Huron Signal, 1873-10-01, Page 2• • Neer Advertissirouts IlIntios--Miss Wade. Sotioe-John Fowler. 4. Card—K. fi. Marlton. It. th• Eleceore-A. Baahop. fiat Enterprise -L. D. Sine. laizir of Phosphates -Dr. Wheeler. rase & Lot for Salo -Erie MacKay. wing Machines -J. W. Wetherald. Adjoerned Sheriff's Sale -J. C. Currie. tall and Winter Goods -Mackay Bros. mega! Baters-R. H. McDonald & Co. ire -ocher Wanted -Joseph Wilson,J aleph Itateliff, John McLean. • lanar.:A; I. Sebacribers who do nnt give express notice to lotttrary, ars eonsidered artahlag to continue - bete pabscriptions. tr 2. 11 subeerthersorder the discontinuance ot their penodiesde :sr sewspaperr. the pub1Wher or pu olish- rws may oorittane 1.„ send them until all arrears are 'raid Op; and entscwhere are beld responsible tor A01 numbers •ent - if satmeritars neglect or retnee to take the pert- mlieals or newspapers trent the :Aloe to whleh they on &racial. they are held responsible 1111 they have Settled their bills. Pending numbers dia. or 5110v- 1.11.: them la 'be „ice, is sot sooh notice ot &woe- Mansace as the law requires. 4. It satowribers reoiovs t.. other plaetw witltrint laiforatiaw the Publisher, and their periodicals or ilewspapers are sent to the runner directions, they ars held resvoasible. Among those from this section who obtained prizes we obserre the name. of irJ. J. Fisher of Colborne, R. Currie of 1 gedie Gso. P. Rowser. CM, 40.Park 11.,w, and 8, * Fremont a Ua., 37 Perk Row, are our only authorised Ad- Sertising Agents in New York. • The Jate after each geduerilser's novae Or. fhs,c Lirciut imlicittos the time to which' Sisbvriptien paid. Thies, "rzesi SIM ITS, 1 March 72,'' mean., that M r. S mirk s Sebseription is psisi up to lst msreA that he ()ices from that date. 4tabseri5ess see it to be to their interest to renew prom:4/y, as eur ternu are $1.50 STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, otherwise $2 will be charnel. We shall be glade! all times to receive Berns of local news, reports of meetinsrs, accidents, pr any incident of interest eithet in the locality where it occurs or to the county at large. Such matter Amy be sent at -the rate of one cent per oz. if merked Printer's Copy and not sealed. To ensure publication in any partieular issue it should reach the office not later than Monday evening. Wawanoah, T. Mills of Ttutkerstnith, J, Loadasan of Hay. Alex. Innen of Stan- ley, Win. Herbison of Goderich, J, Swenerton of Hay, R. Hunter and It.. Pincombe of Usborne, S. McDougall of Coderioh, ff. Love of Hay and W. Hodgson and T. Marton of Exeter, J. MeDottagh of Colborne and 8. Crick of Clinton for Horses; John Herten of Usborne for Cattle ; J. Cumaaings of Londesboro and Wm. Moore of Exeter foe Pigs; Hugh Love of Hay for Sheep ; G. Williamson and Meer° Hogan of Seaforth, P. Grant of Clinton and Geo. McLean of Flay, for Implements ; .1. Anderson of Howick for Fulled Cloth, Chessoo aud Sugar ; A. M. Ross of God- erich for Fraits and Domestic Wines ; S. Platt uf Goderich and Coleman & Govinlock of Soaforth for Salt and Win. Creswell of Seaforth for Oil ,Paintings. Huron" also furnished a nutnber of judges. It was decided at the Annual Meeting of the Assiciation that the next exhibi- tiow should.be held at Toronto. The local couunittee ere deserving of **praise for the perfect manner in which they bad made the necessary arrange- ments for the show. A vote of thanks was tendered thole at the annual meeting. A daring attempt was made on Thurs- day night to rob the safe iu the Tree- surefs'office, bet by the vigilance of the watchmen the burglars were frustrated. Frince Louis -of lIosse, husband of Priecom Alice, was in London during the exhibition and visited it, expresting his delight at what h, saw. 110 wat the guest of Bifhop Nino. • South Ea= Zlatiost- After much persuasion Mr. Case has been Induced to accept the nomination of the Conservative convention and tak.e the field -in South Huron. Heeknowa he has no chance of being elected; but the Tories are losthe to allow the riding gn by default and hive theirefore If h sat for all iser readers taexamime-i-ss ITZ773 0? TWAI 372111K it gives a very aocurate idea, 'awe *in The Royal Commission sttll ciontinuas l amend clotlung, of what the (threw YOSEMITE ills Price of the m One Dollar a year.-wal chromo, (Ine Dollar a and a Batt -Address WoCo's Hoosanoto afaaassits, Nowhere, lit Y. Obituary.-We regret to annoonce the death of Dr. McDougall of this town, which event took place on Friday night last. Dr. McDougall !has been . fur twenty four years &resident of Goderich, during whieb time he has practised his prdteesion among its citizens. Ile has suffered much front rheumatism for some years but was able till quit* re- cently to cktinue his professional Visits to his patient'. The doctor haa held several positions of trust. Ile served two or three years se Mayor of the town. He was till recently Clerk of the First Division Court, a position to which. his brother succeeded a short time ago.. ile was at the time ()this death Surgeon of the County Jail and abet of the 33rd Battalion, who being at present in camp here, turned out to the funeral oa Mon- day, and tired the usual three volleyi. over the grave. Dr. McDougall had many good qualities which endolaretl halissedins to.his.firiends and he will 15e much • firr ore. -The London .Advertiser thus hits off our local contemporary, - "One of the party organs published somewheim up around Goderich htut woraed up a sufficiency of coinage to call "a spade, a spade, and "atilt no pardon for saying so." The quantity of stimulant required to nerve this valiant writer to the conamissiom of so entirely suet and incomprehensible an act is not stated, bet judging from the •con -e nation of his efiesion we should say it was considerably in excess of the or- dinary John A. averaoe. floor him t,"Sto Gdo°mTteoi.nurrnpa"tpept"!eipos fairindp:ipelectlofu" triumph, Britain and Right, or an hen- orablb death in defence of these. ' "%Ye have heard of electors beini tampered with; we aro bold enoitsh to say that the traitorous person who woula sell his franchise for a mess of pottage or a sum of money deserves the exe•cretion any and all society. We Aro 110) yet dvite with these patriotic assassins, and may havti occamon,if our space. will perinit,to name several in our locality, as well as others of Provincial repute,. who de dis- pute the British Sopreinacy in Canada." Stich horrible candor is highly unkoecoin- ing,and no biglotoned Tory journal can in future be expected to recogeize a sheet whickboldly AVOWS its determina- tion to tell the truth once in a Chile, even though it murders the Qieett's sEhtalkisinligi.n, the attempt. It's rnitively its sittings at Ottawa. Its labours hare however about closed. Nothing very important has been elicited during the past week and nal report will be looktel forward to with some interest. There is little doubt that when Parliament meets on the 23n1 inst. tho government will be defeated on the onnatitutionel ' . question. They must if the protestiug 96 hold true. General Garibaldi has (tftered his services to the Republican canna- in Spain, but Senor Casteler has dm:lined his offer with thanks. The American schooner Addie Osborn, y a collision with the English steamer Precursor,was sunk on the night. et the 14th inst,, and all on board except three were drowned. A race between Brown and Bigl:n,two cob:sheeted oarsmen at Halifax last Wednesday, resulted in favour of the former hy 200 feet. Rev. John Farrell. 11. C. Bishop of Hamilton, died on Friday last after a long illness. From the first to the twenty-sixth of September no less than 440 deaths from ; yellow fever were recorded in Shreve- port, Leuisana. force,' him into a coutest. t ey were Sukocribers will confer a favour by beaten last year with the Township of notifying us of any irregularity in the Tuckersreith and the Town of Goderich, delivery tof their papers. both of which give large Reform Majori- ties, left out of the riding, how can they expect to win when both those munici- palities are included, especially with the record of the Pecific Railway Scanda 1 and other misdeeds against them. Elec tions have however been lost by over - Crawl Trask ItalliraT. OODILICK STATION Treitis lemmas follows,- laf ail 7.00 a. m. 10.00 " " Express 12 30 p. tn: confidence before to -day, and we would o • ...... • • • therefore urge up ei Reformers the , Trams are due as follows, - 10 00 " "- necessity of org mixing at once end work - 2.00 p. m. ;ng for their candidate with all their 5.20 :` strength and wilt. LA us roll up such 3'43 a majority for Mr. Bishop as will show to the ceuntry ' that South Huron is sound in her principles and favourable to good government. ixed xpreas ixed ail mon Signal. • GODERICH, Oct. 1, 18734 • The Provizzial Ulliltttion- - ___ : The. Provincial Exhibition held at "Lendon teat week prowt.1 a great success n every respect. Situated in the midst Leesef a fiiie agricelturar district and easy of by rail from every direction there is no reason why London ,should not ?always have a good show, especially in itch a season as this when the country been blessed with a bountiful vest. The weather daring the show all that could be desired, with the pxamaition of the first (ley, and as that 'was devoted to gettiug the articles on to , the ground ;-,.e. arraneed in their places lit did not uterfere with the success of • ithe exhibition. The number of visitor!' cwas larger than ever before, with the ex- ,crootien of the last time the fair warin :Leaden, when the presence of Prince 'Arthur and the Governor Gemeral at- tracted en unusually large crowd. The ginning to assume a more settled state. Is the crisis was caused mainly by tbe jtotal receipts this year arnoent to abont large advances made on railway securie 1$20,000. The greatest crowd was on ties upon which the parties holding elnesday when over 32,000 persona them have been unable to realize in the • 1 et the getes. money markets of Europe, the effects We cannot begin to enumerate in de - are not likely to extend beyond the il the articles worthy of special notice. United States sufficiently to cans° any We must refer our readers for such t 0 emb assment. ' he columns of the city papers. A few ' g observations will however not lee amiao t t The rapid improvement in tho quality pthe stock kept by our farmers is more Oind More manifest every year. People Ire beginning to find out that it costs iso mere te keep a gool animal than a laad one, while the return is mod) west- )ar. We are glad to see the count? y vancing so rapidly in this respect and st it will centime° to do so. The quality of the grain, motes, fruits nil other asrrienItursil and borticelte ral Sailiar nnisr raiss Colous. _ nets exhibited eras excellent. Our The Exeter Times in speaking of Mr. wniunan M2. A. Id. Ross carried off Case says "His principles are reform toms- In the cultiyation of tjus forfner t. elms than twelve prizes for grapes and and his every action reform." How then does it come that he was nominated by Ite excels' Ho °is° allined '''' Prize 1°r a Conserrative Convention 1 tete mede wine. The vegetables from Mr. South Rat= Muting's. Bishop, the Reform camlidate Huron, is holding a series meetings throughout the riding. He will address the electors as fellows: - At Zurich, township of -Hay. on Wedeesday, Oct. 1, at T o'clock P. 51. At the Red School House, Teckeramith, on Friday, Oct. 3, at 7 o'clock P. M. At Rodgerrille, tiorashin of Usborne, on Monday Oct. 6, at 7 o'clock P. M. At Duncan's Schoolhouse, Usborne, on Tuesday Oct. 7, ot 7 o'clock P. M.. At Varies, townsfitp of Stanley, on Thurs- day, Oct. 9, at 7 o'clock P. M. At Holmesyille, Goderich township, on Friday Oct. 10. at 7 o'clock P. M. At Crabb's Hall, Gederich town, on Satur- day, Oct. 11, at 7 o'clock P. M. At Hayfield, on Monday. Oct. 13, at 7 o'clock P. M. At Lakeview, township of Hay, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, at 7 o'clock 1-6-‘ Ths Pins:wig Crisis. for nf The financial crisis among our Ameri- can neighbors is passing over. A num- ber of enspended firms end banks haye resumed payment and matters are be - A 314 Defeat. - The Government hayo sustained a crushing defeat in New Brunswick. The election for the c suety of Carleton, to fill the seat of the late Mr. Cennell, came off last week, when Mr. White, ex M. P. P., the government candidate, was defeated by Mr. Appleby, Op- position, by a majority of over six hundred. att.••••• _e.o.m. • Linden Asylem were very good and • -Our local contemporary endeavours ' 'ed off a nember of prizes. Mr. J. to prejudice the temperance men again.st , mous squashes weighing 232 'and En . Otwell of 8t. Mary's showed two Mr. Bishop and hints that hts pledges are not to be depended on. We would 121 Ilse., an i measuring 8 feet 1 inch and remind our temperance frientla that *feet 2 inches in circumference. A col- they haye not only Mr. Bishop's word Menem of cereals and roots from Then- that he *ill support any mea.sure for der Bay attracted considerable atten- suppressing the liquor traffic, but also Oen end served to illustrate the fertility the pledge cf the. Reform convention oil that region. Hon. A. McKellar which nominated him. Our cetem's showed a collection of minerals frorn the statement that the Reform paety. did all one Place- Two 6T-0 enilections wen' it could last session to throw a damper elhibited by railway companies in Kan- upon every temperance move made in see and Nebreska, illustrating the nate- ta. n La.41 u0111110 is SS fi3130 ES it 'IS MaliCit31141, Mil and artificial productions of that It was a prominent member of the Re. ise- nntry. Circulars holding out strong form party who brenght the matter up, iddacements to emigrants to those States and the only member who; refused to pore freely circulated. The fact that sign the memorial to the Dominion tlie railway oompsnies have lands to Parliament asking for the passage of a dispoes of explaine the object ef their prohibitory law was the leader of the allsplay, but as long as we have the fer- tile leads and . healthy climate of the. etTory party -M. C. Cameron. The advocates for temperance Smell West we trust Canadians will not hens ajways been found in the Reform bp indeced by any specious promises to Tula. /Pars their own country and flag. The ---- -- collections were very complete and well ...t -The Prog. organs msy shout "Anti arrange.l. In flowers James Vick of Britain " "Proton," "Mimico farm," Recheeter had a very handsome &fatality diry superior specimens. In deny products, Mr. J. Anderson tiowiek took the first prize fur maple sligar, which wac neatly displayed in a ‘eas case. ,` We Sere favourably impressed with a of JAS. Warnock of Galt, His ladisplay of edge tools from the egesigess woes very creditable to Tilinweil of Canadian manufacture. There was a Tory large show of oar - !Mee principally of London manufac- ture, also of agricultural and other imakinery. Them branches (4 Cans- , itOasi manufacture are extending every Tear onllection of oils, perafine and Products of Canadian petroleum much attention and deserved - -Pine Arts, ',adios' Work, sae the unal display. 1 ef fiesforth exhil5isod siitipaisiarsanfl 400AL ITZIPS . Stormer Favea prevails in. town at present, especially among young ladies who aro subject to volunteer (y) attacks. Tni 51oorezee TICLISCRAPII OFFICE has been removed to Acheion's new block, West street. ROND' Esti bite' 4. -This is- the name of lenge, paper which has come to hentl. It be small bit mem. Coenolle Sltow.—Tho Colleirne Ag; ricultnral Exhibition 'takes place at Smith's Hill to -day. Teerrtece-A trotting match took place at Melton Park last Wednesday between "Halton My," "1:1 ob Moore" and "Stayner Girl" en. 14100. "Halton Boy" won the Prize. 'Themes was very hotly contested. SALE or FARM SToeg, ste.-- Harry [teed, Auctieneer, will sell ei qiiantity farm -stock, implemente, stes. int the premises of Charles Wilson, Let 19, Conceseion 4, West Wawanoeh, on Fri- day next,aa Oetoher. PETERS' MUsIVAL MONTIILY fer Octo- ber is. eto hand. We can recommend this publication tp any 'of our friends who deaire good and cheep music It is published hy J. L. Peters, 699, Broad-, wee, Now York, at $3 per s.nuutu. • Rine Menne-The annual Rifle Match -of the 33rd Battalion announced for Monday, wes pnetponed till yester- day tin account of the weatlik.r and the battalion hoeing to ettend the funeral iif the late Dr, itleDeugell. We will publish the prize list next week. We have no ohjectiens to our mete chants having every facility for getting in their goods even if passers by I are put to some inconvenioace thereby, bet making a permanent lumber yard of the sidewalk we have decided objections to. If the cap fite any of our merchants they can put it on. Siatviete-The anni- versary services of the Methodist Episco- pal Missionary Society will be held on Sunday next in their- cherch in this toweroithen sermons will be preached at ill o'clock A. M. and 6.30 Pelkl. by Rev. H. B. Palmer of Seisfetli.. A social will be held the following evening at 7.30 o'clock. • Illon SettooL, EN tMINATIoNS.--rhe examination oficandidates fee ailmiseem to the Goderioh High Scheel which wits announced to take place soma time wee but postponetie wilt be held on Mouday, 13th Oetober,lat 2 o'clock P. M.• All pupils whe have been admitted since last Aneest will require tikpese tint' ex- amination. MoT WEATHER. -After the stiiriny and cold vreather of the equinox, lest week turned out fine and. brielit, and towards the close of the week became quite hot.- OnSratirday the thermome- ter reached 83.3' being within six: de- gree of the hottest weather we have had the; summer. A Loess ThAIN.—Preparttory te the change of guage, the Grand Trunk are haring laryee numbers of cars chetiged to narrow guage trucks. As fast as 'con- verted they are stored on the sidings, Goderich getting its fell quota. There are now over 300 cars here,extendinte all the way from tho elevator to the station and forming the loneest tram ever seen Hareem 51ansion. Besides "theme pie- . .1 tures, Mr. Kruseman Van Elton gives here. A Costrzsmos.--eA yoang 14,111 who spent the smelter in Goderieli relates his exiserience as follows :-My sojourn hos Ondeed been a very pleaatut tatte, spiced with many little aolventotets. .A a noir as I can racolleet now; I 11Awir talk- ed hero during the .season to about It) young lades% and became oneeged te a sheen. I slid not enter Lite es many emetgeineste wilfully. for the fest is, it young man meets so twiny pretty. girls here duritio the course of tee annener that ho is apt te ba vaity tereetion. After spending a few days in the tom - patty of, chermine girl yoet nue:ludo that your heart is.wen so enu soirrenoler gracefully and ask what time it will be agreeable for hoe. That girl ewe.' love with hoe parents, awl yen meet another who would cause you to fitrget the first, and so it gnes through tho ett• tiee season. The. present oreititieetien of society roptiring a men to have lust time love, it is not convenient for oise who' has a dozen mid would like to here them all. To avoid all possible .contin- geticies thatouight arise front 'this cono ,plicattsd state et my love affeirs, in. tend, as soon as I arrive in the city, to make aConveyance of these lots I oven, tied that house and lot tif mine tiw Uncle, tut and in. consideration of the sttru -of one dollar. If 'any girl thielos she oan get they damages out's( me far a breach of contract, let her corny Ott. I won't interpose any defence, and 1 ani preeared to meet the Sheriff. It re- quires a uten with All licart tu speed the se.mou here sefely. THE ALIDINS.— It 16 • difficult task fir the pen tia describe tho artistic beauties of the LletoberAtline, a number which flesh/4 with rare gems of art, even as •the October foliaee assumes Oriental splendors. There aro four full-page pictures in this butte, each a !nester pro- ductioon, •by celebrated artists. Mr. John S. Davis him a lovely pieture called "Nutting' a geouttof children beneath chestnut trees; Mr. Alexander Lewrie gives a gran.% view of Elizabeth Volley, in the werldfemed Jtdirondack region of New•York; Mr. Holman Hunt, the "The Ette of St. Agnes." anil . Mrs. honours' of the order. The funeral was buried el Seel -113y last with the lemmas English artist, is represented by Greatoet4 hoOa cheracteristic sketch a uri,le a r°rY imP°'`Ing *PPirAnc°' ' an old house in Netr Yerk • City, the . Ortevett.rove" IIALL,—This Ilsurish- ng order hevwdeeided to build a Ilan; td for this periesso the brethren have eught tha owner. lot _Pear Dr. Mc- -aught's ofti ' fee this purpose. They iotend tot jot ,thei ground flail ft.!' stores itul th op tiet fee their hall. This s ter emli lis to the order mut no oubt ill p. them. UM Mr= WW1= ANNL'AL DRILL. The 33r1 Huron Battalion assembled at Goilerich on Friday lost for the pur- pose of putting in their eight days' an- nual drill. The large brigade ciampe which have been held for somo years past hare been dispensed with for this season, but those battalions Shish so desired were granted permission to as- semble at their head quarters for eight days, camp equipment and transport allowance being given, but no rations, - Most ef the battalions throughout the country. have sattembled in this manner, though in a few instances the wasps, nies cioneposing them have performed their driU at thoir company headquar- ters. The 33rd preferred coming to camp. It is cemposed this tuition as - Srarr.-Lt. 0;1. Rosa, Majors Cole. man and Cornor, -Adjutant Cooke, Paynuutter ileymour, Quartermaster Jordlt r. No. 3 Co. SCAToRTE, Capt. WilsOn; Lieut. Wilson, Ensign Stenley. 21 nonommusissioned officers and men. No. 4 Co. Ctievost, Major MurraY, Lient Grigg, Ens. Proctor. 40 men. No. 5 Co. Ilacssets, Capt. Leckie, Lieut. English. 43 mon. No, 0o. °mammon TOWNSIltr.- - Omit. Sheppard, Lieut. McDonald. 40 men. No. a Co. tloanta, Capt. Kaino. 38 Men. No. 9 Coe Domitswoa, kfal- 100;0, Crozier, kits. tic:liana. 27 men, . • There \umber 1 company in the battalion, the Goderich Artillery Co. ncit now being on its strength. No. 2 Co. Winghaut dist pot turn trit, it hav- ing been only recently organized aud not yet fully eq.tipped, and ,No.' Co. Exeter, Tits not hinted ont for 4101150 other reason. Tho total strength id the laattalion at present in camp is there - tuna abmit 220. "rlie earn') in site tted on thu data anith of the river neir Platt's and a foot bridge hits been stretched across the Maitland to eiss.hle the men to roaeh the parade ground and rifl .) range. The mon will be exer- ehsed principelly in apiet1 and centrally drill, with a few bettelien in -moment+. The camp will be•inspecttel by Lt. -Col. Taylor, D.. A: G. or this district gems day this week. . E. Bingham ; has the Canteen and- also 'e Oen for the otlicers' mots: With tha creep- tiisn of 811.1117 nielit• aud `11,eaday when a rain soorm with high wind, which bron,ght (town some . the tents pre- vailed, tho weather has been delightful, tied it it he lived it will -continue 113 till the cenip bre I'M will e understand oft iturditi.. • Moved by A. C. Hawking, socionded by M. Daltou, that tais Council accept the Collector's bond as satisfactory se- curity for the fulfil:neat e his duty as Col lector -Carried. Moved by A. C. Hawkins, sanded by M. Dalton, that the Council do now ijourn to meet again at Young's Hotel, iu Kintail, on the attoonn Misuday in Veto ber.ne t --Carried. JOHN COoKE, rio Clerk. to - 1740333 Pactoriu. HST. -- SUDDEN DeaTH. -We re4ret to learn of the vary sudden death of a yonntanour named Wm. Stoddard, son of Mr.Stod- dard,..of Egmondville. whir% tookqslitee iff the Township of Hay/ kik/Loa, Mr. Stoddard, on Monday oil been em- ployed with Mr. George. Thomson :an d ou thee vein ne tof that day lettlir.' son's in Iterfect health for Mr. Hollings- head's. He was working at Mr, HollingS- head until Toostlay aftern'esti; when he tocamo awl died the 'ante evenine before ntedicalaid could Istopre. mired. Wu believe that Canadian cho- lera. WM thti Alist4140 whieli caused deeth Mr. Stoddard • wet a respeeMble industrious young man, and his sadden demise will be a lockeavement te his /sextette and will be much koeyetted by a large circle of frietele,-Expositor. Seaforth• - SZAIr,511;TI,I Vterontors. - A base bsel match was played last Returnee? between "Maple Laif Cloth" of Otaelph-the champions (of Camelot -and the 'Stars" of Se.aforth. The "Stare" came off vic- torioue the Seafeeth club May now ba censitlered the champflons of Canada. ,AN Onneretitw'si FuNtoet.. - Mr. Fredetiek Merchent of this town SHIPMYNr OF SetrO-Dttring the past a mid slimmer view on &sheen Brook, iii Celli., Mr..1. McEntee, of the Net- ional Actelemy, has a brilliant said dreamy Octobeesketth called "O'alline Leaves," st birtLpicture of a deck and sperooes, called "Opulence and ludig: once," is after Outtortis Lila; ao orige -nal American landscape scene reprosenta the !light ef +sad geese over a reedy -lake; there is se magnificent portraiti of the beautiful:find accomplished Angelica Kaufmann mid Benjamin Vautier, one of the most pepular painters at Dussel- dorf, hes a charming German interior, called "Poor Pussy!" The remaining, illustrations are a little gem, 4"fheISinui- mer Shower," and a view of ."The Hinter -Nee, te Upper .B1Varia."--NO art journal in the new world has evqr at- tempted to give in ono number so many rare and' beautiful pictures. • The iliter- W.'Sears writes of "October;" St a ' s S'. t ary contents of the October .4 blip are brilliant and piquant. In poetry Geo. Ladd, of "Endeavor;" W. W. Bailey. ot "The Forest Spring;" W. L. Shoe- maker, of "The Red Lily." and Nellie C. Hastings. of "A Dead Ltfe." Inirona- ance Lucy Ellen Guernaey has a Wee," and W. F. Yocum, a th illing frace fully written liter? called "Pen °pea tale of the "Loss of -the 'Oro 1Fino. 13 ofterves writes of "The Lady of *Fos. gearde." who wag the intimate friend of ;Mrs. Browning; Mrs. Despaol describes theold "Harman House:" E. Tiffany has an essay ou "The Rage for Depicting Reality," there is a lengthy sketch of Angelica Keufmann; and.,Gath Brittle has an amusing chapter An "Citrieua Advertisementio" Dr. .FtillerolValker, the twitter ef The Aldine, has enjoins on "St. Agnee,'"'Selmon Brook," o'Fall ing Loewe," "Elizabeth Valley," "Among the Birds," and "A German Interior." tie also writes. in the art column. The musical department glances at the coining New York season, and reviews music. abroad. From. this outline' sketch of the October Ab.line, it will be seen that it has an immense va- riety of art gems and literarv articles of the highest order. Subscription price $5, incite:lime Chromos "Village Belle" and "Croming the Moor." James Sutton st Co. publisher, 53 Maiden Lane, New York. week A large etiatitity. ef salt has been shipped from this port, the street lead- ing to the harbozr being thronged with teams eneaged in haultng it to vessels waiting to receive it. Our manufactute eri have been unable to sepply the de- mand and ves3els hive on several oc- casions been obliged to leave ttes har- bourtight en account of there not being enough ready to give them a loa 1. Ore TOWS CONTEMPORARY claims to hold "that it is our slaty ts corredtly inform the people so far as it is in our power."•• Judgtng from its articles its power "to correctly inform the people" ie very limited. People generally know however how much credit to give to its stotements, and therefore its power to mislead tho people i3 also very limited, theneh it tries all in its power to accomplish that end. TUCKER -SMITH Br -Law. -It appears that the bonus. by-law inTuckersmith had a larger majority than at first. reeort ed. The following are tho full returns, - Yeas. Nays. Division No. -I Egmond vino .1 " " , 2 Harreirhey 12 59 . ." 3 Fowler's 42 2 " 4 Brncetield 55 16 70 - ' "- 5 Isaptran Total 180 143 ONTARIO KNITTiN,5 MAenIvE.--Tri onr notice of the Horticulteral Exhibi- tten leot Week we omitted to notice the Onbtrio IKnittine Machine exhibited by J. W. Weathe'rald who is agent for their sale. This machine, which incapa- ble of doing excellent work, attracted considerable attention. Mr. Weather- alel will be pleased to show it in opera- tion, at hie rooms opposite the Colborne Hotel, to which he has just removed. See hie advertisement. Pecowiso Marcie. -The Provincial Aericultural Association hare completed arrangements for holding this fall, a number of plowing matches in central placeli. That for this district win be held at Chatham, on Tuesday, 28th October. $400 will be giver) in prizes,the particulars of which wai be made known in due time. We trutt some of our Huron plowmen will be ,present and that they will succeed in carrying off some of the prises, which will be worth competing for. No oNE DENIES IT.—The Prog organ in this town asks "Is it wrong to be loyal?" No one thinks it is, therefore the question is absurd, no more so how - "Timber Kele," rte. till they are i ever than the tone of the article for hoarse, the intelligeut electors of South I which the question forms a heading, or cops the character of the editorial articles Heron cannot be misled by such - - trap. The cry of disloyalty is "plaYed out," the so called Proton outrage turn- ed out to be no °tango at all, tile pre- sent government saved a large sum to the country by the removal of the In- dtistrial farin from Mimic° to Guelph and the timber limits were not sold at all, but merely the right to cnt timber, thus opening up the way for settlement onr free grant districts. Vote for Bishop and a good Iteforta government - A gloom was cast over Port Elgin on Sunday morning,by the sad intelligence that the Rev. 1). Ifaekay, who was but i!sductaikto the pastoral charge 01 tirseirtja. P. emigragatiou, keel departed WI MIN Contigh the) busting of a Wood resod. Ths fens& took plaas Waimviiat 300aidag at 10 o'eleek and am Rowihk, ihilsori ° Soaaumap- * On- por- lms* throughout its last issue. It ale° threatens to pnbliah the names of "sev- eral in this locality, as well as others of Provincial repute, who do dispute the British Supremacy in Canada.' We hojae it will, and that it will head the hat with the names of those who rotten -egged Lord Elgin, hoisted the black flag of rebellion at Brookville and signed the Annexation manifesto. The names of Sir George Cartier, Sir John Rose, Sir A, T. Galt and some other Tories we might mention. would look well at the head of the list. WOOD'S Horasitotu MAGAZIN', for October, has thrust its cheery little self into our presence. It brinte to ns the treasures it has been gathering tha peat month, and all aro deserving of notice. - Each has its own peculiar value, sad "Maggie" holde up this, then the other literary gem and archly sirens tn sney, ',What do you think ;cif this r and "hr/t this nio..r and "Look at that f" we eaw.' at then, all and say, 'Pres 1 Yes All emitted !" Thera *a slay sTaietrUgliNiara the &roma Ydstaint, widish Us its Oar - Vi '1100.1111* LnatnOnr. BAAL BALL. -A gan10 of Rue Ball was played at Beryl°, on the . 19th ult. betwtxm the Evening Stars of that place, and the &pees of Litckuow. The game resulted in a tie. The fullowing is the Score. EYEIY1,1411 er.ts.s. Madden, Brown, Daley, McCosskey, Mc Kenney, McKenney, Moore, Brown, Brown. 31110Ye. Kennelly. McIntyre, Hay, Copeland 51cRenzie, McKay, Trebles), Meittose, Dant tisitte LINIoNDVTLI.E. - Six deaths have cgcciirrecl from this - diocese in Eentondville. It seems (het the treatment hssn't nvieh effect upon the disease, as ittsrly all who hive taken the disease heves diel of it. .Rtinetau Cerrr.--Mr. Cleft who lives abotttea in.ile from this village seeins to bel drAwine near hiti end. Ue is suffering. severely trete his disease which his phYsician, Dr.- Campbell, maintains to tie° cancer of the bowels. Certainly Mr. 'Claff cennot live much longer, whatever his diseate it. Mr. C. is ono (4f the.oldest inhabitants of Mc- an,1 Will be nuich rairretted. 011.7.1t402.4 e, E ROY :brew. -0 1110 ITOTIling of t he 20th inst. we were favored with the first snow of Li:osmium, which fell at about six o'cleck that merning. Thi* reiv early, nearly a month earlier than the first last year..-Ncie Era. • Houses. -Nut w th eta nd n g this large number of houses that have been erected in thie vti lege doiritte th o pest se Mrner,the demand for TOIROriC )1!. atilt °earnests. It it almoat impossible to obtain a dwelling. house of any descripti ait,at present, We ex pect to fuse a larg imather create& nee t year.-Neir Pro. • . ° SoCIAL PAATY.-1.1), the generosity of R. Rensionl. Esq., Arlie triven his workmen 353 on the eve of his teenier°, a social party caul held in the coopers hoop belonging to the Stepleton Salt Works,on Saturday afternoon andesening limit. The shop had been -cleaned and decorated with evergreens,agi fitted no with tables. and a clear space left for dancingi and other amometnents. Ancont noon the party begen to assemble, which was wholly ceinposed of those who were em- ployed Mont the works, and their wiyes and children munbering over two hund- red, which will give some idea of the amount of business carried am An abundant simply' of luxuries and sub- istantials had been provided, which were liberally partaken of. In the evening the Clinton Brass Band was present and enlivened the preiceedings, whieli were continued -till about 11 o'cluck. The affair fres one of a phaseout character, a.nd reflacta great. credit up its the M tsars. Ransford for their litoorality ie previ d - Jug fee it,and upen Mr. Luke Trootse,t he foreman of the shosofer coulluctiag it so adruirably.-Nere Kra. • ' 41 3 0 5 4 3 4 id_ 3 4 4 36 - 27 b 6 2 0 2 3 5 4 4 4 3 3 5 6 3 6 2 .4 .2 2 13 1: 5 1 • Aaltliald.. Cormeti.MINTINC.-The Council met this day (15th Sept, 1873), pursuant to aadndjoautpnperoievnodt,.all the niembers present. The minutes of hist meeting were road A petition was preseuted from Noble 36 27 Donald A.. South Ins been offered a Sad intim Cabinet. Int runict h. batt rei**4. • Johnston and a large mute r ratepayers praying for permanent relief for Allan McDonald who is in indigent the kuife ia again introduced and the As soon as the temperature his.mtraiserlt;e'd. to 88° the heat is shut off and eircuttustancee and unable to work. h .. -0-- Mar lli, Afith is Gothcre51, (I oage,1 and ..1ste,1 - Moir to prepare Bennet proper. Igiund deknaine the dulueillti to be weed --Waking the Cruel -Saltine, Coloring aid Pressing the Claeroe. . To manufacture *ease properly it re- quires not only skill and otporience, but thb utmost watchtmlness, as the least neglikt or want of care, will at oortain stages of the proem'', destroy both the texture luel flavor. A suocessfulamese maker requires A nieety of taste, sinell and teuch, in whiils' • many per-' sons are deficient. So much aro geod cheese- makers prized that they have boon of late years able to command ex- tremely largo wagon for their services. We will give the unmet method pursued by our Canadian and _Anierical dairy - mon. , - 1 110W TlIZ WORE IS 5NillirCITSD. To coinmence, the makiir has the car- rying cans all marked wtth the owners' italics as well as s cream Vega for eech (*teen. Tfie milk after helm, brought us is weighed separately, an'd -credit given to each patron accortlitig to the amount of milk delivered. While the milk is in the weighing cad is the proper time to ttett it. A piortion of wich patron's milk is taken 'out shad -tested, first with the lactometer Ana af- terwards filled into tho cream vises, care being taken to pour ' the milk be- longing to each pntron intiothe glia‘oa tanked with the otrresponding name, so thit wheu the eves. is all raised to the ifn top orthe giiage th quality or the 'MIL is deafly tested. he anetunt-of creatn, thciitune of semi" g, and ' the flavor of the milk, are the aigus by Oldelt the maker tells whether tt has Imola •skiin- med, the strippiuge kept back tor adul- terated, or whotheethe milk if tainted or not. - ere ttettOt rug MILK. Front the weighing emit the milk is ;run jute a cetton; etrainer pliced ever the vat from whicIt it descends into the rat, to be cooled uf bested ae the tem- perature gf the ndlk. reoPtires. Some makers use the ice under their conytIy- nip troughs. which, generally -ekoCle Gee neilk sullicienny, it not, iee water it tali wader and around the milk pati Ui the ext. We censider ,it is better to .000l the' milk te about; 7r f ihreubeit,ta take eilT whet is called the animal hest -hut many good the. onakers reduce the 1 tettexerature only to Ernie 80' to RV - the best temperat at which to set the inilk "or add the curd.' Ceoling to 72', and then hotting up to 8o' takes considerable tune, but we censider that the exposure to tile air at a low tempe- rature, destroys tola certain -Oaten that strong annual odor, which destneys that peculiar nutty Hark in good cheese. ric.F.PARINe., THE RENNET. In preparine tine rennet it is better to "tese only well dried. rennets, as fully ono - third more *mese can be made from dry, than can peasibly 'be made from green uld bh well cleaned ith, tel 5110.1 with t waslied, as castling eing un ? up to dr . the met, as well as to keep it open and free from lumps. If the milk when the rennet is added should be neer acidity, than 9W,, After being scolded the curd the ourdshould not be scalded te wore le left in the whey until it is ou the point olicidity, wheu the whey sheuld giver& for the curd to lie on tho whey be drawn off. No exact time Call he as it depends altogether on the condition an 11..tir Awl a of the milk when rot:envie' ; bet with rod new milk it take,' usually from au tor: tui.:•irieytnis dr4w n tliJ card should have a peouliar cyrinzy fu,:li,..", hhalonfr. Cheese -maker -a readily thstoct 11,.. pro!, o - when pressed in tho leta,l, awl .lioilla n time to draw the whey, hy the eiiii.11. otatiek together when preslol ,..,„ooy, anWdhean'. (II s cori. lo dotor taste and feel of ea_ When a curd mill is ii sol the wlo.y tints that skill and existritine.: are lit!,,l- point in cheese-m.0:Mo,, awl it is :e. tlii, untie the proper ;nem nt of aci Illy td, t, Riley Le allowed is the .1n.,it criti.•41 ig DiPt heated t.1 &I high a temper...etre, about 92 to 91', and the whey it dem!, off sweet. The curd is then lictpc.1 Ile in the vat or aink te dos -elope the acidi ty. lf a sink is snail the clod is ,lioo..,1 out of the vat into it, atel ke t "-lieu, oat of tilt, whey is ilrdititul 5.5:c'aiel tlii, ha curd ceases to si left. 1, is th ;It le•oi.,i1 the salt is added. Thii loot ,1t i ii up and left for a short tint -1. e....1. ,,',... quantity goiter ill ., 1. ;.• 1 i:i 1.; . ; r 11 : dairy use is the tie.- Li v - r I, , ,! : tit. !, :i, curd. Hewever. the eleou'r ieee• -.1, t 4 half pounds for ed,:li le::1 Ir. 1 p.;111113 ,,: pin ::: 211.,re oil: C:ali A dry one,becatise a c .113- lera• 1; • iei;;,,;•,; will vary with. Cie emit i : S 0 1 ,,f 11, . , . ,. , the salt will rue tof i;:i tit t'..,, et,. 4.- ;. A moIst curd to. escapes from the i,r. •.i. ,, o., ,11 : trouble fropiently hap,. •11,i I I t10.• - on account 1,1 tho i,,,,... ,i,..; „, atid c insequentiv u ill not I. , o , i , ei este; the cheeso will I -J nn,„ ,. forif the curl emit:toot 11: •-., e :1 - day than another s hi0. I i in the texture. T•eo loll. .: .'. ot , : .• . the cheese to neon teii..1.1y .. ,; :: .1 , net retitle a good fluor. 55.1 i '.. • , i!,, r hand too inueli.ealt retard.; 111., i i,,,,,,,,... proceot, so that the chesoo 'tv,:: 11..1 :1 t - 4 ould'be arrieed at iia s •1 .15; e tt4 tlio taitt that ans. flavor Ito 11,15.:.; .. ;1•., . V,-„,,,, a curd mill is used great- r 5 er:ahety curd is, first heaieel in the vet -oiled it i.. on the point a turning acid, wiiiiili cheese-mskers caa tell by the ann;11 an 1' a peculiar Itasty feel. It is thee loisikeu up roughly- mei putIn preas where. t lo.- ereater pert of the whey is- preened remit it. It is then takea out end gr.1iiii I liy• the curd mill ..a. afterwards selt4s1 rom two to t wo and a quarter potted. W ealt. is sufficieitt bylitis teethed. . . reisose =EL estr.r.sr. reelects. They eh by,screping, but n destroys the etre dead salt before Illeoreparine reun te.for time, they me he carefully exaltii oil, and atty that are the least tainted eat be rejoeted, as tainted rennet' are frequeutly the cause n eartheuware jar oak them, as it wilt tain any taint like 1 it caff be theroagh- 'erent im:ithods are tee ramets. "That nowt frequeutly uued is 611 nearly,fiff a six Or seven j with, acid- whey ehieh lias been 1. substanee ski. four. or urn rent small -quantify of sone le forty-eight Ileum the liquor Atli tab!, fto:wrotiorse have be" use water rtiteicte hey', but the; rheyis acid dissolves the ren- net better than ‘i tug, consequeutly a ; teeter amount of 1st:mien' is taken out litiv‘11:lanerindeirsiuutaulttriini ot it. Awn -ding 11;44 tlijoit:e tY 11•4011 prepared in 4 1 first, Rad when the first is too o k rr ese „commence using out of the sobetiel a.n.1 Idling it up With the weak frnak the first; by the time the le used up in the first, the' secoeil e ill Le, eetting weak, 'awpaheisi.r:1,13rctliiilit4t,1144,1II:15-5tsitio1iitsh.eatroviti..liieTtlhOer of bad cheese. should be tiseia to not he lieble to wooden vessels', a; ly 1.11 tiled preparini oiled, an 1 all sewn or "in bit,. tills ts aro placed with a til11nt1. Diaoy cite% itistead of sour the best, as the ILI' ITO soar %%hey 1 111 WO weak ter tis :mother jar must 1 tile same manlier strength tif tee. : with a ,susall quao the proper quautit • detertnioeili S be Added to the in of thickening ill a ;le o may be tested We. of milk, tio that -to (moused can easily aisient liquor must lk to "hew Bynames mit twenty minutes, bat 11111 11,10T0, rtg t Ws much rennet CE113133 AO elle#10 too be ilfy andpf abed !lever. . coeouuleit tie iineeee. Vie cohering, if toy is nie.1, meet be added at the tittle sa the rennet is strain- ed into the milk. Some makers, prepare 1 their colouring ruin common-, basket anatto by cutting it it itli• strong white lyo or some Other elk aline substanee,but it m not a good plebe% it ii very treuble- some to gett he anatei ii proper' e totted,atid, consequently, theollouring is sometimes quite red, which gives the cheese the same hue. • A better method is to buy anatto already prepared, so that you eau add your colouring according to the quantity of milk, . itnd have all your cheese precisely, the sante colour. Esi- wood's or Nichol's: prepared liquid oust - t o are the - beat ' anti moat convenient. ()all, enough oilouring shonld be added to giye the cheessea bright strew odour for the Canadian niarket, The Leiden market requires a high colour, and the Liverpool matliet twill have no coliiering whatever. ' . MAKI441 TIIP. (a.- RD. The rennet and icoloring being added to the Milk, it most bo. well stirred or mixed, and the stirrine, process liept up until tho milk ekinnences to thicken. The cream mustek on no acceunt be al- lowed to rine to I the surface, ism the greater part of it would be • lost in 'the whey. If the proper quantity of r'ermet Mut been added 'to the milk, and the milk at the proper temPeratere, namely, 80 dogreea to 84 degrees -Fahrenheit,, it will continence to thicken in twenty Minutes, and be stiff enough -to cut in fifty minutes. The proper time to cut the curd may lais micertained by iuserting the finger in it,' lt it breaks freely and with a smooth:4e, it mieeally to cut. (-erne() THE C47RD„ The cutting is done with a knife made IT the purpose consisting of a gang of blades from eleven to fourteen in num- ber. The curd is cut into blacks, care being taken not to bruise it. It is then left for a few minutes until the whey commeuces to show on the surface wheu it is carefully moeed by the agitator. In using the agitator in some factories the hands ant used in stirring the curd at this or a later period of the process. The greatest care must be taken, as the slightest brinse separate' the butter from the casine consequently the rich- est part of the cheese ts loat. If cheese could be manufactured without auy bruising the whey would Le as clear as Water, and fully one-hfth more cheese would be made front the milk. After being stirred the whey ie again allowed to rise to the surface, and again stirred, when the heat ill turned on and the temperature is gradually raised to about 80' care being taken -not to allow the enr:1 to stick to the bottoln Of t110 vat, which it would do unleas it was kept gentle in motion all the time shale being In pantie.; it to press nu tore;ght shou;d be put on the ir for a short Cole: Tho preisure shim appl i blrailu illy so as net toe. kireie. tostehe white whey, After being well projiitd fee twelv. hours it sh end . teken 'out, lune ! and bendaged, weetie r • ; press for twelve Veers !Mager. 1 .1 dchryeriallreetIoolintii,lethil.; rho. tii;1") be! t4)trellgogre.ats!!;'i w ith hnt whey butt !r, tot proven. cr •• iug. The clietese meet be well r11••, and turned every dee 'iced ice red . The cering01;i0;4015":i'It'';t01"11E1d4r-lie kept at e tempt:rater° 0E70' Fahrenheit, as thi• cheese will care better at thtt heat -than any other. In cenc'usiee, haa odors tif any sort whit:otter twist be hept 'in a diseance from the milk frein „the time it is drawn from the . cow until it is malt! into cheese, and the meet scrupelete cleanliness 11111it 110 5511115`eVt-01 in every- thing aoeert to• the tliiey. • Ile care7u1, oarderly nocl 4:145ari. ii the stair -Y- r' sat'is mott 1---34 it &UMW. Ise kirtiry pers;111, II.) matti r eh it occult:v.1.n er calluij they nolo be eneegol. 'fins article is merely all 10101M:10f 111IA11.111 m general nal in Canadian *nil Ainer.eyn fectories, but it will giee many 14 .5:11 readers wli t are Tee Coital:tee with .n.t. stihj tet art ilea ..1f -11,.v ell so ie leads. • . zry.) wtr th, 'tem; riper.. ti11.1 crops almsg thl. bite of Gt. v51 Trunk. We extra,:t th following .res• peetitig this seetioti of tlist , Gel/Kitt, wheat, geed to It: coesiderebly oser all average, eartiiie; • oats, peaeot and barle.y•Well 6,qe1 :mei over the genial yield; lisy,light crop. petetoes will eire file reteara; turuipe and other roes a fair itvemeto p'.11 ots, light °roe; flex, very little sawa. r CLINTON.—Tlia et,t151 .4E11 thi.1 ex- ception of sprine wheat an I batty; are better than. lest ye tr. F whoit a aa breadth sown. qiitlity gieel, will yield ft. -4(113f) to 35 bushels per acre; Bering wheat, light eroo, will averees elorit 15 We:6es; oats are a heavy crop *ill yieldfrout 45 to re) liatieliele, Peate averogis 35 libeltele; barley. -bet sewn. win only yield eleint 123 bils:i..11.; foot crops will be ahont the eame as lot year; ilex a gelid breaddisown,is a Lott .r crop than last season. 3i) bushels. Sprine witeet. arseige. Si: tuthe ita, rs 3-,111:).itel 1 gt:41.5.40:::t,rtntteclt.rs:e tlal°tritaettillparti7traogellttlitt341inc.Ita fr4iii•ra la17-irdeS Pelt: ss alit+eenId7olvtel eg'rentr'sti;i: .1;f:15:stiltbroeY06133,14rd::1 ,yield35 to 40 bushels.. Fla: 19 builiels CA RizoN zr....14;..- ill' wheat, 271 t,1C0,15 bushela per acreoprine, 15; Qnts,44; bar- sowneand as it lies toiraed net geel.the gib eel,: aft, I:2:5i at; yrp e: eigice,73.."iv;0:31.11nwi ul:esh ti x tele:into: formmierrcynezineL laay crop light in cense-. queens of the a rou.:411t ; the roet crops will an excellent creole': 1311als•L'ou bushels; spring °licit, 12 to 20 Ibnaltela, 20 bushels, sans lo very good; Oat 4, 40 te killed out by it• u worm; bailey, zip, -Fall wheat, 3.) to 4) root croups of eyery a er pt pr sin c 41,3liklisatitoisihnegle .; .00'bushels; very well both tin coalile and yi-1.1. Ssualst2vitet.-Fall %%heat line crop. ,tthbres gera.foinurtpliiisimfplaancdr:1 bisr-eirenygeis sown, spring wheat i3 not se good, about 4040wbritisheerlis,ptell etahrey ; acre, gelid breolth carrots are also good. Potatoes, ef which th'ereillett;:las;gr:lele'er; :ttibilcaartY;Vd; breadth sown ; m an eel d t untips and fine, 4411.1 stoti:noariatdeir:Preiiiiinarr:lat:11:11:;""1 tare° quantity sown; pease Were Itrgely the root crops very int - der the average; cereal croes 10"maant S171.ATFoRn.— Fall wheat, ne labge crop,averaeo from 4I-5 to 15 be gellso(2,wdpecrIr5acopbru;ehas;bsyep:ritptge ebaverriae3g.e, af crop; carrots, g isixlv ce rr ty. p erop, 2,5 to 30 trishels per acre; pease a Mod Crop: oats, 3 lire° crop, from 45 to 50 bushels per ncro; flaA, a toes, a fair crop; turnips, an averige ..).1 crop; peter ‘31,3i4 t ct nhe sas inTaotisieembhieorw. eagerly • human being %sill is now manifested chiefly in sale( its. where one end of the strew'is immersed t aa ds tr awwn, ini tg is Tna iillecleocssinareynotno • SIZTIC S. At Ooderich, on the 20th Sept. tie wife of Mr. Andrew Dart, Car;iage Maker, of a son. In Tuckersuaith, on the 23th ult. ehe wife of Mr. James Chewings, (15`ts Morris) of a daughter. illannillompwargeme MAPALLOES. Ie Howick on Sept. 15, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, by Rey. Wm. Hawke, Mr. C. W. Pickford, of Bwrgeld, to Albs) ettarsh J. Clegg, of llowick. • In Stanley, on Sept. 23, at tbe resid.ence a the bride's mother, I/ ReV. Davis, 11r. Robert Nicholson, to Miss Afar) McKinley. dt:Drerjineovesmcitnautiremeii,aitentoofhbarttthetjweoircoirtheuhu:timm,reltims:,telioaiireinarsbnnincteeLac;t:leoyt:dhiutatueliririlogli,estpirebir,:hti.;_. motfa by P. Clare, secouded by A• curd cut fine' itt ring coarse curd, and others catting it as 14111111Markeegrircliredtlifrienr asthitt:cuthri.01,iletarunec up(reflilee'd-. anniumoommummeimmeseopmeme."1"la.PaLeh' °'it'sb"rne. SALT130 TII E el 1.1). Darr, lir. :sr, to Mks Atit. Leto?, on the 23rd tilt., by the Res% life, res dyed that the sum of $15 be fine as grains of wheet. Wo prefer the , latter ea the scalding is dene more even - the centre soft andr fnll of whey, which • a-Pto after a lingerinX secoted 'oy ef. ly, and the salt OM be better mixed At Goderich Township on the 23th inet. giitiTtle:e'slimb;sAcha. DrreanilY. y, Dalton, that Robert Kettle:to. too pa.d with the earl. A piece of onarsa cnt Mary McBrion, ageo'e ears. 50 „no and pairick Hogen 414.1 for re- curd will harden on the outside, leaTing At the Grove, Barrie on lie evening oi este never les preemie' out of the &lees,. awns Marie, the iva„j walk= liott When the curd is cut fine the heat ie of the same pine), and second datoth- pairb4 surepers--Carried. Moved by A. ' C. Ilawkios, seeonded by M. Daltou, that Richard Young ho refunded the sum of $20 for two lots Purehaced by hirn st the tal thde in 1874 the said lots belonging • t6 tl.e Crown Ind not liable tatation-Oarried. again applied, and the temperature nf the whey h gradually raisel tO 96' or 98° the same caro being taken to prevent the.eurd from sticking to the bottom of kw 0. F. Eulert of Bselin' Prussia. .4 At Goderich, on the 2ath ult., Dr. Ilit" Plug's'', aged 65 yews soil months THE MARKBT5 liookItl.-41. Sep. 11, 1473. Whr it. tosei t fro co 1 to wieetee; ring) a 6.166— 0 P. 1 U0 Flour .11,:r bd.) 6 114 a 6 60 Osts.1,1 0 .7.71 ii5 0 04 Peas, IP 1.10, I 00 SI 0 2.-• 1131,.., . . 'TO o haat o, r 51i, . t a 0 to...J. tioe . . ... . 4 .15 ist 151 lloy r tos ........ 1,1 th) ,s6 15 00 e 41 .1 II% r ro, .15 0 30 1; 03 t.te ... to 0) .gf 22 r. . ..... . . 0 .• 11.1, . , o. / o.1 •••• . ..... . 3 .r, II 04 1' , • r itt :1•.t t 0 I 11) i ,I I , . ,;„, t••11,:• .1 0. PI 1•;:. • At, (I'srop., 1003, ' 12 wh,st b•:,1,!". 1 I, . 1 17 1', (r.r. I 5, of 0 4,1 I 1.01- I/ ".:3 reit ) . p• .11• , .4 al o a./ p. • a 0 u 17 0 11 I •L 04 ISis 12 a o 1,1 io' . .. 4 4.4 a 1 .0 55'5 •• .... tie 5, C.' 2:. Mr a rot: Sew 36, istl• • Po' ..... . . ...1 1 1 Fe p• r 1,1 1.4 r , • 10 1) ..... A.1.b " 0 al It..5 „ , 0 0 2.0 tt " 0 40 t e •• es . .0 to .• Ii• e r .1 14 rn t' tt 1 t .. 0 1.*:' ntt; " .0 14, I S 12.6 OS 3.04 „ , .4' 11 k .• '1. - 11•5it 4•,.t.1.2.1 to:411,41. manville,latee'• do, efe . fo 1.1 ;. Ilerley . tem(' C r.'Jf : r ! s Veas 4;00. 11'.5's street a beastelt fts.,.1 0, , : as :se ,,215. a Nay 2bucrtioctric". r NOTICE.. 1, ISS WADE will be happy 4 . ro,• ; s her pepils at her resiileie• L.'', geeeet ton ME iaitny 1..11 • ; - r:1-tt_33‘141' N. . juty 0.•ti•r 1, ,,„ Lois viAit i: .1 • , ; 1. promise te the T ' IlleXt visit -to ear ! I. III: E. It 31 till:Nix, moiderice, e. le 1 ; 11011S..3 f•J r •1,t1.‘T .,• * cup, . 15.v 'Mr: 1V.... 1. .11 ENIC Mele " y, Cabinet Ye e Geterich. ;;', le:e. I Teaclicr Wanf.ed r°,rsinuah, yl;e ▪ a ,4 „r. -Third Claes. , \\le:1 P JOHN • : • 1:, t.Lith SeWi . — 1r mac. A ", • twrin 10) ATI , fr„m 'Post v ..f Ui.hooloc, , 1...51 a 1 .•‘ and ais ler • 1 t • ::54*. leggt County of 1)i:thee , Nerthern tesilwayin tO :ere, and to change -BA loco,- 'ie..: f eeitilutea.s ea of 1 neer,. .1;4•:• - 2 o• e its,g5;rc o; 'L. ttlieot,[.0 spring to :5,1. 1.5. gr„,..itts noteinel. Butter SO tie tee' r.!'1.3....1 I id. to 12i. EAgii I ii. . I .1 shea —1....tce:;. Pearls 1. . I ..5.1,55: M tit ',.; ' I iptrut. ,81, 10 ter )4.1 . *1.14 • Iter. lee o; . • • o. t, e_fern ;1. , , , •;••., ; • ; •. tleo.er $sr L.) 1 „ . 1 . • . oseasissaasa. ..d.....,somespossarpoesse '""tr • 5. .1. !ad:. ' L' it - • QO 'I 27E470 0: j;..1 . TLE'..111N anormittengtuy tower-. A114! of the p. is; i,,n n5:5r,5ti 5; y .teuiler- sd by tho 0,011 ventiJn, hohl tt Seaforth on 'faesdati list, I heed not etdiehten Toll in reeard thelorinciples ,q the iteferui party, of which f have the. b -a . member, or as to those 111OISOreit whic'tharecirlintetided the Re - (Lela .Gorstriiii.ent t.f Ontario to public revere' Celled' too power at A time when the _bite ioterests of Ontario were' jeoriat- 4iree be the tlangc•rilia poliey of the CO - liter d1I1 mit hesitate to AsS411ne ovary legislative harden 'Which Was cast thuni, and to nianifeet tipou the rocerd ef the Statute,..13,1,5k their hole- ;•eettlence of 'enemies, merely partizan and .elfish..In this apirit they _have dealt, aneyeg ether things, with the various railwny esiteeeesee ef the cotnitry, the coonsonattation 1111 ,511* swans:pal orgatibta- zione aud espocielly ,t1 ith ;the 5Iuuicipel I, ien Fusel trolehtsolneis,Which .beclontl- • 1 tha prospezts of oar iciliat Houriahing iiiinieipalities. At the lest general etec4 t1,,11, the country, with uneertain v.•itto. eltintaittlei that these matters .heuld sitts ttoday efttettii • forever settled by comprehen• iliii•Erti:LI leeislatiote antl it is to preudrellectionefeeery lover' nil testiest go vern Illellt :t ltat these de.uand 'have Leen fully isatuifiet1 by the tams indhose 1.5.tids tit° reit." of potier sos niore.phice 1. tither and perhaps 4rater tak,rine are st ill needed, to Meet iiite:.reeptieements of the advancing lots:I- nge...ate uf the times-. and 1 am mistaken sit my kiatita ;Ito of their 'integrity and eeitity lit the present t 1)w -eminent of 1 Vit- torio, while actin.; nitein the honored principle" of Which they are the trusty ex:one-tits, dip not,by a careful re•eard tei tielitilereete ef the ceuntry., and by a i '.61,0 and praticut comae of legislattots, -; -__. give the country still greater Yemeni to onteritittlat s itstili event 'he tritnuph of Jesse tirinciple ,s to whichoin many hard eeetests; you-detvw.signihed y‘ mr Bailie- -i,,5 . 'Ili:melt otonniteted At the caudidate of '.71.5 lteforteiserty, Anil Ipoking to it for epees otiateesseopert in tile coming elike t ii in, I treat lehell mit, itelected at your repo:lent:0i e,:f., 'all sw tu.ylielf,io the tur- i -I; ia ot utile: esiattiet, t s ; for 5e. the in-. Iliad wrests Oi anv 60 cti!inlotif au - to lf lent elected, 1 sholl etteldavot t 'rt'pre- sent the Aatightensil. sentimetit cif the whole-nee/de, Mid.by a is:tritest eupeort of ill' good sue‘apree,' telepenlently of their party originoto -se es the confi- dence of .tlte electors Of CI' !tiding. 1 shall cieleaver to hold itnee inge -before the election,in the vatittns Imici panties of the Riding, at which I i All have the opperignity of enlOreing o ;an extent which it not now possible peit the view" I entertain respectino etters of k4cal inportance. 1 ren,Oin. title:nem • Veer obedient servatit, . A. IIISHOP. .12511:: Ft 5WL1-:11. Ssestsieulter •2:. • 13e9 eer „ -G!FT. NTEnPRISii 1111456N . -875,0:000 v T • 7::. : ' I I.. T. :•••' : - .. 1 .11 I IFY TT: '''.';.qpr,1211 T.; bt .10.11W.111.0. .;. omit ith'et? esti m▪ eet: OF 24e.74/04 -Gee tee. 85,00Q Two Prizei $1s0 :c (if ( )7 .1 ): 1 4`'I Pro 5-1 . N -111 Six Mize% *OW taeli iu orecalieels ! Ten. Frisco" .$1.1.6.) Chet ie Greeelmets ! 1009 Gold- "pet Silver er W atchus.Ottall,) n, h freui r-20 • te k<o) Coin SeteereVeeFehaio5 and Doti- Silbar-ware.J en :r Nuhabor of •Giftsliteeee. limit- ed it 74,01. A eente to..1 t • Liberal Premiums *di tor pelt. 48r:title Tieltels,,t41 Six ,Ticktsta Twelve Tickets t4111; TWOOtplive tote. , eke -slant cementite; 'a full fist of priies, a dece-rijotioe of .the `mutter tif domino mid ilifortuati 0, el le fereoce te the Matti:sachet. era 5-'0 st4s5 tO any one tirderino, tisecs. Alf lektera tuust be addrLes .1 to, ' L. „mkt"( rwri•0.:. It aft I, 1). 101 W. Fif'..1 St. 13'59 ; - -e 41, 1 tif 1111 • - 1873. McKay /FA T., P.ACtiwz . t.e) ' 14 now com",lete ittty Zoo:Cite:. Which -the: are prtipirtel-to slier sot of 0 ehouPws any ltotintin. the tto 4 ' 1 Next Door t3 l!GA - • 1:!.! S E rir E suleeriber in tharn. in g the public for thcir liberal part resiage annomice that lie has removed to the. store lately occupied by Mrs. Warnock, opposite the Colborne Hotel, where he has on hand a st45ck of • - SEWINGKEID KNITTING AIA.C71111 Whith he will sell as reasonably am any ono in the business. I have un hand the Ilespeler, Venus and Appleton Fewing Machines and the Oetario FamilyeKnitting Machine. GIVE ME A CALL. pen% forget the stand, oppositt the Colborne Hotel. ' ' 1 1339 • J. W. WE/ant:BALD. _ 4 Sheriff's Salo of Lands. i• LL AND MUST BE SOU) County' of Huron, Rir 'virtue of a To Wit: " Writ of Venal - Count Court of tho tet. unity of Huron, tione tonal' issued out of HerMejesty'i end to o directed. against the lords and Tenements of Edward Pierce, Senior, at the suit of Thomas Hawkins, have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title ant interest of the said Defendant in and to Lot number Two in the Seventh concession, E. D. Township of Ashfield in the County of Harlan, which Ludo an a Tenements I shell offer fur lisle at my influx. in the Court House, in the Town of Godericht on Satnrday the 27th day of September, instant, at the hour of 12a the clock noon. Acting Shot id or Hama -Sherif!'" °thee, Goderkb, 1st 'Amt., LS73. , 1.387t4 ' The r' ovu sale is poslposied ustit fsatordat Ith October neil, at the same , hour and place. * LION AT rill: - sir 0 13 E mut: FAT -1. $30,000 worth of G.)cds Curopristivr; DIY Gouaa, - • Groceries, Mote o Rosily Mid,. 1. .0t11 lists sod CWS. e sEE PRICE LtST -* r lb• Good Yount. Itysen te per Ite " Raisins td. 12 lbs. good Se ga: 17e. per lb. Butter ?1'3' goods (loops r tian ate Cheatteste AT • J. C. CURRIE. stiEEN Z:le'S. , °micro, 1:31;ed Goderich, 2tth Elept., 187S. it$ 9 Sheri 11 s Ofliee, •-•