HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-23, Page 1•
1 .
4 oemeepolmo„„emsse
1 1 •04 •
%Iron tignal,
Papers Menne a Cuss*,
pallithed at tiodortch, Gator* us,
.A.IF 14014241140.
at the 0,111Y0Iltreal Street, tadjoiwing tho Martel
!Stiviere, by
to et
1 el
NOVO* AND raoruirrowe
t fa,
1111Per MUM, edweges. MI if '7wd11
ancr discestinued til. all arrears us
option of the publisher.
le •
" The Greatest Posaible Good to the Greatest Possible Number."
VOL. XXVI. NO. 14.
• _
.igirr lime for the first Insertion. od
wre 0 rAw• for sack sobsottoont inaumett •
111So ..EIST011 not exceeding 1 lbw, ile Pe
mums' Oa 6 La 10 lines SS.
Tbs •=5A...te be reckoned by the wet
be a awaken( solid Reaper...
Advettairgendste without specific direetioua. w 1
be ingested Datil turbot, and clamed aceurdia417"
Pi i 71.4RLT enalmestrie : ,
The illimmag rates will be charged to overawe*
aod et T•olvertios by the yams, -
sir 1 iMar Soo 1
4 Mouth. 17 '
IfI rear
3 'writhe
n 3 *oaths
ii 6 "loathe
' , 1 Yew
' II months
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Et 1 ven. . 1.1
:4 months , .. II
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tTh i• to he confined to the 0
biotin oaer-••st hon.... nyol for en. 0 d
not ies'n t• t 1.-•,n Muir., Or
C • ITIr. b. '11.00.".•, i'ri.at• A•lvertlx.,,ie
I irl.vi 0. ,.. of firms, houses to bet a
..iiit•Iewrotte rates will to all. woos ts Iskilf
, .
% • til inteadad for , Insertion la sie
martin • about.' math the oaken by sail*
Toed , 7 !
Tloo cirmilation. of Om SIGNAL sake I
an tam advertising medium. .
1.4seiwerea or ALL niece -
ro.-14e ,ii pot...a Fowl deemitele. Birk waled
...I. gbu ' .itC orders by mail pillotorlly atter:
ed tn. `
1310 twos tatutdorp.
IIIR a 1/1
0 awl residence, West Street.
Thre doore belo w Bank of Mentred,
God. p.
Rose ,
at eay
killPFIELL, of Statuette las
wU to the house rei
the Station, lately occe
rank Meyer, one door south
eine snd exactly opposite
re's Hotel, where he be
night or day an usuel.
25 h. 1873. 1.362
To • A.. Mc Dougall
hose for Consoltetioa rip to 1
. a m., •very day Will jet*
afterwards. night fae clay.
.0 . Shannon .11.D
pia A 4, SURD SON, de Godend.
• _1
t NPR. Mol..IC.A.N.
. eiaeo term door eget el Central *holt.
ti / 1-'1..11o0ill ColuaY; .
4,11:17.RAII021, Lc- 011ie, E...a.o.
W. comma owlill
AVM Lailrwro •
Oreeer., cossey Crow*
OEMs. in Courtliness.
Cainemen tOorrow.
, Martel leptaro. Godorieh.
kt C w62 J. T. Gum
c din ge.
G.R.c., A. IF'. A. A. M.
1 m he'd on the tirst uf each
mouth at 7.10 p. verities memo,
tioderich,00 May, 1411.
•ontinniine. .4 th. faror ard support of the
and Trarellisi pub i^ that atm accorded
Defer. the fire, respeeintay solicited.
I 334
MAW= Proprietor.
Good Accommodation. Ample Stable
11- This is admitted to be a First alas
HMIS. kept in Good Style.
Amine% Mk. WO
4.7, ilte.,•odesieb, { nit. 133
.1151.1filar• lkelltott. .
art, Pc. Golsrich. .
19111111elmar do Neogcr •
Vec . Ooderm h.
LSI& CHAS. 611..tnia.
Its. UAW&
I of. re. mictti 1E04.
B."' t...,
ATrORN BY AT L lir, will
tio El C y. Se. oaderleit, Out.
Oleo, I C. Detlor A Co's Emporia*. Meg
Sonar% Re deffiels It.l,
qui. wn•.....1'.4eL.1 Ougaer. -
-141 , • Goderirti, Out.
comeon sItc ICentera, !
B ono. ATTORNEYS, StildliTOPS.4.
.,C,Ionon, ont. • u.:2 • •
;•).1 A.MICIS SMAILL, '1.i. 1
ilece.,,e._ Aro COURT Ilf.O•sta„gra,
...._solt. Plane SOat ToJerilisr,,,s. bit
. esepseterse "lastereni and Ihnolle
Zar."Cruhuundl sad 'ranted. I 11
• 12/7-4, ;
JEt sediermass. Lenwatem
am ere mole an tied. ,1 Stains. Dom, mats.
on Odium. and. Oresieed Lagebecst
oghth lag Kitt.
veterinary eurseen.
}-10 MILT 01,1Colnela.L131001.eirsity,
iDgfackl, VARNA. •
Rapti i!.1 Sntorbli Y113 3egh•
. Z. 1% DUNCAN, V. 8.
Grip/04TX or D.ririo V rrtlreAltr 1.3014/011,
,e.gata Elltittrwoo rod Colboills
N. B. -Horses exeminea m to „.,„ee.
Oa gonad 9talwo and RR
ohm% Sod rer
olloretio 44 tuna.
au= Muer
nArou. Canada,
mnigagtoper. Rialto it Pateau
r• -1T -
Ps rt.
c• c
loss tARNIS in returning thanks
te hoe friends in Goderich for past
patamadm. bop to say that she is now
give 14410118 on. the Piano -
Organ and in Singine
errant* Mr. halves,
Col 1363
Molten to fenb..
pREE HOLD Permanent ilitildineand
A Sayings Society oi Toronto.
For particelars apply to
Agent at Goderiche
Secretary and Treasurer,
Toronto. 1343.
At Greatly reduced' Ratan of Interest
11lE nndemigned hag any amonnt meney to
n from two to fifteen yearn. at a low rate of
taterest and famarable ternm of repayment. Parabl•
b soriy inatalinents• rate of expenses will defy
eompeti ton .
*per:steer for tato Cannel& Per •
use nem
` Soden:. ad' Toronto.
sabn-iber in agent for the followingemet-elase
Insurance Conspeanies
PHOENIX of London. Eng larel-
HARTFORD ef Hartford.
Fire MS1,141143 busmen done et the
lowest poseable ride'
Office Market Square, Goderich
ose 26th 1679. 010.1v.
/110 Loan .,o F•Al or TOWN ptoperty JO 7 per
1 eget. App.), TO
G. CAM PAIGN E, Solicitor, Re..
eltf Dederick.
for 5 or 10 years. Intermit repajable either
r•A:ly or h p-Arly: Apoty to
Ilk,11417 MATHERS,
St. Helene.
•-7 perty, at 8 per cent simple interest
per annum. Apply to
Colborne Hotel.
Goderich, OM., 18'72. 1338
fstenatersnallaireryWaIsiteeay ,
an d Sat Ordisty.
To &ND ?Rom NEW TIMM Mtn 0 Liu -
Low. Calling at Lon.lotole,rry blued Malls and
1:31" rassonk re sad forwardMI to sod
from all lbail.ay distal, tireat Britala, trcload.
Germany; Norwsr, or Denmark and
America, ae aafa4s, Com fortablr and
Cheaply, 4.4 iny other liontOor Limas •
TRE Plir A RTC •Es.
Prom I.lass er.. ?non New etk.
Rat_ s.pt. IOWA Oat. 16th,
eat., Ala. soaa„ DONIA..riaL, Ord. Est
71 ..... hat...coets /Mtn
Sat., Cot, c'•il.1 MIRA -Sat.. Nor itle
And every sn.I seterese thereafter
ve,„, •/..•ri`a River, •t Won_
RATE!, or ' • `.%. ttl. IN CURS slyer,
. .t; os DERRY:
FIRST 'CA•its„ . . ••i to location
Cabin 1.;•.•4 for 13 Ir oaths)
, ,,.eogosittion. $140.
• liefienso.t..,, W:1 STeerago,12,.
CertIficat. at I...6 'KS f 7; %TAM CMOS 1.3 height
here by .,.- IO iterra for their tritest
ivott ',Aiwa ..11 i,rsser
Arrly al the t'etotiasiv'a CI!‘ Al or to
mit... WARNOCK,
A rst SaDodertrlo. Ow
Gotterieh `.
IWORTICKS711 total beim Liverpool, Londoe.
r ilerry, or lavw by the also straniship err.
apply to • , IF ...Antall.
Orsw4 Trunk lie.' way
God•neh. • to
_ _ _
Aanitable Assets, 1197,000,000
Losses poisl in the course of morty-ave ran Tx'
bY crier-J.(1.c) Frartife eSti-
'1•4 merly 11113.(etroOM}00, ere being
Inv:Macon so hurt as adjusted le MMUS DEDUCTION.
PrOMpt Payment, sod Liberality be ad-
jaw:anent .ts Moses am the promineut restores of
this wealthy monetry.
vote sad LIFE POLICIES issued with very
Moral Nadi tious.
Head Office. Canada:Branch. MON-
.C. 71,ResidentSgt•relarv,
A. M. ROSS, Octet fonCoderich
Toronto Life Assurance and
Tontine Company.
nal merest_ ACTHORI MID ET CILIATES ....... ..$1011,01110
With Itherty Inerowe tat hada /sillies
• .
1 =
Tall Mei OW TRE
%Woe Ilium and Mad
1119•1: seem
Cnigt.EM. E... 64.
NUL% s? Au Nouns
low Tux
Oln Company of
Bora curter.
. tit IS::
• •%•••••,.
a • ;
A mount called is., 25 per cent. -ell mild
LIMIT -RD __BM :O•1lTrt TO 000T04038
•wq wagoo MILLS,
P"inde‘t • The. wee JOON HILLTAILD Cs/16603,
I: L.,
Ovr HDouo. J wdr, of tie coley Or or..
Arc Caosoon, "Osaaps.." re; Pierchaarraimailant,
21.c;r4..ww11.1.9.11•91.,•:rA10314eormitot TG"a"
Ames IlOtilloow S. P.
mover. Me.
Applications fee Insurance in this
first class Company receiredsr
1342 Agent ak Goderich,
Drug Store.
El) ftlf
ARE yor
witlt Dyspepeia, Constipation,' Ilend Itelisfee-
tion, palpitatiop of tie limns In:home Inseam*
avid General 11 so ran at 3. lion-ra, Lori
Market Square, and get bet Renowned Aeretabis
Tonic Bitters which bast son pletely cured ou•aods,
throughout CADDLI 1.1 Weil as 3u0 In Code. ich and
, Aurora, Jasuary !Mt&
This is to testify th...t 1 hos • derived a beeiefieial
effect from Bond's Ionic Hitters ancl found it le be
by far the best senile in use fur Dyspepsia aad
Liver ConaP.U.nts. 10., r
Wesleyan Minister.
Goileriett, Aug. 17 3374.
Itr, John Mind,
Dear Sir.
I IIITt great pleasure in reicom-
....d,pg isirt,r. as all eTOEilent finnan*
giving tune ts tea stiout•Ti anii strengthening the
system generally, Iliaieniund it a very Dentine -nal
thing in ray out, rersonil ease, and have known
others to neat with like satkinetion.
.1. P. KAY.
M. N.C. Ilinleter
'HEAD aritletiarr
eAPITAL RTOCK.. ..... .010,000
817P-PLII3 FUN * . -°.•"1,369.60
• .
4 9
A nroras-Nay 30th, 1164..
1 Del perlestiv free to testify to the beaten 1 lave
derieed from -taro* .4 Mr. Boors Tonic Bittern,
They bats ITlievoT r,poette.1 atteeks Dyspersin,
in my ease from nhe.r Tone. and aperient proper tie•
Nair Conoczies Minister.
And °then
Ftonil t., r WE Irk ITOIntotaie Ityrup for
(Neigh., 01.1,, 0,11,114, WilINOtti,Vg C0100..
ne.s..11no.ilool t Ns lir +It Coso.b 11•411-
elne es, r i riih, II ha, sOTCd
th.o.saIt.1 • fr••Iit 11.1 I ,{..1;
Gt.if I. 1 •
GodenchMarble workk
4,114 rent,
-Mee s
1.• o.
• _ • .6 -
Scott, Vanstone & Co•
WHOLE NO.1366.
13 o dm,
Work fur the night is coming,
Work through the morning hours;
Week oldie the dew is spatkling, -
Work springing dowers;
Week when the day grows brighter,
Work iti the glowing site; r
Work for the night ie coming;.,,
Wheu man's work is done.
Work for the taght is comitig,
Work iti the sunny noon;
Fill brightest hours with labour,
Rest comes Pure and soen.
Give every dying minute
kkiniething to keep in store; -
1York fur the night is coining,
When man works no mute-.
Work for the night is coming,
l'nder the sunset skies;
While their bright tants are glowiug
Work for the daylight dies. !
Work till the beam.fadeth-- -
Fade th to shine no mere:
Weekly -kr the night is Leming,
Whergma n's work is o'er.
Perfect Reeignatton-
ene moot later* edthe alternate ?lino bt'i;is-
tting with the heel give the geed "father." The ..-
.viewing initial letter• tidies is order vete th. vumi
"...thee" )
hor to thee inn my tn,jing eyes .
711y tort*, nit love, thy all now rest IN the*
A utleol 11117 1 DOCK I 4,•• tcr pests rim.
O let thy arms ef toy. en. ire.* we,-
rh. a OF Vine are fadiag noe on•,
Vie glow of eartnlY blies hnd 11..1 o'Y ;
Hung on thy merry ansl thy love alone.
Hers would I Boger out my Meting Mat a,-
Kutwine Wyatt -los arming i••u.iy sate,
' Cow rap hun in Ray reboot per fee t
Retnere each and wheo I ire •ti • orl. 11
Re.ae to a masaion WI thy cour, above.
M23. MR01'11 PIREL
Arthur Percy, Captain in Her Majes-
ty'. Dragoons, es my husband, and the
adventure I am almut to relate befell me
about eighteen months after our mar
riage, when tbe regiment Was quartered
in Ireland.
A detachment was stationed in one of
the most unquiet parts of that country,
which 1 refrain, for obvious totutivirs,
tom nainirm.- Arthur tom ordered to
take„command of it,. and so I, .4 course,
accompanied him with` our baby, an in-
fant of about five months. We thought
ourselves very furtanate in havine ',r-
eared a small, but extreinelY pretla cot-
tage at an altimet nominal rent, dotant
&bout one mile from *er barracks:
I cannot better describe the cottage.
than by telling you that it was :called
" The Buegalow," and, like its natue-
sake, was a bug, one -storied building,
With *verandah in front trf the priocipal
windows. A small entrance 1 in
which were two !doors, was * first
thing observed on entering; mei ed to
the drawing -room, diuing-rouut, • and
three bed-roorns, while the °Biel. led
directly to the kitchen, urvante-rtione,
and into a passage leading to the outer
Our establishment consisted 4 two
women servallta and me man; te.hd lat-
ter, being ft soldier, returned every night
to the barracks, which liappeued to ter
, the 'learnt habitation to us, not eyen
I the hunibiest dwelling bresking the
loneliiiess I i f the way between them and
the Petemilew. . .
1 hat e already said that the distance
from them was about a mile, end the
read, %heir was party erass grown, lay
thritugh a narrow sort of lane, encloaed
un eaeli gide by t ery high hedges.
Them) liedees w,te a ,,,otillual herein.
to me Scarcely et ..t. did 1 bee Artliiir
start in the woriiiiig, without N tn10110
orisiti of 1...spoisdoes cor.ouslod bolotd.
,'Pauad a touch uf their laiwariline
KaiLi - CrITEI;;;;
ill the .,1.1 +taint of 31r A. M. JoboAton victoria sts.
Godetien, awl wit! 1..e- ab'e to eniii73
Mantlepieces, •
Window Sills,
&c. , &c. 1 &c„
r, ;,.• of •or kinanrihir EID.1 OU
• 1-t
ALL milers for
...I or, 01 JUT'S sir
mail air. Jit,•sse give d•pth of well from platkom,
""'ut" r"woetoP. so. of Concession and Let Ho
has also um hand
REYEIttilDLE 3101,E110.111D
n- Ali sold on liberal terms, and order spm•mPtlY
attended to.
Stand previously occupied by Mr. H. Dodd.
noderseb March w sw64-11
Godericl Harness shop
therm dresacil in the inevitaldo
ragged ciliate the high-cro
narremoisoured hat, mid the mutt
ecepen, ef whit* things•I invariably
aeon:dated with an Irish ruilian.
The Draguoua hail been scut to -quell
tome nsiugs, and to :slipped the au-
thurities, consequently they Wilre Dot
Teg:ii•add by the natives in any vety
friendly light.
As the weeks weut on, aud every af-
Unmoor* brought Arthur safely batik to
me, ley fears were, someehat allayed,
Mel occasionally I waked threugh the
lino, towards the town tO meet him --
al w aye, however, feeling gled when I get
safely pest any chance pasier4ty whom I
might encounter.
Arthur used to laugh at my fears, and
as I knew I was a desperate coward, I
tried to think they were groundless, and
merely the result of my own natural
The year wen drawillto a close, and
on the 10th of January we were to bid
adieu to the Ituneolow, Irelaud, and the
Irish. The regiment. was under erders
for England, in miring, and till then
Arthur was tkr g0 on leave.
I was in raptures at the prospect of
being settled in rny ovin part of the
world agsin, and, t est of all, leaving
Ireland, against which 1 entertaiued au
profound a prejudice. It was Christmas
Eve; Arthur was obliged, most unwil-
liogly, to spendit at the barracks, as the
few officers there wished to have a fare-
well dinner, and, iu addition, there was
to be an entertainment for the soldiers
at an early hour.
It. had been snowing heavily all day,
and when Arthur left, about half past
three o'clock in the afternoon, darkness
was beginning to come on.
I Mid begged Mtn not nturu if the
snow contiuued, as I knew it mighthae
very late ere the party broke up, and I
mulct wit bearehe idea of his coming
home through that dark, narrow road,
in the middle of a snowy December
night. If be did come, he was to tap at
my window, which would enable me to
let him in without disturbing the ser-
hysionutase,. who slept at the other side of the
After I had watched his figure disap-
pear, I re-entered the cottage, with a
disagreeable sense of solicitude and
drearinesa„ which I tried to dispel by
ringing for the nurse,to bring my baby,
stirring the tire into a cheerful' blaze,
and otherwise occupying myself. I' hough
al nowt --mite dark, it was now only about
four o'clock, and the blinds in the little
sitting -room were still umigawn. I was
sitting oh the heartb-rug, with baby on
nay lap, amusing her with my watch sad
its glittering appendages, which were an
unfailing source of pleasure to her; sod
as she stretabed get her little hands to
graigiesalp welloso:d, sal": •timateeted,
the direction a the . wiedow, through
was a pas, august, malevolent „ootinte-
na" 11171.
tottging beneath me partly because I
drorZed lest the lurler without might
stffl be marking my movements. I had
scarcely strength left to turn the handle
of the doer, but ence on the other side
of .it, I rushed across the little hall, and
gained .the kitchen where 1 found my
twe demeatics seatell at their tea.
• I briefly told them of the fright I had
got, sod W OA wit touch reassured en
finding that both were, if prissihle,-
greiter cowards than I was myself. .
The sound of a whistle at no gloat dis-
tance fruui the Collette rouged me to the
noceolity of) instantly making - every
place tut swore as 'possible. Accom-
panied hy the tee trembling servants,
and with bathy in pry arum, I began um
teem of inspectiou. At butt. en•ery bolt
844 Moult, every shutter closed, and
nothing more remained to be &nisi I
.uf,:untlittl,r,,asuubvIfoo,na,kitunge.at the click, that it
wes little -past tiVal, so that & loug eve -
Not a sound yeas to be heard, nothing
fresh occurred to alarm tie in the 'eruct,
and at last I grew almost ashamed of the
panic I had given way to, merely from
buying seeu a man gliume through the
window. Very probably he was some
carolling eagrant who had been attract-
ed; by the brieht light et the tire to look
Me without doing us any harm. - •
; .K.o. I reaanned with myself, and so 1
tried tio're-aestire the servauts. Under
any cirettnistancee, I was glad t 4 feel
thet we were safel,y shut up -for the
night, and determined to go 30011 to my
roomy where I felt lees lonely than in
the empty drawinmnerm.
Ilad there mot been the chance of
A ether returning, I would have primate('
that the servents should sleep in a ged
there happoted to he in his dressing -
mum ; DUI as they assured tne they were
not at all afraid, now tl.at nothing more
had been heard id the man, and I knew
it would be a great nuisance to Arthur,
if he did return. I concluded that it was
wise! by Ic t them sleep yin their own
room, though it was at some (helium*
from mine. ,
I went to my room at about half -past
nine, and proceeded to eindress; after
which --I put on my white flannel dress,
ing-gown, placed my candles behind me.
end seating myself in of the tire,
began to read. --- - --
lii opite of all *maims to myself
and my servant', I felt strengely nervous
and witless. My book was a very in-
teresting tine; but it failed tu obliterate
from my mind Ole herrible remembrance
of the face at the' window. Perhaps he
waa there still , perhaps he was watch-
ing ter Arthur's return to waylay and
murder him. ,All- sorts of . wild visiens
presented *Ourselves .to my mind:
Once baby mived slightly, and it made
me start nearly to my feet with terror.
I was thoroughly upset, and the °illy
thought that consoled tee was, that 1
had begged Arthur not to return; so he
wan, no doirle, safely at the barracks,
littie dreatintg orally state of mind.
It waa ino•ting heavily still. I knew
it by the dropping that came steadily
dinotwearn vt1.10 Chimney. The atmosphere
seemed to choke me soniehtiw. And
ever end ation I found myself liatennig
Vie hall clock iitrock eleven, every
stied(' vibrating through nie.. Still I sat
em my tiro growite.„ dint, and myself
fee!iint craiiipeel, oda, and Almost iru-
tt liat was I so.afraid Of 7 i 4,31(4 iiiy-s
self a hundrelaimes. 1 could not tiell;
it ea" a tag eel sbaelowy terror Mat
:teemed to_ bc e mining me down. I hal
hear.' of people's heir turning white ia
a night trout fear: Snrely mine would
be as auowy as the ground without if I
hail to attend. the whole night *us.
pe(rh);;14,1f:ritl.ui eo.und of _Arden; voice-
riatihrat Pal. • 11'1.1. w
might he-
Ilalf-Past .eiev
Mime the elric
oar sortaart f .,rn , the berracks would
:come, eicer - - ether had settled net fe
return till the lorning-eUit hours of
gas! .
A goat ierir nit twelve I Ily itinighty
effort, 1 fererey
ciog at the e; a
Com eterei!i j1.1
Illyni4negril'ory ill 1'6(41 hde baby-- not to eleep,
as till two ci eliiek I should hope for
Arther- Oren a scruad, awful, wild, un-
- earthly, the stillness of the dark
Deconleer niglit. It was a scream from
a woman's vein in dire distress; enother
followed, and lt came froni somewhere
'within Vie hods.. Net a moment (lid I
hem-Sipritat:g• ing o t of bed, and pntting on
oily my slip rs, happily having kept
on my dretairg-gown I seized up my
child, pausing only 'to snatch up lier
little ehawl, tlirA loy beside her on the
bed, I unliiirred my shutter, opened the
windOW, and the next moment was • on
the verandah'. It ticAlled not a third
wild shrlekloS impel me to a - speed be-
yond what I. had ever dreamt of as
Ie a si cond or two I was beyond tfie
gete, flyerg fer life, for my own and
another existence, dearer far, in inv
arms clasped tightly to me-tlyin,g
through the lanes, past the dreaded
hedges, oe, etumbling now and then;
but recovering myself only to resume
my race for [life with greater despera-
tion. Deeth *freely was behind us. But
already loenting in front of
pale, piercing face of the
r overtook me now, what
would be mytfste 1
God was Merciful indeed tsi me, and
gave me the power to proceed in my aw-
ful extremitY.
Heaven's portals could hardly have
been more rapturously reached than the
barrack gatee, es I flew inside of them.
I saw a grove of men standing in the
doorway; and towaras them I reeved,
recomorzirg, to my unuttersble thank-
fulness, airreagst them, my husband.
His amazement may be better imagin-
ed than described, twa ho beheld ue; and
as I could not do More than peint be-
hind rce, I believe poor Arthur tnuat
have thought I had gone suddenly rav-
ing mad. I only heard their voice&
munuering round me and I felt baby
lifted out of my arms, 'though they told
me after wattle I held her so tightly they
could scarcely separate us. The next
thing I knew was that Arthur had laid
%eon a sofa in a bright warm roomeand
that we were safe -Arthur, baby, and
1 -and together !
Ihrt the servants 1 I oonveyel to
Arthur, as coherently
events of the aftertauon and night, and
es I could, the
my cenvietion that. nothing abort of
murder heel been committed. In less
than tive miaptes he was off,- with some
of the others,- to the cottage, *beret**
awful scene presented itself to their mew
as they entered.,
. In the passage from the kited)** to
the entrance Minty the dead bodyof our
unfortunate took. A blow frome•otne
heavy weepon had actually smashed- in
the back of her head, and life was -quite
extinct ; oar ether servant mellow's% tin
an insensible state, but, after soots tisaty
recovered seirwiently to be able** give
the particureve (tithe attack, anti a do
script ion of their , assailant, who peweled
to be no other than the monster 'climbed
glared in apeisille that very &bemoan.
It seettool ehimeedter I had seen- ewe ›-
otemthuitnitgve,wrt,hurei:Eehes.. ‘. - artsaktrent'asil-dt'ise
door, the riviliggrhsal ',lipped in,-aeimeted
hiinsej iti=d m flu toseags.
and thita y looked iato the
PTAS Pleasure in annonmecing to the petite o
LA Town and taunt,. thot So Sas purclweed the
Harting bemuse of Mr. haaet Italhday. on Hare-
otton O. Atter having *awed lusappreowelvolup wtilo
News W. H. Manna. Goderteb IV, A. M. Mu
welted for rhe last Osseo years in the best Harness
Shops to Chemin, euid is sow prepared to sake ap
Zsrse-Clataing esti looktif Wan
Irat-ehmityie and withlisepsishimessidemeem
Datteaded to
Wiggips, CEIErywC•11111111111
• R Shots osateetty bpsetlertrachane
tta sinnurear.
Goclohoh. Jana 26'1521. •
P. R. !TANN; .'
Rouse Sip & i;afrkgs Mater
Van, TO A &Mr retreisuerni,
eeteeetees+Hem VI Jim* "NO 8414 I.
=lung irlt Er=
,144118 reg000dbf. I pale*
Nt of ths het I pee* aegaltse, eneinemse et the
ob. ,
Non' Is the thy 14 hilt your Cutters
Sleighs, and Caritges.
sr mews ten 'lemur CarrheadloRoaSiss`bit
driSS di.patelo.
gm Pietism ffildave..01Msdall 11111";
sena, ire. ee.
never hear it agent -
mild never know what s.
141L, We either he, or-
rdered before 111
4---unly thirty wimp es
struck. ln eight:tunes
ierself to get np; glan-
esny-own ishestly rellee-
ode. laid my watch
.tv and ea+ in the ect of
house, he bad arraeged to begin errs -
tions after all was, q uiet, and ihe bet
scresm I had heard had been elicited
from the unfortunate servants, at ohnat
bedside ho suddenly appeared.
The miscreant had struck down the
conk, hile she attempted to escepe,
servant was too }rarely to do. The
which, happily for hespilf, the other
seream I had heard an I left the homer
must have been the lesting one of the
poor Conk, whom the inn error had punn-
ed aod overtaken hi/foretell. meld gain
iny door, which was ne doubt, the poiut
to which she was eTing fur suocer. Not
n moment too soon had I gone. An tic-
omplice had been admitted by the front
no Risk de awes! by e'rezy.
A coma ent writes : A young
°Haigh:Linde of theerib, rimdianthe grol sluapn,d eomf israuki
seamy years to Hudson • Bay Com-
pany. Ravin like 'many uf his country-
men, saved mbney, he, on the exetry of
his Nevin. settled in ;British Celumbia,
or unto other ritish colony, where be
married, and peedily amassed consider-
able means. y the de•th /If his wife he
was left • widovrer !kith a large trimly,
and he eithe frees choice. or necessity
Jong cherish his wife's memery. Bat
after reaching the shady side of Bitty, his
matrimonial longings became irredietible
doer, which was found wide. open, my and hence this story. The fair mpg were
-ticirootri door -shattered, tint nothiug not only scarce in his -colony, but he had
touched, tny flight having, doubtless, either failed to make an impression with
scared theUl. _The trscks of their par-
oling footsteps were dilemmas(' easily,
what the blessed morning light of
Christmas -Day • Alone. 'They had
evidently minute pursuit of me, Mt
pr.obsbly my safety was due greatly to
the vrhitimess of my garments, which
must htwe rendered my flying figure al-
most invisible against the snowy ground.
The polies were soon in quest, and ere
many hours 'lensed the retreet of the
assassins was disco% ered.
A desperate strugele ensued, and re-
cognizing in the ,ctie man an escaped
nd notorious convict, and in the con-
flict, feeling his Mtn life wiutiu Meager,
the constable tired im him, and tke
tniseruble corpse was oonveyed tri tb•
Police-atatiert, where our 'torrent' iden-
tified it as the inurderer.of Gie ctook, and
the assailant of herself, The wreachted
man hail, with his coutpanion and ein
cempliceeescaped only two da s before
front prison, to which: the;1 ter was
safely escorted back ilaf 4 ouple of
policemen. The furiere .ief Our poor
oervent took place a few deter afterwards,
seta the Blingslow was ,finally desertedl
hy uth The other servant recurened •
completely. and the pelicernave orho hed
been wounded by the convict rather
oeverely, was reported coityalescent be-
fore our departure.
1 never sew edie.Bungelow again; luta
nay joyfully did I enter the steamer
which conveyed iiii to dear cid Eng-
land. - tendert Seeiete.
3111:1•1e. TO The Dep.
At tine of the Newfoundland ferlier.vs,
a boat and creti trying to enter a small
harbour, feund themselves outside a
long line of breekere in great peril.
The wind and weather had chauged
since the boat went out in the morning,
and her getting safely hack seemed pretty
doubtful. The pimple ou shore saw her
danger, but could not help her. Every
moment increased the danger, and
anxious friends ran to eud fro. Aninng
the crowd was • large dog, which seem-
ed fully alive to the peril of the Mot
-and the anxiety of those on shore. He
watched the boat, surveyed the break-
ers, and appeared to think as earuestly
anybedy, Wfiat cuulti be awe
At last be boldly pluneva into the an •
gry waters, saki swans to the b st. That
crew thirtieht he wanted to join them,
and tried to take hint aboimily No, he
wirit141 not so within their reach, but
siram around, diving his head Mill sled,
ing, al if in seerch of semetliing.
"What was it? Whet the creiiiiire
Metall ‘tiluat did he imat '
"Giro him the tool :tif a rope," 'efied
one Uf the sailors, divining what ea,
the poOr dog's braine "that's, is hat he
A rope was thrown bet; Ihe dog seize&
the in instant, United retied, And
Made etraight for the shoro, where, uot
long- after -thank• to the ititelliganee
sagacity* of Tiger--thei- lbOtat land
brew were landed oaf. &ad stintad.
The followieg singular incident nook
13.00 only a few weeks ago. A 1.4301,10-
1111 belonging to Greesieek, who w 'a-
. .
444dikid., &oh Iwo -
tom* rapw,. dant
eli bAd 1. Compre-
hended • necessity for appearing mit
40 JOYS *burn& him. Um" I hardly
stspPed spas!tfug itt1 la7 baby; but o
thommo 'mans Atir *sups from my
prime). polatION TIMAIWIOa theouvely.o
through my whirling brain' How (70Uht
I escape front thet little room, with its
derk, unshaded window ? Furtively 1
looked again,: mad IMO infinitely gen„ed
to find that the appexition had vanished,
close posuatity te th. window. 1 go4
•e•ggiaptpa end 070T slowly to.
wssieftlia aloe% Von Peeling for
ag. are aibta Peril tO gsthec
a refuge wes
U30. If the
outside win
for the snout, at boot, irglo its late
up, At chstlerti to me a, a_
euteeillewraresinkr el ear kabe wan
Apeplittunentstekseunuemerk Agireutpor opt,. 1110,
• :a
noug tho Saved from the wreck tif
II -fated sem* steamer Arte:reettmero.,
ectribes, in aletter to a relative Died
In -that town a-remarkalde cinema
cennected with " the lending of roe
the boats belonging to the drip. rhe
letter is dated St: Joha's, lst May. Ho
'eats : "The last time 1,saw Capt. Bar -
pee (the cotemaader Sof the 4 neheSairoa)
he was aseisting to lower the seiall boat,
in ,which was embarked twenty-two Imo,
one lady, and„maself. We left the 'hip
without total; water, ;compass, tir suf-
ficient clothing. We w.ere kneeled. a-
bout in a dense fog all dey, not knewine
whither we were drifting. Towards eve-
ideg, however, we espied a cliff off Den-
ial*, when we steered for Cape Rose,
which we made. Approaching the shore
we saw a man carrying a, gun, and ac-
companied by two large Newfoundland
doge. Ile evidently saw us, and made
signals for ne to approach the shore
cautionsly. We followed his course for
earns time, till he was hid from ne by a
large cliffiwkizh. ie was imposeible he could
descend. The two dogs, however, soon
appeared descending this clangorous
headland, and reaching the water, dash-
ed pr;cipitately in'o the boiling sea,bowl-
jug dreadfully. Having "wank out
close to our boat, they then tented to-
wards the shore, keediug a little distract)
ahead of us, indicatiog that we were to
folluw them. Our singular pilots seem-
ed to understand the danger of our posi-
tion, as we did not dare to deviate from
the course they were leading us without
a loud howl being uttered by them. At
last we arrived in a Large natural creek,
where n Sate landing was effected. No
other similar creek WM to be aeen, which
caused us all to wonder at the sagacity
displayed by these &limb animals. No
deribt our preseri shoe was in a great
measure attributable to these noble does.
An alarm having been raised, a rope was
let down by a pulley, and we were all
tekeu tip the which is 150 feet high.
We were shortly afterward enabled to
reach the lighthouse, where every atten-
tion wait paid to us."
Be kind to the doggee. Many a hero-
ic deed and faithful ferrite) have they
done for m an. - Saltiest t School Messenger.
his 'haddin' and gear' in this meneenary
age, or himself saw no beauty in the col-
onial belles.
Possibly a fervid imagination stirred
by his undying love for home and ita as-
societions led him to conjure from the.
.misty memories of the past bright 'visions
of *alarm hearts, buxom forum, and
'liming beauties of "the girls he left he -
:hind hitn" in his native isle. Home
memories probablylinduced him te think
ef • slater the sole remnant of his home
circle, and to her he wrote a letter con-
taining full authority to " look out, fer,
secure and diopatch to me, such a wife
u you think wthald &Mt me." This ire -
portant commission she dtd not neglect.
After doe deliberation and friendly &ci-
ties, Pier choice fell en an unmarried
lady.in the town of "Belle" of consider-
able personal att time, who had not
yet given ub all ope of merriage, and
yet had satinet 1 t 36 summers quietly
dip away to no pprpee. She was well
&tweeted in her native town and had.
received polish in her manners:- After
some deliete negotiation, in it Mph the
sister's -affectionate love for her brother
led her into tbe common error of de-
scribing him, in theabsence of a portrait,
as she recelleoted him, forgetful of the
lapse of ttine, the lady at last consented
tit proceed to the colony and wed the
men she had lever seen personally Or by
portreit. The Celambien, overjoyed at
his sifter's au remitted a large stun
8 eutfitond paeans of his
o speedily started on her
ey of fully 20,000 sides.
. Francisco in safety, die
r arrival with a compara-
tively empty purse. This was replenish-
ed with a handsome remittance.
Meanwhile the lady casually :net an old
acquaintance ancitownsuran in San Fran-
cisco, aud an intimacy ripened between
them whiuh affected the destiny of at
least three persons concerned. At the
meetiog wide her liberal and vonfiding
Columbian die sieldenly diszovered that
he was not altoiether what her fancy
had painted Mtn, from the description of
his sister, she stoutly resisted every ap-
peal he nude, and declined to proceed
further. She professed to have expect-
ed to find bun possessed of five eyee, and
a fetuily not exceeding that number, in-
stead of which he had one eye,but seven
children. In short, she hestened hick
to San Francisco, and, within a week
permitted her uteri, attractive -though
less wealthy -lover to lead her to the
altar.-Kircudisrightshire Adrertiser.
of money for
bride elect,
eventful jou
Reaching S
aunouneed h
house w ith mirseivea! •
Isuigineag, it wee supposed, Mast
Arthur irsokt set Worry- &ad, ksmorfall
son. - - - - -
Bub'i Praer.04.1 :ski.
COliZtanlY TraVelling.
Nowhere is well -broil courtesy, or the
Lack of it, more observable time .in
travelling. On the steamboat and in
the cars the quiet observer tastily detects'
those who heive been educated anderire-
fined intluenties, or those who, without
special cultsvation, are possessed oa-
tive politeness. it is not educatiuu
alone. nor wealth, nor high mend posi-
tion, nor costly trappings that make one
a pleasant travelling cotnpanion. There
must existo4 kindness of feeling toward
strangers, aoeneral recognition of equal
right* in thecionforts and couvoniences
provided fyr the public, and a quick
discerument of the Heyde of others. The
gentleman who spreads out his luggage
un a couple of seats in the cars, and per-
sistently acials his newspaper, deterari-
wifely unduuscious' that others who have
as, much as he has are loeking
a seat, is so truly ill-bred as the
ementry girl who noisily eats; her pint of
peanuts,. scattering shells on seat and
flour, utterly regardless of the annoy-
ance she giy es her neighbours. In this
demi/crates counfry we travel in public
conveyances too much as if they were our
own private carriages. How- often the
eleventh and twelfth passengers in a
city omnibus, who know they hare full
claim to a test, are discomforted by the
outspread garments, the immovable at-
titudes, and the bleak faces of those who
happen to have entered the stage before
them ! Common civility demands that
a movement ruade to give room until
tho complenien; is filled out; afterward
courtesy d generosity will often
prompt to
not requir
the onufor
whether lo
those little nameless courtesies which
are offered:instinctively and uuutheious-
ly to st gera by refined, svell-bred
tree tact
for lack of
a test both of patience and politeness.
Thrice happy they who pass nobly
through it, for their -own seise, fur the
comfort (4 companions, and for the re-
putatim of poor human nature in gene -
rel. -Harper's r,
We rememtver a few years ago, while
stayiug a shirt time at. the h-otse of a
friend, au amusing incident occurred.
011r friend had a ery ruiscuievous son
about fondue years ago who went by
the name a Bub., By some means ur
another, the young imp had beceme
aware of the fact that a small piece of
soap added to the clean Would make it
impossible to churc it into butter. So
he quietly resolved to play a trick on
die seryant girl sod chore bey the next
day. On that eventful morning, when
the preparations were being nude for
churning, and after the cream had been
strained Leto the churn, he slipped a
piece of soap into it. It so happened
that the shore boy waa suddenly bent to
a neighbour to week for the day, and
taking a turn at tbe churn, he went
away. The churning then devolved on
tee girl, she, after working the duh
for • short timm was called away to see
her moiler, who was suddenly token ill.
The cianani could not be allowed to
stand. anl scie was no ese else to de
it but him He pleaded a headache,
but it was 00 nee, and he was obliged to
eo to wurk, and try to make bisetagaremb
erdam that he knew perfectly nal wale
setts* churned. However, he wan So
work, mad lee mother, who had seen
play the ttiok, kept him at it for (dee
hours, until hutztau nature could pts
it no logger, sod he was ebliged tb C20.
fees whig, he had done. He concluded
ihat it was tile ineenest kind of a pealta.
tical he ever saw, Ned deterucised net to
that we had a gud dual c4 pin% • 14., t9' Wm'
tteutiens which justice may
It is surptising how much
and pleasure of any jonrney,
g or short, is enhanced by
nd by person, in who:n na-
4 delicacy almost make up
he educating ard refining in -
good society. Summer
in crowded boats anal cars is
1,1 '',••••;•
TM IMMO Ilieripaper-
Patboritise 'have differed widely as to
the nation and city entitled to the hotter
of aviirg started the tirst printed news-
. For limey years it was supposed
the credit. belonged to Eugland. It
claimed that the British Museum
• copy of the eerliest paper in its
whom It war °antra the English
rcurie, and printed July 23, 1568 ;
kr tt has been shown that fhis copy,
like. specimens of rare old coins, was
spurious, and gotten up for sale. Watts,
tow biographer of the Museum, who
sea-, on exernination, that the type and
paper A of modern toriein, end_ did
no; bi.lict4 to the sixteenth cepturv, ex-
pose,' i!le forvery. It was an ingenious
feline-et:0e, pretending to give the news
of the Spanish Armada, which was de-
stror,-1 in the English Channel byDrake
and noward a 'lay or two previous to
the date of the sheet. There were seem'
pumbera of this spurious Mercurie pro-
apruicednt. --four in manseript, aad three iu
Venice has also claimed the honor of
leading the way in giving newspapers to
the world. The Gazette, thus named
because it sold for a stnall pieesof money
called gazzetta, it is asserted, *as print-
ed there in 1570, and it is pretended
that copies of this paper of that date are
in otte or twocollections in LonMm. But
late discoveries have apparently estab-
lished the claim of the old German city
of Nuremberg to this high honor. A
paper called the Gazette, according to
trestworthy sutherities, Wail printed in
that city as early as 1457, five years af-
ter Peter Schoffer cast the fint metal
type in niatriees. Nuremberg, with the
Snit paper iu the fifteenth century, also
claims the honor ef the fint paper in the
sixteenth eentnryt There is an ansient-
ly prieted abut en the Libri collection
whisk antedates alt ethers except the
sheet of 1457 end the aroniete of
Cologne. It is called Note Zfitang alas
Hispauien and Italien, and hears the
date of February, 1534. The Bettie')
Mamma, it is said, has a duplicate of
'1'huls to Germany belongs the honer
not only of the first printers and the first
printing, but also of the firet rrinted
newspaper. It has also another claim to
distinction. In 1615 Egenolf Eurmel
started Die Frankfurter Oberpostants
Zeitsing, the first daily • paper in the
world. This journal is still published ;
aud the city of Frankfort is tit erect a
monurneat in honor of its forieder and
editor as the father of newspapers. -
Freer " Al,ocsr..pers awl Editors,' by S.
et. Conant, in Harper's Magazine for
V se stl )D2°11710 O. re.
Prof. Wilder of the Cornell Univer-
oity, gives these short rules for action- in
eases of accident. /t would not be a bati
Along. te eut them out andoarry them in
01'00 pocket book, -or better yet commit
Them to unernerv.
For dust in tire eyee, e.weriil rubbing ;
desk water into them ; remove cinders,
&-c., with the rowel point of a lead pen-
inucts`from th ear by tepid
crate ; never put a hard iustcument in-
to the ear.
If an artery is cue coinpress above the
wound ;" ff a vein is cut, co.npries
If chuked, get npun all fodrs and
oongh. .
For slight Lures, dip the part in cold
water. if the akin is stestrigeilteVOS with
Smother a fire with carpets, &c., wa-
ter Will often spread burning oil, and in-
crease danger. Before passing throngh
smoke, toke a full breath and then ‚coop
low; lott if carbon is suspected, walk e-
Suck poisoned wounds, unless mew
worth sere ; enlarge tha wowed, or
better, cut out the part without delay ;
riding the wounded part as long as can
be borne to • hot coal, de to the end of a
In case of poisonings, excite vomiting
by tickling the throat with want water
and mustard.
For acid poisons, give alkalis ; for al-
kaline poisitna, give acid- white of egg
is good in most cases 44 opium potson-
ing ; give Strong ciffee and keep mov-
1.0 in water, float ou the back, with the
nose iind mouth projecting.
For apoplexy, raise the heed mid body,
for fainting lay the person flat.
The Yeung Men's Christian Associa-
tion of Toniuto endeavered to turn the
lecture seanon to aoccuut by obtaining
some of the most eintnent men of the
continent te lecture for the society. On
Thursday ieht the Rev. Dr. Tiffany,
the celeb
ed a gre
hall. on th
States of
the leeta
American divine, deliver-
iosulting lecture in their
" New Civilisation,' as ex -
the progresa of the United
erica. From the reports of
,which are published in the
Tomato paters, we can only regard tt as
a studied insult to Catlett& and Cana-
dians, and teen Yankee vanity muet be
more inordinate than we expect if it
could lime to the reverend gentleman's
fulsome Mations w.thont beteg dm-
guated. e are safe itt saying that if
the Bev. , r. Punalion, or auy other
English oriCanadien lecturer, prepared
wen a one:on laehalf of Gmat Britain
and attenigted to deliver is in any city
of the innoh, he would. be mobbed be-
fore lie sfould get half through. Of
course, noOne believes that the associa-
tion vow share of the lettere of the Me-
nne. but it would be wall if the Mara-
Inni Paco.). the matter beyond a doulot
at their out meeting. They certainly
owe an apology to the citezens. and to
the whole l'revince, in fact, for the ia-
suit whichrtbey have been the nothine,
uneiteum no doute, of casting opou it.
The doc 's christianity sad talents
makes 1' nduct in this respect all the
mon indsfensible.-Merant. -
&Gaper d yields a better reternja pre -
looney invested. kia ad-
skon14 always be boaters the
. If it disappears
end these that ro-
e*" *dyes -
Is 0117
'01 ii•
The 31111 lorse_teei eh* Raw.
"What • dull life yeses iar said a
racer te • mill horse. 'Dull enengk,"
said the mill home. "Yon lama 1••1
uncommonly stupid!" "Stupid estough,"
said the mill hone. "Rand sad rouad.
round and round, and that day after
day! No weeder your mad hangs
down --why, you're just a pieee
reseblitery, sad a* better." The mill
horse didn't answer, Old amatinned going
his round; but the racer, who was teth-
ered near, repeated kis remarks *wiry
time he came within haring* "I'm
afraid I've offeadedyea," said the racer.
"Oh! no," answend the mill hone;
"but my qniet life hu this advantage in
it -it gave. me time to think before I
speak." "And have you bee& thinking
while I have been talkingr' "Yee,"
answered the mill hone; "and ru bell
yoe what I've been thinking --you're a
very fine fellew and I'm eclatemptible
in your sight; gut !know widish of es
would be the most missed. Depend on
tins if I and my breed were to take one
deeirtnrie, =Mae other substitutes Olitild
be found, folio' would do without racing,
and take you sad your breed tate ear
amsaallag Davit&
Everything‘that enters Paris has to
pay octroi duty. Per many weeka an
sr:smugly attired pntlentaa drove a
well-appoiand dog -cart from the out-
skirts of the oity, being attended every
evening by a neat loeking groom. Oa*
night the dog-csrt was upset in the pre-
sence of the pas d'arvau, who, on going
to the rescue, noticed that the imam
not moved from the seat, Come,' said
one ef the men. He preserved • digni-
fied silence 'Come dow.n, 'cried they
angrily; 'don't you ass your master is
hurt? Are you drunk or stupid?' The
geomn preserni his Epglish sang froid
and the emplpyees giving him a shake,
discovered to their unutterahle eaten-
ishment that he was mane of zinc, and
eiontaiaed one hundred and fifty litres
of cognac.
FENCE POSTS. -"I discovered many
Years ago that wood could be made to
last longer than Iron in the ground,
but thought the process so simple and
inexpensive that it was not worth whtle
making any stir about it. I would as
soon have poplar, buswood or quaking
ash as any other kinds of timber for
fence posts. I have taken out buswood
posts after having been set WEYER years,
that were as sound when taken up as
when they were first put in the ground.
Time and weather seemed te have no
effect on them. The posts can be pre-
pared for less them two note apiece.
For the benefit of others, I will give tb.
recipe: Take boilel'linseed oil and stir in
it pulverized charcoal to the oonaisteney
of paint. Put &coat of this over the
timber, and thare is net • man that will
live to see it rot." -Cor. Western Aural.
the autheriters aivocate the nse of the
early vegetables as preventatives of
Spring diseases. Send from your tables
the pork and 'neon, and fat mute aud
oils and sugars and starches, the sage
• the tapioca paid tag and the dump-
lings and rich pastries; get hold of the
early "greens," the spinach, the salads.
the turnip tops, the radish, the early
berry, and the early fruit, and lean
meats. The advice is worth taking.
Manatee of Fatzsaxes is identified
with the weighing eif the world. In 1869
a scale manufactory. was establehed at Sc.
Johiebitry, Vt. From small beginotags
their business has Increased till theirfac-
tories coveracres of ground. aud upw.rds
of 600 Wien are constantle ereployea,
At first their orders were confined to this
country .alone, bra to -day theewhole
is weighed in the FAIRBANKS Barnes.
At the various storei are also for sale
Competition Belli, Coffee and Dreg Mills,
Letter Pressegekc. Also Id tun' ALARM
CASH DRAW coutruing pinch the
Neu Y.,rk Tribonc 11.1-s;
"Our ate -mien wastecenttv called to
that Drawer, and -after VIII ineestigation
of its nianuer of working, we have in-
troduced it into our business office, with
a good deal of confidenoe that it is an
effectual bee to • till -tapping.' ,The
skewer is made . of black walnut, the
lock et .anneelet iron, having thirty
dimwit, and • double-loching attach-
ment." ic.
Horses hog their appetite from various
causes, but most fremeently by the ap-
proach of some disease. thispircurnatance
ought not te be orerlooked by those
who own horses, but should be imme-
diately attended to as by se dela 'the
disease may be checked, and the lite of
the horse aimed. To do which we are
poaitive there is nothing equal to 'Dar-
ley's Coadition Powders and Arabian
Heave Remedy,' it wines the blood,
cerrects all derangetuenta of the diges-
tive organs, and SA a necessary emu.-
quence the appetite is restored, the skin
becomes sort, and the coat assumes a
soft and shining appearanse. Remem-
ber the name, and see thee the siguture
of Hurd & Co, is on each package.
Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.,
proprietors for Canada. Sold by all
medicine dealers.
conquor disease is one of the grandest at-
tainments; •ver aimed -at by man; ond
"Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" will as sure
cure coughs, oolds, tickling in the threat
and pulmonary complaints, as war and
pestilence will destroy. Severe odds if
not attendee! to sooner or later lead to
incurable consumption, and the streagth
from the uaanse of D of the strongest soon fails if neglected.
to church, The readiest and Lest means known
for the cure of these complaints is "Dry -
purred slowly and gravely through the an's Pulmeme Wafers "which have been
thoreugiAl tried for' the last twenty
to open a neer place of worship. As he
The Rev. Dr. 112Leed, (Lather of the
late •Nortnan Pa'Lisod) was p:oceeding
crodd gathered about the doors, an eld-
erly man, with the peculiar kind of wig
known in that district, -bright, smooth,
and of a reddish brown, -accosted him.
"Doctor, If you Owe, I wish to speak
to you." 'r4Vell Duncan," says the
venerable Dootor, "can ye no. wait till
after worshipr "No, Doctor, I must
speak to you now, for it ie a matter up-
on my,conscience. `Tell me what it is ;
but be brief, Duncan, for time presses."
lead* As-
k knees
eduntieuessit, samsly, tbat irtiring
&la husbeses. Pie less as pints aerie
crild-usta Yost path" la be amppiied.
advstlifill$1110 issealiff, .
years, ad have never been knows to
fail. Singers sad speakers will also
derive great benefit from the use of them.
Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 •-ents
per box
Orrice ov Geo. C. GooDwin & 00., •'
• 38 Hanover Street, Boston. f
Ma. Janes L Fstiowc.
Dial Stu: We have been deeding
your Hypophosphltes about two years,
and although the price aunts high (none
"The matter is this, Doctor. Ye pee too high considering its virtues), we
the clock youder on the face of the new think it Mu succeedei better than my
church. Well, there is no clock really other preparation we have eeerlhandled,
there-not:ling but the face of the clock. and cheerfully recommend it te ail in
There is lee, truth in it, but only once need of a good medicine. Yours respect -
in the twelve heun. Now, it is, in my full
mind. very wreng end pate apeet my
censcience that there should be a lie on
the face of the horse ...if the Lord."
"Duncan, I will consider the point.
Bat I ate glad to see you loeking, so
well ; you are not young now; I remem-
ber you for many years ; and what a fine
head of hair you have still !" "Eh,
Doctor, you are joking now; it is long
since I have had my hair, only • wig I
wesrinte" "Oh, Duncan, Duncan,
are you going into the house of the Lewd
with a he upon your Leadl" This set-
tled the question, and the Doctor heard
no more of the lio on the Iaoe of the
strante brAre-sges.
Tile spring crop of nuieriages in tines-
ually luxuriant, and presentiment. strange
bloseorris. A Europese monk has doffed
the oowl and gown, dearried an opera
singer, and gone on the stage with her,
A young demoieelle in the West was so
impressed by a eenaperance lecturer, that
she married her John before leaving OA
hall.. A John Hettinger, of New York,
bribed a little girl of fourteen, _ wieh a
potma of candy, tq go before a minister
sud stv " yes' to all the questions, and
took het bottle 6 wife ;wed- • eelettolude.
tress in Wisconsin -finished up a public
exisseation with e•tryies hwr Irtiy,east.
labeler on the Moo; au Engird' X. P.
has married a bar maid, and prospeetin
Peer of thesarne country has merried bas
father's housemaid. Romance *Dough
for one week;
Vey YOM110111.
Provision is made in the British navy
estimates for the constraction of • new
monitor which willessory ;four 50 ton
gem. The peat , is tea he built
at Pmubpoki and bacon
=1;fiUl•• ma. lb
• ten
titre A • wow
wamp oboor -tar
Axed speak Oscr
imitleis. imargra wow
• .
.00 -Never be ashamed of confessing
your ignorance, for the truest man upon
earth is ignorant of many things, Mao -
much thst what he knows if a tvere no-
thing in conparison to what he does not
know. Bat we apprehend eery few
are ignorant ef the wonderful effects of
the "Canadtan Pain Destroyer," it is s
meet sun and rapid cure for colds,
rheumatism, pleurisy, cholic, cholera
morbne, and all sumnier cempleinte.
Sold -by all medicine deluder*.
Within *5 whole range of tcnic tied
alterative medicines known, none is en-
titled to more consideratien then the
Peruvian Syrup. In all WW1 of mates -
bled and debilitated coustitutiota it is the
very remedy ueeded. m. most poeative
pnref of this can be Aldine&
• -,
• . Ulnae,
fre..44, Oil, WertA 71, Una.. iu IF.
Gold. rag kw.. &MIA Mg et If' tug,
lame goo don .
Pain t-arinst stay *Tare- it is used. It to 110
cheapest Reancine ever nude. Doer:lose mime tal•••
ems Sots TlirOsT. 001 bottle tas mine mice-
missuitutooricttk3celim. Uoiswort.h.n hoe. we:J:1 manne twanse
. ono. leneetteit Kersey TworillUls. tell to Mein
litettoes tau ant cog nrEaunatarto
• Iltmear. Os. bottle Yu cared WWI
=eet& mem maseina teems. Flask ad
ld Tiop County Pa., nays : " 1 watt
=.11in tor a treetweiersor on.wesisiallossee
rm. cue .0es Otattorime Ms= z
assar 1111.
moat irotoloysleads,tt liztesteminsi7amooleat......."4
at eel /101.1eritliF Om Reit•ort thp
WIN* Ssie
Oat MO
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