HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-09-10, Page 3to DE PARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS Tuaexro, August 21, 1873. NOTICE 78 HEREBY GIVEN, that the tinder - ,.a mentioned Town and Park Luta of Wiegham, in th. Township of Turnber- .ty, in the County of Huron, with the exception of thus. that may be previous- ly disposed of, will be offered for Wiest Anation at Wingbam,at 10 o'clock on the 17th of next month. Taman-Caeb, the Department re' Iarviog to itself the right to make one bid on each lot. An officer of the Departmeut will h• at N1cIntosh's Hotel, the day before the Salo, to investigate claims to any of the said Loads. R. w. SCOTT, Commissioner. SOUTH STREET -NORTH SIDE. 14o. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, ( 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31 (4 acre each).( QUEEN STREET --SOUTH SIDE. l Nu. 33, 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, I 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 34, 35, 56, 57, 58, 09, 60, 62 (i acro each ). QUEEN STREET -NORTH 81DI1. ,1 Nn. 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70. Tt. 79, 7!, 74, 75, 79, 80r 82, 84, 83 (i gate each). , IIAITLAND STREET-SOL'TH 81DE i No. 86 (1 acre), 91, 92, 93,94, 95;36,371 93, '9'J (4 acre each). WATER STREET -NORTH SIDE Nu. 101, 192, 103, 104, 105, 106 (4 acts each). MAITLAND STREET -.NORTH SiDE. N,. 107 (1 acre), its, 109, 110 (4 acre each). WATER STREET -NORTH SiDE. No. 111, 112 (1 acre each), 113, 114 ( 1 acre each). PRINCE'S STItEET--SOUTH SIDE. leo. 115, 116, 117, 118, 119,420 (4 acre eacb). PRINCE'S STREET --NORTH SIDE. No. 121,11„25 1Zt, 124, 1.15, 126, 127. 128, 129, 130 G acre'soh) WATER STREET -NORTH SIDE. No. 134 (Isere), 1351(3 ac -e). -- VICTORIA STREET -BOOTH SIDE. No. 143, 144. 145, 147, 149, 150, 151 (1 acre each). VICTORIA STR P::T-NORTH SIDE. No. 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 165, 169, 171 (4 acrtteech)- JOHN STREET=SOUTHI SIDE. No. 173, 174, 175, 176, 179% 180, 183. 184, 185, 184, 147, 183, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 (1 acre each). • ADELAIDE STREET -EAST SIDE. No, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 203tut, 207, 208, 209, 210 (j acro each). ALiCF.STItEET-WEAT SIDE. No. 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216. 217, 218, 211, 229, 2225, 226 227 (4 acre each) ALICE STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 230 (j ace). HERBERT STREET -WEST RIDE. No. 23.4 (1 acre). ALiCF• STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 233 (j acre), 236, 237, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250,"251 (4 acre each). HELENA STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 252, 25J, 254, 255, 236, 2.57, 248, 2.59, 260, 261, 286 (4 sere each). HELENA STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 272, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 286, 287, 288, 289, 190, 291 (4 acre each). AT'UU-STA STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 392, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 3(1), 391 (4 acre each). AUGUSTA STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 308, 309, 210, 311, 312, 313, 314, 3L5 (1 acre each). LOUISA STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 316, 317, 318, 319.320 (1 arae sash). LOUISA STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 526, 327, 3.38, 339, 330 (1 acre each). AItTHU1t STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 331, 332, 333. 334,-331 (1 acre each), 346, 347, 348 (I acre enols), 310 (1 acre), 331, 352, 353, 354 (1 acre each). ARTHUR STREET -E AST SIDE. No. 357, 338, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 36.5, 366, 370, 384, 385 (4 sere each:. WILLIAM STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 386, 396, 397, 39s, 399 (4 acre each). WILLIAM ST -EAST SIDE. No. 414,115, 411, 417 (4 acre each). LEOPOItD S'TTREET --WEsr s1DE. Nu. 423 (4 ache), 429, 410, 432 (4 tern each). LEOPOI,D 8TR11iET-ZAST SIDE. No. 453, 454, 455, 456, 437, 458, 459 (4 acre each). M I N N I E STREET- WEST SIDE. No. 463, 464, 465 (4 acre each). CENTRE STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 11, 12, 13, 14 (j acre each). PATRICK STREET -SOUTH SIDE. No. 1 (1 acre). I'*Ark Lots. ltEST STREET-EA/:T Sl DE. No. 41 (6 acres). ALFRED STREET -EAST SIDE. Nu. 69 (6 acres). JOSEPHINE STREET -EASE SIDE. No. 5, 4, 5, 6 (2 acres omit). Maid Situation Wanted 1;8 SALESMAN in a general Stowe, by a middle aged married man. Good references. Address JAMES REALE, 1385b* Godeticb. FOR SALT. LOT 790 Cambria Road, Godsriah. Apply to J. COOKE, Kincardine, • Or J. WILLIAMS, Godsend). Anetut 5th, 1873. 1381.41 p I,..J F�s1 p CD 04 Mp tr • 0 CD1'•'1 0 at? r M tit 1-32 104C 0 iN--mi 114 CD N 7n) ct- Vf 0;• y 0 g L c1 ""e 0 0 I n 11 .til • Dr. J. 'Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Veg- etable preparation, u)ade chiesy from " the native herbs found on the lower . ranges of the Sierra Nevada moun- tains of California, the medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is tho cause of the unpar- alleled success of A'ree4ait BIT - Teas In Our answer 1s, that they remove tho cause of disease, and the patient recovers is health.- They are the g!'eat blood purifier and a life-gieing principle,; a perfect Reno- vator and ,Invigorator of the system. • Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded pos- sessing the remarkable qualities of % IN - HOAR arITYRs in healing the sick of every disease man ig heir to. They are _ a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonia relieving Congestion or Inflammation off the liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious' Diseases. The properties of Dn. WALE- 1ta's VlsaoAa Birettas are Aperient, Dia- phoretic, Carminative, NntrnUona, Iris- tive, Diuretic, Sedativo,Counte}Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative; and Anti -Bilious. R. Iii: ,len e., San Francs a rnt;aista A Gen. Rett tni raliaw, tint. S cor, of w,ehin,,-ton rind Charlie Nte..N.r. Sold by all Druggists anal alera. STATIONf R Y • A FULL STOCK of every' dcwrietiun 4-21 of WADING Pfl!EP �r AND G IV'OTICJE. the matter of the Estate and socia -a of the late 11Aaaee= DAVvIITs,, deesosd- Notice is hereby given distal' creditors and other persona basing any debt or claim upon or effecting the Estate of Margaret Davis, late of the Town eat Goderich, who died oa or abatst the tat day of Jalanary, A. D. tan, and whose will has been duly proved by us se Ex- ecutors thereof, are hereby regnised to send in the particulars o1 their slabs* to us, the said Exeeators,at the Town of Godsrioh, in tbe County of Ilium), eta or befogs the Fifteenth day et Deem- ber nest, at the expiation at which time we will proceed to die tib'ute the wets of the said Margaret Davis, the teetater, among the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the debts sad claims only of which we shall dies ban had notice, and we we seek Einestlors will not be liable for the eseets so dis- tributed to any person of whose debt or claim w• shall not haws had notion at the time of 'oak dietrabatm, Dated at Godesi.k, this 3rd Clay el September, A. 1), 1,873. JOHN ,i11110•41) /Weston, afei ') rr II VI Broken Heat When passing over Graham's till A pale wan man was seer(, 1 F Crouching among the thie(1b'a .lower'', And angry was his mien. 1' e ulomcut thho heard my Thales, He turned on moat 9nrtu Imdtl, And then into my willing ear, Did his sad tach' nt'f Ica, he Cita, i bmtel't a pnnn,1 of When I went into Town, .s hill, And as 1 carne tip Crisham . • MT Tea it all went dowti. T went stra13ht. hotel' unto toy wife, M♦ loss she did detilr,re, And said that into Town :Wain, She see+ er would trust me mere. She said I knew the Tea. had strength, Through twenty bags'twould go. And had I t.ho Telt secnrel♦ wrap'd, 'Twould not have happened so. He peneed, the tears etnamod down h face, •- . His beaten heaved a sigh, And then he said with is lowed head, To gather the Tea 1'11 try. IIs tried, he tried and tried again,• Then looked quite sad at me, r And begged that, I'd teed bin tbe prie Of another pound -of Tea: 1 said I'd lend him just the price, If on No he would call, He said he gneotetl hu:d rather not, Fur he bought his Tea :•f Ball. 1 handed. out Coeetsli at ouco, When he went on his way. I met this•sad,. yet pleaaaut man Again on Saturday I told him that he looked quite spr+M, 'That he had much improved,' He looked. and as he caught my ejae, I saw he was mouth moved. Dear Sir, he said, -he took my hand, Yon have been 2'nel thane, Ky wife and I are both content, We've bad our cup of Tea. A cup of Tea is.our delight, We love it above all, - We get the Tea to snit opt taste By giving Ball a call. His Tea has strength and (carer too, , It makes ns feel gnLte strong: Then said the thing that charmed their hearts \Vas the pleasin4.kettle's song, And now,. kind friends, my story's done, I ask you one and all, When'er yon chance to pass his way, To givL' a call on Ball. Sept. lst, 1673_ 1385 J CST TO HAND, AT MOORIgoUSE'S. Office Requisites. A FRESH If ASSoRrNIENT OF revisesps, -Copying Letter 'Pea ,ks, Inkstands, Invoice and Letter Ftlea, Mucilage. Pena, ' AND AW. erNEI • Stationer's Sundries DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, WF- i sTLETI GdDERICH, II 1I AS iret111isSpringStockotaoods an a prepared as esnal to make all kinds of(KJarments in the most fashion- able sil•les and at the lowest rates. of all tri Farnilllhinepe . cri?tiona constantly on hand. L L)t*PICYULLY SOLICITED. good Tailors wsntetl mme- diately God ch, 15th April, 1873. THE RED STORE, GODERICH• BARCAINS IN Dress Goods, Jackets. Prints. Shirtin s. Tweeds. Clothing, - BOOTS ,& SHOES &c. it relnired in the Oaks, and Counting Room, offered at lowest rate's for cash, At NOOR OUSE'S. Goderich, Aug. 24th 1873. - Fifty Agents Wanted TO Canvas for the most papular Books by favorite authors -every - whets. Oar agents are selling from 23 p weak. Our list compri- toOhm following excellent works,- 4 e1y o1 Famous Fiction;" "Living - dope Lost and Found;" "Library of Poetry sad Song:" "Life of Jesus the w. (a great book by a great man);rj roper's Manual;"'•The World's mope Nld "Country Homes." Now is the time to begin a vigorous gs*Vui se campaign and Farmer's sons are just the boys to do it. J. AV. JONES, 1384 London. SALE OF LANE FAl +,ANKS' SCALES AT MANU- f serer'' Pricee-Large Platform Scales, including Hay Scales, promptly orderand i discount for Cash allowed, At JOHNS3N & KERR'S. CA TAG. SPRINGS, CARRIAGE LES, and PATENT . WAGGON ARM for (pale cheap • At'.1OHNSON L KERR'S. BA AND HOOP IRON. SLEIG Ii OE and CAST STEEL, a full assort ent, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. NT ITOHRH SHOES k HORSE OE NAILS, by the keg nr hoe, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. it) . OIL BY THE RAttREL'OR lon, mod COAL OIL LAMPS, A JO1INSON & KERR'S. 1111 • BET ASSORTMENT of '1'A ly, DESSERT, PEN AND ET KNIVES, PLATED S anti FORKS' in Go•lerich, to At -JOHNSON A KERR'S. LL ASSORTMENT OF LOCK. D'S Celebrated MILL RAW , and Sorby's HAND and 111I" , the beat in the Market. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. -. FIi, SA F List T'S CHAMPION CROSS -CUT WH and SAW HANDLES et rime! JOHNSON & KERR'S. C 5(0 PPINO AXES FROM THE .t Makers, single and doable At JOHNSON A KERR'S. . A at OMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS. . BINGES, NAILS, L SS, PUTTY,' PAINTS and OILS, west Cash Prices. al eats on hand, At JOHNSON Jr KERR'S. LN DEP. and by virtue of a Power of . Sale contained in a Mortgage made by Thomas Itiahardson, . default having been made in the payment of theate, will be sold by Public Auction, at ( M. Trueman'a Auction Rooms, in the own of Gcelerich, on Sltardly the -!th day of Octobcr,1I373, • at twclye•of the clock noon, The fi•llowing freehold property, Lot number twenty in the first concession of the Township of T ur'uherry in the Coun- ty of Huron, containing one hundred. acres mare or loss. Tial» ser SALE--Ono-fourth (if the purchast: money to be paid down4t the time of sale, from on.;to five yea will be given for payetont of the balance to s,ttt purchasers. . - • For further particulars apply to G. M. True maul, Earl., Auctioneer, Gutterich, ,•r to - • •. CRONYN & MARTI$, • Vendor's Sulicit.lrs, London Ont. Dated 2111.11Augua), 1873. . 13$3-5w IAC TICF2.. /Tits undersigned having opened out 1 a Dew stock of (Groceries, Gla.sawaro. Crockery, &c , &c., In the store lately occupied by James Breckenridge, trusts that he may be favoarsd with a share of the public pat - H. COOKE. Goderich, Sept. 1st, 1873. 1385c Farm for Sale or to Let. TEN i nS. bA est OMPLETF. ASSORTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- S, tram the best makers, at Low - h Nrice, At JOHNSON A KERR'S. m pr d f 'VENDERS will be received by the un dersignutl Up to the 20th pr,ox., for supplying the ttrll Battalion of Voles eery, In Camp . f•er eight days drill, cc mimic • next., - ender er. Ulu, on 26th September may Lu separate fur supplying 111:rad. Meat, Groceries, &c: Bread per vonud; Beef or Mouton•' dor, Coffee, do; Sugar, (coffee) de; Tan. do; Potatoes, do; Pepper, giue, Salt, du; Wood per cord-. To be delivered in Camp every even ing, in such tllfaptities as may be re gaired, a return of which will bo fur' *ished by the Quarter blaster ever' evening. Also for messing the officers, furnis ing Tables, Scats,' Linen, and all late lila required. , II. COOKE, Captain and Aldjutan Goderielt, ,ing. 28th, 1873. 1 r1{Oa s•baerlher offers tor stle or to let hie farts. .1 beteg Lata 4 sod S,h 'ueeul,n, W. D„ Ash. geld e•atelning foe acre.. within hail a mile of tl.s reed, about 100 semi cleared and widerenl- mad .ell renew*. There are a wool hones, teak gamm1, to., oa the lot. It is situated con- s•'deat a gest and sass milli, school house. to. This whale will be duspooed or together er is two par as sf to. acro• each. App*1 to (IENET Brows, 0r 10 JER1:*IAH SULLIVAN, Itingsbri 1st e.ptsruber, WS.1 53 O One Box of Clark's B 41 Pills IS warranted to core till dtaehargae from Urinary Organs, In e!tber sex, ae, mired or e atitut tonal, ti ravel arod paint to the Back. Sold poxes. 414 C.l Nash, by all Chcunets and la,iret Ye cine Vendors. S=ole Proprietor, F. J. CI. \REF., APOTIIECARIR8' mike, LINCOLN, 631.1. LAX EXPORT AGENTS. ll Burgoyne, Burbolgoa and Co., Colosimo St Londe u. Newbery and Sons. 37 Neargate Stmt, London - Earclay and Sona, 05 Farringdon Street, London 1. Sanger and 0,•ns, Oxford Street. Lomita" 1111 • And all the Loudon Wheleakle nea. AGENTS IN CANADA. I!, Me.ii t,l.-Evans, Mercer and Cc., Wholeel*le Druggists. '• l.ymans, Clare and Co. Tbroatn.-Elliott and Co.. Wholesale Drtiggikts. .i '• Shapttr and Owen. flawilb s. -Winer and Co. HalJar,-Arety, Brown and Co. 1356 1 TEACHER, WANTED. WANTED, by the Board of Pn School Trustees of the Tow1 Goderich, a female teacher fur Andrew's Ward School. Salary $2r Applications received up to the inat. IL'11CULAIL ATTENTION PAID to the want* of the farming Com- ity, sbd order* from the country ptly attended to, At JOHNSON • A KERR'S. , ILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS at Maker's Price List, carefully ur. and discount for cash allowed, At JOHNSON 8 KERR'S. 11E WHOLE OF THE ABOVE GOODS are offered CHEAP, Cour, Cash, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. ILES' PATENT ALARM CASH Drawers, the beat in the .world-- ceo $4 50. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. Ic 1, T. B. STOKEre • Gedericl, 2n.1 Sept, 187 3. 1385c R To Summer Visitor r '110 LET, for the Sumper 1:ii 1 months of 1874, au nufer• ui.hed Cottage -nine rooms' veranda on three aides, lawn, flower in kiteheu garden, stable and coach h o. Apply to LUCIUS CARET. Goraticb, 2,3t31 Aug., 18773. 13a40' h E3l$MBER THE PLACE, 11 :*MILTON ST., gn of the Cross -Cut Saw, JOHNSON & KERR. Goderich. March I1tll, 1873. AUCTION SALE or Boal Estate, Church Reserve, MAR4LL%LLn &Naga. . 'DIE subscriber has received instruc- tions from the :llanagiug Commit- e of the Canada 1'reabyterian Church, ucknow, to dislww of, byil'ublic Aue- tion, on Wednesday, October lst, 1S73, I at '12 o'clock, noon, eight Park Lots, adjoining the Village f leicknow, containing by admeaaure- ent4 acres and sev.ntyfeur chains each;fronting the gravel read. l'ark lot 24c..1 is partly cleared, Nue.2, 3,4, a, 6, 7, 8, aro partly timbered. A branch of the Nile Rile hirer .runs through , .•►Eh int. t Terms and Map can' be seen ou appli- eistien to A. McIntyre, Merchant, or to A. Murray, Secretary and Treasurer. Title indisputable. • 1'. C. WHITE. Auctioneer. Lucknow, Aug. 22d, 1873. 13841 iIU1:11.A1I FOR • MAITLANDVILLE ! WILLIAM STANBURIY, 'IIII AN1(Ft 1, 1,,r past favours,' desires to inform the inhabitant* of Maitlandvillo and surrounding country that he is to be found at the 011 stand, ready and w filling to attend to the wants of his customers. He has on hand A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES consisting of TEA, SUGAR, TOBACCO, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SPICES &c., &t . ALSO Dry Goods, _ - Nails, Crockery, Glassware, FLOUR 4- FEED. Having been granted a Shop License for the sale of Liquors, he will keep on hand a full stock of WHISKEY, ALE BRANDY, RUM, GIN, WINES, ie. 8e. ac. IN BOTTLE OR ON DRAUGHT. 1 The Bona Fide Clearing Sale 4 . - 1ry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes &c. at Crofts & Johnston's, opposite the market, God- erieh, commenced on Thursday Auk. 28th, is now going on in earnest d.uring month of Septenzbei'. The hundreds ' people who have been served the past week will testify to the Bar- gains they have secured. There arc piles of goods left same low prices will be quoted till the whole is disposed of. yet and the This week they will offer a lot of• white and :coloured Quilts, Window Curtains, Hoop _Skirts, Corsets, VC. 'Fe. veil IOW. arked in lain figures and no - ��rt;i'yr�;�lilg� �� ,� "1 SeCond price. 60FTS F JHNSTONU N. B. -50Q m ins` $ut'ccr wanted for which the highest price will be Oaid. • NEW " DRUG STORE : SIGN, RED .UOft TA it, , Ole Tho highest market price paid ter Butter, Eggs and other produce. Remember the stand, nearly opposite the School house, Maitland y ille. March 4th, 1873. I359 Notice of Guardianship. East Side 1!>itkt't S(j1t11re. S F3 ON I) $ 01 '16 fears' Prlsctite, I NE NOTED 1'1)11 PURE DRUGS. teirememomosmenneanweeenweed.O t. S just receiying )rots European mod America,. markets weekly the Ldjuw- Ing articles: - - -r Drugs, Fellows' (of Al'I gl. i Chemicals, Sy'pip Il' lw,phos Sponges, phitcs. Hair Brushes, llydwaw's Mtdicine:1 Flesh Brushes, ; Ayer'.+ • de ' Laren stock "f -Worts Medicines. for . t. d u - u ' it t'„ • 1['hl! rr o ,r s! , T til l i Hair Restoratives, ltiiwel Conlin+int Clair Dyes, remedies, the beet Perfumery, ii, this World, try Atkinson', Lubin' them, • Magnolia Balm, 1':vitt Killers, tau uu- Lalyd's Bloom 'uf ine1.uts to mention, Youth, • Sarsaperilla, Lily White Tooth Cod Liver 011, Panto and Powder, (fair Oils, Sea Salt fur Baths, Caster ' )i1, Patent Medicines, Lampe, Black Oils, Lamp (llnasta, Tolley Oils. Die Stuffs of all kindp fresh and goad, NOTICE is hereby given that sa ,. 11. erni,.tk,n of Twenty 'lays from this date, 1. Margaret nolm•s au,. Township of aoderich, in the County of Boron, Widew, wit' apply to the Surrogate Coot of the County of Huron to he appoirted Onaret as of ilirabeth Holmes, Man ',oi.a Helmer. Franees sun Holwaa,alice Selina Holmes, Henrietta Marta Unlmra,Itargaret Jemima Holtuea, sod Daniel Jane Holmes an .,f the aai.l Tu.asmp of glodsrkk. latent Children of John Holmes late of the mod Tewnnh ip of °refunds, yeoman,defeaeed. Dated at Oo,,•,ich th's raw day of August. A. D. la's. Lt/REARET HOLMES, Widow of the said Jahn 1/..(,500 .sad Mather of wild Infants. 1334: Bond's Tonic Bitters, the best in the world fur DYSY'E1'SIA, Any quantity of Certificates can be pr..- - r•.- duped if required of its efficacy. Horse and Cattle Medicines' 12,-8-5 • Worth & Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE AND ill' P1i.ltowo VO SE,h1ITI. AVI NO eon trial of Uie maga a. cult Jil L'hro HO, II Yo reunite, we are able to offer a cem- binationof literary and artistic work of genuine worth, and at priers unprecedented, ifThte Sss ropy era Mere of Nature's grandest work, L n01 presented inti' nmol iimlted atyle:- ladi nen,ions, 14 x 20, making a picture of rbry desirable sin., in itself An Ornament to the Rohm graced by its presence. But few copies tit (11. beautiful Chromo wl.l 1.e allowed to go 10 the re - tad stares, and those will be sold at their Actual Retail I'rtoe, 10.00. while if ordered in connection alai our Y,roarii,i both will be fnru,ehed for S 1.50. An a Premiums tic picture idly lm obtained by 'touting w Two nalwertptiona for the sMaadae at 5100 each. oebysubeerlhint for the tree years in advance, at 11,00 per stn eon,, dilees W wD'S nou'LEttoLU 11 aI:AL Newburgh. t T, 0, E. SU CTLs, 1340 --- WA NrE D. oweelearinianalaraaatelieriai .r My Seat you wet 854 u Use sed is the ns, Ny mixt you'll diaeoh► la dsaetaa a Jag, t)dtd upon Bills is a faron r' Lorne. ¥y asxt is the end of the Marquis Ity fifth ta a flee so busy anal free, Ny aasat you will sae Lipkin betote B : Sty seventh Is atwaya the sadogsBall; 0 my neva you wet had jest two in a Call. My next you will End )$'s here all alone /Manacle is or may be ! moan. 3;, troth tithe Blind reed pleuve would give My nevi is my with as sere as' live, ves. „y t..lfth It is Fifty Its Comet 'Sy last is the same 'o please Sad me wt. Far -Choice . Groceries A'I' FAIR PRICES- #10- Tit E; MOST POPULAR BUSINESS - . OF TIIE DAY, A T41 t: v14 isT Ft WU _AR MOVEMENT, �,LOTH! NG! • M. if INC OUT or A. SMITH & COS.' Merchant Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT. tit 1 l a T i, -,:c n e t ty the imbue, Pers a Imre acct e 81'IIINHTWEEDS. BROADCLOTHS; FANCY COATINGS, VFSTINOS, 4u;., Wt are detnrtaiUed to sell; as usual good good-. anti FIT (# ETA ICANTEI t1), - OfNO81LE. A LARGE STOCK OF 4S1!LiVf.1sl"BA'J3 r.. ipely home manntokare. Jot received the rarest thins' in - :GENTS' FCRNISHIN 1 GOODS, BATS. SHIRTS, COLLARS. AND TIES, atter whirr will be sebl as low as iotssible. Some say that opposition je. the lif. of trade. Others say his Is the ptaoe to get ' ItEMPORIUM . DETLOR at, 'CO. Aro receiving' daily t:.; , .AEE GOODS .;l,iI-'(•IaLI L tiex. i11 - P.INTS 'i FESS GaODS, WIN'CEY$. 3RLP..tt1s'.+, ' r CORSETS AN)) RIB IONS. 'vt 11 .1.1+111 in BlackLustres, 1 lttck Alpacas, , ' Black Bar settle+»., I3.:.L .. Cobdurgl:, 'Black • Silk warp2ilx1C i 1'.L. .li:1:t� :tS, Crapc!. A El:L»H 1., 4t. it:ash Ribbo*, Lilies' Belts, Ilullliug,. l.'u,lcrclotaing. r-' �s>f� salolo;e Y `1. 1'.(l,3.,L arWMJMDpi•r -, I'Elt 1:('1' F17' C rdl:.(:1TEfi/)„ 14.eloriclt, 1s ne4dt•utber, 1573. 3. C. DETLOIi, & CO. lart UST RECEIVED AT j,w"IS A LLI:GE IMPORTATION 01' R • AN ' S A S H E S A . Tom? ' A LARGE QUAtififl Y 01? X,adi es 331310 and Silk Lace WITH I A rI,�ies, Welto ortcd Stock of Ribbons, Laacc-, L.te. �:c. Gold Clothes Made• Weare Bonnet l.y ,taut attention to buaineas, with our facilities ulna experiencein de to tarow • i* interla,.ers ie the .lens. tras rf Cesrae.n Ello.Wanted twoin,t-class workmen for urger the htgbest wade4 will be raid. ►'r Ite- :smother the .t..' -t, neat. door Ie J. Bond's Drug gtnre, on thef71 - AnR.ti1S.M �MITll 1Co. a ' g} \sew is. your time t•, t•ny s'first-clam sewing )nsrbiuta. The now, towns -eat " 4,nleorn " 1" the toot Ffirmly-Machine walk inCanadr Abraham 5mittl, Agent. • Lntdorich. April. IS, 157a. t 345 i1LV)R THE BLOOD IS T'Hli LIFE-"-Y.e ,i Deutcwnwuy, Chap. fits, acr.,e _t. DEPARTMENT OFCROWN LANDS, Tomo -To, Arccxt 21, 1873. NOTICE IS UE!"EBYGIVEN, that the ruder% mentioned Town and Park Lots of Cranbrook, in the Tow .04101) of (,rey, in thkeennty of -Huron, with the else* tion of those that may- be. previously disposedof, will be offeredefur Lisle at Auction, at Craubr,rok, 3t 10 o'clock, on the ::3rd of next ninth. TERMS -Cash, the Department reserv- ing to itself the right to Make 000 bid on each lot. An officer of the Depart- _ hent will heat Dentes':Ilotel, the day 'before the Sale, to investigate claims to any of the said Lands. IL W. SCOTT, • Coutlaussiou9r. - tial TILSTREEr- NORTii • No, 1,2, 3, 4-, :r. 6, 7, 8, 1:.5, 7, le, 19, ;SS, 21, 2, 23, J T 26, 27, 24, 29, 30, 31, (• acre 1• • VICTORIA STREET -54O'Til SIDE, `o. 37, 38„39, 40, 41, 4l. 43. 41, 45, 4G, 47, iLB; 40, 50, 5-1 52, :ei.:rl, q,, 36, 57, M, 59, til). 61, 62;,63, 64, 63, 611, 67, 63;03, 70, 71, 72,' .', acre each). V ICTUItIA STREET--NOILTI j SI DE • - No. 73,74', 5, 70, 77,.7e, 79, 89, 83,,1+1, 65, Sr., 67, 148,: 89, 96,,94, , 92.131, 94,.9,, 9'1", 97:98, 99, 100, 14)1, 102,103, 104, (4 acre each). AhBEtLT STREET- SUI -T11 SIDE No.10;,; 10i:. 1`%7. in4,,, 109, 110, 1 IP' 11:014.11's, 140, 117.113, 1 • 129,121,12x,,123,121,•'23;'126, 1 128( acre ca.::,). - ALBERT ti'1'REElr---NId1RTH 8111E. No. 12'J. 130. 131, 132, 133, 134, 13e, 136, 137, 1304, 139, 14'1, 111. 14.2. 143, 144, 143, 140.147. 141. 149. 150, 151, -152, 153,15•:, 155, 138, (1 acre each). ADELAIDE STREET-SOUTflSIDE. - No. 157. 158, 159. 10. 1e1. 162, 163, 164, 165, 165, 167,168, 169, 170, 171, 179, 1t3, 174,1475, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 1S2. 183, 184, (; acre ewer). ADELAIDE STREET-N1)Pa•1'H SIDE. N,,. 185, l:',)1 1137, 1l3 189. 19(1, I 192, 193% 194, 195, 1%, 1-97.4 .., 99, *Imo,, 2411, tF- , 16-216 2( K, L r . 20", 2 09,( acre each), '10 (ono nae). LOUISA STREET-StiUTH SIDS. No:214.215..214, 217, 218. 219, 22l. 221, 222, 223, '22-t. Z23,0, 227. 1304. 229, 230, 231, 232,233,-234;'23•!,'236, CLARKE'S -- World Famed i3lood Mixture. . Trade Hark, --"Blood Mixture." • THE GREAT 0K,RI 1.40 reF16R a RIi,ITUIIRR. •For rleAnaimg se 1 rlaarii.g Ube land 1tou. dl, i,npuriti.n. cannot he too highly re,m vurende4. For K�rofula, Seurvy, Skin Dire:aen, and Wires of all kinds It 1• a wafer -failing as'ad l,et.awat u t'Yl N: it Cures old Soria.m Cres U*erat.'l Soresnn the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Me Leo. 1{ Cures Rlaekhe d8,ot1'implee with* F►rt Chive Seurvv Soren. • Cercnt'an eroui Ulcer*. Ceram CerBlom( an Skin 1Aseasc,. Cures (Llaodu•ar 0wellnes. (;learn the Bi.n,d front 811 impure !fatter, From. whatever can.,arising. .ta Ihi. mixture in ,.Defiant to tame. the tae. and warranted lice Wain anything• injurious to t1.e gn,et,lepra,' ,on tautlon of either sea, the Pro- ntot soft its n,l. arra to give it a trial to test its rel n.•. - • ' Thousands of Testimonials from all pans. . SU*" ill R initlre.ds ::d each, anmin- i et Cases,a- t minin g six time, the 4+,annty, 11. cash-suefctent to effect a permanent onto in the great majority of i..n_..+anotiu0 t own. 111' A1.1.. CIlE%Il$I'S and • Y l'AIENT MbUfe1NE VENDORS throughout U.c wuril. Sole prowrietor, F. J. CL 180411, Che,niat, 237 (}tr.re. ricin), ,er-'A 27Fd'nALL I,INCUL'( Sl%ULAND. - vTu1;L ! EXPORT AGENTS. AIITIIU L -STREET-WEST SIDE. l. Newbery and Soon, 37 Newgate Al reef, London. N. -• t Linea ib 33 and 3(; Lonarciollts, I.pi)Ster .w\ 11/tri hs ! i j eattOtl & Gesierich, August 12th, 1S7`3. . • -cANADA' s~ j T• 1 `�it NT�rjD, N'ewulglcere.aa.we.ta T w irk r 5tu1 t t n' l COMIC CARTON PAPER! Husitlpsa that R �'_1 Pay A a C 4 fnnn k to a. per L. 1 i ,1 rtaosd Clerk u b . , o , . day eau mane. s yearen a g'bnd penman. y lghboa t to a4taM ...aro ter Woo w4ef en,p'olttswdorivylu2 letasu tire.; cirb asd boys SI1t C LA J R J► 6E :1G E lt, rreynewtiy do ss weff u men. l4es►sUsfwrres, 128ua Barristers Every Saturday. 5 rents 112 per an- Add.nna J. LATHAM a CO., Golerich. num. 't 1385 1284 ew 00! Washington et.,Bostaa, lla's. Burgoyne, rerW40en and C,., Coleman StrO London. t, I NO. -Jl; ' ♦39, 240, 241 (Iiaere each). 'Sweeny and tiuna,i6 Farringdon street, London. ! LOL'I3A STREET---N0RT1I SIDE. - ' Sauband Sona, (oxford atnrt. iw•nd.u. 'r And all the London 11 holrpale Gonne, No. 242.4 acre).. , w AGENTS IN OANA.TJA. -1 :J..etrr<i:.- Es Anil, ht, rrtr and Co., Wholesale HELENA 'STREET -14013TH, SIDE. I iruO•tsta. I No. 217, 249, 250, 251, 232 (4 atxe each). Lu. pn. n, ('tare And Co. Throat.. -Elliott and Co., w holeaalr Urn;gt.i.. , Bl.apier and Owen. I HELENA STREET -NORTH; AIDE.. llaa,Ytei, -Winer and Co. No. 255,5E+6,257. 2 ,8, 259 (4 acre each). and Co. 1343 d y Ge R. PARSONS & Co., HARDWARE MERC[[ANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GODER Have for sale . MINK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS',WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP• PING AXES, VARI- OCS MAKERS AND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND 'AXES AND BROADAXES: COW TIES OF SEVERAL. KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS - OF ALL SIZES, . - GLASS, PUTTY, WROUGHT AND CUT NAILS &c. And a large assortment of all kinds of t At ylr pries. for CASK. Opposite AIKET HOUSE. G. R. PARSONS & Ce bud crier. Nov. 38 1871 ntaoLVE'IT ACT or 1869. ' Canada. Ia the Cou4t4 Province of UwLarie. Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of VALENTINE HOPI, MAN, an Ina6lvent. • ',7`111e. undersigned has filed in this Court a deed of composition and discharge executed by his (Sreditora.an0 on the TIVIILFTH 4imyof SEPTEM- BE_L next, he will an; 'y to the Sedge of the said Court for a a,nfirtnstioa d the discharge thereby el fected. VALENTf,1E HOU SIAN. Go•ler•ich, 7th day of August, A. 0.1873.. 13831,41 • ALICE STREET -WEST SIDE. ,No..260 (1 ). . EDWARD Sri REET-WITf1; SIDE. !&261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 2G6(4 acre each). EDWARD StFREET-NORTH SIDE. No. 271, 272, 273, 274, 275,.276 (4 . each) ALFRED STREET-SOb'TU SIDS. No. 277, '278, 219`28(1, 281 (I axe each). 12GUSTA STREET -EAST Shin. . Lots,/►, B (1 acre each). e. l'ark L.otte, - EAST STREET --WEST SIDE. No. 12 (44 acres). LEOPOLD STREET --WEST SiDE. No. :pm sores), 26 (31 acres). WILLIAM STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 45, 40, 47 (3a ad:res each), 48 (21 at -re.). a WILLIAM STREET -WEST SIO No. 53 (3 j acres).. 1385141 SteamSawLII for ()NE of U'ak•rues A (:oi s. Clip Mills with Lumber Edger and a gook Shingle machine attached. mill is situated on 144 24, 7 ern. wanosh, in a splendid locality for a large costasl business. There is pl ef .pine and hemlock eeawenient, to `-esp it running fee several yeah. �•, �� `�� ` Also* lot in the Town ori Goisto , No. 1153 on Gibbons Street which (1us►- tains one fifth of an etre' and is fenced in with a v'°'1 f lscu. D-er term,. stnd further l.arkte dere, itidteea JOHN C1'..►_I 1382.2n orWestbai l 1