Huron Signal, 1873-09-10, Page 2Ittrir AdverdAentrats
Galeria Foundry.
Clothing -Philo Noble.
Piemoteal-Mam Stewart.
Stray -Cow -Am Conley.
Wanted -J. Williams.
Stna Steer -T. Greening -
• wanted -H. Cooke.
W -R. Hawley Son.
• -Moore de McKsosie.
niters who besot give es press USW, to
ray, aro conaideawd at wishing te sestinas
wahorrthorsorder the A;sormennanee ot their
the pub/tabor or owlish-
nrs eallg 1.0 send them ant ti all arrears aro
p61.11 1111; set eatescribers we hold reresible for
S. alwerIbere neglect or »Comte talie the pert -
*II berseent.
or sowspapere from the Mess to which.they
1170.11 WC they ars bald responeible 11D thedehave
WU Mil& .1111.111114 nowhere back, at lese-
in la needles. ts wit sue" notice of Simeon -
es se UM? law regimes.
IL ashomilsere remove to other places without
isforeling the FuNisher, and then- periodmals or
▪ per' are mat ts We former directiowa, thee
see reoweesible.
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': I We shall be glad at all times to receive
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:the county. itt largo. Such matter
y be septet nie rate of one cent per
if muted Printer's Copy and not
*sled. To eneure publication in any
facular issue it should reach the
es nut later than Monday eviming.
2 'Car Agents.
1 North Heron- D. MeLtren.
• South Huron -S. T. Church.
' Bo" these gentlemen are authorized
11111 receive subscriptions and orders for
ijob printing and advertising and to
: t receipts.
The Loyalty Orr
The loyalty cry is again salted up te
do aervioe for the Tories. It le 'always
their stanaby when in a tight plaits.
Brown and Mackenzie, Blake and Do-
rion, Young and Huntington, together
with all their followers and connections
ate declared to be disloyal to the core.
They have insulted the Queen and are
only waiting for a favourable opportuni-
ty to break out in open rebellion.
The intelligent community have sense
enough to know that these charges are
without foundation. And after all,
have not those men who have received
mark' ot distinction from the Queen and
whom the Tory followers delight to
honour, done more to disgrace British
honour and Britiah connection. than ever
the Refonn party did Has not " Sir "
Hugh Allan confessed himeelf a whole-
sale briber, ha lias been loyal enough to
'bribe British subjects with American
gold. t•Sir" John A2 Mecdonsild has
evinced his loyalty by bartering our
great Pacifie Railway enterprise for
money with which to bribe Her Majes-
ty's sutijetsta, etir" Francis Mucks
has shoom that he considers "$50,000
at his time of life" to be worth more to
him then persoual honesty OT national
These meu who hold such high posi-
tions, and some of whom are sworn to
administer the affairs of the country
honestly and faithfully have been guilty
of -shall we call it treason, for it
araou.nts to that -and yet their Tory
followers have the effrontery to charge
Reformers with being disloyal. Tory
impudence knows no bounds. Did not
the Teries pelt Lord Elgin with stones
and rotten eggs Did they not mob
Lady Elgin ? Did they not raise the
flag of treason at Brockyine and other
places I Did thea not draw up and
sign an annezation manifesto? And
these are the people who talk about
loyalty Fudge.
9.45 IS
SI. •
um Signal.
VODERICH, Sept. 10, 1873.
&Toth Sun,
• The writ fur the election in this
Riding will probably issue this week
alnd the election will come on at once.
The Coneervatives meet at Brucefield
!_to-storrow, and the_Fieform convention
it Seafurth on Tuesday next, to mina-
,. itnate candidates. Several namel have
- !been nientionea in connection with the
14 &coney, Archibald Bahia.> of Ustorne,
• W'arden of the County, and J. S. Sin-
elair, Barrister, of this town, in the
Reform interest, and John Davidson,
Eery., of tioderich, and J. H. Benson,
Reeve of Seaforth, in the Conservative
interest, being the more prominent.
A3 will be seen by adrertieement in
• e
. another column the temperance people
are also making a moye, and will meet
at Seaforth on Friday, to soasider the
propriety of running a candidate on a
purely temperance ticket, irrespective
of politics, always provided the regular
tt political nominees are not willing to
• I pledge themselves to support prohibi-
j Oen.
We think the temperance party are
a little premature in their movement.
, They cannot hope to elect their men
should there; be three candidates in the
fiekl, and they might at least wait till
they see who the regular nominees are
end what they are prepared to do to-
wards carrying out the principles for
which they are contending. However
desinatle it may be to have a prohibi-
tory japer law passed, the country ill not
yet prepsred for it, sad besides it was
settled last session that the Local Legim
latnre has no power to pass such a Law,
though they did unanimously petition
the Dotninion Parliament to do so.
True, the Provincial Legislature might
refuse to grant any licenses for the tale
of liquor, but what use would there be
in dilate so as long u its manufacture is
permitted. Under these circumstances
we canaot see that the prohibitionists
will ee justified in placing a man of their
own in the field. In a few days how-
ever, matters will have aa.sumed a more
definite shape, when we shall have some-
thing further to say on the subject.
Ths Paoli° Seandal.
1 a &wither column will be found ari
aliterial taken from the Chicago Times
of Wednesday last, whiel shows the
I opinion of the intelligent press on the
other side of the lines on the Pacific
' Itaileay frauds. The language used is
severe bet not more so so than the cir-
cumstances ad the case warrant. • The
Times of the same date contains a
sketch of the life of 0. W. McMullen, in
which it speaks of him in flattering
tenni, describing him as an Able finan-
cier, exact in language, enterprising
and energetic, and anything but the
'scoundrel which the Mad et al endeavour
to make him out, and also an account of
an interview between McMullen and
a Times reporter. We, had intended to
give the account of the interview, but
find it too; lengthy fur our culumns.
Mr. McMullen makes some farther
statements which show the villainy tif
Sir Hugh Allan and the Cloveniment,
arid states that he has further evidence
in his possession which will be fortJecom-
erg at the proper limo to prove all that
he has stated. The farther we go the
greater does the reeklesscess and dis-
honesty of the Government appear, and
we question if ever gieater frauds were
perpetrated in any country.
The annual tournament of the Ontario
Rifle Aasociation took place et Toronto
last week. Captain W ilson and Lienteti-
ant Wilson of the 33rd Battalion carried
off several prizes.
The Pope is again indiaposed.
A tornado painted over Rutland and
Oakland, Mass., on Thursday, which
destroyed many houses, and several
perm:ma had narrow escapes.
A portion of the roof of a round house
of the Michigan Central Railway, in
Detroit, fell on Saturday, instantly kil-
ling two men and severely injuring an-
Lord DILfferin on the Canadian, Frees.
The writers of sorae of the articles
which have appeared in tho Canadian
fteform papers, on the course r °rimed
by. the Governor General in proroguing
the House, tall be pleased to knee that
their criticisms have reached Lord Duf-
ferin's ears, he being, it appears, a most
dilligent reader of the daily papers. He
also endeavours by conyersation with
leading Canadians to gather information
from all quarters. The following re.
markr fell from him a few days ago while
engeged in conversation with a friend in
the Maritime Provinces, and they show
that he is not imdtfferent to adverse
opinionabut is willing to hear both sides
and then act according to what he con-
siders eight. Speaking in regard to
the ye* stiang language which had been
useil coricerniteg him, the Governor saia
that "far front being annoyed at the
anger which has shown itself in those
articles, he had seen with pleasure that
any matter touchiug the character of the
country rouses a feeling which, though
occasionally finding vent in somewhat
strong language, is yet indicative of the
jealousy with which Csnadisms rigard
the conduct of their political leers
when it affects thc honor of tho coun-
- -
The Shrieralt7.
A contemporary wonders that no ap-
pointmeat has been made to the vacaat
sbrievalty. No appointment will be made
till after the election and then Mr. Gib-
. bons will probably have the office,
Outage he has received no promise from
the government to ilia effect. We say he
will prole:gbh/ be appointed, became he bas
been recommended almost manimous• :
ly .1s, the bet of thesocnty, irrespective
314elities, ated bemuse he has by all i
04114 the eteeaseti
Tho Ito7a1 Commission.
Go er STSONG when you advertise.
Business is like architecture --its best
supporters are in columns.
CLOTR1N0.—Philo Noble, Merchant
Tailor has receiyed a supply of Fall
Goods'at his store on Hamilton Street.
See his new advertisetaent.
Ora LOCAL. coarsarowalta advocates
Mr. Gibbons' claim to the Shrieyany
under the heading "Give the Deyil his
due." How is that for high f,
Ray. R. tits will giye an account of
his trip to Manitoba, on Thursday eve-
ning next, in the basement of Knox
Church, at 7.30 o'clock.
RAIN.—Refreshing rains fell on Satur-
day and Sunday last.' They will mutat
materially the growth of root crops,
while the grain being all harvested little
damage can be done.
A QUICK ar w.—The schooner Teetanwh
made a quick run from Sarnia to this
port duriug the gale which prevailed on
Thursday night last. She accomplished
the distance in a little over five hours.
TYPROID FRYER. -We regret to learn
that Mr. Henry Cook of Goderich Town-
ship has recently lost a son and daugh-
ter by typhoid fever. Another son ia
ill:from the same disease and is not like-
ly to recover.
CoNsaavanvit alastrueo.-We under-
stand a meeting of Cnaservatives wil I
be held at Brucefield on Thursday, to
make arrangementa for placing a candi-
date in the field fur South Huron at the
corning election.
Coenteutterste-The statement that
John Brown the contractor is about to
engage Chinese labourers for his works
on the Welland Canal is contradicted at
his request. He says ho can get plenty of
native labourers.
FORPOILT 4113ART.--SOVerti officers of
the Public Works Department were here
on Wednesday on their way to Port Al-
bert, to arrange forth. improvements to
be made in the harbour there,for wbich
$6000 was voted last session.
YERSONAL.—W. Smith, Deputy to the
Minister of Marino and Fisheries, was
in town laat Thursday on his way home
from Lake Superior where he had been
on a tour of inspection. Ile visited the
lighthouse and breakwater during hu
The Royal Commission appointed to
investigate tho Pecific Railway frauds
mumbled at Ottawa on Thursday last
and has met daily since. Ita members
have shown that they are funy versed in
the art of "flow not to do it." A num-
ber of witnesses have been examined but
little information has beett elicited from
them, and the cross exemination to
which they have bean subjected has
been a rnere make believe. Neither Mr.
Huntington nor Mr. McMullen appear-
ed, Sir Ilugh Allan snit sorne others of
the principal actors appear not to have
been subpoenael and !altogether the
course puraued is calcdlated to stifle
rather than encourage investigation.
Probably the Cemmiasion will present a
whitewaahing report, but Parlament
will yet have the opportunity of dit actin g
a full and complete inquiry into this
gig:4mile fraud of which miaisters hays
been guilty. The whole investigation
so far haa been a farce of tha broadest
A. vas Plat.
Censiderable sensation was caused in
Montreal la& week by the publication
of a letter im 'Jul Herald, from Sir John
A. Macdonald to his colleague, Hon. J.
H. Pope, directing hiut how to scheme
so as to get rid of Hon. John Young in
West Montreal and have a government
supporter elected in his place. The
letter was sent to Mr. Young, by whom
it is.not known. One supposition is thst
it was lost, &nether is that it was stolen
from the poet office and an investigation
is being held. The letter shows to what
a depth of degradation the ministry have
fallen when they have to reeort to such
schemes and tricks to gain power and
pelf for themselves. We regret that the
plot was discovered through a private
letter, which, so far as we can judge at
present, it was a mistake to publish.
Thl Bilinleh and IdcailliTraY
The McGillivray and Biddulph es Co.
c,f Huron arbitration, regarding the Co.
of Huron railway aid surplus Appropria-
tion, hal not been definitely decided, a
re -hearing of the case being granted, ia
order to allow the authorities of Bid-
dulph and hleGillivray an opportunity to
rebut the extraordinary evidence of Dr.
Woods, who was the princtpal witness
on behtlf of tho Co. of Huron.-Fark-
hill Gazette.
The Gazette must be mistaken. The
authorities of the Couuty of Huron have
received no intimation of a re -hearing,
and the evidence when the case was up
was en conclusive that there can be no
possible grnund on which the townships
in question can base a just claim.
Cholera is raging in many parts of the
United States.
A ferry -boat while crossin: the
near Kairah, in Hindattart, was capsized
and sunk in deep water. She was crowd-
ed with paseengers, of 90 are re,00rted
Owing to the carelessness of labourers
at Lennoxvilhe at work on the Grand
Trunk Railway, leaving a lorry on the
, line without any danger signal attached,
a freight train wee thrown off the track
and two men killed and another injured
• Further reports continue to corns to
hand of the damage done by the repent
( storm nn the coast of the Maritime
' Provinces. The loss of life and proper-
ty is something appalling.
A disastrous fire occurredat Havanna.
Cuba, on Satunlay night. The loss in
estimated at $8,000,000, and 20 lives
are reported lost. The fir, was alit
t work of incendiaries, who started Om
, buildings in fuer places aunultaneously:
The International Regatta et Toronto
last week was not very suceeesful. The
Committee of Management proved in-
efficient and the races were eery na-
RATHER M ED.—What has 00Me
over our local ectutealporary I In its
lest issue thIngi have got rather mixed
in the editorial columns, which are a
jumbled mass of meaniogless tnatter.
has two meld , one in praise of Mr.
In treating of ihe vacant shrievalty it
Gibbons, the ot er oondeinnatory of him.
It mast have lead two eaitors last week
whose SHIMS wire not in scconl, but how
ridiculous it makes it epee& in the
eyes of the public,
A Suooeurt N.—An exchanee says it
will pay you 11 for all the trouble it
mode you to 6 your home paper. There
can be no &WI Of the face No volume
in your librsay will afford you more
lemurs, too profit, more lasting bege-
t in your b
dates of local
'mare else
mesa. It gives you the
vents which you cannot
ore,marriages, obituanea,
egal notices, etc. In short your paper
is a history of that portion of the world
which you a your family and friends
present in G
attention pai
during the s
at the Britis
ing. There
people from
and other pl
The dancing
corsted an
every respec a suocesa and all appeared
thermal* t' enjoy themselves. .
The American ladies at
erich, as a return for the
them by our townspeople
mer, gage an asseibbly
Exchange Hotel last even.
as a large attendance of
linton, Ssaforth, Stretford
as well as Oodefich.
oom was handsomely d.e-
the supper was mute
e entertainment was in
Tits Stu
be decidedly
sections AI
should subsc
constant ai
tor, and w
a is now acknowledged to
the best local paper tn this
oho wish a good paper
'be for it. 1t will be our
to make it a weloome visi-
trust our friends thrungle
out the cou y will do what they cau to
extend its airculation. People must
have the man and why not have it
through the itulumns of their own bicel
Palter :
"The 00112
Day unto 4
Tu this the
For -this thed dinner onels, the bed re-
mains npreased."
our morning, noon ana
ery, •
reposes it till we die.
kfast owes its sweetest
received t
Ladies' Col
ed in 1869
of young '
plies a wait long felt, u it affords an
edu sation
College ts
and is men
the Stock-hblders each year. The suc-
cess of the institution has been quite
marked a 1 nee buildings specially
erected for he pelt-11.)os are now ()couple t
by the coll e. We can confidently re-
commend this instaittiou to those uf
limited ni ' s who desire to give their
seperior education.
Catalogue of the Ottawa
ege, an institution establish
r the board and education
iea. This institution sup -
Ricronst 513,Iva:re-A meeting of the
Reform. electors Of the town of God-
erich, to appoint delegates to the Sea -
forth Convention, will be held- at the
office of Messrs ilamerott Jt Garrow, to-
morrow (Tlaux:ray) evening at 7.30
o'clock. .
Rome. -A hanasome oil painting,
executed by Rev, Mr. Padfield of Bur-
ford, and presented by him to the blue&
for St. George's Church but which re-
mained undispose41 of, was raffled for
on Friday last. Mr. Finlay of the Bank
of Moetreal was the lucky winner.
MARKET FEM.—The fees of the weigh
scales and rents of the stalls pt tho mar'
ket for the ensuing year, were sold by
public auctioe,st Trueutan's Sale Rooms,
on Wednesday last. The bidding was
spirited and finslly they we knocked
down to Robert Young for 81.
TUE MANITOBA on her I trip down
had on boara two harrels of silver ore
from the Cornish Mine, Thunder Bay,
beiug the first shipment from that place.
The mine leeks promisine. On her way
up last week she had -eight Indian boys
from the Sarnia and Walpole Island re-
servations, on their way to Garden
River Indian school to be educated.
NSWSPAralt CHANG'S.— We under-
stand E. Holmes has sold the Clinton
New Era to E. Grigg, formerly an em-
ployee of the offiee, who will, in a few
weeks, take possession and conduct it
in the Conservative interest. Mr. Grigg
intended to start a paper at CI inton,and
Mr. Holmes, uot relishing the idea of
opposition, has sold out to him.
Social-There will be a socael of the
congregation of Knox Church in the
basement of that edifice, on Tuesdey
evening next, 16th inst. Refresh-
ments will be served at 7.30 o'clock.
As the proceeds are for a special and
very urgent purpose. the Managing Com-
mittee in conjunction with the ladies
trust there will be a -fell attendance.
Admission 20 cants.
Cold,. -The mornings and evenings
are getting quite chilly and warrn wraps
aro coming into requisition. There was
considerable truth in the remarks of the
Irishman to his countryman at home
with regard to the climate of Canada, -
wiled he said, "We have nine months
winter, and the other thrae is very late
in the fall, sir."
Peat/ars a word of apology is due our
readers for the curtailed space devoted
to reading matter in our lest few
issues. The fault, if fault there be, lies
with our patrons, whe recognizing the
advantage our columne afford to those
having announcements to make to the
public, trill advertise in the Stu:est: We
have arranged this week so as to giye
more reading matter.
13,CNINIER Hoest.-The committee of
council who were appointed to consider
the summer hotel project have not yet
reported. We understand that if the
town gives the $ 5,000 bonus a company
will be farmed and the hotel macted,but
that if the bonus is withheld*the project
will fall through. We do hope the pre-
sent opportunity will not be allowed to
pus unimproved.
HOTIL ACCOMODATIoN. -American v n-
iters to Montreal complein that the
hotels of thst city offer very poor accent-
edation, whereupon the press suggests
that the merchants should unite and
bnild a large summer hotel it they wish
to retain dm summer custom they re-
ceive from visitors. This ill what the
Goderich merchants should deg or rather
it wonli pay theta to take stock liberally
in a company to build a summer hotel.
Execastora-The steamer Huron ar-
rived in this harbour on Sunday morn-
ing with an excursion party of about 9*
persons from S.suinaw and intermediate
porta. They spent two days in town,
leaving on the return trip on Monday
eveuing. They expressed themselves
well pleased with our town, which
certainly appeared to good advantage
on Monday, the day being bright and
clear, without dust. The livery stables
did a thriving business during their
SINTENCRD.—Samuel Noble, for as-
saulting Leonard Peck, was brought be-
fore Judge Tome on Wednesday last
and pleaded guilte. fie was sentenced
to three months in jail at hard labour,
or to pay a fine of $20 and costa. Noble
appears to have a mania for committing
assaults. He has served a tenn in the
oenitentary for beating his wife, besides
several ehort terms in jell. There is
another charge pending against him.
BONSS TO Martivacrroxiss.-Our con-
temporary in its Last teas has a few
lines on this subject, the meaning of
which re take to be, though the word-
ing is rather obscure, thee it weuld be
&Visible to grant a bonus to induce
nsanufacturies to be established here. If
such is its meaning we folly agree with
it, as we have always held thiet this clams
of businees does more to build up a town
than any other, and any sum granted
would be amply repaid in a short time
flooe.-The cool impertinence with
which boys enter gardens and help
themnelves to fruit was well illustrated
in this town the other day. • woman
on one of the back streets heard some
boys in her garden in the evening help-
ing thentselves to fruit, and went out
to drive them off, when they 000ly in-
formed her that they knew her husband
was away and they were not afraid of
her. She called in • swighbour,who, by
&sudden onset eilUared one of the boys
and "went for hint" lively vrith a awe.
That boy will probliblY sot bw we knilm`
Ibsen% nett time he is caught "Waling. ,
for acquiring a eupenor
a moderate expense. The
rotestant and Non-sectarian
ged by a Board elected by
AN Orti
gives this
!goal to
by certain
"Mr. Che
to make s
those *sited in the pit bebind him. Of
course any gentleman would prefer them
to remain a standing nuisanoe to them.
If a gentleman wishes to attend, accom-
panied by ladies, he must get to the Hall
-not always an .essy task -before the
affair commenoes, or he may be obliged.
We hope the needed reform in regard te
this matter will be made at onoe. The
public should have a ehaace to secure
their seats, and then they are paid for
the ushers should keep them vacant un-
til clai mad by their proper owners. Liked
seetiment wants a little education upon
indi:idual rights in such oases, that all
should be made to undenstand the,
while it is very rude for a lady to take
her *coin a seat that heel been reserved
for a gentloutan, it is vuite eatisme ilfuut
for him to demand . her resignation of
the usurped position, even before the
eyes of a leage mixed audience. To
charge double price fur the privilege of
hunting standkig room in front of a bar
is too manifest an injustice to be tole.rat
by sensible people, and the necessity of
a rodical chenge will be apparent to all
who hare suffered the incuovenience we
hay. noticed. As long as the people will
ba complaisant. the managers of cone
patties are' only too glad to adopt the
easiest way'for themselves, but when
compelled to the proper couree they will
earrotheYr itot rnts!'n' ittautford the same as in
Tun Atnzwe.-The September num-
ber of the Ablate has wine to hand.
Europe and America have been laid un-
der cnntribution to furuish the most
marvelloualy beautiful picturea which
the best artists catt produee. Mr. A.
F. Runner has a series of three magnifi-
cent views in tho itocky.j Dlountains,
matte expressly for THE ALDINE. In
these days of, Y.ellowstonel e-lpeditions
and excursions to this fatuous region.
these. pictures possess unueual interest.
A fulltpage yiew of Clear Oreek Canon,
Rockydttountains, °peas np the wonder -
fel grandeur of those hidden solitudes in
a way to make them seem iteal ; a large
picture of thennowy Rang of the Sierra
a sketch of the interior ,f the Rocky
Madre is wild, gloomy, an greed, while
%fountains, gives one the impression
tluit all the world is made Of mountains..
A chariniug full-page !pieturo after
Lejeune, a French artist,i called "The
Blue Ilirda' shows a bewitching young
woman confined in'astnnat tower to keep_
her from her lover.- Me. aloha Howe, a
New York artist, has a fell -page study
of "Brookside Willime," nenerkeble for
its faithful interpretatien of nature and
minute detail. A liner picture is &Ideal
seen. Mary A. Ilallock Klemm society
sketch called eWhe Is kr' a two ladies
peeping deem stens to catch a glimpse
of the 111311 at the hall door. Dere, the
groat Fretach artist, furnishes- two large
pictures illestrating the !airy talerd the
"Sleepine Beauty." . One of these shims
the wonderful "Sleeping Prima," with
the limitation in profound slumber ; the
ether luirrors the "Slociaug Beauty" :in
her viue-covcred balcom iir the golilen
sunlight. These two pi tures are Iiiiagi•
all iu their effect, aud fill id the allele
'genius of DOW.1. Peter a
fully ilrewit picture call
Fenn Scene, ' which
characteriat ie. There i
ture of "Emperor
Titian," after Becker,
d weli-linewn histori
Skye Terrier," cloaca
illultration3 for Septet
these pictures are well .
(1:tatelorpressan j tth!tiou eidsliit:eapiim4 Beanty„ beim:
4,1 special interest. Mrs. Julia C. 'n.
Derr opens the number watt an expeis•
ite poem of considerable length, ent'aled
"Rena ; a Lotend of Bruesultatel It has
all the beauty and graeo of Tennysena
"L >cksley flall," which. it, rzieinhles.
R. K. Weeks sails a vin '..if a poem coll-
ect "lii Septeurber." 'the imam con-
tributioila are all cecelletit. "A Greet
Man in a Green 11at," is a capital setae:
on the modem art of "iuterv'ewintea
written by G. P. Lahrop. a . Wa•
has at chatty article "Concert iag Cm,
tUlne3.” '''Tlie iturg!'•nialter in a Bet-
tie," ie one Of thaw gimlet French
etories which 'onfy. Messrs. Erek:nant.
Chatrian c•mal hate written. : "On The
Trap" la all elellillit love story by E. 11.
Leonard, W, w. Iliiley has one ef hie
pleavint and rea•lable essays on "Matiou
lc Plants. ' James Jecktea oaerves, the
7eori!.-kft.ian writer on art, centaieutes it
interestiug (exeunt of "3Irs.
Bruwaing's English Heine.' The' de-
partments of Meek, Artatiel Literature,
are each well Wed with gotid solid read-
ing matter, fully maintainidg the high.
reputation THE Atots a bus long since
earned,. Sulecriptionaprice $5.01 in-
clnding Minimal "Whig° -Belle'. and
"Crossing the Meer," James Sutton di
Co., publialiers,' bS Maiden Lane, N. Y.
Sr c It '11. — A Toled J raper
meorrect report of a speech
named by a member of a
in that section. It is about
e of the speeches delivered
metiers of our School Beard:
Male -I rise for to -that is
motion which is Ai follolea :
iat there are no need to buiel
such costive school -houses at some of
this ere Ward is pruposiu to 'rect. No,
Mr. Chee nen, Ian 'posed to 'pendia'
money fo more housen. The ewes are
pretty g yit, and to go for to build a
pretty eli house which will cost $10,-
000, or re yet, it's' all wasted. It's
no 'con° y to throw away money we
don't ne . • Taxes cost money, and
money h to gu to pay taxes. and lot us
expense ith any more schoul-housema
CoNemar.-Prof. Fergutota the Per-
fortner (Ai the Irish Union- Harmonic
Pipes, elate a concert in Crabb's Hall en
dience. e was "minted by the follow -
Friday erns' last, before a maid en-
ing am& rs,-MisadticDougell,Dr. and
Mrs. Thempson Mr". Austin, Mr. Kak-
patrick ead hIr Armstn,ng, all of whom
sustaine4 their arts with credit. Pruf.
Fetgusott gave a capital burlesque of
the Rah n Opera accetnpanying hianselt
on the p no, and hes pipe performance
wa also ery jeittoil. Dr. Kirkpatrick's
song in charaeter was well rendered
and wel received. Miss McDougall
lain on e piaino trerearkably well and
displays.:great ;taste in that hoe. Dr.
and Min Thorhpson are always ready
and will g to lend their assittance in
the mus cal line and their performances
always teke *all. Mr. Armstrong sang
a cooplei of very pretty -songs. The
concert ., was very well patronized and
was quit a sedans.
Rom ses.te-On Weduesarty lest a
team of ,horsee lielonging to Mrs. Dey.le
ran swab, on %set Strecaand after run-
ning ro ild a block were stopped with-
out dt nz arij injury. 011 Friday
mornin another runaway of a mere
serious character took piece on the hill
leading to Maitlandville. As Mrs.
Write f the Fisher settlement, and
anothe woman named, we belie•e, Mc-
Graw,. ere crossing the bridge over the
rade& track in a buggvalie horse took
fright d ran away. Near the bridge
the gv came into collisien with a
amego which 'threw both women out
and wrecked ihe buggy. Mrs. Weise
receirell a very severe cut on the Lice
and MM. McGraw two cute on the head,
both being considerably bruised. as well.
Dr. *Lean was sent for and dressed
the whunds. The horse escaped but
was (*light at Maitlandville. The
womea heel a 'narrow escaped front being
observe it stated that the Council of
Public' Instruction intends recalling all
eertifittates granted by the County
Boards previews to July 1871 ; so that
teacheIrs, holding such certificates, trill
do wall to prepare themselves for ex-
aminatien as soon as possible, as all such
certifiestes will cease to be valid after
July 1874. This step on the part of the
Education Department him been render-
ed necessary for many reasons, but
chains owing to a desire for uniformity
of qualification in the certificates, mid
with A view to raising tke standard ..f
quelification generally, which will be one
of th first effects. Ample time is given
for t achers to qualify themselves for
the a preaching change ; fur that many
of th will have to qualify there ie no
dont, This action ou the part of the
Coun il of Public Instrtection will, we
app ena, make teachers scarcer, and
will *robe* enable the profession to
demaild and receive better talaries
than now paid.
Ts. a ENotnin.—The_followiti.; from
mericnit Neiropip• r Rteorter,
true in general, applies with
specs force to the 'County of Her •0 in
whic euch a crop of newspapers is now
apri ing up. "Canada has altogether
too uch newspaper competition te al-
low any of her news pert reaching a
scayeryrat cyredaictambinletystienioanrtad.ri3O Tinhe
there are not from five to a dozen news -
a rable existence, and very many of
psi, nearly all of which eke cut but
the do not last a year after being start-
ed. Every little hamlet has an ambi-
tion for a newspsper, and every vi
e ch 'linsater imagines himself perfect
cafe le of an editorship, and is often
wi 1i to expend his hoarded -up little
pile order to gratify his ambition to
lead publio opinion, and the printing
al is •introduced into the village.
The are plenty of /ally moths ready as
soon one drops away from the enter-
prise to take his place, and when this
ens kits diecovered his mistake, there
are PwaYi othen equally foolish, and
so rt ineinitent, to the injury of
legitimate busier's' in other places.'
oran 11,13" C we-
an "American
truthful and
als • a riLl4 pee
atrial t1". and
Welt illustrates
1 evout. "
he grand list 'of
ulna. Each of
cetwraial in the
articica of t'Cul-
03,t1t11.1.1 3:421xl.
(From the Chirctoo Times ):.
In the local columns of The Tivrls will
be found the 'first complete history of
the Clusadian Pacific railway Wanda.
The journals of the Dominion ha doue
the bribery at purchase of the
their beet, silt is tiro partial expo
ment, to ob t the Lupe in ;
the bulk of the et eleneti wa.s
ion of oeiirge Mt:Mallen tl
their efforts wtere nen.ssarily f
In The Times f thio morning ill
. •
had what the heve vainly
eistently seueht. They will 4sc,ivor
much more, tre apprehend, th their
most indignant suspicions eVer c sider-
ed probable. !
The speetaels whichAliese rev ations
portiom of the nn t civi-
lized empire . on earth surpasies-al-
though it at tio credit' te us to 4y an-
th Aced
e ; but
nier to
Other -
Vern -
it as
s city,
y will
:t per -
present is pro
corruption th
cal affairs of
1 laid naked in th
ehe rottenneas which radical
futened epee the Joint of the A
dethocracy. Ameri
titans have trededarephice,and
in the disLouerable profits of oil
we have Mut far lama spared th
of en ontird cabiuet, front pr
postmaster general, mewed in a
ate bargain Of the oighest m,
Yet achieved en au eat of vast
transactions, for the tale of official pow-
er. l'oesib y -the republic or,31esico
nay offer in secret histiay a; ',wallet
for the pollution of : Sir John
donald's ministry ; but the
scope of Meiiicatt hatpins is
tivelv 'Mita. Under the late N
faltered it
ole wkat
ut to Cana
to Sir Jehn A. Mac °field an
leagues lutist be awarded the
tiection: which history yet atfo'
entire, orgailizad, experienced,
Ind Avowerlly henoreble cabin,:
iug, 10 a 1)ody and 'for the. in
'human rewards, the honor
treasure olthe people who col
them the public intenist, end- w
solemnly air.ore faithfully to a
is true that Sir. Hugh Alla
throughout as the wpretterimitt
aisetnireging recora Of geueral
ay ; tt is iflicult to cotnpreh
apposes in lack met ratite as
ling Feat his seeiniug peej
be perjery et all, pdrjury with
but equal difficult it is'et,
wherein t h moral . guilt of
Allan ileac , ids below Sir Joh
douebi's A Ileti.• *as not t
• I '
custodian!, of the public ,ri
was, pot lit sacred duty, as it
donahle, t i attend latween
end robba e It aet nut his p
at it weal Maeilenald's, to
the busineka of OW DItitiilitt
;the C01111 ry. A I Went
come:Lets ;MI sign heeeto Ili
scheme at he w at have e
ether ripemilatii iii 1 gdeleand
sottanut °Cowling Is sensitive
but elution:ad ptajured •hi
first to ' laist in . participial
"dicker, et rill ; *Ode mail t
1. vets whalle The i'i nes pelotas
Piremedealitedonel _mends
for a large 'port'? of the d
guilt appertaiiiin to ' WS
Wit110113 his eza phi and o
knowle o codhl hey have
tent eit
tiro thei
plisee art petroiet m and i.
fatituus aiii-s his w i fid aigai
participatieu in hie rata
of the *Sprat law as well al
stet nWo,,.ailieti thO general
the use !of this Money was
mate thd violent ,de 4.1f a•
a,-aitpleta, be use Sir
had the 4,,vernm it so coin'
power Last, althlIgh thay
shruek 'ruin the ea very.°
meet, 41tey dap. Pot refuse
At Ova cyst of pot:amid and I
As eitenta aave traespired,
was mule delayei It is et
ic regime, i muter"
imperial smi e, and
elven them giftei
Namara not Sum -We find the
follolring remarks in the Brantford Ex-
positor. They snit the case of this town
so admirably that we re -produce them
in IOW." Considerable dissatisfaction
has keen caused in this town on account
• tha loose and unbutieess-like mariner
of manning the reserved seats at our
pubVt entertainments. Fretatently the
moque not numbered at all, and when
they are, tatters are not very particular
to saforce rule obliging sach person to
occupy the place pre -engaged end no
other. To illustrate the matter Re have
onlytto retort° the Japenese show, Mon_ threther against him, knocking hitu
day teght. Tickets were seal at 25 cent, against abet repiely revolviug pulley,
and `1:50 oouts respectively, but the badly fracturing the skull on the right
seat were mot numbered at 2, . side, just above the ear A lar
Boari et Mita Sohool Trasttos.
- -
The te4eht ineuthly meeting of the
&aril w.tit held c.ii Monday eveeing tat
ins', Present C. Cribb, Chairman; end
Messrs. Kay, Pateiore, Illichanam Sha-
mans and Samisen. •
The minutes of hat meetine were reati
and approrel.
A i'lfghtioitPriNlicaipint erz,vieernete2diitleOrs 7riespi;rtsveforil•
wge attendance ail. Rtliort adepted.
The Inepector preset( ted a very
lengthy report which was received and
adopted. It stated that the attendance
in St, Pettit:Vs Ward was beyirtirl thy
capacity of the &heel house and recom-
mended that the half day system be in-
troduced till increased, acceniodation
could be ptovided..
Moved by Mr.. Peewee°, secended by
Mr. Buchanan, that the Town Comma
be applial to for the use ef the Fire-
ruen's Hall fur a sellout neon in Olt
, Miss Ann Tii) tor tendered( her resig-
nation, to take effect aliment] of this
month, un aceouut 1,1 ill health, which
was accepted, and the Secretary was' in-
structed to advertise for another teach-
er at salary id $200. '.
A request was received from I.:Hecate.
taker of St. Andrew'a Ward &hied. to
have two sets ef keys wended, 1•7717
the teeciter anl cm! for 1 tell.' Re-
quest granted.
Moved by Mr. S‘Wallaoll, /11.V1,1111,14
Mr. Sinenetis, tam uremia be pet up Ito
St. Andrew's Ward school grounds -for-
bidding trespossing -Carried.
The -following &Quints were preatea-
ed and rered to he peida---Express
Co., eh& et.9.1; Itinnainy, work
An St. David's Ward school !lease .94;
#W5.1.5M0;cZeRat,tihd,, wpaoriskitrit21.411:1.1gil.agtiirg.
sent & Co.,
The Principal wa.• instrueted 1.1 Lana'
out the hair -day :system lir St. Patrick s
taard till next inLeting„
The 11:+arl then alljournetl.
(Feens the Neu; Enc.)
Snirmittir Suzze.-On BIonds.y
last,orsr 1,440 sheep were shipped frost
tbis locality to the United States. -
}attn.-About noon nu Monday last)
the ehianteleof Mr. F311%11(1'11 house, op-
posite the bank, took lire, hut fortunete-
ly discovered in time t..• be vatic'.
gUished with ease, withont dainage•
bribery •
ir the •
111 the
the disgreeil does
onlye eir Geri
hanurablo ,nann
would und:albte
erava with hina,
persou of Sir lit
into tla belief
into pa tient
ly slity at ho e.. •
The popularsleepin whic
affairs. of Cansale Itave bee
•Macionalit pert/ tn. ,t11
tury, has becil[riidety
pc:Th.00min their eyes t
:pack Of thieves: in their
They open them water
thieves, their ;lune thee
appoiitting tlie 0E11 Co
througa the two o coDnIr
Dufferie„ wit t. gerrrner getters!
n he permits
Oleic own
41,111, Sli9son
reached the
ittioth sit -
specie), tele-
rmarly all the
nil innocent,
al, the coin-
. to pojellar
it° itself, m
InIllit!t Oth-
ete,ber parlia-
t Ilritish
ple tney have
tho proro-
eldest the
littlo atm). ,
one 11'0111 a,
th eit
not mead
o E,
ly liatatab
ail not th
gli Allah,
+et it wart
. Mac-
er the
•as not
his &d-
ole clia•
A of an
betray -
&nest of
tul the
idea to
otn they
rem t
1 in this
d what
, -if it
ut limit;
'ir Hugh
A. Mac-
. eveoria
tat. • :•I
as Mac-
e people
' tater
, tellieke
.ereitlit tit
014. mum the
g a white
self from
a in the
/Mini Lig
s are lin-
grace and
ty by his
we elan
cations of
retuiu to
eia I ly
co of and
of politieta
plIrptiso of
t, C.1111411111-
1l1lay char-
nel' Allen
etely id his
,tit. to have
the lustre-
Ilatt except
Jitical ruin.
his fatality
:to note that
the living
ier hal au
life, end,
e it te his
evil, in the
limed hint
%ter to go
than honest-
the political
seek by the
er iif cen-
*eta The,
diseuver a
high pleats,
tirel these'
,; brazenly
t ef inquiry
lee tif I;sed
001171111SPONDE ITOZ.-72,!
•••••••••••• WV", .......
To the Editor of the Huron Signal.
sir,—Allow me to correct the state-
__.707411.-- La& los
Ncw abuctitscmcnt-s.
stated that lie (lied ia this fever Wheel'
Mr. Polley's roan trotter. It is there
„tent in last week's Sioxee, in regard to'
lately carried off so many horses, he had
&emoted, it was obstinato constipation
no symptom of thi3 diseaso hut. as w e
the post mortem. examination.1.e.,ti.nsiDiciti:f
grated. I am aiithorit1,1 to sty th '
T. Charc,
which was the cause of his death, This
start an Organ r eetore
from drowning whilst bothil; at 'Crow
vilSile;m113.rAiiii:er.ileaatieiclYa.pitolisto aro la t •to
reiji4'lioniAentihur .111.1 a ev '•"1"3
says the Time,
illoimni; .1, p. 9, 1,4'2 •
Nin'Af• (Fall) If lu.h tl 13 1 )2
watat..(1rreig) bueli... lo
Flintr .(per hal.) A tit J fi 50
Otts, V MI* 0 1', a ir nr
reu, 13 bout oi *)
Uerley. im.0.• • • • 0 fal J 6i
r.i.a,,ies,p bosh 0
rirk, hl .r) 4
per ........ ....„ 1t. 37
Clikkens per pair 0 :2.1
0 I; 0 I,
,) 1 .4 ti di
Batter.), lb
Wool ......... • • ••• • • • • . 3 •••
T Dirk ;
Goderich FoundrT
int ann the pubilic that thity are
ft KS
arepared a, contract r
Steam Engines and Boilers;
On' land
'MON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, \Vial st*-(.1 !wards,
Dy Special Telegraph to ihe COOKING, PARLOR BOX STOVEs various kititi;,
Eggs. if dos (num 1).. 0 17 ./ ;1 !
can Irt er,41
his ministers to
behalf The r.
•al "tam
t3 whi ewesli, h altallyj
lima of its use tallness
ting. As will bp sial ty
grain eittewhere it het le
the constitutive, to slim
outside of Outdate 3114 a
essential testaters, guilty
reaide iu and ahunt Mont
in inlet] i3 p Crless..
sense of just'. wIll vin
well es, the p. lie power
cad seoundroliern, in the
mont, the only- place, HD
censtaution, where thee
any rights, and, judging
gstion, not many the
caprice or Wetkreas ef
thing which th y pay te
distatit continua to geed
' ------
Cintesaraattre lane; inch pleasete
jin- noticing aliat- Mrs. hitt, Wu of
Chnton, Iffla Ion 32.1 Au lint, ir.eenciat
Of her music tiptle, am' et by several
telented ama curs lt, es a deeded
stiecess. The. indrionci (Nets, the
choruses' anid,v,wol gee aally.lea
lug aped!), satitfect•ay. Thr meta:ea,
waelaree and: am:et:deli
Vfheat, (Fall) per •A sILT. • Ns ktihE ,
Wheat, (Spring) per 1 I-. l(41 I . 7 , J -
Flour, (per lei/
01 4j1 ,
Oat.. per bush ' 0 1-1 ..
rea•e, per Lush n LLI
- 43 — •
Ztat,,Wer per %nab ,Lp Ir011 and Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Work.
, Barley. ler a'al1 ct I 40 . •
16 is 1;
11;g41, lwr doz. (tuipecke.1)., If 1.! „
Clover Seed 5 pi
Ray, [You ne it or
Skimp 1.0 0). !
Ilides mi
-141seroion, Sep,11, 4.;,,
Wileit, (Fel). . ; ..... $1 14 ••
Wheal. (Spria-4 pet I 15 0 I.i
Flour, (per ima. • . 6 00 " 0 in
nerlcy, per by* 0 "• 0 69
141a; per Wish .' 0-33 -" 110
Teem, per bush 9 V4 -" 0
Totetees, per ,Isleti v 46 " 0 vo
Tolic • 5 to 4
Dotter, No 1 p oe
No, 2 .4. 9 01, 14.
N ...... .•.. 00 0 A .
No. 4 0 „ 0 114:
rt..; 4 per Jot. (Muraek6.1).11 " 04
11.4.0 ..... •• „.„ •.? • is 0,
11 ty ' le es
Wood • ". 0 3 lid
- tee Met t 3. 3 7,i,
Set4.!.61h. -Fell Whaat
Spring de 0.19 to 1.20:1 'I:artily feat
to 91e. Osts 42e. Peas' fiec- c.
Itye 65e. to' et.i; Butter List. t , 1-;,.
Eggs ror to la°.
ttitit.-Wboat,U.0 /prin..; ;1.4 .33. I
MONTEEAL 31111tEL rA. •
'Fall 11.34, Oets 3 t t • . a a.
PS ta 77c. to et. C pra i tte et,
Better' 14 to 113. Cheam I le. le 12e.
Eeet te tat. .1tilee -Pete eatiet
to $6.37te. Pearls tea:le it
• LieslieW HARR .
Sept. 6th. -Fell Wheet tn
it/.32.,..-.14iirin4 do ain-15 to $1.Z.1.
ley 6de. to 70e. Peas 50 to 60c. Coen
BOILS'RS AND sA.Lr PANS aErAIRED 011 short -1101,ico..
1,;";.;r" AR Oiders nildrenstll the Cotapany or . eerea,ey ttedi re,
•ei vO prompt atttlition.
.‘1:(1111tAt.1) 110110E,
Secretary iota Treasurer.
110111K111 It C111 A to, Getteral. Man *ger.
HORACE f I tle IN,
ttsii, Int., WI Sept. , 1873.
1;441 keeping the CAN Ole
, t'oliniteer Camps will be etexived
andereigned up to, the 20th instant.
• If. CatOKE,
Ailjt. 33rd . V. M.
elielea, Sept., 11373. 1386b
• -
N V '11." 4
• . o D WOM-1)
I ---,--
, -
seetiot s Aitaioneree. Mr ,,,a the
Billingsley a plis tiVagukw,:.o'going t.•
Bitterish./ in a 'Biagio cal riazo ott Thurs•
adtay 0117 t , eatralui thl.iiarise ubc,.. 1. it:I:I::: in ,fad1:1 plig:seoll:Ittef ,,nrttinieliidee.
lb:l'i‘gigynti,artrirow UtgbeMtfil.aacii ii.t,abolsfrisyi.oilint,iitjl luiarriteevid-
tley violentl on iiie gem 1017,117a3r7e0tv.,_,r.
er had his elibulder pia
Mrs Billings cy was se
intarnally and altl.Out:It
in' gill not able tat have h
, sobfcrt
•- -
A New trilITELKERrET -3fr. J. Dunn
of Brantford, bee leas . '. Marirey's
hotel in this villa:it an 1 :ut received a
license front the Cou i at its last
nuating. '
Mt. THOBA4 BEI,L.- -ill s gentlotnan
has bought iota Devidtmi a Campbell's
share of the, Wroxeter stage line, and in
f tura will ran it himself.
A 3.1saN Talex.-A few days since a Hoes Acate.-Messite. Brown. Car-
man in this village had it horse shod by' • k d 0 of flay, arrived heine
one of our blackemiths, and immediately
night. On repairine to the tield next y - k Nati long
from their qld countty
day last. They came b
after turned it into a pasture for the
da y, the owner got his horse but found rough voYage.
or , itteteit
it mines tta shoes, they havinz been re- h wever
of Mr. &Ws a . 1 ___, , to
Diphtheria' a •s .ii. child of Mr.
:mit did 13(4 1111101113 1
!labia in the wor . .0 mulch. Ivo
will see.
ddenly en Iasi 11 403.Y wu
d that is
his horse shod, taking with hiin a set of h 6 ..i. -Expositor. !
shoes. As the name of the lir& maker a. el a one -teed- Their have brought
all inagnific4nt
moved ia Ole night by some person se
waa pfoeed on exemining the beef's of
of the shoes was upon them, it WILS 14R. JOHIff 1.1"*—Th -
necessary to obliterate it, which WM rw9ith them two two-yearAold cutire homy)
gentleman haa
the horse, A short time after a "gentle -
this villege, Olt Tuesday,
No. 2.
San Aom Drat T.—A very ead occident eleoperaer at' COT .-- Our Ma.fgoiii•
the and inst. &animals. They have &leo a number of
fine • e p. old mare;
or of the yea”
Inspector for
matt went to another blacksmith to get
sheaf tu be caught and dna a rutted the
sheave" over the belt w hich drives the eaent.coltd.___a 0 of alleged nsmult onma:
Falland, of thie place, in ilaiKting A- ot bheienr Caaae was to have been investi-
at a ita:ary of $30.
inted Licen
occurred ia Mr. Shataz's Flax Mill, in
done, and tLey were then put on horse Seaforth for the re
shortening the belt and upsetting the
pulley, which had the instant effect of t") il,ana h been laid art he bm had busi-
thresher, it ia supposed nllowed the ''' 1 but the constable aPin't been a
the during the weelt one woman tar-
trates have liad sere cases Ix, re
While the mill Was working, a yoteng ;nem seut to Galeria) 01) arr't "r
tad about 16 yeses of age, son il John "T.,--- beeng ble to pay the fine imposed.
were werth 50 oents; back of that
the stage to a. certain row the sit. of bone Walt retnoveri, and
tinn of brain enaped Th a - ts I' II ho m
quite a per-, „ nAT CHI DOtEN.—A child.
'Intl,- `',-n El:6' woods since the issue of the
gir ! a the
--- -- - -Th eirl is Oot tbo most re-
sent Amon-- tet eel° died pretty
person egaihst v hom the
• ,
viarrant. - -e - le emi prolably the
sn Wo ee mien
cn Thum -
„way of New
and unusually
standing their
hey all looked
V '25 cents. Both parts were fun. of hudemovery.
If a Oedema:a whehad bought a "rosary. - ---
et came late, he was permitted to
ue is best he could, to the front
but he stood there conscious
• was obstinoting the view of all
stionmi:04.JotoiiunteswtSaaatiAti:eliterhto fowuj-tniid—rya scant:744d ef
14 being onl tw
same-LaL---rtd YayWoirilisaur:nh;eriltbd2ek..eoenriglidt,lebauttre
work -
have not homei of w hst ,
55,1 toh.10.t. tatte .110 te 45c. Better '2*
to E,v41 IQ.% to 121.o.
In McKillop, on the 1Sth ult.. the wife
of Mr. Samuel Itabertson of a eel(
In Canton on the attli ult , the wile
• M. P. Grant ef a d lighter.
Ciinton, tlio th wife
t,f J. P. bleedenali , of a sett.
In IfeKtliiipoti the 23tel tilt., the wife
14 Mr. JUill 11r3y, 11:3,1kiltilt,11., of a
In Havaitrhey on the 21st nit , the
wife uf Mr. J. M. alcOreger ef Meta -
tuba, of • son, still born,
, •
• 7
111 Turnberry, on the Ittli .ult., the
-wife of Reba Moller, kafi., Of twin
At Verne,,on 'An. 24, the wife P;.
J. Belgium, of a daughtee. •
Tuckeesmith, on • Altar 21, tlie wife
of Mr. Yellow, of sea. •
Seaforth, on Aug. 20, the wife of Mr.
William Huta, of a dem:liter.
In Ilihltert, on Aug. 21, the wifc of
kr. James Hoggartb, of a sou.
McKillop, on Aug. 35, the wife of
alr. Jetties Hogg, of a, daughter.
In Goderizh, nn the llth ult. the. wire of
Mr. James Vitian,af a son.
In Gutlerieh, on the 21th ult.. the wife of
Mr. (Loam Booth, of a eon. - •
In Seaforth, mi the 29th ult., the wife
of Mr. Joha Lea, of a daughter.
In Seaforth,on the 2911r ult., the wititiad
Mr. Janies II. Benison, of a daughter
Mclaillop on the ult., the **de
of Mr. Jtibu Brown a a damghte:f.
In Grey, on Sept, 2, the *if; of Mr. B.
Avery, of a am. •
At Egmendville, on Sept. 1, the wife of
Mr. Sidemen alacilouald, of a son.
MaKilloa, int Sept. I, the e de of Mr.
Win. Morrison, of a (laughter.
In Sealer:Oa on Attie 29, by tht,
Thema& 1 oldeni Hit, Mr, (.eorge Sum-.
credits 'Thompson, of AteKillop, to
Joanna, dangtiter of William Stone-
man, Erg., of 'f tickersitiith.
tte;iforth on Aug. 27, hy RevaPheetat
atiolilsinitle eta Jeshee 11 ainnea, L,r
Stratford, to Muss Mary Chainleve, of
In Seaforth, int Aug, 27, by Rev T
Goldsmith, Mr. 'Phonily. Knott, to
M iss Rachel Hodges, of Fill:art, on.
Ili Clinton. on On Ist inst., at the reei-
deem id the bride. by the Rev. Mr.
Mathews, Mr. Thomas Thomas, to
Marths. Lyons, widow of the late
Hintry amens, both of Clinton.
At Kinvirdine, on the let inst., by the
Rev. William Antietam% M....A., Mr.
Fredrick tlorris, oduri ch„te Miss
Caroline Lewis, of Culboroe. ,
In London, Ont.,On Sept. 2, Mary Attu
Carter, widow o'f the late Junathan
Carter, of Seaforth.
At the residence of her son in-lew, Mr.
Cowan Keys, on let inst. Mrs. hictire.
gor, late of the towmaip of Greenock,
agal 73 yearn.
it tioderich on the 8th inst.,' Louisa
Baumetark, aged 85 years,
New 2bucrtiscincnt3.
35 ,Apply to
Rai! Dreseer.
Goderich, 8th Sept. 1873. 1346
IAME into the premiees of the under -
a• -i signed Lot 23, con 11, Towtwhip of
wwit Watranosh, a Red Steer with
horus partly turned up, comma eyeots
old. The c,wner 14 requested to prove
pa,porte,pay charges and take him away.
St. Helens, Sept. 9th, 3873. 1386e.
Tenders for Sinkir g•
f VENDERS will be received by the un -
at 12 o cloak, moon,
for the sinking f Four Water Tasks
on the Square. Specifications can I*
seen et the office of James &mill, leg.
:fa MKS "a HOWSON,
Town Clerk..
Goderich, Sep' 2nd, 1873. 1385
(Star give one insertion.)
3E3 111.1--‘t II A jal
Fer eailt %%11 1.1.: paid. .
. 11 11.‘WLEV & SON, -
Hathour F;Ata.
(1 1 •ricli, • , 1873, 1.38...'id
, . STRAY COW. ,
T it AY ED from the . lays of the
seilrieriberaboet the 10to of Angnst,
. .
a rue C,PW, with white belly; flank and
tip of tat dark bag with white spot on
it, head and neck dark -rail,, white spot
on. forehead, home termed in, • 5 years
0141, iiiilk. Any porsuu giving
infertile' .n Viet ;via teal limatre-
covery *al be seitalaa rewar
Goiderali, ' pt. , 1384-ce
titt held at Sesforela, at noon,
en Friday, 12.1h September,
fer the ',entree of taking into contial-
oration the proptict,y of bringing odt a
candidate for Seuth Huron, 011 prohibi-
t:on principles. Temperance teen of
all similes -of politics aro earnestly re-
Miested t3 attend.
ty order.
. 1 President.
Cottoned+, fah tart., 1R73,
EZ _El_
A nv.etw to •411 L061 aAboill Ilte Load.", pir ,tk-,
a ii..4 imilsw. ilondorny hy OtMe 9.
Monsen.' ...lo lava to.,tn.• .......1Clnipits3 Al 4,4y si .
tonna, and 1011,4 414,Itotd811.• 1704,of,r; .1181 4.
.oLhoriae Hi lei', LI 01 a 19o:ci•I fat/. tilt1/10•19111.i.
1.: ea of the .1. hentare. end int. -t.,...4. . s ,
WHEIt6.&14, by An ot ..4.tto Polill: La-tanito of,
thy lelftalalvare L4 the hot ine. .4 11.1h1 M., ie. . •l• ,
in the Thirty-fourth t ear • 41.5:15, .1,--80 0 11.1 WIP.- :
iy, entitle•1 "As... Ittd {LI 11,6,91.4r46.1.1.. Loo.i..o! .
liiiron awl Bruce 17•111.114-1:4'8,1.147'.' *44 8`..0 44 :,i
nients thereto, an•t by the net cr.. tont Dolowdor .
roititiltious in' olw To•Yino. of wtie.i... 1,.....,- ii '
,-.0•.i, to any portion of A • 110441•8•44857/78 14e ...1:11,1 in
, to the Lei Cent...lir fel. Ow .nufieeif• el aid- • .
0C Ili the somelrection of their .s1.1 red.ey, ..,, ,.. 1,42.
And s•hereas, a Petition mono by over ufty pee-
.oge who are resident (*.don. rs• "resist. II,
!awl as...gement roll of the f. snip el Twk.:-
..e.ith and ipialifiol vot.:rs under thterild plwans. .0
Ina mut la that rs•rtion of tlw sa61 Iliii•,--uslity of
the TOW...1p 4.1 Tni•Lerernitli e....o.i.edes followet -
Coin...ming et the easterly seie W the Loudon
Road, at the smith errderly eagle of the: eei4
te• 0.4.14., then n ort her' 1.„-. along said essterl side
..:1' maid toad i... Ilor I itrtil.betwe. u Illt said teas...Lu-
ang ths Village of C1111t.on, theron alorm thin l Mad
to Do- southerly limit of Well.* ti Reef, ilpenee
i n. • soutneaster' e di reel ion along the said solther-
tg mat of the Ilirron tots 70 the Utast 1,0t1reagOt
tlia ail4 toaLlialtir 064 DM Village :.7 eetiforti• .
theninstostheriy along Wet -twit to the Mail Ike- . •
totem' Um First sad Second 0.494,880C.Oil the *aid .,.
Townkbip treat We Intros Rond, three -emiterir
sleueltet Breit to Le limit bet seen Le* 11 sod 12, -
the ml,end Fourth coneemionefrm tte flume
thenisentberly aleeigthat limit tstlikhuothoemo. .
to tl t limit tens - knot
lote4te 1-...W 5 and 10, thence northerly aloof that
dinit to tbe. *out, erly limit of th. Hama Road.
Mew. ea•terly along that limit tothelivalt Melon
the 'Towliallipm of Tuek.rstnith avid Iiibbint, -11101
thtne"ettbefiT1775571.c. vac layt nostitosed Matt to -
the south-west cornet of )114 Township of 'Bribe* .
Afore...v.1.1mi thence aloog the Inuit betema tf.
Toot:whip..? Tn.:ken:mob ewl Cohakm, td Co.
1. ars of begioniog. hns hern -preresitof to the
Council of the sod Munic.reity of thiPTownehip
of Tueksemaith, praying tit, raid Toaseil to goo -a
By- lew, granting a Broom of 3141.tve 166 tifr. Pm'
paw of aiding in the enimtnartkott ellei tett ion -
;Ion, Baron and flruee Railway, MI 1158 •800117.01•44
reinafter expressed, mill it 411 C1444104 10 ijact
e same.
, .
Awl whermni. Cd 'inch Parries it is ness.ery 407
that pert 41,1 the said TeinseLip et Viwkene,fili
. shoyedeserils4 to rum the said amorist et -Ur.
thousand dollars in the manner bereiseilal st:ea-
And wirereas, it Will requliv . D.. $11•14 rdo
thonsandysor %moire.' dullard te to r M!st 1100...,-
ly Ity speDal rate on the while yatealde prePete..4
Die said portion .1.4 the said ton n0.11, above A ..
serited, for paying the said .1.13 of ten Hee, .'
Aeillere and iatsrest ou Die 11•beuturts to be no,.
therefor, as hereinafter mentioned.
•n 1 wherem, 1kt &menet of the whole Meal,.
propertypip Abat portion of the cael Toreeht ..f
Torkermalth above described, ter/sprit"' of ame
-further increase of thw same and atm irreeMetise Of
any Increase to be derived fro... the tempreary ine
vestment of the sinking fend to fell...flea imeasso. 4:
Or any part thereof le, "oriel ing lo the NW Iiml"..4'
. awenionent rol of the skatd town.bor „lenge 11.3 U.',
71.41.14 our IAA one thenund ...Oil eineirft ain
It.S-401131•115,..7118 SPIJ1 Of neVen lot ninstraw410311-,
seven thonstand mown hundred and tare31,40111 :
and whereas, there im no.debt egistang *Ott.'
said tunnicinality, or that portion *love dnialbot.
either for prinoire or hatawnt.
A*4 whercee, for paying the interest siei•eivens.s
an coal ymirly milking. fund, _for paying the se
del".1 LI twu tbdueend deliara, .a.• hereinafter eel,.
tiened, 0 wall-N.11rd an equal mensal sweet rm.
of ono inittgoid sleyen twentieth' sge atel tn the
dollar in addition tii el other rates, to 1,.. 1.•13..4 is
each year upon act the rateable ornkorre in Mat'
Vortrion Ofthe said TownsAitp or Tockeroidtk .0.4.
de...rils.t. •
1. - It. It thererow .....-C..1-ini. th. le,•• teed
e auet: m te• meiteee ef Tie te,..nith (MOO ...mill.
and Loa,- be lswfill f 4 tiLa: leo-too. 44 the .....:4
Township of-Tuskernmith alao-e 4..terjl.e4, lo a14.
MO 100081 the maid Lotalen. ti WWII end Ball -
way t'ourpany in the coo:millet inn of so.1 149:,•ar.
by giving thereto the sum of ii -n tin-M.11,d 4'
by way Of howl%
2.- That for 4.16, itorprope afOrL,a61 the 11.6•,•
the 010,11T0WHWAI. of Tnekersmith shail.....,.. a,.,
'mintier of delawitnr.a.of. -Do aai4 Taartol,11. ol
"4"9,k6raolilli 19 lie isia4rfor 69,6 alma or 'now y a.
o'er he require4 for flai gaol iturpoee. tuttt icy. 7.8811
0111 bowireg dollars seeti and not e4ceed tor la 11.
whole*, einn of tot thousand dollars, wh6 I. 6.4
*Abeam,- shell be wooed with the 9.41•41.he lest
To•nahi .4 Turkeralloth and he •1,,Lted itta' L' •
Hee,* 8. isnislerciguird by th. Ti.a.nrer It, rt
111141 871811 Oh., 15..4 pettiee or1 It, 1.,11 II 10.., •
are bum .
•1- ote &Ink...L.1110f 10111 410 Otta,411.1 , if. Wi.ilit ,
s. ram ta• al14delsenturua %hall hu ina•l• ;
A1.11 within 1 weld? year. from IL, L1a., loot I.
olention6.1 for *Ida 11, -law to' I.a.e ..Lfr.•Ls. ,,,-
°Bic-. of the .R.•3 al Cemidiao Mink, 15 the V tlt.,,
lieeforth, and shell h ...
lacto.1 to ',hew cont... f.ir4he payment of int.i..t
As the rate and in the. tnaiierr hereinaflut iv,- -
lion.", • ' e.
4. Theffhe sent dshertfures skall1s sr in.•
et and ails r the ride of si x p:A.. emit. per pg.. • ,
(0001'.4 «NU tItenAti, •he -111 fobs," ,elts I be en,
ableltylf *arty, ou the teorty-fitst day ..f Do*
Indeed the thirtilith "ay of Juae. is each 4.-ar. el
the said "thee df lbe !Wye! Cdmadian Dank, 4.-
Ref,rtli. ,
p. That fin the worms of forming 8 81111.111
fond for Die payment of 11w said delenteres am'
.111.• inter !!,,t thereint, at she vete efiaremid. an,
efecial rale of woo mill awl' veleron' tiler.' ictka of Y
mill le the dollar shall. it. addition t• en 0.1,-.
eaten, to ralont lotted ai.1 rodeet..1 in es. h •
mom all the retrelde .properly in that toil ' `
mid Township ..4 Timitersiiiith hertiebsfor, ,-
above men Dotted *ad demo' Mot, "Orin; i I, • .. •
litinance of the sew delrenterce or trubl M. ,t l•
MO. ' •
4. That the raid dehentor... sh"71 he- ch....
within Os week* liftoff the -paroinie of nap l'•
with Jamie.. Dickarot. Esq., .if Cwlertelt. itx,;
of the South Itidine of the t'ount y ht flitroo, '
twid by him 44 l'untodian. and 1... Is delis -ere,
him t• 'he Trustees anpointed under Die mid A ,
incorporating tbe said -Company, so mon 11.• ti',
feTiuwitir sowliti Ins are 001111.1it.l.witt
1. That the Railway is semplottel end In r-1. •
order (1..10 a p.di,t in or 14,1 the city Of LOA 4.
tbt 1 ilta". of Clinton within-tbree roars aftei t.,
passing Of this ny-las..
2. That stations art erecte1 on the line of sa. -
Railway at or near the villages of Nrwerield an .
IL That the nrrat Weal.* Railway Cemrsnt
shall have agreed to equip. work *Be 0.49 1,,un tie,
e arl Railway awl Stations. .
7. That if the above entiditionn are not fnifill,1
mad complied witti, within three year' .,ry.,,, th,
resents or this /1/411.1r, then the sierlames TM :-
sou is to return -W. said debentures with the t•ot-
pone& r Interest to ths<Muncil ol theMunivirality . '
t114 Township of Tuekersinith, and they than tie il
Moo Le mill and Void.
I. roii all ciespeins for which shall hay,
aceesed prior to the coontdetion of the road 1,
Clinton, 84 aforesaid. xhall he 0iaeotted and ri•-
techw1 from said driontares by tile -rid Jame-
Ulf:know and delivered to -UM Treasurer of the mid
9, T9at Hoe HT-Iew shall take elfmt 4.14 ec,,,,,•
into nrerattain on. from andantes the teesb gay ,,,I
October, it, ri. is73.
10, That the votes of the electors of-... that:porno'.
of the asid Torriothip of Tuckers...1th, abose des-
cribed and defised. sliell be taken ott Ude 13: --law
at the 1'e:towing places, that is to say :
Yoe Division No. 1, at the &boot Rouse in Se•••
Wolin 6.
For Division No. 2. at the School Ilosse in Se, -
Mon No. 7, Plarparbey.
iror Itirtsion No. 3, at tbe ft•-hool Dense in Se -
Don No 4.
For Dietitian No, 4, at the old School Dome in
For Division No. 5, at the School House in her -
Lion No. I.
O. the fifteenth day of Septeniher nett, A. l'.
1171. betweien tke hours or tains eelock in th•
inoraing will.* o'clock in We &Pontoon ail,
same day, sod thet Ike folhoriag verso. &LI! 1,..
the Returning ()Metre t, Lk* tee isaki *Ate. et ti i.
cwpeoilve planne ..:-..r which they are herehy i, -
srootively &prate Mid. that Is to eey:
For Division No. 1, 1111, Hugh Chesney,
roe Divlaimt J50.2. Mr. Deirld Campbell.
Fur Divisine No, 5, Mr. Willow. D. ?VA ler.
F0f 154,5840. NO 4.14r. John Tones.
For Division No. 6, MC: Jamm Murray. •
ITa.s renioved her
Mi !finery Ettablishment
fp° the Stare fertherly• occupied tot
Miss McConnell,. on Street,
where she will be glut , see tier old
Meads ant the -mallet getierally.
1 Large Stock of rail G2ods
expected shortly to arrive.
(loderieh, Itilt Sept., 1873. 1386
S A:117
11.4itILTioN STI:EET,! covERIett,
111szeorivol a beautiful stock of
- al 1 Goods, -
e c., Oath
he is •pfepared. to mall', lip oh the
shortest notice, and amirantee n good
nAtIso41.• 1:11adrg'earegteoe.1 'Mill's tied Boys'
Ileady-Ila Clothing.
Lave jest received a splcridid'atock of
Gent's Furnishidg GOOdS.
Just t4 land a Iteau tail assortment oe
S ie•C
All aliai I AL -tletdrinhied to sell
cincAr for CASH. irt order to make
room 6o. more, which will be to laud in
f,e1weaSAISI isolicited lwfare purehashing
r .the stand, next to Wm.
Acheseu's Harems Stem, Hamilten
Sept. Gth, 1F73.
$30,000 worth of Glods
Dry Goods,
Boots a Shoos,
Reath, Made Clothing,
Hats and Caps, &c. akc.
sEE LisT
45c per lb.
Good Young FLY"'
" Reasir.s
Ce per lb,
se_121be• good Seger $1.
..wAter 17c per lb.
Pry Go:A. e:i. 1., a clan the C'ammest.
%Aerial, Sept. 2ad 1873.
TAKE 2f0TICE that Um above is "Anil- (op) f
a proposed B. -law whiels will he eaten into ie...
sideman.= hy the ("ousel /4 the Nutleipality
the Township of TuekoreinIth, e'fer 0.. ,e1;th
from the Arid pablbratioa Mmeolf We Scam:
blow, Le date of which eatessattaa le the VW
Oar 41.611163•Ii 111n, sod Ulla giessersa-
Um Otto of id** puillogioe. tbs
reagatt= 5. 1). tem aft116.1111•• vela WA.
erwessio et tbs este Teemelsi, seem
deseriliod awl =- mem= tasonsii
the WIleowth de? of risesember.1., 1). 11ffk 111"
two= the hours 0! nine ifebeelt Ile the mann=
fiviteeduck ut the aftorsami. at.the serene!
above named.
Dated at Tvokorsaidtb, thie
20th day Of Aug. m la
- 3