HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-05-21, Page 2• • Wats and tarawiag-Miss Lowe& Efteice-Jehn Blake. Wanted -hex 10, Lucknow F. 0. thihnle-e-P. Adamson. Losti-A. Smith. Moodie Lesher-EL Horton, Bon. f!arriage fee J. Wright- Wright's Hotel -J. J. Wright. d3riet Bed weint-E. L. Johnston. • Ian Arrived -Geo. McKenzie. rressetrer's Annan -West Warrendale. Fellows' Compound Byrn of Hypo - lows co—nan The UnitedStates Weeps havesnatain- ed another repulse st the hands of tha Medea Iniians. A very destructive Ire took plan in Ottawa early (on Friday meriting last. Thirty lye henna were lensed and $150,- 004 worth of property destroyed. A &umber of the builaiinp burned were fine erick private residences. The origin of the fire is attributed incen- AllOther execution has taken place is New York. Nixon, the murderer of Pferffer, was hanged on Fridey Lat. The majesty of the law is beginning to lee felt ead will no doubt le• tie mesas of diefinisling crime is that city. The assessors appointed by the Brest - ford Tory Town Connell refused to give ap the tells till the last day for making appeals and bad to be arrested and brought before a magistrate. It was found they had 'cooked' the rolls so as te increase the Tory vete. The Reform- ers have appealed 300 cases. collision took piece between two rivel stages which run between Owen Sound and Seaford on Friday last. A number of passengers wen severely in - 1 roolanchely occurrence took place on the Toronto and Ifipiesing Railway on Friday. John Shodden, Ewa, Presi- dent of the rosd, and well known in To- ronto and elsewhere as cartage agent of the Grand Trunk and • raiser of improv- ed hones, was returning from • land sale at Cob000nk, when on attempting to get on the train at Cannington after it had started, he was killed almost isstant- ly by being crushed between the car sad the pietist n of the station. - A series of Carlin victories are an- nounced in Spain. Dou Crates has ob. tained • large loan front Feiglish bankers tied with an Dray of 15,000 men has de- eLared he will conquer or die. LAW 1. Onasertmrs lois so ser sive sayers erre te II seirerthererdes liallesastarre et their 001 errasari= theft Rath all nears ere eat art sae am Mei ressmeiets ler asoares VIII , • name er surepseen bem ass Seco to stitch they arral• they areamarartrable tin try lutes tag them La Ow ASS, IS seek settee of doer- Itsealee as Ore law reeteIrea. 4. solooribers rime's to maw same «moat are rat to the former Urethra, theiv Munk applied to have the parsonage exempted front assessment ; greeted. Daniel Gorden, overcharge on let 961 ; anessinent reduced from $2500 to $2000. Nester Donegle overcharge on real es- tate; redwood from $1300 to 11000. John 'rasksbery applied to be assessed as householder for lot 329, granted. The Court then adjourned. FATAL ACCIDENT.-1. very distressing sad fatal accident happened en Tuesday, the 6th inst., on lot 24, Maitland conces- sion, towaship of Colborne to • youth armed John Walters, aged ten years, son of Mr. Wm. Walters. It appears that the father end son hal bees work- ing in the fields seeding, and on retura- eng to the house for dinner, the father put the trey on one of the horses, and when near the house he either was in the act of getting off or fell off, his foot meshing in the true chain, and his heed falling to the ground. The horse im- mediately took fright, and efter capering around for • moment or two, ran away, dragging eke body of the peer youth along with it. The true, in • few min- utes, separated from the harness, and when the ludy was picked up, the legs were broken in several places, the head and other parts of the body mueb bruised and broken. Death must have taken place instantly. Both father end mother were witnesses or the estastrophe.--New ' jiff' Geo. 1'. RoIrsis, li Co., 40 Park Rnsr sad IL M. Pirmsoli.r. ai Co., 37 Pavii Row, are our only authorized Ad- ' treetising Agents' in New York. 14 ... 1 Mlle (IOU after each Beliscriber's name '' , 4heirrath4S".4,4"lrirsurthirreh"laUi"•rtaid-3,.." thiniaa6Triistiltaat:°"1.11TUAMiChilr. .r Soaks Sokoortatioss is paid up to 1st , ' Mora mut thet he owes from that date. • Ihseserieses nil se* ie to be to their raters.* I to mosso promptly, as our tams ars .01.50 aTZIOTL/ IN ADYANCS, otherwise 12 Mill be diargesi. this Council is sorry to be informed that tke Council ef the Township of Stanley has refused to great a sum sufficient to finish the graveling of the bonadary line Isetween Hay and Stauley, from Con. 8. East to the London Hord; under the eireumstances, we csa only expend am of roan, se we consider the ratepayers of Stanley are even more letocefited by it than these of Hay, an/ we leave it fer the ratepayers interested in either tow a - ship to take such steps for redress as they deem fit and proper--Clarriedl. The fell° wing &amounts were °rioted to bepaid: P.L. Gahr, 11 75; C. Arallareng, Seedorth, statieuery, $7 35; Alex. Mc- Lane, salary as assessor for 1873,00; T. Wetherald P.L.B.. examining plans amilling. ie., $12; Win. Currie, mak- ing culvert, 13 50. Messrs. Carrick and Rituals were instructed tca examine the bring* serried away by the spring fresh- et front its place across the Bauble River on Con. 2, and sdvertise and let the lob of replacing it its • sithetantial ensemer as soon as possible. Council alsjourned to meet Tuesday, May 20, at 10 Ale. 1101:011,11 • Prom the llookitgowns. Mal ?rank PaillrItY. 111012111.1.101I STATION 1 Trains leave as follows,- , Teems are due n fellows, - March tit 1873. For some time past I hare been de- luding myself with the idea thet I had writhn to you since my Wriest in the Saskatchewan, but en thdnking it over to -day 1 Ws oome to the setachision thst I have never done Ims, though 1 promised teat if I had • chance I would try to dree you a few lines. Well, I left Portage -le -Prairie on tee 16th July, and after &sway two menthe reached Saddle Lake seen* forty Mika down the Saskatchewan (North Istaaoh) from Victoria and one hindred and tea spending the winter, oe I should my rather' I hay* mule it nry. hese quartets, for I sin seldom at hones, baying heen out on the plains swath, and in the woods north, arid at Vittoria and Xi - mouton. There is no use trying to derseribe tke cematrT en tee read from Red River to this place, as it bias often ben so, by the travellers from thatarie to British Columbia. I will, however, give you s sketch of the country seluth sa far as the Bettie River on a line teem Victoria. I left Saddle Lake oni the 16th Octo- ber last, sod after crdesing the North Saskatchewan began m„1 journey south on a look after Buffalto. I was mach &mune at the manned of crossing the horses and carts ben there the river is troth broad and swath though in parts there are sand end shah& riang to sear the surface of the went. First, tke wheels of the cart wpm taken off and corded flat ou the "lifts, • long raw line was then teed to body and the other • horn'e tail, which was announced for Tuesday eyeniag, 13th inst., emus off ia Crsble's Hall at the time fixed, and was well attended. An attractive programme had been prepared which was well carried out. Of course the great attraction weeklies Emma Mc - Mena, a child 13 !yews of ego, from Hamilton, who possesses a very sweet voice. fine rendered a number of songs in a manner which seemed to be highly appreeisted be the audience. 513. was weennenied on the organ by 'Professor eamuela. Miss Baron, the Misses Trai- nor, Mr. Thomson, Miss Melish, Mr.Scott and Messrs. Knox, Armstrong and Bond furnished mini] vocal and isstrumoutal- ings and Rev. W. S. Blackstock the• ministered tie them. It is not known lessor Same' short addresses. Mr.. Yates bow the poison cams there. One of the in the chair. Mr. Crsbb, con• horses was worth $130. /1101 INTIATAINNT.164%- MO ben of Winthrop Temple, I. 0. of 0. T., intend giving • grand entertainment iu their now hall in that yilliage, five miles north of Seaferth, on the evening of the 23rd inst., beginning at 7:30. The entertainment . will cofasist of several laughable and moral pieces, intermixed with vend and instrumental music. Dr. Campbell of Seaforth, is expected to de- liver • shoat address an the commence- ment of the preceedings. A large at- tendance of the outside public is expect- ed. Admission 20 cts.; _childeen half notifying es of any irregularity in the . delivery nf their papers. We shall be glad st ell times to recelye items of local news, reports of meetings, 6001 , either in the locality where it occurs er to the county at largo. Such matter may he seat at the rate of en* cent per es. if marked Printer's Copy and not sealed_ To ensure publicetios in any tar issue it should reach the office not later then Meatise evening. an incileat of invest Pad LOCAL saws The Wingham Times has again ohang- ed hands. It is to In puolished by Messrs. Stewart, Fisher and Leet. Pease:eve-Hen. E. Blake hes been in town sines Thursday last attending the Chancery Sittings. Seer.-Goderich coarse salt was quot- ed in the Chicago market lut week at $2.00. perence association is in process of or- ganization among the young falks of the Bt. Andrews and Knox Church congega- tions in this town. horror. piece after piece was added to meet summer on Red Deer River, and a the inane till they were heaped up, • the Two Hills, un the Mountain Fog enough I thought for twenty men. • Road. The other pot was aow emptied out, , • • sad proved to be full of boiled choke - t that ee soon .es the are b extinguished t it may be utilized for the purpose of pumping out the water from the acne. • There was this morning so•reely any smoke eOmlad from !6w shahs, fent the cherries ground' up stones and all. A , preeenee of black damp is now very 'Per - three idioms of solid minter, was laid 1 — old miner' to be very favorable, itait oeptible, and the fact is considered by ing, and that all danger of more we pie - dish of this nixture holding, I thought, 1 Zen- Stirs= Slate. before me sod atter • long speech sod inchoate" that the firs is rapidly deorese. several an:ottn of a eickeniug kind from of the Comedies DIvatrotal News thus speaks of the oratorical abilities of Mr. •oa is over i hag . h 4 Lin Fos Marrow.. -Mr. James McGregor, of Harriston, with Mr. Dan Campbell, tailor, of Chemin, place, left Seatorth station onMonday of lest week, foe Red River. Mr. McGregor was once on the 'toff of the Expositor. Ws un- derstand that he enters the employ of W. F. Luxten; the editor of the Manito- ea Fres Pleas. He is au enterprising man and will make his marls among the half breeds of the-Notthwest. Mr. William Malcolm, our cm mer- chant, on whom Dr. Lizars of Toronto, performed • dangerous and difficult op- eration, is still alive, though sinking Two HoitaZA POISONICD.-Mr• Ralph Thompson of the Huron Road, get two horses poisoned on Thmaday of lest week. The poison which is supposed to be corrosive eubliniste, was contained in aunts bran which Mr. Thoraposen ad - ions fell to on their basins, and told me . j sad a verdict returned in accordance to do so on my own. the sketch of Kr. Blake is very flatter - politically induced towards Sir Ain, with th, foot,. it appears the mine war well mauaged but that the accident ing to look at Johnny, I saw he was eery arose from the careless us* of powder by I ate a few mouthfuls, when happen- ing:- as he *aught my eye he said, 'My good- orator the mensber for South Bruce, Passim to the other side of the Meese. one of the miners. white, and looked quite sick. As BOOB the umgiu‘he holds the first place as an GLOB Eetteree.- We understand that Grace Egerton intends returning te this section of the province and that s.he will give an entertainment in Godeneh on the 3rd of J one. Rrru itsr an. - kissers. Cameron and the end of last week. They have pair- ed off for the few remaining days of the midst -swan of the entertainment being In the interest of the Ontario Prathibitory League, pve the use of his hall free of charge, and Mr. Daniel Gordon gave the use of the organ. Mon Scmooe Isersertete-On Wed - woodsy last the Goderich High School was inspected by J. M. Buchan. Esq , M. A., one of the recently appoipted in- spectors. Mr. Buchan appears to be the right man in the right place, his utanner being so pleasant and agreeable as to prevent that emearessment which pupils often feel in the presence of sec 1 *utsn Signal GODERICII, May 21, 187 3. Extra (*piss of this datis Signal tan be The gross unfairness of the Govern- ment in refusing to give • want in aid IllayfielA harbour while Pert Albert receives assistance, is seen in the fact that while their own engiaeor reported in favour of making improvements at Bayteld, the Cocansissioaer of Public Works stated ia reply to Mr. Cameron, that they had ne plans or estimate. of the required insprovementa at Port Albert, the grant Ming given without any lata to go by. Durisq, the last par- liament Messrs. Cameron and White- head endeavoured to obtain assistance f or Pert Aiben, but the Government positively refused to do anything on the ground that it was a purely local question. A private. company was therefore organized and chartered and a lime of the harbour obtained, with the richt to levy tells, for 99 years; from the lest Government, but sow that the • North Riding ha...at • ministerial sup- per/ear who is willing to follow the Gee- ernment through the mire to say ex- - tent, the aspect of the matter is com- pletely ahanged, "the Government moat support their wipporters,'• sad tkeNorth Riding gets griust while the boat:. has be lie without. -sW is do not object to Port Albert receiving Assistance, on the contrary we are very glad it haa got it, bnt we do object to tke annually dim- criminatine policy which the Govern- ment has prawn ia this and seversl caber institutes. illotion Lair. Picizohes.-Some of our belles present the sppearance of pouter pigeons. en ac- count of the enormoue Queen Elizabeth ruffles which they wear. Some of them do pout very unpigeonlike. 33rd HCZON Berrlefier.-The Head front Goderich to Wine)** and the Company changed from Rifles to Infantry. Tiezezeienc.-The Montreal Com- pany have re -opened their offise at Man- chester. The Dominion Co. have con- structed • line to klederich harbor and opened an office in Deder's warehouse. Benton is expected to visit this port some time this week, to make the necessary arrangements for calling regularly during the season. Mizeoza.-Beautiful minims were to been seen on fhturday and Sanday last. A number of vessels were to be seen en the horizon apparently lifted out of the water, some of them inverted. neu ! mY goodness ! are eating and in oat every respect he is the • rear of the c hastened to the tied into a hard knot, (end a moo tra we had getting them undene again em the south hank of the river.) The hone was tken driven into the wster and heeded for tbs other shore. Then canto hlarge amount of plunging and snorting, but they son struck out and mad/ some very goon swimming to the smith bank. Here the esrts were pet topther sad loaded. , the contents beigg fedried over in &skin We reached the Battle River in eight days, having passed ;through • country with very good nil, end an aliundance of small poplar Wee, la extensive groves. We crossed • large pelairie which eztends shrub being seen on any aide, though there is • small creek runaing through it from the north. ' Battle River is • small stream, with high precipitous ba4s, it rens from the vicinity of the maudtains and falls into the Saskatchewan below Fort Pitt. At the point we forded it, it is some 200 miles south of Victdria. Before going farther I will give you a sketch of my final ahd noond Buffalo hunts. One evening, ,Ivs days out from Sad- dle Lake, one of one party (there were sena of us) came id froni the front with the nein that there was an old bull buffalo just ahead, "and as this was the first animal seen we inimethately ramp- ed, there luckily bolo"' a gond Pled* at hand, and three others and myself sad- dled our horses and rode on to the place weer. the old bull had been seen feed- ing; however, un erriving the bull had left, and our party separating, two took the left and Francois and myself the right direction. We had met ridden far when • "Ho!" iron my companion made me look in the direction he pointed, and to my groat .delight I saw *bout four hundred yards ahead a huge; bull trotting leisurely along among the thickets of poplar potted hero and there cow the plais. My companion put his heels into the ribs of his hen" and With • few bonne" uf my horse, (who was a noel" anieuil, prior fellow he is since dead), I wee alongsid• of him. Not • word wits said, till we were within one hunded and fifty yards of -the bull, who turninground saw,he was pur- sued and set off at a smart gallop. When close to the huge brute Franoeis' horse became unmanageable and I raced ahead, Francois, calling after me to rids hard and shoot the bull. The moment ray hnihe saw tke buffslo he dashed ahead like • shot. having evi- dently run the animals before, and in a few seconds I iris just beside the bull and having been told to deep the reins on my horsids meek and put in my shot close I did drop diem, and quite cooly brought my gin into position to fire, standing the m ntime in my stirrups, It when like a flas the old brute turned with a bop and ump ani made for me. My horse howe r had evidently been watching for thi quickly that I and if I had yet I felt my stomach st ones begin te get anti ea of Sir John. When any debate of importance is on, let tin said, whaemilews do I ea' hi up land n he said. ei e's head risen eoioo ggIng sill; wnhoeusen iii'beoleolrzonmoiseyinbeaurdrisselangn, anidd. was lick ; and was told to pass the basis Speaker," the noise is hushed immediate- ly, and members prick up their ears, Hs told our friend, the chief, that he with • present, and that if one took it te knowing that something worth hearing is wining now. The first thing that strikeethe listener tn the member for owe Bruce le the methodical way in which he 1 treatehis subject. He Warta off opal oth and deliberately. Hs lays down what led he hat get to do, and he seta about it in low the most workmanlike reamer. Be T takes up one 'tegument of his opponent, to deals with ie, and lays it down en the eh' one tide ruptured. He takes another sa sed auntker warming up to the work as the heap of idansamea austerial increases; end when he hu gone over them ou all, and begins to throw back to each hie damaged geode, then it is then that the man appears. He likes to wound, and as he sees those opposite wince at his blows, it seerna to urge 11101 1, Mike them wince the more. And who is the man with whem he is clesling when he -the enter -begins tie smile and jeer. I have seen men turn pale and presitheir knees with their hands. .. A restraining themselves from run- nin away from that merciless shower to of i Wein invective. I shall nev'er for- est ulWr rushing frantically into the w through • alight castigation etthe hands hotel one night, after having gene of the member hir Bruce. He would not:stand it -it was an outrage -un- parliamentary -he would see hitn. Ileuldes suggested "swing Sir John," language and went to bed. In some respect the satirical powers of the mem- ber for Bruce &mat ewe the ornament ane the drawback uf his oratory. To the on -looker lounging with his chin on th rails of the gallery, what can be eon- • thing was arranged. vs • lowed that if I ever see an - 'medicine man' coming into ' • ur own ledge across the prairie, wee towered with bull buffalos". 1 hundreds upon huadreds, but all except one hind of thirty cows, h we paned close to, but being vrith- pules did not run them. -I saw on large band run into • wiry plus, wk eh feet was onosaled by the deep w fill it was too late, and I Was uch et:oils:lie:wives and get away In next day we started lent for the lege with all theearts, sem* fourteen. after staying in the Indian 'maps a weal, we started back, I 'seeing hied s large number of Indian friends o wanted me to marry ego of their a menus women and lies with them. • Indian made me his cousin, his very pleasant name is Attiney-oe, or Dog- Vdhile here there *es a ceremony per - harmed en me, amidst a crowd of teei- ng boating tom -tome, or drams. There was 'brought • large white horse e our tent, and an Indian entering, ded me • cord which wee tiel to the inoeck ef the horse. This was given me a Present by • Blackfoot Indian, on ndition that I should make him a pees nt of my fine deuele-barnled gun, and couple of lelanketes revolver,knife,and other _mull articles too numerous to inention. It is 'timeless to say that I thanked the gentleutan _and declined. W ' were now seine 40 days getting back n Saddle Lake, and a precious time •had of it. We ran out of- tea, sugar, flour, tobacco, Ac., and lived ou tough bull meat and pemmican (of which I traded two bags in the camps). I pre - ferret the pemmican plain,and bolted it itraight, drinking the water off the boil - I enjoyed my first night in bed at Saddle Lake immensely, though my .euch was composed of only a couple of beards, with 'erne reins thrown over It was autnething wonderful to me to see the horses getting at the grew some two and esti feet unaer the snow, and whin it beceme packed and with • hard crust over itethe work began to pt very hardier them. Since, I have seen horses kick away over three feet of solid snow, and that with • heavy crust, * get at their food, for -out of some lifty hones at Saddle Lake, not one has had a menthful of hay since last December, and the consequence of this, in con -- inaction with the great severity of the winter, is that some twenty -lee of the above horses hare died arid moat of the remainder are expected to 'go up' be- fore the snow disappears. Of course those living at the lake are all traders and hunters who Arrived too law last fall to cut hsy, and none reside here in the summer ; bid indeed all over the coun- try reports colne of horses dying tor want of hay and grsin. At 'Victoria, for in- stance, though a great deal of hay was cut and barley renal, and that of a gned (mislay, the winter set in so Wig (Oct. 24th), that most of the people have little or no food fer their animas. Some forty horses have already died sroond Victoria. Ons gentleman Mat of 150 'aids of hay cuddhad 50 eaten and de- stioyed by the horses of a large camp of From the plains comes the rad news that the Indians are varaing, the buffalo having kept en the genet owing tn the steely fall of anow and its great depth. A trader elm was in an Indian camp (the same one I Ras at lest fall) told me he hed to pay as mach for one rib of 0 wit' to eat as for its hide. 1 hear •of a poor man on the plains whip is lame, trying to atrange a snow -shoe on to the sal of his carutch. All, or nearly ee, of their horses are dead, and their dogs have been eon. there will be a seercity in the fur market of Red River next spring and furs will Fr the R. Mountain House, fimi au officer, and kis questions such as to he test their proficiency withon g She nature of "'etches." Mr. Buchan eismined the 'snows classes and ex- pressed himself es very well pleased at the Vete of proficiently in which he found the school. He addressed 'a few words of count and Orin to the pu- pils, reminding them that they were heirs to the world's learning, that they must inherit it, and that it depended entire- ly ape& themselves as to what use they made of their possession. The Council of Puelic Instruction hav• chine well in t' Mr Buchan and we trust he BilLTEDAY.-Eltaniar• pre- parations are being nude for the- cele- bration of the 24th. The chief atnee- den, however, will be the driving park. Respectable prizes are to be competed for, and no doulet,the best horses of the country and several thensand people will le oit the ground. OPINING OF TAR ULM spRINO The nee cheese factory, to which the may be long spereel to perform Ole du - above name has been given, waa open ma in as efficient and satisfactory a man- ! on Monday last with considerable eclat. ner as he appears to have Iseigun them. A number of patrons and ethen had as- The Spring aittinp of the Chancery Court were opened on Friday la.st before late the vat, the company sat own sonibled on invitation of the proprietor, Me Ward, to witness the arrival of the driven with the first supply of milk. This having been dilly weighed and run sumptuous dinner given by Mr. Ward. Vice -Chancellor Blake. Buides the After dinner Mr. Themes Anderson was local bar there were present Hon. E. called to the chair, and • few remarks Mr. Walker. The docket contained eighteen cans, but u the Vice -Chancel- lor had advised on a number of them before his appointment to the bench it was arranged that they should be held over till the 3rd. of June, then to be tried lrefore Vice-Chaneellor Strong. The remaining cases. except number weigh were withdraws, were then pro - seeded with and occupied the Court till Tuesday morning. The following ars the causes which appeared on the docket :- TROY len Seszercacueor.- Ws pub- lish to -day a letter front our Northwest correspondent, who has spent the winter ia the Saskatchewan district. It will be- found to contain much interestiag matter relating to that far off region. SANITARY CONNITTIII. -Several at- tempta wervi outdo last week to have • meeting of the Sanitary Cremates, but without success, Are tile members afraid to do their duty 1 It looks Tory much like it. Mr. W. T. Cox, late of the Goderich SIGNAL is now in Aurora, Ill., where he holds • responsibility and lucerative ant- iunion as superintendent of the mechan- ical department of the Methodist Print- * Concern in that place. weather is beginning to get warm, are becoming active. A few days age one left its imprint on the head of a meddle- some husband who undertook to dictate about house cleaning affairs. Tits Meta -thee calla, here on Friday evening last girl her way from Lake Su- perior with 85 tons of silver ore and 100 passengers. She was the first boat that reads the round trip this season. She reports that there is much ice still in Inks Superior. She passed up again Sir John A. Macdonald has withdrawe big Ilaction Law Bill and intreduced • reasactiog the Interim Act for so- other year. Ever linos Confederation sa An has been promised to assirailate the law relating to eleations, which is mow as diverse 64 the provinces oonsti- Wing the Dominion. It did not snit fifir John to nave it paned before the general election of last year, knowing teat if • stringent law to prevent briberr sad ietineiesfion eras in force he could not retain power. Though introduced this ennion eseeeding to premise, it has spin bawl pot off, and even if passed wit swine it will be nearly seven years after Confederation before we have • 112iklellt Glendon law. Sir John is en- titled to the same spoliation formerly gives to Stephen Richards, i. " The • mistake of the compositor the next meeting of the Colborne Council was aumounced for the lat instead of the 16th of June, the latter being the correct date. No one for • moment supposes that that honorable body is so depraved In morals as to meet for the despatch of business cn the Sabbath allay. Holder rs. Turrey-Judgernent re- served. Sinclair and finger and Blake for plff. Malcolmson and Keating and Moss for deft. 'McKenzie vs. Flynn --Settled. Sin- clair and Seeger filar plff. Caraeron and Garrow for deft, Stretton vs. Stretton-Jnelpment re- served. Sinclair and Sugar fur plff. Doyle and Squier and Moss for deft. Wright vs. Davison-Settled. Holme - stead for plff. Johnston for deft. Scott vs. Moffatt -Docroo for plff. Benson and Meyer and Mon for plff. Cameron and Garrow end Blake for McLean vs. Grard-Judgeifient re- served. Davison and Johnston and Moss for plff. Cameron and Garruw and Blake for deft. Carroll vs. Casemore--Judgment re- served. Conaviel same as in het case. Menery vs. Lockhart -Dooms for plff. Sinclair and Seeger and Blake for plff. Cameros and Garrow and Mons for deft. Sadler vs. Cornyn -Battled. Camer- on and Garrey and Blake Apr.pl ft'. Sin- clair and Seager and Mussel.), deft. Davidson es. A rosstrong-Deerse for plff. Burton, Bruce and Walker and Blake for plff. Benson and Meyer and Nlons for deft. Platt vs. Niebergall-Settled. Squier for plff. Cameron and latarrnw for deft. inert and ',win Co. vs. McManus - Decree for Of. Macdonald and Patton slid Sinclair and Seeger for plff. Ross vs. Forbes-PostPonod. 3rThd jetonfoelie_wiag cane are hold over till A shtcrn vs. Harcourt, Mercer vs. Stur- geon, Booktedge vs. Barker, Macdonald v Cs. Hyslor, Elliott es. Mc mina. 1511141P KILLS], BY Doan. -Mr. James ids arrival in that country he obtained Dolm e of the 5th concession of Mc- tu e above-mentioned appointment, SuAILCITY Os FODDII.-Froni all parts of the country serious compleints are made of the scarcity of fodder for stock. Many of oer hest farmers have had to buy hay and pay 120 per. ton for it, in order to keep their stock from starving. The spring thus far has been very odd This has male the scarcity rof fodder to be much more felt than had the weather been warm and pleasant, and vegetation RoLILIBLI CarittrY,-.11 most fiend- ish CaSe of cruelty to animals was prac- tised • few days ego upon a dog belong- ing to Mr. James McCreath, 'miller at Piper's Mill. The animal was taken in- to the Cooper's shep and there cat in such a canner that its bowels pro- tracted, when it was turned out to run at large. The animal had of warn to be destroyed. Did we know the names of the guilty partite we should haus no hesitation in publishing them. on Wedaeottay last is the house at Ottawa. Kr. Coatis= moved a mela- nge essiimesing their policy on the Nen prearriet Sanest Lsw. Sir John &eland ilent the aid et its adoption psetimi elms that It intriagad sr the appal preceptive. After a long dilate is whisk the goeseasesid opposed Qs rerallidou with id theieressesing *ad impokitry, was minim* by a majority el* ofisse.gamtlat to plata the vet saa gild elite( were made by Messrs, Werth arras, Welch, Bailey, Treleaven, iitalluugh, Bell sad others. The Silver Spring Cheese Fectory opens with very flattering prospects. It is situated in • good dairy country and the milk of of a large number of cows hes beespromised. The supply of water is pure and abundant anti coming from • spring &bete the level of the factory it requires no pumping. The whey and other refuse will lee dischargeti by gravi- tation, so that from the situation very little niholial latter will be required. The proprietor has seoured the services of Mr. E, G. Harris, a prsetical ckeese maker of many years experience at to- rrent' and London, who thoroughly un- derstands his business, and will no doubt give every satisfaction. Mr. Harris tells us that he never commenced a factory under more favourable circum- stances. The amonnt of milk received the find day was 914 lbs., u hich is mere than he ever had tutors on * similar oc- casion. We trust the experience of this season will be such as to induce the farmers in the neighborhood of Dungan- non to patronise the factory system of cheese making more than ever and to warrant Mr. Ward enlarging his prem- ises antl engaging more extensively in a business when this season is warmly more than an experiment. OAIN•13 A. On Monday, the 26 inst., trains will resume running on the Canada Lir Lin e. • notorious character named Bob Monodic hes hese arrested in London for sttempting to murder his mother. Ton teen of Aylmer, Quebec, has suf- fered by fire to the extent of about120,- 000. btr. McMurally has been elected to the University Senate by the High &noel teachers of Ontario. Sir Hugh has got it. He wants "hotter terms" from the Government for the Pacific Rails ay. The complaint ia epi- 4 Lair Duffer's was en »•Nrdey de - all livered of a daughter at Rideau submitted t h P A by -Lw will be submi ]Bonds., Jane he of eine* ll, e4s Bent to Jane the Rad, seine* _., r,[SI6.0(M I. rain, by wayef lose the of firs protectioe. • -John Benet Mill tn• sin i tient limstieh writer and paliteal wenaim tat is ADTRISTISLNG.- Advertising is • science, and although it is coming to be slots expense in the prosecution of any business enterprise, and sometimes the only capital in many uniertakinp, still then are but very few who rosily appre- ciate its innenee importance, or realize the wonders it is capable of performing. When managed with experience jugs- ment, skin, persistency and. liberslity, we do not believe there ever was ea ia- stuns known where it did not yield inset gratifying rosette. In Seaforth, on the 14th ion-. the wde of Mr. Thos. Fester, of a eon. Re Elwood, Thomas Stokes. Esq., to Ellen, widow of the late Capt. Bluett, both of Goderich. At Bayfield, on May 13th, Peter Mc hee 11110.4 who tried to screen lund APpLR001. 10 MS to Let. Major Fortier, of Levi Camp Scandal notoriety. his been diamiesed from ehe militia. What is going to be doe* with Peter MoNab, one of the pieties 40 1370.d. Tupper's disgraceful negotiations, is now in Halifax jail on a charge a Beeb- e* a landlord. There is • chance now for the doctor te "set Peter right." Beshelor echool teachers are ()Gates- head in Vancouver. Read this: "The Board uf Education hays before them the eetracirdinny preposition to reduce the salaries of ell unmarried teashers.1" ‘Sir Heatinp Doyle has left Nova 'Swap., taking an unprecedented amount ce ad ti tad as mere delightful them tes see the spokesman of eke Opposi.- skinaing the Cabinet. He goes at at h such • will, and it seems so very so te them that human nature cannot re ist ehe fullest enjoyment at looking e But it has frequently occurred to is that the member for Bruce gives way t his penchant in this respect too reck• 1 ly. I remember ens night in mirth cider when he neared the effort of a wlaele night by giving reins to his pro- pensity for sarcasm. Hs had demolished ald his opponents, scattered their argo- naut& like chaff, end was an therouchly aster of the field that his opponsita East Street. Goderich. Hemlock Lumber. A QUANTITY of Hemlock homier, !". aseertod, for sale, at the residence Colborne street ALL persons kering claims asainsi the f the late NM M. Delis an addreases were shewered on him when leaving. may send them for settlement t,. JOHN BLAKE The historical windmill at Prescott, 1370c where the rebels were besieged in 1837, Goderich, 15th Mara 1873! lass heen transformed into • lighthouse, under the direction of the Minister of for he also turned so as nearly Omen off, would likely not have had an accoiant of iny first and last race from m42self, for the buffaln made efter me a resider race bellow- ing like mad. AA aeon as I got my reins in hend, however, I soon aistancea him amidst the,loud laughs of Francois who had arrived on the scene. The bull soon turned and I also, for I was bound I woula not lose • shot at bite for want of trying. I was soon up tu hins again *hoe the same result follow- ed, but I *gain tried and managed to get a ball intO Lin, whereon be took to ended my first leant. more shots. My second w not se good, being af- ter five bulls. I put two balls into one running, but was afraid of getting lost in the thicketa ire were running through; so I ran no ftirther being already • lo way from came, Creasing thi Battle River we saw eleven bulls lying on- a hill bin kept on as Ire wanted dnws, which at this season of the year arei very fat, while the bulls are so poor as to be newly till61 fur food. The buffalo lad been very numernee here during the summer, as we saw testified by the grass being cropped close to the ground and the quantities of fresh chins !ying retina on every side. The air un the evening of the 23rd October was eery chilly and on oUr awak- inq next morning we .warre greatly sur- prised to see the wow coming down and about four innhes lying an the grouad. This at first etas considered • good sign u the buffalelwould wine • in from the plains south 'and by waiting • day or two we wont get plenty of good fat cows; but we egan to look' blue when it began te 'teem and continued for three days, leaving i snout taw fern of snow on the ground, iind the drift -spa the prairie just ahead vslore something terrible in appearance. , During the storm we were visited by a r.umber of . India!). who were camped about five miles &craws the prairie near • long hill called the 'Nose.' The quan- tities of food and tobacc 3 which they con - ensued was 'meting at first, but it men got stale, and when they steved for three allays eating earl smoking all the time it was thoroughly played out. When the storm seined two half-breeds and I started for their lodges across the plain with • few 'goods we had with us. We had • hardeirne of it getting threugh, but were heintilv received by the village of 25 lodgee We were invited to the lodge of the chief, (one of our visitors) named Litth Pine, ra. good and breve man who lies only 18 scalps. He was however, very kind and attentive to us during our long stay. 'rho next day we did some trading and a good deal of eat- ing and temdrinking. Every now and then I would hear • call for "The young stranger who weld not speek ern, ' and I was tilled from lodge to lodge eating and drinking, I think I hear you ask eating and drinking what 1 Why, fresh meat, dried moat, powder- ed meat with berries,tripeeteesad drink- ing.tea with a good allowance of auger in The nexf day, hewever, came • great trial, we saw dun • great many were gathering ilia our lodge, and presently the "old nedicine man ' Opened with • maple o large kettles. I Inane to ewe} fool un , &net asked one of my com- panions w at it all meant ; he at once re- plied, 'I'M bleat if I knew ;' on tun* to the other -a well -aged man, who ham been here for some 15 or 20 years. he latrghed, and said : 'you will knew when youkave to eat,' We weds net Wag left in doubt of the old nasal"' inteations, for producing a large, tie wash -hand basin, and some large spoor's, lie uncovered the pots and began to tisk out a number of pimes of meat of seam kind. I turned to John - n, f, my lyinnger oompanion, and maid, What nil* world is it t' ii• said be thought 4 was &young buffalo calf, and said whatever was given to us we had tO eat it alilutip, every easesel. As I a very light breakfast, I was getting i a good humor. whoa to my (From the Mad.) It was our painful duty, in a recA2ut issue, to record • sad accident which oc- curred to Mr. W. H. Lowe, Collector of Customs at Soovoes, on The southern boundary of British Columbia, ,when stepping on board the train at Clinton, Ont., on the night of the 23rd ultimo. resulting in the loas of his right hand and left arm above the elbow. It will, therefore, doubtless be interesting to many of our readers who rimy remember the circumstance, to learn' that he is tee same individual • aotice of whose mar- riage has lately appeared in some of the papers. The circumstances con- nected with the case are sufficiently re- m.autic to deserve a special utentien in our columns, and.we shall take the liber- ty of laying them briefly before our Mr. Lowe is a native of Seaforth, Out., and left his father's roof some fourteen years ego to seek his fortune in the then recently discovered gold fi ld of British Columbia. Soon idter Killop, id:sheep and nine lambs destroyed by dogs on Sunday sight last. The wool was torn off and wintered all over the field, and the animal"- were se torn and mangled that it was impossitsle taw take the stuns off t hem. On the sante night, Mr. Georg* Dominos, who resides on an adjoining let, had six or eight sheep and lambs killed and mangled in a similar was. This should be a warning te farmers to keep • sharp look out on their sheep, and if possible have teem hound at night. Oecurrenne suek as these will iht much toward popularizing the eystem of imposing • dog tax by mu- asion'ot simobiliosip providing for into thy tosok amn- esia' Otaista.--1117 pest 'most amdsimpogoilyliberstwoos, sod gay es Aar *ON lam via th• kik ci " jebblipist, WA down ha Werth Ammeksa ankfonal Val Sr know Meciesti Amami -The latest in- vention in a mashie's for furaishiag please al pubis autertaismerite. A perms et good taste maaipalates the meohiste se es te lave the la at the' tan& ust=frual that duet awls exercise to obviate that ddisulty. nor, is no mamba tee Mr. Orabb to obtain for bis ball. The Godarielt " boys " applaud aad MOM *myth* so the applause is sat se mai la right some - Comm or Barzszoir.-TImo Oeset of Revision fee the Tows et dead* Mk on Wednesday eves* kink Us hi- 10.41ag appeals woe boot of: -Bev. A.Mmicid, egoomplio= ed ; sett allowed. A.. Midst. on behalf avisold from $0111/10 On& MOW Chums 2.7"lisil to be alimaludi as emus: swat of 3 rolsoodoonaiwannot. Potts far teloolos al N. C. 11 is "dew stated that Mr. Cof&u, M. 1'. for Shaeburne, N. 8, will he Hewe's successor in Ili* Cabinet. Mr Coffin is an old politicaan of Liberal auteoedeote„ «be funnerly acted with the Opposition, but has been generally remarked this session for his stead,y adherence to the G"Twiterellenxlepurtes. s car on the morning tram from Toronto tellanniten en 4Neidnesday last caught fire, but the flames did not communicate with an) other portion of the train. The mails or baggage were not iiijured, but the morning papers' were abmuronnendtuoPf.assessment is fd,116, 108 be- -"The assessers of St. Cetherines have just concluded their labours. The total ing sai increase uf 1228, 350 over tint of last year. The populatin is given at 8, 852, an increase ef 349_• over last STOUT active youth to make him- d°11- self generally neef al in a Store. One having some knowledp 4 the business preferred. Must be well re. Address Box 10, Lucknow 0. May 19th, 1873. 1370 Lost A NUatBER of Parasols. 011 the Lucknow Road. a short distance fram Goderich. The finder on 'raring them with Abraham Smith, Guaira, or M. Campbell, Merchant, Lucknow, will be rewarned for their 4,,,,uble. May 19th, 1873. lro sibmittee almost deprecatingly. But !ear' h te, opportunity was toa tempting. He e A young eew Yerk widow receativ c ' Id well have afforded to walk off took up her residence in Montreil, With his laurels victorous. BM no, he Canada, and proniptly fell te Ion with j “at up one of the conquered ones; and the scan of her landlady. The young 1 tha ten minutes bent scatheil him most man reciprocated, and the hiper pier ; unmercifully ; and I could well dieceen were to be married. when a letter front i f OD. my perch in the gallery, that while the lady's lawyer informed her that by s victim pined sympathy, he lost it the terms of her late Imeband's will, she proportion. The greater feature of would forfeit her Centres, and would lake's oratory is his earnestness. Let only t* paid a small allowance. The lady e matter b• ever so trivial, 'he deals thought that a fortune wall better than a with it as seriously as if it were a mu_ husband, and forth•ith broke off the d match. The woulddke-bridegr.som threat - which he he. continued to held ever sinew. and in January hast he for the tint time obtained leave of absence with a view to roe letting his native home. During his stay in this country he had the good fortune to renew his acquaint- ance with • charming and most estim- able young lady residing st Goderich, toeen much et whom, r • child, to hishad deparrture for attached prey' the West. The esult was an which was arranged engage- ment of marriage. to have taken piece at Chicago in the beginning of this month, the young lady having gone there with her mother's short while previously es a Veit to some relations, and the h • ey mton tri was to have Leen across the Rocky Mountains and through the wild scenery of British Columbia. On receiving the news of the terrible catastrophe, Miss Simpson (for such was the young lady's name) proved herself a courageous and trusehesrted girl by at once flying to his ssset•nse without even delaying to pack • trunk, as the message reached her only • few minutes before the departnre0t an Eastern train. On arriyal at the scene she behaved most heroically, and at ono" undertook the duties of nurse -tender to the poor sufferer, in conjunction with the kind lady (Mrs. Rano.) to when .use he had been oonveyed en the night of the ac- cident, sad who had been is attendance on him day and night up to the arrival of his intended. It 1a scarcely • matter of *wonder that invalid mule sapid programs bewrecovery sneer such favorable airvnmatanses, and of the 8th net., the 'marriage osrenwony wee performed at the bedside, by the Rev. E. L. Elwood, Rena et Goderich, an old and esteemed bind the f both oth fans. of Unit, in the peewees* oswho were the bride and s fed Meads, mush affected by the interest* scone. It is lined sad to contemplate that a sung man +ad is the prime of life, had Waved aadovereo'e so Missy dang- ers as Mr. Lowe, is common with all the t of that wild western country, Darn exposed to frequently, she Add meet with .o serious an accident almost oa his return to hes native country ; lest it must be at least • moat gratifying Affection for 'himself and his friends, that while has saffesed the toes of his hands, he has d the ami time gained a true and honest -hearted girl, who d14 not ;Swink teem the anions ebarge and responsibility devolving upon her as the wife and hclposte of sae In gin present Bharat hapless osalittep. Corweu, llarnso.-The Council met on May 5. A weemunication from Jeep Toms, Goderich, concerning • Court lawm in which to kold Division Court was read, and on motion of J. Pickard, seconded by W. H. Verity, the Reeve was appointed to wait on the Judie' and 'mango the natter. By-law No. 2, pro- viding for tavern and seep licences and defining thetTmesoterh duty, was read • weend mad time and passed. Mr. Jobe Southoett wee appointee pdund- keeper. The Armament roll woo hand- s& in and swore to by Ski Assessors, Kilpatriek sod Joseph Acheson, to law. The searest Messrs. J. Geri Sem. to the rielimat of in eq. far a corporate seal, was adored to le • mire uf the greatest impertancvan one alien wonders how, amid his arduous Iva -filename' duties, he lies gathered such fund of information. lio seems up in verything, even to the minutest details. hits other members keep - plodding Cedents, Bipke can rattle his off, seem- ingly as familiar with the *hole thing as if it were the multiplication table. No wonder that at times he looks pale and nervous and exhausted, for while many menibers of Pediment imagine they can gather political lore from the stem of a tobacco pipe. in the smoking room, Blake grubs fur his amongst the volumes of the library. The member for Bruce has little ostentation in his style, and his oratory derives late id its effect from action of any kind. He stends generally with his left hand in his pocket, and except when referring to a book, he rarely re- moves it. Bid when he heeds forward, his *yes glancing and his face suffused with passion, and his finger pointed at soh* unfertunste victim, there is more force in his Emple action than in any thougbt what a grand scene it would be to me a field -day between Gladstone and Blake. Cool, earnest, able bnt terribly merciless, they would make the best matched pair of political gladiators I have seen. Gledstone, with his long experience and shill in fence, might win the tight, but he would h toe tu &anew - ledge that he hal vanquished • doughty foe. Poid- Accrosev.-Mr. Peppiestonu, of Re. By some mom haaddiaso ts contact with the taw, widely Worsted It very badly, tiering owe 61 _entirely from thii head awl almost desikeYftg emus of the others. lio is sow progreming favor. taros, salary Maass of $150 was granted go implant tA•floatl Boundary, grant ea aseivad. Mr. Qiniek was hatanow go Issue wager course cm siddiso, Weaves loin 5 sad 6, art, so as to inereets the wales. from Groodat the root Ifti mad $14. was bums Barielt to rani. • moms kr IL voted. for ripstir_qtp 0-11s*". snow, some sit er eight inches. and at the Bed Deer Rieer south west, that there is hardly any snow at all, this is w 11 as the Bow River country. This last is the common talk of the country here, all eye, are turned to it as the place of plenty. No snow iti winter, bonedless plains covered with buffalo, hills covered with mountain sheep, and valley! only waiting, in the tickle them to langh with a fine crop of all kinds of grain. The Rev. John elcDougall intends establishine • mission for the Blackfoot on the banks of the now River at the foot ef the mountains, and many ate talking of settling there next summer. The minion will likely receive its sup- plies from Fart Benton on the Americen side, and fsom the univalent of Amed- cans ea Belly River on our own side Of the line. A word or two of this settle- ment. Its inhabitants are Amerien run- ners and traders, who bring in as much goods there as the people of the Sas- katchewan de into the 'Valley of the North Breech, • great quantity of liquor is crossed, some of which has been brought to Edmonton for sale, ani as may be supposed it hasfound &amelior- able sale to the theism, and others in that vicinity. Bow giver is s•one 2-)0 miles smith of Edmonton, and the Belly River half as far further. All goods for that quarter of our Do- minion of coarse come by tee Mammal steamer* of which • large number arrive every summer. From all specounts the soil of the Bow River land is of the nest quality, there is an abundanes of large timber, sad reed .water st hand ; the river rues from among the mountains and is full of tremendous trout, any, quantity can be ohtained for th• winter supply. Stich are the cheracteristics of this noble, country and the reports may be relied on, for many I have seen spriken to are the Rev. Goo. McDougell, and his son, the Rev. John McDougall, eerie in every marticular as to the facts given The N. B. Co. packet from Manitoba arrived here on the 3rdi and brenght us the first newspapers I have seen of a later date than September • We had pa- pers from linitele of tke 18th Jute. are, and I saw • Lead Itr of the ard Janu- ary, you may be sure they were wel- come. The Domtnion elections, the American ditto, ie., was highly inter- esting. I would gladly hrive you eight times the price of your paper if you eould hand in one weekly. A person only learns to value a newspaper when out in a country like this. ens an seem' for breach of promise. 11' Hon. Mr. Breland, who was sent out se a delegate by the North \Vest Council aacertain the feeling among the :Sioux, has returned to For Garry with news of a reassuring character. He hsd an inter- view with the leading Sioux chiefs, who expressed the utanost loyality for the (leen and desire for amicable ntations CRIME FOR SIM CEO • THE 'subscriber has a Covered Ox- alate with pole and shafts well suited for a well-to-do farreee to take his family to melting. Wel tie sold Cheap for Cask. Goderich, 24)th May, 1873. 1370 Music and Drawing. odd' friends end the public that she is prepared te .gire lessons on the Piano forte &c. Havidg been taught hy first class routers, and for several puts a suecessful teacher, she feels conbdent she can give satisfaction. Aloe, a claw In Drawing, Weter•oolors, hc., on Wed - terms, apply at the residence ••1 -Mr. G. M. Truman, Hamilton Street, May 19th, 1873. 1371 with the Dominion Government. As fur - WRC1HT8' HOTEL., Little Knife, who had threatened to make war on the English, they said they I e31 -01:111:11.1c lle (INT. blushed to hear his wonis, and woald have nothing to do with hiet. There need QITUATED ON THE 1F1IG R BL'Arr `' overlooking the Berle:, Len and not be any apprehensions of difficulty so h dred soldiers aro seat ye to tne North-West to give confidence to the settler., and uphold the dignity of the flag. lon az a few un The auessment of St.Thomas this year has just Men completed, and shows a marked imprevemetat in the town since last year. The total assessment of real and pereanal property and tayrble in. come is $1,41/4,865 er /416,400 over last year, better than forty-three per cent. The populstion hes increased wtthin the same tune from 2,906 to 5,039, or about seventy-three per cent. The Southern Railway property is exempt front taxa. tee:, and is not included in the &sews- ment. Ind it bten assessed the amonne would be about $150,000 more or about' This house after being thenighly renovated and furnished is noir open for the summer warm for the receptien of guests, Parties going to Lake Superior by the Manitoba will find dee house very convenient - Large families requiring rooms 'head engage previously either by mail or tele- Goderich, 20th Nay, 1873. 1370 • 101 A.FOLETZ THE COUNCIL of the C Colliery HX01,0sitiu is VOWS flOotia TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE. May. 13. -ht one explosion occurred at the Drumnioni Colliery, Wes.rdle. That general manager Mr. Dunn, the over seer, Mr. Richardson, and between 40 and 50 others, men aud boys, were in the mine at the time. Of these only four men have been reined. There is • downcast air shaft about three hun- dred yards from the elope er entrance to the mine, and cries were heard at the bettom of this shaft. Repos and men were immediately procured, and with their assistance the four men above mentioned were rescued, but before any mere could be taken out the fir* reacher' the &heft and another fearful explosion took place, cutting off all hope, of uving any mere lives from this point. Four mem whn bed volunteered to descend this 'heft to assist their fellow -workmen, and vibe were in the act of doing so, were blown iip when the expinsion oc- curred. The mane in still burniug fear- fully. Volumes of smoke and flames Iire issuing from the slopes and the shaf t. No hopes ars entertained of sating any more lives. There is scarcity of water in the netghbetirltocd, but every Ohne is Wing made, by men ftum the Drum- mond Colliery and volunteers front all other mines, to dam up every available stream of water, from which trenches are being dug leading to the slopes and shafts, with the intention of letting the water iato the mine. Tee managers of the neighbouring mines are on the ground, and with their mon &redoing all that men can do. The Fire Compant near Glasgow, with their engine, are at work trying to save the headings on the surface, which are now threatened by the flames coming from the slopes. At thie writing the fin is still raging more fear- townnumbeidheof of the firs was an explosion of pa from mine is heartrendering, with the rela- tions mourning for the lost. The cause • elast end by the coal cntters one of the boards. The fire cniununieated with the gas in the other parte of the mine, and immedistely caused the first fearful seplosios, whin cut off escape from the workmen. The raw hail only re- sumed work to -day after • strike. ports front Westville say the flames mein( fnm the mine are much redwood. H•Lirkl, Kay 14.--eThe latest re - The side entranoes are being filled up with earth, and the whole Inaba will lee elle& The number killed is now put down at about 70. When the fire broke sub, Lad the manager went down into the route, the srreater portion of the men Bug berg usually employed below wereabove ground at dinner, sal hour earlier or later, the whole form of the eerie would have been at work, and the loss of life would have hese greater. „hence is the aspen of affairs bare since yostarder. The work of filling the may 16.-Tkere has been very little slope, has progressed steadily, wad el now about socomplished, Lad the only remaining opening is the pumping akaft, pouring. The shaft was wended this into which 'a good stream of wahr is morning, end the indications were that sad plinking, on which earth nag mbar the water was rising rapidly, Tk, tent ion is to cover the abaft in* timber the gr. and still praline Ilmea=re material will be_plaeed, ahms 13,osaice, Kay, 20, 1873. By Special Telegraph told* Signal. Ct.irrros•laay, 20,1. 1875. I 'end thieletteriby special packet to Cadton, when it will hays te take its amnesia to ever get 40 Goderich. Of course everyone expects to see soldiers in here next summer but as to how many no one can imagine. We hear of • waggon road through the Rocky Mountains tu Jasper House ; "eyelid dog trains went off with pro- visions to that place about Christ:nag. The Indiana are quiet on the Red - road qutet ion, but et pect large presen.s. 'fining an the the river here in sum - day, bat at teat pays -badly. mer *verses from $2.50 to $5.0C per Several parties ietend prospecting Wheat, (Series) per bush.. 1 20 Egg., per dolt Otereeked .. 0 11 0 60 SP 57 1111 • 14 o unty of Huron in the TOWN OF GJDERICH. upon Monday, 2nd day Of Jane next. PETER ADAMSON. C,uilly Clerk County Clerk's office. • 411,.. Goderich, Ms), 19th, GREAT- REDUCTION. Subscrtha haring purebred or t},r Largest rd best Stocks ever brought to Ooderieb, reo55 GILT OVALS, WALNUT WALNUT RUSTICS, 54, And as be is going' ent of bSSitISSI, 1101" then. at hartelly ragappd I le 115055 •°' .13133" Or next fear months. 'Fervor get prints trent bark aegatavec "a d• g° b." .6 the aesratier are destroyed. PIATOIL111, May, 20, 1573. 0 42 1 26 0 00 Patera, Per BPuse.r,2.:iar......,..:s...........s.,.....2..4(..............7,...............•1.......i...........)............m.....0:545:40000:::::.:, 1:05,587 .7:6:5:13. irs..t, .te4r, , . .2:4. o.....1.1..............................,.... .... Os 0:: o'.', re 41:4 TORONTO ISAILLTS. $5spF:1,0:r as-s-51.73265ancy EllCitrw00."N500.. 1, super, Oave-t2c. to 43c. reas--67c. to 68e. Co Bonen- 16 to 23c. Climax -12 te 134* - May 17, 1873. Miggliars. $d 5" 54 25 ; Pellarda, cooss Osolia.-Cora, 510.; Peas, Blittor Grew Sorts, 8e. to 11c; Pair to Good, 18e. W 20c; Choice, 20c tea 25c, Calorie Snin.-91 to Wee co:1::: Mk. 1575,Iemkri--18;9:46E.:::: Asliks--P°141,06 724.." 96 77i; Pearls Liok sTO E. 1" SIMMER COATE, 200 /WHIRR 1141.8* and Bleak. BOOTs 81 SHOES ORRAT VARIETY IIARDWA RE 14111421 LOCKS, BINGES, F°11". Wonted 1000 Cords Bard ir°°11 GEO. ZeICEIZIE' Ciodunick, may 201h, 1173. 1370