HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-08-20, Page 2V - . - • - or. II 1 4- • . Ake - • y-,311- Baton. ientittee. If mite -John Fair. -V. Hellman. -G. Trueman. • Illseated Stora -Crofts Johnston. Presinekal Zaddbition-H. C.Orhoasson. gie•'w-venna • *mon $ignal. MutPawed. The Commissioners_ M Washington bare 'tenni/neatly disallowed the olaim made by the United States against Great, Britain arising ont of the St. Al - ban's and Johnson Island raids. We are sure the people of Canada will re- joice at this result. The 24711,Commission. Judge Day of Montreal,•J edge Gowan of Barrie and Judge Polette of • Rivera have been appointed az Tel Commission to take the evidence In the Pacific Railway Case. GODERICH, Aug. ste. twfs, Tin Sitnation. The 13di of August has come and gone. The people of Canada know the events of thst daT, which will ever mark aa era in Ste history of our constitu- tional struggles. The Governor Genw ral seems to.' base become a willing in- strument in the hands of Sir John A. MacdouaLl, and, while we are not wil- ling too severely to blame Lord Defferin for aeceptine the advice of his Ministry, we cannot nefraia from expressing our earns and Trat f.A his steternent of the reasons w bit led him to act as he has d.file. Although we think Lord thifferin has forever lost the high place • ha at one tire seemed likely W take in the cenfidetsce end affections of the 'people of 'Coals, we will still ever treat kiln with lidless! the silent respect dne ti the repAnnitative of the Sovereign. We trust hei will Act more wisely in his future course in this matter, his past set is at beet a blunder, to centinue in the same coarse would be a (rime. -It is witthe ministry, however, that we have mainly to do. ray have made common clew with Sir John en the Pacific Scandal, find are a nnit on the • constitutional qnestion and must now stead or tpill together. No sane man will for moment admit the plea that • "the inferior members" of the Govern-, ment do hot know the plans of their chief. The event* of the 13th of August have confirmed all the suspictono of the country in regent to the gnilt of the mintstry ta the naatter of Pacific Scandal. A is in vain to reason further in the qdestion."-• The ministry are afrtid of Parliamentary ineestieation, and the prorogation is but another move in thvi desperate game of fence to which the unuistrY are driven in their crime. It may giver them all the. advantage of time, nlociirsents and other evidence 0311 Tin W113117L- &oils Lerrsts.-A week ago on Sunday the Toronto Poet OSA was robbed of w large number of registered lettens. By direction of the Post Master General a list of the addresses of the stolen letters, together with the nem° of the post office where mailed, have been published. We observe that three letters from Goderich arenamong the missing. They erste addressed to the Globe Printing Co., Mra. McDougall and Peach & Goulding. Christianoplo, on Kalman Sound, Swedea, been entirely destroyed by fire. &desperate riot occur:II in the MR; ragh Camp, Kildare, list week, between two Irish regimests. &mai of the participa,tors in the riot were killed and many seierely injured. The Rev. Newman Hail is seeking a divorce- frOm his wife in the Londoa Diverce Court, on the ground a marital infidelity. The rev. gentleman's mar- ried life began in romance, Mrs. 11;11 haring become attached to him when he washer tutor. A report front Beyonne says a British stearner has landed 2,043 rifles, 53 owt of ammunition, and 40 horse!' for the Carlists. The st Maier wasmutesegnently captured by a Spanish man of wer. The excursion shimmer Favorite, with 150 persons on board, Wok fire in Boe ton harbour on Wednesday. A penio ensued, but the fire waa extingaishei without materal damage. The passen- gers were taken off by a schooner which cam° along aldo. A very heavy rain storm prevailed over the Northern and Middle States on Thursday night hat by which neich damage was done. A terrible -railway aceident occured on Saturday, nieht, near Lamont, on the Chicago and Alton Railroad, .,by which 'eleven persons were instantly 'killed and 33 others seriensly injured. The cars caught fire and many were badly brtra- ndomd several badly scalded by water from the locomotive. ' The. ihip elleenso front Moutreal to Glargoehas been weecked by coming io contact with the steamer ..f/o'i inte zt sea. The veinal total - wreck and only three Metro! the craw mono soved. LOO4L VS ?is Witeonaci Aevateca in to 'be the awn" of the new Couservative paper et Winghaiu. II LLD ov za„-W.) aro oblieed to lield over a number of reports of Toirenship Councilsahd other local niatters w itch are in type. They trill appeet next eek. may be destroyed, witnesses may he • TH4 MIndg. W understa the corrupted, s coueiniesion may be tarn- midee has attacked.the epring whe it in pored withi a white waahing report 'pity some places but tt ss hoped tnot too soil be pnedneed by the commission, hut all an extent as to do any great hum. this will steely make more exacting the reset. Nee -s.' --Subscribe for the domande fur justice Phigh the country Sloe to. It eclipses all other papers. e• the extent and yaniety of its local can and will obtain. news. Fifty cents will pay!for it till the end of the year. Poortes tn.- The rettun cricket match between Goderich and Seaforth did not come ter on Settirday as was at one time expected. It, appeers to be indefinitely postponed. e • " TILE BENToN. -0 ring: .1411 eccide,nt te her wheel the peopeller Vonfea Mas deleyed a day on•her last np trip. She net long distant, •when jutice shall did net arrive hero till Monday fere- triumph over trickery. But a question Elc"'11. Till: 1;11Velt ITER to hand whese importance fee orershadows the this week 'printed from now type and Pacific Samba has been forced as an issue between the ministry and the pee- '. ple of Ceasda. That is the usurpation by the minietry ol the power of perlia- meld. In. vain diies tho minIsterial press excWm the Governor' General has appointed a cernmieeion to reeort to the House, it it a commission of c.ampetent• end bononrablo men. The country re- plies, eel; &Ling hays the right in t circannstences to appoint a cornmission, and no mom on earth should uonip the thdpowar lwhich the constitution and the peop14 hare put in the halide of parliameate The people thoroughly un- gust nnmber of Rao maivatine is to derstandale true issue and no attempt. hand. It coistains a po7trait of the Shoh of Persia and a number of good to blind Oxim in regard to it can be sac- erieinal and selecteol sarticlea. John iSp man can hare read the Dongall & Son, Publishersi Montrea. tateranceplcrf tho reliable part of the Subscription el.f..0 ;ler annuni. press, er-heard the opinion of Idly best euerteetottetee_e, win ee_ „„ hy men of all parties, without seeing that marriage notice in another column. Junior Jedge Toms, ha" been and gone this Ls really the issue which the coun- try Nees lir even iorceu upon it by the 71r sge agr-migr-this e e. , en unto luinselljurass. Weekeg . te ge miniatry4 The press of the' country phicuseccasion and trnst he me), long bo ham head with romerkable colninees, spared no enjoy any imonnt crf connubial Wigs and felicity. people speak ef it without that fierce- • nese which Offen. marks men in parte DT.NIAL.—Mr. Farrneedenies that he " DOMINION PARLIAMENT. THE PROROGATION. (from the Gioae.) -Orrawa, Aare 13. -The city all day has been in is state ef bustle and excite - meat previously unknown. Great tn. tartlet mid anxiety was felt as to the course the Governor-General would adopt in answer to the deputation of the members, but general ignoranc) upon the subject prevailed. About one o'clock it became known that the Guardt were ordered out. It. was then certain that the Heusi would be prorogued, and the conjecture was confirmed when, about half -past two o'clock, several members of the suite of His Excellency took posses- sion of the door by which he was to en- ter the building. About two o'clock the galleries of the Senate phambor were crowded, the principal occupants being laCes. On the floor of tbe Chamber several ladies occupied prominent seats Some six or eight Benet+ put in an &p- rance, and waited with becoming of the Gower - ter 3 u clock, by his suite; Bleak Rod wag faithful Com - the Governor. General required the attendance ima modiately. Some half sin hour els however, before this ebsequiods unca tionary rviturned, and then only fol- lowed by the members of the Govern; ment and a few of theirlfollowors. The miters present ons chamber. the following RIDUCED FARBIL-The Grand Trunk Railway issues reture tickets at a fare and a tbird to delestatea attending con- ventions of temperance and other public bodies. The annual meeting of the Most Worthy Lodge of British Templar' will be held, at Charlottetown P. E. Island on the 30th inst. Tickets to Portland will be issued at sleeve rates and delegates may proceed thence by steamer. FATALITY AMONG HORSES.-Within the list week • number of horses; have died town. A. M. Polley kas Wet his roan trotter after an illness of four days. kitown "bob tail" fell dead near the jail on Sunday while being drieen by a stranger whn had hired it for the day. Johnny Bell also 'had the misfortune Ao lose one of his horses and his other had narriw escape. Ho attributes it to having fed them on corn which he was to me instead of oats as the latter cannot be had at pre- sent. CLOSED VoR Twa DAYS. Monws. Crofts & Johnston, late Johnston & Bro., are about to move into new and commodious premises now'being erected for them by F. Jordan. They inteud to have a grand clearing sale of their simmer 'tack Which will be marked down so as to insure its being cleared not. their store will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday next for the purpose of marking down the goods and on Thursday, 28th inst., the great sale will commence and last for thirty days. This is a genuine clearing sok and bar- gains will be given. See their large ad- vertisement. GRAND Jury.-The following aro the name" of the Grand Jurors empenneled for the Fall 'Assizes, -Thos. Anderson. Ashfield ; Ralph Brown, Hay ; P. Car- roll. Colborne; Thos. Stanbury, Clinton; Robt. Ferguson, Hay • H. J. Nott, Colborne ; John Keys, Bayfield ; James Hyslop, Grey; Jas. HazlewOod, Howick; John McMullen, .Ashfield; Wm. Thomp- son, Turnberry ; W. O. Fowler, Tucker- sinith; Samuel Johnson, Seaforth; Alex. - Simpson, McKillop ; Jas. Forrest, Mor- ris; John Bowman, Morris; Wm. Young, Colborne ; D. B. Hodge. Goderich ; Thos. Kidd, Seaforth ; Thos. Kelly, Morris • Chas. Dornyn, Wawanosh ; John Reid, ; John Cox, Goder- ich ; Robt. Creery, Usborne. The evidence fortunately is beyond the power Of destruction at the hands of the usitypers,iand will at the proper time come Iiirth for the confasiou and condemnation of those who have en- deat oured to hallo jastice by the power at the prerogative. Silently, firmly thif re;entry waits for the hour, 1 lue'oing trim and neat. We are girl to (amerce such eyidence Of enterprree in the preas of the country. - MitiTeRY.--Lientenant Coleinel Ser- vice, grieved° Major. owl Lient.-Col. Fiench, Dominion Inspector of Artil- lery, were in teen yesterday; and last night inspected Cept. Thoinson's Garrison Artillery Company. THE MAEKETi. -The markets are uU, very little new grain coining in as yet. There are no clianges werth re- perting. Fall wheat is worth from $1 le to $1.1:1 ia Chiderich and 'Spring wheat $1.10. New Douisile ".•! elle. -The Aul struggles. All reflecting men feel that ht ang intentien cf hie seat this is not question for parties or ert )rtrhe nliirnoni0 ithis vojteh pairsions4 tont for firm and unyielding through. i11.fter next electIon bolr,nFarAl action, ail althotieh it hes fallen to tile row will not have the opportunity of 71:plop,. Nothing but the Pecific lot of thelteforet party to lead in the resietance !of the country to the miiiie- alee),:reely bribery fund gate it to him try, they, aro sustained not by Ref inn- ers aloud, but by all high minded Con- servatives; arid can count on the active eupport thee large large and taunt - THE SETIlorlt./--- Tlie; propeller Wok Seymour was laid nest of last_ week undergoing repairs to her ' boiler and mechinery. • Sh,o left f,,r Southampton on Fnday and was to go to Sarnia on tie! claas part who do not take in any 1 Saturday. but the lake was so h that mere party struggle. The people of she could not venture out. Sits will Caned, are determined that no trickery make two trips to Sarnia this week een Wednesday and on Friday. shall beide them, and no tyrrany tram- , Tit ARK ESTATI Stat.—The hour ple uponeight. Let not the minis - at which the Sale of the Clarke estate t,srs moaupderetoad tho signs of the will take place on the 3rd of September times. No edsPeld "ill be l'aid te the has been changed from 12 to 2 o'clock Royal Comminuting. Parliament must as being more convenient for all parties. Mr. Trueman will officiate as Auctioneer and shall annalists ita own preroptive stud the tights 'et the people.) :ntligiation Meeting. h Immediately after the prorogation of Parliamaint an Wednesday last a meet- ing of tkeee opposed to the course pur- open and trielic will be interrupted for sued by the Governor General was held for stoma a week. A large number td cars are now being changed from bead and stisring speeches delivered by a number of leading members from both t0.1niairyru. '1 "%neun"°- snyiaasetereErNTeEltntrerttlaNT , silos of the Howe. The Meeting then etnr 1 ltio :4TR-et r.zi adjournedl till evening when there was at Wright's Hotel on Friday evening a large attendance of the general public last at which were present the guests -of te withal the proceedings. A number ft thieen hottel t and a number of invited . if resoletions were passed condemnine (tete, s werr cliw ilnlyinsest.Tiinme-ilvand . sliterti i the goventment and the course they i ranch lenehter. After the close of the have parked. There is a clear major- perform:ince the votariea of Terpsichore ity ef may pessiie house opposed to I "tripped tho light fantastic" td1 mid - the government policy ansl their over- night- - . i throw eassnot be far off. Though the : BreEltr•in tArNi, TRII lagyeereek-The action °tithe Governor is condom ned 1 to a full hoon'slrein Crailr'seuntertainment all on Mon - ter taking the adtice of bis ministers , daw „ning last. A number 'of scenes VIIIIIM tiler circumstances, no person con- I in Ireland, with ene or two on the.At- ealanntivasselmd, anidntitnRhe leanntaeywt.iernempreesennt wtased eon! staiNi halacitdaimeteannconstiatgautiiontsitallhyi,s a,nicl- , "' fteened by songs and music, We hare thin hiatesdf. say that the troppe sestained their repo- se! space to particularize, bnt can only , + intelligent Ternr- who were present. tation and revs satisfaction to those .! " .. • , that • competent person Se. Gaeaces CRI4C11 BAZAAR The ur lo.A...‘ will mot* the sipointment, if such can /lamer in aid nf the Imilding Wenn. in their ranks." St Geerge's Church lass week proved fund of 0 (1, say* the pros. organ of this riery successful. As a number of Arti- e es remained nnflispoeed of on Wcd- town insgeaking of the vacant Shrieral- nesday the bazaar k - ..41.4. t was ept open on tr. VoliqAing in As wake of the aris- Thereday eveni,o, t:tonttwhat reiained 1 toeratic idea it claims that all the were diaposen o bwy lieve the total amount realised eafbte'r. Iiononr, sill the respectability, all the all expensea etre unts to about i hisatieen4 of the country are to be Z).,..7,;')g found in Ile Ivory ranks "We are the anCsiavivezrtyotinar.- A a will be seen by people aad witaom shall die with tui" semt cot leaanother column, as is llte burflesiref their song. We thnik wan- as pr. T wide! next, 26th - it Item 'to the fine point, quintal much Aueuat, has bee Wagons, and respectability *Among Merformere u the te theatirdies. and nen- The diaereses is this and the Sale will take place at hie Ano - tion Rooms. CHANC.E OF GrA01.- The Gth of Octo- ber is the day fixed upon for coroqienc- ing the change of guage on the Grand Trunk Railway between Stratford and Montreal. During the change tbe God- erich line will Ito used for shunting cars Tim Meerrose.--A correspondent; of the London Fag Po es. says ; the last tap of the steamer Menitala to Duluth, ihe had to ley • to for twelve hours -near the mouth of the Nipignn River, owing to a heavy fog. On the reliving of the fog.the rfttneel SweiSs was discovered about!three mites off, and Won. Gentlemen and Ge nearly on a line with the Manitoba. Tnis afforded a splendid opportunity of proving which was tho swiftest, and the Captains availed themselves of it. For 3 1 .ng way up the boats wore neck and neekeaati the pessengers on eaoh were idering to bet their beat wiu. After en exeitine run the 'Manitoba initde the !Aniline abotit two and a half miles ahead of her rival, ehownig that ceed with the engeiry she iS the festest, autl _else the boat sea and to trapernit their re beat of. the twie" • Speekere of the Senate ft Lectorow.-At -the last meeting of mons we to merit- I the Connty Conecil of Huron arid Bruce cella of the report I meet to Sttlineletilttl ( busiuess, to give you an ot teeing rush report i meanwhile I bid yuu fen, In this chaeber no de ine took place. All, w derly as could possibly b sten of the speeoh, Ili suite withdrew. aiiil the s the chamber. ignity for the app nor -General. Shortly Lord Dufferin, attend entered the Chamber. et once despatched te t monawith a message th mace, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the elerks fell into line itt the netted order.. followed by the members of the Admin- istrationeand a very few others, and made their way to the Senate Chamber "mid the loud and longematinned groans end hisses of those who remained. These were ever one hundred in num- iber; not one of those disienting left the floor ef the house. great majority of the remained in the Com ilin'Excelliincy then SPEZC _ Geettensfin of th Senate and Gni tit men of the Mose of PIPSOMX In relieving you fru further atten- dance in Parham ent, I leave to:eon. vey to you my best thanks for the gence with which your Wive applied yourselves to the peer es of your public) duties. fAnien. the ineasnree you have adopted are ws of groat im- portance to the well- int of the Do- minion. The interests of trade will be promoted by the Act ting to the in epection of the atable icles of Cann- dian produce, as well by the statutii regnlating weights and assures. The several Acts, re ting our met, - 'haat shipping will ly tend to that success and developm t 'of that gee breech of our national duatry and this protection of the lives seaman' By the Act relating the trial et con- troverted electiona of embers of the House of COMMOUS, y have adopted the system which is n w in anocessful operation hi She Mot er Country. 1 sineerely congratulate on on the ad- mission of the colon uf Prince Ed- ward Island as Provi e of the Dentin - ion. Gentlemen of the House 111 Iler Majesty's na foe the supplies you ha granted. They will en MEETING OF THE OPPOSITION. annoatac Te THE OOTMENOR-EINERAT.. settsenixo Mir LIES A 0ONSPIRACT. THE SPEAKER'S Meg T ) CEMENT DISCETA- Mohr. f Commons: e I thank you e so cheeifully Ire the vigorous prosecution of the great public works so imperatively called for hy the wanta of this growing country. I have thoueht it ex Sewn: ient in the inter- est of good overnmen to order that e Commission shoujd be Issued to emend, into -certain inatteis c fleeted with the Canndian l'acific Haile y, to which the public attentioa hes en directed, and that the evidence' &Attu before such Cane misaion should be teke oeth. Ten Commissioners shall be ustructed to Inn- th all dilirence, t as well to t d Ileum oICo mediate!), on all cause l'arli the despatch rly cpportuniny coosideratio4; ell. nitration ot fe as peat andp At the cone! Excelleucy cotters else I hy-laws were passed to incorporate the YIlla4e ol Luck now . • Ae the village is ' Intuited partly in Huren and p-trtly in Bnce there is a dispuWns ti. which Coonty it should be attached. The Leek - •now pevitile prefer to connect themnelves with Huron on account of thq lighter team they would have to pay, became they would prefer to come to Coderieh rather then Welkerton to trans. coun- rt tyusinevist and partly for petit cal rea- sons. Tho Bruce people th nk they 'demi(' refiutin with them because the greater phrt of the .aress of the villaee and the principed buildings are on the Brnco side of the line and because the Lucknow. pedple hams helped to incur liabilities foe railways &c. whicioehey shouldthelio to pay. The greater per - of the his..ory ot our cou try, and the e tion- of the po.pulation of the present village live in Huron. Tho tyre War- traorilinary eircinustau under which dins met here lust week and had a con- arc caltednogittlier, 1 th k --(interrupt ference but failed to agree. We melee by the Spielker, and loud oca of "Go on . I lel( it incumbe 'whet inutiva THE C9M ; The Siveater tin.k the ir at 3-25 p and eutne,liately on Itic /mg so Mr. .31:ackeuzie reset and said :- seeaker, I propose to. a Iresa you and t Huse on a very (sneak gunk) (I lear.'hear.) le the p env* ph slant' that in such .C3.90 the Lieut. Ilov- '4•1 ' • • tinier in Council deseivles the teiestion 'Au lo Piece uu •and issoes a proclanution "Wine te Y"ur 11""'-14. which comity the cooperation seall be attached. • i... tonneau', propose tiv teditu 1,0 itiolkto. 11r. Mackeitoie an1.10•1614 it UpOn Lullumnoi4 s toe the teem t ry, by a clown t - hi grave ebarg grautiog tif t construeti 'Lich if true, set - homier mei isi- s constitution 1 es and indepe • Lo Rue is also an actor of vcry duce of l'arlianteut; tilt the investigati ereat reputation, and deservedly go. thus ordered has 1) far not been proceed His bare -back hutdle riding, was really into, owing to eireuirill DAMS not anti marvellous, and hie performance with pated when the enquiry se ordered, s that it is the imperative. uty of this Horns at the earli;st ruoraent tri take such step u will insure a full Perleunentary enquiry: 51 110 it does the Ito . THE POMINION :CIECC3.-Cw10 ' a question uf etisileee. C' Neil's Dominion Circus, which, since I /be hioti„.: its appearance, has entered upon a ca- i '..ehet ioe ir„„.,,c e reer of popularity, will perform here on mete mitered al eact, Thursday 28th August. The St. Calle tee ut its own, jet() cert Millen Daily Tintel says that on their ie eermeeee„ eme ii, recent exhibiten the tent V12.3 crowded, an4 that the show is really charter aud contract fur every respect. The performire%'-claaiire Plibli 1 ousUf iihye mfrPairecitliUf hiLd4ilowllAiYeia' eters of the first megnitude. Frank Pastor, as a somersault rider, Las no te:rity of Ili. Hecate) advioers anl the privil iterrible Mutter anti inlaid* nem Ileeterth. A 1101111AWD RILLS HIE WIVE AND THEY OUTS lila Owe Tneoet. (From, the Globe) OTTAWA Aug. 13, noon. Acaucus attendedi:y nearly 90 mem- bers of the House of Commons and several Senators asisembled in the Rail- way Committee's rooms to delilaerate on the °mine to be taken, to prevent, if possible, the threatened prorogation of Parliament without allowing the House of Commons an opportunity of provid- ing for carrying on the enqniry into the charges made against the Administra- tion. Hon. A. Mackenzie presided. The following memorial was unani- mously adopted amid loud cheeri ng "That although the House has ap- pointed a Commission to enquire into tko said charges, the proceedings of this Committee hare, on various grounds, been postponed, and the enquiry has not taken plaee; that the honor of the coun- try imperatively requires that no fur- ther delay should take place in -the in- vestigation of charees of so grave a eh:tractor, which it is the duty and un- doubted right and privilege of the Com- m°'n'Tliht4e uPnredveiranignt. ed am deeply impress ed with tbe conviction that any attempt to postpone the enquiry, or to remove it from the jurisdiction of the Com- mons, will create the most intense dis- satisfaction, and therefore pray your Excellency not to prorogue Parliament till the House of Commons shall hare had an opportunity of taking such steps as it may deem neoessary and expedieet with reference to this important mat- ter." The following names are append- ed to the memorial to the Governor- Geireriamilr:s,- Archibald, Bergin. wane, Bodwell, Bourassa, Bowman, Boyer, Breese, Buell, Burpee (St. J oho), name* (Sunbury), Cameron (Huron), Cartwright, Casey, Casgrain, Cauchon, CCihosfl'irall,on,CCohonkre, h'CCu°rIkibngunlliam( u sekuottr): Delorme,DeSt. George Dorion (Drum - tumid and Athabaska), 'Durkin (Napier. cied), Eager, Ferris, Findlay, Fleet. Fletning, Forbes, Founiier, GaIhraith, (.; oidlrion, Gibson, Gillies,C.lass, (Intige, Hagar, Harvey, fliginbotham 1101ton, Horton, Huntington, Jette, Latederk in, Bic Punald (Glenmixry). M c Dinah* I verneas), Mackenzie, Mer- cier, _Metcalf, Mills, Pereiet, Peterson, reillAier,Pickard, Pour, Prevost, Ray, Righsirds ( Megantic). Richards, Rees (Durham), Roes (Aliddlesex). Rees (Prieto Ed ward) Roes ( Well ingf ton),I lie mil, Schultz, Sctiver, eShibley, Sinith (l'eel), Smith (Selkirk), Smith (Wastes orelans1), Snider,- Stirt?ne Tax- chereate Thomsen Olehltmande Thompein (Welland), Wilkes„' Wood, Young (Montreal Waif), Yeung t Water- 1‘“The following were appeinted • dele- gation to welt on His Ex.celleuce and othnetamri,e,in; ocrhiaulre:--11,3Nfe7yrea.se,Cert.tia-; Chetinnuitaigrhpaeat*,ohflwatianboluoap; ,Pelsonsvet,orQunase: his two little boys was the wonder 'of all. - The three Livingston brother; as tinubler4and gymnasteotre very suite- rioreetors, and were receiveti with that cousetutional usage requires that great applanse._ Madame Sebartine and charges of corruption levant:it Ministers of her beautiftil little daughter are fully emnpotent to establish the reputation of tine concerri for female equestrian - ship. The combination comprises some of the best and finest horses in the "ring." Mr. Rivers, the clown, per- petrated a vast number of jokes and local hit; which kept the audience in capital humor. Some of the jokes were nite new and took well. Taken alto- gether, this new Canadian institution, owned by two live Canalliens, has made a first-class impreasiou, and will no doubt be well patronised thougheut the cpnntry. 01/11t011• W. M. PA asoN an E. -The Wesleyan' have purchased tho new brick residenee of Mr. Wm. Grigg for a parsonage for $1800. There is quarter of an acre of ground attached. Axoruse Hi/rec.-Mr. Wm. Rotten - bury intends to erect a now hotel imme- diately adjoining his billiard rooms. Clint -on will surely be well suppliefl with public houses. We have a fair share of them already. L. II. A; B. Retewee Srerwe.-An effort is being made to have tee station ef the London, Huron and Bruce Rail way located near Whithead's mill. ir successful it will he a great advantage as the two etations will then be in close proxiniity. • RUNAWAY AcCIDENT. -On Saturday afternoon a • horse belonging to Mr. T. Chatnpion of the. London Reed, 'with a buggy attached, Containing hie wife and son, ran away in this village. Mrs. Charnpion was thrown out against a tree box and hal her head tut and her body bruised considerably. The buggy afterwards came in contact with a pile of lumber when the boy was thrown ont• and the buggy left behind. The horse was captured without sustaining any in- larY• • Cone 110LIPAY.--Ifondsy last was observed as a civic holiday and all busi- ness was suspended. The citizens me jolted themselyes M various ways, by pio-nics, &c. &c. Disseeecrivs Fres.-On Friday morn- ing last about half past three o'clock, a fire broke oct in the Nara Mr. Chas. Cruickshank's boot awl shoe store, which spread rapidly in both directions untit the whole block was oonsnmed. T he block orlesisted of Mr. Glass' dwelling house, 0, Cntickshank's boot and shoe store and dwelling. Mr. Fewler's watch and clock shop and dwelling, Mr. W. H. Sielpeon's nullinery store and dvrelling, Mr. James Smith's tailor ahop, Mr. J. II. Ciente'. drug store and a dwelling house owned by Isaac Rattenbury. A largo framebarn was also destroyed . The fire engine swns soon on har.d, bet owing to something going wrong with the hem it was unfitfor me for a short time, bat after a few minutes was all right and at work.' The men work k hi -h mad R civic hard tome* the ne - wirching. holiday by the Mayor, at the reqnest of t'id, bat it 1144_,as Pretifi VW -atm -at $8,00 a nunther of citizens, Other to vt a and The leis in a nn,000. village. are having their holiday and • .1(1,0001 why 'hand rot. we, We are not aw e • preparattotra are being made for The Odd-rellowl.sk. - of a Sew al. Leaden, Onto 44) no lay sa mach t4lebrating the day, but understznd the haw consm0111""" m1111—lie Ink"' . %Fellows intend basing a large pic- Jim Mad lik" ^rt..= of E. Bingluns • the Crown should be investigated by Par- liament, and that the assumption of that duty by any tribanal cresited hy the Exe- cutive, would be a flavant eielation of the privileges of this House, anil that this House will regard as highly reprehensible any person who may presume to s.dvie His Excellency to prorogue Parliameet, before it shall nave bad an opportuntity take action in tbe premises, inasmuch es such prorogation would render! abortibe all tits steps taken up t would inflict an unprec Parliament, and prednes tion !nth' country." I think this House wi' ty reprehensible that a (lettere rnent against which each charges nave been made, should he allowed to advise Ilts Excellen- cy to proroeue Parliamept before it shill have had the opportunity of taking action in the premises. (Great cheering.) At this point Mr. Spiaker agaiu inter- posed, and neither Mo. Mackenzie's re marks nor Mr. Speukerht were aelible the gallery. After some time quiet was restored, and Mr. speaker proceeded ea say that he rust request the bon, gentleman to allow a mes- sage- from fits Extiellency to be reed, which the Sergeant-at-Arnes had conveyed from the hand of the tither ot the Black Rod. This announcement Was received with groans and lessee, end ou i cries of '',go the present tinsel, teed indignity so great dissatistac- , regard it as hieis- on. Mr. Mackeasie-No terrupt me in the discha eesenger shall to- e of my duty., I stand here as the repro ntative of onti of the counties of this i Province, (hied cheers), and I have reason te believe that I also represent the opinions of a majority of the people of this reentry .(treinend- °us cheering, cries of ender, and another attempt on the part of the Speaker trent_ terries.), followed by retewed groans and hewn) I proper° to cell the attention of independence of l'a iament ',cheers), the House to eircumstalecs that affect the and Sir, I have received a letter inforru- ing me that it is the intention of the Governor General tri prorogue this House without it havieg hal an oppor- tunity of discussing what shall be dene under the circumstances. Mr. Speaker again interposed, amid cries of "privilege, prieilege, and "or. der," and the Sergeent-at-Arms pro- ceeded to lift the mu, from the table, which he again, however, returned to its place. Mr. Mackenzie continuing, said, it is my purpose to address,. and 1 shall ad- dress, this House on a metter that affectsits independence, (Cheers.) There ts nothing in the present circumstances thatjustilies this Parliament being turn ed out of doors, and I therefore proceed to the discussion of a 'matter to which our attention has been called oil pre- vions occasions. (Hear, bear.) endure again interposed, -"" terrible. in hie efforts was cheered to is 'eon/eaten 41,Pneed to ney, gen ef fhe ible in 'in Sett the the the Tns Dago DISCOVERED 1st THE CRIES OF THEIR Cr ILD. .A.V01.:' 17.- A man named Secitt, a 'wheel teacher, who has been t Aiding at Detroit for seine time past, returned here on Friday by the night trent, and went te hill father's hoofer about five miles from Seaforthpin the townsliip qf Hellen, where he met h* wife and his youngest child, nisi months old.. They left there about ten &clerk on Seturday moriiing to g040 Mr. Joh. McMullaun, Ifte.Seott's father. To alo this they had to cress afield mei pass throneh a piece of woods, Not arriving at McMullan's it was supposed they had taken advantege of a chance conveyamen to go to Seaterth. This morning, a man missing throe:ill the woods was attracted by 'the trying of the child which he found in tho eat,' of the woods; Ind on searching little ha found the bodies of Mr. ricott and his wife with their throats cut. Mrs Seett's body was partially bidden by a. log, which during the afterneen her father passed close by as hit went to Mr. Scott's house to enquire about them. having heard that they had left for his else° in the mornmg. M s. Scotes head *muslin: en the folded emit of her husband, and his body was lying etyma beside his wife s. No motive for this horrible deed can be assigned. An inquest will be held to -morrow morning. A subsequent report humour own carreipondent states that thie:tiry at the - inquest returned a verdict 'ehat Mrs. Scott was killed by her husband and that he then comniitted suicide, both deeds beibg done- under the influence•of insanity. . wick. Mr. Wallste, Albert. New Brunswick, arrived to -day, mei Mr. Chulton, Noto tolk, and appended their names to the memorial to the (Inventor General. Mr. Chapman also „signed, thin meking VG -signatures in an, comprehending a clear majority of any posaible House. Something very like a conspiracy ap- peared at the tinie .1 the opening of the House this afternoon. The Speaker, it is undentood, ftfhl not leave his cham- bers until his His Excellency had taken his seat in the Senate, and the Usher 'had placed. himself at the r the Cionmons. The arrannement, bouteil of as being a yerv clevv•reiring, was that the movententeet-the lleyernor awl the Speaker 'tumid lei sit tinted as to allow no opportunity of &bete in the House. As to His Excellency having any part in such an attempt to eirentulvent Parlia- ment, no one will believe it isoanible; hilt it is unnecessary to say that both the Premier and Sivetker wo11(11 be quite equal to the concept ion of a trick of that kind. - • the expresahei it very freely made thet Lordl Dufferin, in entering into a conflict with Parliament, hes made w great mistake, ono that sill ilivolve,hilo in raster tninhlo than to have come into cellision with his, hlinisters. It is thought &meet eniverally the' he has lost an opportunity (I securing the con- fidence of the whole people by weakly yielding to inculpated and impeached advisers. The attonduce of strangers in the Mono wee quite unprecedented in the history 'of prorneations. there was a. largo number of persons present from Montreal and the• river counties, while both Sarnia and Gloecester, N: 11., had their representelives in the galleries. Some absurd rumors iif a possible dis- turbance, cattiest by the -direction of the Speaker, to have an extra force of police andotherguardians of erder, were attest, but except that under the influence of the prevailing excitement there was some cheering and clapping, no one showed the slightest deeire to violate parliiimene ary proprieties. 'rho following **Said to be an approxi- mately corrnct classification of the ad- herents of the variotus oburthes @Along English speaking people : Protestant ErAmmir,500,000 Bia ; enlists, 10;500,000 ;- ham', 12,500,0J0 ; Presbyter- atnugresca, 15,tooeifinal,000ilta: 'firma'? ktMheorita°, 10,000,000-45,000,000 of Preteetanta against 10,000,00ffionitornan Catholics. ilmArelMneM"`• MITE _ _ _ In Clinton on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr......aDiehl, of aeon. sew Itbucrtistmtnts. FM V 11011L EiffigmON OF T.IIE AKticultural&krts Associktion OF ONTARIO, TO BE HELD AT LONDoN. ON The 22nd to 26th SEPTEMBER, 1873. ,Persorts intending to exhibit will please take notice •that the Entries of articles in the respective cloases mut be made with the Secretary, at Toronto, on or before the undermenttoned dates, - vist- Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, agricultural implisinepts, on or Mere Saturday, August T3rd. Grain, field roota, and other farm products, machioery and manufactures g aaaaa Ily, on er betore Saturday, Au- gust 30th. tfortisultural products, ladies` o„rh, the fine arta, eto.,on er before Saturday, September 13th. Priv, yat and blauk forms for making tile entries upon, can be obtained .rf the Secretaries of all Agricultural Societies and mochwi,,,. Institutes throughout the Provinoe. HUGH C.. THOMSON, ec'y Agricultural anil A rts A ss mixt ion. T onto, August 11, 1873. 1383e the Township of Goderieh, on die • 8th of August, 1873, Joseph 'Lawmen, at the advanced age of 83 years. De- ceased *erred a* a milttis.yolunteer during the war • et 1872, and was wetinded at the betels) of Feet Erie. At Eve:on-dons, on Au:. 12, he Rev. Mr.Clemens Pralick, of Grey, to bliss Clara Jane Johnston, of Turuberry, daughter of 3kr. Wm. Johnson, formerly of Egmoodville. "At Toronto, on the Ilth liy the Rev. A. ti. Mune), haw F. Toms, Esq., of Goderiele Ont., Junior Judge of the County of Iluren, to Georgina Charlotte,. only (laughter of the late e John G. Rosoustein, M.D., of Mon- treal. . - -:At St. Steoheies Cletreh, Herm Road, on the 1Stli inst. by the Der. Canon tnireel, risteieloy the Rev. C. 14. ',Matthew , 0. bledicken, of Win- nipeg, 3 'litotes-terms:de uf Guar rieh, t Ellen, yetiegest diniehter tof the tete Oefirge Brown, of ' Stirling., Gaderich. DZAT1111. 'Suddenly, Ea.st NVawatiosh, on the 7th iust., Agnes, wifeef Mr. Win. Rob- iuson, aged fin years., Inixlerich township, eta the 12th James Hicks, aged 11 years, New lb utrtistmcnts: WAN rE D M A youth posses:sing n geed Euglish r•• education as au appreniice to the busintan. One whp has had some experience SA the MSS preferred. Apply at the Office. • tlesieridh, ith August le173, 1381 *5 .mo:izY co LnAN, 7 flittratte N In annul 04300 awl operant,' on the eolnii.y of Real estate. No detention, et.nd valuatpin Nearby °deed and e•nainstion .4 Ta e. If s.todsothry money obaneed 1.aon , .1.4V 11 . Apply to 0. is 1 in eat 'S. . Ttld ttoi t t-,. •u.t •tpl nem Co. ' of Canada. • lbri`.1m• . ' tioderigh, -$ •-1 A CA:::D, • i E Laelion of the Ceinnitttett ihe a Itazaar recently holit in ail of tho funds of St. George's Chunk, tender their thanks fir the very hstrty suppert met with, not only from the *lumbers of their own- .Churele but from the mein- bers"of other con;;reestions and from .inany of the strangi!ts now visaini this town; and beg to state thati they have --been enabled to realize the hendsozne sine of ($457) six liendred alul sixty seven dollars. Goderich, Aug. 19th, 1873. 1333a - •- Ckf,allf A D A . Lake Huron is 2"o3 miles ling, 100 miles ,roadend its greatest depth is statn ed to bo 750 feet. Mr. Adolphus Eeener, of Hamilton in' playing,.a pine of billierds made the ex- traordinary ram of 493 points, Mr. E. Davis, of Guelph township re- cently took from his pea field. one stalk en which were 114 pride, which yielded - 570 peas from the single plant. Gordon, of kidnapping notorioty hae disappeared from Manitoba, aed in re- ported to hare gene to the Rocky Mcubtains. The extension of the grand Trunk Railway, from Berlin to Galt is now completed, and inworking order. Traf- fic will not be regularly carried on, how- ever, until the page on the maul line is altered, which will be iu October. The Manitoba Free Preseannotinces the arrival at Winnipeg orkfr. MeWhin- nie, of the County of Huron, with two. team. af horses and one cow, all in geed condition. This is, the same authority says, the first importation of stock by the Dawson route. An English exchange says that the Archbishop bits approyed of the ninnies - tion of the Venerable Archdeason Mc- Lean, D.D., to the bishopric of tho new diocese, which embraces the most feetile portion of the valley of the River Saftat- chewan. Information has been received by letter from Mr. Pease, Mr. Barnum's agent, stating that Barnum's show will be ex- hibited in the Dominion as follows, Lon- dou, September 8; Brantford , 9; Hamil- ton, 10; Toronto, 11 and 12, and St. Catherines,I3. Some time ago 52,000 were stolen from the agent of the American Expreas Co. at St. Catharines, and much sym- pathy was felt for the agent, who would have to mado good the amount until the money was recovered. This, however, was fortunately accomplished laat Thurs- day by Detective Oswald, who arrested the expresa messenger, a man timed John Kimball, and recovered nearly the whole amount of the money stolen. His Honor the Lieut. Governor of Manitoba, lute been experimenting a lit - f le in cereals at Silver Heights, and the results so far says the Manitoba Free Pr &Ult. grain p Honor no feet in high six feet in hug producing portion ter ts fully twenty-twol And these weals are of developed yet. are eminently flattering to his as an agriculi itraliat, and to the using qualities of the soil. His has Indian corn over nine and comnson white oats while the head or coed astern of the lat- hes in length. not fully CIVIO HOLID471. ; <674 4 I N accordance With a retesiaiti in from ; • portion of the inhabitants Of the Town of Goderich praying to have a public holiday, I do h oveby appoint TUESDAY, 26T;IINSTANT, as a Pnblic the Tinsel ot God- erich and !wettest all innzid eitizene,fartners and others having business in 1 own to govern themselves ecronlinely, HORACE HORTON, Mayor. Mayor's Office, Goderich, August 19th.1873. 1383* INSOLVENT ACT OF, 1869. Canada. In --the County Province of Ontario. Court. of the County of Huron. In tho matter of VALENTINE BOR - MAN, an Inselvent. rrHE undersigned ffas filed in this a Court a deed of . composition, and discharge executed by Ins Creditomend on tho TWELFTH flay of SEPTEM- BER next, he will apply to the Judge of the'hahl Court fur it confirmation of the discharge thereby effected. VALENTINE 116IIMAN. Goderich, 7th. day ) of August, A. D.1873. f 1383111 Steam Saw Mill for Sale. (INE of n'aterouS & Co's. Clipper Mills with Limber Edger and also a good Shingle machine attached. Tho mill is situated en let 24, 7 con. ol Wa- wanosh, in splendid locality for doing • largo custom business. There is plenty of pine and hemlock convenient keop it running for several yearn. Also a lot in the Town of Godsrich, No. 1153 on Gibbene Street which con- tains one fifth of an wore and is fenced in with a good fence. For terms and further particulars, Address JOHN CRAIG, Westfield P. 0. 1382.2ni* MUSIC. 1%1 ISS SKIMMINGS will resume her "A tuition in Mush, for Pianoforte•and Organ. on Monday 18th August, after the Midsummer Vacntion. Terms Six Dollers per quarter (12 weeks)4rietly in advance. Goderich, 13th Aug. 1873. 13821 ' STE AAP HORSE, 2 MentroM Oth Aug., 1873, 13831) ‘2 -RAYED, from the Comnions, Bay. 4 - CI 'field Road, about the 224 of July, a BY-LAW NO.--- te la ty Ao Is • ink to of ly th th BY -L 1.W to old awl sestet the London, Rum. nd Bruce Railway ComIpanyi by diving ten sand dollars to tile said Cuinpany by war of e , and to Wu debentures therefor, and to arise the Moyle; of • special rat* for the_pay- tlierf RthEekdse,bebynt.nresuatnndi ttrefostith ...ion nf Legislature Of the ProeltiCe of Ontailo, lamed e Thirty-fonrUt year of the reign of Her Males- ntitled "An Act te Incorporate the London, ti: tahn,d,...,Ntor.uesendit:loltsrab.y.ceitnniraw,panyt,;.' ganinduaninetinp,41- tutioue la the Prosiness Of Ontario, poster Is n to any portion of a witinielpality to grant • tie to the said Campany fur the nurpose of 'id- iot whereas, a Petittort stinthd 1,7 00ef oft,' P.c. In the constructies of their *aid railway. who are resident freeholders, rated en ths asseeernent roll of the rownslalpiot Tucker. dh and qualified voters ander the said Mimic, act in that portiou et the said Muniolpality of Tortnehip of Tuakeremith decent:0d ma follows: onetwing at the outer!, eidto of the L0101.di , at tee southwesterly wails ef the said nahly, thea northerly, along said eastsrly side mid toad to the limit between the mild town.1,1 p the Village ot Clinton, thence, along that limit ho southerly limit iif the Herrn Road, then,. enstnouterly direction along the said souther - lice uutheily along the Inuit to the lima 1,... 1:unttisn: rthe...t. ft.:it:1.7:7 c:no,t.I.,:iinli,iii. ad litebt,..e.e.:11 mild township mid the Village of genforth, nahip from the Huron Besid, Iliseice ..0.1.1-17 ig that limit to the limit between. Lids 1 lend 12. ncesontlierly along that lituit to the limit b. 1 rr. e., 'Thirit and Fourth Coneeeeines fro,. too Ilium, .1, opines easterly along the, hoot to the limit w..n duta it and 10, Studien northerly aloes' lbet it to the 'mitt erly limit of the Room Rued, ue. easterly along inlet limit to thelimit between th ..T....J.,,ern4still.i,peayosf juitrIttehr:in.i4ithmaztliollnl.dtib,-17,..11..40 th sontedirest cornet of the ownship of Rihhert sforeesid. an.1 thenell aloug e limit hetwece the 101rothips of Taeherineith suet Ushorne, to th. p ace of Iseginning. has been preeented to the Council°, do, sAul Muotripality of the T.,. ...hi y noryTaewksgrer,..i.iitita4pr:yik.ing theiensaf 15.11C0.00,"ontifi.l.r bt,j';‘,•:, t. hh,"I ....,..ni 1, :f II oft. ..r.1 odrn,' :ail in dri ur ..... d.:B1 rhoee is" :ft: 7? RI laiiiyi !ent- i. up.. rtallii .01: et "oil ta 11 tittLen i abase deserthed to nine the said memo of tel. thbosend dollars In UN manner heretuafter men- uth04100n.-drit :nil' ro,laa 1, 11:.ir soil n4eh To:T:44s, fpt oi •f nTe.ee,.ts.arr.y.f:iir nd Irld. . it Irall .recrill, the eum of one th csand one huadred dollars to be raised &naiad. 1 xlisnsl liaison the whole rateable propi-rtv of said portion of tile said teitriaship above de - 14.1, fir posing the said debt of ten thviieu4 lore 104 inierest en the flelonturee to be 111814 mror, WI hr1.411.4ner mentioned. n 1. herr:0, the amount of the whole rateable perty in ihtt portion or toe awe Yesubie of •lier.mith •bove described, irrespective of any titer in.:ruse et the name and also irrrepecti V* of a Inorseu to be derived from the temporary in- c.st nient of the •ioking runt liereinaflet noir:bon, d. ur any itert there4 le, aili•ording io the last resimel satesemont mil of the moil tosoolop being for the. yesr of loor Lord en* thonsand eight hundred and seveiity‘three the 50 m nfeeven hundred and t went,- thouitatel sera, lauuttreil and twenty do:lare ; end whereas, there us no debt eziemno agai,d the sold municipality, or Hist portion alssall Assethibud either for principal or 'merest 3 Anil whereas for paying the interest and ereating an equadyearly sinking fund, (Or paying the toe one tf LA thousand dollars, a• hereinefer men - loffled..it will require an wield annual ste .111 ral• of one mill and eleven twentieths of • mIli in the dollar in addition to ail other rates, 4. be levied le cub yetrupon all' the rateable property in that .7...ratriiob.in of. the said Township ot TuckersmIth above 1.. Ile it therefore enotel•ell by the Municipal Connell of the'town•hip of Tuckersoitth that it stall and ',my b• lawful f 'ir , Mod potties or,1 the mod Torroahio of Tutkersmith ele.a. described, te alit awl seeeitit the aMd London, Hume and Brut,. Rail - trey Ceu,pany in tbe ironstrnotion of said tlellwav, by le, ini thersto die sum oftien lbw/sand doliarli by way of bonus . X. That for the purpose aforesaid the Reeve of t said Township of Tackersmith shall nau0 asy rie n reber to debenture, of the said Township of akeramith te he made for suchen:us ef mon, y es niiy be required fur the said purpose, not less limn w dr tlie sum nf 0 t thousand dollars, 1511011 ..4.1 • hoodoo' dollars eae1i and not exceadinn In the detertf tires shall be sealed with the seal of the eaht Titimiewn,...!,:li,ni ......it„rme,rriri,tsuoit..ittlit., IVA Theresu'irnerse'ri t"11:.1,!f'0, ..r4,,e1d,ei 4.4,..,,i.ebn(..id iti,,,r• .1..lirt,i,,,T.•Ltutniet gold.. bl'ir:•:, ,,,itit,lyt, 1114411}it.the said dvbenlnree shall be mart° pli.• stile within twenty yeors Inuit tho day liereirmll, e itintion•1 fir thle BV -111W to take effn,t, At the. 010,* of thu Ro)al Canadian Bank, in the Vililse nf 34Iterbf...-rdt 't'Zi them roupons for the payment of ',derma end shall has, at- ae the r.tt• mid lu thv stsuser hereinafter men- tioned- , ti. That the ialil debenture!! shall bear lowest amid eft. r the mite of siz per eent. per 1111,11111 frora thei4,1ate thereof, .hich interest saaa n. pay- able half Tee/Ir.*, the trirty•first day of D40E41. lir snit the thIrcisth day of June In earth year, at Ole stiff offtee_of abe Hoye' Canutlan Bank, fu sentets'rrthee.t. For the rim.. of forming a stoking ran4rer the psymeot of the said debentures sad rho:Interest thereon. at ihe rate aforesaid, all Mina! special nem of one mill and eleven twentieths of a 11 in the dollar shall, hi addoion to all Ober , or, he ratted. levied awl (inflected In each year n „n all the -.rateable propeny In tbat pert of the Township of Tockerainttli hereloba•re end ve mentioned ILIkt deserihod, darts( Oa coa- ti mines of nth fold debootures or mill they arti .1 it. Notice. -- rliffE object having been semassialished 1- for which the irtnereitip of Hervey & Rom was fornie I this day withdrew from said partnership. GEORGE HARVEY. Goderich, July 31st, 1873. 1481d H01783 AND LOT FOR SALL LIKING Lot No. 5, Maitland "'Street, Smith side of the Railway, containing a quarter of an acre of land on whisk are &frame house and steble. JOHN WHITLOCK. Goderich, 4th August, 1873. 1381-3•1 BUILDING LOTS FOB. SA LE IN GUDERICH. —. IF Np. 93 Light Honse Point A 24o. i 1 ' 10:i4 Harbour Flats Appl to (mow:A MACDONA D, Goderich ' thosein 28th July, 1873. 1380-tnall LADY DI1AMATIST W Al'iTE D. PHE Subscriber is anxious to meet a with a sensible Lady without en- cumbrance who is willing to join him in a Dramatic tour to the West Indies, California, Australis), and China, and; home Ey the way of Isdia, Russia, Tur- key, Italy, France and England. She must be possessed of some histrionic talent, good looking, and a good figure, and educated. No profeasional need apply. Address Z. H. MARLTON, 1384 God • , Ont. 'him t• i 1 e T r u a t e e s a omp ort. i.hnpit..na. .. ,h0b1 ,fitulu,rte ahn,..dyi rne. rm., opa:t h.terii 1,,,, ., s at,: a I, .,i id.0i yr: r n.c.•oet. .:1-r elf the Rooth ROM, of the l'iitirdy of Huron, to Ifs held by him as Custcsdsn. and te 14 11.1j.,444.11 .orttni.:11.n.n.bisim.ilt Pt hele.,k:maki.adft.ds'.rli:trh.q't.alet.t.H.nuer".7,Rine•huh1.0,,,i..ch.Ohig,..yt..1tralltre;:ii1,..bh:*,t,ih,.,,Id.R.igissi."1:11t,:ny -t.eztat.dynmwt h. incorporatin4 tho salt Company, so soon as the &Rimini *orchid mis are complied witt : VeriT‘..4.'1:77,141.*No,riiin:,111.tolit.',Iitliwre.rnItilanly..t.iPtii..,:.°C.:11.1.1iiiiyttitistiu,o,..'wi:iriwit',,',Ilit:lintlititi.:1,,1•:);nrsrsi'°:ftt.; ntbtoe hag 't'faUt.‘aktiollr',Ulatrit; ere•lo 1 on the line of said Railway at or near the Ni14,1.;e0 .,1 IL orelleld and lilli.PeT hn.a t the arrh.satt:eill'i,:itleornit i ,R,:ii.larn.etefmnuiran.n: Fhall hare agroc,1 to mio,p. w•rl. sal Illitilititill the It • ToiroshIp of Tnekeraniith, ond they shall then ciillin,t71::ian.t"..1.111asener: n: r .1T, ri* nih isi I 4. f. . i r.hli.iitiert,...st.:hcefethi:ilsailnldha4yen seemed rior to the completion erne rued to 1. That th• Railway is eallipiot..1111.1 ill ripintng ins fr r Interest to theCulincil ol theMmaicipality of Ilion ths sal"rifialerrirDiter- . With the CV tt.• t chat from said debentures by Ole said Jame. 1 ickeon,anddelicered to the Treasurer of the gala allTiehtetPaitithri; ity-law shalt take effect and e e 4s animation on, from and after the tenth day of Ittio.belrbs'AtIlso"ve8te73t of tbe electors nf that portion tho said 'Town,illip nt Tnekersonith, &bore des. iluel-anit Aortae& Khali ho taken on this 117-1.0 the followhig places, that la 1,0 say : 'For DiTilliOn Pio. 1, 5J the School House la Har- i S- °;F:nu'riCt:Dili.:7i*Isl'inonarNI"Irill"., v1:1 . the School flatlet iti hoe- ' Pbr revision wo. 4, atotthes,olodlia0:1:,zilto, sAse. Din. 1:111:1/iiiii.s''Ion fin. X, at the Rghool 110.1.11110 In tter. For Dieldinn :tn. 2, at the School Rowse in See- 11171°9"n11.31101,5.1.,t1wiirnint.thhe dhanyure of trine o'clock in the morning And flan o'cleektalun.ththe.maftiderzn. 5o1f tt hi : same day,and that the teltewiu persons aka v, atr.r.,11;pe:t117:0:i.ii,ycnii:iiponprongia,N0j7:1.071110,re.,,mt Voir illOvvii'llirotn' Nti.O.23, Mr. William 0. Poster dices., this date or which publication is the Ellth IFor Division No 4. Ite John Toting. ' For DiviSion ho. IS, Mr. James Murray. 4.. —_____ low4l*:TfAr;P°Irtht:"einnNigh116111)743:1 pablleation hereof to the Ilv ::.E10,..fe. etTuwtlaosuctirteehmni el., 1 141 insnon, the date of which publieatiet is the 22nd, day of Ausust, A. D. lett, a:114inttobwealinic,ip.noLlta,. ay of August, & 11 111711. sad that the votes ofthe fivee'elock in tbe afternoon, at tha asvoral places esor.ethiribef tanhadt d70eftrtino1011,°(witIle be taken thereon on atennftaithenftardeaoYf'nf in". Po'leclrerk In' athe. DMoriti:aubi ifa'n• navt•de Daanit ,Tteiterernith, this 1 i day of A. D. 11113. t lath . NSOLVENT ACT OF 1:46:: heft:vt.niorirtA3daereme within Jnoe umNontrhi IR, In the mat te r of H uhciii:fnrsohiGealyeyttatee,het &ion tr bti. wr"ig. r cenni ti ear rt n sac, dp a:TcdittaalyEAregiasigonufdnuide8mvneieteddrsoeunignaitnniailitedo: , John Fair, f. rich, as copartners tnieling under hhe ! name and firna of II. Gardiner & • Gzonea Hoorn, of the Town of Gede- 96St. Francois Xavier Street. Black Pony, aged 9 yearn a racket. Any 'nformation of its wherebouts 'will he 'thankfully received aud its recovery re- warded. • JOIIK M. YULE Goderieh, 12th Aun. 1873. 1382 FOR SALE. LOT TA) Cambria Road, Goilerich. Apply to • J. GOOKZ, Kincardin , August 5th, Or JiiiiLLIAbid, Go:elide 1381 tf • F A N Day Styles of New Fans JUST OPEN,ED AT MOOREHOIJSE'S. 4 JEWELRY, A (reel stock of tRACELLTS,BROOCHES, Solitaries, Studs 8to, IN GOLD AND PiniTED, s Offered 23 per cent belnw regular prima MOORHOUSt'S, J ;15th 1873. T HE MOST POPULAR BUSINESS OF THE DAY, MORIN THE MOST roeu:-ie MOVEMENT. CLOTHING ! Mit1INti 01:7("P A. SMITH & cos.). Merchant Tailoring ESTA IlLIS1131ENT. jeST received by the subset Peru oblige atUek SPRINS TWEhDS, BROADCLOTHS, FANCY VESTINGS, &c., weer! determined to sell at Meal post goods, 1110 A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED, t.R NO SALE. A LARGE STOCK QF lahln-BAD2 al VOUBa principally home manufacture. Jusi /received the peewit thiugs in GENTS' FURNISHING ClOODS, A TS, SH I RTS, COLLARS, AIND TIES, all nf which will be moll u Inw as limeade. flome say that oppositioa is the life of trait, Others say his is the p'acc g. -t Cto3d Clothes Made. weave boanti by strict attention to loudness. with Our fiteilitieg RIO experience in trade to throw all interlopers in th. shale. "Cutting done fres of ranree.e a3- warit...ttwollrstrclass workmen tor «Idol, the highest wage!, will Le paid. rt- me„„„„1,,,,,„1. ,,t door te J. Bond's Drug Store, on the [—) ABRAHAM WITH toe. ry- Nee I. emir time to 1.ny a I rat-rles. %erring machine. The new, improved " ()shorn " is the Lest family -Machine made In 01114,14 A brain's' Width, Agent uode 'HI. April, 15.1STS. CHARADE'. -- My drat you will find is the end of the rig, 111 next you'll discover la deeming a Jig, My thin! open Bile a'fayortte form My next is Ole end of the Marquis of [Arne. tfth fLolfite so busy and free. , Ity next yen will see lejltat MO". 11; My I...seeable always Um elide( a Ball ; Of my next you will Sallijast two in 11 CA:i. My next yourill find it's here all ainne A" article ts ot may 1411, "nun. My tenth ',the Illind reel pleas ,tre would give My next is my sixthlos ears se Ilve, MI twelfth tile Maybe funny nn donht, My len ts Dioramas IR please find me out, For Choibti Groceries Ai I FAIR prifs_ Seeds ! Seeds /cout &COS DOEMON CIRCUS. • AND EQUESCURRICULUM, propriotor..••.. ....... Co. "ITr ..W. Rue Treas.o.S. Cele. V. Stretrig, Geueral Ageut. The World's Wonders ! Trans -Atlantic Feverites, and °ley LI RUE FAMILY, BQI7ZSTRIANS & ACROBAT/3. FRANK PASTOR, CHAMPION. SOMERSAULT RIDER OF ALL NATIONS Patronized by Her Majesty Queen victoria, the Prince Consort before his demise, and the Royal Family, at Ast- tey's during his splendid engagement of the last 15 years; also by Napoleon aud Eugenie, and the crewned heads of the ditferent nations of the civilized and un - cis thud world. SENORA SEBASTINE, From Rentz Cirque, Vienna Maitre de Boole and School Femme d'e trienne. Wearer of 18 medals, 11,gold 4 bronze and 3 silver. S MORITA JOSEPHINt, With her highly trained steed Dun vlose, in her spleudidly fiuithed acts of poesy end grace,withuut saddle,bridle cr pads. The Livingstone Bros. A TH LE ES, TUMBLERS, LEAPER AND EQUEST RI &NS. , Their Iloriziontal Bar, 'Brothers Act, and Coveie Stilts are universally -conceded beyond rivalry. MR. JOHNNY RIVERS. England's Favorite Clown.' SIGNOR COLUMBUS, THE CONTORTIONIST, Without Bones -The Simko W ender - the Plestic and India Rubber Phenom- enon. The Infant Prodigies M4STERS JEAN A WILLIE, The Baby Acrobats. 1HE COMIC BROTHERs. Pref. Rivers' Elfin Tampa of EDUCATED FRENCH POODLES AND CCNNING MON EYS In conjunction with the e named artists will appear a comple troupe of Leapers, Tumblers, Henkel Bar aud Trapeze Artists, Hops and Wire Dan cers, Jugglers and Acrobats in general. — • Our Elegant Street Procession will take place daily at 10 o'clock a. m., led by PROF. PETERS' 1311A -EP, CUR, NET BAND, of Fifteen iMusicians, ar- rayed in French Uniform, who will play the most popular airs as the Grand Cavalcade motes through the petered "trona. 4 ADXISSION, 50 .Cents, CHILDREN ILALF-PILICE. GODERICII, THURSulY 28 AUG. ••••• NOTICE. A LL parties indebted to Pr 31 Al DOUGALL haveiseen already nee- fied to pay up and unless utile., tit tie made before the FIRST of SEll EA! 11ER 1873, they will be sued. . SINCLAIR & SEAGER. Goderich, llth Aug. 1873. 1382-c willethelneleak. • INSOLVENT ACT Of 1872. NOTIOE ! NOTICEI A LL parties that have LIONEST LA claims against W. le Leouent cut have 40 eta on the Dollar for thehame providing they will give me a discharge from the Court, where I was plased e out. my knowledge or consent. W. E. LEONAR 14••• LI• N. B.- All parting that leer* aiwoni falsely will be prosecuted with the ut- most rigor of the Law. W. E. L. ja net dead yet. 1381 Seed Potatoes, Carrot Seed, Turnip Seed, BRUCE'S SELECTED EAST LOTHIAN PURPLE TOP. This variety has beeu carefully selected and improved, no as to secure a globular shaped root, free from the least tenden- cy to coarseness; it is very solid and heavy, and the flesh good ill quality ; it ih particularly adapted to the ncher d=on of soil; and for long keeping can't be surpassed. Veer Vormd tal5 ce,ritgo. Also a General Stock of GAILDEN it FLOWER 1413.11-4_1131)0. AT „ ". rifer i Marine Ogee, erich, MD. IiiaJI17, 184. 1380-d JUST ARRIVEI) AT THE A ' , - I a I al r, LION STioRE. 100 SUMMER COATS, 100 SUMMER PANTS& VESTS, . 20n SUMMER HATS. A large Stock of LUSTRE:4 in Colour and Black. • BOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. HARDWARE risms,' LOCKS, MINCES, FORKS, nog*, SHOVELS, ke. Wanted 1000 Cords liard Wopd. GEO doderich, May 200, 1873. 1::70 Sheriff'S s Sale of Lan ds."1- cpuoty el Huron—, / laity iirtue of a • Te Wit f ." Venditione- 00alloponeart af isQsuttedeeasoutyre(facill,eraaMdajtoostlyt:as directed against the Land and ',,Tetne. melds of Thoansutli'oonttertheatDollifeepadanuitto,if "11whiTraow,oualedntne:takeNri:nieu:elinnandb0teiin.ir sselwaisintate:r°p:inon'titakeseIlishiutanriaeten linansegaliddaleloc°1:adinhesiteasiYouillu;a,tabiorli:ieneuitot:itenteanadet:ceintaertaaagarieraidPareebTrtgageosti,ICT, and being in ita .olasoCibeestrifinAPecesseersio,ornifn:°)retiosta. :ipenabmiees:111134)°Blfgvilgewleohrcienjohcnurefigto°P,hria.efielmmonsaltaifNu:niG3Lag.itilielim0:1,10ohuyYd0; tuMArdSealll°Yierti?iffhlofLtill't. rue):