HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-12-18, Page 27• The Well-Come-Inn Club SCOUT HALL JOHN ST. W. Christmas Party - Fri., Dec. 19 POT LUCK SUPPER 6:30 p.m. EUCHRE 8:00 p.m. Other Game s Available • Carpet Bowling • Marble Game • Darts • Pool • Crokinole • Ping-Pong Table ALL WELCOME If you need a ride call 235-0714 235-1625 or 235-0391 JACKLIN'S SUPERIOR STORE GRANTON, ONT. PHONE 225-2736 Superior Bread 3/$1.10 Homo or 2% Milk Plus Deposit 3 qt. Jug 3 qt. Bag $1.40' $1.50 White Sugar 5 lb, $ 1 .35 10 lb. $2.65 Potatoes 75 lb. $5.25 Coca-Cola Case of 24 10 oz. cans $4.50 APPLETON — To all our relatives, friends and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Gordon and. Agnes BECKER — To all our neighbors, relatives and friends, a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Ed, Leila 8. family BERRY — A very Merry Christ- mas and a Happy Prosperous New Year to all friends, neighbors and relatives. Allan and Jean BOWEN — We wish all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Albert and Alice BOWMAN — Wishing my friends and neighbours in Lucan and surrounding territory a very joyous and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mrs. Mae Bowman tele.Were!..ereftWiete'erreer an0 Peace FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Monday and Wednesday BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter lllll 6:30 pan, Huron Park 6:40 pan. Centralia llllll 6:45 p.m. Luton,,,,,,,lll „„ 6:55 pan, Phone 285-0450 Th There are still a limited number of tickets available for the New Years Eve DANCE at the MITCHELL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE COUNTRY ENTERTAINERS Admission $15.00 per couple Contact either4Mitchell Arena 348-9311 or 1 Wassman's Gift Shop 348-8551 Branton CGIT and Explorers • hold Christmas Vesper Service By MRS, E. SUMMERS GRANTON "Come Celebrate the Birthday of a King" was the theme for the 1975 National Christmas Vesper Service, The service opens with four girls supposedly preparing a birthday cake. They were Marnie and Jeanette Rooney, Barb Hudson and Diane Cook, The three girls who led the responses were April Caverhill and Carol and Leanne Hutchison. Those taking part in the scene, symbols of Christmas, which was built around the central figures of Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus were Mary, Roseanne Exeter Arena Activities THURS., DEC. 18 10-11 Shinney 3:15-7 F. Skating 7-8 Hawks 8-12:30 Rec. League FRI., DEC. 19 1:30-2;30 E. P. School 2:30-3;30 Tots & Parents 3:30 - 5 Skating 7-8 M. Hockey 8;30 Juveniles vs Aylmer (Exhibition) SAT., DEC. 20 7:30-8:00 M. Hockey 8.10 Public Skating 10:15-11:30 Hockey SUN., DEC. 21 8:30-2 Hockey 2-4 Public Skating 5-6 M. Hockey 8:00 Hawks vs Lucan MON., DEC. 22 1-3 Public Skating 3:15-9 F. Skating 9-10 Hawks 10:15 Broom Ball TUES,„ DEC. 23 10-1fShinney 2:15.8:30 F. Skating 8:30 Hockey Practice WED., DEC. 24 2-3 Tots & Parents 3-5 Public Skating The Arena will be closed from Wed. night to Fri. mor- ning, Fri. - Sat. & Sun is a three day Novice Hockey Tournament. There will be no skating on these three days, the next skating session is on Mon. Dec. 29 from 1.3 p.m. From the Arena Staff Merry Christmas to all. Pritchard; Joseph, Ann Marie Beaucage; the bearers of the symbols were: The Star, Elaine Rooney, Caroler, Joanne Pen- nington, The Broken World, Diane Cook' and Marnie Rooney, Gifts Jeanette Rooney and The Cross, Cherill Hutchison, A Birthday Cake with unlit candles was brought in, and after the first candle, which was lit by Susan Gricken, each girl and leaders lit a candle and told what Christmas meant to them. The Explorers formed the choir and their young voices were a treat to hear, An invitation was extended to all present to partake of Christmas cake (made by the girls themselves) and punch in the church basement at the close of the service. Much credit goes to the leaders of both groups, C.G.I.T., Mrs. Marlon Gricken, and Mrs, Betty Rooney, Explorers, Mrs. Currie Van- derminnen and Mrs. Susan Waugh. General Meeting of UCW The General Meeting of the Grantor UCW held in the Church basement on Tuesday evening followed a smorgasbord Christmas dinner. Mrs. James Kerr presided and opened the meeting with a Hymn in keeping with the season, and also gave a reading pertaining to Christmas, A vote of thanks was extended to the Social Committee for the excellent work done by them throughout their term of office, this included the treasurer and a letter of appreciation was to be sent to Mrs, Delmer Westman for her faithful service as Program Convener over many years. Donations were voted to the Board of Stewards, the Bible Society and the Missionary and Service Fund, A slate of officers for the next two year term was presented by the chairman of the Nominating Committee, Mrs. Glen Jameson, the new executive will consist of the following members: past president, Mrs, J. Kerr, president, Mrs. R. Hardie; 1st vice president, Mrs. F. Cook; 2nd vice president, Mrs. W. Garrett; secretary, Mrs. Glen Jameson; treasurer, Mrs. K. Hardie; Finance, Mrs. J. Drost (representative on Board of Stewards); Program, Mrs. D. Westman; Social, Mrs. F, Cook; Membership, Mrs: A. Hobbs; Sunshine, Mrs. G. Nixon and Mrs. E. Wallis; Education, Mrs. C. Gowan; Auditors, Mrs. C. McRobert and Mrs. C. Gowan; Nominating Committee, Mrs. E. Summers,,IVIrs. J. Kerr, Mrs. M. Spence and Mrs. W. Garrett, Before turning the meeting over to Unit (4) who was in charge of the program, Mrs. Kerr thanked the members for their support during her term of office and wished the new president success. Mrs. Floyd Dykes presided over a short worship service, then called on Miss Cindy Mills and Miss Brenda Cook to favor the members with a number of folk songs, Brenda playing the accompaniments on her guitar, These included such songs as "Top of the World" "Cotton Jenniel; 'Changes. a Christmas carol and finally the patriotic "This Land." The highlight of the evening was a travelogue of the Middle East, shown by Rev, Susan Seymour of Delaware and former minister of the Granton charge. Rev, Seymour was one of a group who took a tour of the Holy Land, her slides revealed the devastation of war in those countries, also the need of financial help to educate the children. Sr. Citizens guests of Shillelagh Members of the Happy Gang and Friendly Neighbors Club were the guests of Cecil Lewis and his son Philip at the Shillelagh Hotel, Lucan, on Wednesday afternoon where a special program featuring the "Molly McGuires" was provided for the area Sr. Citizens, The Friendly Neighbors will not meet now until the second Thursday in January and the Happy Gang will meet the last Wednesday in January. Church news At the United Church a service for White Gift Sunday was ob- served, Rev. Mary Mclnally officiated and performed the ceremony of lighting the Third Candle in the Advent Wreath which signified (Joy). The children's story, "Christmas in Holland" was the, third in the series, Christmas in other countries, the minister also related a White Gift Story "Sharing our Treasures. The sermon was taken from Matt. 6 v. 19 and was entitled "True Treaure",, In summation Rev. McInally said "No man can serve two masters," You cannot worship God and material possessions at the same time". At St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. George Hamilton minister of Glencoe Anglican church was in charge of the morning service, and officiated with the Sacrament of Holy Communion, assisted by Miss Marion Herbert. The lighting of the third candle in the Advent Wreath was per- formed by Miss Helen Herbert. Rev. Hamilton took his sermon from the Gospel of St. Matt. Chapter 11. Behold I send my Messenger before thy face, which shall prepare the way before thee," This was the voice of Jesus telling of the coming of John the Baptist. Rev. Mary Mills was attending an official gathering in her honor, at Glencoe Church. This was to show her former congregation's gratitude for her faithful service as their minister. Scout Christmas party Scout leader Ben Kop en- tertained his scout troop with a Christmas •party and exchange of gifts at his home on 'Saturday night. Personals Mr. & Mrs. J. Stewart of Edmonton, Alberta, are visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Beaucage. Mr. Stewart is a son of Mrs. Beaucage by a former marriage, Mr. & Mrs, Elmer Summers spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harris and family of Downsview,and while there were visited by more members of their family, Mr. & Mrs. Allan MacKenzie and John from Scarborough, Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGill and family of Ajax and Keith Summers, Toronto. Sincerely wishing all our I friends, neighbors and relatives a Blesied Christ- mas and a New Year filled ft with happiness. Harry, Margaret DeVries and 0 family g Lvio.vigo.9,.;*:vx&r.,,aawavti:44 §.4.14,Des ss 0444:4.1440,wio4go. 1 • The wishes sound the same as 0 before 0 But the warmth and love never .4:1 ends, 11 This time of year's the best of & g ft all 0 So our sincere wishes to all we 0 extend: To friends we see so often .g To friends we don't visit half enough, The neighbours from here and The neighbours from there, To relatives so numerous - but irreplaceable A group that grows with , each new marriage and birth Yet never forgotten when g death takes one away. To Grandparents too precious to lose.. Extra warm wishes to our& brothers and sisters - a bunch that thru one means or another are forever changing their number! More love and thanks than will ever be known to our 4 parents, as a part of our days 0 and a part of our memories, The best for the coming year to all. Dennis, Barb and 0 Chris Passmore egrYrnteazti W.td`Wid Crg Dance Sat., Dec. 20 KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by The Rancheros No Blue Jeans Please Coming Dec. 27 THE DESJARDINES BREEN — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes far the New Year, Bob, Helen.and Bruce BROCK — To our neighbours, friends and relatives our warmest wishes for the holiday season. Bill, Janice and Jeremy BULLOCK — To all my neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year, Dorothy Bullock CAMPBELL — A Christmas thought, Emmanuel (God with us) The Lord came down with us to dwell This is the joy of Christmas Day That Jesus comes with us to stay Be this our joy through all the year To know that Christ is ever near For with us He will surely be Through time and through eternity. May you our friends, neighbours, relatives have the spirit of Christ- mas which is Peace, the Gladness of Christmas which is Hope, the Heart of Christmas which is Love. Ken, June and Barry CARROLL — Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all eur friends, neighbours and relatives. Ron, Marg, Ian and Brenda CLARKE — Wishing all my friends, relatives and staff of Bluewater Rest Home a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Reba CORNISH — I would like to wish all of my relatives, friends, and neighbours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Alvin Cornish CREECH — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Jean, Ann and Tom DASHWOOD W.I. — Greetings to the Women's Institute of South Huron at this joyous Christmas time and success in the New Year. DICKINS — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends, a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Jack and Shirley DOBBS — Christmas is your faith in all that is good in the world Chriitmas is the selfish spirit of doing for others Christmas is laughter and friendship and spreading of cheer and it is the tender knowledge that you're loved by someone and that you have someone to love. Christmas is believing in prayer and'the power that answers it Plus the right to sing of Your belief in the way of your choice Christmas is all the things, Free men fight for Let us keep it shining For all the world. Fred & Georgina, George & Lee, and family DYCK — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Henry and Pauline ERSMAN — To all our friends and relatives, Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the coming year. Cliff and Bea FAIRBAIRN — To all our relatives, friends and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Bill Fairbairn Hensall FRAYNE — To all our neighbour, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Harry and Lloyd FORD — To all my relatives, neighbours and friends a very Merry Christmas. Mrs. Jessie Ford HICKS —We extend all good wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and the New Year. Olive and Garnet HUTCHINSON — Wishing our family, friends, and relatives a very Merry Christmas and a Hap- py New Year. Art, Evelyn and Sandra INSLEY — To wish you many blessings at Christmas time and every happiness in the New Year, Insley's of Woodham ISAAC We would like tb wish all our friends, neighbours and relatives a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Gerald, Jean and family JOHNS — May the warmth and friendliness of the Christmas Season be yours throughout the New Year. Ken and Irene JAQUES — We would like to wish all our friends, relatives and neighbours a very Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Oliver and Wilhelmina JEFFERY — We sincerely wish our neighbours, friends and relatives a Merry Christmas and to all good health and happiness in the New Year, Bob and Bernice JOHNS — Lewis, Ina, and Emer- son wish their family, relatives, neighbours and friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. JONES — To all our relatives, friends and neighbours, our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Verde Jones and Fred JONES — Mildred and Norval want to wish all our neighbours, friends and relatives the very best in the coming year. JORY — Greetings to all our friends, relatives and neighbours at this festive season. Best wishes for'the New Year. Lee and Elsie KERSLAKE — Bob, Marion, Colleen and Dale wish their friends, relatives and neighbours a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. KERSLAKE — Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to my friends, and relatives, Dan Kerslake Thompson Manitoba LAMMIE — To all our friends, relatives a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Bob, Shirley and family LAMMIE — Best wishes for a happy holiday season to all my friends, relatives, Special thanks for visits during the year. Vera LATTA — Greetings to all our friends, neighbours and relatives at this festive season. Best wishes for the New Year. Harvey and David LAWSON — We would like to wish all our friends, neighbours and relatives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jerry, Annie, Peter and Sue LEE — Wishing all our friends, relatives a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Russell and David LINDENFIELD — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jake and Verdun LOVELL — To all our friends, relatives and neighbours our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Leonard, Janet and family MARTENE — Seasons Greetings and best wishes for a Happy New Year to all our relatives, friends and neighbours, Anthony, Shirley John, Clare and Earl McALLISTER — Seasons Greetings to all our relatives, friends and neighbours. John and Alma McCURDY — To all my friends and neighbours, relatives a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sam McNAUGHTON -- We would like to extend Christmas greetings and a sincere wish for a Happy New Year to our many friends and customers. Paul, Sheila, Rodney, Randy arid Shawn McROBERTS To all our relatives, friends and neighbours. May the jay of the Christmas Season be with you how and throughout the New 'Year. Elliott and Audrey MEIKLE — Seasons greetings and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our friends and relatives. Alex, Norma, Heather, Dennis and Terry MILLSON — Greetings to all our friends and relatives at this Christmas season and best wishes for the New Year. Pearl and Clarence MILLER — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Hubert, Vesta and girls MINERS — Christmas Greetings and a Prosperous New Year to friends and old neighbours, Ruby Miners MORGAN — Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends, relatives and neighbours. John, Joyce and Becky MORGAN — To all our neighbours, friends and relatives, sincere good wishes for a very happy holiday season. Bev, Burdene, Scott and Susan MORLEY — Wishing all our relatives, friends and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wilson and Reta MORLEY — To all our friends, neighbours and relatives, we wish you all peace, happiness and every joy for Christmas and the New Year. Russell, Kay, Ralph and Karen MUSSER — We wish our relatives, friends and neighbours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bill, Marie and family NORRY — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best'wishes for the New Year. Norm and Carrie OKE — Wishes to extend to his relatives and friends a very joyous Christmas season and a peaceful New Year. Ross PENHALE — To all our friends, relatives and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Asa and Grace PENHALE — I would like to wish my relatives, neighbours and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mrs. Rae Penhale THE PFAFF'S — Seasons Greetings from our home to your home. Allen, Doris Elaine and Dennis PRANCE — Seasons greetings and best wishes for a Happy New Year to our neighbours, friends and relatives. Wayne, Shirley, Kim and Jeff PRANCE — We would like to wish all our friends, neighbours and relatives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Gordon, Doreen and David PRESZCATOR and GLANVILLE — We would like to wish all our many friends, neighbours and relatives the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest of New Years, Stan and Shirley Preszcator Lorna, Brenda and Barbara Glanville RADER — Greetings to all our relatives, and friends from Irvine and Mary. We wish you joy at Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. ROHDE — To all our relatives, friends and neighbours, we wish them all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year. Bill, Rhoda and Calvin ROSS — Best wishes for a happy holiday season to all our relatives and friends. Bob and Tory SIMPSON — Christmas Greet- ings to "Everyone" during this festive season, Best wishes for 1976! Bob and Jean SISSONS — Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year to our friends, neighbours, Huronia Male Chorus and fellow CBer's, Harold and Jean Huron Pork SKINNER — Wishing all our friends, neighbours and relatives a very Merry Christmas and Hap- py New Year. Sam, Aldeen, Karen, Gary and Dianne SMITH — Mr. Clarence Smith of Huronview, Clinton would like to wish his friends arid relatives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, .WITH ••• ,Leonard and Doreen of ,Lucan would like to wish their friends, and relatives a, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, WITH — To all' our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Tom oricKoro SMITH — Wishing all our friends, relatives and neighbours a very. Merry Christmas and Hop, py New Year. Ashley and Irene STEAD We would like to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our relatives and friends Jim, Grace and Jim Jr. Thorold, Ont. STEEPER — "I wish all my friends, neighbours and relatives the best of everything at this Festive Season and throughout the coming year." Mrs. Marjorie Steeper STONE — Wishing all our friends, relatives and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and Hap- py New Year. Gord, Verna and Bob SQUIRE — Sincerely wishing our relatives, friends and staff of South Huron Hospital who have been so kind and thoughtful dur- ing this year, a very joyous and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year, Verda and Edgar SQUIRE — To all my neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. F. C. Squire SQUIRE — To all my neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. + Nelson Squire TAYLOR — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Edwin and Dorothy THEANDER — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theander wish their family, relatives and neighbours a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. TIEMAN — Wishing all our friends, relatives and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mike and Karen TURNER — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Carl, Bev, Kim and Jeff VAN DUYN — To all our friends and relatives we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Nick, Connie and family VEAL — I would like to wish my friends and relatives good wishes for the Holiday Season. Annie Veal, Huronview WEBSTER — Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to our neighbours, friends and relatives. Don, Donna, Dave, Debbie and Dennis Webster WEBER — We wish all our relatives, friends and neighbours the merriest of Christmases and a happy and prosperous New Year. Ralph and Mary WELLS — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Laverne, Helen and family WITMER — To our relatives, neighbours and friends. May the blessings of Christmas, the peace, joy and cheer remain with you always each day in the year. Wes and Madeline WILSON — It is impossible for us to remember all our friends in Ex• eter and Osborne with cards. Those whr:1 were so kind in September and those who keep us in their affections at this season. Besides all this, someone gave us a little gold spoon of which no recognition was made please let us know who you are. Christmas Greetings to all. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson WOLFE — The H. Wolfe family would like to wish all their friends, and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, WRIGHT — We wish to convey to our friends, relatives and neighbours a very Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, Shirley, Ted and Ronnie WURM — To all our neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes forthe New Year. Clarence, Lois and girls 11111111111111 lllllllllllllll 11111111111 llllllll II lllllll 11111 ll 1111 11111111 lllllll II llll 1114N llllll tf llllllllllllllllll t lllllllllllllllllll i11111111111111101111111 lllll II llllllll .4111111 STORE HOURS FOR REMAINDER OF DEC. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Closed Sunday and Wednesday Open December 24 to 5 p.m. Closed December 25 & 26 We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patronage and good wishes to us since we moved to Grantoh in July. We would also like to wish everyone• a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year, Betty and Bill Jacklin and family runitminnmorrirromitimrotritannirminnnunnimmmtnnurinumminumnimmin5 GREENLEE — We wish our relatives, friends and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Earl and Marguerite HARNESS — I would like to wish my friends, relatives and neighbours a very Merry Christ- mas and Happy New Year. Irene BERN — To all bur neighbours, relatives and friends a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year, Ward and Mary HEM — Seasons Greetings to our friends and relatives and every good wish for Happiness now and always, Jerry and Dorothy Herh