HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-12-18, Page 24CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore biased on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION —20 words $2.40, 9a per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 74 per word, minimum $1.40 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2.50 per column inch, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.00 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 Y2 inches. Accepted in Multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $2.00, 84 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8e, IN MEMbRIAMS $2.00 plus 12e per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each additional word'84. Three insertions for the price of 2, CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $2.00, 4e per word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays. When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00 Phone 235-1331 A FARMERS FARM 100 ACRES excellent farm land, house and barn in good area north of London, A good place for a , family who wants to live and work on the farm. Serious inquiries only. Please call exclusive agent Geo. Deelstra 227-4500 Everett Lauckner Real Estate Ltd. 438-4121 H. i .V11/.1. L. ...qr...., 130 DISPLAY ,Man (WIrldoefs) tYri) to SIOD Able Agent', 015P n shins" ago, e SS- ngN-train ency. 475 St, laIgt5M'Atid Jr L.I. Siam erre) St. NYS 11:$60.$70 rrert St NYC tel rear it 1 Hire hid& HAimeR Agef1CY tJU W 47 CLERK plum itos t tkeallne. s Dolt exp oricing GL 6.9403. Le is;Isi, handle tigur einem Wm, excel AXEliCiYK:5:9X CO,SIn A AGENcY. 1044 E E‘D.6ivrptr 609 , Agency ,52 n°:01;21:4_101: pp Gloria ) Wed “yin. Trio draki is'incy; 1801i6ra; Et1G.REC GRUA. TO SIM Sanitary or strctl, top co. fee pd. diZAVVIVVat ligiiin714$1/5. 42 ` EC SOY/M-Ali RECEIW NG CLERK $75 1U1 A 4 11110Y/A1 Eqpt EOM Ito ' to PA U tT BOYS, ACCU Joys, inity A 110 75 Y, cl K 90 . St KELLOGG ROTS; Ca ACCURk envy E RKPRI-anY cap 01—.5se the OSA,— ln1( your sal of 74700--.300se,41epost Pegs fo-R 19 5th mottt-,-alccE )eipend TAN BUYER asst, maws shim so, to 912$ Gerard Merrill Agency,-37 W. 39 olts 507 to cy Evu 14)A2g Up 160 Rway 4E942- 109 • 5 CLERK.Tyetsf. terrIti HoiNtt_Apeonc CLERKS, ed et PIS. Gitlin Agency 509 5th CLK/Asst Exec Gd detis, GOO A CIA/ Teletype, op res $80.90, Griffith COFFEE 511 MGR $125 Hosp./ D Trot Triad Agency 11 W 42 a. • • ...T... • .• • ER en t ass 1, e rc e 12. Av 0 LO 3.4000 331 EE. wheo 'dee thin test *gulp; $7.9M• big put', Griffith Agency, S0g 5 Aye' ELECI. 'oars. mina men- I. t F.C,— —St m Volue dealer'—N Y C. vicinit Waite Agency, 296 Madison (40) TOVIZE-EJPER.tvalst & genital 01100 asst. $85 to start. PL 5.1359. SKKPR. ian, CO, SOO PECIALTY AGENCY, 11S W. 42 RM 202 5130 Qua,' Y. 509 5 A, G LAMER-6R' SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 D,NtFTV4A11.511UCTLI RA' th F CA Mr. CONTACT g gene), 18 E 41 MU 5.1674 m CASHIER-CHECKER CLERICALS-ACCTG $70.85 1110Y—Office, isles type, Aim co, Abbineton Meyer, 11 John St., Rm 704 6 Services 16 For Sale 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 16 Fos Sale 6 Services Classifications ALUMINUM windoWs, doors, awn- ings, Free estimates. Expert in- stallations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 25t ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St, 235-1840, 21t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich, has a fine selection of Diamond Wedding rings, watches, charms, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches, sold by jewellers only, are $11,95 and up. Family rings, watch & clock repairing, work guaranteed. 30t POTATOES, cabbage, onions and carrots, Call Tony Martens, 234- 6488, 381 1972 BOA SKI, RT-340.28 H.P. Phone 229-6366 after 7:30 p.m. 51* TWO MOTO SKI snowmobiles, 27 condition. Phone 235-2732 after 8 p.m. 50:51c VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5748, 31-44*/41 TRUCKING, hauling services, fully insured, livestock, fertilizer, grain feed, Toronto every Wednesday. Call collect 229-6439 Jim Siddall & Son. 10-r Electrolux Sales and Service I. K. JOHNSTON EXETER 235-1055 LOSt, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 1 Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances. Television 5 Personal 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property. For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 11 Cars, Trucks 1972 MODEL l-ton livestock truck, 38,000 miles. Phone 236-4787, 51:52* 1969 MERCURY Cyclone V-$ automatic, green with yellow stripe. Will safety check, very good condi- tion, 234-6322. 51c MUST SELL 1966 Oldsmobile Dynamic, in good condition, will cer- tify, 229-6362, after 5:00 p.m. 51c NEW 307 CHEVY motor with 3,000 miles, new battery, 6 good tires G-78- 15. Apply 102 Kensington St. or Fina Station, Huron Park. Phone 228- 6810, 51c 972 FORD Econoline van. This vehi- cle is in good condition. Please contact Jerry MacLean & Son Automotive Ltd. 235-0800. 51c BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING *STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 WELL DRILLING — with rotary drill, 6" hole; 6" steel casing, Will drill one foot to 1,000 feet. Drilling 12 months of year. For free estimates phone Huron Water Well Drilling, 236-4548, Zurich. 38t SPYS Frank Sawyer Owned and Operated by Bev Lindenfield PROMPT, COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial PHONE 235-1081 BLUEWATER TV and ELECTRONICS Hwy. 4 at Crediton Road AVAILABLE SATURDAY 411 Repairs to all makes PHONE ZURICH 236-4224 SKATE EXCHANGE — now on at 38t Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 42t 6t 66rie's stGns 39t 12 Pets Wayne Scott GLENREID KENNELS, Kippen wishes to announce cessation of Poo- dle Grooming, effective immediately. Patronage of this kennel in the past has been appreciated. 5Ic 1 Lost, Strayed Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — CHI LD'S metal frame glasses in black case. Phone 235-0509, 5Ic Trucking and Bulldozing Land Clearing RR 3, Parkhill 294-6569 Free Estimates RR I Dashwood, Ont, NOM I NO PHONE 238-8242 2 Found TWO lovely Siberian Huskey female dogs, 7 month and one year old, ex- cellent background, loveable per- sonality, CKC Registered, Irehusk Kennels, Parkhill, 294-6425. 44t IRISH SETTER —seven months old, registered, house trained. Call after 6 p.m., 234-6354. 50:51c PART BORDER Collie Pups to give away. Phone 235-0197. 51c MOVING — must give away, 8 month old part Collie pup, black. Phone 235-1542. SIc LARGE brown and black hound, found on Dashwood area farm. Phone 237-3237, Lorne Dek int% can he claim- ed by paying for ad. 51* 48/4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235- 1964. 131- 6 Services 6 Services 3 Situations Wanted 39t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped: new tanks installed: new weeping beds laid: old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10t ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine. 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 181' BROADLOOM? Carpet and Rugs BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and LANDSCAPING YOUNG LADY with secretarial ex- perience would like office job in Ex- eter area, Phone 262-2937. 51c RESPONSIBLE BA BYS1TTER, in our home. I'm willing to babysit a child between the ages of 1-5, not on weekends. Phone 235-0252. Sign Painting and Truck Lettering For shop at home service call 14 Appliances, Television SHOW CARDS, POSTERS ETC. Reasonable Rates 4 Help Wanted 227-4945 INGLIS washer spin dryer, in ex- cellent condition. Phone 235-2544. Phone R. EASTON & SON RR 8, Parkhill, Ont, 294-6425 DON MEHAGAN PERSON for Lubrication Depart- ment. Apply to Auh Tennant, Snell Bros. Limited, Exeter, Ont, Phone 235-0660. 51c CUSTOM KILLING • BLACK AND WHITE TV 23", in good condition, $35. Phone 235- 1972. 51c 19t Box 146 Huron Park 228.6487 after 6 p.m. AND PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood ELECTRIC MOTORS 46t PERSON to set meals and be com- pany for an active elderly lady, as son is out doing farm work much of the time, Phone 262-5054. 49t SECRETARY required for Exeter Law Office, shorthand and typing a prerequisite. Apply in writing to Ex- eter Times-Advocate, Box BAP. 47t TWO TRAINEE FIELD under- wtiters required. Phone Alan ,Bradd, 27;1-9412. 461' LICENSED Electrician and Plumber required for local electrical and plum- bing business. Apply Exeter Times- Advocater, Box JDP. 51c APPLIANCES — Chest type deep freeze, Kelvinator fridge, Kenmore electric range, 3 years old, Philips 25" color TV. Phone 235-1950. 5Ic 4 I t PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating REDI-MIX CONCRETE 15 Personal * Rewinding * Repairs * Sales & Service * Farm Ventilation New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation. 4-52t R12 .3, BAYFIELD OFFICE 565-5393 NESBIT ELECTRIC All Types of Concrete Work ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 511 EXETER COUNTRY ACREAGE on edge of town, SOLID TWO STOREY BRICK home with 4 bedrooms, two full baths, ALL ROOMS LARGE. Also a good barn and driveshed. Just perfect for someone with horses or wanting privacy. COMFORT AND ECONOMY can be YOURS in this 12x52' 2 bedroom mobile home in Norwood Village. You CAN'T beat the price. Check this out TODAY! ANOTHER NEW LISTING — two storey brick in IMMACULATE CONDITION. Three bedrooms, very large kitchen with more than ample cupboards, bright closed in porch. Carpet in bedrooms and living room. Large lot close to downtown, paved street. EXCELLENT LOCATION — very warm, bright, 4 bedroom brick home which has everything — kitchen, separate dining room, full bath, lovely large back yard, attached garage, full basement. The Vendor has moved — WHY DON'T YOU? 19t McCann Const. Ltd. SANDBLASTING — Protect your farm implements, trucks etc. by sandblasting and spraying an- ticorrosive paint in our modern paint shop. Also sandblasting brick homes and waterproofing with silicone. Dave Morrissey. RR 3 Ailsa Craig 234-6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244 , 10t IF YOU want to drink that's your business, 1r you want to quit that's our business. Phone 1-348-8363, 4t Advertise Your Sale In The Times-Advocate 141 CUSTOM SPRAYING — barn cleaning, white washing and cattle spraying. For all your spraying needs call Donald Stroud, RR 3, Exeter, 229-6207. 37t SMITH-PEAT Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd., 35 years experience, Commercial, Industrial and Residen- tial, Free estimates, call 235-2802. 6 Services DASH WOOD Phone 237-3381 (Free Estimates) CATTLE SPRAYING for lice. Call Bill Watson, 237-3306. 50t CUSTOM BACKHOE1NG, Sewer hook-up, footings, stump removal, weeping beds, septic tanks etc, Call Grant Skinner, 235-1023. 501 24 HOUR TELEPHONE answering service. Personal service, no recor- dings, prompt. courteous, efficient. For information dial 235-1355. 40t BARN AND COMMERCIAL pain- ting — Spray painting, the experienc- ed and modern way (airless). In- dustrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free es- timates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234- 6202 RR 3 Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244, 10t SALES STAFF DIRK M. C9OLMAN 235-1950 NORM STANLAKE 215-0524 FRAN RITCHIE 235-000 OFFICE 235-1232 445 Main St. S. EXETER CUSTOM COMBINING RATES BUTLER FRED ,EYRE Eves 229-8936 NEAT, COSY AND SPOTLESS is this 3 bedroom brick with living room, large separate dining room, family size kitchen, spacious utility room, MODERN, DELUXE bath. Newly decorated and mostly carpeted. Very handy to post office and downtown, EXTRA NICE LOT. Those hard-earned dollars you are spending on rent could well be used to pay for YOUR OWN HOME. This house is well worth inspecting NOW! OWN YOUR OWN ESTATE — executive ranch on 3/4 acre. Three bedrooms, American style kitchen, 1' baths plus shower, rec room with cherry panelling and huge stone fireplace, laundry room, attached single garage& carport. Heated pool and change room. Immediate POSSESSION. A MUST for the professional man. COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL BUILDING — solid cement block on main highway. Situated on large lot, multi purpose. Half of building presently rented, The location and zoning makes this a VERY SOUND INVESTMENT. Complete Material Handling Equipment CORN — $20 p.a. 28-30-32-36-40 Rows KEITH FURMSTON Call 472-4311 KIPPEN 7'/4 ACRES of good tillable land on highway 4. Older frame home with kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms and modern 3 piece bath. Small frame barn and possibility of severing a good building lot from rear of property. Asking $31,500.00. Call Norm Stanlake. EXETER 4 PLEX on Main St., Exeter. This is a beautifully kept brick building with large rooms, large lot and large detached gar- age. $65,000.00. For further details. Call Fred Eyre. ECONOMY PLUS COMFORT. Three bedroom mobile home wit family room and large deck for outdoor living. This two year old home is on a large lot in Norwood Village. For further information call Fran Ritchie. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN. This two storey, three bedroom brick home is situated on a large lot with mature trees, on a quiet street, The kitchen has enough counter and cupboard space for a banquet. Very clean and tastefully decorated. Call Fran Ritchie. FEATURING THE NEW BOTTOM DISCHARGE UNLOA DER Especially Designed For Large Silos For Detailed Information Call Your Local Butler Dealer 39t INTERIOR, exterior painting — R.H, & S. Painting, Phone Ronald Heywood, 235.2087, 30t LOTS AND ACREAGES MAIN STREET Exeter, 3 lots north of town. Call Fran Ritchie. WILSON'S GLENDINNING & SON JEWELLERY 294-6574 George and Ken BUILDING LOT on quiet street north Exeter. Call Fran Ritchie. 5t HENSALL 1Y2 STOREY ALUMINUM sided home, 3 bedrooms, living room, modern kitchen, separate dining room, 4 piece bath, cosy den, main floor laundry room, and closed-in sun porch. Mostly natural pine floors. This house is newly decorated and all rooms are large. Situated on a quiet street close to school. This is a GOOD BUY AND SHOULDN'T BE MISSED. LAND & SMALL ACREAGES IN AREA DENFIELD — TWO STOREY BRICK HOME, 3 large bedrooms, queen size kitchen, living room, large separate dining room, den or 4th bedroom, full basement. House tom- pletely redecorated and has new wiring, furnace, 1'/2 baths and kitchen cupboards, All floors and woodwork beautifully refinished, Excellent highway location, only 15 miles to Lon- don, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. BAYFIELD AREA — PERMANENT HOME SPEND CHRISTMAS AT THE LAKE in this California Redwood ranch - only 3 years old, 3 bedrooms with large closets, very attractive bathroom with large vanity, hugh liv- ing room with dining area and two sets of patio doors leading to cedar deck, quality shag throughout, good kitchen cupboards. This is a large, well treed lot and very private. EVERYTHING IMMACULATE. RESORT PROPERTY BAYFIELD AREA — Large, treed lot, private subdivision. Includes septic tank and tiling. LOW, LOW TAXES. Buy NOW for spring building. PRICED TO SELL! GRAND 'BEND — 10 acres CHOICE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY, lake and highway frontage. Wide, private, sandy beach with NO erosion. This is ONE OF A KIND. Properties of this type are exceptionally rare. THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW on a street where neat homes and yards reflect community spirit. There is no hemmed in feeling in this large broadloomed living room with dining area. Attached garage, Priced at $36,000.00. Call Fran Ritchie. 5 BEDROOM, split-level executive home, Large living room, kitchen with built-in dishwasher. 45 foot family, room. Completely carpeted. Treed lot, paved drive, attached gar- age. Call'Pran Ritchie for further details 235-0588. THREE YEAR OLD brick bungalow, all electrically heated, finished recreation area, and carpeted throughout. Features paved drive, carport, new inground swimming pool with brominator. This home is in immaculate condition in a prime subdivision, Call Dirk M. Coolman OWNER TRANSFERRED — Large four bedroom brick home on a beautiful large lot with a panoramic view. Features specious kitchen with dining area, large carpeted L shaped living room, 3 piece bath and double carport. Large new in- ground pool with change house add to the attraction of this exclusive property. This may be lust the property you have been looking for. To view call Dirk Coolman. PRICED TO SELL — Neat and tidy but large two bedroom home close to downtown Completely carpeted with two baths, separate dining room, lovely kitchen, den with fireplace plus a finished basement. Must be seen to be ap- preciated, Call Dirk Coolman. BRICK BUNGALOW — three bedroom with full basement. Electrically heated with fireplace and carpeted throughout, Attached garage and breezeway, large lof. Call Dirk Coorrian. BAYFIELD '"THE HOME FOR ALL SEASONS". Does your family like snowmobiling, skiing, hiking, swimming or boating? Then I have the home for you. This brick and vinyl schoolhouse has a double car garage and a pear shaped swimming pool, Three acres of land with mature trees, Located between Grand Bend and Bayfield and Close to Lake Huron. Call Fran Ritchie 235-0588. 413 Main St., Exeter EXCELLENT RING AND JEWELLERY REPAIR SERVICE Pleasing You Pleases US BIBLES and BOOKS WE CARRY BEAUTIFULLY BOUND LEATHER BIBLES THE BEST BOOKS FOR FAMILY READING DON DIETRICH CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND FARM BUILDINGS RR 3, Ailsa Craig 234-6277 CENTRALIA 3 YEAR OLD frame bungalow in excellent condition. 3 bedrooms, L-shaped living and dining rooms, nice kitchen. 4 piece bath plus 2 piece bath off master bedroom. Partially finished high basement, attached garage, situated on country lot On paved road, about 1/2 mile from No, 4 highway. Ask- ing only $40,000. Call Fred Eyre. or 234-6483 Crediton 1 0 t 12t BILL'S BURNER SERVICE — For expert and complete furnace service, including installations, humidifiers and air conditioning, Bill Yearley, Crediton 234-6289. 44t SEWING MACHINE sales and ser- vice, any make. Sales on new stretch stitch machines. Phone Gerald Courtney, 227-4884 Lucan. St SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service. Milt Robbins & Son Ltd,, Exeter, 235-2940, 263 Main St. north of caution light. 401 HENSALL EXCELLENT MODERN BUNGALOW situated on lot about 3/4 acre. Family room has built-in bar and is finished in cherry boards. This 3 yr. old home must be seen. For details call Fred Eyre. JAY'S Electric Service INVESTMENT PROPERTY ELEVEN UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING, all units in good repair and all rented. Good no vacancy record, For detail* call Dirk Coolman. Don's Electric WIRING & MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS 24 flour Service PhoneJ, Johnston Dash wood, Ont. 237.3204 FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Industrial, Commercial and Residential PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 DASHWOOD ATTENTION ---- FIRST TIME HOME OWNERS Here's your chalice to own a three bedroom home with a Minimal down payment and low upkeep and taxeS. Worth looking at with an existing 10% first mortgage and an available 2nd from the Vendor.. For details call Dirk Coalman. CREDITON PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT when you live inane side and rent the other side of this well maintained duplex. One unit presently rented, the other completely remodelled ready for occupancy. Asking only $16,900. Call Dirk M. Coolnian. 471' FURNITURE REFINISHING and reupholstering, reasonable rates, Con- tact Stable Antiques, Lucan, 227- 4006. 481 PIANO TUNING and tvpaiting, buy and sell used pianos, Komoke Piano Sales, 472-1994, 48t *Gat Seaepteaa ea Our Readevte 40t Member of the Huron Real Estate Board CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2011 Scholl's Food Market, Hensall. 361