HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-09-10, Page 4MMIlfeks • Ts/ensures lasorcita. —.A wig Ter aperairs Lukens was deli t he 1114est asempler's Hal/ on evening of last week by Mr. Jaloas Johnston, &gent of the I. 0. of e.t.a Templets. The aadience wait very rep spectattles. Mr. Jutuaston is a good lecturer arid is well worth hearing. 1 21b110111a TH EASSILWG MAcHTNII ACCIDENT. -.- WA uaderstmod that while Mr. Thos. KonnetIT MIA, on the 28th ult. engaged thrashing bn the farm of Jam Muulex, his haed was accidentally caught in the cylinder, taking off the, fore ingerkif the right hand near the woad joint. Mr. Kennedy repaired to the office of Dr. Campbell of Seaforth aid had his woonds dressed and he is now doing welL 1 , • 1 Ithillffot 1 Coriscti. Msenso.—The Mirnicipal CiNI*40. Ot the township ol Hallett, met 3 t L eshorongh, on tha Ilth Aug,. pars t rt., to aijoararnant. All the 1129m - bort gr at- The minittes of former in rotilog woes read and confirmod. it Wit moved hy A. lit month, strolby J. Werwiok, that John Monrin bo ap- pointed ttvern inspector under tho pro- visiot gif the amended tavern liscense AA o! lar& to enforce the provisions of said Act, end also the. Acts in tho rocital the I, at a sallary of $41 a year, and tII o gi • jobtt security of 2� for tho due and sisal performance of his duties, and that a hy-law be praonod au 1 p as - sod immtnertlanca_with jhe aline. --Car- riod.1 This by-law seas then red and pused. . Movel by ra Stayer, seconded by R. SW0'4014011, ttut a by-ltw be prepared _ and tvised, anthorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow from any bank, the nom luf $4P1), for three months, or such time:as tA t es be collected, to defray 14. current aspen ‘ -Corried. The brolaw ast then read and pissed. Mewed by A; Ifonteith, seconded by J. NVerwica, the' as the sum of 142)0 is r inbred for county purposes, and the snm .4,2131.40 for tow taship rposes, that there be ley Led awl collect d on all the retesable property of the Township for the pgasent year, forcounty rate 6 mills on tine dollar, and for township rate g mdlaiii the dollar, and alao the aftVeral a*o4ireqnired by the school corpora- tionthe to•n.ship, and that a by-law be prepartal and passed aatherizin; tho s unite o-Corried. This by-law wan then read and poised. Moved by J. Wuxi:I, socoaded by F. Sneer, that the account of E. Holmes Lorairrising and printino, amounting , to Of "-be pawl.- Carried. Thil Ccisncil then adjourned 'to meet agaid *hen called by the R.eilve. • A hpeenal meeting of tho Manicipal Cour011 of the townahip of Hullett, ca' lel by the Reeve, woo held at the house of th. Reeve on tae 231.1 inst., for the parpdas of considering what ta do, re. averting a.fallen bndge, known u Q.iig• ley's bridge. Members present where LI. Smelt, A. Monteith. J. Warwick and 11, Stephenson. The Council ' first went to view the) bridge. It was rhoved by A. Monteith, sec. by J. Witt/viols'that the Reeve and R. sten .'h be authorized to let the -re- tool ..f the badge, knowa as Qaig- ley's Ii. -Cartiol li by A. Monteith. see. by R. Stapflemson that the following accounts ire paid;vim: Wm. Sanderion $4.83 for - Knoell Cott. R. 12, 13, John Johnoton, 813.4111tfor gravot M. R. 10, 11, Thos. Ireiri for g'ravel S. W 5, 6, Con. 1; $i.- / o . ''fd72bbya.R. Stephenson, sec. loy J. Wartack, that • by-law bo prepared and pasted Ito amend by -taw No. 7 of 1873 entitled by-law tooppoint a tavern in- spector, by striking out the word forty in thrs5th line of See. 3, of said by-law aad tomerting the word seventy in place th -Carried. 6 by-law wa.s then read and passed. Jweed by J. Warwick, A00. by A. . *tit, that the Clerk be inatructed to •otifr the present tavern inepo:tors that daeir office ha% been superceded by the agmenatment ',,fan officer under the -.•••-,r .' of the tavern license act of .—Casrie 1' • -.. /need by J.- Warwick, sec. by R. itephesoon that the treasurer be author - heed to pay Thornton Wallace the sum of rat the purchase price of ono acre of laud .sni kit 31, Coil. 7, for site.for bridge and approaches there to, and procure a deed tor said land.—Carried. Vie Council then adjourned to nmet again when called by the Reeve ' JAR lloarrawarra, Township Clerk. NotioOk oarin.--Itires% Cocoa- -Guesser. awe Tont.-"BIF • tAmongle kaowledg• of the !awe widen govern the operations of dries- -Wei end nutrition, and by a woeful epplication of fine properties KIWI selected cocoa, Mr, Epps provided our breakfast tables with • delicately vend bormage which may wave US THOTy doctors' bills."-Civit service Gazette. Made stmelv wiih Boiling Wateror Wilk. Zech packet is label led -"Jelin tires 4 Co.„ Monacoopa•hic Chemists, London.° lisherac-rarre or Cocei-"We will now give an siecomat of the process adop•est by Messrs James Bops 8 Co., manuflacturem of dietetic articles, at their works in the Kasten Road.London,°-CosseiTs Bourrielti Grids. .BOGUS MEDICINES. Holloway'a Pine and Ointment. I HAVE for a considerable time pest a considered it to be my duty to adver- tise the public of the British North American Provinces against buying from unprincipled dealers medicines emanating from New York, and sold u my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," in which much ingenuity hal; been dis- played in passing them off as of my make, It is very difficult indeed to at- tempt to enumerate the many devices to which the parties have had recourse. They say, amongst other things, that a new label hu been adopted by them, and with barefaced effrontery caution. the public against being deceived by 'prima imitations. A poor man by the name of Efolloway is employed by the so-called Chemical, Compang in Now York, who lends his name tinsel:midi weekly mina. The, med- icines sOld by this Company are palmed otf upott,the public as my "Holloway's piljs mid Ointment," so that were they to inirtro half the community no discreet it would fall upon the fabricators of these co noounds, but would considera- bly damage tho reputation of my make. fAs it is not at all neoessary for this f•Rew to incur any expense in the sale of their productions, or to a very limit- ed, extent (trading as they do my name), they aro in a position to offer them at a very low price iti Canada, where they areourchaaod by a few Wholesale Hotises that I can name, and will name heroaftor, if they continuo to tone" the 1 ciiild was recently born in Amherst - having two grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and a step- ost-grandmother living. .., H °Mon, disputing abotit tho pr) - ma oa of the word "either'' -one saY al wan ea char, the either i-ther- aortal to refer the matter to the • first Peript6 they met, who happtinel to be an trislonatu, and who.confohneloii both le V declaring ''it's uayther. for it'say ther.' 1 A patent solf-regulaiing wind mill has hewn put into successful operotion in Petrone', for the punks° of pomping oil. It is efainied that this power is sufficient to work tile pimping apparatus of many • tiod will consexmoutly'affeet a *wing in stum, and lessep the cost, of pa production of oil. ' i ..........-....--. Auer/rot Boasx.-There is noth- ing hag elm ooktributo So much to runait le '4 is desirable, as " Darley'Con. 0 the horse beautiful Auld elegant, to i preeo his conditiou and make him all ditosu P.wders and Arabia.n Heave Rensedy," it has boon reed by many perigee who own valuable carriage and othsr horses with decided success, and so melt Ipleaud are they with it that they alwaors keep it on hand in case of entattgettcr: it may be give') at all times wit perfect safety. Remember the 11741141, ihticl we that the signature of Hurl Co.4is on each package. North- rop It ;Nyman, Newcastle, Ont.; pro- Pnetoils• for Canada. Sold by all tooth- dii! . TIS. , CI OM gff . rtraor LIT -Life has no value far as we use it for per- fect our souls, or for enriching cur eiE. f minds with • noble aptalities and for spreading happiness around us: but we hav• daily proofs of the great value of the kConadian Pain Destroyer" in sub- duing tlie torturtng pains of rhueroa- ha wanralgia, etc, 'and removing pain ril sISf3 nature from the body. For solo 0s 1 Druggists and country deal- ers. Prise 25 cents per bottle. 1110 11I3k. Erenseic WortATeii.1 demo de Weir ht Do god Ladd sageleilag of 01 net, - alma,' stay where it I4 geed. 11 ti the •MiesiMis• ern made. One dome ore., 'fissoar. One bottle hael cured limp teats worth has ured aa ffmAnerivile Comma Otte or twe bottles cures err remiss sod K %err Twaelek&a.. 55 10 slim owe Oen &ST ekes0 eteellIATto Nome* es, o Banaer. Oe• bottle Ma cured Laitir Nem .0. eitiga ailners strreethig. Nand Plank, et Cewasy, ens: "1 west tbr • bottle co your Mollie% efloose4 stn. Cote isf aceo.es feu. by six mo- lten -thee wise hoe lent Ama. tor "1 have half tof • 10 cent bottle -Reft, .of nada. M. wrap: 'Vac wood salt 111 mould get no mom" Reedeneet :Wolk of our scrum On rerierom toe wimps*. person Irend *et spoken above Ira ineas." Rec., J. Mallory, of Iffy. T.. wroes;" Tour gelleICTIM Olt elated ta "Om Week.° Dealer* ea song mg: " We have Reeks sold • reedier's nemplete satiotactien as this." of Bin of the Bane Orbs rest •art 111 good to Woo ser fog robsenal ma sad ho lamissennelaidy gaper'se to Ka- meda. Will save you lunch statennu earners of expense. 19 mid lay ono of WW1 gismo IPrnw 15 Mat*. cm:P:Ille. Fugue, M. T., tied telltart, Ne4110arreL/e Oat. Bele --Illshosted sad ItMetrund.-iant. gaglinterisle, 5. 0.0 Onetly. Andrea • .BnySerd%Jee. Dembunt ite(eztliase• Itso"er. W Combs. Clinion; S. Ibinfarth; mid eal moolgte f tough or °old shod with, often when neglect - into serious and gen- teel pulatonsry disease. The swue of this, romptly 's Pittman.) Wafers ' a ears- hot austeined its reputation look run -they sr! airsys refill* must bemanbl Oftbrossidal sod online.- b/41.1 Dniggistesn4 33 eta. per same. The following are the names and ad- dresses of some of the Houses who get my medicines groin here direct: - Messrs, Avery, Brown at. Ca., 'Italitax, N. S. Messrs. Forsyth & Co„ Halifax, N. S. 3lessrs. '1'. B. Barker & Sono, St. John, N. B. Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P. E. t. r. Messrs. Langley.h Co., Victoria, B. c. Messrs. Moore ikCo, Vict*ria, B. d. My Pills and Ointment Ire sold It the lowest wholesale liot p'riges, in quanti- ties of not lessthan E2t11 worthvist, 8s. Gil 22s., 341. porflosen boxes of Pals ar pots of Ointment, for which re- mittauees tnnst bo sent in advance. Thesa 'medicines are not sold in the Unite. States. - EA Pot and rt,iX of my preparations 'bears he -British Government Stamp, with dm words "-Holloway's Pills and Ointment,. Lt1don." iSigned) THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 333, Oxford Street, W. C., London July 1, 1873. 1381 • ryt. ELBR'S -(30311? /11ND RUM R 1,1 Phosphate. Anil- Cpsaya to the ',est Tonle in nee, beeiroe' it is foe. nyet-.pheciological, being comysiSSI of ingrediento wailutely emeatial to th• development of thesystyw. It speedily relieve. inilizedion, promoting e vig irons appetite. anil hearth; entrition, 511 ea., of general debility, srisingfrom -wastMg diseases. suela as Cc.nsurup- tion.ricrofula, all ilise id the skin, of th- 1.1.....1. prosiratiou of the nervona system, Iwo:meted mental exertion, anxiety, or aver w ri avid derive immediate beankt • from it. frelii.-1•.'y beginning with the first dom. It Is a cordial to take, snit ita 22e may berpro- tr.v.ted for en inilednite periol leitlkont beriorning i•yel. %Mt to the patient. DR. J. BELL SiMPSON'S Specille :and Tonic Pine. Ttill t -r esto Lisa item fiov FILI NIRV. on. crshility; Spectiatorrlici Nt..turnal sion of trie eenerstive oilcan*, Palpitation of the Heart. Steeplesemea, the effect of ovecindnigenee le aleoholie stimulants and tohae- ee, Dr. J. BELL .313IPSON•31 Pills are the only 0760-1 for the above dilemma, and axe nevi' r known 1 (ate. They . hare ;already cured hurel mils in thte tourney. Rohert Arthur, inaehin- 1.5. 1141iteton, tett',11,4 to his recovery by Met! me. Safe. certain mail r4a4 in &ilium, • short trial will prove their effreacy.,-,No sufferer need desnAir of Ming relieve/ from the frightful effects of :time - Airco, • The -Specific Pills are sold by ternggist• at St.o0 a hoi. invt the Tonle Pills at 00e. a Mix, er they will be seat by owl. postags pre -paid, tad we. -pal from ohaervation. 0 rebeipt of 01.00 Esr thy Speeitte. aost 14e. for the Tonic Pills by J. BELL SIMSSOK di CO.. Drawer 91 I'. 0. Hiunilion. Sold' b.. all Who'csale ant Retail Druggists. ra1611.111,t fin app!ic.tt'.ort., lis" Molls ANT ' COM1POUND SYRUP OF RYPOPHOSPHITES 110 • f. -Ong disease .1i.p1arol hy thie •:.4 Ie.ti.trable seknoylislged hy the facnIty in every :section Where it hos Mtn taro -Mei -I : the rapidly iiarreasing role is the hest LI -3,0•3.: tlic defamation tu wh, tr it is bIt by C.. polo ie. .. syr:ii.nifl •tire.;.ittlinninare eoutotinption it' the hief advagers ; will it'itee V. -At re!icl • neng 1,1, in tho third. It wed titre Asthma. tiettedett4. Uteighi and Cola.. It nrt .ill ortinallini; from want of %Insert], action ,ind Ne Miens Folso.'euel. a. Enlargement of the Soleen, vetetia, ItiCketa. Fitehleand I rrVizular .• 4the Hew. E.t.a a44 Rencral reminds, • --64,t3 of V art. It seinen] 4. Leuvorrhaea. Ah temla, abst restores the blool to purity ant 1 Oh Sold By ' Apothecaries. g1.50 Six for gi.so. JAME:4• I. FEt LLOWS,' CHEM 1ST ST. JOHN, N. B. Golcriel Sket. 41.11 1011., ' • • 4 - TILE GREAT FEMALE RE4E1)Y Jobiloses' Periodical Pills TiIII3iNI15LUA1lI.PMEDICINE ht UNFAILING n the rfe of all those pet inlet and daneerous diseasrs 10ugh tett the fensuie constitution is sue,eet. II newleratelall execs* and removes all obstructions and • speed* eure ma- In relied on. !SAARI RD LA 0111 4 11i restrperiod wan resent:Us.stuied. 11 win, in a short um., brag oet the use 717 r.41o K olieef net is room es Semites 'MeHe at e VI St FIRER .VONTHSiqf Prepaonev.iti-dery are rwre to ea Jlidearriaga. 5.4 .2 map otherstom Asp are 8, in al mese of "lemon. and Spinal affection s,pat n itt the hied Limbs. Irey.4.tre or stightexertion.Pa!pi- tali ot the heart Flystffram. wad Whites. these Pills win feet • erne wirrn •Il ioher means have failed, end a though a mwertu, r rnedy, donof contain iron, ealoniel, antimonyor anything Mullett° the ooristi- Gen. Pui lterIne in the primehlet aronndeach package WITIC it should be earefully preserved. Jan 1.10.4ea, NEW Taittr, Mot I 1011:PRIETOR. 1.00 WWI cents for tiostage, enclosed to Northrop Lyman. Newcastle, rad , general agents for dee Dominion,will insure a bottle containlzut .1.5 60f ills by...rinern men. NORTHRUP & L YEAR Newcastle, G 6V.,gener• *grate for Canaan kr Sold t a rt,wlerich by Parker 17'0 lea ad Y, Jordan; flaicliner at Co., gay', Jld ;Joe.. Bentham, Kamm le; .1 Pick•rd,k tete, J. H. comb.. Minton, S.S.corti,Lockuowtg. Hick; 8on tart 41: SI *dune. littalsis. C%NADIt PAU% DESTROY.. Lig . AS A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS well and favorably known, relieving throne/Ids from pain in the Side, Bark and Bead, Coughs, CoUs, 8.,re Throat, Sprains Bruises, Crimps in the ,*ognaet, Cholera Aforbos, Dysentorw, Bowel Compleirmts, Burns, Scalds, Frost 'Bites, • eke. The Canvlian Pain Destroyer has now bees re- fers the pnhlic for • length of time, and wherever need be well like'', never failing in a single lustance to give permanent relief +rhea than, need, ,And we have never known a single ateausractems, Imre the (Grottoes hare 'wen properly followed. but on the emetrary. all ate deltsdifti with it* operations, sod mama i it the highest tonna alto virtues and magi- cal //Sect. We speak from experience to the matter, having hosted it thoroughly and thereltwe thorn who are twittering from any of the complaint. for which it is rerramonderkmaydepend upon it baize a Sovereign liernallY. Was utestssiss seftex of the Canadlaa Pain De- =ZI• caring ih• Center. for which it is recent - and tie omelette,' effects in subduing the tostentene pares of Ilthesamatism. and in relieving Wermen Affections MUT* it to bigh rank in the Tait fiemedlea. orders Mese:wing in frau Medicine Denims gnat parts et thoecuutr. ter furthest nip - =and mete leetifytng as to the usovereal eatIa- It 0'- T. Opeallon Pain Destriyer never tails to eve innamilhdo relief. All Medic -Ice Nelms keep It as Pleveleinne order and use It; and no family will be witmag 11 eater trYine 14. Price. rlv Twentv-tIve Cents per bottle JMIP'Sold in Goderich. bv Gee. Cattle, Ir. Jordan; Gardiner Co Bayfield; Ju. Benthom, Rogerville: J. Pickard, 11. Csonhe, Clinton; 8. Seeerd, XIMIMbge01. Hickson, Fseaforth ; and an 111111kbe dealers. Gedseisb.Doe. 29,1871. w 56 g Lands for Sale BY E, WOODCOCK, CONVE VANCE@ AIM Land Agent. OFFE'ft-Borner of West Street, Goderteh. A Valuable Farm QITUATED in the second concession of the Waiters Division of the Townelep- of Colborne, about four miles front Goderich, con- taining 200 acres of good land, nearly half of which is cleared and fres from stumps, with Brick House, Barns, Ste- bles, Workshops, &e. There is a good bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit on tho estates. Well watered. Title indisputable. Terms easy. E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Lend Agent,G oderich. Valuable Bush Lot. ipt KING composed of Lot No 5, con cession 10, in the Tovrnahip of Turnberry, containing 100 acre's. The soil is mixed from black loam to sandy Loam, with a never failing creek runntng through the lot. Timber one-half Beech and Maple. the remainder Cedar, Pine and Bern - lock. Soil heavy. This lot io very valuable, being situate within one mile of the Railroad, throe miles from the village of Balinors, six miles from Wroxeter, 'and seven miles from Wing - ham. Title good. Terms to suit the purchasor. For further particulars, ap- ply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Ageut,Goderich. A Good Farm, SITU ATE 'about six miles from God°. rich, on the 5111I con., E. D., of the Township of Colborne, containing 100 acres, 80 cleared and mostly under cultivation. The soil is good, varying from sandy loam to heavy black loam. There is a splendid creek running through the lot -also a small bearing orchard. To be sold cheap. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Farm, SITUATE on the 10th con. oi the Township Of Grey, within 1/ utiles of the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a large quantity of good Cedar. About 5 acres cleared witIO0 Log House, &o: Soil ex- cellent. Title indisputable, the pre- sent holder being the Crown patentee. Terms easy. . For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Desirable Farm, Qat: ATE on the 8111 con., Western Division of the Township of Colborne, on the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 miles front Goderich, containing 50 acres of excellent land in a high state of cn'tivation. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Desirable Farm, s ITCATE on the Huron Road in the Township of Goderich, about 2.1miles from Town, within five walk of an English Church, containing 93 odes, about 70 of which are cleared and fru from stomps, with rood Brick House and Frame Barns, &c. Large bearing orchard, and well watered. Title good. This farm will be sold very cheap, considering its commanding po- intim', and on reasonable term+. For particulars amity to E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Lani Agent, Goderich. A 'Valuable Farm. SITL'ATE on the Huron Road in the Township if Godeneh, about four miles from Town, contain- ing 100 acres ,of first-rate land, with good Frame House, Barns, Stables, ac. God orchard Of choice fruit trees and nelver failing -creek running through frent of lot. Terms easy. For particu- lars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Cool Farm. eITUATE in the Fourth Conecasion of the Eastern.. Division of the . Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres of land, one mile from Dungannoto 60 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation. There is on the premises a good log House and a log Barn. Soil, clay loam. front of lot light. Well watered with Nine mile creek running through the lot. There 12 0120 a good Orchard of choice fruit on the lot. E. WOODCOCK,' Conveyancer and Lout Agent, GodefIch. Two Excellent Farms. hi; I TUATE ou tho Gravel Road be- twcen Welton and Brussels in the Township of Grey, containing each 100 acres. A geod Log House, Barn and Orchard on each lot, 65 acres clearest These farms will be sold separately or together as may be desired. - Soil excellent. -Terms easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Fr HAT valuable building site, "uitable -IL fora first-class Villa Residence, be- ing composed of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, and 31, in the Wilson Survey of the Torn of Goderich,containing in one block, two acres of land. The above eligible property has a frontage of about 330 feet oo the Huron Road, and is well stocked with choice fruits. To be sold on reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, Office, corner of West street, Goderich. Valuable Town Lots, Lot No. 992, situate on the North side of West Street in the Town of God- erish. A splendid situation either for business or private reaidence. Leit No. 255, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God - oriel', one quarter of an acre. Lot No. 1318 on the luron Road, in the Town of Goderish, one fifth of an acre. Lot Legrer `_C" in the Village of Maitlandville,(or Bridgend place) with a good house thereon erected and garden well stocked with bearing fruit trees. E. WOODCOCK, Land Agent and Conveyancer. Orrice -Corner of West St., Goderich. 1377 RESIDENCE FOR SALE, IN 1111 '1'0 NV13. of' G-oderich. A FRAME HOUSE con- ' s• Mining seven bed -rooms, pulour, dining -room, kitchen, pantry. hard and soft water, dic.Tho grounds, 11 aeres,is par tly stock- ed with choice fruit. A superior view of the Toren' and Lake can be had from this place. Apply to FRED. ARMSTRONG, 1384t1 Land Agent, Goderich. MONEY CO LOAN, $500A PRITATZ FUNDS. la ammo of $1100 V and upwards em the secality of Pal 1state, No deteation, mum* valnaiMa 01Bertett7 otriwee ood 44.4Mill1t3014 el Title. If esdisfaistery tumorV At...wed same day as appliestion. Apply to O. TRL SY a N, Valuator ter the Trust anti Loan Co. of Caress, 13 'Ain' Dederick, Par •P • people, of either sere CIL money at work tor as all the time. Ahem at free. Adireao 01171411r1WIA 13.147 Arent. wanted • of workbag e. .5., make neon te memento, at Parton/are dit CO., Itertkart.ituie L. 8. VLIABON, Sewing ?Whine, PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, AND LGRICULTUILLINPLEIENT Catf£ INT - Showrooms, next door to the "Signal" 0814 Goderich. AP' MA. MEGAN and myself are the ONLY AGENTS - FOR TUE — FLORENCE odSewing MIchine Iln G erich and vicin- ity. 1368. The Ikespeler SEWINII MACHINE IS THE PEOPLE FAVORITE, AND gives unitersal satisfaction, it is the roost simple, durable and the lightest runnh machine now made (of the cheaper nd) and will sew much heavier rnsteris than any other, IV is just what the fa ors have long wanted and is warrant in every case and kept in repair free o charge for one year by the oompany. ke my advice and buy no other. Se ing machines of any other make sup ed to order at regular rates. I am als4 agent for ill kinds of Agricultural I laments. Office and show Iroonu at AJ P. McLean's Clothing Store, East Stre t, Goderich. J. A WEATHERALD 1354. THE "v EBSTER" SE WIN MACHINE, The General Fatrorite Throughout the A Canadian ion, and Unprere- dented Success A ending it P:reryichere. IT IS STRONG 514 DURABLE, Eau ARO OH; TO WORK, Hti NO COGS OR CAWS; Arid teal do Eve Kind of Work, Light o Heavy. , — The most comip ete set of Attachments given with every'Machine. See THE WE iTER before buying any other. MANUFA TJRED BY THE Canada Sewitig Machine • CO°J, nAsnif,Tos, ONT. June 13, 18734 1374-3m SOMET INfi NEW! PrIHEn A8 ES- tablished AIL such et his Toronto Sewing Machiner epoiring Works, C where/Mil kinds of Bewinq will be repaired, class running o Having had sonie ..f the la tortes in the, ;a satisfaction. • Workshop - office, Clinton. MR. L. S. W office, Guderich, and take orde Machines tered and put in first -years experience in t mischine malodor - Id he can guarantee , Clinton, 10th it door to Neff, Era LSON, next to SION ti, will receive machismo THOMAS GOBERT. wok, 1873. 1360 IF YOU WANT FINE ALE Browi Stout, WhDE BY TIIOIAS SPENCER OF 'Jr I? (3 I t 1/1 TO' D. FE GUNN'S, HAMIL 1369-6m ON STRIET, OODERICA. ,THE Very Tlang Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In Gr -00/34 12 ICI -1 OPPOSITEMARKET- HONE. SIGN OF TH CIRCULAII SAW TtillFIB elcarBE Hap ToS A T 7.(A T TPIET harelltte put nrimpl• . opening out an Eli tire New and COMPLE1AE STOCK OF HARDWARE. ef &Weds which wilbaceLsold at mem that defy competitiou. Before mg elaerwhere. Flakes give US Cw11. 11.-1ist of (Medd Sold. aext week. G. H.PARSONS lk CO Opposite The Market House Sedertar Juno Wird: FOB! BALL ?['14E undersigited offer fur sale the un. d.rm.atione Janda, belonging to the itsitisto of • late HUMAN R. Hoentrroz, viz Aloe, the N -east quarter of Lot No. 12, in the Ftoenth Coacession of the Township of Iombra, in the County of Lainbton, 50 e.s, more or leas. For terms and articular. of sale, ap- ply to the and ed, personally, or by letter, to 81. (lathering' Post Office, Box 468. ANGUS VOOKE, AARON,RELD, Executors. Grantham, 30t4 May, 1873, 1373 • 1 ' NEW BOOKS, Wall ]'aper, &C. WHOLESALE&RETAIL AT BUTLER'S BeautifulAssortment • le JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEILVELO, and to be sold OHEAP AT' BUTLEAt'S Fishing. Tackles, fjp ALL ENDS. O118iTiq op REELS BaSK KT& BA ITS BOORS -ad LIN Els .of Uivll,lbII \I • ISSLLING AT COST AT BOTLEICS. 14re0.e5.19UCA ug..1i70. 111;10 4.4 set01 •"" 11===1 feet) Pi\ \ !II fLIWATC11 111 altNizo.stotsbio for Ladies WW1 Gettta, both ill Via/met silver, But the leconIpsa1i.11g .eit repre- sents. in liroreetroportlOpll THE $25 RUSSELL ROM LEVER WATCH, - In iterliug silver Celle and 11o1.1 points, full jewelled, warranted for foe vears - together with a gild plated Albert chain- si Li10 ch will sent.to any part of Can- MAon ,receipt efP.7., or t'. 0. tit, Pet ell'"'""' W. E. CORNELL, Watch Import. r, 13 Ring Street East, TDRONTO. ONT. • •434.44i, _ . • •••• • , • OPENED OU AGAIN. DOUGLAS TalcKENZIE - Watchmaker & jeweller, 1) ESIRES to return la. sin:, te ,th.oies 1 11,.• pubite for tee patroinge ext,aded lute In tie past, and to OnliOlince that 1*5... reunorl to- Di, twenties, on It inveton Street, fortnely Oceripir • Malone hy Harry' Reel, and ilfreetiv Oppeetie elatVA.10tr. whit,h lie nib d tip i1.lira( clans .tyte. Ile vetoed o'all i‘tetti.41 attent.on to the „ RUSSELL ,NVATea • for lire s 'lc of 51,1.1, be 0 -,•iit 01 1:60.Tieh A k 1.1., r.• o •,.•, F;',;iiiaticleiste; Watches in 11.41 .11.1 :AIR el. twartii. Jle hs. n .1 I I I. .9. eel wed o liv(elstibt.01 .-Ni7fiT 3r,, MI M. II. ..t. of al 1, 1.• h he will sell cheap. REPAIRING DONhl AS USUAL' A (ALI sOLICITED. • KENZIE. Colo 11., Slut h 1673 1203 " Iron. in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Syrup, a P•olect- ed Solution of the Protoj,.ide of Iron, is so combined as to hare the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own- Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures ,,a thousand ills," simply by Toning up,Inrigorating ark/ Fitalizing the System. The en- riched and vitalized blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tion*, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of thc won-. derful success of this remedy ire curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar- rhcea, Bolbi, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Lou of Consiitutiotuti Vigor, Diseases of the lihIneys and Bladdep, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac- companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Akohol, in any form, its energising effects are not fa- il:11DM by corresponding reac- tion, but are permanent, infu- sing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con- stitution. Thousatuls hare been changed by the u.e of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea- tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; anti itsvatids cannot rsasonably hes- itate to give it a ericd. Bee that each bottle has pERu. vIAN SYRUP uown ire the plass. Paruptileta Vreo. .1. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, Nee as Dey St., New Week. 100k1 bV 1-.)rmirgl5.rs ranorealky. 174C/It ATths SIGNAL OffiCO3 & partial scholar- ship fora course of instruction in the Dominion Telegraph Institut*, Toronto. Will he sold at a redoztion to anv one desirous of spending a portion of the winter in learning telegraphing, and fitting themselves for s useful and re- sponsible position. Goderich, 23r4 Nov. 1872. --- Notiooto TIc..-latores A LL P RTIRS INDINTE.1) TO 711K lt Li scribe will pleas* nay up at once. Oolareh. ital.Oct. 1671. ABRAHAM SMITII. DANIEL* GORDON, 1 OADII4ET MAKLIJORDANS DRUG STORE, uptiounTRER, tfixelcsi•teshi.e.r, ciao. MP -OWEN. otTir • • • - —• GENERAL AGENT FOR THE $01, - LOWING IN sritunb:Yrs.• Organs and Melodeon., R. S. Ail - Hams, Toronto; Pclunbet, Peltoo 4 co, New York. 7'k..9-1VC061 oUNIOLn, NECO.'S, No AB,sr BARMOAE 1‘..t.711 tiI..11111 " " CHICKERING 1t4ston., .6 66 11%110Ts* 6) 6( Can furnish elmost all eiillatliet and Anicrican Maker's Instruments ou Ions tomtit purchasers- for old' or on newel at loss than Ntaimfacturer price. 1 , Goderich, Fula 27; 1473. is. 4, ERIC IKAY1, .Cabinet uphoistcr4r, &C. fl EOM mett r.4 as 0 thank401:41,Itt,:titoli..4.54.1. Ilk 01 tINi 1 t wo isib• 0 Ito 5. all ,r40144144 an4 lit.eral p.ttrovulp44, 1111: I 'been Intaittea4. 41"11. 1 artir,len in hie I as 7' TT RoT I • T.T 05.411rir.scio oNs. • PILLOWS BOLSTERS - MATTRAiiSE'S, Cheat, to Co. ANooN :mon .sr NOrICE. mutts pittass kept land and in order. Ming on hind assortment COFFIN TRI MING, , preor 1 1 ,C.,. os na on the s rteirt r.01,41.4i1.1 :0 1,1111411: OU *tut moat aide term,. in...Menem r the obi stall WESit '''• t10. VII* if llontres Godeftch. FetallT. E I! ' ExtenciveNewPremiiies A 1D Splend;d New Stock. C. Barry caYiirt N, Turner rr...a.31101=-8"11 ORM .1 Bro. t 6L takers , ' sod 1•T Have the 4re t40 the odor nett( •bier to W. Aclive0uV4 Berndt! Shop, where II be boded A GOOD ASSOPTSCE ! kitelen. • . and Par sr tt Lt.:Ural such rsntrs. - ClIAlltsb,r. "an. Xnd 11,04.1 tA liS BE; OSTV 14) STAN q1, 11515.' kl ATLI: sE,S WHATNOTS... LOOKI01 GILT E11.1111r. Ey G. 11 ff sr, preplan 4 t ell every . their line Cheap for Cash. H A ro,pletS nt aft•iiffins and • ed. slway. onbauil and a tics...1. ; al on tour midi terns, A pal, soi4crrED. (isclerich. I: Atig1S70• , 4- • "A Large Soul in a malI Bud FAA. GLA 4 .___. -Threltbo4 catrep il • is our 1 • ' $70 Orgns. win.: th,Ltris1 ;1 g emir ff.,All iner ea; Sit customers for their liberal pato Hugo and cmiti.lCiiew for- the put yi'ar and which n-'.' itill hope to ratior. I we old tete ketfullv call their (11.. 1.1 ion" t.a uIsr sty e No, fit, '1'! l" to, n beino a tare, DOilble 11.4.1. 11.' .o4aIet 1a1 vo strablu instrument for ;I Vanceil 11 Pia:Mate or parties ,u.liic nog them tor the pitioofarte: paid 1 as a parl. strument, it iultedit doer rt (part:see Our No. 30 is the Mu\ le 4• GI. :Mit i eat style,an& nods/t. lenitive,. 0 r No. 32 is prom -mimed by'. all r leo • lave sectoit to be the finest llistriintent i the world fur the priee;•thie or:Sash: two complete setts moo as "ti 110. witl two additional liolf sato v , Hautli. 511.1 Vox Celeate, inalimg . our 'tette rom midil:C0 p 111el, te.. loctayesof !at ie, parties who make thisi line tof 1 uratru- mento; and 0.0 mile-Us:11 satisr.. tion they havo given, 'and tilo inttuens I/41E- 61111m Organs, show t at they` a ap- preciated soul enconfiv ca tie to tate them A opeciality. • . no agents, at all t•es crfiele tial- IyAsopipicliitcaedti.ons, for atm rice. whe WO have For Illustrated Catal tee, Add ' A. l'. II tt(1):11treithc. t. , • jai,' 1st. 1‘.7.). - . 1` Iv. P*47—.2 : COMPLETF Ten Fir3! Prix (I1 e 4 Ex. W. BLL ,& CO GUELPH, ONT. , Received Every 1First 'P ize iR -8! C rgans & 11.1C10(IP At Die Provireiel Exhibit)on, ilan lib 'CU tral SiLlbtUos, Guelph. ° This grand success, in allition t� last Te Silver Medal, . 1 curt of • a uLpienols, avid it 11 Flritt Er Prove that on r Ihstrio.unts I Die 014,1401 Cd cow; Want jalges are incomparably supeTIOVW al' other., , Sole Proprietor, end 1Kannfartnrers of tbe i , . ORGANETTE, :-..' ' Containing Scribner'. rated QualifYingtbely .1kn.. lenged by .11 1, fie' 115 fretterlillipT9 Mehl yet intro! uceil. Their imperloray is 'miter bY other makers tram the feet that at buyr they withdrew tom emetietitlint. Alms actuoni*JrmS ,.. tbeir Inability to innvete nit, thcfc• _Brea,- iustruturni fay Irar4anted far fivelyears. Meted fur eatatogue contaluis . ' r Illy differin tat*/ of instrumento. . • , . W. 1tEtt4c4i. beer's. oct. is, I en. 113 and - tOTI 1. 1,40 theLL:stAltroa&TERiasSit.aritBr.wiTtuDiredT0kw.pill: hipnol 011ie ors don• prt ATMWOM 40 the nioleesigeod. Goierk.h. 4,41.21.tHAsMwsagtdiveTtr. Market Square, Godekich. GODEMCII. 'FOUNDRY. 111,1•iie 15-4A74.4E.V.i6114"2-• Wort K TA. min.: undersigned hatvinz tot& Ma Huron Foundry property and 1 stock to the " Goderich youndry and SlannfaCtunng Company," begs to thank the phIrd tor their iilierak support fin the past nineteeb. years, and trusts that they will continuo to send their orders to. the .New Company. tho 'CODER1CII ' ,• R. RUNCLIKAN . . . Ooderielt, 10th June, 1872, . ,. - -•• • . sAaNwD MILLS,B OI L EIISSA, . . . Referring to the above Notice, 0 . FOUNDRY AND IIRANU- VAtMtiitING COMPANY beg to inform tho aublic that Marti ars prepared tojoontract for WING .11fACHINES, 4.e. STEAMFLU li, ,EIRGI SI TN ENGINES Cln Aland II:0N AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS. CULTIVATORS, . STRAW CUTTERS, kc., SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, SII.A.,3111` WAGGON BOXES, ke„ . COOKIiVG, PARLOR k BOX STOVES of various kinds. 1-,ALIN S Maxie to C/rder, Iron and Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Work. BOILERS AND sALr PAN 3 REPAIRED on short notice, Twenty to thirty Horse -power Tubular Boilers Generally 00 hand for Sale. ar Ail Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re- ceiye prompt attention. ROBERT RENCIMAN, General Manager. GEORGE NI EBERGALL, . Manager Agricultural Department, Goderich, Ont., lOthJune, 1872. HORACE HORTON, President, ARCHIBALD HODGE, t Secretary and Treasurer. 1.325 GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. 172. et • TflIIE sEIA.isti:‘ SUBSCRIBERS. WIIlL5.AXIS:7117411C THANKS Fun PAST PATRONAGE. DEO I,Res STATE that turift.: the past winter, tiny have Added largely_!0 their Manufacturing Machines. An4 all having been entirely ratted, Aro ncw grepared t..) Execute Orders i- ts Tweets- Full Cloth. , .n dcl Wineeys, 1.11Ankrt it, Morse Covers, Stocking Yams, Iv., ie WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and NeeVr in Pattern Than Formerly. They ent.1! sisc eall artieulat attention to -0181.031 • SPINNING, ROLL CARDING, CLOTH DRESSIMi &-e Eior whfri,th.dfrainiainery is 4..7114 A 1 tpte.lrattie tenting from • ilistsece with aced 10 t carded, iff 1. 5the Kom with o. 1). V,06.of..N1rr,114.t.I .G.Ti.,16.0.641 rely en g•Iting thet. :r -0k leone with them tll'ealpficolsy 1115.1.5. Their enoi for geoids will Gad it to their interest to give the .171..}.1'..04 .!,.1.-*4.1;ic'i% Love, Prst-cless euararit. 01. JOHN INGLIS & SON "--)*A"'"'1"" rr NTIO C '1R,P.IAGE WORKS, t. _ -11i-l'' `I 1 .0 i *,......,,,x.. „.. - .. .- ,.. . •.. .,,,f ............., 11. 3_ WHITELY! REGS TO THA.N1•: TlIE PUBLIC fur tho litia4a1 patronage accorded him in the past mod -to annouuce. that he still carries on CARRIAGE Ss SlEGIII MAKING iu tall rt., branchro at the old stool, °moil . E. MAR:MX.8 'COLBORNE HOTEL. Carriages, Buggies, Waggons and cverythino eke in his lino kept OH hand or made to order of the best •material and in tfio most workmanlike manner., • nerainte0 TROMPTLY eeseursm. Goderich, 2gth Feb. 1873. 1358 PARTIAL LIST of good,' for sale at Parson's at Cti'd new Hardware Store, opposite the ,Market 110010. NAILS, GLAS.S, PUTTY, j _ CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES-, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, - LEATHER BELTING, all lista, WHITE LEAD, all prices, BOILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. - TURPENTINE, And all kinds of Stoves! Stoves 1.1TA_rmvirA_RE. For Sale Cheap, ST G. N. Parsons & Co. Oppoeite the Market House, C3 -01;0E11,1013 June, V, 1871. t 7 e GoderictMarble workE 1111)151 er 1%T. Ni1C7- 3114 PET Eve Timenns Aso COMMUTING PIPE CISTERN PURRIFS, LIMY 11,111. Le. 110A1N ANI) Ir.A.24.41rfi jalthATditheTirlixi/LTneardTTILY RAVE Scott, • Vanstertie 00'• for Sale or to £ct. ARM:F00.- OALE -sofa 10,6witihON Thip !tf:G2NodD. wit*, ow the' Betylkdsl Road, two and • hall almi:f2faa • antithoneTsopiratingofeGodreekerincihn,.. containing 81 ammo, 75 cleared and under suluvution, well watered with ning through the Lot, a large bearing Orebe.rd of chinos grafted Fruit, a good large hewed Log House • Frame Barn 54x32, stabling and driving shed with a large, hay loft 5207, with other out buildings end it good pump at the barn yard. This ixoperty will be sold Cheap for Cash or on terms to snit purchasers ALSO Lnt No. i1170,sitnatedthe North gtofEsgtSt.. inthe TownofGd7 ' °h,neiitheaaarosastatiot,001 taining on.414arto.f:scre with a good Frame Hoes* and Frame Stable. and a feu: icfruiTtRutressEmcatdensd.rigocodh. well. This property will be sold Cheep for CalkoriLgs :APPir Cth. SHAN NON, on the promisee, Gedipekh, 25411 Jan. 173._ _1354 COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. elf -Coal- Oil Lamps, &c. 011 Iron. Copper, Brass, Woo; Pickiogs and Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J. h J. STORY. *r Sign of the Large Coal Oil Barre Goderich, Aug 15, 11/70 _ awl STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL Has beam general use for the past two years aad giving the bait satotfact ton, as may be men by tee- timonials troll nosy of the leading Mama in Ontario. 11 .111 not Aintree' in the cohletit weather, 11 1. therefore suitable 1, the %Merit .21fastest., &swell ae:14".. heaviesE7llhiesTkii1;10.re. TTi1 A L Frain Kir • Jowl,* Hail )(aril:Bo 013.., ohs* a. coseider Stack's at 51.00 Per Vallole• then *live oil at h0 cents To. rAGrospec .Law Pr sale °illy by ,1 311 G, . PARSONS se 001,2., AHcardarrewa, re Merchants, Goderich. R - CU'rriNG TOR:a. to the nid stand of Mr A. W. Johnstos Gederich, &lid Will be ab'e to supply -Tombstones, Mantlepieces, &c., Wiedow Sills, &c., dic„ hest 4141e of workomaabip anti en reasonable rms. GAVIN RTUTRERS, Agent. eederieli 17th Jai). sw93-t JaA,M3 for SALE AT BAYFIELD. The Confessionsof an invalid, pUBLISEIND as • warniu( and for the benefit of Young Men mid others whesufterfrom NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF MANHOOD, toga, supplying the means of bell curt. Written by 0.5 who cured himself after undergeist considerable quackery, and sent fro* 01 charge. Sufferers are inyited sdireas (pre. pa) jug postaf;) the author. NAT ANIEL MAYFAIR, 1374-3m Box 153. Brooklyn, N. Y. uf.s.j,::brit,po.yflim,n t ar2set JT wit r rt peg t c sseYf ft, hmel Tn 111 ;‘,1 aa Ndh I d e b. e .s.eft . ed tor crop. The remainder Of ti. lord 1. covered wIb 150 501 of tomh in•plo tn1.-21 saPnea'l:Volh.s.'iei:1I;i rides othe roper:y. whir. ;si;uat:'to;m;oid:db."""dP.1::irFAL"-l'4,ln;Z";:P;I oontaiirra,resof1r.iI;n°, which would produce • large 330.1. 04 nrewmict to 15. ecs. The lot runs to the kilter kiwelield 1115 a ae.mbilealfenderaer barltbag"01in 4.5telfaluvhrri !'teihZld i 5. !urr".40seeill.. Pet terms appty to. JAM Re It AI 1104 or. W. W .CONNOR, Pg. Nal heki. Gueiet, w30 Guelph, Aug.15t1r, 1870 , Farm For Sale. TV the Townehip Coltearn e. a, 11, I Bat.. North Mrt of Block E. Co:lila...ilia lee •crss cleaned and Utkiler 3..661 50 serfs moil Herd Wand Miter, tiro sprtne Causeke, Ihnl grist quality, mood 1,,r sod Pfarae B4111 ATIal •121•Il bearing (r' 1..'-) =deer Steam Saw arid Onst Mill, atvi ition miles of the County Town Bodeen h. Tei ins mode- rate. Apply to • JOHN EDWARDS On the precast.... Goderteh Nov. 20. 171. • FOR -- A !louse and Lot adjoining the res i• donee of Wm. Seymour. Eel . coin - mending 015. 01 the best views of the Lake and Harbour. • Apply so DANIEL GORDON, Goderich, Jnne 30th, 1873. • 1311 FOR SALE. -o- LOT 5, Con. 4, E. D., Ashfield, err - tailing 200 acrem excellent lard - covered with Maple and iBeeeh, 11) mliem from Goderieh, with a never failing trout stream raining through the centre (' land, Biers is about 15 aeres of cleared land on the front ot the lot. Apply to THOS. WEATHER ALD, Engineer and Sol-vele% Godorich, Jas,2ad, 1872. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. got EING Lot No. 5, Maitland •-• Street, South aide of the Railway, containing a quarter of an ecre of land on which are &trans. honseiand stable. JOHN WHITLOCK. Godorich, 4th August, 1873. 1381-3m Valuable Property For sale. -r OTS NUMBER 1114 AND 151 17 TOWPi ny Gioderic h. On Lot 221 la situated asmall Brick Cottodgand • Wine Mum d.,11150 Housetematertes kith, and On Lot 11511 there is alatgeiwe stems Ir... weessiteum whiclicountbs eineerted tate& Arm • la, Hetet at AMU gout and also • frame Bane. 'he Lots ertfl 5. mid tithe* together or repent, tat .nit pureliasers. Teems made known on andtearensto Wis. • RTH es the yrerniees,•r Tel .1111asere DAVISON & Jolt Nsysisg 0o4etie1 15311y, Dal 10.01 VICTORIA OOKPOLIRD 81 -Err or HirOPHOSF'HITES Tte naly'llvnip prepared from Dr. etterel.itl'e Forma* aart certified Le Chenucally It urw. For the ereyeetese and cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION Alm for the eery of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, dcc. flOSITICATIR 51 TO P(iOtT1' 1116 E01, ACV. • Leheradory, Uftiversity College, • Twilrular, Dlr. 4, 157). Te Mao Tiedoria Chemical Ce., GoUttell OIL -1 16111? OLattii U.61 110 urtit-146. Hatred 1. 55. %I...eerie iChewircel Welke, la the pea peratein et the Victoria ATM(' .61 11) pottllOtiphitox. The several Hypopli..phoes tt:ed are ehriveinetlei gore, asid Hee Syrup b. also glide /ere/ Ora e•yf roarsoot. of II ypophosphitas writ mu - dribbled', pewee • tarry *ohm fee Medietae. 111ENRT H. CROFT, Professor of tete,. B. B. jerirein per Rollie. Rohl all Dragnet. ✓ ICTORIA CtJMPOITff D FLUIDWIXTRACT OF BlICHI1 FDVb IIRSI rt" A Sport* Remedy for aft Inseams ef ths /road,' gird Koseys; For0lingS; Comp4...1J . MOW to Inaoles; and .11 110.23.i the UriWor. (SOW ea raker Sex. Try 14 5'. for any c,f the laTOTO Disorders, sod SI will be fully emulated of its ple-ericineitt Orates, Price 41 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ✓ ICTORIA LI4IMENT. ELECTRIC "The King of all Liniments." For Riaor000ltioil, Nescane, Loading., &novo, Wandering Poem', hti pre, In tee Loner ter .Thiatr, Sprvate, Deleisee, Ihuratesess, Jowl awe, Headache, Randle, nuchacht, Lc. Buy it.! Try• it! Prove it ! Prie• 50 Ceuta per Bottle, Solt by all Druggists CAilliLTIEARSIALVE. "WORTH oITeWRIGHT ,IN GOLD . A 4 ,, Ge& WeadsFrow, Saadi- PeeSte. Csecac res afthe4 ane/ ' every Ilex rxleiols. Pres TS Este. par Bottle. bole hy all Druggiste. VICTORIA CARBOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY TISE LaDIES' FAVORITE." For Beastijriap Ad Completion, 'and far remover Taa, Serener*, Frerkter, Pdagins, gr., also far Chap - poi HAW, Cesibiains, Free Biall sad Bore Loa 71101 35 Cents pm Bottle. Bold by an Druggist*. . VICTORIA YOILET SOAPS. "mimeos, FOS MR'S ratenaw r r al- . TT ABM arelitzres Or QUALITY." rwrosm CIABOIr PO4). rwroitrA SULPHUR SOAP. vicrasyNtressnirr, HONXY, sozi D V X. OW by all rteiggista. 1000 WHY ARE Lazarus Ionia 41; Co' Speoisscless LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON l'RIA I FOR IMP= I Nortos.—Any person mending thc answer to above 10the Agent, F. Jordam, Goderich, within the next thirty doye, vrill re.oive an order from L. M. .11. 0o. for is,pair a their superior new patter/ Eye Glasses. Goderich, Feb. 5, '72 swit63w3 ;