HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-12-31, Page 18IN .MEMORIAM-, JONES In loving memory of a- dear father and friend. Lloyd who was taken one year ago New Years Eve I want to tell the world The story of my Dad, To me he was so wonderful The best Dad I will ever have. I loved my Dad with his heart of gold, Was more to me than wealth untold. So this month comes with deep regret It brings back days we cannot forget. But the saddest part of all this was, Ile left so suddenly without a goodbye But memories of !Mu will never die These memories are as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We lost but God bad gained, One of the best'Dads the world contained, So our hearts still ache with sadness And our silent tears still flow. For what it meant to lose you Dad No one will ever know. Too dearly loved to be forgotten. Forever remembered and sadly mis- sed by daughter Linda and fiancee Bill, JONES - In loving memory of a dear devoted father, Lloyd Edwin Jones, who passed away January 1, 1975 The blow was great, the shock severe We little thought the end was near.. And only those who have lost can tell, The pain of parting without farewell, More each day we miss you, father, Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed. Always loved and remembered by his son. Larry and daughter-in-law Lois and grandson Douglas. 1p JONES - In loving memory of a dear brother-in-law, Lloyd Jones who passed away. one year ago, January 1.1975. Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever. Sadly missed and ever remembered by brother-in-law, Arnold Wasnidge. 1p JONES - In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle Lloyd, who passed away suddenly, one year ago, January 1, 1975. We little knew as we woke that morn, The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Each time we look at your picture. You seem to smile and say, Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet again some day. Always remembered by Norval, Mildred and family. 1p WASNIDGE - In loving memory of a dear sister, sister-in-law and Aunt Hazel who passed away two years ago. December 26, 1973. December brings back memories Of a loved one gone to rest She will always be remembered By those who loved her best Her memory is as dear friday As in the hour she passed away. Lovingly remembered by brother, Norval, sisters-in-law. Mildred and Helen. nieces and nephews. 1p New Year Blessings to our many customers and friends May 1976 help us all to renew our faith and love one another for Peace on Earth to all mankind. Kestle Apiaries Dave, Eleanor, Janis Tom & Lynn Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FREE BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30.9 p.m. HURON COUNTY H E ALTH UNIT Anti St., Exeter for Information Call 23510'14 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings All Medications, IUD's, etc, provided free of charge Everyone welcome Caven Presbyterian Church Minister REV WILFRED D. JARVIS, B.A.. B.D. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, January 4 1 1:1 5 a.m.-Morning Worship Everyone Welcome No Sunday School until January 11th. Exeter United Church James at Andrew Ministers: REV. GLEN D. WRIGHT, B.A.. B D and REV. HAROLD SNELL, B.A.. B.D . Organist and Choirmaster' Mr. Robert Cameron Music Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday, January 4 9:45 a.M.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Rev. Harold Snell Nursery Courtesy Car - 35-1681 Zion United Church Crediton Minister REV. BRUCE PIERCE, 8.Th. Organist Douglas Lewis Sunday, January 4 10:00 a,m.-Morning Worship All are welcome The Anglican Church of Canada Trivitt Memorial Rebtor REV. G. A, ANDERSON, 0,F.C., Dip. Th. Second SUriday after Christmas January 4, 197 5 11:15 a.m.-,.Morning Prayer Guest Speaker: Mr. Owen Cook Everyone Warbornef NORM WMTING anctioneep I AUCTION SALE of Antiques, Household Furnishings, Farm Machinery & Misc. Items At the Dashwood Community Center Sat., Jan. 10 at 12:30 p.m. sharp For Mrs. Adeline Kroft & Mr. Lambert Witmer Both have given up their home ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Oak 9 pce, diningroom suite, including roundtable, china cabinet with glass on 3 sides, a buffet and 6 chairs; oak drop leaf table; sm. pine dry sink; sm. pine corner dry sink; 7 flat to wall cupboards one pine; Ige. pine armoire; pine hutch ; pine harvest table with two wide boards on top; pine harvest table with 3 drawers; pine chest of drawers; Ige. drop front secretary desk with hutch ; library table, side board; 2 press back rockers, one with arms; wicker rocker; 3 other rocking chairs; set of 5 press back chairs; Windsor arm chair; high chair; odd chairs; wall paper rack; clock shelf; gramophone; 4 parlor chairs; 3 open wash stands, 2 pine; pine chest of drawers; dresser with lamp shelf; oak dresser; oak bed & dresser; spool bed; 5 pce, bedroom suite like new condition; fern stand ; pine blanket box; trunks; wicker basket; mantel clock; floor model radio; apple butter copper kettle; copper tea kettle; copper boiler; wicker baby buggy; wooden barrels; 7 pce. toilet set ; finger oil lamp; cream, sugar, butter & spooner set; Bristol vase ; pedestal cake plates; compote; cheese dish; Bennington bowl & pitcher; duck on nest; dishes, such as, pressed glass, Wedgwood, Occupied Japan, and hand painted pieces; mustard dish with lid & spoon; salt & pepper; salt dips; egg cups; carnival glass bowl; maple leaf celery dish; ruby flash pitcher Souvenir of Grand Bend; syrup pitcher; vinegar jug; 2 coffee grinders; miniature iron; butter bowl; bake board; wooden rolling pin with frame; wool winder; cabbage slicer; McCormicks tins; Heart Crown seaters; Jeannette Mason Home Packer sealers; lantern; bread mixer; butter churn; stuffed animals; pictures, frames & mirrors; crocks; jugs etc. and many other items not mentioned. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & MISC, ITEMS: 22" Admiral color television; Admiral B&W television; cloven port; hostess arm chair; wooden diningroom table; single bed & mattress; baby crib; Kelvinator refrigerator, 2 electric ranges; washing machine; hand vacuum cleaner; Ige, kitchen table; 2 leaves; odd chairs; sewing machine; electric, toaster, heater, clock, con opener, radio and hot plate; crokinole board; exercise bike; pots & pans; sets of dishes and odd dishes; pillows linens; silverware; step ladder; training horse harness; quilt frame; gas lantern; single shot 12 gauge shot gun; single shot 22 rifle; tools; power lawn mower; hand & garden tools, and many other items, FARM MACHINERY: 1948 Ford 8-W tractor with point hitch & pulley & heat }looser; 2 furrow 3 point hitch plow; 6 ft. 3 point hitch cultivator; and land packer. TERMS: CASH Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235..1964, for any further Inforniation FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Monday and Wednesday BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter 6:30 p,m. Huron Park 6:40 p,m. Centralia 6:45 p,m. Lucan 6:55 p,m. Phone 235-0450 50th Wedding Anniversary for NEWT & ELLA RAE HAYTER Sat., Jan. 3 9 - 1 a.m. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by HEYWOOD BROTHERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome No Gifts Please Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Rom visited -Saturday with Mr. 4 Mrs. Harry Spading, London. Mr. & Mrs, Gerry, Grubb, Farquhar, Ruth Rome-, London, spent Christmas Day with Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Borne. Mr, & Mrs. Blaine Hunter and boys spent Sunday with Mrs, Hazel- Coward. Mrs, Hazel Coward spent Christmas Day with. Mr. & Mrs. Bev Parsons. Mr. & Mrs. Wibb Coward, Mr, & Mrs. Ray Baxter and MellisSa spent Sunday December 21 with Mrs. Hazel Coward, Mr. & Mrs, Theron Creery, Mr. Earl Creery, Mr. & Mrs. Claude Vigeant and family, London, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Drynan, Hamilton. C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C, DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. ACTION CENTRE MART - ANTIQUES - Located on Highway No. 4 North of Exeter PRIMITIVES - FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES - NOSTALGIA - BUY, SELL, TRADE - *DO-1T-YOURSELF REFINISHING CENTRE Quality Wood Finishing Products Prepared With You In Mind. -Minwax - Deft - 18 Century - P.V.R. -Accessories (steelwool, sandpaper, glue, etc.) *AUCTIONS WITH ACTION EXPERIENCE WITH SERVICE Complete or Partial Estates in our Auction Room or Your Premises "You Name The Day - We Make It Pay" Drop in or Phone 672-3566 Bill and Lavarre Clark Shop Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. - Sat. - Sun. We Work HARD For YOU GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX - ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 GERALD'S DATSUN LTD. SALES - SERVICE LEASING Open 8 a.m. -9 p.m, Phone 527 -1010 SEAFORTH Catch the Datsun Spirit Hugh Toth FII_SON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place, We guarantee you more. To insure 'success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX-ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE No Job Too Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone .Collect 235.1964 EXETER RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 495 DUNDAS STREET LONDON N6B 1M4 CANADA Office: 433.3803 Residence: Lucan 227-4823 G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST., LUCAN Phone 227-4584 NORMS & GEE Chartered Accountants J. A. NORRIS L. D, GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 150 (519) 235-0101 SUITE 208 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 (519) 673.1421 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. EXETER - 235.0281 RES: 10 Green Acres - GRAND BEND 238.8070 langkart, attd Co. Chartered Accountants 260 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235.0120, Res. 238-8075 FARM SALES Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666.0289 Free Appraisal "Colt now for complete Auction Service" HOUSEHOLD SALES ,r Yuletide visitors at Wincheisea BIRTHS GLENN - Robert and Louise (nee Paul) of Goderich announce the safe arrival of their daughter. Margaret Ellen, December 19. 1975 at Victoria Hospital. a sister for Michelle, Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paul London, On- tario and Mr. and Mrs Goldwin Glenn of Exeter. Ontario. . 1p WURM - Melvin and Sharon an- nounce the birth of a son. Shawn Alvin, December 15 at South Huron Hospital, le CARDS OF THANKS, Mrs. John Campbell ( nee Revingtoni Tweedsmuir Ave., Chatham. Ont. wishes to sincerely thank all who remembered her with your many kindnesses while being a patient in Victoria Hospital in Lon- don. Your thoughtfulness and prayets were all deeply appreciated by her family. lc I would like to thank all my friends. relatives and neighbours for the cards, visits. and treats while I was in hospital also to the doctors and nurses on 4th floor St Joseph's Hospital. Your kindness was really appreciated. - Leslie Thomson 1p Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours of Goshen and Varna for the gift. I received at a recent shower A special thanks to the ladies who arranged and held this event. It was greatly appreciated - Mary M. Stephenson lc Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Main at Victoria REV DON FORREST Wednesday evening - Watch Night Service, 9:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m,-Communion Ser- vice Guest Soloist: Ken Wallace Sunday, January 4 We invite you to join us for the following services 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11 :00A.m.-Moming VVorehip „ Holy Communion 7:00 p.m.-Evening Service We would welcome. your prayer requests. Christian Reformed Church Guest Minister Rev. 1'. Hoogsteen Special Services NEW YEARS EVE at 8:00 p.m. NEW YEARS MORNING at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, January 4 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service 2:15 p.m.-Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dia11570 Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental - Evangelical PASTOR: RAY MILLER Sunday, January 4, 1975 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School A class for every age 11:00 a,m.-"God will never let us go" I Samuel Chapt, 2 7:30 p.m.-"Overcoming the 2nd Death" - Rev. Chapt, 2:1-14 Nursery facilities at all Sunday Ser- vices for children four years and under. Wed. 8:00 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study Mrs, E. A, Keyes, Organist Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets PASTOR: REV. K. HAHN Sunday, January 4 8:30 a.m.--Morning Service Welcome Centralia Faith Tabernacle Sunday, January 4 10:00 a,m.-Sunday School 11:00 a,m,-Morning Worship 8:00 p,m.-Evangelistic ServiOe Everyone Welborn& Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN, 8.A., 8,11. Minister New Years Eve - 8:00 p,m, New Years Morning -16:00 a.m. Sunday, January 4 8:00 a,m,-0-"Words at Hope" WOAR 1140 AM 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:10 a.m.Surtday School 7:30 !Int.-Worship In the Dutch Language CARDS OF 'THANKS -- We would like to thank all our Ex- eter friends for Christmas greetings received during the festival season Your kindness was greatly ap- preciated by both of us. Kindest regards to all. - Mae and Andy M. Easton 1p "Thank You" comes from the bot- tom of my heart. to all my family, relatives. neighbours and friends, for prayers. visits, cards. flowers, gifts of all kinds. while I was a patient in University Hospital. - Esther Gackstetter 1p Special thanks to our family. relatives. neighbours, and friends for making our 25th wedding anniver- sary a memorable occasion Thanks also for all the gifts, cards and letters. It was all greatly ap- preciated. -- Bill and Jean Johns lc Many thanks to my customers of Crediton East for remembering me at Christmas time Wishing you all a Happy New Year -- our Free Press carrier. Steven Dinney lc The family of the late Ethel Selves wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes. cards, charitable donations and other expressions of sympathy. Special thanks to the staff and nurses of the Blue Water Rest Home. Dinney's Funeral Home, Rev. Barry Robin- son, the pallbearers and ladies of Thames Road Church. Your kindness will always be remembered. - Bob and Mabel. Lee and Helen. I p Race HappyliewYear We ask God to guide us all in our lives and endeavors during the coming year. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish REV. J. MOONEY, PASTOR Phone 237-3593 MASS Saturday-7:30 p.m. St. Peter's C hurch - Hwy. 4 Sunday-9:00 a.m. Precious Blood Mission (at Anglican Church, Exeter) Main at Gidley Sunday-11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Church Courtesy Car: Phone 235-0 1 1 1 Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A. Organist: Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, January 4- 9:45 a.m.-Church Service 10:50 a.m.-Sunday School Everyone Welcome Dashwood Vacancy Pastor REV. MARVIN BARZ 10:00 a,m.-New Years Day Service Sunday, January 4 9:00 a.m.-Divine Service 10:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class Welcome IN MEMORIAM. Joins In loving memory of a dear husband. Lloyd Edwin who pass- ed away 1 year ago. January 1. 1975. One sad and lonely year has passed- Since that great sorrow fell. The shock that we received that day No one can ever tell Your end came sad and sudden No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it Only God knows the reason why A golden heart slopped beating Two hard working hands at rest God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best beautiful memory is all I have left Of a husband and father so dear we will never forget Always so true, unselfish and kind Few in this world, his equal you'll (Ind Deep in my heart his memory is kept. I loved him too dearly to ever forget. Lovingly remembered by his wife. Helen. 1p ('ASH BINGO - Seaforth Legion Hall. Friday„Ianuary. 2. 1976 at 8:15 p m. sharp. 15 regular games for • $10.00 each and a $75 00 Jackpot to go each week. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25e or 7 for $1.00. (Children un- der 16 not permitted. I Proceeds for Welfare Work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. ltfnc EUCHRE PARTY - at Elimville Hall, Monday, January 5. 1976 at 8:15 p.m. sponsored by Elimville W.I. ladies bring lunch. Admission 50e Ic THE, HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Health Unit office. South Huron Hospital, Exeter commencing Tuesday, January 13. 1976 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is in- terested please pre-register by call- ing 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 235-1014. Both husbands and wives are invited to at- tend and participate in the dis- cussions. 1.2c FETTES TOURS and Travel, 184 Main St, S., Mount Forest, Ontario. FLORIDA TOURS: Fettes Tours offer several tours to the south this year. All are fully escorted using first class accommodation and wash- room equipped coaches. Pick ups are made en route. Phone collect for complete details. Free brochures available. 14 DAY CIRCLE FLORIDA AND NASSAU CRUISE: Covers same routing as above and includes Stephen Foster Memorial, Busch Gardens, World's Largest Shell Shop and Disneyworld. Also features a 3 night cruise from Miami to Nassau aboard the luxury, 24,458 ton cruise ship the U. Emerald Seas with casino, pool, bars, night club, enter- tainment, lavish meals and all cabins with private facilities, Departs Jan. 31 (limited space). 14 DAY FLORIDA BEACH- COMBER: A relaxing tour to Florida departing Feb. 14 and spen- ding 6 nights on beautiful St. Petersburg Beach, Disneyworld in- cluded and kitchens available on this tour. 18 DAY TROPICAL TEXAS AND MEXICO: Departs March 15 and spends 3 nights in New Orleans with guided city tour included, Spends 7 nights in beautiful condominium apartments on Padre Island Texas.- Visits Houston, Matamoros, Mexico, King Ranch, Memphis and Austin. A very relaxing tour with side trips and admissions included. 21 DAY CALIFORNIA TOUR: De- parts April 19 for beautiful spring scenery, All side trips, tours and ad- missions included. Visits Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Omaha, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Petri- fied Forest, Painted Desert, Univer- sal Studios, Disneyland, and much more. All tours are booking rapidly. Reserve your space now. Phone Fettes Tours at 323-1545 Mount Forest for complete details on all tours. Free brochures available. By 0ENISE.FLETCHgR. Mr. & Mrs, Ron Fletcher and family,. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lynn and Mark celebrated Christmas with Mr. & Mrs. Don London. Mr. & Mrs. R. Weston and family, Smith, Robert Gibson, all of St. Marys, visited Christmas Day with Mr, 4 Mrs. Eric Clayburn. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Winbow and family visited Christmas Day with Mr. & Mrs. Roger Green- slade and Karen of London. Mr. & Mrs. Theron Creery, Mr, Earl Creery visited Christmas Day with Mr. & Mrs. Claude Vigeant, London, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Coward and family spent Christmas Day with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Simpson, Exeter. Rick Stephens, Thunder Bay, Mrs. Evelene Stephens, Margret Brock and Tracy, Wayne Schrader, Mitchell, spent By MRS, HUGH MORENZ Mr, & Mrs. Sid Durie and Glenn visited Sunday in Toronto with their two mothers, Mrs. Peter Wardlaw and Mrs. Gordon Durie. Mr, & Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner, Mr. & Mrs. Torn Rosser and Audrey Finkbeiner of London were with their aunt, Mrs. Ernest Keyes, Exeter, Cindy Desjardine of Ripley spent some Christmas holidays with her parents and brother, Mr. & Mrs. Willis Desjardine and Ray, and her grandmother, Mrs, Mabel Desjardine. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Turnbull were with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Eagleson and other relatives at Parkhill, and with Morton Turnbull in the Nursing Home at Parkhill. Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Latta, Gary, Diane and Loriane of Waterloo, Mrs. Garnet Willert of Dash- wood, Fred Weiburg, visited with Christmas Day with Mr. 4 Mrs. Ivan Brock , Mr. & 'Mrts. Murray Coward and family visited Satarday with Mr. & Mrs, R, Brasser, Mr. & Mrs, Oswald Blitehereit and boys, Mississauga, Rueben Pehlke, Mottktort, Mr% & Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Mr, & Mrs, Larry Fulton, Brent Mills, Atwood, spent Boxing Pay with mr, Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Mr. & MrS, Blair Fletcher, London, Mr, & Mrs. Larry Lynn and Mark, Mr. & Mrs. Don Hooper, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hooper, Exeter, Grant Hooper, Wood- stock, spent Christmas Day with Mr. & Mrs, Ron Fletcher. Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton visited recently with Mr, & Mrs. Albert Hutton and Mr, & Mrs, William Hutton, Listowel, Mr. & Mrs, Bison Lynn, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lynn and Mark, Mr. & Mrs, Jim Lynn visited Boxing Day with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skinner, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Devine. Mr. & Mrs, Otto Plein of Kit- chener, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Snyder of Greenway, Esther Snyder of Chicago, visited their parents, Mr. & Mrs, Ferman Snyder and brothers James and Edwin. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Chambers of St, Catharines, Pam Durie of London were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Sid Durie and Glenn. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morenz visited the Nicklom family, and their son Bill in London, also with Mrs. Lynda Morenz and their granddaughter, Persephone, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker Jr., Bonnie, Tracey and Shellie of Stratford, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Regier Jr., and Christopher, Mr. & Mrs, Tony Regier, Sr,, of Detroit, and Mr. & Mrs. Don Baker were guests of Mr, & Mrs. Ken Baker Sr., Gary, Nancy and Donna. Zion Lutheran Church • Shipka personals