HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-08-20, Page 3goy Mk - 1 I r I YALU AB= 1• IllL- PROP FOR s BY P-L'BL7C lintl ON M the Aoctio' afarli.of George trviernee, in the TOWN () vorox3F.IZIGH at 11 o'clock in thefeeeneort, on TY Mote Thursday tlu2Sth d.y of Avg.1873• nest rain pr-Apearty situated in the TA w n of erich and known as "Platt's ill Site." Thi a property ia igib Mated on the River Maitland to the wn of Goderich, near the -Grand 'rr, way arid offers superior in- 1tiaote rut. iea wishing to inves • eh pperty. a e i• : 4 1..e third cash and the balance in one 'd tw`) Yews, with interested per cent secured by Mortsog.e. De0.1 will he elven ender a Hood ,,f rho said propertv 'roam the 0. T. R. to Alexander'F. Patterson of 3fontre-1 Deed can be inspected at the of Messieurs Cameron 4: Correa. t;,:slerich, and 2.11 other inlvelemion • • ,cting the pro - Port,' may be (oe. 1 at their 016ce • ivid that of Georg,/ ‘1. 'freeman. God- erich rir Messieurs Militati a • Co. Montreal. 13.32 . • * - - - - _ T TE '11 I ON• PART1M. LIST 110010: A; eleK ENZIK has • on -hand a very dirge Snick Of Dry Goods,„ Groeeriee,Iuotj& Shoes, ete., etc., _ eceivea from the nese marleni, which ▪ Everybody in invited to .examine, of goods for sole at Parson'e & C. new HAI -thwart) Store, t,site the Market NAILS, GLASS, 1'1 ITV. .CARPENTE1tA T, It 11,n, • 13?ADE-z. slioy ELS, • SC\ NON, FORKS, 11111 RAK tRt.1.1 CRADLES, ! • M.1NILLA • 'HEMP ANI) 1:1"..111r.1: I'ACKING, . - LEATHER. RELTiN(I. th • .WIIITE i.: .l). all prires,_ Dt111.111.%N l IZAW OIL, ^ ac 011,, • a M%* .f I N EVY 011i. TCRPENTIN Ife,l); of 6. which they offer at very low prices m!tfcK alt make to order Clothing for Cent* and Youths, they I . keeP1 Tinitri:sete assortment of Tweeds &II VeibracinF everything in the 'line, I" they will alloW &motives to be surpasso,), but will • Zndonely endeavoiar to furnish the very best Clothing . • Aizi)w_svilti,.. In style and worksna• shit, at prices thp will give • For C :env, . BY Entire aatisfaction to their Cuttonters. • G. H. Parcns & Co. . I • v • f .Iune, Opposite the Market 1571. FOR S ILE. ''HE undelaizn, 1.,•?or for's].) the un- dermentioned ataola belonaing the Estate ef the late-H;erarax R.- lloarrniot., viz :-.-- Alma, the Norsh-f.st, artarter of Lot No. 12„in the Fiftex lea Cnnceaaion of the Township nf Seabra, in the County of Lambten, 4 acre& more or lean. For terms and rirtion'ars of sale, ap. ply to the underi•gmal, personally, or by letter,,to St. Cati,arinen Post Mice, 11,,x 468. A'NGI'S COOK E,' ) .1AltoN EPAO. t 'rsecul4r•s: Gran them, 3.(Cs May, 13:3. 1373 CENTItAl. EXMBITIO$ 1$LO. $8i000 grind -in Premiums ! wrrL nn BALD iN Till; TOWN OF GUELPH ON Tit:: 16th, 17th, 18th 1z 10;:i of SEPT OPEri TO ALL, . Prise Li and Entry Papers nin be hail at :lie Seetetary'alhfito, Otailph, • and also frau tits Semetaries of other Societies throughoutsthe .Provilece. • P• artici not receiving their entry tiekete pri it to the show will find them at the Secretary 'i trae. 0. MURTON,: ":4011N iitIRS(vN, Secretary. v • • President. 1i• : Geelph. Ju lY 26th .1173. , TRUABE.,3:5 720,YLI. ANTI— t 30111;711011 DAM:VITT METAL. • PA IrrIcut.Art:s, Thotaga IIE,TAL, No.% he ho- Weary Bearings and /Wintry Car Forrea,33cler lb III for PROMO" flings 411 JonrualIs 111111nall et high to.oci4 30c Per b. •• No. is. )j for Ordinary anti (;ora, Far 5.... hie per It, cAtcAnt.v.c MET VI, Pt fart PfloAt, and hatter than ordf Babbitt 20e per lb. P1111.1DELFIllA M FT L, i 'fry fine Metal at the Pr.eo. lee pert b. liar !Motor ts Thier If.talt have beon norAdaring fluent4 Ton yeirA They have boon Ihntonghlv t -.sed anI yo!t•.t ain't all othor )1.- Ws. mei fin -t{? has-. 4.. ne almott ofoliteively ••• 'Ailelott iw all the Ian* Lioutor tit.trieta, 'melt AS the 11100..•‘fa floy en! idiginsee Valley 't'w "to, ,•rit Oita? 11114 Lau $irn,oe hills. Peter- - Pori II 'so, Trontou. Belleville, Brookville., fit toIf ws. M.treal, Throe ttota: ipontoe, ant Nontaterenel Mi11,4„ he., as , *ape All the Prisei pal Fona,lries Minnow - :ink Elhopo,alloanthosts, Propellers, Je., 11, /We evviNitere in the Dontioionat thoolboTe - F. P. G. TAYL(VR & CO„ • ontitd 54i vale by H. G Al:DINER & CO: A go stator Godeviellt • Lsth. 1572 1344 c /NT C.7TRI.AGZ' WORzs. J.WHIPELV BEGS 70 14K. PcBLIC forthe- lilter patronage affcorded hint in the past, oid to announce that he harries on CAm"kffi tLEGlii MAKING in all i it the old stincl, N'Titait• E. MARTIN nt-maoRNE noTEL Carriages, Bligtas, Waggons and eterytbingete in i:.tu line kept on hand or Stade to "in, of the best material ang'l '''"h0t4 workmanlike zsaser„ ItSrAtun40 r4avrrit cs,gerrxri. iedeleah. nth 'Fab. nt73. .1358 LIST O P. 0. 5th IA August, l‘a• .tvehtr C. NIS* Abitibi Jamb Minos lame 1414. • walla Tbak. Fartiord I. Hart brialegJohla BoonJoemoole jib Boyle M. J. Model Joao Mae? Bates *man Crate Coatt=ol Coltithl A. Men It. CaellerPater Coln...son itorA•rt • ,rlo not. (.1 Ant Fr•darisk E'en 1.1u1,1 (1) imittea Parma tdwaru =Irma ammo nary ▪ Ito Sia, a. "hoe. threenenea Mra 4" Lands for Sale BY E. E, WOODCOCK, CONVE A NeER • And Land Agent_ oFFITN—Worner of ITe.t street, mauve& A Valuable Farm SITUATED in the second concession ' of the Western Division of the Township of Colborne, about four miles frotn Ootlerich, con- taining 200 acres of good land, nearly half of which is cleared and free from stump*, with Brick Ileitis, Barns, Sta. bles, Workshop', &c. There is a good bearing Orchard of the choicest (reit on tho estate. Well watered- 'fide indisputable. Terms easy. E. Wt soDCOC K. Conveyancer and Land Agont;Goderieh. Valuable Bush Lot, IRKING composed of Lit No 5, con "."' (session 10, in the Township of Turnherry, containing 10:) terivn. The soil ia mixed from black loam sandy laam, with a never failing eret.!. intoning thrmigh the lot. Timber f 1:,•ech and Maple. tiho remainder tar, Pine and Bern - lock. Soil to.^:1"0.-; Thin lot is very vaditable, baiea innate within pne mile of the ltaihroll, thine miles from the village of ladniera six Miles from Wroaeter, and 2,.$ en. nules from Wing - balm Title Terms to snit the purchaser. 1 -'or further particulars, sp. ply to E. WOODCOCK, at Conveyancer al Land Agent,Goderieh. A Good Farm .S;IT` UA.TE mileafrom . rich; on the :Ath con., E. D., of the Township of Colborne, containing acres, 81) cleared and mostly under cultisaiion. Thu soil is good, varying frau may loam to heavy black loam.. Thare is a splendid creek tinning thrtnigh the lot—els:1i a small beank orchard. T. lea sold cheap. For particulars t Confeyancer :nil Land Agent4Gialerich. Valuablo .43ush Farm, tii'.1TUATE out the 10tb con. of the TOv.rnsi4 Of Grey, within 1 1 ti,i1,.. , .4 the Railway. Tim- ber *nixed, 11..... •.1i, 1Isple, ail a large ,pianitty .f g :,,I.Ce.tar. A I. eit 5 acres clegrej wilt n Log Mims*, &ii. Soil ex- cellent. Tit/e.italisptitabie, the ;ire - sent holder 1. ie.: tha,Crown patentee. Tertua easy: B... r Maritimes apply Li t' E. V. 1 M/DVOCK. Conv,,Atecr hit,: tottil .1.;,'ilt, Cialllicit. r f • • A Desir4blo Fath , t. • Qat'ATI; on .tia-ty 8:le con:, 1Yeatorn Drt ision--of tis Tom Tship' of Colborne, ,,st, the Nei. tern ir/trul Road, about 5 miles from (lot rich, containing fal, aerewof xell'ent Lint in a high 'tate of eta' tivatien. P,r pa rsi eglars apply to E. W i# COCK, Conte:-anc-r Lead Ageat,Goderich. •Desirable Farm*, • l'r1„-ATE ntho llur.iniltoad in the L../ • Town:A:it of Goacrich, .11 ttbottl 7two. hire :Walk of iati Eu.;:isliChnrch, cuntijiing 03 arria, about 1-4 or. witith are- deucd endues fr..ni lt•arn:,i. with good/Brick llonsea alt 1,I"..•'mo -awns'--Ac.‘ Large leru'enz orchar, and tvell Watered. Title ar• sal.-- 'This Leta will•bk, Pohl very cheap,.considerN ita commanding po• sition. avid tsu r:..ts,amble tenni. For pailicularavaealy to • icV outne v..yar airi;"L%-.uT,11-O 1gleCut,CGIUd' Crich. k. -..N.: -.1.`11:1V st• VII: t Auction Sale. , Valuable Propsrtieg, T3W2: AND PARK LOTS IN TUE TOWN OF GODERI011 7 AND Township of Goc.ler!cli• friE untlersixned hie received ir.- ktructions to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION at his Sale Booms in the Town of Got!. , erieb, on -E. WOODCOCK, Wednesday the 3rd day of Septetubtr, Cnnveynneer Laid Agent, tioderieh. at Two o'clock, P. M. - .,•••••••••••• A Va;uable Farm. E 14 tits Huron 'toad in the !township Goclench, four miles front Town-, contain- ing tote aeret of first-rate land, with gyeel Prone 11 Anse, Barns, Stahles, &c. tlood erehard of 'thoice froit trees and ter fat:ii,; •(r0,1,-. running through '11.ran. eaay. Forpart iCtl- 1,14 ijp.y t.. NI-.-11)DCOeK. Conveyancer•L :ad .1„rent, Goderieb. . • c .rt i lar/22. the Fonrth Concession v it the Enstera Diviaioa of the '207arOb14ti of ashileld. e-r,taining a..ren of land, one mile from Dua,omior, CO aeres of which are c!aared and mader cultivation. 'There 'iu vli!Premin's a nr,c,4 log Donee and 14-•::: Bain. Soil, clay helm. front of lot nght.. „Well watered with Nino mile erre ruttink•throngh the lot. There is also a ;rood Orchard of choice fruit on the lot. • the whole ef the following raboebIo pro- flWI 4,xcelleat Farms. perty known as theClark Est. at •— .1 That commodious attbstantially bu'11on the Gravel Road be• il" tWaltan and Brussels in the Dwelling lionse and land attailma e Towns -hip -of Gro3", sitnateaon South Street the .own .,f . flodeeich, ad joinine the .11ritildi Ex. rana each 100 acres. A viol Log ehanee Hotel, being emaT"sed 111 Ill.rhael ttertfluomns eaveihi l Int,be No 169 in the•Town of Goderieli. The • en. land is well stocked with stand„.,.,i.,!slrertie.tatk,ratiellyexnereifie-Agnott.herTearatnnsiaeyasbye Fruit Trees. , Alsa Lot No. 2G9. in the Town of iniPlurticelars apply to Goderich, situate on the corner of South i • E. WOODCOCK and Elgin Streets. • • C,,nrefanter and Land Agent,Gt;derich. Mao, Lot No. 13114 in this Town of - GoderiO, situate on the eertior Of Re- 111"-tr ral'1310.5, sire. Imitable gent st i" and Britannia Road. ,'• fora first-clive Vii la Beside/ice, be. Alto, that beautifully sitisate,pleasant • ing erenaose•I of Lots it, ft, 10, 11, 28, Homestead, eonNistino of fifteen acres of 3-t, and 31, in the NVilson Survey of land on the flsiron Road within one ti/e Tpsn of Glebe teh,contaiiiing in ono and a half ndleslof the Town of God- b!ock, two acr,ii of land. The above • erich, with extensive buildings, large eli,,i1•1e prbperty has a frontage of alspnt treharl and shrubberies, This ! 331 feat oe the I Ittron Road, and is Well pn,perty commands a !pini3 •view , shocked with choice fruits. • To bo sold of Lake Iluroa and the Town,' and j_, on moon:elle t,.re:11,, composed Of part of Lot NO Int the . W0()DCOCK, Maitland Concession 1,f the Township of t t', c'-rncr hf West street, Goderich. Goderich. The remaining portions of Lot 101 Maitland Coneesiion, will 'he sold in Valuable Town Lots, blocks of from five acres to fifteen acres to snit the_ purchasers. Lot Nt. situate on the North Title OS/disputable-1m mediate side of West Street in the Town of clod - session will be aiven. ench. 'A splendid satiation either ler TERM S OFS'ALE-: •businesspr private resideuce, 017e Third CAI, balance in three equal L• tio.'4.15, corner of Elgin and anneal instalments with interest 41, wei • gout Streets in the Town of God• Seven per emit. ' crit , oue (*tarter of an acre. ' uf Guderil Goderich. July 3-2d, 1873. 1379 • aere. Au`P4neer' 1 the...town one fifth of.an 1.-• I . ----- - 1 Lot Letter "C" in the, Village of Ali CTION sALE OF j g//aold hilo(u%s: thereon erected and iNC.Cluti j M *the. I .'lle Bridgend• place) with a • j eel', stocked with bearing fruit trees. G. M. TRUEMAN, Loll No. j313 on tilt; Uuron Road, in E. IYOu DC0C K, Valuable Prop c rty Land Agent and Conveyancer. IN THE TOWN oh. 4'. Censer of West St,, Gederich. 137 WALKER TOIN., There will be sold at BARTLEY'S HOTEL, Walkerton, on TII2,3DAY, 2ND SEPT. NEXT, at two o'clock p. m., the following valu- able Town Lots, upon one of which, close to the River, there is a new fraine building, measuring 4.0x32, erected fur a foundry, and suitable for that or other factory. The Lots ere No's, 1, 2, 3 a 4 on the east side of Queen Strtet, 0,40 to the River Sangeen, and near the Bridge, at West end of Town, reams f MAUI : , Oto tto halt secured" dabyrelortt,4 sale' 'asreth. oa 'tijho 1.07 - peaty, payable ia two equal annual pay, menta. juteresE. A. ant z8 ApeLryc,eut A ia.ctioneer 'Watt A Bridges, Van ti, er,i, whom all pleizulare may be, 01; tain13814w • ed. . • e — •- Voters- Lists sal.* $T THE ,SOINAL Offiee, The Confaseions of an Invalid, 1011.:11LISIIED as a warning and for ". the benefit of Young ;den anal others whosutterfroin NERVOUS DEBILITY LUSS OF MANHOOD, etc., supplying the means of self -cure. Written by ono who cured himself after undergoin considerable rpiackery, and bent free o charge. Sufferers are invited to addresa (pre. Pa) ing postage) the author. NA.TIL1NIEL bfAV FA tr,, lar 1-3m Bos 153. Brooklyn, N. Y, CAUTION. WHEREAC ray wife Martha Whit- lock has haft my bed and Licari without any just cause or provocation this Ls to caution all parties evilest liszbour;ng her or giving her credit oa DIY toce;unt, as I will net be resporsible for any liabilities ro castracktd. W rwoK. Valuablerarm for Sale. I REING Lot 3. in the bth Concession Township df Goderich, containing 80 acres, 62 acres clear, free of stumps and in a first class state of cultivation, 18 acres of good hard wood timber. There is on the premises a good house containing 8 rooms, first clam frame barn, stables and driving shedar well watered with good pump and never failing springs, good bearing orchard and every other accomodation suitable fur a first adage farm. This staluableproperty is with. int miles of Clinton sad 9 front Ooderich. Tier above Iproaterty will& be sold very reasonable and on terms to emit pur- chasers. For f tether particalars appl to MRS. JANE ¥eINTOSH, Or to IBAA0 ERVIN, Nelson Street, Ooderieb, Ont. tallith:Is, J5an4 27th, 1873. 1376-2m* e I I ttRBitNKSI SCALES AT MAN1'. factories ces•—•Imrge Plat f ur rn Scat*, including Hay Scales, promptly orc]red and a di4eoant for Cash allowed, At JO 11133N & KERR'S. ERIAGE El RINGS, CARRIAGE AXLES an PATENT WAGGON A 8, for aisle At JO 80N & HERR'S. 1.iS110E and CAST STEEL, a hall lt AND OOP IRON. SLE/GII assertment, At JOHNSON iKERR'S. STENT HO SHOE NAI At JO SE SHOES HORSE S, by the keg or box NfiON & KERR'S. VIDAL (ML Gallon, anti At JO SQN KERR'S. : ()AL OIL LAMPS, THE BARREIJOR F. BEST • 11L1;, DE POCKET K ONS and 1' be ail At JJ RORTMENT of TA SEIM PEN AND IVES, PLATED RFS in floderich, to NSON & KERR'S. A EMT. ASS RTMENT OF LOCK - Pm WOOD'S Ctlebreted MILL SAW EltES, and Sor y's }Will and 111)' SArS, the beat n the Market, At JO NSO F Lis & KERR'S. TNT'S ell MPI CROSS -CPT SAWS and SAW HANDLES at Pries, At JOI SON et KERR'S. In fortrom %-/ beat Make st At JOI A at OMPLETE LOCKS, SS, PUTTY west Cash At JC •r- 2, COMPLETE 3-1 AGRICC 3IE'NTS. frem th est (pooh Price, 1 At JO PICULAR to the wants nllity, and ord pro ptly attend 4t JOH XES FROM THE single and doable SON 4 KERR'S. ASSORTMENT OF !NOES. NAILS, PAINTS and OILS, ces. al wais on hand, SON & KERR'S. ASSORTMENT OF TURAL IMPLE- best makers, at Low. NSON k KERR'S. ATTENTION PA ID 1 f the Firming Gm- 1 from the country to, SON 4 KERR'S. -AND at Maker's and discon At JOI ROMA R S 1 WS ce Lisa, earefull) or- bit. cash allowed, SON A KERR'S. E WHOLE L ODDS are for 'Ash, t At JO OF THE ABOVE *red CHEAP, ell NAP, SON 4 KERR'S. If LES' PATIO' ALARM ,CASII ILL Drawers, the best in the world— Prim only $4 50. j At A) SON & KERR'S. REMEMER THE PL 10E, If AMILTO7f ST.. Sign of the Cross -Cut Shl r, JOHNSON KERR, Oodericb. March 1 Ith, 1873. —L_ OPENED 917T AGAIN: DOUGLAS McKENZIE Watchmakpr &Jeweller, TIF8IRE8 to return 4ii sirbtre thankt to the and to tnnooneto hat he hes reroovo4 to U, .. punk Inc the paiAro emended ,htin in the past. a promisee on Kinroten l:treet. formerly occupied At a Saloon by Harry Rood, •11.1 1,117er•tit 01•11011ite GmbVs story, which bi.bas fithyt up in !Ina stytta He would call pecial hien Won to the EIISSE101, WATCH forthe Rale of which III i* 8,4. agent in t;odericti A large stook or W•lthipo, 11erion,_Elgin end rlw Watoliee itt Guid and ter cases. .11u itai 0 1,4n4 larsa Rod well selectot Klock ot 3111101Or MI X, 1J 333 Ft. ofn(1 kinds whish Ise 4111 ger! ehelf^. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL 4 cam. whici D. 1• D. .11eLlINZIE, Olsiestea. Wane •tr's • THS SEWING MACHINE, The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. rotoolovi Imitation, owl Unpr,, , Success Aqiinding it Everyiehts.. IT m STKONO AND DUZAIILI, EAST AND LiONT TO WOLK, 11t4 NO COGS Olt AMP Mal do Beery Kind of Work', Light or Heavy. The most complete set of Attachinenta given with every Machine. See THE WEBiTER before buyin any o.her. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada goring Machine NC0P, HAILTON, ONT. June 13, 1873. , 1374-3m a., day. •anl• wanton TO *20 alt dawn* of wortien ,11115 a th•r Om, or old, Sao ks Ta,. ewS 101 se r %ir =11 MI•11001,1 tr 'alllefitinia. lison at Partisahirs . MI & 00„„ 011e, i1• MEW THE RED STORE, GODERICIL L.S. CROFTS & JOHNSTON, LATE JOHNSTON & BRO. Dry Goods, Clothing, GRO CERIEc:4, BOOTS & SHOES &c. CLOSED UP FOR TWG :BAYS. CROFTS & JOHN • Will close their store on Tuesday au c.1 :fed nesday next, the 26th and. 27th:, for the pur- pose of marking down the remainder of the:77, Summer Sock of Dry Goods, Clothingi, Boots & Shoes, Ezc., &c. - On Thursday next, the Mil, their great Clearing Sale vi11 commenc::) and will con- tinue for thirty days. As they are about to movo ilitcp new pre mises now being built' by P. Jordan, their friends an! the public may delignd upon this sale as bei g gen.uine. The whole .o.f their sunc:e be sold at an& under cost. We invite every one to our oizeat aleariag Sale. No troubleto show goodl. Their shop will be kept o-,;11. 'until 8 o'clock- every day during the • st..,:tE.: so•that Ladies may make their purchases the cool of the cve:ung. All goods marked in plairiZIs' --04.%es and no second ( GROFTS4'..yz &J. #14STON , • • HUMLAil v0.1. MA ITLANDVILLE WILLIAM STANSURY, ,• -AIJIANK FUL for past favours, desires 1. inform the inhabitants of Maitlandville and Burr/ ling cotietry- that he is to be found at the old stand, ready and Billing to attend to the wants of Ms enstomera. Ile has un A FULL STOCK 01' GROCERIES ur TEA, IST,JGAlt, TOI1ACCO, CUR,ItANTS, 1 at JOiinsi01-1 Ihro. . NOted for Cheap Clouds 0 Sewing Machi PIANO, 012041; aro LGRICULTURAL mow. .13 1NT a's •tl•liowrocnos, at deer vochth. e "SIMIAN - :_••• Aht. MEGAWtesd myself are the I ONLY' AGENTS .1 v•—•( FORTALE if FLORENCE') Sloring 14.aohiee iu Goderich and it. 11168. Theli es pei er kat A SEWING MACHINE 18 THE • • PEOPLE S' FAVO AN° the most simple, durable and t gives universal satis act lightest running machine now made (of the cheaper kind) and will sew much -heavier material than any ether. it is just what the farmers have long wanted and is warranted in every case and kept its repair free of charge for one year by' the company. Take my advice and bny no other; • Serving machines of any other maim liwpfilieei to Order at regular rates. • I am also agent for all kinds 'Agricultural Implement& Office .hew rooms at A. I'. McLean's Clo Store, East Street, Goderich. .r. W. WEATUERA 1 , 1354. SOMETIIING NEW! gritIE CNDERSIGNED HAS ES- •"- tablished a branch of his Toronto Setring Machine Repairing Worlic wIre:-e all linds of §eviing. Machines will repaire, altered and put titi • , WorashopiNent 'doer to at Era ,dce, Clinton. ! MR. L. S. WILL.SON, :lc t to Zvi w A office, Golerich, will receive machines and take orders. • THOMAS GOBERT. Clinton. 19th March, 1873. 1360 class running or'der: Having had 16 years c xperieuce in some OA Largest =chitin menu-Inc- a:nee in the world he can guarantee satisfactim. ' f 1 'rho following Is owe - cooks are recpmetaessellest -114 tie being the BEST ot f I their class: ‘71- . rho Sew for ^-4 ft oo rigor_ I "k1'.11."1-,^N^."31.11^^.7,,,I•then 1.' fir. t ; ,,,14 1 i'en''. WI !4.t- 0,;,,u1 35, i - — 4 EF ire. re Lleetio rimer Seh.A.I. / • $ • 11. •t /{,pr M4W eau', '14 tilt: - - • • 0, Wurrar. °altar tioloAd. 1 se .1 c„ .retere• niiewwes• in irocr, re 2-, rtit-1•4101itte•.Cartilfttligtlauart, 1 iie PittelWtto ele•liooh. wits i , ,,,, 141 rthillelsleZteiri`""i/..."'' 1 1“, •.• ?A (A Peen,' Art of Illaning," 0 Z.: oll 4.. / Witle•Vio!infiebleieterec4/tIon) :3 . 4 • 7.-R, 1,41::::',..."`"1"..,..,,n,risativrieft.,50.u'""4:• 4: . : ' 7C: 0 • . . ' i.r.,...!:,...1'41.,„1::!..-..r.,„=tri-ur ..., , ..-c,, iP,tert'Vioni tiet,,,,,,L; , . 1431 IP1....tol.girlili:::'CA6ek..4•entan....,;,..• For.. ..4.:., „.......4" R, • • ....--.................,....- ........., ...................„.....-................./......., :•.., . ... ___ - kAnte •1114 Piety, • JUST,RECEIVED AT :. v [Very r no. W-nt-ti • 'tn.yt•wOi,7"4 .i‘e.4.• - :CI: Iilt11.: Wn illb:eiitrp• ttt:t1r4:in11kd4.' '.—',417, rrrr:7: 8. 11,••- ,• i. We Iliik' J. n..ttlf- -v-7... . L.. (.*„..)„,:.:,....., _..,...._ . ,.........._.„ _.... NE t77 HARDWARE STORE .; • ! .1 Stov es' I Stoves Al TARGE IltfLPORTAIION 4.? • ' • 11)POSITI: MARKET HOUSE. • • 1 - . . , .1 • ...... .„ , ',',IGN.rulf iiiRiact11.MISAW S A. S Id. A 'IS . . . — . . • ,.. ' rt.%liztuvrtun,?..7t.,1trazity.na.; I. DC , -:_"; ;:::.• .. 41,4 • OMAN COMPLTt- RAISINS, . SPICES &c., ke HARDWARE. ALSO . • ` Nails, A LARGE QUANTIrY Of • , 1- . . , ,,,,,po ti Owl. Mann purcing air hely. Plano,: f ,4 ildt olft•-h will In hassoli at Frieot 1/.0f- 4, fy . Crockery, . Glans a .re, • •••• Ladies Belts and Silk FLOUR.' FEED. Having been granted a Shop Licetise for the laic of Liquiein, he will keep on li IVIIISKEY, B RANDY, ' RUM. GIN, ta.itrt.ffill Btcikf oiviivRsl Dry Goods, &e. ite 11.1 BOTTLE 011 ON DRAUGIIT. C. The highest market price paid for ItuttAir, Eggs and utlier produce. • Remember the stand, nearlY opposite the School }louse, Alattlarlville. Marchi4th, 1873. 1350 • : NV I A • r , . Well assorted Stock of?ItIbbonsi (Jae es, C' N. 1:. ---Special Liam; in 32 and 36 I.olcluths, I.) bster &-• I Cotton & Meetings. Goderieh, August 12th, /873. Laco Ile,.• 41, 111 • ' 6 u oi Geode at& next week. • REMOVAL. PHILO NOBLE, 11. DUNLOP MEROHANT TAILOR, Merchant Tailor, tE g itt 'I (Z. Tr GODERICII, 1 AS rece ed his Spring Stock of Goods and is prepared a* "anal to make all kinds of Garnieuta in the most fahion- able styles and at the loreet ratr. CE3 n too VII etaitshi n gp4 of all descriptions constantly on hand. • CALL LICSPI.Clit^ LLy SULICITZD., Os Two good Tailors wanteo? /Lately. Goderieb, 15th April, 187 e• IA")T. 11 rooms, For ars POT ta aaaaglff MI, • • At 7 lf A MILTON STREET, GODEBICII, itEC to inform his customers and the public generally that he has reinur- ed to that COIDIONOUS NEW STORE IN ACHESON'S BUILDINGS, next door to Wm. Acheson'. Ilarnesa Shop, and nearly opposite his old stand, : 10ietre. he will be prepared to offer great- er inducaents to purchasers than Ile has just received a beautiful stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, aud Canadian Tweeds, Scotch Cheviots • &e. G MADE TO ORDER fgies:Ols style and on .at notice, 000M PON 101,7118t, 4i an. WI, 1873. 13;1 G. 11PARSONS &O/ • • Opposite Tho Mark.et Hons. •41;1 fil‘oeliat Juu Shed laTis G,,dericli }farness Shop •:`-t • ••sitY. A. liNARTiti I Orasare la eanou rt Tow,. ,41411's es Ike Public of J Lt16. TA:311:113 Ai) CONDUCTINq PIPS CISPLILS Prxrti, Liao Ptp, 40. • tn. A IN AkAill.1 '11 1 N VP -a. Nt. •• y I I 9,LF.iSA RETAI14 • ' 0 L 0 IL Ohl loe' Ooper Hewitt, Wool rickinv and Sheep Skins take', iir t chanj.ei J. „our; ollc Large Ccel Oil Bat Oodevich. Avg1.5, 1- 70 t earty, Goderiehlflarble wo4 - - , tu 15 lh Chants*, aad a R. PARSOAS HARDWARE MERCILIN MARKET SW.11LE. G 0 DEC Have for Sale # i'450%sake lip ii0R3A-CLOTHINI AND Starrett CLLAMS, 10 LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, in 11W -elate style and with piontoopatch, Orden, oidly Attend.Ito, Frunkot Whips, usaviry•tteessibs, Am. unt 40.ettfusor. N. sheets mama, on head through- ' A:Aeriea, June 23 ICI. MINK, PDX, awl other lemma: elt.0811 CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, 1900.4_ 1 SAWS, AND BEST 11AKES1 •! ir YOU WANT, OF HAND SAWS, CffoP• ) PING AXES, YALU- FINE, OUS MAKERS AL INDPRICES. BOY'S AXESo HAND Scott, Vanstone & o. AXES AND BROADAXE'S00W •TIES OF SEVERAL . ;• LOGGING CHLALNS' OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTY, WROull/IT AND CUT NAILS Ate. And & largo assortment of all Ligtis of At low T110 prices fit CASH. OniClitn' Eitn:)w. .Stout IliDx By BTO 1INTIVAI F: TII A T T ri FY 11.1018 opease • Wadi of Weir kiteigitute • Want7"- in the obi *tine eitr. Sleibtob Veckarit, to4Ctich.&11(111,111-be alit so amPlv Tombstones. Mantlepteces, • Wint.iow Siiist MARKET HOUSE. • MAS SPENCER'Lc, OF • 1; rrp; ErrcrnERA, -••• II PAIISOISiii & Co Goderich, NOT. 2i.ltin • It• A. IN o J 13 • • , GO TO Notice to flo'btoras LL PANTIES ibfANTED 10 TI11 1/: LC toils w01 amass pay sa at OM"- A, ABRAIIAX tutrim. ..3321.0.. ICU M• • -, . FERGUSON'S, • 11A311L1'ON STRET, 1369-Gio AGODERICII. . • •••111L -•••••••••• • • ' • Affeetei". 1,4,',• 0.1/11.4 -^^ Lost s 'MBE R of Parasoli, L Lucknosto , frrnn Godstinh. The listatrt thorn with Atkahans Smith, nr M. Campbell.. will be retrardeA for 1.1•1 May Wth, 1473.