Huron Signal, 1873-10-01, Page 1• NM ay ...E. •
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• al1 kItISTERS, A *Neva sotaciroeseee
.10 ate ,Clueteis, was
Os* of the Largest Ppm embattled le Came.
?rioted Ind published at Goderich. Ontario, erwy
a ' tha Otice, Moatreal Strait, adjoialng the Market
Square, by
6DITOR AND raoriusoos.
Tanas-$1.56per annuls, us adewerc V 'r '`Tedit
my -n. Nei paper dpoulatinned til. all arrears are
paid, except at taw optima of the publisher.
Bight cents per line for Lk* !rot enwrtion. and
wo ,,eate Ed for each salidement twertion.
Rumness earns not eireeding I lines, 114 Per
annum, fide 6 to 10 lines $5.
The lumber of linos us be redeemed he thr, .P•e•
e•ea peed meseured ny a Dade el/send Nonpareil.
Advediedamits without apeeille dirertiona will'
,i le Inserted tante' forbid, sad charged accordinel.
The follodng raid will be charged ti merehasts
sod others who advertise by the year, -
Oast Colnmn 1 year WS
33 .
ka .4 15 `
•••-• 6 montlui
•• months
Half " 1 y•ar
.• " 6 month.
quieter "
" 4 month,.
" 3 months
3 months
1 year
" I vett
3 moaths
5 •
' TM. dreetweet tato, ba remelted eo the ordinary
Miriade of romnimetaf hormes. and f +or!. If
tv.t he bed to in -brie Ad.•tion Stier. Seinorals.
',I!..-Pretnership 71 A•lv.rti.Pnlent• of
W inilivideal members of Inas, Douses to let or fur
Sale, "te.
WTI. 'Aimee rates will hi all caws I rtri,•tly
' adhered to.
Advertisement. isirn.led Ino.rtion in any
pendentlar issue alionl.1 reach the °Elbe lo norm o•
The hive !"4, the SIGNAL makes it
4... an undroamed advertising medium.
Ixennted with neatneea and .lernatch. Is print,'
yon dd. Orders by mail ounctuo;ly stt.'n't-
ert Le. •
!Business illitutorn.
-sr- -
Y.f C 11(0 LosON,
Office and residence \Vest Street.
Three doomed bele Bank of Mioutreal,
Chltimpbmale Critio
(Graduste of McGill INtidraity,Montrealk '
OPTIC It *nil residence -One door south Of Rom'
hotel„ Alain street, and opposite MeCallunia
Seafornti, Am i123rd, 1373, 1767
Dr. P. A. Mc Doulgall
WILL be at home for Coesultation ap ta 11
o'clock, a. tn.. ever) day W111 visit envois
mt key hoar afterwards, night or day. 4w
cb..0 . Shannon NIL . D.
N,SUROZON, he Ac..Goderieh,Ont.
13:46 -IT
Ora. MoL.ICAN.
1. God Reesdedee Hunt door deka Central Scheel,
McGiU College
• L Street, Goderieh. Ontario.
ra L.ovirt •
I Esolostomin. Chided!, Cesuly Crown Attorney,
• Aerie'. OM, Odle* in Cosrt House.
Cameron 4/B itirarrour.
IgUt Odic., Market Square, Geileri,ih.
at C. C•31111110S will J. T. G•110W.
te lit -Chancery, tc., Godancb, Ont. 1337
mi.s..icrfrr W.A•risiox
Anemone - sr - LAW. SOLISITt).E.9.
Clowere. Conveyancers, lc. trahhe Block,
MONET 10 LEND. 1379
!Alastair ex Meaner
! BA J. r&S;111C31,111ili Gc4_,, Ch11.13. SEAGER, Jr
Unclench. Dem 1571. ly.
.1.1 tot in Chaneeryi tilstarick, In+
00111ce, over J. C. Deport' Co's Empon,iri, Markel
' Square, Uoierick. ;.,3
I". it*A.1•11L Id. •
• Ch tucery.Ceav
• onus, twee Alf.
, creek, out.
" The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possiblo Number."
GODE111011 LODGE NO. 33
G. IL C., •. F. A. A .
1 bed on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7 .tu p. Flatting brethren
"medially no itto
W. DICKtioN, Ace
sw73-1 r
Godench,4th Way, 1171.
ill on ci) to Et
fro 1,1.1 1,1 u ad or Iowa peoterty et 7 per
1 cant, Apply to
caxreteee, Solicitor, die.,
Out. 30th..1171 411f Goderleh.
oe. or 10 rms. Intermit repayable piths,
cazly lia:f yrrely. ApPly to
11EN li.1 MATH ERS,
Ste Nelms/.
Perte, at 8 per cent simplevintereat
per annum. Apply to
Colborne Lintel.
Goderich, Rth Oct., 1872. 1338
LIR EE HOLD Permanent Build infrand
Savings Society of Toronto. t
Foreparticulare apply to •
Agent at Goderich.
Secretary and Treasurer,
Toronto. 1343.
-- -
Advar ces money at red uced rateafor from
2 to 20 years. Loans repayable in in-
stalments to suit the borrower.
Full information given on application.
1378 Agent at Goderich.
At Greatly reduced PAW ilbaterest
THE undersigned has any amount of Money to
in from two to fffteen years, at a low rate of
interest ant favourable tend of repayment, payable
by yearly instaitneute; rate of expienites will eery
erempetti. n.
AppritPier for the Canada Per •
manent Building Ac Sayings
Society. of Toronto.
The Subscriber Is agent for the follow -tannest -class
Inienrstrive Carnevrean Imre
Loodon, Euttand
H A RTIOIRD of Hartford.
PROVI CIA L cf Toronto.
ERITISH AM1-RIC af Toronto.
Piro Jz Marine business dose at the
lowbst possible rah s
Office Market Square, Goderich
OM 214th 1,70. •
3ti o Mance.
AND G 1.0 Et E
yancer, Notary PuliorotC. _
E. Aminhald'i Oftore. Gods
1373-sne 1 AVillable Assets, 1197,000,000 -
Loads paid to the course of Therty-6ve years ex-
-- red
1,1 unite at Dime 'a, ASO/Vier.
aw7-tf Gderich. Ont.
Malcom inle as Keating,
, 117J Glts .11A.Al it L.To N -
1., Agetat, eruw S Gime, I:Wench, Ont.
Alto y to Lend. 136
.1 41.31.1414 IF4MAIL.L,
thrleriebi. P
• w oda ineasurd and
e„ L'OU RTMoUSESttl` A -RE
aa 1 StrWtherilona drawn
•lasterers" and Eames'
1407 -Ir.
Laotian/AU, 1.4141.1•K•11 Itobaneon
AYE on dad all ilacts *diet. Doors, Blinds'
Moabite:4m Itimissed rve.t.,3.,‘Cth. 0..4-
f111•A rlaitisj
- veterinary surgeon.
4111tWitItIV of Cot mil University, Wows, New
Turk en 1 OrMluate uf Ontario VeLerilualI)
Wall rout Bayne:4 every Satierday. 141390k*
• J. T; DUNCAN, V. N.
41.• ChrrallItl CoLLS011.
blesegate Street, rat), floe., Rut cf Colborne
lg. R. -Mines examined as to mound -
I 3 I 3
cippda. the United States and Europe,
D t TENT gnarautent •ir no cha-ge. Semi for print-
," ed iinteaCtloits. Agency iu op•rui„,, te. yeani.
'moo, csa.e.,
ibiamteed Rughteer, Eoli tater of Palmas AM
rtAlltirin v4.1V -
MISS BARNES in returning thetas
4- to her friends in Goderich fer past
patronage. begs to say that she is now
prepuW to give Lessons on the Piano-
furte and Cabinet Organ and in Singing.
Residence eePoulte Mr. Slane's,
C ol horse St. 1363
Music and Drawing. LOWES wishes to inform her
L1-11 fnewts and Use public that she •
=ea give lease's on the Piaui:
him Having been taught by 6nit
dam siosiels, and IfOr SeVer111 yeers
ea jeamild smoker, she feels aenfident
esa give eitieteetion. Alse, a elms in
Drairies Wease-colort, &co on wed_
wee" afternootua For Goderieh Harness shop
.0,,ain the rNsidenc• of Mr.
yre,„,„41., Hamilton Street,
Omuta by CiEICALS".6 VIRE esti-
mateXa t lowly $91.0101C14:10101, ant being
liquidated is fist imetijitetrel wiTlforT nerinemor".
aierurity, Prompt Payment, sad Liberality In ad-
justment of its Mares ars the proiniiient features of
thus Wealthy coninany.
FIRE and LIFE POLICIEV 'sato-4 with very
liberal rondition..
Head Office, Canada Branch.. MON-
81111 H,K•sidene S•cretart,
A. M.1(.26.- ior Womb
TorontoLife Assurance and
g Tontine Company.
c•PITAL AI 71110RIZ,L, %%%% $100,000
ith liberty to increase to half a taillion
Hoorn( cotted irt, 25 per cent. -all paid
1111,1,TIIINTS LIMITI.0 SY ril*Rteft la,o114BOSIII
110AltD•OF DIRECT() ItS •
P/11•64/101/: 73. so. 31)01 33 itl, C•MKRON,
21., P., Q. C., ko. ge. 'Toronto.
• PrestAns: Lewis Norway. Ran.
Geo peons., Eag; Judge of the Count y of Tork.
W. 11, Saorsx, beg , M. D .M. P., PreXtoe;.
*1C-111. C•IISSON, Bank,
• ). )144:DuSSI.B.I.,Eker.T, Maarlarretuy Toronto Sat lugs
Aware Momuaror, Esq., El. P.
Eserctiwir end Franeurer • mica HA SY aY, Erg.
Applieations for tellurium° in this
first class Company received by
1342 Agent at Goderich.
CAPITAL tiTOCK. $400,000
SURPLUS FUNDS 208,369.60
1CND (NG J CNN 30th 1871. 357,858.26
B. IIALDAN Managing Director.
- Lowest Current RatEs•
1.1htsaninee for ono or three year. on detaeled
. Cherokee and Schools with ooateete.ta
glitris•rrarn• snit ConintrY Them MI" 14711
terms etpulacv particularly favorable to the Fates.
ng Community.
Irks' CUSS Mill wanted 401 • enmities Acme,
ter the townships *adrift Ulu& rows. APPIS
wnthig with redarences to the undersigned tor trallg
raiseton to the Head ORIre.
Local Agent.
Goderich 12th Selit. 187' •
Or- 1376 • W. A.
-111NSTA ---
• •Splesnere le aummeeing to the ubllo 01
Tows and (busty that le lye the
lima Aftel"""thaviete:aervige.edhiremew4wwlilivrth
Nmera W. • H. Nettie, Gale . . has
everted for the last time years in the beet Varese'
gimps be Mew, asid aow prepared to teaks up
emu., nosinstau p.millons:Oisse.4.11.rormis: Lee Beorca COILAFF,
Artalt Store, Is preppaad Ittet-telese oda and with despatek Orders
orans. 44., a, Temelltte,IIVIetre,Ciirri•Ces."1
as., ae.
AT id.t. nom, 11.=lheatm euastaatly es hued threetaA•
- lige
-114•14.4als 11,
• • .
(From the didlae fes October )
that is a disgrace to yon -a love -a love
that you should shudder to own !'
'Mrs. Gunning,' cried Florian rising
with flashing eyes, and her cheika scar:
let with indignation, 'how dare yo
speak to me like this 1 I hive born II
too• much from you. I have stood°
ot 1 atvi itney,,i,olriNstte‘, t.titiohikgrrariliint,yi, diei iiaoessoferiliulatlintleetiliTt.inn.e,aihaotat;ii .ss,:iin, iiidil:s sbaeaudielieletfanthdsolneetarimrado:pasw.errphmuyo.bbrimtiniumtmods.ekirri..fyasiTuilailltsioggn
.4"`54.1.1:s. Giiiiiiine, I am not effended,'
a Good gracious ! was there anything
opera ?'
isayiug he had letters of importance to
iorange; and, in the servants' presence,
Leong a methed of forcing epeech from
ever, were they alone, than she buret
forth in an injured tone.
herself bursting with secrets, and yet
pompous, AS arrogsnt, and as &Heat as
ing at her through his eyeglass, 'will
I 'Then oblige me by
him at the opera to.night, in Mrs. Lang-
ning, careledaly.
advertisement artbeitodut Bliforl.stGeurulnniDntaigd,hyfoour
ever make any enquiriesiaboedid i, t /i'd h
subjec_t that stet
are very good. May I peel yea one 1'
sible to gut conversation out of an
her domestic oracle. No sooner, how -
willing to be as chirpy and chatty as
tbat dress you have Ott do fur(' Olie
1 'Goodness not ! no, of coulee no , a le
ou:INN7kaingt casatuniikitat 1)hen:theotfao::::::::roedh,fhe,:n.,tt:e:ere::.ft.usi tin
looked wisttf:Ilyshaet litieadr htousibaichneti upon a
:ea:2f r i 'eNn i°1 s' 7:1h1 1 i °0 ail:, eigvn_eethiimiti,s.igttitierg.bhta i'snnis,aie.'tenwtidioa s ttt0haaegt eouvt'r till I ar elli n°p0ml yuie.
1y, intrdo areasileb.n:t ,ttrargtoeuqurtaught
;11:beewrt:Lat tnegiTe:r1Yrent'ainty. llurrying her
'write, end he did -not wish to be disturb -
each other,' thought the centrite Mrs.
Gunning, as she glanced at the aggres-
sively intent countenance uf her litre -
with you t If I have offended -Yon,
he immediately shut him:I:mei:it:: 44o1r1.1
a' . 1 wli ILNI:ri a: fel reri:fl'eiecuyhitdi s e)Pn le a, ae!a a' t hosl h' bet :rho atheist lwrIbesei,t1Titieg,asaie.;:aaest-
seeming nieetki
servants seemed to stalk abelit like
enjoyed himee
denier thaw. That meal, however,
several ikeletons served up as a remind-
er instead of only one, and the very
rated little.
titre oSgliteeir, chla'strhu'en(l'ec.,..rrid:idtotiiteheunbograx,teMfur.l
Yoydbi 1 neleur°ireu'uscMtr‘illwigtilboilli;:del.toviliu;:nugeaul 1 b: elirn ayitie- nu org:Plo and le 11; f a fIt edri at h anto I st o ut sr kiet
"Tawlintoirlit:1:11,,eitbel::,Peut:irnall:trtigantisli:-ter:ilItrelire'have very emteeouTcenhie a(tounipmetchpate-
ed till dinner was on the table. There
passed like an Egyptian feast, with
' Tobies,' eel.' elle, 'what is the matter.
wail more .4.,
portance, an
mend, and, await hoperully an after -
genial remark,' upon the "cattier, or the
&fere-telling lettilon season. He cared
ta flattery, and presented a (env eileut
and stolot as a wall to all her adroit at-
tacks. On hie arrival at home he en-
trenched himself in his dressing -room,
was nothing for it but to obey this com-
as te hie health and epirits, or with
nothing for any of it; lie was impervious
gether in a hired carriage, and during
Mee promised Herbert Langley to meet
and reader, surely distressing to her
vain his wife pliedehint e ith questions,
ey.'• 1101.'
and palm,'
kindly eatitre. They drove home to -
stained face, and then kneeling by hor
cheir, alio teld in rapid words the story
ef olive's sickness. lunelinese, poverty
pinupotts silence on the part of her lora.
o trying I
ne tombs of the Pharaohs. robias000k.
I wily,' is found.'
ares destined to receive &welter triel to
her nerves, awl this in the shape of a
int,ply a reason for being silent, that's
, Aelrprospab. i :els/n:1,118:0in: ids,igh,yeilou rdeerweplileyr,t lahmaidt
see him this eyeeing, you may tell him
guess as much.'
dear,' said Mrs. Gunning. 'Weil, I
happy man is,' coutinued Flerian, in a
whisper; 'but he Will nut leave Paris
till he has found Olive.'
'let 11 I 1/1 leave to. night; for when you
anything so horrible ?' she said, with a
her face grew very pale.
it ie to find. hina-ta track him down-
tha.t:---at y'
in herror at the name she uttered, and
eligible shudder, 'Don't you know that
straight ap to Florian's chair,
'oakum the greatest mistake I ever made
in nay life. 1 thought --'
in Florian's ear. The girl started back
at her helplessly for a moment, in utter
stupidity; thou she shook herself, by way
ef bripgtng back her senses and walked
pardon; I mu a simpleton, 1 have been
chair trembling and weeping.
hands into her frizzled hair, and stared
single all my life long.'
gave way now, and she fell back in her
volubility and paasion, but her strength
sionately, km 'wing that hIi;shhttetart1 tvisifillehecei
one more worthy than
ashamed no more. No, I am proud that
cause I was asItained that I had given in
ashamed -a man whose courage, whom,
generosity I revere. I Wall silent ho-
ley() unasked -given it hopelessly, NAY
Trewayas should stand barel elided and
I love hinir and for hie sake I will stay
And there was an end; it was impos.
ls Florian going 1' asked Mrs. Gun -
`Mrs. Gunning,' said Mr.
'You may,' said kl r. Tibiae.
miring the eilfrive tioe th:eitine
'My love,' said she, 'these oranges
'This comes of has ing secrets from
The same afternoon, Mrs. Gunning
S11,,, eteepetleand kissed the girl's tem'.
'nen, rny dear,' said Mrs. Gunning,
'And he knows now where that un -
1 h our friend is come to Paris my
'Mrs. Gunning, Maw could you think
'And hero she stooped and whispered
'AI) dear girl,' said she, 'I beg your
Florian had spoken with wonderful
Mrs. Gunning thrust buth her little
k out, and say so. I hate sulkie
little Mrs. Gunnine dared to try no
'and ram not sulky. I have.
:giraflting still. Full of tin-
. y and I pay • visit to
And to -morrow morning,
Here was Mrs. Gunning
anesitystt:ry°, and triumph, he
imn ne 3', while Mrs
e here tdillatmweemagelve o'ctoloenko;
'lot. You will be un-
y;ne:clizaierunesdn Pethne
changing it, as I
It:inlet es' hilitan w i tett
Peost insignih.
eigh.t ti.) he.r.1
out r
hien eacnhd
dYeallYaboilleTnIrintihk•steelel)rert'it'Ytt.,1411:1‘)."„old theabc Mal ,.' : slit o t Glisutrtellnunini"Pew°611: awen)haaalt1.
drums, and • . Pa
nendbe4:1 oin.lnte:istniyan: one with a head
siptioifkil ice.
0 oct ::::::h: sdi:::aos n- ag krTerbs i &est hi k c• e Nlittevierte whoemiesian' ;ion -
and looked oat upon
like the braying ef •
• ks l'au h-e,---oorild to music, ehich
k er seat amid a rustle of
the Play
d came down sharoly on the
iYietell:egiohu,I:intred'f; ;Olin' teofnanthecebo. x.
s ill t, a test kin;hialtwilenIseu. she said, soddenly,
hAt r asked Mr. thinning. in a
ITUATED ON THE HIGH BLUFF There conies a mouth iit the *eery year -
overlooking the Harbor, Lake and A month of Wirers+ and heatliful rest ;
When the npo leaees fall, and the air is
This houae after beim!! tlioroughil
renovated and furuished is now open clear'
ofeftrolutheestsau.mmer seasen for the reception October : ttlie ',nein, the crisp, the
Parties going to Lake Superior by
the Manitoba will find this house very
Large families requiring roollut Shoil
engage previously either by mail or tele-
Cloud* 20th May, 1873. MO
A continuance of the favor and rivipporf of 111
Conimarcial ad travelling ;mini, I hat a Maccorleil
befort the tem respeotfully
AN UI -1011 LINE.
Istearneresnii Every velredat,sibly.
and Saturday.
gow, Calbug at Londinelerry to laud ells an
Kr Passe% rs booked and forwir. ea to &nit
frion all Railway:elation. in Great it.on. Ireland,
Germany, Norway, Sweden or Druntark [Ai
Amenea, aa -safely, speedev. comfortably rust
Cheaply, as by any .ither Route or Line.
"tom New Torii.
Frain tGaimuw.
Rat., Sept. 30111 ...CALEDONIA .3.11l'zi.nt..,11'S•t1. 1201".1:
Bat., Sept. 23d. .IOTIA
Set, Oct. 7th ............ Sat., Ost. Pohl And lunge are choked, and shaulders are
Sat.. Oct. 14th....CoLUMBIA,trat.. Noy 4th
Awl every Wedere.lay and Saturn., thereafhe 1.f."7.c.1
from Pier 20, North Rim r, a t loon. III tips sinotherine reeli ohnill and
Rein or Pasearm retreats im se eller. •
To Lirier0oL,•Ow 11 teem.: mine;
My life has little °weigh of bliss:
1 drag the days of the odd eleven,
Counting the time that shall lead to this -
The menth that opens the hunter's
And oh! for the mu gs crisp and
With the 'levels of the hounds 11 pill
the track;
The bark -roofed cabin, the canip-fire's
, Tke break elf the deer itml the -rifle's
Do jou call thit trifling ? 1 tell you,
- friend,
A Lie in the tureen is rad all ',raise,
Give nte de.ZUll 311C11 en end-
' You may take my balence of years and
days. •
Fur brick and itiorter breed filth and
And a pulse of esti that throb* antl
,nitte grow withered before their
. pntne
.1Viih the curse paved its on Ihe !Allen
and streets;
lasT 'CASIS. I'd and $75, &crooned to remotion.
Cabin Recursion Tickies (goid tor 11 °nth.) And Death stalks in on the•itreggling
securing hest areorstoslation, Eau, •
Intermediate. $33. Steerage, 524 CroWei,
Certificates at L4/WEST Wats tea Isin„:'.: Bolt lie aliens the slia.1 .w of oak and
hew by thou, wishing to send fur noir relined •
Ifrafts issued payable on preset lation. •
Apply at the Cumpani's 011ites to to • I
• ...
wfts IrrARN".K. Una of all to which the memory clingy,
tams 8t.Goder. $. On
Godertbh Oct. 23 1117'. Thercis naught so sweet ae We sunny
a. 1
) Where our shanties stood hi aim cryetal
'The vanished himede, atilitae lucky
111 Its.
Will leave Ooderich for SAgINAW and
intermediate pines
For Freight or Passaee,.
Apply to
a a :a
Guderich, lath June, 1873. 1:1;
Pn connection with the Grand Truiik
Railyray. Shortest, Cheapest, and west
ditect route.
will ply in connection with the C. T.
Railway as fidlows : Leave Goderich
on arrival ef Expressi Train form
the Erten weather permittine for
Southampton at 3 p. Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Saturday. Returnitig : Leave Sowth-
ampton at 4 a. nt., Port Elgin at 4:30
a. m., Inverhuron t a. me Kin-
sarfrididanye. sAt. r8r ,4 eerriyo,
Tegedey, Wednesday, Tense:ley and
as above, to connect e eh the train
nig East.
81111111 tr. FORT HURON.
The above named Steraner loO. 3 South-
ampton for Sarnia def port Huron at
4.00 se in., Port Elgie, 4.30 0. in., In -
'erbium), 6.00 a. 111., Kiocardine, N.00
a, re., Goderich, 2.0o p. In., every Fri-
day, .weatber permitting. Comiceting
with River Beats for Detroit and.G. T.
Ranveay Propellers . -from Sarnia to
Chicago, Milwaukte, de. Returning :
Leaves Sarnian obavteirteyr peSranitnitnittanyg. aFt 08r
;Uct='• ainnfeLr'inatten, apply to Beron
,Wilson, Purser, on the Boat, or to Thee
Lee, Southampton; J. Eastwood, Port
Eon; je. McRae, Inverhuron ; R.
uonertson, Kincardine; W. 11. Clark,
amnia; A. N. Moffat, Port Huron.
General Agents, Goderich
OF 111
Trust and Loan Company of
CANA 1)A .
Incorpoated by Royal Charter.
Funds for Investment.
•oaresailess tba Security of approved Parse
too r. ut eltedst impeerr,y0;i:iteestyietitreauerrti sna, ;sits .1;s: des
able at expiry of Gate or by ba.
131 T ric aguaReg.liaodertch
"Olive Varcoe."
'It is all his thought, all he lives for,
I think' said TIortan, in her saddest
voice. 'And I have striven so hard, Mrs.
Gunning, to find that poor girl. And
all in vein. I want to give her a home
here. 1 want to be kind to her. I cau-
not be. r to see liis misery almut her, his
angels! , and sickness of Intern He
knows ler ienocence, and he fears that
hit. earful martyrdom well crush her into
. the grave: She has hidden herself from
' him-- (Tom every one--'
' • W ho can wemiler at that r interrupted
, Mrs. dunning tiereelv. 'Have not the
Trews's-ease driven that creature out into
' the world, to suffer fer their pride's
sake, and to die fur them if she will 1
Ali ! the tale of that girl's sufferings
, Lintigldle7,ake a lung autnance, Florian
, el know it,' she said ; 'she is a noble,
generouls girl, worthy of the chivalreue
devotiokof a brave heart.'
Tears checked her utterance ; buten,-
. covering herself she went on more
! calmly.
• 'Therefore my dear 15Irs. Gunning. I
want to ehield her, if I nail from fu
suffering. And this was my first reason
for meeting him. I bad a note from
111111, imploring her to give hint news of.
, her if I could. Ile was aware she had
' been iny companion, and he was in
hopes that I, knew where she Walt, 611r 1
dtd not ; and when I wrote telling him
this, his answer was so full of serrow,
and he besought me so earnestly, by my
affection, my intetest ia Opal Vansit-
tart, to give him my aid in Iris anxious
seareli for her, that 1 resolved to see
him. I had no adviser. Pity for my
poor bliud mother, whose belief in
Olive'w ,guilt I canna- overcome, and
whoetopeace would be thoroughly gone
if she knew 1 was conscious of the iden-
tity of Olive and Opal, beldame ellen* to-
wards her. Anil I dared not tweak to
my brother. 1 WaB afraid of doing 1
know not what mischief. You know he
and your husband ire seeking Olive,
even now, to arreathei:'
'Oh, indeed!' said Mrs. antothig, with
grim earnestness, as her thoughts tra-
velled swiftly to the dingy garret, where
the worn and weary Olive lay pale anvi
wasted on her poor bed. 'W hen Tobias
does things wabotit coneulting me, he
generally makes» fool of himself. And
isabotohta,t,oyeNtu..r,71.! ruthers advertisement
'Yes. And 1 cannot tell how it will
all end,' replied Florian, wearily, lean-
ing her head upon her hands.
'An far as Tonias is coucerned,' said
Mrs. Gunning, 'it will end eery neon,
my dear, as I shall take him, out of
Paris at once. I shall not permit your
brother to make a cat's-paw of a man of
his intelligence. And I would advise
yon, Flerian, to act in the same prompt
way, and clear yourself frain any share
in this :business as fast as you can. The
mita ought never to have seen you. In
all you have told me, I perceive no rea-
son for your imprudence in meeting
udly. 'If there he any
bitter against. him,'
fault in thet, it is mine, not his. 'I con-
fess that I wished to see him -I confess
I wan curious. 1 had heard so much of
hint from Opal, that my heart was
touched, my imagiustion warmed, by
the history of his strange devotiou-a
devotion, too, so unreturned, 110 unre-
garded by its object.'
*Mrs, Gunning listened to Florian with
eyes siide open with amazemeut.
'I never thought to hear you confess
to a morbid curiosity, Florian,' she said.
.n`lebbleelieelyteee.,1 your nature a high and
lo:oFhloaribasanhedwasoraillnatin ebdu. t she did siot
'And did this man --I cannet speak
his name ' said Mrs. Gunning -'only
come to P'aris to search for Olive ?'
'For that chiefly,' replied Florian,
hesitating slightly. 'At all events, to
find her and do her justice, is his first,
his most earoest desire.'
'And If he finds her,' said Mrs. Gun-
ning, what will he do then"
'Re will go back to Cornwall instant-
Iwya,v' asrep,lied Flornen-q believe to 'Fre-
'I am sorry fur Sir Hilton,' said Mre.
Gunning, abruptly ; 'and yet his pride
well deserves the bitter punishment
awaiting it. What will he say, what
hwailelehue6tehredinkf,owr hheisneahkeelnds what Olive
'I wooder she can love him,' said Flo-
rian softly. 'bathing amazes me es
does this strange, hopeless devotion of
hers, for that eelf-contained man.'
'You wonder at it !' exclaimed Mrs.
IGunning, turning on her fiercely; an
yet you havo just dared townies' to 11:111
a love a thotumuid times madder -a love
Rase Fs.igalt&SACarri‘liagNe 'Painter
tlattliNiejme TO ACQUAINT ThitecaLicTmAT
reopb:roblaftwleeom";;terice.attalliCli •akfl'aLtel. flean;tlicheePPar0FIThli
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t t•Onrell.S11.11 varnish room
Now ie tie time to Paint }oar Catters
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or orders from Poultry Caretiiiiikoplattanded,
to with dilepateh.
asgsrstAusf_ GrIthint Gluing, Paper
MOW a`•
(iodate* km ,18Igog. MANN,
I w swl
WHOLE No.1389.
'This horrid fly, Toblan that has been making her heart swell with love aro
buzzing about my ears all the evening,' bitterness.
replied Mrs. Gunning. And this dear Trewavas„it WAS smiling.
It was a quarter past twelve that it was happy ; no blight hid fallen on
night when Herbert Langley ran lightly it, no aharneeno pain. It still gathered
tho stairs to his mother's apartment beneath its ancient roof all it loved and
on the first floor, whistling as Ito went. honored of its uwn lineage -not one
lu the drawing room, seated by a fast- missing, not one an outcast sieve her, the,
dyin fire, he found his sister alone. poor, outlandish cousin, the dependent
rs. Gunning gaye me something whom the gorld ignored. Did it mat -
for you, Flo,' he mad. ter that she was suffering, if the name
'A. note 1' said Florian, eargerly. • was saved? -the grand el .1 TreWaVell
'A note !' he repeated. 'No, how name. Did it matter where Olive Var-
could she write notes at tho opera 1 It coo was, so that the family pride WWI
is your locket which she has get mended unscathed, the family honor sustained
fur'N.Y1yeeloc.' ket !said Florian. 'Site hanu't 6,i, aniel this rain (if tears, the vistens of
No, truly ; it :nattered nothing.- And
any locket of mine.' Trewavas rise' awl full ; the Trewavaa
'Yes, she had,' persisted Herbert • 'she she hail saved, alio Trowa‘iut le'nween
whom and the world s coutnitiely she
she toad, in a
ori her face, thought it wise to be silent soft, thrilling voice, ae she c tat her tear -
as Mrs. Gunning's uneonscious messeu- ful eyes upwards. '1 owed elient this.
ger took the locket from his waistcoat r And surely, for this, God wilf forgive
pocket and handed it to his sister. um my ingratitude,. my impatience+, my
'I shall have goods news for you to. wilful bursts of passien, aud my
11101TOW, rip, I think,' said the young love. Ah! not selfish RUM/. 1l.111 for
man, liohting his cigar at the dying Ons- my love's sake I ems g,ive hint iip and
bear tu see him happy witit anuther.
There ir a barrier betweeu tin now, that
tithe can never fling down.' 11 he came
to me and offered 1110 his love, the trorld
would say it was the bribe for which I
suffered this, and some shadow of die -
honer would fall upon him. And that
shall never, never be!'
Her head Icil forward on her hands,
and between the thin fingers her tears
nowl fheallvefaitast;
ed his pride,' she said• 'he
`She has been rery ill,' replied Flo- loved his pride better than anything
rian. 'She has not seen tho advertise- else in the whole world. I have saved
menta, nor had my letters. She has it for him ; there is not a word against
ahlatathf.eeeteror.uhSlehsehuos sogrive,nshtlecsajs, for hie name. intact, untouched. unspot-
ted, the name of Trewavas will be
aw'aAynftlrowinhytaningitehyor wsuaridldlldeirdbesrhte. run ored by the world senile Var.
feecerfie,a,tr-eptilliedat Fwitsri, atInte. beginning of the But here dos stopped. lha generous
heart wooli not count up the ills it bore.
'Ah, pour thing out in her head, I She would not weigh in the balance
iiiippose,' said Herbert. 'Well, Flo, we against their honer her dishonor, her
must have her here, and show the werld, brand of shame and crime. Still lout did
Itt:rh.e\rs'eiviria, nItnDasis ntoteireotliyinecilseudgd, ghat she eine moan thought ever touch tier soul tif
- their wealth, their beautiful refinements
'I shall lee delighted to hese her Lore,' of life, as contrasted with this sad pot --
said Florian, faintly; 'but I have sound. erty and lack of comfort. or how
ed H131111113, utul I see she will iturer con- little conic' such needs count:ceniperel
sent.' with these nobler, deeper sorrow's, that
• Ali ! that's difficulty, Flo,' said she had borne se eilliegly ! If health
Herbert, with a puzzled air. 'Well, I'll and etrength had fallen before this grini
think it over, and let you knpw more mtsery, that was the body's weakness,
about it tontiorrew. Tett •smno one to not the
call me at seven, will yeti, Flu ? I have And hew beautiful and glorious it was
unemnpi:tii,:r.driaitrounrtoitneigtlhipc.uoraing at tho to think of dear old Trewavas, standing,
in its stately pride, atilt so hentored end
With a happy 'coed- night,' fqr he beloved of all Alen beautiful still to
seemed in triumphant. ipirits, &bed feel that hit- feeble hands had kept sor-
Langley sauntered front the room, and row from it, her tint -anted love had
left his eider done. Then she took saved it frond a dreadful shame. She,
Mrs. Gunning's locket to the light, and the tiny creature, so mean, so small, so
turned it over and over anxiously, and poor, overlooked, hail stood in the
lastly opened it. Aa 101.0 did this, there breach, and caught thd arrows in her
escaped 'front this golden prison a poor own heart, that would have piereed its
little half-dead fly; and on the inner pride. And there was no self -praise In
surface of the gold, scratched by a piu this thought, -only a sort of humble jot.
was the word 'instantly.' that she had been permitted to do tms.
. With burning cheeks and tretnbling that to her had been given the power to
head. Fenian stood a moment in WM- suffer in their stead.
der and dismay. But she wee net long- Shut up as in a prison by her friend-
decyphering this strange message- ; lesancse, her sickneee, her poverty, ank
she newer for and instant considered it her fear the rummies of the etitaide
other than eeriest and Yurgent. Mrs. world had not related her, and she
Gleaning was too sensible to 'end her thought of Trewavas as peaceful, happy,
ouch a token as thin, unlerui the. danger safe. Above all, Sir Hilton was ori-
ents imminent and near. 'leached; ne glimmer of the bitter truth
'Fly instantly,' this A' a6 her message, .hatl notched hint, no finger vinted et
and she meant it. Florian could easily him as lie passed; his pride of birth and
divine. that it was sent in this odd name had antlered no shock; careless
manner, because she must evidently and happy, he was free to choose from
have been under some strong restraioteethe highest in the land another bride. Se
or surveillance, -and utterly unable to fair ns poor Eleenor Maristowe. And
find other means of einumunicatine hey, if this thought caused a tear, Olive swept
warning. Recalling the great Tobias's it away quickly. *Lady Trewavas, to 1,
pompous importance that afternoon, week( live era- the remnant of her days
Florian felt sure that he and her brother in peace; mihowed by shame and pain,
had at length succeeded in their (oast, her henoured head would te, dewn tecits
and it was doubtless they who had laat sleep, stillcrownect with ite ancient
tnotinted guard over 3Irs. Gunning, end groin% All, a hat jey te purshaso this
hindered her from sending note or mess- peace for her, even at so great a cost !
anger. And even in this dismay, Flo- And Olive looked dawn upon her %tasted
man could not but emile at the eitarp- !iambi and smiled. ,
rem, of the little woman, whose keen "'ley thought I did not dive them '
wits had found meatitt to circumvent she said softly to hers( If. 'My wilful
their watchfulness, end creu make a words. Iny tierce temper, misled them
catapaw the unconsciaus Mr. Herbert all. Awl is this too great a return for
Langley. what they did for we No ! I was
'And he sent he bad an appointment Inettelcsa, and they gave me a home; an
at eight,' said Flprian, gazing ahout. her orphan, and they gave me a mother and
half wildly. 'What there is tp do intuit' brothers. Ah, hew ungrateful I was ! -
be done at once -then- now • thia very now passienate, how wicked, how angry
night! Oh, how. can 1 go to 'hint at this for fancied slights It was not till that
hour, and /Aorta' sorrow cente, that I knew how much
She sank into a chair and for a mo- greater thau my anger or my jealousy
ment seemed lost in bewildered thought. was my deep, deep love. Oh Trewavas,
Then starting up. she clasped her hands, rnay Gorl bless you, and ,give me
saying eagerly, will. go ! She shall strength to bear on to the end .
would save her, if only for his.aske.' mist rose up the vimens of turret en
Again her tears fell, and through i•heidr
nut suffer any more if I aan help it. I
A few minutes after this, dressed in's terrace, mullioned window and stately
her face, Florian crept quietly thruneh hall. She sew herself as un the first
dark cloak, and with a thick veil nye"
the porters ledge, and out into the day she entered Trewavae, a forlorn,
street, whore, with trembling hand, she untaught child, gazing in wonder on
beckoned to a prissingfiacre, and sprang these new septet. llere was the dell
into it. She gave her directions to the where sho had first seen English wild
driver in a low voice, and then drew up -
flewers, and gathered them in her little
the windows as he went oei at a rattling eager }etude; here the 'Wiggly beach,
where sho had waited and watched so
Very pele very waisted, lint with a niany titnes fur Hilton's beat. Alas !
calmness and' peace upien her facto which Bower, and the lonely pool !
trweeadnefeonl esti oothder,e trhoose na lc; tyd -s
it wanteu in that old' !fiery time, when So they came mid went, therio flitting
the passion of bur nature, unchastened visions, while lhe fire died into dark -
by serrow, was ever reedy to spring to ness, and the lamp burned dint; and
eye or lip, Olive eat by her fire alone. Olive', Nveary head dreoped at last in
0Sfhtetnalst with her aniallthin hands .lying sleep, with teara still standing the wan
idly in her lap, and hor dark eyes, which cheeks, and glistening on the long dark
filled suddenly With tears, fixed lashes, So ellen there canto to her door
sadly on the dying embers. Sometimes the tap of a gentle hand, she heard it
she looked wistfully at the little clock not; and when a eptiet figure, stealing
the ehimneV-piece, the hands of in, stood by her side, and looked down
which were just upon the strike of one. upon her whne worn face, she saw it
It Seemed as though else was chiding the not, nor dreamed whits° tears fedi pity -
weakness, which rendered tho exertion Big hers.
ef undreeeing.and going to rest, appear 'Opal! Opal !' whispered Florian, as
too great a teensible for her feebleness to she softly took one of her little wan
attempt. And the clack struck one ; hands, and kissed it. 'Opal, awake I
and yet she lingered here, a ith her am hero to help you, Opal.
.alanrge ftatealtratur dthoewrningonsloroicyheind 1;vrere
claaped handst still lying powerless, and Then the large fevered eyes opened
weeping paasionately : the tears wellkt Olive, with a sudden stert. 'You must
ykethzoerdsiidnot.errer on the sohb-
yheee; ienlig"vtliYg;tiraeetbi
wasted cheeks, She •11.3 not sobbing or 'Florian, why are you hero 1' raid
up quietly from their front, and fell in not lee seen with itio-yoll must uot
silence, not even a sigh breaking their speak to me. Go away, 1 !
chill and cheerless by this dim light, its knave
the poor room in which she sat looked coe. There, inie• you will leave me, I
weary flow. She was very lonely, and Sly naine ie ngt Opal. I ant Olive Var-
shape, strangiejly
very shadows having a weird and. ugly Suddenly Oliva anatclied her hand
her rested the remains of her frtigal sup- 'Always 0 tal to me,' sahl Florian,
per : she had been to weak to put them
expressive of solitude front Florian's grasp, and waited to SO)
and pain. pon the little table near her turn away in horror.
away ; and down about her feet, in loose
folds, lay the large grey shawl that had
slipped from her shoulders. The dying
fire needed replenishing, and the wood
was close by, but her weary hangs re-
fused to unclaap their wan fingers at the
mind's bidding.
i amity dmuye afEto apnrooedteetwiyfeo,u.s.,nd I ela.1m it at
'1 acknowledge all your claim,
Charles,' she said. 'It is you I obey
% now. I go whithersoever yott take ms ; .'
and I only make one request of you in
return -tell me what yon have been
- Td or ei nwgw ri um lEanwgdl atnhde s is er, y o n p n t nee into
the carriage, io that lone road between
F 1 o. Criali nv e, . ' hhaev e"Ide'vegriAnaselnaingyoutlaWiliw num"'
tion? Hare I evtar prayed you to turn
against the roof that sheltered you. or
chose a terrible path on which ,,7"et
gwhittnietslyagelnour astutthyoseto yoawhillos;eafeal'oul
- rue fulfil my duty, and de not visit we
t°019"ites-amscad700 it° Ito imp:
for it with year anger or your
Olive clasped her hands together. and
now, when he rell
felt her trembling weakness; 'aandarinfl. evil!
Ificellrefnlernntederd innnhCish;)etti,zweliel" 1.17
girl had done and sufferedW
"sonthedthisralastfeetntedhbiale ''
actvainwea about to. make all her sufferings . .
'What shall I say?' nittrznured 011ye,as
oshuel y el-e_tted, Charles Vigo's hand with .
ygtemoiruliens.:u.ts.'hlf, AI niasdkeyneyttoreatrrhntsyyerceauky,h, oyopeulii.i.vire:1,211 newloats. .
claimed the young man, eagerly. '1 will .
heir nothing knoworaothing through ' silent -there less -shop* in •
111All Skews, aud little guessed what he
her heart,for she knew nothing of the
Inlhat metnentary silence the carri-
age drew up at the door of the house in
and As Charles Vigo wrapped the large
grey shawl around Olive's tiny form, she
bewliiiicthfoMnirs.ard. La, anugley's apartment were;
k'Cielt3awr_lesj.ethhnereTreisdwoansyelsesecreigisPeldt Yoi,.1:n hdiso "sort'
Charles Vigo started, and turned pale
as death. That one little word, 'mad,'
afilgtuerreoda.:your.yaitliting. Should he indeed
allow mercy, 9r should he go on to the
carried her into theah:enstildbulbes
her, He took Olive in his arms, and
Florian already awaited he.
face decided him. Mad,
at Olive's wasted
oerndutot itniadne, -julesnt7ce
'Good-bye, Miss Langley.' he said, as
ha took hen- hand. 'In some happier
time, I shall hope he thank you better
tfhoretveoeuerrnbobeelen:friendship to -Olive Var.
coe. Now I can only say that I intrust
to the kindeet hands and the truest heart
her to your mere, knowing I leave her
'Farewell, Mr. Vigo,' replied Floriatt,'
in a faltering voioe.a 'Rest -assured
that I will ftilfill your instructions te
yathm,,euprleretostIteeldre.nlI am grad that I can prove
my friendship by more than words. 1
I ter lips trembled,
side. Leaeinietshhaedangtd:rin.'afhInGe rItihai h
a n.oedeabg hei :iv ewh. ,m2 r) tdh tyh so tf
he reling
weaknese, Ofire listened in silenoe till
fell droopingly by her
milder for very
Charles. Vigo came towards her to say
wall roplie maid eagerly.
'You are going to England --to Corn -
'I should have gone long ago, Olive,
only I could not leave Paris till 1 had
found you,' he replied ; 'I could. not go
knowing you were in this great city
alone and ill Mirr.IW ..
'And you will not make me wish .that
you had not found me -net succoured
me I' sh;.; pleaded, as she laid her hand
upon his arm. 'Remember what I have
tel'hl Ywilel.Vemeinber, Le said.
As he spoke, Charles Vigo dropped
her hand, and le.oked at her wistfully.
Ile weuld fain have taker, her in his
erms and lissed•ker; but the dead white
stillness of her face, the 'wanness of her
aspect, repelled him.
'Farewell, Olive,' he said, acidly; then
he closed the doer softly, stol4was gate.
(To'lee continued.)
. ; ._
1 My dear,. perhaps you have courage to
said she thought you had for gotteu it.
Sho took it off her chain, and here it is.' •
Florian. with a flush of expectation
bers. 'And now good uight. I shall
smoke this out in my own tm.'
'Wait a ntinOte, Herbert; I haie got
good news-ofor yon,' Florian. 'I
have had a letter from Opal Vansittart.'
As Florian spoke, a deep crimson flash
rept over her face, seen to the roots of
her hair.
'The deuce you have ! That is good
news,' cried her brother.. (And why the
-the slackens didn't the girl write be-
fore ?'
Was she countiu; the cost of her
strange deed sa she sat thus alone in her
nicknames, untended and unwatched? As
she looked back upon tha path she had
trodden, so full of thorns and sorrows,
did she shudder and weep for her own
eaiTenngs ? Did she repent as she aaw
hor own eel had made her It wanderer,
an outcast, nameless, foisaken,shunnedo
hunted. and driven from place t.. place,
even as one who 'seeketh rut, and find-
eth noner No ; her tears tell for none
of these things: she counted her suffer-
ing as nothing, if only they had not been
endured in vain. In that fear her
heart could yet bound in sudden ang aisle
and her pulse stand still. And here in
this 000r garret, between her tearful
eyes and the dying fire, there rase Up
faint visions of Trewavaa. Hero a
sunny slope, there a green olade, with
shadows lying on the graes ; again, a
wooded dell, with glimpses of the sea;
then the shining sands, the Ouiet ripple
of the wavein-and the tall beeches, with
silken leaves of t olden green -all rose
up bettor* bee in this mist of tears,
with arms me °eel), clinging round the
wasted figure of her friend, 'always,
dear Opal to um ! Olive Varcoe is too
noble, too good, toa great; I shoal.' not
dare to kias her; but Opal I can love.'
Ali, then tears burst forth Indeed, :oil
Olive's wasted arum fell about het neck,
as, tit her weakness, she drooped for-
went on Florian's shoulder.
'Then you do not hate me 1 and you
foqive reefer having deceived you?' she
said. 'I have never deceived another,'
she added. ,'1 have never dared ta
place myself in another home since I left
'And note you must coete to mine
again,' sa:1 Florian, 'and at 0:we.
There is not.a moment to be lost.'
Olive raised her eyes to gaze et her
friend with wonder, tied -to shake her
heed in sorrowful refusal.
'But yon must,' persisted' Florian,
'indeed you must, Opal; uuless you have
strength to bear the excitement of an
arrest -unless you have courage at last
to speak the truth.'
Olive's dead white face grew whiter,
and her apse, glazed with sudden terror,
fixed themselves on Florian in mute
They have long often searching for
you,' continued Florian, in a hurried
way, 'and two people will be here at
eight to -morrow morning, who suspect
that Gimps Veinal ia Gliye Versos.
bear it, you will do right to ptay an
confess to them at once the bitter truth
'You give me cruel counsel, Florian,
said Olive, raising herself frotu Florian'
embrace, and setting upright. 'Weak
exhausted as 1 ans, I will not be
coward, and turn back upon the "pat
in which I have chosen to walk. But
a -ill stand alone -I will not ruin you
I cut but die if they arrest me. I thin
- I feay--I am too weak to suffer more.
Her trembling blinds. her quivering
lips, her wan face, cruelly attested the
truth of this; yet her determination still
beiserece, if she could, the Trewaves
name front infamy, was as strong as
evFleror• looked' on)C-her with tearful
ti'iyoorso, color gradually deepeunig ou
ve,' said elle, 'dine hereyou right
or wrong, 1 cannot sey; Lett I know there
is one man alto will not permit you to
slay you lee f - f riend who will
sitetch this (carnet task from your
!fluids, lie hail been gathering evi-
&nee; he can 'ileac new what he only
suspected, when he permitted yott to go
ferth a wanderer. And toenorrow, .if
you aro arrested, he will go to the
police, and lay that evidence before
tVith haggard eyes, Olive stited on
'I will go with you,' she gasped forth.
'Sate:tint, if you will, Florian. I never
thought to trouble anothefs roof with
my presence again. I never thought to
embitter the peace of a kindly home
again; but I am selffsh enough to do
this rather than see all zny sufferings
,scffiacette.,red on my head in vain. Flo-
rian, Florian, think of the miser,- at
checked herself suddenly, and rising she
grey ahawl which an hour ago had slip-
Ttoredwoattyasha,t yifoCuhgaaryle!! Vigo is so cruel 11/1
lied from her shourders to her feet. 'You
wrapped Olive's little figure in the large
'Cruel!' exclaimed Florian; but she
(a)rieivtie weak to ammo with tne,little one,'
she said; 'we will leave all that till an-
other day. out to -night you must obey
me; mid rem you must ceine With me ad
'And leave all Itere as it is asked
'Yee,' replied Flerian. 'I 1:ave a
friend who will take care of these for
you; aa,1 if there be anything among
your valualoos that you wish 'articular-
ly to have, it shall be st it h 3 ou teener-
ru71.1i've 'smiled feebly. It seemed to
her. then, that she wished for nothing,
she cared for uothing but to lie dewn in
peace and die. Without further ques-
ttone she put her leuid iia Florian's arm,
wile) aided her weak steps, and led her
out on tho great staircase. In that
large house, with its Jen stories, there
were ninny tenants; and some of .theae
were atilt up. but none make a remark
as the two girls crept silently down
e ntitle In passing the good laundress's;
door, Olive looked at a moment wistful-
ly, but she did not beg Florian to let
her say good-bye. At the foot el the
stairs she withdrew her hand front
Flerian's arm, Rita clung to the balite-
tntde with trembling fingers. And here
fii,ltwel.t.iniaitlfooratnuenamher and last attempt to
induce her friend to forsake her and her
'Flentin,' she said, 'leave me here; do
not ask me ta go to your home. 1 vvill
call a ji.wre, and. seek a refuge some.
where. Mrs. Gunning -has been kind to
me; perhapashe will help me new.'
'My dear,' said Florian, and her voice
tremble(' strangely, 'yen cannot go to
Mrs. Gunning, fer reasons I will tell
you to merrow. New 'let me put this
shawl cempletely over your heed and
fece, for the night atria sharp. There.
L will not hear anothe'r Word: now 1 am
going to carry you across the court to
the carriage.'
Olive csuuld expestnlite, for the
thick shawl westompletely areund her;
but the stout arms that toek her up so
gently were not Florian's; and as she
tirin day, the streneth that bta!diaht
telt' herself borne alone in
to sustained het grave w Ay to the pres-
sure .1f her aeaknese, and elle fell back
iusensible. Then the tall figure, that at '
a signal front Floevan's 11311l1 had come
to her so silently from the dark court -
way, aused a moment, saying hurried- .
ly, '5 isr Langley, I fearehe luta fainted:
but p rhaps it is better so. Hew shall
L that you for this kindness f'
'I i 'ed no thanks,' replied Florian, in
the s iis trembling VOIC'.3.
'Pl./ 1' child 1' murmured the young
man, she is so light in my antis; she is
worn shadow. Oh Mi;a Langley;
the d y I have to fulfil is a cruel one.
In tracing a murderer's stems, and
bringing him to justice., I shall kill this
little frail oreature, who has almost given
her lite for his. And she will think it
se hard, that 1 cause Iter sacrifice, her
ddvotion, her stifferings to be given in
vallfit'cannot be helped,' returned Flo
drivatiya.,ge.utly; 'you tuust tell' do your
There was no time fur further words;
they had reached the carriage, and Olive
being placed gently on the seat, Charles
Vigo atded Florian to enter. Ller hand
was hot and trembling, arid her whole
eadir. wias fevered, restless, and frighten -
'Miss Langley, you have bound me to
you in gratitude fur ever,' he said eager -
:sly. 'How can I ever thank you for
-our courage this night l -how thank
you for the many times you hare cheer-
ed ntc when my impatieece and pain was
paalt hnoepeed
?no thanks,' replied Fieriest
faintly, as she knelt down by Olive's
side, and eupported her head MI her
shoulder. 'Opal are 3, iu better 9'‘,
Bat Olive opened her weary eyes only
ta close theta again. Charles :Vigo,
teatime forward, caught a glimpse, by
tllo light of the lamp, of her wan and
changed face, and covering his own with
his hands, he groaned aloud. 'What
shall I do he murmured. 'If I seize
this man, I strike her a death blow ; if
1 spare hien, I let her bear his brawl fo:r
"Olive heard his voice.
'Charles,' she cried, stretching eut her
hand feebly. Ah ! I might have giaieN-
-ed when kindness or succur came to me,
it ems your hand sent It.'
'Not all my hand this time Olive,'
he said, helding her thin fingers in his,
and leaning over her. 'Flonan Lae
hb ea er f oaungdeyneereo.:is, a true, a devoted
friend. Without her, I should nevet
cheek. Olive turned suddenly and kiss-
name, Olive felt Floriau's arm tremble,
and the bounding throb of her heart
beat painfully against elm girl's worn
praised her, us he uttered her
'Charles,' said she, nrhe is the noblest
girl, the best and truest that ever lived.
And she knows you well. I have talk-
ed of yon so often.'
The tightened grasp of Charles Vigo's
hand on hers told Olive that Le was
gratitled she had talked of him, and
that was all his thought.. She sighed
deeply, and raised herself from Florian's
anu, and as the light showed her her
lover's eager hollow eyes fixed so pitifully
on her changed (Ace, other sadder feel-
isia° 'Irshwaevr: bPeeainniii,(1:11,1r,..rhoithevelsra, it.114ewaisiorityf.t
7buidleal;eo°114rsel°ivrrelYt;frorn met -why refitse min
PmenrYearthrmilon lui:viireemeev:ery:al
cirrhaN.:TerrighintindhadthsItritongholiwettel ywsoull:imaserificepossaimPli.d..
41 Charlet Viso. 'Yon
Mr._W. ders at presentoin Beaten
RS a rept-elle ative of the Ontario Pruitt
Wrowerd-A iation, writes he fnllews
of the Cal tan success: "I will give
yeti an idea o the results of the Ontareo
display at th American pcunological
meeting at Boston. We came out splen
Our whohe show nf fruit WaR-
de• cidedly in the entire exhibi-
tion. We were awarded a silver nrestal
genend diplay; tirst
and silvet_enedal for the best collection
(of plums: first prize, 850, and medal for
the best collectien of hardy grapes; a
silver medal,. without a money prize, for
our colleetien of peers; secor prize,f2i,
and a bronze medal for our collection of
peachee., Our fanadian collection was
tho wunier, and remark of all present '
• It is au ol.1 but a true aayiug. thet
the praise of the envious ie far less
creditable than their cenaure. They
ordj- ',reign those whom they eau sur-
pass, but he. who excels then they cen-
"Base envy eithers another,. joy'
.and hates that excelleucei it cermet
• *is -ammo_ _
NO Risk
Theree's Evio-trie Cid! Pro•fh 'Fre/owes 444 Weir*,
ea Coll. Il• a..4.341 finyte,,,y ff not,
P210 panto -4 stayere Ilia need. It is the
cheapest Mr•Irritte ever Itiade. (Joe don.e eters-seam-
mon tioac Ono tiottin liar- mired Bilsr,-
earn& Fifty renM worth kas cured an Otr.
ATA.Nt..11•01 CUOIII. iar two bottles CUrCS hst't
P_S••• Fite.. and 10 nnri Titormsa. Six to mght
applications care Ain CASS OS ElfollIATCI! NtrPLIC•
tr INF -enure Ilaitser. ane bottle Imo cured Leer
oes of eight YOU'S litAtidil!g. 1.111/3i01 PIMA et
Tioga County, Pa., Pays! "I went
thirty miles for a bottle of your Oilwhich effected
Wortiesett.Ccac of a CRookID Liam by six "T-
oleration+. Anothef who has Lad Aarnsta for
years, pii0; •*1 hare half of a 50 cent bottle ion.
and aid would not boy it if I could get so More."
1101.111,,..11...1 Edits. N. Y., 7fItellt ',ore
small erd tie of 3our EeLlgeTTUC OIL metered the
• where the perron bad. not epoken above •
drh spnr in Fits J. Mallory, of Wy-
oming, N. Y.. writes ;•' Tour Goma raw int cured
me of Brooch:tie le "'One Week." Dealexa all ever
the country say: c hare Dew: sold a medicine
that but wren stri 11 complete satisfaciime as this."
It hi siompetel of Six of the Eferr-Ofte TS•T •RP
1• take as fur oriental use, and
is believs+1 to be luirnessureal,l) superior to any-
thing ever made. ii.01 ynu etz11.•nres
and weeny .lolhars expehm. Is field ig one et
snore &aloes eveiry nide l'riee 24 rents.
Frrnare t by N. THOW like, Ps111.1.e, N. Y.,A ad
NOITTli Gni` LYM AN. lAtwcasitt, Inn. Sok
Ateents 4, the DenLinion.
r.- V•ront lek.ted end Elsettivx1.-lm:
re-- Sold m Geflorich,*br Geo Cade, F Jordan ,
Oga rdener Co., ilayfiele,Jea, Bentham . Roger, i I le ;
J. Parked. Exeter J. It Comb*, Clinton: Pi. beeoul
illevo.s. ilinetortli; mid ail inadicit•
A lie ter1 L TIoast.-There is noth-
ing that can contrilento so much to
render the .horact beautiful and elegent,
bo improve his condition and make him
all that is desirable, as "Darley'a Con-
dition Powders and Arabian Heave
Reinedy;" it has neon used liy many
persons who own valuable carriage and
other horses with decided succesa, and
_so well pleased aro they with it that
they always keep it on hand in case of
efTwrigetleT: it may Lb. given at all times
with perfect safety. Reniember the
name, and see that the signature of
Hurd &Co. is on each package. North-
rop & Lyman,- eNewcastle, Ont.: pro-
prietors for Canagia. Sold by all medi-
cine dealers.
TIIE WAY "to mieister to a mind
eliseased," in to take Peruvian Syrup, a
protected solution of the proteeide
tree, which gives strength and vigor to
the whole system, restores the digestive
ergane to pierfect health, thereby rtittor-
ing the mind to it's natural vigor.
_aert- laid -you ever think that what a
tertned a comisom cold, when systemati-
cally neglected, often leads , to that
meet fatal and distressind disease -con-
sumption -but when attendkl to at once
is generally easy of cure. If you are
troubled_with a eold or cough • 'Bryani
Pula:ionic Wafem"willbe found to be meet
efficacious in removing it. They give
.ininiediate relief, 'and generelly effect a
cure when used in time. Sold by all
milts per 'boa.
1.ruggists and country dealers. Pri7 25
must work if we would make: Few
people live by their wits, and labour is
the natural inheritance of Gur raoe,
neeesaary home:. lea We .1 sa prexpertiv:
but se none teas el perfect
from mild:nese; it is ngitt that the beet
means of cure elsould always be 'ready.
New for colds, coughs, rheumatism,
neuralgia, cramps, cholic, time is
nothing. like the "Canadian ". Fain
Deatroter." For sale by all
eousta7 dealers. Prim) 2451=1;