HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-09-10, Page 1 ;"v :W7 Alsoo. o-sk. It neck skind bosom, Instantly,Uvero faoeq there rushed a crimson tide,that, &a it 4 failed away,left her white 111A A statue Of' J 11 marble. - 'At what time were Ton there, Mr. _A� ce which Damerel?' she askedw in B ly to steady. she ttied vai l&-tween four s"livul to replied urk that I can acame- A' is lout the day was so d ly Ray I saw the pictured-' In whic Ill g0l"we"yde r she ask on Ignal, Mol M, with her face turned towards the t,, ar V % LIM stasole,and her lip$I auMe gallery in Vivian lianied the of and then waited whiA he had seen be', . I a for her to&peak eogain;but it was near Y 00*of thluq-t losper, pomw b basial minu to before she anoved bar eyed from the,stags, and fixed them on him with &Blinteneandeuxious look; and even Lil the middle of a of then it was not iml at Cis Uffics.Moo triooil.I The Greatest Possible Good to thoGroatostpossibIONUMborwo. load chorus, that she Square.by clashing nrarch A A,almost in a whis- J. J. BELL , );ant forward,and saii per,'Mr. Damerel, you are playing a aAND foolorao r part Willon you act the spy., VOL. XXVI. NO. 34. GODY,,RICR, ONTARIO1. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. WHOLE NO. 1386. Po"On my honer,Miss IA4910y, 1 no"' tried so-a-a aid Vivii— there by accident. I saw you by f —tit on believe Feet' soloident.Do? too Jolson Is I 'A Ito bear this I Did Km Gunning. qDkmtt you percei if 1,1.. (,.tuirking took tho tiny web in another, and lie would never give u lob,certainly,' ghetallitil. after&at the 0:Vlaw-her. you 17 at i�7agley to arrest this girl V than, was no secret,they would lave 'her hand,and scanned it no ith, a curious li­kslo till she herself bade him. And-if ment'shesitatinn.But "there any-thing 'Not exact ly,'was the ly ' 41 co mentioned the matterto me fra,11ill eye. she had a lover, thou at least he!would strange in my looking t Iniouligs On a R OF A 0 wam your notberrMering her hy—'began it . Tobias; b t he This is not knine,"she solid. hot yield hi's hope until lie bid soon Ili 00 wet day,an well ad 'I might P., liti. to., Ill. *iMiVS HOTEL , Khoum XWT. to be deceived by this�n,and being did not trouble to ssay the r too '�Nct inallatne's!' said the Ittimdress. rival.Should lie re�ouvcs his chance o; lob. no nothing.'he repli - only 10 ions to save her pain and annoy- 'my love, 1 A61 gIa( 4) esecort you. GODEFUH LODGAr. 33 anx hear you "k 'Ali, utop, D;cleow what have I done T I happiness for a mythl wish I bell the happiness to 1 Though we inity ugI ...t .1,4dks* 46 F.A. A- t change the cuttage atm�l again with your itatiallability and .,,od haro brt It madoulloiselle's uffn]land- Ono met afternrion, when the strvets instead of the stranger I saw With Is Lives W I.Al. YOU Th.P, --(,.-h S WTATFD ON T1 I E 111 IT BLU F F For a mansion sollumil grand, 'Say no more,' resumed the young sense'observed Mrs. f;anning. I Ity, kerchief, which *Do gave itioll to lash, werodreary, and the Bois deserted. This was too much. Florian gazed at I OtL *o and ---art v e Damerel into the Louvre,and Damerel in amazement and i by a o .1 Or exclumuigil the tic gram plot man. 11 have no# right to quatirel ey 'I ilia of 111ilikine's.,overt )kin w, the tlarbor with yojq;1y,should th t on for doing what you thought your all their affairs? my dear be. Whose handkerchief did you hay tit A4-1 tow 00%."It is af,­1 lisCensly looking at the PItilltings. her,very finWre r( y with the bit k is ruijw W. -tch of 13ud-- 5tity, But you must periceivei to what call"irloriall in all fra kness, ati toir is!'asked Mrs.Gunnin-. be in*,!rf Lit A.Nwt,and .1 oul-hly For a boundle stm This hoyse ifter--heinix t1ror at the dint end of the long Bush thit had suffused her faw- n Yet there's sonke ing brighter,dearer, course, this wild supposition of yours strain arook 11"Inilly a.) uotaniollpla-toro kid it loclongi to the -f ins- n ean 'Air. Damerel'said she, 'I ref use to WLT A41141KIIIIIINNT� renovatilod and furnished' is 1ww 011ie aflery,lie ea ght eight of Florian, I unittart simple,thst they be pla tit. lainv,' replied the laiindress-'the poor inic(-it l'ie arm of a for the sunituer seawin,for tile reCePtiol, Than the wina I wo thus cullankaud. regarding the identity of Opdt� gentleman., tier he croes-exarn"on my action any f nr- Th.1,11 ral—-It No�h­ .,,1 1,� was to' i .,I It. of guests. with Olive Varc7 force t obliges ed at the will it worildn"t irtt- voling, thill." Who kots belt ards hint, but the turn (if tber. I refuse to reply to Your quea- by tit,)­- *411per an& to plirchage, ine-ta leave wil c ort untried Ld find the ter. Thnn,a;.min?.IwooyF rot. 14ng the closly 111tincol') to ftnb. Parties ior by Though we have Ot Inc Is itionchiiig English. Ali,it isa and t;do, I'lle w hair, tilie raceful tions,simpir because I deny that tooling to the"Jillattif4dits. W'ill find this house Very, Ctatly piettir rii;h and rare- guilty wotuan,' and prove Ao too, &no often very lonely in 'brr blindix-ma antl.,Ili-it traching.there arks so 1111111Y in It* figurt, vk ere no-it to be mistaken. Ilia he"any right to ask them. I was at -nd Ilotit this little creature won't frouhl never heeding her enm- the Loure with a friend,comilenient. the whole world, that she wall Pull the when she rts a chat With an old I t e whose name ....... .... T%ou'.h we bay ot4ilketi hangings )in n of tuy sister for fonrinmiths. like Mo, ate always tells ine every in,, tile trado 1,-ng. She has not it paiii-,lis, t,,(wL-itiA in one wistful glarkIIe, decline to give you.' 40 40 -e auailies re1iiiritit, rt"wills should I Lar6 f ak and bare, ill nil tell Itoosson this fortuiKht-sho luts Imen to" '1."4 14olrorty,owol.11per ensap Illr%:Vionsly cither by ulail or t9le- For the walls Isl c, A tf�it help me, Heaven will find there is*to tell. Now he Lilt nil t!j,!cx(Iiii.i;fLcliarm,tlitt,,iidergritee of The prorpodt calm words rushed over We call hang the do Olive'%'areas befdre this oilay inotith,aud me of this advertisentbut ; 1N�rcf c I ill., ller proftence; dwit. he vo�ent hurried I-O.Imereloon beiLrt like a we"from 8610 icy Tito' o er with Wlan back-to Illy oh,I arguniffilt, way, kit Ifirlwift Langley shuld turn, sea. lea Como wit, hit i 'Ill,'said Mrs Gunning,as&!to liassVil 2 Month...... . ....... give her up to justice.' 7 j.x. witiGlIT, For the flowe are everywhere. Palo, bowed down with shanic and this matter is alit Vfilitl common r of.i herhand aocr ad. wing him utterly powerless to ........ will. Alit Proprietor. OAS her foruh lid vexiiiin with�aculd 6ow. But an reply. A :nguish assion- their simple A Al 'I not 1 lob, Tnadauie need not be-alarniell,' 'it:left the llovivre,Ike ranjilt Agaiiint.the "Florison I said Mrs. arful, 'e�- - I ;�d Mr. Dame. I (tin 3 nooI replied tile woulan; it ill nothing His ..... .. Gderich, 1370 We can always is home che $r Hilton heard this p. ff. it!,W I Langley, .I to oath in shrinking silence. lie Vim c,.)mi6euttd on.and re very itlaii lie so i0le,t to AVI-id. Chad are you If the rielit c we begin, e p-t1t 77%.. *e%t Istoot hio, y d 'Ati, saii.I.lt. fJunuiug, 'I Re tioulL H I purinit mysolf it,ap ak.wlkat 'k- wax irith hint nd as Ilia amazed sbout,in the midst of the loveliest music lawoori'lall ho""'ie A, .17-0 LEN powerless to shield Olive now ; bho h, 4%. wit 0 -fF -TFnr.p;-i ay er; ln.lk fell ilio,ni th-P pir.the young,mar- T 1.14 r I i: I, r. 1 m I . I We can inake its mates hippy, gone her own Wayland no word,no eff,ort, w,W L think I should a. ef allot faukine A"` 1W -t le,evirr enoter fit- in the world Is A ;,-r ---, 1�. ., . Vivian. 'I have '�ww BRITISH E OTEL, And thuir tru blessings Will, no inliffering of this world wouid sav-v lThat's:,just it,my dea ," tocititi it ed thaes her ,r chat,&&Lad hire if I- 111aintings,' replied I E I to T X 1,T I I F.R ,-' her a single pang. Airs.Gunning;'that*s xactly.what ilk- the bill thin week ha,I su,,n bi�tai r. NAaKk:r SQUARE It will make the all rooiu brighter M I "a ilrew I heen telling Mine Langley that I detest 3L,Helena. Mechanically, A ra. unping rwr­ I �I In the hill that followed upon young ate* me. An you nonsi ly observe, hit ))lit mvc;sig that much-clndur- all galleries, the g*Wry of the Lou— rates will in Lu rictly we let the a shine in. foo.rth ficor but tier eyes viere still in�l in,li%-Idugl,my tallw l,angley's hot and hasty words, the mi. possible mysteryl,can t ere ba coonvi ted CAPJ�W.COX, - PPLOPRIETOR - y .,,It fixf at I I the handkerchief. vanntenance so r would vergive especially.' A-I-%, at% ttonno" r, any fortunate Mr.Chadwick approached with with thiiL gliverUe". itich the lt=Q a 1U,l said 'The Locvrc,' slid Mrs. Ll"Wley, filob me to klin �LATZ OF TH 9 HjRO_ We can gather r d the fireside a propitiating idea. lio,min-'Was it this morning I heard Sir TO h END. uOTZE. w w?_ ( i see,if thee had rief and famine.'she repeatd, in a Cita-lwick. When the eye ng honro are long, 11 am surc I am decided sorry I ever mentioned the adrertb+me'tit to me ,d i I;w'voico. 'Arid alto te-whei )-,)it been in the Louvre?' asked ljiito� prup.ing to take You to it, f to-Alki'll it FAWM PRO- A:woirotlnnsn�e of it,-favor ta -uppnrt of the yon say I' Damerel. Florian ak�14 tier cent simple interest von- till spot Traw,ril it.or tthat was securdell a Cali blend on hearts slid voices brosched such a doosed uncomfortable sigod simply they- didn'lo ktww the I and walited' to lind h -i 'Yes, madame. But mile got ab few liopa I know better than to ruin mother,' before in.tire,xeote,-Itbily soljoritel. I it a happy ace son& subject,'said he; 'in fa�t, doluseld thing address, d for more that) fifteen days my eyoltight-i"a that way,'replied Chad- yesterday.' she replied. 'That was WORK QF ALL:K114 altogether ; but if old allow me to should havoliboaght nothing Of it. AIL oPuPils; ILI' SAMUEL We can guida so a erring brother, suggest an idea. ak here. Miss itis. lam-lititeitafri7t e,antlioF nch she lien not been out to givill'so lesson. wick. ",We here been inakin-,a shower- "Thilion' it was Sir Hilton with her Hotel. Load him Ito""the path of wrong. Vansittart-of course highly respectable, say.' the Xoule- thought Damerel, I'L f What will she do? When (one cn bath beneath the treei, on with an impetuous Giderich,Sth 1872. 1338' and all that sort of thing. Well. write Mr.Tobias iistenod t 'all this!Bile fly, scotmely crawl tip stairs, one cannot yards.' 'And both an deceiving rush of anger. ANU110H w.,i.ay fill our me with music, to her,and make her show lip, I mean, and*then I'll lige-I .hi Wige into the.'walk leagued ever these Paris stories _'Hers Herbert Lang-ler,who had,stoof me., MONEY TO LOAN Anti withsuilab alibriukining o'er, come over tip loans on a v ti),., t ten sous. Si"im iIho has hicen ao a little asidel,came fowtoward Ttirning her sightless face to the stage, init to 3im. roiniet again, as diong ht- collai red e -ifficietit p ion 'Mr D& rel.'said he -I'liope 6�011 t- Mrs. Langley again gave 11P All all intru4srs, bestowed a L6w r.ATES,OF ITEIZ EST. fAingley; then everybody seen her, mind lie had How d I have let our lotoy Gustavo take lea- me her ftW,d knows she's herself,and not that other of hill ife. soris of her. That buys her a bit of have t-he pleasure of iutroliucing y*u to faculties to tho-knusic;then Vivian bent aturday. time and ttton n on hi4 We will firail use the door- te broad,you see.) TO k*;D'tlrI110Af *.FW T(IrK' tinplessant person. That linishes tile 'Mrs.Tobias, seeing it A, Pertisel . 31iseVausittaxt. When she is ouriguest towards Florian sonxioualy- anent Buildinfand ANTI I- .. I" . .. It., 'And has she no'Eniodiali friends to I shall bed *t %I all& &nil Yet,should evil owa enter, adverilsegirenti nkeekly,Rot ictimes elighted to accepil your 'If'said lie lit was Sir H goar, calli , thing&tLonce,don't you see? AndMi- ilton SavincIf Society of Toronto. a kid ibilon L other more. Vansittart, I take it, will be a much in.,her keen eyes aro4s some int Panoll I' asked Mrs- whObu fAcO spool-vy for t auspoiciion� And 'Tile discussion is over. Mr. Dameriel, Far particular tipply it) oL Af. f'm,lll all Ritilisv (.rvat tirit,in,trelanot, We Must love Moro easy laCdy to find, that )tie who ing piragmi'la, which I r blighailit your M, Us 81JIME0.1 DVITISo, nawax strsAWly earnest. then I trulit you w firld Inc e4tally not to, be recommenced I said Floiian, ith-rie.-We, A R(-)S,* cernixity, Morwrav, or lh�nwlrk There&an trenau for the lowly don't irlint to be found. I n fact. I reading -ponderi 'Nut oue,' was I;hu reply; 'still I,ask ready to APOIbgisc,if [BY cofinduct 4telY interriptin coldly.' 'All I ask is. oific ind re% it.Streef. Agent at Goderich. Amer4a, as sah-ly eo!,ot.rtsb aud )Its]*V h- her in vain to writ* her friellatiL ill k,l.g- nwa­r Vote. Which the grza eat fail to find, have no doubt A iss IAngley has got her doing this, the 11 that lie he luka secuu-41 to inungenerous.' that y annoy my mother with r I ro. 4 rs beloos Ilank of ontreal, Tre-ukurer, &I But His I Secrift-i isbi t, rpidly it I I c governess' address somewhere. So I ly held.lifids.11"I it 1,11 t, VI tit I f Ibis madanic. 4iftinR his It Vooff'rorkr_ There's X Chain aweet aff_�ctioti her.tho changi. Toranw. 134& Sat..Sept.'MI....Tovv.k.... I(th, BIndijig friend of kindred mind should nconiniend you to follow that of tile-rin, ,,a w fil'to ilia a y,thus sparing Damerol'the pain�f %you trust 4e thus far, then V he re- 'No, nil t,and buy a few Olin- ply. smut first, old fellow, if you'll allow me 1 ifely-worship 44.1 surne .bitter1k. 'You believe L dwl 'N 1.I ..C'.7%1 forts for that c0untrywontAu of inine, "Gounol-loye, my ang'el said Chadwick. .5.1tow' 1wort 70...... LIA. We may roap the ohoicestblessings, to give advice.' -Now, Illy dcair TONI,' she ii-xi tu- -4st..140y 4th said Mrs. Guntuo;. not bet my roll?' 0 tons by this lorpb The despairing catch 'even at straws, latvd, 'I declare that ix.very unKo u look as lost its-a�a�e in lobe Woult. Florian was'evidently galled TO LEND.- AW10%ery an't Saturday thereafter Fruia the poor it lot suigned. -%III I'lovdallIO if Very very �rrAna Pipt RIT*r.at aw-n. and this was a straw which gave a little tobenolfish! lainali youcallt .)w I * It in dangerous it-0 let yon-go Allout.by way of plating the matter;but perhaps Ivic'. I - 'ItAll 'I tile lauticress; 'but I tl�ftt.' SEAFOil more hope,a little more breathing-titne that v­n lire trying to reatt two)1)FilI.1CTEi:z.4i Lowo:-TERms or RitPAYXS'fT To LiVKTfF6oL,GIJ1QoW 4 oR 11SMAT: to -e., :sio;_rcely dare d6 that; bbe is so strarge, she felt heraelf compellod to subknit�for fsi3 in,i s7s,according to I—stins 'eting I - 'Co. yott c 0 the 01ke. 1. She wooild Ile very an;;ry if. 0 rsn 0A.. .114t I)XI -1 wakheA him he hit.her lip alak spoke hastily. to the utihappy girl whose tit -lot st(.It Olive arcoe-11 steps Sir Hilton so often followed in you ed INT Cal" Ex,urpion Twookits for 12 hoot(ths) Slightly abashed at I kis­.relsark. d Lang-cly call a jumto it4ti,it,' &It it what will,, she -pti j,U aI, hho kneow I had nientio-nd tk�:r. tj spirit. Hence, hessid. withan effort, Gtitinin-,drew out the stuallor 4ri%e aly. shall certainly leel obliged to You 'Allow me it)gi.c you the same counsel, lirlKrt tliol --perk ro I Thr Ci4v 6, TuaOITA � A4 eaten I WESr RTES: ,aa%@ bought and handed it to Ler. It wai for May ble, a nioro 0 is t p r -of Ali 11 al,all*alit it I 1;a lais sistler wa,Ili Illoto IAAlre would not have spoken At all.' ILL at banks for C-,u- wit biar-lov th-,we wi-h I I for tho,i friend Mr. Ilangley. The productioii -so he said. W La A-iPSAVI-iG'.48WI"T" ' h-Lve-114, wr:wlit i�tph I-ILPING Priftak-ultoli Da, It asli, I ter imwel criLd ill -ply-at the Cumt,=T'wo o0clio,or to #roil na that Chadwick," said Vansi.Itart would at',.once si40nqe all Mrs. (runuing- di(Ijidt hear tlsi.* AllOd fly wit-it lie l 'Von are always bitter, lwars unjust I.;,Clofta.so. *Ivry .1�is. Advar cclimoney at reduced rates f or from Al 'OC IAU I A pocch, for tier antouished efes :ml Y4)ungrmalljsiiusolt:ut-e,iaiid torli+nted to me, Miss Lart$ley.'awipswert;I V ins repayable'in,in- ill"WARN It Herbert Langley slander,.if to 2 to 0-0 reari. ukestst."edell.On utterl Una I gw;him, Danlerel 'Yes, certl-toilili eturned H.1bert, alighted upoll thin tfiL woman.' e,(nikIly by and jealpuy, 'How do I finite,that the most enerus. f4hannOrit 40toodirloolo Oet.23 167". in vexation to a slightly embarrassed. l"d if I"n find If o. V. is in ikaris, i�res­ Illookineatthinqfcoulddo, wouldho' stalments to suit the bo"cr. N Irian D;' P I41rFSt:R0V)x . I I sat silent and in 13:40-ly ludi on his excitement at the hc�without distressing my mother a, passionately esitreAtakili QI Is A,- Reels t1re V." in ilia corner of her 111t. chffiA t,� itiA-Ocry-beart's cilre. ol��ak to your inlithet and brother!' Full informitiou given on application'. T I (Ilytopis In iiiat ul',noelst be'sivvi, laeight of a pretty and hisillurried do- sister, I dociolaidly will. N that I dress to Witistet.k 11-�lltily, I is tier and othe.is el IMint shoul,t I do?I F_H. KIRKP&TRICK, XE�R parture from the doubt in tile lcaat,'he all ,Now what call this 11*in f, Al'(I - a the stvps-4 t4eo id r 4 Mocut tj-.1 it 4 JIrl"I'l 11t.J IN)ti e 1 1-4 n I c;I. I,,L crea!11 re, TUE STE can give me evq off, t�- all, ail t it%%;is joy tI 'And the hes tll;tt the T',bifia. tion C,elitist)salk"to f it in,' ewitinued try puticulsr the tit V ."4 1 it(). it It -) hear her Avorit,meek, paym Agent at Godericb. :wildered 31r.;;j ianthat. -At:Ibef,,n- teAft'r I t sts a Police gazette, respecting Miss Vansittlirt.' is certaitilY ilia itaine ChoWks' 11*1 h"i- i,iore aubmissi*ve it was trilnutill to %to" Paris IQ L 1.,! fell all .0 Wwoo IIJ Itat Yox Paris 14-L ilitiful'a's-tn iu6YI;bilt vit;­11 hf!(ot',_btwie I he sort, into ruy hand, 'Penn I't line to all Visa t oit'itelf;IA't]',I lop".k. iit' or .thing of consu t dog. 00.ur 1.11 I,) his face ith pleading MONEY To LEND teSdful little creature your mother before speaking to your k6ow it, but "t,1 '14 away fast it)w had already till ."efilre, -:4 is ", i, and oretenods the tIlk.1c ;i0li, P goudood d i.ty 1t alto had.ont!Rred sorse llitlt! At Greatly reduce Rates of Interest he runs after is dreadful woman, sister,'axid Sir Hill,in.%h-mna-11,bered advertRolinitint loctrookys L lot,_for i:iis wotl , I I 'There are so Inally Fortitfid litIlUton, HY IB E N T.0 shcolmd. been reing tier grind- Mrs Langlei's first interview ii th hint, 'Ali! 0. V. b.) the er)* Into think. Uieher oit q�jluany %illiski.,in div world,' he oni- Qatarlo. 'U 11101111g, whose Checks load -All thes� cirocuiti�tncciot (inued. 'who urtkis a if file Ito Ypnz "q Anv teonwit of nw�u,y to mother-no, lie riyal-down at some and her rolocat ot to)Mokolltiot, (Olive. illitials! flutorco'ltrac they do-ii t 6.6 ing. at rect. in JL.hwan fmvtk two;t.,croote.lon yea", at a low rat, -1 ace Cornwall—' Ile understood hat ribleson now &'oil lie tho satne PrrsoU#-'., were but so ivaloq links in a chair;,of lort, that I know not G W.31 OR P, a 0 Ift) outlandish III ;I wit jaler witt Valer, burst s'liddenly whether I dare neres4,elaw -came to a sudden and -that strange ;Q.wY Her tl Ig Ailt a overed bei tyea'wit It convincing him that Florimi's [Vt Von a 101010isit of silence. Ill Meart- Ira I.Ovwl a i tears,at if she c AiND ATT-IUN -AT_k%w, Aw:;l ill yo t t�t,;rata of lonii�meo min ef; Here Chadwic understood. Also face Builhe alldo�4!1113 1.. t C...*a An"no 4 half I.. I. belonging to folademoi- interview, with, this gentlemen was a nestot, I may be doing oleve i is Coo i blank It caught night of the likeness in Florian, which had eo often some qnick rush i ill l glit. ing to do you a knoll Will leave I atop 11 Vivian Damerel I I I -(I -1111va Valtse.y. i4er Wing out A191110. and in injury! _____AC2A HORTCIN or SAGINAW and faces ro�nud startled him.- ten,'had returned C, hor, an I .X- secret one, , . int�rrueu"iteports and Sir tfilt6n w c both deadly We, -of course of course,' reWmed tier- pected flu.i of light in4ilarkion, I r -Ill. . -Wilt a heart madame han!" exclailn- Ili a day when the driulin a u , ,it. g rain inade I eive yon my word, my solemn as- (4 airrow. ApIpraliterforthri it,nnatt. tiently. '.%nil I shosli Apd laying the loaqiiii 411 llc� I vo 8110 ed the laundress, in gfo�at admirsti a walk a penance,arid ber hurried and surance, there is no danger (if harm to wpnj�nt QN.-twitagli while Herbernt gley had flshed to a bert Langley,i-pa , I t 1.PJMNR q0LW1TqwR.%IN'CHANCZRT.Ar.I MORNING; -t till then did -1,to-have till,plelkinire &.it with stalcd lil.4" ok I.,kc ..I). 'Never mind the handkerchief, I will frightened look as she left the Loavxe, t-4 !4AVrIegy. of 'rurouto. atillen red. The an n, Mr.Daiiierto Inc,'said Florian. it"cur Jo the u ortunate lieutenant's of Introducing Miss Vansittart to you, tuse countenall-,; if h4r 11111SINVII'l. lit a I "'th pleasurc-.ox;if I took Ali fell upon his heart with a coldp con- Her eyes were still on hint,filling with C.CAN W,2 T.GAnnow.1 And for PORT- HURON, - vincinglio c,unanswerable. e tragical event to and,conriccing you of i elle olympe,wetted with our blunder.' her.love. for him. alto! declued h 91 tears now; and the delicious sense of memory, 11- the toll4r Of tier &hc added And tVho wa.7'this man whom sh�tied INSURANCE� CARD. DETROIT arid CLEVELAND which the paper ferred had occured in lNo one will be better pleased than 1, ainist wicked for this allcilco-11,11is b t f V tiell. sentiment, "sho power-poweroweirher-thatrinthrk)ugh R AND ATT1111%-Er. 801.14711701114, Th*Sill (a ag,wt r,., 1hI. the Trewavas faill Y. tit be so ctivinced,'imbrinured Danniviel. coallitelit.cr tll;kt djus, I-Jr-tilgo tbos 'lit. ith or$ 4 re thus(lawre too nieet 4ecreey-and Al-lie? his reins, would not let him allow BAi wonlaMerish it all the Atc.Goollorit-h.Out. 1337 *1 b -As bo Nliss Vaitaittart's sudden.de- il�;t I-wr 114co Cauld it be Sir Hilton Tre;AX&3?! And ruercy. 4- EVERY WEDNESDAY. -don, Sir Hilton,'he half a teay.. taltich h It er- befilre whien ctniversi with A' .Llll� In rel recalled Florian's evident Yon are too Young, too inexperienc- For Freight(or staininered. tell fit.,_ L I e" Tu�, ad really furgutton. parturo front 14ngley,' continued H' Nt),Ino.'efied Airs. 'd( again Dame H A UT F4 It')of H.rthoorol. I I)on It natne me to live, I be., -in Sir Hilton's her ad,to understand le (I ha Ito ks I R0ww#*,,w'1AI., honor, A,,n I is dill now site - I ; f 2IIr Af )logics to Sir H no, 11 red not. 'The Action ac. 1. k.- rio�me humartsu, &-os at the WINI. LEE. c"I Ili Iferbert Lang- two Idirty rl.�Il AMFRI ..4 T.W"t -0 vour iltoll mother clan explain it sati8factorily, a] I':ro-_'ery trutl�--lie N'hetoe dill You Ia%-you liver fluillied eheeks, tier forerca inannef, tile Ili the clandestitie,'ho COUILMCd. 'Pon my Ili aor bert, 11 have not the least duitkt Illy D I t Is tI anger t to r ianother tim though alto iny not havecholien todo so . 11reeiviulk,-no explal ati. (rt. his Tim 1411 vintn�d a 'arr, looll, ,f learnest,even anxiotts enq�ii y in very fact(if secrecy shows them,is hain- J.wrost rat�4 Ili-. street,in tli�culiost part of Paris,by the her olove.ai.shesciann Coderich.Pith.118114., 1,873. M74 ley,inyliettiotisly Iblit explain to meat at the Waie to you.Mr. Dainerel.' wife, Air. Ginining,drei r tile Vill ed his face eagerly,lit lg'ft well to have secrets frotd,;your uoitAcK I u o r.1,,Q' -nee the meanin of all this. The placp The young,itlan"a increasing 04duess. bet it,stilicit xilenclip a ill atr.,%.e it find lie himself*As itnobioleevoutt. Mother-a I*nd mother-Mau losing- YO)n 131111drVAROS lair& ycu have escrib do with the bridge,thb. anti haughtinesow tri I Vivian so-1Y. out(-or himself the cans 3 off tier 6 itito !kilso sigas of intiorest in 1iiiii, b4t for 1-1 I -o river." Fl,,riau's N.%vu words, Would have socuted 7 late oroulall, r.Damerel 'she re� - ad In."144 lit 4 river,the lwe�emh is my mother a It,foresaw the all ow of a corni it,quar. ulent. llK evil fell in Ill-lictit o tile her lawn Mr. Dame- rel, and fearing, dreading to lose the lilitt tili-I dill not 16. taill I%li.oulli very inuch to come rind pr (otfs of aikd�Dais�rel Lit w n t pliedow- '()MUot you vuAderstakid that, IV. c o D 1", 1".,1 11 Wass it ay,)u,' rs.G uinii-91;;�Yollt which too believe. At 1411 events.he was rel saw a won, standing for whose privilege f Florian, he a 40ve to him wby,,%Irs. Tobi �q ish, e I 6c�aywoso she is blind 4 secret may be kept aul,ymtr boy(iustavo.l ]I&.itiolt-2 u IA..It. antecedents he orred yet, to-1 police avert it. an.1 wjiy hilor hand shott qL resolved to discower witether Sir Hilton front her r hill &%ill be, 41 think wntake tA Ii I 1ladx:110 is Very t!" *13 her couipa4i6ii in theLouvre. It can tuiderstand cir-buy-ton— W am I n the couipswulmls tit otilst r - B -:141 ATT-otts I,V N I.-%W. ette I o WIL411; but ii akiadatnew vowill Pity a visit toN 0 R TR 8 HRE LINE. .4my sister he f till her?' t,)o hard with tile. SurrIY Yon lit,- iaioll, 11 -A,!u I Aday or two Damenil ball thatcan justify such O)Qrxo,.,Mim bladoactiselle ClYlulle, it giatit-lorvisfortbe opera, and sent 1AzkgloIiy.1 he replio,i. "Perhaps yen 'Pon ally w". know-mi iny munt. tier o4vis th%t what I did Ili this fTHEd Trunk life I - air was done kindly. I —, or I be This:-treisisbilous v will be a mal'kind noss.' hein tot Airs. Langley, for the blind tMated Mo entirely I might. L1VEF1P06L&L0ND= hi with tl�u Gmn I declare I ally don't know any aff, -c .1 callHo't proiniso.'returircilUrs.Gulb- to,," Cheapest,iLini ,,list thing about it,' id poor Chawick, lieve t ace, ttilty wtsmah imposing 1,11 roon"wo Mr '111 awl isitl was pasio"tely fond (-f music; 11 cannot trust you, Mr. Dameriel,' and ha relicilto"khou he join&! li�t, -laid Florian, _'Yoit ask an impossibili. 1101 less] I 'I o 'ILK) two hnlplp%A ladies, and I tA­48 Lilly Mr.Goulling W4 a6ptil 1piged t.w ILL r hurriedly. INS-MANCE ' Cib KP iN Y. plessly., meant a little cl hi 1.11at"if itilidame Voinesto My 1-,)r .,n(ll-*I,ori.4t-.-tii;Lt.uiglitin their Irx. tvi t fiTrt r-A L.,%W A% YA01 nothing niore.' tht-r mail(if honor,would have i bell, blio.will sairtily see hercountry- andit ppasible. viihis -yet you ask me blindly to give you kr. a Ittoart of this wad jealoulliv !,.k1kOw,real]) erel, I appeal it,you,' call ton a I riend if theim,mud iuf Or- i only the till all 4r over %I orfucowtion,11 *27 04HO 4)04) IV of tile deceit. hicanwhile the I:A-1who teecti, he try. to said ill laundress;lutid perla. its inatter cannot rest its p to the design,.%,or tic lore,of wistrawn- t Tloo­t3 It- yt,lrg tx- Los honor, uiy sister and Ily in()- had twice see" lire lines in tit train irl thou she)%ill bi-able to persitado tier to K;tltla('iA grectod I er I 'd lie__a.,a Me L Wholu, YOU�Ccou_ here;the be 'acc�pt 801110 aid amok, without 409c; fees,ani ither your n lch site Ali,mad. ,it"iispresenting himilobIt in tboto oniidly. A vaillablir Avookorg Z_to nTo 0: 1EW STEAM EK ther is coucerne it it now,and I fully escapes. if thQ fit% �trs.Gittining,was'rXilw now. he mother nor your help tho poor y0ungthing must,soon :%lid Florian, he fancied, was brighter brother knows FOR.T1 'MILLIONS OF DOLLARS,! intend to know 0 tl.uth. Sir Hilton, [tall entered yotir ntot e Ill use was fixed tier eyes on tier h abo 41 k irse" RRY A741D COVETAC4141,111. 141 of his gentit die. ed to fer to.an event Pauli- not false, her name it t I herself adillitouti 'tile ill come to-morrw, said 'Affs. %till moire locautifulothan he had evor seen lie spoke an passionately that Mrs. L Coterie%. W Al ff in but YOU not false, vo-hy(]ill I? Lang- her Lat)glay turned, and hel tip her hand by 417,11 11C.Alf all 31 W1,1111C ooki- t,Ia-.g.ryinv r presence, alto t is i 131y olcor love,'mia le, t owisteol at &,a ].lag _ON the the cans 1 tli6u lit it.111113 at ellil- GuiIniug, with si�sort of desperate catch itrs. L,%ugley soon becalike entranced WASTER. perceive &ally of ley,your sister's honor is as dear,to me wit to ace that. for silence. pr�nrc"ou. ment 0 forr4w, at e.leyen., ith tile minic,and sat silent and absorb- , lHush! I implore you,' whispered sonotionnft lIlLwati"U.. to &nil LiI*rall-.y in oblq;es me. N bir.Darrivrel.whom sa to you, and for her sake I shaIll gnevel ins advertise Charles Vi iu I�Qk thre'A i- f it� are ill,, lot f-lurcs ot will ply in connection with the 0.1. btlitre it saw standing by m to see you stir in this affair. I have,not Do you think tlio pooir criiture-41 I be Will that dot' her"it Ivi-creAll e,.Lr,to catch Florian. A"11111-411 EY*301ACITOWNag. ski._1 ul)I..... Railway as follows : Learo Goderich didjo?tt kliot e Parfecioly,, the reply; 'and I bliall t'e sweet sounds that fell flowingo from Thote was silence for a moment, dur- LILFC"I"bI.IC'IF.000w 1-- 11 with v�ry oil ;trriCxl of Expr,.%& ';ra"i I' tree sist ide on t lawn at Langley I yet presurned to ofler you my taken in by it, anti so,id her dd;icas I be enchanted ace nialiarno.' Ster a 0 LE.Iil).. w" Danierel Pere ed that no false ood, but now I say-do nothing, that is your illit twvq in no directio,!I given;a(,, Thinkinoelookilf nowdismisse1the ro- the singees lips. Seeing her unsviiiiiiR ing which Florian grow so deadly We -J,­ - - Head Cofflin- Canada Braneb. MON- the Eut; we-aher permitting, for no subterfuge w a avail now,&old ills beat course.' all,it must be the real man shouldereillber basket and-delwart- to talk. and haticiling�o the opera, it that the lilies in tier har wore noo hiter,ii4 J�ow-x Southantittoll at 3 p. in.. everylonday, I) It might be, air,it Opal VRmittart Mrs. dunning chan �ed her tnii here as natural that as he bent ovor and her tears fell tot) fast that Virium CER GF141t RAL LAND TRIKAL Wednesday Thursday and torn th would a t *bent policy. but A), still e ,leaving Mrs.Glinning so pale and so w 4 L am gI& o have put the question were Olive Varcoe,' replied Herbert ; to a moreebeerful am'it-, I Flor�-vn, Bhould drop his TO-icO -0 its was tliankf4 for Mrs. Langley's blind- W Acto"t, Onu SAtIlrdAY. Returning Leave So"th- 1 t t t fountain f in I- bewildered,that sho sat down helpless- lowest t"lie. in the way I ve, LkingIsly.'maid he, 'but I repeat that she it not; and I will Jewoliked, , , 11%Ve Ton been Ut iWay nis. amptort'at 4 a. In., Port Elgin at 4:30 because I can p1r, ly,anti stiLred around her. ail though Nli" long. 1untay Low i6entill. _Au wer it without PAIn' prove it to you before I am a%neek old- tell unni ig. For 'lw�r. Dameral.'sho said, if I give you rit..Itiverhuron at bs. m., and Kin- ing you or my.,,e Mine was, indeed, er. And we had better not meet again. he pointed to tZe lilt 0 and silo hopod ill find Rome eatinsel and hielp levt'he nsked. A. It. Rt)Sb, Wr U01,14ifleb rtiseiiientl Illy word that the person I meet hall cardin.6 at 8 . m., evIliry Monday, in her difficulty,from the f,)iir walls of ',l-t.-ok a short drive, alto ropI:QJ ikvn a word of love to me, and ASAM I r Tne"ity,. Wednesday, Thitraday arid but a belief. ined I saw Olive Mr.Damerel, until 1.can convince You site now saw,ill small tYPQ* ark ad Iress. tile room. She avoided returning to tier never spf on the,lbatwu at Langley-the that my sister's friend ivalsody worthy givellat Rninn,atoneof th lvtiliebs Herbert lilt the said DiatnorcL never will speak it% (oh, how fast the .1 TCrontoLif,:i Aesdrance alld Friay. Arriving in Goderich each day Have I not 6ard my of Paris. 1,linaband until she'had h"rti 'Even tile 1111ritinisids detert"tho &)is tears fell here')'will you be content to Trntiniii Company. as above,to c6vinect­-W#h girl who,justly 1 i unjustly,is suspected of all respe- Ltunglgy',(I rtig atop. ...4 even the d sillil- beliy.that Ill* i the train to- if having callset the death of Eleanor sister say a hundred timen that Opal IA well-known roestiort of the p,lire,' - n such day it,,Ihi.,'.id Plo6al, e is no fortune-hunwr, and ing East.- Maristowe. As 4) whoin I really did Vansittart was a noble and beautiflil said Mr. GlInRiln'-4111-lot is, k'III in to she crept into the sfillwt(Inictly, and.,sat ing at the quisation. will you then keep silent I' 4EA D OFFICE . TORONTO, OINT. see there,allow ne to refer you to MM wirl I I will take Bill one's oliunsel in the inittated.' I dowit in the darkest corner. 'Ali, %ruly,'said he; 'it has tween it is- once more a faint hope beat in Dante- HAT�wo,w wil 2:1 kiil*,.f Door.,Blinds. hint it ail#nic. - She "HiLd Herbert IAngloy anything pa'r mal!But wlibrocelse could you.drivel' LJ,,,,e*tw-A- Luwil.,.lit the ulood. Langley.' this matter but ally own. By the living ilia wifd hoarl hint rel's heart,and he bent ever her with a SIRN11- & FORT HURON. oment's dead silence 0 1 ay my dearl'she began. It was scarcely emblwiTailainent . but& OOW Of Passion in his eyes. no ere-0 r, conor- re"tier It 401 1 he Aid not think he had, bill; she certain"traiut, that can;e 'lie is not a lover I'ho said. laspoid Ila A mostut called i 2;�r ceftC magnetism, conveyed he ther in a tere, a?,.m t asked the question to rid herself of �the rian's manneras she, anslitered him- I Y it' said, FILorian-a sad 'no,' over wit-, Low V There Was a - Truth shrive its, I will find both these let the pper drop eIl,00r and ticalar In a The hbovo named Steamer leaves South- In pity to Sir ilton, whose ernotion, girls! I lill bring o h It r . _ail pa ill ampton for Sarnia nd Port Huron at by soine subtl ad guest,and I will lodge It 11 wander wl ,,. - f I th rmannicut, which 4110 fall- 6uroly Paris is big enough to drivein h' A. 1. CA)ORELL paill ll .en;k k etermary Surgelon "P. 4AKI a. moo, Port Elgin, 4.30 a. m., In- itself to each he t there, no eye w Cornish jail. Until then,Mr. ; morel, last. 'I wish I know.' qried po�leoiblv written on hercoun without going to the Moist' ich her lips quivered. verhuron, 6.90 a. il7., Kincardino, 8.00 lifted to his face land it wks evidently I bid you good day.' The marital nose Ion oil at tier a -ir#j;-. 3uJ 'And he nf%-er wilil be?'continued Da-To Gi n Allce He dared nat say,'Where did yt)-.&got' morel. ,-.1 .1 ,,,soRTKA To WORTSAGPI, a. in., Goderich, 2.00 p.in.,every Fri- with agitation at Herbert Langley �Aa youwill,' said VivianDamerel., ly oerthe riuruf the J*iiltoos, Bull Wn- y., Y.2A I wl,&i i4te (of 4)otario vowterimar3 A1.4t,711ts T021.4, sorrow as inlinient, poinixius solciunity. 11 so be.tried on anothertack. i 'Us never will too,'repeated Florian. it day, weather )permitting. Connecting spoke again. dfully. Isted,in a voice of VARNA. I person 3' saw must have been An there they parted. poor Chad- you are stir istool, bill dear daid . hall' wna�tliiug very particular t say, 'Poor Sir Hilwu Trewavalk still huge" Her faoee drooped !on)ter dKwerx 8, lwith Ri%*r Boats for Detroit and G.T. The bit&I alit We ud ikot to iniontion it. Ti.ie. in Pads,hoping to fivid his brther,'lie BOARD Q�F DIRXGTOPS- ItailriLy Propellers from Sarnia to Miss Vansittar lie said, uneasily. wick, as he quitted the apartment,inor- his wife. " oL we trve,J ubjinit thi6convenation taust reinuin' low, that N iian cQnId not the team IPresioffte; rho Ilan Jt)nn HII.LVARD CA11121tos, why and wherefore muring confusedly a fenent apology, Id contintied;'but I Fdar it is a v.4in search that wetted them.DUNCAN, V. S. X P. Q.C..Ar.te. Torentliko. Chica,,o 'Milwaultie, &c. Returning: 'Willyou tell it wonld be re arksob 11111ples. t for a slowerut I etwoun him and ine.' I Twolo'nolowZ: Leavc; 'Sarnia every Saturday at 8 on Inistouk her r Olive Vero-I' which emitted to consist only of the words oil and me if did It )w. But onve- 'Then I give y(Ai tay promise,' he Gsliolttwym afthe.ciuntj of Tt,rk, Y At anit other tiiu4s Mrs. Giantling A%tin Vivian I)Rme was silent, but he doese'and'chaff.' how, I pity her it m be so h. ribro�kowukok came that si-,I of nervotts ire sai4, reluazti�kktly. 'Uht Hise Laxogisy, W i� V P., Prtoo­tt. lock,a.m., weather permitting. For 'I ­#C4,1 alit-,has on.' Id In yon bull the WIAoI0 StJry out Ili wkys marked 0 ICE AND STABLa� rubants Bank, further information, *Tply to Byron glanced involun ily at Sir Hilton,slid Sir Hilton lingered a tuonient piditioll, which.lie'Lad &I yo;l make me accept a hard task ILYou 3", F,f�'l Inusol, Z%n ct �.�bowwrvie kJ; C.A.Wer me on Sir HIl- wit�Florian's angry brother, to.)wh,ini 'Keep pity tier recall Lut apollsol,ill two'llilluttoll; boat iii Florian at the n Lukq L of I'MWAY&S. I it -pit it Wilson, Purser, �n the Bout,or to Thos the' yes met. n that glan or 41 rving slai . Mr. wi nOt list line,bolt -rce o wit.i.mAt Iq..man ger Toronto Savings Ir e: Pal Yansittart and he seemed about to say sornethinv , but G.tinning. Trevimm rulti- now shoul left his&in peace, feelitig tbank aearcIY know 4110 replied, in a trust'this stmager, intomhose huids I orses examined as topound- Lee, Southampton; J. tastwood, Port f III johit the&in of reticence wow JIUL herm ton knew that oico. 'to will never Yield your reputation,your happiness, Des$. 1313 Ann- V. P. Elgin; P. McRae) Ikkv*rhuron ; It. Olive Varsoe were line.' checking himself,shook hando;abriiptly, ed, tinsettled ail mi d; Sir .11 Itoll, wvy low V 'Xr.D 'r Aul- rM Robertson. Kincardinel, W. B. Clark, amerttl,g.�:. d an answer and hurried away. career blighted; y isilravas,A) it 14;0 .8ines lie has a&,loelret wilich lie,ri is be fulau-1;Ito Illay have U.JmUiLWd perhaps your life g jall,11 demand misemble; Mrs K istowe, lits , 0,A or E N T8 this Sarnia;A.N.Wffat_P1ftt Hnron. exclaimed Youn JU ley. ]a &Ull- Yvu yield thorn inV) noble hands," Applications for Insurance n you&up ; . . to tell me,lie will net feel so hurt at Illy 'Ali. &.Lid PAinercl, 'I seu Sir-Hotat, she wLid -,'thetwais nothin,�to fear.' FOf, INVENTIONS lint clasl;Company received by J. Vi DETLOR&SON, it an a right. pose I ant go- hearted.' tLis fr im "tult'l yu-i of hioii brotlicr�x melancholy li�u nmelt trust, and to oesaid j.J.BE I,L General Agents,Goderich ing to sit tamely here, and bear 111) .".p,stop,ruyloe loolclainiLK U r4. Slid gazed I at.31r. 6tauttiog"ll Laill.0.0k teruperainvot. You'lleorn-to knovi,him EXPE*10 a SLY&PlaoPERLY t jigent at Goderich. mother and&is amused of harbouring I.HAPTga,11. Totus. 'You 4liverw JIM Us wi h ilia with. a jealous pang in hit, foolipot,fw.;o tintears started to tier eyesi oil 342 an Assassin To fearful plictute Yqu W of all those quite well; the pi ire, tsappooke, w" voice, '011' Floiriasi, if you would but S�ctrolod to Censda,the U.Ited States sad R= ctof such an accusation,' 'Doar me!I exc uuning n alto stolkhtowaras hiuk itaid kiascal 114 faithfully drawn as-t son, IN o one drea I -atures. Uld My 'de. the t sketch qf jfl�a Ogbt to Pn,t--Ct YOU" A;miry in o,perlitiou to&lows. . I will pity I wi..hTk ow wherill tin 'him. Ra -said lie. yotirs.which I saw 0w lot er dayo to WESTERN ASSURANCE U give you my reason, 'this is rather cunous" ,N.r ert I GODER!CH AGENCY ia Dainerel. I Flortaivillookod up with consternistAou 0011KlIPAN'T"Is )F THE candidly. It w4a a chance likeness-& Airs. Tobias (.tinning WasscnnIng Trewavas is.' o'No.ociaxing, Vritsci 'You are tuistaketi,MI,-."ITwIl-'asid I i;i her eyes-*glance uf such �-erlllne HILNRY GRIST, 0? you will--but the advertisement sheet in thoTinws, don't mean to te"I., Flur7an, low vivid cow sounded t to attAwwo.Cu III liketas if The Gunninx n6se I runted, her-I fear and surrow.th4t for moment ViviAll nowee Uiw of Own Trust and Loan Compan ngg . �No,toy doar I woll't Ak yult" ,,it che�.6. Hilton bit. 246 M TORONTO. y this,and wid4a won ter th t . IL ,I,% Th D aell HEAD OFFICE nothing niore.' while the marital tionewas porei read- nil- 4id very little own,lit,.tli.,Oght he had I - ily over the other portion Of that paper, . his wtfv. 'But kiss Like T,)bi tib'iricerising fill; so, i 'And when v(m saw that Miss Vansit cr lit CAPITAL STOCK........$400,()00 CANADA . tart was not 0 a V&rcoe, I trust, Mr. which never fell intj her hands until it ton had discontinued i to a rove clood I &]tall fool to laillitio cfjif%w,*d too much.to stvp 2M,369.60 for bisibrot+r. -kl�:l't q- 'But whAt littlillma-ex You thiiak .,f loin, hc* cantinoed litirnedly. slultpt,", FUNDS...... r tion fur was at least a day.old, by which tinie .0h, he got saki tired Of it, nw insw nec'-pts ynl� Ilion;va a suiewe r asLod.1)atlicr�l. I I , .�t know istlye you. Tell Inc,is there, 4,0,w. you I some coutpunc y x 40 rip 11 C) RXCU ry grWat nyou most have caus- the knas�uline Gunning mind was sup- M sNt partioular,' he i-o;,Iied; "jalown lxq..!ve 4ir Ililton his brother an ail) NE30th1871-3r,,838.26 the re r,Tolkins. 'On every pa" th a.11111 e wl all theireari-jus affisirs to we-her, by your posed to edow her and Y mot _baye mapterea it, and done thing:-"Mr.Trtw^vtLA in earliest am- 100 ill conveying'such an 1:-1pres- -Nouc,'sho replied. It 410N' il;in retuming thanks: UON.J. McMUP-RICH and I net say, impertinent with it. The nose now lifted itself Ili 'a[ d nken-' CAPITAL-4)XV,MILLION POUNDS ague, plored to ciommuRicaloo,witll his I 1 2 si�pli. I know John Treinavas w,ii-& Her f itit and low, that h#f rieuds in G oderich for past President. above the broad sheet, and looked at . I I I meek-, gentle,quiet man--ton,weak f6r )I .WAS SO a '81XRLING. suspicion oir an who are in Orlast anjoety C'm ukilLc ma* sure to-) fail and - Datr'erosl arcoly heard it;but he saw PM-0" bNs t�i say that she is now B. HALDAN Man4ng Director. Tkis was Flo -'a brother speaking Mrs.Gunning fo lanstion. him. -.Ate will,,find hi brother tile suffer him, and,moving prepoilp"d OD give Lesson&on the Piano- ough he wind, Z Molvery curious, m;XTZ",continued brilly w sick if Ito stroirefor it, but celloWnlynot &. iershrin awayfroin put her hand and Damerel, Hotel du eclare I w to bar me her's.side,she 'Only listen.' arid st,.,Iwd and kisonowl Icate an 11labinat Orzan and i.Singing. FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE AT Funds for Investment. gentle&till. ra.Gunning. usa cown- Illan io 4o aq deeptirsito a dood&a to Illy Lowest Cu"en pu vory Viv4no Da.-ocrel vialk shut out ir,,ni 8 Oil Ilia own life.' Roseldente opposite a, t Rau a. 11 grieve to I neverhadlobe (,P- .,If 0. V.,who left L—in Ireland of seeing this.and of what u ban If witfki� CowlhaoM f L Mr. cal. .40 OANs nilait on the security of approved Farm I Miss Vansittan ao abruptly on the tenth of last Month, tinne it,.if he �ias left. Paris, as. 'ItisA-groat mistaketoo xuppoadth,it her. VivisionDanierel watched her in lostris .0 'Ietathed L City or T-u Property for p�rtwodll of Five portuDIty �,f t she walk not will communicate with the I—family In I a thinks.' his hawAYt's parovilibe. flerlIcit Lai%, a tool)weak to gilar their own bitternessof spirit. SrrCIAL LOW,r.,kRirro1rRATftC0VKKI' root()Ike or th yearsor to witit the ton"likenove of Worrowtr.,and again,and issoe Billig the At this inoment a servant enter to do. uncuurtooms words rooludered further peul"I", 'She metLns me to think that her moth- Dvitollia4p clonrocKC4 oinit Be.71 .9 with C.'atiouts.In ith,r payable at expiry of t replied, she will greatly o9liffew tb 3m-"I IAIgl,, peace and happiness,are also too to'"itandconatrypilaos- The�ntowsand inito or by $in- Verona" m&nding to know if: Monsiowt. and visit& to Florian and ',%IT&. weak love,'said be; 'and cars cities. arm. oil.;in Cots. 'Steff" remarked Mr. as impossible at present. Still he was But 1.)sin,'sho renvirkod. '111sWry tolls its f, for Ili.I#Ila duty flut I 'Lilt XWde and Drawing. yooliev P"ticuwy favorable W Llis F ZIM payments in redaction liftoans ()live oe er's is her will Imactiliptedatany tioneon favorable toortils. Hot rt Lan *tend hard at the holadauke iere at honle, on111111in r her is te ce, his now dropped again over the news- e it ro- lisbarred from seeing her in her walk& ro anch tooloo.' a,C.nownwounity 11a that quiet voi below wig ecillived- 9 loves this stranger.' First cla"man wool ion, he vapor, 'Advertisements eyery d^y-peq)- to this the Gunping noso Ade 1ker rives, or her ram appeauncle at ths' , 'Then you stAll persist is your gloomy M LOS WWES,wishes lu)inform her tdror a tra,vellin; AReTICY IWA prII)vell Mortgages purchassoll. speaker and hod to speak to thetl�- umnakifin outlying ibis Town. Apply to 0. M.TRUMAN, which ;�often as intense pass ply I - With 4XVatago a blank to him, &nil and the public tha of he lige me with a fuller pie who lien'& it4c,f a,, startling, in an &item to per&or the theatre. At those, places, thought V sloid 1)"Urel. t she is to with reteran"s to theandsorsigned for trans: Agion id, 'Yon will I 'Well inine in tile inusic one clash of furious litword, writing 1 -0 r_.,.[ 91,&too(looderich The rest was lost in the depthe of the ui,,r I lieve.t prepared o give lemons on the Piano ainiston to the Head Otliet, If Daw6r*l. I do not *Deak French, Pmt the domestic tar, then, Vivian haunted her,wiWiful only g 001111y a ilst hav- Vivian Damerel slat out the Opera, NO ON. explanation, 3M forte,Acw Having been taught by first D.WAT�l understand yo Sir Hilton, had you Gunning organ of speech. at it in hopeless consternation. of the Pleasure to himself,triough he slow In L large sum of money with hi thou saw the ladies to their Carriage, Per 'My clear, that's perfectly tru J.j., tin' class niam -m sad for several years a Local Agent. us? hap@ regard e,' said�Il not bettsir lea 'Ysur nksste�in desiring)Ou to fho w with jealous paink how Often lier eyis has been ribbed and I jurderroo" (T"be cunfinittei.) avixonedultolow.her,she feels confident she IMPORTANT NOTICE for your feelin is chaining Mr.Damer- Mrs. Gunning. Of course there are the gentleman upi' interpreted Mrs. strayett from Lim,son if sager to seek re- 11 do Tkot think lie is dead,' bsrollied rww-mw Cangive satisfaction. Also, a clan lial el's tongue.I advertisements of this sort every day, Gunning. severelr. t is w,-injerful, lief einew1we,front attention,that bored Florian. Bnt here again that curious "Tima TRIZI;.ALL tiupcom"--osud has Dm*Ag, Water-colors, 4c., on Wed- 'Speak, Dam i" said Sir Hilton imploting people,who never turn up. to my love, how stupid tkose Fretiell aer- her. - restraint fell upon her, evidently chain. Watar's BA4401111, of MANN n bear it.' 6. But Dilmoorial felt 11 r"Cu.kc� nesticy land Saturslay aftemocins. For n-d ce return to some distracted relativ vauts are,'she added in Eno,lish. If the rival that Vivian ,her spouch. 'Do not let us talk an pr,`,r,18dMt.hit i'st'lis rentoody poot ternaso, at* as the reaklence of Mr. eTich Huness Shop F. 'W y 0 yo me for an explana- what in curious about this,that I— In a mouient florbert L-Lngl was I he possessed had been visible, it nlyhe more of John Trewavas,o gile continue? f coughs, colds, croup, 11 for the cure Trileman, Hamilton Street, —:o:— angry certainly lunette Langley,and 0.V.nk�lst announced, the Pervant saying t the I could have measured his Atrength, his hooping-coug1k. Amu Sign & i;arriae Pailiter 11 am stiorry for Sir Hilton,' site added broutbitis, saillaa, tion, ey I cligned Vivian, be Opal Vansittart, that compartiou of same time to Mrs. Gunning, IT I It lattit- iso thrust, and influenza. INRES TO ACQUAINT TH11PUBLICTIRAT at last. So t would be better first tal nts, his I e against hint, he wotild , W. An MART111 public of Lan ley had t i say ie plithysior, suro whom Florian myed so in letters to dress wishes to wke nildaukki,if in he,in ....notes to t�e Dhon hill littd rop a shop on Nfirth street next to bet- me off conqueror, or have 1 "Illy-Stu I 'llayu yun It cure&ooughsa"colds iftsitivowiler. It May 19th, )r,3. - 131, an, based the to hear what me a few month-f ago.' the W-Inyoult Nothliott Ctiumb.wIth varnish,room I can only Lou u that I saw Min an: will be so good.', retired from the oonquost, acknowledg- mutbed the Irr&tA,4 parts;it heisla the atut--b-I whert-hel.preofia"a tollinallorden proarp- -1 'Well?said Mr. rAther suap- I NEW REISTAU wn. and recognised Jklalarno Wilt W. 9vilid. 'llo I if himso4 boation. But this watfare cow replied Florian. inifigournation:And even cossualpLIVII It- to.at wifterlotyin,:wriso I#h.W.A. 11.hall t1V Allot at Thankful to t �the r t his patron Bitter pishly. ter I win 1, th a "Qw,this curtstant wrestling nob is it M,r%la.GA age tot tlw labt 7.,ears svli�jLn:&wollitialkillice of the kkc�.B,imaujue . or t be Olive Varcoe, room af l 'no'onlesperfectly unembarrassed, &i-f yields to itJ Magic i0d 0 th.last th.two wwwwrilsols L&I 'Well, Illy I.,Yt),' saill Mrs. (,'tinning, tita &a ni-meau antwwZoui4t,left him -3 miss.up Cali in the ruing on Mrs. igley Vt ligent did not hear the CoUTersation at e al and withoul,a butdow of rosory in it. shop$t kalkloc's 1.`00 1. "wo ith a puzzled uir an bar intel sued bet-ween him and 1'er b ways ia'dGubt.and did not Justify any Vivian'sheart batik. Lk raW llung. ha ,coffee&oil bun baniquotits"which LIGUT AN L) HJ9AVy HAJUNSS8, NOW iS the tiII10 10 k2illlt your Ciittsrsl with her friend$ Mr. Lynber, but-in- 11 don't understanti it, firm.resolve to renounce a love which illigto know the won; are A190 SWTCH COLLAVA, _ - fortunately the OlIng lady had already countenance. rug- 'Here is he 130rik Kis List wore to have beau tendered W lJor. Mr. K'sen-CLoTialsoat aad Carriages. that'sall. Whill I called on the U ilia lAlled"64; MKS_Vlvlli� iliost-ekas, ,I. a" with dwo"Lln. Orders departed." 1"Which was iss i last seemodnownecouraryto his life. H&d:dit. Gibbs at 0shaws and Sir John A. Mae. 16111.161111110 TAK tatol I TM to say she had fled?'do- leys yesterday,they nevr said a word Ilras-1 &be truly a lQver, or dill his jWcugy -r have belin intlefilible. ts Allr0rdoo,"front voluatts 'Do you mes uweek. It droped frun the bak Ilow lonely sk UjItaa rewavasmirtt'donaldatTorono am."loulanded ry-Ceivilliv, -as this has;ly TV ay woost A" Station&A 400111, nowask up a phantom luvvr who had. no leal.in Parii on such a it pap" IV"skst LW ton with diallostioll. man0ed Hebooki 'd askod,Nlr. Gun- wrocarryieg it upstairb; bqtiilo� insixto Paiting Guilking, Grafting,Glazing.Pape, 'YO force ijt �m 'Why should they to exleteuce? 1114 16" the rili� of madsuil too lodg'ns the been said he. 'As for Inc. not know hai. ning. liver torment hioin. ing what to do with mystiolf,I wout iUL- ikwooix ju agitating for a&, aging,he-..A C i Id 4114 i to tilem wag alie izirvoll for Idea to it 8 furd land F III. MANN, Daincrel. 'y I fear 'MY darling Tobias, that (Iolosticill attic skWv0 teet kind t 84 Uodelich, &ago 1.:i. 1870 (;rest heavdiflup eidalimed HerLert does notilisplay yoiLr usua taoleut� said the loouvre.� saytbe btratfurd land HUMI�. bib