HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-05-07, Page 2Uwe hes is map eats; she set rhea bar she avoid list show her paw talked 114,yeass squire of Seseige, and termed ca -r the leaves of phono- graphic alba* with • somaiegly ear*. lass haat. lot John Triteness saw the trembling, se her eyelid, the flesh upon her cheek, SW sorrow and aims of re - mat tears Mat lingered on her face; sad it was Jae) otteery votes that proposed dinner a: Oahe( to lila 'My dam. Lady Trowsvas.' soid, 'are we all )o starve bossism Whoa lus lost his trap in the woods I Come let es have darer; Ise dassrves to get his cold for samies hems late.' • 'Mar ballot Imre met with sa mei- &est r askaa the thookir's wife. This crank eiMeei brought a quick flush to Semmes bos, ss ale looked tare) &Ober another. 'My grilfiecisr is too geed a rider talus likely tio *met with us assileat,' said Lady Tireileass, • little deer. 'Set hi- au Mies Tomo with hist T said the irpolior's wife. lase is a yery wild nderi I knew, for she has frigheme ed adamiliv esesiag dove them kills at • foram, gallop.' 'She disedinee to break her seek, if she does that,' said the blur tied repave et Bowie*. !Het ladies are never fit to trusted etiih horses; they are &leafs mod to A num would be 'ahem - ed to horse, as/ gallop boa up- hill, and as a lady dom.' 'Quits ' mid the doctor, in as na- detour, . I wish Miss Varese would nse the kip jest sow, and practise • little of galloping you talk of; it would better than keeping es all waiting rot dinner. 'Lii4p ',einem would set wait a mitt - lite for Witt madcap girl,' whisper*/ tho old aisle.. 'It is tor Sir Hiluia ob. her awkward don't you me, to table without the sumer ,tio*q ASTalliflingell111 Law Clerk Wanted & Seeger. feeders Welded -Win. Stirliag, Thos. Welah. Hoops. Hoope--Campbell Bros. Sowing Marines, ke.-L. Cherry Sale -Cameron Garrow. 56 to 520 per oloy-43. Stinson & Co. Yonad-A. Sara A Co. Stray COir-L, White. Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypo - phosphites. waits. sittiog d f the At mamma the aria hiuk of the hostess mom the bell. `Sensilthe dinner,' she said. Sir Hil- ted is ddentaticas detained by sorsa slight socidsliabospea MOIL . As 'rests walked to the dieing. n wore exchanged and aarmisetiteitted respecting Sir Hilton's strange . Some of these Eleanor overlsesed, end her ears tingled with in - &punt pain. At this party her engagement was to have belga anamuiced, and her positthe se Sir diatom's intended wife was to have been acknowledged; ma fres such a gatherthg of friends as this, brooght to- gether tor such a purpose, ke hod chosen to &beset himself, i& order to prolong his ricae with Olive Varooe ! Unlaces 602110 11136ident detained Kin, his con- duct lips as Malt, deliberately giveao and it actitld only mean thot he had dis- cover* ere it was toe late, the mistake he kadartie ia offering his love to her. Hut 'aner's heart swelled -hew her veins ambled et the thought ! How hong* was the tartars of sitting here, to be ) st by these people, who tate could e re that her brain waa on fire ! 'Air ' we you are ill !' exclaim- ed tboadunt, fumy Mr. Vigo. 'Let nee assist yea hem the Male a Earner was leaning bask is her *hair, deadly *le. She hod jest seen dir Hil- ton'e rat dash by at e gallop. Way had kerma home alone 1 les* Trowels& had seen hien alio; but, dtltough s little pale, she waa still stately tad calm; anti with instinctive delicacy' and tact, Eleanor copied the deineirear of the rostra. 'Mt doer Eleanor,' said Mrs. Maria- towe,litervorly, 'I think yos had Ut- ter go as/ lie down a little -yea look so ill l' The Grand Sinn& The Grand Trunk Railway has always been notorious for its encouragement of through traffic W the detriment of local trade. We have heard many ominous complaints during the pest winter with reference to this matter, and the dif- ficulty of obtaining facilities of trans- pnrt haa seriously interfered with the businese of thi; section of country. grain dialers having been obliged to hold over dine stocks or stop purchaaing alto- gether on account of the difaculty of ob- taining cars. We caa also speak feel- ingly en the sate** Ithe trainees ot our canoe having Urn put bask by the deity in fomenting material, our rap - plies of paper havitig been on several omissions from three to four weeks awning from Hamilton, the delay hav- ing occurred on the Grand Trunk. We do not agree with the .0lobe and other papers is continually finding fault when there is really no good reason for doing so, but there is no douat that the Gesell Trunk, whioh has received many favors from the eountry, does not afford that aceom• 'dation which it should. We clip the 'following 'remarks with reference to this toad from a contem- porary :- " The Grand Trunk mum to be willin to orein an unenviable notor- Lair Pespeoling Itevegsgers. 1. Bubseribers wee ee sot eve (apron nonce to the contrary, aro soandszedu wishing to coattails their salisperipleass 2. It saboorthersorder the tosecratheaaace of area tortemus vewspapers, the publisher er ;mullahs ere say oestnnee sped than *sell al armors as pled up; aad rellseribers are hakt responsible*, all suinteers souk R. If sulesernsers segloot or refuse to take the pert edisais or newspapers from sae silks to whirl they aro direeted, they are bold responsible till theY IMMO settled thou Mlle. Needing aambere seek Ai May- tag them la the 'ass, is sot suck sotto • doves. Maumee as the law Tenon's. lf salseerneors rano.. so other places without leranweari the Pabliahler, and their periodiesis or rs are seat to Us forms direatieas, they ore Gso. P. Riowste & Co., 40 Park Anw, and S. M. Perelman:. A Oa., 37 Tark RoW, are our only authorized Ad- vertising Agents in New York. flu dete oftsr fetch Subscriber's seams on the address indieates the tints to which Air Sebscription is paid. Them, "Pirtle SMITE, I March 72,'' mutts that M r. Smith's Subserietion peal up to lst March and that he MOM front that date Subeeribers will see it ta te tether inane to mine promptly, os oar tones ar $1.$0 IITHICTLI •DYANCE, otlwrwase S2 wiU be charged. • r wee so used to be oared for by Joh) waves, that she was not stir - t hen he cans* to her, and she found herself quietly led trent the room, and pieced on the drawing room sofa. •Nior if you are quite comfortable, I *ill nue and re waist is the matter,' saahim411:. 't expect yuur wild cousin has spill.' 'Reed kind you are, John !' said Elesaori and her bine eyes swam in tears; se she looked at him gratefully. In tiro Osililltra John was back again. 'Dina be frightened, Eleanor, said be. allied has been an accidest-only a slight one; Hilton is a little hart. Thee madcap girl has besa jumping hurdles and running ream with kiss, and in deariag • kirdle his hoer swerved and Vataw him. He is at farm house a feint's. off.' 1 4 Olive t' said Eleanor, faintly. a Olive is sot hurt,' replied John. 'Do poill feel strong enough, Eleanor, to come alas* carriage with me to fetch Hiltoo V Ebro, 'prang from the sofa instant- ly; abe 'understood John's words too ema.: Wive was there ley Sir Hilton's side; Olive had her place; Olive was tending him with her inlet/ion" smiles mutate:oder word'. Yes, she would be ready to go in a moment. Once more, how: good, and kind, and thoughtful Iota was : As the carriage was rating essay, Joke returned to the dining -room and widgesd the news to Lady Tree/area. Huron a said the eld lady„ wriattate disband gratefully. Her grand- son ise hurt, perhaps dangeranaly; and yet'she seed, ''nank Heaven! John knew why; she kid fanned tkat Sueirpti and Olive Vance had eloped ( To be continued.) Chinit Truk IsillrsY• rime steam barge Mary R. Robertson how also taken a cargo fee the mine destination. CLZAWINO CP.-Tbet Court Hoar Square was cleaned up ea nudity un. der the direstion of the Street Inspec- tor, and presents quite an impend ap- wear. A neerther of trees Ur been set est teacup the lavas. 00101111011 STATION Trains leave as follows, - .7.00 a. m. Express 1900 " " Mizell 12 30 p. m. Trains are due ss follows,- II:press . 2.00 p. m. Kier . 5.10 " " Lao 41 41 Kea Subscribers will confer a favour' by notifying us of sny irregularity in the delivery nf their papers. We shall be glad st all times to nosiye items of losal news, reports of meetings, accidents, or July incident of istereet either in the locality where it occurs or to the eounty at large. Such matter may 1m sent at thereto of one cent per oz. if marked Printer's Copy snit not sealed. To erre publication in any particular issue it shonld reach the office not later than Monday evening. _ Wain .Signal. Znorressfol 7sy. no Right Hon. Sir John Macdonald headlines meter of a series of resolutions to lia introduced in Parliament is the basis oa a Bill to give an increase of pay tont* reetaben of tke Civil Service. It is gored to add $2,900 per anima to to salaries of Lieutenent-Okeramen; tweinty per ore to the sakindes of JiArea of the Supreme Court, mid a era - regrading mai:item to the mbar of Carty Judges -all to tre Mine from the first ad Jan teary. The remeinesaliee of weir' afParliament aad lienstessfor the* pliemisase limed at $10pwr day for s et thirty days, aid ter a beyond that time the indep am et 000 sod ao mem; the S pWner eeleries to lie SCOW Imo ItsanaL Am appropriation of WWII is asked ter be offer the readjuaisneet ed the salaries of eglogritet the &are ;$5,000 to readjust task "MAO to readjust the =an the salcriss 1a the House el earmate threugluot Canada, dating frees Ihe first of Jaaaary last. The loatasil4 ss the substasce of the reeolu- tisis whack are mot expected to gall forth sottish. opposition. iety, ty throwing obstacles in the way of every undertaking that cannot be made subetcliary to what they appeor to consider their own monopoly of our inland transport. When brought to book on this charge in parliament, they are graciously pleased to deny the- impeachment in so far as it refers to the Pacific Railway, but • say noth- ing with respect to the Northern (of bec COMPLIMINTAST SUPPIllt.-Mg. C. G. Dyed of the Bank of Mosareal. was entertained at a supper, al Binghsm's on Monday evening, as a compliment for the troaale he has takes as Secretary of the Albion Literary Club during the past winter. Berrie Issracnow.-The Mad, in an editorial, approves ot the 010TO re - Gently Mei:token! to retro 1 better grade of butter. and for the inspectios of that commodity. It (also advocates the em tabliehment of butter factories on the same principle as cheese feeteries. GODERICH, iity 7, 1573. One FlAhrter. Ottewa) and the Ontario and Qua lines, leaving it to be inferred tkat they are doing their best to prevent Sir Hugh Allan from negotiating the loans for those lines. Should Sir Hugh fail in these eases, the pedaled- ity is that we will be indebted to the G. T. It. for such failure ; and yet that compaay are at the present mo- ment beating favors from our parlia- ment, to enable them to carry on their business with even a show of life sad activity. Canada has borne a great deal with and from the dread Triink and ita thirdly officials, lint certainly has no right to grant further - favours to strengthen an autocracy at Canadian Rail ways." The annual report ef the Marine and Fisheries Department came to hand a few days ago. Frem it we learn the fol- lowing particulars respecting thcffisheries of the Goderich Division, wkich extends from Kettle Point to Point Clark on Lake Huron. The yield of fish follows: - White Fiah Trout Hareem Pickerel Coarse Fieh Witt It Do Mast. It Appears that the How. Kr. Seen ialime to three's the Crown dues oa semagepine timber, set or maaracturod Lathe Unser Arid, frees 1st May. Met is, Mr. Sort is going to levy an ail areal tax ott Ike Ottawa lumbermen, these very mem wham the Tories mart leg late sold hared to. lf Scott is the agent of these lembensea, memo this to bathos, or reitbar is fell peel that * *facial sets am pirfesessid so impartially that !they fall equally ea all patio with whom the Crowd Leeds Doperunmst busiaess it:alc4tut ever this does mei pious tie pxa. The Med, which y ea therm of $213S,000 at Ottawa, thew els at as isereass hi the reweave of It peeing. isereased twilit", Sir Jobs, sad soademus any in - awake ef the rerrease se Orrin Won - earful jearael, the Maik-ffeesiftra Tiscit Wel 3329 barrels 1276 " 64 " 124 " 285 " -•-••••-••-.1111 Huaront Gaeorro-We Mem that the sum of $20,000 has been glowed in the supplementary estimates ito build docks at Goderich provitted the town grant, a like StMl. $6000 is to grant, ed for the improvement a Po* Albert harbour and piers. Ora Tow:a-We would ter at- tention to the article in to -da s issue, taken from the Detroit Union,. setting forth the edvastages cot Cleaselch as a summer resort. We have a few spar. copies of this issue, se that parties 4e• sirous of oletainin; • copy to send to their friend may de so. DAN 0111110 US. -The SICILY &CODS W1111 re building operations are going en, on the corners of West Street and Mamilton Street are very dangerous for pedestrians at night, especially as the sidewalks are is a bail oonclitioa. The prepristors should bo obliged to pier a light in such • manner as to were passers by. Fool:seta-This game is tnow in- dulged in on the mann every even- ing. The exercise is good, bat we think it might be carried on without ao much foul and profane laugusge. We have heard severs' complaints and trust a hint will be 'sufficient to put a stop to it. Care should also be taken not to injure the shot* treee, especially then reeently ptanted. SANITARY COMMITTEE. -What has be- come of the Sanitery Comnattee ap- pointed by the Council some time ego f They onght to he at work for there is plenty far them to do It is time yards, oellsos, aad other places where filth and decaying matter is deposited were being cleaned up. If this is sot attended to at once the public health must be seriouely impaired, and perhaps an epilemic may be upon as. audiences. On the following ev ad delivered • very interesting lectie to crowded houses, en the "Mitinneth Cave, Kentucky." The colleetood taken up at these meetings amounted so the hendeome sum of $32.14. -Reporter- ltrOASel . ; . MILANCEOLY Jarmo.- A nreamcnoit affair occurred here ou Titursiey last, Mrs.Ridley, of the towaship Grob drowned three of her chairs* in tie rivet, while sup.ioud te us - der • fit of temporary She berself, es, of op the afterwards attempted to drew bat wee reeend• 11 Brussels, will held an ieciu bodies a tke shildren. Weights sal Mssenres. A Bill is before the Dominion Parlia- ment which makes sonie important changes in the laws regulating weights and measures. It provides that from the litt January next grain and other commodities for which so many pounds sre now allowed to the bushel shall be bought and sold by the eental and parts of the costal. The gusging of casks hes been abandoned, end the following rause, providing for inspection, has been adopted initesd :-" From and after the dar proclaimed as kerein pro- vided, as that upon which the provisions of this Act shall take effect, it shall not be Liwful to deliver in a cask to the ppr- reser of any merchantable liquid that has been put into such cuk in Canada, unless the capacity of the cask in which the delivery is 'made conspicuously stamped or otherwise marked in gallons and parte of gallons on one of the heads thereof, by a duly authorised inspector or gauger in such raanner as rnay be pre- scnbed by regulations made under the authority of this Act." The new sys- tem will be a great improvement, and is • step towards an international system of weights and measures, thougk it will no doubt cause a little confusion at first. Total 5078 Value $36,737 The report goes on to say, "These fish have Leen sold partly in Cal:liaise and portly in the American marketa. The summer fishing especially was very good, and on the whole the fishermen have reaped • good harvest; raost of the fishing, however, was done before the very stormy and rough weather of the fall, when nearly one half of the nets in dna dive/dolt was destroyed, and scone of the fishermen had the misfortune of haying their fleh-houses. washed away with all their contents, by the water. The fishery laws Peeve been well ob• served during the past season, and no cases of •iolation are reported." The report states the member of men employed in the fisheries at Godeeich to ae 48, vales of boats, sets and material employed $10,300, gill nets used 153,290 yards, total value rof fish caught $20,992; and at Hayfield, sun employed 18, valued boata, nets $3200, yule of &et used 37,750, total value of fish taught $6,784. With the exception of Kincardine, whose fisheries are abut equal in extent to those at Hayfield, and River an Sable sad Bounquot which employ quite a number of heads, the fulmar at the ether stations on the lake are comparatively limited. Some of oar roasters are no doubt aware that Mr., one of the goverment fishery overseers, has been eagaged in expenpasnang at his es- tablishment at Newcastle, with the view of introducing and seelirtising salutes in our inlond witted. In 1872 he made aa experiment with reference to Lake Sure°, the details a which will be foand in the follewiag extract from his report. =tel. 1 -.--. 11' Rtthewee.-Yesterday afteitnooll a teem belong* to Mr. Stephere Deems, of Goderich towaskip, while gqing aloud Albert street, desiring a waged iu whir were his wife mother and isfant, the lines being in the hands of Id mother, i took frigid aid nth sorer, an just op- posite Shopperd it Cooper's, struck a post and upset the waggoenr,e4hrowing tbe ladies and child und th, the teem, at the 1111110 time strikina another pest, and stopping thud. F unstely lert the infant escaped Unhurt, an the ladies only somewhat bruised; no bo MI broken. -Nem Era. mum_ . , Comm, Illarnace.- -The ;Municipal Comma of ;the Township of ;Polborne, met as a Court of Revision in the Town Hall, on Friday, April 25th 1873. Present, the Reeve in the *hair, and James Symiegton,Alex. Malley, and H. J.Nott, Couscillors. The minutes of last meeting and also special meeting were read aud appeal, - ed. There boils( no sppeels thereessment roll was exanined ay the Comma and accepted as Correct. t Purulent to petition of W. Robertson, the Council met at Gales Point, on the 18th April, aut declined taking any ac- tion in the [matter and ow/firmed the present travelled road, also E000D31310Illi- oil the parties interested to., settle the "exiiseestime disagreement betvelam them - Moved by H. J. Nott, wielded by J. Symington, that Patrick IlliaManue be mode the following offer, viz : $150 and the old road for deviation of aped on lot 10, Lake -Rola, west, and if be dnes not accept the abovernentioned offer, the Council will take the recessary steps to neon the iroad es the law directs. Car- ried. Moved by H. J. Nott, rounded by J. Symington, that a by -lay be passed granting tke front of lot 6, oclecessies 2, knows as the original road allowanot, to Isaac Fisher, an& that a by-law be pass- ed for this purpose Carriedi Meer and seconded, that'll* request of the Trustees of Samuel Ste4en No. 6, to borrow money to build a tool house, lie granted, and • by-law bei passed for Account of Job Browncei building the same. Carried. steps over cemetry fence ; ered to be Account of Peter Fisher, ilir repairing paid. culvert, ordered to Im paid. I Moved by A. kaiak sec - ended by H. J. Nott, that' aoy person wishing to conmente tteir Statute Labor at the rate of 75c. per day, try do so by paying the same to the Pathpaster wheel warned to perform their lab&r. and a by- law be passed for the same. ' Carried. Attention from' several ratepayers of the village, praying for pnvilegoa con- cerning ststute labor, was read and laid over until some flaure meeting. Moved by Jan Trick, eseoneled by W. IL Venty, thet the Treasurer be in- structed to wait upon the Couscils of Stephen and 1JabOrne and request them in the name of thli:1COueeil, to remit tho tavern and shop nee fees "collected is 5 this village for present year, and that a copy of th metion be sent to the said Councils. Owned. Movedgby Jes Pieria seconded by Eared Drew thr the Treasurer be re- quired to give two bondenen approved by this Council in the sum of $2,000 each. and also his own bond for $2,000, to be present at the nut meeting of the Council. Carried. Meese W. H. Verity, seonnded by J. Pickard, that the Council do now ad- journ until Monday, April 28, at 7:30 o'clock, P. M. Carried. CoaascrioN.-Capt. West desires us to state that he did not leant the stesm- er Atiantic es account of the appoint- ment of Capt. Williams to the command. Capt. West was sur authority for the statement we made in a short paragraph a couple of weeks ago. A s it *proses he either spoke so as to convey a wrong impression. or we mistindentood we give him the benefit of the correo- tion. He state. that Williams was not appointea captain for some time after he (West) left the vessel. PIZSONAL. -We find (the following paragraph in the Petrolia Alipertieer and Sadao/ respecting a gentlemen who has recently tem* to reside in our midst, - " Mr. F. Mason who has for some time filled the position of exciseman at this place has leen removed by the Inland Revenue depsrtment Goderich. While losing Mr. Mason, we sed kis many friends in Petrolia are glad te know tkat the change is for his benefit. His genial qualities, obliging disposition, and ef- ficiency as an ems* offizer have won for kim golden opinions whilst st this place." Queen's Counsel: From corregoondence betwees the Minister of Justice and the Colonial of- fice, which has bre laid before parlia- ment, it appeal -althea the Lieut. Goy - senors of the Novena provinces have the right to appoint Queen's Counsel. Sir John's interference therefore with the appointments made by Mr. Blake's gov ernment was arrogant and unwarranted lewsit s "In addition to the &ben) I also selectee! a poiet near Mount Forest, en the Seugeon _River, ',kir empties into Lake Huron at Samisen, with the object of carrying eut, if poseible, the exprizaent of in- t:caring sad acclimatimag salmon in the waters of our great island fresh water seas. This journey presented un- usual difficulties, requiring extraordin ary exertions to overcome tkem. First; carrying the fry en water cans te the railway ignition; then, after reaching Tomato by rail, Laving to wait at that any to exehange front the Grand Trunk line to the Grey and Bruceread,aportion of watch near Mount Forest being nn - ballasted at the time, made the passage very rough imbed. Upon arriving at tbat village, long after night, I was com- pelled to a oeuveyanes in order to carry e cans (some eight in number) to some point th the river, where they read be placed in safety during the atskt, gad where the fry would become refreshed fee the relied journey next iseraing, Then taking them ea again ever a very rough road. hy carriage through • pelting 'torte to their final destination, was a work of great eifla salty as& anxiety. Nenwithstooding all tbis, the greater number the liah true conveyed safely and deposited in the Sanger River some at Mount Forest sad the bailer several stiles further down. It is to let hoped that the results of the experiment may prove satisfactory, sad that by planting them superior fish, is water, from which there is no may or direet moms to the ses,the7 will become matoralized and asehnistasod thereto, and produce Waseca' lts to the in- habitants of this the country. Ise seteatiffe • of it may also retractive in salmon thee their semarreing Bream River a 1Ittgauagoialare Witase.-A some - rodeo 4 do Agog How elite.: As- ideai eadliosoiel slimiNolgeb es the delay or Mr eve, am isTwed the rag rasa, red tore, IN., aro sem dillests to extirpate vibes, day ogee get possamisa of the lead, as *air wee& AS semeasees re - Mil it the sea eoverel rows before thestel trosolieg otter seldeatien le Seabee* way and the eelfg war ee demi do SIM they one ippegps Is via sass ellteeeeile, "se awe yeses it-gieuel seee."' As ire sees lie maim tits their seep waft Mot these eels& Itsesiglietedoesells tier en* were erouStiela She Mow is het mos nit •Ilts ob. et lee= et tree& ail se ea elesseS sieline eat iberiebodb= et it. -411. .411•10 Insolvency Ad - The House of Commons has affirm- ed the advisability of continuing the Insolvent Act, which expires ea the 1st of Septemlser, for another year .k Bill will be introduced for that purpose, and the Goveroment promise to take up and deal with the whole question of insolveney mut session. one .• 11011111 07 TEX WIIZZ.. CANADIAN Merril LT. -The May num- ber of:the Canadian Montkly has come te hand. The follower are its con- tents :-Our Now Provinces :-British Columbia, by Lieut. -Col. Coffin, Ottawa; Msnitobs, by Prof. Braes • Winnipeg; Sonnet, by James R. LOwell; Little Dorinn, a Fenian Story, (ceatinued), by Leuiss Murray; Renunciation, A Poem, lot by Alioe Horton; A Wirepu r of Kinge; The Captain of the Northfl , A Poem, by Gerald Messey; "Wha4 Capable Luxury 1" by Goldwin S th, M. A.; Spring, A Poem. by Rev. 1 . EL With row, M. A. ; Current Events; Selections; Science and Nature; Current Literature, Book Reviews, &c. CONTICTZD.--011r readers will re- collect tke circumstances of a murder which took piece in the township of Bruce on the 17th March last. The cause of the qnarrel whir produced this disasterous result was a fight be- tween the geese belonging tie two neigh- bours, which extended to the children and was taken up by the beads of the families. Five men were arrested and were placed on their trial et, Walkerton last Tkursday. Jaines Johnston was found guilty of murder and sentaneed to be hanged on 3r4 July, an/ Jas. Best, Arthur Bost, John Kerr and Ed. Johnston of manslaughter Land sentenc- ed respectively to three aid two years in the penitentiary and twelve and six months in jail. StecileY Neu lasostiza throcre-Mr. Wm. Peek, of the township of Stiutley, left on Wednesday sae:ming last for Ingland Of horses We believe it is . Peek' iatention annex back with ea • na d th . Co c scit Mitaretwito-- cil met squant ho edjourn- ment, at Dry s Hotel, .est tatitutdar, the 2tith init., a 2 o'clock, P. M. All the members present. The Reeve in the cheir. Minutes of last miring read and approved. A petition sigaed by Win. Eritt, and 84 others, prayiog the Council to submit a by-law to a *cite of the ratepayers, granting • bones of 515,000 to the L.H. & Bruce Railway. • petition react from John Eason and 23 others. asking the Council to grant aid to • poor Iridowed W01111113 named Mrs. Keegan. '; ; A letter readI from the Clerk of Fis.Y. a issolution a! the Council of Hay ree :save to the tbalundary lam of Hay sad Stanley. i Moved by Gaerge Anderson, seconded by Themes hirepson, that the; by-law aow road betubniated to the ratepay- ers of the Township of Stanley for a bonito of $16,000, to assist the London, Huron & Brno, Railliney, fawn the city of London to Clinton and be Published. , • according to lap. Lost. . Moved by lar. Woods, seconded by George Castle, hat we confine burritos 1 to the graut art inally made toeiultmovill- meat on the s th boundary line fur 18731 Carried: Mord by Dr. Wooas, secor.ded by George Andereon, 'that $20 be granted to Mrs. Kansa toviards itnproving her house in accordance with the prayer of the petition in I her favor, to be expeotte cid tinier the it:emotion of the Depitty Reeve and Dr. ;Woods. Carried. Moved by Tkomes Keys, seconded.hy George Castle, 'that tbe Trustees of 8. S. No. 3, receive the •surn of 51, for the &cheviot 'house at noinination, for 1872. Carried. . • Moved by George Anderson, seconded by Geo. Castle, that we adjourn to meet again at the sante place this evening at 6 o'clock. Cacriel. The Council re-aasenthled at 4 o'clock. All present. ' Moved by George Anderson, seconded by Thomas Leys, that Wm. Logan be required t,o era the road allowance granted to hint in lieu of oth original road animism, in tango M. of this townelap betweer. lots 5 iand 6, and that the Clerk leery' a eopy og. this motion on him. Car- ried. Moved by George Anderson, seconded by George Castle, thot the amount ask- ed to be grantod at last meeting.of Coun- cil to aid the louden, Huron & Bruce Itailroad, viz : 515,000 -be induced to 510,000, and that calculations in said, by-law be mde accordingly, alao that tbe vote on said loy-law be taken on 8at- orday, the 31sit day of hf ay. Also that the necessary fhanges be made, and thst the by-law es changed be, and is hereby adepte4, Carried. Mend by Ileerge Castle, wended by Thomas Keys, that this Council do now• aeljonrn te Meet as a Court of Revision, aud for other geueral business, at Var- ua, me Monday. the 26th day of May, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Carried. Wm. Piumaarg. - Oath. , 1 Cone- It is stated that a m assure to admit Prince Edward Island 2nto the Confed- erstioin will be pseud before the House rises end that next session six members from that province will take their seats at Ottawa. The International Exhibition at Vi- enna was opened on the 1st of May with great eclat. The rumors of threatened holism dif- ficulties in the North-west appear to have been instigated br the Budges Bay Co. for selfith ends. They are stated tie be without foundation. It is said • fight took place on Canadian territery between Indians and American settlers, in which a number of the latter were trilled. The Ontario Government have com- missioned Mr. Edwards, Secretary of the Public Works Department, to preeed to Lon4on and investigate the charges brought Kennet Rev. H. Cocks. We will soon have tke truth of this matter and whether Mr, Carliag promised Mr. Ceicks an appointment. teed le IA sal - 1 prove @Wolin the quads., OM be eseliatotood te sok& wawa I this esperimeat est fbr went years to We trust Mr. Wilmer. further ex - primate will prove somessfulotod that is a short time, our fishermen, which add se mock to the wealth and impor- ting, of thaplace,will be able to include mimes ia their ship:emu of fish to aorket. --------- LOCAL Sti'W'S imeememooemeeeseemeeiveemoweve Aerotirrusra-Mr. John Essen of Hayfield has been appointed a Notary Publie for Ontario. Zurre.-The Goilerich jail is with- out a angle occupant. Well dose Huron. Tax DISTILLSZY.-kfter mano delays the distillery of Messrs. Fitzhenry and Nichol commenced operations on the 10th of May. lesearnore or Burma. - Mr. E• Graham ,has been granted der in- spector. His duties will Olive VARC011. -We publish :"•finc.na the 1st of May. chapters of this story to -day. Peruse wishing to obtain it complete shore subssribe tit once. Mcincet Sootat..- I Tempersooe Musical Social will be held in Crabb's Hall on Tuesday evening aut. Ad- mission 20 cents. For pareicalars posters. Tit Saris SPILAT.-This steamer, formerly on the Goderich and Sarnia route,has been purebred by the Messrs. Dailey of Terouto, for some 120,000. She will run frem Toronto to Lowistos. Lioirrnoc an SvaltliT.-Would it not lermeartmle 6...thrf I:mistreat:rat "Piths:0 Wit et. from the lake and harbor, who wialt to avoid the dust of West streak- Wood by the heavy trails grin it. I. 0. 0. F.-Tlis Oddifollows of this town intend to haveputread plane oath* 24th inst. Tke bret from the neigh- boring towns and v lag's are expected to take part in it. it will be held on Or grounds adjoining Wright's Hotel. SALT Sairwarrit-Ths Booerviffil a new propeller, laundlied at SR Catlagises about ten days ga, mai Imam' "IC Alt tor Chimp be Stoodley. Tim STYLING ' S. -- The following is a repo t of the re- maining oars on the Anize docket, which was tried before ledge Toms, last week. The court did net close till Saturdar, some of the CASS being very leng, and even then the isittings were protrected to midnight on several eeen- ings. Buchanan es. YOurol et .-Action for damage caused by clefts pa ing out firs last summer, which spread to alffp. land, doing considerable damage/ to the lend and destroying • .quantity of firewood and bark. The farms of the parties si- tup of Col - number of for the plain- . The case Moved mid seconied, the give Widow Patterson 100 relief. Carri . Moved ani seconded, th t the COUR- Cil do now adjourn to meetagein OD the let day efJune, 1873. Canoed. Jolts McDoireou, , Clerk. Lseinger. CDD Fatiewssir. -it bilge of Odd Follews is about to as rganizei Lueknow. Brie/MAZY. -The office tif Mr. Hen- drie, contractor for the Soothern Elton - 'ion of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, was broken into aaout ten day' agn snd robbed of some $60. THZ RAILWAY. -Work being rigor - °may prosecuted on the railway and the adds consid- 'nese of the at the road CAITADA. on the 13tbeof the present month. nomanderi rilig:ovsreePrnPail:CliatotrrisPali&stieeshlinitoAllre. retduruilito itoas at once. owing to the Iodise scare pretralent id: that Prorates. •• 4 1,000 pound bell is to be shortly planwrImwontwirliteinoosigualaland in Lake Oats - Mr. and !Mrs. Richerd Box of St. atery's celebrate their golden wedding keepers on lime a vigilance corumittee thatititaka:pall CHOLA the Reeve . flour, as eye open for the tavern turday nights and Sundays. paid a visit to &radar on Friday sigh blew open a safe in a t447rte drt goods approprieted 5240 and dettarted unknown. Whitbo d a destructive fire on the 1 2na of /6 ' he Merry weather steam fire engin ,, a in did good service. Olen Sou a fire the saute day. b. °misplay of Canadian Litht Intent- r'yer• medal. orders to leave Fort Gorry for Fort lib ,to qiiiet the apprehen- in those parts. d black employees of Mc - factory in Montreel had nday 'vetting, resulting the omnbatante getting bruised. slams of seal The white Aaams to a tiet-to on iaja nom baldly cut bnY d tally Oornwall thishock daly last. ?They hilt thr vary at arid their this fair 100 lbs. Sarnia ineendian have take oftered join each ether in the tow borne. There were a la witnesses examined, fiftee tif and ten for the We occupied two whole daysaand the jury were out ell Wednesday sleet, return- ing on Thuralay morning. a verdict for the pita with 575 damages. Sinclair for plff., Doyle and Gansu far deft. The Judge greeted certiticate fer full costs. LIttle va. Elliott-Actio0 for balance doe on contraet.to build a' house in God- eriah township. The cleanse was that the work wu not done actiording to con• tract, and was badly dont. The case oecupied nearly two days and resulted if in a verdict for plff. for 115. Sinclair for plff., Gamow for deft. Morrison to. diforrieon-tAction on ac- count. Tried without a jary. Verdict for plff. for 5133 25. Sineleir and Ben- son fee pita Doyle anct Flelmsteed far deft. Gimes vc meGowan -Action for dam- ages fee amok of wamntry of a horse. Verdict for pit for 5102.50. Garrow for plff. Sinclair for deft. . Adams es. Davis -This case was put oft ;until the Cosintyll Ord Kitting. in June, on payment of coats. Tke deft. who was • material witness wee danger- ously ill. Doyle for plff, Sinclair aad Benson for iteft. Robertson es. Deivieeo-Ramanet by oossent. Gamow for plff. McDougall of St. Marys, tor deft. Hope vs. Heern-Reoori withdraw -n. number of mon employed 'rattly to the stir and village. It is expected will be unipleted through Kincardine about the first et October. To as SOLD -Ties Can rian Congregation in th obtaird permasion fro Presbytery . to sell • po glebe lot. We pregame will be used in aid of the OPINZD rr. - A nu streets have been opened u are being erected in sews them. In hied buildingrrations in all parts of. the village mime to be briak this season. AN INTRILINTINO CAelli -A Ca80 of tome interest was tried at te laat sitting of the Division Court. he Directors of the Agricultural Society were semi for the emount of a pries offered for a sheep in a certain class at the show lut fall, the owner to waist? the directors that the sheep had been pOoperly thorn. The party twinging the faction would have been entalee to a prize, but failing to comply with the rule Pith reference to shearing the prize w he sued totem:over it. T that the case was beyond He keld that the directo any rule they pleased and it was for them to premium should be paid Sioux° Suowa-The f prize list of the epring Friday 25th April. The tries was not so large usual but the animals, especially the h a were first class. Meters. Fraser & Mies of Tees - water, exhibited some e (anent imple- ments. 01033815. lat. Win. Belas Glory," medal presented value $20; 2cd. Voter M Napoleon," $5; Ord. "Young Canadian," $4; • Presbyte- plane Lave the Bruce ton of their the proceeds w Manse. ber of new and buildings pleas upon H. McDonald was smi- led at Paisley last we ek. t andaCotean Landing felt a earthqnake Widnes_ men in Wallueburg ight from 205 to 208 lbs gate' is 2,2a3 lbs, aad of ve women that weight 1, - pears to be at the mercy of Several incendiery first( Ire lately. The Mayor has die miscrepatare. ward for the capture of Mr: Andirson, the umatercial tray- • r who icat his back broken in a tobog- send at Montreal in the early inter, efter lingering in a PhelirlptIoeuf ob dition ever since, died last lett treelike effect of his injuries. LaeOere The growth of the Independent Order a Odd Fellow's ia Canada is sontetilaing remarkable. From an abstract state- ment issued by the Grant Secretary of Ontario to tke3Let, December, 1872, we Ind that the -number of Lndees ia suc- cessful working order is 71; total num- ber initiateit, admitted by card and re- installed, 3,266; tctal withdrawn by card and ceased mernbeeship by death and otherwise, 572. Net inoreese 1,01M. Menaleership per last report, Dec., 18710 8,955. Present setual metnbership. 3,646. The annual receipts of the lodges amount to 525,299.44. Amount paid out for relief 58,766.90. The average mortality is shown to be 7 in 1314. Rather more than one third of the re- ceipts have been paid out for relief This is • very gratifying exhibition for the:order. end shows that ita permanent prosperity is no longer a matter of ques- tion. The Odd Felloits of St. Catharines own a property free of incumbrence, valued at about 515,900, and they pro- cP°oel: arehoakiutaglffisu,000ch illaPmetre.""mIennisStraastawerdil,1 the Odd Fellosrs have eroded • block cities the Members of the order also own Tweryhichtleoetne bu$20ad,u1074., as other tetras and Qv the enty:five volusteers entitled be d !start rod at Fort (Jerry on the 1st -seven remain in Manitoba -enlisted, and the remainder r home by the Harem road e first ct next mounth. , A turr British C eerthqua u It their in , rfeceb ; A YOU rim the atid was Oochras Managed seizing se .....-.11.......-....-.........---... 1101Ira Of Pttb1/0 Wheel Tritstees. --- . _ ,, ..‘,,,,. GODZ11011, 5th /say, lei a. The regular meathly temeting4 the Surd was 1301,1 this evening. eat, Messrs. Passmore, Sweeten, Ferguson, Simmer. Elliott, Bushonan and Kay. Mr. Parson was ealltel to the chair. The Prieepars report for April was presented. • request of Mr. Doves to lse allowed to send kis children tor another school than tho ward he lives bi, was refused. TheCoatisgeotConimittee room:needed that • well be dug ia the corner of the Boy's yard and thot arta° repairs gad alterations lie mode to Atoms and out- buildings, SM. Acloptoil. , Leave of *Memo far few weeks es los soment of ill health, granted Of Miss Aare Taylor, pro ed she furnish a suitable sibstitrite. : The follswing accounts were ordered to he paid :--0. H. Perseus, bell 75e.; j. a .F. Stay, sundries 606 60; D. For- sooth suries__ $9.86 1 Star °Moe, ad- vertising, IL The Hord then snorted. witkheld and e Judge retied jnrisdiction. could make such • case, y whether the r not. lowing is the nw held on umber of en• ng England's y Dr. Garner, ay's "Young es Graham's h. 0. It. Wil- son's "ToTmantnyueorsnaw'w$3w4wLiw. 1st. E. I3aunt's "Le , Lorne," $3. 1st. Wm. Anderson' " Butterfly,' ONZ TZAR OLD It:LLB. $3; 2nd. John We,bh's Prince of On- tario," 52. —.Mee CEuscs Orexpro.-Tbe Piesbyterian Church, Nerth Kialeset Wag foresally opened fog divine minim oe SaltbeAh hat. The flew. A. Toledo preached able sad eloqsaila disocanwrila the asoraing sad attersose to hap $1141 sppeocitoitro raster. --- SMOOTINo MATCH.-- rand shooting match will take place in is village on Wel 28th of May by co pany 6, 33rd Huron Battallion. A letge number of prizes will be given. jeapt. Howerd proreas a valuable silvelt cup aed $5 for &rut prize. Hatfield 29th April, 1673. ememsrare ttederich. ITS ADYANTAlleal 01 LOCATION AND CLI- MATE—A iftizoorrrtn. ermine. RE- SORT. (Front 'he Detroit Daily Unita.) NIARLY tie ACCIDRE ago Mr. J. M. Howard tape. He was in a li an arch and two men received at /f ew York from umbta stelae that • recent threw the banks of the Col- e near Fort Shepherd to - ch a urenner as to form a gle across. man named Walker, west uskoka Falls on Thursday, wned. Another man narned who was also in the boat, spring near the shore, and wig held on till rescued. The wiltieked Atlantic has been blown up, but harvest of bodies the dm: expected o get proved a failure It is he two hiindred hodies have sn ppose been w to sea, or ground up by the float* cargo. A St Jlihn girl, Mies tfoGivern, found her fath. ana • burglar struggline to- gether i -the kitchen of the house. She procure( a revolver and took commend Of the s Mien. The burglar ceased his fight , subitided, and socepted an iinvitati to depart in peace. The v ungest GOD of Mr. Peter Beim propriet of the Brighton Ensign: puny t years of age, died in • few /minutes cn accidentally getting& screw nail in s mouth, with which. he was he doctor was greedily on ha• nd b hes skill was of no avail. I The kiln in connection with the Bruce t Conmpay's stave factory, kin vocaught fire on Thursday. By a alentifu use of brine it wits kept under w ed pre noel from communicating with tbe eng -house and derrick, tintil the :fire eng e arrived, when it was speedi- ly exti ished. Mr- n. Henry Lee, late Clerk of the Privy nail, has retired after a con- nection f 51 years with the Ciyel Service of Ca a. He was presented with a handso e testimariial, .consisting of a solid si er tes urn, valued at 8500, as a mark o the respect felt for him Ly the membe of the Privy Council. A ca r a few date ago was discherged by the oprietor of a coal v ard, who offer- ed by y of explanation that during his thief years' service the carter had failed dlearn anything. As Pat turned he office he delivered the ta- rtar/shot: "Faith, sue, and 1 ed one thino an,' thtt is pounds matte a ton. - A Darraassura &MIL -One of the masthead rending emcees* has ever tern our lot to chrenide has Trendy taken pia°, in the Township of Moron. -About two weeks ago the wife of Mr. Hill Disk WM taken down with that much dreaded disease Cereltro-Spinal Meningidui. le two or three days afterwards hie youngest become afflicted with the same disease, and died in a few hours' time Two or threo days after this the second add was carried off with the sante fatal pude- dy. The children wore both buried for the time, ote the farm. Mm. Dick sank gradually beneath her terrible ailment *unit Saturday last when; she became a corpse. The two children were removed from their grav.tee on Monday last, and the three corpses were buried in the one grave, in Kincardine. This distressing ascurrence haa cast a gloom over the family circle tast time will not readily awe. Mr. Dick hal the heart felt sytn- pethies the community.. -Review. Why go to Sontag& springs, or Europe% far off shore, While bracing air and wators clear, Coins nigh oilier very door: Go with your friends in summer tinie, Where Maitland's waters flow; Where joyoue Oro id! from cities round, Are wont to come and go. Work without pley the hve-long der, Is too severe a task; The bow that's ever strung and bent, Well quickly snap at last. • ahem gather ;one, flicn gather all, At Maitlaada open door: And cull the sweetest flowers, that bloom On old Lake Floraes Shore. .-A few days a narrow es - kiln, building re leti ing down a hand barrow of limestone, when one of the liandles of the creak broke, the stones dropping with Ake velocity of lightning, the rev/Ann leg the men in all d above souped with ligh Mr. Heward's escape scuPisova.usrse.1 is* to be brisk t is street is alled with building materials. M has purchased the Zoe he intend' to tear dew and erect a bet- ter. It will be 57:40, three stories high and furnished in tsir.Ajtest style. No expense will be to make it the hotel of Exeter. kir. iloward will per- form the maeonry himself, Mr. Vesper will do the carpenter week, and A. Louis the painting. It will be orninenced on the 5th of May, and bit'fiaish•d by the letCowfuS"twinscio Mb:rm. e Council met pursuant to arijournmeat, on the 21st inn., in the Court Room. All the mem- bees present ; the Rare in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read sad confiresett. Moved by W. H. Veeity, seconded by jAgawneliewtorPit orejcsed'the preisentk" yearWill BiliCanleYiedbe. The Reeve appointedGeorge flatawell the ether Anthem, for the present year. Moved- by John Trak, seconded by Fared Drew, that Thetas. Staddon be pomunetwdkeepeleyr_. J0CbanrriTrieed Iblred Drew, that a by.ila'w"wpronhdiedliitinbyg horses, mettle, pigs, ahem) and geese from running at tarp en the streets and commons of this rilhigei be dratted and submitted to the Condcil for approval and emotion. Owned.: , crank scatter - es. The men contusions and he almost mir- perations prom - n. The main k and otber J. M. Howard Hotel, ehich Leith* above lines tuTicetnintrieliice the reader to the town of Goderich. It occupies elev•ted ground on the east- ern shore of Lai is II uren, and on duel south side of the atter Maitlaud, seed is nearly SOO foot &bete the level of the sea. The toe 11 contains liner 4,0,0 in -I habitants. The streets are wide and specious, and rodiate from the stately Court House, which from its size, and1 the 'scant of the public grounds surd rounding it, represents the most prom -,i inent feeture of the town. The saluarious a phere, duo to: its peculiar locatio , has some reputation as a dui resort. 1 he harbor of Goderich, at the mouth of the Maitland, is protocted by the peel Meting bluffs, and is quite spurious, an4 easy of access fur vessels of every deal cription, ,tich maintain dired com .3 murcation with the ports rA the low* andepper Lakes, during the season navemecion, Lithe Huron Cri the ideality of th town, - has a sandy and gravelly teach and except for the coldness of the water, affords excellent bathing facilities. Persons desinng salt -water bathing oak now as accommodated, as salt bathe have been fitted up and were enjoyed by "lent Persons during the seuun of 1872. The hotels are not on a par with the genersl ateractieos of the place; and those who imam the luxury of a fash- ionable watering place, need not ro to Goderich to find it; but good, Finite and toholuorne fare can be had et prim Ord- portionately lower than we find more Impulse retorts. Outside of hot and boarding honse acconimodatio o several families from Chicago, St.' Louis end Detroit hays purchased or built summer residences, preferring to dwell under their "own nue and fig Weer while enjoying for a season the protec- tion of the British lion. Excellent gravel roads in tits victuity Peoria special inducements to those who eajoy the luxury of a pleasant drive; and the disciples of Isau Walton mar dad particular pleasure in angling, inas- much as speckled brook -trout abound in retest of the small streams in thus part ot the Dominion. The River Maitlend is rapid, clear and winding and contribute@ in no smell de gru to render the treaty truly picter- "Kum The settiret san is here seen iii his swivelled loveliness and beauty. To ease upon the King ef Day ainkinf quietly in Huron.' crystal waters, sad to observe the forms of inimitable beau- "' aad grandeur reflected upon the Western nu, is to catch the richest glimpses of the beautiful in nature that this mundane world affords. II; ble stimmel iven the tow to leas- lowang hare le that 1, A d day I G rand the 27 .passen over Some Jul in woun Othe Qin in the. few ei a you years ed wi MOTS,. propr Ruin land, swath J oho berry eter, colts, saw I thro op had f the brok inju and in •-••=1.111 AmthevAnNO FLIPPANCY.—Useful Sister (to Oraamental Sister, who has been 'bewailing the dulness et her exis- tence for tie last hour): Bells, you're th. ca°04 antisticat creature I ever met in my life! -Bella (who &lean Ceti ant of everythaag with a joke): !Veld Jan.' If I am egotistical, at al/ events its only about myself! A literary gentleman %he hu tray - that lwe di wdoicznftliethww hrno yl era wfowrwildilysseyfs si• cannot be matched for personal beau- ty. Th with been Ftoy Lau g, Lake Superior. Matters pro- misetdo be very active st that point dur- ing tio arson. The village contains a popelition emanated at ene thousan A baek agency will be a great conreni. erste die inhabitant.; and should the plendincrease in importence as rapidly ea many anticipate, the bank will reap imponant advantages from their enter- prise in being the first to step into this new Sold. ful accident happened on Fa- te the Portland express on the runk Railway. When passing mile post, near Soixante, three r coaches left the War and went embankment forty feet high. the passengers received druid. aes, and thirty-two of the were conveyed to Moutreal. ere left at St. Hyacinthe. an excitement was oneesioned eighbouring village 4 Mitchell& ago, on it becoming known that holy of the village, about twenty age, flume Fishleigh, had slop- s bachelor of forty-five sum- med Andrew Anderson, lusty ref the marble works there. mat that they have geee Scot" he native land of the "gallant Wednesdey evening, Mr. Wm. n, a farmer residing in Turtl- es returning home from Wrox- ith hie team, a span of yoetng e wheel id his waggon struck a in the road, the concuseion g him out on another log on the e sole nf the rm.', by which he r ribs hroken and also torn from ne, likewise his collar bone and the elbow joint very much and the arm badly lacerated, is mach injured internally. He is fair way of recovery. • Tiff MARK.BT8 04•000ien. May, 1573 weeei.-(tolle aoliol er it 0 1 is wemocionea base_ 10 1 11 FInur.(par lel X 00 6 50 43.04.W hush ........ . lb 40 0 0 00 Pais!, bush t AS 0 65 Sarley1111 lash 0 62 0 12 Potatoes. bush 0 86 tir 0 40 p,wk, 1035 , 4 11.0 el 4 Hay per los 15 00 5 14 00 Chickens per pak 0 n • 0 30 Butter., t. 0 15 IS 0 111 Beer 4 A. 10 • 6 00 4 OD Wend . k+0 3 60 Woul Re.gs. dot (enpech81):. 16 a 0 1.5 gyptpsciol Telogreph lolls Niguel. 4.:010r.44, N.y, ISTS. Wheat. (Vall)per bush.— 41 16 • 1 22 Wheat (norms) per bush.. 1 14 11 1 IT flour, (per brl) 6 PI de 6 0 50 '• 0 Monetary Times says: We learn essure that arrangements have ade tn establish a branoh of the anadian Bank at Prince Arthur's OW. per bush ...... Pee e, per bush Harkey. per le..ab Petateee, per bush B etter No. 1 '" No. 2 40 fre 0 42 0 57 0 BO 0 64 • 0 66 0 40 a 0 45 .0 14 • 16 0 no • 6 44 • No, 11 0 e 0 00 Etat, per dos. (uiapatueli.. e 11 o1 • ( • Seed 6 60 31 6 00 .1/ el 5 13 fee 1 00 IP 1 50 6 60 • 6 25 Shoop slims Midst Marotta, Nay, 6, 1073. Wheat, (Pall) 11 10 " 1 15 Wheat, (Sprits) per bust._ 1 I/ 1 14 Flour, (pee kern Barley, per leueh.. 4late, per bash. Peas*, per bush Potatoes. per bush Pork Butter, Nn 1 No, 2 .... " No.11 " 4 6 00 " 0 00 O " 0 5', 4 4: " 0 45 0 " 0 60 O " o do 6 (0 " 5 25 0 00 " 0 14 . 0 00 " 0 13 0 00 " 0 et 0 00 „ 0 05 E,cere nrces.namirsoi10 " 0. II ides 4 00 " 6 00 Map 1. .12 00 • 16 Oil wool t 25 '5 3 TORONTO MARKETS. Fuer R -Fancy ta95, super, $5.45 to 55.55• Weser -Fall 51.25. to 51.24. OATA-42c. to 43c. BARLET-68C to 70c. Peas -67e. Coes -49c. Burris -New, 22c In 23c. Caeass.-12 to 13tc. 14 -1 l.! PORII—$18.50. Groat excitement prevails in Sarnia on socount of incendiary fires. Five firesatave taken place there within cog went, and all have ongiaated in stables adjoining large residences. The fires hav been ascertained beyond a doubt to be t o work of incendiaries. .A reward of for the detection of the guilty es has been issued, and vigilance ittees of the citizens to patrol the s ta at night have been organized. athfirea,taanithe OE: ntiesinrdawruwytwantnIthwtnopwlasertwt three pieose by semi person or persons in the crowd, for the aurpor, no doubt, of disabling the engWo. 'Pile newly forma Ad ministratiou for Prinhe Edward Island is constituted as fTelleorws: IlHownri. Pcwopeiw,nPiwrraswerierwletaryoro; Hon Frederick De St. Croix Brookes Acthrinairwelf wenf relit, is. Hilownw.ylainwrdW. H;owalanisaw. A. 4 McDonald, Postmaster -Guard; Hen Joha Lavery and Hen. W. G. String, without ethos. In view of the factabet the majority of the Ministry iv identified witk the old Ministerial whisk first automated to the Island- ers, • proposal to joie the Confrere - tie e• le•liOr41 the new Government will proceed at one* to arrange the terms of ion. Thetelograph anima noes that the remier, Mr. Pope, has arrived at wa, and it is presumed his visit to pital has been occasioned by a de: briag Prince Edward into the *iteration Par cob • 'New Ilbottlisemente. Law Clerk Wantel. MUST he • meel eset rise e0Prifft ONCLAtH SEAGER 1). . KW 16 30116 ims . _ Tenders Wanted, TINDERS will be ?seemed np ti,r rst dap of Joo• tor tno ttatictint of • Frame, School House . ito.t Behest ▪ 118121•14 506with T••••b(P. Th• Truelove do set Mod Mininesteve ILV•rpt the in.. 414. Of say Medal. Ma* ta WI* sodsrew..d wino, *as sad spissallseite011 nay b.. elm; thellth of Hay. 13111.1 WK. STIRLING TiguS.WKLS11. $5 11'0 $20 mr 447. AOMOI W00300 A i 01ANISII ....kke Poollfle. eldest eel. 70554 ler ad, make wars isie wer II/ IN th•if Oran IIISINISfA. all dm OK than at IleTthi011 eke. Particulars fres. address 0. STINSON & on 11150-ly PurtIsad. Maine May 3, 1873. VI No. 1, Eitel% $6.50. Spring $1.23 MONTREAL M %RENTS. Hoops! Hoops! CAMPBELL BROS., WATFORD. ARE still dealing extensively in FLOUR BARREL HOOPS, Will hare Eight Car Loads tn dispose of thie month. God Hoop Makers wanted. Correspondence soli- cited. 1368c• L, S. WILLSON, Sewing Machine (,„,;„, •„r, IGRICULTUR1LIIIPLEMENT E/NT ithowrooms, next door tn the "airmail" Office, eloderich. pi- Ma. MEGAW and myself are the • ONLY AGENTS - FOR THE May 3, 1873. Foriea. - Extra, % 90 to tt7 20. Fancy, 56 60; Strong Baker's.% 10 to $6 20 ; Stone. $6 00 to OS; No. 2, $5 60 to $5 70 ; Fine, ft 90 to $5 00; Middlings, 54 00 tv, 54 25 ; Pollards, 52 50 to $3 50; City Bags t'3.00. WIMAT. -NO 8111011. Comma GILLINR.-Nothinz doing. Pionsums.-Poek, Mess, New, $19 to 519.50; Lard, loic. to 11 cents ; Butter Grease Sorts, 9c.tet 11c; Fair to Geed, 13c. to 18c; Chnjce, 20c to 25c, Cheese, 13Ito Hit. Eggs, 13e ito 14c. TIMOTHY 861115.-113.4.0 to $3.50. Mumma Suo.-56 to $6.25. Aensa.-Pots, $6,70 to $6 75; Pearls 50.25. norershroemmerfrevmemelimmIP DISTIL At Williamsburg, Kisoardine, oa the 24th ult., the wife of P. T. Duna, Ell., councillor, of a son. • leictiltILIA0E3 • On the 29th ult., st fit. Paul's aura. Wingham, by the Bev. Mr. Davis, Mr. Robert Knox of Wingham, to Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. Mc- Kinnon of Cute's'. rge M. Pullman of palace car , has returned from Europe, after co pleting • contract with the Midland Beltway for eighteen palace cars, which to be tedilt in Detroit and shipped in A nit It is expected that the pxesent co tract will load to others in England Europe. Oyrns W. Field is reported to be worth $2,500,000,most of which he made sham the Atlantic adds was laid. eee•meee. "FLORENCE); Sewing Machine in Goderich and nth - at . • 1368. Stray COW. ( • A ME into the enclosure of the Elb- a.' scriber's (Sinclair Farm, Colborne,) about the 1st of May, • Red Cow with a calf_ The owner is requested te prove property pay expenses and take them away. LEWIS WHITE. May 6th, 1873. 1368c• Chancery Sale OF A Valuable Residence IN THE TOWN OF GODERICEL 10IURSUANT to a decree and final A' Order of Sale made by the Court of Chancery in a cause of SEYMOUR vs. GORDON, . There will be sold by Public Auction, with the approbation of Henry Muds', mott, Esquire, Master of the said Court at Goderich, by George Moon Trustees, Auctioneer, at his Auction Mart, in the Tewn of Goderich, on Wednesday the Eleventh day of Jur, Al-Int-noiy...1-:hTauraTeitsetteariniphordarendrsrtuelirnosttres.do,.beht—to41:a1rry_, Benfah AAttaalanseiKta'il Onilithwere24tahgeudlt"., blYera.reRci. beet Jardine, IwJS.11ohnf°Aetiodh reonw,Magayed1.3M2 gyrgereears.t' wife of In Morris, en April 28, Wm Andaman, wle&ifetsoohainfrtelinrthdlf5ti,hw9frecimenTaotUeneollirntphrgetiris3i.,:whitte429shure,r,Ipe°14ginidna,taesedryagktanenjdpriesefumnepiri Pine River, Huron Township, aged 63 formerly of South Dumfries, aged 63 ado of mr.ecteminthineth.. em27ittehhetpriwgi, edElleun, nosmartitgii:hadntais,:thodf 2th5.4tIlliAtenTril,ME.aRadoo: owni f onnf deli; thAend28retwh usenalePnrtio. r, aged 36 Yeard• • 1 A. D. 1873, At Twelve o'clock, noon, the following valuable property, viz., Town Lots numbers Two hundred afid fourteen, Twe hundred and sixty-four, the South- erly part of one hundred and sixty- 4 seven ea described in a Deed thereof e I from one Polley to one Gordon, Two hundred and thirteen, and all that part or portion of Two husdred and twelve as described in a Mortgage upon the property aforesaid from one John Bell Gordon to cone Hertholomew Seymour, all running numbers in the Town of (Federica aforesaid. Upon the property 'Al built a large two story brick dvrelling hnuse, well and theveniently laid out with verandah on three' sides, and eontaining thirteen . rooms and good cellars. Attached are . raluable green house and annservatory, alsoaah, ice, and root houiet, stable and other necessary out -buildings, all in • reasonable repsir. The grounds are tastefully laid out, containing terrau, cnomet grounds and a number of valuable fruit' trees, the , whole comprising elegant rind desire- . ble residence. The property may Ins inspected till day of sale be intending purchasers on application to Mr. True• men, the Auctioneer. The pro= - oil be put np at an upset prioe of and will be sold free from all income- , brances. TgeMis 'or SALL : —Tell per oent of i purchase money to be paid down at d of sale to the Vendors or tkeir Solo tors; the balance without interest to qi paid into Court in one month frcgp day of sale, when the purcheser shall be ectitled to a conveyance and to be let into possession. Rueonable amoge- manta mat. be made with the vendor for • portion of the purchase money to remain at interest upon the property, secured by Mortgege. In other respects the conditions of 011143 shall be the *tanning conditions of the Court of Chancery. Further partic- ulars may be obtained from Messier, Catnervin & Garrow, and Davison A Johnston. Solicitors, Goderich, from the Auctioneerind from Messieurs Mc- Donald, Hedgerow & Solicitors, Toronto. Abdtract of Title may tie in- spected at the office of Vendor's Sea- I ton till day of sale. Dated at Cinderich the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1873. S'd MACDERI1OTT, 1 Master at Gidenck. CiMEROIC arGARROW, Vendor's Solicitors. 1368 In Torento, din Tuesday, April 29th, Pasismersovidow of Peter Pass - Collector of Castems, formerle o' • ueveashire, England. in the 81st Year of her age. Xell3 Ilborrtigtmentg• Court of ReviSi011. TEE Otatre swan fo• of lag* te hear loll liONO111111114 foe t " "1"641. um lee ea r""" Ur anode,' age, e cloct, P, M.. o Own AMES TkOMSON, !Town Clerk. G°diriah May 2nd, 1872. 1368 t Founii N Gocierich and Anthnny -"‘Ittoodtgli parcel of Parasols. The ("Frilsr -"BjtAiithein by ceiling at AM SMITH & CO.'S, T—Clotbing Establishment, Market Square, Gedericb. May mat wr3. 1368 LION STORE., 1 re MY VERY NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND THE 1. ',- PUBLIC GENERALLY, I thank you for the very liberal peter - age you h.sve given me for the last ten years. I am determined to merit a continuation cif your pitmans by Malin yen GOOD AND OB EAP NOM you will always find an hand a full sad well seem -tact stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots & Shoes, Ready Made Clothing. HARDWARE in the following lines NAILS, SHOVF.LS, FORKS, &c., 40 P. S.-200 Ble. Split Herrings. GEO. IOXEIVErE, Godericlo Jan. 20th 1872. • • • •