HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-08-20, Page 4off e e persons, rem mewout a better Ss, tern lend, a 'sew wake livered spot? Mad beild us a cot? e sil!*wy �^-set these, I y ehild. MIVIVZIMpa s scarp aid twl��te' every bit of them, all but have such a plenty Bier*, not there, my child. san- wlfere they fortunes make, v• got a tunnel under the stores are full of wheat and Wanes are plasty as sure u you're 'peg John Wentworth is right on dear father, that Western Not there, not there, my child. It jilt la tha domain ei Brigham Young, Thkaewtabarried man that is left unhung, Wits a one that likes can go Large! forty wives, or mor,, you know, Where "saints ' are plenty and "cheek" lam, Oriethat be the gay sad festive chalet Net there, not there, my child. ;842118110 Colorado's mountains rise the boundless plain where the l'bsdhIo hes; Whose the air is pure and the water teeol; 'Where fortnue favors oftimes the fool; Maya the rooks are full of the precious axe -- taken we'll and that Western shore/ Not there, not there, my ehlid. *04 mean A, verdant youth; .ala wt Dhaka it and speak the l en ao to the farthest State, d ea Lae rock by the "Gulden Out across the Western sea, wheaoe somes the "Hea'hen tlAyiag, "Tis there, my child:" =DS AND ZNIDS. t everybody well -but not too of - Rias • remarkable peculiarity with _Alb that their expanding power .on- to increase as you contract them. ♦ p, juse returned from a Contin- enta4wr, was asked how he liked the ?uttgeof P'+mpeli. "Not very well," wax the r;' `they are so dreadfully out of . An lows cherub meant to be patriotic in having its steeple painted with "stars sad nig," hat the practical reanit is ?bat str.npers are continually led thi- mak an "easy shave." 'Ace, the celebrated vocalist, was in his carriage near Edinburgh. A paper, after recording the ac - aid: "We are happy to state wu able to appear on the follow - [ting in three pieces." cm DUST Paac11.LINay. - Affable ger-"There sir, my work 'ung to again! sir Francis can sppreci- good thing air." Astonished (elbi what? thought Millais "Affable stranger(con- �•"Psohl 'E may bare phated it, but I made the frame'" There appears to be a difference of ont�n es to the object of the preu, and `wit- i(slit laviiing the inevitable argn- saQat, a hogrespoadeat ooatents himself * with staMag the teat: To stuff man's brain with latest news, Tom thinks the object of the press is; Bus Aane declares its highest use Is stinting women's --bustles. A Tis*n chaplain being recently re- quired fir a Scotch prison, and the choice made, one of the Board said, " Weel 1',. nae abjection 1p the mea, for I no - ionised he was preaching a kirk tooth (eelpty slimily, encase- -• y, and if he be as enose- fel in ohs jail, he'll maybe preach It taus* as weal." Ows soHne.-Washerwoman (G1 small b.)7, who has brought a very dilapidated shirt): "Ten your mother, if aha sends this 'ere egsin, I shall wash it in two," Small Boy tgnal to the occasion) : •Very sorry, wises I'm sere, but I dont think mother would mind if you washed it into s half(dot,a." HOYLL.tT.-Rector (going rouodi)r "Au uaaomtsoaly fine pig, Mr. Dibbles, I diseLire!"--Ccultemplative Villatsl: +"Ab,yes, sir, if we was only, e/ pg M it to die &shim, sir:" A.aiin,attan o FtlerisCY.-Fla ant imay: "Ion MOM depressed, )Ir. Beau- Stes��ggrs Ne bed news, I hope!"-Romaa- ittleasus: "4h, if one could only ."-Flippant Lady: "Dear me: :bJa't you ke Her ttdl pas all about itf and �7I /.ryes it Aar vett!" Tig%aialiiirtialeandidat.sfor a •sant pulpier sassed ♦dens and icow, had to !meat ea She same Sunday. Dow, who the mogsisg, took for his `dAdatet where art thour' In the tresis, Adam gave his return shot, t(al.Dting for ht.s text, "Lo, here I it..' "new cm earth doyoa manage!" asked • gest1..san of two inseparable West Zed louogsrs. 'Yu are always to- gether, yob never do anything, and yet lea e�wa have plenty of money. iisp thiing in the world, my donde!. low, was Ike candid reply; we,beerow of 5s_`he" ww1��gg emt to the statics of cue of eselrowds one evtmiag, and finding the best car full, said in a low tone: Why, tbib ear isn't going!" Of course this cemissb a gwoeenl stampede, sad the wg� took beotesst. In the midst of lisradnn the wag was ked: you say Odour wasn't going!'' "Wel t was wasn't then," replied the wag, "but it is sew." gins tto is intensely religions," said Sparquem to his spouse to -day. "Bow eb she enquired. 'Because he Myounnog eU the time," said Sparyoes * s,re yes smiled at her husband's het boundlesslysaid. "Mosquitoes 4.Attij are soeus," "Why?' asked Spor- tier. "Bee•u.e they present their bills ea Sunday." Spargnes went out for walk and meditation. lb young; western stndent of natural ig j, bo.is -extremely afraid of tr Eg , w during the last thunder -storm issalsted a steel by putting s tumbler Imdur X11 ail& IA ow being safely seat- ed be . lbseerMely invited s young hefty set his bas, smearing her that =ally sats. She 1tlils youth, and then Meek. „ stair flakes of electricity aslwyess and replied, disk I'd rather be shim lrgTh b ill,, 'Dumfies- tmambnismille Pariah - asked to the miatistsetiaa that any 'OMB* to he abet Par - Busted. kin* seen. w XIv airs tL 311111111g. • r� netting for plastering is being " introduced to take the place of utas. It takes leu labor to place on the walls, is more continuous, and will not burn. Coarse netting with one inch mesh, and made of strong wire, is found to answer best. For ornamental cornice work it is sei modally valuable, for it can be bent to any desired form. Secured to iron studding in a brick building our greatest danger en account of Are would be removed. A still fur- ther application of this plan it to make round bags of wire, resembling barrels, and coat them inside and out with Dement. When it hardens they re- semble stone barrels. Filled with sand and sunk in rows end muses they make excellent building material for break waters. Another extension of the idea ham been tried with success in England. It consists in making iron framed build- ing, covering them with wire netting, and spreading concrete on both sides. It is cLtined that a house -walls, floors, roofs, doors, partition., and all -has been built, that is strong, firm, and ab- solutely ineombuatible. Various ap- plications of the use of wiry netting, and plaster or cement, readily suggest them- selves, and the matter is worthy of the attention of mechanics and builders. Look to Your Cellars. 'How much of sickness is bred in cel• laps, it is probable can never be accurate- ly ostitnated, but there is no doubt that many a mysterious case of typhoid and starlet fever, rheumatism or ague may be correctly traced to the malarious effluvia emanating from these neglected corners. Boxes, bins and barre:s. which hays contained vegetable matter. meat, iish,etc., need &thoroughoverhauiing. It is not enoughjthatstandiug in a dark oor- ner they look empty; there maybe enongh- poison left ou the aide and bottom to affect the health of the household. This work of cleaning is often left to the woolen and boys of the family. A man had much better leave his work a day to make a tlprough examination and purification orthe cellar than to be unduly anxious about getting in the crops in extra sea- son. After all garbage is carried out, let the ceiling and walls be faithfully brushed with an old broom, and if this u done once a month the atmosphere will be all the sweeter. Use plenty of lime, and is dry weather keep all the doors and windows open a part of every day. Old tin and wooden ware should not be allowed to stand year after year on the cellar shelves. If it it not to be used, throw it away. A Brutal Despot. The Shah has proved himself too strong a dose for even the court flnnkiee of Europe to endure. To say that he is boorish, coarse, sensual, is describing him in the mildest terms. He insults every lady with whom he cornea in con- tact -if handsome, by dishonorable pro- pes is; if ugly, by letting her know that he is aware of it. fie eats with his fing- er. at the table, and when he has put a piece of food to his month which he finds distasteful, he spits it out upon the dress of the lady beside him, He and his shite inrariably ruin the carpets of the room where he is lodged, and a common amusement of theirs is to cat the Bowers oat of the tapestry and punch the eyes out of the p'rtraitsof the royal family. At the opera In London the other night he sat in his box and yttnplacentlyspat upon the heads of the audience beneath him. When leaving Berlin, his last wards to Kaiser Wilhelm were to rid himself, by hanging, if necessary, of `that old woman Angnsta." Of course nothing better could be ex- pected of a barbarian despot, whose life- long education has been that there was no one on earth worthy of any consider- ation by him. ranchos mares Perfect. • The Hamilton Times, the spiciest news- paper in the Dominion, is full of inter- esting articles, always wide awake and never dull. Take the following as a specimen: - If theretsone thing which, now, the Grits are more afraid of than another, it is an oath.-Srg(-rAToa. True, taking an oath is a somewhat serious matter with a Reformer. But if we had in our ranks the heroes of the "Double Shnffle" oaths, who jovially "kissed the Book" while they repeated a lie -if we even had a few Rufus Step- hensons amongst us -we would be able to go into the work with spirit. But the Tories have had such a monoply of that kind of business that it would be unfair to rob them of it now. They seem to take down an affidavit with such unas- suming ease and hearty relish that we expect great things from them Mr' that line whenever they get a gcod chance. They havo commenced swearing so much in advance of the enquiry,that there is a danger of eahustion, or would be, if they were other than they are. Mr. Jones, who rigidly adhered to therules of etiquette, went home one night and found his wife sitting with another man's arm around her. Next day he told a friend of the circum- stance. "What did you do shout it:" said his friend. "Dot" replted Mr. Jones. "What in thunder could I dol i never had an intro- duction to the man." CUNTsovca,Y AND CHEMISTRY. -Why is absolute Dogma, your reverence, like absolute Alcohol! Se please you, because it u utterly abeveproof. ? A common cough or cold should never be trifled with, often when neglect- ed it is converted into a serious and gen- erally fatal pulmonary disease. The more prudent, aware of this, promptly use "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" a cura- tive which has sustained its reputation for over twenty years -they are always etficecioas and exert a most beneficial in- fluence on all the Bronchial and pulmon- ary organs. Sold by all Druggists and country dealers. . Price 23 cts. per box. Vatesor Lirg.-Life has noLife Talo except iu so far as we use it • for per- fectiugour souls, or fpr enriching ;cnr minds with noble qualities and for spreading happiness around us: bot we haverdaily proofs of tho great value of the i'Canadiaa Pain Destroyer" in sob - (hying the torturing pains of rhuema- tum, neuralgia, £c, and removing pain of every nature from the body. For sale by all Druggists and country deal- ers. Price 23 cents per bottle. A BEAUTIFUL flu&vs.-There is noth- ing that can contribute so much to ruder the horse beautiful and elegant, to improve his condition and make him all that is desirable, as "Darley's Con- dition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy;" it has been used by many persons who own valuable carriage and other horses with decided succuss, and so well pleated are they with it that they always keep it on hand in case of emergency; it may be given at all times With perfect safety. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd A Co. is on each package. North- rop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.; pro- prietors for Canada. Sold by all medi- cine dealers. NO Riots. ta.na'. Lda'tv(e OOP Irort47y,s7ine, ill Wince( is Gehl D• } bi.bier*s bpottitsg ey 0 f 1J asp, AMY DeeTau a8.ot stay ware it is acct. It 4. is. .aespent 11d4ete. ever made. Una Dee. mares cow- men mea noes Tessa,. oes bottle has cured laew- c.,.,.. Pifty [nets Plea las Prot an Ot-e ersawwo Coosa One or twe tittles moss tad eases Orman W Comae Testicle, 81: to eight appb•ae u.e ewe. aur cue P Excetiavm Reiman or Iwrusss Bauer, OP bottle Sas cured LANs Bees M elsltt years steadies, Desist Plash f Dotal UM, Mega Cost', Pa, says: welt thirty miles for • lotus your 0U.which;Skated wwaans - Cess .da Csoesn Less by Wl ap- phaetons awes, er►s W (tad Aet•ana for '1' have baH tt a lA end 40th.ssINA, endis come set key It if I amid got se aes.- mit�e�*Wee, el weeds, D..T Imes "One . ohne e05 "oven mhad eat ►p.l4a�w a n *8 spar la rive ITa.' Ase. J. ltstty Taps.' t. 1'.. write; " Tear Dart o . evert wy- In "Owe Week." Deter all ever ems `•11• tag• esla a asadtpls, mos Ile SW uldtt Tsar OM to Special Notices_ Dug,sraer.-Itrn'n Coco&.-6nat@aL Arch Corroattvo,—"By a thoiowgh knowla4gs of the satire law* which govern the operations of digs.. Don sed untrltN., and by a eaten! application of the doe properties of will selected corse, Mr, app. has provided ear breakfast eb e. with a delicately layered beverage whish Ray save us many heavy doetori 1NUs."-C tai se -cries Gazers.. Made emote' with Boding Wateror Milk. Zech paek.t is labelled -"Jaase arra a Co.,, Roamepe•hio ChsaIata, Lomdoa" )tarp CPLCTCRR Or COcna.—"Ra will now give so account of the peewee adephd by Mean Jamas Epps t Co., manaacterers of dietetic articles, at their worts in tae austee Reed,Lo.doa,"-Cas.drs 11.rsated (ride. 1341. BOGUS MEDICINES. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. I HAVE for a considerable time past considered it to be my duty to adver- tise the public of the British North American Provinces against' buying from unprincipled dealers medicines emanating from New York, and sold u my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," is which much ingenuity haat been dis- played in passing them off as of my make, It is very difficult indeed to at- tempt to enumerate the many devices to which the parties have had recourse. They say, amongst other things, that a new label has been adopted by them, and with barefaced effrontery caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-called Chemical Company in Na* York, who lends his name for (small weekly stun. The Ined- icioes sold by this Company are palmed off upon the public as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," so that were they toinjure half the community no discred• it would fall upon the fabricators of these co itpounds, but would considera- bly damaie the reputation of my make. As it is not at all necessary for this CREW to incur any expense in the sale of their productions, or to a Very limit - ad -extent (trading as they do my name 1, they are in a position to offer them at a very low price in Canada, where they arepurchased by a. few Wholesale Houses that 1 can name, and will name hereafter, if they continuo to vend th,e same. ' The following ace the name(; and ad- dresses of sons of the Houses who get my medieiuea from here direct: - Messrs, Avery, Brown & Co,, 1L'tlifax,- N. S. Messrs. Forsyth d Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. 11. Barker .t Sons, St. J,.hn, N. B. t1r. T. Dep Brisiiy, Charlotte Tosju, P. E. Messrs. Langley & Co., Victoria, B. C. 3lessrs.-Movru A Co., Victoria, N. C. Illy Pills and Ointment are sold at the _ lowest wholesale net prices, in q,)tanti- ties of not less than i;20 worth -viz., Ss. 63., 22s., :as. per dozen boxes of Pills Dr pots of Ointment, for which re- mittances nest be sent in advance. These medicines are nut sold iu the United? Staten. . Each Pot and Box of my preparations bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London." (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 533, Oxford Street, W. C., • London, July 1, 1873. 1331 t` Disrls.;i'tsnrn PIITSLOLOOi4T hat, gaol that N.-. stela is the cry of the buasry nerves fotheir special Rood, which is the Phosphorus contained rt the bloat T'd• painfttl cfSase is usually &ill "cat by general, prostration on account of the great waste of nerve tissue and insufficient supply of nerve force to maintain the -functions of the vital organs. Tee commnu i ansa of Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pain, is depraved Nutrition arising from R.raFiit{,m.nts of the Stomach, Mal-assimtla. tien of Fond. and hex Bleat. Dr. Whalers Com- mand Elixir of Phosphates and Calieaya PDplies Phosphnrons for the nervous evstetn. I.Ime as an excitant of nutrition, Iron for the Moot. and Cali - say, fo• pram"tin; strength. No premaraton in existence 1. no r.l4Dhleto maintain the vital forms and en•'rdre all the organs and tissues of the 1...dy. DR. J. BELL SIMPSON'S Sp ecitIr send Tonic Pills. THE BRE IT EN.; ',Nil REMEDY FOR SERV - on. ilitp, Sperwalorrhee Nocturnal Kntt•- aims of the 'iem•rattve n lrgane, Palpitation of the Heart. Tremblings, mteeple saess, the eFeet of ever-indnlgen.m in sleoholie ettafulanta and Uohac- co, C. Dr. J. HELL SICPSON•S Pills are the only effectual ones for the above diseases, and ere never bn,.wn to 611. They have atrea•ty cured hundreds in this country. Robert Arthur. machin tat, Iferneton, testifies to his recovery by then u*e, Safe, certain and rapid In action, a short trial wit prow u their curacy, No mutterer need despair of being relieved from the frightful (Meta of Sete. Awns. The Speen le Pills are sold by Uruggats at 11.u0 a tux, and the Tonle 0111. at 541,:, a box, or they will be oat by grail. portage pre -paid, std securely wrarpe.l from obeervatlou, on receipt of SIAM for the Spechic,.aotl ace. for the Tonic Pills by J. BELL SIMPSON & CO„ Drawer 91 P. 0, Hamilton. Sold by all Mho/aisle and R. II Druggists. Pamphlets seat post-free ea application. r- .Er-mz�ww COW POUND SYRUP OF IIIPOPYOSPUITIS The power of arresting disease displayed by this preparation 0 honorably acknowledged by the medical faculty in every section where it ham be.n utrodace.t : mud the rapidly increasing sale n the best guarantee of the estimation in which 14 is held by the piratic. The Syrup will cure Pulmonary consumption In the arst and second atagee : will sties great relief Bud prolong life in the thiel. ft will cure Asthma. aronchme. Laryngitis. Cn'uths and Colds. It will curt all dominoes originating from Want of altnentar action and Nei -mous Force. such a. Eaargementof the Spleen. Dyspepsia. Rickets, r..bleasd Irregular action .1 the Heat, Local and General Parelyein, Aphonia or Lna5 of Voice. It will cure Leneorrhoa. yhloroni.. Antenna, and restores We blood to poly - and halth Sold By Aoothecaries. Price. 51.50 ; Six for $7,50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, CHEMiST sir. JCRX, N. B. Oo.lq,icl Sept. 4th 18;1. TILE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moses' Periodical Pills TRIS INVALUABLE MF.DICTNE 1sUNFAILINO in the core of al those penfsl and denreroas d,seasee 1.4 Which the (eoliths e.nunit.iant is su" rel. It moderate. all exec,i en•lremnvu all obseru,Dons and a speedy cure our be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES Il le p•enherla suited. It w0l, m a Mor( time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. 7 .t..• Pet. second nor art tW I hy-1,eartles ',arise the F'1K.ST THRE, MONTHS of "wary... flay., •pre I. ie,ag.a Mieearragk. a.4 a any interlined any ore *ere, ,1+Civ. of Nenon. m•id Spinal Ateelions,Pain nt 'Ihe ykoce,„1 is-.4.3ucorallehtezeremn,Palpt- taa,of the heart. yarnee. and White.. these Pills erillefferl a rare who all orator mean, have (ailed, end although a eowertu! remedy. const costate iron. ethane!, antimony, or anything. hurtfulto the ,eonstr- en. ' Fu!!direction. in the pamphlet arionndeach parkage which shoe id be eaetdlly preserves. • Zoe Yoaae, few ',Ra, 101,5 PanrRlsrnhi. Leo and lsteente for menage, onolos.d to Northrop A Lyman. Newcastle, (hit , renerel again la for the D,.munioa, will tomer. a bottle eostalninEever 50f ills ey return man. NORTHRUP b LYMAN Newcastle.(. OF., genera • agentsfor(anent t:r Sold to (i'deneh by Parker a Cattlennd tr. Jnnlaa ; (?(diner at Co., EayAald ;Js.. Yeelbum, Mogen Ti Ie; J Pickard,' eeter 3.11. Comye, Cf!inton,.LS. eord,Lucknoe;E. flick: don 5wn(i+t h. tad el: Med111Po.(battlers. C 1NADIAIS PAIN DESTROY..` AA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS ` e well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head? Coughs, Colds, .gore Thema, Sprains, Bruuea, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel t;urnplair►ts, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, uta. The Canadian rats paa1ao}at ass mew been Ot- ters o-tor. ties psbac for a 1a5 se ttse. nod wherever toedho well aw�ysr wfteens mei,t tawre to gists peaelle i(1 axe we hare ver kismet a w lallaceet, es � dierUotu hare ting .'entrap), all are d iii �� qak in W highest sat` eel elect. to tM sm1ae11. hauswe speak from meeker" tasted it tMxoaghly ; and therefore thew} who _ e .1.141*/ how any -if the coapt for sgeassa reermieneadsd.••aydepeurd spent& Wog • neatly. resq.(the cassette Pala P0 - to curing the 440,••51br wbteh 11 fsr sat is atm •11ei emir* ranktram 1 ea lire wsisei la rib sten Mas*• for erns sap =awl ash esM1 LI *the museum) eJYII par. ThsCasallia• tom - NEW BOOKS, !.1 Paper, &c. SUB-SCR' e PUlt THE BE Huron Signal, ,T11E OLDEST, LA GEST' AO BEST NEW'SP•APE 1'UIILISHED IN Ti1E. COUNTY OF Dill Only $1,ru re Annum in UN. dl'aute. DVEE:R'f45E Tills HURON SIG Ir YOU wIW I TAUS ANNA/CNC To RAAert TUX • LARGEST NUM, -Ur'- t; Advertising' Rates ,L AL ESTE BR oral.. GO TO THE Fl)'t 1'( 41' It • , Job Printing. W HOLESALit&RETAIL AT BUTLER'S Beautif{jjAssortment ' OP JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS J CMZ RECEIVE&, and to bo sold CkIEAP A'1' 13UTLE1t'S Fishing Tackles, SII+ ALL KINDS, DA1tagT-i, BAITS 1100119 7.7:1S18TiN0 Or REIMS. .0d - LfNEh ,f 411•3 s AND SFLL:i•:r. AT COST 'AT BUTLER'S.. Dilurteh. 1:,;.+ .t;;,;,, 1:;70, sw101 ' ATCII • .aitaldo • • "'foe., .' it ors both lhtt the uytah.1.•` cut rthre• 'n'' i.es. in! n , 1 n {n.ttien, 11i: 4.25 P.ti9SElj WIRING . tEY_i; WATC11 011 -ti.pinta; (alter rime and ,•o!•I h,.itrt,, full jewelled, 14:if:Iwttd (or lite ;ram - Tet her w ith s g,dtI plated Albert chain -which will he bent to any pairof.(an- w'a en receipt "f ��• Or ('.d,, it, per cal,nae. W E. COIIJAEI:L, Watch Importer, 53 King Street East, TJRONTO. ole?. CAUTION. • BUY ONLY THE Genuine Fairbanks' Sc3is51 MANt•FA(TrglD. BY E. & T. i airbank3 & Co. DANIEL (IORDE)Iti, -C 1T OAIII NI:'1AICKy r vPaOLS rERER, EMPORIUM. 7ii4:91.01•tt>,11<cr, tta. • Mmnoeitit :*° GENERAL AGliNTOR TFIE FOL- LOWING ItdST1LUMSN Organs and Melodeons, R. S liam., Toronto-, Peloubet, Pelton & Co. New York. - - p=.a Nc . UNION CO.'S; ' GABLER BARMORE ' DUNIIADI \VEiIER - CII1CKE ftI NG' MILLER VO3E'S New Yor 44 rr 44 , 44 44 U it rl Boston. " •r 44 ra Can furnish atmbst Irl! Canadian and American Maker's Instruments o . arms to snit purchasers for cash or on t t e at leu than Manufacturer's price. Godorich, Feb. 27, 1873. ER, -I4 McKAlf Cabinet Halder Upholsterer, &c. DEIN ester to return Ehankete the teltabl u 4•Alerich and arttmnn,lnar e•ntntry, t� Ilh cal p, tam tro d'1rilt; Lim Met two •ere b,t afu bn1ut.es. 11.1e now tampered W fit articles in bit line. inch toe X\Trl '11 TJ OF ALL PF.,4t;lll4'T.RIN`, PILLOWS IOLS'1'h� itS' MA TTUUASS.F. S, Cheap. for Cpl. II'. AND ON Ttts 8RORTtSil:' NOTICE PICTUIIII FItAMu'ttepton baud awl ender. Haeju, on bawl au assortment ,O er their to las ash all COFFIN TRIMMIN 1 am prewar .1 In mike eetinr .n tlna nutlet -..sad to .r,n'ln•4 f.nural•ft est the most able berms. Itetw,ulfer the old .l WEST STRE 0(1.,. !, the (lank of Monti...al. Otmlericb. Feb. 12.'12. •. . to . .rtest got - ExtensiveNewPremises AND Splendid New • C. Barry & -Uro. f abinet Makers, Ur derla km St Turners, ' $.f�.MILZ`pN Rare removed serosa the street to the oto door to W.'.tcbeson'e Ilarnes* tfhop, where 10001 A goer? ASSOBTME. of ►IL:ben. B•:dronet, Dlungrhetn, and Car nacre, awls 4. TATILF.a. 01141 Re L .'r, Mr,0 00.1 w.41 *eatc.1) 1 (t-prat.t title I14:1i,TP trig, + WAsil -ftNif e' 11.1TTi r.34 P,C 1.0 NEN. UoFAS. . WHATNOTS. LOOKINC GLA GIi T xN(.. 13.) (7. 41 t iI are p"•9rk.tare.1tt,• aril everyt th, it IN. t Cheap for !Cash. N. 14 A enmplete s,.nrt•nent nil!oPIns and a!«ava ,u banal and a hear." 10 Lire ; al on aide'tcnns. A CALL SOLICITED. Retire 1•, 1' ' ; 1,70 ' A Larc ;out iu a Small Bud nod T. nett ill b. T I Fu ES ng to ri.e) ■ A50•. Standard. Scales. .C's.,u x ` 1 i, 1''.. LI. CALKS, HAT .St':Ab..,, 1) t .. • 1;.:::,(,'.,.t "ril0 I ALES,. Scales' l,ctl::.1 - ,,a-,•:; ;13x1 reasou.tily For sake, s'- Tr ,.• lt:;er'a C. -!foe and Drug 31i11 , t' ,..... u :;ells, all 41416 Letter l':. • , 7'11;: :.l:t•i' .. ;1'Et't' .1J: ti i '•: 1 :.'al �d '111, I LLEpALt.3: f ':1LLt'O.'`, Et ELT MERCH•t3 T ELBA' Lir use Foto as. FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSES Fairbanks & Co-, 1,3 Ma,, L, 1:g9 , 1'f. 4 .,t `t. 1'a,l Str.e4 Mor e..:.1. Mroa•lway, Albany. N. t. 611 Broadway, New I'm k. FAIRB.&NRS, BROWN &to,, '2 1014 St.4f1iieton. For sole be Leading hIardware Ambits. 13t;0.2nt ?,i 1 S All kiwis of td..rt. fr'rtthe LargEstFos tertattic Stu all est Card EXECUTED WITHI Ne ltnoss and Despatch. jetrParticularattetttion paid to Town- ship Printing. Orden by mail pair:tnaily attended to. • THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. Mien resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, rains or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side,' Li ' Complaint, Bleeding at t t Lungs, &c. Wistar's B' r docs not dry up a. Cong " and leave the cause behind, . is the case with most prep n: tions, but it l Znd . eanseg the 40, and allay. `re tion, removing the of !sant. Alrestr The &bore out repr(sents our $0 Crgans e \Vtuy(: thanking,( our forptcr neve& and easterners. for their liberal patro age any! confidence for the:jiaat year and which we still' hope to re$ain,1 we w alt( respectfully call their- »ttuij tion to out style No, 61. This 1/ryas tieing a F oc- tave, Double feed t4 Scale)isa vet' de- sirable instrument fair adtianced pia rs, ,Pianists or parties educating thetasyes for the piawdwrte: #Lad as a parin In- strument. it meets clary ?'cquircnl-e1 Our No. 3Q is the sntuu ac G 1, but d • ' «r- ent style, and more expensive. )ur No. 32 is pronounced by a who ave seeuit to be the iigqcat lust menti the .world for the pried this n an has wo complete setts same as N., ' ►. with wo additional half sett.., AlF, Illautboy nil Vox Celeste, making four setts lm middle C tip and'al's i 1 !, octaves of ass Profundo.. We- ere, the' first and n illy •parties who make this line of In ru- menta• and tt.o univerpal aativfne ion they have given, anti the' immense ak id these Organs, rh,w' that they :trek'p- preciato l and etlkot)1:'too' ue' tali 44 ke tin+ln li rl"'cisiityl Altpllcatl'el(a fir agouties,' vale we have no ;wrote, at :ill tirelereunGden ly Fuolritlltetls.t ratA.'r; . t1e11.A*tGeDuY. eAd 1p& h.0l, 4. Jule Lt, 1372. , 1333 v. AS 1' VEAL! COMPLETE SUCCES (;+t Ten First 'Priz At Teo Ext. ibithins 1 5 W. BELL si CO. CUELPII, ONT. Roce ved Every First Prl r •14 e NEW SPRING }TATS .1T J. C. DETLI)R & 0(1., NEW . SPRING)TWEEDS AT J. C, DETLOII S Co's. ' LO CASES BOOTS & SHOES Just received at J. C. DETLOR S Co'e. 3 BALES GREY COTTONS Just Received et spasi4lJ. C.,DETLOR & Co's attldestli011 jiver i to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. .. C. DETLOR & CO. Boderich, 3rd M arch, 1873. JORDAN'S DRUG' STORE, 7-. I Market Square, 0 oderiell. • MERICH FOUNDRY. i7SEta8figirarairarrieirr! ...:4),•• • THF,lundersigned hiivinir sold the Huron Foundry property arid Stock to the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company," begs tto thank the public ler their liberal support for thd past nineteen yea and trusts that they wilt iunnlinue to send their orders to he R. RtNCIMAN. (Wench, 10th June,,1872, Referring to the above Notice, the GOPERECII FOUNDRY AND MA:W- E'LL, RING COMPANY' beg to ttaforan the public that, they are prepared to contnict for I STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST 4, SAW MILLS, SAWING MACH)", ES, 4-C. fan Hand IRON AND WOoDEN PLOUGHS, with steel boa GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CII7TERS, 4-c., -SUG R AND POTASH KETTLAS, GRATE BARS, 1VAGGON BOXES, 4-r„ COOKING, PARLOR 4, BOX.STOVES of varions kinds. 1P_A.NK :Wade to Ch-clor, Iron and Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Work- BOI,LERS AND sAtir PANS lEPAIRED short notice, Twenty to thirty Horse- power Tubular Boilers Generally ou hind E.* Sale. 14" All Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re- ceive !prompt attention. 6/1 Oak 'ch, Ont., lath June, 1872. 1325 Ne y, cheaply and icILL HEADS, NOTICES OF APPOINTMENT, OATHS OF QUALIFICATION, PATHMASTERS VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, JURY LL -STS, HEADINGS DEEDS, Prin ed in the best style and at the lowest P .11 I- N T I N.G t..)...: I a: Cs .1417:1i.!e ot t'te GLCODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. su.A.stIN 1872. Added largely to their Manufacturing Machines. And all haring been eutirely refitted, Are now Prepared to.Execute Orders WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater In Pattern Than Formerly. • Wee' erieb,• on half miles fore containing 80 under good eu, with a never fa ning through the orayied of choice large hewed Log Het 54.132, stabling and dn large hay loft 52x27, buildings and a good punt Maltsr to fut. 'FOR SALE. NO: 10, ON THE 2ND In the Township of God- eld Road, two and a 75 cleared and n, well watered pring Creek rue- s large bearing Fruit, a good Frame Barn shed with a ether out the barn yard. This lzwilertY n•Ad$ Cheap for Cash or on terms to suit hailers ALS() Lot No. 1170, situated etn the •erth erica', near tbe Railroad Station, taining on• quarter cif an acre of larr with a goal Frame House and Frani. Stable and a few fruit trees and good well. This preperty will be sold Cheap for Cash. Apply to G. TRUEMAN, Or to C. SHANNON, on the premises. Goderioli, 25th Jan. 1673. 1354 LANDS for SALE AT BAYFUELD. hes qualit• of lam'iy. Market plate the 1.••1 lenran,e of 22 acres K.A. erere.I with Or at.lebtlol grant], an t kr to TV The lot rum to the IC. rom.olerable eater fail , Guelph, Aug.15th, Farm For t3a le. 2 the Tee frii *errs kw.' /lard Wteet "re, km, boil first oustiti, pr.me flare awl small "If i,g4.1.. rt 1 (fitt 1140. POR SAW A House and Lot adjefeing the resi- ' donee of Win. fieyniotir.149., coni- • mantling nne of the best viesi alio/ Goderich, .linie 30(11,18;3. 137G EOR SALE. taiaing 200 acres excellent lands covered with Maple and 'Beech, RI -miles from Goderieh, with never failing trout land on the front ot the lot, "- stream runtong4thrrpoi:gtho the centre of the land, there is about 13 mares of c'earet wEvrat Valuablo Property For sale. Godericii. on Lot 841 theta warn Ihict Cottage and a litres frame dwelling,./1-Cemetwene fts Motet 'et little ehat sad alee (mole L.r. The Lyda will lie sold Other tcg. , h.. sepatat. to suit purchasers. Boderich 18 July, DUI VICTORIA HYPOPHOSPHITES PULMI-0'or the prerenti.in and cure :.•i CONSUMPTION - Also for Om cane of - Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthmi, JAM of Appetite, General Debility Ike. - To the Victoria CheSical Co., ployed in the Volsria tbeinical Morita, in casette The eeveral Me weed are, ,arre ter parr, mid the Syrup bp also oadllefier.f - parity.' Tour hymn of Hypophosplitlye writ Mit Pm'essor if ebeiniktry.V. e. Prim 51 per Bottle., Sold by ail Drogzists. _ COMPOUND FLU! EXTRACT OF VICTIPRIA .514 to le.Atits; Am! ell ItiAtesee of the Crat,,,t ("rows let-et:4er Ores. Try it once for any of the above fiisordvs, at,•1 pal arta W. fully cyanided uf ota toemommot Vie nee, Prke. SI' per Bottle. &id by all Druioele. vicroRifit LINIPtig XLIXTR1111 .4 " The Xing of all Liniments." 1,, like ttqtAt.asts, omit. aocreeeie, ifeadocla, E.4 lbuthattbe, gr. hire SO Cents per Bottle. Bold by all 0111‘• CARBOLIC S CA LISOLATiM VICTORIA TULEY SOAPS VIC7'ORIA SULPHUR SOAP WHY AR E Lazarus Morris & Co's CUSTOM SPINNING, ROLL CARDING, CLOTH DRESSING &e At tho PrOVirtial Etiobition, Ilan Mom, rind 011e171nary is rattail "entail (lue.solL nip grand Viacom.. in addition t last year's et - Sliver 3Teslel, nod First Fria Prove that our I nstrtooeilis in the opinion ol hula Pro /vie .re end lfsolifeeteturs of the yet lalnaltie.r.l. Ilicir sown -wrap le mit...sled spy oftlase makers from tits fart Mutt at Gael; h tiery their instill it • to rompete.T1114. '` rend 6-r ma. gecceutalnir MY di ifestat sty el hist ru toes W. Grielrh, Oct; 15, lilt. 1;41 ` 1' Birse1011ice.for work ion* previous to the Illat Dec. last, are required to pay no au coma to the usideni : 4014.11 • 1.1 froM a listen,. with weal to gt t canted, 6 leanagtha IMMO with Mr D. Parguesa,Marehant.(ittlerich,caa rely en getttag theft rolls home witt them gbe same disy Those wminag te *LePage their wool for goods will tea se titer iateeett te r:re altars Oren. a call. We E. B -Prices Low. I, rat -class work roaraateed. JOHN Ik STTOCKV 1E1 RA MA_CHINE OIL Has bees in general use for the pest two years sad gi•Ing the hest satisfastion, as may be men by tam. Umonials from may of the toadies homes In Ontario. 11 will not rouged ia SW" eoltleAt tetatkor, it le therefore Boilable forth* lightest and fastest, ae wall as the beeriest machines iu use. TESTIMONIAL nom the Josepn Ran Markle's Kerte. shave. thas olive cal at 110 cents Tonre respeetfugy, or saki only by G. H. PARSO.Zaottieh Mereisemeer ardware 12. A GRAND SPECIALTY. W• JONEs, Litemry end Art * AgrencY, London, Oat., 'Bole agent in Canada far the sale of P'rine'j Art Peblioatiosie and will gin arih terms and territory t° agePtil- -8!* order Qua all way me end judge for the's.. "Ilea he makes she frinne lug air, 6r 25 Ciente he will send free by is•A —4'1" living fell and templets SPOCIELCieSsi LLEB BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR )4 OMER I Scirica. -Any, person sending the Gfaderich, within ths next thirty days will receive an order from L. M. & CO. for a pair of their superior new patters Eye Glasses. Goderich: Feb. 5. '72 swfiftflw3 AT t he tioisAL Office, a partial scholar - 16113 fora routs* of instruatiou le the Will Us sold at st fad actissa Rev suss ittusg thsuisestres for awful Godarilk