HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-23, Page 3:mart= 2': Special Notices- , err -aPres Cocoa. -O naTVvt GSD 'UJ*DAT ISA I poste, -•'D7 a theiou l knowledge of thew The House tt►da regained its i *ono taws which govern the operations nt diges- t Ilea and nutrition, and b7 a emeriti application of after the Eaeker ieeaa Hoa Kr. Iwo; ersag se45Ye eoute. lir. Epme Revia snbr*»4 the annual ea ted wvi i oat tweak fad table, with a ds icetel! the State o44 Militia for 1 r2. non. /Wavore't beverage weld may ams en any heavy ..er: bills."-(ieel service Omens. Made amply H Tilley breaented the repast of the t ▪ g waterer mut. g.ch pa�ket 1, lase•ied t! ie D°11"11. omtn On a1otU,n 0! Hca Mr. , e �!rai rias ow Coons. -"we will now give an Tilley the ,.Ogee went into Colmlwittee'i,rconat of the proems .dnp•d by Meese Jaatee f the W h i1 ort a resolution ro cling i pe . i•eLAe j;us tnal:r to"o we. e supereanaa$ibo, for reductagjths 1rsw- totem, ;mime. back on o eors' e.leries and providing ` that half tt expense of providing for snperannu ons amounting to about $25,000 peg, num should be borne by the eonntr j After some discussioa the resolution ed. A number of bill wire advtt,t oda �. The Henan went into Cone ter& 4 Supple on the vote of 6130,11(11) r immigration. Hoa. M. Po ha offered bis ezplanation', Mr. Mao sic addressed the House. Ne thou it chiefly desirstle to pre. mote th emigration of agricultural Labeuritis , this reentry. In past years a large atiber of emigrants bad come to Can 1�tt chiefly from the totem and cot; ui Europe, and, although there was goeddealof what was desira- ble in t lenient, yet what we most wanted Til time emigration of agri- cultural shooters. Ile thongbt the r rmigrati ' not of Ontario and the other i ewes should coalesce with d those or a cion, in Orden is p� mote t itch of emigration. wanted t polarise this moyemsafe and evengi effort should tend to •this direetio bj{ the distribution in �y of trau,p`ipAaining information, bee the hoegi ,mater of the depart:nent came) " -'House w•,,1d he better able t0 what had been dose Inst year. y to Hon. Mr. Ynaaf, Mr. now thx Company is *were that your laws do p.ipe gait 4hreugh the agents of ted psi pewit therm to ropy the precise getting up of ey t0e.licine*, but in order the more completel to steamship.) eotllpanies over two millions Niel the puhlir, the? have reeour,e W annex „f. pam ' lets plating to Canada bad p„e, of Jere�tiMJ U.. ins make Mating p the Pole red that thee deem been cr ;bitted. He had news from to erwary. asnt in cher form, to m that that they adopt Europe 1 o -day that all steamships bed a, 1�bet, try the engaged for all the eWl- •heal.,, ted $bove-mrntinnei "Chemical Cnm- grants t r maid carry for some time to ease." there is also David Pringle of New York, e4, by cenanmmate trickery is attempting to cell c 'me,bul,addi tional a'T•D �emen!s would ,turh,ns irwnatioas of m7 Medicines. Beware of be madam- carrying them, and before utlsu eetse- unpricriplyd Chemical Canpan7 has plaid 1,.rrg we,Ghon d see a eery large secisfs' toilers grist 1 owe vrry l,r¢s enm, ret mnme7 to tee tion fr'fft lanrope. Re lir. Pope) '10,0..nil., Sure,, tt'hat te the fart' A newspawre p..sed tN ask the Provincial Govern- woe obtained. without my keowlemie or consent ' and by oolln,InS wfth a puny who held au Umltd menta 4elm at Ottawa and ascertain p em of •ttorn v or mh•e, se order to advertise m7 their visors as Ito any desirable changes, mehrine, in Smith Amarin for three mare, tc the and so 1r acttg in unison promote the ,:tent o lino mein weld. He tedn mid his elate. .t, a Lwcer.wh^ get it plerte.l M tee courtto •Mend influx au tyratiou. A an tiller ni n, his wed"cave (.dgeeseot gamiest ss to the 5150051 other i s wore then passed in supply l of ii"1.237 g'•Id.fnrpreit which he paid he rotldhaye mode by it, had IPA taker steer to repudiate this and the 1posie adj•inrned• ,. rile tnouctlon the mom•et It came to m7 know 's - - ----- - ` April. ' )a,lgd Thie judgement will coon be set mitt,. It •an5ot "e.ii po.eil, 1 in sure, that 1 owe a cent N11. ni ln$wraace Cpmpinies doing in -.Janes airs a Co.., lsotsmop5 hie Cbemlete, (;ALJ rlor! FRAUDS ABROAD!, mgt: meet respectfully citation th tie le of eo tl a Briton !meth amertRM rieveseser peer ;lard sparest purchasing ,peranelayaee weer ere being sett ■r aemm pole and Ointment," b7 eerie.a 31vidttslta of Mediae(for tine tat w a1islaas no ander the stele f the •'New Tort tyedeal Cowpat7•' leery artifice is made use Obis thele for the parte** of imposing epos the end the more eeeeWslly to deceive, they rte the effe.ntery, is their advernieemeats, 00 th- ese the billowing caution =-• " The immerge. demand for' HOttOW AV; Pitts » ane Oncreswr' ha, tempted nnpnnrlpled » parties to counterfeit these valuable Medi- » rotes. t the pnblie and onreelves la nyder to pretreat we ear+ lased • sew'Trade Mark,' eo•,+ttllag •• elf as Egypti•a Circle of a serpent with the "letter A is the matte Every box of gemmae ••'Hou.owar'• Pitts ono Ottvwstrr' will have p,, trade mark ua it. None are genuine '-wrteent It "To Dut.15 AND oets5a IN Duma asoyan • wises. • • we r ill your par neuter attention to the new 0 atr'e et -HoLLew•v'a PILLS Ani O,tn ,I*T' y -none of the old style are maaufaetured M • Ballow nor have they been fur mouths. We - therefore motion all purchasers against re- " seising from any Jobbers or D..'ers the old str:s of goods - 1n(vrm*tine roneernen any such goods '-Dein- offeeel will be received with thanks •• We urn the favor of all the information on ▪ .o ,,e in regard to those coentertert..' Ef& 2fs SEND YOUR. ORDERS Fifa For the Season of 1873. To T111: Huron Signal Office, Where they will be done neatly, cheap- ly, and expeditiously. Qi'" Your choitae of f The which brain mitten) the ma Caned assure pooled f 1115(11X urged t benefit to a these ti in, consid a000 m ment debate t•, give porton view •erne. Afte call letter (N• Si Mr. Jl whom eider 107 m Auntie iegniri ,J1atfve to the Pacific Railway. and ase{ed a resolution declaring it to be aurin The whole of the sitting was taken a lith a debate on this motion, posed, j and di t.66, In tib Senate Mr. Menem -in moved his re.wl *Coe, condemning the manner in whirls the Government is ;bong to constreet the Pantie Railway, the forth- , er detest* on which was pnstpneed. i FRIDAY, 18th April. E. B /''mod was intre;Klooed ho Mr.Mc- kenets )... i Mr. Ferris and task his seat. Mr. Cunpbell reported the names of the c0mmr tens to try the East Toronto and North lsroa election oats. Mr. Cam- eron iatlroditeed a bill to provide for the exatnilfjt r,n of witnesses under oath by the Psi ifl4 Medway Committee. In enn- mgae of a doubtto the power of the R4is4 as to peas such a bill it was held over. 444 Mackenzie called the atten- tion ot'#he Hones to a letter sent by Mr. GriffiPose Office Inspector, to a pwt- Inas n Welland. cautioning him not to int fere sgainet the Governmectt can- didate in tyle late election. He read the Ulcer aed gave notice et a motion respecfdng :it. Some miscellaneous henna, vet then disposed of and the Houssi''rljanrned. In 11 he , Senate the debate was remnant l on,Mr. McPherson's Radwy re lotionThe Government tried t stiffs diacnssion, and an amend- ment i"eelprino it iuetpedtent to take any ae4oeo at the ;natter was tarried on a tote77nrf 44 to 13 glidrattill. t;axsas. 11111.M.1111. - V* ?h;ad oh i a short sitting ' 7 p•7. �ocuple•I cheiefiy with routine "'Gey one that 1 would mot immrdiatel is Then it mn trnth whatever in grew mtement that. Mi. Joly moved for a aim - IIs -.r v:rneri:r l am7l perwna or persona 10 5se my the whole On the subject Of i mum for the sale of my P111. and Oint n•atalthoueIl jou trsud. ►•w how pn.Nessd ueoa tY by te- &factere of beet -root sugar in I prae,pt 't mrs in this way. The object was to Errant eel- I world pk, 505favor. that nh old• It 11 0'. r this no excise should be im- the k,+rwldns dewy pa e•k ars Heins mate mad •old In my Line, that M tt n years to come on beet -root ry pleased 00.54 m5 the name and addreu of the In•featured in Canada. , Ie was nnd0r who is tithe/ the tame, that t rimy, for the t the industry would greatly him, and 1 rsga.•e to &omnesr+te handsomely my la - prowl r of the ',untie lost tule;proreed inn against • country in toying employment tom.aat without thriftless, ►aroma. nnmber ofle, while st Plated enyllera+n have rse,0rrhe believe that he p•dbas [rtes( deceived by bovine spnnnnt imitations of hum It would induce Immlgrs• these Medicine,. he will oblige me by •eedityt to C } would ultimately yore a the addressers foot (which be rat do .t a root of nil ty p ie /octa1. n ora of the books of instructions sburw of revenue; but to sots (mita art tifixel to the a*mr, t1�a. it required encnotage Y7 Medicines ran he anppLed st the lowe,t roteetion at first. A lengthy wholem!e net prier, in quantities of not less than p worth ..34 . perdozen boxes of k Dlace which was adjourned I p , or lois of ointment, Air which rmrdt entee - ria„ sited.. r's., e mister of Finance an op- meat be sent in advance. Them Malicinss sr. not bel ital SBotale.. y G of considering the question in Eic�the .PotComrd t of mtnnim Medlcinee Me est possible effect on the rev- hears . the R1owsy s F 1 myna Stamp, „Ointmet with l on- THCRsnAT, 18th April. too;' (9ieod) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. p�tine Mr. McDonald (Pictouj o ler,t Street, . et, F. e 6 attention of the House ie a sagOr pied Octets/ ewe3. f 13+7• Bch appeared in the St. John - - Irreermoi, ever the initials of C %MIADIAN rA1A DESTII0T lij, a member of the House, to LI!. m# pacer belonged. Ile con- -- letter contained a libel on the A S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I3 re• who voted ypiast Mr. t1 well and favorably known, relieving a motion fur a committee of thousands from pain in the Siete, Burk and Head, Cottjlts, Culds, - Sees Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in fie Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel ioinplesuts, Burns, Scalds, Prost Bites, �. DUNLOP- Merchant rlai l ` i EST GODERICH, 18 001 Goddl and is prepared as ,seal to make all kinds of Garments in rho most fashion- able styles and at the lureat rates. tire tits If urnisla'1 of all descriptions constantly on hand. A CALL 1E31.13On• 6LT SOLICITED. Goderich, 15th April, 1873. Dd A/1Nx o le CARRIAGE WORKS. R. J_ WHITELT mo f amendments were pro- howe ver were voted down, ton carried on a vote of 01 BEGS TO THANK THE 1UBLI for the liberal patronage accord him in the past and to announce tet he still carries on CARRIAGE & SIEGIH MAKIN in all iu branches, 'at the old stone opposite E. MARTIN'S COLBORNE HOTE Carriages, Buggies. Waggons and everyythin4 else in his line kept o hand or made to order of the `-- material and in the most workmanli. planner. EEPAlltDIG PROMPTLY EXECCTTD. Goderich, 25th Feb. I/473. 1358 14 &c. The Canadian rain Destroyer teas now 0.55 rre- fer.r ew the public d, tither failing a eingle of thee, and instance toed is well liked. and we to e s per known singf when timely neeions here the Mn weer knows ■ sing!e die**nnfacttee, dim -Pone hue Lase properly followed., but on the contrary, *1l ale delighted with its operations, and apask in the highest terw.s of Its virtues and magi- cal effort. Ws speak from experience in the matterating , are tested it thoronghly : and therefore I00 afferent/ from any of the complaint. for which it is reeornmetdoiLmariepend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy. The asteniahing elllneyet the Canadian Pain De- ntroeer in raring the dimwit* for which it it and its wonderful effects in subduing the torturous pins of Rheumatism. and in relieving !fervent Affections entitle it to high rink in the Tint of Remedies. (hien aro coming in frau Medicine Dealers is all parts of the metier. ter further sap pSes,and each testifying as to the uuverxal utia- Acnon it giver. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to wire immediate relief. All 0edictne Dealers keep It to Plimietant order and nye it ; and no family will be without it atter trying Prue. ugly Twenty -eve Cents per bottle. gold in Gtdench, by Geo. Cattle, F Jordan; Gardiner & Co Bayfield; Jas. Bsnthnm, Rogerville; J. Pickard, Exeter; H. Combe, Clinton; S. Secortl, Lucknow;E. Hickson, Sesforth ; and all medicine dealers. Goderich, Dec. 29, 1871. w 60 g The 1 le of a conteasrien is reported from sborongh. His name was or Joseph G ,and his age 101. Twormen belonging to the Dotnini on Artlil.N y et Kingston, have been dean - moil ot?t Sr teml *matt. Who :ill of Carnitteees. for the mar - der of Imelsifile, tn•,0, at Barrie on ycstotday bs was d the llttb et June. see - tan C g hanged si E new �hiain, a wealthy Quebec mer- chant, has baso appointed 3suitorin place (f Tessier, elevated to the Quebec BencA' E Inmanbave ten surveying and soup between Windsor and Sand- wich ,r a suitable location for tote pre. posed. bridge truss Donut; River. Th4fri4*d8 mad atair'en of Rev. J P. Dumeslla,t Hamilton, hare insured his honeseohi•faseuture for three years and made nines resent of a puree containing 8':50. . Witnelfferstaud that Mr. John Catn- eran,:slliMr of the LiadosiA.l,e►(i.er, is about tgitart on a trip for Europe, and age �l thvisit, among other attractive i Worlds Fair et Vienna He sails tom arNe w York on the 19th by the Canard ship Calabria. Alsiosissuse.retorted from Alvin - ate •it fa tae frrp of Brooke, in wk4it., bitkmboompeetable re.ideats anednesteed utton left with G. for tis• Sats, W:thont con - "Wig tar Ioni in wedded husband, and her parsmoar narrowly escaped a out of *read festbees premien* to gnit- ttng the Leine of his exploits. Beers do still abound in the township of Eiderwlie, cannery of Bruce, some_ times settling the traveller by appear" in in umexpected places. Ton wereet ere " s llaa days U$o. hoe of which, the Paiaby A&Oeeok tells as, was "silo t by ME. 1Sthbasn in his shirt- taiL" Ileey mast lee very civilised bear. to hat maw am F"'°mi& :-'We reader * Mate to sapience the death of Mr. H. C. Nays. Cloak of rho lith Divi- sion Conft, and ata. Township of Min- to + atter a severs ADIOS- Mr. aye won botdeeed ;milli pt el . �IMII en& the low. in Court of Revision. TaHE Townsliip Council of ColLo will meet as &Court of Revision, the Town Hall. Smith's Hill, on Frida , 25th April;; 1873, at -10 o'clock, A., M ; to hear and decide ul'on appeals fn, the rating of the Assessors and for t' transaction of other business. JOILN M.:ix)NOUGH, Township Clerk. _ Colborne, 10tb..tprilt 1$73. 13tiiib 1 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1858. MOSES RUBY COLINTER, Plaintiff, to. THOMAS KIRK ANDERSON, Defendant. A Writ of attachment has issued in the above cause. - maty, as he was who* malts* fnehfteth t;se7Lwna NM sae a severe )cls slew views and a leaves a widen, thrill ars his death." hada few di TitE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Jo` loses' Periodical Pills. J. MACDONALD, . • Sheriff Co. of Huron. Sheriffs OlTiee,aodetich, 12thApnl,1873, 1365b House and Lot for Sale. t. - BEING Part of N 3. Dlaitlaud con- cession, known as lktre. DIeDonald's Linke Kilns,c,antainin l one acre on which are erected a House, Stable and two Litre K.ltea all in g'i.,d condition. There are also a good nnmber of bear- ing Fntie trees. may to MAR( /ARV McDONALD, or JAMES THOMSON. Goderich, 29th Mar•a:, 1873. 1363-1m* THIS INVALUABLE MEUICINS is UNFAILING in the etre of an those p.mtd and dangerous diseases is which ted female constitution is sur,eet. It moderates all excites earl removes all oburuttieas and a speedy errs 05• M relied on, TO earnie. L*U,ai 10 ne,.e.11arlyea.td It ert11, In a aeon time, brag ea the mouI01V prnod with regularity'. Item P'IL *tome env es rawer by r MAGA during lAe FIRST TH RE? MONTHS of Prepeasetwaa Meyer., sure re tints Muoarrtdlk-are at asp otlarrtione May an sera in all Cayes of Nereoise acrd Spinal Affection ti Paia .n the Backend Iambs, Peel ue or ei.vhnxenoon.lyllei- r inn of the bean. Hystenee. end Whites. these P,lle vrille(eet a erre wen all ether memo. have failed. wad altheemb • materia: r:needy, A'newennes,n .res, calomel, aet,meny, or anything Manfulto tOeeonati- l.en. F.l ldinsetrws to the pamphlet amend each package which Mould be eerefelly preaervd. 10* poem. mow roan. Snail RortlITOS. 1.00 and 11 mote for pottage, enelwrd to Northrop 4 Lyman, Neeroswite, One, Renertl agents for the Dominion, will i leen • bottle eoetainitg eve• berdh by retern mau. OPENED OU11 AGAIN. NORTHRUP & LYMAN Neweestle,C• W.,g agents(oreanaae Er Sold in Godet'Mb by hiker • Ontftea.d r. Jordan ; (iud'ner of Co., Bayh rid ;Jae. 11entlin t. Kogetvl Ir; J P,ekard,F toter J. 11. Combo, Mentos, e.& eord,Lucknow;E. Hick genft :afr.'h. end 11: Med:etre.. i talers. DR. J. BELL SIMPSON'S Specter, and Tonic Pills. TroE GREAT ENGL1aH REMEDY FOR NKRV- on. 'tebrlity, Sper,natorrhea Noeturnal P100'- .150 of the Generative Organ*, Palpit.tion of the Heart. Trembling, Sleepleesneu, the •Beet of oyer -indulger.* In alcoholics stimulants and tobac- co, Ir_ Dr. J. BELL nI 1P1ON'S Pills are the only effectual end, for the above diseases. and are never known to fail. They have milady ,'n'ed hundreds in thisromatry. Robert Arthur. "whin - let. 51.10010*. testifies to big recovery by then use. Safe, eertaln and rapid is mottos, a sheet trial win peeve their s4irary. No sufferer need demotefilf ( being relieved from the frightful effects nt ♦avam. The Specific P111s are sold k7 Druggistsbo tl. W a Mix, end the T1r,le Pills at fen • x, er they will be seat �atii�t �! p, -p idi aid t securer 1 wra;� he. aad Ide. for the Trifle Pills ELMS air w wet by J. BELL SIMPSON it CO., Drawer 91 P. 0. Hamilton. Pell by ail lwsekrals and Retell Druggists. Pamphlet* sent post -fee oa application. INPiIOITE ITUTRITION. Ter «.trot . 5 en ` t tweet Tseek �e�litsr use .r Fisk 1 M so 11i,Dn. 1a_ted. eat? V cr T1-1 E Climax Potatoe. (11* THE MOST POPULAR BUSINESS OF THE DAY, TAILORING TILE Mt,4T I.1'1'ULA.*MOVEMENT, CLOTHING! Mit lNG OCT OF A. SMITH & COS.' Merchant Tailoring ESI'A BLUSHMEN T. JUST reeeiv.4 by the subsea Valls OMR ;neck of SPRING TWEEDS. BROADCLOTHS FANCY �COOArTI�NiGSGS,, We are determined to sally mss aa�wvi1 RIM goodo. the A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED, un NO NAL.1. , A LARGE STOCK OP ��flDl7es®CD3 Q1�4®Q�� principally home muahetan. JuM rsoNvd the rawest things in GENTS' FURNiSHIN3 GOODS, HATS, • SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND - TIES, all of which will be sold as low as pe.sIbk. Eom say that opprwition is the lite of trade. Other say this is the place to get - Good Clothes Made. Weare hound by .t•h•t attention to bootees., with our facilities ami experience la trade W throw all interlopers in the .hate. '° Cutting dens free of cleric," tee Wonted twolnrt-eWe workmen for whirls the highest wages will new raid. P' ' Re- member the et.,, -1, next door le J. Bond's DruF Store, on the o:- 0151118 justly celebrated potatoes is a fine, delicate, white deehed, fine favored, and also • dry and mealy po- tlatoe. Class. Arnold, Nurseryman, in Canada Panner. March 15th, says :- '' This is the best of all potatoes, old or new. In table qualities it has no equal. It is vcry productive, and 1 have never vet Deep a dipole,' tuber amongst hem,"r• The Cii:oax has bean pronounced in England the best American potatee ever raised. A l' ted quantity for sale at D. FEROIISON'S• • ABRAHAM SMITH 4.Co. t P' Now Is veer time to hay a Ret-elus rowing machine. The new, improved " Oshoru •' Is the -hest FFanilIy-Machine made in Canada. Abraham Smith, Agen 00oderieh. April, 15, 1073. 1345 N. B. It is said to be less subject than other kinds to the attack of the Colorado brig. 1365 WALL PAPERS, • New Patterns for 1873. NEW GOLD PAPERS. SATIN PAPERS. DINING ROOM. PAPERS.. SITTING ROOM PAPERS. TIED 80011 PAPERS. HALL PAPERS. 69 NEW STYLES OF 01K. Marble, Granite as Ceiling Papers. 11 Si s: 1i . .1 • NEW BORDER,INGS. it a. DECORATIONS. PANELLINGS. • • Window Shades, Plain and Figertrl, in great variety, At Lowest Prices At MOORHOU S EJ'S. March 18th, 1873. A l TEINf11I O1 . DOUGLAS McItENZIE Watchmaker & jeweller, YSISE4 . return his sincere thanks to the D t pub:;.; for tae patmeisee extended him in the past. and to aennnnce that he has removed to the premise+ on Rmaton Street, formerly occupied as a Saloon b7 Harry heed, and directly 0ppoelle C. Crabb'a tame, which he has fitted up i■ arid ,utas style. He mead call special attention W the RUSSELL WATCH forth' see of which he Is Sole agent to Ooderteb. A large stock of Waltham, Merlon, E'gin ud'Lwiu Watches iu Gold and never canes. • He bas n band • large and wed selected stock of MVPEILLF3RY of all kinds which be 411 sell cheap. REPAIRING DONE A8 USUAL. ♦ COLL SOLICITED. D. Mc K ENZIit. GodesIck, March nth. Ia73 ;363 UST OF LET.ER3 Remaining i 8th April n Goderich Post Office 0 , 1873. Begelman Calheria Bird Joh• Boulton W J. yrougb Mary te) Bowerman Neil Barron Stephen Carman A. Geo, Colwyn John Curt burn Jame. Donnepy John Eden Bessie Harris Thomas Jewell John Jessup R. Johnston Quigy L&by Martin Ma,-woo.l A'ex. (7) Iron Charles Mhl4,ngh llrmry Milli•.. John Murray. Cen,•eth Mnrrnr Jam Marl Martin IL Margery aMurpli A. E. Nichol Robert M*itisnd Robert MCDntald .t. A. 3:cCnnnell IL Atex. Mekcnzle C. OK',,,, Gro. 31 eCtuarrie J ohn M. !toned .tnabella tt F;o+ane John McAuley air. Mc Nimbi Rarl,el (1) Mct-itty Sutou t )ahs Geo. Park Thomas kiigers David nl.annon R11oa Stephemot Itobt Vaneraton Yr. Williams,' len Winters Ml,s - - Wilson J. William t Mrs AIRBANKS' SCALES AT MANS.ri facturer e °Prices -Large Platform Scales, inelnding Hay Scales, promptly ordered and a discount for Cash allowed, At JOHNSON A KERR'S. CARRIAGE BPR i N OS, CARRIAGE AXLES and PATENT WAGGON ARMS, for sale cheap At JOHNSON S KERR'S. BA It 'AND HOOP IRON. SLEIGH SHOE an -1 CAST, STEL, a full assortment, At JOHNSON A KERR'S. PATENT HORSESHOES A RORSK i SHOE NAILS, by the keg or hex, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. f'OAL OIL BY THE BAttlIEL' OR Gallon, and COAL,OIL LAMPS, • AI,JORNSON & KERR'S. ------ I nE BEST ASSORTMENT of TA • BLS, DESSERT, PEN AND POCKET KNiVSS, PLATED SPOONS and FORKS in Galerich, to herbed AtJOHNSW( d KERR'S.. PULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCK - n A WOOD'S Celebrated MILL SAW FILES, and Sorby's HAND and RIP SAWS, the best in the Market, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. F4'LINT'S CHAMPION CROSS -CUT CAWS and SAW HANDLES at List Price, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. A. DICKSON, - Postmaster. THURBER'S ROTA? ANTI - FRICTION BABBITT MSTAL.. PAIW'L'ICULARS, TIIURBER METAL, No.l is for Heavl Bearings and 0ailviay Car Boxes,35c per lb No. 2, Is for Packing Rings and denruat.§ running at high walosity roe mouth. No. 3, is for Ordinary and Gemmel PurposesTic per Ib CANAIHAN METAL, is for CheappooeeM,andbetter tlna or[lasrr Oaab0Tt EN }r14 ratwoElrnA E1rtsLia•avetaVilgRs )R the peri ;glee ed the T�heuvrsb.er petsls have bees th' Le/tires veri P•ot �rtn.so isst a love hexa ofeeakl eessd and Vl craw Me- tals, Mel gamey bays dAreewt ashnbslr sad kit es do brae Ea 7ndryry sash Y tied North navalj Me beeemo, Limy. Dire wll as 1s les well u wins, lrt0..p gs, pissetarry era, Per the •v er,ir►esli tai DMW We at We above 66 66 new" W beNek semedon Sig bare te.Wat an a4Ynef mad t1jer • a deil se5 etssus to laky. lisrasM+teote.�,satr Iv the rag ersthroAt►te fish eerw� �w krsagjin oral. sad sup- nmelfhl • greet se - W the ether he "Mi had bowl lisp with a ail- 010-* deed eat 1 e has beenforo- !poseerestiag interest et flare that end in rim Belleville Oww.* have besE ark is !tit arlinrt Tie peva er =1ST Is sty sista tele all! tbele==.1112:111. tenet eon alt saes 82.d Noyes. *deed ileVrYlola UM Allem' as4 Molds TOWN OF GODERICH, j Receipts acid Expenditures for 1872. --� - - RECD �- earth from 1871 Taxes of 1871-2 •' 1872-3 is ...,.. •P Less paid County Treasurer paid John Stewart.. -.. ' $061.55; . $10588.87 3706.88 $14778.75 - 813.10 , 75 13.85 14261.90 LICE Amount received Less refunded Wait. Cozy,. •,- E. Hooker Amount received ES. $1212.00 ..... $24.80 - 30.00 54 80 1157.20 MA ET. Less amount paid repairs MAQISTRAT Amount received •••-t...... ••' Noarussie 0 Amount received.... Less expenses fan repair!, 10 nom.. 6758.34 39.89 718.45 ova.. ROAD. 62.75 1$15.53 -- 1730.03 Nott-Rssi ' ter Tex: Amount received front County Tress rer Lalanco to 18173 EXPE / TURES. Interest paid Rev. Win. Reid Cans RATE. Amount assessed. ......... . .. .... ....... -- . $1329.29 Lees Cuunty appropriation, Tow • Lines$126.45; Budge Hill108.30.- • Surplus due from 2 497,04, 731.99 306.36 $18798.241 64962 69 t Dl LIr8RT. Amount appropriated . . . .... MAITLAND CEMETERY. Amount paid salary and interest on 1 bentures• • • • ...,a $532.00 Less amount received for -sale' Lets.,.. .. 402.86 PVBLI, WORee. Amount expended ' Amount expended in 1872 Amount expended Less proceeds sale of Engine (floxxo• SEwca. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Amount expended Amount expended Amount expended SUN DEIEa, Amount expended ••• 868,b2 Common. COOLS. Amount appropriation 44965.00 Expended over appropriation 51.93i Balance on hand 1871 . :... 1266.514 6283.45 Balance cash �n hand carried to 1873.:• 4962.G9 REttsr.. SALARIES. 5230.71 '50.00 $72 00 SELLING OFF 1 SELLING OFF ! IMMENSE CLEARING SALE OT BOOTS & SHOES. '1111E Subscriber wishing to ,Ctire from the BOOT and SHOE Busi- ness, will sell his Large Stock compris- ing some 6000 Pairs of Boots & Shoes AT COST FOR CASH: Now is the time to Get 4151-00d Bargain*, Ae the subscriber just means what he says. P. 8. - All accounts must be paid without delay. SAMUEL Sigoot, rum, Sign oSquare. Goderich. lath Eay., IIR1 1114 NEW GROCERY! James Brackenridge "t I AV LNG bought out Mr. POL- A LOCK'S Stock of Groceries and 597.30 added very largely to theta, is now in a .eition, in the amino stand, to sell Groceries~ Cron ery, and Provisions, CHEAP rOR CASH! A L•irtze )nick of rrEA.P4 On Laud, and selling at reduced prices. Bound to Sell Cheap. 50.0(i 129.14 16013.12i 1366.29 200.71 . 903.02 ... t 1320b0 437.00 • SPECIAL Swoons. 118798.2411_ We the undersigned have audited r1te:sibove accounts and hare found them correct. Et). F. 1100RE THOS. B. VAN I'ERY, 1 Auditors. Goderich, March 6, 187 3. • , JORDAN'S DRUG STOIIE, Market$quare, Goderich. PARTIAL LIST of good. for sale at Parson's & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite. the Market House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY; CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, &Heise., WHITE LEAD, all prices, BOILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. . , TURPENTINE, CHOPPING AXES FROM THE bast Makers, single and doable steel At JOHNSON d` S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF [8t LOCKS, HINGES, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS and OILS, at Lowest Cash hand,s on it KERR'S. At A COMPLETE ASSORTMENMPL T F AGRICULTURAL I at LoE- MENTS, from the best make's, Low- est Cash Price, At JOHNSON A KERR'S. Tor sale by H. 0 .1111:14u1947, - soy. toe, lere ' ship fora roans of• :aik'oe in 41* Dominus' Telegraph Institutes Toronto. Will be told Si • redootios to tar desirous of spnywhing a porde* of the tolserapbbeds and MA Nev. 1972. DAMICULAR ATTENTION PAID n• to the wants of the Farming COM. mnnity, and orders from the wountry promptly attended to, At JOHNSON )(MIR'S. 91.11 at Maker's Price List, carefullo ()r- ated and discount for cash allowed, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. THE WHOLE OF THE ABOVE 2 GOODS are eaffbred Cutter, CHEAP, fer Cash, At JOHNSON& KERR'S. lkf ILES' PATENT ALARM CASH L'A Drawers, the beat in the world - Trios only 60 At JOlitirOON & KERR'S. REMEMBER THE PLACE, II ANI1LTOM ST., *Iggs of tie Croas-ent Saw, JOHNSON &KERR. Gaaisrielt. Monk 1111s, isrs. Vi-dtllTBD,a Smart Ladder a Hard - Intro Slaw ,Masiftei weal rer- 1365 And all, kinds of I1 T WARE. For Sale Cheap,} ST G. H. Parsons & Oo. llpp„site the Market House, Gt'ODERICII June, 2'. 18:1. L. S. WILLSON, A LARGE ASSORTMff N •A' i l l. V) F.'-.e� FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Agent for All kinds of Agricultural Implements; PLOUGHS, HARROWS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, Agent tor Meludeilitt W. Bell & Co's Celebrated and Harmoniums, and for Weber's Pianos. for die FLORENCE and HOWE Sewing Machines, the former of which possesses advantages which can -be found in no other Machine. CALL AND SEE IT. Sheiwrooms, next door to the "Sii.rnal" Office, Goderich. Febrnary .18th, 1873. 1357 JUST RECEIVED AT THE MEDICAL HALL. Goderich, April 150, 1S73. 1873. GOOD BARGAINS IN Ei cry thing that can usually be found ;n a Grocery Store can be found here. not fail to call end examine goods and 1.rq..:(s, if you wish tri save money. rellemember the stand, corner of North Street and Market Square. Goderich, Jan. Gth, 1873. 1361 THE Very Thing Wanted 1373. NEW HARDWARE STORE OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. SIGN Of THE CIRCULMISPil Tile: ellesonoriertS EEO TOSAT THAT THEY 1141 e 4104 cowl lettdomning out an Estero New and TENDERS WANTED. QEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- " ceived up to noon on Satarday, the 10th day of May next, for building a Brick Manse in emenection with the Canada Presbyterian Church, Tenders will be resolved for the Brick and Mason work, and the Carpenter work, separately, or both together. The committee do not bind them- selves to seesprObe *west or any tender. Plans and speoifications san be seen at the Medical Hall, Ltuknow. All tinders and communications to be ad- dressed to Dr. IleCR7MISON, Luck now, April 5th, 1873. 13640 R. NEW GOODS • COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE. 'STYLE; QUALITY AN 0 VALUE CAREFT-LLY 13ELECT#. ..• FGR Goderich, April 2od, 'Kt W. R. ROBERTSON, 1 1363 THE EMPORIUM NEW SPRING HATS AT A LL PARTIES 121.118TED TO MI KM 43. scriber will please pay gip at ease. ABRAHAM 1111•FTF. Itth Oct. MTh NEW SPRING TWEEDS AT 20 CASES BOCTs & SHOES Just received at 3 BALES GREY COTTONS Just Received at Special attention given to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Soderich, 3rd March, 1873. liberal inducemente will be offered. For particulars apply at ttis office. Goderich, lst March, 1873. 1360c For Sale. rg %HZ House and Lot, No. 266, on 804111 Street, *WV owned by the late Mrs. DAVIS, twill be sold at on the Teeth lay of May next.. Godwin/10 30* April, lop. AlkifidA Wilif will be sold fa prima that defy Opposite The flarket House Ledeilai Joe lard 111714 &err. HURRAH FOlt AfAITLANDVILLE 44 WILLIAM STANBURY, GO TO Rit) Red Store THANKFUL for past favours, 2 desires to inform the inhabitants of 6Iaitlandville and surrounding country that he is to be found at the old stand, ready and willing to attend to the wanta id his customers. He has on hand AFULL STOCK OF GROCERIES consisting of TEA, SUGAR, TOBACCO, CL'RRANTS, RAISINS, SPICES &c., &c. - ALSO Dry Goods, Nails, Crockery, Glassware, FLOUR 4. FEED. ing been granted &Shop License for the sale of Liquors, he will keep on hand a full stock of WHISKAY, ALE BRANDY, RUM, GIY, WINES, IN BOTTLE OR ON DRAUGHT. The:Iiigliest market price paid ter Be tter,LEggs and other produce. Remember the et/aid, nearly opposite the School House, 6Iaitlandville. March 4th, 1873. 1369 IV HERE are you going in inch a I am going over to Me&TOSH'S Gun ihop to get my Sewhig Machine repaired. You can get all kinds of Sew. ing Machines put in Good Running Order there, if not there is no olstirge. An- Remember the plso• me of 7. Jordan's Drug litore. 13650- Godeirich, Mokeh 24th, 1873. 1362 HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GODERIC,H. Have for sale MINK, FOX, and other traps CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWA, WOOD - SACS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP - mu AXES. VARI- 1.N D PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND NXES AND BROADAXE& COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY, WROuGHT AND CUT NAILS &c. A nd shit° assortment of all kinds or At low prices for CASILrOPPnlit• MARKET HOUSE. godsrich. Nor. 28 1871 1Lb. BOOTS & SHOES. E subscriber has eorameneedlbseines CLIFFORD'S BAKERY, where he to premised to do all work with whish boy be tarbured. DONS NITS HEATNISS AID (DISPATCH. cam 1101.20ITIED. WM. SHARMAN. clocerites.1&019166 11171 :MS se .4 - o w o 0 0 1-3 go cn L-4 o Sn go Remember the place, TWO DOORS FROM Jordan's Drug Store, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE IIIIIKET, GODERIOIL, ONT. •