HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-07-29, Page 22l c Yamaha AVAILABLE AT OUNTRY CORN ER MT. CARMEL — 237-3456 OPEN TILL-10 P.M. L McKnights Salebration Continues . . . IMMIIMIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMI1111111111111111111111marrIMOMMIIIIIIMMIIIMIMMIMM1011111 Short Sleeve Short Sleeve DRESS PULL SHIRTS = OVERS '8.88 = 1/3 OFF 1111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DOUBLE KNIT PANTS. $17.99 OR 2 FOR $34" 91111111111111111111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111 SELECTED * CO-ORDINATES WALKING * SHORTS * SWIM TRUNKS 1111111111111111111114111111111MMIMMMI11111111111111 Just Arrived . . . LEISURE SUITS In New Fall Fashions Sizes 38 to 48 - Tails and Regulars Len McKnight & Sons 1111111 MEN'S WEAR CII.1R(i1 MEN Exeter 235-2320 Thanks For Shopping at McKnights Reg. to $12.00 1 0 F F By. MRS. E. SUMMERS The people of Granton and surrounding area turned out on. Saturday to make Granton's sixth annual Fun Day one of the best yet. Reports are some of the entrants have been working over the past month getting their costumes and floats ready down to the last small detail. The large number of boys and girls taking part in the parade presented the judges with a difficult chore in deciding win- ners in the different catagories. Judges were Jack Riddell M.P.P., Pirie Mitchell and Peaches CFPL TV and Jim Shipley, Biddulph council. Bob Steele of CKSL acted as master of ceremonies. Winners are as follows: Small float, Alan and Julie 'McRoberts, Valerie and Suzanne Finkbeiner and Gordie Mills; Danny and Robert Brintnell; Jay and Heidi Hayden. Animal class: Jacquline and Wesley Randall, Sean and Jason Parkinson, Julie Avery. On Foot, Marion, Helen, Betty Ann and John Herbert, Christine Gibbens, Laurie Fields and Scott Wissel. Large floats: Prospect Hill Camping Grounds, Granton 4-H Homemaking Club, Glendale on Holidays. Two wheel, Janice Gricken, Sandra Lynn Rooney, Steven Cook. Three Wheelers, Steven Nixon; wheel push, Lynn Evans and Alex Clymans, Kendall Anderson and Amanda Selk; wheel pull, Trudy, Victor, Eleanor and Juanita Kop, The Vanderminnen and McGuffin family, Melissa, Katherine and By MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler and Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd at- tended the Wheeler Reunion held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Thrower, Putney, Vermont and also visited other relatives at Brownsburg, Quebec. Laurie and Scott Morphy of Toronto are holidaying with their grandparents, Dr. & Mrs. George Morphy. Miss Rhea Mills has returned to her home after spending sometime with Mrs. Ray Mills of St. Marys. Rhea has the cast off her arm which was fractured a few weeks ago. Rev. & Mrs. John Cooke of Thamesford and Mrs. Olive Cooke of Ingersoll visited on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler. Mrs. Olive Cooke also called on Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna. Mr. Glenn Copeland returned home on Saturday from Victoria Hospital after having surgery on his knee earlier in the week. Mr. & Mrs. Don 'Rixon and family of London visited on Saturday with Miss Rhea Mills. Casandra Harding, Edith Mulholland, Amy White and Chad Jamieson. Go-cart, Audrey Westman, Mark Nixon, George Westman. Stephen Ready led the parade carrying the Canadian flag, Guy and Sean Westman in cub uniform carried the Fun Day banner and the R.C.R. pipe band from Stratford provided the music for the parade. The Edgewood Junior Far- mers. Granton Fire Dept., Lucan Lions, Granton Cubs and Scouts provided various game booths at the park. Food booths, bake tables, etc. were run by The Women's Institute, Anglican Church Women, Explorers, Unit :3 and ;Unit 4 United Church Women: C= .C.R,A. and Ropa Crafts. A 4-11 display was set up by the Granton 4-H Homemaking Club. The CGIT held a very suc- cessful auction and give their many thanks to Jack Riddell M.P.P. who auctioned off the various articles. The day con- cluded with a Hootenany at the Granton Arena music provided by the "Happy Wanderers". Meredith Robb of Ilderton was the caller for some good old- fashioned square dancing. Carmen Drost of Granton held the winning ticket on the colored TV draw sponsored by the G.C.R.A. The Edgewood Junior Farmer's draw on a 10 speed bicycle was won by Glenn McRobert London, Mrs. George Aikens, Centralia was the lucky winner of the beautiful butterfly quilt in the draw sponsored by the Anglican Church Women. Church news At Granton United Church Rev. M. Mclnally's sermon was "Running the Race". Rev. McInally thanked all the people for their kindness to her over the past four years as minister to the JIM ROSS, owner of the new Stedmans store in Exetei,will of- ficially open the new premises Thursday morning. Mr. Ross is no stranger to the retail business as he previously operated a Sted- mans store in Cambridge. Jim and his wife Jessie are living on Andrew St. in Exeter. T-A photo Granton and Wesley charge. No services will be held during the month of August. After holidaying the last month on the British Isles Rev. M. Mills took charge at the morning service at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Gunning reunion The annual Gunning reunion was held Sunday at Riverview Park, Exeter. Games and sports were enjoyed all all. Attending from the Granton area were Mr. Frank Squires, Newton Gunning, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgins, Mrs. Lois Herbert and family. Nichol reunion The 50th annual Nichol picnic was held Saturday at Springbank Park, London with 53 people present. A beautiful 50th an- niversary cake was in the centre of the table in honor of the oc- casion. John and Pat Harlton were in charge of the sports and games. Attending from Granton were Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Harlton, Mr. & Mrs, John 'Harlton and Brett. Personals Mr. Harold Talbot was visiting in the Guelph area with friends for a few days last week and attended a baseball tournament at Badenoch east of Guelph. Miss Elaine Rooney, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rooney is attending the Pierce Williams safety patrol camp at Fingal this week. While there she will be enjoying a full week of camping activities plus instruction on the duties of a safety patrol leader, Holidaying with Jo-Anne Pennington of the village is Beth Weston daughter of Mr, & Mrs. Norm Weston of Thorndale. I am happy to report that Allan M a rdll n and Mrs Wesley McGuffin recent patients at University Hospital London are both at home recuperating from surgery. Anthea Johnston daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Eric Johnston is working as a counsellor at Camp Whitebear, Tamagami for the summer. Beverly Hall of Strathroy was holidaying for a few days last week with Marion Herbert of the village. Mr. & Mrs. Jack McQuarrie of Hamilton visited with Mrs. Mary Harding and Joyce on the weekend. Also in town for Fun Day were Mr. & Mrs. Don Harding and family of London. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Blake are enjoying a two week camping trip up north. Stoney Creek is one of their stopping places where. they will be visiting relatives. Mr. & Mrs. Pete VanLieshout had a full house over the Fun Day weekend. Mr. Frans Winkens of Venray, Holland a friend of the family and cousins Harry and Mike Villings of Horst, Holland are visiting with the VanLieshout's for a couple of weeks. Their family Mr. & Mrs. John VanLieshout, Mr. & Mrs. John Lagrois and Mr. & Mrs. Russell Devine and Christopher all of London visited with their parents Saturday and took in the Fun Day festivities. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Facey and Joan of Welborn were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wesley McGuffin and family. Sister Ann-Marie Moriarty of Vancouver B.C. is holidaying with her sister Mrs. Betty Rooney and family for the month of August. She will be returning to Vancouver to resume her teaching position in the fall. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lester and family have been busy this summer operating game con- cessions at various fairs and centennial celebrations. Page 22 Times-Advocate, July 29, 1976 PUSH VEHICLE WINNERS — Lynn Evans and Alexandra Clyman at the left of the picture were awarded first prize in one of the categories at Saturday's Fun Day parade in Granton. At the right are runners-up Kendall Anderson and Amanda Selk. T-A photo While Grand yotil July Specials, shopping these Grand fill in en entry ballot Prize. The lucky winner Draw to be mode Saturday 31st. EMEAT 0AROS, AND 8ALLOONS Friday Only, free emery Stedmans Pens while Saturday, free galloons dren while quantities for could Mr. James H. Ross, Stedmans Dealer in Exeter, Ont., is pleased to announce the Grand Opening of his new store. Join Jim Thursday, July 29th., and take advantage of the Grand Opening Specials, Prizes and Give-Aways. See you there! Opening our be Assorted tricot Limited Great selection Sizes quantities. and S.M.L. of acetate styles. colours. Shop early! Limited Large Choose Fresh quantities 150 ml. tube! Regular or Winter flavour. - Shop early! Quities for antthe PENS boards and last oil- last Quality English and modem Ceramic special Ass't coffee mugs at a Opening price! colours Limited quantities Shop early! Canadian nylon in assorted Limited quantities. Sizes made. 100% stretch colours. 10-13. Shop early! Ironstone styles, Asst'd ea. in traditional floral designs, Great fashion both 14-oz, Boy sizes buy! 2 styles prewashed denim. 8.12, Young Men's 14-20. Giant parade, children's races features of Granton's fun da y