HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-05-07, Page 4• beep is this gam lies peer, foollIb 1 foWIgemitters sari fretting had a *terrible Non She way, Alt alit d day, Bat now tier o plsftted her deep, Where no wag of her tongue can bother , kis sleep. This is the tomb of old Domini. Carson, A very long tun, and a long-winded parson; Hi lad to religion a lot of poor critters, tThea died, sad was band by geed Deacon Flitters. :Caderthis mons/ lies' a wicked old ' tailor, 'iho swore when1ostsli 4lase than say old sailor Arid what was still tt M„ known as • liar; Of one thing I'm aurid hIPS1.311neOlte fire. May he come back to ileiley 4iore evil, Out stay where he to, and be et Arne with the devil. Six feet ander grouted l:ee a grjeyoa old 1 • sinner, Who died one day, while eating his ala- i *, new; Some meat get lodged he hie *Repip• I sore, h stopped his breath, so be eats yi no mon. ' Ctbnsider well, and harry not, ' stranger: as you,psA6h. spat; th thus stone mei 01.40 to rot, • i'!t!s bones of an old *illuminist; l H. wasted life, he courted death, ' LDd quaffed the eup with kis latest breath. • Then pause gad this • i Wellyou too d 11l1t this grave reposes Sir Lila* Joss, When the worms est his d..k, you may find the bones. ]Iliad sad Yaliise-. _. small and remapkablatjgtt never expect to est fatter; to science I'm up to nayekin.- e trtumph of mord ever matter! rel a moot corpulent dun Who is by profession "a Wetter," itb maty gaotattoa fron "Fun:" The triumph of mind overman:ter! is rate) a pugilist, till down the large teardrops would patter; (1. believe he is blubbering still'? , The triumph of mind over matter: I'1 give a Goliath the lie, I'tlleare not a tie fur his clatter - "e / ltnch 'Heath my oongrering eye! 1The triumah of mind over ma teerl i wife is immense, butt a dunce - S o when she commences to chatter, 1 frown and she's quiet at once' • The triumph of mind over matter: e OD= Alla ETD& Drawing paper -Th. dlsstist's bill. Paper for the ronshse-thand paper. A taking paper -Thio ;sheriffs war - ht. piritualist's paper -(W )rapping pa- T!Seaside views -That visitors should be undered unmercifully. A trice American Is ton proud to beg d too honest to steal. He gets trust- Dar•bery News. Why is chloroform llkb Mendelasohnl use it is one of the greatest com- es of modern times. WHY is a lovely young lady like s et Because she is somethaig to a - A LIA&]UD bishop wittily defines a er as "a man who u able to think on his legs." NV NT is a philanthropist like an old ie1 Retinae he always stops at the and of qoe. Wise best describes and meet im- a Christian's " Pilgrim's PrugreseY" Bunyan (bunion). An old lady thinks the Government da must be a family of strong reli- ne instincts, because she hears of so y of them being converted. A fashionable young lady, seeing a get Thoma+ at carve his spine, ez- imed, "Oh. what a lovely bustle he aid make:" A Southern paper speaks of "the th of several citizens from throat dis- t*, soperinduoed by essays." t''Tss Rosy." -Little Girl: Oh, Mr. An -siring, is the paint you, oolour your ,ryes with the same as that mamma 'el►lonrs her cheeks with? Mr. B. and 1 ma enjoy themselves. Hes Mr. smith been here inquiring ms to tisyI" asks Brown of the hall rter at his club. "Can't say, sir," 1 • lien th•porter-aa Iruhman ofenures; know Mr. Smith by siert, but not by An old stager was compelled by his rthr spouse to "join the cold water y," which he did, promising never to ,ttimash a drop of anything ells exempt in meekness, He bas never been well ' a. • A witrrese offs er, one day while re-' t&ng his eotnpeay, happened to be wn from his horse, and as he lay wling on the ground, said to a friend Who ran to his assistance, "I thought I td improved in horsemanship, but I adi Moe fuUew off'." Said • woman to ma. for wham I was sighing two grains of calomel for a aid: "Diens be s,► mean wi' it -it's for poor fatherless bairn." "If poor George had not blown into N muzzle of his gun," sighed a rnral sdow at the funeral of her late' bus• wd last Saturday, "he might hove gut lenty of sgnirrels. 'It was such a good i v fcr them." "Are you going to make • flower -bed e re, Judkinsl" &eked a young, lady of • gardener. '•Yea, mum, them's the ' orders," answered the gardener. Why, All quite spoil our croquet rind." "Can't help it, mum; them's e p, s borders; he says as ' ow he'd it lei•1 out for'urtieul tors', not fur dry." Divraasc'r VI.w4 Or HAMPST.AD RATS. -Edwin (to his Angelina). With ea be my side, my very o'vn, with you, could -wander among these heavenly and dales ter crer!-Ang.hna (to . E Twin): And re could I with yids, y eeriest own" f tr e'er, and. ever, and • vas::.-Awaliut's Suter (to herself): • 1 dear wee! What a trotting up and down all ie, to be sere! Hems, tror Barons. -"I am willing sirs with my opponent all goy its on tt.'• said • celebrated Irish lawyer. in a speech at the bar. "Split that, then, said the opponent, pulling I specimen from his own head, and •z- $.ndis it. "May it plias. your lord - hips, I didn't say bristles, was the re - iguana. 'ltirrwret 5INIILTS.-"If you would • oases an idea of the ocean in storm." • Pays a Temperance orator, "just imagine goer thousand hills Iasi fosir tb.asand � is • state of i , i reaming over newly ploughed g "rah lois of ewers. in it for them to :top into sow and then." 1..-A Swish post sus- t er, T7pnis elf a 'VOL, Sao. ° sap- � f'mm` ooi b b.enht a a Elia 'the st 8 oI goal Ike d hat's Dar/ set u' IMMObosee ," � the 'rish- r. s st fast, ye, 'righ- tmost; "bet they set border .oni after they arrive hese." I r r,--Altoeomtmr in T. the lif ail 'won'. ning .exams"Trill exams •see 'tetiq- e fleosessoe scan ' Iowan like 1 tK .T�re l�les -Mn talo*' thin t t �___fsr Iieesao oM+ ne Mei b bs owe oe ytor #~g�jn�awest we bee • neje' rr°iew.� � fassis MA 11Pited aggesousseb Win Am - =its =its awl Zelse To prevent the smoking of • lamp - Seek the wick in strong vinegar, and dry it well before eau use it' Eggs may be preserved by applying with s brush a solR2ion of gum arabic to the shell, and sfterwarde packinx them in dry charcoal dust. To render shoes waterproof -Warm • little bees wax and mutton suet until it is liquid, and rub some of it slightly over the edge of the sole where the stitches are. To clean cane chairs.-Sponlre them until well soaked, with soap and water. Marble may be cleaned by mixing up a onantity of the strongest soap lees and quick liege, to the consistence of milk, and laying it on the martin fes twenty- four boars; clean it afterwards with soap sad water. Ink spots may be taken nut of mahog- any by applyicg spirits of salt. Wax may be taken out of cloth by holding a red -bot iron within an inch or two of the. marks, and afterward rub- bing them with is soft clean rag. Silk articles should nos be- 'sept fold- ed in white paper, as the chloride of lime used in bleaching the paper will impair the solour of;the silk. Mildewed limn maybe restored by soaping the spots whie wet, then cove r- ing with fine chalk scraped to pwdeor, and rob well in. To take ink 'Woe coloured out of a colou d il table cover. -Dissolve a tea-spoonft of Ta oxalic acid in a tea cup of hot water; h e the stained part well with the solution. fue BCBis.-The first applieseion t a burn should be sweet oil, putting it on immediately, till other remedies can be prepared. -A half worn carpet may be made to a lame longer by ripping it apart n1 transposing the breadths. Papier-mache articles should be we'll - rad with a sponge and cold water without soap, dredged with fteur when da, tp, and pn;ished with • flannel. Medicine stains may bs removed f ni silver spoons heir robbing them 'Tith a rag dipped in sulpnric scid, and wes`1 n g if off with soap ants. er To Loosen a Glass Stopp.- ur round ita little sweet oil cleee to he month of the bottle, and lay it near he fire ; afterwards wrap a thick of th round the end of a stick ant strike he stopper gently. as T rn i Po t t t Glass should be washed in eel l water, which gives ita brighter and clearer lonk then when cleaned with warm water. Iron Wipers. --Old soft towels, nr pieces of phi sheets unable -cloths, make excellent iron -wipers. ' To Bleach a Faded Dress. -Wash it well in hoe ands, and beil it nntil the colour seems to be gone, then weeh, and 'rinse, and dry it in the snn ; if still not quite white reyast the boiling. Flannel should always be washed with white soap, and in waren, but not boiling water. A hat should be brushed every day with a hat brush, and twice a thy in dna. ty weather. , A Nice Way to Bake Apple.. --Tyke nice sour apple., (lig nut the core.. place the apples in a deep dish or tin, Ell the cavities where the cores come oat with sugar ; von? a cep of hot' water in the tin ;bake in•a quick oven; ami v,nt will have a healthy anal palatable dish. Perspiring and Old Feet -A great many people suffer from this cause, and the mischief is not confined to the feet. It extends to the head, throat,, end brief, to the entire porion. How should perspiring and cold feet be mule dry and wanes -Answer: Dip them in told water night before retlri ti, and rub them till they are warns• with the naked hand. Wash them with soap and water every morning: Change the stockings, three times a week, or in had Eases, three times a day. Wear substan- tial leather boots, and avoid nt`-bers. Bad odours emitted by the feet, is re- moved by the same treatment.. 1 have prescribed this in hundreds of cases and flaave never known it t., fail -De. D;o Lewis. / - CHLAP AND DC RABLE PAINT. -Take one part fine sand, two parts wood ashes, three parts slacked lime; sift through a fine siere or screen; mix well, then stir with linseed oil to the consistency of ntdinary paint; raid a littl. lampblack to darken the col- tar if wanted. This, for outbuilain„s. fences, etc., ii one of the most durable, as well as cheapest paint there is. It is also fire proof on all ordinary occasions and is equally -good on wood or Krick. Apply as other paints are applied-fitat coat light, second heavy. - To SOFTav PUTTY. -To remove odd putty from broken windows, dip a small brush is nitric or muriatic acid (obtain- able at any druggist's), and with it an- oint or paint over the dry putty that ad- heres on the broke/ glass ani frames of your windows and after an hour's inter- val the putty will become so soft as to be removed easily. ''Five Mrxerts Yositlesw•aCelte 'J' -Everybody who has traveled be rail- road has heard thesbnveamsnnncemert, endless probably suffered from eating' iso hastily, thereby awing the seed of'. Dvapepsia. It is a comfort to hnnw 'that the Peruvian Syrup will cure the worst case of Dvsoopsia, as thousands are ready to testify.. The naw combination of Hypo - phosphite', invented by Mr. Fellows (Fellows Compound Syrupof Hypephos- phites) is making many extraordinary cures thronghout the Provinces, parttc-. ularly in diseases of the nervous system, the heart and the lungs. THE ERIE CANAL. -Thu canal is 360 miles in length, and the tolls colL'ctel upon it for 1861 amounted to over three million dollars, which is nearly double the amount collected in any precious year; and while nor neighbors have so much' reason to he pleased at this result it is gratifying to know that the sales of the `'Canadian Pain Destroyer." for the cure of coughs, colds. sprains. bruises, rheu- matism, frost -bites, chillhlains, Ac, is ink ereasing much faster. Sold by all medi- oine dealers at 25 cts per bottle. riels your throat sere, nr are you annoye.l byes cot.staut cough? If so, use pminptly ' Bryans Pulmonic Wafers." -They will give yen instant relief. They relieve the air passages of phlegm or mucous, and allay inflammation, and no safer remedy can he had for coughs, colds, or any complaint of th+throat or lungs. and if taken in time their efficacy will soon beproved. Sold by all Drug- gists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. CARELttsawss., -Many per. ons neglect their horses' health and conditi,n until it is too late, when at a trifling ex pence and no trouble the horse might have saved if attended to in time. -To all who may have occasion to use an article of the kind we would confi,tently recommend "Darley's Condition Powders and Ara. bian Heave Remedy;" it is without doubt the best preparation in use. as thousands who have used it testify. Remember the tame, and see that the signature of fiord A Co. is en each package.. Northrop d Lyman, Newcastle. Ont., pri.rriet'rrs fur Canada. Sold by all medicine deal- ers. 10 11151. • l aswe'e Reeertrie Oil! Worth reit 7irae. fie Weir in God. LW re Iasi. aa,sAi.y ✓ u l if ass, per vee slit $133,275. POPULAR DISTRIBUTION OF NEW BOOKS, Wall _Vapor, t. SOLD AND SILVER! ' UTLER- ,e W.Ai ' CHEtS : I 'WHOLES LEARETW1L AT B.Y THE NEW YORK & B ;RL1N WATCH At3SOC t AT ION. 0e a system that will Insure to every ticket -holder a Go,i or silver Watch worth not tans thee 512, or of any value up 10441/11, at s 011144bsm Ore of • (110) TSN DOLLARS ($10) to ekes tee dhpoeal of 4525,:. 0 Werth, menaced .t a Traction or their cost to mend advaae.s made on than. obis not betas a gilt eetsrpnse or lottery there are no blanks, but every ticket trews as elegant watch of one of the fulk.wisy movemsots•at a cost of only 1110: Gold and Serer Chronometer, Daniel, Stem Winding. Detached Lever, Vertical and Horizontal Wat'Aes. ricketato draw any of the above sent on receipt of 46 Ceuta. A tieketds•eribtngeach watch u placed In a 'eels,* envelope. On reoei-,coma t of 95 cas one is indiicrirainately drawn from the whole, whi, b ale well mixed. You will know the value of the. watch your ucket demand.; before paying for It Tae watch named will be delivered W the ticket-Lo'uer on itayment et 510. Pr:ze+lie noine1lately sent to any 3•1.1iu,s by Express or by Mail. OPINIONS OF TDF. PREYS: "A marvetlone chance ami fur dealing tae -Lala:" TIM,. "AD honorable and seti+factory dr..sieg.', -Advocate ..6 ,bormghly reliable rv,nr•ern;"- (hurter. 'Yogitt enterprise humbug.''-Jlerafd. We are permitted to refer to the following, who have *awe yalaable retries@ for 510: RiseAda Estes. 0uildfolyd, $150 Gold Watch. Amu. ,Berto-., &,.toe, 560 Silver Kat.ih. William Griensoze, et. Louis, 5200 oo'd Wat,•h. M's. M. Pamine, Milwaukee, gene Goll watch. Emily tior los, RtehmeruL 8125 Gold Watch. .5 tickets eid he t'wwerded fur 11.00; 11.11, 53.00; 35 for 53 00;00 for $0.05; 114 tor *15.00.• Cintnlara wilt semen pany the tickets., To erery purchaser of 130 tickets we will send a h$ulaome Driver Hunting Case W,teh which salt he need a.a•perimru, sal wilt lead to large and potable bc,lnraa. Our p nems can depend opdrivel:, hilt1at�ieating. Then are 10 blanks, every tirknt ra+l� a watch, A.eent wanted. to whim a over liberal induce -a meet, and guarantee satlsl's4tluu. • Address BEALL. I:EWER t On., 91 Park Itow. New York. The i1esptoler B'Assortment OF JEWILLERt OFALL KINDS JUST Otani' YED, 1 I slid to be sold O• HI A1PA'l' 13U'['LLlt's Dishing Tackles, VT ALk KINDy4 �1NSISTINOiOt• Itt.ELtt, , BASYiitITSi earl .ad LINEa4 ole rnuerioi kin SELLMC AT COST Midst , Wth A .1""•l �aw:Uf The IbIlowlwt; !gash,' ■.iksare .tended as beim 1:91' 0i N G tee,: 4111011116 E,stat The long Erb*, or &•he.,le t.... 00 Q �1 Kin kel's New Method for need Or- t i M I Ian. will he ready Arterial let 1 HTT Peters. 6bW mPLm.NrbOOL. „g IS Over seo,SOGeopies In nr, ' • ._ O Peter.' Rniwwc a' LMmer,......... 'forearm Guitar Sr tl........•••• i 50 5o Feetleal t'l imee,rar!Owing ('lea•• , 4 w. Piuecltra Gtre It,e,k. With t 1 60 Piano or Oman A cools enle.rnt, t•_ l.udden's School few the Your, ... • 5 50 Peter: Art of MewliE...:•.......-a w E " 00 witchtr•Vtolinerh (Petceu'eddwn) 300 It rauiner'• Mote 'Wheel. • • • ... vim nent'wit'a Ttelln rh.o',..... Si: wlnititent,dt•. F•IttteSanest, ..•••• 75. • O Peters, Viet in 'S,•had,........... ri Teter.' Flute aeh•,ol............. D 1'rteri Parlor Companion, For 'i, i a IS, Flute. Violin. and Plano. "{ Peter: Parlor t'empaulon. For, of Flute and Piva,1 4 '., Any !Onset liven Ins *est treat-nnid ow :eeelpt et A Ilse 'narked price.• ADDaess,J.L P1C1RS,booRroa'iway. New4,o k. 's F PA GORDO CAB! E T'MAIc 1-i, • UP mum, 1 Vn.cto : 1>c.or, c*ta. GENERAL . HENT FOR THE - LOW1N INSTRUMENTS Organs an Melodeons, R. it. limns, Tuning ; Peloubet, Pelton New York. • AN0ta3 .INION +CO.'S, New Yor G 111LE BARMOItE DUN It WiBEN, (:HICKS MILLER *t' (M E'S 1NU " ,e " 111011, tall; ss Can hirnisll almost all Canadii .iwcriean Doo er's Iustrutnents ,e 1, ors f. 'r cash or out lei faeturer',, petite. to 51114 parol 1'• 47, BOE F i . +I WATCH .1 Lii ra) !Linial 11i:tl .,c•a+uitait,le fir l,aijjes en l Ceuta, lath in teed. d silver. But the aernmvnying Ent .repro- sente i1j pirper proportions THE f5t5 B'iS"EI. HUNTING Err WATCH, 1a ateOn;; tilror case and golf jttu:te. full jewelled, warm ted for five )-ears- topet r with akndrl plated Attic chain -which will be sen to any fart of Can. aria oil receipt of fen, or C. O. b:, per totters. W. E. CORNELIi, \Lr Watch Importer, 23 King Street East, •2rosolreo. oxr. SEWING CHINE IST; E POPLES' } AV011ITE, '%ND gives unirera,1 satietaction, iqu the most sineple, durable and the lightest rtmning inOchine now. made (of the cheaper kind) and will sew much heayitrr material- t n.any other, itis e just what the f.trtne have long wanted and is warranted in a ery case and kept :in -repair free of cite ei for one year by 'the company.. Take ly advice and buy ino other. Sowing machines of a.:y other .make supplied order at regular rates. I am ale* t for all kinds of Agtieiiltnral Itriple nts. Office and show Horns at A. P. cLean's Clothing Store, East Street, G,derich. J. W. W THERALD _13$i. - - SOMETHING NEW! Ms reanot stay where It Is need. It Is the cheapest Medicine ever made. One dose run, -n, ▪ . noxa TeaoaT. one bottle has cured Bam- careta Tiny teats wart/ bas curd an Ota Se torso Cocoa. Oso or two bottles cures had eases of Pita•, aria KIDNEY Teorstse. glia to nicht applications envy ase cue or h5i O.lIT® Nems er Ixrkatsan Haa..ar. One bottle has cured Loa.. Kam of a!gtit rears standing. Daniel Plank, of anokaekl,'[bup County, Pa., mays: "1 west their miles for a battle of your OIL winch eaeetd Wenocervi eves ofa Carious Lap by six ap- pllrations. Another who /a. had Awaits for pews., saym '1 Yaws half era M omit bottle left, and 8100 would sot /semi it 1 Neel gee no more.' ]hiss Retes.ar, of Honda, N. r , writes: "One small betels of , our am.errtttc Ora remand the vot.es where the parson hal sot r ken above a wb spw Is Piet Ysasa" Rev. J. Mallory, of wy_ N. T.. writes; " Tour Ecisc TRIC i)IL eared moo Braseh:tle Is "OMs week."1 Dealers ail aver the say: "WOhaw roper raid a tna�yt that has I vett such stesmlAa y tt r Itis eoteponed of!Ra -Baer to AT ass exewo. Is as good to 4a11e as for external use, and is believed to he tmmessoreab!y eupersor to any- thing ever made. WUL mare ,on much sutr.rugt end many doaars of enpeuse. 1. cold by one of nor...alms is every poem. I'rtrs t6 cost.. TWO( 19, 1srare, N. Y.,Srd a0=dOP a LYMAN. Nsweaaru, Oat. Sobs Mesta Nr the Dominion, Nora. - R.aartr-*Mleoted aithF.lectnzed.-Sat. [r 54d is Cedeeieh, hr Geo Caul, F Jordan ; Gardiner& Cw, Bayiekl,J... Heelaem Rogereille, J, Peeper' lemer: 1, H Combs, Clinton; 9. beawd Latham* abease, .reforet; and ail medicine w aters Sewing Machine Repairing Works; • %belt all kinds of will be repaire3, and put in first class runuine order. Having had 16 years experience in some rd the largest machine manufac- tories' in the *odd lie can guarantee Workshop -Next door to -Ntie -Era office, Clinton. 31R. L. S. WILLSON, oext to &meat office, Ooderich, receive machines and take orders i R. RaLLOCK'S E.EW R ViSDP ATO FOR nervous debility, seminal week- s° nets, loss of sexual power, pre- maturedeea-v, trental awl physical pros- tration, fear, despondency, and other evils mused by excessive secret iadwlY- encc. This sure remedy is composed of tate most a.:othing, strengthening and ibiigorating. medicine in the Khole Vegetable kingdom, and is the most per- fect antidote fos this obstinate clam of Maladies, ever yet discovered. It has been -sent to all parts of the country, curing thousands who have never seen the inventor, restoring them to perfect health. •Nervous autferers ! wherever you may Le, don't fail to' obtain this Wonderful remedy. Thosure r. medics are prepared at the Dispensary, Ni.'!'Ji Craig Street, $huttrrel, and can iso obtained nowhere else. They are warranted •1111 repiresout- m every respect, or the price will lip I• fltudkkl. Sent be express to all parte •f tl.e Lori:inion, and for .ale at the Dial•ett+:try, Ni'. -IJP Craigtrcet; "pen 9, a. tn. to 8 p. m. • Aildri'ss ell tjrdcra aI d lctterslu PROF. F. II.iLLQCL No.. i' e frail Street, Montreal, P. Q. r IGKA g{1 abut t' ' /1 b Upti0 IMend':far ,° ,,et beep l0 1444,i ityDS arts sterer, &k, tr I 1 ju:, r tie ir:,c{'i u rel dtnl 00u11 ry, f n t t.' t s0 eye Ile.. owl prepared t0 a is idelate.,, ch me 1 FIT V Or A!, LDENCPI:TI•t.e. PILLU\ 'S • 13().LS" ERS. 1 MA. TRASSES, 1-c,, ChealL1 foir ..Qla i iii, ffOL- '11'i l - Co. and rine cat triad their Tisa h all AND ON. IlE AM-ML.ST NOW PICT1ItE Fq. M14kept rot .hant and oid,r. Hal•, i • on ht. . .. a,.urtl ,en COFFIN T -H MMI I Am pr-Ptr •,l' in Ike ,t,'tlns Oe tilt, notice, in 1oi :{n 1 t Corp4 on 1101114s abl tern,' Je 14 .m'ea.er the ola et rd, t nest lir Erb writ E opp.ta• YIr• ESR f tl ::314,1 e:r.• I., 14.4. - • Bf..i i.41 Iy H. GARllOER, & CO •9 eNn+wkr gi 'ses AND Sp1e11iii5 New S arty fin Bra N, V. ".tt rta4►PTt,; i ar,:' ti, MC ZIT: • . lisp. d ASSO 1 TM C. Cabinet'!a cam. GEN L DEALERS IN MAIM. W,.•a „Pate PAINT$, OILS, &c. (LASS - PUTTY OF ALL KINT » - nomireseemeessasamsreosnemessmeonmeheressamemonsoommeemecoomwwwWwemarnmoome VAT,AirJ. ICIVIST 1h:1) '1 "4I:3 M t, r '1` 1 I • ilk Velvets, 24 and 3bilin h. Silk RC,nns and Poplin Twilled Fl. Annelse,` tufo au 1 Sc:triot, 1 Nubias. White, Scarlet and Black, C Ca: oured Tt Ot1')iso, diffrent shades,, Sash Biji one Cord and Watered ,Vhi e Brussels, Net Muslin Lace, i eon Kid Gloves. Canada Yarns and Hos:, • (lodcrich 91h Dee.; 18721 Also -.Felt Ovorshoes & Fc316. Fruits. 1347 CO :A LOIL AND At If. GA COAL ;OIL LAMPS. DINER - & Cos.` I BUY 0.e LY THE Centre lairbacks' Scales. mAIrr•errlitED BY Tsomts GI /BERT. Standard Scales, Chilton, 10th 3Iaroh, 1873. 1360 neriff's Salo of Land,. To Wit: • j of fieri Facitsi Mined out of Heil Majesty's.Ctenity Conti of the County of Huron, and to. sne directed ageinit tho Lands and Tense Menet of Jainea Clark, : at the snit ef Donald Robertson, I have seized and taken in Rte.:116in all the right, title and • inteceitt of the_ said infendant in arid to Lot number Fourteen vil- lage oif Myth in the 'County of Huron, 'which Lands and 'fenements I shall offer fJr sale at my Office, in the Court. Rouse, in the Town of Goderich, on Saturobsy the Seveiteenth day of May next, At the hour of Twelve of the clock, dt )11N 31 DONALD, • 11 Sheriff of Huron. llth Feb. 1873. 1356 Sheriff's Salo of Lands. County of Huron, ) DY virtue -of a To Wit; ' i Writ of Fieri Facias iuned ont of Her Majesty's Coun- ty Colirt of the Cosnky of kituron, and to me directed ageinst the Lsnds and Tene- ments of Edward Pierce, Senior, at the suit of Themes Hawrkins, I have seized and taken in Exemition all the right, title and interest of the said Defendant in and to LA number . Two in the Seventh concession, E. D., Township of Ashfield in the Coeiney of Huron, wh' h Lands and Teneneofits I shall offer or sale A1 my.C1fficee in the Conn Howse, ill the Town of Goarh, en Saturday • 19th day of July ot, at the hour of 2 JOHN IttACDO„NALD, 15th April, 1873. c 136 Oki!. Datil Scates, esrsit8eatal For ale, alio, Toteninet's Care° and Drugs gannoosition Bells; all sizes OST PERFECT AL 1111 SRO 'ASH PRAW XVEitO DRAWER FAH - St. Paul Street. Mont ceal, 311 Broadway, New Yolk. FA BATHS, BROWN &Co., Stoves Stoves I SlIerifri- Sale -of Ian' de - County of Huron, elY *ire,* Facias issued on t of Her Majesty's Co ty Court of the County,of Heron, an me directed against the Lends Tenements of James Hays at the sni Of Patnek O'Dea, I have mined said ta en in execution all the right, tiths, inte t and equity of redemption of the sWid Defendant in Lota numbers twenty -nth*, thirty, forty-six, sixty-five, and sixty - the • Town of Coderich in the Count Of Huron, which; Lauds and Tenementi I shall offer for sale at my Ones, the Court House in the Town oY Goderieh, on Saturday 'the 19th day of July neet, at the hour of 1 2 of the cleeinoon. • 15th April, 1873. t 1366 -Om tO 8HERIFF'S SALE or LAND1 County of Baron, I fly virtue of a Will of To Wit D Forum issued uut and to me direc*ii agitinst the Land* and I' moos of Bowled 13, McKenzie, eget b N. -Kenzie 14 tie suit or Malcotee Pewybel ha" Wind an4 taken in Execatton ail right titls Intern/4 of the pod Orti,.e, in the tiVtlt Jan. lam • 1 Eve aoroute AND CoNDPCTINCI Pies COAL OIL WHOLI:SALE AND RETAIL. Copper, Flraelc, Wool riclingsatid Sheep Sirius taken in exchanee. liar Sign of the Large Ct•I Gil Barre Goderieh.tee 15. 470 owl thip fors course of instruotion in the Dominion Telegraph Institnte7Toronto. Will be sold at a redaction to any one desirrus of *pending a portion of the winter in 'learning *telegraphing, and fitting themselves for a useful and re- Goderich, 23rd llov. 1872. rknrnts eeriber sel4 please pay op at one*. INDEBTED TO 11119 eye ABRAIFIAM SMITH. Gabe -ice. itch ors. tem Have 4.. •.� . dour to'‘‘. d. 1,; BJ;IK FOR ETLRYtA`I. 'feA GO u" of lalt.1.eu,11 150p.(tiyAle/ 12enfriiriiige, -- uraof Exhausted Vitality, Premature bilitf, Hypochondria, Impotency, Cpermatorrlueo or Sentnal Weakness. inzd in other diseases , rising from. the xcesses of mature years. This is iti- eed a book for every man. Thoueands have been taught by this work the true way to health and happiness. „ It is the cheapest and best meilicer werk ever published, and the 'only one en this class of ills worth reading. PRO'F. F. HALL/ACK Ne. 1e7 nig Striet, Montreal. P. Q. Iran in the Mood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG1 The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect- ed Solution of the Proto.rtde of Iron, is so combined as to have ihe character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Tlealielteg Agent. Iron in the blood, and cadres ,,a thousand ills," simply by Toning up,Invigorating and 1 italizing the System. The en- riched and vitalized blood per.. Sneates erery part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and tearing nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepstzt„ Liyer Com. Chills and Fevers, pimors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases o r the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Centiplainta, erisei all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac- companied by debiliey or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fa.' lowed by corresponding rear,. tion, but are permanent, info., sing stretagth, rigor, awl nen, life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con- Thousatuls have been changed by the use pf ttais remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering creft. tures, to strong, healthy, and happy mon and 11`01114'14 ; and inval ids cannot reasonably hes. itate to gine it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU. VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pamphlets Free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, Poe 1114 Day et., Mew Teirk. 'MACHINE OIL Rai bees ia geowal_ase ter the pest ton -rears aed eying the beet weammottee. as way Se sessonttr. ilosonialelfretip erne becileshenste la It will uot ia the coldest weather, 11 le tberehire suite Ratios lighten aniftastest, as well as the heaviest madden, In use. TESTIMONIAL I consider Stock's oil elseaPer at 81.00 Portia/oft. MED DIM 44/ did& Years respely, F. W. BLSN, PraeldeltR For sale *sly by TABLES C11.1.1R he , esno et, 1 ..:,,iii.e.AA„. 1 1 • WHATNOTS; 1.00K1Iff,.. •01. SES Cheap fct. ea • Aug od- (Ji)EI(IC. FOUNDRY T1 er Fu aliesersOnhmibll 41741 a 1144.r4.44 444 hire ; al 'The . cid 141 rENetits $70 Organs and,contiilenee for Ile pace, which we roil: hoed te reraitel *mild if style No, 61. Vizi Organ bee tO eci eirable Met riacietit•e•tr advanced Pianists or earties atIneating 41 selves for the piailid-rte:: and's. a ii e• in- strument, it meets every requite etit.- Our No. 30 011ie-Pen 0 as .61, k differ- ent style, and utOrj3 expensit Our No. 32 is pronienie. a hy ' all -sr LAM seen it to be the finest Ilistru in tho complete moos saints aii No 30. h tire additiernak half setts, -VIZ, I fa y and middle C up and :deo 11; "des. f Bass Prof -Wide_ -We ere tho first only relents, and the uni‘ersal teat action they have.gicee, and the nun e ke rale of these Organs, show that thuy itre n p- ly so it ed. hare o agents, eit all tinneificoini . ential- ,Fer illustrated Catalegnes,' 11 {fres.: ly. July Ten Fil'st At Tvi4 GUELPH, ONT. Fos ss i es Melo At tlse Prowl dal Exhibiting. Silver Me lily , ad 19 FIN'st l'"• •/14 edam $3444444445rabIy 104 seine edged by tett', to. Muria ete kers 0113 INAMay ot ewe- r to ell rob heel, ratrot (pail Ogirubra. 1450 10 the Kr" other toe fa, t that at Isbelph they tbila.ir in limy In Ilialta:a11,.?",,b1.,•T it ire yeets• Of Iasi Aoeuts. • 1r W. BrIl PARTIES INDEirrEp no el oxen to the iniderslgettr. 1., ST It; HE undersigned having 001 Stock to the " tloderich .f' �s to thank the public forth ejrrs, and trusts that they wil yew CUinpany. ' I •Goderich, 10th June, 1872, ,r- '--a-rel:. s. rat_w,� s t the Iluron Fonndry property and r liberal support for the past nineteen intinue to seful their orders 'to the R. RUNCIMAN. ACT RING COMP• ANY beg to form the publie that they ate prepared to ontract for STEAM ENGINES AND LEERS, FLOUR, GRIST 4- SAW 114IL LS, SAWING MACHINES, tr. IRON AND WOODEN 'LOUGHS, with steel boards, : GANG PLOUGI CULTIVATORS, Sp: AR AND POTASH K LES, GRATE BARS, COOKING; PARLO 4, BOX STOVES of various kinds, Nigtdici to .) rder, ren and Wass Casti . detientif on hand for Sale. 're'' Orders addtessed the COmpapy or; ecrittary will clive prompt attention. BERT RUNCIMAN, .1 General Manage Goderieli, Ont., lOth June, 1872. ga. win BirIcksmith Work. A Nice Variety HARDWARE of ell kinds in enilless variety, anil at the L est' Rates At H. GARtinsTito,&co's. t. Se retary aud Treasurer, of Plated Ware. I B PRINTING Neatly, cheaply ani exp2dit oaslv ex _,ute I at the. o'ficl! of the Printed • PG" Or SL11; '111RES" ,S tif 1La a TICES OF APPOINT -YEA', OATHS OF QUALIFICATION, itates. VOT.EBS 7.17S ETS A, Dtj taV EDS, N GS ODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. 81 61 6446 lurang "dot, unty hafilt:IIANKS Folt Li, Lt, tarInfacturing Machines. Anil all havi 017 eemn entirely related, Are flow rrepsred to Execute Orders Fen Utah. Asti/wide, t noes and Neater in Pt: rheY trout car sale or Zo FARM FOR SALE. REING LOT NO. le, ON Tag forD erieh, on the myriad goad, two end a half miles from the Town of Goderiele containing SO same 75 cleated arid under good enlitention, Well sneered with • never foams aprieg creek ning through the Lot, a large emariatIlz orchard of ch„i0. grafted Fria, a good 2326 , stabling and' drins:11,1Zeolra large hay loft 52x2T, wO-li other „„a• ridings and' a good pump et the barn Tre,aah sre on terms to sag purchaser, e _This otopertY mill he sold Cheap Lot No. 11701 aib3wtwd a" the North side of Zed ;11 the Town of Gni- .i‘ew;:tch'nhinlign:7741(tib4rFufariairCieriallisaiiiiir°adw. Or te Or I:et:out 1, .harf or the seem .tot r toi, 1.4 if a Forum and good irrosoloitobar: °niter.' exeeltent flint gran,. I Lot • he Galeria b, June 61.11, 1972. I 1'47: well. This proPootY will 'be sold Cheep desired. Amer- to LANDS for 841.4E AT BAYFIF.00. y OTS NOM. 71 at 72 BA Trims eiexcieselos le rovrimblp Of bodelie6.0•44114r-DIRE 446 scrim of _ .tlie,..toritirie,li.t,op..ty of layn.d.werhli,thuini:iionnutedt 3 roil:. oil:: ,,,A..e:ele0ith.-thia,te helltd.oRii.tf beerrehAen.:drumephirle tvtaiiely,l, 1 :inletAnd,n1,,In:ronvetli.m. an .011 re..ikr:tmermgroed p4.,:::::: in sdt.1:erah'ettlitU4dwatne.rigfalbhrl.wnbirh:11 isii by eimaaiimb.711 For tertes apply to, JAI1Es D. TIM. I which would produce a bows quamor eesumoo to the acre The lot runs to the Riser &wow web a Guelph, Aug.15eh, 1870 MN Farm For Sale. 1 IN the Tor:ship of Colliers e ie the o,aqty N,,rth part of Rh. k E. Coispinlitz vie loos 5d Metre! and under g..44 terve. ynd so arils good Hard Wood limber. Two wirer Creeks. boll Snit quality. go.' Ls' Hogs. and Frame Barn god mail bearing. orettel, ir,Oun 1 mile of Stetm Saw and I:tat NUL tt„,, miles of rhs County Town Hoderi,k. JOHN EDWAftroi ' _On 144 ponteses, FARB! FOR el SALE. I/ Land 70 acres eleared good la aeirs • of Pall Wheat. ef miles from Ow' Vont 01C -den& Apply to 0, M. TRETE -IN' tio :ends, or oa premises to Galena, BETA:1h. 1871. FOR SALE. 11--a taining 290 acres excel.ent land, covered wit!, Maple and\ Beech, 10 relies stream running through the centre ef the Isni, there is about 15 acres of ceargil land on the front ot the lot. THOS. WEATRERALD Engineer and Serveyer Valuable Property For site. Gociencli• On Let Sal einotied parks . Bolt Cartage mud a taw frame 4wellr ng 4101401.4 4Wh, and ea ten 95e niers is alargetwo MOD, frame Motel 44 little f.niit Led stens tram 54,04 lbw Lots trill he sold tither tozether i•1 ',elevate to end purchasers. Lerma noidt knows on appliaation ARTHIPH 011 the prem r to VICTORIA ",01POUND 01 HYPOPHOSPHITES Formula, lead '451e Oltenaudly L For the preveatIon and .mrt 414 Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Astinat..isso irr4DERryr 4,n Pr F1,40' - Torooto, • 4, 1471 111. ••''s cod Drpopi eiptines are domino/1e lo prove • row 4444.146 fr M44441-. 1.1417•4•417 of Chisportry• C. S. 4":1,4 5: NO 140441e. 54.541 ad Unseat - Alin. for the 4 of • cm•p0134C0 FV/ID FSTASACT OF you will be folly eouvinoed of di ote-einiosem °'pri7r;eseitialiolnedikpa.oe f•rikeirsaatucit'y bayboaviel Dmirgii&Anols:. 824 lir the. ELECTRIC • LINIMENT " The King of all Liniments." c C TAI.VE • 13*iit' "es. POneles,de.. eel Carouse Dom. P114747 Zell. per Bottle. Bolo la all Dreetrieia-• VICTORIA GLycERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' FAVoRITE." pot Meade, Cealtia.sa, Frost tdcs, 11114 SY" Price 25 Cents en Bottle, Sold by al VICToRIA TOILET SOAPS "CILSBRATED FOR *SUR CSIFOKM TY AND axentemosea QU "'UT*" VICTORIA CARBOLIC bQAP. VICTORIA SULPHUR SOAP. K.)444.11 Druweta. 11#11 WRY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co's /--\ AR. LIKE Bilii:TOPFleA:11Z:(1;i1TRIA CLOTH DRESSING Ike P°11 M17RDER 4144 eon. with lei 9pc 'an" Al tot., -' rded b '( 1.1 I E tele Signe tlay vh„,, •wrs:sr )4 • , thnee with wool to le t e• , y • wes,Nrc,, '. .nrchat„. "ailariOmin a roll. home with Orme NOTI 6 , obelbera a call, Inge esoeiee.e rely ,444 4:44 ores th• ir 1 oteree to Owe iris answer JOHN INGLIS & SON. Jordat f or astreoe! their superior new r-lerT Eye Goderich, yob, a, ere 14834