Huron Signal, 1873-04-23, Page 2• • v ' ! • i sow ilm'oommomoe ifew Advortisellionta Ee0F4Veined-Jahn Punters. Men Wald -Harvey & Rosa. elabdeldOeurt of Rcivision-John Cooke. Gremeriese-M. W. Ball. Sheriff Sale of Lando -John Mae- Aanaid. Sheriff's 'Sale of Landir-John Ilse - Mould. Camion-Fearbaleks & Co. Ttorrar's A retract -Town of Goderich. FolInws" Compound Syrup of Hypo- ' phosphite*. Lam Respeatend Newsmen. 1.01nosertlotes who ao sot en uprose settee to the posi inn, are eel:adored as se taking to otentintns tisk osoasetptlona. soastrarinenerdst the discontinua*, ot Moir peelsedit•ali M. oeuropoport, LOA foll111O1144. Or pODUSIO- ersimy ratios* to send them until all arrears see Peal missonners ire held romensilete ler allSom sent. 11. If stth•-rtbere neglect or reuse to take the pal- er nowspepors tons Dis ogles to which they they are bald responsible till they hare 'hills. Seadoss *ambers week, or los, IVhe *Mee, la mot enels aotme ot doom law regains. tars moors to other Oases without the Plitemhsr, and :hew penalties/a or ease me sent to the fonner Unctions, they lig di Isicasibis. Geo. P. !Cowlitz & Co., 40 Park ;and S. M. Porrorans & Ca., 37 Rew, ere our only authorized Ad - Agents in New York. Me - nee, . •11111.." • -••••••• The Postmaster Clenazare PoPert. The report ef the Postmaster Generel forth* year ending 30th June last has come to hand, and presents some very interesting details respecting this im- portant brush cit the public service. Both* gives a better ides of the date sad progress of a countey than its potted statisties end we are glad' to learn from the repeEt before us that Canada must be ia a nourishing condition. Tke Post Office Department is net eelf-sustaining but there is noun te believe that before many years it will be. The total revenue for the put year' was $1,193.062, and the =pukka* $1,369,- 162 showing a deficit of $176,000. The revenue et the Department has increas- ed almut 94 per sent, while the expen- ses have only increased at the nits of 4 per cent. Thue figures only refer to the four Provinces of Ontario. Quebec), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The total number of Post Offices now in operation throughout the entire Domin- ion, is 4,135, being an increase of 192 over the number returned last year. Fin the Ara -time statistics respecting Manitoba and 13ritiah Columnia are included in fits rehert, which amounts for the large increase in tie "miles of Put Routes" -an increase of 3,400 lades, the total number of miles being 33,413. The annual mail travel shows an increase of 50,491, while in the n umber wf letters seat by post we have the enormous increase V 3,550,000. Iu the number of registered letters, we find aa increase of sixteen per cent, tee total umber sent during the past year being 1,277,000. As an instance of the safety insured by ryistretion, we may men tion that not more than ens letter in 33,600 appears to have pas astray. It seems strange that ander flies* eircum- staaces people vedi persist in sending money by unregistered letters. Of the total number of letters posted, one in e ighty Ands its way to the Dead Letter Office. In the returns of the Money order and Savings Bank department, we find very satisfactory •vidence of their con- stantly increasing usefulness. Last year the total in= of money corder& reaehed the handsome figure of $5,144,834.31, showing en increase over the former you of $58'4,004. The money order system appears to be entirely self-sus- taining in Ontario end Quebee. In the Savings Bank Department an increase of 4,523 is shown in the number of trans- actions, while in the &mount placed to the credit of depositors the increase is, in round numbers, 11600,000. The total nuinher of letters carried during the year wee 30.600,000. of pepers 24,400,900 and of parcels 24,800. The number of tapers appears out of proportion, but it must be remembered that the city dailies despatch a large proportion of their issue by express. The transatlanec postal service giros some intereating fasts. For the year Le72 tt, shoes an increase et 140,401 on the letters sent to Britain by the Allan line, 129,340 en the newspaeers, rend 540 oa the books; while oa letters coming from Britain to Canada, there war an inertia,* of 162,720; of newspapers, 22,034, sad on books, 20,809. 1 be following is a statement of the groas revenue collected and the salary allowed at each post offioe the County of Huron, - 1 ha Wide after each Subscriber's native IthieltIdeass indicates the tints to which SOloription Thue, "PITS& 1 Meech 72,e MGCSJU that Mr. s• Subscription is ptid up to lit d that lie owes front that date. s will *ea it to be tu their interest promptly, as oar terms ars O 1C.TLY ADYANCK, otherwise $2 lb* shaved. ..11111•Ma. g $.1 Grand Trunk ZailwitY• OODLILICIM STATION 1•111•• SS f01101,11,- '1 .4 . 7 00 a. m. 10.00 41 ti 12.30 p. m. are dee as follows, - 2.00 p. m. . . 5.10 " " 9.35 44 e ,e,_ . I t u 'bers will confer a favour by ai d "ifort• g us of any irregularity in the of their papen. / ' A shall be glad at all times to receive Ito( local news, reports of meetings, idenia, or any incident of intenest 5, . er en the locality where it occtirs or the bounty at large. Stich matter y tut sent at the rate of one cent per it. rked Printer's Copy and not ed. To ensure publication in any tie r issue it should reach the • t later than Monday evening. r" 11.••••••• von $RICH, April 23, 1873. Szerl copies of this day's Signal ran be Ogee -mice 5 cents. New Iltory. IC. intend to commences on the ant play, the publication of another con; ed story, entitled " Olive Vareoe.' ew York kferttld says in speaking Neat it is " One of the mut and startling books ever writ_ " Those who desire to have it com- aleould subscribe at once. We will d the Stoner, from now till the end of year to say eddress for One Dollar. Rowdyism - had micssien last summer to di - le -At atention to the amount of rowdy- itnt wIlfich unfortuaately preyed. in our . We regret to have to again call tine to the fact that with the ad' , of spring some ef our young men, we re very sorry to say thee* great ii o the mischief which is perpetrated n by gnarl up lads who should i * letter, require to be looked after. .0 herr conmant °complaints that the fe- 4. pennion of the community can hard. eseleround the Square in the even - kegs without being &Aged to listen to. in- gisfting remarks ebout themselves, or sin onne !and profane language, and fie. iluent4 night is rendered hideous by the beim Blade by these youths on their pay hems from their revellings. i ffhodeth it is bad enough thet people Iliboald be insulted on our streets, when it =nue to the wanton destruction of !vas's.* it is much mare serious. It is n ,frequent occurrence that windows are broke's, and several complaints of this pave reached us of late. During the /Luta vacation a number of windows n the Cott School House were eroken• Th mischief was no doubt iecnis tie boys, but what can be expected 'non them when their elders set them $14 'example. A bier sights ago, StY1116 of the stone Jeri brickwork of H. Howell's new store tir the entree of erection, was thrown elown. Similar miseehief was clone to C. trel.b's bloc.k last season, and Mr. fir:hewn, complain* that stone, brick, mode other material &neon/tacitly thrown into the cellar of his new bui1dings. : A few n.ghts ago several of the beat &tut trees in the garden of W. D. Allan se 0* South end of the town were hack- ed wiele some sharp instrument, and Captain West we.) heo rented the prop- erty, received a threatening letter 'un- til him agsinst taking pomossion of the ow. as it would be berried down over 0 ty parties may be discovered sod his eed. Suapicion attaches to certain es in this matter, and we trust the ''.! punished. . We regret to have to record these acts of rowdyism, but it is our duty as public jemnaliste to do so. We trust our Mitherties will exert their utmost =- townies to put a stop to all such mann fennetirs, which cannot but have an in- field...test upon the reputatiou of our 47. t Peinenes. Seek hoe ism ti letter appeared Illeogeyor,” eseeplaissing of erzfrartgenee et the IVA. Seer& With some at the opus- % the Weer we de net *kb* weans plan tease& the hebee et &Steele te • v•rigrawd"”dttas 114 owiwor 'he edible wane et 101hket igpleieme den se AMA one, . .7 • u Fertiliser. We appeni a paregreph taken from the New York World, showily the ad- vantage of salt as a fertilizer, more especially for wheat. Refuse salt can be *binned at the wells in Gedesich for three dollars a ton,tand we wonder that our farmers do net woe more of it on their land. One of our manufacturers informs us that there is more demand for refuse salt for land from a distanoe, than in the immedinte neighborhood when it costa little more than the ex- pense of drawing it away. The follow- ing is what the World says, - gross Roston., Ainberley $144.64 Auburn 145.87 Bandon 15.49 Bayfield 473.93 Belfast Forward allowaace .24 Belg-rave 147.20 Helmer° ... 15103 BenvOler 59.39 %peyote 252 10 Blyth 324.67 Berne 102 95 Brewster 45 31 Bushfield 19.84 Bencefield 203.78 Carlow 000, and the leei of life at 500 persous. Notwithstanding that the city has bun destroyed by earthquakes eight times within 11 • past 150 years, measures are being takes to rebuild on the same site. It iit intended to use wood largely as a building material, it having been found that almost the only survivor of the wrecked city was a woodea house. A telegram from Australia, ennoun- oing the srrival of the ship Alardtts from Hamburg, with emigrants, states that 32 of the presagers died during the voyege, and the Captain committed sui- cide. Hon. J nseph Howe has bidden adieu to life. He left Ottawa on Satur- day last to assume the post of Lieuten- ant Governor of.Nevs Seotis. An ad- dress was presented to him by the mem- bers of the House of Commons. He will be succeeded in the Cabinet by Mr. Mc- Donald, of Pieten. Very eonflicting reports reach in ef the state of health of the Pope. It was reported last week that he was dead and the Toronto Moil and loader published obituary notices. The report turned elf:, to be without foundation, and the latest information states that he WM SO far recovered as to be able to say Mass in his privati Chapel, and subsequently to gire audience to a deputotion, which brought Peter's Ponce. " The agriculture' world has never yet settled the question -as to the value of comrson salt as a fertilizer ; but any farmer who will apply it to his growing wheat at the rete of at least fifty pounds and not over one hundred pounds per aere, can determine the question for kitnself when, toward the time of harvest he perceives the thriftiness of the straw, the plumpeess of the grain, and the greatly ieereased yield oyer that of any portion of the field that ass nontreated with salt. There is donger in the use of salt in excessive quantities as a fer- tiliser, and therefore we fix the presau- tionary limit of not over 100 lba, per acre. The price of salt does not place it beyond economical nee as a fertilizer, as in all almost maims of the older States, the quantity judiciously applied tat an acre can be purchased at from sixty cents to s dollar and a quarter. Salt is nnt only stimulating to the growth and effective in the yield of wheat, but pro duces esrlier maturity of the crop, thus affording an avian@ of eac.ape from that other malady of the wheat plant, rust on the stem and blade, from which our wheat crops in the South are in greater peril than from smut. Rust is general- ly aa almost complete blight, while smut in usually but damagiug to disqualify of the mop produced.'' Salary. $39.50 59.50 10.00 227. 00 32.50 49.87 57.00 24.00 85.61 119.5G 39.00 16.00 10.00 81.00 80.66 30.00 Clinton including ar- rears 2230 36 659.50 Forwaitd &Hammes $60 Rent, &c., $180 Constance . 130.81 52.50 Crediton 132.14 Devon 115,08 Dingleincludingarrears 720.81 Foward allowance $27 Dungannon . . 217 75 Dashwood from 1st bee. 24e.51 Ethel ... 58.31 Eemondville Elimville Exeter e 229.13 58. 30 777.51 Forward allowasee $24 Farquhar 48.85 Fordyce 11.53 Goderich including ar- rears. e.... 4660 67 Forward allowanee $114 Rent, Gerrie 275.87 Grey 92.28 Hay 33.56 Hills Green, 44.15 Holmesville 65.10 Johnson's Mille 28.92 Kingsbridge 93.05 'Jutted' 37.51. Kippen 113,0q Kirkton 120.83 Lskelet 84 20 Lisadel........ 109.21 Forward allowsnee $16 Londesboro 177.73 Lucknow 837.76 Lumley ....• • • • 33.13 Marnock 46. 00 Morrisbank . 56.47 Forward allowence 016 Newbndge 85.90 Nils ..... 78. 70 Offs. 85.80 Porter's Hill 5C69 Port Albert 70.82 Rodigervil le 226.62 Forward allowsnce $16 Sarepta 49.13 Seaforth including ar- rears 2609.18 Forward sllowance $105 Rent, St. Helens. 160.95 Stowe 28.94 Ulster.. ........ 6 59 Varna 135.75 Waleme 203.94 Westfield .. 48 53 Wit:41mM 1 qnarter 691.11 Forward Allegan*, 112.50 Winthrop 79.41 Winchelsee 51.81 Wroxoter inctuding sr - Mare 687.88 Forward allowance 064.50 Zetlend 14.63 Zurioh 277.16 !Worm Mut:Inc. 55.50 44.50 281.50 71.00 6.00 19.00 79.00 16.50 271 50 18.00 10.00 1165 00 dm. $220 120.50 42.00 14.00 16.50 28.00 13.50 31.51 20.50 47.00 40.50 25.50 49.50 63.00 325.013 12.50 16.00 25.00 32.50 30.50 21. 50 20 50 37.25 73.00 22.00 706.00 Sio. 0170 51.00 12.510 10.00 61.00 67.00 18.50 270.56 26. 00 23.50 243.30 10.00 96 60 A meeting of the Reform Convention of Smith Berea was held at Clinton on Wednesday last. The attendance was large aad greet enthusiasm was ntani. tested. It was unanimously resolved to defend tie seer of M. C. Clanteron, M. P., add to raise at omee the neneseery 'node for that purpose. We madder that is is the keel the Reform piety 'can do for the man who govis up a esetainty for whet el hest wee sa oreertainty, emmidariog the mamma is with* the Coen* was divided, to be their etradeed beam. The rem& 'of the inset* tat Chaim sheers that the Re- formism of the Beath Rain ere fully a- live to their &My erad aro prepared to sem it eat. IONS Priam Albrecht, replevy et the Rm. 'serer of Cieramar, was immadail ea Sae- urday to Primo. Yee, et Bose Altos - bow. l'hielithe way a mintrispolarY gee eemins-- et& e POStee'll = 173715Meraii The Counoil of the Canadian Press Association have petitoned Parliament for the repeal of the lew imposine prestige on newspapers mailed from the office of publication to regular subscribers. They plea du folio ws ." They respectfully 'Omit that poseage on newspapers is virtually tax on knowle tee, wed. tint it is wisdom to remove as , far ne possible all obeacles to the spread of information. The newspaper publishers of Canrda can be said to be an unit in the belief thst the abolition of postage on newspapers would promote and increase reading habits among all classes of the people, and it is respeetfully submitted thst in a matter of this kind their opinions are entitled to weight.' We trust Parlia- ment will see the justice of removing the tax. 1•731V73 OF TIE WEEK. It is reporteil that Sir Hag!' Allan has failed to float elle bonds of the Canadian Paciess Railway in the Enelish market: This is muGh to be regretted as it will put a stop to the building of the road for tbe present. English capi- talists do nut approve of the road being built by an American company whose sympathy la with competing American lines. A fight is reported from New Orleans &s having taken place between the whites And. negroes at Colfax. Tee latter entrenehed themselves in the Court House which the former set fire to. A number of item were lost on both sides. In consequence of the treachery of the Modem In.liane in killing the commis- sioners sent to treat with them, Geperal Sherman has, by order of tee President, instructed General GdIeln to wage a wir of extermination against them. This barbarous course is only a carrying, out of the misguided policy which the United States Government has always adopted towards the Indians. The fol- lowing is the letter of instruction :- B&ADQUAlerilt, ARMY OF YRS U.S., WASNITIOTON, April 12. r General Gillein,Modot Camp, fie Yreka, California. Your despatch announcing the terri- ble lou to the country of General Canby by the perfidy of the Modoc band of Indians has been shown to the President, who authorizes ins to instruct you to inake the attack so strong and persie- tent that their fate may be commenew rate with their crime. Yon will be fully justiaed in their utter extermination. (S'd) W. T. BRERMAN, Genersl. A terrible boiler explosion teok place in Hyman's tannery 1 London, Ont., ou Friday morning last, by v. hicii tem men were killed, one instantly and the ether being so mangled that he only lived a short time. Several others were mitered, one of whom cannot survive. The explosion was heard over the entire sity and a number of norrow escapes are reported, fragments of the boiler haying beet hurled with terrific ferce for • sonsidereble distance. It is supposed that the accident was caused by the in- troduction of cold water into the heat- ed boiler. The budding wee nearly destroyed, the loss being estimated st $10,000. The inveatagation inta the loss of the Atlantic has been brought to a close. The course of Capt. William in bearing up fer Halifaz is commended as prudent. The ship had not sufficient coal en board at the time of sailing for • ship of her IIIASS. The coal was of infonereuality, of which she consumed 70 tons per day, thus giving her len than thirteen days supply when she loft port. Had all the circum- stances of her passage been favoursble this quantity of coal undoubtedly would have carried the ship and the pamengers safely to New York, but the psssage &crow the Atlantic in winter without more or louts unfavourable weather is an exception and not the rule; contingencies of low rate of speed resulting from head winds and foul weather ought to have been provided for. The conduct of Captain Williams and the officers, after the ship struck, was all that could be demanded of men in their trying situa- tion. The manegernent of the ship is condemned frum the time of changing ootirse at 1 p.m. Monday went the time she became a wreck. The fact of no lights being seen can only be accounted for by want of vigilance. A gross error must have been mode estineatiag the speed of the ship, from incompetency or carelessness in calculating on the pare of those attending to the leg. The conduct of Captain Williams in leaving the deck miinight is condemned as imprudent, and calculated to mete the impression in the minds of the ulcers ea duty that they were not so sear land. The mein - cats of Capt. Williams is suspended for 2 pars and that of Btwwn the third 'Seer ;or 3 moaths. Thecae* ef the Detroit Trilmes was lerionsly domaged ley ire last week. Till it con be fitted up mein the Tribune nese the type and premiss of the Pres Prue. A dreedfal academe coeureed on the Stoningtoa & Previdwarse Railway on 16111rdaY owning. • bridge was lar- d ed away by the recent frenhot, and the Intin prelpiteted demi the beakers( the river, when thatioretook ire, burr- * Ow firemar, and mesa Mows, besides severely injuring severs] others- - 'Particulars have arrivesi of Um earth. spike at Sea Salvador. The .deetrue, Ihnt 01 PreFortY estineededis01112e000,' ToWN Isszsawswr.-The SASOSSOM have so far completed their labors as to enable us to give the totals of the asses- sed propei and populatien olthe town for the present year. For the purpou of comparisoa we also give that of last year. 1872 1873 Totalotaseesment $986,609 $985,190 Population 4195 4290 It will be observed gist lk* P0Pnla- tion hex 'minuted 95 within OH' Year. Thera hu been a slight falling on in the asuseinent whicsh isicanscid by the de- Atructive driest Platt's mill and on the corner of West Street. 1•0114L MIME DAMAGRD.-About 20 or 30 Get f the weat end of the break- water has lieen carried away Ity the ice. PRISIINTATION.-BAST. Mr, Crane, Wealeysn Minister, Londeseoro, was waited upons few days ago by the young folks of his congregation and presented . with an address and a cow. CRIOKIT.-A meeting for the purpose of organizing the Cricket Club for the present season will be held at the Albion Hotel, this evening, at half put seven coht. , Sonan.--The congregation et Knox Church laving succeeded in wiping out the debt 41 their Churoh, will celebrste the event by a social, in the basement, on Friday evening next. An attractive programme hu been prepared. PERSONAL. - Hon. Adam Crooks, Treasurer of Ontario, is ia town at pre- sent. He is retained as counsel for the defense in two suits brought by parties in ttee County of Haldimand sesinst the Canada Southern Railway Co. WORK COMMINCID.-The indefatig- able harbor contractors, Messrs. Harvey & Rosa, hen commenced work on their contract. The dredges hay° been at work since Monday laat. They advertise for a number of men. FIRST DIPARTURE.--The stesmer Wm. Seymour left for Sarnia about 3 o'clock on SaturJsy morning Wit. The East arrived from Kine,ardine the same day. The lake is apparently free cf ice, though no doubt, there are &ills of it floating about yet. Burros Isseenciroa.-k meeting of machants and others interested in the butter trade was held here a few days age for the purpose of making rule. for the regulationland purchase of butter, so that, if nossible, better quality may be produosed, thereby benefiting both producer and dealer. It was decided to continue the same mode of inspection as adopted last year, but as it was thought there was too great a diffierenee betwen the two highest credos it was detormieed to add another class, so that there will now be four classes incite= of three. Mr. Robert Callender was elected Chair - Bean of the association and Mr. A. S. Fisher, Sec.Treasurer, for the current year. There appeared to be a perfect feeling of unanimity among the mer - *bents present, and they expressed them- selves as satisfied w th the system of in- spection, and that it was producieggeed onsets for all parties interest ed. Farm - .ens at first thought the system gees the profile all to the dealer, but no* that its workiug is thoroughly understood they are satisfied that it will eventually miss both the standard and the pries' of hit. tor. An inspector will he. appointed iu all the towns arid villages in which anv smoutit of butter is purchased, and fanners will therefore have it inspeeted before offering it to the dealer. This system does not interfere with families who purchase dirept fool the farmer. Rules and regulations wer• draws up at the meeting, for the guidance of inspir- ers and others concerned, which will be sere tilated throughout the country. CROPPING EXTRAORDINARY. -Mr. D. Bogie chopped and split, on the farm of Mr. Richard Morrow, in Colborne. en FridAy last, 8 cords of hard wood, in 12 hours and 20 minuees. Thie is about as good • days' work as we have heard of. Who can beat it 1 THE " ATLANTTC."-Capt. West, pro- prietor of tke Chem Hotel in this town, was up to November 1871, one of the officers of the wrecked stesneship Plan - tie. The Captain inforens us that he : gave up his 'attrition on acenunt of the appointment of Capt. Williams to the command, he being a nun of very intemperate habits. PERAONAL.-The Stratford Herald says : Our old friend Lawyer (1111) Stewart, haa returned to Stratford, and looks hale and hearty. It is rumoured that the Hen. Oliver Mowat is about to appoint him to the Police Magistracy of Stratford. Mr. Stewart is well versed in law and is eminently qualified for that position." RATILi. -We would direot the attention of our Town Council to the following despatch from Galt, which speaks for itself, -Fire insurance rates a Galt hare beeu reduced to the tariff of London, Kingstoa, Belleville and other places of the same ohms. This is ono of the first results of the purchase of & steam fire engine. POST OPTICS SAYINGS DANX.-The amount deposited in the Galeria Post Office Savings Bank from 1st April 1871, to 1st Aped 1872, was 515,614 ; sod from 1st April 1872 to 1st April 1873, $17,208. Tho Post Office Savings Bank is a capital meana of saving up and in- vesting small sums, and the above state- ment shows that it la taken advantage of here to a large extent. • Pee san.-At an examination juit closed, at the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. David Miller and Wm: Sweet of Exeter, passed their final examinations and obtained diplomas. The following from this neigebotirhood aloe passed their primary examination, -James Cluirlesworth. Clinton; Rebt. Baird, Brucefield ; Joseph Tucker, Blyth and John Nott, Clinton. PRESIINTATIOi.-1. F. TOMS, Lg., was presented on Tueolay evening hut with a gold Past First Principal's Jewel, on the occasion of his retiring fretn that position, which he has hold ranee the es- tablishment of Huron Chapter of Royal Arch 'Masons 1 1857. The preseuta- tion was made by his successor, James Sommerville, Esq., of Lacknow, on be- half of the members of the Chapter. Tax lissees.-The ices shove, though it has done considerable dam age to the piers, has not been without its beneficial results. Soundings taken last week show that a considerahile quan- tity of 'revel has been carried out into the lake, the mein depth of water in the new channel being from 18 to 20 foot. The only bar there is extends for • short distance along the north pier, but even there tho water is 10 or 12 feet deep, and where the south pier hes been un- dermined there is • depth of 30 feet. Spriar -- The Spring Amiss" were opened on Monday lest before Judge Adana Wilson. Besides the local bar the following legal gentlemen were present,- Adam Crooks, Q. C., C. Robinson, Q. 0., T. H. A.ile• man and F. MacKelcan. The following answered to their names and were sworn as the Gnind Jury . John Logan, Foreman , Francis An - &rem, John Lee, Robert Alexander, .1. W. Middleton, R. A. Barton, W. Moore, John Bishop, Jas. Moodie, Nathaniel Cousins, John Malurtrie, W. Fulton, W tn. rano, W. El. Hoyden, R. Hemel - man, J ,ha Kane, R. Turnbull, W. Kins- han. li is Lordship addressed the Grand Jury and stated that there was very lit- tle business to :tome before them. There was only one prisoner in gaol awaiting trial, on a charge of larceny. Ile un- derelood there were five cases in all which would require to be investigated by them, one of assault, oneof obtaining property by false pretences and two of perjury. He briefly defined the nature of these offences and diamissed them to the discharge of their duties. The docket embraces twenty three civil cases as follows,- Plaintif. Defendant. meeting eiljourned till the 29th inst., to meet span at 7 p. m., in the same plea., -Yew Era. Forth B11132$ Spring 3ho . The Spring Show of =tire stock for the Nwth Ridine of Huron was hili at Blyth on Tuesday of last week. The.s.t. tandems of spectators was large, math. show, more perticulerly =at of horses, was excellent. There were no fewer than six imported horses on exhibition and the Canodiae horses showed evi'dence of csreful breeding. The following is the prize list,- Usforth. Triz.Oeeteo Beie.-Thie ball which came off in the Town Hall upon the evening of Friday 1st, wss a very suc- cessful affair. It WAS the last of the season. SPRING Per:women.- The fanners in this neighbourhood' have commenced their spring ploughing. It 1 rather soft work pit. St.t0Alt MAKI/SO.-This is a poor SSA - SOU for making sugar, though a fiiw of the neighbring farmeis have tapped their trees and are making a slight show in the direction ot sugar making. A New FACTORT.-Mr. S, Trott has started • new factory near the market for the manufacture of butter tubs, Jec., on an extensive scale. PROPIIRTY CRANORD 11•NDY. - Dr. Campbell hu purchased' from Mr. John Dickson, the private residence near the market, at present mieupied by Mr. Ar- mitage. The price paid was 11,100 - Expositor. ' • MOZI11111. ' Heavy Draft. -5 sulkies -1st, .1. J. Fisher, Colborne; 2ruleAlexander Inn's, Stanley ; 3rd, Charlie Mason, Team -- smith. General Purposs.-8 ntries-1st, T. Dale, Hallett •, 2nd, James Urethane, Winghste ; 3rd, George Askwitb, Nast Wawanosh.. - Road and ()seri/Ie.-1st. J. J.Illeher; 2nd, Robert °urns ,o3rd, Jobs Thomp- son. Heavy D raft -.-under twe years -el en- try -let, John Reynolds. • General Perim's-under two years. -- 1 entry -1st, Matthew Herbelon. Roca and ediriage-under Itevu years -1st W.•Alezander. ' MILLS. Thoroughbred. -6 entries -1st, H. Snell • 2od, Themes Fear ; 3rd, D. Mo- Kells,;. Gradt.-3 entries -1st, These= Ad y ; 2nd, John Sherbrook; 3rd, Jeseph Ly- on/. Thereelltbrods-under two years. -4 en. ries -1st, H. Snell ; 2nd, Wm. Yuden ; 3rd, John Cumming. ledges. -Robert Currie, E. Wawan- osh ; John Salkeld, Stratford ; E, Mare, Clinton. , reborn°. CO7NelL Mserixo.-The oonncil met on April 5. All members present. Min- utes of last meeting read and approved. Mevei by 0. tisekney, seconded by G. Willis, that the Ceurt of tRerision be held at the Township Hall, on Satur- day, May 5. Carried. Moved by R. Creery, seconded by J. Hackney, that C. Fuller be patlimaster for road division 6, in piece of (2. Wash- burn. Carried. Moved by G. Willis, seconded by W,. Brock, that bho report of the Treasurer s :accounts be received and adopted, aa they have been audited and found cor- rect. 150 copies to be printed. Carried. Moved by It. Creery, seconded by J. Heekney, that road division 1, on the 14th concemion, be extended to the boundary line. Carried. Moved by G. Willis, seconded eiv R Creery, that the Clerk be 'mid tee7 eor serv toes as Treasurer. Carried. Moved Ivy R. Creery, secended by W. Brock, that Mrs. Clack receive $10, end Mrs. Senilie $5, for relief. Carried. Moved by G. Willis, seconded by R. emery, that John Magi.. be paid $8 to satisfy all claims f sr the [keeping of J. R. Hodgins' Carrted. Conncil adjourned to first Snturday a May. S. P. Heide, Clerk. Brussels. Peessweenoe. -Rey. Samuel Jones, pastor of Knox Church, was *Mt= up- on a few iiays ago by a number of the congregetion, awl presented with • valueble carpet and s purse containing $100. The Rev. gentleman made • suitable reply. C,Ilt Telt Marrone -Tho Brussels Council met at the clerk's office, on Titenclay evening lut. All the members preeent. Minutes of tut meeting were read and passed. Moved by B. Gerry, seconded by J. C. Holliday, that Elijah Frayne be appointed fenceviewer, in place id John Govenlock, he having left the village-Oarried. Meved by B. oerry, 'winded by f2 Wright, that the Treasurer refund to Rev. Mr. Ferguson the &rootlet -paid by him for flour, for the Whitten family, and that Councilors Holliday and Ballantyne visit the family and report their condition at next meet- ing of Council -Carried. Moved by 0. Wright, seconded by B.. Gerry, that John Manning be street Inspector for the current year, st a salary of $10, and that the clerk prepare • ley -law by next meeting et Council, ratifying the appoint- ment -Carried. leleved by C. Wright, seconded by J. C. Holliday, that the Clerk prepare a by-law by next meettug of Couacil imposing • tax on dogs with- in the oorporation of 'Brussels for the current year -Carried The Council then adjourned to meet again on Thurs- day. 1 .opo Beata Rid.ing svrinr skow• - - Tim Sonth Riding Spring Show wee held at Brimfield. on Thereday last, and was the best eyer yet held. The animahi on exhibition were very. =per- ior, evidencing more than civet the ex - 'silent character of the stock in this county. Upwards of two thousand peo- ple were present. The following is the prise list,- dt. • • 000th Rant. The Potter Interview. The)notnirAtion for South Brunt;tooh It will be remembered that Sir John place Int Burford on Monday last. j A. Macdonald on the authority of a Mesa °the oept t place 1 Tic have Office, in di offices throe will men. Port the BOR.YES. Heavy Drought. -aged -t entries ; 1st Thomas Colquhoun, 'Lord Xhieldow ;' 2nd J. J. Fisher, 'King of ' porninion 3d J J. fisher, 'John Bull.' 1 • Hoary Drawjht-young-i-3 entries ; 1st Wharton Hodgson, 'Beak of Eng- land ;' 2t1 C. Mason, 'England's Wundore 31J. Colquhoun, 'Enterprise.' General Purpose. -aged --5 entries ; 1st Wm. McGregor, 'Captain Wallace .' 24 Thomu Dale, 'Young Englende Glory e 31, Thom Robertsou, 'Young Matchers." General Purpose -2 years -3 entries: 1st Wm. Herbegon, 'Huron Chief 2u Wm. Alexsuder, 'Young Coachmsu.' General Purpose -between 2 and 5 years -2 entries ; let John Pickford, 'Farmers' Glory ;' 21 C. Dale, *King eif the West.' - ; Carriage ITorses.-5 en trio ; lid Geo. Hanley, 'Young Arthur f 24 Colin Mc- Donald, 'Young Sir Arthur ;' 31 John Anderson, 'Young Golden Hero.' J. J. Fishees 'Peacock' was withdrawn from the ring, becsuse he refused to re• move his models. Rood Ste/fiens.-Ist John Pea 'Eng- land's Banner ;' 2d•A H. Beiley n Rothschild,' Clinton. Flag Peoexeriow.-A meeting call= by the Reeve for providing more efficient means for fire protection was hold en Tuesday eveniug. Atter a good deal of discussion upon the matter th• meet- iag adjourned without coming to any final decision. Severed members of the Cou.acil ware present, who, observing the tone of the meeting, no doubt will take some steps in the matter. lesinoweems SOCIETY MEETING. -- The meeting called by proclamation of the Reeve, for the purpose of organizing an Immigration Society, took place on Friday evening last. The attendances though not large, was composed of tie most infialOntial resident& ef the •illage, and farmers of the neighborhood. Tbs meeting was called to order by the oleo- tioa of *r. Callauder as chairman, aad E. Holmes,Secretary. A letter was read from Mr. Armstrong of Goderioh, who had Seen acting s.• previsional secretary, appointed at a preheatuary meeting held in Goderieh some time ago, in which he advised the establishment in the most central part of the county. By resolution it was determisted,to establish the society, and that the present members be a co sa- akittee, to endeavor to obtain members, and in every other way forward the in- terest of the society. The farmers pres- e nt took a deep interest in the matter, and were anzioas that the society should be pushed forward into carrying out „the objecta of ita lorgnette°, as they ems much in need of farm laborers. The - Wilson's Busk Fralick Nichol -Murray }Lohman Alton 'Fat-lor !Bretton Johnston Buchanan Garter Murray Little ItoPhenson ris= Galles Mackay Adams . Bell *orison Roo• t:rteon Damen A fgal report et the mese sprees n•it timark Ptfe Agh•. Meow Harris Dornyn equier Canada Southern Ry. Co Ailunati do. do. Weeds ' Sinsiair Alton Comoros Adams Caesarea Stretton Doyle Jokester Sinclair Young et al do . Kelly Cameron Thomson Meekelesa Elliott Sineksir Davis Deft, Ater, &pier ' Watts Sinclair Mathews McDonald McGowan Cameron Simian. Leis Hobneted Iteemisk Bement Mortises do. do. Cimarron Hardy, Hawkinsand a numberof cable telegram frotu Mr. Potter, denied wore proposed. All retired se. • that our Ludon norreepondent had twe mimeo, The polling takes given koorrect version of soonvereation xt Monday. between him and the Presideut of the Grand Trunk Railway. On receiving the report of Sir Jolla A. Macdonald's speech, our correspondent telegraphed by cable that his report of the "Potter interview" was "alisiolutely true." - Globe. MO:STREAK TZLEGRA.PB nom ['ANY tig another wire to the Mar bear oderich, thus placing that Odic. communication with all the between Goderieh and Stratford to London and Sarnia. This a great convenience to v.eiei ey have also opeued offices at %iron Dock and Baby's Point on et St. Cleir. The 'Printer's Estatr- We all p • Gatlin tat LIA4. Aged Durhant.-3 entrieW; 1 James Broadfoot, 'Duke of Horns; 2d fl. Love, Sr., ‘Toung Oxford e' 3d 3emes Robertson, it:Paley.' . Durham. - U nder two years- 4 entries; let George S roat, 'Alexis ;' 24 SIartin efeTaggart, ron Grades. -2-A -3 entries ; let Win. Sproat, 'You Duk -e e 21 Win.H.Youll, ;,W' 3- Thome, Perrin, Dixie Duke.' AGraEelesicoat. -.Under two yesirs-,i-deutry; 1st . Judges of Horses. -Wm. nail) Ayr; Mr. Reading, Guelph ; Jantee liastinge. Blenheim. Mann Doyle Francis do. D60241011 in person Siociair Helmet _ 1 Doyle Maloolemos Faure Cameron Sinsieir ht. Binelair Sqater Benison Holmstod de McDonald McDougall 0001111 London, Enron owl Bruce Asilersy- 1NNUAL MEETING OF T H E STOCKHOLDERS. -- THE DIRSOCTORS' 1ZPORT. iruni-the London Advertiser, A pril 16th.) -- At noon to -day the iannnal meeting of the stockholders of the London, liuron *and Bruce Railway took place ut the elechanice Institute. There ware present, Mr. John Birrell, Prectident, in the chair, M r. T. Churoher, Secretary, and Messrs. Elward W. Har - ins, J. H. Flock, G. D. Sutherland, Geo. Phillips, John Plummer, sen., James Wright, Thole Green, Pl. W.Hyman, R. Reid, Alex. Johnston, W 11. Rooks, C. P. Smith, 1. Carling, .1. B. Laing, John Asateu. Wm. McEnilless, and C. Soeth- colt. At the request el the chairinan, the secretary rend the annual report as fol- io, s DIRECTORS' REPORT. Since your liirectors were appointed they Jaave been eat:neatly engaged in pro- curine aid trent municipalities neeeseary to carry ent succesefully the reject of huildino the Railway on eth• unitive' geuge of the coudtry as approved at your last :mutat general meetiug, and have great pleasure iu announcing as the result of their la- bors that the fullowii. municipal bonus- es have been granted in addition to Btu, secured up to thet time, viz.: Lucian • i....• -IP 7,000 .15,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 .10 000 5,000 nd the following remarks, . which and publishers will agree in feasible, in an exchange, • end d them to the attention of the reade They wdl apply to all localities ia whOh newspapers circulate. Th eekrinter's dollar, -where are they! A dolIkr here and a dollar there, scstter- rid over the numerous small towne, over tke country, railes and miles apert ; how shall they be gsthered together 1 The pnper maker, the compositor, the buildieg owner, the grocer, the tailor, assistants to hire in carrying Of) nese, have their demands, kardly small as a single dollar. But from bete and there have to 'gently gathered and patiently , or the wherewith to disaharee lities will never beoonse sufficient - y. We imagine the printer will have to get up an address to his weleie scatteiled drillers something like the fol- lowing : "Dams, halves, quarters, dime", asset all 'manner of fractions into whiA yeti are ditided, collect youreedoes and come home., Yon are wanted. Combinations of ell sorts of men that kelp to make a printer gather in such form and demand with good reason your appear Loos at dna counter, that nothing bet you will ap- pease them. C011ect yourselves ; for vslua the single into battle credi Ra a C011 bout them and a his bit ever the m be d hoard the lie ly bul Goderich Clinton . L Mullett E. Wawatiosh - Morris Turriberry A grant of $2,000 per tails from Lon- don to Wingharn from' the Provincial RailwayFund has Ilse been msee, which has been approved in by the Parliament of Canada. In addition to the above the Direct- ors have every confidence that forth. - municipal bonuses will be granted with- in the next two months, which, with the additional power granted to the Com- pany tor the issue of bonds will en- able them to prosecute the undertaking to completion without delay. After Mature consideration the details of an agreement between your Company and the Great Western Railway Co. were settled, and your directors have reason to believe that it wee approved of by the stockholders of the latter Com- pany at their half -yearly meeting, whioh WM hold in Eugland on the .9th instant, but sufficient tiros has not expired to re- oeive an official report of it. The agreement wal imOediately submitted tor your approval at a epeeist general meeting of the shareholders to be called for that purpose, as the law pro•ides. adored ley Mr. Laing, seconsicd by Mr. G. D. Sutheriand, that the report be adopted. Carried . The President announced that the next business would Le the eppointment of me scrutineers and the Widening for a new Lard of directors. On niotioa, Messrs. Sutherland and Lsing were chosen scrutineers. The ballot resulted is follows :- Messrs. John Birrell, 1,210 ; Hon. John Carluegel,436 ; Major Walker, 999 ; Reid, 1,000 ; C. P. Smith, 1,007 ; Alex. Johnstea, 1,00$ ; E. W. Harris, 997 ; I. Carling, 1,007 ; E. W. Hyman, 1,009 ; sad upon the report of the scrutineers the oid beerd was declared elected. The Aeolus of the shareholders wee toadered to the ecrutineem and they wens diecherged. Thanks were elm amedered to the chairman and the retie- directon, and the meeting then ad- journed. At a subeequent meeting of the Di- rectors the Board was organised by re- sinetiteg Mr. 'John Birrell, President, and major Johtf Walker, Presi- dent. 4 2. 3._ ovei andt le as you are. you will never/ pay st of collecting. Como bare in file, that the printermay form f oot attalion, and send you forth to /do or him, and vindicate his feeble er, us you sure that you haven't le of printer's dollars sticking e- ta clothes f If you heve, ;order ome.immediately. Dosen Rules for Parmve. , ake good' papers and read them; eep accounts of farm operatioas. o not leave implements seatteted ie fano, exposed tu anew, rein t. . , epaireools snd buildings at a pi°. per iime, apd do not stiffer a eubae- qua* throe rola exeenditere .if tune Mid WO*ti, . i i, 5.' so neoney judiciously, awl do aot atten4 auction sales to purchue all kinds of truenpeiy, because it is cheep.' that fences ere well repairei ttte nut grazing in the meadowa, elds or 'orchards. o not refuse to maleterrect ex- nts, in a small way, of,many nine 6. and c grain 7. Peri thing • 8. lant fruit trees well, cate for them end of courso get geo-I beeps. 9. Practice (scummy by giving Meek good shelter during the winter; else good food, taking out all that is un- sound, half -rotten or mouldy. 10.; Do not keep tribes of tuata or snarling dugs around the premises, who eat age in s month thauthey aro worth in a whole lifetime. 11, Read the 34.ivertisements, know whet', le going on, and frequently- nave memo. by it. . Tin Foul v xs-Taciest's Azieette0.- To dresen of having a nullstone about your. neck - is a "lieu • of whet you -May expeet u yuu 'nary an extravagant woretn. It is very lucky to dream that you pay for a thing twice over, aim* ever afterward you will probably take care to -have your bill receipted. Fur a person in embarrassed cirown- stances to dream that he ie arrested is very fortunate, for it a warning to him on no acc,tti tit tO tocep4 s 1- - To dream of a fire is a Ito thatl-if you ere wise -you will see that all ta in veur house are ont before you to bed. To dream that your nose is red to the fip is an intimation thet you had better leave brandy for wilier. To dream of having a greet, number of servants is -madness. . To drearu of a bear betokens mis- chief, which your vision shows you is a bruin. %%then 16 fashionable you og dreams of filberts, it is a sten thst ter thought* are running on the colonel, If you drum of clothes, it is a warn• log nnt to go to latw; for, by the rule of centrariee, you will be sure of a non- su it. When a young lady dreams of a coffin, iebotekens that she should instantly discontinue tight stays, and always go warrily clad in wet wether One of the romentic incidents nf the less of the Allantie has been the discov- ery that one of the sionemon seilors whou I de' was sanrificed itt efforts to save othen was • women of &bunt twenty or twenty-five years of age. Her sex waa not known until the body was whorl ashore and the rude clothing removed preparatory for Uncial. , had served as *onetime sailor far three voyaged, Ind wat's favorite shipmate with all. She is described as having fewer of the vicee incident to a sailor's life than is usuel, but she was nevertheless as jolly a tsr as any of them. Who she was and where the atone flee'', and her motive for loading such a strange life of hard- ship, never was and never will be fully knotim. +OOP. MOB= Petit10215• The Speaker has decided that Um fol- Inettne electiou petitions are objection. able: -/em N4ohotos., Weiland, Charle- voix; that the followiag are ,unobjecition- able:-Brockville, Stormont; end that this ascaritieestteebed to the sobjoised Milieu see emobjeetionahlw-Brock- eine. East Name, Quobet Colim - -..•••••••• - A Wirre Rsrev.-A recent German paper contained a witty reply from a elereymen who was travelling, and who stopped at shotelm uch frequented by what aro term= in commercial earlonee, "di iimmers." The host, nut being used to have clergymen at hes table, looked at hem without elictimi a rernark in self de- fence. The worthy clergyrean ate les ulinner quietly, apporently 'without obser- vine the gibes and sneers of his. neigh - hors. Ono of them at last, in despair at his furbearano, said to him, "Well; 1 gender at your patience! Have you not heard all Ohat has been said against your "Oh, yes, but I ant usedno it. Do you not know whe I am?' "No sir." "Well, 1 inferrn you. I am chaplain of a !Mettle asylum; such remarks have no effect on me." Tits Ataccse Moox.- Among the illusioes "Wept away by modern science was thc pleasent fancy that the moon was a habitable globe, like the earth, its 'enlace diveraified witk seas. lakes, 'Me- t inenta. and Weeds, and vitried-forms of vegetation. Theologians and savants gravely diseumed4he erobabilitica of its being .11as:oil:eel by a nom of sentient beings, with forms and faculties like our own. awl even propeuneel schemes for epening,00lumenicatiod with them, in ceise they existed. One of these wee to coestreict onitim broad highlands of Asia aseries ef gennetrical Gores en a IICAl• se gigantic: see'to be vieible from our planetary neighbor, on the -supposit ion that the inela people would• recog nisei the object and imerieidiately construct similar fieuies in reply! Extravagant awl absurd rie it easy -appear in the light of modem ',knowledge thwiestablish- inent of this Tercestriniand Lunar Sig- nal Service Bureau W1111 treated las a feasible scheine, although practical diffieulties, which se _often keep rhea from making fools of theuiselves, stood in the way tif actiml. experiment ; but the discuesion was kept up at interval', until it was diecevered that if there were people in the moon they must be able to live without breathing, or eating, or eirinkiug. Then it ceseed. Thore C411 be no life without air. Beautiful to the eye of the dietant ob- server, the inoon it a sepulchral orb -a siorld of death and silence. No vegeta- tion clothee its vast plains of stony des- olation, traversed by tnonstrons crev- asses, broken by enormous peaks that rise like eieautec toaabstoues inter *pace; no lovely bforms ..of cloud float iu the blarknees of its sky, There daytime is only night lighted by a rayless sun-. There is; no rosy dawn in the moniing, r.o twilight in the eeening. The' niehts are pitchelerk. daytime the aular beams are lost against the jagged ridges, the.sherp peed theroces, or the ramp aideeuf pro!oweleetysses; and the eye sees 'July gent -win! 6114)55 relieved against fantutic &bedews black se ink, with wore ef tliat pleamint gradation and digester' .4 light, none of the subtle blending of light and shiviow, which mode the chmen of torreatriat landscape. A faint con- ception of the hortors of timer day uaay be formed from an Wiest ratien represent.- iug a landscape taken in the inoun in the centre of the mounterinous region of A.rietarches. There is nu *or, nothing but dowl white wad black; the rucks reflect passively the light of the sun ; the crateis and abyrime remain wrapped in shade; fAntisstic peaks rise like phantoms in their glacial cemetery; the stars ap- ilb,ehaurgli,d,(:,:[iisotsa Idleadth6 ab-ohicrldk,lesall•ofhiasPacnO' atmosphere,- -Front "Earth and Air," by S. Cownein Harper's Magaztne fur March. PM= S., bi oilmen, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. John Metheson, of a eon. • 'bibgetion, on the lith inst., the wife of iinamMigrocliatearri.i...DviDena...Fpc: aioacrcitintbli. ,se,,,o,n1fr:(iat:th,o.hfsoilain,n,u.ssri.t:t.n:::ftthshes dww fa cfee hoof: lematasieteraehelf. ost,RoonbtArpsoiriftahes,wil.ife of Mr. • Chortles Webeter.,,f a daughter. In Seofert:bm, 1c01 iAAIElliiil,914,,.(tthaheadwwatiiilgfeehdoteirmM. rr.. ALtesiDazkirsimadregvideteells18, on' °Ar;:,8111"17., the wife of Mr. At Wronger, on April 9, the wife of Mr. Iffeencirr, of aloe:eater. AtivifeBoneedirIerktot to..f tthhee Inerincif4, Milked kir.. "Do :at 1,42reett;h regins4t.r,, adios ,daugh WI% IKARZIA.141. At the B. C. Parsoneees, be the Rey. W. wade, on the 13th inst., Mr. J. Lum- ley, W Mho E. .1. Chapman, all of • Clinton. At the residence of Arciiithald Ferguson, Feq.,. on Aprd 14. bv the Rev. A. Mc- Diaretid, Mr. AlfeN1 Fisher. to Mis Kate Howard. McKillop. On the kb ef March, liy the Row. P. C. Reynolds, at thei reselenne iisf the bride's father, Mr. Wm. Jeneniale rainte ee ,Litese, deueliter Mr. Wes- Wel•ber, all of the teouieship of Mint°. On the 25th of March, by the Rev. F. Revneads, et 'the reeidence of the bride's brotherindew. Mr. Wm. H. Disney, to MISI,Priszi:14 Riegel'', all of Minto. ,•••••••=••••••••,....m. DRATI13. In Tuckersneth, fief Aerd 9, John Pap - pie, aged 63 years.. Near Lakelet, on Aprit 8., ,of cerebro- spitial meningitiseenrali Jane, beloved wife of MT. JASIell Woods, aged 36 years and 4 months, _ Oil the 1st A pril, Fred•rick, son ' of Mr. Frederick,Perkhill, aged 18 months. , MBN WHO WSW \Yoe/woo-God has made the sexes thst women like children, cling to men -lean upon them at though they were superior in mind and bedy, They make them the sins of Hulk_ systems, and they make their children revolre around them. • Men ars Reds, good minds and pile° if they but know it, and women burn incense at their slimes. Women, there hfuer:rts' wiwwailit:inYeen to lean upon. Think ol them reverencing a drunksrd, a har or libertine. If a man would have a woman do him horusge, he must be manly, in every Benne a gentleman, not after the Chesterfield school, but pollee because his heart is full of kindness of all; one who treats her with respect bees -ale she is a woman; who never condescends to say silly things to her ; who brings her up to his leyel, if his mind is above hers; who is ever over anxious to do right; who has no time to be fnvolous with her. Always dignified in epee& and seta: who neyer spends too much upon her; never yields to tempta- tion, even if ehe puts it in his way ; Lee make his mark in the world; whether she encourages him or not; who - is not: come careful about dress; always pleas- ant end considerate, but always keeping his Om of the man, the head, Led never losing it. Such deportment, with noble principles, a good mind, energy snd induitry, win will any woman in the world who is worth winning, A Scum kaom elea--A young man en. tired the bar-reom of a village tavern, and/called for • drink. ''Ne•' laid the landlord, " you have had too much el. ready. You have had defiriton tremere once, and I cannot sell you any more." We stepped aside to make room for a cou. pl. of young asen who had just entered, and the landlord waited upon them very politely. The other had stood by silent and sullen, and when they had aniehed he walked up to the landiord, and thus iiddressea him: "Six years ago, I stood where 0 He young men now are. I was a msn with fair proapecta. Now, at the age of twentyeight, I ani a wreck, body and mind. Yon led Ste to drink. In this room 1 formed the habit that . has been my ruin. New Sell me a few glasses more, end your work will be done! I shall soon be out of the way; there is no hope for me. But they can be saved; they may be wasu &gem. Do not sell it to them.. Sell to ine and lot me dm, and the world will be rid of me; but for Heaven's sake sell no mere to them!" ,The landlord listened, pole ond trenibling. Setting down his decanter he exclaimed. "God helpuig me,that is tie hut dollop I will ever' sell te anyone," and he kept his worse -Temperance Adeocate. Toe THOUSAND IsLemes.-Aateriese speoulaters having bought up a.,11 ee" Thousand Islands group on.their side of the channel, exhibit kering to possess our portion teo. This move has around the hostility of the residents along the cestedute Immo, and Dr. Braise, p. has brought the subject forward in per_ lament. The Government will do a do- cidely unpopular act if they allow those beautiful islands to fall into the hands of f oreigners. A St. Louis judge, in sentencing a prisooer, consoled him after this fuhion; "If guilty; you richly deserve the fate eneen awaits you; if innocent, it will be a gratification for you to feel that you were banged without such a creme on your oonseienoe; either case y•on win be delivered from a world of owe." _MA On Saturday eveaing young lad unied Sten riclegot canht in the belting of s ciitton factory at Dundee and was instantly killed. -Baron Liebig thi celebrated chem- ist is dead. JIB IWARKET3 GoD4.111C11, Aprol 22, 1573. Whost,"(Fall) El ta.h $1. 14 it 1 15 'Wheat,(Srnint IP bash... 1 10 & 1 11 Flour .(per bal.) .. 6 00 0 6 50 Oats. Ou‘O 0 40 0 0 00 Tess, f bush ( 53 0 0 5) Barley.'" bush 0 52 td 0 52 Potatoes. P btuti 0 35 0 0 40 Park, 110J% 4 ) N 4 so Hay per ton 13 00 14 00 Chickens per pair 0 2) at 0 30 Balter.le lb 0 16 0 0 10 Reef 4 5tt 5 00 6 0,1 sy 6 0) Woad 3 00 53 Wool 0 51 •• 0 50 Eon. doz (unpackel).. 0 0 0 15 By Special Telegraph to rhe Street. CLIVINO,, April 22, 1573. Wheat, (Fall)per bush-- 01 I I & 1 21 Wheat, (Scoring) per bush.. 1 14 IP 1 17 Flour, (per brl) 6 00 0 6 be GaU. per bush 0 40 0 0 42 Pea te, per t nsh 0 57 a 0 40 Barley, per bv.sh 0 54 0 0 56 Potatoes, per wilt 0 31 0 0 45 Butter No. 1 0 10 • 0 15 No. 2 0 00 0 OA No, 3 0 0 0 00 Ergs, per doz. Dinpacked).. 0 13 0 0 isti Cloyer Seta 6 50 0 6 00 12 00 13 91 1 00 & 1 50 6 00 " 6 22 Gay, Sheep shims . secrosra, April 12, 1073. Wheat, (Fall) ........ ..$1 16 " 1 20 Wheat, (Spriug) per bush.... 1 14 1 15 6 00 " 0 00 0 80 " 0 55 0 42 " 0 45 41 " 60 40 " 0 45 5 (0 't 5 25 0 OS " 0 14 0 " 0 00 Flour, (per brl) Barley, per In.)) Oats, per built Pease, per bush Potatoes, per bush Perk,... ........ - Rutter, itio..1 s• No, 2 0 00 " 0 O0 sex. per doz. (unpaske,I).. 0 11 •• 0 50 Ilidss ........ . 6 00 " 00 Hoy ............ .11 00 " 13 00 Wool ............... 25 3 00 'TORONTO MARKETS. April 19th, 1873. Foocs-Fancv 05.90. No. 1 super $5.50. Extra 86 :i0- Wasie -Pall 51.30. Oeee-40c 41e. nettese- 680 to 70c. Peas -67c to 69c. Coos -49c. nutria -13c. Canna. -12 to 13ec. Zoos -16c to 17c. Pont --$18.00. CATTL Esspirpa-$4.25 for first class with 25e 4') 60e more for picked. 23.50 to $4 foto second class. MONTRIAL MARKITS. New abuttlisrments. F OR GROCERIES, - G -BALL A CALL. • VITHOLESA LE AGENI for 31c04- • r mick's Celetrated N I" tai , Sraasi 1101 -IN Lb CONFECTIONERY, AND . a. ?Biscuit-. eejr- Orders respeelfelly I. Ile W. BALL,. •. Victoria Street, Opposite) Souierr & I lenuitig's grist Mill. Goderich, April 16th, 1073. 131$ 1-NtOrr 11 E Revision Co rt , fur the Town- -ea ship of Ashfield will hoidens first sittings st Pollock's Hotel, Kim:abridge, on Monday, the 5tli of May next, at two 'o'clock tn. the stfteimoon. JOHN COOKE. Tp Clerk. Dungannon, April le, 2873. 1366b Spring $1.21. Wanted- - A SMART, active boy to leam Black- ". sonithing. . JOHN PASMORE. thedierieb, April 19, 1873. - • 1366c Men Wanted, A NUMBEll OF MEN for general 1- purposes required at the Guderich, Harbour WorksO\ Liberal wages Iola.. ' Apply to , • H1`,/tV EY 6.: ROSS, Contractors. _ April 18th. 1873. ' 1366c- - ---- Sheriff's Sale of Lands. • _ , County of Huron, j pi' virtue of a To Wit: ' " Writ of Fieri Facia' issued out o Hu Majesty's Coun- ty emurt of the Countrof Huron, and to me directee Against the Lands amd Tene- ments of Edward Pierce. Senior, at the suit of Thomas Hewett', I have seized and taken in Execution al the rtght, title and interest of the eaid Defendant in and to Lot number Two in the Swansh concession, E. D., Township of Ashfield in the County of Iluron, which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale at Illy Office, in thee:unto House, in ehe Town of Goderich, un Seourday the 19th day of July next, at the.houiseof 12 Id the- clock noon. JOHN ISIACDONALD, . • nheriff et Huron. Sheriff's Offioe, Godorich, t 15th April, 1873. ( 1366-3m K Sh5riff's Sale of Lands. ) County of Huron, ny I irtue of a To Wit : " Writ . of Fieri Faciaa issued out o Her Nisietty's Coun- ty Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands .and Tenements of James Hays at the suit of Patrick O'Dea I halm seized snd taken in execution ail the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the mid Defendant in Lots numbers ttreuty.nine, thirty, forty-six, sixty-five, aud sixty- six., Hutehinson's Servey, and -Lot num- ber thirty-seven in Reellsvalte, all' in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, which Lands mid Tenements I shall offer for sale at my ()dice, in . the Court House, in the Teem ..f Gielericlo on Saturday :he 10/11 day of Juiy jolt, at the hoer of 12 of the clock noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff of UFOS. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, I 15th April, 1873„ i 1 April 190. 1873. Florro. -- Extra, $5 96 to ST 20. Fancy 106 60 ; Strome Baker's 16 00 to 26 20'; $5 85 to 56 90; No. 2 $5 CO to $5 70 ; Fine, $4 95 to $6 oo; Middling', It 00 to St 25 ; Pollards, 110 75 te ee; City Bags 113.10. Mer. led dull and heave; Extra Cearie Grad" and Itmg Flom neminal. Wititera.-Spring ol.36 to $1.374. Oceuess GUI 3/11.-N•thirti doing. Pnovienots.- Pork, Mesa, Old, aft to gig bo; New, $17 60 ,to $18; Lord, pie to 10c.; Butter, Grease Serie, ye't, oc; Fair to Good, 12c to 18e; Choice, 20c to 24c. Cheese, 13e 1° 1400. Eggs, lbc to 16o. Tummy Seso.--$3. 35. Assam -Pots, 26 86 $ 20; P•Ark amainal, • LION STORE. 44/15, te • '.•(••1. • . ' . • le tin TO 111 Y PER _ NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC cENgRALLY, I thank you for the very liberal f*tr°a" age you have given nte for the lost ten years. 1 ada deterinimd to merit a continnetim of youe patronage by *ening yeu GOOD AND 01),EAPGOODS. You will .1wiiya find on hand a full and well siooriod &loch of DRY GOODS, GRocERIES Boots & Shoes,- Read, made Clothing' HARDWALtE. in the tollosieg SHOTTICIA penytES, P. S.-200 Dm, split HorrifeRL Oti MCKENZIE. Goderiek Joie. 187I fh SI • jr.s.,&" _ S.! •