HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-05-07, Page 3Mr. 28th Blak At epicku tifie goo* lir. the vairaitudseo 1 in Skier illitet to the t••' ems the Peelle Boo oar 'charter. next any; Tho Hume then Pl'eed • nusi$er II private Dina, die .011 'le to vidne soy discusies being test of the Montreal Telegraph Centoar1 "'Lad theii system isle the Manua"' f or useessios ea motiou to Re law' Ironies. After mow s aellther_oa qu Oilier wore asked bud sts.•`7-• mg "tem else tram Mr, JOT, ahtch glinted from the Premier the information tat it was stet Wended to itt"!Je the krustment 4 Civil Servos Wanes. if the GoWINHIEMOt, le • retestele v. gillans move& a resolution in favor Ripon*. The matter was "" Initeisever• Rveltsel weed for any coMeenications rude withal Pers'all lig Minitobs or elsewhere relative to. TOW in favor of the aurdmers .ot .t.ofnetha Scott. He referred t" th" alentit of the murder. sad the inter- nt gis motion would give the Gotsrbt.ir stb opportunity of explain:lig disposition .theyslield in the. tauter. So John Mac - ant peomised any pavers ho possess- fs...eel he did not know whether Mr. aYatat wanted on amnesty or sot. 3Ir. Alarm tsiintod kfr. Brea with not eltowfttg more feeling in the matter. Rol Albert Richards co.innum•ed on the *gaunt indiffereme ot the Government de ter 'Whether Scott's murlerers were punished or not. Mr. Dorton theught eltee eatttled to know whether an minnotty had brawn granted or not. Mr. Cunningham apologised for the action of *el pul expressed his heliet that an ionnity herd been guaranteed. Mr. g. its Wood alluded to the coarse and ly manner in which the Minister' Justice had referred to this suhject urhig his election oeropors. Still, if iniatail, deep as the homiliation would be, *4 'sick would moire itshonld he kept. He c000luded by reviewing the series of gross blunders that had oberacterized the policy of the Govern- ment in the North- West/ Ther audit edow the whole trot , if the Pre- ineetedare to tell it. Mr.. Daly taunted Mr, pate' for the part he had taken as member of the former (mom Givern- lineal with respect to this matter. He defeaded th• Government free) the chores of responsibility and referred bock to the rebellion of '17 and the miir- boewl Col. Moodie. Mr. Rrmal re- gretted the Minister of .1)10100 had nolltained. silence instead of satisfying feeling on the question he had pit to him. He justified hia own in.)- 1"10Xn bringing the subject before the tivbed actuated hint in the matter. 1410, and declared that nopolitical mo - Mr, leas moved • resolittion in favour of +0 purchase of the telegrsph lines by the'Clovernment, but a pant of order hav41 been raised it was allowed to dre0 Mr. 11sEorsith moved for amen - instills relating to the dist-Moroi of Mr. Robertson, Postmaster of Lanark, for, it le believed, having taken part in the olawaion contest against Mr. Win. Mc- Dolseall, who had declared that the enoe. Mr. Haman justified the action of the Goverornent on the grount that 64 lied need his position to smiles the rnmont. Mr. Thompson ;HAIM- ) called attention to similar cases in km ',louts% • discussion ensued, in wkich nomber of instances of poem/A- tari, being instigated to use their influ- ences in Gm interest of the Government candidmtes were earned. Sir John Macdonald defended the Department. Thr isotOon waa agreed to. TENODAY, 29th April. Jely complained of the continoed delay of the Finance Ddinister redeem his promise with regard to the admission of his Oroly's) resolution respecting en- copragessent toy the manufacture of beet riArt sugar in Canada. He Mend to know what the Misiatry intended to do in the matter. Hon. Mr. Tilley said there would be no objeetion to Mr. Jely moving the resolution on Thursday. 424r. Mackenzie attention to the Loodon Poet Ofges Inspector's letter ladi imferie the How by him, and desir- ed to know what course the Government iatended to pursue with regard to it $ohn was not prepared to say, but I:motet/44 an answer next day. In reply to Mr. Blake's ivory in respect to the land classes of the Pacific Railway Char- ter,Sir John said the Government had net yet made np their minds on the stio'set. They were in daily expecta- tion of receiving oommnnicationi from the delegates in England respecting the 111100•41 of their financial efforts, and thWy did net desire to make any state - ;malt until they received farther infor- mation, which they would probably dn next retail. Hen. Mr. Holt/mead it ep- os him that the fact of a deism- It7o4relling in England tin make negotia- tions tinder • charter which required the assent of Parliament was a sufficient mason why this matter should be once oensidered, because the freedom of Parliament might to a certain extent be Wricted by these negotiations. Sir John A. liscdoneld said that the fres- . dean of Parliament meld in so way bo rattricted. Mr. Mackenzie desired to know whether there Wel any truth in a rumour which appeared in the newspa- pers respecting Indian troubles in the Nortl-West Territories. He hoped there was no truth in the rumour, and if tie Government had any information they should wassitaicate it to the liduse. Sir Jehn 4. Macdonald said , that the Goverweett had received ne ' infinrmation of any raids or inimrsions of Indiana in say wsy. The rumours had 'reached the Government, and low' beelin reported ia the newspapers, and it mold appear there were so many rsieourn that there must be some lone - deem for them. No report had been received from Manitobaupon the subject exeept a telegram in cypher, which they were enable to read. He had sent to hove the message repeated. Th. Bin Owing power to committees to examine havine eared the Senate. Mr. Mac - Vienne asked if the Royal usent wonld bagiven to the Bill immediately, so that the Pacific gailwaY taysatiution might premed. Sir John stated that the Bill w•olet leave to wait, The report of the Kant, N. B., Election Committee was rsaii. the Committee dismissing the petition, lading the recognizamm in - the ecisentittos was final, and the subject deepped. A number of bills were ad- ! Camped • stage, the one sethorixing a shame of geese OR the rntercoloniel a t 1,1•166111. --so ppliyar••:aaosadthsasatterlheeni rdpmat amnduinwarisettbertee ccs1 '• Ramis adjourned- ! Wisorsuor, 30th Apra, *Several belle woe repotted fres the Canniness on Haskins and Cemnseros. After ems* isgwisise bad beets rephod to Farblistax:IllirrzielagerteCOtho°°W1rre"thi 1.11:rtancelidW.nimaet be▪ en dom. Melo Mr. Tones eifroad ; grninoildbri_28abaid, 7. "he with- av• e: at *valid a do" Tem, when isonekeeenanarruxisteatiolintaaka goomilsega ieweedieso passing 7.-717,- ines mated ass a line of nserelmai sisenellia doing the round ei the subsidy plea Poen method iseuld be far the eteroltanta of mootraal mad Wise sensilakdal mitres tho Dominion to fan. soling- Mr. Nuts awed s Oesetithno, "h• Whole to dem to Her7011#00.* PaYteg that nape key be leimittle11111Pags all doubts m • 14 • keg esehsive sovereignty over all boys, Wham asd ialsts upon our coasts to the asue Went that stmtlar waters are claimed by every civilised nation having t frostier oa the sea. Sir Joba opposed she motion. Mr. Blake followed in japport of it, and the debate was ad- ourned at mama, Dr. Tupper having for floor. Afar recess • umber of private bills were disposed of, titre Martin. Divorce Hill being read a second time on a vote of 84 to 71. The bill to ma - hie the Buffalo and Lake Heron Rail- way to stake arrangements respecting their bond debts warn passed. On mo- tion of Mr. Mills the Dual Representa- tion Bill was referred to a Select Com- mittee. Mr. Cartwright's Bill for the better protection of navigable streams and riven, by preventing deposits of sawdust, slabs, and other rubbish there- in, was, after considerable di' cuuion, passed through committee and read a third time. T[uaSDar, jet limy. Mr. Jett* introduced a B it to sboliah the real property qualifioation of mem- bers of Parliament. Hon. Mr. Mitchell moved a resolution respecting the regia. tration of inland vessel, which was adopted. After motion with reference to the Kent (N. B.) election committee by Mr. Coetigaa was after soma disous tion withdrawn. The sitting member retains his meet. Some miscellaneous business was disposed of after which the helm went into Committee pf Supply mai passed a number of items. Mr, Wilkes adv000ted the abolition of the tax on petroleum, which was objected to by Dr. Tupper. On the item for Mail Service, Mr. Farrow desired to call the attention of the Government to the excellent suggestion thro*Fn out the other day by the member fat South Ox. ford, which, if adopted, he leas satisfied would greatly increase the revenue of the Poet oflLe Department, and at the same tiros war i1 L be a great cotbvenience to ppa•rties living ata distance from banks. He referred to the sugoestien to reduce the rates for sending money -orders in places at a distance from. the banks. people were obliged to 'end money either by registered letter er by money order. It was some risk tailwind by reg- istered letter, and therefore if the rate for money orders was reduced from a half per cent. to s gnarter per cent, there would be a large increase in money orders, amt that brsuch of the Post office revenue world be proportionately in- orea.sed. He thought this matter should receive the attention of the Govern- ment, and this was the proper time fir calling attention to it. In reply Dr. Tupper stated that the qoestion had been considered and the d'nctosion ar- rived at that any fnrtyor redectiun would cause a deficit in -the revenue. • FRIDAY, 2nd May. After routine Mr. Mackenzie brought np his resolution condemnatory of the proceedings of the Government in rela- tion to the Intercolonial Railway section No. 5, He reviewed the errors con- nected with the policy of the Govern- ment from the Inception of the scheme. Flo showed how the precipitancy with which the work was commenced without necessary information heeled to the most diaatruns results and the failure of the contractors, and the delay and pecuniary loss resulting therefrom, and how the choice of the route was dictated by poli- tical considerations, and under the domineering influence of Sir Geo. E. Cartier, opposed as it was to the perso- nal convictions of the Premier and other members. lie recalled the fact that by himself and other members of his party in the Dominion Parliament, as well as by their own Engineer, Mr. Fleming, the Colnmiuion, under the directi•m of the Government, bad entered blindly and recklessly into the contracts. Then the over -rutin; of the advice of the Engineer as to the form of the contract, and the payment of the cootracton not according to the gnantities of work executed but in lump sums, was alluded to, and the consequences of these blun- ders were exposed. After reviewing the natter ins speech of sime length he moved a resolution setting forth the freta and condemning the Commiwion- ers Dr. Tupper replied at some length, and after some other members had spoken the vote was taken and the reso- lution defeated, Yeas 70, Nays 95. gaitIDAY, 3rd May: The fiovernor General gave hie •went to -day to the bill empowering commit- tees of the house to seamiao witnesses under oath and a number of other mea- sures which had passed both houses. The Weights and Measures bill was read s third time and pawed. The only other business of much importauoe dis- posed of was the passing of the follow- ing resolution of Mr. Holton's, respect- ing the insolvency act, on a von. of 74 to 53 :-"R.esolved that in the opinion of this House provision should be made before Parliament rises to continue the Insolvency Act in force until the next session of Parliament." The 1LM100 War. - Special Noticea. Onseageasit.-50•101 00004. -4saararws. ass engem law. *hien gamins the Operation. of dirges. it* sad nutrition, and by a oral applioation of the Ise pro/iodide of well mite comm. lir, Epps hot Provided our breakfast tablets with a delicately therwrad be,eraire whisk may save na many heavy deefew biu.„--Ciril mores Gassers. Reds Maple wilt Belling Wateror tuck melt:lois labelled -"hugs errs k Co.., Hommopehic Chemists, teemeat of the precise adopeed by Messrs Jamie aver 41. C0., manufacturers of, dietetic articles, at their works is the Ruston Roedl,Loadoa.''--Casmtl's Nmiesheld quids. FRAUDS ABROAD! Isea most rrepectfully to motion the poblie or 0 e British t arts Americas Provinces to be on then saw' .camst pernitasiag.spurious medicine. wawa an. wag sold ea any geaunte "Holloway's Pill. aatt otatmeet," by certain le-tividuals, of bro. ,,,. a,, noose, trading alfter the lust few moath. only) seder the AO& of the "New York Champ.' caippany., ivivl &realise le mode use '>! oy then' for the purpose i mooring upaa the puntle; and the wore siteeteelly to deceive, they ham tis• effrcntery. la their advertisements, to is - a " Um:* epaa:11:retitiee'.7:rlitog e'roasa4Te:bea;-itt"atheelePtedvalnuanPrtieftelhtesie411. " The an aenee dimmed kir 'Antrim Ai's Pi tui " I n order to protect the aublie end ourselves .• es ham *toed anew 'Trade Nark; emoletIng o pf aa reptilLI Cirri. eta serpent with the "letter R is the centre noire bee of grantee " this Dods oath to it. Esse are genuine ' ;owl:filar:raj teen JOINARS Ill oven AND Mtn- .• -none of the old style are manufactured h. i• nano.. nor hare they been for months We •• being • offered will he received with thanks " We see the favor of all the information ) ou Maw tha ednipany is awake that your laws do uot ler:nit them to copy the precise getting op of fur Medicine.. hid in order the more eomplotely to it naoseaary, • o they me, to Oaks up the Pills sad Ointment in another fonli,ard that that they adopt twee." there i. elm a [boot Pringle of New York, ,41,0 by es/wont/MIS /TiCkTTII i• attempting to sell eporfolm imitatioss of my eedlei.Mt. Beware of him likewise. This nannheirterl Cheinicif Company has dared to lay thai I owe very large bum+ of Money in the Drifted Statri, What is the Act? A newspaper agent obtained. without nay linowlegcle nr come, t. and by collusion with a party who held • bniited porayoratiorno of !nib., a order to Advertise my nt his whrigav• judgement sepielt me to the amount n11071,2r .e.id, for pront whdh he said he could hare made by it, had I not taker stets to repodiate thie - !roe transaction the ninmeet it came to my know taiga Thiejuileement will soon be set mid*. It to any one that I would net Immediately pay. There is no tenth whatever In the statement that. 1 ever acthonsed any; perm* nr ioersona to use .n. nam• for the mit of 0.1 Pills awl Ointinent,a it hough gross trends have bon p Deed noon me by un• priampled nom in this way. the lo owloite of any pe •inesaretreing male awl sold in eny name, that he Iv plowed to send me dm n me and addrese of the vendor who is selling the ea e, that f may, for Me hlm, ant I Puget* to remunerate headmmely my la. torment without divulging senors. Should any maven have r on to believe teat he kas been deveived by burin 'mime. imitations ef these liediciam, he will o lige me by sendiag to cents in potato.), one of t books of instruetians wdiado are Aired to thesam.. wholesale net wren 01 u mot be Ord //1 advance. ism Illkiltilt. Are lig tie worth vis,11..ed.. tiscie. rim doses boles of Pills or ors of Ointment, for which remittances sold In the United States. ' Keen Pot and Bos of v !leonine Nedicinea beans. the ItOtish GOV. •nt Ramp, with the words "Holloway's Pills and -flatulent, Lon THE MOST POPULAR BUSINESS .J O R. DAN'S DRUG STORE, OF THE DAT, biarket�; Squa e, Goderich. TAIL ORIAlt SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF ! Merchant Tailoring cr tri tTi 1 %i.?., X ° 0 *6- 0 bil ti 0 .e r ,..,mKi ,i.: 3 3 A tc,,-E tli e, n'z to to PI .0 q gi, it m til m- rii tliz: v-ic 1 5 I mi.' o cA 4. as a til C; nutlet -tam OF THE LAST TROOPS SHOT Write LULL 0111t. Nsw Yofte. April 29.-A Herald's spe- cial from the Lava Beds, dated 26th, says: -"The force under Captain Thomas, which atarted to reconnoitre the poeition held by the Modoes, numbered sixty-nine tun. The object waa mainly to fied oat how the Modocs were situated, and whether mortars could be used against them. As the troops approitched the Lays Bed, the command was brought to a halt. and the men were &Rowed to take rest. Ac- counts of the first fire are different, some saying that five or six Mots were fired, and others only four, bot Tickner states positively that it came from a party of Indians who occupied the bluff. Major Thomas immediately threw the men into skirmishing order, with Lieut. Wright's company on the right. The latter, however, had not got into position before they were flanked to the right by a party of fourteen other Indiana. The arose fire on Wright's neon proved very demoralizing, and they broke and fell hack in confusion, leaving their gallent leader in an expos- ed condition and supported by a few of his non-commisaioned officers. In the meantime another small party of In- dians had obtadned a position to the loft, and opened fir*. It was a fearful trip. and the first four shots were on/y fired to draw the troops snore directly' be- tween the fire of the Indians on the right and left. The rout was convlets, and with the exception of the officers and non-commissioned officers, the majority of wheel lay stretched on ths rocks with their life bloocl ebbing fast away, -the watchword was "Sours qui peat." Con- fused sad demoralsed, they became an easy prey to the Modes*, who shot them down like so manv frightened deer. That a party of sixty-nine men their being aware of • sign of Indians as far as they could see, will pre an idea rif the nature of the gronnd on which these Indians fight. During night the Indians were creeping through the rocks to scalp and strip the dead sol- diers. Capt. Greens moved forvrard his line to the place indicated, and then hid in some sage brush. where the bodies of Major Thomas, Limit How, Actiug Stur- geon Simig, Sergeant Rower and sixoth- en wore. Col. Wright's body lay a little to the left, and on the right was Limit. Harris, severely wounded, and the bodies of five of his men, stripped of all their clothing. Forty•nine were killed and wounded ont of the command of sixty-nine men." 41. Florian WET ThIll STINANER kri.sirric.-The Boehm' Times rolatom the follow ineideat (serious if tree) of the lost Arlan**. Whoa about mid - if true, sa relatoyet to our reporter, is syry usucenntable. The steerage possums may that at about that poiat.oe Use Tem* two or three ot th. deeland, u if gifted with dm spirit of prepheey, that the ship sad all ea board wild be lest. They kept sepeating the woes oat deck to watch fee Aimee pes- etas veesetheariag that tbey were going to loess her, as they wore ewe aka wee doomed to destreottee. Theeaptain then ieterrened, and kicked them up as road - mu, and when Om prediction theY boa inside in ikeir supposed ammikayreesised its tearful Wilma'," they, it ie amar perished in SONINS1111111.-.w11 stems* Moroi tram Greek is getting enmities. in Harvard Glossa is gaieties giewad. nixie of Ph ophates arid C :Mara combines Oleo. valuable robed... in the fo . of a delicious cordial. Plniephorno, • brain fond Lime, an excitant of nutrition:. lmn, a blood *ter; and Calissy• or fever, and ad conditions of ervnus prostration *hit known that Ad immediatel on the stomach, perfec t toit this done 101 and a. venation of food and dietermininz the form i Ina if pure blond. ft o com- bination ever Marooned .. o remarkaole in build. that have heretofore resin all crdiaare methane of tteatment 8,h1 by all guieta. CANADVAN FA PI DESTUOT- 48 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS 4-1L well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Bark and Hiatt, Coughs, Cold', Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramer in the Stomach, Cholera Mertes, Dysentery, Bowel -.. Complaie to, Burns, Scalp ,rost The Canadian Pain tmyer has now been be- fore puldie for s lent of time. and vfharrror deed is well liked, never fa ing in a single instance to give pern.anent relef is hen timely need. and we have never known a single imatinfactien where the directions hare been pro rly followed. at oa rontrary, all me !blightto with Os operations, and *pink in the higheet term of its virtues and enagi- nal Whet. toted it thoronghlY ; an therefore 'those who are s,alermy frnin any a the plaint. for which it is tteTtoineelesv.te'niahing efficacy of the Canadian Pain De- itroyer in !doing the lit 14 ror Whial it is recom-' mended zed it. wonder? effects in subduing the torturous pato of Shen abort, and in relieving Nervous Affections entitl it to high rank in the Itet Oealers in ail parte of th• count:. fer forther ow, plies;aii4 each totilyin44 as to the tweet -sal antis - faction ft MVO Tim Cana ban Pain Deatroyer never fails to give immix& relief. 011 leticine Dealers keep it as Pays ne order and n It ; and no family will be without 0 afor trying it: TwentrdIve Cent. eer bottle. AN/P•801d in Godersch. Geo. Cattle, F. Jordan; Gardiner de Co. Bay field; Jas. Benthum, Rogerrille; J. Pickard, Exeter; H. Combe; Clinton; S. Secord, medicine dealers. THE GRE VT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Pills, TINIS INVALUABLE wooscINr. is UNFAILING II intim care of all thnee peinfel and (tangerines diseases to erhich the fewle consolation is est;ect. modermse all e teem .and remove* lin °Nitrations and • speedy cure ma' Ito relied nn. TO 1/411111C11/ LiDle$ peeti,tarir mulled. It wilt, In • .tiort time, brie( ae the monthly toned with regularite. /ages Pahl surd nor I tar% Pessoles duet et at If la ST rrtetira /2,711965 of Prevarinev,ria Mayor* ta rings* II" hut at any oth•TfilIte they ere Mfg. in all Coes of Nervoue and Spinal Affection s,poln in the Bachand Limbo, Fatty lie or slorktexertion,Palpi- 'oboe 01 the heart, Ilysterres. and Whites these Pins eri II effect a eon whoa all otlim mean.. have failed. and although a cowmen! r reedy, O•not contain iron. calonlei, atuunony, or anything betful to the comb. Ful Iilireetions in the pamphlet •mond each postage which !hos Id Paeans/idly preserve& JOB 5011111. NIIIV TOM, TOL! PROPRITTOIL 1.00 and III cents for emerge. enchmed to Northrop lk Lyman. Newcastle. Chit , general agents for *for Dominion, will insure a bottle containingovertdfins hy. return mail. NORTHRUP LYMAN. Newcastle, G Woe( agents lorCanaes Combo. n!inteon, 8,1. cord, Lecknowi E. Hick: *wet tr. htedieiro-41talere. DR. J. BELL SIMPSON'S Specific nnd Tonle Pills. mos one or neatinn Rom toe FOR NEST- '. on. Spermatorrhea Nocturnal slon of the lieneratim Organ,. Palpitation nd the Heart. Tremblings. Pileeplronem, the effect of overindalgenos in alcoholic stimulant., and tobac- co. Pe. Dr J. BRIJ. PIMPSON't Pills are the oat. *Norton] 011011 foy the above diseases, and art lever known to faN. They have already mood hundreds la this country. Robert Arthur, machin- ist, Ifemi!ton. testate@ to his reeovery by then see. Safe. certain and rapid In lotion, a short mei will prove their elleary, No sneerer nerd deanair of boot **limed from the frightful efforts nf Sete- A3Cle. SpOrlie Pills are sold by bruggiati at $1 u0 • boa. and the Tonto. Pill. at 60c. a box, or WI bn tent by mad. Postage pre-waiw. sad iloclarelY vivrpee flown obeetvatiou. on receipt of 11." for the EPerelltu. and He. for the Tonle Pills by "if. SELL snresore a co., 'Drawer 91 P. 0. IlfamiStnt. bold try all WItrotwole and Retail Drug/1sta Pamphlets rent post -fres ma application - cow POITAID SYRUP OF ITPOPROINIITER te by the imailwaalat-arbe k ems" weikw sews se. bees amedfire=desialiLlArr bit tas sweaswi stems; via Bed meet Ames althea., the flessrel =Or Le%ef Yoke.. It milieus • fsolla, and maim at 01001 bill Mit/ eat berate Sold Ely. A notheoaries. JAMES I. IrMLLOWS, fCHISMIST 1. ''. lecturer's Pricoo-Large Platform Scales, incInding Ha* Scales, promptiv ordered and a dim:omit for Cash allowed, r ARRT AGE SPR1 ns, CARRIAGE '-/ AXLES and PATENT WAGGON ARMS, for sale chesp At JOHNSON A KERR'S. • RAH. AND H001" IRON. SLEIGH At JOHNSON it KERR'S. pATENT HORSIII SHOES HORSE a- SHOE NAILS, /by the keg or box, pan BEST ASSORTMENT of TA • BUS, DESSERT, PEN AND POCKET KNIVES, PLATED SPOONS and FORKS in Goderich, to At JOHNSON k KERR'S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCK - ch WOOD'S Celebrated MILL SAW FILES, and Serby's HAND and RIP SAWS, the best in the Market, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. ir,miNrs CHAMPION CROSS -CUT IF SAWS and SAW HANDLES at List Prim, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. (11:10/1"ING AXES FROM THE beat Makers, single and doable steel A COMPLETE ;ASSORTMENT OF a • LoOKS, HINGES, NAILS, GLASS, PETTY, PAINTS and OILS, at Lowest Cash Priam always on hand, A COIKPLETE ;ASSORTMENT OF MEi trent the best makers, at Low- est Gash Price. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. PARIICULAR ATTENTION PAID a to the wants of the Farming Com- munity, and orders from the country promptly attended to, At JOHNSON k KERR'S. IM ILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS • at Maker's Pries List, carefully or- dered and die/mord for cosh allowed, At JOHNSON A KERR'S. THE WHOLE OF THE ABOVE GOODS are offered Cuts" CHEAP, for Cash, At JOHNSON k KERR'S. %puts. PATENT ALARM CASH 'La Drawers, the best in the world - Price only $4 50, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. REMEMBER THE PLACE, HAMILTON ST., Siga 'of the Cross -Cut Saw, Goderich. Muth 11th, 1873. WANTED,a Smart Lad for- • Hard- ware Store. Must be well re- oommended. Apply by letter to box 69, 1363 JIM received by the IMMO nice a largo stock of SPRING TWEED% FANCY 00 ATOMS. %Ye are determised to sell esisal good goods, A 00 OD 717, orrillkiNT,111D, ult SO RAM I . A LARGE STOCK OP principany hare manufacture. Just Medved tb• comet things in • e GENTS' FURNESHIN1 GOODS, HATS, -SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND TIES, en el 'Agee ion bi Told 41 IOW as poountile. ?tone say that oppoeitioa is the life of trade. Others my this is the roe. to sot go3d Clothes Made. Wove hound lo n•let attention to inoirleire, with reclaim an.1 experience In Dad* to throw all interlopers In the ehade. " CUM'. demi free of Caere,. rr Wanted twohret-ehus workmen for wiinda the highest wage* 11111 pelt. re. Re- member the O.!! next door to J. Bond's Drug Store, on tbs 17-1 •BRAIIANI SMITH PCs. NMI' /4 *nor to hny a first -Hui* aiming inarhina. The new, Improved Oeborn " to the hot Panilly•Machior made in Canada Abraham Smith, WALL PAPERS, New Patterns for 1873. NEW GOLD PAP,S. " DINING *ROOM PAPERS. SITTING RIM PA l'E RS. BED ROOM PAPERS. 14 HALL PAPERS. 61 NEW STYLEi OF OAK. Marble, Granite and Ceiling Window Ohacies, Plain and Figured: great variety, At Lowest Prices At MOORTIOUSI:S. March 18th, 1873. 41 SEND YOUR ORDERS HORSE IFILLS For the Sett.sOn of 1873 To TH If Huron Signal Office, Where they will be d pe neatly, cheep- ee:e. Your choice of r cute. - GOOD BARGAINS Mancheste Store, St. THE Subscriber bees to announce to Townships that he haa opened out in the Store lately occupied by William Gor- don, a new and wellies/sorted Stock of HARDWARE, &NM' AND SIfOES, PATENT MEDICINES, dc„ which he is prepared to give as good Bargains in, for Cash Or Produce, as ane offered to the Public. Please oaltead. see for yourselves be- fore porcine -ins elsewhere. Good Clover, Timothy and other Seed isn heed. JOHN GORDON. St. Helms, April 26th, 1873. 1381d AGENTS WANTED. A FEW GOOD AGENTS WANTED 1-1* to sell Fruit and Ornamental Trees, in the Counties of Huron aud Perth, for a first-class American Nursery. Liberal Commission allowed. Address Wm. CAMPBELL, General Ageat, Goderich. April 26th, 1873. 1367-c 10 BUILDER& /VENDERS WANTED, for the area - '11' Lion of • Briek School House for 8. S. No. 6, Colborne. Plans and speci- fications may be mon at Walter Hick's, Goderich. Tenders sill be received up to 1Tth May. 1 he Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any A. SANDS, Goderich, P. 0. April 28th 1873. 7367-c* Notice of Guardianship. voTICE is hereby given that after the I/ expiration of Tvrenty days from this date, I, Isabella McPherson, of the town of Goderich in the County of Huron, widow, will apply to the Surrogate Court of the County et Huron to be ap- pointed Guarelusoi of David McPherson, Dollen* Agnes McPherson and Ellen McPherson, all of the said Town of Goderich, Infant chillren of James Mc- Pherson, deceased. Dated at Godench this 7th May, Wide* of ssid James McPherson, J. S. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for applicant. and mother of laid In1fa3a6Ft: WANTED. A YOUTH to learn printing. One who has been a year er two at the business preferred. Apply at this of- fice Goderich, 29th April, 1873. A LARGE AS TMENT OF • FIELD AND GWEN SEEDS JUST RECEIVED AT THE MEDICAL HALL. Goderich, April 15th, le73. 136.5 THE EMI;ORIUM. NEW SPRING ,,,,,,, i AT 20 CASES BOOTS dc SHOES !Just received at 3 BALES GREY colTONS Just Received at Special attention given eo the TAILO INti DEPARTMENT. floderioh, 3rd March, 1873. F GROCERIES • GIVE BALL A CALL. WHOLESALE AGENT for Nee r " woke Celebrated • Srtom CONFECTION T;,'RY 11-•• Ordure respectfully solicited. 4 victuri. st. : Goderich, April lith, 1873. 11336 Men OGranted, NUMBER OF MEN for genre purposes required at tlio Goderic Harbour Works. Liberal wages paid. Apply to HARVEY & ROSS,4. April thtli, 1873. 136fic Merchant. Tail GODERICH, I ;AS received his Spring Stook of ▪ * and is prepared as nsual to eta kinds of Garments in the muse fas able styles and at the lowest rat of all descriptions constantlypis kin • CALL WISPECTI:LLY SOLICITED. ej- Two good Tailors wanted fn Goderich, 15th April, 1873. OPENED our liGAI (c) f DOUGLAS iticICENZIE Watchmaker & Jeweller, DESIREE to return his sincere thanks ti the publc for tad patronage extended hinn i the peat. and to annonnee that he has renioved the premises on gintreton Street, forme' ly ocenpied as craws store, which he has fitted up in first rims airier. He would Clal modal attention to th RUSSELL WATCH for tho sale of which he is Sole agent in God ch. A large stock of Waltham, Nerion, Elgin and etas Wates la ChM and Silver cases. He has n band • large and well selected stork of 141 1133 FLY of al kinds which he orill sell rheap. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL. FRICTIDN BABBITT META?... THURBER NET AT, liio .1, le for lloart Ingle, No. 2„ ill for Parkin Inge And Journals I'll011111, 1 high velocit) Sec r lb. No. 3, ie for Orithary_and Genteel Purmee26c hilhr lb CANADIAN IfETAL, is for Chattiness, a tter it than ordinary Babbitt Sec rib. the Price lee gierl b. Large quantities of the Thurber Netras hay boeu tiled &tries the putt Tea years. They hare been thoroughly toned and mated against all other Me- tals, sad Seely have become almort eerldelvely need in all the large Lumber LlifiTrirt4. soch!as the bottlers. Rell.my and Lao. Plow°. kills. Peter borough, Liodaey. Pon Hope, Trenton, Be *vine, Rivera, Quebec, and Nontmereari *11.*, e., am well as in all the Principal Foundries an4 MlInu lac - SOL P ot dale everywhere la tbe Donlisioe at Uusabeve Frites 441 d• de Toeeete asp item Hote.h. Nev. 15th, INT, • 1-1URRAH FOR A7LANDVILLE ! {WILLIAM STA NBURY, 411`11ANKFUL for put favours, desires to inform the inhabitants of itaitlandville and surrounding country that he to be found at the old stand, ready and trilling to attend to the wants of his customers. Ile has on hand A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES TEA, SUGAR,' TOBACCO, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SPICES &co, At. ALS() Dry Goodie Nails, Crockery, r Glassware, FLOUR. ,FEED. Having been granted a Shnp Licenee for thosale of Liquors, he will keep on hand ra-fell stock of WHISKEY, A 4E IN DOTTLE OR 0N DRAUGHT., rf- The' highest market price paid for Butter, Ego and ether produce. Remember the Maud, nearly opposite the Schoel House, Maitlindville. March 4th, 187;t. 1359 CARTHAGE WORKS. R. 3_ ViTHITELY EGS TO THANK TRE cPUBLII. for the liberal patriensge accord him in the past and to ounounce th he still carries osi CARR IAGE ds GLEN MAKIN in all its branches, oat the old -sten opposite • E. MARTINI'S COLBORNE ROTE . Carriages, Buggies, Waggons and eyerytbing else in his line kept cal hand or made to order of the beet material and in tbe must workmanli. e REPAIRING PROMPTLY NIIICUTZD. Goderich, 25th Feb. 1873. 135 ATTG TION Pei e PARTIAL LIST of goods for sale at Parson's & Co's *w Hardware Store_i opposite the Market NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, GRAIN CRADIfil, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKHEO, LEATHER BELTING, all siseli, WHITE LEAD, all prices. , BOILED AND RAW Olio, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. s And all kind* of , • For Bale Cheap., I G. H. Parions Oppcaite the Market House/ June, 28. 197J Wanted. SMART, active boy to loam Black. JOHN PASMORE. Ooderieb, April 18, 1873. 130160 IMMENSE CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS & SHOES. TUX Subecriber wishing to retire ""- feint the BOOT and SHOE Busi- ness, *ill sell his Large Stock compris- ing some 6000 Pi;irs of Boots & Shoes AT C T FOR CASH. . w is the time to GloEtt (Had Bat aviatrix, As tie jest means 'what he P.g. amounts must lie paid withiett delay. SAMUEL FURSE, Sign; ot the Boot, Market Square. 1171. 1544 NEW GROCERY! 8 LOCK'S Stock of Groceries and add very largely to them, 'is now in a pos uoi, in the *ante stand. to sell Crockeri, and Provisions, CHEAP FOR CASH ! t• arge Stock of 04 hand, and selling at reduced prices. Bound to Sell Cheap. COOD BARGAINS IN Raisin Az urr ants. Jervthing that can usually be found in Ist Grocery Store can be fpund here. D4 not fail to call and examine goods air prices, if you wish te say* money. JAS. BRACKENRIDGE, reerlemember the stand, comer of Nirth Street and Market Square. oderich, Jan. 6th, 1873. 1351 THE ery Thing Wanted ; NEW HARDWARE STORE I 453-4:01)1E11 I ell CF THE CIRCUlAli SA hate Just eouipeted opening out an Satire New OMPLETE STOCK OF allkfnrie whi!•t. will be sold at pnees that defy ye TIN a call. B.-Liet of Goods sold. next week. PPoeite l'he Market House Climax Potatoe,i, Saes delicate, white deshed. fine 1 Armored, Md. also a dry and meely po- tatoe. Class.' Arnold, Nunierytnatt, in Caiirola Farmer, March 15th, says :- " This imp the best of all potatoes, old or new. table qualities it has no ' equal. It is tory productive, and I heve I never yet seep a diseased tither amongst The Canute li'as bowl ,proniiiinced in England the best Anieriean potates ever raised. A: limited quantity for sale at r. FERGITSON'S. N. 13. Tt 'is teed to be less subject than other lands to the attack of the Colorado Eug. 1365 MARKET SQUARE. GODEILIC,H. Have for Sale UWE, FdiC, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAW S, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES , OF HAND SAWS, CHOP - MD -PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND 'AXES AND BROADAXES. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOOMING CHAINS F ALL SIZES, GLASS, PVTTY, WROuGHT AND CUT NAILS &c. And a largo assortment of all kinds of At low prices for CASH. Opposite '• Goderich, Noy. 26 1871 1-7 • 'nil. BOOTS & SHOES., GO TO • MOISMHOF Remember the place, TWO DOORS FROM CLIFFORD':' BAKERY, Jordan's Drug where he i+ prr,arel to de all work with which nay tio voted. REP A IR ING DONN term NEATNESS AND DESPATCH• A CALL SOLICITED. Goderieli. May 20th. Mt rum - liberal inducementa will be offered. Goderich, lit March, 1873. 1360c For Sale. r11/15 House and Let, No. South Street, late/y owned by the late Mrs.! DAVIS, will be ail4 at on tho Tenth day of May next. Gode• rich, IOth April, 1873. 1365e* DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET,