Huron Signal, 1873-05-21, Page 4din re•••••T-w..� • 1 1111 :1 !1 *11 °7 15 'ear r. bas n • • O ♦ Xi, halm. Hear Ube heat -door Whet a world.' foreteW! How thew tinkle! tiakle! tinkle! (ta this tpsn-..mi.o night! While girls hoar the deeaiell tinkle Alt that bright oyes suss to twinkle With a Urania, delight. They ks.p time! time! time! is a sort ofh•pp� rhyme From the tiatinsbnlati a that s me i ' cal/j' walla hon the halls: lulls: Bells!. elle balls! Ede the lora .lamas Riling ben: What stale of terror tell( ria the startled dream ?alis it as a sonata of Toe smash agonised 'She mn only shriek! Piercingly! In a clamorous a of the bell! Ins vasa expostulates and fraatse knoll Dresing faster! Spite of essay a d With most desperate For in time we must, Round the breakfast • Breakfast bells! bolls! What a tale their Of despair! Dow they ring! and What a terror do th If tat how not finish heir/ Y et the ear it fully By the hurry and the rt'y Row the danger ebbe d Aows!- Y.t the ear distine.1 'By ¢o jingling and Bell the danger sin j1 y the sinking and • sweili the sager of the Of the bells: fella: Bele' bells! b.LL' boils: , la the jingling and ti jmsJllf tb. • ✓rate. t Ile Hear tie ringing of thiel s! Oar school be1J! , a�'•�I�. R kat a world of solani (lobi+t their melody foretells! $nt;in atlas a of the ht .,w ws shiest with rigi!•'k. • terrt tutatttIt of choir tome Int to hells rofu us every &Dani th•t-�aats, From the rias withal+ their threes+, Wrings a groans! And the peopl4:-ah! the people! 'They that dealt ap a thin ate.pb'. tt Make us sot-o-a.w/ They who-toftng! tolling! tolling! Fed a glory is w rolling On each maiden's heart astooe! il tlh ey are neither man nor woman! boy are neither brute nor human! They are b -u -y -s: And their leader 'tie eke te11,, tar ,As be rolls: rolls! rolls! YOoadn.!ffit Castittf�fi+ltla>s. its at ighbor whiolt ISA t de, sel- m or failing to �orope of wfi7ltoyer ke pleats ;doing a hearty share of the work himself, and thoroughly saperintendiag,a,U, aewfew thiop but what are ata order, oto ws cru his the best farm la the district. But the best regulated machinery will go wrong semetittlwi ; a ecc*w pis 1e1••e, a ealg breaks, or a bait Lee. p d. cent• temporary deetey.me.ta. 5..M $0118 deranged the usually smoothly moving 'machinery of Mr. li•a farm. la passing over ono of his omWyieg posture fells ono ley he ern across • fee eu-iotti looking thistles. Now M. is a man of good is ace mad fair education, but a kaowl go of the aden6e of bot - say was not amenR hisesassi aTisbsenM, e. he did Det weapect the nature of the newly found puts, tit )fke a careful h»abandmaa, had them grabbed sot imltaediateb. CMneiag aeiaed that way sometime later. he wu surprised to Mut hie thistles thriving wonderfully and extending their ars on all aides. This war .tushed by wither lune ad grubbing out, which however, failed as the fist had ions, to 'mors than tem- porarily arrest their progress ter a week or so found them more thrifty than ever. So the war went on for tee ser sans, till the patch front the space of a few yards, had extended over some- where about the Rita of w acre. Mean- while Nr. if. foand out the true nature of this trouble from a visitor from a re- gion whore Canada thistles abound; aad thoroughly alarmed had redoubled his efforts to extermninatethem, trying yari- ens suggestions from different soureea, all to no purpose. On a part of the patch salt war spread at the rata of three hundred bushels to the acre. This, while completely destroying all other vegetation. seemed to sosreely affect the thistle at all. Grabbing then out lie- camo • hapless task, so mowing theta r,f was resorbed to keep them from Rolex to seed, till some means for their destruc- tion could be found, and so thickly had they occupied the Around and so rank war their growth in the rich, deep soil, that (trent srwxths wore rolled up in the mowin lista *tarum Finally it war suggested that if they oould ha kept from lutag the light for a season, it wealdk ki11th41p, but the ma- terisb for this .mothering out process not teeing at hand, it was oonoladed as the next beat plan to c.l4rate t,he land so thoroughly that none could grow. Se last spring the field war planted with corn, and ea the thistles to make their appearance, the ce tivstor was started and kept almost censtautly go- ing, with a man following with alms to clean out such shoots as were missed. Soon a triple hoe wit anbatituted, and mon where the thistles grew several tunes between each corn row, forcing the shovel deeply into the earth. This was continued till the corn, whtch grow very rapidly, was too large, after which hieing was kept up as often as any thistles showed themselves, throughout the season. And towards the Iasi, after an interval of two weeks, but two or three plants could be found, and Mr. M. feels very certain that next'a -on will finish them with leas than half the lahnr that it took this umi k. -Cor. Pen. Telegraph. M A pea' n from the bells! And his impish bosom swells w nth the pass{ of the bolls! 'And the dances aad the yells - Eloping time' time' time) '• Ina sort of r.elin rh ell, t g Tothe t Of the To the • Keeping time tone! time) A{,�In a Hott.ntotiah rhyme, ITo the wrangling et the bolls! l Of the bells! bell.( halls! To this jangling of the bolls! Of Die bolls! be11a1 halls! To the wrangling and the jangling of tl}e bellai O=D3 AND ZITD5. A hook for the table -On. full of • plates. Th. joy .f the dura , a1wa 4 n- Aa article you can illiZys Trouble. (� The ready -money systiui. I� be tone. �+ Mim construction-Whalebos�nd punt, powder said waddiaag. �a Or all the birds t their lays, the moat t People who are at�.c wis something new, should- 1,y once. • When u water mt to' et -Whoo it u only k -tide. + Yon often hoar of a man "�lm to 'Wrosss of his age," but ou neva? beard of a woman being inthM e !eOthes- iru.nt. A young man's fri.tl%sit,objcct this lt.tng loose, but, s th an equal objection to h lD•ing MAYMLxoNrAL.- I good now -a. lays for amen to ettand, � 'a aothtag init. a elan.oUs SITuA,TIO ' clergyman in onset tb. spurn In( the services, was Tanta at said lit. bongr•gstwn war over -bund. A little by, asking a companies who Good Friday was, received the wither- ing reply -"You go home, and res4t your .R.binson Crwso•.a A,gntleman who W been arguing ;with an ignoramus until his patience was bihausted, said bw4ndn•t whit him ;earl, but he we to b4W t..tga' him 9 DUw more �"lai is th tYs, !for AND LGBICDIaTIIBIL IIIPL At3•£NT_ Showrooms, next door to the "Sklar OII'ioi; lrederich. jar Ms. MEGAW and myself are :the ONLY &GENT -� !OR THE .- "FLORENCE Sewing Machine in Goderich and vicin- ity . 1368. The Hessler CatAr CoMP•ST.-A correspondent .f this Baotou Cultivator writes: Below find rd`Te for preparing my "Domestic Concentrated Manure,'' whish 1 have used for three years for corn: Take tie parts of decomposed sheep manure, er fine cattle manure, ono part hen man- ure, one part naleaehed ashes, one part plaster, all incorporated together, and thoroughly worked over twice er more; keep ander cover ten days. All ingre- dients aro at the command of all fawners without much expense. I have experi- mented with it the past three years; spreading on stable manure, and thoroughly incorporating it into the soil with an oz cultivator, working the land with a core -worker, marking the rows regularly beth ways. Apply a handful to each hill. My crops of cern• have been twenty -fire per ant better than be- fore I ►eat into the nee of the composi- tion. In 1871, York County Fair pve me the highest premium on cern. Pasvi:eroio Doughy op SatxeLae.- Take $ potash kettle or. large tttb and put into it pas barrel of wood ashes lye, five pounds of alum, and es much of salt u will dissolve in the mixture. Make the liquor quite warm, and pet as many shingles in it as can be conveniently wetted at onct. Stir them up with a fork, and wheat well soaked take them nut and put in more, renewing the liquor as necessary. Then lay the shingles in the usual manner. After they are laid take the liqnor that is left, put lime enough in to melee whitewash, and if any color is destrable add ochre, Spanish brown, lamp black, etc., and apply to the roof with a brush or ell broom. This wuh to be renewed from time to time. Salt and lye aro excel- lent preservatives of wood. It is well known that leach tubs, tronghs and other articles used in the manufacture of potash never ret. They become saturated with alkali, turn yellowish inside and remain impervious to the weather. -Scieitifee American, • • R +.j K AS old minister, titltsalt�er dkjf. aiskod wt/a.an what could he dtASna to ladies ►maimed to Kuwait -ahem!'. "I don't -know,' art arid, "union vent 'awn to pot a pipe end • jug Of wlsiskelnie the was. ts: � An -�', 1 erB.fly, Harry, you lde t being 1 things to me to be ed at but this tilde lot night.- Harry: e !you know 'les Dever lits ' ' Wass Charles Foi Gas teased for money by ruin. Hebrew grub. tors. he told tem that to would• dos- - charge the inetrmbranae as moos as pea - 1 sibi., But, Mr. F., name the day." "The day of judgment. •' 'Ob. Mr. Vit will be tuu busy ll make it r d Right, Meru,day tee. A Goon Wire's Derr. -During the Hs, that the Welk, Robert r Pool was fee jun sthe idea all ee � appeared is the pipers op - puled to hint 'Ther. is ■ctuag very simpler is Nal,' remarked Peel; "it is tbs Baty of every good wino to 'croon bit benb.od's fault.." Ocoee atter examination. limited .711( my examination, rwith seam Preform -Yen Yen dggsaand am yoe failed sir! Lemwrigible ; Traehosn•-Ab! but I WUO $� you s sow )log( sierra- Ad - 1 A roma temple went b a cleegymmn 1111 wMi 1a�� f Tl d. r - ciiieji M*Wm tyMis b d mime is fall ed 9 NEW BOOKS, The followi.w Book, sore ere oIts as below the I'Hs l' s( Wail I'r1I)e�1w, ft their class: E 1C -'1t The Song Arhs, or nrh�ts..~.~ ..� . 'AJ 0 Kiukel's New Y.,...1;r tar•' „in WHOLESALE&RETAILnone WittarroseS 34 �' TT Peters' F.Iw•ltc P1sse &• +ed. 1 „ •, e � , 11 300,04 conic. In toe K DANr1Ia GORDON, I H. GARDINER & CO., !Itwete'% 1 OABJNET'MAKER, 1neNe>+ GENERAL DEALERS 1N. r . r,•„ •• r • AT BUTLER'S BeautifulAssortment JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS j u r xrOstvW, = and to hi sold • OHEAP AT Bt ?LEtt'S Fishing Tackles, JY ALL K:SUy. ; bLbTING;CB it EELS. HAaa lTd• EA I T9 HOWLS -Dd LINES' f' uDeitoi kin AND SELLING AT COST BUTLER'S. u dantb, 13th Aux., lt'0. 'WM 1 over I L- w -w Peter.' nntr.wea' frim r •1 � •1{la, W.rril'.Guitar ll,•hod, Festival Cbhree,P'ret aZQta.eif he Plus ultra tiheldook. with l -t 'de FMaon or oras .., nrnpytlnvent: Lwblenl School for kir 1 Voices , 3 (y peters' .VIo i Mia;lek 00 <yj�Jl, Pat. r. l'•Ylnliu`tr h. (retire' edition) ;f 00 0 Rummer'. Flute Seh.o tee Wim nent.dt'a Violin , •ho•.T, 13 0 Wltlllper.Udt's Flnte M o1, K S(Peter: V. neh..tl 73 Peter.' Plate school. `` O Peen' Parlor Cnmp.nlnh• Por f „ s a R. Flute, Violin. and Pomo, 1 HTeem' Parlor Compere for I n Ttcaaad Pisan, I a0 11f �; k y it�tlteIc w 1 k +sets(, t V yyeeag.epId on tecelpt of !i ire swanked telco: ADDaw.. I. L. PEFEK}I, 399 Dr.a•t+ay,N. Jfew->j.,tk. SEWING MACHINE • IS THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE, it is AND gives universal satisfaction, the most simple, durable and the lightest running machine now male (of the cheaper kind) and will sew mach -heavier materiel than any other, it is just what the farmers have long wanted and is warranted in every case and kept in repair free of charge for one year by the i•ompanv. Take my advice and buy no other. Sewing machines of any other make supplied to order at regular rates. I am also agent for all kinds of Agricultural Itnplements. Office anal show rooms at A. P. McLean's Clothing Store, Etat Street, G derich. J. W. WEATHERALI •13•;4. t i Nye aelmaislisd mai lei igesem d eaeialtne.dw+m�".d_ r, ye ; see ! aim Mgtgyt le aams, "if yea insist, I will • �i�i����.. ice, ssssdote has enWved hat it still rads well. Mils the story that he was ilea Tram** b, the obis was taking he did net know The RtM T ' /Gr. it lifts list rot a Felon. A bone felon is a bad thin_, and the e are numerous so-called remedies for it. An exchange says that a sun cure is dry malt rock, pounded and mixed with spirits of turpentine. Put the mixture in a cloth, and wrap around the part af- fected, and change when it gets dry. Thin is said to kill the felon in twenty- four hours. OPENED OII P AGAIN. Wash Syrup. We give a couple of recipes for cough syrups, said to be exc•1L.et: 1. Take one teacupful of flaxseed and soak it slimiest. in the werni•g put into a kettle two quarts of water, a handful' of liquorice root split up, and a quarter of a pound .f retains broke. in half. Let them boil until the strength is tharosghly exhausted: then add the flaxseed, which has been previously soaked. Let all boil half an hour or more, watching .ed stirring, that the ixture'say net born. Thou strain and add lemnnjuiec and sugar. 2. Boil ono ounce of flaxseed iR a gangt of water for half as hear; strain, nasi add to the liquid the juice of two lemons and ball a pound of rock candy. If the Dough is accompanied by weak- ness and lou of appetite, add half an ounce of powdered gine arable. Sot this to simmer for half an hoar, stirring it occasionally. Takea wine-glas.ful when the cough is tr.ublettooe. • l ) the i..e the mew ttiMMINW. ./51 hist to amii IOW TBE t: l4S 1 L WITCB Is made in all a re. <,: c ,' 6• for Ladies and Genas, both in gold and silver. But the acclimpanyin;, cut repre- sents in proper proportions THE Nib RUSSELL HURTING LEVER N iCH, In steriing silver case and gold points, full jewelled, wlrrwtted ler five veers - together with a gold plated Albert chain -which will bit sent teeny part of Can- ada on receipt of t!5, or R O. D , per express W. E. CORNELL, � ) Watch Importer, Ring street East, soaoaT0, oxo. CAUTION. BUY ONLY Tipp. Genuine Fairbanks' Scales yANUPAcrL'M►U 8Y POPULAR DI UTION or GOLD AtlD SILVER V.A-TCIEL%►` =1 BY T�1: • NEW YORK & B..1iL1N WATCH ASSOCIATION, E. & T. Fairbanks it Co. DOUGLAS McKENZIE Watchmaker & ,Jeweller, Dist., to return hie eineers thanks t , the• pub ie for tie pitrouaee extendrd hero .n the poet. and to announce that :+• Au removed I o d to a. Premh.ee nn Rinzatoe 8tre•t, formerly p a +.loon by Harry Heal, and hrectl) ,t1+wo.ita t', Crabb'. more, which he hart ratted rap rn .t . lase style. He would call special attention to the RUSSELL WATC for the sale of which he ie Y•.le .q•nt in tlr.vr°e► • A ierserioelt of WnItlaem. Merton, T:' Sin 1.d'.I.e Watches in G01.I and Silver cases. lssmaltent Ifhtt.wrn. ne has n hand • large and Cell 101eetr .took of tT N/57 in La LS MI Y et .1 kinds which 1w wttl'eell cheap REPAIRING DON$ ALB U UAL IE. The sauna/ enquiry for a good white- wash has ileo Masscc4, and the following may be Toned useful:- -Take half a bush- el of newly -beerier lame, slake it with bodily water; Dover it d the pro- emial to keep is dm steam. etrsln the �a Bae stets, and add to it , rutrimis/y dell dissolved in (lane iwM•A 3 Ike of ground rice, boiltiIit*'ef this pos % and stirred in bei ' '1i{iP' Ell of j.Wdses& Spanish lata;((!, which (baking itoeisr a aloe ,a large ao• whit' has hem it well irltll Are, mpg -.e,ees., a971tw.-+fan bot view 1 t t mimturm Biu well, andh li q' dfrom dirt.. I � t>I laiatail A CALL eOUCltaa. e n. Melfi: EP Ood.ih h, nares 1stf.143 BOOTS & SHOES. rivts sans -fiber hair rommen,-•d"hunnea .1 the alcove lar., in the shop opt.uotsl i- $fir sad ip odosMEaa .. .eFprge gibes. LJ_ 1 � 4wN esltugt , • m sit Live beesdabil brw rte? they ey sod aboilltraillihoIalenVZOSaiiit ggegstry deism. him madtper but. TeeFelt'.-?iia(it esti a hearty ~ des '-�Vain down the sot the d s whom mze • p and a weary .S + tyr all Aka milirES lir .arehme, 'peke die rime. ht tthe booltaitit eeaa'ps,t It lea.aru'Y ro ant d..k it 1111 per bottle. i CLIFFORD' .' B •AKERY, where he i• pre, are I to do al, work with .kith (gay be favoured. i 1'I' \ IItiNalit Dont WITH NEATNESS AND ,DESPATCH. A CALL SOLICITED. WM. SH AR1IAN. Goderiek: May 2001s. 1473. 1318 3m oitd SEND YOUR ORDERS run HOS( D'ULJ For the Semon of 1873 FY Huron Signal Office, Where they will be done neatly, cheap- ly, and eepeditioualy. j' Your choice of four cuts. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. County of Huron, BY virtue of a To Wit: j Writ of l''ieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Coun- ty iaourt.f the County of Burn*, and to medirected against the Lands and Tene- ments of Edward Pierce, Senior, at the snit of Thomas Hawkins, I have,seixed and taken in Execution all the right, title and interest of the said Defendant in and to Lot number Two .in the Seventh conoesaion, Z. D., Township et Ashfield is the County of Huron, which Lands and Tenementa I shall offer for sale at my OBoc, in the Court House, in that Town el-Gederiob, on Saturday the I9tb-dayT of July next, at the hour of 12 of the dock noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff of Huron. Bbriff'a Oliio% Goderioh, 16fi Apr{. 1tf'j3. J 1366-3m Sheriffs ; Sala st L& * clor ..tT'"'.� �itttr.�csi' 1)teda•ira�eint ttiioldki ig T in seem per's >N b Ned' =lbleelssilArtS whelp. seat - bow thirty anus i r.r I• en ot eathelawattft- . • Wr - iMdtK Hnaem r fit the alt, On a tr.'em tort wt'1 Inners a Gerd of Sliver wateb wort of ask esti. aptoSAW. at (31O) TEN DO1 In eln.e the apewe i or et.1 a hectic•% of their root t. ti.,.. rid. nor being a,1 then. are no blot*, but rat wanw k ..taof the 4.'1' .t .f only SU': sari 1,'var Chrom Winding, D:tachod L..er,' N •. foe eta t,drier *n,afth .f ' Cent*. A t.,•tet.i.•er,l Ina se.i:el enC. lfl ' . r n tadt.erir.dwtelY' drawn fel wall mixed. You oil km•, pear ticket dr••u�tnd+ tyfa watch named wlil be ds:ls. on payment of 6'0. Triune at. immediate, Expr,esrut by Mall. orteto:te or '• 1 msrrell ni c815'. In }tete- ••Aa honorable an - ,.edetate 't tar cart i'b.rten -Hoeft eateryt I W. are petmnte d to r drawn yahtahl Standard Scales. STOCK SCALES, COAL SCALE', HAY SCALES, DAIRY 7i1.ALaa,Co^NTRR SL --A Ler, ka, ko. Scales repatretl promptly and reauonably For sale, also, Troemner's C.ffee an.; Drug Milli, Composition Bells, all sir • Letter Presses, &c , &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAW • MIL ESALI$1 It TILL t 0.' ivuax MERCHANT MOULD (he There 'sl.0 Ar EVER. Vivant:1 FAIr:6•ANKS' SCILE WAR:HOUSES Fa;rbanks & Co-, 93 Main ,•t1., DnPiIn, X. T: 438t. INS! Street. Montreal. 338 r+madwa Altos.. N. 1. 311 hroadwi), New Yolk, FAIRBAWES, BROWN &C•)., 2 Milk 8t., Boston. For isle by Leading Hardware Dealers. 13ti(i-2m Stoves ! 3tova s ! . UPHOLsr$BER, this iewta3cor, 03 • fit iowArtm to every. t bake( droll., not Mee than sig, •T , eatf.rm rimer( [JARS (310) Tin worth, ,terraced at nee advances made on It eoterpri.e or totter, terry ticket fries son tar. ruwlus motuneu'te.at meter. Duple=.strut erUoal and itorii nut, abed rat on reoelpt ng em•L wetat. it pt. -..t !et ,a „f 47. &lots o:ne 1. .., the *chola, whit ere <h• santeofta. were'. i•e per nt: Re ,Ttie to then to it Rat to any'. Mesta by I' razi4. I fair dealing A'-tes." ■at1+'arrnry.,d r to is �.•, {1r sr.a'I- i..'- li.lion bD ''s.-1/•mY. r b.'the foho* Lig,who 10- (ifKNRRAL AGENT FOR THE VOL. • LOWING INSTRUMENTS. Organs and Melodeons,. R. S. W limn, Toronto; Peloubet, Pelton & blew York. • PIANOS UNION CO.'S, Noe. York. GABLER " i - " BARMORE 4 " DUNHiI►I " " WIBE[t "' ". CIIICK EItING' Boston. MILLER VO3E'S et t+ Can furnish almost 4l1 Canadian and 'Assyrian Maker's Iastirhmenta oaterms bruit iuirchasers for cash .oron time eA lass than Manufacture -it's price. Oolericha Feb. 27, 11x73. ERIC McKAV Cabinet raker Upholsterer,. &cs PEOM I..v- to r -•,ern r . tag. tJ 10e inhtbhtawU ni ► 'lal.rb•y cul +urn': -d uta-,:,in'ry, for their Iiboral r,+tr,nat..d unlit to tot ter^ ••,+n he oar F •en to butane,.. 11. f. n,rw pap." I to I uroish a.l settees mhisllne.such u Ft RtN1i'TJ±t.i Or ALL imicrtIpTh)N4. PILLOWS .BOLSVE RS 1I.1'1'T lt•\ SSESO fc e•, (iliestis_ Iodr Ca,.h, Aso OM Ti1E siloargsT:.Once. .CKt:PR%ME.kept ,.n Iris sail ria•:err• u•br, ILtc. is nalract a a•wrtuieut• of JFFT'T TRIM'TINGS, . .. ,7rar ,t r e . - .,sot .ea..u- 11js Ada Beer. ..l3e_04t Wr ,--. �. Dnrtort, Ibe.r rr tvztrll, Wt. - * f• n (• d o, I. yr S� ) i 11 lea. Et` v Jkesow, Kt. ♦ e,. Ooti4 it A.A. EI..111 ttf! ad1 ratrA Inv 1-, 4* [ai:T1f r,tterelt.ta. .. •. I 'ro eyery per. , - -•- .1"mte te,lty!li:+ii°• EstensiveNewPrem,iser l'i'd b•.I..'..' on .\�D • ,Splendid i- uw Stook. oa ,art Lout., M: •w ark a-• RH:►win4; d13t t 5 Hetet.. i t•.rwo. 26forstto:50f•ip:-rt• ,+Dlswompmc -• • am N itch w . ,w,U lest tartar.• an ,Misys(c t'4itt4'vi4 on SO Wailer. even tl. met .1 • id A tent+' eentat, to ,do nett. a . 1 gut, tuts •tl. S S.I:Y•s - HF. :re • ly • PAITTS, OILS, &c. •tedteY, Ttp0ireie e, a ISA •,h. I ' ,..A. r h',at., c. l arc. LI.. t1EWEaa i..., Laub(g ' hew I mit, SO M ETII TIIE CtDEJt teblished ii twiug 31a.:hiue it is C 1 i *lice a -Sewing will he rcyiairel, a1 cher runuinorder Raving had 16,. home of the largos tones in the irot+l eat isfaction, . Worloslutp--Nell •,,Thou•, 'tiston. eR.Ls.vfIL ot6a, G.altn'ic , N' old take orders. Chat- wi 1(Nls Al Ere TR3UORR AXD CoNDTCrl:o PSP+ Ctsreaa PUSSES, -LEAD Plrss, kc. PLAIN A.NVANtiY I N Iz, COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - t -Coal Oil Lamps, kc. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool 1'iekingsaad Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J. k J. STORY. Aar Sian et age Large Coad Qil Barre Gall IL Asgt 1A. Lt7. T D��a�iirps+tooa s eeooRgts�i sof ohi thea Wig. bc sold sA s tdadtsil:w star est. demi ore etairMa !' a. puttee of and whiter in bumf* 1I1gk•ils1 gt. tettbesneslvs forret -tsssfui and re. otreto flebtor* A - wm s ova s ABRAHAM MYMTH. Rltet.alib.'lt't1Yoet.ton. • ai NG .NI W! :NI:D IL\ ..ES - itch of Lis T,douto iring Works, . kiuds of • aachinze rad and put in first exlH•n tion w in g tl..a1 Aektt •rive. t .t4tj 7:1. , ears UOce machine anufa,'- he c. ufruiter- door r:uiter - d.eior .t, )1554 1 IN, aSe.VA- 11 rut wtel:In.,: ICOM itl;Eit•1', 'L. 1S 14910 Iron in t e Blood • Q1' .A-i�L I -i LN )s3 GLASS PUTTY tic wi. eig KA:va UUAVE Rel 'T:Dl 1li� .iO1VIVEll Sal: Velvets, 24 ant 30 inch. ,l]< Rasps and Popiins, Twilled Flannels ;Whltoani Sci' °•�;, T"T ubias, White, S trlct and Black, bm °K;onrad Tu-aucis3. different slrrtdsa,, SishRiMons Cord and Watered, rich, 9th Dee., 18721 W1i;t3 Brne3318, Net TXuslin Lace, Gr; oz. Kid Gloves. C,na1a Yarns and Hos .p1sD-?Fit Overshoes & 7r3 Fruits. 1347 Anneueimmul {'oz aalc or: "fit £ct. FARM FOR SALE. l8'ING par No if, ON TILE 2ND Cowoessiet. i4 t .mm7oin.hip .d t:,.l- .rich, on the B.yfi j44 tm,ad, ten a:t•1 „ half mhos from t Ate/0,1'0wn of (3r•1+ry,;it containing i't0, r t„ 7o ch.9ared and 1 under good co yivatina, well wstareI with a never 4aiiist sprivc C^t. l ..n- ning through Nc 4, , • large( hP rad (frebard of ' ahveioe tfwftamd }'vett• a g1,.retww:Irt large hone- A 1/>s; Hods a }'ret ut ko b4z.32, uta'shout and dn•itig ah.4 w• 1 t►rge h" .r tuft b12z27, . with art lerbuildins ttnd a Pleadpnml. attb•, twrd- Thin 4,roperty will be s -+1•t (; , t� Tor C ash or On terms to shit p'tr 'hues. ALS' )- r s.oteN„is.' 1170, sit oat ed on "t • N w aids of East 5t, intho T••wn ..f t:..l. each, near- the Railroad Sta•i•,1, enh taming .foe Kanner of alt acs r.( is�d with • good Funs. Hoes and Peart ble ffruit trees :tn,l god well. Thi*andpsmlwewrtyf will be aurid Chenap for staCash. Apply to u. M. TROEMf.AN Gode•ri& Or to t O, SHL NON, II oa the Preiaiaea, ( oiderich, ?5th Jia: 18?5. 13`if j - JAANDS for SALE AT BAYFIELD:- LTs 'tare. '3 ,e r2 HATFIELD- +i+tr toy + OTown.hipoa nodene0, eseiMtein1 1.6en,,.,,f , h..• Mau rµia hr .f load. whim Gleet Y ,. b. of firs Market puce of the Town of &meeld. Tter,, M s clearance of is .!ren much eentd flu.'.' ed tor crop. Tie 'amenderei the =MI,. t•pdy eotered with the best of tw.chaed n.c' i hu lord eplendi4 growth, au cxc.',enl res.' 7•I !re oft( . property, whhels le eitnated ;a reit and well.eta.91 nerathinowbere. 11..931(3--ortL tan•A T:ac-1•i• coutatotng 39 acres e7 wet, ant, • -0 tm.l.t•j, d� - .1,1:Ah wuuhl ;men*. lues gasat,t•-n• ,W Me aero The tut real to the River L41t..4 aitb cnn.ideralde water fall which you '1 noon. a.{; 1 elle for rePtlwir.e menetaetne ng•d t:+,.•ta For terms apply to, JA116e 0* A11,6k, • or W. W tON`fret, Esq ntay*r':d. Guelph, Attg.15th, 1470• wB' • From For Sale. TN the Town:bip et cultism s. In 'r a Curley o, Rtuna. North part or-tttack lee acre. 10 amend and imam fusel rue,. eat a M arr;Dud Hard Turd .111,40 r. Tw. ,pr:D� ' (reeks. Hnfl- er,t anality, good L --e Rv-.e ar,t Frame Rarn end email bearing ft•,-'ard- lou.ot Bte.u. saw sad t.ri.t Mel. .p1 odors .0.. ,n e wII e! of uv subs( To lied i Te• G y to +:,.do- :ate. Apply - to r JOHN FUwaatis • Ori rte Forams. ftnder.rh Nov. 2n. $03• 4 4'' FARM FOR SALE. - (rT Se, nth tom. ein,fer{,dt T•twrt•' •r 4: were n C1OAT. AND COAL OIL . LAMPS L �-a} a=re,r'ear•d ao.a hc„nq•-l0aeae{ : \T OiL: - , . � r1N , o G. it, testa ut tut erk:it.t t; rob mil Appi6 to O. ]I, rat -mute Oalcrh•h, or m mi I. to • , . . . .GOBERI Cli ilAihrrEATC:IN ter. Hat e reienove 1 reins/kb, street to OW etore nest ., 2 -- tritriu u.13,1n. Phianzrroar, end Ear or Ft alture, ea dr as • 1.11Allts 0.0r. ceao soft wore motet) ailed Ler Nr.e. Cheap. flr . Cash. I 4111 • MAKES THE WEAX STRONG. The Peruvian , a Protect-, ed Solution of the Jade of Iron, is so coinbitied as to have the character' of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood ,as the simplest food. It incriVses the quantity of Nature's Own l'-italizing Agent, Iron in the blood, anti cures “athousanci ills," *imply by Toning up,Invigorating and italizing the System. Tito en- riched and vitalized blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com. plaint., Dropey, Chronic Diar- Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Fernale Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or fie- compatited by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, Us energizing effects are not fol- lowed by corresponding reac•• lion, but are permanent, infa. sing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con - Thousands ha ve been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea-. tures, to strong, hm&hy, and happy men and wonsera ; and invalids cannot rea.sonabl y hes- itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERLI. VIAN SYRUP blown 416 the glcuis. Pamphlets Free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, STOP. STOP, FRIEND ! $70 Organs. mid entilbit sae fur • Om peat yyar (and rhieh we bill hope to rolain„1 we would ffellv call their Attention' to our for the pianoSerte: and as Our /tin. irtlin seine as fit, but differ- ent tittle, aifil toore expensive. Our No. 32 is.vroliouncerii by .all have -Keen it to be the illit•14 Instninient in the con 'tete setts saute ns No 30. With trots parties who mate this line lof herrn. _ ,B f) .EINTINC4- AAA - rpm: tindersi7ned ltavitvz sold the Huron Foundry property and [rev to thank the public 'tor their lih-eral suppo.rt for the past nineteen yeti , anti truas that they wilt contiun: to send their orders'. to, the R. -RUNCIMAN. " mining 2ftti sores ext. -rent teed covered with ),Iatile awl Ite,ch., 10 mile" stream renningiithnrrolaTe: the tcntre cd LI land, there is shoot 15 ItCrel of eea 'Valuable Property For saki!. 811'1.41 0(;i ;VI 1001 )17: 117:1( ,XAISfSi. _.14N1 IzAK.L-ro:,, 817‘1:4.11::(1):::113114:11:VEtgi Rae inc to the above Notice,' the GODERICII FOUNDRY *AND WOW_ AtiD 43 on short notket Ityenty tothirty-Horse-pow Tabular Boilers andiBrass locksmith Work. - All Orders addressed tfl till' Comp ny ecretary COMPANY beg to isifortn the piddle tit& they are prepared Geitierally on baud for Sale. UR .41. TUPNreesiat.nt. BOX sTOVES,4';f vatriotis kinds. pSocreliQtarDGyEa'ad Treasurer, GE IIMGEanaNgIeEr nAEgrrtiCuliAtuljra.11 De erich, Ont., lOthJiiiie, 1872. _1325 Nice Variety bf Plated Ware. DWANE of all kinds in endloss yariety, t the Lowest Rates aul At IL GARDINER 0 O'S., NORTE SIDE OF I HE SQUARE, GODERICII. they I:are givee, tied' the immense sale -a these Organ5, rho," that they are a p- pr,!ciated and enctierigee is to make them a speciality. • Appiieatione for Agotleief, where we have ne ngents, at all times confidential - July 1st, 1872. 1333 1y. Guelph, Ont. 1 t3'772) COMPLETE SUCCESS Ten First Prizes At Tu k:shilitions I GUtLPII, ONT. Received Every -First Prize Putt ;Neatly, cheaply an eifieditiously clnatal at th.e olioc el the RDS, BILL HEADS, RECEIPTS, pRoARAMMEs, • Term. mode know, or, er•dowtion to alialcrici. 15 int, 31.71, HYPOPHOSPHITES • • Laboratory, 11:uiversity Cortege, pert. and the S 4 rop kale* from Is, !rum err 'O - HENRY 6I. CROFT. - Pewees. ri•Eheantstry Price el pet Bottle. hie by all brogia.m. OATHS OF QUALIFICATION, PATHMASTER,S LISTS, rOtERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, JURY LISTS, DEEDS, rinted in the best style ilia at the lowest Rates. IV HERE aro pm going 'in Bach v. I am going over to McINTOSH'S Gifu Shop to get mv Sewing Machine repaired. You can get all kinds of Sew- ing Machine. put in Good Running Order there, if not there is no cliairge. Air Remember the place in rear o( E Jordan'a Drug Store. Goderich, March 24th, 1873. 1362 trrna MACHINE QIL am mos wand tor CU mut tw years gaud Labia 7rghtosi -tattM1 w":11 ee Mr haat Molusarithaset la use. TESTIMONIAL Use Mooed 11. lie toots. Yiwore reep.ett , sale eats by At Use Provincial Eihibition, gad Thin grand emcees, in addition -to bit Year's 151 - Silver Dreamt, B Diplomas, -retent judges are Incomparably superier MI triee".Propitetors, sad Wetfarinrers of the eitasowt 'aged by all to bk tiintepa toms tr.; their Inability to costpeto with them.* 'or !testaments. Haersit, Oct. 16, lin. t LL PART1 ES INDEBTED TO T HE Areal Offen fdr work done previius- to Ow BLAIN*, laid, are t:ognired to pag tie ay Dace to the undersigned. ODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. .4%358cRislallsth.wgitt 111131=41110.11.61..i FUR CAUL EAT KONASSE. SRO 3..Re am Wring beeetoratirely ;fitted, . • and Neater In pattern Than Formerly. /-00-11tEEo w- IA i F rat-: ww"dek lit stenat411"mililimital ate.atlea t° . IS .:ON:SPwISIIING., 7LL C NG, C.LOitT.O DRESS:N.:I,. VIGTORIA rental to 'mato: wad MI Dit,,oto of LA4 CriAltry Try it ,Alne for any 1.7 th• tabor* Do.orllers. scd Price 61 per Bottle. 1114ed byoll Drezieta. ELECTRIC LINIMENT " be King of all Limn:lents." Buy it ! Try it t Prove it! Price 50 Cents per Rattle. Soli by el Drussista. C A PrghT6 TAALYE A Ale, Ire C WA, III *weds, Fellow. FlorSA. Parc* 26'Cts. par Rattle- ntita ter all Druggist.. VICTOVIA GLYCERINE JELLY. "VOLVISNTLT TOO tames' arsroarrs." Fa, fkortilwittg tea Cempiarbnalaa.(er. emcee/ psi Howls, C166151afat, Prim lc,. cord Net bp.. • Price 25 Cents per Bettie. wAl I/ el Lettadete. TOILET SOAPS. TY IND SICELIAterig OF Q1711.31'7... FTCTOM111 CARBOLIC SOAR. W IND SOK WI1Y ARE n; 64peptesetem 'fiXWIIIRIMI Alf TOO G ON TRIAL :4(4111riti:Stconwlinwl:ievil:c7h-7,111444:1;14.hfr.615: e7t11,:e714:1:iiiie:::::tt.wgftlbing.:Pafrdat:tteiT .0 Glasser Pe 2. Stray Cow. Dr•valgith 41) ell' The ;loser tt reilttOtted to Poterty boo woo.. and Mika Lgg•js ITE.