti )it and Govir III,Pa.,then went to Doi3i119!oXTgaTxc11APQ Co.-ThisCong- are flast weadug to a close. Thrashing 11(gralls, lot Alex. Itebortso other inipleniouls.- D4 Molloy,Clint.vo, Asced Rain_ t .%pploton bteEarion : Too, yet&of Iiii- hand thimi in 140 US.
P.ROWIILL &Co.,40 Park Toronto and Lad an interiew with pi;ony, having remlived their office to machines am burring away o Of ry 2d J. J.Fisher.' Spent cf C J. aiid A. .1-o mckmew);Shearling Ram. Ist Jolin lot I.Not kir,,writ, '24 James DAVISON&JOHNSMN.
JW Glo. a e pulup..that exhibit ed I 7h
IM10, 'and faitncr-4' faces. wear I much Horses,Is&John Morria,2d War -V iI1Yards goatinette, let Got
,iw, and S. M. PErTINGILL &Ca.,37 Butter's Book Store and greatly extOAd- blyther look than they did a year age. 34 Goo thu latter lotting depib!o actiu;., And we Cowart. 2d Goo hit McY illan;Set of"glo Goderich, Oct. 7th V0. 1390d
Messrs. Mowat and McKellar, the m 8pmwn. Ilugicy florai sin 1,4ull). -It John L 211-10
Park row, Are ouronly authorized Ad- tr ires, Are now prepared to send Some may look blyther me their lot C * dr, 1 sholild cap4le of raisiir, it 1,&r-_,e u-nesticy,W N%in Penhalel: Paii of tFanson; L)ouble set of
Stilt of which was that flif matter Giryin,2LL J. Mellar
wortising Agents in-Now York. we-% messages to all t N rLh,,South, —in will nearly average twice as much Girviu. Sedalia iforso We obarrved A. sioccilil
&micauly settled,,the purchis"Lof the Feet and Vfet, p, John Bn on 'of 1 1:wits, J A t J. Div,soll,2,1 1)av ad Nlo harness Well. Fjnvigon; Pair eilf
Arts of the lot FOR a A T.1p_
United S.Ates with despatch. PA lost year's did. Putatclat lifting and han3n,flillohn RObtirtson. wiroluncing erecietl on tho b'4! 9-airol aherling Fwus. loot If. At.Ches. IgIviotvire& Willis; Pair
fIrm. completed and the money paid This in oiruit ptilling are now in vogue;both an Living did not loarn the name(of the exhibitor. ey -1d Jai Dickson, 3d lly. Cheene )is, Atellityris & Willis T the SinvAL office,A copy of DR.
J'Ag djk after each Subjecrihr's ligetne oycr. It appears the wo Uken felt entirely an Outlgrio cougliar , Prolitip and allose) better in quality than Will Grasic of Y I Y' A
JkCaWlyis iiiielicatemo the time h) which o ld busitiew I,,, eior hithertu been known in thill Mitch Cow 4,,,i,g in i-Nhibitor of otrwi.-ed %chicles. 11 0 i; -t 2d
.1caftirth wa,, tho otil a Pieces of cooper's work, Samuel ivirm a FAMMY P19Y$W1V, tatToronto rather harvitidly withigilt hAv- I rroit Aeb,ortmeout of marble work. let
ispi . Thus,"PITER province, and is therefore 87 Jan Dickson,:'I D. flair fat latest INIC(lielf work Of that kind publish.
Jfarch,;2," nowaas that 31r. this liberil support of the is& J' AlcWtIrlith. 2d Thom. DAtl-. *114)WCA three tullies will catter (if wethers, 14t 1). M,-Eweu*.2d olo;Par tif 24 Calder flirolliers, ;
# in,-received f4&all proper instinctions. entitled to Part i , Is 4 4 and a most useful book n have is
.rv, A Me"ge3 are se iit from Glide- year* 0141 Hinter, let Thu . DA cxck:lll..Ilt 111%kii slid fir ish. A mr, rwr .-:,it F.wt,4. Ist Jas'tt, 21 J. MeLipin. e
Is &bxr&ps;olg is p lid up to) ist Their hasty action has been moisdis t,, ptiblic. . - 1 every bonds,
amod Will he ows from, that date. text for a furious onslaught on the rich to W;-Iqlzam, slid all YOU Old Heifer, )at J. Washinut n, .1 matillfactirens,au'l 0.7cili J had A 4 Window igms!I,Jollo Al. -ALSO-
polnt ,north rrixalijol, thereby r4lottholion itas mauh. 'j-,"Wattiligg9trin. Heifer Calf.- Ist rs oil llho round fw the r1tern. Martin 41,lor.Jolm Iii. Martin ;
ribere;wQl we it to be to t6ir interest Government-,and espocially Mr.-Mie"Iel- K DO111agh,2d T.D&rk. *)rich opr ri:J., .st'refer 11)ar,litt,,red in hi, W W,"Tir, blind.11.ltllob. tuffod birtis, A copy of Dr., Fowlers' celebrated
remete proviPtlY, as our terms are I tnsurinso, despatch and-accurwy. The ' The Annual Shooti g %latch of the GRADE carrrl.r. 911 -ow. lit reil fit nrk emu thme"Scicnals of Lift." Will be
,50 STILICTLI 1%ADVACZ oaerim lAr,againsk whom the orgiins appear to company is now well establishold and is t liihe Near the a.-dii1lition, . )t.;),t hicMichael; 4 te, lot John Walker 2d John Walker ;I old cheap'.
330 Etattalion took place on Tuesday Cow having rajSe4 a(it u dix Calder ro.- u. Seaforth ha '173 1 sit Win Woods,2d 0o. trr"I-if fine stalt'no,t k"Und,Coleman
have a special an'lipat:1j, Mitch list :, 0
#41 tie cha"d. the whole, generally And favorably kno". And Wodnesdm y of 1, t week whiloth lot T. D-k,2d(;._,Uirvin,r1 C You .. *onto 14me spectinqua ot guarblo work-. ($,A'.1 i i"I of mail&for Awking
let the inside Aep rt,gient thu sho-tv A--,L John Curitinings- &(fol"lock ; Piece
We shall 'llerent tuatchvs:- Mod,341 Year old illei r, was very supert As the names of littered in 18t ;,Ist Witt'Steig art'I:.,a-31' offailcy flannel, Mrs.Grsj Sale.
matter is very insignificant, but*the GlIDICICICH TOW;V811111' CiIEP.it. FAV- battaIjOn WASilil can The followin: 2 year old llvi;er, ist R. Bjs,* I
be gladat all times to receive party is&Lul of any pretext for divert- oxy.-The Committee who 1,avol in are tho Scoras n the di . 2d' House and Lot for
items of local news,reports of meetirgirs, in from the di-V li'mtdail in chmarge the arrang-monts for the project- BArI`%.LI019'CtIALLZN0II CUP. IAtJ- Washington. Heifer exhib od to tire 'articles Charlesworth: Azed Slow. untot higire A:;%2ftw--FJNX Alt".
.g attentit ad cheese factory n the 4 th coucession Calf Is i14 T HE Subileriber offers for
"den* or any incident ofinterest To be competed for by five men from PA-, 2d J. Iticon, 3d J. ly.fitior ina, wo can 6ut refer IliL.'ed in John Clituillillic%; o W. Crayou I. tch
either ih the locality whom it occurs or which their leaders at Ottawa are ing- of("oderich,Township,have Agreed with sach company. Ran - 200 pad 400 CA let T. "a., D 11 on t-f! Me 6 , -lot S. Qa4iochan, 24 sale the [louse slid Lot at
u IN Dario, 2d M. Le to the chamets lio articleA. The iti:red its 160, Ist WAll StcAar,, 2d kson; Pencil skelch, tat It.
icated, MLrs Gen.Aviderson and Will. Loitan a vy, 3d goe"t occupied by him on
JD the county at large. 8 ch matter P, yrds five*hot& at each. Th a beig shot Xcllwairg. Fat Show of Grain villry lango still -tile John Curgiminoit.to asignine I P, mitill the good Cow or Heiler,' at u"iy excellen. The
mkr be sent at the rate of one cent per ho proprietorshi 0 wgtgtik Street in'the Town
ozo if markd Printer's Copy And not naa no!==. bu*ling will be prc;ee dad with it inexich company's Squad w ill receive a C.Girrin,2J J.kfcl)onagh --ax yo !a,' Uoderich. The lot contains one-
K4.Andersim is well known as a prom prize of yoke 2 year old Lst' 2d r4-4 Lied Of 11-ne-made.bread, Ist Mrs. lounh of an acre ¬ is well stocked
and the best shot jig the Nolm. will apply to l4vto, I we observed an Aged-tiosr, ]at Win
Ifir fit melons ulitic Irorn W F.Thompson; Boar, littere.1 CIeTY, 21 J. CampliIiII, 31f Samuel With fruit and ornamential tre". Tho,
Mr, C-ae has issued his address to nent citr/eu of tho township of 8tanley wfitile,Ift dditional. Rome,2d Goon 4th
jarticular i.wie it should reach-,the made one ihink of P.hn"n i n 18,3, 1 at Will G orier, 24 do; Ageod CArntochan,
to linli'llige'l Iluln
iealle& To ensure publication inany '07 It T
office not later than Monday evening. the electors of the Soutli Rid' ..-' It is and Pro,-,ident of tt" S,iutit ,Riding old Stearn, let D- hotellwain, 2,11LYL Sqw lituat have pigged in 1873. lot Mrs. R,,htirk Scott Kouse contains nine rootris. fire-closets,
knr, Yolung. Yoke WO11king Oxen at li,owulng 10"es. W' JP tl.chjd qllilt, )a! D,Incatl McKwen,2d a go,%d pantry&old cell-, and hsrd and
Agricultund Ile is alrv,Wy 200 yels. 400 yda.Total. CArrol,2a C. Girlim,3d J.of. we 11CA er" y__ -cuti. 2fi Win Blair,3d Theis,McCIA- c"a,3d Win. Wilson,Quilt,
eiLtromely mon-committal in its liharige- proprietor of one cb*,sc f+1ory. Mr. Wtriltck 2 2 3 3 4 32444 31 * a finer dimple, Di amo mat water, it ith mititsiblo outhouses at.
811 11o. Vr'ght The luality (if $he atter shii-twu !VAX Nod; Sow, litterood in 1873, let Win riicel or sewed )it ', oand wiltk. lot &bell
igubscribers will confertx farour by ter and occupying little ;p.ue it com. Lojian as formerly 4 resident of Gild Ci,rpl. Hart 23342 02423 25 oicei'lent. Iva? I -
-Aifying us of any irregularity in the (it rvo a grilmot in- ;uvier,2,1 do. -),)hit 1 ;gng, 2d Thoa.'Carter, 3d John
-Iliv;+y of their papers. tains just as little to' indicso 31r erich and is well Yn,,wn here' r. yi-ong 34320 43432 -18 Ai,ed let -43' CaMll 2d J. in provetneut iik t1lis "peutthniarghout 4:,Ag-12ra-rom kviory iy to
Case'a political principles. Inderson's &oil, whol hm licul coullid,jr. Ple. Walker 22433 22334 23 Tifhn. Shearlin - Tatting, lot David Black. 2d CHAS. Mi-LxTosH.
He promises J.'e-ummi go. the c6uutry H'IM004,14 and facccity Light Brishinsol, lot JAs Down,2A do,; Thns.No
1cLccI!:gn4,3d iss Thout;Crochet crich.3rd(-let., I rg 3.
able experictice in c oese making, vWl Pike 2 4 2 3 4 3 4 30 2d E. Straclian, Raw Lamb, Is& J. cheese was well I
real Re- preside over the 1)tacticid part of the , DAW Brahmse, 7 at JAN Down,-2J A. work,list Win no
tosupport all measures of — Cumming, 2d Gorlon YoAln,, &I C cot I*t' Jil)ti tho waikk. The den.2d F. 1390
arau Tr=Railway- a t iliz furh de iniih-Grey dorkings,Jai w
form." As his Vicsrs of, 'real Reform'- business. PC I louktor p li. ol o. Xlqe n :3 a)wn;Block 142 Youn,-. Pair age.lEwes having h , it 31 Duma re.iXtubroid ry 11 io
!:td was el n J.auc ti tire It ire 1101 a.J as Down:(1,olden PolAnds, I at tin. let NraT. McItfich.u-1,2d do
are probably similar to th(call of M. C. A STRANG%SCIvIto&-Mr.Williatniot CLINTON. _lAmbs iW187,3, is -ordon Young, d been a nuinbor (114millhAllted Illaidi; Jasl;:wn.24 do- SpanJed Ilambur-ov
bar (lordon Yo4ing,31 J waahigg Ladeaborotigh;Embroil"ryin milk let
Trains leave as follows.-' - Cameron,C. J. Rvliert and the ot this bmnlof the firm of Williams it- Lient.Griag ir and I matrons. lematl a (louinli-ek alt Down,'2 t'do: lieficileil T.Il.an, 24 Loctis 401ck;Ecnbroiles in
flail........... ......... let
0 3furmy,mill-owners, 135nd River,fAke Ens.proctor 32-234 33243 ::9 8hearling Ewe thowed Several biti-rols ofsalto' thlir ilitrIjburgs.Jm Down;Holulans, let A. e71!'00 e- T(wies,.that is, to'turn out the pregen a let J. III
laj* 64 rated, Th,imas lityan Braidiiia, ist
. * t fluron, relates to its a strainga Gordon Young,ill Gordon Younj j, ruanufactur I floctures. of Smith,24 d,i-. 11tck panish, lat Jalueft Duncan AfeEwert,24 Thom. L-e,31 do Ontario Govemment at suicide St.Noj.41ilm,ur 02 3 42 40330 '21 Ewe Lambe, ist J. 0.Stewart, I C Loather. blitowe.1"a, 1)(1w:i, 21 bf. Charles vilorth; Mllsc(,v3L FLucy knitting, )at Mrs. T. McM
#ixed..................!.12 30 9. in. the earliest whicl:recettly took placo at their mill Serxt. Copp JOLOTHING,
................3.30 fAvOurable m,3ment, we do, not fur a nd whfc:i gooll to show the evil aff-t of' rorpl. Cook 32332 2 0 3 2 2 V. young,3d Gordon Y01111.11. Pat Sh p, came of bu 4 Ana ShojS and $(,Site J,f t Ile It ich&eJ,
ouilit ducks,J.A. 24 do,3,1 Mis.Thcoma; Lee;Twei-pairs
Trainit are due as follows,- moment fancy that the Plecto-s of Soutl Selling liclor to the Indian%, contrary to lot Gordon Y-lung, 2ad'J. 0 Stow to arness nvirkers acreml Beta of! 4"od ,lartin,Geeom , let Sarmuel('rich,2d LIL ;if w,),!t It ii!)cks, lot JAMCS Scott, 2d Mixed...................."10-00 Huron will put it in his power to vote Ia . A number.of the Indians were Goo. Young. harness. We ubs'errod Solve Campbell:!174rkeym, S&.1luel Crick, D.Ross; Two pairs of Stockings,-
.............. ..... 2.00 p.in having it shootinz inatch.whon some d;s- specitlVerim
azainst a Government which has adihin, H*I.vjt. of exiiellout coopor wtirk.an ii,tim J;;'rI1-lV0LEMrXT?L
Ximed.... Arose as to Abe order in which the loit Miss Wit,on,21 Duncan McEwen.
'920 ititered the ffairs of this prorinco a,) Pfi t'i no Aed flcar, I-at X.- 2d 1, 6101,10 go hormis phoei from the hamwer NVodcl or patetit arm o7hot !'airof woolen mitts;flat ff.Grieve, 2d
.45 should take place. C t Wilaqu 23334 ,34433 32 . 'of aonle"v Acid cloths, 11111P. Uible carrim a or bii,,,,v Will........... ap CarAl. js7:1,jag j..-J. ?i4l i, I,
wisely and well. son of Superit chief, tigkin, ff Liett . Wilson 32223 03204 .20 1 113fill Pair, woolen gloves, let
-%3 a gut) raigne, Matthew Ward. 2d M6 Thom; Gent'll
libeirmtely placed the muzzl I: Sorgt. 123-2123 03443 2t; "I J.11101 ton,34 J. Titti n. 9) iere A 4 8114w. Thoo rag rivals csorriste, I" An SMITH A COm
let J. Tiffin, 2d J, Tithn, wf 1 3, ahostnwerent itl triads anti tisWul in'2d(It 1-1,n pl,'U"ll fat c. Williamson, shirt buid-made, ]at S. Carnochan, W
POUCLO it XUWAVC 3118414=2. agatinathis abolongen.4nd disc_ Corpl.= 3 2 34 3 24000 20 Ms3J Joe ph-a- i- We alitoll o*rrod Some excel- *-oil Alollre frou,beam, felt G. It-,bi-Carnochan, 3d Duncan MeEwen,
e -art I
with his too. The charge enter him FLU. llag 23 33' 30322 21 Lint b! ke 5,11 iho (of stock- con.2
an t So
'I,which has prove,T it POULTIV. - . Looiis Glick, 2dJohn
The at to It onroo A I I I orse Wax fruit,* jt
a "v but dill nrIt seenit fc)r the wonient Ing. aoclo,ialld Imaitt Therl, were asIlitle. .1dourooly HOZZA: ('Angtolongli, Chillgolty r.If ir ikork, Ist Hugh Grieve, Have.:list received the largent
very ti-ebmad,is m6in urg!ull Avanc4el to his 121 Cre ,)at C. Girvin a lisual a qiii,ts and c,lun-I Thomson Williarm;
the to eircet him, for ha a Pair of Se I'Air tru har. 2d 1)arugld j' Haney in comb, lot
- nin in it. Ile than Pair of TurkrYs, )at A ex: f,i,ilin. 11 1). AlcKtv; Field rollcr,j, 31. f,,hn Zi-n!,,r.I
Conservative party throughout Ontario fio-1 the Carrot. tft!cmci llailiv tlmu what Xirtin;florso b"v 4). C. jobn D11,,i ;j&oat 44VEn on a knoll Still immediately Lieut. Cruitier Young. flair of Duck- III F.". C-,Immjn2, 3d
to-make-politica the test question at the foil Itisitir dead. T4o deatsed was in- 34133 43023 26 2d Alex. You - 2, Ilit licit knoo Wit. W.'re ,r i, st r clear ho
Alc4ath 23 ng. I Pair Black Spanish ili'Potch;hilivs. onO sum 11.111, Ji ott-7
22 20320 11) F6wla, no C iri iner. 24 Wui. Stock of Clothing
neX.municipal electiori. We trust 'its toilivate or it not probable he would 14 'truthers 23 22 43442 28 7 onta Oil Wlectiju fholfle-aiale Witte lot johij
.1 t wOrthl. Pair f Polagy do was iorthy of wilte Luting,loco less 1-t AT.admonitions will be unliqeded, and iliat have-omilinitted the fitalwt. He wM in it Drway lhtGordou Young. 2d Wng. Young. than 11w sholl, f Berlist Irl.0111tv-0 Tutuip cutter 21 A. G. ArcDougall 5 Lus
the best men will be solected irreWotive the egiplay of'Willia-us Murray. 'Ellisil 3.2223 2303 . ZJ G RA I N. wool work,ctqc*t w6rk, knittittir, o,u- C..Wilegin:"iligle reaper-Thollum
GODERICH, OCIL 8, 1873. of ' - — - __ ,I )U vrool vrork 'D THE
broidery, braidi f livy seed Will,Ams-. Sim, A politics. If,however, the TIMes 2 Bushels Treadwitu Wheat. Ist Is I at %N tn. let Loui
19 -1 Glick, 2d 1.-s.James ScAtl';
I 6vy, 2d A. Kirkpatrick, 2d, A ex. wroathol, mak-i w w:)rk-,w,w extensie (iriere. -2,1 llioru4oin J; ti-,rue Feather fl ower work. lat %time Rowley,
throw down the gusintlet s6 defiantly Young. 2 bushels,any other variet of And Allowed :ast '010 oil the %, I I il 1! '
there will be nothing for Refomneus but The stores have got inmost of their A- 1' Ve't; 24 Mrs.G.P.Cil),jon mat
a pretky at marAtte w.is t dof fly Co. BEST STO
winter Wheat, let Alex. Toull air ke . A t, ls t Irt or co.
pal t of tile f 561 And ink 3jew,ki;
tot:oli-e ill lip,when gref4ricy thecha!li n. busholsFifs SpringWigeat, Ifiti.4'ar. uoirir d and Nught; Pawl, A. Cook. 2A Roitioert EIgi
winter stock, and 'are-doing tier,;t.Curry 22122 00000 10 -"fc- not,lot lex. Wilson .1
ThIs nomination for South Huron ll e. W. Aitiley 23434 04 334 21) IlAit o(Calladian stmor for hats or
bnak li,risine3a,anel,our good ololiustitu- coo, '21dJ. Buchanan. 2 b1pill livre were&ever I I; r pencill And Other iiA.oll.'
tion the "Dellis Hotel" tiirives , o!lf nets, lot James 24 d6;Fart e..
tAW .1 331,24 .13 Q 2 2 '24 other kind. lot C. Girvin,2d J.Sgom 11- e )ad,$ Prize of VW for wreath, Mrs.G. Williamson.
place at l3ruceiicald to-day And er ll me out second beO. well un- sill "y c1rawing; T or ti roce cameo of stuff
-------------- I
shou14 Mr.Case re der the Urbana maulagernert of itx order- Ailtley 3'"23 22333 25 ton Sen. 2 bit Wrile attracted c1l mot4natiolon. fXle, at 1(1 hn&nt!`6 Of fell *best,Henry 11ATRA IT(ZES AND it, - MJINIIE AltT;- A ND
4' wyr,l shels Boirley, ]at b. D
r01-in the field,which some api-ar t i ly and hospitable landlord, Mr. Parr. 23 233 43143 30 2d C. Girrin ad J. Varcoo.T40 Zor. Tire allow of I ill was exc0cut, par- Ches,ey-Twiii bushels of Fife wilett, ist
onsider doubtful, the clect rnizht have saill souslothing lau&,tory 1pushols I I-eas large, tat-D.lict1w, 11 'Thery*as a lar ,v 1.1.J. 2d %%'let Payneo Vta
11 ors will b PMX illor 2d Wringer, G.P.Gibson;Two horse GE-141S FURNISHING GOODS
*a of our quondarn friend "Sandy" Qoikt _Xri ties OfCriti"J. Wit'
Tho Royal Commission at Otta 9f th tI.C.U.,ILy,
n to cast their votes for t P.Carrel 2 bush. le
called ul tD (,b4 hu-bels f.pring Whi'At, uwing machine. Thomson&-Williams;
couipleted iLs lao'bours so far &a tle ex- Kintail Inn, but as I mean to sing Ilia I I wait),2d J.Vare. 2 erve4 a :sawl0u of of
-nan whom they wish to represent thenk praises in bllad f.,)rm some day Soon, I Sheppard 2 2 3 2 2 12 3 3 3 '24 Oats black,I at J.I-e,3d C.Girin. fill 10 M, I.Anvay, 21,4 "sit Arinatrong, Straw-cutt,i. Thomson Willisms.(2 Ever oferelil in Goderich, and they are
amin Lobertiolon;2d It, f d, tho varivtq'.
zaetion eflariftesses is ronc ,rned on Tit-c '.3d 0,oi Tou It,' 'J"Wo totiShelS .-f two- prizes;) Gniin crusher, 0. C. Willson;
for the next two years in the 01114 woulditithe inela time kindlyre*,io- 3 2 2 2 4 04.`3 2 .24 2bushilm O.its'whit", =vJ 2d 'Acres DIMIcer 1# ;aiiples )f h aic rose" 6arley. lot Alex Rains Washin,, macb!,ve Mrs 0. P. Gibsom;
2 2 2 2223!l --It) D. Mcllwain,34 0. 1Y,24 Win determined to sell the
Nothing new has intend him to tots g 41 graces of ditil Alowusall 0 in. St-?ntugn, I Cha Tw ,busliclo Plate Fiewish ii24ttv poars,A.Remissly;
rwimoc of Asatimbly. As between t4ol rlillt S t Ad it is now eng4ge in trNitellic."eomn'QllitY MclAiland, 2 0 3 2 2 32202 18 Tim-ithy S", I lio. One f'titill
at J. Tillin, 2 h%ilp shws is ofJ JA' I'An -Sutt,Ld Six varicties, Plums,j
inachine de- ticary I j;ot L-trk-e v tat wo candidates we fancy the electors can t a 'homplialin
rerwt. Therneatingof 'Art 43-4 22033 26 CA-1.
"ve little difficulty in choosing. Mr. (;rAPes, John I Glik, &S
in ,rliament will be looked f.' tomennt. 0. Is-Unaig T'u:,h.Jd 63 Tritowit;(fidwerj'D' Ar( aught; Pon
tn MODUCK. W 0
Oiahophas occupied a prominentpotsi- t!ith inerest. 112 51beTablo &l1teir"lied for note, tat ol"the Florvncv , to)tlw 'Y:CA'"ItOn I"t It. slid ink drawin-- it. Aiihnicad;Rhelode
tovAry 114ti selling&, G. C4.1; ocaling&P_
and 6 well posted in that respect. His OZZ U74 POLI=i- v6a leading a h6ne over the railer"I -Aat prize fromLietit. 25 Itis Packed IIuwr, Idt J_ Glono 2d its tclook,lito 6 ! plea, Atidrew Sotrong: lk)'Ale Concord
lion in municipll matters for many years OFFICRILS AND J.Buchanan el Cracken,lots 31 ad 02,coa. *_'. Mo 1. ca tilet Inae
ny, Col. 3la- tol ftt1!Qo'.k Ara.troining inthe Township andCoun ty crosaing,aithis farug, t!ioaniIkl1id , Ross.020 and 12 Prizeit of k412 M.Levy, 3d N. Di,wriall Chet3e Inca rb for -s LOTPING MADE
got 01 1100 wl an It ie'. The -iou apples w DER
* ar, we r
AIII,$0,$8, V'4,*4;, VJ: 10114 thai- 121ba,lot T.Anderson, 2Z,ot I.-I,tire., ChIiev;Tam eitael;
'Our f riends will please rowerill-cr that fri.,htenei by the tall" of a l000ulo is claiiIIIJI"r it its*, G, Mi
lt'lon ;1!3 301 and jW airds,lo shota kuown,.^J*(.ot. You t,.'Fa tory-(!It L Ll it-IQ sill pe it A',,
Vourici!3 and in the 'Warden'3 chair tlwre is Only one day's ti41 and collinionce-1 to Ilurid ir cacti. not lose t bali -A)16s, c t t D t -7 NOT1110C.
twtooitialifor hiniftorthe cularizedarena rcalcr viii;0rof_411 An. n tk' c
W ydx.Toga mey. it Ier_ Aquallit,A.H,)bo,p k;oli
witild ur-.o inpon thtng t1w irmpork-tuce, about, trill finply fell An broLol its uwk. I%C,Jo its Cald ell. otnow mao. t1a
of the Local Legislature. Ile is honest -Cracken was jerked to the M John Caldol,oll. 12 IIA Hi 1fr %I, Is A lau
11.065,11;ILI(ter Uralic by-spinater; Bliss
Of I I):Secu,24 N. Loaf(of I I( 0 . -and upright,and th,,uh laying no claim blit was%lot injurpod. T o e 3 1.1 try r am-onte-othrrig I Ike GOO", Fit guara.uPled o-a)S31&
ofrawrJingthe'- votes earl 33 300 y(In.
u elucluence call express his vi .-1,_4 r." I.Scott 4 04S one4hich time III -firs lori?4,
actin.-that thi. neighbors are brought, as a valuable maim, 81.1 1.4 1 1 Made Ilreal. 1&9 not Lipsurn, 34ne Ann 31c44e,and Was Spr,-x%t- flifty
ill U claar, straight-forwarl mad prmauctica p 4-1-3 Clarke,3d . Lvvo pilusicI&byitttr. Chas Tr.ii; h,Teireutor,1iveF-
'DIS'16p. At c i owT. Ou Vonti.16T 44. Clip 024 1- :r ing-u _V_,f.irih 'I"wir oout. VOTEFOR in)hrr. 41 d IH IIh M ON 4 WI a L 14;, o n. I t o f G ro e, Hart 2 2 3 2 3 4 16 SholivreAl the Sal.. Ill -d 'w;m'lithutWIt, rs IWI: TweWe
7 r-.und bsitter, 1). McElven. Sm 7'
*=nor. Mr. -Czse on thib other band -.'he Tenth Provincia C,Jr..Ju.1-on Was a pieco of Ow,i Irl G 4 4 uvarieqics (of Put.t ocs ing t I I" its a4i ()rc1LnS of' twr varigs-
riLin the wo;) , Ilsod ills axe ;itnock 2J rno,icwi _%trs 1,qb, Itt, ft john Sit
n any part in municipal'61thei S.&bbalh School' As3oci tiva of handle A, A iklvy 3 43 024 It; peck of each, jolt C Ist riesfo. 2d jjrS N%-m llerbis,)n;Utitter witho
never take d CA Di JJ ipley Itrid
Ilike 4%2 4 2 2 16 1).McNee
llo has thown no interes. in "Vlill le-holdtil Toronto ontile to strike hi;left haud,corcaiing r..^rd pa rick .4 NI- ervt Wh;t% r,.C!,Yl a ife.:uPiz, LIT,an ilkv 1 Aymatiter 11 r
the dove;opment 2! rise w%3 ge, tat .1 .1. fair A -it" It WIP alex NI'ill"m and ltoht ftell; 'litter
I ite
-f the resources a,.d the- gvoni' d 2 33 agamsh across it. heads'of'wilite; C4 NeXt D00i tO L Bi.d'e Draw Store.
!,f the, Ilk 1',1 a,.!Vrd days o,-Octohor. , k
;mmoldiateli procuret' 2.2 3 15' %Vri%ht, !1d M. fery -11 j It for t-046 Intel mrs I
cotInt I . horse woich w.11A 10 Walla 1, Jolla 31c-
numb?r of Prom eat cler.-yinen arld drlsod, blit It is Pv,J*W'ble'th'a Ste. I'ott 22 1). iii-the ah"w slid Market, qutrA Ciiderich.
sell with any at our Agricultural Socie- In Sabbath Schrobl Nei' will 1,,ie ta u,,o of Iiiii 2 2 2' 2 4 14 Itc-Sh 3A 9 a got, thu I lilt"D.Scott;Patch I'I.St It No-Itichael; Plate of 11) b try -.jAm.(.eiinst,I- d I
.F,aud has not oren identified him- o ;1, 2, Pia,e o11"'ne-1114-fe cheese. John He.
wor art It
This 1,_=nock, "tr t fulil
to 222 223 , 11 quilt,A;rs 11.
ties. Ile has acted wholly for self, be prescrif 3, lrt 111. Mcffw P %.411 toile or tuo 11.5404. rt Plate
222 3 2!., 13 rtseir "M J Glen 9 Swe rk. G. 11. C.,hx,,n; .7"ohn
liall IiTLA- &to completely within himsc I n is f7-owing in t'rength atul M.tTeu.-F ire prizes An and lt) ert Cor '"keis, Mn I'ach; Woolen
- -JG.C,. rcierson, 2d iiordViii Youn 41 tidy, It" littitted sil4sl'I
Ice -t, f$10, in oi.*%t many of his warmest stipporters il"Pill"ta' eviimr v vw -and deserves 4-) $4,V- ItIll-Ist!"400 aitid oss1)J,noK artingo Ctrrotlo, lot it etme in milli g,.i vor.41 Nbc)anM-crthim only because he is the be ail.lool 5 abvoict alt C,kch. [4-R J'We 10 Westlield erivcr Miss obertson, 2,IAI.Lorr, MD. Ile. inflict tit iicl. C,-', ;na Ibt I
I i y Lirelesborough; - IT'S QUITE TRVE
noinisee gif the Tory convention)do not ver), unstt'0 for tbo 400 yels.Goo yd 9 White flelgian, ,let J. Youll: ifL It')$ Yoll Vt., Piate of 10 4now WOren
a. ToW P p
tain Jack aad threl, t.er "nock'J. clivilt. Will (Iar c And -Fer'V.. Arnent-
know him even by siglit. He carefully C ill-'st part boistel"0113 ant, in-- Lt. Cul. I.,. a 230113 3402 2 , 2d J. Fisher, 3ol lit LOW 9 er, n"r lZipp I. tf.its down 4an; Pointe of it) (;rAy teium, (.eO In- TIIAT
M1_;,d.'1TVi%na were c-.ccule by 4e' 11 2%. I Lcather work, 6. %ccctt; _gpecimarig 4)
r tersporsed*:Lh occ4aiOnal Al gintip- Li ltt- 2 Is Cam-la,lot .1. Wolie.: P. and 11131-tilleAl a,cotflnialited fraomro plate (if to jaij
the U,- ifed.States g lverumeut-,_at a Urti pippillp., Jacob sewing i6achine work, .0. C. Wilson;
allo,scots himself from meeting 31r. Dish- 0. 40.3 03040 21 MY4ratit's true toinns one to bons.
us ofaunn.v brighuko& 'he eallinot- Cl"t. Wilson 33344 00000 17 Robertson, 3d Win. Y-oupz -- o( the thigh. ra ntl lrew or Tod— - c,;ee, wo rrLr t ies of wiiiter pears. ()rgair, y in !Ure begins Alone,
Fort Klaortralh,last F"day. Two(if tit t.ial Stories are their seiiii-annual -ShepWd 22244 O 0#1) if, r t e ice;r ifgco, V
p and sc,far as we can learn never 01rions,I at P.' Roberl,;.tn. I J. erstivith Was .6 1 The h4se 115 of e-'h' let S^nlucl Carr,pellson, 2d eree-I you 11 find den,itect a "ad,
his nicuth on a public platform. ci cuil"' and a-micl.rues come tearing Lieut.'AcDulgalo.132022 0 S-n. .3dj.Glill 1 e girl of earn-, 1-st n7crtti!iall two of Alex 1--tirragy-
in grits present campaign he leaves Ali -rtative fury, preceded 0310 1.51 steppe,ln her Two arieties of fall MY bill not in found.
prisoners had their senter.::o commutel' 0111,with supe vs.Sprung. 2d B. Afollw1ill, 3d A X.. t t e'r br;mst injuring I pears,5 u r
to impriaiament for life. ) &I orrier. , lie bones and 411- 1 f.,emich, let john Hagill, Scott, flalle
by the dreair(il lieral iy (if I ctrtc Li M4TCR Youlig. Peck 4 let M. her internally. flys] ow- Alex' It-trostly; Platte*410 IlArtletts, tt; P-bt Witil, t any firth you coln't be allort.
bit%speaking to b3 done by Mr. Green- k. -,Nine prizes offt% $C,,$5,$.to Levy, 2d .1. Glen. 'llumpkia, )a G. ick was aloto xtrd,:k!oa the Slid (John Plot& (rf it) Fien) Will Worden.
way and others, and bu not a woa -u!l- V, Q2 III. Ranges 40'3 and COO Yards, sprun- flell,Tuckersinith ittt is mounded in Report,
to -The rangetical Alliance is In session blazes ! rocking tJjunders* ! an Vol Nj,ug , WCArTLE-AllIn W>IiUgt4)0, My n'
sp itting bailshowers.' follwed 1*del-, 3 Hnssy_ Citron, let knocked liver the fonco into oall of the .13eaulr, vstcott JSA 1 006" li
It-te at each. o. Titroe varieties o lissom y no.-,t does always autIoL( ifl'bell,
say lot himself. at New York. Them is a largo atten- u,,inZ rain-torrenta which use W- Iiio, at- D. Mc'ShativincL,2( 0.Spru4. W ter sheep pous. Th w I I Was not PIUMIL 5 of tAch, lot lt-)bert:Goren- Mi-E2ghth '#a]ways i a the well,
dance of European and Ameri tend in the wake of Atli such atuloslihoric lot J. Glen, 2d Jas. Cl ke. killed. A Ii str4lov w,4i lack,'21 John Thompson; Collection o Snzitr Awo swi-IF-Win Wise r Wril My Ninth does e;I turn into at n.
duls- 400 yJs.OW yda. Total. Melon, ttio 1Bul leaving the cauestion of men aside
demonstrations. 3 3 -tell, wrown in
'I Cur'01.Cook 4- 244) 16 Hutton any other kin is,J.Glen 2d nockedglown pa miurt4inod no silrious rIP'3 gra^3 clusters of c, i f Stoneman,Alex McLotren.
there in a principle ett stake. The elec- 93tO6 and the doliberal ions-are a rended 0 2 3 224 13 D. 51cStramilock., injoiry, The all attended opta ir,Jolga Zimmer; Thrtv elliaters PULTRY- -G. Samwellot, My renth by
with much interest. Ray On the night d Thursda the Digit, I" ndai ldoii* .1 Peter Allnt MY next*x iv goose bu, not in b;-d,
tors hae to choose between an uprigh W.k;.Eladl- cDonald 22.1 203 12 Son. .hom is heord.
we were ar,,rded one of the rayrest ox- McDougall 332 22 a L FRUIT go.by Dr. Caulli I well. grapes; one or more varieties Geo Cox: 11or.TIVVI.TCftciL Peot)(ri-re-Peter K next is Prorainert in to no'
mould a corrupt system of government. stock is a delegate from this soction. hibitions 4 this sort, which we ha,vo 12 4 air Winter Ap Is% Tfollowing I'l Lito it I I y
343 200 ftt Off gr&pcs,nailictl clusters of Adamson,A.1%Brownson,1D. lifelMillar.
witnessed for many vears. It came n 12 5 of each, lot P. Roberson, 24 ot Z A in er glass,3,)hn Ziminer; G PAIN,lti)OTS AN.)D','1HY Ilor-onlrea- My giet does own Writ into down.
The prcsent Ontario administration have ndseerkb3g_reatXnf-l;sh1 p3intr- soddenly.And il;iin'taxpectled, that ll I ath 430 n 4 0 It kno*n; Collitntion of Fall Apples of P), w,,shown that they have the true interests is dead. the machinery of nature seemed throvon Struthers 333 2 0 0 ar crxb pples L. Bisbee; M. BleDoormid,
each kind, named, lot J. Glen, 2 V%AVOUT. 0! IVA crab Sprites, T. G i ' W' John My nc'kt You'll see whereyen have tin,
Henter,J. it. SLcord..
of the country at heart. They havel Ainley 230 002 7 Girrin,3rd P. Carroll. 2 nanged Drocoit Afire, Ist 1J AlcDonagh, 2d PiAte Of 10 peaches,one George )it;next d,-es end Alays bepil,
out of goaring at-once,and ind need man y Dralley 320 2-3sO is to _1"Al ]at Cox;ki4milton nursery prire, D. Me LAP V#' Wiii.K-Mrs. John Trick, My),at is always I-
dove much to develop our resources an to think that scime accreLly concooctud 0 ties of P"rs 5 It Ill;J. . Ill J.J. Fihert3ni rne- My next does AlWA IS rnt.an the ptime,
notwiLhir-.tanding the talk abat su PRITATC.14 MATCB.-Elerel prizes of 2d T. Ali on 1rd J
LOCAL NZ'7" Fitnian Plot hdood rogin attainioal a pre- term Ducha3an 3 J.J.Fisher, 'ILI .1 '11cD Millad,aZent,for G beat varieties plUMN' it the shine.
azi- J)".*Ira Jiro Mrs McTavis , 1is Ke i0.
ing,latJAS Obt
do L ring the surplus have managed the nature maturity, slid that the arwient 01 891' $8,$7,$6,$5,$4,$3,V l named varietiesof I'lumm 5 of earb,let D. n liree year )lot (1-1 R G ;ttnlock.
Hik School entrance ii,saminstion mode of hesithe'uish warfare called the $L 14110a 200 and 400 lards,3 shots' J. M,)selcy, 2.1 J. Wichanan. Co ec. Logan, I A F ury,,th "or# Thus llc- C gas 1(il R-PLANTS A NT F1,011FERS
finances economically, with dito regard, next I Xpriday. "Slingstorgal battery" had olice more tion of Oralk-ts 3 cliotters of each. is J. John C""eotiO Of Kitters,R. L-indeaborough; Very Cheap
to efficisacy. Do the electors desire to STAT r-TrS OT CAXADA')W0 hire rc` been called into otienti,m. The st.irin 200 yda 400 yd3.Total. Hoselev,2d J.Glen. Pis'enflPoac, els, Citims, 2d J, hlg ,Ilil r Jae Logan- Collect;0111 Of Phl,ximi,4 varieties, Dr.
was not, however, of vat, long dura- P P jig V)
iipright Administration,led iiiy a man ceired the statutes of the te.PcnnInZt0n 2 4 4 4,33 Xt
I 'L , L 2o [at V.VarrAl. Ptkte of Cmb Apt on, Two year old f;eli CiLe"'Agg.-Lorgelt collection of AnnuAls,
whose,honesty and integrity no one will lie to ime it lasted, .0 01
pained lost a T rng a f-tir inn; but, for the brief 343 .2 3 4 19 let D. Mcgliannock, 2d T. Ande no Mrs Nfelean:Tro yPar told Fit t It. Dr. Coleman,Six varieties of Panzie-,
question, supplanted by such broken window police, atripped fruir '4 Wyan 224 343 1 rJ J. Buchanan. steariall, 2d linoadfoot, Jobs Dr-t;PIeman;P-quet of dowure James
men sized volume. trees. and demolished cabbages bear '4 bigglart 2 2 3 334 KA1fUrA6TVI1Fq- Avery;Oneyear(Ad Piny,jilt, Str;.,,
-are anted
AS M&tth*w C. Cameron, RxlicivrD.-Johnitonk Ker liardiii Ample testimony of to vigor of tho 17
Abraham 14 Resew 242 3 4 2 17 10 4rair home sperm cloth All W 1, 24 ff.Chesney; f,',.448 17TH-Vco-
merchants are removing from Hamilton 4 Tkltc PA. AN periencea trisle Teacher for
it to McLean's new ab're D t 422 '233 1 T$T ;.rj Di 110];,Foal..got
Lander and Charley Rykert who tire the Sir" of the fLorm and the sharpness As well Oirrin, 2d If Anderson. 10 2d 11, Cheargeyl: Two kind of p,,tatoe., half buitkel of Sectiiin No. 2,Colbrine,to
garir ,,I the As thti.-wei ,,ht of the hailstones,many(if f th W Tell-]at Will McMurray.2J not known; comolfil
leaders of the-Tory partyin On p, a Stinare, next door to R. B. Srnith'&. which touid be gathered front the ground, 2 25 3 3 2 15 yarils hoote I Ty)i4n Cloth, I at A ex. lro:g,aired by 'it*
I youlger 2d 31"f #it New Yloar. 1874. Apply to
party whose &vowed policy is bribery Ftr-,4T 8 xow.-Tho 6 rat mow or the sea- of every varietyand all, 323 15 Young, 3rd I. R - tst.I.J. Fisher i'. So - 14 our heads of winter cabbags.lit A'"All NIC OLAIS MORRISH' )
ape and gener- Luby ley 232232 -232 14 1(1 Y.,rds ho I Uoinn Flannel lot I-John Bull," 11 A u ilull. EubsOlk;Si blood b,-,ct4, ist Samtiel' Wit
silgilcurruption? If so they will support son fell on Monday.There was not anough aliv as'lixyo as common siztd plums Walker 2:12 430 14 A on - %ne]L-RbDroti h I
Mr.t1ase. I I it, OR liXN1Zft, AL F, 4eegmiller; Six
X. Y01111:7271r,Anders(' , Pit (of CLA48 "S D--A0 1-t" A98TONE, Triurtees
to maka,sleighizig, Dot even eaeugh to whilst the 1-iin which followed,and corl- Robertson 233 3010 AMES STLPVENS, f I
white the krograd still it wag the first gliout 14 Ft1anket;, Ist T. Anilairson. 2d A as. puz %,'43 llloc4m. 111ug Nang-ilds, I at James lolcDowell,2d 'entuiller
Mr. Case, or rather his frienods for tinued thron the greater part ALv. Covau MATCH.-Operl h 0 Ing 3 J. k;uchanai. Counter no' Brood Marc, Ast A. Storej;,_ 2d not Jail I')i A-u globe niatigolds. 'at 7th IS73. P.0. JOHN A. BALL
11ROW, - the night, might bear comparison for 1 to tiny 4
him, Lre anxious to repit-liate any can, I pw17 plying 50 cents entr3nee foe. 8 e ald let not knofn,3rd R. B. known,3rd G-Oltesey;Foal,I at James Samuel CArnuchan, 2,1 Win Charter1l; CABINET MAKER,
BRI-1 8, R. lto- copiousness,with anythinitr of a wet na-, I'lizes of$3, ti, Scott. so+'Farm Ilsrigess, jai J. Al. Utridesboro, ', Ian,3rd W' proat; Si Sweats tumip,,,lot Jobn'Marquis 24 UPHOLSTERER. &c.,
aw, Three year old d %go 1 Will DAlo; Geor.-a Zoa 2W and 400 yards, any rifie . I x rtrly hhrn ct iots,I It
n",ion with the safe of the Pacific Rail The r%tepaven of McGillivray have Wire thath"ever occured since the j.rk its n 83,82, $1. 1 2d IV. A. Martin. Set $i clo,waycharter. Thia.wrin*ttlo. Cntilthis voted doi4nthe by,'law to grant a bonna of Noah, or the Wherry of Benbecula 11AS Pleasure in announcing to the
Tory party in Outario of$10,000 to the irly were firt launched out to save (our 200 Hamra, Ist J. Illatinw, 2d W. A. ar. Threeycar(old Fill Alef Bvcliann, i Allan fjobsoug j John
above railway. 0 yda.400 yde.Totsil tin. WAlker; Six WANTED. by the of Public public of Goderich and surround.
drowning ancestors. 443 20 L,%vidsbOrlugh 2d 11. Robb; Six white,Goderich,a Principal to take charge of in 1, 8. WILLSON'S old stanl next
withdr-,tow tbai r 34 votes were recorded in its FAyour. Cilpt, Wilson 333- 2d John Mclfillall,i 3rd JOhn l.err7; inng orange or red cl t,t,, litt Samuel School Trustee# of the Town Of ing country that he has started Brisiness
support front the ministry.purchased by W.Ainley Two yomir old Guldivig,.lot Alex Tit)for,
AGAI.-z Emp-ry.-The lGoderich gaol is 1119APERS.-Wartir of your 343 442 20 Heavy ftg!Z0.1,lit Job Brown, 2 J. 2d A. Archibald', -.rd John Fitzgerald; carrots'l,t Wait,24 -gas the Central and Warl ioclud-
Six Hagh Allan, P-W)ple are not to be Warnock 433 333 door to this StJNAL OffiCS, Where he in
Again etupty the lat prisoner being readers sill doubtless have read, or 19 Painuore. Market tin lit J. K oz. Tw ear old Villyj lot S. McDogall, Mcklion;Twel rn, ing the duties of Librrian. Salary prep" to farnish all articles in A
blamed if they rezard every Tory - -McDoug4ll 233 343 18 .ears of tuition C0
candi- discharged on Wednesday lamet. This heard by oral communication of 'lle -W ller 222 Do.bigibagay, lot R. J. Whitely 2d 2d V Chartermi 3rol-J. BlolliWixel;One let John Thompson, 2d Geo Cox Three $M.00., Tenders will IIII received up i titdstac whether for tile Commons or spo%ki well for the morality of the large Suitable character of air ancient British 44.1 17 R J. Whi,ely. Siogle buqgy, Is J. year old Gelding, I at Jai Costs, 24 Jno water mologge. lot Allen Ililbson,2d B. to the firbt 0011AY in Sovember next.
,1. Wynn 232 442 Shants; Thre 1,1,,,k
Local honse, with suseIicion. Gobtin yclept the "Brnwnie,"of some- C 17 Klaox 2d It.J.Whitely. Iron I'lo 91k, no yt, r old Fifty, tat T. me (ws. lit Afilin T.a-STOKES, Cheap for 0a8h
if the And p4alous County of 4 rou ' 9ok 233 333 17 lqt i!homson Wiffivir-13. McUlan,"3rd W. Chair. Hobson,21 Wm McMurray Four ffea:i a
Tory party believe Sir J o a&. Mwdon- T%&cHXR3' INSTITUIR.-4-l'o'll under- hat undefinable proportionsaind sup, Lieut.Croziep 422 423 24 F. ltecretary
stand a Teachers' luatitu 11 Plough ist Thomson & Willie -449 J-J. suli'10WOP, ]vt To M, Niought, Goderich,Oct. 7th, IOV3. 1A90c
Sold And his wile to ivill be held to constitute a very irubtla c n- in ter.; pu rpose Team, and on the Shortest Dotice.
agues, innocent (if the ction between the geptim he"o and 0 Tait THrItE,ycAp_4 Sgltvlt'x MAren- Thomx,',n & Williams 2 horad Z Iti- Fisher, .1d W. T)plimely,3rd A. kirtilake; *egw'ller; Plock'of red onto Picture Frames kept on hand charges bronght Agunat them why do 4t Exeter on Saturday next commencin g n the Operktiall enrolled or retired Volun- Tatar let R. Bell&Son. as, Geo I I
at 10oclocir, A. Al. Well would urge Fairy; awl "easing at pleasure the Wocal a Per. E,)tiry Colt, yearling. let ll-McDpuuId; HAbkirk;Pcck,iw!,itsor)eIlow onions, made to oriaer. Also an Assortment Of
pri,t.lego of being,as the cas,)might re, Brown. larroews, Mara and Foal, iat A- Ingrom. Pictures.
they repudiate them in the present con- upon all teachers who can attend to do teen who havQ Served three yean in the rowls.'Isg Job Irrin 1* tat Strong&Fairlity, 2d Robt lAndes-
quire, either visible or inisible. Gob- Volunteer force of the Cw.Inty, Certifi r
line of this raore genii were commonly CA . Strachan, 2d Win Downs. CLAM.'p2D-(1AlilUAG5 110Ao4l!S. beret: 4;Pock of tomakien,A"a Hob-
to Of Service requireld. Winners or Straw'Cutler, lit flell A*,,on,2d Thom- Bro6d allare, let It.'McCullough 2d 11011; routs of celery, Thornsis DO w-
Lost I The truth is they are all tarred 60 let D
Ista d2nd Prize&in Previous etches son Wi!liams. Set Horso Sho- a, lot- T. Hill; Foal, t nev; Collecti T me 30c
ST&imsit BENTO-N.-Thestannier Ben- spoken of&&belonRinZ to the One 25c picture for every Purchase of IV
with the same stick; briber3 and cor- Inwuline it on Of egetables
ruption are the only means by which topt made her last trip for the Season, gender,and unlike other imps of tradi- excluded. 10 in McGeo.-h;Two I Holston;Half I Allan
to this port,last week. We understand $6,$51 $41 of$10,$9,$8,17, Win Downs. r:Ar' IdM,01121'._g r Fj`ly ii-ashel Ecirly Rood, POW Four 25c
they Can susg&in themselves in power, tional or mythological repute, alwava, - Esugoti 300 and LAD188'WORIE fat J. Fitzgeritfi Jam One goesJ"Cummings. Collection of cab- or I pair Cronies worth$1.00.
shah&& donealarge businessand her prone to be engago in gold offices f'r 5W yards. I t
and we warn Reformers not to be led owners an making Arrangements to pot I Fine Shirt, Lineif front, hathl work, year old Gelding killy, ]at A.lignas, b"Arid tarnips, ;hgu Hobson. LUABIER ANgli CORDWOOD
the beriefit of such families as were for- 300 Y414.50 YAs.Total lat-Mis Anderson, 2d Miss Vsm` 2d T.jBichfichatal;Carriage Tow I,lot U.away by any profession& ot "real Re- two boats on the line next year. tunate enough to merit their at 4L Pie-Gramick C"Aam taken in exchange.
tacbme let hjrs. Ifoseley, 2d T. Beat- Stanley, 12d c&fL&n4cr JL- Scott; 1higgy Pounds butter sufficient Salt,
233 343 18 Tattin Oct.6th, 1873. 1390
form" on the pact of Mr. Caw but to POLITICAL f91rTI.1q,-We trust our They were always known to frequent - Gilmour 032 443 16 lie. &1ochet Work. lot Mrs- nlnlleyl Horse(or Afarel, Ist,John Railiwell, 2d lstojucobo Idco e 2d I& Robert Bell,
We trust all our friends will is to aside op's meeting in Crabb's Hall on Satur- which were always of a Herculean Us- - Nicintosh 34 2 240 Iri win. Embroidery in cotton or ran ill. 2d I&A-so ry, 2J
vote for the candidate of their party. townspeople will remember Mr. Bih. rural localities, when their habours, - HApart 222 3d2 15 2d J Symington, on., 3rd J. Robert- John flyndman, 3rd Tb,,,% 34 Robert Sef,tt Five punds b tter,
day evening next. No matter what lure,were gtrierally performed during -WilliMiloson 322 403 Jame'.S,.,t+
tun, yewl;ng Colt, Ist Ths I at Robert mave u
Timmoal that are team -e sold by Bell, t
4ornber that they Mr.Rwhop US&to say for Limeli wan in bed and soundly misloop I their Fanzy Leather w Mrs. , tione , To test the truth give Bell a Call.
A Aigformers should rer ilat the weary husbandman Sergi.C412tililoll 232 340 14 ori, ist Alrit. Moseley, rh od 1 :McMichael;Spring Foad galt butter, 6d pullax lot Thonia.,i
ll Itocal and -personal COUAiderationo. your politics mar lol o and hw!- what the night, wh 14 Ist Mrs. J Clarke 2J Mrs- Moseley- Currie: addle floras or Marc, let NV. , -1 Thowad Cart(:r;Keg'If
T"aford 043 3 4A 0 14 2d Alre.Moseley. Bea Work,Ist of ny brood orclass, J..1. Fisher. DickaflIg. 2d-Tholues,rie) rlev. :,it Mrs-
we voting, not for 3 nart but for a prin ff RLD OVZF--',VC bay&=ired f, I.Mid. He Sells all goods in every It-,
om reward, and tho only one they could be -T-ubY 334 220 -14 xtra,Prire-lroo Illouith presented Rob-t Bell;Single loless ttian
Moseley,24 P. Hogani. Fair he"
acce be a 322 322 14 ing, lat-Mrs. Moseley. 2d M W- by list torsion Bp vs.for beat allan drir Ing 'I
ciptk' Lat there be no hanging ba.k. the esteemed correspondent a by Insidis at soppIked
We Imagist not undervalue the stron cy induced to pt ing w -Ca.van ad ited to'his tinte.
th of Sketch of "an Eastrn trip"whicti. we bowl of ream, -which they were said to - Woods 2 2 2 322 13 (Leen, " Mr.. W_ Green- FOCY hilirses. J.J. Fither. I&% with ru ,k st Call.,lin I-r &, No, I BUTTER At profit"all
K tj
Lloo enemy. In order to make sure of am obliged to hold over till ne-x t week. drink up eagerly ; but never until their nitting. lit Birm, W. Toling, 24 C.. LASI flTR _DV'r'JA'kI3. 1111gh Deylin, ;J J- Cilicilic'.1m; Bell 'tells for csh. Now ell All know
It will keep.We are also o"fTcd to hold tod which wall uslially that of thrashing ched n
the election it is necessary to work ig- over the prire of tho oci , was done. when the wi I A proposal is on the tapi,, to rect a Girvin, 3rd Birig. AlowleY. 1'&' Cow, must do) ad Cal last Private jact,,,rieq, no That money makes the Owill to V!,
Or, summer
pea their I ft Work, let A. McNeil. Patched Quilt how, lot :;rd(to; than Op"It"Is Inedliat lactom"; 4 r-le-loro he can at low rates sell!'
hotel at I'Ort Elgin,County irk Cotton, ist Mrs. T. Benottitlp 211 King Two yoar(old 116ifer, 1 at If. Sitell.One ar not mill,plicell
orousiy, heartify anlunitedly for the Stiew. sweaty bross, drainou out their refresh- Of bruce,on the joint stock principli. It iczi,tr
Bram,it Nor.,:ca, - G McBroom, ing; befflormoge and lorthwrth depta t I JiMiltilivil a call he'll Ilse you well.
rtod is believed that the water contained in a. !6 C?Ieiiso, Ilu
Anderson 3rd bliss V11,1`000- p4tighed alid sold
next week, and on the fty,of polling c Lr cold I I efor. I at 11. Sno!'. U. Mi- Robert Scott.
am friends be on hand early end VLYM aimed- an, Lond,>Ici, Out., has received Satisfied,and utmom. billion the Poet the test well upon the shore of the lake, Quilt in Vrool lot, Miss Andersolt, -2d Tanart, 3rd G, Chesney; Harder Calf. th`ggg 20 giado n di Ball soul,Dry Gooda,Sugars and Tsmos,
POP.DISHOP AND GOOD f;OVXRN- ,. Holland, makes reference to this friendly Goblin posecQ30 medicinal Yirti it,and this will 0 .3rd Miss'VlrcO-- I!mg let ". Sitell.24 11.Snell,3rd G.Slort-at- 111150-od with fjetory appliancCA, net
by atimarror from Rotterdam, it, W. y u let
,q a M And Granite gettA thst will you please,
. pot-i 19" elf ltho',e Lmillot for fail 'a his well"'Is'n p4en' be turned to prifitslife QcOl,IIt Mat let J Robertwn.'2d P. B. Scott, t-,,Ill c:tIr lot lit. %Io*Tm,,mmrt, 24 do, 31rd W-111.roliers Bll,,&I Jam MclAte-hael
M VN T. havia be- - I t
PlAntulit:comprising 11yactptha. TnIiM trading invalids to the spot. by'at- 3rd kisit A',*d,,,,. Pair wool-gt4)ck- to;Herd o-r DurhAlt) e-mr01-1 Of 'liagieft Curd haoin,JIM" Choice fruits and qnit&fresh
0voust, L&e L c' c.. Th, --bullgi; will im how the dit-tidniv!Go'ul:.,Sweat ln ft. jai Mrs.Grdon Youl". 2d Jim"' ' o-ur females id a btill, H. Stpell. 'n;Peat I 40-pou iid 1,,.,&-llt but'or,
be I,,- &rdftl I to SWY &CWMAS At the '.o sien hif crem howl dty set At C01-itz-7tarml R. C., (owned toy Rose. Pair woolen S-k4 'let MM oo"9L To't.4 olvit- in-Il'0 11131t,, d to k, p Jollin Ship:oy; A' 20 C 'NTS PER LB.7 -Th Pjg d Mail Ga-tit? strongly con- pr-coo isenamill-itt the c-lta)ogue anti frio; Rovland) 1:. T.Yentr.r.' rilat shmild enticcYou t10 his Store.
I ho I in one airlit.o*re 9.'itupoe of morn. 11 6 twenty-one acre field Young,2d jma, rose, Jrd via pounds melt bu tjr,_Thoruigs
dominate the Canadian government for its of e%pemmmm op mail ChArgen. Send for His shadov -ficidl had (hras:,d Of It's near]v ready,for the sicLle.Those 110 TRAq. Cow, ]v Jill 11roadf000t., 2.1 Mrs Win Ditkx ); Twelve p. .all, fre'll blic ter, Ask where W1 lives of all You wlw
he Court, who have
SaW of its Pacific Railway charter. But caL'JIVG*- P'b"srswvo year O-Ior for I Which I-en day-labours could not end led men the field estimate. tl,e Barn Yard Few lal lZilbertson: McTilo3rt, 3d Jo Fromodfoot; 'rw MAr ,ficefti, -It. Ist Jacob T hey I I may j net oil Viewris Street,
Po at from eighty-five to mast w, wetheroold; 1.111 TIC;'Lfr. "Itl ol"BrOtedfoot, od YZIN "'V_
areds til"00 romire ray I d ties the Jfail says VAglish papors don't -n y RAI- Five linult and Ang-teurs' )T mptiftr)o 4"Out A c"W"v " this race or bushels of oats to tle m ch-n, Nir. Wethets.1 ; Win)PICTA-an, 9d ax Broadfoot; (,no It,1n;;I biti 112.1-if,by a Spin.
which is tin Meohine
fi w anythingwout Canadian familiar api-;tm was supromed to have interesting fact As belgrivint upon the pro. SKenwittigill G. Mfc]KENZIE. 'rill'nc-Ar the Mill, 'tia near the gmuou'
:o-0-4 ar Turnip f ,1110.1 B' 1411 igon;Gfnin Prill, your old Heifer, let Mrs-Win McT,, n, at*,,no widowa fiflwed to Compete, in have found.
y>chw,j 'h ins-
ga F Where many testing posele
here Still more r*- 6dwivenem of that region. Bell A Son. samnel Car
2 1