HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-12-31, Page 19KINSMEN HELP SENIORS — The current project of the Exeter Kinsmen dub is to help residents move into
the new senior citizens home on Sanders Street East in Exeter. Above, Kin Ken Sneddon and Bill Dinney move
a buffet for Mrs. Charlie Mason. T-A photo
BRAVING THE STORM — During last April's severe storm Barbara
and Paul Wein headed uptown in Crediton to purchase a loaf of
bread. T-A photo
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BUSINESSMEN MEET — Bryce Boron, left, manager of the Stratford office of the Industrial Development
Bank was the guest speaker at last February's annual meeting of the Exeter Board of Trade. With him are
president Ben Hoogenboom and past president the late Don Webster. t-A photo
Continued from 3
painting contract for Hensall
town hall . , Stephen township
registers an objection against the
Grand Bend sewage project .
Hay township offers a $1,500
retainer to Dashwood for fire
protection . , . Exeter council is
blasted by the Ausable-Bayfield
Conservation ,Authority for
allowing the construction of a
home in a floodplain , . . planning
sessions for Usborne township
start . . an area man is sen-
tenced to 21 days in jail for theft ,
• . Reeve Derry Boyle is upset
over Exeter's help in footing a
bill for a report which was
requested by the county . .
Exeter Lion's plan an a irshow for
August 16 and 17 . . . Doug
Riseborough, Steve Shutt and
Mario Tremblay of the Montreal
Canadiens attend the Huron
Hockey School. , . MP Robert
McKinley doubts he will run for
the PC leadership . . . Bill Amos,
Jim Hayter and Ivan Hearn will
all contest the local PC
nomination . . . one man died and
13 are injured in auto accidents in
the area . . . delays in rezoning
have caused Exeter to lose out on
several commercial develop-
tents . Mel Gaiser and Jim
kneale are, refused a building
permit as their conflict with Bill
Rowe continues. . Board of
Trade President Ben Hoogen-
boom is criticized for his closing
of Main St. for a sidewalk sale . . .
"the importance of Being Ear-
nest" plays at IICP . . . residents
along the Ausable River don't
want Grand Bend council to
assume control of the docks . . .
Jim Hayter wins the PC
nomination . . William Stewart,
Minister of Agriculture retires . .
. "Small nucleated communities"
will be the thrust of Usborne
township planning . . work on
the mobile home park in Exeter
starts . . Exeter council accepts
three recommendations from the
planning board . . charges of
harassment by the Grand Bend
OPP are withdrawn after an
investigation . . . two Michigan
men spend 24 hours adrift in a
boat before being rescued near
Grand Bend.
An inquest will probably be
held into the death of Douglas
Schilbe who was found lying dead
on Highway 84 . .. Exeter Council
debates whether or not the post of
Constable Joe O'Driscoll
should be filled after his
resignation . • . The Brooks
family completes their voyage to • England William R. Alcock of
Goderich is appointed county
clerk . . approval to build 6
townhouses is given by council . •
. 80 percent of Grand Bend
residents favor the annexation of
Oakwood and Southcott Pines . .
council decides to hire another
officer to replace O'Driscoll . .
Usborne council finishes off
planning workshops and begins
actual work on official plan . . .
Jerry Younger, Canada's
national aerobatics champion is
scheduled to appear at the Lions'
air show . a single car accident
takes the life of a Grand Bend
youth Karen DeJong is chosen
runner-up at CNE . . . • •
work on a new warehouse at Big
"0" is started . the Exeter
squirts are ranked among the top
seven soccer teams in North
America . , "Hello Dolly" sells
out its return engagement at
HOP . „ four persons die in an
auto accident near Grand Bend .
. Ontario Liberal Leader Robert
Nixon visits Exeter .. 3,500
people are entertained by the
Lions* air show . tests on the
water supply in Usborne show
that Exeter's use of water there
will not interfere with streamflow
a special "western at-
mosphere" is being added to the
Exeter rodeo this year . council
Will take over cleanup of the
Ausable bank on the north side
. a good number of entrants and iretators turn out for the canoe
Ices on the Ausable, sponsored
y the Ausable-Bayfielci Con-
servation Authority . . two area
youths are killed in an accident
on Highway 4 near Lucan . . .
PUC rates for hydro and water
are raised, 16.9 percent and 30
percent respectively . , . enrollent
in area schools drops . . Stephen
township council requests the
Ontario Ministry of Environment
to proceed with the proposed
water system for Crediton and
Centralia . Public washrooms
were given top priority by Grand
Bend council for next year . .
Approval for the study of bank
erosion on the Ausable river was
given by Grand Bend council .
all three candidates campaign
for the upcoming election on
September 18.
HCP inaugurates extended five
week tour, enjoys sell-out
crowds, permanent barn-theatre
raised . , Bosanquet given
permission to use Grand Bend
garbage dump . . . dancing
claimed an enjoyable way to
develop a bikini-fit figure .
Robert J. Heil, assumes his new
job as Hensall village clerk.. .
says "Hensall has the friendliest
people" he's ever met . . . Hensall
council accepts a tender from
Borland and Orchard of Thorn-
dale to install streetlights . . .
tenders are let out on the new
Hensall sewer system . . Bill
Davis tells a group of Goderich
citizens the Conservatives won't
force regional government on
Huron county . . . Exeter gains a
new police constable, Ronald
Flee . Exeter okays "official
gift" expenditure to hand out as
memento to outstanding citizens .
. . 19-year old Peter McCann is
crushed in an industrial accident
two days before he was to be
married . . . rainy weather
threatens white bean crops . . .
Exeter spends $23,000 on a new
street sweeper , . . Liberal leader
Robert Nixon and local candidate
Jack Riddell hold election bar-
becue at Pineridge Chalet .
Exeter council undertakes steps
to secure $75,000 LIP money for
town hall renovations . . soap
box derbyists prevail over
threatening weather . Debra
Ann Shipley graduates from
nursing and takes first job at
Toronto General „ , after third
year of financial setback, Exeter
rodeo is on verge of .being
dropped Jatta Lyn Stewart is
chosen "Fairest of the Fair" at
Western Fair . Keith Gilbert
and Rey Sutherland get their 25
year service pins at the Ailsa
Craig post office Huron
Middlesex Candidates make their
views apparent in the face of
provincial election September 18
„ Rev. Mary Mills says natural
evolution better than the ferninist
lightning fire destroys the barn of
Mr, and Mrs. J, Mitten near Mt.
Carmel . . Reeve Bob Sharen
says Grand Bend should annex, is
being ripped off by Lambton
county . "Alive in 75" is the
theme for Exeter's Fall Fair
HCP guild officers are named at
the annual meeting . . Jack
Riddell walks away with election
triumph . Elaine Overholt is
named Exeter Fair Queen ,
Ester, Steve, and Carey Eizenga
and Faron Sovereign die in a
violent auto accident . . con-
stable Walter A, Tomasik joins
the Exeter OPP detachment
Thieves take $22,000 in lawn
and garden tractors from Exeter
Ford Equipment . . , Mrs. Ella
Kerr, 57, Exeter, dies on Main
street after being struck by a car
. PUC picks water line route to
new Cudrnore well . . . visitors
from 12 countries tour
Kongskilde Ltd., Exeter .
Exeter works department
prepares for onslought of fall,
new leaf vacuum goes into action
. , Stephen township okays $500
grant to HCP , November 5 set
for date of official opening of
Huron Perth County Separate
School Board . , . ground floor of
Hensall's town hall redecorated,
official opening ceremony held . .
, Exeter Greys win ladies softball
league championship .. . Cpl, Bill
Freeth joins Exeter's OPP . . .
416,000 attend 124th annual fair
day at Ilderton , . bean crop is
still considered good in spite of
wet month of September . . Bell
Canada distributes one telephone
book per household to preserve
natural resources , . . Rodeo
controversy continues, some say
it may be cancelled in 1976. . 17-
year-old Calvin Winston Pressey,
Kippen, dies in a three car crash
on hwy. 4 south of Clinton . . .
more parking spots on Andrew
Street, Exeter, eliminated . . .
Bob Southcott announces sale of
Times-Advocate to J, W. Eedy
Publications Ltd. . . Exeter
council approves revamping
parking facilities at the Post
Office . . $425,000 CMHC loan
goes to the Blue Water Rest
Home in Zurich to construct a 24
unit senior citizens apartment
unit . . . Mery Cudmore resigns
from Exeter committee of ad-
justment . . County councillors
are unhappy with $110,000 report
on urban development in rural
areas . . the Waterloo street
storm drain between Exeter and
Stephen is shelved until 1976 . .
Hensall council expresses con-
cern about vandalism in the
village, renovations to Hensall •
arena on schedule . . . Exeter
ladies prove themselves best of
the lawn bowlers . Reeve Bob
Sharon refuses to retract an
earlier statement he made about
Lambton county council mem-
bers reporting to duty inebriated
. . Exeter council agrees to spend
$5,000 to hire consulting firm to
do study on South Huron
Recreation centre proposals . . .
SenatorRichard;Stanbury , a for-
mer Exeter resident speaks at
the Caven Presbyterian church . .
. Hensall sewer contract let to
Bre-Aar Ltd. London, completion
date estimated November 1976 .
. dead stock removal considered
an item of concern in October
meeting of Huron County
Federation of Agriculture
meeting . . members of the
Lucan volunteer fire brigade
show up for a barn fire at Art
Cunningham's in halloween
costumes, they were attending a
Lucan Legion costume dance
when the fire broke out . . . nine
Municipalities are awarded
$100,000 . Exeter area groups
rally to save Rodeo from
discontinuation . . . Stephen
council passes bylaw to govern
salvage yards in that township .
. area football teams gear up for
grid -ironplayoffs. . Hawks win
league opener . . Stewart Seeds
changes owners, Ciba-Geigy
Canada Ltd., now at the helm . .
OFA president Gordon Hill says
banks have aloof attitude to
farmers and farming business .. .
Todd Bende, Ailsa Craig, growsta
35 pound pumpkin from seed for
Holloween . . Exeter youths
well-behaved, enjoy "goblin's
day", but someone puts a needle
in a Halloween apple, no injuries
result . . Exeter receives $11,400
LIP CGIT enter their 60th
year . . Manore Marine, Grand
Bend, dispute a quit claim deed
on property located along the
Ausable River.
, The town hall belfry is slated to
come down . . Exeter road
committee decides most paving
work will take place in core area
of town . . . React group is
commended by Exeter police
chief for their work over
Halloween . . . RAP deficit
changes again to $15,000 „ . OPP
assures Hensall council the town
is adequately protected .
Panther football teams reach
Huron Perth finals . . Grand
Bend council takes steps to up-
date streetlighting on pay as you
go basis . . . negotiations between '
Grand Bend and Bosanquet on
costs to use Grand Bend's
sanitary landfill site continue . . .
Lucan council investigates
possibility of prohibiting over-
night parking on village streets . .
Junior Panthers win it all,
seniors lose for second year in a
row in the finals . citizens of
Exeter express concern over
postal strike . . . "28 James St.",
group home for exceptional
adults opens . . . Erik Gravlev,
president of J.F. Farm
Machinery Ltd., sells his com-
pany to Conat Industries Ltd . .
Remembrance Day com-
memorated . . . new editorial
staff comes to the Times
'Advocate „ Exeter's oldest
veteran, Sylvanus Cann, speaks
at Legion's Remembrance Day
dinner . Grand Bend Lions hold
stag for recreation fund. . . a late
season storm causes much
damage to Southwestern Ontario
. Ministry of Health nutritionist
Marnie Davidson tells area
women about importance of
nutrition . Dave Silcock
coaches the Exeter "Squirts" to
Huron Minor Soccer League
Championship . . new separate
school board offices opened at
Dublin . . Dashwood president
Jim Finnen announces he will
resign from Dashwood Ind. to
begin new job as president of
Allont-Buildall, Toronto; his
brother, Jerry Finnen, takes over
as Dashwood president . , . Dr.
Roger Inch tells Huron County ,
Branch of Canadian Cancer
Society "every person's cancer
needs specially tailored treat-
ment" . . Mayor Shaw discusses
restructuring and joint sanitation
ventures with mayors of Stephen
and Usborne councils . . . John
Frazer, campaigns through
Exeter, on his bid to win Tory
leadership race ... Jets grounded
7-5 by high flying Screaming
Eagles . . Lucan applies LIP
money to restore storm drain .
Leroy Levington, Lucan, loses a
$7,000 horse when it is struck by a
car on hwy. 4 . . . new storm
drains are installed in Zurich . .
OMB approves sewer project in
Grand Bend at 3.1 million, ten-
ders for additions to that plan yet
to be let out . . .HCP gets $9,000
LIP grant for promotional
campaign , . Zurich gets $9,000
LIP grant for promotional
campaign . Zurich gets $9,000
LIP to reinforce community
arena against snow build-up,
possible collapse . . Council
assures town hall committee
town hall will stay, belfry comes
down for renovations . , Huron
County Health Units Child Care
Clinic gets off to shaky start, poor
attendance . . . Bill Stewart,
former provincial minister of
Agriculture, starts column in
Times Advocate , . outside PUC
workers get eight percent in-
crease , . planning consultant
Malcolm Martini, hired by a
Lambton . county steering com-
mittee, begins investigation
concerning need for restruc-
turing Lambton county . Grand
Bend preliminary budgets for
General Administration and
Public Works tabled . . . HCP
holds annual meeting, elects new
officers . . . "wild game" dinner
held by Grand Bend Chamber of
Commerce ...Exeter cattle drive
takes place without a hitch . .
lombor 41, 1975 Pao* 19
Official plan for Exeter
receives first reading . $11,400
LIP grant is allocated for town
ball repairs „ bankrupt Hall
Lamp settles with UAW, 400
Workers get 25() each
Marianne McCaffrey, Ruth
Durand, Marion Fletcher and
Elizabeth Schroeder are honored
during International Women's
Week for town deeds the last
of Hensall's streetlights are in-
stalled and decorated for
Christmas . . Grand Bend takes
steps to implement group in-
Surance plan for village em-
ployees . „ fire protection for
Hay township may end Jan. 1,
according to Dashwood volunteer
fire department , . Townhouse
Properties of Exeter announce
they intend to build a shopping
plaza on the old Cann's Mill site .
Jack Riddell is chosen
agricultural critic , . . the Helen
E. Jermyn Senior Citizens
Apartments are officially opened
with Mayor Bruce Shaw and
MPP Jack Riddell attending . .
Grand Bend Santa Claus parade
deemed a success . . Bell
Aerospace Canada may land five
year contract, talks of moving
facilities to Centralia . Grand
Bend is eligible for government
funds to build a community
centre according to Lorne
Henderson . . . Exeter's official
plan met opposition at a public
meeting, developers wonder
about zoning changes in relation
to their property . Goderich
psychiatric to be closed in
Ontario budget move . . Santa
gets letters . fishing boats are
causing damage to the public
docks in Grand Bend . . Grand
Bend council makes plans to
invite Chuck McMurray, Ontario
Housing Rehabilitation Program
supervisor to discuss government
home improvement funding for
low income families . . .
Saturday, Jan. 3
cultural revolution . .. incumbent
Lorne Henderson tells Grand
Bend voters provincial deficit not
as bad as opposition says a
plaque commemorating Howie
Morenz as one of Canada's
hockey greats is erected in
Mitchell . . a zoning bylaw for
Biddulph township is approved
by the OMB . . . directors of the
National Farmers Union meet in
Toronto to discuss the Ontario
Beef-calf Income Stabilization
,program . . Mrs. Dorothy
Bullock, Carling Street, Exeter,
grows a three pound tomato. .
RAP sees a deficit of $19,000 .
North Star Yachts opens 55,000
square foot manufacturing
building . . Rev. David Brunner
arrives in Ailsa Craig area to
accept position as pastor of Nairn
Mennonite church . . Jack
Burghardt of CFPL-TV speaks at
Lucan Ecumenical service . . .
Green Forest Motor Hotel
("grand Bend
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