HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-12-11, Page 22CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words, FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $2.00, 8c per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 6a per word, minimum $1.20. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $2,00 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.80 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches, Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 75c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $2.00, 8e per word thereafter, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, -- 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS - $2.00 plus 12e per line of verse, COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2.00, each additional word Be, Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 Words $2.00, 4e per word 50 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays. When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00 Phone 235-1331 Requires a SOCIAL SERVICES FIELD WORKER to complete applications under the various social legislation to maintain a case load of approximate- ly 75 families to provide limited marriage, family and employment counselling. Applicants should have a minimum of a Com- munity College certificate in social services or equivalent. Previous experience in the municipal social services field would be an asset. Salary range $8500- $10,400. Presently under review for January 1976. Excellent fringe benefits. Car re- quired. Apply in writing before noon, Dec. 15 with full resume to Mr. J. A. MacKinnon Administrator Social Services Court House - Goderich N7A 1M2 or phone 519.524-2186 Page 8A Times-Advocate, December 11, 1975 16 For Sale 16 For Sale 6 Services 6 Services 16 For Sale Classifications • CHRISTMAS TREES - cut your own, $3.00, Saturdays and Sundays, three concessions • north of Clinton, Hwy. 4, (Con. 6-7) turn east I V: concessions, 49:50:5Ic ALUMINUM windows, doors, awn- ings. Free estimates. Expert in- stallations. Thos. H, Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 25t ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mothers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2It CATTLE SPRAYING for lice, Call Bill Watson, 237-3306. 50t CUSTOM BACKHOEING/ Sewer hook-up, footings, stump removal, weeping beds, septic tanks etc. Call Grant Skinner, 235.1023. 50t 24 HOUR TELEPHONE answering service. Personal service, no recor- dings, prompt, courteous, efficient. For information dial 235-1355. 40t BILL'S BURNER SERVICE -- For expert and complete furnace service, including installations, humidifiers and air conditioning, Bill Yearley, Crediton 234-6289. • 44t MATERNITY WEAR Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help. Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles I Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances, Television 5 Personal 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales CB RADIO, SSB 69, channels PA, base and mobile, also meter for watts, SWR modulator, one speaker, coacial cable, portable antennae, 262- 2947. 50c BOB'S CLOCKS AND ANTIQUES, open daily, gifts, clocks, lamps and parts. We buy and sell, Main Street, Grand Bend, 238-8382, 50:51c TWO SINGLE BEDS and toddler's car seat. Phone 262-5131. 49:50c SET OF TIRES (5) G-78 x 15, Firestone, whitewalls, make an offer, 262-2044, • 50c ONE PAIR snow tires, on Astra or Vega wheels, $30.00 complete, 235- 2884. 50c GEESE - alive or oven ready, 234- 6437. 50:51c at the JAY'S Electric Service SEPARATE SHOPPE Next to Campbell's Men's Wear Open 1-6-Closed Wednesdays MAIN CORNER CLINTON 50c STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 WIRING & MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS 24 Hour Service Phone J. Johnston Dashwood, Ont, 237-3204 CUSTOM COMBINING RATES 42" SNOWBLOWER for Massey Ferguson garden tractor, excellent working condition. Phone 294- 6804. 50* FIRE WOOD - free kindling, will deliver. Leslie Cudmore, 235-1267. 50c CORN - $20 p.a. 28-30-32-36-40 Rows 47t FURNITURE REFINISHING and reupholstering, reasonable rates. Con- tact Stable Antiques, Lucan, 227- 4006. 48t PIANO TUNING and repairing, buy and sell used pianos, Komoka Piano Sales, 472-1994, 48t V, ILL BABYSIT in my home, evenings Monday thru Friday. Phone after 4, 228-6548. 49:50* KEITH FURMSTON ACCORDION - black Titano 163/4 ", three switch, 120 base, in new condi- tion. Phone 234-6220. 50c AIRPLANE' and Rocket kit, never been used; road race set, phone 235- 2575. 50c FLOOR MODEL STEREO with AM/FM radio. Like new condition with beautiful dark cabinet. For further information please telephone 235-1286 after 6 p.m, 50c WOMAN'S SUEDE COAT size 15, brown, good condition. Phone after 5 p.m., 228-6238. 50c Call 472-4311 38t 39t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich, has a fine selection of Diamond Wedding rings, watches, charms, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches, sold by jewellers only, are $11.95 and up. Family rings, watch & clock repairing, work guaranteed. 30t POTATOES, cabbage, onions and carrots. Call Tony Martens, 234- 6488. 38t 1972 CORVAIR 17' trailer, stove, fridge, furnace, A-I condition. Phone 293-3255 or 293-3296. 50c INTERIOR, exterior painting - R.H. & S. Painting, Phone Ronald Heywood, 235-2087, 30t 4 Help Wanted SLIGHTLY DAMAGED 48" BEDS 12 DRAWER DRESSERS DINETTE SUITES I ONLY SPANISH CHESTERFIELD SUITE Come to the office located in Club House WILSON'S JEWELLERY 7 Livestock TEACHER for Grade 8, Our Lady of Mt, Carmel School. Please contact Sister Viola, principal. Phone 237- 3337 during school hours. 49:50c PERSON to set meals and be com- pany for an active elderly lady, as son is out doing farm work much of the time, Phone 262-5054. 49t NURSE'S AID required for evening shift. Call 262-2830, Queensway Nur- sing Home, 49:50c ROP TESTED Yorkshire boars, ser- viceable age. Thomson Brothers, 229- 6117. 50c , 8 Farm Machinery 413 Main St., Exeter EXCELLENT RING AND JEWELLERY REPAIR SERVICE Pleasing You Pleases US BIBLES and BOOKS WE CARRY BEAUTIFULLY BOUND LEATHER BIBLES THE BEST BOOKS FOR FAMILY READING SPYS Frank Sawyer 17 Wanted To Buy Grand Cove Estates PLOWS - John Deere 145 semi- mount 4x16", asking $800.00; John Deere 125 mounted 4x16", needs mold boards; Allis-Chalmers 3x 14" 3- point hitch. Phone 262-6408. 50c 6 Services 6 Services CHILD'S CRIB - phone 229-8744 after 5:30, 50c FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome, Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 4t Grand Bend or call 238-8308 Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5 PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Hwy. 4 at Crediton Road AVAILABLE SATURDAY SECRETARY required for Exeter Law Office, shorthand and typing a prerequisite. Apply in writing to Ex- eter Times-Advocate, Box BA P. 47t 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles suns 50c BOY'S snowmobile suits, 8 and 10; boy's snowmobile boots, size 2; moc- casin style boots, size 6; 3 boy's winter coats, corduroy, size 14, 16, 18; boy's or girl's ski jacket, size 8; boy's sport jacket, plaid, size 10. Phone 237- 3215. 50c 41t 1975 YAMAHA Road 200 cc bike, like new, very low mileage $850.00 or best offer. Phone 234-6274. 50c 1972 AUTO-SKI, 24 h.p., wide-track; 1973 Yamaha, 20 h.p. Phone 228- 6311. 50c New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SKATE EXCHANGE - now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 42t Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM INO PHONE 238-8242 48/4'f TWO TRAINEE FIELD under- writers required, Phone Alan Bradd, 271-9412. 46t QUA LIFIED journeyman electrician or late 5th term apprentice. Ex- perience in residential and commercial wiring required. Phone Ken's Electric, 227-4059. 50c THI MIGHTY MINH WANT ADS WORK SHARON'S MOBILE HOME SALES DENNIS PASSMORE 12t CHILDREN'S quiet ponies, $20 and up; riding horses and colts. Will deliver, 236-4278. 50:51c PURINA chows, health products, pet foods, bulk and bag deliveries. Bev Morgan & Sons, RR 1 Henson. Phone 235-1487. 50c• 1971 NORDIC Ski-Doo 393, electric start, wide track with cover, good con- 14t dition, Phone Hensall, 262-2124. 50c SEWING MACHINE sales and ser- vice, any make. Sales on new stretch stitch machines. Phone Gerald Courtney, 227-4884 Lucan. 8t SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service. Milt Robbins & Son Ltd., Exeter, 235-2940, 263 Main St. north of caution light. 40t Phone 235-1751 TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235- 1964. 13t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired, Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10t ORNAMENTAL IRON - porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 18t PAIR of boy's CCM Tacks, size 5, ex- cellent condition. Phone 228-6587 after 4. 50c SMITH-PEAT Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd,, 35 years experience, Commercial, Industrial and Residen- tial, Free estimates, call 235-2802, 17t HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a Pineview Trailer Park RR 2, Grand Bend 243-2690 14 x 70 Nashua, shown by appoint- ment 65 x 12 3 bedroom Champion, used 43t TWO MOTO SKI snowmobiles, 27 h.p„ A-I condition. Phone 235-2732 after 8 p.m. 50:5Ic Custodian BROADLOOM? Carpet and Rugs 11 Cars, Trucks at CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Clinton Written application stating age. ex- perience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean Plant Superintendent Huron County Bd. of Ed. 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO Applicants will be notified if re- quired for an interview. Deadline for applications is Dec. 18, 1975. W. Shortreed D, J. Cochrane Chairman Director Don's Electric 1975 PINTO runabout, balance of factory warranty, 4-speed, A.M. radio, rear window defogger, snow tires included, $2,995.00 or best offer. Phone 235-0517 after 6 p.m. 50c 1973 'TOYOTA truck, low mileage, $2,395.00. Call 238-8716 after 6 p.m. 50c Philip Furtney • Real Estate Limited 176 Victoria St. West Exeter, Ontario RED POTATOES, winter cabbage and parsnips. Please bring containers. Leslie Thomson, 181 William St„ ,Ex- eter. Phone 235-0736. 46t FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Industrial, Commercial and Residential PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 211 F. FURTNEY For shop at home service call CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 227-4945 M & E Aluminum & Home Improvements Co. 235-2040 19t 1972 VEGA Hatchback, mags, $1200.00. Phone 237-3581. 50* 1966 CHEV, V-8, automatic, as is: also 1968 Ford, 302 console, radio, as is. Phone 228-6311. 50c Electrolux Sales and Service I. K. JOHNSTON SALES STAFF 40t Authorized Alcan Dealer Siding, Doors, Windows Eavestrough, Awnings, recreation rooms, and roofing etc. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Scholl's Food Market, Hensall, 36t VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes, Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5748. 31-44*/4t ELECTRIC MOTOR repair service. Phone 229-8222 or call at Nesbitt Electric. . 27t TRUCKING, hauling services, fully insured, livestock, fertilizer, grain feed, Toronto every Wednesday. Call collect 229-6439 Jim Siddall & Son. 10t 1969 MUSTANG, automatic, power steering, mechanically good, needs body work, as is, $350. Phone 237- 3250. 48t 1971 NOVA, 2-door, in good condi- tion. Asking $2,200.00. Phone 235- 0712. 50c ELLEN KNIGHT DOREEN McROBERT MARY McROBERT 235-2905 225-2853 225-2835 50c A MATURE PERSON required for general duties in a department store, selling included. A chauffeur license would be an asset. Phone 235- 0270. 50c CALL AN ACTION AGENT TODAY EXETER WALT EDWARDS 237-3314 Dashwood I 9t 235-1055 Ailsa Craig (519) 293-3002 29t SANDBLASTING - Protect your farm implements, trucks etc. by sandblasting and spraying an, ticorrosive paint in our modern paint shop. Also sandblasting brick homes and waterproofing with silicone. Dave Morrissey, RR 3 Ailsa Craig 234-6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244. ' lOt 1972FORD Econoline van. This vehi- cle is in good condition. Please contact Jerry MacLean & Son Automotive Ltd. 235-0800. 50c CUSTOM SPRAYING - barn cleaning, white washing and cattle spraying. For all your spraying needs call Donald Stroud, RR 3, Exeter, 229-6207. 37t WELL DRILLING - with rotary drill, 6" hole; 6" steel casing, Will drill one foot to 1,000 feet. Drilling 12 months of year. For free estimates phone Huron Water Well Drilling, 236-4548, Zurich. 38t 48t EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER required immediately for building supply business. Apply to Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. or phone 228- 6638. 50c EXETER ECONOMY HOME - outstanding economy home in an ex- cellent area. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, large utility room, easy to heat and low taxes on a lovely large lot. Call Ellen Knight 235-2905 or 235-2040: SK 1-D00 SNOWMOBILES, full line in stock, full line of Ski-doo clothing, accessories and parts service to all makes, Oliver McIntosh & Sons, 5 miles north of Rannoch, 229-8210. 48:49:50:51:52c 12 Pets TWO lovely Siberian Huskey female dogs, 7 month and one year old, ex- cellent background, loveable per- sonality, CKC Registered, lrehusk Kennels, Parkhill, 294-6425. 44t MINIATURE POODLE pup, purebred, white male, ready to go. 228-6979. 50* IRISH SETTER - seven months old, registered, house trained. Call after 6 m., 234-6354. 50:51c CASHIER REQUIRED Phone 238-2512 BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING BENCH GRINDERS, drill presses, hydraulic jacks, combination wrench sets, chain falls, anvils, vises, etc. Hzdnilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 49:50:51:52c CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, Wedge the Mover, 181 King St., Hen- son, Ontario, 49:50;51c SNOWBLOWERS 6 and 8' models, fan and auger type. Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235-1655. 49:50:51:52c BARN AND COMMERCIAL pain- ting - Spray painting, the experienc- ed and modern way (airless). In- dustrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free es- timates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234- 6202 RR 3 Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244. 10t Owned and Operated by Bev Lindenfield PROMPT, COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial PHONE 235-1081 BLUEWATER TV and ELECTRONICS For Appointment 50c Repairs to all makes PHONE ZURICH 236-4224 14 Appliances, Television BUTLER Advertise Your Sale In The Times-Advocate INGLIS Superb 15 cu. ft. refrigerator, Harvest Gold, $449.00, Bonthron & Son Ltd., Hensall, 262-2023. 50c Complete Material Handling Equipment USED steel, beams, angle channel, plate, pipe etc. Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235-1655. 49;50:51:52c TWO SNOW TIRES and rims 14 x 78G, like new, off Olds Cutlass. Phone 235-0123. 49:50x FURNITURE Gate-leg table, 4 upholstered chairs, floor lamp, bed with box springs, odd chair with arms, chrome kitchen table and 4 chairs, maple dining room furniture, high back wicker chair, Phone 238-2554, Grand Bend, evenings. 50x SMALL adult snowmobile helmet, like new, Phone 235-0685. 50c 39t 6t WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. Phone 235-2844 after 5 p.m. 50:51c Wayne Scott COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - over 3100 sq. ft. cement block building on large lot near railroad. Could be used for light manufacturing retail or office space. Call Ellen Knight 235- 2905 or 235-2040. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - A good business showing an excellent return with lots of potential. Includes completely redecorated building, all new equipment, wiring and plum- bing, Information to princpals only, Call Ellen Knight 235- 2905 or 235-2040. INCOME PROPERTY - is rent gobling up your savings? It sure won't if you buy this duplex. Rent one side and live in the other. New furnace, plumbing, wiring and roof, Large landscaped lot. Call Ellen Knight 235-2905 or 235-2040. NEED A NEW HOME? Buy your new home while the $2,000 in gOvernment grants are still available. Builders and lots available. Call today for more information. Ellen Knight 235-2905 or 235-2040. LOOK INTO THIS OPPORTUNITY to secure a valuable tax business franchise. Be your own boss, Ideal for a retired per- son or housewife. Information to principals only. Ellen Knight 235-2905 or 235-2040. SMALL ACREAGE of developmental land. Presently has a 7 room house, good barn, lots of trees, double drive. Call Ellen Knight 235-2905 or 235-2040, 10 ROOM HOUSE IN GRANTON - 5 bedrooms, large kitchen, dining room, hard wood floors, beautiful open stairway. Owner moving to England. Call DoreenMcRobert 225-2853 or 235-2040. AUTUMN SPECIAL comfortable 7 room home in Granton. Large living and dining rooms. 3 bedrooms with bath off master bedroom. Call Doreen McRobert 225-2853 or 235- 2040. FEATURING THE NEW BOTTOM DISCHARGE UN LOADER Especially Designed For Large Silos For Detailed Information Call Your Local Butler Dealer 15 Personal Trucking and Bulldozing Land Clearing RR 3, Parkhill 294-6569 Free Estimates WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation. 4-52t GLENDINNING & SON George and Ken 294-6574 IF YOU want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone 1-348-8363. 4t 39t Sign Painting and Truck Lettering 5t DON DIETRICH CONSTRUCTION SHOW CARDS, POSTERS ETC, Reasonable Rates GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND FARM BUILDINGS RR 3, Ailsa Craig • 234-6277 or 234-6483 Crediton DON MEHAGAN Box 146 Huron Park 228-6487 after 6 p.m. 445 Main St. South, Exeter 235-1232 41t REDI-MIX CONCRETE lot BUYING? SELLING? BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and LANDSCAPING Take Advantage of Our Personal Service CALL ANY OF US NAMED BELOW All Types of Concrete Work McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 (Free Estimates) BROKER: FRED EYRE Home 229-8936 SALES: DIRK COOLMAN (235-1950) FRAN RITCHIE (235.0588) NORM STANLAKE (235-0524) WE' HAVE HOMES, FARMS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE. WE CAN ARRANGE MORTGAGES AND PROPERTY APPRAISALS, For Any of Your Real Estate Needs Contact OFFICE 235-2040 Phone R. EASTON & SON RR 8, Parkhill, Ont, 294.6425 Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 46t 44t